aeoki · 1 month
Helloo, thank you so so much for the translations!! I had a question about your requests guidelines. By existing translation do you include the official engstars/things that will soon release there?
Hi! You're very welcome!
Short answer:
By existing translation, I'm referring to the unofficial fan translation available on the internet. I'll be happy to accept any requests if there isn't a completed English fan translation on the internet somewhere!
Long answer:
The main reason why I personally choose to provide translations despite the official localisation is because there may be players who only play the JP servers and, therefore, do not have access to the official translation on Music.
There are a few other reasons such as being able to provide translation notes to clarify certain parts of the translation to allow for a more coherent understanding and open interpretation, if need be. More so, as Akira's writing (as the main writer for the game) is rich in Japanese cultural/pop references, be it in terminology/word choice or idioms/phrases, and some of these can be lost in translation if localised; but that's just the nature of localisation.
Apologies for the confusion and my long-winded answer, but thank you for enquiring about it!
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Epilogue 2
Location: Tri-Lights Stage Characters: Sora, Natsume & Tsumugi
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Natsume: “♪~♪~”
Tsumugi: (...The concert is going well.)
(I know it’s a concert that consists of existing performances that have been altered to show how dynamic we can be, but I’m glad to see the audience enjoying themselves as well.)
(But this is where it’s crucial. It’s time for our new song.)
(It’s a performance that’s full of life and one which allows us to show the “reality that refines ourselves and makes us shine”...)
(I hope they actually like it.)
Sora: Senpai, is there something on your mind? Your fiery “colour” has slightly changed.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. Nothing gets past you, huh, Sora-kun.
Sorry for making you worry. I started wondering how we look to the audience again.
Natsume: GeEZ, why are you worrying about that at this point in tiME?
Mages and witches were originally advisors who would use divination and their knowledge to predict the futuRE.
Even if the way we perform differs, it doesn’t change the fact that we, “Switch”, are still the ones who will give others courage when it comes to the unknown, rigHT?
Tsumugi: …Yes, we have to believe in our own challenge first.
Sora: Sora will do his utmost best!
It’s normal for everyone to be scared of their first-times and to hesitate when faced with the unknown.
But Sora wants to perform and give everyone here the energy to overcome their obstacles~♪
Natsume: YeAH. I see you’ve all made up your minDS. Let’s gO.
“We’ll give all the challengers here a cheer of suppoRT.”
“‘Brilliant Smile’ is our new song that’s filled with even more of our radianCE.”
Sora: Sora feels so happy. Master and Senpai are right next to me – they accepted what Sora wanted to do and helped Sora.
Sora will give back with all Sora has! Sora will turn those feelings into love!
We’re bound together by fate – our relationship is one of giving. “The Wheel of Fortune” won’t keep on turning if all Sora does is receive!
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Sora: “Everyone! Sora, Master and Senpai will perform this song and shine brightly like diamonds!”
“So Sora wants everyone to smile back with a huuuuge smile~♪”
Tsumugi: Hehe. Sora-kun has changed quite a lot since he entered Yumenosaki.
We don’t just take things from one another, but give to one another as well. It’s exactly as Sora-kun says – that’s the sort of unit we are.
I can’t always keep on showing this unreliable side to me.
I may not amount to much but I’ll show you what I can do as the eldest with more experience.
Sora-kun, Natsume-kun, I’m so thankful to have met you two in an unexpected place – I’ll incorporate these feelings into the performance in hopes that I can show a cooler side to me that’s capable of inspiring you two…♪
“Everyone, please look here.”
“I spent a lot of time practising to show you a different side to me.”
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“...This is the new brilliance from ‘Switch’!”
“I’ll shine in an intense and pure manner – just like a polished jewel!”
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Epilogue 1
Location: Backstage Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few days later. Latter half of January – day of “Tri-Lights” mini-concert >
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Tsumugi: Thank goodness everything was able to start without a hitch~ I was quite worried but I’m glad it’s turned into something the company had in mind ♪
Natsume: The person from the company was still as abstract as ever in their wording, thouGH. They gave off the impression that they would enjoy any sort of intense performanCE.
Tsumugi: Natsume-kun! You can’t say that about our sponsor! You never know who’s listening in!
Natsume: I’ve already checked our surroundings so it should be fiNE. You’re such a worrywaRT.
Our sponsor has thrown us left and right, after aLL. A tiny complaint shouldn’t be an issUE.
Sora: They don’t care about the details so Sora doesn’t think it’ll be much of an issue even if they did hear us.
HaHa~ Sora’s envious that they’re so mentally strong~♪
Tsumugi: I don’t think your comment is helping much, Sora-kun…
Anyway, there’s only a little bit of time left until “Tri-Lights” begins.
It’s a special mini-concert with corporate advertising where we’ll be showing a new side to ourselves…
Meaning, the results of our new challenge will be proven right here.
Shall we take the opportunity to gather round and form a circle?
Natsume: Form a circLE…?
Tsumugi: D–Don’t look so displeased. I can understand why you’d react like that since it’s different from what “Switch” usually does.
But doing it would feel more sporty, don’t you think?
Sora: It’s a new challenge! Sora agrees!
Come on, Master, let’s do it together!
It’s our “Wheel of Fortune” – our brilliant light (tri-lights) ☆
Natsume: HmM~ I have a feeling you’re using that word wherever you think it’s convenient for yoU.
…I don’t really like getting hyped up but weLL, I can’t hesitate now after doing all those sporty thinGS – I guess it’s not such a bad idEA. 
AlrigHT. Then, come rouND.
Sora: HiHi~! Okay!
Tsumugi: Now that we’ve formed a circle, our height difference is quite obvious, isn’t it?
That also shows how distinct we are from each other – how interesting. Let’s make good use of our unique traits and make it an exciting performance.
Natsume: We knOW. You don’t necessarily have to tell us thAT.
AlrigHT, “Switch”, we’ve got thIS!
Sora & Tsumugi: Yeah~!
Tsumugi: …Ahaha, it doesn’t seem like a very “Switch” thing to do, so it feels a bit strange~
But it also feels like we’ve broken out of our shell through these “strange” activities.
Natsume: YeAH. We can go further and furthER.
Sora: So we should focus on what’s in front of us! Let’s make the concert a success!
“Switch” will challenge ourselves with this new concert and perform with flying colours!
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Tsumugi: “Everyone! Thank you so much for coming to ‘Tri-Lights’ today!”
“I’m sure many of you are surprised with the sudden announcement, but we’ve approached this concert with something different from our usual ‘witch’ selves.”
Natsume: “We hope you can enjoy seeing a sporty ‘Switch’ right until the very eND – It’s the result of a collaboration and our new challenGE.”
Sora: “HaHa~! Let’s sing and dance right away then~!”
“This is our next song!”
“♪  ♪  ♪”
Madara: (...Hehe. I didn’t think they’d send me an invite to their concert.)
(They’re very righteous in that aspect. All I did was stir up trouble so it’s difficult for me to react if they end up thanking me instead.)
(But those things were worth it seeing Sora-san smile.)
(I hope I can do the same for Kohaku-san. I think I still ended up dragging someone into the GFK incident when they didn’t have to be involved at all.)
(Especially when I see Kohaku-san working as part of “Crazy:B”,who did whatever they pleased during “SS”...)
(I feel guilty about continuing “Double Face” which was created for shady reasons.)
(...I’m sure Kohaku-san would get angry and say something like, “Don’t decide all that on your own.” though.)
(I wonder if things would be different if I could do something for Kohaku-san – like how I helped Sora-san.)
Sora: “Let’s hype things up more and more, everyone!”
“Enjoy the sense of unity you can only experience here! We “Switch” have changed our appearances like a witch would – Sora hopes you can carve that experience into your memory~☆”
“ ♪~♪~♪ ”
Madara: (Ohh, Sora-san looked right in my direction…?)
(...Yeah. You are the main stars right now, “Switch”. We should think about the difficult things afterwards.)
(...You’ve got this! “Switch”!)
(As a roommate and helper, I’ll be praying for “Tri-Lights” to be a success from the bottom of my heart!)
(Such bright and radiant people like yourselves will be the ones to light up this world that’s filled with love and hatred.)
(Nothing would make me happier than seeing NewDi succeed…)
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 6
Location: Yumenosaki Tennis Court Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Natsume: In the eND, this was all Sora’s plan, hUH.
Use the situation to make them realise somethiNG – Just who taught you to do thAT?
Tsumugi: They do say a child learns by watching their parents, but I see Sora-kun has grown so much that he’s capable of influencing the people around him now.
He was put in charge of “SSVRS” and some other things in the beginning, but it feels he has grown even more after he was also asked to oversee “Switch”.
Sora: HaHa~ Sora has a wonderful master and upperclassman by Sora’s side, so it’s only natural that Sora would turn out that way~♪
Sora does feel bad for tricking you two, though. Were you two also able to discover something new?
Tsumugi: We were, all thanks to you ♪
Natsume: HmPH. AlrigHT, now that that’s all done and dustED, let’s go hoME.
The muscles in my body are screaming at the top of their lunGS – I want to have a bath and reST.
Tsumugi: Right. Let’s get rid of the sweat and wash ourselves clean with a nice bath ♪
…Oh, shall I wash our clothes together since they’re all dirty with sweat?
Natsume: DoN’T. That’s groSS.
Tsumugi: Ehh~...? You’re not a teenage girl going through puberty, so it should be fine, right? I think it’ll be two birds with one stone since it’ll save time that way.
Natsume: Sora, let’s leave Senpai alone and go home by ourselvES.
Sora: …………
Natsume: …Sora?
Madara: Hehe. Be brave now, Sora-san. There’s something you want to ask Tsumugi-san, right?
Tsumugi: ? Ask me?
Madara: Yeah. I don’t know the details, but he said there was something he wanted to ask you when he came to me for help.
It’s something you can ask now seeing as you now know how to approach this new challenge, right?
Sora: …Yes.
Senpai, can Sora ask you something?
Tsumugi: S–Sure.
Sora: Master and Senpai aren’t the best with sports, right?
But since our outfits still have a sporty theme incorporated into it, that must mean you were considering that “path” seriously, right?
So… why did “Switch” change from being a sports-based unit to a “witch” one?
Tsumugi: Hmm~ Well…
It’s embarrassing to say this aloud, but I’ve got no choice but to tell you the truth seeing as you’re asking me in such a serious manner.
The reason why “Switch” has turned out the way it is… is because it was fate.
…Would you laugh at me if I said that?
Sora: Fate…?
Tsumugi: Yes. Fate.
Back then, “Switch” was called “Switch”…
Because I had hoped Natsume-kun’s gloomy feelings from the “Five Oddballs” incident would switch into something more positive.
Natsume: WhAT? This is the first time I’ve heard about thIS.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. That’s one of the reasons why it was hard for me to say. I knew you would have changed the name without a second’s hesitation if you found out…♪
Anyway, that was the only reason for the name and it wasn’t supposed to be based on “witches”, which is the current origins for “Switch”.
I chose that name because of the one thing we had in common – the dance class Natsume-kun and I used to go to.
Sora: Oh, so that’s why the “S” in “Switch” stood for sports!
It’s the first place Senpai and Master met… Sora thinks it’s a wonderful reason~♪
Natsume: Don’t reveal such an important thing nOW.
If you were looking for things we had in common with each othER, then there are a bunch of other things you could have usED.
…WeLL, I’m glad that I’m in “Switch” right now, thouGH.
We all know what happened afterwarDS.
Tsumugi: Yes. “Switch” was just the two of us but Sora-kun, an old acquaintance of Natsume-kun’s, became the final piece of our puzzle and the image of our unit became official.
Sora: Sora… did that?
Natsume: YeAH. The current “Switch” only exists right now because you were there with uS.
A place for “witches” to gathER and cast “happy spells” without abandoning anyoNE.
The meaning for “Switch” was overwritten with “a world where reality is replaced with unreality” when I met you once more at Yumenosaki AcadeMY.
And our wheel of fortune began to turn as we showed our colours as the entertainment unit we currently aRE.
Tsumugi: It’s surprising to see that we all knew each other in the past.
I met Natsume-kun at the dance class we used to go to and Natsume-kun knew Sora-kun before…
All our fates were intertwined with one another and now, we’re “Switch”.
Sora: Wow… what an amazing coincidence!
It's as if our string of fate was connected from ages ago.
No, Sora is sure it’s not a thin string that led us to meet but something much bigger – it was “The Wheel of Fortune”~♪
Natsume: HeHE. “The Wheel of Fortune”... It’s not such a bad caRD.
Tsumugi: Yes. We’re fated to be together.
So let’s continue to weave our fates together in the future as well ♪
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 5
Location: Yumenosaki Tennis Court Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Tsumugi: …Thank you for waiting, Mikejima-kun.
Madara: Oh? It seems you two finished talking a lot earlier than I’d expected, but have you come up with a good strategy?
Tsumugi: Yes… well, it’s a strategy from amateurs, though.
Natsume: But I think it was settled in a simple mannER. Let’s continue with our tennis gaME.
Madara: Hmm, Natsume-san at the front and Tsumugi-san at the back… That hasn’t changed. Let’s see this strategy you two have come up with.
Alright, you two serve first. Bring it on!
Tsumugi: Right. Here we go ♪
Take that…!
Madara: (Hmm, that was an ordinary serve – and one that’s easy to hit back.)
Natsume: ………♪
Madara: (They’re aiming for a volley, aren’t they? Seeing as Natsume-san is in front of the net. But their teamwork is as messy as always.)
(If Natsume-san is standing in front of the net, then that means Tsumugi-san has to cover a lot of space in the back.)
(So the right thing to do would be to throw them off balance…)
Your back is wide open, Natsume-san!
Tsumugi: Whaa, that went into a difficult spot. Woah…
Madara: Oh? Tsumugi-san was able to catch that…?
But running around the court like that would be disadvantageous for you. If Natsume-san isn’t going to move, then how about a shot right between you guys?
Natsume: What a shaME. That’s my territoRY.
Madara: Huh…!? They predicted how I’d act…?
Natsume: What do you think of thIS? A volley with plenty of backspIN – That must be quite difficult for someone as big as you to hit since it falls right in front of the nET ♪
Madara: Ugh…! So that’s how it is!
Sora: …Hooray! Team “Switch” is the first to gain a point~☆
Madara: Well, well. Tsumugi-san, get the ball for us.
All the volleys and serves headed towards Natsume-san will be hit back to me at full power with a spin that I cannot return – that’s your strategy, isn’t it?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I’m good at long-distance running and marathons.
I don’t think you’ll know that since you were overseas at the time.
I had so much fun when we were doing tennis rallies in our P.E. classes to the point I wouldn’t stop running if the teacher didn’t stop me.
Natsume: I feel sorry for your partner who had to keep up with yOU.
WeLL, Senpai’s numb to pain so he probably doesn’t care about thAT.
Tsumugi: Mikejima-kun would start getting tired of rallying with me and will start returning easy balls. There, Natsume-kun will immediately hit back with spinning curveballs – they’re miracle balls with a magical touch.
I’ll support Natsume-kun as he casts a spell on the balls. That’s how our roles are split. I hope it’ll be somewhat of a challenge for you.
Natsume: Inadequate ideas are worse than none at all, after aLL. This is the simple result of us putting our heads together and thinking of what we can dO.
Reading people’s minds is my forTE. By creating openings on purpoSE, Mikejima-senpai will act in a way that’s advantageous for uS…
So we’re different people nOW.
Sora: HaHa~! Master and Senpai are both amazing!
That was a wonderful strategy that made use of Master’s ingeniousness and Senpai’s stamina!
Madara: Indeed. That was a great example of teamwork that made the best of your strengths. Things wouldn’t have gone so well if you weren’t usually working together as a unit.
But if it only happened once, you can say it was just pure luck. If you can win one game from me, then I’ll release Sora-san. That was the condition for winning.
I wonder how far this strategy will take you? I’m starting to get excited too ♪
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few hours later. >
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Sora: It’s finally match point~! Let’s see if they can get lucky the third time!
Tsumugi: We won’t let you catch up this time, Mikejima-kun.
Madara: I’ll change the tides with my service ace! Here I go!
Natsume: …Senpai!
Tsumugi: (What a sharp serve…! But it’s lacking in power compared to the ones from the start of the game.)
(It seems Mikejima-kun has lost a lot of stamina as well. Which means, I can…)
(Hit back with a serve that just barely passes the net!)
(I’ve tried this exact shot numerous times for the past few hours, so I’m getting confident in this shot. Mikejima-kun will surely not be able to get this in time…!)
Madara: …………
Ohh… it seems a victor emerges.
Congratulations, Tsumugi-san, Natsume-san. It’s your win!
Sora: HiHi~ You were both so cool! Sora knew Master and Senpai had the strength to overcome anything~♪
Natsume: …… UgH, I’m so tirED…
Tsumugi: Good job out there, Natsume-kun. You’ll catch a cold if you lie down on the court drenched in sweat, you know~?
Natsume: You’re sitting on the court all exhausted yourseLF. Why don’t you worry about yourself instead of otheRS?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I was pretty confident I could hold out for a long time, but it looks like all the exhaustion hit me the moment I breathed a sigh of relief.
Madara: Well done, you two. I’ve got sports drinks and towels here, so feel free to take them.
Tsumugi: Oh, thank you. You’re so well-prepared~ Here you go, Natsume-kun ♪
Natsume: …I want to relax for a bit so later is fiNE.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. You’re totally exhausted, huh. Shall I wipe you down?
Natsume: No neED. I can do it myseLF.
Tsumugi: Whaa, don’t snatch the towel away from me~ You gave me a fright.
Hehe. But I’m glad we were able to win. It’s good that Sora-kun was also released ♪
Sora: HuHu~♪ Sora is also glad that Sora got to see Master and Senpai’s fiery “colour”!
Sora is happy that everything went according to Sora’s plan~♪
Tsumugi: Your… plan?
Madara: Right. It’s fine to tell them now, right, Sora-san?
Sora: HeHe~ Sora will explain!
To tell the truth, Sora was reading a sports fashion magazine yesterday and realised that “Switch” isn’t desperate enough.
It’s a new challenge so we’ll end up failing if we don’t get into it with feelings that are new and desperate. Sora thought that sort of serious feeling is what we needed.
So Sora asked “Mr Giant” to help with bringing out your desperate feelings.
Sora apologises for tricking Master and Senpai! But you two carried out Sora’s plan successfully.
Sora is really happy about that…♪
Tsumugi: So that’s what this was all about…
We thought we were being serious, but we must have looked like we were lacking in some areas in the eyes of people who actually do sports.
Madara: “Switch” has always been about elegant performances, after all. I think seriousness is part of devoting yourself to your skills, but it’s not something you should pursue physically.
That sort of unrefined side of you two was what Sora-san was looking for, right?
Sora: Yes! “Mr Giant” does a good job at accurately guessing what Sora wants to say.
Madara: Hahaha, intercultural exchange is one of my strengths, after all ♪
In any case, if you want to show a new side to yourself, you must throw away the perfect self you’ve had all this time.
You’ve both realised through this tennis game that it’s important to not show yourself too much, right?
Natsume: I ended up completely exhausted after running around for no good reason all thanks to yOU.
But I think I’m starting to understand nOW.
The experience of physically driving yourself into a cornER – so that’s the “reality that will refine yourself and make you shiNE”.
Tsumugi: Come to think of it, diamonds also don’t shine unless you polish and refine them.
Maybe that’s what the company is looking for.
Sora: That’s what Sora thinks!
Senpai and Master were shining sooo much…☆
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 4
Location: Yumenosaki Tennis Court Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Thirty minutes later. >
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Madara: ♪~♪~
Alright, here comes the next serve. Take that…!
Tsumugi: ………!
Natsume: A service aCE…!
Tsumugi: We couldn’t move an inch. As expected of Mikejima-kun – his athletic abilities are off the charts.
Natsume: Is that what you should be saying right nOW? His serves are so strong we haven’t even gotten one point off him, you knOW?
I think the sun will set before we can rescue Sora at this poiNT. You were the one who accepted the battLE, so you need to put more back into iT.
Tsumugi: I–I know… But I didn’t think Mikejima-kun was this strong. I just thought he was just slightly good at sports.
I’ve seen Mikejima-kun help out a lot of units, but who would have thought he’d be this good at tennis?
Natsume: That’s an overly optimistic outloOK… He’s skilled enough to help other units so it wouldn’t be strange to think that he’d be good at tennis too, rigHT?
Madara: Hahaha! Is this a fallout?
You need to cooperate with each other when you’re playing doubles. Surely, you don’t think you can win with just fighting spirit alone?
Natsume: Fighting instinct and cooperation or whatevER… you’re talking about too many different thinGS…!
Madara: Hehehe. You’ve gotten more fired up, Natsume-san ♪ You’re heading in the right direction ♪
On the other hand, Tsumugi-san, you’re still so calm. Maybe I should say you’re cautious instead.
You two don’t look like you’re trying to win – Are you really okay with how things are?
Tsumugi: T–That’s what we’re trying to do…
But I’m not good at showing vigour.
It feels like you’re playing tennis with us out of goodwill, so I can’t feel a sense of urgency.
Madara: Hmm, goodwill, huh… You trust me too much, Tsumugi-san.
Sora-san, could you get Tsumugi-san motivated?
Sora: Well, Sora does want Master and Senpai to work a bit harder~
So Sora wants to see you two work together to beat “Mr Giant”!
Otherwise, Sora would think that’s all our relationship amounted to and would feel sad.
Master, Senpai – Sora believes that you can make up for what you’re lacking in skill by working together!
Madara: The outcome of this tennis game can even affect the unit relationship, huh. Yup, that’s a good way to motivate someone ♪
It’s true “Switch” can’t be called “Switch” if Sora-san isn’t there.
But Sora-san would be put in a tough spot if his two seniors can’t work together.
Tsumugi: I–I’m sorry. Sora-kun, you must be feeling anxious because the game is way too one-sided, right?
Can we take a small break? I’ll discuss things with Natsume-kun and see what we can do.
It’s time to strategise… You’re okay with that too, right, Natsume-kun?
Natsume: Of courSE. We have our pride as weLL.
This may be a battle that’s out of our league but we have to aim for victory now that we’ve accepted iT.
Tsumugi: Thank you. I’m an amateur in all this but this is what I suggest.
First, we should keep the same formation with me in the back and…
Sora: HaHa~♪ Their “colours” have gotten more fired up ♪ I think you might have a hard time, “Mr Giant”~
Madara: Yeah. Tennis is a sport where a larger number of players is more advantageous, after all.
Hehe. It seems things have finally kicked into gear. Even someone like me without synesthesia can tell that their will to fight is starting to show.
Is this what you wanted, Sora-san? Is this closer to the image you had of a sporty “Switch”?
Sora: Yes. This is fine. Probably.
Both Master and Senpai are far too kind-hearted, so Sora is certain that “that’s” the part missing from the sporty “Switch”~
Sora doesn’t know about the past but Sora thinks the past Master and Senpai had gotten tired from all the fighting.
They didn’t want anyone to be hurt anymore, so they became “magicians – witches” who would save unhappy people. That’s what Sora thinks when Sora looks at the current Master.
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 3
Location: Yumenosaki Tennis Court Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Natsume: *Pant, wheeZE…*
Tsumugi: We’re finally here… Mikejima-kun… Please… give Sora-kun back to us…!
Madara: Hahaha! Good job – it must have been tiring running all that distance ♪
As you wish – here’s Sora-san. Don’t worry, I didn’t hurt him.
Sora: Yes, Sora is fine!
Natsume: Then why don’t you let him go nOW? I don’t think there’s anything you can gain by doing thIS.
Tsumugi: Yes. The security guard at the gate allowed you to come in just by looking at you, so you must have told them about this in advance.
Usually, you cannot enter Yumenosaki Academy unless you’re in uniform or with a permission slip. Why did you come all the way here despite all that trouble?
Madara: Oh? You haven’t noticed? I think you’d understand if you take a good look at where we are.
There’s only one thing to do at a tennis court! And it's to play a game of tennis, of course!
Natsume: WhAT…!?
You made such a big fuss just to play tennIS? There’s something wrong with your heAD!
Madara: Well, I guess there is some truth to that.
I thought about what “Switch” might be missing after I went home yesterday…
And realised something: Everyone in “Switch” has yet to reveal their true selves.
Tsumugi: Our… true selves?
Madara: Hmm. It doesn’t seem you quite understand what I’m saying. I’ll use another word then.
Fighting instinct – it’s an emotion humans needed in order to survive in ancient times. In this current era, that instinct has been replaced by recreation – by sports.
You guys are too kind and well-behaved.
If your kindness and obedience is getting you guys further and further away from the “reality that refines yourself and makes you shine”, then I just have to drag that fighting instinct out of you guys.
Natsume: Fighting instinCT…
What an awful woRD. Humans avoided war because of communicatiON, art and recreatiON.
That sort of emotion doesn’t fit into our current socieTY. It’s old-fashioned thinkiNG.
Madara: Hahaha. Then will you start feeling that way if I hurt Sora-san?
Natsume: ……!
Madara: Listen up, Natsume-san. You’ve been keeping your fighting instinct at a distance.
“Witches” are people who have been loathed and oppressed since ancient times, so I can understand why you’d project yourself onto them.
But you also understand that this is the scene where you must fight, right?
Natsume: TsK…
You’re making me feel more and more unpleasaNT, Mikejima-senpai. Stop with the roundabout nonsenSE.
WħȺŧ đø ɏøᵾ wȺnŧ, MȺđȺɍȺ MɨꝁɇɉɨmȺ?
Madara: …Good, good. See? You’re doing a splendid job showing your true colours ♪
Play a game of tennis with me and I’ll return Sora-san if you two can beat me. I’ll provide a handicap as well, of course.
For example, you both play against me… No, that would still be advantageous for me since I’ve helped out with the Tennis Club before.
You two win if you can win one game – Now, that would be fair.
They’re not bad terms, right? So how about it? Show me how serious you two can be!
Natsume: It seems this was all set up from the very beginniNG. But there’s something off about your kindneSS.
Senpai, falling for his words would be playing right into his hanDS. Let’s ignore the rulES, save Sora and head baCK.
Tsumugi: Okay… alright.
Let’s accept Mikejima-kun’s suggestion, Natsume-kun.
Natsume: Were you even listening to mE? I told you we shouldn’t listen to hIM.
Tsumugi: Umm, I can see why you’d be suspicious of Mikejima-kun.
But I just don’t think he’s a bad person. It seems he prepared this battle while thinking of “Switch” as well.
We don’t get this opportunity every day, so why don’t we try a game of tennis?
Natsume: …………
*Sigh* FiNE. I’ll go along with your nonsense this one tiME.
…Happy nOW?
Madara: A good answer! It’s not an unreasonable situation for you.
But “witches” have the ability to turn even hardships into a miracle – I’m hope that’s the sort of battle it’ll be ♪
Sora: Master~! Senpai! Please do your best!
Tsumugi: We will, Sora-kun.
Sora-kun is an irreplaceable member of “Switch”, after all.
We’ll fight an earnest battle and get him back. We can’t give up right at the beginning no matter how difficult it may be.
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 2
Location: NEW DIMENSION Office Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Natsume: …………
Sora: Oh, Master~! Good morning!
You have a cloudy “colour” about you. Did something happen?
The “Wheel of Fortune” card…?
Ah, did you get a bad outcome again?
Natsume: No, it’s not thAT. I was just thinking about somethiNG.
AnywAY, did you come into the office to research some thinGS?
Sora: Yes! That’s what Sora is here for!
Natsume: HeheHE. What a coincidenCE. I’m also looking up sports-related things hoping they’ll be useful to our woRK.
Senpai was here a little while earlier but he just left to get documents from the compaNY.
Sora: Oh, I wanted to do some research for that too, but do you know why the “S” in “Switch” was supposed to stand for sports, Master~?
Natsume: ……? Senpai was the one who came up with that proposal so I wouldn’t knOW.
I asked him about it earlier and it seems he was embarrassed to sAY, mentioning that it was because “he was young and immature” or something like thAT.
I don’t think there’s an important reason behind iT.
Sora: Hmm. So Senpai was embarrassed and couldn’t give a proper answer. That’s troubling~
Sora thought it was something important related to why “Switch” was created.
Natsume: Who knoWS? We’re talking about Senpai heRE – He probably thoughtlessly went through with it because I had my plate full with gloomy feelings related to tHE “Five Oddballs”.
There’s the saying that “it's better to be rough and ready than slow and elaboraTE”, but that part of Senpai always lands him in troubLE.
Sora: It’s not an important reason…?
(...That’s true – Sora thinks Master is right.)
(One of the many images they came up with for the unit was a sports-based one and maybe that’s really all there is to it.)
(But something doesn’t feel right~)
(Sora thinks what Tsuka-chan said yesterday was also right.)
(Senpai likes prayers and “spells” so it wouldn’t be strange if there was an actual hidden reason.)
(Is Sora overthinking things and getting the wrong idea? Either way, Sora has to hear it from Senpai himself~)
(Sora has also prepared his trump card…)
Natsume: AnywAY, Sora, don’t just stand theRE – Sit here on the soFA.
I was reading a few interviews that might be helpfUL. Shall we split up the work and read through them togethER?
Sora: …Oh, sure, let’s do it!
Sora wants to find the answer quickly and make the job a success~
(Besides, Sora will be happy if Sora can find the thing Senpai was trying to incorporate into “Switch”.)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Two hours later. >
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Tsumugi: Natsume-kun, Sora-kun, I’ve just returned~♪
Thank goodness both of you were at the office when I sent a message on “Hallhands”. I can share the materials I received from the company with you two right away.
I think the answer we’re looking for can be found within these documents.
Sora: HaHa~ Thanks so much! Let’s get started right away then.
Tsumugi: Yes. Let’s take a look together ♪
Natsume: What’s thIS…? “Glistening Sweat on the Forehead. A Good Day with Friends”...
It’s not talking about clothes but is this rigHT?
Tsumugi: Yes. It seems it’s a lifestyle article like the ones you’d find in a fashion magazine.
The other projects are similar. Young people are smiling and enjoying their everyday lives while wearing a refreshing set of sporty and street clothes from the company…
Well, it doesn’t seem all that different from what we experienced yesterday. Would ice skating be too elegant?
Natsume: This isn’t goOD. We don’t have a lot of tiME. I don’t understand how this is different from what they’re asking of uS.
I thought we’d be able to find the answer but I suppose this was a let-doWN.
Have you found anything, SoRA? Any cluES?
Sora: Well…
Madara: That’s enough chit-chat!
Tsumugi & Natsume: ………!?
Sora: Woah, Sora’s being tied up…!
Madara: Hahaha. Sorry, Sora-san, I’ll be carrying you for a bit so be patient with me!
Natsume-san, Tsumugi-san, sorry, but I’m taking your precious junior!
Sora: Master, Senpai! Help Sora!
Natsume: Sora!
Tsumugi: W–Wait a minute. Why would you do such a thing!?
Madara: All worldly things are impermanent! Life is all about unexpected happenings!
You should follow me if you want to get Sora-san back…☆
Natsume: ArGH. We’re going after hIM, Senpai!
Tsumugi: R–Right!
But why did Mikejima-kun take Sora-kun? He was so cooperative yesterday…
Natsume: This is no time to stop and thiNK. Let’s get goiNG, Senpai.
I knew he’d be troubLE. He never intended on helping us out for frEE.
Oh, geEZ. Why is everything heading in a bad directiON…!?
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Wheel of Fortune: Chapter 1
Location: NEW DIMENSION Office Characters: Natsume & Tsumugi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The next morning. >
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Natsume: …………
Tsumugi: Oh, good morning, Natsume-kun. You’ve arrived quite early today.
You’re looking at sports articles on your phone? I think interviews with athletes will certainly be very helpful.
Natsume: HeY, Senpai? Could you not look at other people’s phonES?
Tsumugi: Sorry. It’s right in my field of vision at this angle.
But it’s nice that everyone is so focused. It seems Sora-kun was reading a fashion magazine in the common room yesterday too.
Natsume: OhH, Sora went to the common room after thAT?
Tsumugi: Yes. Many people who are in sports clubs come and go there, so he mentioned he wanted to use that opportunity to ask them some questions.
He returned to his room all exhausted, though. As expected of Sora-kun – it seems he had some energy left over.
Natsume: YeAH? What are you doing here, anywAY? Office woRK?
Tsumugi: I don’t always have office work, you know~ I figured I’d might as well get the ball rolling for “Switch”.
I thought I could contact the company using the office computer and ask them to send the documents for past collaborations over.
Getting information on projects involving athletes and talents apart from idols should also help with what we’re looking for.
Natsume: HmM. I guess it’s good that you seem motivated at leaST.
WeLL, we wouldn’t be in this predicament if you didn’t come up with that “proposal” after running around in circlES. You really are cursed, huH.
You’re rubbish at sports so why did you even come up with thIS?
I couldn’t say this because Sora was so positive about iT, but it’s obvious that this proposal doesn’t suit either of uS.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. It’s embarrassing to say but it was something I came up with because I was young and immature.
Natsume: Don’t tell me you were aiming to be a conventional idol who’s athletic and super liveLY?
That would never be possible even if the sky were to faLL. I’d fall into despair if there’s a world out there where you become a conventional idOL.
Tsumugi: That’s not really what I want, either, you know~ I was painfully aware that I wasn’t suited for that path when I was in “fine”.
And “Switch” being a unit that doesn’t follow those conventional trends is proof of that ♪
Natsume: Excuse mE? Are you trying to say that “fine” has what it takes but “Switch” doesN’T? Are you making fun of uS?
Tsumugi: Ehh!? That’s a false accusation! How could I have answered?
That’s a misunderstanding… What I wanted to say was that I want to be an idol who can be with our fans. That’s how I feel.
Natsume: You can say whatever you waNT.
Tsumugi: Ehh~...? Then, if that’s the case, what should I believe in?
…Oh, looks like I’ve got a reply.
It seems they have a collection of the files from previous collaborations. It may take a bit of time, but I’ll head over and fetch those copies.
Natsume: Aren’t you always busy with somethiNG? Do you even have the time to go all the way over theRE?
Tsumugi: Oh, don’t worry. I kept my schedule free for “Switch’s” activities today and I can get the office work finished while I head out as well ♪
Natsume: HmM… weLL, if that’s what you want to dO.
But don’t take too loNG. If you dO, then there would’ve been no meaning to keeping your schedule free fOR “Switch”.
Tsumugi: Yes, of course ♪
Oh, right. Natsume-kun, would you like to do a tarot reading for my little trip?
Natsume: Why woulD I?
Tsumugi: Well, you mentioned yesterday that Sora-kun asked you to do one for “Switch’s” future, right?
When I heard that, I thought I’d like one too... Just kidding~♪
Natsume: Five quadrillion yEN.
Tsumugi: There’s no way I have that much! You didn’t ask Sora-kun to pay you, right?
Natsume: Shut uP. You don’t have the right attitude for someone who’s asking for somethiNG.
The company is waiting for yOU – Why don’t you run along noW?
Tsumugi: I see. I had wanted a lucky start… but it’s because you didn’t want me to be faced with a bad outcome, right?
Alright, I’ll be back with a bunch of materials then!
Natsume: YeAH, yeAH. Off you gO.
…*Sigh* I wasted my time because of hIM.
He even said something weird like wanting to rely on a tarot readiNG. GeEZ…
“The Wheel of Fortune”...
WħȺŧ Ⱥn ȺnnøɏȺnȼɇ.
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Light: The Tower: Chapter 6
Location: Seisou Hall Common Room Characters: Sora, Tsukasa & Madara
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Some time after ice skating. In the Seisou Hall common room. >
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Sora: ♪~♪~
(Collect information if you’re in a pickle!)
(Master and Senpai both went back to their rooms, but Sora still has a lot of energy left, so Sora will read sports fashion magazines and study them!)
(You can read anything on a tablet in this day and age.)
(But Sora thinks you can get a lot of information by feeling the pages and reading it that way~♪)
(Hmm… Oh? “Mr Giant” is the model for this magazine!)
(“Mr Giant” is wearing a warm piece of clothing with fur – it looks very toasty. Maybe asking “Mr Giant” for help was the right thing to do.)
(Sora thinks “Mr Giant’s” “colour” is the closest to what the fashion company is looking for the most.)
(Sora has a feeling that we’ll be able to find new sides of us if we spend more time with “Mr Giant”~)
Tsukasa: What are you reading, Harukawa-kun?
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Sora: Oh, Tsuka-chan. Hey, there!
Sora is reading a fashion magazine! There are a lot of new things, so it’s a lot of fun!
Do you wanna read it together, Tsuka-chan? Sora thinks we’ll have twice the amount of fun if we read it together~♪
Tsukasa: It’s rare to see you reading a Fashion magazine.
Hmm. I see there’s Casual and Street-style clothing. Do you have an interest in these clothes?
Sora: Nope. Sora’s reading it for work!
“Switch” will be taking on a new challenge and we want to show a sporty side to us~
Tsukasa: A Sporty “Switch”, you say…?
That’s rather surprising as it’s in a completely different direction from the “magicians” theme you’ve had up until now.
Keeping your wits about you when it comes to new challenges is a necessary skill in this Idol industry.
I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines, Harukawa-kun.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. We are fellow classmates who are affiliated with NEW DIMENSION, after all.
Let’s do our best so we don’t lose to the other agencies.
Sora: Thanks a bunch, Tsuka-chan~ Sora will work hard!
Oh, could I ask you something~?
Tsukasa: ? What is it? I’ll be happy to answer to the best of my abilities.
Sora: To tell the truth, we don’t have much experience with sports clubs, so we’re unsure about a lot of things.
Tsukasa: Inexperienced and don’t have the knowledge…?
That’s news to me. Is “Switch” attempting to challenge themselves in an unfamiliar field?
I think it’s great to challenge yourself, but you’re adept in playing Video Games, aren’t you, Harukawa-kun? Would that not have worked?
Sora: It’s complicated.
This project is a threat from the past!
Tsukasa: A threat from the past…? Could you explain it in detail?
Sora: Of course! Sora will summarise it for you~
The “threat from the past” is the reading Master got from his tarot cards.
There was a proposal made when “Switch” was just created that said that the “S” in “Switch” stood for sports! That proposal was accepted and we agreed to take on the job.
Tsukasa: “Switch” and “Sports”? How baffling…
Sora: Hmm~ Did Sora do a good job summarising it all? Communication is hard.
Tsukasa: You did fine. I think I have understood the gist.
Just like how “Knights” started their activities based on “Chess”...
There was a time where “Switch” was going to be a Sporty unit and one of those old proposals was dug up, correct?
Sora: ! That’s right! As expected of you, Tsuka-chan – you’re so smart~☆
Tsukasa: Ehe. Well, it’s all thanks to my studying every day.
…It’s not the time to be overjoyed like this, though. Back to the topic.
Sora: ? Tsuka-chan, you have a serious “colour” about you~
Tsukasa: Right. If that’s what you perceive, then I’d say you are very much correct.
If this was a light-hearted chat, then you could have praised me a bit more but…
Based on what I’ve heard, it seems there is something strange involved.
Sora: ………?
Tsukasa: You wanted to talk to people that have experience being a part of a sports club, right? Then it should be fine to use my experience from being in the Kyudo Club.
But I don’t think you’ve noticed the most important thing, Harukawa-kun.
That proposal must have been created around the time you had just entered Yumenosaki Academy, correct?
If I remember correctly, I think that’s when “Switch’s” activities began.
Sora: Yes. Master asked me to join and Sora accepted. Sora knew Master a bit back then.
Is there something weird about that…?
Tsukasa: There is. I would understand if you were the one who created the proposal as you’re the most athletic member in your unit.
But the proposal was submitted right after you had just joined. “Switch” was supposed to be a unit with a “Sports” image, right?
Neither Aoba-senpai nor Sakasaki-senpai seem like the Sporty type of people.
So why did they create “Switch” based on that image? Doesn’t that seem odd?
Perhaps they’re hiding something – some sort of reason behind why “Switch” was created.
Sora: A hidden reason…?
(Master and Senpai are lying?)
(...No! That’s not possible!)
(We promised we would talk things out properly and be “Switch” together.)
(That’s why I think they must have just forgotten the difficult days back when “Switch” was just created…)
Tsukasa: What’s wrong, Harukawa-kun? You’ve gone all silent all of a sudden…
Sora: S–Sora’s okay. HaHa~ Just doing some thinking!
Sora was a bit taken aback by what you said, Tsuka-chan.
But Sora isn’t the old Sora who would just worry about their “colours” and not do anything about it.
Tsukasa: …Hehe. I had thought I was the only one who had matured.
But I see you, too, have grown, Harukawa-kun. I’m sure the current you can definitely find out why “Switch” decided to go in another direction.
Sora: HiHi~♪ It’s exactly as you say, Tsuka-chan~♪
The current Sora will definitely be okay!
Sora will prove that “Switch” is different this year…☆
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< That night. >
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Sora: “Mr Giant”, thank you so much for today!
Madara: You’re most welcome. If anything, I should be thanking you for giving me the chance to learn about so many things.
We share the same room and are under the same agency. You can ask me for help whenever you need it, alright?
Sora: …Actually…
There’s something I need your help with. Can you help Sora?
Madara: Oh…?
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 5
Location: Ice Rink Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few hours later. >
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Tsumugi: W–Woah…
Look at me – I can skate again!
Sora: Haha~ You’re looking a lot better than when we first arrived!
Natsume: It looks like your knees are still buckliNG, but I guess you’re doing an okay joB.
Madara: Yup. Well done, Tsumugi-san. I see you’ve regained your skills.
Tsumugi: Yes. It’s all thanks to you, Mikejima-kun.
I still can’t skate as well as the others, but I feel a bit more confident now that I can skate on my own.
Natsume: I suppose this would mark the very first step in finally being able to draw out our sporty sidES.
AlrigHT, let’s take a break for noW.
Sora and I bought some snacks while you two were skatiNG.
Sora: HiHi~♪ You’ll get hungry after moving around so much, right? Let’s fill our bellies and skate more afterwards!
Tsumugi: Oh, when did you buy all these…?
Madara: It seems you were so focused on your skating you hadn’t realised they’d left to get them.
They did call out to us when they were about to get off the ice, but you must have been having quite a good experience for you to be so focused.
Sora: Yes, Senpai was super concentrated! That should be very helpful in demonstrating the sporty side to “Switch”~♪
Tsumugi: I suppose so. I hope I can make good use of my experience here for our performanc–
Woah… I ended up losing my balance when I lost focus.
Let’s share our findings as we eat. I’d like to hear your perspectives as well, Natsume-kun, Sora-kun.
I’d be happy if we can find things that can help us discover a new side to us.
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Natsume: AlrigHT, now that we’ve all warmed up with a hot driNK…
Let’s share what we gained through this ice skating experienCE. You can start firST, Senpai.
Tsumugi: Umm, I was able to skate again after continuously working hard at it without giving up.
That’s the same feeling idols have when performing, right?
We want to be better and to make our fans happy – The hard work we desperately put in doesn’t feel difficult if we keep those things in mind.
Maybe trying to become a better version of your past self and living up to those expectations is what makes sports so appealing.
Natsume: I suppose that’s an acceptable answER. I’ll give you a passing scoRE.
Was there anything else you feLT? Like any movements you think that could be used for the performanCE?
Tsumugi: Hmm. I don’t think I thought that far. I was able to regain the basic feeling of weight shifts and my sense of balance, but I didn’t think much about them apart from the fact that they could be used in our dance.
Madara: In other words, you were able to gain a skill, but you weren’t able to understand how an athlete would feel. Is that right?
Tsumugi: Yes, I suppose so. I did enjoy the actual ice skating, though…
Sora: That’s true. Senpai’s “colour” feels calm and peaceful.
It’s hard for Sora to explain the “colours” Sora sees, but people who do sports feels more dazzling, like they’re full of life~
Natsume: I don’t know if it’s because you’ve neglected your own health every day and it’s gotten worSE, but you don’t have enough vigoUR, Senpai. Something might feel different if you have more of a fighting spirIT.
Sora: HuHu~! That’s a great idea!
Something might change if you get your fighting spirit on and then perform! Can you show us?
Tsumugi: What!? That’s impossible!
It’s true motivation is important, but I think it would be hard to intentionally change the “colour” Sora-kun sees.
Natsume: HmPH. You’re saying you can’t do what Sora asked of yOU?
Sora took a courageous step forward and decided to challenge himself with something new and yET, you won’t even show an example despite having lots of experienCE? I think that’s downright cruEL.
Sora and I are filled with sadness seeing how unreliable you aRE.
Tsumugi: O–Okay. I’ll do it so stop trying to guilt-trip me…! It can be pretty painful mentally!
Natsume: GreAT. I see you still have the ability to feel paIN, Winter Mophead.
Tsumugi: What’s with that name!? Anyway, of course I feel pain~!
Oh, geez. Which of your remarks should I be commenting on!?
Madara: Hahaha. I’m having a good time just watching “Switch” get along so well ♪
But what Sora-san said about being full of life and a “dazzling” feeling is true. I also felt that it was somewhat lacking.
Maybe we should check and see if Tsumugi-san can show Sora-san that “colour”.
Tsumugi: Check…? I guess so. Alright, please watch me.
♪  ♪  ♪
…H–How was that? Did my “colour” change, Sora-kun?
Sora: Hmm~ It still looks like a calm “colour”~
Sora can feel Senpai’s kindness and it’s a lovely “colour”, but Sora doesn’t think the person from the company would be happy with that.
No. It’s not just Senpai but Sora and Master too…
Sora doesn’t think we can show something “realistic that refines yourself and makes you shine” just yet~
Natsume: HmM. That means there is still room for improvemeNT.
What should we dO? Should we have another think about it after doing other sporTS…?
Tsumugi: Yes~ There are a lot of different types such as track and field or ball sports. That might be a good idea.
Madara: Right. I think it’s important to enjoy the sports you’re doing.
You begin wanting to challenge yourself with something more difficult because you enjoy doing it. Putting in all the hard work without an ounce of love would just be suffering.
Sora: HeHe~ That’s the same as video games and parkour for Sora~♪
Sora likes going for high scores and aiming higher and further for new parkour routes…
Maybe we’re getting further and further away the more we think about it.
Tsumugi: It’s just like the “bluebird of happiness” story. Buf if that’s the case, it would be very difficult to show a new side of “Switch”.
What would be the perfect environment that would make us want to genuinely improve ourselves…? 
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 4
Location: Ice Rink Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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Sora: HaHa~! HiHi~! HuHu~!
It’s so much fun skating on the ice~♪ Sora wants to jump around like a figure skater!
Madara: Hahaha. You don’t change even when you’re on the ice, huh, Sora-san. In fact, you seem even more energetic than usual ♪
Alrighty, what about the other two?
Natsume: WeLL, I can handle this muCH. I can’t embarrass myself in publIC.
I just don’t want to waste unnecessary enerGY – it’s not like I hate the idea of exercisiNG. Don’t get the wrong idEA…
Madara: Oh. You’re doing it perfectly, Natsume-san. Sora-san has exceptional physical abilities and tends to hide in the shadows because of that, but I’d say he has the basics right down pat.
By the way, I don’t see Tsumugi-san anywhere… Oh, is he the one holding onto the railing near the entrance…?
Tsumugi: I–I’m fine…! Look, I can do it without holding o–
Ahaha, and down I go…
Madara: How unexpected! I didn’t think you wouldn’t be able to ice skate.
Natsume: He looks just like a new-born foAL. What happened to your enthusiasm from earliER?
Are you not as good as you seEM? I had thought the winter fur you have on your head would show otherwiSE – What a shaME.
Tsumugi: What is with that prejudice…!?
I was confident right until I got onto the ice~ I could do it when I was little.
Maybe I can’t move so nimbly as I used to because I’ve grown taller.
Madara: Hmm. It’s possible it’s much harder for you to find your centre of balance since you’re tall. I suppose having a good figure comes with both merits and demerits.
Alright, I’ll take you around then!
You can hold my hand until you remember how you skated as a child ♪
Tsumugi: Thank you, Mikejima-kun.
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Tsumugi: Who would have thought ice skating would be so difficult after so long? I had figured it would be similar to riding a bike or swimming, as they’re skills you don’t forget after learning them once.
But I think I’ll remember how to do it once I skate around for a bit. So I’ll be in your care until then…♪
Sora: HeHe~ “Mr Giant” and Senpai look like they’re ballroom dancing.
Natsume: Wouldn’t that be more of an ice danCE?
Either wAY, I sure hope we can discover an appealing and sporty side to “Switch” through this activiTY. But I don’t think it’ll happen overnigHT.
It seems those two are having a good time by themselvES, so why don’t we also skate togethER, Sora?
Sora: Okay! Let’s not lose to Senpai and “Mr Giant”, and have a fun time too!
Madara: …Hehe. It seems our juniors are in rather good spirits – how envious.
Tsumugi: Indeed. This job is something Sora-kun said he wanted to do, but we ended up doing what we usually do in “Switch” somewhere along the way. I should make sure we stay more on task next time.
This is what Sora-kun said during “Magic Lantern Fest”: “Switch” will continue to show people the many beautiful things in the world.
If it’s “Switch’s” future to show the world all of the things Sora-kun loves, then…
We must also show them the parkour and other sports he loves.
It’s important to try your best with everything, isn’t it?
Madara: That’s a very cool line you’ve said there, but it’s not very convincing when you’re taking the tiniest of steps.
Well, I agree that our juniors – or rather, the newcomers – will be the ones to break down and destroy our hardened common knowledge.
For example, just like how “ALKALOID” recently did or like the fearless “Crazy:B”.
They came from outside the confines of the system that we regarded as something natural, and they’ll destroy the old customs in a refreshing manner.
Oh, “Trickstar” who destroyed the system at Yumenosaki is an even better example. They must be mentioned when it comes to this topic.
Tsumugi: That’s true. A lot of things really have changed. Thanks to that, Eichi-kun has had a more lively expression on his face compared to before.
Speaking of newcomers, that would be Oukawa-kun as well, right? It feels like the air about you has also changed ever since you started working as part of “Double Face”, Mikejima-kun.
It seems as if you’ve been more earnest in your unit activities after having something you must protect. I wonder if that’s also the influence of your junior?
If it is, then I think it’s a very lovely thing ♪
Madara: Oh? Is that how you see me, Tsumugi-san?
Now that you mention it, I was doing nothing but background work after ES was built, so I lessened my idol workload.
But I’ve been working more as an idol after “Double Face” was formed. Maybe it is all thanks to Kohaku-san.
Tsumugi: I definitely think so~♪
I should do the same. I have to make sure I don’t get in the way of Sora-kun and Natsume-kun’s growth.
I’m sure they’ll inspire me and that will make me feel like I can also climb higher and higher.
Madara: Kids at that age grow every day. They might leave you behind if you spend your days idly by.
Let’s start from ice skating first. You’ve got to remember how to skate properly, right?
Tsumugi: Yes. I’ll do my best…♪
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 3
Location: Cafe Characters: Sora, Natsume, Tsumugi & Madara
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Ten minutes later. >
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Madara: One hot coffee, please!
Man, it’s been quite cold recently. One cannot miss out on hot drinks in this season ♪
Tsumugi: Thank you for coming, Mikejima-kun.
Who would have thought you’d actually be nearby. It’s great we were able to meet up so quickly.
Madara: Yeah. I didn’t think I’d get a call on my way home from shopping, either.
I was really busy at the end of the year last year, so I was enjoying my rare time off.
I’ve brought gifts for my roommates as well, of course. Sora-san, it’s a bit early but please take this ♪
Sora: Ohh, the socks look so warm. Thank you so much!
Madara: Hehe. I figured they’d look great on you. Socks are always a must-have, right?
Sora: HiHi~♪ That’s true – Sora will wear them tomorrow ♪
Tsumugi: Hehe. See, Natsume-kun? Wasn’t it the right move to call Mikejima-kun?
Natsume: I have zero intentions of falling for that obvious bribiNG.
Madara: Natsume-san, you’re quite harsh towards me sometimes. You can open your heart more when you’re with me, you know? ♪
Natsume: I’m making sure I’m doing the bare minimum at the very least, thouGH.
ActualLY, “Double Face” has been getting along pretty well with CosPro recently, rigHT? I don’t think you can be trustED.
Madara: How absurd. That’s one big misunderstanding.
It’s true I’m part of both “MaM” and “Double Face” but my agency is NewDi. And that’s precisely why I’ve come to lend a hand seeing as “Switch” is in a predicament ♪
Natsume: I wonder if that’s how you truly feel on the insiDE…
WeLL, there’s a reason why you were called to come heRE, so I’ll stop with the complainTS.
AnywAY, you’ve heard why you’re here from Senpai, rigHT?
Madara: Yeah. “Switch” has received a collaboration offer from a sports fashion company and…
Since I’ve got experience being in a sports club, you want some advice, right?
I don’t know if the things I say will be of help to you, but feel free to ask me anything!
Tsumugi: Thank you. Then there’s something I’d like to ask right away.
The company told us they didn’t want magic or fantasy, but something "realistic that refines yourself and makes you shine”.
How would you specifically express that?
Madara: Hmm… Refining yourself, huh. That’s a tall order.
Sora: Yes. That’s why we’re in a pickle~
Natsume: BesidES, what have you been even doiNG? Being wrapped around the other party’s finger by their vague words is something that happens a lot in overseas festivals, righT?
Madara: In my case, I live by the phrase, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. I get through with the mindset of going along with the other person’s flow.
Natsume: MeaniNG, you don’t think about anythiNG.
Madara: Well, that’s one way of putting it.
But festivals aren’t something to be enjoyed with logic. It’s the same with performing – there’s the logical part to it, but what’s important at the end of the day is the emotions.
You must dive in first yourself if you’re to bring those emotions out of people. I think what will capture their heart the most is showing them that you’re doing your best.
Tsumugi: I see~ In other words, we should also sweat it out like sports players.
A sport that’s possible in winter… a marathon, I suppose?
Natsume: WhAT? Why a marathON?
Tsumugi: Hehehe. I’m good at long-distance running ♪
I’m actually pretty good at doing things at a steady pace~ I can end up at an unexpectedly nice rank when I just keep on running.
I think they call it a runner’s high? Sometimes, I do end up collapsing and have to be carried to the infirmary once I pass the top ranks, but I’m confident in my running abilities ♪
Natsume: Times are different nOW… You should tell someone or cry out if you’re having a hard tiME. I guess that’s one setback of our current educatiON.
ActualLY, if we’re just supposed to sweat it oUT, then wouldn’t our normal practice sessions be enouGH?
We’d probably catch a cold if we ran in this cold weathER.
Madara: Oh? …Natsume-san, could it be that you don’t enjoy exercising?
Sora: HuHu~ Master prefers staying indoors so it can’t be helped, though ♪
Natsume: UgH… you’re saying I’m an introvert who prefers the indoors toO…?
I just don’t like things such as perseverance or racES – It’s not like I hate exercisiNG.
It’s not a good habit to sort people into grouPS, Sora. It’s “Switch’s” goal to make everyone happy regardless of who they are, rigHT?
Tsumugi: That’s right. It’s fine even if you prefer the indoors! That’s why, Natsume-kun, you should also be more confident in yourself and challen–
Natsume: ĐłɆ. 
Tsumugi: Oof!
Madara: Ohh. That was a superb backhand blow.
Natsume-san, there’s no use complaining, you know?
Your mission this time is to refine yourself through sports. I think “Switch’s” reputation will be wounded if you don’t confront it.
Natsume: I’ve already prepared for it mentalLY. But there are plenty of other sports that are more elegant, aren’t theRE?
For exampLE…
Oh, I knOW. Why don’t we go ice skating after thIS?
Sora: Ice skating…!
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 2
Location: Cafe Characters: Sora, Natsume & Tsumugi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The next day. After meeting with the company. >
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Tsumugi: Thank goodness the representative from the company was such a friendly person~♪
As expected of a company that’s knowledgeable about sports fashion. They even gave us samples of the underwear that’s currently in development – it seems we’ll be staying quite warm this winter ♪
Natsume & Sora: …………
Tsumugi: Huh? What’s wrong, you two?
Let’s be happier~ It’s not every day that we get to have collaboration work with another company ♪
Natsume: Sħᵾŧ ᵾᵽ. ɈᵾŞŧ Şħᵾŧ ¥ØỮŘ ΜØỮŦĦ.
Did you forget what they saID?
“We’re not looking for something that’s based on an introspective mindset – like magic or fantasy – but, rather, something more realistic that refines yourself and makes you shine.”
Were they being sarcastic and trying to imply that we’re an introverted and gloomy unIT? FrankLY, I’m quite huRT!
Tsumugi: No no, I think you’re just exaggerating things…
But as expected, they’re looking for something that’s different from our usual image. We were based on “magicians” up until now.
But it seems we’ll need to show them a different side to us this time. It won’t be that easy, will it?
Sora: …Master, Senpai. Sora is sorry.
Sora has troubled you two because it was Sora who said Sora wanted to challenge himself.
Natsume: It’s not your fauLT, Sora. It’s just because I wasn’t fully prepared to show a new side to “SwitCH”.
Thinking baCK, it looks like the other units are accepting other work apart from performiNG, like starring in variety shows or dramAS.
We can’t always be the ones to stay the saME – That’s the sort of situation we’re iN.
Change always comes with paIN. I didn’t take that seriousLY. I’m sorRY, Sora.
Tsumugi: You’re not the only one to blame, Natsume-kun. Somewhere in my heart, I was also thinking about how this is an extension of “Switch’s” usual work.
I’ll also do my best to make Sora-kun’s ideals a reality.
We’ll be meeting with the company again next week, so let’s surprise them by showing off our new sides!
Sora: …Right!
Oh, Sora forgot about the sandwiches and drinks we’d ordered! Let’s have them as we chat about the sporty side to “Switch” ♪
Natsume: RigHT. We can’t cut corneRS – We need to show them that side of us is reAL.
If we become a unit that best embodies “something realistic that refines yourself and makes you shiNE”, then they should treat us with special courteSY.
Tsumugi: I see that part really bothers you, Natsume-kun.
Natsume: Of course it doES. If they’re going to be appointing us for the roLE, then they need to do so after seeing what we’ve accomplished so fAR, otherwise it would be far too ruDE.
BesidES, refining ourselvES? We wouldn’t have a clue what that meaNS.
The company doesn’t have a specific idea as to what they want us to dO. MeaniNG, we have to find the concept for iT.
Sora: Hmm~ It’s just as Master says – it’s a difficult problem.
Sora likes sports but maybe people in a sports club are closer to the “refining yourselves” image~?
Tsumugi: Someone close to us who would be good with that sort of thing… I think I know someone who can help us.
How about we ask Mikejima-kun? He’s the former captain of the Track and Field Club and he’s currently in a sports circle called “SHIN”.
He also readily agreed to help us during “The Phantom Airship” and he’s very reliable when it comes to helping with odd jobs for the agency.
Sora: HaHa~♪ Sora won’t be worried if it’s “Mr Giant”~♪ Sora shares the same room with him so Sora thinks we can trust him!
Natsume: Are you two serioUS? I don’t want to owe him anythiNG.
Tsumugi: Oh, you don’t like him, Natsume-kun?
You speak to him normally during our meet-ups, so I’d thought you two got along just fine.
Natsume: If that’s what you thiNK, then I suppose I’m doing a good job pretendiNG.
You two good-natured people don’t seem to mind but in my eyES, Mikejima-senpai is someone I cannot let my guard down wiTH.
He also only helped during “The Phantom Airship” because he wanted to go against Eichi TenshouIN. I think it would be a pain in the neck if we were to owe him somethiNG.
Tsumugi: Hmm. I think you should learn to trust others more, though.
Natsume: There’s no way I’d trust hIM. You’ve seen the amount of people Mikejima-senpai has led around the nose, rigHT?
It’s obvious he can’t be relied on once you’re witness to thAT.
Tsumugi: Ahaha. That part of him is also what makes him so interesting.
Natsume: You’ve always been unreliable when it comes to judging peopLE – You should have learnt to fix those habits by nOW.
But it’s true that he’s perfect for the roLE… It’s not something I want to dO, but I suppose it’ll be a good idea to have a discussion with hIM.
Tsumugi: Then I’ll contact him since I was the one who mentioned him first.
Sora: Yes, thank you, Senpai ♪
“Mr Giant” is in two units, so he must be very expressive~♪
Natsume: “Double Face” and “MaM”, hUH… Those two units can be conducting odd activities at timES, so it’s difficult for me to trust them, thouGH.
I don’t know what will happen but it’s not going to be goOD. Either wAY, it seems we’ll have no choice but to make painful reforMS.
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - The Tower: Chapter 1
Location: NEW DIMENSION Office Characters: Sora, Natsume & Tsumugi
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The same day after school. >
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Sora: Senpai, Master~ Thanks for coming~♪
Let’s think about our future as well – just like “ALKALOID” did!
Sora heard that it’s easier to achieve a goal if it’s set at the beginning of the year. Let’s think about “Switch’s” future together and have a happy year~
Tsumugi: Ahaha, I was so surprised since your “Hallhands” message seemed a bit aggressive, but being enthusiastic is a good thing.
Seeing “ALKALOID” come together as a team during “The Phantom Airship” made us feel the same way, huh.
I also agree that we should set a goal for the year. It’ll also be a good idea to discuss how “Switch” will act in the future.
Natsume: RigHT. I think so tOO.
I’m the one who will restore honour to the “Five Oddballs” while Senpai is in charge of expanding NewDi’s managemeNT.
Our own personal goals are set but we also have to pay attention to our unIT.
Sora: Thank you! Then, let’s share our opinions first–
Natsume: Oh. This souND…
Sora: Senpai, your phone is ringing!
Tsumugi: Oh, I’m sorry. Please wait a moment.
Hello? This is Tsumugi Aoba.
The proposal I sent previously? Right. Yes, I did indeed send it before.
I see, so you called the number listed under the contacts section of the proposal. It’s fine to send it to NewDi at the moment but…
O–Oh, okay. Then, I’ll contact you once more through the agency. Thank you for letting me know.
Sora: Senpai has an indescribable and complicated “colour”...
Natsume: Who was it frOM? What business did they have with uS?
Tsumugi: T–This is bad…!
Natsume: Calm doWN, Senpai. Running into trouble in this industry is something that happens every dAY.
Tsumugi: Err, I suppose that’s true…
But something that’s difficult to explain has happened, so please wait a moment. I think I had the file on my computer…
I–I found it! Natsume-kun, Sora-kun, please take a look at this!
Natsume: HmM? That’s a proposal for “Switch”, isn’t iT?
“The ‘S’ in ‘Switch’ stands for sports!”...?
It says it’s a collaboration with a sports fashion company but what does this all meAN?
Sora: Sports… Sora likes moving about, but this seems pretty different from the usual “Switch”~
Tsumugi: Yes. This is a proposal created before we began our official activities.
You remember how things back then were quite different, right?
Sora: Now that you mention it… “Switch” was going to be a unit related to sports when Sora first met Master and Senpai!
Tsumugi: That’s right. We wanted to create a new unit that was unheard of at Yumenosaki and this was one of those proposals created through trial and error.
The sports element has only remained as a part of our unit outfits, though.
This proposal was sent through Yumenosaki and shelved back then, but it seems the company decided to review the proposal now since “Switch” has been quite popular as of late.
Natsume: Who let this happEN…? It was decided during the early stages that “Switch” would be a unit based on magicians, rigHT?
Tsumugi: Yes, but you were in pretty low spirits because of the “Five Oddballs” incident and the image of the unit was rather vague.
You told me I could come up with whatever proposals I wanted, so I figured that was you giving me the green light.
Natsume: HmM… Come to think of iT, I think I remembER.
“A threat from the paST”... So this is how it’ll all staRT.
Sora: Master’s fortune-telling was right! As expected of you, Master~♪
Tsumugi: It seems you didn’t particularly want that to have happened?
In any case, it’s an old proposal and it’s different from what “Switch” is like nowadays, so I think it should be fine to decline it. I’ll contact them.
Sora: …Oh, Sora has a good idea!
Tsumugi: A good… idea?
Sora: Yes. How about we accept the work and use it as an opportunity to expand our work horizons?
Senpai and Master have management and fortune-telling. Sora wants to challenge himself with sports!
To be honest, Sora had also wanted to do work that’s related to Sora’s individuality~
“SS” happened and Sora didn’t have much of a chance there, but just as Sora declared during “Magic Lantern Fest”, Sora wants to share more of the things he loves with everyone!
Tsumugi: A challenge for Sora-kun, huh…
Natsume: HeheHE. If that’s what you sAY, then let’s be positive about it and accept iT.
Sora is in charge of “Switch” right now, after aLL. Senpai and I will support you through your challenGE, Sora.
NaturalLY, you don’t have the right to say nO. You’re fine with this, rigHT?
Tsumugi: Yes. Of course, Natsume-kun. …Let’s do our best together!
Sora: Thank you so much, Senpai, Master~!
Sora will work hard to show a new side to Sora…♪
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aeoki · 1 month
Tri-Lights - Prologue
Location: Yumenosaki Underground Archive Characters: Sora & Natsume Season: Winter Writer: Seitarou Kino & Akira
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Middle of January. Yumenosaki Academy – Underground Archive. >
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Natsume: (The “Star” card, hmM…)
(The Major Arcana and the ”Star” are revealed in an upright positiON… It seems this month will be rather auspicioUS ♪)
(The “Star” card refers to “hoPE”. A good outcome should be waiting for us if we take actiON.)
(Of courSE, it all depends on the individual whether they decide to make good use of that opportunity or nOT)
Sora: HaHa~! Hello, Master~!
We promised to have lunch in the secret room today, right~? Sora was really excited and made his own lunch!
HiHi~♪ There’s octopus wieners and hamburg steak… it’s mostly frozen food, but Sora filled it with lots of yummy things. Let’s trade some!
Natsume: HeHE. You seem even more energetic than usuAL, Sora.
But sorry to disappoint yOU – just wait a little bit longER. I was doing some work while I waited for you and I don’t want to leave it half-finishED.
Sora: Oh, are you doing a fortune reading, Master~?
Natsume: YuP. I do readings and report the results for the “Natsume Sakasaki’s Tarot Readings” coluMN.
I have a few other columns as weLL, so I try to work on them little by little during my break tiME, otherwise it can get quite bothersome to do everything at the eND.
Sora: As expected of you, Master~ You’re not only making everyone smile through “Switch’s” activities, but in your solo work too!
HuHu~♪ A “happy spell” can be cast on the readers, so it’s a very wonderful thing~
Sora also wants to make someone happy just like Master ♪
Natsume: Don’t worRY – You make the people around you happy just by having a smile on your faCE.
…AlrigHT, I’ll stop theRE. Let’s have lunch in the secret room once I’ve finished cleaning uP.
Sora: Oh, would it be okay for Sora to ask for a reading too?
Natsume: I’ll be more than happy to heed your requeST, but do you have something on your miND?
Many people have their fortunes read because they have some sort of worry or conceRN. If there’s something on your miND, then I can read your fortuNE, of courSE, but I’d also like you to share your worries with mE.
Sora: No, it’s not that! Sora doesn’t have any worries~
We had the members of “ALKALOID” play “The Phantom Airship” the other day, right?
Natsume: That, we dID… It’s true we had them play it to encourage them to set new goals after “SS”, bUT… What does that have to do with thIS?
Sora: Well, our ordinary days have also returned to us, so Sora thought this would be the perfect time to think about our future.
If Master reads “Switch’s” fortune, then maybe we’ll be able to see what our future will be like…
So how about it? Sora wants to see it once~♪
Natsume: AlrigHT. I’ll give it a go, thEN.
You’re in charge of “Switch” right now as weLL. It’s not a bad idea to do a reading to figure out how we should approach the futuRE.
Sora: HeHe~ Thank you so much, Master~!
Natsume: AlrigHT, I’ll shuffle the cards and then place them upside doWN…
HmM. This caRD…
Sora: (? Master’s “colour” seems off…)
…Could you tell Sora the meaning of the card, Master~?
Natsume: It seems it’s not a very good resuLT.
The card means “a threat from the paST”...
It seems an old incident will be dug up and something bad will befall “SwitCH”.
Sora: Hmm. It’s unfortunate that it wasn’t a good outcome.
Sora is curious about what this “threat from the past” might be, though~
Natsume: IndeED. If it’s something to do with our past, thEN…
(Could it be something related to Yumenosaki’s paST? It’s possible that something related to the suppression of the “Five Oddballs” is transcending time to attack uS.)
(No, it’s unlikely that my past or Senpai’s past would affect the entirety of “SwitCH”. If that’s the caSE, then what could this reading possibly meAN…?)
Sora: Master~?
Natsume: …Oh. I was just thinking about what the cards could meAN.
It’s rare for such a bad group of cards to appeAR, so I thought the cards must be warning us about somethiNG.
Sora: HoHo~ That’s not good~
But it’s okay. We’re no longer a unit who’s not on the same page as one other!
Sora knows we can definitely overcome any bad things that come our way ♪ HaHiHuHeHo~☆
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aeoki · 2 months
Oh yeah forgot to include this but was "enrol" from epilogue 8 misspelt? Google isnt helpin so much so i wanted to see if that was done on purpose
It's alright, it's not misspelt! I found these pages that may help explaining (Grammar | Cambridge Dictionary), but put simply, "enrol" is the British English equivalent of "enroll" (used in American English).
I'm not British but my country does use British English as a base with, occasionally, a few American terms sprinkled in, so I understand if word choice can be confusing!
Apologies for the confusion and inconvenience!
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