fujii-draws · 26 days
(Wants to post a REALLY fucked up drawing regarding Ribbons and Dusknoir i did a month back) (But it requires a context drawing which is ALSO finished and is meant to add a lot more context to make the former drawing hit harder) (but even THAT REQUIRES CONTEXT BUT THE 10 POST LIMIT-)
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timetrees · 1 year
you guys have got to stop saying #prev now that you can't get to the previous reblog by clicking the username. people on here post way too much for me to be scrolling through their blog trying to find tags
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stormshot-prime · 16 days
are profile banners fucked up for mobile now??
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serialunaliver · 7 months
how tf do you make a post title on the new tumblr mobile app all I can do is make words bigger
hi hello it's sivi aka tonysopranobignaturals or whatever other cursed urls i've had. check my tiktok (nukehenrykissinger) for proof this is really me. if you don't already know I deleted my account a while ago after being put in a "most annoying tumblr users" poll. however, it's not being called an annoying tumblr user that actually caused me to deactivate, but rather the rumors spread as a result. this poll essentially grouped me with pedophiles and nazis and for people who already hated me it was a good opportunity to send anonymous asks telling people I believe awful things, am friends with awful people, etc., and while SOME people actually went to my blog before making assumptions, others did not. at the time this all happened I had over 80,000 followers. having that much attention online is only really useful on websites where you can monetize it. on tumblr it only gets your posts and your blog in places you wish it didn't.
I hoped being off tumblr would improve my mental health and while it did decrease relationship paranoia on social media, otherwise i've been doing quite horribly and put my family in danger several times. it's so bad that i'm saving up to move out so my family can live a more peaceful and safe life. looking back on my delusions that lead to planning murder-suicide (family annihilation) it's hard for me to comprehend how it was myself who got to that point. this disease turns you into someone else and there's only so much you can do to stop it--a person in a psychotic state is not self aware. my psychosis is trauma induced and I WILL have recurrent episodes that I can't predict or prevent. I have to live life with this knowledge. it's not easy. treatment is also difficult, and now that i've moved to an area with absolutely AWFUL healthcare I can barely even get my meds refilled, let alone find a therapist or psychiatrist who actually wants to work with me after seeing my record of institutionalizations.
now, on a more positive note, some people have asked me about my world on my tiktok. well, it's just as active as it's always been, and catching you up on current events would take forever so i'd rather post naturally as things occur like I did before.
and to conclude all of this...if you do have a problem with me for any reason that's fine; i'm not entitled enough to think I inherently deserve everyone's support, but I DO think you could just like, block me and leave it at that. oh yeah and the post says "return to tumblr *maybe*" because i'm not sure if I can handle the attention long enough for me to not delete again LOL.
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mayariviolet · 3 months
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Random AOT Headcanons - Modern AU
(ft. Eren, Connie, Sasha, and Jean)
summary: Stuff I couldn’t formulate into a coherent or long enough post. Kinda fluff? I just want them to be happy tbh🥺.
a/n: Mostly character traits for my fic temperance! 👀 But honestly, this is how I picture them in general. I’ve been missing my own story lately (even though I’m literally responsible for writing it💀).
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Addicted to those shitty mobile games. He’ll turn on airplane mode just so he doesn’t get stupid pop-up ads.
Since he’s an avid mobile gamer, if he’s out of whatever resource he needs, he’ll pay that $2.99 for a ‘booster pack’ or whatever.
Hates cilantro. Despises it. He gets lowkey mad when he sees it on his plate💀
Has those ‘Ken’-like senses whenever Mikasa needs him. He will drop whatever he is doing to save his girl!
If Mikasa is shopping at Aritzia- Eren will probably chill on the boyfriend couches or play with the arcade machine. Like I said before, since he has those ‘Ken’-like senses, he’ll immediately stop whatever he’s doing for Mikasa (she’s perfectly fine and just dropped her chapstick).
Listens to anything Metro Boomin produces. Also, listens to Mitski (Class of 2013 fs).
His ringtone is ‘Gucci Flip Flops’ by Bhad Baby. It started off ironic just so he could piss Eren and Jean off, but he’s now one of her biggest stans.
He won’t stop playing ‘Gucci Flip Flops’ (while he’s in the shower, getting ready, cooking, etc.) to the point where Eren and Jean have threatened to evict him. Connie says they’re “Silencing female musicians” and continues playing the song.
Likes to wear beanies in the winter.
Adds extra marshmallows in his hot chocolate☕️.
Has an extensive shoe collection (mainly Jordan’s).
Posts those: ‘Show younger you or a bad [insert month]’ templates on Instagram. (He genuinely believes that not posting it will curse him).
Avid Google Maps user. Only to find really good hole-in-the-wall restaurants, though.
Writes restaurant reviews on Google Maps for fun.
Gets mad when said restaurants become popular (my sister in Christ- you wrote the reviews telling people to go there…)
Her favourite music consists of Fleetwood Mac, TWICE, New Jeans and old country/blues.
She cries over those little Korean baby variety shows whenever she gets them on her for you page.
Always carries a packet of ketchup and hot sauce in her wallet.
She gets those ‘This was meant for you’ tarot card readings on TikTok and watches all the way through.
Sends those OBSCENE emoji chain mail text messages to Connie and Jean because it’s funny.
Posts gym photos like a harlot.
Sends Connie those ‘Post younger you or bad month’ templates because it’s funny to see him get flustered…
He really likes pop-punk music and one direction (I don’t make the rules).
One time, he walked in on Connie and Sasha watching Ru Paul’s drag race, and he was being such a little shit disturber about it. Until he realized four hours had passed and he was already watching the Queens getting fitted for their final looks.
Rise and Grind- Chicken, rice and unseasoned broccoli mf… Until he got bored of prepping the same meals. He’s become a better cook because of it!
He and Connie love getting high and fucking around while baking those Betty Crocker cake mixes (funfetti or chocolate).
Jean’s favourite movie is The Big Short.
One time, he sat on a Nutella sandwich Connie left on the couch, and Eren accused him of shitting himself. Jean got so heated that they almost fist-fought until Armin had to mediate.
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a/n: I’ve been procrastinating napping💀… I’m gonna do that now and work on my Geto fic… hehe…
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starfinss · 1 year
Can you please do flirting HCs for Sukuna, Gojo, Nanami, Megumi? (I couldn’t find your rules so I’m not sure if you take more than one character per requests so just in case you do, I’ll restrict this to just Gojo).
Hi! Yes, I take more than one character, no worries. Also, my rules are pretty much only visible from the desktop view of my blog, so if you’re a mobile user, that’s probably why. No harm, no foul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They’re a selectable link in the drop down below my blog info, in the same section as my masterlist. Also, I’m adding Yuuji because I love him, hope you don’t mind! I love JJK, I wanna write more for it. I have a Megumi fic in the works, so stay tuned for that, if I can kick this horrible writer’s block. But it’s two in the morning and I can’t sleep, so here we are. 
There probably won’t be any blurbs, since these prompts alone could generate entire oneshots, I’m sorry! If you like any of these headcanons, though, I’d be happy to write some of those one shots for you. 
This also turned more into “how to pursue a crush” with Nanami, but I digress. 
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— 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪, 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪, 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪, 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵.
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— 𝘐𝘵𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘠𝘶𝘶𝘫𝘪
— Good lord.
— Yuuji is a very genuine person who often just says how he feels, so he has trouble being subtle, especially around someone he has strong feelings for. 
— If he’s into someone, he’d rather they know how much he cares instead of beating around the bush, but he does try. 
— Keyword try.
— Sometimes he says things that are just way too forward, royally embarrassing himself. 
— Or, he overthinks it and just stands there staring at you. 
— Or he just says something that doesn’t make any sense. 
— Most of the time, when he’s smooth, it’s completely on accident. 
— He’ll also give you small gifts. You offhandedly mention that you saw a toy you liked as a prize at the arcade? He’ll have it to you by the end of the day. You seem sad? He’ll bring you your favorite candy. 
— He’ll also just offhandedly mention that he thinks you look nice today. 
— He might compare you to Jennifer Lawrence. 
— Mostly, though, if you notice an uptick of compliments, Yuuji is probably flirting with you. He likes making you smile, and you’re gorgeous, so he has to make sure you know that and that he appreciates it. 
— It might take some time for him to work up the courage to actually ask you out, but it’ll probably involve flowers. 
“Yuuji, have you been flirting with me?”
“Oh, you finally noticed. Any guy would, with how pretty you are.”
— You know he states it like an absolute fact, sunshine smile firmly in place. 
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— 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘶 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮𝘪
— Megumi is not good at flirting. 
— He’s generally a pretty stoic person, and isn’t great at expressing outward emotion, so if he’s flirting, it’s going to be fumbling and awkward. 
— Or he just straight up doesn’t. Not in the traditional sense, that is. 
— Megumi’s version of flirting is compliments. Not even on your appearance, though that might happen. He might compliment you on your cursed technique, or the way you handle your weapon.
— It’s like how in Mulan, Li Shang says “ya fight good.”
— That’s Megumi. 
— You also might catch him staring, only to quickly look away when you see him, the tips of his ears bright red. 
— There also might be the occasional “your hair looks nice like that,” or “you should wear that color more often.”
— You’ll think you misheard him, and if you ask him to repeat himself, he will, genuinely thinking you didn’t hear him. He’s a bit dense when it comes to romantic feelings. 
— Will also occasionally say something smooth as fuck. 
— Give him time, but he’ll ask you out eventually. Knowing Megumi, it’ll be pretty casual, like, after you get back from a mission he just approaches you and straight up asks you to dinner. 
— If you flirt with him, he will turn scarlet red. It’s adorable. 
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— 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶
— If Gojo is flirting with you, you will know. 
— This man is anything but subtle. He’s the guy who says shit like “that’s a nice dress, it would look even better on my floor.”
— He’s that mf. 
— He knows just what words to say in order to make you putty in his hands. Or frustrate you to the point of tears. It depends on if you also have feelings for him. 
— He also cares deeply for you, the feelings he has are disarming, so he hides behind his usual playful demeanor, but far flirtier.
— If you’re in danger, though, he will show everyone why he’s called the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer. 
— Will point blank ask you on dates, and will not be dissuaded. 
— Brings you flowers, candy, stuffed animals, jewelry. 
— He’s peacocking, showing you everything he’s got. It’s a little overwhelming. 
— Compliments you every chance he gets, telling you how much he loves that color on you, or how pretty you look when your hair is done up that way, or how amazing your eyes look with that new eyeshadow. 
— With the way he treats you, people think you’re already dating.
— Cooing and compliments and gifts and so many flirty comments. He’s unrelenting. 
— Literally all the compliments and pet names under the sun. 
— Baby, honey, sweetie, my love, all of it. 
— You know he treats you like a queen, though. Never forget it. 
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— 𝘙𝘺𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘶𝘬𝘶𝘯𝘢
— I’m gonna be real with you, I don’t think Sukuna knows how to flirt. 
— He’s not really the type of guy who would try and woo a girl, more someone who takes what he wants when he wants it.
— The King of Curses doesn’t flirt. He takes. 
— He isn’t really a flowers and chocolate kind of guy. 
— His way of “flirting” is just suddenly referring to you as his. He sees something, he wants it, he takes it. 
— That’s how he does things. If you don’t like it, that isn’t his problem. 
— But he’d also slaughter anyone who crosses you.
— And straight up rob a store if you mentioned you wanted something. 
— Sukuna, no.
— Sukuna, yes.
— He isn’t really the cutesy type, but he is the chaotic type. 
— Might start calling you “pet” or “doll” or something like that. 
— Incredibly possessive. Sukuna doesn’t like when people touch his things. If someone steps a toe out of line around you, it’s nearly impossible for you to convince him not to maim or otherwise kill whoever wronged you. 
— I just can’t really imagine him as being flirty. He takes what he wants. 
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— 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰
— Nanami is more of a to-the-point kind of guy. 
— If he has interest in you, he’s going to be pretty blunt. 
— I think that when he first started to grow fond of you, he tried to ignore it until his feelings were too strong to put off anymore. Work is his first priority, and anything that gets in the way of that is a bit of a nuisance. 
— Buuuut he can put up with a few nuisances. 
— He’d probably start his courtship with just bringing you coffee every day all of a sudden. Maybe even a rose or two. He isn’t being subtle because Nanami isn’t a subtle man. 
— It’ll be obvious what he’s doing, and that’s how he likes it. 
— He won’t even deny the fact that he’s flirting if you point blank ask him. 
— He might ask you out to coffee, and try his best to woo you. Nanami isn’t great at being charming, so he’s just going to try and be himself, because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you like someone, right?
— He flirts with compliments and gifts, and they’re the type that matter. They’re personal and meaningful, and he pays close attention to what he thinks you’ll like to hear and receive. 
— The last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable with his advances. Flirting is supposed to make the other person want to go out with you, not make them unhappy. That’s just common sense, right? So if you tell him to stop, he will without question. 
— He’s a little awkward if you flirt back in a normal person way instead of a Nanami way. He might play dumb or just clear his throat and change the subject. 
— Nobody says he doesn’t enjoy it, though. He’ll be thinking about that for the rest of the day. 
— When Nanami cares for someone in a romantic sense, he’ll do his best to let them know in his own sort of way. 
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aceofwhump · 7 months
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to make a new pinned post with all the information that is available on my desktop site but that will be more accessible for mobile users. Plus a few extras 😉
So an introduction.
I'm Ace. I started this blog back in February 2018 after seeing a post that referenced the whump community. I had no idea there was such a large community here on tumblr! As soon as I saw that making a whump blog was an option I immediately made one. And I haven't regretted it since. I love this blog, I love this community, and I'm thrilled to be here three years later! 
Here on this blog you'll see lots of gifsets both reblogged from wonderful creators and gifs made by yours truly. I also write fanfics on occasion. You can check out my work on AO3 under the name "aceofwhump" or you can look under my tag "ace writes stuff". That tag will have some stuff not on AO3 too. I also do whump lists for certain characters, trope lists, video clips of good whump, and fanfic recs.
Click on the read more for even more information and important links to things like gifmaking tutorials, my trope tag list, my show/movie tag list, my fanfic masterlist, and more!!!
My favorite tropes are:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, feeling inadequate, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, emotional outbursts, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support, breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being strung up by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chained up, caged, tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check, touching their face to offer comfort
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
Stoic or defiant whumpees
Team whump
Long detailed look at how I make my gifs
Gifmaking tutorials:
Gifmaking for Begginers: my ginormous all you need to know tutorial
Another look at how I make a gif
Tips for beginners
Tips on brightening dark scenes
How to get into gifmaking
Photoset dimensions
How to make a layout gifset
Gif speeds
Links from my desktop blog for mobile users:
My gifs
My whump videos
Ace writes stuff
My Writing Masterlist
Trope tag list
Show list
My Whumptober Masterlists
Fanfic Rec Lists
Blog Archive
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This has been a massive, ongoing project of mine for a while now in which I am endeavoring to catalog and categorize every fanfiction I’ve ever bookmarked. I fear this project will never be complete as I'm always reading and bookmarking new fics but I’m going to share it anyway.
Inside, you will find links and summaries to the fanfictions I’ve read over the years on both AO3 and FF.net. Each fic is sorted by the specific whumpee that they center on. So there’s a page for Danny Williams, for Mike Warren, for Lucifer Morningstar, and many many more. The fics are 90% whump with a touch of fluffy ones thrown in too. This list is based on the fics I’ve read and bookmarked so it leans heavily on my favorite whumpees and my favorite tropes. 
I’ve been working on categorizing every fic by its tropes (so theoretically you could search for say seizure fics or sick fics) but that’s taking me a loooong time because I have to reread every fic in order to determine what kind of categories to make and to look for the specific tropes. So for now you’ll have to make do with the fic summaries and using the search function. When it’s done, each whumpee will have their specific trope categories so you won’t necessarily find the same tropes in each category but it should help narrow down the fics better once I’m done. This is an ongoing project for me.
The list gets updated all the time so check back in every now and then. There might be something new.
I do take suggestions of fics to add to this masterlist but please keep in mind that it may not end up on the list. It's nothing personal I promise. I just can't add every single fic in the world.
Here's the link (note that it opens best on desktop browser because it is large):
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citrenecult · 1 year
Bishops Weapons Headcanons
Leshy’s I’ve always seen in my head wielding an axe and chain? Like, it’s a axe head and it’s connect by a chain and you swing it around? I do not know if that has a name but it’s what I see in my brain space. I can also see him using bows and arrows before Narinder’s betrayal but that’s mostly for angst purposes if I’m gonna be honest.
Heket I don’t see much as a weapon’s user but if she had to I liked to think she’s a hammer user. Speed does not mean much to her but it hits hard and she enjoys it for that reason only. Hammer + spikes = added pain damage.
Kallamar uses an arsenal of weapons, really likes being an overachiever. He can probably switch out the weapons he uses as he sees fit but usually like to stick to swords or daggers of some sort. Also likes using anything that can explode, added damage plus he thinks it looks cool.
Shamura can also use a lot of weapons and is skilled with all of them but particularly likes to stick with battle axes. Also, with their many arms, they can wield multiple weapons at once, giving them an array of attacks at their disposal. However, when Narinder split their head open, they experienced mobility issues particularly in their hands and arms and was unable to wield an axe or any sort of weapon for a long while.
Narinder likes scythes but mostly for aesthetic purposes. He’s not much of a weapons user either, relying on curses for the most part.
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ignis-cain · 1 year
While Leo thought that there was a good deal of fun in tumblr adopting the stylistic rules of House of Leaves, even in posts not directly about the book, he thought that this could be extended further. For instance, the site could adopt the style of The Neverending Story and alternate between red texts when describing things that happen in the “main” level of the text while using green text to refer to a story-within-a-story. Perhaps clever expectation-reversal in color use could be employed to great effect; for example, by suggesting the difference between levels of story were more nebulous than could otherwise be communicated. Leo was sure there were fancy academic terms to describe these different levels more usefully, but he had never shown much interest in any literary field until his final years of education. He bemoaned taking only two courses in English, both of them too niche for much wider applicability and certainly no help in communicating his thoughts in a known framework. Frustrated, he turned back to his Simulatometer-9000. Plugging in the right parameters, he sat back, eagerly looking forwards to seeing the machine’s prediction for what such fontological plans would lead to.
And so the brave tumblr-user, penning his thoughts entirely in the shades of cheerful green and candy-red that the tumblr mobile app allowed, discovered to his dismay that his writings were not being interpreted as he anticipated. Rather than connecting his stylistic choice to The Neverending Story, the audience instead thought it all to be in reference to The Dread Work, which unbeknownst to many had itself made many seemingly random stylistic choices in order to echo, incorporate, and comment on Michael Ende’s work. Green was interpreted not with the land of Fantasia but with a saccharine fanartist, Red not with the real world but with a murderous villain. Confusingly, the color associations with these characters did not even appear to be consistent within the story. Nevertheless, the use of red and green served similar ends in Hussie’s odious compendium, coating the words of the two figures as they performed both as author figures and audience surrogates in a way that collapsed both the perceived difference between the two roles as well as the sets of behaviors they each represented.
But unfortunately for the brave tumblr-user, the associations these two Caliginous entities carried with them were not quite the same as the ones he intended, yet were similar enough that legible but unintended readings of his commentary were entirely possible. Suddenly the brave user’s thoughts on recursion in stories were being interpreted as commentaries on the author function, his thoughts on how to view a story in the context of its intertexts interpreted as musings on the consequences of reading a work through the lens of fandom.
Moreover, many people were unfamiliar both with The Neverending Story and Homestuck, only knowing that the latter made heavy use of brightly-colored text. Many thus scrolled past, assuming that the brave user was rp-ing characters they knew to avoid learning of. Others assumed that, much like many netizens who grew up on Hussie’s Scribblings adopted a “writing quirk,” the user was unthinkingly using an affectation in an annoying manner. The user fell to his knees, bemoaning his ill fortune, cursing the name of the one who made brightly-colored text as a formatting element played-out.
“Huh,” Leo said looking up from the simulation, “it looks like typing in that style wouldn’t work as well as I thought.” He rose, glad he had not wasted time pursuing his colorful plans as the brave user in his simulation had. Then the Minotaur got him.
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ask-scrafty · 25 days
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Ask Hints will be added and removed in time Check back to see whenever they update! Making the hints a post so mobile users can access it as well! These are just here in case anyone needs help coming up with a ask! You can use these as a rough draft for your ask or just copy and paste them! Anything is fine and helpful! Hints on here will range from being important plot events, to worldbuilding, to just fun tidbits!  If the Hint has a strikethrough then that means it is already in my inbox!
- Jody - Prefers strangers to call her Jody only, but allows others to call her Jolene Very apathetic (?) Does not have friends.. Vision appears to turn black, white and red when greatly injured  Not allowed to date Odd affection for Dogs Seems to suffer from her head ringing constantly Claims to have met The Great Pumpkin More about her Book that she is forced to carry and fill out More about how she got cursed by her father Biggest fears are Empty Rooms, Mirrors and carriages with roofs Draws people she knows in a notebook.. cute or weird? - Diane - Doesn’t enjoy monster work, but does it to “keep a eye on Jody” Feelings on her birth father and mother Diane is the one who reads Jody’s book to learn about the monsters because she claims Jody is “lazy” (?) Biggest fears are of Yuki Onna and Kelpies. More about her relationship with Jody Appears to have a flourishing social life, about her friends? - Nana - Relationship with each of the sisters Seems close to Abraham, the headless horseman. How did they meet? Seems to have issues with the police due to her “Job”? How she got the sisters in the first place She is like, extremely old. How About her “odd past” Doesn’t pursue a relationship with Abraham for a unknown reason About her encounter with Ryan on the beach - Solo - Why is his name “Solo” About his “friends” he was camping with Seeing “Shoulder angel and devil”, that ain’t normal About his “Girlfriend” Emma Doesn’t seem phased by the fact he just saw monsters? - General Questions - About monsters about the town about the world
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There is something I've been thinking about regarding the Angel Luz and VIP Luz AUs.
Luz has powerful healing abilities in both of these AUs, and I was wondering if she should use them to heal Dell Clawthorne's injuries.
Not his missing eye, because I do think there is a limit to regrowing missing body parts, but his damaged hand.
I'm a bit hesitant because there is something about curing disabled characters.
I know I'm being hypocritical because I have no problem with Luz using her healing powers on Eda, though, in the Owl Lady's case, it won't cure her curse but heal the toll it has taken on her body.
Honestly when it comes to using Healing Magic like this, I have it three ways:
1.) Healing Magic /heals/, not reverses damage. It just speeds up the body's natural processes. Even the sort of 'this character has a grave injury, fix them with Magic' thing will result in scars and complications. So in this case, Luz can't heal Dell because he's already 'healed' as much as his body naturally would do.
2.) Healing Magic does help, but it will not instantly fix damage. Instead it's like physical therapy. Multiple sessions over time will slowly fix the injury more and more. In this case Dell would regain a bit more mobility with his hand. Though unlikely to ever fully fix this, even with sessions over months or years.
3.) Healing is kind of a catch-all and will work to just fix how the user knows. Usually this would mean that you can't fix major injuries like Dell's. However, someone who is a doctor who studies exactly how to fix the body and also has healing Magic would be able to go in manually with the Magic and heal in an almost sugical-like manner. This one doesn't really apply here, as Luz isn't a surgeon. But it's on the table.
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elysian-noctuary · 4 months
Takuma Ino bio
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“ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀʏ ɪꜱ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ. ᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟʟʏ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ꜱᴏʀᴄᴇʀʏ. ʙᴜᴛ ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴍᴀʀᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ, ꜱᴏ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ. ꜱᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ᴡʜʏ ᴡʜᴇɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ, ɪ ᴀꜱᴋ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ, ‘ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴅᴏ?’"
Name: Takuma Ino
Nickname(s): TBA
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: Human
Sex and pronouns: Male, he/him
Birthday: November 27th (Sagittarius)
Orientation: Bisexual (femme preference)
Ino is a young man of average height with disheveled brown hair usually kept under his signature ski-mask rolled up into a beanie-type hat. Hidden by his hair, Ino has a scar going across the left side of his forehead. He wears a wide-collared black sweatshirt and matching black pants tucked into his high-topped sneakers.
Takuma Ino is a genuine and cheerful person with a more positive outlook on things than most jujutsu sorcerers. He doesn't believe he's the smartest person around and has a lot of respect for Nanami. Whenever Ino finds himself in a tough situation, he asks himself what would Nanami do.
Ino believes it's important to proceed through life doing things the right way, especially with dirty work like being a jujutsu sorcerer. This is a large part of Ino's honor code, so much so that he refuses to advance to grade 1 without Nanami's approval.
Ino is very young for a sorcerer and gives off a little brother type of vibe, so everyone tends to help him out. When he's around people younger than himself, he has a tendency to show off his jujutsu knowledge and maturity.
When it was time for Ino to step up and lead on Nanami's behalf, he was honored to have someone else rely on him. He took looking after Yuji and Megumi seriously and embraced the leadership role wholeheartedly. In spite of the risk, Ino's positive attitude and optimism helped hype up his team in anticipation for their dangerous mission to rescue Satoru Gojo.
Overall Skill: Ino is a grade 2 jujutsu sorcerer but his rank does not reflect his true skill level. According to Nanami, Ino could easily become a semi-grade 1 sorcerer if he chose to. He is an exceptional combatant with a very potent cursed technique.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Ino outclassed an average level curse user in close combat with no issues. However, he caught on to his opponent's plan too late, allowing Granny Ogami to outmaneuver him and activate her Séance Technique. After her grandson shapeshifted into Toji Fushiguro, Ino proved no match in terms of physical prowess.
High Cursed Energy: As a professional sorcerer, Ino possesses high cursed energy levels and has been trained to manipulate his power efficiently. When activating his innate technique, Ino's entire body is coated in surging cursed energy. He can use cursed energy to reinforce his body for close combat at the same time as his technique. Additionally, Ino is capable of sensing other individual's cursed energy fairly well.
Auspicious Beasts Summon is activated when Ino hides his face by covering it with his mask, turning himself into a spiritual medium. This allows Ino to summon and use the abilities of four auspicious beasts: Kaichi, Reiki, Kirin, and Ryu.
Kaichi: Auspicious Beast number one. Summons a horn with a spiral pattern on it. Can be fired as a projectile cloaked in cursed energy that won't stop until it hits its target.
Reiki: Auspicious Beast number two. Covers Ino's body in cursed water that can be used to cushion him from danger and/or increases his overall mobility.
Kirin: Auspicious Beast number three. Effectively causes intracerebral doping, which nullifies Ino's own sense of pain. However, it also drains his stamina, causing him to become extremely tired but unable to sleep at the same time. Once Kirin has been summoned and the technique completes, Ino becomes immobile for some time.
Ryu: Auspicious Beast number four. Little is known about this one currently. The move was interrupted when he used it against the revived Toji Zenin. Up to that point, nobody had ever survived to tell the tale after fighting Ryu... according to Ino.
Nanami's Blunt Sword: A cursed tool originally used by Kento Nanami, resembling a blunt sword wrapped in a cloth with a splattered black dot design. After his death, it was used by Ino during the battle against Sukuna. It has been imbued with Nanami's Ratio Technique, allowing Ino to enhance the power of his strike by dividing his target with lines and hitting the weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three. It was also durable enough to withstand a kick from Sukuna.
Takuma's surname has the Nanori reading for "wild boar" (猪, i) and the Kun reading for "field, wilderness" (野, no). His given name has the Jinmeiyo kanji and Go-on reading for "to polish, to cultivate one's skill" (琢, taku) and the Kun reading for "truth, genuine" (真, ma).
Takuma is always getting help from others because of his little-brother vibe.
Takuma really respects Kento Nanami after accompanying him on a mission.
Takuma hopes that he'll get Nanami's watch as a hand-me-down one day.
According to Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook:
Enrollment method: Family lineage.
His hobby is attending drinking parties.
Favorite food: Deep-fried horse mackerel.
Least favorite food: Pickled dish.
Cause of stress: None.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Some folks might complain about GMMTV reusing locations, but I think it's a lot of fun. I like knowing that a few months ago this cafe was used for Antique Bakery.
Oh good. Akk isn't oblivious, and the photo is being used as instant blackmail. While I am not a fan of coercion, I am glad this picture isn't hanging around immediately in the background of the plot.
It's very fun seeing bits from Safe House while this is airing. First is a trip.
I do really love the way Golf inserted themself into the show. I don't always enjoy directors taking on bit roles in their work, but this is fun.
Interesting that Akk didn't delete the photo right away. I'm sure that won't be a problem at all later.
As someone who has a favorite queer cafe, I totally get Ayan taking Akk here to thank him and be a bit vulnerable.
They may be ostensibly having drinks, but unfortunately they are still a bit dehydrated. These lips are chapped.
First and Khaotung do a good job with the flirting here. I think it helps that we recently saw First be absolutely unhinged with desire in Not Me, so we can appreciate the careful restraint Akk has to show.
I like that privately Akk can smile to himself about interacting with Ayan.
Ah, interesting. This scene where they don't enforce the no-phones rule on a student helping his mom is very pointed. Reminder that rules don't enforce themselves, and that enforcement agents make the call about what and when to enforce.
Ah yes. We're back to performing how much you don't like Ayan. How burdensome he is to you. How much you hate seeing him. How much you hate his face, or the feel of his lips on your cheek. I'm sorry, what? Oh, I got distracted.
Baby boy, are you really looking at that picture in school? You're lucky only Ayan saw.
Khaotung with a knowing smile is my favorite version of Khaotung.
"Don't delete it in front of me," is a line I wasn't expecting to make me ache, but here we are.
The lack of ads worries me, and I like the read others users have that Vice Versa is shoring up this show financially.
So, who stole the notebook? I feel like everyone was accounted for? Was it Kan? Or was it a teacher?
Oh, I really hate Ayan and Akk hitting each other.
Is this our first confirmation that Akk is on scholarship? Because we called that exactly.
Oh lord Kan and this goddamn curse. I bet he took it.
Love Ayan reading 1984 as he protests returning to class. Unsurprised that Thua felt like he could reach him.
Mmmmmm, Thua protecting Kan from homophobic scrutiny. Pain.
Really love when a show and its fans are on the same page. We've literally called out how financially mobile Ayan is compared to Akk, and here they are having a direct confrontation about exactly that.
I know Thailand loves a slapstick moment after a serious one, but I actually like Akk getting soaked by the sprinklers. It underscores his point about the tenuous nature of his socioeconomic position.
Insert me-to-me-kermit meme.
This groundskeeper ruined a Now Kiss Moment. I do not like him.
Mmm, poor Thua. Being bullied at home on exacerbates being bullied at school.
Ah, yes. The slurs are back. Where are my knives?
Mmm, I remember this exact conversation from high school when boys would harrass the visibly queer. I'm gonna take a break.
Hey, so Thua is posting worrisome stuff on socials now. It's time to intervene!
Bruce Wayne?! Don't just accept an obvious phishing attempt and give your name!
I wonder what a show led by the twins AJ and JJ would look like. They always give such sympathetic performances.
Suddenly Aou cameos in the prefect backstory, which also connects Akk to Dika. I wonder how Akk will respond to the truth about why Dika "left."
I wonder why Ayan isn't telling about what happened to Dika.
Don't like the teacher putting hands on the students like that at all.
Now we're planning to immolate queer people. Don't like this either.
I feel so much for the World Remembers Gang. I don't think we've paid them much attention to femmes in high school since Lovesick.
Mmmmm. I really hate that it's Akk taking this step to inflict harm.
Oh boy next week looks intense.
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lavender-spice · 2 years
i can help, you know
steve harrington x fem!afab!reader smut
minors and ageless blogs please wander elsewhere
steve catches you off guard with an offer during your rant about sexual fulfillment (or a lack thereof, that is)
warnings: smut, p in v, oral and fingering (f receiving), choking, roughish sex, unprotected sex, overstimulation, dom!steve, degradation, use of the word “cunt” in the literal sense
my first post on tumblr in a long long time !!
mobile user so sorry if the formatting is wonky, hope you enjoy!
wc 1.8k
“and he left! just like that.” you huffed.
you’re sitting on your bed across from steve, angrily retelling the horrors of your last hookup. the guy was a prick- not only did he chase his own high and leave, he had taken you on a terrible date beforehand too.
it’s been routine since senior year- you or steve have a hookup every now and then, and the next day or so you digress on it. was it great? terrible? you seem to get lucky with the short end of things. guys are duds- especially the ones that somehow find their way into your pants.
“you can’t seem to catch a break can you?” steve states, watching as your shoulders slump.
“i don’t get it. whenever we have these talks you’re always gushing about how great your sex was- and then i’m always here complaining because not a single man has made me come in the last five months! it’s ridiculous.” you curse, leaning back into your pillows. steve continues to look at you blankly, sitting criss-cross at the opposite end of the bed, hunched over and resting his chin on his hands. “steve?” you ask, raising an eyebrow at his thoughtful expression.
“well-“ he begins, sitting up. “i think that may be a bit of an exaggeration there, y/n. i don't gush over my one night stands- and when i do it’s for good reason. i don’t mean to toot my own horn…but the especially good ones i’m doing most of the work.” he ends with a smirk, and you scoff.
“i do the work in most of ‘em too! i rode that guy’s dick a couple weeks ago and i still didn’t cum- what if there’s just something wrong with me?” he rolls his eyes at you, pausing before he opens his mouth.
“i’ll tell you what. tell me to shut up or leave if i’m being insane, alright?” with furrowed eyebrows, you sit up and scoot closer to him. “how about i help you?” you think about his proposal for a second. “help me…get off?” he nods slowly, taking in your expression.
“hey if i’m being crazy tell me! i’m just tired of hearing about every time a guy has disappointed you with his dick for like, the last lifetime- i’m just saying that i could help you out.”
“you’re saying you can make me cum.” you simplify.
it doesn’t take you long to nod in agreement, and steve is just a little surprised. you aren’t. your response was quick with little hesitation for a reason. you trust steve with your life, if battles with otherworldly creatures weren’t enough to prove so- that being said you also trust him with this. he’s a good looking guy and your best friend, and from what you’ve heard, from the man himself too, he’s got some skill in the sheets too- so why not?
he sputters some “so, um, uh”’s for a second, not knowing where to start before you crash your lips into his, effectively shutting him up. you both melt into the kiss, relishing in the familiar- yet forgien feeling of one another.
you’re straddling his lap, and for a while you’re just rocking against one another, tongues fighting sloppily as you feel his cock harden beneath you.
he starts traveling lower, lips messily kissing down your neck. he tugs on the bottom of your shirt, breaking away so you can tug it over your head and throw it to the side. he pauses, breath hitching at the sight of your naked chest.
“you gonna fuck me or are you just gonna stare harrington?” you taunt, jumping when he delivers a smack to your ass.
“not gonna do shit if you keep running that mouth of yours.” he rasps, continuing to suck marks into your neck. you’re taken aback and incredibly turned on from his response- this isn’t your steve anymore. well, it is, obviously- but he’s not laughing and goofy, he’s got dark, lust filled eyes and a low voice that makes you impossibly wet. he’s touching you how you’ve only dreamed he would, your imagination only a fraction of how good he’s making you feel.
his shirt is off next, then your pants, until you’re both left in your underwear. he’s just kicked his jeans off, standing at the foot of the bed. he places a hand on your knee, turning to look at your face.
“are you completely sure you want this? we can stop if you want.” he double checks and suddenly, just for a second, he’s the steve you’ve always known.
“i’m sure, steve. i’m okay with it all, just please touch me.” you feel desperate and a little pathetic begging for him to touch you like this, but that all goes away when he’s then on his knees, prying your thighs apart and dragging a teasing finger over your clothed pussy. you jerk ever so slightly and he chuckles.
“those guys touch you at all, baby?” he teases, prompting you to roll your eyes. they do, you’ve had guys lapping at your cunt during a handful of hookups, the thing is none of them are steve harrington, who’s got you all hot and bothered from a little kissing and a single touch to your core.
he makes a show out of tugging your panties off, and when he’s finally done he lets out a low whistle. he leans back to take a good look at your cunt, and you can’t help but feel shy, instinctively closing your legs a little.
“nuh uh, keep those legs spread nice and wide for me baby. gotta see that pretty pussy before i fuck it up, don’t i?” his words make your face heat up as you place your hand over your mouth, lips resting on your nails.
he traces one finger around your cunt a few times before dragging it up your slit from the bottom, spreading your lips apart. he teases your hole, smirking at your reaction. he’s prodding without slipping a finger inside of you, which drives you mad.
“so wet from a little kissing- makes me think you’re thinking about something else. what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he’s dipping his head down when he’s done talking, latching his lips onto your clit as he slips two fingers into your heat.
“fuck- just-“ you cut yourself off, you feel embarrassed to say what he wants- as if he’s not mouthing at your cunt right now.
he stops almost as soon as he starts, looking up at you expectantly.
“well? what are you thinking about? ‘m not gonna keep going till you tell me baby.”
“god, steve please-“
“use your words.” you grow antsy, clenching around his stilled fingers as you tell him what just boosts his ego more.
“i was thinking about you fucking me-“ he goes back to sucking your clit when you begin to talk, making getting words out much more difficult. “you, we, fuck-“
“i was what? hmm?” he hums against you, eliciting a soft moan. his fingers piston in and out of you quickly, his sucking harsh on your clit.
“you were f-fucking me hard, making me c-cum” you stutter, feeling the tension building in your abdomen. your fantasy plays out in your head as you retell it, and that combined with the delicious curl of steve’s fingers tips you over the edge as your orgasam hits you like a bag of bricks. he pulls his fingers out of you, causing you to buck your hips up from sensitivity.
“i’m gonna make sure you cum again, gonna make sure you’re all fucked out by the time i’m done” he coos, standing up and sliding his boxers down. his cock springs up against his stomach and your eyes widen. you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but seeing it yourself was something else.
“gonna fuck you now baby, that okay?” you nod eagerly, and he wraps his hands around your thighs. your ass nearly hangs off the bed as you wait for him to fuck you stupid. he gives his cock a few pumps, before dragging it across your slit a couple times, spreading precum in your folds. he hisses when the top catches on your puffy clit, before he’s slowly sliding into your cunt, both moaning earnestly at the stretch.
“oh fuck steve..” you whimper. he’s leaving over top of you now, giving you the opportunity to press feathery kisses along his shoulders. he pauses when he’s fully sheathed inside you, letting you adjust.
when you give him the okay to move he’s setting a steady pace, angling up just enough to hit your gspot perfectly with each hard thrust. your moaning out his name, whimpering from his rough movements as he manhandles you.
he’s standing now, having grabbed one of your legs and slung it over his shoulder, allowing him to fuck intj you deeper.
“fuck..so good for me y/n. such a good girl yeah? gonna make you cum so hard..make you forget about all those guys who couldn’t treat you right.” he murmurs, punctuating each quick thrust of his cock.
“‘m gonna cum-“ you whine out,
“hold it for me baby- fuck. wanna cum with you- feel you tight around me.” you nod, and it only takes him three more thrusts before he’s rubbing your clit with rapid fingers, egging you to cum. “c’mon pretty girl make a mess on my cock-“
your second orgasm feels more brain shattering than the last, accompanied by a pornographic moan. steve finishes deep inside your cunt, slumping over you. you hold him close as you both come down from your highs, taking in one another.
after a while he’s pulling out of you, going to grab a cloth to clean you both up, but not before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. you can’t help but think it’s ever so slightly too intimate for the relationship you have, not that you mind.
soon, you’re both snuggled up in fresh sheets, showered and in new clothes. the tv is playing some random show you aren’t paying attention to, too absorbed in your own light conversation.
“told you i could make you cum.” he jokes. you shove him with a tired smile, rolling your eyes playfully.
“yeah yeah whatever. but seriously that sex was good, really good- thank you.”
“no need to thank me, i’ll always help you out.” he tucks a piece of hair behind you ear and presses another kiss to your forehead. again, oddly intimate, but you’ll deal with that in the morning. for now, you’re just going to snuggle even closer to steve and let yourself drift off to sleep.
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clarenecessities · 5 months
idk who wow toons is but you blinked so nicely asking for asks so: 🧠 what do you like most about this thang
anon i want you to know i laughed out loud at this like a goober <3 thank you vm
i have absolutely no idea why, but 'toons' are what you call different characters on world of warcraft.
in the interest of not Drowning mobile users i'm putting most of them under a readmore but these are my three favs! sétanta, his mom seidrin, and seidrin's brother ulfhedrinn.
the thing i like most about wow toons is you can literally do whatever the fuck you want :) seidrin and ulfedrinn are children of the canonical Wild God (who came back recently! yippee!) Goldrinn, who's an enormous wolf spirit that loves being badass. so those two are technically also wolf spirits who have troll & orc visages respectively
sétanta was my first toon, he's my little baby boy. his dad is a priest of elune (who Goldrinn thinks is a pushover liberal and has no respect for) so he doesn't have a wolf spirit form/visage situation, he's just kind of recreated the worgen curse wholesale. it's awesome. and i can do what i want :) he's not like the other werewolves. he's specifically cursed.
ulfhedrinn is newer but i kind of love him. his visage is technically a Mok'Nathal orc (they're part ogre) (like Rexxar, who's literally Darkwolf from Fire and Ice) but for some reason the game won't let you do "hybrids" with "unplayable races" so whatever u know. whatever. he reproduced asexually by mixing his dna with some demon blood, which is highly inadvisable, but he was like "um no son of mine is going to be so fucking weak that Sargeras could corrupt his mind" and he was right. his son Galdrulf is basically a demon hunter (the class, not like, professionally) and sooooo fucking stupid. but he's good at fighting and loves being a badass, so he's a credit to the pack <3
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nicestpamkale · 1 year
~Welcome to my page!~
Hooo boy is there a lot to catch you up on, hm? Well, don’t you worry!
I’m Pam. I go by he/they for the most part, but you’ll notice that my tag for things that I talk on or make comments about is #bigsispam. This is tumblr. That shouldn’t be all that surprising. Don’t worry if you slip and call me she/her. It’ll mostly just be uncomfortable for the Moment. (Not worrying =/= being okay with it. Please use he/they.) 
I’m on desktop and mobile. I mostly scroll while eating dinner, and I am the resident Tumblr User in the group, meaning that a lot of Tumblr posts on my dash are probably in the friend-group discord. It’s impossible for me to stay on-point. You’ll see that quickly upon reading one of my essays.
I very frequently have episodes of an unknown type- I cannot afford medicine or therapy at this time. 
Present Hyperfixation; Scum Villian’s Self-Saving System / SVSSS 
What you’ll likely see me reblog the most.
Present Worldbuilding Work; The Demon Lords / The Seven Hells - Legends of Runia / Clove’s Curse
This is what I’ve been working on most in the background. I dunno how to synopsize it tho so. **Shrug**
Main Project; Storyteller Volume 1; Kuroshitsuji/Reader
Female Reader-Centric - It’s technically going to be Sebastian/Reader / Undertaker/Reader but that element is very light and it’s not at all the main point of the fic. The main point of the fic is to watch what happens when a bunch of people get transmigrated into Black Butler of all things and each of their individual perceptions of the content cripples the world dramatically. 
Antagonists from every season- and some of whom created themselves- crawl out of the woodworks at unexpected times. Plot points are significantly altered or shoved in places they weren’t before. It’s practically a whole new story. So take that how you will. There’s also a lot of magic lore and demon/angel/reaper expansion which may not be your jive. In which, sorry.
Main AO3
One-shots / Sillies (Pseud: Laurel Wreaths)
Commission Info
More niche things below. ^u^
Key Tags;
#nicestart - my art
#nicestwriting - my writing
#ocs - posts about my original characters
#worldbuilding - Failing the above, I probably have some good writing in here! 
Favourites - Subject to Change / Addition;
Favourite Colors; Midnight Blue, Sky Blue, Pastel Yellow, Pastel Pink
Favourite Flowers; Daffodils, Chrysanthemums, Carnations, Heather
Favourite Flavours; Cinnamon, Wintergreen, Mac & Cheese
Favourite Games; Sky COTL, Skyrim, Dorfromantik, Lob Corp
Soft Projects (Qoutev Links, Mostly);
(Qoutev) Ereyesterday - A story about a grown woman going through the school years with a little girl named Lily. There’s various monsters that will stalk and hunt the two throughout this story. It will be primarily psychological horror, obviously. #ereyesterday
(Qoutev) That Blank Space - A Lonnie x Hadley Office AU Fic I wrote for the fun of it. I thought making the two bisexual disasters kiss would be silly. Not updated that frequently but there is a vague outline for how it goes down. Non-canon compliant. #lonley
(Qoutev) Consequences of Time Loops in Skyrim - A Skyrim crackfic that’s just a bunch of idiots fucking about in Skyrim Time Loop Scenario. I need to update it, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. #skyloops
(Ao3) Shen Qiao's Very Strange Life - A Yanshen Flower shop AU I just started. Will probably be updated when I feel very sad. #shenflower
#world: legends of runia
Villain Masterpost
Gods Masterpost
Demon Lord Masterpost [Not Yet Made]
Country Masterpost [Not Yet Made]
[Not yet revealed! :o]
[Not yet revealed! D:]
Hadley Milner - Incarnate of Ariadne, a gardener and incredibly resilient. Has the magical abilities to control plants, though she could potentially do more down the road and I have some Funny Ideas about that. #oc: Hadley
Arlo Winchester - Ex-cultist and angry about it. Has killed a lot of people to be free with his sister. Has the magical ability to read someone’s emotion through physical contact and mess with their memories. #oc: Arlo 
Please please ask me things about any of these topics! I’d love to start up tags for them / talk about them but I simply have not had the time or energy to do so on my own volition with lorge posts.
Vampirica and Cinnabari don’t yet have too much on them but I can always give you the run-down on what’s happening (generally speaking) if need be.
I’ve also got a private Skyrim Fic in the works that’s more serious than Skyloops.
CW // All of my worldbuilding and writing is liable to feature topics all over the spectrum of fucked up. I would recommend sending an ask personally about certain things and what topics may come up in projects I am working on, if you’re concerned for your health. 
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