#Career Update
Time For A Change…Goodbye “The Eastwick Press”. Hello Something New…
August 2017. I was a direct support professional at the ARC of Rensselaer County. My photojournalism portfolio with TheSpot518 & Nippertown (under the late Greg Haymes) was growing, and I became more invested in concert & event photography. My role as a DSP was stressful and I wanted a change in my professional career. A client and I were going to the Troy Area Senior Center to volunteer and…
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coral-skeleton · 2 years
Tomorrow is a really big day for me, this whole week is a big on, actually, but tomorrow especially, I'm writing a test which determines whether or not I pass my semester and I have an interview with a potential supervisor directly after that. Needless to say, I'm pretty nervous. I also have to pick my final project choices tomorrow, and to do so I kind of need to talk to the other potential supervisors as well, but I don't think I'll have time, as the test is three hours and then the interview is also scheduled for 3 hours. So that only leaves 2 hours of the day to talk to the others.
I also have to talk to the department head about a potential transfer to another university for next year. And then I have to call my family and tell them about it. I kinda broke it to my parents a few weeks ago that I might be miving to the complete other side of the country next year, but I still need to tell my grandparents, idk how they'll take that.
I am very excited about the projects tho, if all goes well I'll be working on some really cool stuff for the next three years, real cutting edge science. But that all depends on the next two days really, and that's terrifying.
I'm trying to sleep, but I can't seem to, I'm both too exited and nervous.
Wish me luck
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starwikia · 3 months
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oopsie-doopsie looks like someone might’ve realized he did a fucky-wucky!
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allisonperryart · 6 months
The trailer for the show I art directed on, Carol & the End of the World, is here - can't wait for y'all to finally see our girl in motion!! 🤩 Hope you love Carol and her world as much as I do when the show comes out 12/15 - seriously, this one's going to be special!! 🥰
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marcsnuffy · 4 months
I know many people talked about Ego going to jail for the rest of his life (to which I only have this to add: who's getting locked off now, cunt) but I have to ask. Would Anri also be going to jail since she's like complicit in everything and also the one who set the project up in the first place
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toxooz · 3 months
girl help i made Ollies cheekbones too snatched
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theorahsart · 1 day
Incorruptible pt 23
Camille begins to gain himself an audience...
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lynzishell · 5 months
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As summer turned to Autumn and the days got colder and shorter, Phoenix and Dawn found themselves shifting focus to their careers. They both earned big promotions that led to higher stress and longer hours. With less time to see each other during the week, they made the most of what small pockets of time they could… like their 15 minutes over coffee in the mornings.
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Phoenix, who has been working for the San Myshuno Human Rights Commission, is now heading the Department for Housing and Community Development. At first, he was excited and had big plans for the future of the city. Unfortunately, it seems the more power he is given to make a positive impact, the more he runs into roadblocks and red tape. The stress and frustration started taking a toll.
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To cope with the stress, he began spending more time in Mt. Komorebi where he’d go snowboarding with his friends the way he used to before Kiyoshi ever presented the idea of climbing the mountain.
Nothing like the rush of flying down the slopes and landing massive jumps to get your mind off things, I suppose.
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Meanwhile, Dawn has been working for the Dreamer Foundation as an Event Planner. She organizes many of their fundraising events, and they’ve been doing so well that she’s started putting together more prestigious events for their larger donors. This, of course, comes with its own kind of stress and frustration.
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Rather than take off for the mountains though, she felt like she needed to make time to slow down and breathe. So, she started getting into wellness activities like yoga and meditation.
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Oh! Also, Atlas and Asher started coming over every Sunday to join them for dinner...
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...and to watch the latest season of Somnium.
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All four of them are now fully invested in the series. (how could they not be with a genius creator like @rebouks)
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bbdoll · 1 year
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just married 💒🔔
This is where our story begins. The story of when I met my prince in the...
Family Dynamics Challenge (tweaked)
gshade credits: @ellcrze 🥰
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just-gay-thoughts · 9 months
Pro tip: okay so idk if I've mentioned this but first of all please join a more proffesional club, something related to your major whether it's just for community building or actual work. They tend to bring in companies periodically to tall about their work and available positions. Thats not the tip, the tip is to ask questions when they get to them.
This has two benefits, 1) they give out swag typically to the people who ask questions, I've gotten multiple insulated water bottles, pens, cups, notebooks, chapstick, and post it notes this way. The good shit (waterbottles and notebooks) go first so ask that question early and save money. Added bonus of getting to go undercover as someone associated with [company name]
2) great practice in asking questions in a perspective job setting. At some point you'll likely be going to career fairs and talking to people, and getting some low key practice asking questions about a company before hand will make it easier later in an already overwhelming environment.
Good questions can include things about the function of the company, how internships work, ect.
Today I simply asked if they looked for computer science majors because they were focusing on engineer majors, I didn't actually care about the answer, but with how many companies use computer science and computer/software engineering semi interchangeably it's a good question to feel comfy asking.
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stannisbaratheon · 1 year
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— We're here to further security objectives by collecting intelligence, providing useful analysis, and conducting effective covert action, sir. —  Very good, Dedra. That is verbatim from the ISB mission statement, and wrong.
ANDOR (2022 - 2024) 1.04  —  ALDHANI
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picknmixsims · 24 days
Unselectable Careers
Unselectable Careers
Fixed a bug where a custom career that had already appeared in the job search (newspaper or computer) would still appear even after adding the code to make it unselectable.
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daydreamingtetch · 24 days
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What type of Soul do you Have? BLANK SOUL
you have acquired the Blank Soul. you'd walk backwards into hell with a smile on your face. if only you'd care enough. you're blunt, moody and aloof. you'd say you weren't always like this but you seldom remember a time when it wasn't like this. you'd like to do good and you CAN do good, but… do those around you deserve it? haven't you gone through enough? can you save everyone? it's not about saving everyone its about doing what you can. and you know this. somewhere in your deeply sanitized heart you know. albeit your misery you prize yourself in your humor and by the gods you'll never let anyone take that from you. reluctantly you admit to being a good mentor. and i know that you are. you can look after others. it doesn't always end bad. just try not to let the cats claws tear you down. because you've learnt to lick love of the silver glint of a blade. and you're not sure if you can ever go back. You share a soul type with Daan.
iiiinteresting result really...
Tagged by: @aprimreaper (HEART EMOJIS AT YOU CECE!!!)
Tagging: fuck it we ball, you can be tagged if u want
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allisonperryart · 7 months
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HUGE NEWS! The project I've spent most of the last few years on got announced - get ready for Carol & the End of the World on 12/15! This show is not only beautiful, thoughtful, & introspective, but it was also my first time leading & art directing! Stay tuned!!
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I think a lot about Costigan, former Prime Consector to whom Spahr was Prime Adsecla. They seem to have an amicable relationship, but since she's referred to a bit distantly as "Spahr's old boss", they don't seem particularly close. It's hard to tell precisely what their relationship is like since she's only mentioned in passing in one of the appendices and in 2.10.
Much is made of Spahr's influence on Phineas, so I've long wondered what her opinion is of all this as someone with much influence on Spahr. What does she think about Spahr and Phineas, and Spahr's court-martial, and all the rest? It's unclear at the moment whether Spahr took over from her, but given the timeline and his age, he probably did. Still, there is a line of succession on top of holding the same office: she mentored Spahr who mentored Phineas. It's interesting that she was all but certainly there in the Delta too.
It's a lineage of a sort between them three, and it's interesting to think of what may have been passed down, what choices and attitudes echo through them all, what qualities of character for better and worse unify them. I wonder whether she worries she did not prepare Spahr properly for all of this or whether she thinks herself as having no hand in any of it. I wonder if she recognizes Spahr in Phineas and herself in Spahr. I wonder if she can see her own fingerprints on Phineas.
I'd love to know more about her, and what she's like, and what Jonas was like under her mentorship, and what their relationship was then and is now. I'm always a huge fan of a mentorship lineage, and we know that she's around here somewhere. So, what does she think of this mess her protégé is in?
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flowerthornsart · 5 days
my art isnt made for attention but god damn is it sometimes just
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