#But yeah they are rooming with Crop for a bit :D
ancientschampionau · 17 days
RealAgeAU drabble - Moving
Hello I am back and I got another idea for this little silly au that I have @spotaus to thank for for the original idea :3 Though I think this may be officially becoming one of my AUs hahahaha First part Prev Part Next part
Also yes. I know it would work better to number these uploads but also i am not writing these in any set order so it will become miserable for all of us if i number them because either they will be out of order or I will have to rework all the names and I am already editing links I don't need that extra energy in my life.
Next part! The one I lovingly clal in my head - The one where the gang finds a more permanent temporary home. (also yes. Before this they all speed-run the whole Parental bonding and emotional bonding to the idea of having a babybones. Which honestly can and probably will make four different drabbles)
Horror stares at the door and wonders once again how he got to this point.
Well, no. That is a lie. He knows exactly how he got to his point.
He glances over his shoulder where the other four at hiding off to the side. Out of view from the doorway but still visable for Horror if he looks just right. Seems like Dust won the discussion, again, and is holding Nightmare, again.
Horror wants to say it is surprising how quickly they all just... accepted the situation they got into but he really isn't. Monsters are weird like that. Forced adoption is not that wild all things considered when you are talking about beings made of magic and emotions.
Horror stares at the door and raises his hand before knocking twice.
He really hadn't wanted to do this but they have no other choice. As he waits he can't help but think back to what made them decide this.
Cross walks from side to side "That was way to close! That was the third time we came across the Stars with Nightmare out. Third!"
Killer nods from where he is sitting wiht the sleeping Nightmare in his lap "Yeah no kidding. It is annoying as shit that they are hunting us."
Dust shrugs "Not surprising. Nightmare 'disappeared' after all. We are their only lead."
Killer grins "We were lucky Cross managed to lie his way out of the last one." and he shoots Cross a wink.
Cross sputters "I panicked!"
Killer grins and winks "Sure sure daddy crossy."
Horror holds up his hands between his two... co-parents "This is not the time. We need to figure out where we can go." and he thinks things over.
Cross sighs "I don't get how they keep finding us!"
Dust huffs as he packs their bags "We go to too little universes. Makes it easy for Ink and Dream to pick us out because they recognise us personally."
Killer frowns "Meaning. we need a big universe?" he taps his chin "But also mostly positive as we still don't know how obvious Nightmare would be otherwise."
Cross frowns "I think it will be fine. He can't feel the balance anymore right? And no one seems to have a reaction to him like they had before nor how people have a reaction to Dream's aura thing. Maybe with the corruption gone he really is just... ex-guardian now?"
Killer groans "I hope so. I am not a fan of child labor."
That is when it hits him. Horror sits up "I think I know a place."
All of them turn to him and he immediantly regrets saying anything. See? This is why he normally tries to limit what he says.
Either way. Here they are now and Horror prays this works. Please. They need one thing to work in their favor.
The door opens and a gasp "Horror! It has been ages! It is great to see you. How have you been?" Crop smiles at him.
Horror steels his nerves. Come on. Too much hangs on this moment "Hey Crop. Nice to see you. I am... okay. How are you?"
Crop frowns at him instantly "You sure? You don't sound okay. Trouble at home?"
Horror chuckles "Kinda? Not exactly. Euh... Can't go back to that place now?"
Crop frowns "Why? Need a place to stay? I got a spare room."
Okay yes! this is going great! just... gotta make sure he knows.
Horror nods "I do need a room. Not just for me though..." Crop starts to frown and Horror raises his hands "Just temporarily!"
Crop frowns "Did... something go wrong?"
Horror pauses and thinks this through once more. He trusts Crop. Crop has never been anything but kind even when Horror had been an ass. Even when he had to once drag Dust here to get healing before they could make the jump back home.
Horror looks to the side and he sees the others just beyond the treeline, hidden in shadows and waiting. Crop takes a look as well but he can't quite spot them. Crop looks back up at him.
Horror takes a deep breath "You need... to promise me, no not just promise you need to swear. That what you are about to learn will not leave this universe."
Crop frowns as he immediantly looks uncomfortable. It is the reaction a promise gets from most of them. But Crop also shoots him a considering look before he nods. He holds out a hand "I swear and promise I will not share the about to be giving information. UNLESS! It endangers anyone." and he waits.
Horror stares at the hand and thinks. That... That is fine right? That should be fine. Nightmare being a child doesn't endanger anyone. Only them and Nightmare. Horror nods and shakes the hand.
Crop nods and steps aside "Come inside. I bet you will be more comfortable explaining there." he glances at the forest "Do your... friends? Want to come in too?" a guess clearly. probably on multiple fronts.
Horror shakes his skull "Not yet. Need to know your answer and reaction first." He turns to the forest and makes a signal to wait a bit longer. He sees a thumbs up shot his way back. Probably Killer. He never bothered with the signals they had learned together.
Crop nods as he steps aside and Horror walks in, having to duck slightly for the door. The door closes behind him and Horror sees the small living room with fireplace.
Crop leads him to the kitchen "Lets talk there. I will get some tea."
A few minutes later they are both seated and with a cup of tea. Crop looks at him expectingly.
Horror takes a deep breath and takes out their most valuable resourch. The Dreamtale book. And places it on the table. Crop frowns at it before looking at Horror.
Horror nods to it "It will help explain... Very long story short... Nightmare was never an adult. He was a child with a magical shield of some type. That magic has ran out."
Crop stares at him for a moment, then he pulls the book closer and starts reading it. He pauses at the title before opening it.
And now he waits.
Crop sits wiht his skull in his hands. Horror just sits across from him, with his empty cup of tea. Crop's own cup has grown cold a long time ago. Horror just waits for anymore questions but Crop hasn't said anyhting in the last ten minutes.
Horror looks back at the book and sees that Crop has turned the pages back to the one with the drawing of Nightmare's head being cracked open. The image makes a very clear show on how small Nightmare was compared to the ones attacking him.
Horror still thinks the book doesn't do it justice. Nightmare is much smaller in person than the picture makes him seem. The cracks had been much worse than the picture showed. But it is the closest they got.
Crop finally sighs and speaks. He doesn't look away from the picture "I don't... Know a lot about this whole... multiverse stuff. It isn't my place at all. And that is fine." he pauses for a moment "But this... You are telling me... That the one being that had everyone afraid. That everyone saw as a demon. Is a child... is this child?"
Horror nods before he explains more "Nightmare... gained a lot of magic and powers when he ate those apples. At least that is what the story implied. We haven't managed to get him to tell us yet, mostly because well... he is six again." Crops pulls a face as well, yeah. Horror agrees. A PTSD filled six year old is not easy. But they are managing.
Horror nods "so... What Cross nad Dust think what happened is that... The magic and negativity of the apples bond itself to Nightmare. Which game him the magic and powers he would use. The connection to the balance because the apples were part of the balance. and more importantly, an adult form and mind to fit all the magic. There was just no way all that magic and energy would have fit a babybones. Especially one that hadn't shown much magic beforehand." an assumption on their end as Nightmare was never said to use magic in the book.
"We think... We think that this magic of the apples just. ran out. We had been in battle at the time and Nightmare had been hit but it shouldn't have had that much of an effect. it was the same type of attack he had been hit by before. Dust thinks it was just the last bit of magic that the apples had having run out. Meaning that with the magic and energy so went the form." all a theory of course. But it is the only thing they have.
Crop nods as he clearly thinks "And as he was suddenly an adult. instead of just being afraid and scared. all that pain and emotions took a more violent turn. As he was an adult and was suddenly able to realise that it was unfair which made him angry..." Crop pauses.
Crop glares back at the table and shakes his skull "It is... It is a whole story about victim blaming. A victim is blamed for the abuse they suffered. They are made to believe they deserve it and should be abused. Then as soon as they fight back and defend themselves they are seen as guilty." Crop takes adeep breath as he leans back "What I don't get... Why come here? I can't help with any of this."
Horror shakes his skull "This isn't about any of the big stuff. We don't even care about it. We just... Nightmare is himself again. His real self." he taps the page lightly "Not his aged-up self that the corruption enabled him to be."
Crop stares before his face changes to shock "You are trying to hide him." Then a frown "Why not go to your own home? Has it been compromised?"
Horror snorts "At this point? probably." a confused look and Horror continues "Nightmare used his magic to shield off an universe and make a castle." he shrugs at the glance "Nightmare likes to read. I imagine he liked to read back then too. He may have been an adult technically but he was still a child at soul. Child him wanted a home and wanted that to be a castle and adult him made it happen... probably... that is Killer's theory at the moment."
Crop laughs and nods "Suonds reasonable- oh... and with his magic disappearing."
Horror sighs "When I left his universe the castle had already been decaying..."
Crop frowns "Left? The five of you you mean?"
Horror looks to the side and feels the shame return "We.... we did not react well... when we saw the changes at first... we... we obviously dind't know what was going on and well." he looks down "We abandoned him. I know it was wrong and stupid and we all regret it. We came back but we still did it." shame.
shame shame shame shame shame shame shame-
A hand on his shoulder. Horror glances up and Crop smiles at him "It is okay. You are trying to fix it now right? obviously. Not cool that you abandoned a child... but it can be nerve wrecking. Suddenly going from a position where a person is mostly guiding you, to going to a position where you suddenly are responsible over that same person."
Horror looks to the side "We still left." he can't believe they just left!
Crop nods "But you returned." he grins "And you are trying to fix it."
Horror nods again "We are..." he chuckles "Not that we have been doing a good job at it. Jumping from place to place."
Crop hums "So you are looking to settle, at least for a little bit, while also hidding. Why this universe?"
Horror nods "Yeah..." He looks to the side "We... we don't know how everyone will react. To him being like this. Maybe they will react well. Maybe not. We don't want to risk it. Risk him."
Crop stares at him for a long time and nods "There must be better places?"
Horror shakes his skull "The Stars kept finding us. Dust figured out we needed a big universe that leans towards positive. Yours is one of those. It is one of the wider and bigger ones. And overall leaning towards positive."
Crop frowns "It can't be the best one..."
Horror shrugs but continues "True... there are bigger and more positive ones. But those are busy. Many people. many places. Yours is quieter. more empty. Gives peace and room to work from."
Crop frowns as he taps his chin. He thinks deeply before sighing "You guys got any type of backstory we can use? The multiverse thing isn't a known thing here and the only reason my brother and I know is because you crash landed here."
Horror blinks "You will let us stay?"
Crop nods "Sure." and he grins "Can't kick out four parents with a babybones." and he gets up.
Horrro shakes his skull "That isn't... Well I mean technically." He knows that Killer has come close to killing quite a few people with how protective he has grown over Nightmare and that isn't even including the motherhenning of Cross nor the clinginess that Dust has.
Crop chuckles as he nods towards the stairs "The attic is messy and should be cleaned but can be used by you four, well five. There is an old bed and an old lounge chair up there." more thoughtful "How big is he exactly? we will need some clothes. Probably also get a healer to check him if he is developing okay after all those magical shenanigans."
Horror stares for a moment before smiling "Thank you... I know it is a lot."
Crop shrugs as he opens the linnen closet "Horror. Taking care of milking all the cows on your own is a lot. Having to fix your roof in the middle of a thunderstorm is a lot." He straightens his spine with blankets in his arms "Helping a friend and his friends who have somehow aqcuired a babybones, while strange, does not compare to either of those. Now get your friends out of those woods. They will make the animals nervous." he grins "I am excited to be one of the first ones to meet the real Nightmare."
Horror smiles as he packs his book and goes towards the door. "Thanks again Crop."
Crop waves it off as he moves the piles upstairs.
Boom! and they are staying in FarmTale for now! Horror and Crop are homies and Dust is more of an acquaintance of Crop but it works. Aged-up Nightmare knew that Horror had an universe he liked to visit but never demanded details. *shrugs* Nightmare didn't see the point. as long as horror wasn't going to betray him what did it matter he didn't tell him?
Surprise Nightmare, this is your temporary home now. For a bit. or maybe longer? They are still figuring it out.
First part Prev Part Next part
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->“Always something to do” also includes tending the greenhouse, but that’s an activity Victor actually enjoys -- and is very good at, as you can see! :D Look at those giant oversized crops! Fertilizing them on the regular like that really does make all the difference. And yes, we’re still occasionally suffering from plants turning into dirt piles (notably two of the trees in the back), but most of them are thriving! :) It makes you feel good, seriously.
-->While Victor was busy in the greenhouse, Alice and Smiler were doing their own things -- Alice getting breakfast and lavishing a bit of love on her new kitty (who then went upstairs and melded into the wall while using her scratching post -- I, uh, probably need to pull that out a little bit XD), while Smiler headed to the barn to make some mechanisms! To my delight, they’re not getting shocked at ALL these days when they work on that bench, and even made it to Robotics level 8 by the time they were done! Now they can make a Servo, if they so desire! And if they have the massive amount of parts necessary, which. . .yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna be happening anytime soon. XD
-->Victor’s stomach ended up calling him in from the greenhouse to grab some breakfast (or possibly lunch, I forget when this happened exactly), leading to him and Alice sharing a bit of cute flirting. . .before the conversation fell completely flat thanks to him trying to get her into juice fizzing and her being just not interested. Ah well, couples don’t always have the same interests. *shrug* She went to start sorting out the laundry while Victor -- a little stinky from all that time tending his plants -- decided to try out the “deodorizing cream” he’d made a while back! Fortunately it worked perfectly, ridding him of his stench, and he headed straight back out into the greenhouse --
-->Where I ran into something interesting. Remember how I’ve been complaining that the plasma tree Smiler took with them when they moved in with Victor and Alice, and that got replanted in the greenhouse, hasn’t actually fruited in forever? Well, I was going to have Victor just uproot it, but then I thought, “hang on -- in order to complete his Freelance Botanist aspiration, Victor has to graft three plants. And grafting forces a plant to regrow with the results of the graft. What if I grafted something onto the plasma tree and forced it to regrow with both plasma and a different fruit? I know that works, I successfully hybridized an apple tree with a plasma tree cutting before. . .heh, why don’t I take a cutting from the Tree of Emotions and graft that onto the plasma fruit tree, see what happens?”
A Last Exception, that’s what happens. At least the first time I tried it. Also Victor t-posing briefly and the graft not taking, despite it counting toward the aspiration. I tried it again later, only to fail again, then checked the error after I was done -- it looks like the problem is the graft was specifically for vimberries (as that’s what the tree was producing at the time), and the game didn’t know what to do with that, since that’s not actually a type of plant that you can grow. So I’m guessing the Tree of Emotions, since it puts out like six distinct kinds of fruit anyway, is ungraftable. *shrugs* We have learned something new today, folks! Just happy it didn’t bork my save in the process. . .
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
How do you think the boys would react to sweetheart wearing some of there clothes 😏
Oh my fucking god.
He would be just- w h a t
Sweetheart walking out with a pair of jeans and one of Ghost's long sleeve graphic shirts (you CANNOT TELL ME that Ghost doesn't have band shirts)
And ghost spits- LITERALLY SPITS OUT HIS TEA (HE NEVER DOES THAT) his eyes are ZEROING on her. I mean Sweetheart was getting hot from just his staring
Sweetheart, smirking: Do you have a problem with me wearing this, Ghost? I can take it off
Ghost: No. I want to do that myself.
Sweetheart: wait huh
Omg his neck almost SNAPPED
She was wearing his Grey Scotland Forever shirt, but it was quite small so it was like a crop top, and it was showing her womb tattoo (Soap can't get enough of that damn tattoo)
he licks his lips, eyes roaming on her waist. She turns to him and winks and he laughs while getting on top of the table
Oh lord he wouldn't know what to do
She wearing his blue jacket with the England flag on the back. Watching her tug on the sleeves and warming up her hands is making him light-headed-- like girl why do you do this to me
Gaz: You- you're wearing my jacket...
Sweetheart: yep!
Gaz:....take it off.
Sweetheart: huh
(Gaz doesn't like sharing SHIT)
He was a bit irritated that he couldn't find his hat. Or his sweater. He looked everywhere for it-- the team knows not to mess with his shit, especially his trusty fuckin HAT. AND HE LOST HIS GREEN SWEATER?? THE OLD MAN AINT HAPPY
He stomps in the living area and hears a soft snore. He stops, turning to the couch. Oh my lord-- Sweetheart curled up on the couch, wearing his sweater and using his hat a cover for her face. (HNNNGGGGG) He huffs and smiles, suddenly all his rage melting away. He bends down to collect his hat, and Sweetheart whines in her sleep.
Price, sighs: So pretty...
He bends down more and kisses her temple.
Price: Have a good nap, Princess.
He would be so damn REEEDDDD
Sweetheart, slapping his unconscious face: König? König-- Hey please don't be dead, I need more of your hoodies
Sweethearts wearing one of his big ass hoodies and SHORTS-- TIGHT TIGHT SHORTS THAT YOU COULD ONLY SEE IF SHE RAISED HER ARMS-- oh König died. And then she smiles at him and spreads her arms, showing how big it really is on her.
He has followed the light.
Good lord, girl. You playing with FIRE
Came out with one of his flannels and got YANKED BACK INTO HER ROOM. I mean with s p e e d. She said 'hey guys', choked because of the force of Krueger's pull and was gone. Those were her last words 💀
Krueger locked the door and pushed her up against it, hooded face insanely close to hers. He chuckles at Sweetheart's hitched breath from his big hands tracing her arms.
Krueger: You like wearing my clothes, kleine Göttin?
Sweetheart: Uhm... yeah...
Krueger: Good. I have other shirts you could try on while we have fun.
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certifiedmattl0ver · 2 months
Summary: its js smut not much of a backstory really
dom!chris x fan!reader
warnings: smut, p in v, oral m receiving, degrading, overstim, spanking, choking, riding
a/n: this story is a part of @annamcdonalds67 writing contest
Chris pov:
i don't know how i managed to get a fan in my bed, but I did. she pushed me up against the wall in my room and started to kiss my neck. i started taking off her shirt to reveal more of her body. she had been wearing a cropped tank top and the way it outlined her tits made me drool. ''how about you stop staring and let me fuck you'' she said. god, I love dominant women, but not tonight.
we were now on the bed. i stayed sat on the edge, and she was on her knees in between my legs. she started to kitty lick my tip, teasing me. ''don't tease slut'' she then took my whole length, looking up at me every once in a while, gagging a bit each time she went up and down. i can't lie, she gives amazing head and she definitely deserves an award for that. i was really close to cumming but I couldn't no matter how good the head was. ''how about you ride my dick baby'' she removed her mouth from my dick and I wince a bit from the loss of heat and stimulation.
y/n pov:
i don't know how i got into chris sturniolos bed, but I did, and now i was about to ride him. i straddle him and push his chest back so he's laying down. i position his dick with my entrance and slowly go down at a pace that annoyed chris. in all honesty, i don't think i can take chris's whole length. chris scoffed, grabbed my hips, and slammed me down on him. i moan louder than i had intended to from his movements. as he had said earlier, i started to ride his dick at a pace that seemed to send him to cloud 9. his eyes were crewed shut and he was letting out low moans.legs shaking, and lustful sounds coming out from my mouth,
chris started to thrust upwards into me, pushing deeper than he was before. i roll my eyes back and my mouth hangs open as chris thrusts into me at a steady pace. ''you're so d-deep'' I manage to mutter. ''yeah? you feel me inside ya ma?'' ''f-fuck yes... I'm gonna cum chris..'' chris pulls out, and flips me over so I'm in doggy. ''hold it.'' he starts ramming into me at a speedy pace going both fast and deep, making me scream. ''shut up slut'' he says as he hardly spanks my ass. ''c-chris please I need to cum'' I plead out. ''i said fucking hold it bitch didn't you hear me?'' he says as he grabs a handful of my hair, pulling my head off of the bed. i had lost it. i couldn't hold back anymore, and I came. chris stops all his movements. he pulls out, and lets go of my hair. the only thing I could hear was his heavy breathing and my panting. ''chris I'm sorry i-'' I get cut off by chris moving me so I'm on my back. ''since you can't fucking listen, I'm gonna fuck you until you can.'' chris props my legs up on his shoulders, and starts relentlessly going in and out of me. i didn't even know it was humanly possible to move that fast. my mouth was open, but nothing came out. i was sweating, my hair messed up, and struggling to not cum again, suffering from the overstimulation. ''chris, please... I'm gonna cum again'' chris completely ignored me, keeping his pace. he made eye contact with me, and i felt i shiver down my spine. his blue eyes, filled with lust, his brown locs pushed back with his hands, sweat dripping from his forehead and chest, and his mouth slightly open, letting out groans now and then. chris takes both of his hands and slowly leads them up to my neck, maintaining eye contact, he chokes me. i swear i could've came from that alone.
chris's pace started to stutter, signifying that he was close. ''cum on my dick ma. you know you want to.'' he's right. i really needed to. so I did. not long after chris pulls out and jerks himself, his release landing on my stomach.
chris pov:
i cant believe i just fucked a fan. to be honest it was great, but I just hope that this doesn't get out to the internet. everything abut her was great. her head was top tier, and she rides me like I were a ride at a carnival. i'd for sure have to keep her around for a while.
what do we think? ts took me 3 days to write because of these stupid assignments I have to do. ANYWAYSSS love you lots!!
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lilerror10 · 9 months
I actually don’t know, it’s double black smut, but idk how to write an ending 😔.
Kinks: panties, bottom Chuuya (sry), degrading, recording, anal, praise, and weird nicknames (slug, shitty dazai, pet, etc…)
Chuuya sighed as he laid on the couch lazily in his black panties and salmon colored crop-top.
He had to admit that he didn't look half bad, but the question remained. Did Dazai think so too?
Dazai had left early that morning to go run some "errands", whatever that meant, he couldn’t wait for dazai to see him, he had spent all morning and most of the afternoon getting ready, now all that was left to do was wait.
Dazai sighed as he opened the door to the apartment, it had been a long day and all he wanted to do was cuddle his little slug and go to bed. Dazai hung his coat up, and walked over to the living room, and froze. Chuuya was laying on the couch, wearing nothing but black panties and a pink crop top, he looked hot.
"Hm? Oh, welcome home dazai." He hummed, his eyes fluttering open, only to be met with Dazai’s eyes infront of his face, chuuya let out a high pitched squeak of surprise and rolled off the couch, hitting the floor with a thud, "Shit.."
"I don't remember asking you to dress up for me.” He cooed, and picked up chuuya, throwing him over his shoulder. "Did my pet think I wouldn't like him in panties?” He asked, carrying chuuya to the bedroom.
Chuuya huffed, "Shut up shitty dazai, you like them." He muttered, looking up at dazai from his place over his shoulder, he felt his ass get smacked, and he let out an adorable whine.
"That's true, I do, I love it." He purred and tossed chuuya on the bed, "Now be a good boy and keep your panties on while I fuck you." He hummed, and just slid his panties to the side so he could access his hole.
Chuuya let out a soft moan as his boyfriends cock pressed against him, "You're so dirty.." He breathed.
"Oh am I? Maybe that's because I have a dirty little slut in panties for me at home~” he cooed, and gently nipped at Chuuya’s pink nipples, earning a beautiful moan from the redhead.
Chuuya arched his back, and let out a moan, "Dazaiii~"
"Yeah baby, sing for me." He cooed and slammed his cock into Chuuya, earning a beautiful moan from his tiny boyfriend. “Maybe I should record your beautiful singing and listen to it at work, hm?” He hummed and started a steady pace.
"N-no d-dont-" Chuuya whimpered, and clung to his boyfriend, letting out small gasps and moans.
Dazai chuckled and continued, and then reached around and grabbed his phone, pressing record. Chuuya whined and panted, as dazai pounded deep into him, "F-fuck!"
"What's wrong, baby? I thought you didn't want me recording?" Dazai teased and continued his thrusting.
"I-it feels s-so good d-dazai~" Chuuya gasped and moaned, dazai bit his lip, watching Chuuya’s beautiful ahegao expression, and how his chest bounced up and down.
"Damn right it does." He groaned and slammed in harder, making chuuya let out the most beautiful cry he had ever heard, dazai bit his lip, as Chuuya’s tongue drooped out of his mouth and his eyes crossed. "Good boy, come for me."
Chuuya moaned and cried out, as he came, dazai following shortly after. Chuuya panted and clung to his boyfriend. “Fuck… these panties… are so hot…” dazai panted
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resi4skz · 3 months
Another one bites the dust. :D
Pairing: Chan(idol)xFemMC
Pairing: Han(idol)xFemMC (2nd couple)
Title: New Begninnings
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If it was thing I ever really wanted, it was to see a Stray Kids concert. Although I lived with my roommate/best friend, her and I made it our mission to afford their ticket + plane tickets. We worked our asses off, even worked on holidays for 3 years straight. My boyfriend was against it because he thought that it was a waste of money to just to see a bunch of guys sing and dance.
Our flight was in less than 12 hrs and Daniel, my boyfriend, was lazing around in our living while I packed a last few things for the trip. "Hey, Nora, do you have any eyelash curlers. I think I lost mine."
"Let me take a look," she calls outs from her room.
"Are you seriously going to go to Korea?" Daniel asks.
"Uh, yeah." I replied, rummaging through my makeup bag for an eyelash curler.
"You seriously bought a ticket just to see this lame ass band?"
I paused. I look up and see the back of his head. "What is your problem?"
"My problem?" He gets up and faces me. "My problem is that the fact that my girlfriend is so obsessed with these men that don't even know her!"
"Here's one I..." Nora walks out of her room and stops when she sees us two. "Wasn't using."
"Is that what this is about?"
"Oh it most definitely is, Ava!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. "You could be doing so much more with that money."
"Like what?"
"An education! A real job! Not to see a bunch of gay ass dudes dancing for a few hours."
"Daniel, do you even realize what they mean to me?"
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Oh please don't start with that mental shit. I don't wanna hear it."
"Okay." I walk into my room, closing it behind me. This was the last straw. I have told him time and time again that those boys have saved me from a lot of things. I pickup his duffle bag and start throwing his clothes and stuff inside. Even his gifts to me, which I haven't used at all. Once I thoroughly got rid of this things in my room, I zip up the bag and walk out, throwing the bag at him.
"What's this?" He asks, looking down at the bag.
"Your stuff. You're free from me so you can leave." I grab the eyelash curler from Nora, who's grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks."
"Are you serious? Ava, what the fuck?"
"Daniel, I really don't have time for your bullshit. Leave," I explain, pointing to the apartment door. "The door's right there."
He huffs and puffs and storms out before mumbling some curse words at me, slamming the door shut.
"Good riddance."
*30hrs later*
I was unpacking my bag while Nora took a shower. It was a bit cold at this time of year in seoul. Thank god for Nora for telling me to pack warm. We were going to get dinner. I wore a black turtleneck with blue tight jeans, black boots and a long beige coat. i went light on rhe makeup. I hear a whistle from behind me. "Girl, you're gonna make heads turn."
Rolling my eyes, I turn around and gasp. "Nora."
"What?" She blinks at me.
"Talk about making heads turn." I look at her from toe to head and whistle. She was wearing black tight jeans, a dark green sleeveless crop top, a leather jacket to go with the whole look. The girl never gets cold.
She rolls her eyes at me as she wears her black ankle boots. "Ready?"
"Born ready." We head out of our hotel room and head down the elevator. We decided we would explore the city a bit before having dinner at a restaurant. The city at night was another sight to see, although there were people around, we were more than happy to walk around and explore. And our hotel was very close to han river. We had always wanted to visit it. We asked bystanders to take a few pictures of us which turned out great.
All the walking around got us hungry so we opted for fast food. Even korea's fast food was different than ours back home in the states. But nonetheless, it was delicious. With our tummies now full and content, we were walking around and goofing around. "Careful, Nora," I warn as she walks backwards on the sidewalk. "You're gonna fall and blame it on me."
"I won't," she says giggling. She turns around and bumps into someone, hard. And they both go tumbling down.
"Nora!" I shout. I run towards her and bending down. "You okay?!" She turns her head, groaning but nods. "I told you that you'd fall."
"I'm oka-" she gasps at the person underneath her.
"What? Does it hurt? Where?!"
The person under her groans and lifts their-his head. "Aish. What the hell?" He looks up, his brown eyes shining. "Miss, are you alright?"
Holy shit. There's no fucking way. He helps himself and Nora up, as we both just stare at him. Nora stands beside me, wide eyed as me. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Hyung! There you are. Others just went home so it's just you and me." A very cute brown haired, bubbly person comes running to the other man.
What are the fucking odds of seeing our biases together?
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Nora asks. "Ava, pinch me." I pinch her arm. "Ow! Okay definitely not dreaming."
I look at the duo in front of me as they converse in korean. My eyes catch the black haired one. I had only seen him on my tv screen. But to see him in the flesh....."Miss?"
I snap out of my thoughts. "Yes?"
"Will you two ladies be alright?"
Holy fuck. Even his Australian accent was hot to hear it in real life. "Yes. We're just heading back to our hotel."
"Oh? May I ask which hotel?"
I glance at Nora then back. "Uh, Lotte Hotel."
"May we walk you ladies back to the hotel if it's not too much trouble?"
I glance at Nora who's looking at me like a deer caught with headlights. "Girl, what do we do? That's Chan and Han!" She whisper-yells.
"Calm down." I turn to him, smiling. "Sure."
He smiles, his dimples popping. Oof. I want to swim in them. "Great. Let me tell my mate and we'll go." He runs back to Han who nods his head after a second. They both run up to us, smiling. "Shall we?"
Even though it was a 15 min walk, I couldn't stop telling Chan that he was amazing in everything he does while the other duo walked behind us, a few steps behind. "Nah, I'm not that good."
"But you are!" I exclaimed. "You sing, rap, write songs, make music and not mention being able to speak more than 1 language. If that's not your definition of good, then you need a new dictionary."
He chuckles. "Is that so?"
"Mmhm," I nod, smiling. "Don't ever underestimate yourself just because you think the rest of the members is okay with it. They want you to be in the spotlight too, they just have a different way of showing it to you." He turns his head, looking at me while walking. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
He gives me a soft smile. "For someone who just met an idol, you're quite chirpy."
"What did you think I was going to be? Screaming at the tip of my lungs or cause so much attention to you and Han that would make you uncomfortable?"
"Well," he nods. "Yeah."
I snort. "I'm not the crazy fans so sorry if I dissapointed you."
"I'm not dissapointed. More like.....surprised."
I blink at him before looking ahead. The hotel peeking around the corner, just a few more minutes. "Well, then you haven't been ona date with me." The minute the words left my mouth, I knew it was over for me. Way to go, Ava, now he's going think you're a weirdo.
"Are you saying I should go on a date with you?"
Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth. I laughed, nervously, peeking behind me to Nora and Han conversing. Well they seemed to be getting along just fine. "Listen, I didn't mean to say that."
"Oh?" He says as we come around the corner. "That's a shame."
"How so?"
"Because I would have loved to take you out on a date."
My heart stops beating, or at least I think it does. Is this real life? "You want to go on a date with me?" He nods in answer. "But you don't even know me."
We come to a stop. Han and Nora still behind which I was kind of glad at the moment. "Is that what dates are for? Getting to know each other?"
"Okay. Fair point," I replied. "But I'm just-"
He takes a step closer and suddenly, the air around us gets warm. "Give me your phone."
Perplexed, I take out my phone, unlock and hand it to him. He taps his thumbs on the screen and hands it back to me. My eyes widen when I saw what he did. I want to take my clothes off and jump in a pool. "Wha-"
"Give me a call. Text. Whichever is better for you."
I stand there, my phone in my hand as Han and Nora come around the corner laughing. "Alright, thank you for walking us to our hotel," she says.
"It was our pleasure," Chan replies, smiling. "Get some sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah, we will." Nora nudges me, snapping me out of my trance.
"Goodnight ladies." Chan smiles and winks at me before turning around to walk with his friend.
That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. And dreamt of dimples and the boy who gave me his number.
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k4katsujin · 11 months
"yeah my boyfriend's in a band"
aftershow hobie x reader where he shows his lover <33
note: im already in love with this man (/srs), so :3
uhhh lil context? hobie is facing some batshit fan at a concert, but he only has eyes for you and he wants it to show
content: hobie is reader's boyfriend, slight smut, not proofread, reader is gender neutral !
enjoy the brainrot ;D
song: brooklyn baby - lana del rey
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as usual when your boyfriend was performing, you looked for him in the first row of the scene. he was pretty famous in town, so he made sure he always took you with him on tours.
even though you were insecure about him cheating on you when you could not attend his concert, you trusted him enough to not to.
sure he had a flirty personality with everyone, but you never spoke your mind about this to home so he didn't bother changing (but sure he would if you did tell him)
"doll? d'ya want to come tonight? it's a huge performance, and ima need you with me, " he said with a begging pout.
you simply couldn't resist when he did this to you, so you obviously accepted.
the show went all smoothly, it was amazing as usual, you took a lot of and videos of your boyfriend to later on show them to him and cover him in compliments during your aftershow seances - in which you gave him a honest feedback of your boyfriend's concert, and sometimes a bit more...
starting to get overstimulated, you headed to hobies room.
"can i help you?" you say, disturbed at you noticed a girl was waiting there.
she was wearing a very short skirt with a very tight crop top and was rearranging her red lipstick in a very provocative way.
"i'm waiting for hobie." the girl said. "and what are you? another fan ?" she asked condescendingly.
"i'm hum.. his manager." you lie. "im here to review stuff for the next concert." you reply dryly, starting to get a bit pissed off.
she was still putting on her makeup, probably waiting for your boyfriend.
speaking of the devil, hobie made his entrance.
"how d'ya liked the show, doll?" he asked holding your waist and kissing you from behind.
"someone is waiting for you." you say dryly after kissing your boyfriend.
he stiffened at the sight of the girl sitting on the counter.
she waved at him, slut style, pouting.
"hobieeee" she says, standing to hug him. "the concert was amazing as always."
"back off sarah" hobie said, avoiding the girl. "i already told you a thousand times i don't want to see you around anymore. i called your best friend, she's outside waiting to take you back home."
"you're no fuun, hobiee" pouted the girl. "bet i could treat you way better than your (she paused, looking down and up at you) that.
she headed outside before giving hobie a last slutty look.
hobie locked the door behind her, and took you up to the counter where she was sitting earlier.
he puts his hands on your waist, starting to kiss you, before asking:
"how'd ya like the show,doll? hope you're gonna like the surprise i have for you next."
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YOOO :DDD /pos
i had sm fun writing this aaaaa
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greatgigintheskiess · 11 months
G/t July #10: Ancient
Yeah, I know I skipped the other days... but I wanted to participate anyway so here's a snippet for ya :P
Word Count: < 1 k
Finn couldn't even remember how he got lost. But there he was, aimlessly straying through the thicket. The boy was miles away from his home by now. And slowly but surely, he was losing hope to ever find a way back.
Looks like he has to find a place for the night. Bad thing was, he didn't carry any weapons to defend himself from wild animals. And his stomach was growling as he didn't eat anything today. He was so exhausted.
The boy kept on walking further in an unknown direction and for as long as his legs would carry him. Eventually, Finn spotted a path that led out of the forest and to some ancient ruins. He stood on a clearing, surrounded by abandoned remains from what might've been a castle once. The one he entered was so huge and enormous and, if he wouldn't know any better, he'd say even gigantic.
Soon Finn perceived a very pleasant smell and went after it. He was still so hungry. The boy found a room what appeared to be a kitchen, poorly furnished though. A cauldron stood in the middle, on the walls were shelves filled with different herbs and jars of wheat, pickled food and more. But the only odd thing about this was the size. Everything was huge in comparison to him.
Someone really tall must live here but giants only existed in myths and legends, right?
The child didn't hesitate long and climbed onto a table that stood beside the cauldron. There he found food almost as big as himself. But the boy went over to a plate and started eating as much as he could until a deep voice caught him off guard.
"Well well, look what we have here. Don't you think it's rude to just steal someone's food?"
The boy turned around and froze when he saw a giant talking to him.
But that's not possible! Giants are not real!
Finn wanted to say something but nothing seemed to come out of his mouth. He just stared at the old giant in fright.
"What's the matter, kid?" The giant asked with amusement. "Have you lost your tongue?
Eventually, Finn answered meekly. "I-i'm not looking for trouble. I'm sorry for d-disturbing you... I'll go right away!"
The boy already stepped a bit backwards and wanted to run over to the table's edge when he was scooped up by a pair of large hands.
"Wait a moment, I'm not done with you yet." The giant said and peered at the tiny boy in his hands. Finn was scared to the core. He already imagined how the giant would throw him in the cauldron and eat him with neck and crop. The boy shivered by the mere thought of what he could even do to him. Finn shielded himself with his trembling hands.
"Please, don't eat me! I didn't mean to steal!" The child pleaded, close to tears.
That's when he heard a loud deep laugh which completely confused him. Finn lowered his arms and saw the giant laughing amusedly.
What's so funny about it?
"I ain't gonna eat you, kid." He chuckled. "Just look at you, you're only skin and bones!"
Finn had no idea what was even going on here. He continued staring at the buff guy who laughed his head off. Suddenly the giant tilted his hands, causing the child to tumble on one palm. The giant placed the boy on a counter, where he had a good view of him.
"Hm, I'm starting to like you, little boy." He said with a cheeky grin. "What's your name?"
The boy noticed pinning light eyes on him. He could see the giant's long dark hair, some strands braided, and his tied beard. Only now the boy realized he looked nothing like a regular human, telling by his pointy ears.
"Now, you probably heard of me, didn't you?" The giant stopped his train of thought.
But Finn had no idea what to say. So he just shook his head, feeling uncomfortable.
"No?" The giant gave him a disappointed look. "C'mon, toots. The giant of Eldham? Does that ring a bell?"
The boy rummaged in his mind. He could remember having heard about it but wasn't that just an old fairytale parents told their kids?
"Uhm, I guess. But I always thought it was just a legend." Finn replied awkwardly. He really just wanted to get away from here. But the giant seemed to think otherwise, continuing their little conversation.
"You see, it's not. And I haven't seen humans around in ages but somehow you found me here."
The giant rested his chin on his hand, stemming on the counter. Finn felt a warm breath on his skin, tousling his blond hair. As if this talk wasn't awkward enough, the boy heard his stomach growling loudly. His face turned crimson when the giant chuckled softly.
"You're hungry, aren't you, kid?" He uttered, handing him a piece of the food from the table. "Here, have a few bites."
The child peered a while at the offered food and eventually took it thankfully. Finn was hungry, indeed, so he could hardly refuse, couldn't he?
And besides, wasn't he looking for a place to eat and sleep before anyway?
But little did the boy know then, he would be in the company of an ancient giant. And if Finn told anyone about it, they would think he made this up.
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zoe-and-quinn · 8 months
Whumptober Day 2
Thermometer / Delirium / “They don’t care about you.”
TW: Mentions of drugging, choking
98 bricks on the first wall, painted white and stone-cold. They seemed to suck all the heat out of her. She hugged her knees closer to her body, seeking some small bit of comfort.
Georgia didn’t remember how she had gotten to the small, closet sized room.
She didn’t remember much of anything from the previous night.
At least, she thought it was the previous night. The room had no windows, no clock, no anything. Except for bricks.
She started to count the next wall.
The door opened before she reached 20. It was hard to make out the figure standing in the doorway, with the backlight from the hall and her still-blurry vision. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust before Alexei’s smirking face came into view.
Why was he smirking? He was supposed to be helping her. He had picked her up last night, rescued her from her parents, and then…
Trying to remember made her head hurt. She stopped trying.
Alexei leaned on the doorframe casually. “Feeling any better?”
“I-I… I d-don’t know-w-what-t’s-”
“Yeah, she’s still feverish,” Alexei said to someone outside the door. “You think it’s a reaction to the-”
“Obviously it's a reaction to the drugs, Alexei.” A woman with close-cropped hair and a sneer walked through the doorway, kneeling a foot in front of Georgia. “Either you gave her too much or she was drunk already. Or you’re just really unlucky and she’s allergic or something.”
Georgia looked between Alexei and the woman in confusion. Gave her too much what?
The woman reached into a leather bag slung around her shoulder and pulled out a thermometer. “Open up,” she commanded, scooting closer and holding it up to Georgia’s lips.
She shook her head, pushing back further into the wall. “I d-don’t… what’s g-going on?”
The woman rolled her eyes. “I always forget how hard it is to deal with the untrained ones.” She grabbed Georgia's chin, hard, and forced her head up. Georgia gasped, trying in vain to wiggle away. She felt the cold mettle tip of the thermometer push into her mouth, and she clamped it shut to try to stop it.
The woman released her chin and moved her hand to wrap tightly around Georgia’s throat, restricting her air and sparking a fear so strong she didn’t know what to do with it. She thrashed about, trying to push away this stranger, but there was no hope of her winning such a struggle.
“Come on, sweet, under your tongue.”
She opened her mouth, just a little, and the thermometer settled into place. The hand around her throat loosened its grip, and she took in a shuddering breath, which quickly turned into a sob.
“Aww, crying already? We haven’t even done anything yet. Now close your mouth for me, that’s a good girl.” Georgia did as she was told and after a minute the women took the thermometer out, looking at the number displayed on the screen. “103.2. Not great, but not life threatening. Give her some tylenol and a few hours rest, she’ll probably be fine.”
“Sounds good,” Alexei said with a grin. He stood the woman’s hand once she had stood up. “Thank you, Lee. I’ll let you know when I need you again.”
“You always do,” she chuckled. “With the way you work, I’ll probably see you again tomorrow.” She left without another word and Georgia and Alexei were alone.
She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what question to ask that would make things make sense. She didn’t want to understand, though, not really. She just wanted…
“I want to go home.”
He scoffed. “What home? Home to your parents? They don’t care about you, do they? And you ran away. You don’t have a home to go to.”
“I t-thought you-”
“You thought I was going to save you? That we’d drive away and everything would be fine again? Life doesn’t work like that, Georgie.”
She sat for a moment in silence, realization washing over her.
This man wasn’t her friend. The person who knew all her deepest secrets, who had comforted her in her lowest times, didn’t…
“You don’t care.”
“I never did.”
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creepercraftguy · 1 year
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NAEGIRI WEEK Day 5 - Autumn
Help comes from an unexpected place when Kyoko struggles to pick out the right outfit for her and Makoto’s autumn time date.
​Full Story below the cut. You can also find the story on my WattPad - https://www.wattpad.com/1290871841-naegiri-week-2022-creepercraftguy-day-5-autumn
(Also, I’m chuffed that Mod Capnii and I basically had the same idea)
"Ok...Sorry...you're gonna have to repeat it for me one more time because I'm just confused..." Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy stood in the middle of the school dorms hallway, staring up and down at Kyoko Kirigiri's figure in front of her, "so I'm just going to ask once more...Why are you covered in g-glitter?"
Toko's words were indeed true. Kyoko Kirigiri, the usually elegant straight-postured and maturely dressed detective looked very out of character. Instead of wearing her casual clothes or her uniform, she stood in the hallway, wearing shorts, a black crop-top and with glitter smothered in her hair.
Which was not a good look for her. Even someone scruffy like Toko couldn't help but point it out.
"If you must hear it again, I'll give you the quick version," Kyoko grumbled, clearly just as happy about her situation as you'd expect her to be, "I have a date with Makoto at the park in a bit. Sayaka dragged me up to her room an hour beforehand and invited all the other girls to "help" me pick a good outfit for it. As you can see, things went wrong, and they ended up doing the exact opposite of that."
"That still doesn't explain the glitter..." Toko snarked.
"Komaru thought the outfit Hina picked for me needed to be more sparkly, so she tried throwing a glitter bomb on it. That's why I'm like this..." Kyoko explained.
"K-Komaru's here too?" Toko asked.
"Yes, Sayaka invited her over." Kyoko said, "I thought she would come to see you. In fact, I'm surprised you weren't there."
"Psh! Yeah right!" Toko snapped, "what makes you think I would go to a dress-up party!? Like hell I'd want to help you with your stupid date! Wh-What, you think b-because I write r-r-romance novels I know wh-what the ideal d-date outfit is!? Is that it!?"
"Well...I did somewhat think that..." Kyoko admitted, "but I certainly didn't say anything of the sort...Apologies if I wasted your time Toko, but I have about 20 minutes left before I'm supposed to meet with Makoto-AH!?"
Kyoko started to walk past Toko, carrying her glitter soaked clothes, until the author suddenly grabbed her sleeve and pulled her away. Toko thrusted open the door to her room and practically chucked Kyoko inside.
"What the hell are you-UMPH!?" Kyoko snapped, but suddenly Toko threw something at her that hit her and smothered her face. Kyoko grabbed whatever it was that she had tossed and took a look at it. To her surprise, it was a flannel checkered-pattern dress, in pristine condition. Toko also reached into her wardrobe and pulled out some more clothing items. A pair of jeans, a shirt, a white undershirt and a black hat.
"M-My shower still works even is I don't use it," Toko pointed to it, "clean yourself up and put that on so I can fix you up some time BEFORE fucking tomorrow?"
"Toko..." Kyoko was touched by the act of kindness, but Toko still wasn't willing to accept it.
"D-Don't go getting all m-mushy on me!" she snapped, "i-if you hadn't b-brought up Komaru I wouldn't have bothered. If you're an e-embarrassment, her brothers an embarrassment, and if her brother's an embarrassment, K-Komaru herself is an embarrassment! She doesn't need to be more of an emb-barassm-ment than she already is!"
"Fine...in that case, I'll ask this." Kyoko placed the dress down neatly on the desk, "why is there a set of boys clothes with the exact same pattern here?"
"D-Don't you know?" Toko chuckled, "it's a thing c-corny c-couples like you guys do when they go on dates. Th-They wear m-matching clothes so that they c-can brag about th-their relationship to everyone without needing to s-say anything."
"Uh-huh..." Kyoko frowned, "so...you're saying that this getup won't be as effective on it's own until I convince Makoto to wear the other one?"
"And...why again do YOU have these clothes?"
"W-Well...it's...y'know, just in case!" Toko giggled, "imagine...Master Byakuya and I, wearing these...We'd attract looks and make everyone feel SO jealous HEHEHEHE!"
The very thought would no doubt irritate Byakuya beyond belief, but Kyoko kept that to herself considering Toko was going out of her way to lend her a hand. She instead looked at the matching pair of clothes and contemplated the situation.
To be honest, she was very torn on the idea. On one hand, the outfit Toko had picked was perfectly suited to the mid-autumn weather, and blended well with the orange afternoon skies and falling leaves of the park, so it was the ideal outfit. On the other hand, the idea of wearing matching outfits and standing out so much bothered Kyoko; plus there was no guarantee Makoto would be on board with the idea.
Still, it was worth a go.
"You know Toko, I think you're selling yourself short. You may think you don't know fashion or couple-related topics, but you're far more knowledgeable than you give yourself credit for," Kyoko smiled, "thanks for your help. Remind me to return the favor when you finally ask Komaru out on a date."
Toko made a noise that sounded very much like a sneeze, so Kyoko readied herself for Genocide Jill to come popping out. However, the "sneeze" was actually a splutter, and Toko glared at Kyoko with daggered eyes and a red face.
"D-DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR WHAT I SAID!? ABOUT ME AND BYAKUYA'S MAGICAL DATE!?" she shrieked, "m-me and OMARU!? I-I'm not-! We're not-!"
"Really? I thought for sure that you two were far too close to just be friends...guess I was wrong..." Kyoko raised an eyebrow.
"W-Well...yeah, we're close but...IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Toko snapped.
"You got me a present...!?" Makoto's eyes sparkled, "ooh! What is it!?"
Even for someone as abrasive as Kyoko, the excitement of her boyfriend was far too contagious. Even so, when she finally came forward to Makoto, she still didn't feel certain that this plan was going to work.
"I'm warning you," she said, "it might not turn out to be as good as you're expecting...But..."
Kyoko knew Makoto would be confused when she approached him looking so underdressed, but Makoto's face lit up with a mix of both realization and excitement when she pulled out both his and her outfits from behind her back.
"Wow! What a cute outfit-W-Wait! Is this a pair look!?" he exclaimed, looking back and forth between the outfits and Kyoko's flustered face, his expression growing more nervy, "Oh~? Hm~? Interesting idea Kyoko~ Though I didn't know you were the type."
"W-Well, I'm not..." Kyoko blushed, "the girls gave me some advice earlier and...Toko decided to lend me this. I couldn't exactly turn her down. I was honestly beginning to think that you wouldn't like the idea..."
"Toko? Why does she have an outfit like this?" Makoto asked.
"She claimed it was for a date with Byakuya," Kyoko explained, "which, if we're both being frank, isn't going to happen. Are you sure you're alright with this plan? I thought you'd have picked out your own outfit by now."
"Even if I did, this outfit is a present from you," Makoto grinned, "I'm absolutely going to wear it over any of my regular boring clothes. I really want to match with you."
"Wow that's...great..." Kyoko forced a thumbs up, "I'm...happy that you're happy."
Kyoko wasn't trying to lie through her teeth. She was being genuine, but was trying so hard to contain her joy in seeing Makoto's pure, untainted smile.
"Ok then. Let's change into these and head on out." Makoto took his outfit before Kyoko could say anything and headed off to his room. Kyoko on the other hand, stayed in the dorms lobby.
Even if Makoto approved, she still wasn't totally alright with the whole matching outfits thing. Even though she liked Toko's style, said style didn't really fit her.
Unfortunately, the outfits all the other girls had picked for her worked even less. Especially the weird scene-girl outfit with the puffy coat Komaru had chosen...and the ballgown picked out by Celeste...the Kimono wear Sakura chose wasn't suitable either...and god-forbid the tacky outfit Mukuro had stitched together. Clearly she had a worse fashion sense-than every one of them combined, ironic considering she was the Ultimate Fashionista's twin sister. That said, Junko hadn't been much help either. The outfit she chose was far too revealing.
However, this wasn't the only issue. The thought of being a "corny couple" as Toko had ever-so kindly put it, wasn't exactly appealing. She thought about this for far too long, and eventually, Makoto came back.
She had to admit, the flannel shirt and jeans looked great on him. But Makoto himself looked confused and rather let down.
"You haven't changed yet?" he asked.
"Um...well..." Kyoko scratched her head "I'm sorry...I don't think this style really fits me, so...Do you mind if I wear my normal clothes instead?"
"What, like your uniform or something?" Makoto asked, his heart clearly sinking in his chest just from the change in his expression, "but doesn't that defeat the purpose of matching?"
"Well, I guess so, but the outfit does still look fine on you on it's own," Kyoko said, "it's just...matching is...Well, if I must be honest, it's rather embarrassing..."
Makoto's face was dour and depressed. He looked at the flannel dress with complete and total disappointment.
"E-Embarrassing..." he considered, "you know, I guess you're right...Sorry I got so excited Kyoko..."
Kyoko was a stern figure and was always prepared for the worst possible situations whenever and wherever. She had stared killers in the face and been trapped and kidnapped multiple times over the course of her career. Yet out of everything she'd been up against, the one thing that she could not possibly hope to defeat was the earnesty of the boy she loved.
Kyoko re-examined the outfit. Even though it was a hand-me-down from Toko, which she had practically forced upon her, Kyoko had still brought the outfit to Makoto. She had basically given him half of a whole, and if she didn't wear it, what would even be the point of showing him both outfits?
Besides, it's not like she had many other options.
"You know what? I'm sorry Makoto. I was just thinking too hard about it." she smiled.
"No, no, it's ok!" Makoto assured her, "you don't like it. You don't have to force yourself."
"No, I'm not forcing myself," Kyoko told him, "Toko may have been the one to lend me this outfit, but I gave it to you as a present because I wanted you to be happy...Even though I wasn't sure whether you would be..."
"Aw, Kyoko!" Makoto beamed again, "why didn't you just say that in the first place!?"
Kyoko obviously gave in. She took the outfit and hat back to her room, dressed in both, and then headed out to the park in matching outfits with her boyfriend, sandwiches and other picnic stuff along with them.
"Hey...isn't that...?"
"Those two are members of the 78th class! The Ultimate Detective and this year's Ultimate Lucky Student! Are they on a date!?"
"Dude! They're wearing matching outfits!"
"Y'know, I heard a rumor that they were dating, but I didn't think they were THIS crazy for each other."
"Damn...Didn't think Kirigiri-san was the type..."
It unfortunately became painfully obvious what both Kyoko and Makoto had totally overlooked by the time they actually headed out for their picnic. The park they decided to visit was relatively close to the school building. It was an optimal choice, not just because it was close, but because of how pretty it was at this time of year. The bold and homely colours of the autumn leaves and the golden afternoon sun that shone down on them made this the perfect setting for a romantic time alone together.
Is what WOULD have been the case if they were ACTUALLY alone together. Since they had chosen the time to be right after the end of the school day, a lot of other academy attendees, not just from the main course, but the reserve course as well, were also visiting the park, and recognizing the two on site in their matching outfits. They had even spotted a few people they recognized. Their senpai in Class 77, Chiaki Nanami had said hello to them, accompanied by her friend from the reserve course, Hajime Hinata. They'd even ran into fellow classmate, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and barely managed to avoid him giving them a lecture on code of conduct and retaining public image, even outside of school grounds.
Toko wasn't kidding about the couple's outfit attracting attention, but this was more than Kyoko bargained for. To be honest, if it was a bunch of random passersby, she might not have minded so much, but the obvious chattering and whispering coming from the people who recognized them were so distinguishable, even Makoto started to look bothered by it.
"Hey, K-Kyoko...Would you like another sandwich?" Makoto handed her some more food.
"Y-Yes please..." she said, shifting awkwardly as she reached out her hand to take it. Makoto leaned in slightly when she did.
"You know, I see what you meant about this being embarrassing..." he lowered his voice, "it's difficult to relax and enjoy ourselves with so many people watching us."
"Tell me about it," Kyoko grumbled, "somehow even this sandwich tastes unusual...God forbid if we run into anyone from my Grandfather's agency here..."
"Knowing my luck, it'd be a miracle if that didn't happen," Makoto scratched his face, "we stand out way too much for our own good."
"Toko did kind of warn me about this, so shame on me for that one," Kyoko hushed, "although, I think the real issue is the dating spot. This place is lovely, but the couples look is embarrassing in such an easily-accessible place like this one."
"Well, I mean...yeah, I'm feeling a little self-conscious," Makoto smiled awkwardly, "but...you know what? It makes for a nice change. In more ways than one."
"How do you mean?"
"Well, I'm not used to getting so much attention from people...Nor am I really used to going on dates in public like this...Especially not with someone as cool and as pretty as you~"
This sudden smooth move almost made Kyoko do a double take, but she retained her composure.
"When you put it like that, I suppose this is a new experience for me too," she smiled, "so long as you're happy, then I'm happy."
"You really mean that? Hehe...In that case~"
Without a word of warning, Makoto suddenly leaned in further and passionately kissed Kyoko on the lips. Her eyes widened, but in spite of the surprised and flustered glares of everyone around them, she didn't even feel the slightest compulsion to pull away.
"Woah! Look at them go!"
"Can't they see us standing here! These two are out of control!"
"So cute! I might have a new OTP!"
"Boyfriend and girlfriend? Nah dude, this is Husband and Wife shit going on right here!"
"Pah! Lousy show-offs! Rubbin' it in everyone's faces just because they happened to strike lucky!"
"Wh-What did you do that for?" Kyoko's lip trembled as Makoto pulled away.
"Tee-hee~ There was a bit of jam left on your lips," Makoto winked, "just getting it off for you~"
"Oh...I see..." Kyoko flushed, but then the realization dawned on her, causing her to frown at Makoto, "wait a minute...I haven't eaten any jam sandwiches...!"
"Hehe...I know..." he giggled cheekily, suddenly standing up and grabbing his wallet, "sit tight for a moment. I'm gonna go buy us some drinks."
Makoto walked off towards a drinks stand nearby, leaving Kyoko by herself with their picnic. Kyoko brushed her lips with her hand.
After a moment, she finally fully processed what had just happened. She double checked, but she indeed hadn't eaten any jam sandwiches since they'd arrived. If there was really nothing on her face, could only mean that Makoto had only kissed her so everyone else would see and be jealous?
"Psh...could he get any cuter?" Kyoko pulled her hat over her eyes and blushed profusely, "though...I wish he wouldn't just leave me alone in full view of everyone by myself..."
Not like the two of them side-by-side in matching outfits was any better. In fact, it was probably worse. But by now, Kyoko had more than accepted that for today, she was in the spotlight, and there was no going back.
Unbeknownst to either one of the Nae-Giri couple though, of all the people in the park who happened to be glancing towards them, they failed to notice the small group of people who were spying on them through binoculars. Curious about what was actually going down following their disastrous dress-up session, Komaru, Sayaka and Hina had decided to check in on the couple. By some unknown feat, Toko had also been dragged along to the park, though she certainly wasn't looking the same way as the others.
"OOOH! So bold!" Sayaka flushed as she saw Makoto kiss her.
"For real! There's so many people looking their way, but he's acting like no one in the world is watching!" Hina's eyes sparkled, "I'm proud of you Makoto! Didn't know you had it in ya'!"
"There's a lot of things about my brother that may surprise you," Komaru giggled, "but...I gotta say, not even I expected he would get them matching outfits to wear. They do look good though."
"Oh? Didn't you know?" Sayaka smiled, "I heard Toko leant Kyoko the outfits, and that she's the one who came up with the idea."
"Wait, for real!?" Hina exclaimed.
"Wh-What's YOUR problem...!?" Toko stammered, "I-I-I know that y-you probably think I'm a h-heartless wench of a w-woman, but I can be nice wh-when I want to be! Besides, i-if this moron hadn't covered Kyoko in g-glitter, I might not have b-bothered!"
"Eeehehe...Guilty as charged on that one..." Komaru chuckled nervously.
"B-By the way, s-speaking of heartless, it's p-pretty cruel of you t-to be spying on them like this. Keep going if you're getting a kick out of it, b-but I'm out of here."
Toko turned tail and began to leave, but Komaru suddenly rushed over and grabbed her arm.
"Toko, wait!"
"D-DAMMIT! What!?" she turned around and snapped. Komaru took hold of her hand and held it close, a huge grin on her face.
"I...I just wanted to say thanks a whole bunch for helping my brother and his girlfriend on their date. It was really cool of you!" she laughed, "who knew you were such a softy under all that awkward."
Toko stared at her, unable to tell whether the bright light that shone on her glasses was coming from the sun low in the sky, or from Komaru herself. Her face began to grow red, until she turned around and started stomping away.
"It's getting c-cold!" she snapped, "if I stay out here any longer I might sneeze!"
"H-Huh!? But...you look warm as toast! Toko, where are you going!?" Komaru called after her. As Toko rushed away, she cursed in her mind.
Damn those Naegi's and their contagious smiles...
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casquecest · 6 months
Number 1 for music asks!
1. A song you like with a colour in the title
Oh, God, there are so, so many from which to choose! Just when I thought I had one picked out, about five more would crop up.
Shall we go with "Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin for reasons?
Two others that are less well known, but I fully dig:
"A Liar in Texas in a Green Room in Memphis" by Capgun Coup
"Going for the Gold" by Bright Eyes (yeah, yeah, I'm cheating a bit with the way "gold" is used in this title).
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prettypetals-900 · 6 months
The Artful Encounter
Pairings: (2018) Michelangelo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing, appreciation of art, illegal art placement.
There have been news of a mysterious art bandit on the loose. "criminal!" They call the person, Though Mikey couldn't help but appreciate the deeper meaning in this person's art and is willing to try and capture them to not only prove to his brothers but maybe even get an autograph...
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Your parents arguing echoed off the apartment, it bounced off every corner and every wall as it made its way to your room. Your door was closed though it felt as though they were screaming at each other right in front of you from how loud they were being. The music blaring in your beats couldn't even drown them out. Sighing you took them off and rubbed your face looking at your sketchbook. The piece you've been working on was incredible.
It might've been one of your best piece yet you thought while admiring it. The colors of the vibrant orange contrasting with the blue in the background surely made the word pop. You smiled a bit before reality crashed onto our by the shaking walls and sound of glass breaking. Looking at the time you considered. "Time to go..." You leapt off your bed while packing everything.
Shuffling the duffel bag out from under our bed you opened it adding in the new spray cans you bought earlier that day. Packing your sketchbook as well you started getting ready. Putting on a pair of black cargos, white crop top and black hoodie. You put our hair out and away from your face before putting on your vibrant orange converse and orange bandanna. putting up your hood you sneakily and quietly took your bag and climbed the fire escape out your window.
Not looking back once to your parents screaming but now enjoying the bustling city from outside the mess you considered normal.
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In the lair it was a quiet night. The guys decided to watch TV with Master Splinter, who was sleeping peacefully. Mikey relished in the feeling of his brothers and father getting along watching one of many great Lou Jitsu movies. Mikey continued to watch periodically while also drawing on his paper when the movie they were watching was rudely interrupted by the news blaring.
All of the guys groaned as the new played, "BREAKING NEWS! The graffiti bandit is back at it again. Plaguing our city with its filth. This hideous "art" is a terrible influence to all and this guy needs to be stopped immediately..." Leo Rolled his eyes in annoyance. "How come the news is covering this guy and why is it so hard to catch them." Donnie continued looking at his wrist taping on the screen.
"I conquer with Leon, It was physically proven that the were human, The police force are just being incredibly lazy in capturing him." Mikey piped up "I like their art, its colorful and different it's not like its anything inappropriate..." Raph got up instantly his jump shook the living room. "Well Raph can't let this go on, we gotta put a stop to them. What do you say fellas?"
Raph confidently said with a face of determination. "Nah I'll pass," "Yeah same here." Raphs confidence deflated as his annoyance spiked. "C'mon guys we're a team!" Leo smiled smugly before adding his two piece. "Come one Raphie, it's not like he's doing anything bad. Ha ain't hurtin no one. Why can't we just let this one go, plus Lou Jitsu 5 is playing after this!"
Mikeys face glowed with an idea as his eyes sparkled. "OMIGOSHHHHH let me go!" Raph stopped in his track before shaking his head rapidly. "Absolutely not, As the oldest I can't just let you go out by yourself with this dangerous criminal!" Leo snaked his arm around raphs shoulder. "Aw come on big bro, let Mikey do this. I think he can handle himself pretty well. Right D?" Donnie too invested in updating Sheldon's program only waved his hand "Yeah yeah, whatever Leo said is probably right..."
Mikey Squealed and jumped in excitement. He ran to hug Leo and Donnie. Went to hug Raph quickly before raph can answer and ran out the lair waving. "Bye guys I love you! I won't be long!" Raphs eye twitched rapidly as he rubbed his hands "You guys think he'll be aight out there?" Leo shrugged before continuing the movie. "I'm sure he's fine...Hopefully." That in no way shape or form eased Raphs nerves.
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You traveled the back streets of New York, making sure no one can see you as suspicious. Your beats blared in your ears as Kendrick Lamar played. The soothing rhymes filled your head as you bopped your it at the same time of the beats. Looking at your phone you tracked at the abandoned building you picked. You finally made it after long walk. It looked big and old.
Nothing about it really stood out, looked like every other building that was abandoned in New York. You smiled happily, a perfect canvas for this piece. You dropped your bag as you picked out the colors you would need, including your sketchbook. Opening up to the page you grabbed your orange and got to work. The music in your beats as background noise almost meshing with the serene feeling of watching the color appear against the only dirty brick wall.
Grabbing a ray of colors to blend and add, every mistake used to make the piece better and better. Your hands turning every color you used as it blended into your skin. The smell is the spray paint comforting as you have gotten used to it. Everything about it was so calming to you, better than anything. You were so invested to your piece you couldn't hear the figure that was immersed in your piece.
Mikey sat on top of the roof of a building directly where he can watch your work of magic. He saw how invested you were and if anybody has been talking shit about your art they were wrong. Its beautiful, the contrast of colorful colors was impeccable. His eyes sparkled with amazement and he smiled appreciating the art. He was so invested that the ringtone of his phone startled him and he almost fell off the building.
Picking up the phone he answered "Chellooooooo?" "MIKEY!" Raph's voice rang against mikey's ear. "Have you gotten there yet? Have you defeated him yet and gave him to the police? What's taking so long? YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T BE LONG!" His voice rang as Mikey kept his phone at arms length for the sake of his hearing. Mikey nervously chuckled. "I see them don't worry Raph I can do this, just trust me.."
Raph sighed long before mumbling an okay "I believe in you lil brother." Mikey smiled hanging up but his smile dropped knowing he has to put this mysterious artist down and bring them over to the police. He brought out his Nunchakus and gave them a good rotate. He was about to grab them and them up before he heard it..."HEY!"
You sensed someone staring for a while, but brushed it off. Thinking it was just paranoia, though until you heard it. You lowered your music in time to hear the whoosh of something spinning in the air. You looked up to see a dark figure with white bright eyes. Scared shitless you didn't know what to do. What if it sensed fear? You screamed out the first thing that came into mind. "HEY!"
The figure stopped and jumped, tumbling a bit before he feels off the roof he was in and landed in a pile of trash. You stayed there for a monet trying to hear any movement before deciding to book it. You didn't even make it two steps before that same whoosh you heard wisped past the air and caught your legs. You fell forward hard as it dragged you towards it. Your scream was cut short when three fingered hand covered your mouth through your mask. "SHHHH I'm not gonna hurt you."
You looked at the figure trying to get a good look at him under the dim street light that lit up the alleyway. He was green and rocked an orange bandanna with all the of stickers on him. Was he a fucking turtle? You shook as he looked you in the eyes. "Don't scream I'm not going to hurt you." You side eyed him until you finally shook your head quickly as an almost pleading yes. He smiled softly before removing his hand.
"W-what are you? Who are you?" He sheeply sat you upright before placing you against the wall your art was in. "The names Mikey, sorry to scare you." You looked him up and down before sighing. He seemed to be of no threat yet. "Then what do you want?" You said sharply. He winced and smiled nervously. "Well uhh you see I uh I'm gonna turn you in."
You sharply look his way. "Your kidding me? C'mon dude I didn't even do anything wrong." You yelled. He looked ashamed while looking at your art piece. He seemed amazed as you looked at your art from an angle. "I'm sorry..really I am. But you've been vandalizing the city with this amazing art. It's starting to make the people of New York angry." You scoffed and looked down to your orange converse. "Psh what doesn't. What I've been all over the news? Do I at least got a good nickname?"
He shrugged before explaining "I mean not you specifically but your art has been everywhere!" That seemed to ease a smile into you, from what he can tell underneath your mask. "They call you the Graffiti Bandit..." Your smile instantly vanished as a look of anger crossed your face. "Your fucking kidding 'Graffiti Bandit'! They couldn't have chosen something cooler like the Mysterious artist or (Y/initials)? I sign them for a damn reason!"
He looked at you before looking at the piece again. "And now I'm going to jail with a fucking stupid nickname and a final unfinished art piece. He hesitated, biting his fingers before looking into your eyes. "I can let you finish...IF you promise to let me turn out in afterwards." YOu looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "And if you try to run I can catch you again with this." he raised his chain from his Nunchaku.
You sighed thinking about his offer, before looking him in the eyes once more and smiling a bit. "You got a deal turtle boy." Releasing you he stood close by the wall as you picked up the stranded spray paint can. You took a step back observing it, trying to regain your thoughts back before finally nodding your head and going back to it. He kept on talking to you finding out his full name is Michelangelo and that him and his brothers saved New York in times of danger.
"That's incredible. Having New York's back like that. You guys must get a lot of praise." He shrugged "Eh people find to like us better if they didn't know we exist." You looked his way with a face that had his heart clench a little. "Well I think you guys deserve the praise, you guys are amazing. Especially a place like New York you protect it. I think your pretty cool Mikey." Though you couldn't see it his face turned brightly red as he smiled. "Thanks (Y/initial)". You turned towards him with a slight smile. "Y/N...since everyone will know my name in a few. I thought you should've been the first one to know."
You finally finished as the sun began raising over the city's buildings. Wiping the sweat off your brow you finally took your hood off and mask. Mikey finally got a good look to your face and might he say, the artwork you did was no comparison to how you looked. The prettiest painting he's ever seen. He blushed as he seen your satisfied smile before turning his way. Your eyes brightening their color as the sun hit them just right. You opened your mouth to say something before you heard it. Sirens...
"Shit.." Mikey too looked the way the sirens were down the alleyway. "Well I'll definitely see you around Michelangelo, It was a pleasure." He looked towards your way, though there was no one there. Just a bottle of spray paint and your beautiful art work in front of him. He could chase you down but something in him stopped as he looked at the art in front of him. Breathtaking, but not as beautiful as you.
He continued looking towards the art before going into the manhole near the alley way after hearing the sirens being a little too close for comfort. He slowly treaded home as he hummed a song heard faintly through your headphones. He felt light and feathery and his stomach was doing twirls. He finally made it to the entrance of the lair and all his brothers was waiting there. "WHERE WERE OU? WE THOUGHT YOU DIED? OR GOT HURT? WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS OR TEXTS..." Raph screeched though Mikey wasn't listening.
Leo noticed his blank stare and how he was suspiciously quiet. He raised a brow before asking "Did you at least get him?" He nodded his head no slowly. "Her...It was a her." He walked slowly towards his room, closing the door quietly. ALl three of his brothers looked at each other confused before hearing the new blare in the living room again. On the TV it showed a graffiti piece, mixing of all orange and blue colors. The words spelling 'Escape', every letter drawn in music and art supplies. Interpreting it all together in something beautiful.
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Thank You so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it!. This idea was incredible to write about. Feedback and ideas are highly recommended. Till next time MUAH!🤍🌻
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faussila · 2 years
Don't You Want Me, Baby?
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Five / Part Six
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader, Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Somewhere in the middle of high school chaos, you have managed to lead a peaceful existence. When a new boy arrives in Hawkins, life in general and the relationship between you and your best friend, Eddie, are thrown off balance. The stranger is obnoxious, and aggressive, and demands all the attention. Your attempts to ignore him soon prove to be unsuccessful.
Warnings: 16+, mild bullying, mentions of alcohol, smoking and drugs…
It's Friday night. You are reading a magazine, lying on your stomach on your bed. Some Madonna song is playing in the background. The past few days have been tremendously tiring. Switching to daily social contact after a tremendously lonely summer is harder than expected. Although you are happy to catch up with all your friends again, you can enjoy some space to yourself.
Suddenly, you hear your father calling your name from downstairs. You manage to drag yourself off your bed. You walk to your door and open it slightly. "What is it?" you call out while yawning. "It's the Munson boy... again!" Eddie? He was supposed to be playing D&D tonight, wasn't he? Confused, you leave your room and go downstairs.
Since there is no one in the hall, you walk on to the phone in the living room. Your father sits back in his sofa, eyes burning at the TV screen. Your mother is over at the Henderson’s. The phone hangs off the hook. You pick it up and bring it to your ear:
“(y/n)!” Eddie shouts in excitement a bit too loudly.
“What’s up? How’s D&D going?”
“Yeah, well, about that… We’ve been waiting for Sinclair for thirty minutes… Don’t think he’s coming tonight…”
“Oh… sucks…”
“Yeah… Would you be so kind to fill in his spot tonight?” He asks somewhat hesitantly.
Although you were looking forward to a quiet evening, you don't want to disappoint Eddie, and to be honest, you've always wanted to play. You never dared to suggest it yourself. It was something he did with the boys.
"Uh, yeah, okay, sounds great! I need to change into some decent clothes, though. I'll be there in half an hour max."
"You can always come without..." he suggests.
"Eddie!", you warn him.
He laughs out loud, "See you soon!", and hangs up the phone.
Although you were looking forward to a quiet evening, you don't want to disappoint Eddie, and to be honest, you've always wanted to play. You never dared to suggest it yourself. It was something he did with the boys.
"Uh, yeah, okay, sounds great! I need to change into some decent clothes, though. I'll be there in half an hour max."
"You can always come without..." he suggests.
"Eddie!", you warn him.
He laughs out loud,
"See you soon!", and hangs up the phone. So do you.
You want to return upstairs, but realize it might be best to briefly inform your father of your plans.
"Hey Dad?"
"I'm going out tonight. "
Sometimes it amazes you how little he cares.
"Thanks Dad!"
No response.
You head back towards your room and try to put together an outfit as quick as possible. In the end, you opt for your usual jeans and a black-striped cropped top. Nothing too special. You put on some of your trusty red lip gloss, smudge some black eyeliner under your eyes and ruffle your hair a bit before taking your bag and leaving the room. As you're already heading out the door, you throw on a jean jacket.
A few minutes later, you are riding on your bike, which you barely use, and which has actually become much too small, to school. The sun hasn't quite set yet. The heat of the day is still simmering and in the distance, you hear children giggling. Summer is most beautiful when it is quietly coming to an end, when the days are still warm, but the evenings are already getting cooler.
Twenty minutes later, you arrive at the school building. You try to lock your bike. It's rusty and does not immediately yield to your attempt to secure it. You sigh in annoyance. Patience has never been one of your strengths. After some further fumbling, you finally hear a click. A sigh, of relief this time, leaves your mouth. You turn around and are startled by the figure standing a little further away.
"Holy shit!" You manage to get out.
It’s Billy, smoking a cigarette, for a change.
He chuckles. "Sorry doll, didn't mean to scare you. He blows out a puff of smoke as he throws away his cigarette. A taunting smirk spreads across his face. The dim lighting shows a sparkle in his eyes. 
"Well, you did, tho." You react, crossing your arms against your body, trying to regain an air of confidence 
A few seconds of silence pass. 
"What are you doing here on a Friday evening?" He questions lowly. 
"I could ask you the same," You hiss, wanting to cut short the conversation to minimize interaction with him. He's clearly unsatisfied by your choice of tone. He takes two slow steps toward you. You recoil a bit. You're sure he senses your sudden discomfort, but you try your best to work against it.
"Why so tense, doll?" 
"I'm not a doll, Billy." You narrow your eyes. Your heart rate rises.
He ignores your comment. "Probably meeting up with Munson, are you?" 
You snort at his remark. His nosiness offers you some confidence.
"Why do you care?" 
So far, the conversation just consists of you throwing questions at one another that you deny answering.
"He's such a freak." 
You don't like when people apart from yourself call him that. 
"He's not a freak!" You shoot at him. You can tell from his face that he's satisfied by your agitated response. He wants to feed it further. It's a game.
"Such a loser...dressing like he's some kind of cheap Van Halen." 
You're flaring your nostrils. This guy is trying to get in your head,, but won't let him.
"Whatever." You sigh, swallowing your anger. You decide to just walk away. He's not worth the energy. Besides, Eddie is waiting for you. 
As you walk past Billy, you're afraid he'll grab at you to stop you, but he doesn't. Instead, he says: 
"I bet he doesn't even fuck you properly."
You turn around at him, no longer able to not play along with his game. Your instinct is to shout something at him, but you figure it's better to at least stay collected. You slowly take a few steps toward him. Your ego takes the upper hand.
"Don't worry. He treats me right," You say with a straight face, hoping he won't notice the glimmer of fraud in your eyes.
He clenches his teeth. Your response gets to him, but doesn't want to cede. He's fishing for information he doesn't want to hear.
"Of course... You don't know any better." 
You roll your eyes. After which, you end up turning away from him again. This time you really want to get away. You've had enough.
"Bye Billy." 
Determined, you walk towards the school's entrance. Bringing up the pace as you get closer. Thoughts and questions are racing through your head. Without looking back, you leave Billy behind in the abandoned parking lot, relieved he let you go.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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Tis Fall Tuesday in the Chill Valicer Save as of this update, and as usual, it's a busy one! So let's dive right into it, shall we --
-->Okay, first of all, it occurred to me that you guys probably didn't get a great look at some of the pictures the gang took on their vacation when I took the initial screenshots of the various photo collages I had made -- so here's a close-up of the four in Smiler's party barn, which I think show off some of the best poses I put the trio in. :p What, I like showing off their photographs!
-->All right, all right, we'll get into the actual game now -- I started the morning after Spookfest, with Alice having just finished her brief rampage and Victor having gotten up early because, well, their bed is amazing. I had Victor take a moment to remove Shadow's Spookfest costume, then left the dog bopping around to the tunes on the phonograph while Victor went to go challenge Smiler to a game of chest while Alice finished up her latest surreal painting in the background. Smiler ended up winning, but Victor ended up getting to Logic skill 4 during the game, so I'd say they both won. :)
-->Guidry also put in an appearance -- after checking in on Shadow (settling down for a nap on the couch), he wandered into the studio room to start bothering Alice as she tried to finish her painting. She indulged him a little at first...but then I had her change back into her human form right after finishing up her painting, and of course Guidry (despite being a GHOST PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR) got terrified and decided this was the worst thing ever. *sigh* I really think werewolves turning back to HUMANS shouldn't be scary to onlookers, or at least not as scary as the other way around. On the plus side, Alice getting a negative sentiment claiming that she was a People Person reminded me that, "oh yeah, the game gave her that lifestyle again," and allowed me to grab the Lifestyle-Go-Poof potion and get rid of it. Really gotta track down that mod that makes it so it takes a lot more to become a People Person...
-->Anyway -- Alice was a bit tired, so after hitting the bathroom and taking a short detour to take Kelly's taco costume off, she hit the sack while Victor and Smiler did some more upgrades to the washer and dryer (Smiler giving the washer a tungsten drum so it would break less often, Victor giving the dryer a speed cycle so it would dry clothes faster). Smiler finished first and headed out into the greenhouse to unleash Bugs and Elmer upon it and grab all their herbalism stuff. And doesn't the greenhouse look good? For once everything was in bloom and nothing was being affected by that stupid "plants revert to dirt piles occasionally" bug! We love to see it.
-->We also love to see Victor's magic being helpful around the farm -- when I sent him out to help tend and harvest the rest of the crop once his upgrade was done, I noticed that the cow shed was stinking a bit. Normally this would prompt me to send a Sim in there to clean it, but this time I decided to check if Victor could just Scruberoo it -- and he could! So I had him do that. :D Magic -- it makes farm chores easier! Though it didn't get Victor out of weeding his oversized crops (Floralorial doesn't work on those -- and even if it DID, that's a per-plant thing, so it's a bit of a pain on a greenhouse as big as this one) or Smiler out of feeding the chickens, but that's okay. Some stuff is better done "by hand," as it were. :p
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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Aww yeah the copper grind was 100% worth it, that roof looks so much better now. <3 I'm going to do, like, tiered gardens going down the mountainside for crops and whatnot, just to give the land more shape, and to flatten it out a little.
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Did a cute lil interior as well. Little workspace in one area, and more of a sitting area on the other side, with some storage under the staircase. I'm all fully organised now, and I dug a storage room into the mountain bc I was already outgrowing the initial storage I put in the second floor lololol. Too much digging. XD
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The furnace wall will turn into an autosmelter in time so I can expand my storage out that way when it's time, but for now, it'll do. I've reserved three columns of chests on the back left side for cobble, dirt, and cobbled deepslate, bc I just have So Much of it.
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Enchanting room and bedroom. <3 Bedroom still needs some lil bits of decoration, but it'll do for now. I have sheep and cows and sugarcane growing now so I'll slowly work on getting the bookshelves I need for a full set-up. I'll build the animals a barn at some point as well, so they're not just in random pens down the mountainside.
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Also I've been making staircases everywhere. Up to the top of the mountain, and down to my branch mine. There's tons of flat land on the top of the mountain, and I'd like to build some bigger structures up there, though what yet I don't know. Maybe I'll put the villagers up there idk. I could def fit a nice trading hall up there without needing to terraform so much. idk we'll see.
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I do plan to make a path to the closest village, and I think next time I play, I may do that, and spend some time over there getting some villagers levelled up. It's by a meadow biome, and there's plenty of flat-ish space for crop farming and tree farming for emerald trades. I'd like to get a mending villager, and also a leatherworker so I can get a saddle and acquire one of the horses or donkeys I've seen around the place to make the journey quicker.
I'd like to bring the villagers back to my base eventually, when I decide to switch this world from peaceful to easy, so I can get an iron farm up and running, but I need to decide where tf the villagers are going first. I'll do the same iron farm I have in my other java world bc it's so stupidly small and simple to build, and it has given me SO MUCH MORE IRON THAN I COULD EVER POSSIBLY USE omg. I just need to figure out where the villagers are going, and then figure out how tf I'm getting them there lol. :D
Also guess who managed to get lost TWICE today and had to dig tunnels to get back again lololol. :D Once whilst bringing cows back from the village, and once while accidentally going caving and finding a deep dark biome and forgetting my way back. Also I am disappointed to discover I just have a gigantic deep dark biome under the mountain, not an ancient city, so no loot for me. It's in the biggest fkn cave I've ever seen, stretched hundreds of blocks. Sadge.
Also I have decided I'm not going to bother upgrading to netherite on my other java solo world before I upgrade the world. I have toolsmiths and armoursmiths for days, tons of diamonds, I play with keep inventory on, and I Do Not Want to go netherite mining, so. I'll make do with diamond. I will trim the world a little tho, cut out those chunks around the mountains and the woodland mansion just so I can be sure I'll get those Vex armour trims. >_>
Oh. And remind me tomorrow to fix up my minecraft build tags, bc I want to be able to find each world, and now that I have two java solo worlds, I should probably make them distinguishable. So I'll do a post about that tomorrow. And then maybe catch up on my dash bc I've been ignoring it bc I'm so addicted to 1.20 omg.
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 10
Location: Yumenosaki Student Council Room Characters: Mao & Hitsugi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A week later. Yumenosaki, student council room. >
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Mao: Alright! Anzu, you’ve made a full comeback, huh!
Hitsugi: Ehehe ♪ Aww, I didn’t do anything special though!
Mao: Yeah, no one’s talking about you right now. But still, it looks like you’re listed as “assistance”, so I guess you’re the one who helped Anzu?
If that’s true, then I gotta thank you. Well, it feels a bit strange for me to say that.
I went over the revised proposal for “Tanabata Fest” that was submitted yesterday very thoroughly to make sure there definitely wouldn’t be any issues cropping up.
But it was great! Now, that’s our Anzu! I was pretty worried seeing how all of the people involved were THIS close to seeing hell, though…♪
But despite “Tanabata Fest’s” usual bright and beautiful appearance on the outside…
You can get up on stage as many times as you like – as long as you’ve got the motivation for it. It’s a pretty physically taxing event, non the contrary.
It finally feels like the “Tanabata Fest” that we know. Maybe I should say it finally feels more like an Anzu-style event.
Hitsugi: Huh? So the “Tanabata Fest” proposal has been revised, huh? What’s it like now? I’m curious!
Mao: Wait, why does it sound like you don’t know anything about it?
Hitsugi: Ehe ☆
…Hmm~ By the looks of it, did my sister have something to do with this? She’s been moving about on her own a lot recently.
It’s fine though! Since I love my big sister!
Mao: ? Anyway, the proposal has been revised to a good standard, so to be frank, the first version of the proposal was so disappointing, it lowered everyone’s motivation levels. None of the preparations have even started at this point.
That’s also why it was possible to do a drastic move and reset the entire “Tanabata Fest”.
Honestly, there isn’t a lot of time before D-Day. I’ll mobilise the Student Council and ask some of my acquaintances for help as best I can.
But I don’t know if we can finish everything on time. So let’s not waste any more time and get to work.
The proposal looks good to me so I’ll accept it once more. Of course, I’ll be increasing the budget as per the contents of the proposal.
Naturally, it’ll be impossible to drop a lot of funding out of thin air like the previous Student Council, but it should cover most things.
Hitsugi: Yaaay! Money! Having no money is the same as being headless! Thanks a bunch!
Thank goodness~ For a second, I thought I had to ask “Uncle” for a favour there.
Mao: ? Do you have an acquaintance that’s rich or something?
Well, I don’t mean to criticise you but it’s sheer stupidity to pay for the event out of your own pocket.
I think a “producer” should allocate an appropriate budget using the proper methods before using it effectively. Wait, I feel like I’ve been kinda preachy lately. That’s arrogant of me.
Hitsugi: No, it’s alright~ Anzu-senpai knows her stuff but I still don’t know anything, so feel free to point out all the parts I need to improve on.
Mao: Right. That’s my job. Well, it looks like Anzu’s back to her usual self so I don’t think there’ll be any time for me to jump in and do that, though.
Anyway, Anzu, you sure had a change of heart out of the blue like that. It felt like you hit rock bottom the other day, but even your facial expressions have more life in them now.
Did something good happen?
Oh? There’s an idol you want to produce? Who is it? I think I might be a little jealous~♪
It’s alright though. You’re not our only “producer” anymore so it makes sense, but it does make me a bit sad.
Oh, I said we don’t have much time, but look at me chattering away like this. I’ll start contacting the right people on “Hallhands” at once.
I’ve also got to let ES know… Who would be the best person to call that can sort it out easily? Guess it would be Tenshouin-senpai, huh. Or maybe Sakuma-senpai?
…Oh, I remembered since I mentioned Sakuma but Kurone, don’t do suspicious things around the school.
Hitsugi: What? Me? What do you mean?
Mao: Ritsu told me to ask you when I had the chance, but I heard you did something to the coffin Sakuma-senpai buried on school grounds?
Well, under normal circumstances, I should be scolding Sakuma-senpai for burying weird things, but he’s helped me a lot in the past, so I feel like I can’t do that.
Hitsugi: Coffin… Ohh~ that one.
I couldn’t get close to it because the security for the secret underground archive is really tight, so I was looking for the coffin that was rumoured to have a similar sealed record.
It did occur to me that it might have just been a rumour, though.
And on top of that, it was buried really deeply in the ground. It was enough to be buried alive by the debris if I wasn’t careful, but it seemed nothing important was in there.
Well, it wasn’t a very fruitful endeavour and wasn’t worth all that work. There’s nothing else I could say.
Mao: I don’t really get it but Yumenosaki has some pretty questionable parts about it, so I don’t think you should get too deeply involved. Don’t blame me if you get burned.
…Just kidding. Guess it’s time for me to act like Hasumi-senpai, huh.
Hitsugi: Oh, please don’t misunderstand! I’m not investigating it just because just for kicks~!
It’s something super, super important! I’m doing it so that I can live as myself! It’s something I must do!
Mao: ………?
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