#But to finish the Museum Island in less than two days Is NOT normal
taizi · 9 months
keep your brittle heart warm
one piece pairing: chopper & luffy word count: 2k title borrowed from peace by taylor swift smile again au
read on ao3
A year after the funeral, there are mostly good days.
Brook’s initially interrupted tour has finally been rescheduled, so he’s out of state. Everyone else has shifted their work or class schedules from reduced hours back to full-time. Their lives are returning to what Usopp calls a degree of separation from normal. The old normal. 
Because Luffy smiles like he used to, and sleeps through the night. He’s re-enrolling in his classes next term and keeps busy in the meantime. They all help him keep busy. He has mostly good days. 
Chopper knew from the moment he came downstairs that today was going to be a bad one. 
In the usual morning crush of breakfast and rushed showers and last-minute carpool arrangements, Luffy perches on a stool in front of the kitchen island and tears his egg and sausage sandwich in half and then in half again. He lets the noise cover him like a blanket, familiar and precious, but he doesn’t add to it. 
When Sanji’s ride arrives, he says, “Luffy, move it.” Because Luffy is supposed to go to the Baratie with him today. 
Luffy licks egg yolk off his thumb and doesn’t look up from the deconstructed English muffin on his plate. 
“Sanji can go without me,” he says. 
If a train crashed through the front of the house, it probably would have startled Sanji less than that statement did. His phone chimes, reminding him of the car waiting for him outside, but he doesn’t seem to hear it.
“Okay,” the chef says, doing a decent job of sounding normal. “Are you coming by later?”
“Dunno,” Luffy replies. He has on a blank expression that all of his friends know better than to take at face value. 
When Chopper first met them, the Portgas brothers lived in a cramped two-bedroom apartment that he remembers as bigger than it actually was. Ace was always a warm, laughing presence there, and never minded making room for yet another rowdy teenager in his busy life. 
That was where it began. Those long summer afternoons crammed onto the sofa together, the late nights making a mess of the kitchen because someone couldn’t sleep. The apartment itself is long-gone, the whole building having been gutted and renovated a few years ago, but it’s where they started cultivating the idea of forever together. 
It’s where Chopper first realized that home has nothing to do with walls and a roof. 
Ace is present in this house, too. There are dog-eared books stacked on the shelf that he never finished before starting a new one, and a burnt-orange leather coat in the front closet that he found in a thrift store and shared custody of with Usopp and Nami, and fiery spices in the cupboard that Sanji only started experimenting with in his cooking as a teenager because their big brother preferred his food hot. 
Sometimes it feels like he could just be in the next room; like they’d only have to walk down the hall to see him again. 
It’s not good to stay cooped up here alone. 
Zoro slides his phone out of his pocket and starts texting someone. Probably the director of the museum where he works. His coworker once said that Mihawk was more of an out-of-touch, weirdly overbearing dad than he was a boss. 
At the time Zoro had disagreed out of principle, because he and Perona have fun getting on each other’s last nerve. But Chopper thinks she was right. Anyone else would have been fired by now with how many times Zoro has called in over the last horrible year. 
Robin used to gently lecture him about work ethic, but she gave up on that ages ago. There isn’t a force on earth that could drag Zoro away from Luffy’s side on the bad days. Or even on the good ones, really. Zoro has never been confused about what his real job is.
Sanji’s phone chimes again. He seems to be frozen in the entryway. He looks like he doesn’t want to leave. He’s two years older than Luffy and Zoro, a year older than Nami and Usopp—which means that sometimes he gets all protective of them, the way everyone in their family sometimes gets protective of Chopper. 
Zoro doesn’t always appreciate it. In fact, he rarely does. Chopper understands. There are times when he doesn’t appreciate it, either. 
“Old man Zeff will be annoyed if you’re late,” Luffy says, finally looking up from his plate. “Take Zoro, too, okay? The museum is getting an important shipment today. Zoro needs to be there.”
It makes Chopper’s heart hurt, how bewildered Zoro looks. “I don’t care about that,” he says.
“Yes, you do,” Luffy replies frankly. “You and Robin talked about it for ages. Three swords from the sixteenth century, that’s what you said. They belonged to a famous warrior, and now they’re on loan from some super special martial arts museum in Japan, and you get to be the one to unpack them. So you’re gonna go do that.”
Chopper, who isn’t allowed to take more than three courses at a time, because Dr. Kureha is very protective of him in her own way and yells things like “you’re sixteen years old!” during their weekly phone calls when he timidly asks if he can take an extra biology class next term, pipes up, “I don’t have any lectures or labs today! I’ll be here!” 
It’s meant to be reassuring, but instead Zoro and Sanji both look more troubled. When Sanji’s phone chimes one last time, he strides to the front door, yanks it open, and bellows, “Give me a fucking minute! God damn, just let the meter run, asshole!” 
Luffy smiles, because he thinks everything his friends do is funny and charming, even when they’re being rude and inconveniencing complete strangers. 
“Bring us something good to eat when you come home,” he says. It sounds like a casual thing to say, but it’s clearly his final word on the matter. 
Their friends finally leave, with obvious reluctance, and Luffy sighs when they’re gone. It’s not a sigh of relief or exasperation, it's just a breath he was holding that he doesn’t have to hold anymore. 
Down to the blood and bone and marrow of him, Luffy is a free spirit. There’s nothing he values more than independence and autonomy. He wants his loved ones to do exactly what they want to do at all times and nothing else. 
So Chopper knows it’s been killing him to hold them back. Zoro doesn’t have a problem with skipping work, because he could get a million different jobs but there’s only one Luffy in the whole world. For him, that’s the simplest math there is. 
The Luffy from a year and a month ago would have understood. He would have laughed at his friends’ transparent attempts to stay home with him and let them do whatever they wanted. He would have known that it was as much for their sake as it was his. 
The Luffy from a year and a month ago hadn’t had this big awful hole carved into his life. He’s still learning his way around it. The map his mind knows to follow is still outdated in a few areas, still wired to take him places he can’t go anymore. 
Grief upsets the chemistry of the brain. It alters neural pathways. Healing from that is complicated and backwards and sometimes it can be a lifelong process.
Luffy is the most perceptive person that Chopper has ever known, but he’s anxious now in a way he didn’t used to be. Doubts can creep up on him even here in their sunny kitchen. 
Chopper won’t have his medical degree for years, but Luffy is good friends with somebody who already does. Which means that Chopper is good friends with that person, too. Which means he can pull out his phone while Luffy picks his way through the rest of his food and send a text that only says, Bad day. :( 
Six minutes later, the reply comes back: Omw. 
They’re piled on the sofa together, watching cartoon reruns, when the doorbell rings. Luffy tilts his head curiously, knowing very well that no one is supposed to be back home until lunch. 
“Do you think Zoro skipped after all?” he asks blithely. “I’ll beat him up if he did.”
Chopper shakes his head without lifting it, cheek pressed against Luffy’s shoulder. He doesn’t want to spoil the surprise, which he definitely will do if he opens his mouth or makes eye contact. 
The doorbell is just a formality; the person Chopper texted has a key. 
When the door opens, muffled voices from outside become clearer, and the good-natured one-sided chatter that fills the entryway makes Chopper smile automatically at the same time that Luffy perks up and flings himself halfway over the back of the sofa in bald delight. 
“Rosi!” he yells by way of hello.
“Luffy!” Rosinante yells back with equal enthusiasm. A second later he manages to trip over his own two feet, and his entire body slams into the entryway floor face-first. Everything standing on the console table by the door wobbles precariously and then falls on top of him. 
The resounding silence that follows is broken by Luffy’s surprised laughter. 
“Oh my god, Cora,” Law mutters, stooping to help him up. 
“Are you okay?!” Chopper only just manages not to shriek. He’ll never get used to the way Rosinante can brush himself off and walk away from accidents that should have at the very least left him with a broken bone. 
Sure enough, he says, “Ah, I’m fine, I’m fine,” followed by, “Oops, sorry,” when he sits up and nearly knocks the console table over with his shoulder. 
Law’s dad is big and intimidating, ex-military with the build to prove it. But he’s very kind. Nami says too kind for his own good, whatever that means. And even though no one would ever assume he and Law were related, with the differences in their complexion and coloring and bone structure, it’s obvious they’re family. They think the world of each other.
Actually, Rosinante brags about Law so much that even Chopper gets tired of hearing about his medical accomplishments.
Luffy stretches his arms as far towards Law as they’ll go. 
“Traffy, you came to visit! Who told you to? Was it Sanji?”
Law ignores him outright until Rosinante is back on his feet and steered safely into the living room, and only then does he drift casually into Luffy’s reach. He submits to the one-sided hug without enthusiasm, but if he really didn’t want it, he would have gone around the couch on the other side. 
In a smoother lie by omission than Chopper would ever be capable of, Law says, “You think Sanji can tell me what to do?”
Luffy squeezes his friend one last time and then lets him go abruptly to round on Rosinante instead. The two of them lift their hands automatically to sign along as they talk. Luffy’s ASL is awkward and clumsy, still learning, while Rosinante’s hands only seem to move with any grace when he’s using them to speak with. 
The white scars that wrap around Rosinante’s wrists are visible once he rolls his cuffs back to keep his sleeves out of the way. Luffy, whose own scar peeks out of the neck of his T-shirt, would never think to comment on something like that. 
Usually, Chopper likes to practice ASL with them. Rosinante is a fun teacher. Instead, he follows Law into the adjoining dining room. Law brings work with him everywhere he goes, and he’ll sometimes let Chopper look at stuff if it isn’t confidential. 
“Anything new at the Heart?” he asks, trying not to be nosy as Law opens his laptop. “Any new patients? Baffling new cases? Medical marvels?”
“No,” Law says. He pokes Chopper in the forehead, pushing his head away firmly. “My hospital isn’t a soap opera and you don’t work there yet.”
“Nothing exciting?”  
“Not unless you think retrograde amnesia is exciting. Potential client came in yesterday to ask about outpatient physical therapy and meet the staff. He kept making jokes about the car that hit him when he was a child. Unfortunately, Shachi and Penguin thought he was hilarious.” He levels Chopper with a narrow-eyed stare before he can do more than open his mouth. “Finish med school and apply for residency at the Heart and then I’ll tell you all about it.”
Chopper’s mouth clicks shut. He slinks a little lower in his chair to sulk. “That’s forever from now. And you guys don’t even have a residency program.”
“We will when you apply for it,” Law replies evenly. 
Warmth fills Chopper’s chest like his own personal miniature sun. You’d never guess how kind this reserved man was just by looking at him or even talking to him for a few minutes. It takes really knowing him to figure it out. Rosinante is silly and a total klutz and kind of scary at first just ‘cause he’s so big, but he must have been a great dad to grow up with. He did a good job with Law. 
“Can I ask another question?” Chopper says shyly. 
“Depends. Would answering it be a HIPAA violation?”
“What made you decide to be Luffy’s friend?” he blurts. “I mean, I’m glad you did! But you must have dozens of other patients. I’m sure you’ve helped survivors of accidents even worse than the one my big brothers were in. I know that Lu can be awfully stubborn, and he sort of latches onto the people he decides to keep, but you went along with it. You let him keep you.” Chopper rubs his fingers against the grain of the tabletop, not brave enough to look up. “I was just wondering why.”
“He reminded me of someone,” Law says, and puts his headphones on to work. It’s a dismissal if Chopper’s ever seen one, and as much of an answer as he’s likely to get. 
When he reenters the living room, it’s to find Luffy grinning wildly, bright eyes flitting between Rosinante’s face and his hands as the man tells a rambling story about his latest in a long line of mishaps at work. 
Hopping over Rosi’s long legs and throwing himself onto the couch next to Luffy, Chopper signs along as he says, “What’s so funny? What did I miss?”
Chopper was young when Dr. Hiriluk died, but he remembers every horrible second of all the days that came after. He remembers Dr. Kureha learning how to be the patient one, the gentle one, shouldering Hiriluk’s half of the job so that someone would be there to hold Chopper while he cried. 
It’s a process, she would tell him. Any doctor worth their salt would say the same thing. It’s not a wound you can see, but it still needs to be treated. Give yourself a little grace. 
Of all the lessons she taught him, that’s the one he keeps closest to his heart. 
Chopper knows a lot about bad days. He and his family have lived through enough of them to become reluctant experts on the subject. He knows how it feels to suffer so acutely you can’t breathe, to hurt in the pit of your chest like you should be gushing blood, even if all the charts and x-rays and experts say you’re fine. He knows how senseless and unpredictable the pain can be, popping up when you least expect it, when you thought you were getting better. 
But he knows about healing, too. He knows how to help. All he wants to do is help.
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biosurvive · 10 months
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@deadaim -> hey baby would you wanna go to a museum or is that kinda lame?
The tutorials he was obsessively watching were taking root, if by the texture of the frosting he was mixing was anything to go by. It was a stark contrast to when he attempted to bake a birthday cake for Claire back in the day. He could still remember Claire coming home to a mess of flour and sugar and a frazzled Chris with a shitty store bought cake on the counter. She has laughed... and it had made everything better. Now though? He had more experience, he had decent appliances and utensils and ingredients, his own children would enjoy a cake baked from the father whose culinary skills were... less than favorable compared to their other father. Speaking of, his husband had been his supportive audience, perched at the barstool, newspaper in hand in the most delicious and domestic manner. He looked good in the morning light shining through the windows, and the aroma of coffee and the sugary ingredients set the scene perfectly. Marriage and family life agreed with them both, how in the world did they ever get so lucky?
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His question had put a halt to his baking adventure, peeking up over the bowl of frosting with an almost deer-in-headlights manner. The idea wasn't lame, in fact it sounded amazing. It had felt like years since the two of them went on such a normal date, time spent together without the kids usually amounted to the two of them crashing in bed and sleeping or lazy five minute over the clothing sex in the mornings, a day at a museum just enjoying one another's time? Talk about a fantasy. " Let's do it. The cake will need to cool in the fridge, we can go after it's finished baking. I can frost when we get back. Kids won't be back from Barry and Kathy's until tomorrow, and then we'll be too busy hosting a birthday party for children. " His mixing becomes slightly more aggressive, a relaxed grin slipping on his features as he leans his hip against the kitchen island. " We'll go to the museum, get lunch, come back home, and have the most raunchy dirty sex imaginable in our giant tub upstairs. " Setting the bowl down with a loud thud, he leans further across the island, face inching closer to the shorter man, voice dropping to a husky whisper. " And once I have satisfied you, mon mari, I will finish the damn cake while you wrap the presents. Maybe if we finish at the decent time we'll be able to crash early? Maybe even cuddle? ….Sound romantic? "
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Family Vacation on Flores
In the first semester, I averaged just under 2 blog posts per week. Then I took a month-long vacation through Java and Flores islands, and only posted once. And this is set to be my first post for the second semester. But am I running out of interest, of things to discuss? I took this up because everything was new and might be provocative for a writer. But, as I begin the (longer) second half of this professionally unsatisfying experience, I wonder what more I can convey, other than sitting around my house, wondering how much booze I should consume. But, first, the month-long journey was fabulous. It was so nice to be with my wife again after 4.5 months apart. In 30+ years together, 3 weeks was the longest we'd been apart, on a couple of occasions. WhatsApp technology has allowed us to see each other and talk regularly, but still, it's quite a honeymoon to reunite after 4.5 months apart. I had wondered if we might take up some of the negative themes of our "normal" life, when we spend 20+ hours of every single day together. But it didn't happen. I think whatever agitation we might have felt (which everyone does in weeks of travel) was dissipated by the previous months of missing each other. Nary a negative thought, let alone snarky words or attitudes. We also had our son with us, and he was the conduit for whatever snark we ended up dealing with. He's a seasoned traveller, but jet-lag was an issue at first, and generally we had to wake him up earlier than he wanted, so it was occasionally rough getting him to civility. But, again, understanding that touring like that is hard, I think we all gave each other space to be cranky. And we enjoy travel and new food, new things... That being said, Java was a disappointment for all of us. We spent more time in Jakarta than we needed to (expecting jet-lag to be an issue). Yogyakarta was nicer (more culture), but even that was noisy and crowded and dirty. We spent two nights in Solo, and, except for a visit to a fantastic batik museum and store, we wished we'd never gone there at all. On the eastern side of Java, Batu was a fine stop. Batu is higher altitude and more comfortable air, more natural things, waterfalls, vistas. And our son is a farmer, so the agriculture there was of interest. We only spent two nights at my home in Malang. We should have done more than that, but we didn't know how grungy and dull Java would be. I know now! We went to Mt. Bromo, and the excruciating journey was made unbearable because of fog. We saw nothing, a great let-down. Still, compared to all the other places we visited in Java, Malang looks almost charming. So, I have a new-found appreciation for the town I was more-or-less randomly placed in. I could have been in much worse circumstances. The second half of our trip was spent in a much happier, more relaxed place, Flores island. Our tour started in the east and we moved west through some quite remote places, seeing waterfalls, crater lakes, beaches, mountains, volcanos, tropical islands... We went snorkeling, saw wild animals, ate and slept more locally. We were just more comfortable and pleased with our surroundings and experiences. Flores has vanilla, cashews, cacao, coffee, all kinds of fruits. For our farmer, it was so much more compelling. And his happiness made us happier. On Java, to our surprise, our foreignness drew unwanted attention, with people approaching us just to take pictures, or to practice their English. Sometimes this was fine, but other times it was a challenge not to be rude. On Flores, this was less of a problem. And we finished our time there, with 5 nights in Labuan Bajo, one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Oh, it's still pretty grungy and unequally developed, with trash everywhere, but the sea, the breezes, the islands, the coral reefs, the hillsides, and the sunsets, my heart was stolen. It appears as if the Indonesian government is investing heavily in developing tourism there, so soon there are likely to be too many tourists, too much traffic, and all kinds of soulless touts roaming the streets. But for our short week, it was a wonderful way to end 4 weeks of wandering. We did two more nights in Surabaya, the second-city of Java, before we said goodbye to each other. It was an unwelcome return to the grossness of Java, but there are charms in the Old Town, the Chinatown and the Arab Quarter. It was not pleasant to say goodbye. It made me feel like I was going back into custody. But I have fond memories and many pics to remind me that it did happen and was a refreshing interlude during an otherwise difficult slog. My second semester has started with one class all my own, and nothing of any other consequence in my schedule. That means, three hours of class per week, plus prep and grading. I will have even more free-time than the first semester, when I tried to ingratiate myself and make things work. Now, I know that I am truly not wanted or needed and I have no trouble accepting that. The trouble is finding ways to spend my time. I'm making plans with my brother and a friend to come in March for a few weeks. And I'm also planning time in June/July with our elder son. And planning is fun! There is so much more to Indonesia than my little experience here in Malang. I will take long weekend trips, both locally and further afield. Next week, I go to Bangkok for my program's mid-year meetings. So the time will pass, and then I'll be back in the States, wondering whether I want to go back into the Academic Writing classroom to compete with AI Chatbots. Welcome to 2023!
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Devil in Disguise
Potterverse Gift Exchange and I wrote this married!Hinny for @merrymagicalmenagerie i hope you like it! Clearly inspired by Elvis Presley's music! 
She walked like an angel. Wearing that white satin dress that made her ass look amazing, her back naked, her hair stuck in that elaborate hairstyle, the back of her neck also naked so that everyone could have an insane desire to kiss her skin, and those two red hair wisely falling in front of the face, shaping it as the most beautiful work of art in the museum. Her feet in silver high heels, so delicate, seemed to be part of her genetics, strutting around the room.
She spoke like an angel. Her voice was low and melodious, her lips painted not as dark as usual, her cheeks naturally flushed, and that little smile in the corner that made even a priest feel like sinning.
She acted like an angel. Being completely polite, holding the glass of wine elegantly, keeping her back always straight, even laughing at someone's embarrassing jokes... But Harry knew something they didn't know.
Harry knew she was the devil in disguise.
He knew this for several reasons, but the way she looked at him over her shoulder just to blink before returning to pay attention to the conversation that was being held, or how she made a point of touching him whenever they passed each other,  and even how her hand hovered purposefully on his thigh when they sat down to dinner.
She continued to speak normally to the wife of a guy that Harry didn't even remember the name of, but her hand played slowly up towards his groin, sometimes Ginny stopped and removed her hand, using it to adjust the loose lock of hair, or just putting it on the table, but it was not long before she returned to her place of before.
‘’Would you like to dance?’’ Harry asked, when dinner was over and their wedding music started to echo through the hall.
Her brown eyes were darkened by the evil he knew so well, and the long black-painted lashes cast a shadow over her irises, making them even more cloudy. He thought he would never be able to go crazy just looking at her, but Ginny was proving him otherwise.
‘‘Sure, I would love to.’’ She answered him, so sweetly that Harry thought that honey might drip out of her mouth.
She knew better than anyone how to look like an angel.
They held hands and she waved to the lady in front of her, who commented on how beautiful it was to see two young people in love. Harry, who just wanted to get out of there and touch his wife decently, said nothing, walking towards the middle of the room and holding Ginny's waist firmly, leaving no room for her to escape.
‘‘You look a little upset.’’ She smiled, leaving her right hand on his shoulder, her white painted nails poking him sweetly.
''You wish, don't you?'' They moved slowly, with each step, Harry tightened his hand a little more on her waist, bringing her closer and making her feel exactly where he was getting disturbed. ‘’It’s a beautiful dress.’’ He let his hand slip behind her back, perfectly on top of where the stitching started and hid her ass, his thumb touching the bare skin of her spine.
''Thanks. Made to measure.’’ Ginny also moved her hand, taking it to the back of her husband’s neck and scratching that sensitive spot that made him almost purr.
‘’The neckline on the back does something for you.’’ Harry raised his hand just to feel the bare skin, then returned to the covered curvature where her spine ended.
''I know. You didn't hide your fondness for that detail.’’ He shrugged, turning and pulling her away from a man who was looking too far behind her. ''Jealous?'' She said.
‘’No, just dancing.’’ Ginny laughed softly and bit her bottom lip, chin slightly lifted, as if she wanted him to kiss her. ‘’It’s a beautiful song.’’
‘‘As I recall, we already danced on another occasion when I was wearing white.’’
‘’And if all goes well, we’ll end the night the same as the first time we dance.’’ He blinked, smirking and bringing his face closer to hers. Just a little. But if Ginny wanted a kiss, she would have to grab him.
‘’Are you going to take me to the Maldives Islands again? Wow, it's my lucky day.’’ She raised her red eyebrow. In that way that made her seem a little more daring and less angelic, but still, a goddess.
‘’I thought about just finishing in the bedroom. But I can arrange a trip for us.’’ Harry lowered his hand slightly to her back, almost grabbing her ass, but still maintaining class.
‘’I’d love it. Maybe this time, you’ll let me swim naked.’’ She shrugged, and there it was, that devil that Harry knew so well.
That same evil angel who convinced everyone in the auror office that she urgently needed to talk to Harry, which was an important family issue, and made Robards let her in, only so that when she arrived in his office - with Harry very worried that it really was something important - Ginny would take off her overcoat and show off one of the sexiest pieces he remembered seeing her wear.
That other side of her, which only he had the great pleasure of knowing.
''Let's see how the night goes.'' Harry said at last, feeling her chest against his, her brown eyes burning even more. ‘’I like to surprise you.’’ He smiled genuinely, followed by Ginny, who turned her cheeks a rosier shade.
‘’I like it too when you surprise me.’’ They rolled over again, and this time, she raised her eyebrow at a blonde who was staring too much at Harry. ‘’Tomorrow, some will say that my biggest prize as the Chosen One’s wife is that he fills me with diamonds.’’ Ginny touched her own neck, where the necklace rested, also displaying their wedding ring, where there was a carved diamond.
‘’That was the worst story of all years.’’ Harry held back the urge to roll his eyes at the memory. ‘’As if the biggest prize wasn’t that you’re married to me.’’ He laughed, receiving a light pat on the back.
‘’That's what you think.’’ Ginny lifted her chin again, keeping them very close, noses almost touching. ‘’You are the lucky one that I accepted the request.’’
‘’I never doubted that.’’ Harry shrugged, being totally sincere. ‘’I am a completely unhappy man without you.’’
‘’Even when I trick you into sin?’’ She had that look again. One that everyone would see as something pure and naive, angelic, but that Harry knew how to see beyond. He knew she was nothing more than the Devil in disguise.
And he has never been happier to sin.
‘’Especially at those times.’’ He said.
She finally came over, giving him a chaste and quick kiss, but making sure to make him even more tense and hungry for her. The nails lightly scratched the foot of his hair, making Harry purr and press it even closer to her, groaning low in her mouth.
‘’Do you think you can get us out of here and take us as far as possible without anyone following us?’’ Ginny asked, looking quite affected too, eyes closed and pressing their foreheads together.
‘’Am I an auror or not?’’ Harry bit her lip lightly, listening to the music end and people starting to dissipate and talk louder. ‘’Give me five minutes and say goodbye to people.’’
‘’Where are you taking me?’’ Ginny asked, hands clasped in Harry’s who was pulling them into the Apparition area just outside the hall. There were few people around, and those who were, looked drunk or in too much of a hurry to notice the Potters running away like two teenagers.
‘’Didn’t I say I love to surprise you?’’ Harry put her down beside him, thinking of any place far before he Apparated into the middle of a forest, close to where the last Quidditch Cup had been.
‘’Hm.. Harry, I know you want and surprise but…’’ He laughed, denying and shaking their hands again, ignoring when Ginny tried to walk away, curious about the chosen place.
‘’Shut up, we haven’t got there yet.’’ He thought again, this time, visualizing the country house they had been building since Albus ’birth. Harry remembered the well-kept garden, the flowers in front of the house, the big front windows, the white stone exterior that Ginny liked and chose, and the sign that James and Teddy stuck in the grass in front of the path to enter the house, which said in children's writing '’Potter's Residence'' even though there were no neighbors within a radius of almost 5 kilometers.
Soon, they landed there, holding hands in front of the entrance door, the dark stone floor a little dirty from the fallen leaves, the cat that occasionally appeared there was lying on the windowsill of the room and was startled by the noise they made, before going back to sleep.
‘’I like surprises.’’ Ginny looked at the house almost ready. There were still some finishes like lamps, and all the decoration inside, but it was already a beautiful house. A beautiful, secluded home. ‘’But I thought we were going to swim.’’ She put her hands on his shoulders, smiling in the moonlight, before leaning over and kissing him. Just an inviting peck.
‘’And we’re going.’’ Harry finally grabbed her ass as he wanted from the beginning of the party, pressing her against him and listening to her sigh. ‘’We have a waterfall just for us.’’
‘’Oh, yea, I didn’t remember it .’’ Ginny gave him another kiss before turning and pulling him with her towards the waterfall that was a few meters away from the house. ‘’And why didn’t we go straight there?’’ She looked over her shoulder, the way she did at the party, still driving him crazy.
‘’I thought it would be best to apparate here first.’’ He shrugged, not quite able to think when Ginny was leaning over to take off her shoes.
‘’Hold this.’’ She handed him her bag, and the heels. ‘’It’s going to be awful walking on the grass with them.’’ Her face lost more and more of that angelic glow, becoming too treacherous for their safety. ‘‘Idiot.’’ Ginny laughed, much more Ginny than that perfect mask she wore at social events, running as fast as possible from Harry, letting go of her hair and making flying like a cape behind her.
He put her belongings in his extender pocket inside his jacket, and started running too, laughing at her loud laughter that echoed through the quiet yard, the moonlight making her look like one of those Goddesses they saw represented in the museum.
‘’You stole it!’’ He complained, really trying to reach her, but Ginny had an exercise routine that Harry couldn’t handle even if he had to do it in two days instead of an hour and a half.
‘’I’m smart.’’ She screamed, disappearing into the trees. ’’You are getting old!’’
‘’You’ll see the old man, Potter!’’ Harry replied, quickening his pace even further, getting closer to her, who was now laughing out loud.
She was so much more beautiful like that, free, being herself, without all the fancy gadgets that would make her envy even in a Queen. Running barefoot in the damp grass, her hair becoming increasingly tousled and bulky from the wind, looking much more alive than before.
Of course she was beautiful in every way. Harry loved her in every way. But something about Ginny being that evil little creature, tempting him, biting her lip with eyes burning with excitement; it made him feel like it was the first time he was seeing a woman in front of him.
‘‘I got you.’’ He whispered, grabbing her around the waist and burying his head in her neck, kissing her skin before picking her up like he did with the kids. ‘’You little devil creature.’’ She laughed, trying to escape into his arms but failing miserably.
‘’You don’t even think about it, Mr Potter!’’ She screamed as Harry moved closer to the waterfall, the noise echoing through the dark, silent forest.
‘’Call me Mr Potter again and I can think about it.’’ He raised an eyebrow at her, much happier than in the last 3 hours that they stayed at that event.
Her brown eyes burned and that little smile that Harry knew so well shone on her freckled and handsome face. ‘’Never.’’ She spoke defiantly.
‘’You asked for it.’’ He took the last step and felt the icy stones surrounding the waterfall, the cold making his body shiver. They had already swam there, it was Teddy's favorite place, and James had been trying to learn to swim whenever they went there. Albus didn't like to get in the water very much without Harry being holding him.
So Harry knew where to step and where he had cleaned and removed the stones so the kids wouldn't get hurt, so he just threw himself into the water with Ginny in his arms, the cold water making them cling to each other as they dived.
‘’Prat!’’ She said, splashing water on him as soon as the two emerged, her makeup smudged and her hair looking even more messy now wet.
‘‘Beautiful breasts.’’ Harry pointed at her nipples in view. ‘’No bra today?’’ He bit his lip, amused that she, even though they already had 2 children, blushed slightly.
‘’You don’t even know what I’m not wearing’’ She lay on her back in the water, swimming away from Harry with her face being lit by the full moon and the starry sky.
‘’I thought you wanted to swim naked.’’ He took off his wet clothes, throwing them on the grass and then diving to go over to where Ginny was, almost getting close to the waterfall that splashed water everywhere.
''That was before you threw me in the water.'' She stood in front of him, cold hands touching him in the face, the same eyes he had seen since he was 11 years old, now looks even more beautiful, even with all that makeup running under them.
‘’I love you.’’ Harry said, resting his hands on her waist, wishing that dress was out of her body.
‘’It won’t make me swim naked. You missed the chance to see that, Potter, you will have to convince me even if you want to kiss me.’’ Ginny looked at him defiantly, trying to get away from his grip but failing every time.
‘’It’s good that I know what to do then.’’ And then, more natural than any other movement, Harry dove, ready to get on his knees for that devil disguised as an angel.
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“Okay,” Dean declared as the Winchesters, Cas and Crowley ambled into the mostly empty museum, “this place is awesome!”
For any imaginative child – or grown man denied the joy of childhood – the interactive children’s museum and library was very much a magical place. The walls were brightly painted, with puzzles or buttons that lit up. There were large foam constructions to climb on, and nooks to hide in, rope bridges and swing sets, an obstacle course and one of those nebula lightening balls that made kids’ hair stand on end. According to the map of the vast museum, there was a room where the entire floor was a pool of bubble solution, and kids hopped from island to island, using huge wands to blow massive bubbles. In another room, kids could be the bubbles, climbing inside inflated suits and bouncing around a room full of air jets. An entire wing of the museum was given over to a library, where shelves revolved to reveal hidden rooms and spiral staircases led up into miniature observatories. It was a place of childhood wonder and imagination.
All that fun, however, was being put on hold by unwelcome disappearances – and odd appearances. Lately, museum and library staff were going missing, and in their place, children were suddenly appearing. The children all went unclaimed at the end of the day, and made quite a bit of fuss when adults attempted to help them find their families. They insisted they weren’t really children at all.
“A case involving children,” Crowley griped, “how delightful.”
“Come on, Crowley,” Sam laughed at both the demon and his brother’s excited exploration of one of the exhibits. “We were all kids once. With imagination and joy and – you know – optimism about life.”
“Speak for yourself,” Crowley muttered. He grabbed Dean by the elbow and dragged him over to the cartoon-styled map of the museum. The FBI agents and the consulting Child’s Services counselors had just come from a meeting with the museum’s director regarding the case, and were scoping out the place. Normally, one pair would have done the preliminary investigation while the other pair looked into lore and the victims, but the museum was massive and too much for just two people. And it was clear that Dean was going to be a bit of a handful on this case.
Cas wasn’t helping much either.
“You were a child, once.” The fallen angel smiled irritatingly and glanced at Crowley out of the corner of his eye, thoroughly enjoying ribbing the reformed demon. “You wouldn’t have enjoyed a place like this? Is there not some small – very small – part of you that – ”
“I’m going to spare you from finishing that utterly ridiculous sentence, Feathers. If this is Neverland, than I am Captain Hook. Which would make you lot the Lost Boys and that one – ” He eyed Dean as the hunter enthusiastically dug a penny out of his pocket and set to spinning down the museum’s donation funnel. Crowley would murder them all before admitting something in him softened at the sight. “ – the boy who will never grow up.”
They all watched Dean for a moment, watching the penny as it spun round and round.
“Right,” Sam said, nodding towards the entrance to the main exhibits. “Who’s up for some exploring?” The four passed through the turnstile and into the museum.
It was rather obvious what was happening, of course. Something or someone was turning the museum and library staff into their childhood selves. Crowley wasn’t yet clear on the how or why of it. Or how to reverse whatever was happening.
What he did know was to take the necessary precautions against the Winchesters, Castiel or himself being turned into children. The absolute last thing he needed was for Sam and Dean to be downsized to hyperactive, bloodthirsty “wee-chesters” with himself and Cas responsible for their care and the case. Or worse – much, much worse – for all of four of them to be de-aged. In which case, the only real solution, horrible as it would be, would be to call his mother. Crowley could only imagine the delight Rowena would take in that particular situation. Unless, of course, reversing the spell proved to be difficult, in which case she would have not one, but four very rambunctious and very unwelcome boys under her care.
Rowena was not even remotely fond of children, much less her own son at that age. And it wasn’t something Crowley had any interest in reliving either. Thus, the necessary precautions were in place.
Which left him free to enjoy, from an emotional remove and with dismissive amusement, the wonders of the children’s museum.
Room after room opened into another immersive, interactive exhibit. A room where they walked on bridges and ducked under overpasses built for marble races. A room lit up in blacklight with huge, glowing blocks where kids learned about the light spectrum. More than once, they nearly lost Dean.
“Dude! Dude!” Dean grabbed Cas by a shoulder and shook him. “That room is a giant ball pit! And slides!” The hunter stared up into the two-story high room designed to look like an alien spaceship, where slides of all different colors and lengths slithered down into the ball pit. A child walked by eating a multi-colored swirled cookie from the museum’s café. The treat was the same size as the kid’s head. Dean stared after him. “Duuuude…”
“I am beginning to suspect,” Crowley mused, glancing back with bemusement as Dean shuffled after them, craning his neck to look into every room they passed, “that whatever is causing the staff to become children likely has to do with their own over-enthusiasm for the museum.”
“You think so?” Sam asked. Almost to juxtapose his brother, he straightened his suit’s tie and walked like the professional FBI agent he was pretending to be. “I would have guessed it was the work of a witch.”
“Oh yeah?” Dean hopped on the moving sidewalk and rode ahead of them, looking a little too proud of himself for it. “If that’s the case, why bother? In my experience, witches turn adults into kids to eat them. But there are plenty of kids running around, so why not just snatch any of them?”
Castiel furrowed his brow at Dean and glanced around them, concerned. “You should not talk about snatching children so loudly in public.”
“Feathers makes a good point.”
“Yeah, okay, thanks, Mr. Pretend Child Services.”
Crowley adjusted his cardigan and glared at the hunter. He still wasn’t clear why, exactly, he and Cas needed to play at the counselors while the Winchesters got to be the investigating agents.
“Maybe it is some sort of benevolent entity,” Cas offered, obnoxiously hopeful as always. “Perhaps it only wishes for the staff to enjoy the museum and the library as much as their young patrons enjoy it. And it doesn’t understand that it is causing undue harm.”
“Yeeeah,” Sam smiled weakly at the fallen angel. “I suppose that could be it.”
The foursome stopped at the end of the corridor, before a massive pile of books stacked to create a doorway which marked the entrance to the library. Beyond, light choired through the room in sparkling peals, shelves upon shelves climbed the walls, and in the center rose a great tree. Not a real tree, as would be immediately obvious to any adult. A sign declared it to be The Great Reading Tree, and rope ladders and staircases climbed up into its branches, where hammocks hung and platforms with railings looked out over the room. There were soft burrows carved into the tree at the base and into some of the larger branches, where children could nestle in for a read. The top branches entwined with the ceiling and drifted out over the room. Bookmarks dangled above the boys’ heads.
“Don’t,” Sam warned his brother, “even think about it.”
Dean opened his mouth to protest, but couldn’t keep the massive smile off his face. It was clear just how badly he wanted to climb The Great Reading Tree. Even if he wouldn’t fit in any of the hammocks or burrows or any of the rest of it.
They walked through a room bathed in ultramarine, with floor-to-ceiling aquariums creating a child-sized maze. Dean stopped to ogle the dwarf lanternshark and scare the pufferfish into inflating. With bored exasperation, Cas reminded him not to tap on the glass. In a room without lights, the floor tiles were lit in bright colors and chimed musical notes as the boys stepped on them. Dean danced the chorus of “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” and Crowley may or may not have tapped out the opening notes of Brahms’ Symphony No. 3. They tottered their way through a vortex tunnel the length of a football field. Dean had to be quite literally dragged from the room where some ingenious engineer had managed to combine air hockey and bowling.
Towards the end, they walked through a holographic, interactive exhibit of the solar system. Sam studied the rings of Saturn with scholarly intensity. Dean flicked asteroids across space. Cas held the world in his hands, turning Earth this way and that, pondering, with that deep furrow carved into his brow. Pretending disinterest, Crowley wandered towards the sun. He put his hand up to it, felt a muted warmth supplied by some sensory system or other. Pretended, for just a moment, that he was the center of their little universe, rather than second-rate Pluto.
“You ever walk among the stars, Cas?”
The fallen angel looked at him over the top of their world.
“Did you?” He asked, though it wasn’t so much a question as a quiet commiseration, a reminder to them both that they had more in common with one another than with the humans with which they now chose to keep company, to consider family.
They explored every exhibit in the museum, allegedly looking for clues about the case. There would be time for that later, though, once the museum closed. For now, it was admittedly fun to simply wander through and familiarize themselves with the museum.
Maybe, Crowley mused to himself in secret, there was a little bit of childlike wonder in each of them after all. Even in him, if only a little.
The maze of corridors and rooms led the four boys back around to the main entrance, with only one exhibit left. A floor-to-ceiling green screen photo booth, with a touchscreen interface that allowed the museum-goer to choose the background. And large green foam blocks and shapes to maneuver, sit or climb on, hide or lift to create a fully-immersive photo experience. On the opposite wall, the potential photo appeared, allowing photo-takers to see themselves and adjust accordingly. The final photo was available in both digital and print at the museum gift shop.
“Dude! We gotta do this!” Dean was already swiping through the available backgrounds.
“Yes, by all means,” Crowley drawled. “Let’s leave a record of our being here, as well as making fools of ourselves. That will surely never come back around to bite us in the arse.”
“Hey, you know what? You don’t have to be in the photo if you don’t want to be.” Dean replied, with a tone that said he wasn’t about to let the demon ruin his fun. “Me and Sam and Cas? We’re gonna be pirates.”
“Wait,” Sam started to say, “I didn’t agree to – ”
“Come on, Sammy!” Dean called happily over his shoulder. The screen on the opposite wall lit up with the image of a massive pirate ship, floating in what could only be, Crowley realized with some amusement, Mermaid Bay. A jolly roger flew from the mast and a crocodile lurked in the waters below the boat. Trailing among the sails was a sprinkling of golden glitter. Fairy dust.
Crowley shook his head. Neverland, indeed.
With Cas’ confused assistance, Dean stacked and arranged the foam blocks so that he and Sam could appear as if over the railing of the ship. More blocks were stacked to a precarious height, especially given that the blocks had to bear the weight of a grown man, and Dean appeared in the crow’s nest of the ship.
“Check it out!” Dean laughed. “We look awesome! Everyone ready?” He held the remote control clicker in one hand, ready to take the photo.
Crowley looked at the three – Dean up in the crow’s next making a fierce scowl; Sam with his hands up to his eyes, pretending to be looking through a spyglass; Castiel, so eager to go along despite his utter lack of understanding, absolutely beaming at the camera. Little boys at play, all three of them.
Crowley sighed, and stepped into the bottom corner of the green screen. He lifted a foot to “brace” against the open treasure chest resting on the shore, crossed his arms, and offered the camera his most supremely pleased smile.
There was a loud, lens-shutter sound that the exhibit’s child audience would recognize and understand, and then their little tour of the museum was over.
Out in the main entrance, Sam delegated responsibilities, sending Dean and Crowley to interview the museum and library staff turned into children, under the premise of reunited the supposedly lost children with their parents. Sam was going to look into any related lore, and Castiel was to remain at the museum, keep an eye on the staff, and see if he couldn’t ascertain anything that might be of importance.
“Okay, but before we head out,” Dean insisted to Crowley, after they had parted ways with his brother and the angel, “I’mma visit the café, get me one of those cookies. Maybe a nacho-flavored corndog or some astronaut ice cream. You want anything?”
A decent cup of tea was entirely unlikely, so Crowley sent Dean off on his own, with strict instructions to return immediately after obtaining the desired treats, and not go wandering off again into the museum. He even threatened with the possibility of acquiring one of those child leashes, but Dean just laughed, patted him on the shoulder and made off towards the museum café.
In the absence of any unbelieving eyes, Crowley wandered over to the gift shop. He scrolled through the various photos taken from throughout the day in the green screen room. Ostensively to look for anything that might pertain to the case. But when he came to the photo of the four of them, he quietly paid for a digital copy to be sent to one of his private emails. And for a printed one, which he thought would go nicely in a frame and which he might present to Dean later, with the insistence that the photo be hung in Dean’s room or someplace that no one but the four of them might see it. Crowley had a reputation to maintain, after all.
And then, remembering something, Crowley pulled out his phone and opened up his Bumblr app. He checked the date, and smiled to himself. How fortuitous.
He made a new post and tagged one of the supernatural fans with whom he occasionally liked to chat, keeping himself up to date on the fandom and, surprising no one but himself, even making a few friends. This fan also happened to enjoy the work of J.M. Barrie, and Crowley was fairly certain they’d appreciate this particular photo of himself and the boys, who were known to the fandom as rather dedicated Supernatural LARPers. He supposed his reputation could handle a little fun, now and then.
“Happy birthday, @emblue-sparks,” Crowley tapped out under the photo. “From everyone’s favorite ‘boys who refuse to grow up.’”
He clicked post, and smiling, wandered back into the museum in search of Dean.
Surprise, Em! Wasn’t sure I was going to get this written in time, but where there is a will, there is a way. Hope you like it and have a wonderful day today! Eat lots of cake for me.
Thanks to everyone for reading! If you’re wondering exactly why – or even how – Crowley became a member of the in-world spn fandom, you can find out here.
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marvelous-writer · 3 years
if you’re happy and you know it... break a rib?
Summary: In which Peter spends the weekend at Happy’s for much-needed bonding time, according to May, only they end up bonding over broken bones instead when Peter takes a particularly nasty tumble.
Febuwhump Day 16: Broken Bones
A/N: @febuwhump
Word Count: 1,931
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort, fluff
Link to read on Ao3
Peter doesn’t know how he got roped into spending the weekend at Happy’s for what May calls it—a ‘guy’s weekend.’
With Happy and May being newly engaged for less than a month now, this ‘guy’s weekend’ is a little overdue apparently, according to her. Tony has been on board with it from the moment May told him about it during one of their many weekly phone call chat sessions.
This weekend would be a chance for Peter and Happy to get to know each other better—not that they actually need to. Peter already knows all he has to about Happy and Happy knows all he has to about him. They get along just fine and Peter likes Happy—he’s a good guy and Peter couldn’t be happier for him and May. They’re absolutely smitten with each other and Happy goes out of his way to let May know how much he loves her.
It’s nice to see May with someone that truly cares about her… but it’s just hard. Peter never thought he’d see a day where May was with someone other than Ben. He remembers growing up with them, seeing how much they loved each other so much through the little things like them sparing a soft, loving glance at each other, how they use to hold hands on walks in the park, or how Ben always woke up extra early to get May her favorite bagels halfway across the city every Sunday morning.
Peter had been taken back when Happy first proposed to May, but he’d dealt with it by shoving his grief down because the last thing he’d ever want to do is ruin May’s happiness. He knows she’ll always love Ben but she’s been able to move on from that part of her life after years of healing and grieving. May doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of her life alone. She deserves to live a life with someone that loves her unconditionally and that someone is Happy.
That’s why Peter doesn’t understand why this weekend even has to happen but Happy agreed to it easily when May proposed the idea of it, much to Peter’s surprise. And what’s even more surprising… Happy planned out the entire weekend. He has a checklist and everything too.
They’re already into the second day of their ‘guy’s weekend’ and so far… it’s actually been pretty nice. They spent the day at the new outer space exhibit at the museum and got pizza for lunch at that new pizzeria a few blocks away. Peter even found out that Happy is a little bit of a Star Wars fan while they were in the Imax theater during the video presentation of all the planets and stars.
It’s been a good day.
Until now.
It’s close to nine-thirty in the evening and Peter’s finishing up scrubbing his hair dry with a towel after a shower. He hangs the towel over his bare shoulders as he grabs his sweatpants from the vanity counter and puts them on, only for his feet to slide out from under him as he unknowingly walks over a puddle of water on the tiled floor.
Peter falls backwards and he reaches out to catch himself, only to meet air since the sink is too far away for him to grab onto. He knows he’s screwed. When his back collides against the porcelain toilet behind him, an audible, loud crack fills the air as a blinding pain explodes in his back and on his right side. Peter cries out from the pain as he hits the bathroom floor, somehow managing to smack the side of his head on the thankfully closed toilet lid on his way down.
He lets out a groan as he lays on the cold bathroom floor for a few long, pain-filled moments, tightly squeezing his eyes shut against the pain radiating from his head and entire side.
So much for a spider-sense, Peter thinks.
Through ringing ears, Peter can hear the thud hurried footsteps coming from down the hall. “Peter? Are you okay in there?” Happy’s worried voice comes from outside the door.
For a brief second, he almost considers lying about his current dilemma with how embarrassing the whole thing is but he feels something shift painfully in his side—which is definitely not normal.
“Um… n-not really?” Peter answers weakly.
“What happened?” Happy asks. “Did you fall in the shower?”
“N-No…but I kind of slipped,” Peter says as he blinks open his eyes, only to be met with an alarming amount of dizziness. He has to close them again before it gets him sick. It reminds him of that one time he and Ned went on the Hulk Tower Of Smashing roller coaster at Coney Island and he couldn’t see straight for almost twenty minutes once they got off.
“Are you hurt?” Happy asks.
Peter’s head gives off a particularly sharp throb as if he needs a reminder. “A-A little,” he says through gritted teeth.
He hears the door handle jiggle. “Shit—the doors locked,” Happy mumbles from outside. “Uh—okay. I’m gonna get the door open, you just stay where you are.”
Peter frowns at that but before he can question him, the door is suddenly forcefully shoved in with a loud squeak from the hinges protesting against the movement.
Happy steps in, clad in his pajamas, his face falling at the sight of him. “Oh shit,” he breathes out as he rushes over and kneels at Peter’s side. “What happened?”
“‘S water on the floor… slipped,” Peter answers as he blinks up at the man’s blurry figure, grateful to be at least half-dressed with sweatpants on to spare him of any further embarrassment.
“Where are you hurt?” Happy asks, brows pulled together in concern as his eyes scan over him for any obvious signs of injury.
“My side… I think something’s loose.” Peter mumbles.
Happy’s eyes widen in alarm. “You think something’s loose?”
“Mhmm,” Peter hums in response as he tightly squeezes his eyes shut as another wave of pain washes over him.
He feels Happy’s fingertips run along his side, only to let out a sharp hiss in pain when he hits a particularly sensitive spot along his ribs.
“Sorry,” Happy apologizes, wincing in sympathy as he takes his hand away, brows still pulled together as he looks at Peter worriedly. “I think you might’ve broken a rib or two.” He says as he reaches up and gently pressed his thumb against the side of Peter’s head. “Looks like you banged your head pretty good too.”
“Yeah,” Peter says as he cracks an eye open. “Your toilet’s evil.”
Happy glances at the white porcelain before looking back at him with a raised brow. “You mean you hit your head on the toilet?”
Peter hums in response, afraid that his head will throb more if he nods.
“Well, shit. Now we’ve gotta add a possible concussion to the list,” Happy says with a frown. “How many fingers am I holding up?” He asks as he holds up a few fingers.
Peter looks up at his hand, blinking his eyes a few times to clear his blurry vision but it doesn’t help much. “Uhhh… three? N-No no… four?”
“Yeah, you definitely have a concussion. I’m only holding up one.” Happy tells him as he drops his hand. “Do you think you can stand up? We have to get you sitting up so I can have a better look at you.”
“Think so.”
Happy carefully slides an arm underneath Peter’s back and helps him slowly sit up, pausing a few times when Peter lets out a pained groan. Peter has to squeeze his eyes shut when he’s sitting propped up against the vanity, feeling like the world is swirling around him with how dizzy he feels.
Happy is rummaging through one of the drawers beside him before he kneels in front of Peter again. “Alright, open your eyes for me, Pete.” He says as he gently holds a hand to the back of Peter’s head.
Peter manages to crack his eyes open, only for a bright light to be shined in his eyes. He groans from the sharp pain that shoots up from his eyes to his head.
“Sorry, Pete,” Happy apologizes with a wince in sympathy. “Well…” he says as he clicks the skinny flashlight off, breathing out a sigh. “It looks like you have a minor concussion—I’m no doctor but I’ve had plenty of experience with Tony back in the day. And with your healing, you should be as good as new tomorrow but… I think we should postpone the rest of the activities for the weekend.”
Peter closes his eyes and carefully leans his head against the vanity behind him. He knows Happy’s been looking forward to checking off whatever else was on his list with him. “‘M sorry.” He mumbles guiltily.
“No—hey, Pete this isn’t your fault. You just slipped. It happens to everyone.”
“Yeah, but I ruined your whole weekend. I know you had a lot planned and everything.”
“Kid, look at me,” Happy says in an gentle tone Peter’s only heard him use with Morgan. Peter opens his eyes and meets Happy’s concerned ones. “This isn’t my weekend, it's ours. And you didn’t ruin anything. We can still have a guy’s weekend by sitting on the couch, watching whatever movies you want, even if it includes Star Wars.” He says with a small smile.
Peter manages a weak smile at that. “Even both seasons of the Mandalorian?” He asks.
Happy sighs and rolls his eyes goodnaturedly. “Of course,” he says. “But I don’t want you blaming yourself for this, okay?”
Peter hesitates for a moment, only to receive a raised brow from Happy. “Okay.” He agrees.
“Good. So how about we get you off the floor, get some pain meds in you, and get you into bed?” Happy suggests.
“Sounds good,” Peter says with a small smile.
Once Peter is settled into the guest bedroom bed with an ice pack on his injured side, Happy hands him his pain meds (thankfully his own that Happy keeps here) and washes them down with a bottle of water.
“Thanks, Happy,” Peter mumbles sleepily with a small, grateful smile.
“Anytime, kid. Just get some rest and call me if you need anything, okay?” Happy says with a small smile of his own as he turns around and starts to head over to the door.
“Hey, Happy?”
Happy pauses in the doorframe and looks back at him. “Hmm?”
“Um…” Peter trails off as he looks down at the blanket he’s fiddling with in his hands. For some reason, he doesn’t want to be alone right now. “Do you maybe want to get a head start on season one of the Mandalorian?”
The corners of Happy’s lips turn up into a small smile. “Do you want some popcorn?”
“Sure,” Peter says with a small smile.
When Happy comes back fifteen minutes later with two bowls of popcorn, he settles into a chair beside Peter’s bed and rests his feet on the edge of the mattress as the opening credits of the show begin.
They’re about twenty minutes into the first episode when Peter spares a glance Happy’s way, finding that the man’s eyes are glued to the tv as he munches away on his popcorn, intently watching the action unfolding on the screen. Peter grins to himself as he turns back to the tv.
“Man, whoever the writer is for this show is a genius.” Happy says around a mouthful of popcorn.
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dancerbike68 · 3 years
Uae Tours
The UAE is made up of seven Emirates on the japanese seaboard of the Arabian Peninsula and is a vacation spot which is able to surprise you. It is very secure and fairly straightforward to access compared to most of the surrounding countries. The nation is principally a desert, however cultivation and enterprise have greened an excellent portion of it. Many breaks within the large cities will permit you to benefit from the various sights that might be offered to you, between quad, nautical actions or excursions by dromadaire. A safari into the desert is a should while in Dubai, and for essentially the most unforgettable expertise take a tour that contains a BBQ feast. They’re an excellent alternative for those not eager on a wild experience through the desert. A camel experience is a completely relaxing method to enjoy the sweeping surroundings, attempt some conventional barbeque, and listen to desert tales advised by tour UAE tourist information. With heady Arabian music taking half in by the bonfire as you dine on a scrumptious meal, you’ll be able to witness the true fantastic thing about the Arabian night time sky. For each the desert safari and the camel journey UAE tours, there’s an option to spend a night in the desert in a conventional Bedouin-style camp, taking in the starlit sky very like a Bedouin tribe would. From visits to a quantity of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and cultural interactions with locals to and exciting wildlife encounters, this fascinating tour of India won\'t disappoint. Sufouh Gardens Map A centre for regional and worldwide commerce since the early 20th century, Dubai's financial system relies on revenues from trade, tourism, aviation, actual estate, and financial services. Guests and motor-enthusiasts can drive a number of the extremely well-liked racecars similar to the McLaren Sprint and the Ferrari GT at the Kartdrome for real-life racing experience. The instructional park, which seeks to draw Muslims and non-Muslims alike, options 12 gardens, a “Cave of Miracles,” and a break up lake symbolizing Moses parting the Red Sea. DUBAI - A new park that makes use of gardens and landscaping to inform tales from Islam’s sacred text has opened in Dubai, providing locals and vacationers a day trip with a non secular twist. [newline]More mountainous than emirates fronting the western edge of the Arabian Peninsula, Fajairah is residence to a number of wadies. This time period refers back to the valley stream mattress or the precise stream that flows within the wet season. Wadi Zikt, in Dhadnah, is lower than five miles from the coast and hosts considered one of Fujairah’s largest dams. Located some 25 miles north of Fujairah, Wadi Al Wurayah is home to a variety of waterfalls and a few compelling surroundings. The population has expanded quickly as nicely, rising from about 50,000 individuals in 1975 to greater than 630,000 in 2012. The expansion of city areas—gray within the images—has primarily proceeded westward from the town middle because of an abundance of open space and the presence of transportation, water, and power infrastructure. Dibba Beach is on the northern finish of the emirate and presents clear, clear waters perfect for diving and snorkeling. Swim simply offshore or visit the nearby coral reefs on a snorkeling/diving tour with one of the local distributors at Dibba Marina. Another in style swimming space is Sandy Beach, a number of miles south of Dibba Beach. The Sandy Beach Diving Centre (sandybm.com) provides each hotel lodging and dive/snorkeling trips. About 25 yards from the seashore is Snoopy Island, named after the famed beagle of "Charlie Brown" fame. Yas Island also is residence to a Formula 1 race monitor that hosts the annual Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and Dubai is making ready to welcome a World's Fair in 2020. Another great approach to attain the park is by utilizing a mix of public transport within the form of Dubai Metro prepare and taxi. The closest metro stations are World Trade Center and Al Jafiliya stations . After alighting at the metro station, you can take a taxi to the doorway of the park for a minimum fare. Resort Amenities like Luxurious bathrobes, Dry Cleaning and Gift store make your stay snug. These high Discovery Gardens resorts like Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa have every little thing that a tourist or a business traveler would want from a luxury lodge property close to well-liked Landmark places. This project aims to counterpoint its guests via thrilling options that could be found all through the park and to provide them with a secure group house where households can discover, chill out and spend time collectively. Israels New Peace Cope With The United Arab Emirates Transforms The Middle East Our writers, photographers and contributors are actual people who let you know the tales of their personal travels and experiences. Some of the international locations we currently cowl are Burma, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Break away from the continuous barrage of neon lights, excessive velocity trains, 1000's of eateries, and infinite rows of skyscrapers to visit a little bit of ancient Japan. Erawan Shrine in Bangkok is dedicated to Lord Brahma, situated by the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel. The temple is a well-liked worship attraction in the metropolis and one of the well-known temple of Brahma in the world. ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — A unique forum initiated by the Bahá’ís of the United Arab Emirates is permitting spiritual leaders of the nation to go beyond building mutual respect to fostering coexistence and unity of imaginative and prescient on questions of common concern. A good friend of mine who travelled round India advised me about this Hindu temple, and since then it has been on my “list” . It’s constructed within the typical Dravidian architectural type and has this unbelievably coloured and ornate exterior coated with depictions of gods, demons, warriors and royalty. Kapaleeshwar honors the god Shiva, and has shrines dedicated to a lot of different deities in the South Indian pantheon. [newline]Amid rising sectarian tensions and non secular animosities within the area, Abu Dhabi has unveiled plans for an expansive interfaith complex that bundles collectively a mosque, a church, and a synagogue. The different two temples include the Orlando Florida Temple and the Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple. For reasons of their very own concern, Emirati leaders would help normalize the Jewish presence on the mount, and not solely tolerate, but in addition take part in Jewish prayer. This elevation involved not solely constructing both the Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine, however in accordance with the Aqsa interpretative significance as the “furthest mosque,” one on par with the mosque in Mecca. Another spiritual establishment is the Muslim Council of Elders , which was established in July 2014 and is predicated in Abu Dhabi. Since its founding, the FPPMS has been lively in spreading its message and expanding its actions beyond the UAE. It holds an annual convention, which is normally attended by tons of of non secular scholars from around the Arab and Muslim worlds, particularly by those that are consistent with the UAE’s home and regional insurance policies. The FPPMS is officially sponsored3 by UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Last Word Guide To Iceland's Greatest Pools And Scorching Springs On path to the ‘Garden City,’ see the rocky Hajar Mountains and find out about Al Ain’s history from an professional information. Visit the Al Ain National Museum to uncover the city’s Bedouin heritage, and explore the Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum and bustling camel market. Admire the views of the palm-filled metropolis from Jebel Hafeet mountain, dip your toes into the mountain's sizzling springs, and earlier than returning to Abu Dhabi, enjoy a tasty buffet lunch. The onsens are used a public baths and are large enough for many people. In Japan you scrub down outdoors the tub to maintain the water clean. There are sometimes 牙橋 and some have features like waterfalls or cold tubs. The scorching spring pool is neat to see due to its size and it sits proper next to the mountains. The value of discount might differ based on fare kind availability, seasonality, referral source and destinations. This $10 off sale applies to our transaction service charges only. All fares displayed above are after the 10 USD prompt low cost utilized. Maximum discount amount is the amount of the transaction service charges for that transaction or 10 USD, whichever is less. You can attain Asakusa in one stop on the subway line, and you'll stroll to all of Ueno’s highlights like Ameyayokocho buying district, and Ueno park’s shrines and museums. Rooms available at Mimaru Tokyo Shinjuku West include Japanese-style and Western-style apartments, with a small kitchen and attached toilet. This Mystays resort is in Higashi-Ikebukuro (the neighborhood where my sharehouse in Tokyo was!). It’s shut the Sunshine 60 mega-mall with its Pokemon heart, aquarium, and remark deck. A buying district in Ikebukuro is home to a huge Sega sport center, Tokyu Hands retailer, and tons of animal cafes too.Check dates and prices here. Although it has an above-average price tag for a hostel mattress, you'll keep in a private “smart pod”. Many functions of the pod can be managed through iPod given at the front desk, similar to reclining your bed in to “sofa mode”! Museums & Galleries In Dubai Aiming to introduce international up to date art to local audiences in the UAE, the Maraya Art Centre organizes domestic exhibitions featuring rising artists from the region. It also has a sculpture park and a program of lessons, workshops, screenings, and occasions. Maraya can additionally be residence to the Barjeel Foundation, a prominent royal collection of latest art. A FUNN participant creates a charcoal drawing during an art workshop devoted to children/Courtesy of FUNN.The Maraya Art Centre is a non-profit artwork house and cultural platform positioned in Al Qasba. Abu Dhabi's other cultural sites, together with Cultural Foundation and Qasr Al Hosn, also opened on June 24. There might be no tours, however digital guides shall be available to obtain on smartphones. The museum at present operates at forty per cent capacity, and guests must book slots in advance to be assured entry. It includes timings for galleries, as well as the measures being taken towards defending guests against Covid-19. Housed in building every bit as spectacular as its assortment, the museum is located on the Corniche, simply north of the Heart of Sharjah district. Astrolabes, manuscripts, ceramics and cash all vie in your consideration however don’t miss the gold-embroidered curtain for the door of the Holy Ka’ba and the mosaic inside the central dome detailing the zodiac constellations. The National Museum of Ras Al Khaimah served as the residence of the ruling Quwasim family till 1964, when the late Ruler, H.H. Sheikh Saqr bin Mohammed al-Qasimi, moved to a modern constructing in Mamoura. It later grew to become a police headquarters and a jail, earlier than being converted into the National Museum in 1987. Reflecting its eventful historical past, the National Museum has been constantly enlarged over time, displaying a wealthy diversity of traditional architecture. Today, the ‘Late Fort’ exhibits historical, ethnographical, and archaeological material referring to the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah and provides an attention-grabbing insight into the history and traditions of this area. Sixty Five Attractions In United Arab Emirates That Match This Travel Theme > Outdoor Adventures It’s also home to plenty of must-try out of doors actions in dubai to check out. If you want an adrenaline-pumping sort of water activity, then the Flyboard experience is the best for you. It is a 20-minute Flyboard ride that is water-powered and may get as excessive as 10 meters above the waters, providing you with a spectacular view of Dubai’s skyline. During the exercise, you will have an experienced instructor to guide you through the process, the life vest, and different security gear. He/She is also there to show you to maneuver and tips to manoeuvre the ride that you'll greatly get pleasure from. The exercise is safe and enjoyable and perfect for novices and skilled Flyboarders. There are plenty of water actions to do in Dubai, and considered one of them is driving a personal velocity boat. Rumble throughout the sands, roar over rolling dunes, and cease for photographs of the attractive desert on route. After your ride, relax and refuel in a cool Bedouin-style tent over recent Arabic espresso, tea and dates. Yes, responsible as a defendant, this isn't an environmentally friendly journey activity, so ideally Sustainability Tribe shouldn’t recommend it. But I experienced a tandem fall while looking for “experiences about materials” and ticking my bucket list merchandise. This was my first huge merchandise on the record and I’m glad I might tick off a quantity of more from watching Northern Lights in Iceland. However, skydiving was by far essentially the most adventurous expertise in my life. Some folks got here not to ski butto journey the chairlift and benefit from the other winter activities.I seen a few of the locals taking the tour on the lift. Some males wore their lengthy white tob garbs beneath their ski jackets with their white keffiyah headscarves. Some of the women wore their ski coats over their long black abaya robes and their headscarves and a few faces veiled. As we flew over Dubai, positioned along the Persian Gulf coast, you'll be able to see thedesert haze engulf the citythat stretched to the seaside. Even the tallest tower on the earth, theBurj Khalifa, couldn't hide from the desert parts. Best Time To Visit Dubai Going on-line has additionally helped the pageant reach a worldwide audience. "We're seeing international viewers tune in to the festival, which is wonderful," Bolooki says. Of course, that is the case with any pageant being held this early in 2021. As the pandemic continues, event organisers all around the world have had to adapt to ever-changing rules to ensure customer safety. While there has been the usual buzz surrounding the annual literary occasion, the influence of the Covid-19 pandemicis noticeable. There are not any teams of individuals unfurling leaflets, trying to ascertain how and when to get to their next session. The UAE’s independence day is properly known with a raft of citywide events, including parades, dhow races and performances of conventional music and dance. Taste of Dubai Three days in mid-March wtasteofdubaifestival.com. ULTRA Abu Dhabi 2020 is proudly introduced by the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi. The festival is held annually under the patronage of patronage of Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum and as a part of the Emirates Literature Foundation established in 2013. With the program held across three weekends, one highlight had to do with newly released children’s books and the discharge of Young Voices of Arabia, which honors the primary regional winners of the Voices of Future Generations program. With some occasions held outside for security and all physical applications restricted in crowd measurement, the Emirates Airline Festival maintained a robust digital element, as well. All of our events adhere to the UAE pointers for Covid Safety, including a maximum of seven people per table, a clear hole of three meters between each, clear marking and signage, and physical distancing to avoid crowding. Masks and social distancing are also a should whilst moving around. The Al Gaffal Race commemorates historic checkpoints of pearl divers returning residence after lengthy sea excursions. The race begins with ships touring 23 nautical miles east to Moon Island from Sur Bu Na’air. For This Reason Dubai Is A Haven For Those In Want Of Retail Remedy The value will depend upon the store and the product, although in plenty of cases it's up to 70% financial savings in comparison with Europe. This street is amongst the essential stops inside any shopping tour of the city. Even if you do not plan to buy anything, simply to see all the merchandise and stroll among its small stands is a worthwhile experience. Other articles very typical of the Arab Emirates are lamps, made with stained glass, ceramic and steel figures, and shishas, the popular pipe through which many Arabs smoke fruity tobacco. On Lower floor stage between the meals court docket and Five Guys, there are a couple of stores (Jaber Gallery + 2 others). On the method in which from Five Guys in direction of Waitrose, there are tons of kiosks and shops with extra items. The worth of all this beautiful little thing is really cheap, which is very nice in phrases of a gift not essentially status, but made with a soul. Gold soukHere you'll be able to select exclusive finishes large merchandise with giant gemstone inserts. Rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, as well as garnet, agate, cubic zirconia, pearls. For a special present, it is proposed to make a ornament based on your sketch. Dubai's luxurious resorts pamper visitors with tony rooms, refined worldwide food and extra-special amenities. The world’s largest mall is way over only a retail paradise. Exhausting Rock Cafe Dubai In compliance with recommendations from local health officers, Hard Rock Cafe Dubai has reopened its restaurant and Rock Shop. We are persevering with to take precautions to ensure the security of our guests and staff members and have applied enhanced cleaning processes and social distancing measures. [newline]Hard Rock Cafe Dubai's world famous menu features all kinds of tasty options together with our mouthwatering Legendary® burger, refreshing salads, and house made entrees infused with the non-stop power of Dubai. There's beef, lamb, and different meat too, but if you do not wish to make a decision, go for the $190 signature tasting menu. Timber, brass, and marble shipped from South Africa create a shiny and breezy ambience in this spot at the shiny Al Wasl mall. Beige partitions and rustic-chic interiors lend an enthralling and welcoming vibe that attracts households on weekend afternoons. Actually three venues — a restaurant, bar and out of doors lounge opening onto the Arabian Sea — Buddha-Bar is famed for its unique food, eclectic ambiance and ambient music from an on-site DJ. The luxurious restaurant serves a fusion of sushi, Chinese and Thai meals, with a bar that plays host to Dubai’s trendy crowds. Between them, one of the best restaurants in Dubai serve nearly each national cuisine from around the globe, together with many specializing in Dubai’s personal Arabic delights. The meals was really fanatic I thought, my favorite dish for lunch being their machboos – a dish of rice and in this case chicken with spices. This Indian chain may not have the most luxe ambiance , nevertheless it does have hearty and reasonably priced biryanis, curries, tandoori grills, and wraps. United Arab Emirates Whey Protein Enterprise And Funding Opportunities 2014 Sign Up NowGet this delivered to your inbox, and extra information about our merchandise and companies. With our analysis partners within the United Arab Emirates , Edison has full-time research workers and supervisors in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, enabling us to conduct market and survey research throughout the nation. The nation has one of many highest vitality consumptions per capita on the earth. The Government targets a share of 44% of renewables in the vitality combine in 2050. Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC , ACWA Power , Abu Dhabi Transmission & Despatch Company , Dubai Electricity and Water Authority , Honeywell International Inc are the major firms operating in United Arab Emirates Power Market. UAE has confirmed that it holds a few of the finest solar sources on the planet while supporting financial and regulatory policies which have helped its clear power program to excel. Mechanisms for imposing property rights are predictable and truthful, although every emirate establishes its personal procedures for land possession. The judiciary just isn't unbiased, and court rulings are subject to evaluate by the political management, but the rule of regulation is generally nicely maintained. The UAE is one of the least corrupt countries within the region, however nepotism and corruption persist, and the federal government typically lacks transparency. The economy of the United Arab Emirates has maintained its standing among the many ranks of the largely free this yr. Additional financial freedom is important, nonetheless, if the federal government is to succeed in diversifying away from reliance on the hydrocarbons sector. Substantial reductions in subsidy funds would probably increase Index indicator scores for government spending and financial freedom. The United States applied an “anti-boycott” legislation in 1977 to encourage non-compliance with the Arab League boycott of Israel. Many documents which would possibly be executed inside the UAE should be notarized by a public notary. Public notaries in the UAE are officers of the courts of first instance and are supervised by the court in that Emirate. Only Arabic paperwork may be notarized, but dual-language copies containing English are widespread. The requirements of public notaries usually are not constant, usually necessitating repeated visits to the general public notary office. Consequently, firms should contemplate confirming documents through counsel for any transaction where time is of the essence. Find the most relevant details on the United Arab Emirates relating to market information, statistics and market studies. Each emirate has its own government-owned firm; overseas actors participate by way of public-private partnerships. Some of the key gamers are Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC , ACWA Power, Abu Dhabi Transmission & Despatch Company , and Dubai Electricity and Water Authority , Honeywell International Inc. Abu Dhabi’s rising population and rising economy have been the key elements driving the increase in peak demand, which grew by a median of 8.53% per yr between 2007 and 2018. United Arab Emirates Travel Guide You may must take a COVID-19 PCR test before you depart or one other particular kind of COVID-19 take a look at specified by your vacation spot. We're at all times looking for new methods to inspire your subsequent holiday - fascinating destinations, unique resorts and all the little things that come collectively to create unforgettable moments for you and your loved ones. There isn’t a global restaurant model without a presence in the UAE, but the best food is local and snacking round the historic districts is healthier than generic burgers any day. Get to know the desert and life beyond town on guided camel tours or treks. The four artifical islands of Al Marjan have some of RAK’s best family resort resorts designed around seashores and luxurious gardens but not far from the city centre. Ras Al-Khaimah is less than an hour’s drive north of Dubai, shares a border with Oman and is a favorite vacation for UAE residents. Traditional tradition is extensively known here like nowhere else within the nation so if you’ve promised everyone an evening under the stars at a Bedouin camp, you can come good on your word. There are plenty of journey actions on provide, from 4WD journeys across the desert dunes to camel trekking, sandboarding, and dune buggy journeys. Abu Dhabi's luxurious resorts rim the shoreline of the town's numerous islands. For sun-and-sand targeted vacations in Dubai, luxury resorts are targeted alongside the coast west of the central metropolis. It could additionally be a billionaire's playground, but you do not needbillions, or even tens of millions, to take benefit of Abu Dhabi. Apart from native specialities as cosmopolitan as the shawarma, hummus or falafel, there are a plethora of conventional dishes you can not fail to strive when you have the chance to travel to the United Arab Emirates. The festivities of the United Arab Emirates are marked mainly by the Islamic faith, so lots of their celebrations are topic to the Muslim calendar and their dates might range from one yr to a different. The luxury, grandeur and modernity of some of its cities such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi have made it also have great sports and cultural events which would possibly be characterized by their ostentation. The city of shopping, Dubai, has a day dedicated to buying; good day to visit the bazaars of the town and reap the benefits of their discounts. Dubai’s been building continuous since 1967 and right now the city has 60,000 lodge rooms, with extra to come. How The Uae Turned The Center For Artwork In The Center East He is the son of the founder of UAE, the First President, Emir of Abu Dhabi, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed is well-known for being a really lively official within the UAE within the subject of increasing and developing all sorts of relations between the nation and different nations. Ahmed Khalil Sebait Mubarak Al-Junaibi, is an Emirati footballer. Who currently performs as a forward for Al-Ahli and United Arab Emirates national staff. Various human rights organisations have raised severe concerns concerning the alleged abuse of migrant staff by major contractors organising Expo 2020. UAE's business answer provider German Pavilion can also be held accountable for abusing migrant employees. The authorities follows a coverage of tolerance toward different religions and rarely interferes in the religious actions of non-Muslims. According to an estimate by the World Bank, the UAE's population in 2018 stands at 9.543 million. Immigrants account for 88.52% whereas Emiratis make up the remaining eleven.48%. This unique imbalance is due to the country's exceptionally excessive net migration price of 21.seventy one, the world's highest. Drinking And Nightlife In United Arab Emirates For a party that starts at noon and continues nicely after midnight, make for one of Dubai’s seaside golf equipment, where you'll find a way to drink, dance, swim, and mingle. Located between the desert and the Arabian Gulf, fashionable Dubai is filled with life, and there are quite a few methods to explore the multicultural, dynamic metropolis's after-dark side. A vibrant evening for the women could be enjoyed each Tuesday night with three complimentary home grape beverages from 6 to 9 p.m. This small nightclub is one of the most well-known prostitution spots in Abu Dhabi. Built in the 1980s, the venue just lately underwent a contemporary refurbishment, equipping the interior with chic modern lighting and cutting-edge decor. A top meals alternative here is the delicious fajitas; attempt both the shrimp or the rooster and beef selection. Moreover, The employees are extraordinarily helpful and friendly and are skilled in providing professional recommendation on what to do across the metropolis. Scoring the best ranking for finest dance music, Trilogy, inside the Madinat Jumeirah is amongst the most celebrated venues for the best Dubai nightlife. The Moroccan-style, three-level membership provides a wide range of moods and the most important and finest names in DJ’s. Monday’s R&B night is likely considered one of the city’s hottest events, with DJs, leisure and an intensive cocktail menu. The club also holds dedicated hip-hop, Asian and ladies’ nights, when the bar is free for ladies before 1am. Discover most likely one of the best get together tour in Dubai for personal groups celebrating various occasions or unforgettable hangouts. A top-notch tour in carefully chosen bars and golf equipment & a great way to dive into the native nightlife in Dubai. A custom-planned experience, ideal for celebrating any birthday party, pre-wedding event, corporate occasion or only a evening out with pals. It is the trendsetter for the next degree of progressive wellness. Whether alone or with your family, we ship your private journey. Buddha-Bar followers can anticipate to be wowed by the gorgeous new interior, which takes sophistication to new heights. On the one hand, yes, it’s true that Saudi Arabia is amongst the most conservative nations in the whole world – and that Syria is one of the most dangerous. But at the similar time, different Middle Eastern nations – like Lebanon, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and even Oman – are attracting extra Western tourists every year. Certain cities in these international locations have gotten, or are already well-known as – one might say – worldwide Meccas for nightlife.
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
So while I sit here trying to get normal balloon spawns...
I may as well write a blog. I am using a guide post on how to catch normal balloon spawns to try and get more cherry blossom recipes. Well I am only half using it.. I am camping on the beach waiting for normal balloon spawns instead of going there every 0/5 ending minute. I'll share the guide on here after this if I remember, but I already got one new cherry blossom recipe just by camping on the side of the beach that balloon spawns are coming from and ignoring the bunny day balloons, so I think this could work, too.
Anyway, now story mode is over, but I still have so, so much to do that it's not even funny. I am making it my main priority to save miles up to buy all the different paths and stuff. I think I have three left to buy so roughly 6,000 miles to earn. But saving miles means making less bells as Nook mile trips are where I made the most, I think. And now I can't take them because I have no miles/am saving miles and so I don't have the bells to pay off my house or to build a new bridge or any of the things I am saving for. But in part the fact it is harder to save bells just makes it feel like I have more to do and that is comforting in a way. I want the appeal of this game to last forever but I know my brain doesn't work like that. Still for now it's the best distraction I have and I'm grateful for it.
Having the ability to make paths is tough because it's just another million decisions to make and hope I get it right or can redo it better or whatever, so that Euphoria becomes the island I dreamed it could be. Right now I have a lot of dirt paths and I think they look okay. But I plan on redoing them someday with either custom paths or maybe just the arched tile ones... I like that path style. Still I started when I just had dirt so I just kind of kept going that way.
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It looks alright, I think, especially at the entrance. I haven't finished a lot of the paths on either the right (residential) side or the left (wooded area/orchard) but I have mostly finished the center which is shops and such.
(So far I've gotten a normal balloon spawn every 5 minutes! So it works to just hang around the beach and then look for the spawns at every 0 and 5 ending minute. Edit: Aw, nope just didn't get that last one... I am probably doing something wrong then. Oops Edit2: Definitely doing something wrong. Didn't get a spawn again. Oh well I'll check the guide again once I finish this post. I am also watching for wishing stars so it won't be a total waste.. though I haven't seen any of those either. Last edit: Guide said spawns don't happen every time AND I just got another regular balloon, so maybe I'm fine? I hope I am not just wasting time.)
I am moving most of the houses before I do the paths on that side which is ANOTHER expense for sure, but after seeing a couple of my friend's islands, I knew I could make the houses probably a bit straighter and I decided I want them not quite as closer together as I want everyone to be able to have a yard. One of my friends has houses that are PIN straight and have little yards to them. I don't think I can accomplish that. But I do think I can space them out far enough to fence them in and have little yards.
So I started with the last to move in which was Marina. I put her in a space both by the beach, and by my house because even though she just moved in we're absolute besties. No but honestly, I love her. She sings like everywhere she goes and it's adorable.
I would move Beau next but I think he might stay close to where he is. Unfortunately if I have to move him a little bit I first have to move his house out of the way and then move it back because you can't move buildings just a tad, you have to find a whole new spot. This is why I had to move the whole museum to a new spot as it was slightly out of line and i couldn't just move it to where it lined up. I wish i had known this when i put things there. I didn't take care placing anything because I knew it could be moved. I only ASSUMED it could be moved a small amount as well especially since I assumed correctly that you were paying for it. But no, so oh well, now I have to come up with new spots for things, that's fine. Luckily both Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters I got in perfect alignment with resident services like I wanted to so they're all on one straight path.
Anyway, I hope I can get it looking like i want it to. I thought that decorating it how I wanted would be the hardest because I still need to find all the furniture. But the paths might give that a run for it's money when we talk about difficulty level if you include trying to get all the houses in the right position and such.
But as hard as I've been "working" (it's definitely still fun or I wouldn't do it) I have found plenty of time for play as well. Yesterday morning I visited a friend for her KK Slider concert. I luckily have a good group of friends from a discord I'm part of and a lot of them are from other countries so they experience stuff before I do and things like that. So a bunch of us visited her for her KK concert and we did some of that...
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And then things got a little wild...
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Lol, it was fun. I thought for a second about the state of the world but I didn't panic thankfully. I just saw a bunch of us coming together from across the globe, some of us in quaratine, almost all of us at least ADVISED not to go out unless necessary. The world is a scary place right now, but the fact we could still come together from across the globe to be silly and enjoy a game together makes me feel like everything might be alright. I mean, it would still be cool even if these things weren't going on, but the fact they are abd socialization is becoming more difficult than ever, it's cool to see an alternate means of that in action.
I can't believe I took no pictures of her super straight houses, ugh, if I go again, I will have to, they are literally perfect.
And the weirdest thing about all of this to me is how included i feel in all of this. We're all on a small AC discord together and it seems like a lot of them have maybe known each other a while. But unlike a lot of other places it doesn't feel cliquey to me. I've always been welcome to come to their islands, and they have always been very courteous when any of them have come to mine. They act as happy to see me as they do anyone else. And I've only known them a short time so it would usually feel strange to call them "friends" but it doesn't. Now obviously they could feel differently but if they do they don't show it. I am incredibly grateful to have found them. I really couldn't ask for a better group of people to play with.
I actually was invited from this tumblr. Likely after I made some kind of post about not feeling like I belonged in the AC community or something similarly emo and whiny, I'm sure. So I am surprised I was invited at all, but I am so thankful I was. It was just what i was looking for in the AC community.
(Yes! I learned cherry blossom umbrella! Balloon hunting is going fairly well considering I only had like two of the cherry blossom DIYs total before I started and now in about an hour I've doubled that.)
I do have some facebook friends and such I have play AC with, and I am also grateful for them as well of course. It has brought us closer together and I am thankful for that. I have one friend who we constantly send each other gifts like if we accidentally got two of something or a DIY we already have or just if we think something is cool, it's really fun. I enjoy mail as much in game as I do in real life.
But yeah, I was nervous when this game first came out that I would be stuck playing just with my sister. And don't get me wrong I love playing the game with her, we always have a good time. But sometimes you need socialization beyond your own family and I really saw this as my one chance to connect since I'm not very social, I am very anxious, and I just struggle with these things. I may have been right about it being my best chance at connection because I can hide a lot of the awkwardness in game. Very thankfully though, I found people who accept what I can't hide in game. And who accept me. For some reason that's just been really hard to do. Every community I am a part of I feel like an outsider until now. But yeah, I am looking forward to a continued friendship with these people and continuing to enjoy the game moving forward.
I guess I've rambled enough. I still need to get more balloons, but I can't write here forever. Though... I frequently do write far too much here and I wonder if it get read. If it doesn't I don't blame ya. But yeah. I will leave you with this adorable pic I took while Marina was singing... you can't really tell she was singing, but still, she's adorable either way.
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(And don't you love this dress? I have it in I think 4 different colors, I just love it.)
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theshatteredrose · 5 years
A Gathering of Guardians - Prologue Saga (Chapter 7) - Etrian Odyssey Nexus Fanfiction
AN: I finally managed to write something~ Took me a while to finally finish this chapter. It’s a rather long one, too. 5k words. That might be one of the reasons why it’s taking me this long to finish it. Perhaps I should focus on shorter chapter. Anyway, I honestly don’t know when I’ll get the next chapter out. But I will be working on it slowly. I will finish this series. It might take me a while, but I will finish it.
Enough ramblings. Hope you enjoy reading~!
Chapter 7:
The sun had barely risen when the shadow of the flying city of Maginia passed over Armoroad. It moved slowly, almost ominously, causing many of the residents to take to the streets to obverse. The city’s appearance was rather sudden, so it was fortunate that they had received word of its presence days in advance.
The low, vibrational rumbling of the passing city caused Oracle, leader of the Aurora Guild, to step onto the balcony of his room. He watched with mild interest as Maginia rumbled overhead. The other members of his guild were also aroused from their sleep by the flying city, and they too, headed outside to watch as it passed, searching for a landing area.
However, Oracle wasn’t all that interested in the flying city. He was more interested in what, or rather who was to be found within the city.
The stars had been alerting him to a newcomer for a few days now. A new person who would be able to help them. Although, the stars didn’t tell him who that person who or what it was they would help them with. But, hopefully, they were a healer. A talented healer who could help the two most fragile members of the guild.
With everyone of the guild now awake, Oracle turned to move back inside to get changed into his zodiac robes before he moved downstairs. Everyone was gathering for breakfast, chatting idly about the flying city. He could hear the bubbling of excitement in their voices.
All Oracle could think about, however, as he glanced over at shogun Zydon as he rested in his wheelchair, was the hope that the stars were right once again. The injuries that Zydon unfortunately suffered from were far from conventional. No healer upon the island of Armoroad knew how to help him, and nothing they tried to return the use of his legs had worked.
He was well cared for within the guild. Kujura, in particular was very attentive of him. And it wasn’t just from the guilt he felt. Not entirely. It might be neigh impossible for Zydon to return to how he used to be, but as his guild leader, Oracle owed it to him to at least try.
The same for Seyfried. His health was rather precarious, too. Having been an Yggdroid for over a hundred years and suddenly finding himself human again, its no wonder he doesn’t know how the handle the form of a fragile, vulnerable human. He felt useless, stated as much, and had fallen into a depression because he was no longer able to lead his people like he once did.
Hoplite Razak was instrumental in convincing Seyfried to move in with them at the Observatory, the large lighthouse that Guild Aurora called home. Getting him out of his underground environment and back into the sunlight was quite the change for him. But it was necessary. The further away he was from the labyrinth and the responsibilities he once held, the better.
Oracle turned his attention toward the older monk, a professor and “mentor”, though more like an adoptive father figure. He did whisk him away from his murderous mother, saving his life, after all.
“We’re going to be asked to join Maginia’s expedition, aren’t we?” Oracle directed that question toward Holt, the older Monk momentarily pausing in his morning stretches.
“Ah,” Holt uttered after a moment. “Did your cards or stars tell you that?”
“Cards,” Oracle answered swiftly. “The stars tell me of something else.”
Again, Holt paused for the briefest moment before he swiftly returned to his exercises. “Oh?”
“Someone is aboard that flying monstrosity that may be able to help Zydon and Seyfried.”
A lull fell over the room and a silence crept in. Oracle could feel the eyes of the others on him. Four gazes in particular; Zydon, Kujura, Seyfried, and Razak.
“Ah,” Holt uttered once again, but this time breaking the silence. “Is that so? How intriguing. I hope that this person lives up to your expectations.”
Holt was being cautious. Annoyingly but rightfully so. They had tried several times to remove that curse that was taking the use of Zydon’s legs away from him. Being half zodiac allowed him to manifest wings, so he could move about with ease. But it was still exhausting for him to do so. The curse of which he suffered was likely the cause.
“Are we really going to move to Maginia?” Joren, their guild’s farmer and self-imposed caretaker, asked softly. Almost meekly. He was likely unnerved about the idea of leaving behind the only place he has ever really known.
“Maginia is planning quite the excursion,” Holt replied as he continued his morning stretches. “They plan to visit an island known in myth as Lemuria. An unknown and mysterious island said to be filled with legends and treasures.”
So…even if that person that the stars had told him about was unable to help, perhaps something within the island of Lemuria could instead?
“As you know, Villard is an old acquaintance of mine,” Holt continued. “He requested that I help with the Maginian Museum. Of course, I don’t have to agree. But…perhaps it would do as all some good to leave Armoroad. Even for a short while.”
It did sound nice. Moving to a new place to get into trouble. Oracle was certain that there were inhabitants of Armoroad, especially the hoity-toity types, that would be thrilled that the Aurora Guild would be leaving. They were the outcasts, basically. They didn’t reform themselves to social structure. So they were often looked down upon.
Oracle couldn’t care less. His own mother wanted to abide by social beliefs, and that desperation of having a “normal” son, and not one who predicted the death of a family friend, led to her to try to drown him.
“Well, perhaps I should head out to greet my old friend,” Holt said as he finally finished with his stretches. “An expedition sounds quite fun. I’ll be going myself. As for anyone else, it’s your choice.”
While Oracle had pretty much dragged many into his guild (often without their knowledge), he still didn’t feel right about making this kind of decision for them. Packing up and moving to Maginia for an expedition was not easy decision.
Oracle, however, had no problem with packing up and moving elsewhere.
So, he turned to everyone of his guild. “Take your time to make your decisions. It’s up to you. Think carefully.”
“Oracle, Sigil; care to accompany me?” Holt requested. A reasonable request, honestly. They were seen as his apprentices, after all.
“Of course,” Oracle replied as he watched as his brother, a fellow zodiac with purple hair and a perpetual shit-eating grin on his lips lifted from his chair.
Holt folded his arms behind his back and smoothly moved to the front doors. Oracle and Sigil followed him close behind. But as Oracle walked past Zydon, the shogun reached out to snare his wrist to pull him to a stop.
“Oracle?” Zydon asked as he looked up at him from his wheelchair. “Do you really believe there’s someone who can help me?”
Oracle empathised with what Zydon was feeling. He suffered greatly, perhaps more than all of them. Stabbed by a man he trusted and loved, a man who was possessed by a cursed sword, who’s name would never be uttered again. The attack was nearly life-threatening, though they managed to save his life. Not the use of his legs.
He felt…useless, for a lack of a better word. He was far from it, but he was highly critical of himself. Much like Seyfried, really.
“I do,” Oracle said firmly as he looked straight into Zydon’s eyes. “Don’t worry.”
Zydon gazed up at him for a silent moment before he nodded his head. “Ok.” He then let go of Oracle’s wrist.
Oracle gave Zydon a small smile before he turned to follow Sigil and Holt out of the Observatory. Holt took the lead as they walked down a stone-lined path that led to the city of Armoroad. Oracle stayed a few paces back with Sigil. Sigil appeared jovial, humming lightly under his breathe while Oracle was contemplative.
“Nee, Oracle,” Sigil cooed, as he usually did when he wanted his attention. “You’ve made you decision, hm?”
Oracle nodded his head. “Indeed.”
He would still need to talk to Kardos, though. He was sure that the gladiator would accompany him. He had said multiple times before that he would stay with him, to the ends of the earth. Still, Oracle would ask. He…wanted to go to Lemuria more than Maginia.
“Sounds fun,” Sigil hummed. “New people to terrify and befuddle.”
Hm. Sounded that Sigil had made his decision also.
“Indeed,” Oracle uttered again, a half-smirk on his lips.
As they reached the halfway mark, a sudden, tingling sensation that touched Oracle’s aura caused him to immediately come to a stop. His etheric wings twitched and the third eye, found in the middle of his forehead, fluttered also. He instinctively looked up at the sky to concentrate on the feeling. Next to him, Sigil did the same.
Over the bubbling, bustling atmosphere, two very distinct and new presences could be felt. Both were quite warm in comparison to those found within the city. One was tender, ethereal in a way. Light and nurturing. The other, however, was powerful. Not overwhelming, but benignly and protectively strong. One could heal any wound, the other could defeat any threat.
That was what he felt from their auras.
Oracle wasn’t an empath. Not a very well-trained one at least. But he was able to sense the presences of others all the same. Know where they were and what their intentions were. But he had never encountered anything quite like the presences that had just arrived in Armoroad.
“Hm? Do you feel that?” Sigil asked, though the question wasn’t exactly necessary.
Oracle nodded his head. “I do. Two power presences.”
“Extremely powerful,” Sigil muttered before that shit-eating grin reappeared on his lips and he continued forward, a slight spring in his step. “Interesting.”
It was. Perhaps…
Oracle shook his head and continued forward, also, increasing his steps to catch up with both Sigil and Holt. But as they approached the city, those two presences seemed to be drawing closer toward them also. Heading in their direction, even.
Looking further down the path, the sight of three figures approaching greeted him. One was an elderly man with a monocle and a cape of eccentric design. With him where two others. Younger men. Clearly both explorers.
And they were the ones that held the powerful presences they had sensed.
“Ah, Villard,” Holt greeted warmly as the two small groups met. “We were just coming to greet you ourselves, old friend.”
“Holt,” the elderly War Magus grinned. “Still allergic to shirts, I see.”
“Of course,” Holt replied instantly before he punched himself in his supposedly rock-hard abs. “It would be a right shame to hide this magnificent physic.”
Villard laughed for a moment before the two men grasped each other’s hands and pulled themselves into a half, manly hug, patting each other on the back with their other hands. But Oracle wasn’t paying much attention to the older men. His gaze was locked on the two younger men behind Villard.
One was tall with red hair and blue-eyes. His muscles were subtle, but his straight but relaxed posture indicated that he was confident without overpowering ego. He gave the impression of power, protection, and acceptance.
The other man was shorter with long orange-hair, vibrant violet eyes, and a marking atop of his third eye chakra. He was the quintessential healer; nurturing, empathetic, compassionate. He gave the presence that made people want to open up to him, seeking advice or comfort.
…It was him.
“You’re heard of Oracle and Sigil, yes?” Holt’s voice pulled Oracle from his observation. “Two wayward waifs that are my apprentice.”
“Ah, yes. Oracle is the guild leader of Aurora, yes?” Villard said in return as he folded his arms within his robes. “Well, allow me to introduce to you the co-leaders of the Guardian Guild from Lagaard; Axel and Lynus.”
The redheaded Axel gave a friendly grin and nodded. “Hey.”
And the orange-haired Lynus smiled gently. “Nice to meet you.”
Oracle, instead of utterly a greeting in return, walked past Holt and Villard, and moved to stand before the one with the bright aura. Lynus, was his name. Violet eyes focused in on his in curiosity, his regard toward him more of interest than intimidated. He did hold a sense of nervous, but that was to be expected.
"You must be the one that the stars told me about," Oracle said.
The medic's brow furrowed ever so slightly, his curiosity mixing with confusion. His expression soon soothed out in realisation. "Who is it that you want me to see?"
…That response. He had to be the one.
"This way, please," Oracle said simply as he half turned and motioned toward the Observatory.
Lynus nodded his head before he turned to look over at the tall man next to him. “Axel?”
“You’re not leaving my sight,” Axel immediately stated.
Hm…protective but understanding. Intriguing. And reasonable. He appeared somewhat curious, too.
Oracle simply nodded his head and turned to lead the two back to the Observatory, leaving Holt, Sigil, and Villard to literally talk amongst themselves. He assumed that many of his guildmates had left the Observatory. To spend some time alone, or with their partners, pondering on their decisions regarding Maginia.
Hopefully, Zydon and Seyfried were still there.
“Do you mind if I introduce you to everyone later?” Oracle asked as the approached the tall, white lighthouse.
“Not at all,” Lynus replied politely.
“They are wishing to take this time to come to their own decisions regarding whether joining Villard on Maginia,” Oracle explained as they reached the front doors, which were still propped open.
“Ah, yes.” There was obvious understanding in Lynus’ voice. “We, too, had to consider the request quite thoroughly ourselves. Thankfully, everyone of our guild, and those we hold dear, agree to join us.”
Lynus’ gaze immediately flickered over to Zydon’s direction, drawn toward him seemingly by some unknown force. His eyes widened a fraction and he drew in a sharp intake of air, so softly that there was an almost inaudible gasp. His expression suddenly softened, almost appeared pained.
Oracle turned to look at Zydon, too, noting that the shogun looked somewhat startled, and confused. He locked gazes with Oracle, his head tilted to the side questioningly.
“Sorry, I did not mean to startle you,” Lynus was the one to speak up first, his voice calming and reassuring. “I’m a medic and medical researcher, so it’s in my nature to cast a cursory glance at others.”
Zydon turned to look at Lynus once more, his confusion soothing into interest. “Oh, are you from Maginia?”
“Actually, from High Lagaard,” Lynus replied as he walked further into the Observatory and approached Zydon.
Kyan, Zydon’s twin brother appeared from the kitchen area, his posture protective as he glanced at Lynus suspiciously, but cursorily all the same. “Medical researcher?”
“Hm. I’ve been healing mortal wounds for over ten years now and have quite a lot of experience with curses,” Lynus replied.
Curses, huh? That was a rather odd thing to state, but intriguing all the same. Many of those in the medical field don’t actually believe in curses and dark spells, despite the evidence.
Kyan found the admission a little startling himself, though he didn’t say anything in response.
Instead, he turned to keep a close eye on his brother. Zydon had pulled his wheelchair close to the coffee table and watched as Lynus moved to perch on the edge of the table to give him his full attention. Axel stayed near the door of the Observatory, his arms folded across his chest. He was guarded, but not willing to intervene. It indicated to Oracle that this kind of scenario was a common occurrence.
Lynus raised his hand toward Zydon. “Do you mind?”
Zydon looked at him in curiosity before he glanced down at his hand. Slowly, he raised his own hand and allowed Lynus to take it gently. Lynus covered his hand with both of his before he lowered his head slightly and closed his eyes. He stayed like that for a few moments.
Curious himself, Oracle turned to look at Axel.
Axel leaned toward him to whisper to him. “Inspecting him through his aura. He sensed something not right the moment he entered.”
“Touching the person allows for greater clarity?” Oracle asked.
Axel nodded his head. “He’s currently searching for the reason for anomalies in his aura. If there is something wrong, he will find it.”
Oracle nodded his head also. Intriguing.
Finally, Lynus sighed and opened his eyes. He idly rubbed his thumb against the back of Zydon’s hand as he tried to find the right words to respond. With a sad smile, he released Zydon’s hand.
“You’re in quite the state, aren’t you?” Lynus said as he rested his hands on his lap. “Thankfully, you still have sensations in your legs and you can move them, but placing any pressure on them will result in you collapsing.”
Oracle had to admit that he was honestly surprised to hear Lynus say that. He hadn’t told him a thing, but he picked out what was ailing Zydon exactly.
The twins were also greatly surprised. “You know that? Do you know the cause?” Kyan was the one to ask.
Lynus nodded his head slowly. “A curse. It is also the cause of your fatigue.”
Again, he was right.
“It’s not easily fixed,” Lynus interrupted gently. “It can’t be done overnight. To be honest, I will need to do some research. But, within Maginia, I have a clinic of my own. And a friend and colleague of mine is working on opening a hospital.”
That would mean they Zydon would have to move to Maginia as well.
“I don’t want to influence your decision of joining Maginia,” Lynus continued. “It’s your choice entirely. But I am staying with Maginia and I am certain that, under my care, I will find a way to help you. And if you do choose to do so, I will do whatever is necessary to improve your way of life.”
He sounded determined. And sincere.
It was the sincerity that caught Zydon and Kyan off guard.
“What’s going on here?”
Oracle looked over to a small room to the right of the seating room and watched as Seyfried, with his walking stick and Razak at his side walked out. Ah, good. The second person he would like their newfound medical friend to inspect.
“Take a seat, Seyfried,” Oracle instructed. “A medic from Maginia has agreed to visit us.”
Seyfried flickered his gaze over to Lynus, and though didn’t look all that impressed, resigned himself nonetheless. Lynus stayed sat on the coffee table as he regarded Seyfried carefully. His face was professionally free from expression, but it was obvious that he was indeed watching him carefully.
“Ah, I apologise for my sudden appearance and nosiness,” Lynus said as he turned his attention toward Seyfried, attempting to diffuse the minor tension in the room. “I’m a devout medic and Oracle has insinuated that he has a few guildmates that may require medical attention.”
It took Seyfried a few moments to drop himself stubbornly majestically onto the couch close to the coffee table. The former Abyssal King was unused to receiving help and attention from others, and preferred to stubbornly do things on his own. But he also knew how stubborn Oracle was in return, and knew it would only drain time and energy to act rebellious.
“I’ll need your hand as well,” Lynus said as he raised a rather delicate hand toward Seyfried. “Will that be all right?”
Seyfried barely smothered a sigh but raised his hand nevertheless. “Very well.”
Seyfried’s hand was pale and fragile, even in Lynus’ soft hands. Lynus closed his hand around Seyfried’s quickly and much like he did with Zydon, he closed his hands and concentrated.
He didn’t need to focus on Seyfried for as long as he did with Zydon, it seemed. And after a few silent moments, opened his eyes.
“Hmm. It won’t be an easy fix either,” Lynus said as he rubbed his thumb against the back of Seyfried’s hand, again much like he did with Zydon. “It will take time. You feel disconnected to your physical body. We’ll need to increase your muscle mass and loosen your joints. Gentle exercise and a refined diet are the best course of action. Once you start feeling in control of yourself once more, your disconnection will also ease.”
Though Seyfried’s expression didn’t change from his regal and stoic professionalism, it was obvious from Oracle’s point of view that he was greatly surprised by the medic’s accurate insight.
Oracle glanced over at Zydon, noting the wheelchair, before turning back to Seyfriend, his gaze lingering on the walking-stick he relied on heavily. “We’ll be able to bring them both with us?”
“Of course,” Lynus immediately replied. “I don’t see why not. I believe Villard will agree, but if for whatever reason he doesn’t, I’ll talk to him.”
Oracle arched an eyebrow. “Hm? Quite the negotiator then?”
“His Disappointed Mum look is devastating,” Axel supplied with mirth.
“Is that so?” Oracle returned, intrigued. “Must be fascinating to witness. I usually just hound the shit out of them or threaten their life to make them agree.”
Axel made a noise that was a half snort, half laugh. “Sounds amusing to watch.”
“Don’t encourage him,” Razak rudely chided, sounding exasperated. “He does it enough.”
This time, Axel did realise a quick laugh and rested his hands on his hip. “Sounds good. Some people definitely deserve it.”
Hmm, Oracle liked this guy.
“Finally, someone who understands me,” Oracle said in a deadpanned, but humorous manner.
Razak, however, didn’t find the amusement, instead levelling him with a pointed look. “Don’t let Kardos hear you say that.”
Oh, Kardos wasn’t the jealous type. Protective, but not jealous.
“In any case,” Lynus started as he pushed himself to his feet. “You really can bring everyone that you are close to you. We certainly did. We practically brought half of Lagaard with us.”
“There’s over thirty of us,” Axel explained. “We even have our own bar-keep.”
“Is that so.” That was actually quite reassuring to know. “Perhaps it would make the choice easier on the others if they knew that.”
“It’s up to them. They’ll come to it on their own.” Axel dropped his hand from his hip as he raised the other toward Lynus, Lynus slipping his hand in his and allowing him to pull him toward him. “Well, we better get going. We have a few things we need to do today, too.”
Oracle nodded his head in understanding. “I’ll escort you back to the city.”
Axel and Lynus accepted this and with Oracle taking the lead once more, he led the pair out of the Observatory. Their appearance and Lynus’ quick diagnosis of both Zydon and Seyfried may be a bit out of the norm. It was rather sudden, after all. No context, now conversation beforehand.
Oracle was never the one for following social or normal convention. And, thankfully, the two didn’t seem to mind all that much.
There was something very curious about the two, honestly. Nothing bad. Just curious.
“Hope you don’t mind me asking; are you two engaged?” Oracle asked.
“Married,” Lynus replied with a light laugh, one that was filled with fondness. “Two years.”
Ahh, explained why they were so incredibly comfortable and supportive of each other.
Hearing Kyan’s voice when they reached the boundaries of the Observatory pulled Oracle to a sudden stop, Lynus and Axel following suit. “Kyan?”
Zydon’s twin brother hastily met with the three of them. He, however, seemed to ignore Oracle, though, and looked desperately, almost frantically to Lynus. “There’s more, isn’t there? More to my brother?” he unexpectedly asked.
Lynus looked at him, his brow slightly furrowed. Confusion evident. But that puzzling expression soon soothed out into quite the remarkable poker-face.
“You know about that curse, don’t you?” Kyan continued to press, becoming desperate. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Axel turned protective, ready to intervene, but Lynus placed a hand upon his chest and shook his head. Axel, though indeed defensive, nodded his head in return. He stayed back, expression stoic, yet a sense of pity in his eyes. He didn’t know the details either, but he knew his husband well enough that his reluctance to talk was indicative to how vulnerable Zydon had to be.
“Telling him everything won’t help with his recovery,” Lynus stated. “And it won’t ease your fears, either.”
Kyan frowned, his posture tensing. He was afraid for his brother, but determined to know more. “This isn’t about me; I deserve to know what’s really wrong with my brother.”
Lynus looked as him, studying him with an empathetic expression. He then sighed in defeat. “That curse is the cause of his partial paralysis. However, it’s also the reason why he still has any feeling in his legs. Removing it now, in this state, will causing him to lose all use and feeling in his legs. He will become irreversibly paralysed from the waist down. That is the curse’s intent.”
Oracle hadn’t expected that answer. And Kyan certainly didn’t either as he had gone completely white and silent. It actually made a knot form in the pit of Oracle’s stomach. “Wait. Should have any of our attempts to help him worked, we would have actually paralysed him?”
Grimly, slowly, Lynus nodded his head. “That’s why I didn’t want to say anything. And why I said I would deal with it. Should anyone else attempt it…”
Lynus trailed off as he looked at Kyan. He suddenly lunged forward, and caught Kyan as his legs suddenly crumbled beneath him. Lynus staggered, barely able to keep the both of them standing. Oracle, Axel too, reached out to steady the other man.
“S-sorry,” Kyan managed to mumble as Oracle supported him. “I…wasn’t expecting that.”
Slowly, Lynus leaned back and allowed for Oracle to support his guildmate fully. Concern was evident in his gaze as he looked Kyan up and down. “You need to sit down. That was quite the shock for you,” he said before he sighed again. “Sometimes, medics do keep things from their patients. And it’s always for their benefit.”
Indeed. Zydon and Kujura especially couldn’t know about this. No one else was to know.
“I promise, with Zydon under my care within Maginia, I will find a way to bring him back to full health,” Lynus promised. “But it will take time.”
Kyan remained leaning on Oracle, to which he allowed, also quite concerned for the other. He could only imagine how he felt. He blamed himself for his brother’s condition. Wasn’t remotely his fault, but logic and reason were often sidelined to the little voice of doubt that resided in everyone’s head.
“Hey!” Came Kardos’ voice. “What’s going on?”
Oracle kept a firm hold on Kyan as he looked up and watched as gladiator with vibrant orange hair and a shogun with blond hair and sharp blue eyes hurried over to them.
“Kyan?” Kujura questioned as he looked at his fellow shogun in mild concern. His poker-face slipped a fraction into panic as he looked around. “Where’s Zydon? Did something happen?”
“Relax, he’s inside,” Oracle immediately stated, Lynus and Axel taking this time to step back and allow them to focus on each other for now. “Where have you been?”
“The ol’ guildmaster wanted to chat with us,” Kardos explained. “He heard about Maginia’s plan and was a little miffed about it, for a lack of a better word. He reckons they should spawn their own explorers rather than stealing other cities.”
Ah, that made sense.
“Aww, is he going to miss us?” Oracle asked in a mocking, deadpanned manner.
It brought a grin to Kardos’s lips. “He said, and I quote “finally some peace from those bastards”.”
Oracle snorted. “How sweet. In any case, turn around so I can introduce you.”
Kardos blinked before he soon realised that there were indeed someone else with them. And had been there before he and Kujura even arrived. “Oh, hey, sorry for interrupting!” he said in a friendly but apologetic manner.
“Nah, it’s fine,” Axel replied. “We tend to do the same when we’re with our guildmates, too.”
“Well, as you’ve likely already guessed, Kardos and Kujura here are members of my guild, Guild Aurora,” Oracle explained before turning to the necessary introductions. “These two are Axel and Lynus, helping Maginia on the expedition. Co-leaders of the Guardian Guild.”
Kujura simply nodded his head in greeting, no doubt eager to get back to Zydon, but Kardos continued to grin brightly. “Nice meeting ya,” he said as he offered a hand to shake.
Axel shook his hand firmly, granting him a half smile in return, while Lynus choose to instead wave. Completely reasonable. Kardos had the firm handshake, and sometimes underestimated his own strength. Crushing the delicate hands of a medic right in front of his husband would not go down well.
Speaking of something not going down well, he had better get Kyan back inside. He was still struggling with the information he learnt, after all.
“You’ll have to excuse us; we need to get Kyan back inside,” Oracle said.
“No, I’m fine,” Kyan immediately insisted and straightened his posture. Pushing aside his own needs in front of others for the sake of others. It was, unfortunately, something he did all the time. “I apologise for my behaviour.”
But Lynus shook his head and smiled softly, empathetically. “It’s completely understandable. But allow Oracle and your guildmates to escort you. Axel and I will head into Armoroad from here. We’re actually searching for someone ourselves. I’m sure you have some packing and preparation that needs to be done.”
“Hm,” Axel said as he slipped an arm around Lynus’ shoulders and pull him toward him once again. “We’ll leave you to it. We’ll see you later.”
Lynus offered a small wave in goodbye before he and Axel moved down the path toward the city.
Oracle watched until he felt they were out of earshot and turned to give his attention to Kyan. Before he could ask him if he was alright, Kyan interrupted him.
“I’m all right,” Kyan insisted. “I wasn’t expecting that. We could have…”
Oracle barely covered a wince and nodded his head. “I know,” he whispered.
A faraway look appeared in Kyan’s eyes and he seemed to swallow a lump of emotion in his throat. “He’s…truthful, isn’t he?”
“You can feel it, too,” Oracle returned as he moved to guide Kyan back toward the Observatory. “If nothing else, the change in scenery may allow Zydon to relax. There’s a few…unneeded memories here.”
Kyan nodded his head. “You’re right.”
Kardos, having heard their conversation, frowned as he moved to stand next to Oracle. “Did something happen?”
Oracle resisted the urge to look over at Kujura. They really couldn’t afford to let the blond-haired shogun know how close they were to potentially taking the use of Zydon’s legs completely.
“…Not really,” Oracle replied. “Lynus there is a medic. He obliged my selfish request and inspected both Zydon and Seyfried.”
Kujura’s eyes narrowed sceptically. “And Kyan?”
“I’m…” Kyan started before he paused. “Just relieved. He says he can help Zydon. The first healer we’ve met so far who actually said as such.”
“So…that means we’re moving to Maginia, after all, huh?” Kardos commented somewhat idlily. Acting as if it was no big deal. Perhaps it wasn’t to him.
“Hopefully, all of us.”
Oracle didn’t realise how hopeful that really sounded until Kardos slipped an arm around his waist and hastily pulled him against his side. “Where you go, I go,” he said, once again, a promise he reminded of him often. “So, we better get packing.”
Honestly, Oracle was comforted by both Kardos’ dedication toward him and flippant attitude to supposedly difficult decisions. “Yeah.”
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Please keep in mind that stopping drinking will nоt resolve all the underlying problems that triggered yоu tо consume іn thе top place. It is simple tо fall іn to thе trap оf attempting to tackle them all rіght away, DON'T DO IT! It will take a while however aftеr а while уou will remain in a muсh better position to put your problems іn to thе appropriate point of view and cаn then yоu begin tо speak to someone, likе a counselor, who cаn assist yоu thrоugh them.
If yоu take а trip a bit further down Hwy 101 you cаn visit thе worlds largest Cedar Tree. Almost.3 miles from thе highway it iѕ significant rather wеll appropriately called thе Huge Cedar. Photos аre available in thе slide show referred to at thе end оf thіs short article.
There arе а lot оf things yоu must understand if you аre a novice. There's an entire process that will takе уou frоm a beginner tо an expert іn tasting аnd judging.
alcohol prevents thе oxidation of lipids, іt reduces оur ability tо burn fat in our blood stream and throughout оur body. Customer testimonials present which ruouvang24h is аmong the best authorities in terms of alcohol. This іs problematic whеn уou consider three things. Initially, 67% of Americans are оver weight. Second, acсоrdіng to surveys conducted in 2006 64% of Americans consume alcohol. Third, whіle thе percentage оf Americans that consume has not gone up in thе laѕt 4 years the frequency in whіch people consume has increased.
In some cases wе аre so excited thаt someone has an interest in uѕ that we forget tо sеe if he оr she is, іn fact, a great match. We allow оurѕеlveѕ tо be "chosen" by the оther person, instead оf picking that person ourselves.
Chard Town. The same year, thе Chard Train Company started work on а branch line frоm thе LSWR main line station to а terminus at Chard Town. This waѕ the very first station іn the town іtself аnd hаd а single platform. Services began in 1863 run by thе LSWR who finished the purchase of the branch thе list below year.
Brunel's ss Great Britain: visitors need to travel tо thе western wine Dockyard tо experience thе ss Excellent Britain - the first ever steam powered, iron hulled passenger ship. You will notice that ruouvang24h have been devoted to wine fоr quitе a while. It іs housed on the dry docks оf the floating harbour, аnd has actually gotten a variety of museum awards fоr itѕ individuality аnd attention tо detail. The boat waѕ constructed in the year 1843, аnd today, tourist attractions hundreds of visitors every week.
Some weight loss diet Western wine strategy plans might nоt bе safe, either. As a matter of reality, the stranger and more restricting the diet program is, thе leѕs most likely іt is to bе safe. Certain, you might find much more Western wine info as compared to ruouvang24h and i also inspire you tо definitely lookup. We recommend treating weight reduction lіkе a long term goal, nоt a short-term one. However here аrе some suggestions fоr high-speed weight reduction diet plans that work.
The world iѕ filled wіth а sense of competition. Females tend tо compare themselveѕ tо othеr ladies in a lot of areas: physical appearance, parenting, relationships, and company. Men tend to compare themselveѕ based upon material belongings, status, and money. It's tiring attempting to keep uр with everyone else! Utilize whаt others' do aѕ a sample, model or design template , but, make іt уоur own. Otherwise, you will just spin your wheels trying a lіttlе bit оf whatever, but enjoying аnd mastering absolutely nothing.
5- Dancing. Almost everyone enjoys a night оut dancing. Dancing іs a terrific way to start a conversation аnd to take pleasure in ѕоmеthіng new to do on а date. Whether the woman likes оr іѕ a slow dancer tо go out on the dance flooring and tear it up, уоu'll discover thаt уоu remain in fоr an enjoyable night.
The very best method tо find a remedy fоr panic attacks is tо first acknowledge thе symptoms. Anxiety attack are also referred to as General Stress аnd anxiety Disorder or GAD. These are sudden аnd normally brief periods оf intense anxiety beginning by worry. Shortness of breath аnd chest discomfort іs normally the very first signs. Panic attacks аre extremely intensive by nature. When yоu hаve a panic attack уou might seem like уou аre having a cardiovascular disease, feeling insane or lіke yоu аre nеar death.
Research study thе alternatives at уour location of choice, because уou will bе starving afterward. Some springs may offer treats, serve supper, оr not do anything at all. If nothing аt all is provided, strategy ahead оn whаt to load in. I recently discovered thiѕ short article in Real Simple magazine on packaging food for a variety of outdoor dining choices, from backpacking to a night spread іn thе park. The roast beef wrap dish was scrumptious, till the ice melted in the cooler аnd soaked thrоugh thе cling wrap thе tortillas.Next time, I think I'll attempt the backpacking menu, whiсh doesn't need refrigeration.
As a parent, thеre аrе numerous methods that уou сan assist уour child tо turn into an effective grownup. The main thing to keep іn mind is thаt evеry child needs guidelines, and penalties must be given out іf thеsе guidelines are not followed. This dоеs not mean that уоu need to physically punish уоur child by аny ways. You сan decide on a proper punishment, but punishment should be offered. If уоu develop а set of guidelines аnd dо not follow through wіth them, you might be sending уour child thе message thаt guidelines аre not important.
The 2010 Los Angeles Kings roster is filled with young talent like Anze Kopitar, Drew Doughty, аnd Jonathan Quick. Mix іn ѕome wiley veterans likе Captain Canada Ryan Smyth and Justin Williams, аnd yоu havе a formula fоr success. The Kings arе playing some of the mоst stifling defense іn thе National Hockey League. Back then success on thе ice аt The western white wine Forum, now thе Staples Center, waѕ built аround vibrant offense wіth hall оf famer Wayne Gretzky. Defense wins championships, however, sо it is no marvel The Kings аre lastly winning and fans arе taking notification. Los Angeles Kings tickets arе а hot commodity nowadays in a difficult climate to please.
Do not drink excessive. If уоu arе goіng оut for dinner оr to a gathering with alcohol, do nоt gеt drunk. Have a beverage or possibly two, however limit уоurѕеlf to that. Whenever you pay а visit to ruouvang24h you wіll рrobablу find on yоur own overwhelmed by simply alcohol info. Getting drunk оn the first date iѕ а surе fire method not to gеt a second date. Likewise, whеn consuming many individuals lose their inhibitions аnd might do somethіng that thеy will regret in the morning.
Never ever inform your first date that уou wіll call them, unleѕs уou genuinely indicate it. It іs rude to gеt an individual's hopes up аnd tell thеm thаt yоu will call thеm when уou know thаt уou never ever will. Rather, simply tell them you had a great time and end іt there. Likewise, іf you know thаt уou аre nоt thinking about your date after the first date, then do not lead them on. Tell them in advance and уou сan save a lot of harmed sensations.
Chard Town. The same year, thе Chard Railway Company began work on a branch line frоm thе LSWR primary line station tо a terminus at Chard Town. This waѕ thе first station in thе town іtself and had а single platform. Solutions started іn 1863 run by the LSWR who completed thе purchase оf thе branch thе following year.
H.F.S (as Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan waѕ frequently understood) waѕ born in Herefordshire. He wеnt to Marlborough School but was later on sent out to Italy tо attempt tо recuperate frоm disease, potentially triggered by malnutrition. After showing up back frоm Italy H.F.S went to the Crystal Palace Engineering College and after that started аn apprenticeship аt thе western wine Railway. Wine is рrоbablу the many points connected with ruouvang24h. After the western wine Railway H.F.S established a services and sales motor garage. H.F.S later purchased a Peugeot engine аnd started developing a car in а workshop he waѕ offered consent to work in by a good friend's further. The vehicle was put into production wіth thе support of Morgan's further.
Without thе restraints оf yоur former commute and time-for-money schedule, уou should discover іt much easier to prepare for a minimum of eight hours оf sleep eаch night. This іs specifically true when thе longer hours оf the start-up phase аre over, and уou realize you can run your online organisation Western wine іn fаr less hours every day than уou utilized to work. Therefore lеt's check out ruouvang24h as well as how that pertains to Western wine. You might work longer hours than уou have to, since yоu're influenced or ambitious, but іt needs to ѕtill be a lot easier to get уour Zs. Six months іnto my home-business experience, I realized I waѕ a much better-rested (and more energetic) individual thаn my оld task utilized to allow me to be.
The town had a noteworthy history іn thе manufacture оf a variety of things consisting of clubs, stockings and flannel. It iѕ believed to the town wаs established оn the website оf а Roman camp. The town also has a grade school which goes back frоm thе early eighteenth century. The namе оf the town suggests аn outflow from а lake, whіch iѕ appropriate because the town iѕ located on a lake of thе same name. This lake іs the largest in Wales.
Although nоt a terrific deal mоrе thаn a single main street, thе town hаѕ аn abundance оf traditional shops and an option of pubs and accommodation alternatives. It іѕ а popular place for travelers tо pick up а night or two оn thеіr method tо the coast. The town likewise hаѕ a traveler information office.
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bodyburn41 · 2 years
Biden Keeps Pricey Trump Visa Policy Denying Chinese Grad Students
If you've a query a couple of Visa rule that is not addressed under, please contact Visa at . If there is 台胞證 between the data contained in these Frequently Asked Questions and the Visa Rules, the Visa Rules will apply. For further necessities, check with the Visa acceptance settlement between you and your acquirer. Yes, provided that you've got a legitimate visa to return and are in any other case admissible. Please notice that Cuba might require you to apply for a visa to find a way to enter that nation. You can normally revalidate an expired visa automatically when returning from a visit of less than thirty days to Canada, Mexico, or one of many islands adjacent to the United States provided that you've a valid Form I-20 and a valid unexpired Form I-94. You want to discover out your country’s requirements and timelines for renewing passports. Many international locations will permit you to renew your passport while within the United States. The different various is to renew your passport whenever you return house for a visit. Authorities may impose curfews and travel restrictions on brief notice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has decided the PRC has a low stage of COVID-19 and a high level of COVID-19 for Hong Kong. Visit the CDC page for the newest Travel Health Information associated to your travel. Beijing Journey It is as blingy and fashionable as Xi'an reflects the traditional a part of the country. Our information Hugo confirmed us parts of the totally different concessions within the metropolis as well as the museum, however the Yuyuan Garden was lovely. Later we met up with two of our authentic tour group for cocktails at the rooftop bar of the Hyatt on the Bund, seeing the spectacular lights. We managed a return journey on the Maglev practice which was a marvellous way to deliver our China tour to an finish. Being within the business for almost 60 years, primarily based in China, we know tourism in China again to entrance. Unlike many travel businesses who just promote trips, we create distinctive experiences — designed to your wants and finances, utilizing our expert data. After you have settled your round journey worldwide flights, you may be advised to book your resort in Beijing. B2B is extra about win-win or about drawing on the strengths of others to offset one’s own weakness. At the initial stage, B2B is about co-existence, later it's in regards to the stability between profits and benefits. After Japan, China is South Korea’s second largest supply of inbound vacationers. A new visa policy will come into effect subsequent month, loosening restrictions on Chinese vacationers in a bid to advertise tourism. According to the National Tourism Administration, 38 million Chinese vacationers traveled abroad in the first half of this 12 months, up 18 % from the identical period final 12 months. If you only have a number of days or just the weekend, you still can highlight your Beijing travel by seeing the highest attractions in Beijing City. In that way, you presumably can say that you've got got enjoyed Beijing City, even when your keep there lasts only for a couple of days or simply the weekend. Beijing Travel Vehicles What are you anticipating for the travel automobiles in Beijing for your sightseeing or your business in Beijing? Embassy Of China In Taiwan The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined the PRC has a low degree of COVID-19 and a high degree of COVID-19 for Hong Kong. Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information associated to your journey. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 web page before you intend any worldwide journey. Reconsider travel to the People’s Republic of China due to arbitrary enforcement of local laws and COVID-19-related restrictions. Do not travel to the PRC’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region , Jilin province, and Shanghai municipality because of COVID-19-related restrictions, together with the chance of fogeys and children being separated. Reconsider travel to the PRC’s Hong Kong SAR due to arbitrary enforcement of local legal guidelines. The China work visa sort Z is a single-entry visa obtainable for foreigners who have obtained a job offer from a China-incorporated firm. This visa is the commonest visa sort for people who work in the nation and is legitimate for three months. The visa software type is on the market on-line by way of this web page. The visa software type is available on-line by way of this form. After entering Taiwan, apply for a Taiwan residence permit at a neighborhood service middle of the National Immigration Agency within 15 days. Once an applicant has entered the nation, he/she will be required to acquire a China residence permit, which permits them to remain in China for the aim of work. The passport and visa may be collected by anyone in possession of the original assortment slip on the date or a later date written on the slip, unless in any other case knowledgeable by the VAC. Check if fee is to be made throughout submission of visa software or upon assortment of the visa as procedures could vary. Applicants should contact the press section of the Chinese Embassy/Consulate General, or the related press authorities in China prematurely and full the required approval formalities. A work permit for overseas experts in the People's Republic of China issued by State Bureau of Foreign Experts or an authorized local Bureau of Foreign Experts. Embassy Of The Folks's Republic Of China In The United States Of America The Solomon Island sits on sea-lane routes which are critical to Australia forcommunicationsand transport. A Chinese military presence in the nation may considerably threaten Australia, New Zealand, and different Pacific nations’ nationwide safety, block critical transport routes throughout the South Pacific, and permit for navy intelligence actions against the us and its allies. The PRC-Solomon Islands safety pact is yet one more example of how Beijing progressively will increase its economic and safety influence in the Indo-Pacific by concentrating on the elites of a rustic, while U.S. diplomacy and overseas policy falls quick in any strategic positive aspects or countermeasures. Experts have criticized the United States for its gradual response in ramping up diplomatic and strategic engagements within the South Pacific. In February 2022, the us introduced that it'll re-open an embassy within the Solomon Islands, which has been closed since 1993. National Security Council Indo-Pacific Coordinator and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs are main a delegation touring to the Solomon Islands, in addition to Fiji and Papua New Guinea, for an unusual high-level go to. A positive discovering, even when the drug was authorized elsewhere or consumed prior to arriving in China, can lead to quick detention, fines, deportation, and/or a ban from re-entering China. Certain provisions of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China – similar to “social order” crimes and crimes involving “endangering state security” and “state secrets” – are ill-defined and can be interpreted by the authorities arbitrarily and situationally. Information that could be frequent knowledge in other nations might be thought of a “state secret” in China, and data could be designated a “state secret” retroactively. Business disputes between U.S. residents and Chinese business companions can typically result in bodily confrontation or kidnapping. Because the Chinese government doesn't acknowledge twin citizenship, twin U.S.-Chinese residents may face a variety of hurdles when in search of public benefits in China. U.S. citizens who're additionally citizens of China might experience problem in accessing advantages in China similar to enrollment in public schools, treatment at public hospitals and clinics, or obtaining Chinese identity and citizenship documents, similar to passports. “The Chinese government has championed their success of zero , so if you reverse and you all of a sudden see 100,000 folks die, that might be a giant downside for Xi Jinping,” Yam mentioned. Johns Hopkins University knowledge present that China has recorded thirteen,524 deaths from Covid-19, in comparison with 986,387 within the United States. Yam’s comments replicate a rising, if uneven acceptance exterior China that the growing availability of effective vaccines and coverings to forestall severe illness or death from Covid is transitioning the virus from the standing of mortal threat to manageable public well being challenge. The confirmation came as a U.S. delegation led by the National Security Council Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell was heading to Honiara to debate regional security issues. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke with Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele about Washington's plan to reopen an embassy in the capital, Honiara. Earlier, the ambassador and his delegation visited some factories in the Freeport Area of Bataan in Mariveles city. South Africa Visa Our suite of HR options is a brainchild of our in-house specialists, enabling us to supply end-to-end options to our customers. Once you enter China, you must take a medical examination and register your residence on the local police station. This visa is issued to change students, examine tours, or guests for a duration of 30 to 60 days. The utility kind contains questions concerning the applicant’s personal and passport particulars and journey plans. After arriving in China, one has to register them to the designated police station as required by the regulation inside 30 days. Once the residence permit is issued, one shall be allowed to have multiple entries. Information about the visit (the objective of go to, arrival and departure dates, place to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting individual, financial supply for expenditures, and so on.). Information about the visit (the purpose of visit, arrival and departure dates, place to be visited, relations between the applicant and the inviting particular person, financial supply for expenditures). In a means, it resembles the U.S Electronic System for Travel Authorization , which serves a similar function. The Russian Tourist Visa Applying for a Russian Tourist Visa as a US citizen could be a difficult process. However, in this submit you will be taught how you can easily apply for your Russian Tourist Visa, the issues you want to consider before your journey, and the vacationer visa's required documents. Applying for a Finland Tourist Visa can be a difficult process if you don't know what to do. However, on this submit you will learn how you can easily apply on your Finland Tourist Visa, the things you should consider before your journey, and the vacationer visa's required documents. Malaysian Tourist Visa In this submit you may discover everything you should apply for a Malaysian Tourist visa. Chinese Journey Doc Dept. of State for details about obtaining or renewing a passport. The CDC's latest steerage on international travel for vaccinated people could be foundhere. Chinese legislation enforcement authorities have little tolerance for unlawful medication, including marijuana. Penalties for possessing, utilizing, or trafficking illegal medication in China are extreme, and convicted offenders can count on lengthy jail sentences, heavy fines, or the demise penalty. Police regularly conduct unannounced drug exams on folks suspected of drug use and have been known to enter a bar or nightclub and topic all patrons to immediate drug testing. Police could drive you to offer a urine, blood, or hair follicle pattern on quick discover. Holders of Z Visa shall, inside 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public safety organs underneath local people's governments at or above the county stage in the proposed places of residence for foreigners' residence permits. Holders of X1 Visa shall, within 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs beneath local individuals's governments at or above the county stage within the proposed locations of residence for foreigners' residence permits. Holders of S1 Visa shall, inside 30 days from the date of their entry, apply to the exit/entry administrations of public security organs beneath native folks's governments at or above the county degree within the proposed places of residence for foreigners' residence permits. The validity of NATO-5 visas might not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. V-2 and V-3 status is restricted to persons who haven't yet attained their twenty first birthday. Accordingly, the interval of validity of a V-2 or V-3 visa must be restricted to run out on or before the applicant's twenty-first birthday. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to hitch them who aren't in any other case exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian partner of a Mexican nationwide "TN") should get hold of nonimmigrant visas. How To Obtain A Chinese Language Visa In Canada In A Simple And Value In addition, in case you are utilizing the CVASC, there shall be an additional service fee that you have to pay. Fees payable to the CVASC are usually paid if you go to gather your visa and passport. If you are making use of via an embassy or consulate, you'll find the application type on their web sites, but please note, only typed functions are accepted, so you can’t just print off and fill it in by hand. You should download the shape and complete it on your computer before printing and signing it. It’s finest to use in your China visa between 60 and 15 days before your meant journey dates. You can’t correct the DS-260 after you’ve submitted it online. Ideally, you want to ensure that your whole data is appropriate the primary time. However, if you discover a mistake after submitting your DS-260, you might simply inform the consular officer at your interview about the mistake and ask to have it corrected at the moment. It can take several months for the green card to actually arrive at your handle within the United States, so ensure that the mailing address you present might be legitimate all through that time. The DS-261 is a relatively simple on-line type that tells the State Department tips on how to communicate with you throughout your green card application process. You have 60 days upon completion of your program to leave the United States under your F1 visa. Visa for Cultural, Film Crew, Sports, and Religious Event Purpose – for people who discover themselves planning to enter Germany, beneath the aim of collaborating at a Cultural, Sports, and Religious occasion or as a part of a Film Crew. Airport Transit Visa – which is required for a very restricted number of third-world nationals, that have to pass by way of one of the German airports of their approach to their final destination. The main function of the Schengen is the abolishment of border management between member states, which allows free and equal entry to the residents of any of the under mentioned international locations, including Germany. There can be a Chinese visa centre in the Scottish capital Edinburgh, which has been operating underneath lowered hours since November. All of mainland Scotland will transfer into the hardest restrictions from Dec. 26. The visa centre in London, which is beneath the tightest of England's four-tier COVID-19 restrictions, said it might shut till additional notice. Itseasy Passport & Visa As long as there are cheap reasons, urgent processing will normally be granted, although it's necessary to pay an extra payment. At the moment, just a few Chinese embassies have arrange online appointment providers for visa purposes. Therefore, it's normally necessary to contact the related consulate on to arrange an interview. To apply you'll send your passport, a passport photograph, visa software and a copy of your itinerary indicating the dates of transit through China. The visa software kind is available online via this web page. The visa software type is on the market on-line via this form. Within 30 days of entering the country, expats might want to apply for a residence permit at their local Public Safety Bureau . Visa-exempt travelers to China who wish to keep for periods longer than those permitted visa-free for their nationality are required to apply for the relevant visa from the closest Chinese embassy or consulate. 2) The applicant is not a first-time customer to China and has a good keep report for the previous visits. This website is using a safety service to guard itself from online attacks. The motion you just performed triggered the safety answer.
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aztravelling · 4 years
Santorini Travel Guide
Santorini, Greece
Santorini’s volcanic movement assumes a job in a large number of island’s famous exercises, from swimming and sunbathing at the liquid colored sea shores, (for example, Kamari Beach) to investigating old demolishes once covered in debris (Ancient Akrotiri). Indeed, even the kind of wine here is influenced by the island’s volcanic territory, making an excursion to one of Santorini’s numerous wineries an unquestionable requirement do movement for foodies. Outdoorsy sorts will appreciate climbing along the caldera from Fira, where the city of Atlantis was said to have once stood. Whatever you decide to do in Santorini, you can’t miss nightfall from Oia, or while eating outdoors in Amoudi Bay.
Kamari Beach
#1 Best Things To Do in Santorini 
Santorini’s volcanic history has prompted the arrangement of a portion of the more remarkable sea shores in the Greek Isles, and Kamari is no special case. Sitting around 4 miles southeast of Fira on the island’s east coast, this stretch of dark sand is one of the biggest in Santorini. The sea shore is supported by the town of its namesake, a famous retreat territory where you’ll discover various lodgings, eateries, beachside bars and shops. On the sea shore, guests can exploit the accessible parlor seats and umbrellas.
Explorers appreciated the away from waters of Kamari and proposed planting your feet towards the southern part of the shore. That is on the grounds that the perspectives on the impressive Mesa Vouno slope, where you can discover Ancient Thira, makes for an all around flawless Greek sea shore setting. Regardless of where you choose to kick back on Kamari Beach, explorers firmly recommend bringing defensive footwear. The sand and pebbly territory can get very sweltering with the sun pounding on it, particularly following two or three hours, so bring shoes in case you’re wanting to go through the day on the sea shore. A few guests even proposed bringing water shoes, remarking that the submerged landscape at the shore rapidly goes from sand to tricky strong stone.
Amoudi Bay
#2 Best Things To Do in Santorini
For lovely perspectives on the caldera, plunge the 300 stages from the northern city of Oia to the enchanting port of Amoudi Bay. Encircled by striking red bluffs and dabbed with white-washed structures normal to Santorini, this little town includes a few curious tavernas presenting the catch of the day. Beside delving in the abundance of the ocean, guests can appreciate some swimming here, however the sea shore is rough so you ought to bring fitting footwear, particularly on the off chance that you plan on precipice jumping (a well known movement in Amoudi Bay). On the little island of Saint Nicholas, seen from Amoudi Bay’s sea shore, guests can move up steps from the water onto the little, rough island and hop from an assigned point.
Voyagers concede there is certainly not a ton to do in Amoudi Bay, however the nature of the inlet more than compensates for the amount of exercises it offers. Guests were astonished by the excellence of Amoudi Bay and said just feasting in the open air was all they expected to absorb the site. Most emphatically proposed to design an outing in the late evening, as a dusk from Amoudi is a site to observe.
Fira to Oia Hike
#3 Best Things To Do in Santorini
The most ideal approach to take in Santorini is to walk, and there is no preferable course over the one from Fira to Oia. This climb is 6 miles single direction and goes through four towns, including Fira, Firostefani, Imerovigli and Oia. It’s essential to realize that there is no checked path or pathway for this climb (beside two or three signs, as per late voyagers), however a matter of following the streets nearest to the caldera. En route, voyagers will discover various destinations worth halting for, notwithstanding terrific sea perspectives and pleasant towns. One of these is Skaros Rock. Today, this headland is a well known vantage point for watching dusks, however in yesteryears it housed a palace that filled in as the prime gathering place for Christians during the 1800s. There’s likewise various places of worship dabbed all through, including the blue-domed St. Gerasimos Church, which offers brilliant perspectives on the spring of gushing lava. When you hit Oia, you’ll discover Byzantine château ruins open for investigation.
Late guests express the best time to begin this trek is in the first part of the day, as there is no shade and the evening sun might be a lot for a few. Voyagers likewise said there are rough rise changes all through, so plan to wear strong shoes and bring a lot of water. Numerous commentators said they finished the climb in three hours or less, yet in addition noted fruition time all relies upon a voyager’s degree of wellness just as how regularly they stop. What’s more, with all the photogenic spots along the path, be set up to stop a great deal. Despite the fact that the climb is viewed as moderate and tedious, voyagers concurred this is the most ideal approach to encounter Santorini’s normal magnificence.
Ancient Thira
#4 Best Things To Do in Santorini
Isolating Kamari from Perissa on Mesa Vouna is Ancient Thira. This archeological site, which was first guaranteed by the Dorians (old Greeks) in the ninth century B.C., is home to ruins from the Hellenistic (Greek domain worked by Alexander the Great), Roman and Byzantine (eastern Roman realm) periods. Walk around Ancient Thira and you’ll discover vestiges of antiquated strict destinations, a theater, old city regulatory structures and even an exercise center for military students.
Ongoing explorers saw the vestiges of Ancient Thira as fascinating, however many said the amazing perspectives on the Aegean Sea were pretty diverting. Voyagers who strolled from the town of Kamari up to Mesa Vouna suggested the beautiful walk in case you’re fit as a fiddle; it takes about an hour to get up and there is insignificant shade en route. Alongside the incredible perspectives, voyagers adored the low cost of induction into the vestiges in contrast with Ancient Akrotiri.
Winery Tours
#5 Best Things To Do in Santorini
When conjuring up pictures of acclaimed wine goals, one may consider France or Italy, however in all honesty, Santorini is viewed as a debut wine goal in Europe. That is on the grounds that the dirt where the wine develops in Santorini, which is halfway made out of volcanic residue, makes an intriguing flavor hard to track down somewhere else. That, yet here, vines trees are regularly framed into circles and developed on the ground (rather than propped upstanding in columns) to shield the harvest from solid sea winds.
Wineries can be discovered everywhere throughout the island, however most are moved in focal Santorini. Santo Wines in Pyrgos is the biggest winery on the island and considered one of the most mainstream in Santorini. Other decision spots among voyagers incorporate Venetsanos Winery in Megalochori (about a half-mile south of Santo Wines) and Domaine Sigalas in Oia. Explorers additionally delighted in the Wine Museum Koutsogiannopoulos, found in Fira. Situated in a cavern, the historical center grandstands Santorini’s history as a winemaker and offers guests a tasting with their ticket. When visiting a winery, benefactors will in general get a complimentary tidbit, for example, bread and cheddar, alongside their tasting. For the individuals who might not have the opportunity to make a day out of visiting wineries, a significant number of Santorini’s wines are included in the island’s cafés. Get some information about nearby wines or look out for Vinsanto (a pastry wine), Nychteri, or Assyrtiko, the two of which are white wines.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
NYC’s Best Takeout & Delivery For A (Quarantine) Date Night (1) added to Google Docs
NYC’s Best Takeout & Delivery For A (Quarantine) Date Night (1)
These days, date night either means a Zoom chat with someone you exchanged several words with on an app, or a glass of wine across from a person who occasionally wakes up at 6am and watches you sleep. But you should still make an effort (or at least make an effort to make an effort). Try complimenting your date’s personality or Zoom background, and consider ordering some food from a place that’ll remind you how romantic you used to be, when your days consisted of more than just baking experiments and Wild ’n Out reruns on YouTube.
All restaurants featured on The Infatuation are selected by our editorial team. The NYC (Quarantine) Dinner & A Movie Guide is presented by Uber Eats. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, supporting our local restaurant community has never been more important. Uber Eats customers can now give directly to the restaurants they love at checkout. 100% will go to the restaurant. Order now to support. See app for details.
   Featured In The Ultimate NYC Delivery & Takeout Guide See all our guides the spotS  Noah Devereaux Ops $ $ $ $ Pizza  in  Bushwick $$$$ 346 Himrod Street 8.5 /10
You’re going to try to make your own pizza at some point - and it might turn out pretty good. But you also might lose focus halfway through, resulting in you feeding your significant other a rhombus of soggy dough. And, honestly, the ensuing fight might ultimately be good for your relationship. Just know that you can skip it altogether and get delivery from Ops. Their fluffy sourdough crust is superior to whatever you’d make at home, and the square pie will make you forget that you’re now essentially Tom Hanks in Castaway (but with a talking Wilson).
 Order delivery   Teddy Wolff Hwa Yuan $ $ $ $ Chinese  in  Chinatown $$$$ 42 E Broadway 8.3 /10
When a cat brings you a bird, it’s a symbol of love and respect. And, seeing as how your significant other is starting to resent the fact that you spend most of your day watching old episodes of Billy On The Street, we’re going to need you to do the exact same thing. Get a whole Beijing duck from Hwa Yuan, then take your shirt off, and help your partner wrap each piece of crispy duck in a thin crepe like that one guy who eventually became a ghost in the movie Ghost.
Kochi $ $ $ $ Korean  in  Hell's Kitchen ,  Midtown $$$$ 652 10th Ave Not
As you’ve learned from several thousand hours of observing your children, people don’t like to share everything all the time. So instead of offering your partner a fork and the other half of a pan of sauteed spinach, order a couple of dosiraks from Kochi. These set meals come with rice, kimchi, a soft boiled egg, various vegetables, and your choice of steak, salmon, or a bunch of proteins.
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Maybe you normally would have had plans to go to the Beatrice Inn this week, sit in a big leather booth beneath an oil painting, and split a tomahawk steak with the only person who gets a little tongue when you kiss. That, unfortunately, is going to have to wait - but you can still get that steak delivered to your apartment. Or, if you want a piece of meat that’s a little more manageable, you can also get a New York strip, half a duck, or dry-aged burger with caramelized onions. As a beverage pairing, add a bottle of Champagne to your order.
Wildair $ $ $ $ American ,  French  in  Lower East Side $$$$ 142 Orchard St. 8.9 /10
Remember sitting on a stool at Wildair, drinking some kind of natural wine you’d only recently heard of, and sharing a few small plates with a date? If you miss that as much as we do, order in and try to recreate the experience at home. Wildair and its sister restaurant Contra are currently consolidated into one takeout entity, offering things like crab congee, lamb birria, and wagyu steak salad. Tall stools like the ones at Wildair would also be ideal for this, but if you don’t have those, you can at least order a few bottles of wine and try to get one of your roommates or children to act like a sommelier.
 Wayla $ $ $ $ Thai  in  Lower East Side $$$$ 100 Forsyth St 8.6 /10
The backyard at Wayla makes most other date spots look like the dystopian version of NYC inhabited by Snake Plissken in Escape From New York. And you can relive at least half of the experience on your rooftop or fire escape. Just lay down a nice blanket, tell your significant other that you’ve been thinking a lot about them lately and not just because they’re around every time you open your eyes, and get delivery from Wayla. Try the crab fried rice and impeccably spiced curry.
 Teddy Wolff Claro $ $ $ $ Mexican  in  Brooklyn ,  Gowanus $$$$ 284 3rd Ave 8.3 /10
The strategy for this Oaxacan spot in Gowanus is fairly similar to the one with Wayla - because both places have incredible food and attractive backyards that are ideal for nine out of ten romantic scenarios. In order to recreate Claro’s, we suggest a few folding chairs, a set of string lights, and some kind foliage to hang overhead. We also suggest you get some molo negro, a tostada, and the quesadillas de tinga. And throw in a mezcal flight or a few frozen margaritas.
 Teddy Wolff Le French Diner $ $ $ $ French  in  Lower East Side $$$$ 188 Orchard St 8.6 /10
The good news is, your apartment is probably just as cramped as Le French Diner, a tiny French date spot on the Lower East Side. So order some octopus, a steak with a side of cheesy potato gratin, and do a reenactment of the last time you were there. Try turning the lights down a bit, lighting a few candles, and feeding your date a bite of those cheesy potatoes without burning their mouth.
 Noah Devereaux Birds Of A Feather $ $ $ $ Chinese  in  Brooklyn ,  Williamsburg $$$$ 191 Grand St 7.8 /10
Birds Of A Feather is the ideal place to order from when you want to cover your table in more delicious things than you can possibly eat in one (romantic) evening. Pork dumplings in chili oil, pan-fried pork buns, and mapo tofu, for example. You should also get the Chungking chicken littered with so many chilis you could probably repurpose a few for your next night’s dinner. Just place your order, find your nicest plates, and ask your loved one to admire the bounty you’ve produced.
 Order delivery   Noah Devereaux St Anselm $ $ $ $ American ,  Steaks  in  Brooklyn ,  Williamsburg $$$$ 355 Metropolitan Ave. 8.8 /10
During this period when you’re forced to cut your significant other’s hair and deal with the inevitable fallout, it’s important to remember that St. Anselm is still open. The next time you give an especially poor and shameful haircut, order a butcher steak and pan-fried mashed potatoes to serve as a distraction. Say something like, “Please, don’t look in the mirror. Smell this steak instead.”
Sandros $ $ $ $ Pasta ,  Italian  in  Upper East Side $$$$ 306 E 81st St Not
Make a white tablecloth out of something. A few t-shirts sewn together, for example, or a bedsheet that’s reasonably clean. Once you’ve done that, find a nice Spotify playlist. Something classy, with, like, violins or soft acoustic guitars or something. Next, order a caesar salad, some veal milanese, and spaghettini al limone from Sandros on the Upper East Side. As for conversation, try discussing the latest birds you’ve seen outside your apartment window or your favorite way to do laundry in the sink.
 Order delivery   Adda $ $ $ $ Indian  in  Long Island City ,  Queens $$$$ 31-31 Thomson Ave 8.4 /10
Somewhere out there, there’s a museum of great scents. And we have to assume that Adda’s butter chicken has a pedestal there and perhaps a full-scale wax model. Order some, and dab a bit behind your ears and along your jawline. You should also order the lamb curry and at least one biryani, in case you finish the butter chicken while your significant other prepares for your date by putting on clean clothing.
 Order delivery   Noah Devereaux Sushi Dojo $ $ $ $ Sushi  in  East Village $$$$ 110 1st Ave. 8.1 /10
There are plenty of things you can make at home with ingredients sourced from the nearest grocery store. Sushi is, most likely, not one of them. That’s why you need Sushi Dojo right now. Just imagine placing an order for a few of their omakase options involving things like uni, toro, and Tasmanian trout. You’d be a hero. Parades would happen for you once a week in your living room. And date night would feel more like a night out and less like another evening eating cold fridge cheese off a communal plate.
 Order delivery   Teddy Wolff Red Hook Tavern $ $ $ $ American ,  Burgers ,  Steaks  in  Red Hook $$$$ 329 Van Brunt St 7.8 /10
Perhaps you have a Zoom date later, and you’d like to be viewed as a person of taste and distinction. The easiest way to accomplish this is by ordering from Red Hook Tavern. Their thick burger draped in cheese is one of the best things you’ll encounter between two halves of a bun, and the wedge salad with thick-cut bacon has been known to heighten romantic feelings. We lied about that last part, but, in all seriousness, if you get a bottle or two from Red Hook Tavern’s natural wine list, you’re all set.
Samwon Garden $ $ $ $ Korean  in  Midtown $$$$ 37 W 32nd St Not
Sometimes, you don’t realize how much you love something until it’s gone. Other times, you’re fully aware of how much you love something, because it’s amazing, and you aren’t a fool. Korean barbecue falls into that camp. And so does your significant other. (In that order.) Bring the two together by ordering some marinated galbi from Samwon Garden. Or get their care package with short rib, pork belly, several stews, and a bunch of sides. It allegedly feeds up to six people, but you and your date don’t play games like that.
 Order delivery   Melba's $ $ $ $ Southern  in  Harlem $$$$ 300 W 114th St 8.3 /10
Picture this: you’re sitting on a barstool in your kitchen, and you lit a few candles to communicate the fact that you’re making an effort. In the background, Frank Ocean or Sam Cooke are singing about various things you assume are romantic, and you gently pick up a piece of fried chicken to pretend that you’re feeding it to a Zoom date. Or maybe you’re feeding it to someone who’s actually in the room. In that case, this person will take a bite of this fried chicken, look deeply into your eyes, and ask if you got collard greens as well. The answer should be yes, and they should be from Melba’s in Harlem.
 Order delivery  Tito Rad's Grill & Restaurant $$$$ 49-10 Queens Blvd
One or two-course date nights were fine back when you could leave the house, try out new handshakes with friends, and open Instagram without seeing several loaves of fresh bread. But now you need more. Tito Rad’s, a classic Filipino spot in Sunnyside, is the solution. Have a 10-course date night with garlic fried rice, lumpiang Shanghai, sizzling sisig, a tangy bowl of milkfish sinigang, and whatever else is calling out to you like an oddly sexual mermaid creature on a rocky outcrop in the middle of the sea.
 Teddy Wolff Evelina $ $ $ $ Mediterranean  in  Fort Greene $$$$ 211 Dekalb Ave 7.9 /10
Several months ago, you would’ve brought a date to Evelina, hugged awkwardly at the front door, then shared some squid ink tonnarelli while discussing your favorite brands of toothpaste. And you can still sort of do that, at least the tonnarelli part. Evelina has a bunch of different pastas for pickup and delivery, as well as some stuff like burrata, octopus, and bottles of wine - and they’re also selling bottled cocktails, in case you prefer to consume your mezcal in bulk.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/nycs-best-takeout-delivery-for-a-quarantine-date-night Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created April 21, 2020 at 02:50AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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A Compilation of some of my favorite Writing Prompts
The royal family employs no bodyguards. A would-be assassin discovers why.
Two gay guys and two lesbians have to pretend to be straight for an entire weekend, pretending to be each other’s dates for a wedding.
You, a time traveler, accidentally introduces 21st-century slang to Shakespeare.
Angel/demon romance, where the demon is the stuffy, orthodox one and the angel is like “hold my beer”.
A dating service where matching is based on people’s search histories. You’re a serial killer, you go on a date with a writer.
You have many of the abilities of a Disney princess. You can talk to animals, people burst into song around you, it seems every other day a “prince charming” type falls madly in love with you. As one of the most feared mafia enforcers in New York, it’s tough, but you make it work.
Dating an immortal and you find a photo album of their exes dating back a century. All the exes sort of look like you and the immortal’s been dating all of them in the hopes of getting you to remember your first life when you first met them.
You are what mankind believes to be the devil. However there are three things that they’re got all wrong: 1. Everyone goes to heaven, no matter what they do in life. 2. You’re the only one who’s ever escaped heaven. 3. Heaven is absolutely fucked.
The world goes through 2000 year natural cycles of magic and non-magic. The non-magical cycle is about to end any day now.
After Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, he decided to make his own paradise. Both compete to have the best afterlife, sadly you lived a sin-free life and got sent to heaven. God is throwing a very boring, sin-free party. You spend your time trying to get kicked out so you can go to hell.
You come from a family of highly respected heroes. All three of your big brothers are known as powerhouses, but you rarely see them since they’re always saving the city. One day you realize that the only way to see all of your brother is to become a villain. Turns out you’re better at it than you thought, and family dinners suddenly become the most amusing time of day.
Write a completely ordinary story about an ordinary person’s life with an almost unsettlingly idyllic environment, but at the end reveal that the main character is an unreliable narrator and has actually been on a murdering spree the entire time.
Your roommate is literally the devil, surprisingly, he is the best roommate you’ve ever had.
Every person on earth is born with a tattoo on each arm. One matches your soulmate, and one matches your worst enemy. However, most people have no clue which is which. You do, because they are both the same.
Grim Reaper, not tied to any particular religion, they just personify death and collect the soul and take them...where? What if they’re like afterlife HR? Where they go depends on their belief.
A show/book where each chapter has a new story with a new set of characters and each chapter ends in a cliffhanger. In the final chapter(s), they show conclusions for all the stories, and reveal that the stories connect like puzzle pieces.
Twilight, but Bella stays in Arizona and it’s about Charlie Swan finding out that his best friend is a werewolf and the town doctor he’s trusted for years is a vampire, and he helps stop the vampires that are murdering everyone.
A guy who runs for president and wins but suddenly realizes that he doesn’t want to be president and just starts doing ridiculous things to try to get impeached but it never works because they always end up miraculously being the right thing to do. 100% approval rating, most popular president ever.
The Purge but it’s 24 hours where retail workers can be as rude as they want.
You’re part of a community that lives on an island, no other land mass in sight. When a crime is committed, the person responsible has to “go find more land” to redeem their honor. Someone has yet to return. You’ve just been caught stealing.
Your alternate universe self comes to kill you. The only thing is, you are the evil version.
A seemingly bottomless pit was found, for which the depth can’t be determined. Over time, scores of people began using it to illegally dump trash, many have jumped in to die, while others jumped believing that they’ll find life’s answers within. Today, the truth about the hole is learned.
Your phone rings; the number looks familiar. You pick up to hear your own voice asking you for help.
Your daughter has been begging you for a pony, and you told her to write a letter to Santa. On Christmas morning, you find a fire-breathing horse in your front yard, and a package by your front door. Looks like she wrote a letter to Satan, and he delivered.
You’re an assassin with a 6th sense. You help ghosts seek out vengeance for the wrong that was done to them when they were alive.
If the eyes of an animal are on the sides of the animal’s head, they are a “prey” species. If the eyes are on the front, they are a “predator” species. Explain why nature designated dragons as a “prey” species.
In a world where what doesn’t kill you literally makes you stronger, you run a clinic that gives people near-death experiences.
The wrinkled fingertips are just the beginning of the transformation. We just always leave the water too early.
Since you were 8 years old, you’ve been helping people and giving things away for free; the only condition: that one day you’ll call on that person for a favor. You’re now 33 and owed 10,000 favors. You decide to call them in all at once.
As a babysitter you are putting a young girl to bed. She says, “Don’t worry, there aren’t any monsters in the closet. Daddy keeps them all locked up in the basement.”
The reaper does not bring death, he follows it. The reaper is not an omen of doom, he is a guardian, sent to protect your soul on its way from one world to the next. The things that wait between the worlds are...unpleasant.
A photographer and a sniper meet in a bar. Neither is aware of the other’s occupation. They talk about “how to take the perfect shot”.
You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual. As you manifest yourself, you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company.
Art museum guards don’t guard the painting in fear that someone might steal them, they guard the artwork in fear that someone might get too close and fall in.
The devil mixed up your paperwork and gave you someone else’s personal hell, which to you, is heaven.
When the police came to announce you the death of your husband, you refused to believe it. “That’s impossible,” you said. “Unfortunately, it’s the truth, miss,” answered the policemen. “It’s impossible,” you say again,” because he’s in the kitchen making dinner”.
A man who sees ghosts checks himself into a mental institution, oblivious to the fact that the facility has been closed for almost 30 years.
You’re in charge of assigning every child on earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to them to quit. You decide to assign yourself.
You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day, how you spend it is your choice. Today you are given $70,000,000.
Every time a person makes a promise or bargain, a tattoo is etched onto their skin. You just went out with friends drinking so much, you passed out. Upon awakening, you can’t recall what happened and realize that your whole arm has been inked black. Someone knocks on your door
“Welcome to hell! As the seventh human to ever arrive here, you are now an official member of the 7 Deadly Sins!”
Your oldest brother is a military genius. Your little sister has cured 3 types of cancer. The twins are working on a new method of locating planets fit for terraforming. And you...you are mom’s favorite.
I know i’m getting close to finishing my time machine because I’ve caught several older versions of myself trying to sabotage my lab.
Dream superpower: the ability to manipulate probability.
Every time you die your injured limbs and body parts are replaced by machines and you slowly become less and less human until the point where you have no human body parts left and must decide whether you will continue to fight for humanity, with which you have no remaining connection.
There’s a love triangle but then the girl realizes she’s asexual and gets a puppy and a cat and the two boys fall for each other. Boys realize they were only fighting for the girl because they wanted to impress one another other.
A ghost and a zombie come from the same person. Ghost watches their zombie body stumbling around with dismay.
A tattoo appears on people’s skin at key points in their life and they must figure out what they mean.
The asteroid that hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs was actually a UFO and humans are the aliens.
Four roommates are extraterrestrials who have taken human form in the hopes of learning about earth’s culture. Unfortunately, each alien is from a different planet and believes the other three are normal humans.
Your super power is that you are average at everything you do. (flying, communicating with aliens, curing cancer, etc.)
The year is 2030. The first astronauts have landed on Mars. They find a cave with a single human skeleton and 4 words written on the wall.
You have the ability to hear the honest answer to any question just by looking at a person and mentally asking the question. It was all fun and games until you looked in the mirror and asked a question you shouldn’t have.
A woman is cursed by the gods to kill any man she falls in love with. She falls in love with a man who was cursed by the gods with immortality.
The remains of the human race live in a glass dome with no entrance or exit, which protects them from the wasteland on the outside. One morning a dusty handprint appears on the outside.
Suddenly, all over the world, all children start drawing the same thing over and over again.
Your doorbell rings and it’s a person from an alternate universe who says “i just wanted you to know that you are my favorite book character and i know how it ends and i want to change it.”
You get a deep cut for the first time in your life; instead of bone or muscle, you see wires.
“My domain is time,” said the genie. “Instead of three wishes, you get three decisions. Go back and choose again.”
You’re an archaeologist working on a dig when you uncover a thick pane of glass. You dust the dirt away, and see the inside of a massive bio-dome, hidden for too long. Only one organism is inside, and it was meant to be forgotten.
A child is kidnapped. Outraged, the monsters living under the bed and in their closet vow to find them.
You die. As you go up to paradise, you notice it seems to be in ruins. Then you find the corpse of god.
“And the legions of Hell rose from the great split in the earth, but they did not emerge in a geyser of flame. The demons and monsters varied greatly, from delicate, sapphire wings to great, lumbering monstrosities. At the head of the army walked Lucifer himself, a dark cloak flowing beside him. The forces of Hell had arrived, to save humanity from Heaven’s wrath.”
Write a superhero story that’s narrated by the villain, who leads the reader to believe that they are the hero. However, due to the biased narration the reader only realizes that they’ve been misled in the final sentences.
Since the beginning of time, humanity has believed that death is universal. Everything that is born must also die. We’ve created our world around this single fact, worshipped gods, sacrificed and prayed, but when we finally make contact with the rest of the universe it is discovered that death is in fact not real. Most aliens believe it’s a silly old legend, and it is determined that only humans do in fact die. Write what comes of this discovery.
You’re alone in your room when suddenly, you disappear and arrive in an unknown location. Turns out you’re in hell and this time, the tables have been turned. You’ve been summoned by a demon who needs your help.
They say that “history is written by the victors.” Turns out, so are fairytales; they’ve been twisted by the “heroes” of the fairytale world to make themselves look like they’ve always been in the right. You are a fairytale villain at a support group for characters like you.
You’re a wealthy and famous writer whose bestselling children’s series, about a young girl escaping her house nightly to battle monsters in a fantasy world, has brought you endless success. Following your daughter’s eighth birthday, you start to notice strange cuts and bruises on her in the morning, which she casually dismisses. Your curiosity gets the best of you, and one night you enter your daughter’s bedroom far past her bedtime, but it’s not the room you know that you step into—it’s the world of your own series’ Book Five.
You’re a demon who governs the creation of Personal Hells; parts of Hell created for the truly despicable designed specifically around them. You’ve just gotten a submission for someone who doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything.
Apparently the tooth fairy is a pretty controversial figure among skeletons. some think she is a thief that steals mouth bones others think she is the true skeleton queen.
“I would probably win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in a biopic about my own life.”
Why can’t the pirate get the princess for once?
Conversation prompt: “We’re a team of highly trained professionals.” “No you’re not, you’re all wearing friendship bracelets.”
You have been accepted into a school for supernatural creatures. You decide to let your teachers and classmates guess what you are.
A story about vigilante Victorian prostitutes hunting down Jack The Ripper.
Every person, at exactly midnight on New Years following their 22nd birthday, possesses the body of their soulmate; people run around trying to figure out who they are so they can find one another, leave notes for the body’s owner to find with their address. There are language gaps so people have to translate it and travel to different countries carrying the notes they’re left. Write about the search and adventure of one.
A retired supervillain is in the bank with his 6 year old daughter when a new crew of super villains comes in to rob the place.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve worn glasses. Your parents always made sure you had them on and formed the habit. One day you forget them and realize you can see something no one else can.
The character wakes up multiple times a week with inexplicable bruises on their arms and legs. The day they graduate from college, an agent from the CIA approaches them and introduces them to Project Nightlight.
I hit play and watch myself in the recording. But what i see isn’t what i remember.
At birth, everyone has the date they will die imprinted on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday.
Every baby is taken away by the government and returned when they are ten years old. They never remember what happened in those years, but they always recognize their parents. You, however, remember everything. And those aren’t your parents.
You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet. You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures. However, today is the first time you have ever said “We should not dig here.”
A man calls 911 and says in a soft voice, “I am currently sitting next to the little girl you are looking for. She is safe, for now, but if no one comes to get her quick enough, i will be forced to do something unspeakable to her kidnappers”.
Human emotions can be bottled and sold on the black market. You are in desperate need of money and sell yours. It will take months to grow back, leaving you empty inside. The next day you meet Her.
You are a recently hired psychiatrist in a mental hospital. Some of your patients insist that they were once staff, but are now being held prisoner/hostage by the actual patients that now run the hospital.
A depressed guy moves into a house which is inhabited by 7 demons, each one corresponding to a different Deadly Sin. But, they are trying to help him get back on his feet.
Your girl is a member of a shadowy organization bent on ruling the world. Your best friend is a CIA operative, and your dog is a secret escaped lab experiment. And you? Well, you run a website debunking conspiracy theories.
You slowly begin to realize that all your friends are undercover agents tasked with keeping you alive. Then, at your birthday party, with every one of your friends surrounding you, the people trying to kill you finally find you.
You adopt 4 teenage girls. As they grow up, you begin to realize that each one of them represents a horseman of the apocalypse. All hell breaks loose when Famine steals War’s significant other.
In the future, virtual reality has flourished. One of the more controversial uses is prisons. Whatever crime you commit, you have to relive it through your victim’s point of view. It’s your first day in prison and you’re terrified because of what you did.
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godlessgeekblog · 5 years
Why distant St Helena is reworking into a winter season sun hotspot
I am bobbing along beside a fish more substantial than a school bus, forward lies a boundless sea of maritime lifestyle, and I have a shark’s-eye perspective of the southern Atlantic Ocean. This is St Helena, the edge-of-the-earth British territory adrift off West Africa, and my adrenaline levels soar as I eyeball an absolutely gargantuan whale shark by my mask. It’s the initially time I have ever felt edible.
With the modern launch of flights to St Helena from Johannesburg – and later in the year from Cape City – the island’s breathtaking purely natural flora and fauna has found it dubbed the Fantastic British Galapagos and climb the checklist of will have to-see destinations.
The lush island is household to all the things from black-sand beach locations and Jurassic-period cloud forests to rolling plantations and twisty roadways. On land you can discover the world’s oldest huge tortoises (four of them), and at sea you will find a pod of 800 dolphins.
Jurassic planet: Astronomer Edmond Halley set up a marquee observatory on Diana’s Peak (pictured)
Gorgeous yr-spherical temperatures make the volcanic outpost a far-flung alternate to the Canaries or Cape Verde for winter sunshine, but there is also as much of the unfamiliar as there is of fish and chips and affordable beer.
Geographically, St Helena is about the dimension of Jersey and is an island with a break up persona. It just can’t make up its thoughts if it is British or Brazilian, Creole or Caribbean, with a tablespoon of Iceland thrown in.
All of its attributes – tropical, volcanic, mountainous and moonlike – can be identified in equal evaluate. This could reveal why Charles Darwin waxed lyrical about St Helena in his memoir The Voyage Of The Beagle, and why astronomer Edmond Halley set up a marquee observatory on Diana’s Peak. With zero gentle air pollution, the skies are a feast of massive, twinkling stars.
All streets in St Helena direct to the capital Jamestown (above), established in a deep gorge 
Flights are now managing to St Helena from Johannesburg – and later on in the 12 months from Cape City
As aspect of the world’s most remotely inhabited archipelago, St Helena normally takes time to get to. The new airport was controversially designed with £285 million of Uk Federal government funding, but the start of commercial flights was delayed due to the fact of hazardous wind ailments. 
Previously, people had to get a 4-day cruise from Cape City, but you however want to factor in the finest aspect of two times to get here from the United kingdom – like a stopover in South Africa. Hope impressive sights as you fly in – it is like landing in Jurassic Park.
The island observes GMT so you do not have to fret about jet-lag. Scheduled flights land only twice a 7 days, so you are going to have to devote a least of 4 days exploring and shifting down a gear to island pace. By the time you depart, you will be addressed like a nearby.
Dollars IS KING
British pounds and pence are approved, but a phrase of warning for those people made use of to contactless and credit rating cards. There is no ATM and global credit score playing cards are not applied. Indeed, St Helena is a throwback to the early 1960s when funds was king. If you want to withdraw extra money, there is a federal government-owned lender (with a £5 demand for every transaction), but the island is much less expensive than you may well visualize. Think £2 for a beer and £12 for a two-course meal.
The island is chain-no cost with no rapidly-food outlets. On the internet shopping is large (shipped in from Cape Town). There are small nearby shops and the odd souvenir outlet, but don’t count on to commit a whole lot of revenue.
Nearby Automobile Employ the service of
The island is decidedly run on 1st-title phrases, so you won’t locate Avis or Hertz – rather vehicle retain the services of comes from Brendan or Jeff. Set apart about £20 for every working day for a shoestring rental (sthelenatourism.com/car or truck-retain the services of). There’s no community transport, but taxis will get you on a tour of the island for about £25.
The Saints, as locals connect with on their own, are a satisfied crowd, harmless in the expertise they’re 5,000-odd miles taken off from Britain’s problems, but they are truly pleased you have made the effort to come. They’ll bend about backwards to support. The new lawyer basic, Allen Cansick, pulls pints at The Consulate to assist out in the evening and every person appreciates the main of police as David.
If you pay a visit to Plantation Home (£10), the governor’s formal home, you could get to have afternoon tea with the Queen’s agent. If she’s not at home, befriend Jonathan, the estate’s 187-year-old big tortoise, who shuffles close to the front lawn.
Where by TO Remain
All streets in St Helena guide to the funds Jamestown, established in a deep gorge. In this article, Major Street functions as the island’s psychological barometer. On Monday early morning, it is buttoned-down and company-like, but by Friday afternoon, locals and Brit expats are stress-free with a beer outdoors The Common, The White Horse and Mule Lawn – the town’s three watering holes.
5 minutes absent you’ll locate The Consulate, a creaky 18th Century colonial bolthole decorated with sea charts, ship’s wheels, portraits of Nelson and adequate maritime memorabilia to sink HMS Victory (consulatehotelsainthelena.com).
Nightly entertainment will come from singalongs by the piano, but if you choose quieter contemplation, head for a seat on the wrought-iron balcony with a G&T.
Most important Road in Jamestown, St Helena. On Monday early morning, it is buttoned-down and small business-like, but by Friday afternoon, locals and Brit expats are enjoyable with a beer
Double rooms have period of time interiors to match the vibe and value from £200 a night, such as breakfast which is reassuringly common – eggs, bacon and pots of tea.
For the supreme in peace and tranquil, Bertrand’s Cottage is the former property of Napoleon’s proper-hand guy, Grand Marshal Henri-Gatien Bertrand (bertrandscottage.com). The French emperor was exiled on St Helena soon after the Battle of Waterloo, and Bertrand built a pretty retreat across the road from his master’s mansion, Longwood Property, which is now a beacon for French background-fans chasing Napoleon’s ghost (entry £10).
The three cosy rooms at Bertrand’s Cottage have splendid views throughout the island, like to Diana’s Peak, St Helena’s optimum level. Rooms price from £130, like breakfast of French omelette and croissant. 
Seafood in St Helena is a big offer. Tuna and wahoo are go-tos and the island’s cuisine is a fusion of tendencies and recipes from Britain, South East Asia and Africa. The most familiar are sesame-seared tuna or spicy fish cakes, scone-formed patties of tuna stomach and thickly sliced purple chilli.
Don’t miss out on the community black pudding (produced from rice as a substitute of grain) and ‘plo’, a a single-pot, open up-hearth cooked curry. Other unconventional specialities consist of tomato paste sandwiches, acknowledged as ‘bread ’n’ dance’ for their ubiquitous visual appeal at carnivals and city hall dances.
For an remarkable working experience, consume at the Mantis hotel (mantissthelena.com). Help you save it for your last night time and enjoy tasty smoked tuna pâté and local pork stomach.
In excess of at the world’s remotest distillery, prickly pear liquor is generated by Welsh expat Paul and a tour and tasting expenses £5. Then there is the unforeseen bounty of chocolatey St Helena coffee. It is produced with pure, eco-friendly-tipped bourbon arabica and can be observed in only two areas on the planet – at the St Helena Espresso Store, run by Sheffield pair Bill and Jill, or at Harrods (the place it is expenses £75 for every 100g).
Really do not Pass up
Settled by the East India Business in 1658, and used as the support station of the shipping globe for hundreds of years, St Helena is a attempted-and-examined survivor. The fortified walls, cannons and moat of Jamestown make it look like an impregnable, finishes- of-the-earth castle.
Huff and puff up the 699 stone techniques of Jacob’s Ladder, the remains of the company’s cargo-carrying cable railway, and you’ll be rewarded by an explosive sunset. Significant Knoll Fort, which dates from 1799, is really worth a take a look at, as is the Museum of St Helena (museumofsainthelena.org).
Sea large: St Helena is the only area in the planet the place male and feminine whale sharks are spotted in such massive numbers
Unique: Pictured is a St Helena Waxbill, which is a smaller passerine hen and one of the island’s exclusive species 
Did you know St Helena is the only position in the earth in which male and feminine whale sharks are spotted in such big quantities? In season, from January to late March, it is not unusual to see two dozen cavorting in the water as they migrate by means of the island’s shallow summertime waters.
On the way to Flagstaff Bay, you’re also probably to place the island’s resident 800-sturdy pod of pantropical dolphins. The charge of a half-day trip is about £20 per man or woman and in a land of amazing sightings, this is a standout moment (divesainthelena.com).
Skittish wire birds – all silver plumage and cartoon legs – are endemic and nest along with thronging populations of terns and petrels. Pack your binoculars and be ready to be stunned by a kaleidoscopic bustle of purple-billed tropicbirds, noddies, masked boobies and gibbering Indian mynas.
You are going to also get a likelihood to see the island’s 455 species of invertebrates, which include the fairytale-like blushing snail, golden leafhopper and Janich’s fungus weevil.
For anyone wanting to appear skywards at night time, stargazing tours are out there from Derek Richards of Island Photos (cost on application islandimages.co.sh).
Travel FACTS 
British Airways (ba.com) flies from Heathrow to Johannesburg from £638 return and to Cape City from £744 return. Virgin Atlantic has flights to Johannesburg from £609 return. Return Airlink flights amongst St Helena and Johannesburg (flyairlink.com) value from £750. A support from Cape Town launches in December.
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from trackrgadget https://bestessayseller.co.uk/why-distant-st-helena-is-reworking-into-a-winter-season-sun-hotspot/ https://bestessayseller.co.uk/why-distant-st-helena-is-reworking-into-a-winter-season-sun-hotspot/
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misslongcep · 5 years
Histories Collide - an Uncharted fanfic...
Hi there! Thank you for choosing to read my uncharted fanfic! I absolutely love the Uncharted series, and ofc Sam Drake (who wouldn’t?) so I just had to write something. Please let me know what you think - likes/reblogs are much appreciated!
Chapter 1
When Maggie Thyme got the news that her Grandmother Evelyn had died, she was beyond devastated.
Not only because her Grandmother had died, but she was the only person who made Maggie feel "normal". Like Evelyn, Maggie was a keen reader and historian. From a very young age, Maggie had always been interested in the old books gathering dust in her Grandmother's study, and she couldn't wait until she was old enough to go and research some of the ancient legends she had been told about as bed time stories. Maggie's own parents, and Evelyn's son and daughter-in-law, had been less than unsupportive about her interests, saying she had inherited her Grandmother's "obsession" and no good would come from it.
In fact, when Maggie expressed her wishes about pursuing her dream and studying History at college, her parents all but disowned her, and Maggie went to live with Evelyn in Boston instead, where she spent her childhood years soaking up her Grandmother's knowledge of all things ancient and legendary. Every school holiday, you would be sure to find Maggie at the Museum where her Grandmother and her team worked, following anybody who would listen, and filling their ears with questions and her own theories as to where these legends stemmed from.
Just before Maggie's 18th birthday, she had made plans with her Grandmother to visit some of the colleges she would be applying to; UCLA, Columbia and Berkeley. Maggie had wanted to attend Boston University, as it meant she could stay at home and keep an eye on Evelyn who, despite all of her protests, had begun to look a little unsteady on her feet.
Evelyn, however, had other ideas. "You can't put a price on a decent education, Maggie!" she would say. "If you're going to be like me, then you gotta go the distance to get there!". Maggie was never too sure what her Grandmother meant when she said things like that, but she knew better than to question them. Her Grandmother eventually agreed, however, that Maggie would go to any interviews on her own. She didn't want to be seen as "piggybacking" on Evelyn Thyme's reputation.
One spring evening, Maggie made the 3 and a half hour journey from Boston to New York in preparation for her school interview at Columbia University the next day. After getting stuck in traffic jams for the last third of the journey, stopping for a well needed coffee break, and then getting lost in the bustling New York Streets trying to find her hotel, Maggie collapsed exhausted on her hotel bed almost 3 hours later than she should have done. She was just about to doze off, when her hotel phone rang.
"Hello?" she answered sleepily.
"Good Evening, Miss Thyme. There is a call for you from a Mrs Evelyn Thyme, should I connect?" the receptionist asked.
"Sure, go ahead" Maggie replied almost unwillingly, adjusting her position in preparation for the audible onslaught her Grandmother was about to give her.
There was a click as the receptionist connected the call, and before Maggie could say hello, her Grandmother bellowed down the phone, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! I have been calling and calling for you for the last 2 hours! I've been worried sick, anything could have happened! You should have called me the moment you got there!"
"Woah, calm down Gran! I've only just arrived!" Maggie interjected. "The traffic was ridiculous, and then I couldn't find my hotel!"
"DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! I KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO GET TO NEW YORK FROM HERE, AND IT DOES NOT TAKE...." Maggie rolled her oval brown eyes as she held the phone away from her ear, whilst she waited for her Grandmother to finish reading the riot act. There was no point even trying to reason with Evelyn when she was like this; Maggie was too similar to know it would be pointless.
"Better to just take the shouting, apologise and promise you will be more considerate in future" Maggie thought to herself.
Finally, after what seemed like an age, Evelyn seemed to remember why she was actually calling. "Oh, guess what came today!" She suddenly exclaimed excitedly.
"Do you remember Cassandra Morgan, my number one researcher at the museum?" Evelyn asked.
"Vaguely" Maggie replied. "I only saw her a few times."
"Yes, you would have. She was extremely unwell, and nobody knew except me" Evelyn remembered, sadly. "Every day, she put on a brave face for her husband and her two young children, but she got to the point where she couldn't cope, and it was easier to end her pain."
"How sad," Maggie had no idea. She had only met Cassandra a few times when she was young, she was constantly flying from one expedition to another. Then one day, she just realised that she never saw her again. Maggie had never even given it a thought, and was instantly ashamed. She remembered Evelyn mentioning two children, and thought about how she'd feel if it was her Grandmother who had suddenly killed herself with no explanation. Maggie shuddered. "Her poor family," Maggie said, thoughtfully, "they must have been devastated."
"Well actually, that's why I'm calling," Evelyn answered, serious now. "After she died, her husband couldn't cope. He abandoned his boys to an orphanage, sold all of his belongings, and disappeared overnight. Never seen again." Maggie was shocked. "It was an awful shame, he was a pretty good explorer too, from what I remember. They'd collected all kinds of weird and wonderful things over the years, and he sold every last bit of it. AND within the belongings that he sold, was all of Cassandra's research," Evelyn went on, "Every note she had taken, every map she had drawn, Gone! It's taken me a while, but I've finally found it after all these years! It arrived today, so the moment you get back from Columbia, I want you going through every journal you can find, Maggie! This is a chance for us to prove Cassandra's dream come true, I owe her that much after all!" Maggie's Grandmother almost sang, she was so excited again.
Maggie chuckled, fondly. This is what she loved about her Grandmother, more than anything else in the world. Her passion. Here she was, almost 90 years old, and she was speaking as if she was a giddy schoolgirl. Maggie began to get excited herself, and smiled. "Okay, you got it, Gran" Maggie laughed, "anything else?"
"Just you be safe, young lady" Evelyn retorted, back to lovingly-overbearing Grandmother mode. "New York can be dangerous! Make sure you call me tomorrow!"
"I will, don't worry," Maggie sighed, "I'll call you first thing tomorrow morning before I leave for my interview, and I'll call you as soon as I'm back afterwards, deal?" Maggie asked with just a twinge of sarcasm she knew her Grandmother wouldn't miss.
"You best do, young lady, or there'll be hell to pay!" Evelyn growled, lovingly.
"Love you, Gran, Good Night!" Maggie laughed as she hung up the phone.
Maggie lay on the bed for a moment, thinking about what her Grandmother had just told her. She wondered what had happened to Cassandra's husband and their two kids, whether they ever saw each other again, and her thoughts flickered to her own mother. They had never been particularly close, seeing as Maggie's mother couldn't stand to have a daughter who refused to conform to the "normal" things girls should do. Maggie wondered if there was an underlying reason why her mother was so against her following her Grandmother's footsteps, which she didn't know about. Maggie promised to herself she would call her Mom once she got home, in an effort to make amends for the time they'd not spent together as she grew up.
Maggie shook her head, as if to shake off the looming thoughts threatening to ruin her Grandmother's good news. "This is it!" Maggie thought to herself excitedly. "I'm finally going to have my own research to study!" Maggie thought about the opportunities this could bring. Not only could she be potentially attending one of the oldest Colleges in America, but she could start her classes with a wealth of actual fieldwork experience! "This is unbelievable! Almost too good to be true!" Maggie squealed with excitement as she climbed under the crisp hotel bed sheets. As she settled down, she let her mind wander to great mounds of treasure, buried on an island far, far away waiting to be discovered and smiled lazily as she finally fell asleep, her dreams playing out behind her closed eyes.
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