#But Still Remembering to Spend Time With and Enjoy Having Casey Around
rottmntquotes · 1 year
If y'all ever have trouble envisioning FTaaH Leo, just imagine MNMC Leo but sleepier, crankier, drunker, yet soft-spoken and gentle when it comes to Casey
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Donnie x fem! Reader The little merturtle 5 FINAL
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Summary: Prince Donatello was the third of four brothers, the prince of an underwater yokai city, but he has always been searching for something else far more interesting than the mystic arts he is used to, he wants to know everything about the human world, their traditions, their creations... But when he finds himself entranced by a human princess it might just be the last push he needs to make his dream of exploring the land a reality.
"Donnie’s chest physically hurt and his hand was grabbing onto his shirt tightly, he felt like clawing at his chest for the pain to stop."
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, tooth-rotting fluff
Shipwrecked wedding
“Good work” Draxum said in a low voice from down under the sea, while he and Big Mama looked at how things were turning out from Huginn and Muninn’s perspective.
“Oh, that boy is much better than I thought” Big Mama groaned before stopping to ponder “Though maybe he wouldn’t have gotten that far if that slimy one of his brothers hadn’t managed to turn them all so they could follow him, then again in the end it’s better that they did.”
“It was a little too close for us to keep laying about like this” Draxum grunted “The purple one is crafty, at this rate he’ll be getting what he needs before the time is due”
“Well, it is time Big Mama took matters into her own tentacles” At this, her form changed from her unassuming mermaid appearance to that of a gigantic half-spider, half-cecaelia yokai, the creatures at the entrance of the cave seemed to wither away, but Draxum remained stoic while she hummed and reached for a necklace on her chest, the very same that now held the powers of the turtles and Donnie’s voice.
“With the purpley one belonging to us the others will have no choice but to follow for their dear brother and Lou will fall alongside them, I’ll make him writhe” The sinister smirk on Big Mama’s face grew “And I know just the yokai for this job…”
You were looking far away into the horizon from the terrace of your room, thinking deeply about what had happened today.
You knew there was more to the relationship you had developed with Donnie in a month than the instant of strong infatuation you experienced with your savior; words Casey had said after one of your outings with Donnie, when she’d caught sight of the grin that hadn’t left your cheeks all day, reverberated in your mind.
“Far better than any dream man is one of flesh and blood” She’d said in a strangely wisdom-filled voice you rarely heard her use, it left rapidly though “He’s exhausting and picky though, I don’t know why you enjoy spending time with him so much” She huffed before leaving the room.
You chuckled slightly at that, remembering how in denial you had been about your growing feelings for the caramel-skinned man, that wasn’t fair to him of course, not when you thought back on your interactions and realized, his feelings for you were so evident they were almost tangible.
Donnie went out of his way to tease or laugh at your misfortunes, but the easy manner in which he did was playful and you could hold no grudge like you didn’t do the same to him; plus the soft smile on his face whenever he thought you weren’t looking when you know he barely did any more than grimace at everyone else or deadpan when he thought something was dumb made it hard for you to ignore how you knew he felt around you.
You looked up from your spot out there at the terrace and towards the balcony window of the tower that you had made his residence, his room for as long as he’d want it to be so; and there he was, you caught a glimpse of him, still learning how to do his voluminous hair all by himself, an arduous task but one he seemed to feel very accomplished about.
It made you smile, why were you wasting your time thinking about a man you might never see again when Donnie was right there?
So, you had to let go of that fairytale, once and for all.
Your face turned back to the sea for a moment before you turned around in the direction of Donnie’s room, determined to talk to him about it all, feeling you had made him wait long enough.
The moment you started walking away though, you heard a deep humming in the distance that sent shivers down your spine, your eyes widened immediately and your breath hitched under the recognition of the voice.
You hadn’t been able to get that voice out of your head yet.
Your mind scrambled and you hurried back to where you had been looking over the sea, leaning down as far as you could to find the sight you had been yearning for since the shipwreck.
Walking down the beach and in your direction was a figure dressed in purple, if you hadn’t just seen Donnie a moment ago at his window you would have believed from what you could make out of that silhouette that it was him.
You squinted your eyes, trying to make out the appearance of the person you were looking at, even though you could tell immediately from the voice that it was precisely the person you had been waiting for before today.
You managed to make out a small light on their chest, it seemed to grow stronger the louder the voice of this person became and through the fog you blinked as you seemed to have imagined that the light traveled through the fog and towards you.
You opened your eyes again, but your thoughts seemed to be dispersed, you could only think about the beautiful voice of the man who’d saved you.
Donnie woke up that morning unlike any other morning, he wasn’t grumbling and trying to hide himself further into the blankets, nor was he sleepily trying to prepare himself mentally before getting out of his cocoon, or pushing Leonardo’s insistent feet out of his face, no.
The sun streamed from the windows; the curtains wide open from his forgetting to close them the night before and Donnie awoke slowly with a smile on his face, he rubbed his eyes with a yawn before raising slowly, stretching his arms with a dumb grin still adorning his features.
Trying to avoid hitting Leo on the pillow beside him he got up from the bed lazily, wandering over to the window to rest himself against it and look out into the glittering sea with a deep sigh.
His mind kept replaying the events of last night and the more awake he felt the more his grin grew, he hadn’t noticed his legs wiggling underneath him in excitement at the thought of you or Leo finally waking up and laying close to him at the window.
You liked him, you definitely liked him, he couldn’t be reading that wrong, because he knew that last night you had been just about to kiss him and recapping the whole month he could now look back and think of little things you’d done that he had been, in Leo’s words, too dense to notice as proof of your growing attraction to him.
He was in the clouds.
And because he was, he hadn’t noticed Raph yelling at him from far below the tower.
Finally, having been called to attention by Leo almost biting his finger off, Donnie glared and woke up from his daydreams now in his usual mood when he noticed Raph had managed to reach your terrace and was talking to him from way over there.
“Donnie! Congratulations! You did it” Raph seemed to be tearing up and Donnie couldn’t understand why “Raph’s so proud of you little guy!”
“What are YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Leo yelled, trying to make his voice louder so Raph would hear, the eldest just chuckled at him.
“Oh, shut up Leo, you just want to show off that you knew first,” Raph said
“He didn’t do anything except go on and on about her highness last night!” Leo yelled with Raph looking weird at him.
“He can’t talk!”
“Well, he would have if he could!” Leo huffed; Raph just shook his head.
“Mikey and I heard close to town, everyone’s all excited about the princess finding her one true love, they’re saying something about her finally getting married soon!”
Donnie’s eyes were the biggest they had ever been in his life and his heart was hammering against his chest, if he had thought last night was a dream then he had entered a coma now, his expression went back to giddy, and then utterly elated while his hands were flapping right beside him, any doubt he may have had left was evaporated at the implications of Raph’s words.
You loved him, you really did love him, so much so your subjects were already thinking of wedding bells, he wondered who you had talked to that the rumor had reached town so soon but it didn’t matter, you loved him and he had to see you right this moment.
Donnie couldn’t even hear Leo calling out to him, he rushed to the closest mirror and fixed his bedhead slightly before hurrying out the door with his pajamas still on, he barely managed to process Leo hanging onto his clothes for dear life as his feet made their way down the hall and stairs as fast as he could go.
The moment he reached the first flight of stairs and looked down at the reception hall his feet faltered, making him stumble, but Donnie managed to catch himself, the sight in front of him though had his elated smile falling off his face faster than when his dad had found his secret cove.
You were right there in front of Casey, but what made his mind reel with a mountain of questions was the man you were holding so tightly onto.
Donnie quickly hid behind a wall, his eyes running through the scene once, twice, every detail of the picture getting burned into his mind.
You looked beautiful, he had never seen you wearing such formal clothing, you preferred to dress casually most of the time, which made the importance of the situation even clearer, and you had that look on your face, that fierce determination he had fallen for at the very beginning and that was suddenly making his stomach churn with anxiousness.
The man at your side was familiar to him, but Donnie couldn’t pinpoint how or if he had ever seen him around the castle, he was dressed in an attire resembling yours in formality, almost princely in fact, his locks of hair like his own but much shorter and obviously stylized by a professional. He looked calm, confident, almost smug even, and looked down at you who held so dearly onto his arm with a charming smile.
Donnie barely processed the fact that his breathing had quickened, he almost missed Casey’s voice as she started talking.
“Well Y/N, it appears I was mistaken,” Casey said, her voice as firm as always but seeming to hold onto a sort of confusion while the woman bowed to the other two “The mystery man of yours does, in fact, exist, I must thank you for rescuing our dear princess”
The other man chuckled, and Donnie instinctively reached out towards his own throat at the familiar timbre “Not at all, such a stunning vision as she is I believe it is I who was rescued by her deep eyes.” He said looking at you and placing one of his hands over your own still holding dearly onto him.
Holding so dearly, why were you holding onto him like that?
“Well, I must still say, congratulations to the both of you for finding each other” Donnie barely noticed but Leo saw Casey’s eyes stray momentarily in the direction of where Donnie and he were hiding.
Finally, you spoke “Danny and I wish to be married as soon as possible,” You said with that confident tone of yours.
And then the shattered pieces of Donnie’s heart were laying there on the floor, scattered everywhere almost to dust, he shook his head disbelievingly, but Casey continued.
“Yes of course your highness, I shall start the preparations” Before Casey could continue you interrupted, stepping into some of the pieces of Donnie’s heart.
“By Saturday Casey” You stated in a tone of no negotiation, that was in three days, right before the end of the spell “The ship will depart at sunset.”
Donnie wasn’t looking anymore, his back to the wall as he hyperventilated, barely hearing Casey’s response about getting everything done in time, Donnie’s chest physically hurt and his hand was grabbing onto his shirt tightly, he felt like clawing at his chest for the pain to stop.
Between Leo trying to grab his attention and the insistent ringing in his ears, Donnie ran away back towards his room, barely conscious of what he was doing as his body looked for a safe place.
It was hard to see where he was going with his eyes scrunched up like that and full of tears and even though he still managed to get out of there without being seen by you Danny caught sight of his figure, his smirk growing as he pulled you closer to his side, the necklace hanging from his neck glowing gently under the sunlight.
“Donnie, listen to me” Leo called out as Donnie slammed the door to his room closed, still breathing harshly “Donnie, think of your surroundings, what do you feel under your feet?”
He could feel the rug at the entrance of the room, he usually liked the sensation, unlike the other rugs around this one was soft, and he rubbed his toes on it.
Leo gave a couple of instructions to Donnie and slowly, he calmed down before laying his back against the closed door and sliding down to the floor, Leo quietened down.
Donnie rubbed his hand against his face, rubbing his eyes, wanting the feeling of the tears left to go away, his expression was angry and his eyes blotched and although for a moment he had just wanted to hit something and tear his chest open right now he felt empty, very empty.
If you loved him, you wouldn’t be rushing to get married to another man, he thought still glaring at the ground, the burning at the corner of his eyes returned, but he made no move to stop the incoming tears, just letting them fall down as he processed the whole situation.
Leo wanted to comfort his brother, tell him how suspicious this man was, tell him his voice was too much like Donnie’s for it to be a coincidence, that he looked too much like him, there were so many things on Leo’s mind about Big Mama and Draxum but he couldn’t bring any of those things up, not when his brother looked so devastated.
So, he sat there quietly, accompanying Donnie.
Three days was a much shorter amount of time than he’d ever thought it was.
After Donnie had gotten better Leo managed to convince him to talk to you, and though Donnie first refused strongly a part of him too hoped for an answer.
An answer he didn’t get because even though Donnie had managed to get all his courage to talk to you, he never managed to catch you, he wondered if you were avoiding him, and though it discouraged him to think so, seeing him with that man constantly only made his fury grow especially because Donnie knew he never got to tell you who he was, what he was, where he came from.
And that also left a bitter feeling in his chest that he tried to ignore because the man you were with wasn’t some idiot who you had to teach horse riding to or what a streetlamp was, he wasn’t constantly asking you about the most simple things.
Danny could speak to you without having to sign or write what he was thinking, he could be more useful to you in your royal tasks than Donnie could, barely even knowing the basics of human customs.
Worse yet, Danny was human, and Donnie was a mix of a turtle and a fish with three big fingers that wouldn’t comfortably rest with your five delicate ones and a tail that would never allow him to dance with you again.
Through discussions with Leo and a few talks he had at the beach with the rest of his brothers Donnie had managed to mostly keep on going, but he would be lying if he said his hopes weren’t already crushed; at night, his insomnia got worse than ever and he wished at times that he had remained under the sea like everyone had asked him to his whole life, maybe they were right, maybe his dad was right.
He thought all of this with a wrath that blocked the rest of his thoughts, if he’d never gone to the surface or learned so much about the human world, he wouldn’t be like this now.
He wanted to regret learning to dance with a pair of feet, or learning about blacksmithing and the various ways metal could be manipulated.
He wanted to regret learning about the different variations of flora in the human world and about all the engineering books that he poured hours in the library into.
He wanted to regret getting to know you and loving you.
He couldn’t regret it, and he couldn’t stop loving you.
So once again, with puffy eyes he wished he could hide, Donnie stood near the ship where you would be wed, arms crossed just staring at the boat and since he refused to get in the ship, he was now condemned to watch it slowly leave the harbor.
The further away the ship got the more it cemented in that this was it, it was over, you were marrying someone else and any moment now he would go back to being a merturtle, unable to even see you again.
He didn’t cry, he’d wasted enough tears, so he waited, just wanting to go home.
Donnie was lost in thought enough he didn’t see Leo get in the ship before it left nor did he see Raph and Mikey following in the water.
“Psst, Leo” Leo perked up at the sound of April’s voice calling him, he looked up to his friend with a smile before the smile fell at seeing her covering her mouth to stop from laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, just get it over with” Leo grumbled while April tried to calm herself down.
“Wooh, sorry, sorry, when Raph and Mikey found me and told me the whole situation, I didn’t actually expect you to be so small!” She said carefully picking him up in her hands and straying away from the eyes of the people invited to the party.
“Look, you can laugh all you want later, but we need to find this guy Danny, something is wrong about this whole situation,” Leo said looking around, April hummed.
“Um, Leo, are you sure about this? I don’t know, the princess seems to really love this guy” She said in a quiet voice, though she wanted Donnie to be happy and her heart had broken once she learned everything that had been happening to her friend she didn’t want to give them any false hopes, April had always been realistic with her expectations.
Leo sighed “That’s what’s weird, April, this guy pops out of nowhere one day and that same day she decides to marry him? She was about to kiss Donnie the day before that and call me a romantic but I don’t think she’s the type to jump directly into the next guy’s arms” He shook his head “No, April, something is wrong, this guy is extremely suspicious and his voice tells me it has something to do with Big Mama and Draxum.”
April looked at him curiously “His voice?”
The moment she asked that they heard laughter coming from one of the cabins, Leo shushed her and told her to go there, that was it, that was the cabin where the groom was getting married.
The both of them reached a window and peeked inside, there stood Danny and immediately April could understand Leo’s reasoning, red flags popping in her mind at the voice that was exactly the same as her best friend’s.
“Things are working out perfectly, mom” He called snickering while fixing one of his eyebrows in the mirror, his reflection though, was different from his physical appearance, Leo saw through the mirror a big rat yokai instead “The sun is setting, and that little stupid prince is so heartbroken he didn’t even get in to see the show!” Danny laughed while a shadow got closer to April and Leo’s view.
Leo looked pissed off as he realized whom that shadow belonged to, now wearing a new pair of legs right in front of him was Big Mama.
“Oh the poor turtley-boo, I can’t believe he’s missing it, but oh well, the show must go on, mustn’t it deary?” She said in faux sympathy before grinning “and while we accomplish this menial task, Draxum is down there getting me my crown, oh this is turning out even better than we thought, imagine, already having the sea, once you marry the princess the yokai can keep the land for themselves.”
“Just as you always wished Big Mama” Danny said bowing slightly.
“We have to get out of here, now!” Leo yelled and April ran away “We gotta tell Donnie! This is all a lie fabricated by Big Mama, he needs to get that kiss, or who knows what’ll happen! You stay and stall the wedding!” April nodded immediately, they got close to the border and April peeked out, finding Mikey in the water she threw Leo in, his brother carrying him back up to the surface.
The three brothers hurriedly made their way toward Donnie as Leo explained what was happening.
Thankfully the ship hadn’t gotten far yet “Donnie!” Leo called out once he was close enough, Donnie lifted his gaze and gave him a blank glare “Donnie, we went on the ship, Danny is not a human! He is a yokai sent by Big Mama, it’s all a trap! He has your voice!”
Leo’s hurried explanation finally made it into Donnie’s thought process and he looked at his other two brothers for confirmation, watching them both nod quickly was everything Donnie needed to look around in search of anything that could get him there in time.
There was a rowboat close, and Donnie immediately jumped on it, untying the rope and keeping it in place as Leo got inside and Raph went behind the boat on the water.
“Mikey!” Raph called the youngest “You need to go to dad, tell him what’s going on, now! Before Baron Draxum gets to him” Mikey nodded rapidly before submerging and swimming as fast as he could toward the castle.
Donnie took the rows and started going as fast as he could while Raph helped push the boat, Big Mama’s voice telling him he had a month to get the kiss kept playing in his mind while he saw the sun getting closer to the line of the sea.
Back in the boat, Danny was already waiting for his bride at the altar ignoring Mayhem who seemed to be glaring and barking at him from where the public stood; meanwhile, April was whispering into Sunita’s ears, the woman nodded and took one of the trays into her hands, starting to walk close to the man with the various pastries swaying precariously in it.
At that same moment, the bride was walking down the aisle in her white and long flowing wedding dress, finally reaching the groom who took her hand in his, they both stood before the master of ceremonies who started his speech.
Before much else could happen, Sunita screamed, her feet stumbling suspiciously on something and the tray with pastries flying from her hands over to Danny, falling directly on him and covering his wedding suit completely in sugar and cream.
Danny’s expression was absolutely furious and he glared at Sunita who made a show of gasping in panic “Oh dear! I am so sorry, how clumsy of me! I should have been more careful, and your suit is ruined, how can this be?” While Sunita kept rambling April reached down to help her.
“Oh, this is terrible!” April said “You can’t get married in this! Quick! We need to fix your suit, we must clean it, but it may not be salvageable…” Danny wanted to yell at the girls, but you didn’t react much, your expression dull.
Donnie was finally close enough and with agility, he reached the stairs at the side of the ship, a determined glare set on his features while he started going up as fast as he could.
The ship succumbed to chaos, Danny finally yelling at the girls and telling the master to continue the ceremony, but April was determined and she pulled on his suit “You can’t! Not like this! And your necklace is so out of place!” She pulled on the necklace and Danny pulled back with a vengeance.
“Let it go you trashy little-!” The necklace snapped from the chain and flew through the air just as Donnie jumped inside the ship, it crashed on the floor and broke into pieces, the glow leaving and rushing directly onto him.
Donnie gasped, loudly this time, like he had finally recovered his breath, realizing what had happened after a burst of shock he let out a relieved laugh, his eyebrows scrunched up together with a small smile forming on his face.
The breaking of the necklace and the sound of a desperate laugh seemed to wake you up from the trance you had been in for almost four days, your head was throbbing with a horrible headache, and you reached up to hold it reflexively, but once you processed your surroundings your eyes went directly to Donnie, your Donnie who’s laughter you could hear.
You called out to him confused “Donnie?”
“Y/N,” he said making you startled at how your name sounded with his voice, filled with so much relief, you started walking your way and though he looked nervous his smile was still in place, eyes never straying from you.
“You can talk?” You asked with wonder while he nodded, you walked faster to the end of the aisle and sighed after taking his hands on yours, one part of you screamed that you had been right, it had been him all along that you were looking for, it was his voice, of course it was his voice, who else could it ever be for you other than Donnie?
And yet another part of you remembered bits and pieces only of what had happened the last couple of days, one of these things you couldn’t get out of your mind was Donnie’s heartbroken expression, and through the confusion of whatever was going on right now you felt the need to reassure him somehow, so you squeezed his hands with yours, he seemed like he was breathing better.
“Y/N, get away from him!” Danny called out, but his nasal voice replaced the one he had been using before and he immediately covered his mouth after that, no longer having any control over you.
With a triumphant grin sent the way of his doppelganger Donnie turned back to you, holding your hands up with his as he looked directly into your eyes “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how to explain it so—”
In wanting to explain what happened, Donnie had forgotten about the time crunch he was in, and the other reason why he hadn’t just told you sooner, a sharp pain ran through his chest, and he grunted, falling to his knees and making you panic, wild with worry you leaned close to him, calling his name.
The sun was set and there was a collective gasp from the public as Donnie breathed rapidly, not failing to realize with horror that his skin was changing in texture, scales forming back and slowly turning from brown to a deep green hue.
“You are too late,” Big Mama said appearing from one of the cabins with a scary grin on her face while Donnie tried to cover his from your sight, his bandana which had disappeared hanging loosely from his face and with his now three-fingered hands he tried to hide behind it.
The screams from the crowd were loud as Big Mama turned to her big spidery form, even bigger than she normally was “You really should read the things you sign with more patience, nobody leaves the important bits at the beginning of the contract” She said with a sinister tone.
“Donnie?” You leaned down reaching for his arm but Donnie pulled away from you in panic, you managed to catch his eye, wide open under his fingers and bandana, trying to get away from you, you could barely breathe “Donnie please” you begged hoping he’d talk to you, explain what was happening, how could you help him if you didn’t understand what was going on?
Your mind kept telling you about the tail you saw back at the beach after being saved, it had been magenta with undertones of violet, you thought yourself crazy, that you must have imagined it, but it was right there in front of you, part of the man you knew had been there that day.
The same man who was trying to hide his tail behind himself.
“I’m sorry” He blabbered,  trying to get closer to the edge of the ship “I lied, I lied I lied and I should have told you but I wasn’t, you don’t, you don’t deserve this and if I had just stayed human you wouldn’t have had to, I—”
Donnie was on the verge of a panic attack, everything was ruined, even if he had avoided your wedding everything was already crashing down around him and though you were still confused you couldn’t let him spiral like that, your hands lingered in the air close to him but you made no move to touch him when you didn’t know if he’d be okay with it.
“Donnie, darling, listen to me please, focus on my voice,” You said stopping his rambling “Donnie, love, it’s okay, you’re okay, tell me what to do,” you said and he finally managed to see your expression.
You weren’t disgusted or horrified like he had feared so many times when he pondered this scenario, you were worried for him, asking him to let you help him, being mindful of his limits and in his mind, he managed to connect the words you’d said.
Despite everything that had just happened, you’d called him love.
He was letting go of his face, about to say something when Big Mama’s loud laughter and the screaming of everyone else finally reached his ears again, he turned around only to see the big yokai pulling him with her claws, he yelled, reaching up to try and pull the yokai’s claws away from him.
“Donnie!” You yelled and Big Mama smiled.
“I am so very sorry for your wedding dear, but we have very important business to attend, wouldn’t want to leave your family waiting, would you turtley-boo?” She laughed throwing herself and Donnie out of the ship and into the sea.
“Oh you have a lot of guts, purpley, but don’t worry, that was just a side gig, it would have been nice, but this is more important” Big Mama spoke while she pulled Donnie with her.
“Donatello!” His dad’s familiar voice called out and Donnie felt relief, it suddenly left though as he looked up.
There, in formation swam his father and brothers back to their original form, but the three of them had gold glowing chains holding their wrists together, and right beside them was Baron Draxum.
“Why Lou, haven’t seen you in such a long time, how are you?” Big mama chanted while Splinter growled.
“Let my son go” Splinter said and Big Mama laughed.
“Not a chance Lou, I’m sure my partner already filled you in but just so you are sure,” a contract, the very same Donnie had signed before was pulled in front of him “He is mine now as are the other three.”
“No!” Donnie growled “They didn’t sign anything, only I did.”
“Oh dear, really, the very last part of the contract is very important, in fact, I would have skipped the beginning that you did read and gone down immediately, what you signed gives me ownership of anyone who drank the potion, and your brothers drank it!” Donnie paled after hearing so.
“That makes no sense, my signature can’t count for them.”
“Oh but there’s a contract you didn’t consider at all, a contract of blood a pact of brotherhood” Big Mama grinned towards a deflating Splinter and the brothers glared at her.
Donnie looked devastated and his gaze went towards his dad the moment a pair of Draxum’s vines held onto his wrists “Papa, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I should have—”
Donnie’s voice was interrupted by Splinter attempting to destroy the contract with a beam of his trident, however, the contract stayed untouched.
“Let’s make a deal, shall we?” Draxum asked Splinter while the turtles complained and told him not to, their father looked down.
“What do the two of you want?” He growled.
“I for one want my warriors back” Draxum hummed pointing towards the brothers.
“Warriors?” Raph asked and Leo rolled his eyes.
“Hello? He called us that when we met, no? Not ringing any bells? Only me? Okay.” Leo sighed.
“Absolutely not, why would I even do that?” Splinter answered.
“Well, of course, I could settle for something else, I am reasonable” Draxum hummed “You will give us yourself in exchange for the turtles, but there are four of them, and only one of you, even your crown seems an unjust exchange.”
“You will give me back my crown Lou” Big Mama stated “And Draxy here will have control of all your powers and theirs, do we have a deal?”
“So you’ll create more warriors and champions to terrorize the humans and yokai alike?” Splinter laughed bitterly, but the contract still stared straight at him.
Back on the surface, you were now in one of the row boats, Casey calling out for you “Your highness what are you doing?!”
“I already lost him once! I am not about to lose him again!” You yelled going further into the sea and hoping to catch a glimpse of anything that could tell you where Donnie was.
At that moment, Donnie was going through sensory hell as he remembered the things that had grabbed onto him when he had entered Big Mama’s and Draxum’s cave, it hadn’t been a thing, it had been someone, and whatever had happened to them was happening to him.
His brothers yelled for him and Splinter had given in, pointing his trident at the contract, he signed, replacing Donnie’s name for his.
In an instant, Donnie was back to normal, and Splinter was turned into one of those things, Donnie cried out for him as did the others whose chains had broken at the signing.
“PAPA!” They all called swimming over to the king in his withered form.
Above, you were able to see a bright light coming from the water “gotcha” you said before throwing yourself into the water, your wedding dress had been torn to pieces for mobility and a harpoon was held tight in your hand.
“At last,” Big Mama said taking the crown in her hands, Draxum reached out for the trident, but she stopped him “up up up, Draxy, you know how much I love our partnership, don’t you? I just don’t think this is right for you” She said, taking the trident in her hands and laughing maniacally.
“We had a deal, witch” He yelled angrily while she chuckled.
“Oh, you really should all start reading the bottom lines of the contracts,” She said.
“You must be forgetting I still own all their powers, so help me, witch, this alliance may be over, but I assure you my goal will be completed,” Draxum said, his form appearing larger with the use of Raph’s ninpo.
While they were both distracted a strong sharp pain hit Big Mama’s side and she yelled turning back to see you swimming there and the harpoon having hit her.
Leo took advantage of the situation to take his swords and attack Draxum directly.
“Foolish! You cannot defeat me when I have every ounce of your mystic energy” The baron gloated as the other brothers reached out to try anyway.
Donnie yelled out your name, being held back by one of Big Mama’s claws “Look out!”
You swam back to the surface as fast as you could but were pulled down by Huginn and Muninn without being able to get much air, thankfully, Mikey noticed this and rushed to your aid “Let her go!” He yelled, pulling out his nunchaku to get rid of the gargoyles.
You were let go, but Big Mama still had you in her sight “Say goodbye to your sweetheart” She sang, pointing at you with the trident, Donnie desperately managed to claw his way to Big Mama’s arms and pull the trident into another direction before it hit you, Huginn and Muninn barely able to avoid being hit instead, they rushed away of the battlefield.
Big Mama was pissed, and Donnie followed you as you went up to the surface, trying to make sure you were okay while his brothers fought against Draxum.
Big Mama wanted power and if she needed to kill Draxum for it, so be it, a lightning bolt coming from the trident hit the yokai and he breathed harshly realizing what had happened, the turtles all gasped as he exploded into tiny little pieces, they looked out in horror and realized their mystic abilities where now the possession of the second person in the contract.
Big Mama grew and grew and suddenly she was a titan of an aquatic monster with the powers of a god.
“We need to go to Donnie, now!” Raph yelled and the three brothers rushed towards the surface.
You were gasping for air when Donnie’s head came out to the surface, looking at you for any wounds “Y/N, you have to get out of here!” He said reaching for you and trying to drag you towards the abandoned rowboat.
“I won’t leave you, Donnie!” You yelled looking straight at him “There has to be something I can do, even if it is from the ship.” Before you could finish your train of thought you were being pushed up by something.
It was big mama having achieved a monumental size, you quickly threw yourselves back into the water, Donnie holding you close to his plastron, but that didn’t last long, as the strength of the big waves Big Mama sent your way separated you, you falling far away from Donnie while he tried to reach you to no avail, screaming your name in worry.
“The sea and all its spoils bow to my power!” As she said this, the very ship where Donnie had first seen you was pulled out from the water and into the surface as Big mama made a miniature tsunami around herself.
The ship almost hit you, to Donnie’s horror from where he could see you, but you managed to grab onto a rope from under the water and pull yourself up into the old ship, thankfully reaching the deck and hoping the wheel still worked.
Big Mama looked at Donnie and shot the rock he had been holding onto, throwing him into her merciless waves.
“I got you!” Raph yelled taking grasp of Donnie’s hand before he fell further down, but it wasn’t over, Big Mama was trying to kill all of the brothers and shooting at them who barely managed to avoid the strikes.
When you finally reached the wheel of the boat you turned it rapidly Big Mama’s way, thankful that she was so distracted she would have never even considered you a threat.
You almost cried when you realized the wheel worked, and thanks to her majesty the ship remained afloat and the mast that once held the wooden figure of a mermaid was now sharp and broken, perfect for you.
“So much for true love!” Big Mama exclaimed about to hit the four turtles who held tightly onto each other when her side was impaled by your ship.
Big Mama let out the most horrendous scream of pain you had ever heard and it looked like the lightning she’d tried to inflict had hit her instead, she started crumbling into the ocean, clawing desperately for relief and managing to take hold of the ship, dragging it back down into the water with her.
You jumped out of it fast to not be dragged and swam on your way back to shore, not without looking back to make sure Big Mama was long gone.
You were exhausted, absolutely exhausted, and had too much water inside you, so you crumbled on the beach sand once you reached it, passing out again while the brothers looked at the end of the sea witch and Baron left behind, the feeling of power returning to their bodies, they swam down, hoping with her end, their father was back to normal.
The spell was broken, on anyone who had ever made a deal with Big Mama, thus including the king who with a beam of light returned to his form, finding his trident falling close to him.
“DADDY!” The chorus of his sons caught his attention before he was embraced tightly into a hug by four almost crying merturtles.
Splinter could hear the rapid-fire apologies of his purple-coded son and made sure to hold him much closer, a small smile forming on her face and tears in the corner of the old king’s eyes.
Donnie looked at you from a rock close to shore, you were only now starting to wake up from how you’d passed out earlier and he wanted nothing more than to go to you.
But how could he ever hope to hold you in his arms again? After everything he had done to his family and you for being so selfish.
He couldn’t do that to his father again, no matter how much his heart ached at the thought of leaving you forever.
Not far away the king and his sons stared at the merturtle who worriedly waited for you to wake up, knowing with his tail, Donnie would never be able to follow you again.
After a moment of contemplation, the king turned to Leo who had a bitter expression on his face “He really does love her, doesn’t he Blue?”
Leo chuckled slightly “Oh pops, you have no idea” Finally the turtle turned to his dad “And he wasn’t doing half bad there, it was like nerd paradise, you know?” Leo’s smile fell “Humans really don’t seem all that bad.”
The king sighed, looking back at Donnie “It is true that after this humans will go back to believing in yokai, someone has to be responsible for keeping relations between sea and land as peaceful as possible” Leo perked up at this and looked at his father with absolute shock, the king smiled softly “That’s one problem solved then since Donatello would be more than competent even if I am unsure of his people skills, surely you’ll help him with that from here Blue, so there’s only one problem left.”
Leo still couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and his other two brothers were close behind gaping at the words of the king, finally, Leo asked “And what’s that?”
“How much I’m going to miss him” Splinter smiled before pointing up with his trident to the second of his middle children, the trident glowing brightly before touching the surface of the water softly, the glowing light followed the water slowly and reached the magenta tail it had been directed towards.
The tail started glowing, sparkling under the light and grabbing Donnie’s attention.
The merturtle looked down to see his tail turning back into a pair of legs and with great shock, he looked towards his family who smiled at him happily, including his father, he couldn’t believe it, the nod of approval his father sent almost making him drop right there, realizing, despite everything they all wanted him to go back to you.
He almost jumped out of the rock and towards you but a lingering thought stopped him as he realized his legs weren’t like the ones he had before, they weren’t human, he wasn’t human, he was a turtle yokai able to walk on land.
Was that truly, okay? He’d lied to you, you hadn’t expected him to be like this, and he faltered, but the thoughts of those murals and your exciting tales of yokai and humans co-existing thankfully gave him a push.
He stood up, walking toward you slowly and remembering that despite everything you’d remained by his side, in fact, you had saved his life.
So maybe his hopes weren’t so foolish after all, and he did owe you an explanation.
With a soft smile returning to his face he watched you hold your head in your hands while you started to sit back up, the moment you looked up you saw Donnie, walking your way from the water in a pair of legs instead of his tail, you let out a sigh of relief knowing he was okay and rushed his way, he beamed as he felt you run into his arms, you collided against him with a huff making him laugh and you smile wide.
“You’re okay” You mumbled into his plastron, pulling him closer to you and making Donnie’s heart flutter, he hummed softly in response, his arms going around you before lifting you and spinning you along with him easily, making you realize how strong he was.
You wouldn’t let yourself think you had all the time in the world again, you were enjoying every second.
You laughed looking back at him, your forehead bumping against his softly before you pulled him close, finally getting that kiss that had been interrupted; he made a sound of surprise against you before melting into the kiss.
Months of dating and learning about each other’s culture led to teaching the world about yokai, and while not everyone was open to this you were grateful to those who tried and Leo who always seemed to know how to manage your situation, even when Donnie grumbled about his methods.
And eventually, that led to a wedding Casey could actually approve of and that you forced your people to approve of with pretty words about it being good for yokai and human relationships.
You were marrying the love of your life on a beautiful ship with guests from both worlds, especially Donnie’s family who had been practicing walking only for this event.
The music started and as the sunlight hit your wedding attire you held an appreciation for how much better you looked in this than the last time.
But more than anything, your heart was hitting your chest harshly once your eyes connected with his own pair at the altar, his whiskey-colored pair seemed to glow at the sight of you and a goofy smile you didn’t know if he was aware of made its way to his face, now a darker shade of green than normal. From the corner of your eye, you saw Leo smiling beside his twin and Mikey and Raph seemingly startled by someone they saw in the crowd, Casey, Sunita, and April stood close to your side of the altar and then the music quietened down, a green hand with three fingers reaching for your own as your groom smiled at you with more confidence and all the love in the world in his eyes, you took his hand, thinking about how perfectly it fit in yours before standing beside him, body towards the master of ceremonies, your eyes though never straying from him.
Though this is not the end, I will be making the sequel like you guys asked! Designing the OC child of Donnie and the reader might be something I will ask your help with through polls before that, also I will first be working on the Leo x reader Anastasia AU so stay tuned!
It is done! Thanks to everyone for reading this and your comments that always make my day! (Los que están en Español también, gracias <3) I am so happy!
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
Devil's conflict in ¨The Devil You Know¨ analysis (MGADD Season 2)
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One of the main conflicts in Season 2 A is Lunella struggling to tell her family that she is Moon Girl and trying to balance out his family life with superhero life. Through out the arc Lunella´s relationships with others often become a bit strained because of this, leading to arguments.
In one of those occasions she has a fight with Devil, leaving the two angry with each other for a few days in the episode ¨The Devil You Know¨ In this post i'm going to talk about Devil's charaterization and development in this episode and how he feels affected by Lunella keeping his superhero identity a secret.
The episode starts with Lunella about to go on a road trip with her family. She is talking to Devil and he asks if he can come. Lunella answers to that that she wants some ¨family time¨ since she has been so busy being Moon Girl lately. This leads to Devil misunderstand that he isn't part of Lunella's family but Lunella insists that isn't the case. The issue is that she can't introduce Devil to the Lafayette without having to talk about Moon Girl.
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Devil feels frustrated with how is usually left out of the Lafayettes' family time and he wants to be included in it. He feels treated more as a ¨sidekick¨ than as friend or part of Lunella's family. There are some flashbacks that show some examples of this, with him having to hide and having to keep his distance away from the Lafayettes, not being able to be part of the moment. This ends with Lunella and him getting angry with each other and Lunella leaving for her family trip.
These scenes give some insight to previous Devil episodes from Season 1. In ¨Devil On Her Shoulder¨ one of the reasons of why Devil wanted to be smaller in size is because he wanted to do the same activities Lunella and Casey did but he can't because of how huge he is. He in general doesn't like being left out and would like to spend more time with Lunella, Casey and the Lafayettes.
It can be said that in contrast to Lunella, Devil enjoys being around people. He is very extroverted and friendly and likes spending time with others. He feels bad when he isn't able to do this as much as he would like to or is limited to these social interactions. Another point that could be made is that Devil, in spite of having an intelligence similar to a human and having complex emotions, he is still an animal, and, much like a dog or cat, he wants to be around Lunella or her family. Spending too much time apart causes him to be stressed.
After the Lafayette leave for their family trip, Devil goes for a walk. He sees some families passing the time together and wishes he could be part of something like that. Suddenly he finds a poster that talks about a group called the ABC that is for sidekicks who feel underappreciated by their supers. Devil buys into the idea and decides to check for this group.
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He goes inside the entrance where the ABC usually reunite and moments later he meets the members: Aragorn, Toothgnasher, Redwing and Pebble (who is the leader and founder). Everyone presents themselves to Devil and tell their story with their superheroes. Devil does the same and the ABC don't take time in making him feel welcome to the group.
Devil feels himself happy in ABC as he sees himself being part of a family like he wished. He gets along with the members and spend the rest of the day together.
However, as much fun he is having with these new friends he made. Devil begins to notice that some things are off from the ABC. First they don't pay for the food when they go to eat in a restaurant, leaving Devil being the one who has to pay for the tip.
When they are back in the HQ, they play a game night called ¨How bad were day?¨ that is about telling stories about how terrible were their supers. Devil sees that the only thing they seem to talk about is their supers instead of playing something that is fun. He starts to remember the times he usually spent with Lunella, realizing that he can't bring himself to hate her like the ABC do with their owners.
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Devil pretends to be tired to leave early, not being a fan of this ¨game night¨. Pebble then suggest that they are going on a ¨family trip¨ as last activity, something that Devil wants to take part in. They go to a cave that is covered with a huge boulder. Pebble asks Devil to use his tail to destroy it and they go inside.
They are having fun inside of what it looks like a lair. Devil then notices that they are inside Granite's (Pebble's super) lair and the ABC start to destroy the place as sort of ¨revenge¨. This is when Devil realizes that he joined with the wrong type of people and their support group doesn't look for a healthy way to deal their issues and instead they bring the worse of them.
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In addition to this, they act in some ways like a cult. Pebbles yells at Devil destroy the furniture from Granite's cave like the rest of them. They have their own mantras and routines that usually involve talking about how terrible their supers are.
Devil sees it was a bad idea to join this group and that in reality Lunella loves her. He can't bring himself to hate her. He undertstands that part of Lunella wants to introduce him to the rest of her family but she still struggling with revealing her identity as Moon Girl. He expresses that he shouldn't have joined the ABC, this escalates to a fight between Devil vs the ABC, in which Devil wins.
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A few moments after the fight Granite shows up and shows to be very happy to see Pebble. Pebble reminds to Granite that he was going to move to Florida without her, to which Granite explains that paper that she read was to move his actions figures to her mother's department. He was heartbroken when Pebble left and had been looking for her ever since.
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Granite adds that Aragon and Redwing's supers have been looking for them and that they both realize their problems were caused by misunderstandings. Everyone (except for Toothgnasher, whose issue with his super remains a mystery) goes back to their super, seeing that their resentment was mainly result of lack of communication.
Back in Moon Girl's HQ, Devil meets Lunella who has returned from her road trip. They both make up and Lunella apologizes to Devil for dismissing his feelings before she left for the trip. She promises to him that she is going to work harder to bring both her superhero and normal life together soon, so Devil gets to be part of all Lunella's life.
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Devil's character growth in this episode is learning to trust Lunella a bit more and understand that she is still working on telling to her family that she is Moon Girl. He realizes that he was wrong about Lunella only seeing him as a ¨sidekick¨ and that she does in fact see him as part of her family. She is trying to figure things out and in the end she admits to Devil that she gets why he wanted to be included.
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v-era-18 · 8 months
Red Licorice
Chapter Seven: Buttered Popcorn 
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I'll Be There For You/You're All I Need To Get By (Puff Daddy Mix)
“Our final girl here just got turned on from the sex scene a second ago,” - Billy Loomis 
“As of this morning Woodsboro High School will be closed for the day after two more students by the names of Sidney Presscott and (Y/n) (L/n) being mercilessly attacked by the serial killer currently on the loose.” The news reporter stood in front of Woodsboro High school, and in the background could see police around every corner along with other reporters on the grass front. “After the high mass calls from parents in concerns of their students safety, the principal has decided to spend the day preparing a protection plan around the school in concerns about their students.” 
“This case keeps getting bigger and bigger. Billy Loomis, the boyfriend and close friend of the two girls was reportedly released last night due to no evidence of malice towards them. Upon questioning the police it seems the male could not have been the killer due to two separate interactions with the two girls that night. (Y/n) (L/n), recalled her attack with the killer in question in the Prescott bathroom; a direct conflict with Sidney Prescott seeing her boyfriend Billy Loomis coming through the second story window.  There are no further reports of the girl's statements but officer Dewy Riley plans on doing a follow up in case the girl recalls anything else about that heinous nightmare. It has only been two days since the death of Casey Becker and Steve Forrest-“
(Y/n) crunched on her cereal staring at the screen. Eye bags rested underneath due to the lack of sleep and mental strain. It took everything in her power to stay awake and eat her breakfast for basic sustenance since she had not eaten a good eighteen hours. She didn't want to remember anything about that nightmare that plagued her that night; thus resulting in her lack of sleep into the early morning. She had expected her aunt to come into the living room five hours ago in concern with the amount of horror movies she was watching. But she heard the back bedroom door open and close shortly. A part of her knew Gia was letting her cope in her own way, but she at least wanted some sort of comfort that everything was going to be okay. 
The girl didn't ask for a lot growing up without her parents. Especially seeing her aunt struggle to simply keep food on the table and buy her new clothes each time she grows. It was partly why she enjoyed wearing her dad's shirts all the time, Gia wouldn't have to spend so much money on new ones. She just wished the women didn't work so much so they could spend more time together. 
The news filled the living room with a heavy atmosphere. News of the attack last night spilled wildfire and caused such an attraction that wasn't desired. According to the news last night Casey’s and Sidneys house were investigated top to bottom so far with no leads. Blood from the bathroom where she was trapped with the killer was on the bathtub but it was refuted as useless due to no knife being found. Even if there was a knife found there would need to be prints, and the killer made sure to wear gloves for most of the time other than touching her. 
She did wonder how Sidney was holding up. The news keeps bringing up the Prescott case since Maureen's murderer is close to rotting in a prison cell for the rest of his life. It's very interesting that this is all they can find to do a comparison to. The anniversary of a huge death that happened a year ago two days from now. 
No one remembers the (L/n) case anymore. And how could they? It happened so many years ago and there were no leads to put someone behind bars. This is Woodsborror, a town where everyone knows everybody, no secret or rumor could be kept for too long. Hence the case of Maureen Prescott and her alleged murderous affair. (Y/n) still remembers the funeral, it was for close family and friends but even she could see some of the assessment some townspeople had secretly towards her. To her out of everyone the one who took it the hardest was Sid. She could understand, it was her mother after all, but her father on the other hand…he shed no tears at the funeral. 
(Y/n) did find it very odd how Mr. Prescott didn't care for too long about his wife being practically murdered in front of their daughter. Well he did care about Sid-just not his wife passing away. How she knew of this was the way he held himself afterwards the timid awkward man was gone along with his wife, a hard working relaxed man taking his place. She did have a theory that he simply was ready for divorce or a release from her for the longest time. 
‘He probably tried his best to stay with her for Sidney. Love for someone’s child is measurable. I should know…’
Aunt Gia rushed into the kitchen, her scrubs were on with a backpack on her shoulders. (Y/n) could only stare at the sight before her. She was hoping her aunt would possibly stay and keep watch over her as she slept but this is the second time her Aunt had left work early due to the murder and attack. She stayed home all night to get herself settled after last night. 
In her aunt's defense she did try to offer physical comfort, but due to the incident in the bathroom with the killer she had grown ridden with guilt and terror. She didn't want the older women to touch her anymore, it was as if she was scared of giving her something. Like a plague was infecting her body and the next day her caretaker would be pronounced dead in her bedroom with her insides ripped open. 
Although she was indifferent to affection at the moment, she wasn't going to ignore the way she naturally accepted Stu’s embrace last night. It still was a mystery how he knew how to sneak into her window without alarm. She brushed her forehead lightly from when the male had kissed it, whispering words of protection over her saying she wouldn't be harmed no longer. 
The sucker part was that she believed it. The whole night she was in his arms, shadows encircling them in twisted waves and coils wanted to tear them apart but they couldn't. They were nicely melded together on her bed as if they were missing puzzle pieces that always needed to be connected. When she woke up from her nightmare and found him gone she wondered if he even came at all. Maybe her mind was pulling tricks on her in order to find comfort somewhere. 
The only thing left as evidence that the male was there was his jacket he had left behind. She cuddled it last night for over an hour on the sofa watching Nightmare On Elm Street. Even now she could smell the remnants of him against her skin and she never wanted it to be removed. No. She wanted to drown in it. 
“Leaving so soon?” (Y/n) asked her aunt in passing.
“I’m sorry sweetheart but I need these hours at the hospital,” Gia replied, rushing around the kitchen. She pushed the two frozen waffles into the toaster before grabbing some strawberry jam from the fridge. (Y/n) wrinkled her nose at the odd combination her aunt was making. How long did she start eating that with her waffles? She could only wonder if it was too sweet with orange juice being swigged down. 
“What for? Did the bills get behind? Is the bank asking for more on the house? Is that even legal—?”
“What? No! We are not behind on anything!” Gia seemed mortified at the thought of her niece thinking they were going to be on the streets. It'd be a cold day in hell before she allowed the girl to go homeless. “The house is completely paid for and we're not behind on anything.” 
“Then why are you working everyday?” The girl huffed, “You used to be free on the weekends now all you do is work everyday. Is there something I should know-?”
“It's nothing to concern yourself with I promise I'll tell you eventually just…… stay patient with me,” 
(Y/n) pursed her lips for a moment deciding whether or not she should keep pushing for answers. There have been numerous times she asked if she could get a job to help with the load around the house, but her aunt wanted her to focus on school. Not to mention summer jobs in Woodsboro were hard to come by, everyone practically knows everyone and they're taken up before the students are let out of school. She just didn't want her only family she knew to work herself to death. 
“—Along with this serial killer on the run we also have a missing persons report in this case. Sidney Prescott's father, Neil Prescott, has been reported missing for the past twenty-four hours following his daughter's attack. It has been reported that the father was supposed to be traveling for work only to never show up to the alleged destination. If anyone has seen Mr. Prescott please let the police-” 
“Neil is missing?” 
(Y/n) cocked her head to the side at her aunt's tone. Aunt Gia never spoke of Sidenys father with such familiarity, she only spoke on a first name basis with close friends and family. Last time she saw her Aunt talk to the man was months ago when the chance of his wife passing was somewhat fresh. They had simply bumped into him and Sidney at the grocery store and he invited them over for dinner. It was pleasant but she wouldn't say it gathered them a relationship to speak on a first name basis. She doesn't even call Mrs. Reily by her first name and they've spoken to each other on more accounts. 
“Dewey said that he couldn't reach him last night along with the other police. I didn't think he went missing.” 
“Well if he wasn't back by this morning from his trip like he was supposed to it does call for a missing person report—“ She cut herself off staring at the screen longingly, the photo displayed of Neil Prescott was one with him holding a younger Sidney over his shoulders with a bright smile. “Hopefully they find him quickly.”
“I didn’t know you guys had gotten close.” 
Gia nearly dropped the waffles back into the toaster as if she was burned. She was quick to straighten her posture and continue her task in collecting breakfast, “We talk in passing.” 
“Passing?” (Y/n) echoes, “since when does he even have time to do that—“
“Everyone has time every now and again.” 
The girl puffed out her cheeks in frustration but didn’t press any further. 
The doorbell rang to cut into the awkward air of the kitchen. Gia quickly put down her plate and went to answer the door. (Y/n) wanted to object to the motion, but they had a peep hole for the reason for intruders.
‘That didn’t stop him from coming in before it did?’
Gia opened the door to be met with the image of two familiar males. Her heart almost did a second take with the second one on her doorstep when the last thing she heard about him was that he was currently behind bars. 
Billy and Stu waited patiently with a bag filled to the brim with what she assumed was movies and popcorn. (Y/n)’s favorite combination. They did just run out of the girl’s favorite popcorn too, Gia was planning on going to the grocery store  yesterday morning but…things kept happening. 
Stu leaned against the doorframe with a stiff smile, “You're leaving?” 
Looking down at herself she did have on her scrubs taking note of his observation.“Yes. Unfortunately I cannot miss any hours or I could possibly lose the job.” 
“There's a case surrounding your niece almost being murdered and you're worried about a job?” Billy snuffed, “She can't be left here by herself. What if he comes back?” 
“Excuse me?” Gia turned to Billy with a glare, “Aren't you a prime suspect in the case right now? What the hell are you even doing here at my house? Better yet, out of your cell?” 
“They searched through my phone records and all accounts linked to me. I'm clean. And as you probably heard from (Y/n) I'm not the one who did it,”The male's easy going mask shifted to a one filled with frustration.“Or do you think I did?” 
The woman leaned her head against the doorframe in thought. In actuality, she didn't believe Billy was the killer, just a boy in the wrong place at the right time to come to the girl's aid. She had practically watched them play with (Y/n) all the time growing up, there was no hint of malice or tendency to do harm in sight. “No I don't. But you have to think of (Y/n)’s image. You don't want the town talking about her do you?” 
“I'm more concerned with her being left alone than chatter. Can she not go to work with you?” 
Gia let out a stressed out sigh, “(Y/n) is prone to getting sick easily, as you both know from experience.”
Billy just couldn’t believe all the excuses that Gia was able to possibly make up in this short period of time. She was more focused on work and not getting fired that she would rather her own flesh and blood suffer alone. “Come on Ms. Gia, your niece just lost her best friend to a brutal murderer a few days ago and recently was attacked by that same person. Leaving her by herself should be the last thing you should do as her sole guardian.”
 The older woman looked back inside the house seeing her niece's head drop slightly before being yanked back up with vigor. A clear act to keep herself awake. God knows how long the girl would torture herself, from getting the rest she needs. In the corner of her eye Stu peered in a clear frown on his face as he watched the girl slowly drop her head along with the spoon held in her hand. 
She turned back to Stu and Billy, concern and frustration lacing both of their features. A slow idea morphed into her head as she stared at them. She couldn't watch and take care of (Y/n) today but there are two grown males that usually come over to take care of her anyway. 
Maybe the company would be good and safe for now.
“Listen,” Gia said stiffly, “I usually don’t like the idea with boys staying over with a young girl without adult supervision….but-“ the woman looked back over to (Y/n) her eyes numbly glued to the news, “I need someone here to make sure she gets some rest.” 
Stu seemed shocked with the woman’s offer. She never wanted them to hang out with (Y/n) alone before and here she was slowing them a chance to take care of her while she’s away. The male looked over at his partner seeing the excitement lacing his eyes in comparison to the stoic faces he was trying to place. 
Billy stepped forward holding up a hand in respect and nearly yanked it back from how hard the older woman gripped it. 
“I’m trusting the two of you with her. You let me down-no-if you let her down, consider this the last time you see her.” 
The boys nodded in unison showing they got the message. 
She moved to the side letting them in, “(Y/n)! You got some visitors!”
~ ☿ ~
(Y/n) fumbled over to the TV trying to sort through the many movies the boys had brought over. Some of them were ones she already had but had extra uncut scenes or even behind the scenes of the movies that they could watch. Stu was in the kitchen making the popcorn while Billy was laying out blankets on the sofa and floor for them to get comfortable. She did wonder if he had forgotten where she kept the extra blankets in her closet because he was taking so long, but he eventually found them. 
She finally decided on Friday The 13th Part Two since she felt like watching something relaxing rather than growing frustrated because she couldn't focus on the other films.
When her aunt Gia first left her with Stu and Billy they asked when was the last time she had gotten any proper sleep. She lied-of course-and said she had gotten at least four hours even though she was sure it was only one due the unfortunate dream last night. (Y/n) simply didn't want rhythm to worry too much about her than she already was. Stu had already snuck in last night just out of sheer concern after he heard the news of her attack, she didn't want to worry them further with the lack of sleep. 
“Did you find one?” Billy’s voice sounded out from behind. 
(Y/n) nodded and showed the tape much to his pleasure. Stu rounded the corner with the popcorn, a large grin on his face before flopping on the other end of the sofa. Between them was a gap big enough for her to sit, and she gladly took her place after popping the movie in. 
The movie went smoothly at the beginning, her back against the cushions with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Her eyes slowly began to drop and Stu seemed to take notice subtly wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulders including her to lay on his chest. She at first tensed with the arm around her, but soon gave into the warm embrace of her shield from the darkness. 
Everything was fine, until that scene showed up. 
Now in horror movies (Y/n) didn't mind the sex scenes too much. She found it a normality among people and it wasn't something to be shunned. But her eyes grew wider as the girl moaned through the screen causing her thighs to clench together. The male kissed up and down the girls throat, their naked bodies melding perfectly together even as the kisses trailed down from the chest to the stomach to the girls core. 
Nervously (Y/n) looked up at Stu, his eyes looked concentrated on the screen no doubt watching for Jason to appear in a corner watching the two teens get it on with one another. She slowly rubbed her thighs together trying to control the ache that was appearing down below. She didn't understand why this was happening, it wasn't like she was being touched or anything of that nature. Billy and Stu were not even attracted to her like that, plus they had girlfriends already. It would be cheating to even consider the 
‘You're doing so good for me baby.’
The male crawled on top of the girl both having mischievous smiles on their faces. The two of course were unaware of Jason lurking around the corner just waiting for the opportunity to kill them. The male inserted himself with a groan, kissing the girl again before continuing at a good pace to start much to the girl's pleasure. 
‘Suck them. It’ll hurt if I go in dry.’
‘Is he going in dry?’
The lack of verbality from the scene was kinda weird now that she thought about it. Why couldn't he take her through it a bit more? Only moans of enjoyment emerged from the two. She knew that the scenes were fake, but she expected something more…
‘Are my fingers making that pussy feel that good?’
‘You're doing so good for me baby.’
(Y/n) shot up out of Stu’s grasp just as the couple had finished their session with one another. Her face was warm, heart beating a certain rhythm that matched down below that emitted a dangerous craving for the men on either side of her. 
Billy cocked an eyebrow glancing back and forth at the girl and to the screen, a wary expression on his face. His only thought at the moment was that she perhaps was scared of the fact the two had gotten killed just now and still was trying to process the attack from last night.  Stu told Billy how terrified she was last night when he trapped her in the bathroom with him, it was a normal reaction for her to process it in different ways. He was honestly concerned with the fact it could mean she wouldn't be able to watch her favorite comfort films anymore. 
“(Y/n) you alright—”
“I'm going to get some more popcorn!”
She turned to grab the bowl off the table only for Stu to interject , grabbing it before she could even move and inch towards the coffee table. The bowl was half full, barely even touched and still warm. From their past hangouts, the boys knew she would usually finish a bowl before making another one; it just made sense that way. That's how they knew her excuse wasn’t a good one. 
She was hiding something. Her feelings or her fear from them and that was the last thing that they wanted.
“It's still full.” Stu reasoned, “We can get some more after the movie….or would you like to watch something else? We do have Halloween part three if you wanna watch that instead-” 
“Let's just cut to the chase, what's wrong? Is it the killing part? we don't have to just watch horror movies, you know.” Billy could feel Stu’s heated stare piercing into the side of his head from how blont he sounded just now, but it was honestly going to be the best route with getting answers out of her currently. 
(Y/n) hesitantly shook her head, “I-it’s not the movie.” 
“You jumped up when Jason squared them like a kabob. We won't be upset if you say it is-” 
“It's not the killing part!” (Y/n ) hissed. 
The two boys seemed to pause just as the girls' eyes widened with her admission. 
“If it wasn't the killing part then what exactly...” Billy’s words dialed down as he looked at the screen thinking for a moment before a rueful smile then laughter emerged from deep in his throat. 
(Y/n)’s cheeks burned, her heart now echoing in her ears from the embarrassment. There was no turning back now, they knew that she was currently turned on. 
“(N/n) don't tell me you’re—” 
“Don't say it!” 
Stu looked  confused at what was going on and looked to Billy for an explanation. 
“Our final girl here just got turned on from the sex scene a second ago,” 
Stu smiled and he began to laugh only to cut off from a pillow being wacked in his face with a pillow. (Y/n) stood over him trying to seem menacing from her short stature above him from the sofa but it wouldn't stop the fit of chuckles the male was making at her. The two boys honestly found it cute on how embarrassed she was from something so normal. Maybe it was because they were so used to having sex with many girls already that they were desensitized to it. 
Billy bit his lip watching the girl nervously looking between the two of them, to the naked eye one wouldn't have noticed the way she was still rubbing her thighs together. But he did. And it was driving him crazy.  
Right here. Right now seemed like the perfect chance for them to take advantage of the situation. Stu could easily coach her over by the couch to relax, they crack the movie a bit louder to get her used to the sounds she's practically memorized at this point. Billy would start with slow touches, soft words near her ear, then finally a kiss that he's been wanting for years. He could hear the moans she would let out, letting his hands do the work in her underwear and Stu would go under her large shirt to play with her breast kissing her roughly. There were so many ways to make her cum, and scream their names so loudly the neighbors could hear. It was a shame the walls are so thick, they would have to fuck her on the porch for the neighborhood to hear them. 
“This isn't funny,” She muttered softly, “None of it is funny.” 
Stu let out another chuckle, “It is a tad bit funny. The way you looked so mortified that we found out—” He cut off seeing her uncomfortable expression on her face. Now Stu knew when to stop joking around from time to time but he honestly didn't see any harm with what was transpiring. Was she that ashamed of her getting excited over a sex scene? “Hey we're just messing around, being….excited about that stuff is normal. It’s not something to be ashamed about.”
(Y/n) shuffled her feet from side to side feeling a lot smaller than ever before. Stu could tell her that there was nothing to  be ashamed of all he wants but it wouldn't change how disgusting and weird she feels at the current moment.  
She glanced over in the corner where the recliner was. A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled the image of the killer behind her, his soft touches to the cool graze of the knife against her skin to the warm ecstasy she experienced against him. It was all her imagination last night and yet…her body, her mind didn't mind the idea of the masked man taking her again. 
That was what she was ashamed of. 
“But I am,” (Y/n) confessed slowly, “I shouldn't feel this way about him—” 
The girl flinched at Billy’s tone, the teasing nature was gone, his now tone turning to ice within seconds. She hesitantly lifted her head seeing that he was now standing next to Stu while the latter was sitting down. Stu’s face was natural; it seemed like he was waiting for the answer as to who it was. 
Afraid of what she might think, she tries to lie, “ I-it wasn't anyone we know-it was a stranger.” 
“You're fidgeting with your hands,” Stu said gravely. 
“You only do that when you're lying,” Billy huffed, he scanned her face growing frustrated. Everything was going so good until she mentioned another male from her pretty mouth. “Why are you lying…?Did you….” 
She shifted side to side nervously as he struggled to get the words out. When he finally did, her blood ran cold. 
“Did you have sex with someone recently?” Loomis’ eyes went wild, crazed for a second only for a second before Stu stood up placing a hand on his shoulder in order for his partner to calm down. He was getting too ahead of himself. 
“No! I did not! You know I’ve never did nothing like that before-” 
“Then what are you hiding-” 
“I had a dream about the killer fucking me for christ sake!” 
The screams of Jason's victims filled the living room as the three of them stared at one another. The two boys seemed to stand eerily still and the girl couldn't believe she even had the nerve to say something so shocking and foolish at the same time. The way they were looking at her made her sick to her stomach, her nerves were on end and her face was hot. 
Her thoughts overwhelmed her at that very moment. 
Are they disgusted by me? Are they going to tell the cops that something else possibly happened in the bathroom last night? Is she going to get in trouble? Will they not want to be friends with me anymore? Do they even like me anymore?
She looked at Stu, her heart racing as he seemed to fidget in place, ‘Is Stu disgusted by me now?’ 
Hot tears ran down the girl's face as she let out a quiet sob, “I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.” It was only a second before she felt large arms around her and rough hands whipping away her tears. “Please don't be disgusted by me-I know what I was dreaming about is weird no one should be aroused by knives or even a masked man I got attacked by just last night! I just…,” Her lips wobbled as Billy came into view as she opened up her eyes. He grabbed her hands gently showing that he was listening intently. 
“He treated me so well and in that dream….I felt like I wasn't an outcast for a moment like I was about to be treasured by someone. Someone who knew everything I liked before I even knew what I did and ....I liked the things we did even though ....I'm scared of him. I'm so scared of him, because I don't know what he wants from me. I don't know if I did something or if he just wants to simply play with me before killing me.” 
Stu kept himself busy wiping the tears away as Billy still held onto the girl’s hands but they both exchanged looks. They both shared similar components, lust, anger, frustration, and a tab bit of relief. Don't get them wrong they felt horrible that she felt like the killer was trying to kill her but it was her own fault for being at Sydney's house in their opinion. If she didn’t lie and say she was going over the Prescott home they could've come up with another plan quickly with her staying out of the equation but no, it had to be a secret from them. 
At the moment it didn't matter. What mattered was reassuring her that there was nothing wrong with what she was attracted to. Especially in regard to the bedroom. 
“(N/n), trust me when I say this neither of us are disgusted by you,” Billy was telling the truth, in fact it was taking everything in him not to suggest they try out this dark desire that the girl had. His pants were growing tight at the thought of her on Stus lap and his head between her thighs as Stu would play with her perky breasts kissing her, silencing her moans. Even when she's crying now she looks perfect to be bent over and fucked from behind. He wanted to rid her of any shame through the excitement of pleasure they would give her. 
“The way you feel is completely normal. And trust me when I say this other fuckers have weirder kinks and fetishes than a simple knife one. And we would never hold something against you like that with enjoying something. It seems like you just are in the category that requires you have uh.. What's it called uh-” 
Stu smiled, his eyes filled with unspoken lust, “A dom.” 
“A dom?” (Y/n) echoed in wonder, “What's that?” 
“Something we can talk about another day,” Billy chuckled, he was honestly finding her innocence too cute at this point, “But we just want you to know we're not going anywhere. And that fucker of a killer will not touch or come near you if we don't have anything to say about it. Ya got me.” 
The girl sniffed and nodded, giving a small shy smile. They could tell she was still embarrassed from what she had told them, but judging from her relaxed shoulders and droopy eyes she was more glad to have gotten it off her chest. 
Billy smiled genuinely this time causing her to do the same. The tense atmosphere was gone now replaced with the warmth they usually had when they were younger. 
“I'm sorry for interrupting the movie,” (Y/n) sniffed with a giggled.
Stu waved it off, “Just gives us an excuse to start it all over.” 
The two males guided the girl back over towards the couch so she could finally get some rest. Their top priority until Gia got back home was the girls well being and it was clear they also needed to keep watch about nightmares. Billy restarted the movie quickly, turning his head slightly to watch Stu wrap the huge blanket around their final girl.  
“Billy? Stu Stu?” 
“Yes Final Girl?”
“Yes (N/n)?” 
The way the boys responded immediately sent chills down her spine. The sweet tones and attentiveness was getting to her. For a moment it seemed like their attention was beyond platonic. 
“I told the police that the killer didn't touch me in the bathroom but…it obviously wasn't true. Will you tell them? Will I get in trouble?” 
Stu and Billy looked at one another in a silent conversation, their agreement was reached shortly as the girl looked up from her hands placed in her lap. 
Stu grabbed the girl's chin so she would look up at him. He didn't miss the way her thighs clenched together once more, and it took everything in him not to crash his lips against her plum ones. “You have our word that we won't tell a soul. It'll be our secret.” 
(Y/n) laid down again into Stu’s side feeling the male rub a hand gently into her back in slow rhythmic motions. His eyes seemed to stay on her the whole time, a content smile on his face as if her darkest desires were not laid out in front of them only moments ago. It was weird feeling so vulnerable around them like this, it had been so long since she's done so. Her eyes drifted closed, feeling the male's body shift a bit, his fingers brushing over her cheek in slow movements. And for the first time in god knows how many hours the girl was finally able to get some sleep. 
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
@gengirlstuff put in a request a few weeks ago for a teen sister!Casey fic. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy!!!!
Not Elsa Afterall- TeenSister!Casey
Summary: During a snow day, you end up at the firehouse with your brother and extended family. After being led into a trap, you become hypothermic and your family has to try and save you.
Warnings: some language, mentions of past abuse (in a way), PTSD, claustrophobia, hypothermia
Some would say your childhood was unconventional at best, but you couldn’t have asked for a better one. Since you can remember, Matt Casey, your older brother, has taken care of you and so has the whole of firehouse 51. Since Matt and Kelly are such good friends, Kelly was named your godfather and Stella Kidd your godmother. Matt would entrust you with almost anyone in the house, but even after everything, Kelly and Stella are the only people he would want you to go to if anything happened to him.
Since it’s a snow day, you had to go to the firehouse with Matt. Not that you ever minded, even at the age of 15 you still get spoiled by all of your aunts and uncles. Cap and Tony are your prank buddies, which normally ends in a war against Hermann, Mouch, and Cruz. Violet, Stella, and Sylvie always make sure to spend some sort of girl time with you when you are at the firehouse, even though they are always doing girl trips and girl nights with you off shift. When Truck is gone, it’s an unspoken rule that either Kelly, Hermann, or Boden is in charge of you. If everyone has to leave the house at the same time, which didn’t happen often, you had to ride along, but you never got out at a site unless absolutely necessary. Most of the time, when there is nothing going on, you can be found lounging in one of the officers’ quarters. More likely than not, you are with Kelly playing “firecop”. You have thought about being a detective when you grow up, given the great relationship you now have with all of Intelligence and Trudy Platt, but when you grow up in a firehouse, you almost always follow in your family’s footsteps.
So far, nothing interesting has happened. A few black ice accidents and ambo calls, but nothing that required more than one or two units to leave the house at a time. Within the first 6 hours, you have pulled a couple pranks and watched Frozen just to sing the adult parody of Let It Go for Cap and Tony. You had just turned in for a nap in Kelly’s quarters when the tones went off.
“Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambo 61, Battalion 25. Warehouse fire at 6391 Daphne Drive.”
Kelly chuckled as you groaned, waiting for you to leave his quarters before running behind you. “Don’t worry kid. You can catch a few winks in the rig. I’ll have Cruz leave the truck running for you.” Kelly said, patting you on the shoulder and throwing you the extra bunker coat they leave out for you just incase.
“Thanks Sev.” You muttered, catching the coat in your arms before jumping into the rig behind Tony. You bundled up next to the window as Cruz sped behind Stella with the rest of the firehouse following behind. You tuned out the conversations happening around you and slipped in your headphones, turning the rest of your attention to the scenery.
Arriving at the scene, you took out your headphones as you listened to the rest of the guys chat. You were in the middle of nowhere. No smoke could be seen and no cars were in sight. It didn’t look like anyone has been out this way in a while.
“Well guys, get ready for anything. We will go in and do a sweep and then leave if it’s a false alarm.” Kelly said to the rest of the truck. “Princess, you stay put and stay warm. Keep an eye out.” Kelly said as the truck parked, turning around again to open his door and hop out.
Matt came and opened your door. “This shouldn’t take long. Stay here, okay?” Matt said, climbing up and placing his truck jacket on your lap.
You nodded and leaned your head back as you shoved your headphones back in. Music was your only choice seeing as you had no bars out this far. You were pretty surprised that the unit could be called out this far from the house, but you just went where you were told.
After about 30 minutes, you started getting an uneasy feeling. Everyone was inside and they should have been back by now. Using the limited training that squad has taught you, you jumped into the drivers seat to turn the rig off before going to the side compartment that held the spare gear. As you made your way to the compartment, you slipped and fell into a puddle that the engine melted, soaking your entire back and the back of your legs. You quickly shrugged it off and stood to grab your gear, more concerned about your family than how wet your clothes were or the faint ache in your head from it hitting the wet ground. If this was a gas leak or they were knocked out somehow, you needed to keep yourself safe and get inside to your family. Masking up outside the door, you shrugged on the spare bunker jacket and air tank before placing the mask over your head and walking in.
After walking through the first set of doors, you reached the second and opened the door to find a huge empty room. Looking around, you saw another door at the far edge of the room and cautiously walked towards it. As soon as you opened it, Kelly and Matt stumbled through.
“Oh my God. What happened?” You asked, grabbing onto Matt by the shoulders.
“The doors. It’s a trap. Go back and try that door!” Matt panted, exhausted from the exertion of trying to help Kelly pry open the door. The rest of the crew wandered back into the big room and followed you.
You pushed the door only to find it locked. “Matt.” You yelled, throwing your body into the door. “It won’t open!” You screamed, becoming frantic. You were all stuck in this big room. There was nothing but the people of firehouse 51 and you. The walls and floor were pure concrete and there was only a ventilation shaft on the top of the 20 foot ceiling. It had to lead to the outside because it was extremely cold.
“Hey hey hey. Breathe.” Kelly said, coming and grabbing you by the shoulders. “In and out.”
You have always had a fear of enclosed spaces. Recently, thanks to Dr. Charles, you found out that your mom locked you in a closest when she killed your dad. Matt found you later on during the day, thankful that it seemed that you were completely unaware of anything but that fact that you were tired, hungry, dirty, and scared. Though this room was much bigger, you were trapped once again.
You shook as Kelly handed you off to Matt. You cling to your brother as the rest of the group tried to figure a way out. “M-Matt. I’m s-so sorry.” You whimpered, burying your face into your brother’s chest.
Matt sighed and rubbed your back, swaying back and forth with you in his arms. “Hey now. None of that. You didn’t know.” Matt hummed, kissing the top of your head. “It’ll be fine. Once we are gone for long enough, someone will come looking. Until then, we are all here.” Matt whispered, opening his coat and pulling you in.
You were freezing. The bunker coat was decent at keeping the freezing air out, but unlike the rest of the house, you didn’t have on bunker pants or thick layers of clothing underneath the coat you were wearing. All you had on under the bunker coat was a pair of leggings and a long sleeved CFD shirt.
Kelly noticed you quacking in Matt’s arms and immediately took off his beanie, pulling it onto your head. “That’ll hold in some heat.” He said, standing closer to you and Matt to help provide some body heat.
“T-thanks.” You whispered, leaning back toward Kelly and pulling Matt along with you. Your panic jump started your shivering, and it didn’t seem to stop.
As you leaned back into Kelly, your wet hair made contact with his neck. “Jesus! Why are you wet?” Kelly asked, stepping back to grab your hair and wring out the water before tucking it into his beanie.
“I slipped. Fell I-into a p-puddle trying to s-s-save you g-guys.” You stuttered out, pulling yourself even closer to Matt.
“Wait. Let me get this straight.” Matt said, pulling you to arms length. “Under that coat you are soaking wet. In the middle of winter. And we are stuck in a freezing room.” Matt broke it down, looking between you and Kelly as he spoke.
You nodded. “Yep.” You replied, popping the p.
“Fuck.” Kelly muttered from behind you.
“Alright everyone. Listen up.” Boden yelled, catching everyone’s attention after he had a little time to think. “This was obviously a trap. We have no contact with the outside world, but dispatch led us here. Theoretically, someone should be coming to look for us pretty soon. It’s been about 45 minutes since we landed on scene and Kylie is still in the bullpen. So, everyone huddle up and stay warm until CPD arrives or whoever they send out for us.” Boden announced.
Everyone quickly huddled up, finding themselves in little groups that eventually morphed into everyone in the middle of the room. Matt, Kelly, Boden, Stella, Cruz, Violet, and Sylvie found themselves in the middle of the huddle with you straddling your brother’s lap in an attempt to get as close as possible. Matt and Cruz were sat back to back for support as you placed yourself practically in Matt’s coat for his body heat. Kelly and Stella shared a coat so that Kelly’s Jacket could be given to the paramedics since they only had on their winter coats. After another 30 minutes went by, they realized they had a bigger problem. You were quickly becoming hypothermic.
“M-matty. ‘M s-sleepy.” You slurred, burying your cold nose into your brother’s neck.
Matt and Kelly were instantly on high alert. You haven’t called Matt that in years. Not since you were at least 9. “Hey. I need you to stay awake. Okay? Stay with me.” Matt cooed, trying not to sound too desperate so that he wouldn’t scare you, but enough to keep you awake.
“Jus a quick n-nap. M’ head h-hurts.” You muttered, fumbling to get closer to your brother.
“No no no. Not yet. Just wait until we can get you out of here.” Matt said, pushing you slightly away as Kelly leaned over and checked your pulse.
“Matt, her pulse is slow.” Kelly whispered.
“Okay. Okay. Let me think.” Matt muttered, looking around.
Kelly was quicker. “Hang on. I have an idea. It’ll be a little awkward, but anything for her, right?” Kelly asked, looking Matt in the eyes.
Matt nodded. “Anything.”
Kelly moved quickly after that. He wrapped Stella up in her own bunker coat after taking yours. Kelly scooted as close to you as he could, hugging you from behind. Matt caught on quickly and hugged you close to his chest. Matt’s head was on one side of your head with Kelly on the other. The two bunker coats were pulled around your bodies. Everyone knew what was going on and was quick to huddle in, trying their best to create more body heat as you began slowly slipping in and out of consciousness.
After 2 hours in the 20 degree room, the Intelligence unit broke through the door. They had received some threatening messages the last few days against the CFD, but when they heard from Kylie that 51 went AWOL, they knew this had to be the work of whoever was making those threats. They moved as quickly as the could, bursting in just as you began to slip completely unconscious.
“5021 George. Missing are located. I repeat missing are located. One critical. Rolling the Ambo on sight. Close off all streets from here to Med.” Jay yells into his radio as he sees Kelly helping Matt get up with you limp in his arms.
Sylvie and Violet are already running for the ambo with Matt, Kelly, Stella, and Jay not far behind. You hang limp in your brother’s arms as he and Kelly call out to you, begging you to stay with them. Doors are held open and a path is quickly made to the ambo. Kelly helps Sylvie treat you as Violet speeds behind Jay, who is leading the escort for you to med.
“I’m barely getting a pulse. She isn’t protecting her airway. I have to intubate.” Sylvie yells, causing Violet to tell the same thing into her radio as Kelly grabs more trauma blankets and wraps you up in them. Once your intubated, Sylvie takes out her phone. “Mags. It’s Sylvie. I have Y/N Casey. She’s severely hypothermic. Not protecting her airway, weak pulse, temp of 94 and not rising with trauma blankets. You guys need to prep for her.” Sylvie instructed, letting Kelly take over bagging you so that she could check your airways. “She was soaking wet and possibly hit her head. We will need to cut off her clothes on arrival. Warm saline and blankets should do it once these clothes are off.” Sylvie replies to whatever Maggie was telling her. “ETA is 3 minutes” then she hangs up.
“Sylvie.” Matt pleas, looking at his girlfriend.
“We’ve got her Matt. Just a bit longer.” Sylvie placates, shooting him a small smile as she takes the bag back from Kelly.
Upon arrival to Med, Maggie and Conner throw the ambulance doors open and immediately help Sylvie and Kelly unload you. They quickly do as Brett previously instructed, running a few extra tests on you once the IV is placed, and then they leave Matt and Kelly alone with you.
“She’s gonna be alright man.” Kelly reassures, holding your hand on the opposite side of the bed that Matt is on. Kelly doesn’t look up, not able to bare the look of fear and guilt in Matt’s eyes.
“She should’ve stayed at the house. She’s old enough to be at the firehouse alone, plus Kylie was there and they could’ve just hung out.” Matt sighed, running a hand down his face. “She wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me.” Matt sniffed, keeping hold of your hand.
Suddenly, you squeezed both your hands as your heart rate spiked and your eyes flew open. If it hadn’t have been for Kelly and Matt keeping your hands in theirs, you would have yanked your tube out.
“Sh Sh Sh. Sweetheart. It’s alright. Hang on.” Matt muttered, using a hand to pull your face to look toward him.
Kelly let go of your hand once Matt had your attention and met Maggie at the door. “She’s awake!” He exclaimed, catching the attention of Jay, Will, and Conner who were all talking behind the desk about what happened.
Conner ran in as Maggie silenced the machines. “She’s over breathing the tubes. Let me get that out. Hand on sweetie.” Conner soothed, pushing past Kelly and rushing to your side.
Maggie held a basin under your chin once Matt moved to the head of your bed. They all knew of your sensitive gag reflex, so this really wouldn’t be fun. “Deep breath.” Maggie instructed. Conner was quick to pull the tubing out and stepped back as you dry heaved over the basin Maggie held for you.
Will came up to Conner’s empty spot and rubbed your back as Maggie handed the basin to Matt so that he could get closer. “Breathe sweetheart. Just take some slow deep breaths.” Will coached, taking the cup of water from Kelly when you finally calmed down and held the straw for you to sip. “There you go. That’s it.” Will soothed, nodding at Matt to put the basin away.
Once you were calm, Jay, Will, Conner, and Maggie all filed out of the room. Jay promised to give the house an update as he walked away, kissing you on the cheek. Kelly and Matt settled on either side of you again, Matt moving into the bed with you.
“God. You scared the hell out of me.” Matt muttered, pulling you into his side.
“What even happened?” You asked, looking between the eyes of your scared godfather and brother.
“Well, we were trapped. You got stuck with us, but before coming in, you slipped and hit your head in a puddle. You were soaking wet and went hypothermic on us.” Kelly explained, rubbing his face and sitting back as he watched your reaction.
Your eyes went wide. “Holy shit.”
“Language.” Matt scolded lightly, using your favorite marvel character’s word against you.
You chuckled, snuggling into Matt. “Guess I’m not Elsa after all. The cold does bother me.” You joked, causing Matt and Kelly to laugh.
“Too soon.” Matt said, though he was still chuckling.
“Definitely too soon.” Kelly agreed. “I’m gonna go get Boden and Stella. They were raising hell trying to get in here earlier.” He said, getting up and kissing the top of your head. “I’m glad your okay. Love you princess.”
“Love you too Uncle Kelly.” You beamed, snuggling closer to your brother as you both watched him leave to gather the rest of your family.
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percyaugod · 6 months
The first time the turtles eat pizza is when they visit Donnie at his house. It's hard to cook enough for two growing teenage boys, especially when one is a mutant. Trying to cook for six teenagers, five of which are boys, and four of which are mutants? No. We're ordering pizza. A lot of pizza. The turtles seem hesitant at first but give it a try when they see Donnie seeming to enjoy it.
After their first bites, they start eating like they've never been fed. When asked what they usually eat they reply with worms and algae Donnie hugs his family tightly thanking them for finding him. Casey notices the turtles giving them jealous looks. He smirks back, starting the Brotherly Love Triangle.
When the turtles first take Donnie back to the lair he starts sobbing. They hope he's remembering something but no. This place is just that awful. How do you guys live like this? The only stuff there is old furniture, krank lanterns, and comics splinter scavenged for them.
No Donnie growing up in the lair means no lights, running water, appliances, etc. Donnie doesn't even want to know what they do about the bathroom. He spends the next two weeks completely redoing the lair. Mr Jones even gave them some old videos he watched as a child that Casey never wanted. Maybe one of these boys would like Space heroes.
After renovating the lair Donnie starts hanging out there more often. He put the work in, he should get to enjoy it. Besides. It is kind of nice to have a place to go to when the rest of the family is at school and work. Nice having other people to talk to as well. Even if they're all somehow more socially inept than he is.
When Donnie first sees Splinter he says he knows New York has a rat problem, but this is ridiculous. While also making fun of a very terrified Casey.
He accidentally helps them. They talk to him, he gives genuine thought and advice that makes them realize things and start working through their problems on their own.
Makes them play board games and sits back and laughs watching them go at each other's throats. You have no strength here Splinter. No one fears a man with only one railroad. Next time he'll bring Uno. A surprise when they say "Nothing is worse than monopoly."
Donnie accidentally helps the brothers understand Raph a little more when they realize how hard it is to control their anger while playing a simple board game. 'Raph feels like this all the time? This sucks!'
Since he wasn't raised by splinter Donnie isn't much of a ninja but Mr Jones has taught him how to box and he is still a very strong and fast mutant that carries around a metal pipe.
Now that Donnie is spending the day at the lair Splinter starts giving him lessons. Donnie agrees mostly because the more ways he knows how to fight the better he can protect Casey from his vigilante bullshit.
Since Donnie didn't get out too much when living with the Jones he was usually leaning over his desk a lot. This leads to him being hunched over most of the time even after meeting the other turtles. After starting his training and working out years worth of sore and tense muscles he can stand straight for the very first time since meeting the turtles. Raph thanks it's hilarious that Leo isn't the tallest anymore.
Donnie makes a lab in the turtle's lair for his more. . . unstable projects that he's not allowed to do at home.
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mstrickster · 10 months
For Banksway: how they'd spend a quiet, Sunday morning. I loves me some domestic Banksway lol
Sorry for the wait, here you go.
Also I couldn't decide if I wanted to have them in high school, college or adulthood. So I did all three, enjoy! Now on Ao3
Adam Banks was not good at relaxing. He never had the luxury of a lazy morning. For as long as he could remember, Adam would wake every day and go for a run. 
Then he came back and ate breakfast with his parents. After that was practice or studying NHL games. 
In fact, for most of his life, Adam never did a task that wasn’t somehow a lead-up to an arbitrary goal. 
However, his boyfriend, Charlie, was almost the exact opposite. Casey had taught Charlie to work hard and play hard. She also taught him to care for himself and prioritize his mental health. 
So, Adam spent Sunday mornings training and studying. Charlie spent them sleeping in and watching cartoons in his PJs. 
Of course, this wouldn’t cause an issue until they started dating. Every Sunday Adam would get up and go for a run. Charlie would always whine at him to come back, but Adam ignored him. He knew Charlie would fall back asleep with or without him there. 
Yet, it still bugged Charlie. All he wanted was to spend the morning lazing in bed with his boyfriend. So, after being left in bed alone again, Charlie made a plan. Next Sunday he would get Adam to stay in bed and they would enjoy a lazy morning. 
Charlie plotted and schemed all week. He even enlisted Connie and Guy. 
On Sunday, they woke up early and decorated the halls with caution tape. Even going as far as to print out a fake notice about staying inside from the Dean. Which Connie slipped under the door. 
Should all that fail, Guy and her barricaded the door to the building so Adam couldn’t escape. They also made sure to hide and watch. In case, Adam tried anyway. 
Thankfully, when Adam woke up to his alarm he did spot the notice on the floor. He picked it up and read it with a frown. 
Adam sighed and sat back down on his bed. 
Charlie feigned a yawn and turned to look at Adam. 
“No run?” He asks, attempting to hide his glee. 
“Dean Buckley issued a notice,” He showed the paper to Charlie, “I guess they’re doing some work on the hallways and we can’t leave until around noon.”
How unfortunate,” Charlie smirks, “I guess you’ll just have to come back to bed.” 
Adam eyed him suspiciously, “I actually think I’ll work on some homework.” 
Charlie visibly deflated, “Adam it’s 5 AM…”
“I am already awake, Charlie,” Adam reasons, “I should do something productive.” 
“Ok, you know what, no.” Charlie sits up. 
“No?” Adam asks, confused. 
“I am dragging you back to bed and you’re gonna cuddle with me,” Charlie resolves, reaching for Adam and pulling him down on top of Charlie.
“Charlie!” Adam exclaims as he falls onto his boyfriend. 
“I want a lazy morning with you and I will get it,” Charlie replies. Without releasing his grasp on Adam, Charlie shifts himself into a more comfortable position. 
When he is done Adam is laying with his head under Charlie’s chin. His body is half on Charlie, half on the bed. 
Charlie smiles contently and moves to wrap his arms around Adam. 
Adam rolls his eyes but allows himself to settle in. He knew Charlie wasn’t going to relinquish his hold anytime soon. 
“Did you plan this?” Adam asks. 
“No,” Charlie lies, “But, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” 
“I didn’t realize this meant so much to you,” Adam teases. 
“It means a lot,” Charlie confesses, “We don’t get to be this close outside our dorm, and you are always so busy when we’re alone together.” 
“I am?” Adam asks, surprised. 
Charlie nods, “There’s been a few times where I’ve come in and you’re either gone or buried into whatever you’re doing.” 
“I’m sorry,” Adam apologized. “I’m not used to being allowed to just relax.” 
“I know,” Charlie acknowledges, “But, it’s ok if you want to.” 
“It is?” Adam replies. 
Charlie nods, “I don’t expect the world out of you like your dad does Adam so you don’t have to perform here.” 
Adam turns into Charlie’s side and wraps his arms around Charlie's middle; hugging him tightly.
“Thank you,” Adam says quietly, “This is nice.” 
“Anytime Banksie,” Charlie replies with a smile. He kisses Adam’s head softly. Charlie allows his arms to loosen slightly, confident Adam would stay put, choosing to run his hand slowly up and down Adam’s back. 
Adam sighs contently and closes his eyes. He lets Charlie’s breathing distract his racing mind. Soon falling back to sleep.
Charlie chuckled softly when he heard Adam snore softly. He had fallen back asleep. Charlie snuggled into the bed and closed his eyes. Following Adam into sleep shortly after. 
After that first lazy Sunday, Charlie and Adam made it part of their weekly routine. However, after graduation, their lives began to change rapidly. 
Charlie had gotten accepted into the University of Minnesota on a full ride and was elated to attend his state school. However, that excitement dimmed when Adam revealed had chosen to go to another school. 
Thankfully, the other school wasn’t too far. Adam had gotten accepted into the University of Chicago Law School. A 6-hour drive from the University of Minnesota. 
It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it was better than not seeing each other at all. 
So, Charlie and Adam made a plan. They would call every other day. Text every day if they could and every month, they would meet up in the Wisconsin Dells to see each other. It was the exact halfway point between the two schools. 
This particular meet-up happened around Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day had, unfortunately, fallen on a weekday that year. So they agreed to meet up the week after and spend two days together. 
Charlie was released from school first. His last class was canceled due to the weather. He texted Adam to let him know he was driving down. 
Adam texted back right away reminding him to drive safely. 
Charlie rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone. He hurried back to his dorm and grabbed his bag. It was already packed. He made sure everything was off before locking the door and heading out. 
The drive down to the Dells wasn’t too bad for Charlie. After he got out of the Twin Cities, the traffic and the weather cleared up. 
 Knowing Adam wouldn’t be there until later, Charlie took his time and didn’t speed. He arrived at their hotel a little over three hours later. 
Charlie parked and texted Adam to let him know he had arrived safely. Adam replies with a heart emoji so Charlie knew he must be in class. 
Charlie checked into their room and texted Adam the room number.  
The Best Western they had chosen wasn’t fancy but it was comfortable and private. 
Charlie got to their room and dumped his luggage on the ground. He stripped down to his T-shirt and long johns before curling into the bed. 
He sighed contently and let himself drift off while he waited for Adam to arrive. 
Adam got out of class around 2. He had put his duffle bag in the car before he left that morning so he was ready to go. 
Adam hurried to his car and got in. He turned on the engine and the defrost. 
While he waited for his car to defrost, Adam checked his phone. 
He smiles when he sees Charlie had sent him the room number. He sends Charlie a quick text to let him know he is leaving before turning off his phone and putting it in the glove compartment. 
Adam wiped off his windshield and put his car into drive, taking off. 
The drive up was a little more congested for Adam. However, he was glad because it made sure he didn’t speed out of excitement. 
After what felt like an eternity, Adam pulled into the parking lot of the Best Western. 
He turned off his car and grabbed his duffle bag. 
Adam didn’t have to go far to get to the room. It was on the first floor just off from the lobby.
Adam smiles softly and knocks on the door. He figured Charlie had taken a nap and just hoped he was awake by now. 
Luck was on Adam’s side when the door swung open shortly after and he was met with a beaming Charlie Conway. 
“Hey, Babe,” Charlie greeted. 
“Are you gonna stand there or let me in?” Adam teases 
Charlie chuckles and steps aside to let Adam in. Adam took a cue from Charlie and dumped his bag on the floor. 
He turned back to the door and was enveloped in a tight hug by Charlie. 
“I missed you,” Charlie says. 
“You just talked to me,” Adam laughs. 
“Yes, but I haven’t held you in a month,” Charlie counters. 
Adam snorts and rolls his eyes with a fond smile. 
“I missed you too,” He confesses, “Were you waiting long?” 
“Naw,” Charlie answers, “I took a nap when I got here and just woke up about 10 minutes ago,” Charlie explains, “My Adam senses were tingling.” 
Adam laughs, “I’m sure.” 
He removes his outerwear and sits down on the bed. 
“So, what did you plan for our Valentine’s weekend?” Adam asks. 
“Actually,” Charlie sits next to him and takes Adam’s hands in his, “I was kinda hoping we could have a lazy weekend.” 
“A lazy weekend?” Adam asks. 
“Yeah, finals were rough,” Charlie confesses, “I would prefer just to relax with you.” 
“I like that idea,” Adam agrees, “We can order room service or delivery and just enjoy the time we have.” 
“Exactly,” Charlie smiles, “Thanks for understanding.” 
“We don’t travel to do anything big, Charlie,” Adam replies, “I just want to see you.” 
“It’s the same for me,” Charlie agrees, leaning over to kiss Adam’s temple. 
Adam smiles softly and leans his forehead against Charlie’s. 
“Are you hungry?” Charlie asks. 
“Not yet,” Adam replies, “Is the bed comfy?” 
“Very,” Charlie agrees, “Wanna see?” 
Adam nods and allows Charlie to drag him up. 
Charlie lays down in bed, getting comfortable before opening his arms for Adam. 
Adam smiles and climbs into bed. He sighs contently as Charlie’s arms curl around him. Using his own arms to hug Charlie’s waist. 
“I’m not tired,” Charlie notes.
“That’s ok,” Adam replies, “Is it ok if I take a nap?”
“Yeah of course,” Charlie replies. 
“Will you talk to me until I fall asleep?” Adam asks. 
“What do you want me to talk about?” Charlie replies. 
“Anything, just want to hear you talk,” Adam replies. 
Charlie nods and begins to prattle on about anything he can think of. Adam smiles and rests his head in the crook of Charlie’s neck, letting Charlie’s voice lure him to sleep. 
Charlie wakes Adam up a few hours later. The room is dark and a little cold. 
Adam whines and tries to curl further into Charlie’s warmth. 
“Banksie, get up,” Charlie laughs, “You shouldn’t go to sleep on an empty stomach.” 
Adam groans and pulls back to look up at Charlie. 
“I was dead asleep,” He pouts.
Charlie laughs, “I know but I want you to eat.” 
Adam sighs and nods. He pulls himself free from Charlie and sits up. 
“I don’t want to go out in the cold,” Adam resolves. 
“That’s ok, I ordered delivery,” Charlie tells him, “From that pizza place you like.” 
“I have never been so attracted to you,” Adam replies, causing Charlie to laugh again. 
“It should be here soon,” Charlie tells him. 
“Good, I’m gonna go shower and change into my pajamas,” Adam says, scooting off the bed. 
“Can I join you?” Charlie replies cheekily. 
“I suppose so,” Adam snarks. 
Charlie barks out a laugh and grabs his clothes, following Adam to the shower. 
Adam turns on the water and gets it set to the perfect temperature.
“It’s ready,” He tells Charlie. 
Charlie nods and strips down, entering the shower. 
Charlie lets out a sigh and the warm water runs over his aching bones. 
Charlie turns when he hears the shower curtain open and close. He offers his hands to Adam who takes them without a second thought. 
Adam allows Charlie to pull him under the water, sighing contently when it hits his skin. 
Charlie turns Adam around so he can lean into him. Adam lets himself relax in Charlie’s arms. 
The other man takes the time to run his hands over Adam’s skin. Despite the warm water, Adam shivers. 
“Charlie, I am still tired,” Adam explains.
“I know,” Charlie acknowledges, “I am content with just having you here, we don’t have to go any further.” 
Adam smiles and takes Charlie’s hands, pulling them so they wrap around his waist. 
“Besides,  we have all weekend,” He smirks. 
“We do,” Adam agrees. 
Adam allowed Charlie to wash his hair and body. He did the same for Charlie. 
Once they were all done, they got out and toweled off. Slipping into their pajamas. 
When pizza arrived they ate in bed, curled around each other happily. Adam told Charlie about his internship and Charlie told Adam about making varsity for the hockey team. 
Later on, they lay in bed in each other’s arms. Adam sighed happily. 
“I miss this when we’re separated,” Adam confesses. 
“Me too,” Charlie agrees. 
“It’ll be nice once we graduate and can find an apartment,” Adam notes. 
Charlie nods, “Remember when I had to force you to relax and cuddle with me?” 
“I remember,” Adam responds, “I didn’t think I’d ever miss it.” 
“I knew you would,” Charlie boasted. 
“No you didn’t,” Adam replies. 
“Well, I hoped you would,” Charlie counters. 
Adam snorts and rolls his eyes, “Whatever, Charlie.” 
Adam yawned and curled closer to Charlie. He blinked to clear his eyes and looked around the room. It had been five years since that Valentine’s weekend. 
Charlie and Adam had both graduated on time. After receiving his diploma, Adam packed up his dorm and prepared to go home. 
Charlie had offered to drive down to make the ride back with him. However, Adam wanted him to focus on moving his stuff into the new apartment they had found. 
Casey had been the one that had found the apartment. It was in downtown Minneapolis, not far from her place. 
Adam made time to come up so Charlie and him could view it. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but Adam loved it.  
They have only been in the apartment for a week so far, but Adam prefers it over their small dorm in Eden Hall and all those hotels they stayed in. 
Sure boxes were still spread across the apartment. They had only unpacked a few kitchen items and their bed sheets. However, for some reason, it didn't bother Adam. They had time to do all that. 
Charlie yawned and stretched his arms.
“Morning,” He says through a yawn. 
“Morning,” Adam replies. 
“What time is it?” Charlie asks. 
“Not sure, our phones are on the ground,” Adam notes, “And we haven’t set up the alarm clock.” 
Charlie shifts to glance out their bedroom window,
“It’s still a bit dark out,” Charlie notes, “Probably still early.” 
“Do we have anything to do today?” Adam asks. 
“It’s Sunday,” Charlie recalls, “So, no not really.” 
“Good,” Adam sighs. 
“Good?” Charlie teases, “You don’t have anywhere to be?” 
“No,” Adam replies, “If you’re not tired, we could get up and make breakfast.” 
“In a bit,” Charlie replies. 
Adam nods and settles back in. 
The couple lay there for another hour, just enjoying each other’s presence. Until Charlie’s stomach began to rumble. 
Adam laughed and pulled himself away from Charlie to get out of bed.
Both men shuffled out of bed and down the hall to their kitchen. 
Charlie got out the one pan they had unpacked and began to make eggs. Meanwhile, Adam got the coffee brewed and prepared Charlie a cup. 
Charlie dished up the eggs and made his way to the table. Adam followed with two steaming cups of coffee. 
“Thanks, babe,” Charlie says, taking his cup. 
“You know we have more than one plate,” Adam jokes. 
“Yeah, but what’s the point,” Charlie replies, “You’ll eat off my plate anyways.” 
“Fair point,” Adam says with a laugh. He picked up one of the forks and scooped up some of the eggs, offering them to Charlie. 
Charlie smiled and ate happily. The couple took turns feeding each other. 
“Are we gonna unpack today?” Charlie asks. 
“Maybe later,” Adam replies, “We have time.” 
“That we do,” Charlie agrees. 
The couple finishes their food and drinks. Adam sets the dishes in the sink to do later. 
Taking Charlie's hand, he leads the other man to the living room and their ratty hand-me-down couch. 
Charlie takes a seat and pulls Adam into his lap. Adam cuddles close and grabs the tv remote. He turns it on and puts it on the history channel. It’s mostly background noise but it’s entertaining. 
Charlie leans his cheek on Adam’s head and squeezes his arms around him.
“I love our lazy days,” He says. 
Adam smiles and nods, he couldn’t agree more.
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elliegoestodownton · 2 years
Operation North Pole
I haven’t written creatively in years and I haven’t certainly published anything in about ten. Might be another ten before I write something else. This just came up as a short scene and I felt inspired to jot down a few words for a drabble. Well, it’s definitely not a drabble! My first time writing for the OneChicago universe. Merry Christmas to those of you celebrating it and Happy Holiday season to you all!
Summary: When Makayla’s school is left without a Santa for the annual festival, a kind firefighter steps in. As sweet as molasses, this is pure humorous fluff, with a dash of Burzek and a dollop of Plouch.
Wordcount: 3.2K words more or less
Warnings: If you are already in a sugar-induced coma due to the Christmas lunch/dinner, this might be just too much for you. It contains the truth about Santa, so don’t read it if you haven’t found it out just yet.
‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, on a night like many others at Molly’s. The firefighters’ bar was buzzing with animated chatter, the clinking of glasses and sudden bursts of laughter punctuating the otherwise common sound filling the place and nearly drowning the melody of Christmas songs that Stella had insisted they put on, no matter how much Herrmann had protested that no, he would not spend another evening listening to “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” on a loop.
Mouch had wisely sat that one out, even when asked for his opinion, knowing all too well that in the end his best friend would have relented, not too secretly enjoying the cheerful tunes despite all his objections. Perched on one of the stools at the bar, he takes in the additional fairy lights, making the place even more festive than usual. He’s always liked Christmas, even when it was just him watching old black and white classics on VHS, but he’s come to appreciate it even more in the last few years, undoubtedly owing it to a certain Sergeant who loves to share his old movies and her seasonal bakes with him.
He smiles a little to himself as his eyes scan the crowd. Nearly everyone from 51 is there. Squad is sitting at a table, with Joe, in a decidedly rarer outing for the new dad these days, and Capp joking about something as Tony listens on, characteristically taciturn but with an amused smirk on his face; Severide is only half-listening, his head turned towards the bar, where Stella is preparing a cocktail. Whatever tension there might have been there as soon as Stella got back from her trip, it had completely dissipated in the last few days, much to Mouch’s and everybody’s else relief. Just a few feet away, Gallo, Ritter, and Violet are huddled around some documents in what seems to be the umpteenth light-hearted match in which Ritter has to play unwitting referee. Only Sylvie is missing, many miles away from Chicago for a last-minute trip to Oregon to jointly celebrate the success of the paramedicine programme and an early Christmas with Casey and the boys. His heart fills with pride when thinking of the young PIC’s achievements in the last few months, despite the many obstacles that life keeps throwing at her. Blame it on the Christmas spirit, but Mouch can’t help feeling a little sentimental at seeing his 51 family and noticing that finally, just finally, things seem to be turning for the better.
His reverie is interrupted by Kim’s exasperated voice, coming from a couple of seats from where he is sitting. Her eyes are intently scanning her phone, her knitted eyebrows giving away her preoccupation, as her thumbs scroll down the shiny surface of the screen.
“What is it?”, Ruzek’s expression matches her own, his body fully turned towards her as he tries to decipher whatever is going on.
“Remember I told you that Olivia’s dad was going to play Santa at the Winter Festival?”
Adam nods, recalling the conversation from a few nights before.
“Well, he’s come down with the flu, so we don’t have a Santa anymore. And the Festival is in two days.” Kim’s eyes still don’t leave the screen as she lets a huff escape her lips.
A concerned expression colours Adam’s face.
“That sounds like a disaster in the making if you ask me”, Herrmann unhelpfully pipes up from behind the bar.
Both Burgess and Ruzek shoot him a look at the same time and, hadn’t they been both so worried, Mouch would have found it quite cute from his privileged observation spot.
“Makayla was so looking forward to it”, Kim’s disappointment is clear as she turns towards Adam.
“I know. She’s been talking non-stop about it for the past week.” Adam pauses for a second, his eyes fixed on the bearer of bad news that is the bright screen of her phone. “I guess I could do it.” He offers after a second with a shrug.
Kim’s expression softens, the disappointment giving way to a small smile and warmth in her dark eyes.
“Don’t you think that Mak would recognise you though?” she voices her doubts, while letting her hand lightly linger on his forearm to however show him her appreciation.
“Maybe you’re right.” Adam muses in response.
“I’m free on Friday.” All eyes suddenly turn towards Mouch. “If you need someone to play Santa, I mean.” He clarifies, even though everyone’s got it already.
Adam’s delighted smile is mirrored by Kim’s own, although she hesitates for a second. She silently admits to herself that this would be a perfect solution as Mak is not that familiar with Mouch just yet; at the same time, she does not want to impose nor take advantage of the kindness of the firefighter.
“Are you sure? Because if you have other plans…you don’t have to. I am sure the other parents will find someone.” She says, more to abate her own doubts than anything else.
“Well, he’s certainly got the right physique.” Herrmann adds with merriment in his eyes. It is Mouch’s turn to shoot him a less than amused look. The comment earns him a swat on his arm from Stella, who joins in the conversation, just as Mouch is about to comment that Trudy has never complained about his love handles. “Don’t listen to him, Mouch. You’re perfect as you are.” She tells him reassuringly. “Herrmann, what did we say about body positivity?” Her face telling the other Lieutenant that she would not accept any other remark on the matter. He still manages to roll his eyes.
“Thanks, Kidd.” Mouch good-naturedly smiles at her, before turning again towards Kim and Adam. “Anyways, yes, I am sure. Told you, I’m free and it would be my honour to make a bunch of kids happy.” He puts some extra wattage in his smile, already picturing those children’s surprised little faces at seeing the real deal. Well, at least till anyone tells them otherwise.
Truth to be told, despite having met the little girl just a handful of times, Mouch has grown to love Makayla and could not stand the thought of her, and to a lesser extent that of her classmates’, disappointment at a Christmas celebration without Santa. Considering everything that she’d been through that year, she definitely deserves all the happiness in the world. And so does Kim, the woman that his wife holds so dear to her heart, even though, knowing Trudy, he’s pretty sure she’s never said this to the young cop in such clear terms. Quite inevitably, Mouch has also developed a fatherly affection towards her as a consequence, sharing Trudy’s worry in the aftermath of her abduction.
If nothing else, Kim’s big smile convinces him that a couple of hours in a red velvety suit and fake beard are definitely worth the sacrifice.
The next morning, Burgess enters the 21st with a spring in her step, followed by Adam a few feet behind. Mouch’s kind offer had earned her some brownie points in the parents’ chat, but it was mostly Makayla’s excitement at the approaching festival during breakfast that morning, and her questions on whether Santa would like a drawing in exchange for her wish list, that put her in a good mood. She is halfway through the hall, having narrowly missed a drunkenly perp being escorted by two plain-clothed officers, when a familiar voice stops her in her tracks.
“Hey, Burgess.”
In a silent conversation, Adam lets her know he’ll wait for her upstairs and makes his way toward the gate. Kim turns on her heels, approaching the desk, a bright smile plastered on her face. “What’s up, Sarge?”
Platt looks her in the eye, leaning with one arm on the desk, the other fist on her hip; her poker face does not give Kim any hint of what’s going on in her mind. “Little bird told me you’ve recruited my husband for an undercover operation at the North Pole.” Her voice remains even throughout.
Kim suddenly feels a little less sure about their plan, but still tries not to show it, nodding to confirm. “He was kind enough to volunteer and who am I to say no to Santa?”
“Obviously.” Trudy acknowledges, still quite serious.
“That’s not a problem, is it?” Kim double-checks.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give him a few tips and make sure he doesn’t blow his cover.” The little smirk gracing Trudy’s lips reassures Kim, who smiles back widely once again, suddenly imagining poor Mouch being treated to Sergeant Platt’s school of horn-busting.
“Oh, and Burgess, make sure to appropriately file all the photographic evidence to me. I’ll need a picture for next year’s Christmas cards.” The glint in Trudy’s eyes does not go unnoticed by Kim.
Mouch is definitely in for a treat.
The gym at Makayla’s school has been completely transformed into a magical Winter Wonderland for the annual festival, when the kids and their families gather to partake in the jolly merriment. The children’s artwork decorates the walls and a few tables. Songs have been sung, albeit slightly out of tune. Yet, everyone found the kids terribly cute oohing and awing at their musical skills. The charity bake sale is still going at full speed in a corner, a few parents having volunteered to help. And, after a glorious entrance with full fanfare, courtesy of the school band, Mouch has been sitting on a quite uncomfy throne for the past hour, sweating through his Santa costume, as kids perch on his knees revealing their deepest and dearest wishes for Christmas to him. The elf, a tall and lean man who Mouch has been told is the P.E. teacher when not passing for Will Ferrell’s younger brother, has been helping him out by making sure that the kids, and mostly some pushy parents, are all in an ordered queue for their turn with Santa.
As instructed, Kim has already snapped quite a few pictures, fully enjoying Mouch’s performance. The one with him hugging a fake reindeer as he regales the children with a story must be her favourite so far, sure it would make an awesome illustration for Platt’s cards. She’s been sending her updates via text and, if one had to judge by the uncharacteristic use of emojis in her otherwise pretty straightforward texting style, she’s fairly certain her Sarge is having a blast. If only she didn’t have to work today.
Her eyes have been scanning the room for a few minutes now, mostly out of habit, as she queues alongside Makayla and Adam to meet “Santa”.
“Do you think Santa will like my drawing?” Makayla’s eyes are uncertain, looking for reassurance as she holds the piece of paper on which a portly old man in red, a tree, and two reindeers have been skilfully drawn.
“Are you kidding? He’ll love it. Don’t worry, bud!” Kim tells her in her best mom voice. But Makayla still looks skeptical.
Crouching down at her level, Adam backs Kim up. “You know, I always used to leave him a drawing with some milk and cookies when I was little and, one year, he left me a note to thank me for it. He said that he loves receiving gifts as much as he loves bringing them. Moreover, Darlin’, the other kids haven’t brought him any drawings so you’re already one step ahead.”
Makayla finally seems convinced, toothily smiling at Adam. He flashes her a bright smile of his own and then stands up again, winking at Kim. She’s pretty sure her heart has just grown two sizes, but is left at a loss for words. She could hear the voice in her head, which weirdly sounds a lot like Trudy at this moment, scolding and telling her to use her own words, but Kim is not sure she could coherently express in a very succinct way what she feels right now. Or every time she sees Adam interacting with Makayla for the matter. She could not when he spontaneously told her he was tagging along for the festival because he couldn’t miss Mak’s first Christmas performance. Or when, earlier that day, he’d revealed the ugly Christmas jumper that the little girl had chosen for him to wear. But she feels that soon she will have to find those words, that the time has come to voice them, and not just for the little girl’s sake. They owed it to each other.
With one last look at Adam, she moves forward in the queue, the elf signalling that it is finally their turn.
Makayla’s excitement could not be contained anymore as she approaches Santa, all of her previous doubts completely gone. Kim and Adam stay a few feet behind, observing as Mouch picks her up and places her on his knees, both of them openly grinning.
“Hello, my friend!” Mouch utters in a booming Santa voice.
“Hi, Santa!” Makayla answers, her tone quiet and shy in comparison.
“What’s your name?”
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, Makayla!” Santa extends a hand that the girl gingerly shakes after a moment of hesitation.
“I’ve brought you a drawing!” Makayla tells him as she hands him the piece of paper, having regained a little of her confidence. “Adam says you love drawings and you like to receive presents.”
Mouch accepts the gift from Makayla’s hands and observes it for a second, noticing how carefully the figures have been drawn and coloured. He figures she must have spent quite a bit of time on this piece of art. He looks at her with kind eyes, a little moved by this small and yet considerate gesture, even though the drawing is not technically for him, but for the mythical man he is impersonating.
“This is a beautiful drawing! Aren’t you a skilled artist? Thank you so much, Makayla. It was very kind of you to bring me a present. And yes, Adam is right, I do love drawings.” He quickly shoots the two cops a glance and a smile, turning back to Makayla soon after.
“So, Makayla, what would you like for Christmas?” He asks the ritual question.
“Kim said I could ask for two things tops because you need to bring a lot of presents to a lot of kids.”
“Well, if you have more than two things on your wish list…” Santa concedes.
“No, I have thought about it and it’s fair.” She answers quite maturely, nodding a little bit with her head. Something that leaves Adam stupidly grinning and Kim smiling proudly at the goodness and selflessness of the young girl. On his part, Mouch finds it incredibly endearing. He makes a note to himself to tell Trudy to add yet another present to their little pile with Mak’s name on it, sitting under their Christmas tree.
“Alright. So what would you like?”
Makayla counts on her hand. “The first present on my list is a new drawing set.”
“Oh! That is an excellent choice!” Santa beams. As an avid sketch artist, Mouch can certainly understand the appeal of such a present. “Ok, have you heard that, elf? One drawing set for Makayla.”
The elf distractedly nods as he tries to keep an overly eager parent at safe distance.
“And what else would you like?”
Makayla looks around circumspect for a second, before getting a little closer to Santa’s ear. Mouch bends his head a little, trying to get closer yet and hear whatever super secret wish Makayla is about to share with him.
In the loudest whisper that only a child could ever muster, Makayla very candidly reveals to Santa: “I would like Adam to move in with us! Like forever and ever.”
It doesn’t take Mouch much to notice the colour tinging both Kim’s and Adam’s cheeks and their slightly embarrassed appearance as they try to look everywhere but at each other, before finally locking eyes and smiling a little. Mouch feels this might be just a punch above his pay grade, but doesn’t tell Makayla.
Kim realises she might have to put those feelings into words sooner rather than later.
Nat King Cole’s soft baritone singing about chestnuts roasting on an open fire welcomes Mouch back home that evening. As he hangs his coat on the rack, he notices the twinkling lights on the tree in the living room, and a few more decorations that were definitely not there when he left in the morning. The moose with big feet and striped tights is decidedly new. He chuckles, feeling a little like one of those kids he’s just left, marvelling at the magic of Christmas. Or rather, at the marvel that is his wife when it comes to festivities and decorations. She’d told him she loved Christmas and went all out on decorations when they first started dating. He just did not know to what extent. But it’s just one of those unexpected little things that made him love her even more.
“Hey, Santa!” Trudy emerges from the kitchen, a wide grin on her face. “Have you parked your sleigh outside?”
She’s definitely been enjoying this little stunt a whole lot - and he does not mind one bit.
“Yes, I expect Rudolph, Dancer, and Prancer will soon want their dinner.”
She laughs freely as she approaches him.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He greets her, his hands circling her waist.
“Hi, babe.” She smiles back, before tenderly cradling his face in her hands and giving him a quick kiss. “How did it go?”
“Well, my knees are complaining a bit, but it was fun!” His jolly expression telling Trudy everything she needs to know. “You should have seen Makayla. She was so happy and excited.”
“Aw! I am sure you’ve made her day.” She says softly, her smile reaching her hazel eyes, mixed with adoration.
“Oh, she might just make yours when I tell you what she asked for Christmas.”  He notices her interest is definitely piqued, but when she does not say anything, expectantly waiting to hear the rest, he goes on. “She asked Santa if Adam could move in with them.”
A snort leaves Trudy’s lips, her shoulders shaking a little bit with the quiet laughter that follows. “He’s already moved in. Those two idiots just haven’t figured it out yet.”
Mouch is about to go on with his tale when the waft of freshly baked cookies hits his nostrils, completely catching his attention. “Have you been baking?” He asks as he moves next to Trudy, their arms intertwined behind their backs, starting to walk toward the kitchen.
“I’ve made some ginger snaps.” She confirms, pausing for a beat before going on, her voice an octave mischievously lower. “As a reward for my favourite Ginger Snap.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “I’m sorry, have you just called me Ginger Snap, uh?”
“Well, you’re a ginger.” Trudy soundly kisses his cheek. “And you’re as sweet as a cookie, Randall McHolland.”
It’s on a crisp December morning, another year having just rolled around, that Kim finds a Christmas card in her locker. She instantly recognises the penmanship on the envelope with her name neatly scribbled on it. As she opens it and sees the picture on the card of Mouch in his Santa costume hugging a reindeer, her smile widens significantly. Platt’s ended up using that photographic evidence after all.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader WORD COUNT: 3.1k SUMMARY: Through guessing games and walking on eggshells, it’s you and Loki that dance the strange choreography of two curious minds trying to figure out the other. A/N: Slow moving chapter! If any of you speak Norwegian and know that sentence is wrong, please tell me! I took a risk, not sure if it's worth it. Anyways, I promise there’s more stuff coming in the next chapters. Tell me anything about this chapter, what you love, what you hate. Enjoy xo gif from this gifset by@marvelheroes WARNINGS: Swearing? More paperwork. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERPOST ; MASTERLIST
The narration of Miss Minutes accompanying the grainy animated graphics of a training video on how, why, and when a branch of a timeline is reset seems to be the source of Loki’s absentmindedness. If he is typically referred to as outrageously and mostly unnecessarily communicative, it is his mind that beats his mouth—the tumult of his thoughts is loud and overwhelming like the people who amass at taverns every evening to drink themselves silly whilst singing jolly drinking songs until the wee hours of the morning. Except, his thoughts are far from jolly. He, mastermind of language and a silver-tongue, has no words of any language to describe the complexity of his mind with accuracy.
Kraftig regn som faller i en fossende elv.
Like heavy rain falling on a cascading river. Water from the sky on water streaming through the ground—thunderous raindrops from above against the river that strikes every rock of every winding turn.
Those were the words of his mother.
Maybe, that’s how his mind should be described.
It’s the mechanical creaks of spinning wheels against the polished floor that pulls him out of his thoughts and finds that he had been staring blankly at a page of men riding jet skis of a magazine he'd nipped from the stack of junk on Mobius’ desk for the last minute or hour. A second or a day? He isn’t sure.
Time works differently at the TVA.
“Hey Casey,” he hears you chime, the cart squeaks as it pulls to a halt. “Do you have a paperweight or something I could use?”
There’s a sound of rummaging as the clerk searches the drawers. Loki restrains the urge to look.
“Uh, yeah...Here.”
Probably an infinity stone.
The clerk then wheels by, pushing the evidence cart as he casts a cautious glance his way.
Right. He did threaten to gut him like a fish earlier on although the threat was not as deadly as he intended but proved to be surprisingly effective. Yet, Casey is probably the type to be afraid of his own shadow, he would comply with any sort of threat even if it isn't death.
Pathetic. But amusing.
The training video continues to play in the background, and Miss Minutes’ stupidly charming and cheery voice is starting to sound like gibberish to him. At this rate, it’s white noise to him—attention elsewhere but somewhat listening to a certain extent. He loves multi-tasking and isn’t afraid to admit he’s great at it though it likely plays a huge factor in contributing to the uproar of his brain. It’s why he doesn’t get any sleep for most nights.
There’s just...so much to think about.
And now, it’s filled with the reminder of how you met another version of him. Somewhere. Sometime. An inferior Loki, obviously.
Suddenly, the jet ski magazine becomes less interesting, his mind fleeting.
Discreetly, he spins in his swivel chair and sees you through inked writings and diagrams on the glass partition of your cubicle. Your coat’s discarded, and you have your sleeves rolled up, looking less formal, less tense than before. Yet, still as fierce with that constant scowl of your brows. He watches you bring your fingers to scratch the left side of your cheek and notices a vague resemblance of a fading scar.
He hadn’t seen that before.
The glowing orange hue of the soul stone sits idly on top of a stack of papers beside you.
Loki makes some sort of contemptuous noise in his mind at the sight.
The TVA is a strange place. The thought of a cosmic organization that overlooks all of the time doesn’t make it any less weird and neither do the uniforms—dull color combinations and collars that never seem to end. And the Time-Keepers, well, he isn’t sure what to make of that. Things are a little too straightforward, too simple for handling such a complex matter of the universe—Time. It doesn't make sense.
You spark his curiosity. You had a connection with him. Another Loki trusted you to a certain extent. He wonders what makes you so special, that Mobius was willing to try everything to convince you to help.
He also wonders what your name is.
The clearing of his throat comes off as a sudden and disruptive sound that resonates clearly through the somewhat silent environment of the office floor. A subtle way to gaining your attention although it's proving ineffective. You continue to flip through documents, scribbling notes on a notepad.
He wheels his chair closer to you. For a moment, he catches sight of a white mug amongst the mess. It says, 'Rocket scientist at work.' There’s no way a person as intimidating as you have that kind of mug.
He clears his throat once more.
Still nothing. It’s like he doesn't exist to you.
Then, he notes your vague attempt to fight down a growing smile.
Oh. Oh. You—
He scooches closer and taps on the glass partition a little too aggressively.
“I know you can hear me.”
His tone comes out in a sing-song manner. Finally, your eyes turn up to meet his. They are different from when you first saw him emerged into the hallway. Less angry and shocked. Now, you just look unimpressed.
Loki somehow thinks it’s a great idea to charm his way to you.
A grin finds his way to his lips, curving widely with oozing allure.
Or so he thinks.
“Pardon me, but I believe we haven’t properly met and I didn’t catch your name earlier on.”
You don’t say anything, only blink in response.
Tough crowd.
Loki shifts in his seat.
“...What is your name?”
He articulates his words with care, and he doesn’t know why he finds it a need to tread lightly around you. Like with a touch, you will transform into a fiery beast from his childhood nightmares and eat him alive.
You and Mobius are polar opposites—personality-wise. It’s a wonder how the two of you get along.
Do you scare him? No. Definitely not.
Do you intimidate him? Perhaps. But, he will never admit it.
Maybe it’s the way you’re gazing at him with that constant, deafening deadpan look.
Then, you finally give him an answer.
And with that, you're back to scribbling notes on a notepad.
Loki scoffs silently to himself.
Well, that turned out to be completely pointless.
He turns his back to you, returning to scanning through Mobius' jet ski magazine within his grasp.
Loki doesn’t see how you’re now staring at the back of his figure, tapping your pen against the notepad absentmindedly.
Curious minds think alike.
You needed a change of scenery.
With all the noise of the muffling narration of the training videos from Mobius’ desk, you began to feel like you forgot how to do your job. The only job you were created for. The disturbance seems to be putting your brain into a frenzy and it’s preventing you from getting your head straight on report protocols. Trying to think of better words to describe the things you’ve seen on Sakaar that weren’t words that meant trash and didn’t end up sounding unintentionally sexual, is where you draw the line.
Times are hard for the variant turned analyst.
The archives are serene amid your solitude. Extensive tables hidden between shelves of identical-looking binders that expanded throughout the hundreds of floors of the building. The spot that overlooks the three looming statues of the Time-Keepers is your favorite. The occasional swish of a passing elevator calms your nerves from all the frustration and pressure ever since you were released from your arrest. You’re just happy to be somewhere familiar although it’s not home.
Although all distractions are gone, you manage to find new ones as you gaze at the glowing ‘357’ signage from across the building as you decide to let your thoughts run for just a little while. You feel like you’re looking through foggy glasses and your brain feels like it’s about to shut down any moment.
Dream away the pain, then.
Then, you hear a voice from afar. Two voices. It’s Mobius; you’ll recognize that quintessential Texan accent anywhere from the times he would rave about a new jet ski magazine he’d found on a mission...something along those lines.
Much to your chagrin, you also hear Loki with that irritatingly posh accent of his.
You should probably move somewhere else. Run and hide before you're being pulled even more into this mess because you know Mobius is trying to get you to spend as much time with the variant turned analyst to gain trust.
You’re still not sure how it’s helping with his case. Loki has better trust in Mobius than you as far as you’re concerned.
Before you could even gather the mess of your files, the two men you’ve been trying to escape are already by the desk you’re sitting at. You suddenly notice the stack of files on the other end of the desk, not remembering seeing the archivist putting that there.
“Let me park ya at this desk and don’t be afraid to really lean into this work...”
You look like a deer caught in the headlights, signaling to Mobius that you really don’t want to share a desk with Loki. He continues to speak to him, ignoring your silent plea. Then, he gestures to the seat across from you.
There’s still time to leave.
Mobius addresses you with the stretch of his pointer finger.
“You, keep an eye on him. I’m gonna get a snack.”
Well, too late.
With a turn of a heel, you and Loki watch him walk away and pass neverending shelves of the archives. Once again, the two of you are left alone in the silence and the white noise of the TVA.
You meet each other's eyes at the same time, struck with the thought that you and he will probably be seeing each other a lot until the Loki variant is arrested. Plus, you’re tired of giving him the cold shoulder although you believe he deserves it.
This is a different Loki. The one who’s still power-hungry. The one who still wants to rule.
Time to start fresh.
You notice he now wears a jacket, a color somewhere between green, grey, and brown with a striking image of the TVA’s official badge above his chest. The lapels of his jacket jut out in an attempt to replicate his sense of pride and confidence.
He must have been on a trip with Mobius to the Renaissance Faire in Wisconsin, 1985. Oh, how you would kill to tag along. Everyone who knows you knows about your obsession with Earth’s music pop culture, specifically the 1980s. It explains the cassettes you have lying around. Your apartment has more of it.
Unfortunately, you're grounded. That's reality.
Thus, you decide that Loki deserves a second chance because he’s also somehow looking at you for some kind of approval. You’re starting to wonder if this is the same Loki that was tapping aggressively on your cubicle earlier on.
With an open palm, you gesture to the empty seat surrounded by stacks of binders and folders. It's the first time he has experienced some kind of acknowledgment of his presence that you weren’t ranting or screaming about. Oddly calm. Oddly inviting. Momentarily, he shifts in his stance, eyes darting between a fading figure of Mobius rounding the corner and to the seat, across from you.
The air is tense. However, still breathable.
Loki slides into the seat, legs shifting under the desk as it brushes against your by accident. You shoot him a pointed look, and he responds with a coy expression, blinking at you innocently. It’s mischievous.
Classic Loki.
You turn back to your case file, ignoring the way his gaze seems to burn holes into the side of your face for a fleeting moment before flipping a binder open from the stack to his left.
You snore when you sleep.
Loki wouldn’t describe it as a snore; it's more of a wheeze. Soft and subtle but it’s there, cutting through the ambiance of the archives, drifting and resonating in his ears. Through turning pages, uttering words to himself for his amusement, and having an irritating lady shush him for that, he realized how it became a lot quieter. The grazing sound of pen furiously scribbling words onto the yellow notepad has stopped.
Then, he hears it. Your pathetic snores. Your cheek is unceremoniously pressed against the back of your hand while the other holds the orange pen that’s still pinned down on the paper, mid-scrawl. The tip of the ballpoint pen sits idly, halfway through the curved stroke of the last letter of the word, ‘debris.’ He cranes his neck, face tilting in an attempt to read the chicken scratchings of your handwriting.
0132: L1190 hauls me through the time door and I miserably land on Sakaar, the planet of wastelands and debris.
You are quite...miserable. In a comical way. And he knows how much you hated your time on Sakaar—Mobius warned him of your apparent irritation in reminiscent of being stranded and then having to resume paperwork immediately. He wonders if he, too, is the reason for another boiling rage.
Apparently, you were pardoned on behalf of not only Mobius but the Time-Keepers as well.
You, an agent, are recognized by the holy and almighty Time-Keepers.
You, an agent, who sleeps with your mouth agape.
The statues of the TVA’s creators loom over him like they’re watching his every step. Every movement. Every lingering thought. Right now, he has the urge to uncover, perhaps deduce, the holes within this whole mess. In a carefully calculated and discrete movement, he reaches to prod you on the forearm. You don’t move.
He prods you again.
You still don’t move.
Now, Loki is trying to chat up the archivist who watches him through narrowed eyes, glasses framing the austere and rigid structure of her face, in favor of files that turn out to be classified.
Classified, classified, classified. Only able to gain access to his own file.
His journey from the desk proved to be useless and unproductive although the much-needed stretch somehow made it a little worthwhile.
When he returns, you're surprisingly still asleep, brow twitching and lips still parted.
Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on him?
The pen you held has now left your grasp, rolled over to his stack of binders. He notices the words inscribed on it, ‘Mars is there, waiting to be reached.'
Through your fury and chaos, he knows there’s a part of you that feels, a part of you that loves. And you love everything about the Midgardians’ space program. It's shown in the way you cling to collected memorabilia.
There are dark circles that adorn your shut eyes, barely hidden under your lashes. You’re exhausted, fractured.
Loki is having a difficult time trying to suppress how he likes the way the frizz of your hair glows against the glowing table lamps from the desk behind you. You’re raw, flaws presented on a silver platter for everyone to see. Maybe, that’s the reason why you entice him the way you do.
He’s staring. Right. Back to work.
Loki returns to running through neverending case files, engrossed in the pixelated monochrome images that accompany the monospace typeface of endless reports.
Then, he sees it.
‘Destruction of Asgard’ in big, bold, and red letters. It glares at him sharply, images of his once divine home of Asgard, crumbling at the feet of Surtur. Buildings, people, engulfed in the flames of the fire demon. The prophecy of the end, Ragnarok—it was meant to be.
His home, it still was. Although an untrue Asgardian.
He knows how it ends. He knows he dies. He wishes his true self, the one on the Sacred Timeline, could have done more.
He doesn’t realize the forming tears that linger. He doesn’t realize that in the sense of premonition, you’ve awakened. He doesn’t realize that even with sleepy eyes, you notice the grief that glints in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
With three words, you’ve struck him with those eyes that seemed all-knowing. You see through the facade he has created, sealing the true nature of what is truly a child that is afraid of his destiny and to lose all he had ever known. His mother, father, and brother. His people. You see through it all.
You know that face. You’d seen it on Sakaar when he sat at the doorstep of your makeshift home, watching the splintered moon drift through the star-lit sky. You’d seen it in yourself through the dusty reflection of the screen of the tempad.
He longs for home. He longs for family.
For a moment, Loki sees Frigga in your eyes.
Then, his world shifts, hauling him back to reality. It’s you who’s across his way, not his mother. Loki blinks, partly to get his head straight with the excuse to blink away the sting in his eye. He shifts in his seat, rolling his neck and squares his shoulders.
“Yes. I’m alright. It’s just...”
Trailing off, he clears his throat. You follow his gaze and from your spot, you catch sight of those deafening crimson letters. Maybe, it was the spur of the moment. You blame your drowsy state, but there’s a growing warmth that spreads across your chest from the pit of your stomach. It’s subtle, a spark, but evident. Before you know it, you’re uttering words that leave your lips faster than your brain could perceive.
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t know when was the last time you said those words and meant it. Loki doesn’t know when was the last time he’d ever heard those words addressed to him, spoken from the lips of a stranger. Until now.
You mean it. He sees it in the curve of your brows.
Loki swallows, nodding curtly. For the first time, he has nothing to say. And as quickly as the moment comes, he brushes it off and so do you. Whatever is reminiscent of a residing unknown feeling, bubbling within, has disappeared.
He sees your hand reach for the pen and for a while, he thinks you’re about to reach for his arm.
But no, you’re back to scrawling notes on the paper and he’s back to studying useless documents.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall back into your normal antics as you find yourself chasing after Loki, who abruptly left the desk with wide eyes.
Curious minds think alike. Mostly.
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Test Runs
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Summary: Matt agrees to help Sylvie babysit a 5-month-old Brian Cruz for the night to help Chloe and Joe out, and gets a glimpse at a life with Sylvie he thought he could only ever dream of.
Words: ~5.5K
Warnings: None?? It’s just pure baby fever and heart eyes and canon-compliant established Brettsey
Tagging: @fighterkimburgess Cíara, this one’s for you. I hope you enjoy your much anticipated gift— and some very long, plot-less tooth rotting fluff :)
A/N: I don't know what this is and I'm pretty sure I zoned out while writing this so let me know what you think of this because this is the least edited thing I've ever written lol
“Please don’t be mad at me.”
Matt’s in the locker room at the end of a tiringly long shift when he hears Sylvie’s voice coming from behind him.
Their shift has been filled with an endless amount of intense calls. House fires, a harrowing ambo call according to Sylvie, car crashes galore. He’s more than ready to go home and enjoy his next few days off. He and Sylvie had even agreed to make tonight a date night, staying in with a bottle of wine and watching a movie (or, in their case, not watching a movie). It makes him even happier to be done with this shift. Just a regular, normal, peaceful night.
That’s what it’s supposed to be, at least. Only he hears his girlfriend’s voice and, instead of its usual soothing effect on him, is filled with something tense and nervous. He turns around and lo and behold, Sylvie’s standing in front of him with a perpetual wince.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“I may or may not have told Joe and Chloe I’d babysit Brian for them tonight,” she explains nervously, her palms stretched out flat against each other. “Which means I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that date night we’d planned.”
Matt instantly finds it hilarious that she’d been so worried to tell him about it. “Sylvie, it’s fine,” he assures her. “Date night can be any night, we’ll just postpone it for another day.”
“Really? You’re not bummed out?” “I’m extremely bummed out,” he corrects her, his hands flying to her arms and rubbing circles on them gently with his thumbs. “But I’m not mad. I just wanted to spend time with you after a long shift, that’s all.”
“I know,” she sighs. “I’m sorry. Joe just kept going on and on about how he and Chloe haven’t had a minute to themselves since the baby was born and I just remember thinking how, if that were you and I, it’d make me really sad not getting to have a night off with you.”
Matt swears his heart melts right then and there. Sylvie’s compassion is pretty much endless but when she mixes it with that adorably longing look in her eye, and with words like that? Yeah, Matt’s a total goner.
Things between him and Sylvie have been going so great. They’re going on six months and not a single day goes by where he doesn’t feel like the happiest guy in the world. He knows tonight is one of their only nights off between shifts and he’d prefer not to have to share her quite yet during those nights but Joe and Chloe are their friends, Sylvie was right to offer them a kind gesture.
So an idea forms.
Matt’s always been good with kids, he’ll never complain at getting the chance to look after one. Especially not when it’s with the woman he loves. Besides, he sort of loves the idea of spending the night watching Sylvie gush over Brian Cruz. She was sort of adorable with Amelia, he can only assume it will be the same with Brian.
So much for a normal, peaceful night. (Although frankly, Matt thinks normal is overrated.)
“What if I came with you?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “What if I looked after him with you? I’m sure Joe and Chloe wouldn’t mind, I’d be more than willing to give you an extra set of hands.”
She gives him a puzzled, slightly skeptical look. “So you mean to tell me,” she starts, “that you want to spend one of your few nights off in between shifts babysitting a screaming, crying, spitting five-month-old baby, just… because I am?”
“That’s sort of the idea, yeah,” he chuckles. “I’m good with kids, I can handle a little spit-up. Besides, I’ll take any time I can get with you.”
Ok. So maybe that was a little cheesy. It still rings true nonetheless. Spending time with her in any capacity is good enough for him-- and he has a feeling this will be a lot of fun.
She seems to think the same thing too, and smiles sweetly at him. “How did I get so lucky?”
“You just are,” he shrugs amusedly and leans in to kiss her soundly, sinking into it for a minute before he realizes he shouldn’t get carried away when they’re in the locker room. He’ll save the PDA for Stella and Severide. When he pulls away, she moves to pick up her bag and shut her locker, the two of them ready to leave. “So I’ll pick you up then? What time did they want you there?”
“5:00. But I should warn you,” Sylvie warns teasingly with a pointed index finger. “I will be singing a lot of Wiggles songs. It will not be sexy.”
He lets out a chuckle from deep in his chest and Sylvie returns the laugh as she heads out of the locker room and to her car. Even when she’s gone, Matt can still feel himself smiling like an idiot.
Like he said: Sylvie Brett makes him feel like the happiest guy in the world.
“Hey. You’re in a good mood.” Matt’s about to get his own bag and leave when he turns around to see Severide coming into the locker room.
“Yeah, well, I’m on babysitting duty tonight,” he explains. “With Sylvie. Joe and Chloe needed some time off so she volunteered and I thought I’d tag along.”
“Uh-oh,” Kelly teases. “I sense a little baby fever coming on.”
“What? No, Sylvie’s not baby-crazy, it’s not like that.”
“I’m not talking about her,” Severide explains. “I’m talking about you.”
“Yeah, you. You’re a sucker for kids, man. You’ve wanted them for as long as I’ve known you. You’re going to have that little pipe dream back in your head by the end of the night, I’m telling you,” he warns, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“I’ll be fine,” Matt grumbles in response. “I think I can handle one night of babysitting. Besides, we’re just helping Cruz. Kids are something for down the line. Way down the line.”
“So you have thought about it,” Kelly replies victoriously, raising a single, cocky eyebrow.
“What about you and Kidd, huh?” Matt knows deflecting won’t work forever, but he’s not ready to admit to himself that he has thought about it, nevermind Severide. So switching the subject back onto his best friend seems like the safe option. “You’re the ones who are married now. You two haven’t thought about having kids?”
Kelly bites his tongue, blushes slightly. It’s a rare occurrence for him, but one reserved uniquely for all matters related to Stella. “Maybe,” Severide shrugs. “But we’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you.” Matt huffs, picking up his bag and shutting his own locker. “I can handle myself. I was just giving you a heads up in case you wondered why I wasn’t at the loft. I’ll be fine, I promise.”
Matt heads out after that making a beeline for his truck before anyone else can question him about this.
Severide doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He and Sylvie are enjoying their time together right now, taking things at their own pace. Matt’s not about to ruin that for some fantasy he had that’s slowly dissipated. After all, what’s the point in wanting kids if you don’t have someone you want to have them with? After Gabby, he’d given up on that until what was once a pipe dream became something completely irrelevant and blurry in the back of his mind. Besides, six months of dating is a little soon to be thinking about that. There’s about a million steps they have to go through first, a million milestones before kids would be in the question. So yeah. He and Sylvie are not in any rush. For now, Matt is perfectly happy to be able to wake up to her for as many mornings as he can. Just him and her. That’s always going to be enough for him, no matter what. His small fantasies are a thing of the past.
At least, that’s what he tells himself as he drives home to the loft and gets ready to pick Sylvie up. He repeats it over and over until eventually, it doesn’t feel like a lie anymore.
When Sylvie hops into his truck, she’s wearing jeans and an old graphic t-shirt. She figures it’s best to wear something she won’t mind dirtying a little. She explains this to Matt when they’re in his truck and he nods thoughtfully at her smart thinking. He even leans over to kiss her on the cheek while waiting for one of the traffic lights to turn red. Only then does it truly register in Sylvie’s head about what they’re doing tonight.
They’re really, truly, spending an entire night together with their friend’s adorable baby.
She really hadn’t expected Matt to offer his help tonight. She doesn’t need the help-- Sylvie knows her way around a five-month-old, after all-- but he’d offered it anyway which somehow makes it even sweeter. Joe and Chloe had been more than okay with it. There’s no one more decent and reliable than Matt Casey, after all. Together, Brian Cruz is guaranteed to spend the whole night being showered with love. She’s sure of that, so she’d obviously been thrilled to have him tag along for babysitting. Until the weight of it all sinks in, that is.
Things between them have been going so great. It’d taken them longer than she’d hoped to sort out their feelings but it’d made the release all the more satisfying. They’re here now, together. And even though they’re only six months into this relationship, she knows that she’s never backing out. This is it; for both of them. It adds an extra layer to her happiness, knowing that everything she does with him will be her last firsts. It’s wonderful and beautiful in all the best ways. They’re still fairly early on in their relationship though. She doesn’t have an exact plan for the future-- it’s the only thing she can’t plan out thoroughly, unfortunately-- but she knows six months is still fresh in the grand scheme of things. And whereas she thinks a kid or two might be nice, it’s still too early to have a conversation that’s that detailed with him. Up until now, she’d been perfectly fine avoiding that talk. Now though, it’s going to be the big, plus elephant in the room. They’re getting a glimpse at what it would be like to have a kid together. It seems silly, but she’s almost scared to let her mind wander.
She goes over it in her head quietly in the car. It’s not a big deal, she reminds herself. They’ll just look after Brian, have some fun, and put him to bed at a reasonable hour. And most importantly, under no circumstances will daydreaming about their future be allowed. Ever.
They reach Joe and Chloe’s house and Matt takes her hands as they reach the front door. She’s been quiet the rest of the car ride, ever since he kissed her on the cheek. She’d gotten so preoccupied reminding herself not to get ahead of herself tonight that it’d picked up his attention, but she gives his hand a gentle squeeze as they wait for Joe and Chloe to answer the door and he smiles, thinking nothing of her quiet mood.
“Hey,” Joe greets them when the front door finally opens. His face is beaming, and it really dawns on Sylvie how excited he must be for tonight. He and Chloe haven’t been out of the house for weeks, never spending more than five minutes alone without baby Brian Cruz. “Come on in.”
Sylvie flashes a friendly smile and lets go of Matt’s hand to step inside, looking around the place. Chloe’s putting her earrings on in the mirror, preparing the finishing touches of her date night outfit. Which, in Sylvie’s opinion, is gorgeous. Saying her friend looks amazing is almost an understatement. “Don’t you look fancy,” Sylvie teases from behind Chloe. “Sylvie! We’re so glad you two were able to make it,” Chloe cheers, leaning in to give Sylvie a tender hug and then doing the same for Matt. “Thank you so much for this. We owe you one.” “Don’t worry about it,” she hears Matt speak. “I think we’re both just happy to lend a helping hand, right?”
He looks to Sylvie with raised eyebrows, and she nods in agreement. “Yes, we really are. You two seriously deserve some time off.”
“You’re right about that,” Joe nods. “I thought being a firefighter would mess with my sleep schedule but it’s nothing compared to this kid.”
“Where is Brian anyway?” She asks.
“He’s in his crib right now, hang on,” Chloe tells her, stepping into the room next to them and pulling Brian out of his crib. The little boy sits perfectly against his mother’s chest, his feet dangling slightly. He’s wearing a onesie too, the light blue fabric covered with little robots. It’s quite possibly the cutest thing Sylvie’s ever seen and she has to fight back the urge to coo at him.
“Say hi to Auntie Sylvie and Uncle Matt, sweet cheeks!” Chloe coos to her son, grabbing his tiny hand and waving it at Sylvie and Matt for him. He can’t talk yet but he flashes a smile at them and it melts Sylvie’s heart. Man. Tonight is going to be amazing and yet so tough to get through. “So there’s fresh formula in the fridge but we just fed him so he should be fine for the night. His toys are all laid out on the floor if he needs tummy time and we normally put him to bed at 7:00. If there’s anything you guys need or any questions, just call us. We’re bringing our phones with us and the number for the pediatrician is on the counter just in case,” Joe explains to them.
“Got it,” Sylvie nods.
“Ok,” Chloe nods to herself, handing Brian over to Sylvie. The small boy fits just as nicely against Sylvie’s chest but he tries to turn his head as soon as she holds him, urgently looking for his mom. Chloe stands back, staring at Brian nervously. “I gotta go now, buddy. I’ll see you later.”
“It’s harder than you expected, isn’t it?” Sylvie asks her, already well aware of the answer. Leaving your kid with a sitter is tough, she imagines, especially when it’s your first kid.
“Yes,” Chloe admits, slightly pained. “I know it’s only a few hours but we’re going to miss him.”
“We’ll take good care of him, we promise,” Matt assures them, already moving closer to Sylvie to see Brian and let his tiny hand wrap around his thumb. “Thanks again you guys,” Joe nods appreciatively.
“Of course, anytime. Now go on, have fun, you crazy kids,” Sylvie teases.
“Alright, bye!” Chloe keeps waving until their front door is fully shut, leaving Matt and Sylvie in total silence.
Matt glances at Sylvie up and down, taking in the sight of her with baby Brian, and something in his eye lights up. It sends a warm tingling down Sylvie’s spine, but he just nods at her. “He really is a cute baby.”
“I know,” she raves instantly. “Look at how small his little hands are!”
“You’re just so tiny, aren’t you, little buddy?” Matt talks to Brian, wiggling his hand.
Brian giggles, his arms wiggling amusedly at Matt’s gesture. He looks over at the front door though, waits expectantly for Chloe and Joe to come back in. A few seconds pass where Matt and Sylvie watch as Brian stares at the door. It’s almost as if everything that happens next happens in slow motion. They watch as his face turns back to Sylvie, his twinkling eyes turning sad as his face sours. The wail comes next, matched with flailing arms as Sylvie feels his body shaking in her arms.
He’s not hungry, Joe said he and Chloe just fed him. And he can’t be tired since they haven’t done anything with him yet. So really, he just misses his parents. It’s not all that abnormal for a kid his age but it still hurts Sylvie’s heart, watching this little guy wail in her arms.
“Oh no,” she blurts out, slightly panicked. “Shh, it’s okay! We’re right here. I know you miss your mommy and daddy but they’ll be back soon, I promise.”
He continues to wail, sticking his hand out and wiggling to try and get to the front door. “Who am I kidding, you don’t understand what that means,” she mumbles under her breath, beginning to bounce him.
His wailing isn’t as shrill after the bouncing starts but he’s still crying at a volume comparable to 61’s sirens. She tries her best to calm him down but it seems unsuccessful. Dammit. Sylvie and Matt aren’t five minutes into this night and Brian’s already crying.
The reminder that Matt’s there is enough to snap her out of it. Only she turns to where he was not five seconds ago and he’s gone. “Matt?”
“I’m in here, just a second,” he calls from the family room. Sylvie moves down the hallway away from the entrance to find him. When she does, he’s hovering over a small, wooden chest and rifling through it. Brian’s still crying as she pats his back and offers soothing hushes.
“I think we just broke Cruz and Chloe’s baby,” Sylvie tries teasing, her face still making a worried wince. “Shh, it’s okay Brian. You’re okay, it’s okay.” Matt grabs something out of the chest, moving to close the space between him, Sylvie and Brian. “Here,” he tells her, revealing the little, plush blue and green robot in his hand. “I figured a toy might distract him.”
“Right, good idea,” she nods, turning to meet baby Brian’s eye again as he grabs a fistful of her hair. “Uncle Matt has some of your toys, you want to play with them?”
Sylvie turns him so he can see Matt, who extends the soft plush robot and wiggles it playfully.
“I bet you like that one, huh? He even matches your pyjamas,” Matt points out.
Brian instantly becomes mesmerized with the toy, his eyes sparkling as they follow it’s trail as it moves in the air. His cheeks are still glossy with tears but he sticks out a hand to clumsily grab at the toy. The shift from upset beyond consolation to pure fascination with something so simple as a toy robot is enough to astound Sylvie-- and, admittedly, send relief washing through her body.
As soon as her shoulders relax, she feels Brian relax in her arms too. He even smiles as she wipes his cheeks clean of the tears, pointing towards the toy and cooing incoherently. Matt keeps wiggling the toy and bobbing his head along with the toy, eventually handing it to Brian and letting him play with it on his own. He squishes the robot’s rectangular head, then mimics Matt’s movements with it and moves it around in the air. Sylvie watches in happy surprise. She’s about to move her head to send a bewildered yet appreciative look at Matt but when her eyes look up, he’s already looking at her. There’s a slight twinkle in his eye, similar to the one Brian had when he saw the robot. It’s nothing but pure wonder, and her heart skips a beat.
Up until now, she’d been trying to keep herself from getting ahead of herself. Apart from the logical reasons of it being really early and soon on in their relationship, Sylvie also just doesn’t want to freak him out with baby fever. But he’s staring at her as she coddles Brian, a smile dancing over his face, and it seems pointless.
Maybe she’s not the only one picturing them doing this with a kid of their own.
Maybe, he’s just as much of a daydreamer as she is.
Matt’s not trying to give himself away too much. He swears he isn’t.
But damn. If Sylvie with this little Cruz baby isn’t the most adorable thing he’s ever seen, he doesn’t know what is. It’s been an hour since they arrived at the Cruz residence. An hour since they’d walked in and immediately had to deal with a screaming, crying baby Brian. Thankfully, they mellow out pretty quickly after that. Matt and Sylvie pull out as many toys as they can and try to distract him. His tears dissipate as they play around, keeping the young child preoccupied.
Sylvie, as promised, even starts dancing and singing Wiggles songs. Matt started out singing and dancing with her but Brian had tried crawling away while they were both up so he’s now sitting next to Brian, who’s on his stomach on his mat in the family room propping himself up to watch the show as Sylvie keeps dancing and singing.
“The Big Red Car rolls along the street
And to all the people that we meet, we like to say hello
Say hello! To the people that we meet!”
Sylvie sings, spins around, and does comically dramatic gestures as Matt claps along with Brian, making a few sound effects himself to help out with the number. The songs are too catchy not to sing along, so he does. That just seems to make the baby giggle even more, and he tries crawling over closer towards Sylvie.
She finishes the song and does small but amusing jazz hands, practically out of breath. “That was exhausting,” she exhales heavily. “How’s that for entertainment, little guy?”
He coos and waves his arms around in the air, trying to cheer for her. Matt chuckles and claps along himself, keeping an expectant eye on Brian.
The baby keeps wagging his arms though, and when they realize he’s asking for an encore Sylvie leans over with her hands on her knees in exhaustion. “You want more of this?” She addresses Brian, not expecting a response. “We’ve been at this for nearly an hour, I’m getting more of a workout from this than from Foster’s infamous spin classes. How is he not more exhausted?”
“Different sleep schedule, I guess,” Matt shrugs. “Don’t worry, you can tap out and I’ll take over.”
“More romantic words have never been spoken,” she replies teasingly with a relieved groan. She wipes at her brow and moves to find space on the mat but instead of the encore, Brian turns to her.
“Oh,” Matt says. “Looks like he doesn’t want more singing and dancing after all.”
The young boy starts reaching for Sylvie’s hair, grasping at the blonde strands that fall just above her shoulders. He manages to find a fistful but Sylvie pulls him in closer so he can grab her hair without yanking it. “I think he likes you,” Matt points out with a grin. “Good, my plan is working,” she teases, resting her head ever so lightly on Brian’s head. “I’m hoping to work my way up to his favourite aunt by the time he’s two. I’m going to be your favourite, aren’t I, little man?”
Brian coos in her lap, smiling wide at Sylvie. But he looks over at Matt and reaches out from Sylvie’s hold to grab at Matt’s hand too. Matt’s heart melts.
“He seems to like you too,” Sylvie adds.
“Yeah, I’ve never met a baby with so much trust in people,” Matt replies. “And so many robot toys too. What’s up with that?” He gestures at the spread of robot toys they arranged in a row on Brian’s mat.
“I think Joe was hoping he’d get him interested in tech stuff like Otis was,” Sylvie explains, a wistful sigh falling over her. Matt gets serious too-- not a day goes by where he doesn’t think of their dear, fallen friend. Thinking of where Brian Cruz gets his name from is always a sharp reminder of Otis, and this new piece of information doesn’t make it any better.
Matt throws Sylvie a sympathetic look, which is returned. There’s nothing much to say to that, nothing but to let there be a gentle and solemn moment of silence as Brian wiggles in Sylvie’s criss-crossed legs on the floor.
The silence is broken when he crawls out of Sylvie’s lap, slowly finding his way to Matt. Somehow, some way, he can sense Matt’s heavy heart and reaches to grab his hand. Brian doesn’t try to lift it, just puts one hand around Matt’s thumb and one around his pinky. He looks up at Matt, his eyes twinkling energetically.
“I bet your mom and dad tell you all sorts of stories about Uncle Otis, don’t they?” Matt asks as he lifts Brian into the air. He giggles, waving his arms and toes in his little onesie. Matt knows the kid can’t talk yet but he takes that as a yes. When Matt brings him back down from the air, he presses a kiss to the kid’s forehead and pulls back with the small smack of his lips. It makes Brian laugh even more.
Man. He really is a cute kid. Maybe Severide was right, maybe Matt’s already feeling that little pipe dream of his coming back. Because he’s sitting there with this tiny little kid in his arms, having the time of his life as Sylvie watches them amusedly, and it feels like he’s getting a glimpse at their future. The idea of a family, one with someone he loves as much as Sylvie, feels so right. It’s enough to send a warm and electric feeling throughout his body.
“This is fun,” Matt admits to her, meeting her eye with a hesitant but hopeful gaze.
Sylvie pulls her lip in between her teeth, fighting a smile. “Yeah, it is,” she nods. “It’s nice, I’m glad you offered to tag along. It’s like a little test run.”
“Test run?” Her eyes widen slightly and her cheeks heat up ever so slightly, to the point where Matt thinks he imagined it for a second. “I-- I mean, for babysitting,” she backtracks, shaking her head. “You know, if Joe and Chloe decide somewhere down the line that they need more nights out.”
Matt’s heart skips a beat.
Sylvie’s a terrible liar. She knows it, he knows it, all of 51 knows it. He can tell when she’s fibbing. She gets all flustered, fumbles her words just like she is now. Only now, he can see right through it and it excites him beyond comparison. He can see it in her eyes: she’s been thinking about kids just as much as he has.
“Right,” Matt chuckles lightly, going along with it. “For babysitting.”
She knows he can see right through him and sucks in a sharp breath. She looks more hesitant than he does now. “I don’t know, a kid or two might be nice somewhere down the line,” she admits nervously. “Right?”
“It would,” he replies softly with a smile. “I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it once or twice tonight.”
“Really?” When Matt nods, she smiles and her shoulders relax.
“Well Severide said I should probably keep that to myself but I don’t care.”
“I don’t want you to keep it to yourself,” she tells him firmly but kindly. “You, Matt Casey, are always allowed to share what you see in our future with me. Okay?”
“Okay,” he nods happily. “I guess this test run isn’t so bad then, is it? If we’re on the same page about things.”
“No, it isn’t.” Her eyes light up and it’s all the confirmation Matt needs that he’s not alone in his baby fever. Their eyes stay fixed on each other, a soft and exciting tension washing over them.
The moment, however, is interrupted by Brian. He’s still in Matt’s arms but Matt suddenly hears what is probably the quietest, cutest yawn he’s ever heard come from Brian’s mouth.
“It’s getting late,” Sylvie realizes.
“Yeah, his bedtime was…” Matt checks the clock and his eyebrows immediately shoot up. “Twenty minutes ago?”
Sylvie looks at the baby in Matt’s arms, surprised. “You really had a lot of energy tonight, didn’t you? You were dancing past your bedtime, little buddy!” “Well I don’t blame him, your performance was very entertaining,” Matt muses. “Maybe a little too good,” she realizes with a giggle. “Come on, let's put him in the crib.”
“Aw come on,” Matt pleads. “Just a few more minutes? I don’t think he wants to move.”
“You are a bad influence, Matt Casey.” Sylvie shakes her head amusedly. She soaks in the sight though and can’t resist. Brian is draped over Matt's chest, his head now resting on his shoulder as his eyes flutter tiredly. Matt’s hand covers the little boy’s entire back, rubbing circles on it gently as he stabilizes the boy. Sylvie bites her lip for the second time that night and Matt knows she’s going to concede. “He does seem to be comfortable there though,” she counters reluctantly.
“Very comfortable,” he corrects her. What can he say? He just wants to sit in this little fantasy of his for a little longer. He so rarely lets himself hope like this that it feels almost necessary to extend this for as long as possible. Besides, Brian Cruz is adorable, it’d be crazy if he didn’t think of a kid of his own-- at least a little-- while he’s here. “I, however, am not.”
“Well here, come up to the couch. That’ll be more comfortable for the both of you,” she tells him, her voice now hushed and soothing so as to calm Brian down and not interrupt his process of slowly falling asleep.
Matt carefully gets up and shifts onto the couch, Brian still in his arms. He leans back and lets Brian sprawl out against his chest. The boy is light, no more than 15 pounds, but it’s still enough to put a light pressure on Matt’s chest.
He doesn’t mind. In fact, it’s the opposite. He loves it.
Sylvie stands up too, clearing the toys off the floor as Matt watches Brian’s breathing, the rise and fall of the small boy’s chest against his. It’s weirdly soothing and he soon feels his breathing match Brian’s, his eyes fighting to stay open. The singing and dancing and playing around really took the energy out of both of them.
When she’s done, she looks down at the two fatigued boys, smiling gently at the sight before curling up next to Matt on the couch. She holds Brian’s hand with her index and her thumb, and runs a soft hand over his head, before Matt’s arm wraps around her shoulder and she tucks her head in the nape of his neck.
“That’s better,” Matt beams, a tired smile on his face. He moves to press a kiss to Sylvie’s forehead.
“Much better,” she agrees quietly. “But we shouldn’t stay like this forever. He’ll need to go to his crib soon.”
“We’ll put him there soon,” he tells her. “Just five more minutes, babe…”
Wake up.
She feels those words ring through her body like an alarm. It sends the lights in her brain slowly turning back on as she eases into consciousness.
The first thing she sees, just barely and surrounded by a tired blur in her vision, is Matt. Brian’s still on his chest, both of them sleeping soundly. She smiles to herself, noting how peaceful her boyfriend looks in this position. Everything feels so warm. She’s cuddled up next to him, he’s lying with the baby. It all seems so picture perfect. She revels in it, if only for a moment.
She looks up and realizes it’s been twenty minutes since they’d fallen asleep— and Matt had promised only five. For a minute, she considers waking him up and telling him to bring Brian to his crib. She decides against it though, choosing instead to cuddle back into him and relax.
Joe and Chloe are going to be back any minute now. But she’ll be damned if she doesn’t soak every minute of this moment in. Before they’d figured things out and gotten together, Sylvie had scarcely allowed herself to feel things for him, nevermind daydream about the life they could have. But she looks at them, sees how truly good and comfortable Matt is with Brian, and can’t stop now. It’s addicting, dreaming about her future with Matt Casey. She intends to chase that feeling like it’s her only fix, especially since now she knows he’s thought about it too. Her dreams are his; theirs.
To Sylvie, that makes for a pretty good test run.
She falls back into Matt’s embrace, the three of them dozing off. They don’t wake up again until Joe and Chloe come back.
It’s the first night Brian Cruz gets a full night’s worth of sleep.
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sendme-2hell · 3 years
Rating the Books I read after Gideon the Ninth (in order) by how well they made me forget my Gideon the Ninth angst
I starred the ones that I actually recommend if you want something similar to gtn.
I was bored so I made this. Mostly just so I can look back at this and laugh at myself in a few months and remember what I’ve read. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
**Harrow the Ninth -Tamsyn Muir 
Summary: A depressed girl has to navigate murder attempts by both the mom and the dad of her dead ex-girlfriend who she can’t remember. She tries to make soup and writes fanfic to cope. 
How well it helped me forget: -100/10 but also 10/10 
Rating explanation: This one gets a 10/10 because it did make me feel better about a *particular* GTN plotpoint which I was very angsty about, but tragically it did make me more feral. After reading it I reread both books so I don’t think it helped me forget my angst. 
Similar themes to GTN: all of it, plus more memes 
I Want to Be Where The Normal People Are - Rachel Bloom 
Summary: Rachel Bloom who wrote the world’s most relatable song: “You Stupid Bitch,” and starred/created in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, writes about having anxiety, feeling like she’s not normal, and Harry Potter fanfic.
How well it helped me forget: 8/10
Rating explanation: For a few minutes I actually did forget about my griddlehark angst while I learned more about Bloom’s life and laughed at the painful relatability of it all. 
Similar themes to TLT: ummm depression, feeling very out of place, memes
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Summary: The book The Handmaiden was based on. A girl is sent to become a Lady’s handmaiden to con her out of some money. She falls in love. Many plot twists. 
How well it helped me forget: 5/10
Rating explanation: I was sadly still thinking about TLT the whole time I read this. I liked it but I actually like the Handmaiden better because the women spend more time together. Like in this book, I wish that Harrow and Gideon could spend more time together. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, at some point you realize the main character’s love interest understands what’s going on way more than the main character
Kindred - Octavia Butler 
Summary: Very dark book about slave narratives. I cannot make a joke here, but this book is excellent. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10 
Rating explanation: Again, I can’t make a joke. But Octavia Butler is amazing. 
Ash - Malinda Lo 
Summary: A wlw retelling of Cinderella with fairies and an emphasis on stories 
How well it helped me forget:7/10
Rating explanation: This was really quick and fun and I definitely was rooting for the lesbians. Also it was nice it had a happy ending! If you liked Crier’s War (which I did), this was clearly an influence for Nina Varela. 
Similar themes: wlw, the magic one + the fighting one dynamic
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel
Summary: A deadly pandemic wipes out so many people that the world spins into chaos and no one can figure out how to use electricity apparently? But the book is really about fame and wanting to be remembered. Go figure.
How well it helped me forget: -10/10 
Rating explanation: Ok that’s not fair. It helped me forget about Gideon and Harrow but it did NOT help me forget about Corona. It was technically good and a lot of people I respect love it, but either because I was still thinking about TLT or because it was about a pandemic, I couldn’t really enjoy it. 
Similar themes: post-apocalyptic 
Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 
Summary: The Prince of England and The son of the president of the US are enemies. They are definitely enemies.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: This was such a fun read that it almost distracted me! Tragically I was in such TLT headspace that I kept pausing to read fanfics where Gideon and Harrow switch eyes. 
Similar themes: Enemies to lovers, queer
Troubling Love - Elena Ferrante 
Summary: In true Elena Ferrante fashion, an event spurs an Italian woman to do a lot of internal processing and have some flashbacks. 
How well it helped me forget: 7/10
Rating explanation: This book was a bit disturbing so it distracted me in that way. Plus I love Elena Ferrante’s writing so much that it felt like coming home to an old friend. Unfortunately for me, this is Elena Ferrante’s least queer book. I know because I have now read them all. Her most queer book, The Lying Life of Adults, would have distracted me better. Also just using this space to tell anyone who’s still reading this (probably no one) to go read My Brilliant Friend (and the corresponding Neopolitan Novels). They are not similar to TLT except they are vaguely queer and about competitive friendships where the girls are obsessed with each other in maybe an unhealthy way. Ok so a bit similar. Genuinely my favorite books ever. 
Similar themes: mommy issues, daddy issues, childhood trauma
On This Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous -Ocean Vuong
Summary: A Vietnamese immigrant reflects on his mother, grandmother, and his own life experience in the US. It is poetic and beautiful and will make you cry. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This book is beautiful. It really changes how you think about the US. Plus really interesting stuff about the western way of telling stories. Cannot recommend it enough, though very little to do with TLT. 
Similar themes: queer, stuff about language, childhood trauma, you will cry
**The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: OK sorry none of those were good suggestions for what to read after GTN. THIS is what you should read after GTN. It is an incredibly slow burn wlw enemies to lovers. There are dragons, there is magic, there are very cool female characters who I am in love with. This is like Game of Thrones but if it was good, queer, and only one 800 page book. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Enemies to lovers!!!! What more do I have to say? Also very cool world-building, interesting religious themes. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, religious themes, magic, very old wizard milfs, also mlm
*The Traitor Baru Cormorant 
Summary: Baru is a very smart girl in a colonized island. She decides she will play the game of the colonizers, rise up in their society, and destroy them from within. How is that going, Baru? 
How well it helped me forget: 100/10
Rating explanation: This DID make me forget TLT. The only book to truly make me. It made me forget so badly that I wanted my Griddlehark angst BACK. GIVE ME IT BACK I don’t wanna feel sad about Baru anymore. I cannot recommend it more, it is so good, but it did make me ugly cry. It also made me majorly depressed about colonization and the state of the world. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, ending will make you cry
*The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru is depressed, has brain damage, throws up a lot, is sad about (redacted), does some things without remembering them because there’s something going on in her brain. Sound familiar? It’s kinda like Harrow the Ninth but more depressing. Oh also a lot of new characters are introduced, old characters come back, a lot of setup for the next book. Euler’s identity shows up out of nowhere?! 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Again, it made me forget but only because I was so engrossed in this story. Also kinda depressed. This book is kinda depressing. But Baru is very fun to be around, and there are some other great characters. Marry me, Yawa. 
Similar themes: again, this is just harrow the ninth on steroids, I am in love with every single woman in this series
*The Tyrant Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru makes a new bestie, reunites with an old bestie, and discovers a dead bestie in her brain!
How well it helped me forget: 1000/10
Rating explanation: I loved this book. There were a few scenes I reread >four times. This book makes the other books in the series worth it. 
Similar themes: please see my venn diagram comparing tlt, baru, and A memory called empire for more information
*The Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo 
Summary: A girl has seen ghosts her whole life and because of that, gets accepted at Yale even though she didn’t finish high school. Yale is like a hotspot for ghosts I guess. It’s dark academia, the girl has a secret, the narrator is pretty funny.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: I was trying to get distracted from TLT (and Baru at this point), but it’s hard to forget about Harrow and Gideon in a book called The Ninth House (hello?). It was enjoyable and there was some good humor. I’m curious about the next book in the series when it comes out. It is not wlw unless you squint (which I do). 
Similar themes: debatably wlw body posession, nine houses, the ninth one being important, nerd boy who reminds me of pal, woman is revealed to be MUCH older than I originally thought, soul eating, revenants, tombs, necromancy, character named Mercy
The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: It’s the future and London is a hotspot for clairvoyants. Paige is a woman who has a special gift and can jump into people’s bodies and possess them briefly (among other things, this is a terrible explanation). Because of this, she is sent to a secret part of the city where clairvoyants are trained to be monster fighters (but also like, kept there in captivity against their will). Unlike every other book on this list I honestly wouldn’t recommend. I know there are other books in the series. If you’ve read on and it gets better let me know. (I know no one has gotten this far reading this but still)
How well it helped me forget: 4/10
Rating explanation: This one was disappointing because I loved Priory of the Orange Tree so much. This book did not distract me from my griddlehark or barhu feels. There’s also a character named Warden so I thought about SexPal a lot. 
Similar themes: enemies to lovers, ghosts, possession, queer but only background characters 
****The Unspoken Name - A.K. Larkwood 
Summary: A girl is in an isolated cult that wants her to die as a sacrifice (sound familiar?). A definitely not evil wizard helps her escape. She meets a cute necromancer who’s also kinda from a cult. She goes on some gay adventures, gets the help of a morally grey older necromancer (who I’m in love with), and fights with her frenemy. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This is the most similar to TLT on this list. Gideon and Csorwe would be friends. Seriously I recommend this! And the second book comes out soon! And it’s not sad like TLT or Baru! 
Similar themes: sword lesbian + necromancer dynamic, wlw enemies to lovers, cults, tombs, necromancy, character named “the sleeper”, also mlm
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue - V. E. Schwab 
Summary: Adeline Larue made a deal with a demon in 1714 France, because she wanted to see the world and stuff. It backfires of course. She is immortal but no one remembers her. This causes all sorts of problems and makes her very angsty. The narrative flashes between her going through the years, and her falling in love with the only person who will remember her. 
How well it helped me forget: 2/10
Rating explanation: I know people loved this book but I did not. I liked the last 50 pages, I’ll give it that. I wish it was more queer (it was a little queer). 
Similar themes: as I said, a little wlw, immortality, demons, I guess falling in love with someone and them not remembering you now that I think about it 
Sula - Toni Morrison 
Summary: A story about two black women in the 1920’s-1960’s in an Ohio town. It is really great and interesting. It is a book about complicated female friendships (among so many other things that better writers not writing a list no one will read about their TLT feels have outlined) which I love. I was told I should read this after the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante and it did not disappoint. Same vibes. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This was just a great book. Has really nothing to do with TLT
Similar themes: debatably queer 
*Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect,  - Martha Wells
Summary: Muderbot is an artificial construct who just wants to be left alone to watch tv, damnit! It doesn’t want to interact with humans, and it definitely does not want to talk about feelings. Too bad some humans want to become friends with it.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: These books were so good. They did help me forget! The books are really about having anxiety, making friends, and letting yourself have feelings. Also they are SO FUNNY. Highly recommend. In the way that I love Gideon’s POV, I love Murderbot’s POV
Similar themes: funny narrator, queer characters, space, people who don’t want to deal with their feelings being forced to deal with their feelings
*A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine 
Summary: Mahit is sent a dangerous, evil empire to be an ambassador. Lots of beautiful writing about colonialism, assimilation, language, and culture.There is gay angst and funny characters. I am once again in love with a morally grey older woman character. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Yes this book is great and did distract me from gtn (mostly. I did end up reading a great fanfic about wake, g1deon, and pyrrah in the middle but otherwise...). It is part of my holy trilogy of wlw books (this, baru, tlt) that I just read recently. The next book comes out on March 2nd so it will be a good distraction from waiting for Alecto. Like Baru, it made me feel like shit about colonialism but unlike the other two books in my trilogy (redacted but if you’ve read those books you know) didn’t happen. It had a not too sad ending. 
Similar themes: see my venn diagram, but seriously what is going on with brain surgery in these books...
*The Luminous Dead - Cailtin Starling 9/10
Summary: A woman needs money and to get the money she goes on a risky cave dive. It turns out the only contact she has with the rest of the world is a woman who’s kinda a dick. It’s 400 pages of creepy cave diving and these two women talking to each other. It’s creepy and uncomfortable and I loved it. I did spend the whole book thinking it would be such a good story podcast.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: It did make me forget about tlt! There are some kinda boring parts but it pays off. The relationship between the two main characters is very interesting (though a bit fucked up). 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, traumatised characters, shitty moms
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outofsstyles · 4 years
a/n: hello my loves!! I’m very excited to share this one with you all!! This is my fic for @berrynarrybanana‘s Sex Bucketlist Challenge, the prompt I chose being ‘Against The Wall’!! So before anything, I just wanted to say a special thank you to Casey and everyone that helped put together the challenge, it was really fun to do :) this one is basically a bit of plot with a lot of smut sooo... as always feedback is very welcome, and I hope everyone enjoys it!!
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Word count: 7.7k
Pairing: boyfriend!Harry + reader
Rating: M
You go out for brunch with an old friend and Harry’s frustrated.
You sigh contently as you find yourself slowly waking up.
The soft sound of your alarm plays in the background, making you reach your arm from under the warm covers to stop the noise. Once the room gets quiet again, you allow yourself to relax back to your previous position, snuggling further into your boyfriend’s body. You assume he’s asleep, considering he’s a heavy sleeper -especially on his off days - usually needing a bit coaxing until he wakes up from his deep slumber. 
Even with your eyes closed, you can still picture his peaceful face. His eyelids resting gently on his cheekbones, lips forming a slight pout as he breathes out small puffs - sometimes a snore or two between them. It’s something that with time you’ve learned to find it endearing, getting to a point where you now have a hard time sleeping without his sleeping sounds.
You’re almost dozing off once again when you feel Harry shifting behind you. A small groan catches your attention, making you aware that he is, in fact, awake. The arm that’s mindlessly draped over your hip moves up, pulling you further into his body so that your back is fully against his chest. You can feel him nosing up into your hair, his lips brushing on your neck over the strands.
At this point you know for sure he doesn’t plan on getting any extra snoozing minutes in the morning. He shifts once more, you can feel his head moving up and, even with your eyes still shut you can tell he’s looking down at you with hooded eyelids and morning puffy lips. 
His fingers work on moving your locks gently from your neck, quickly moving down to press soft kisses along your now-exposed shoulder. The feeling is soft and gentle as he works his way up to your neck, stopping for a moment to nuzzle further — breathing you in. His breath hits your skin and the ends of his hair tickle the side of your face. 
You can’t help but let out a giggle at the feeling, shrugging your shoulder slightly. “Go back to sleep, we still have a few minutes,” you whisper, though he seems to ignore you, only sucking lightly on your skin in response. “Harry.”
He hums in response, you can tell he’s barely aware of the words coming out of your mouth. His hands grabbing into your waist tighter as he moves up to splatter kisses on your jawline. It’s at this moment he brings his hips to meet yours with a small roll that you realize what’s happening, becoming aware of the growing bulge inside his sweats.
For the first time in the morning, you shoot your eyes open, looking over your shoulder to the needy man behind you. 
His hair is charmingly messy from having just woken up as he looks down at you for a moment. As you predicted, his rosy lips are almost inviting you to bite into them. You notice his darkened irises when he thrusts his hips against your backside once again, this time breathing out a whimper as he presses his forehead against yours.
“So that’s what this is all bout, huh?” You turn your body to face him, reaching your hand to move some locks away from his face. 
“Need you,” he mutters, his thigh moving between your legs as he pulls you closer to him.
“Can see that,” you chuckle, alluding to his lump pressing on the base of your stomach. “Need some love, don’t you, baby?”
“Please,” he groans, his lips finding yours hungrily as he pulls you into a kiss.
It’s evident to you how much he’s yearning for it by the way he wastes no time licking into your mouth. Still, he moves are slow and lazy,  maybe from the sleepiness that still takes over both your heads. But you’re thankful for how it allows you to enhance the feeling of his lips moving against yours. 
You can feel the damp in your underwear starting to grow, trying to press your thighs together to get some kind of relief, only to be prevented by his own that’s placed between them. It’s not clear if he can feel your arousal pooling on your underwear or not, but it doesn’t really matter to you when you feel him flexing his muscle under you. The new pressure makes you roll your hips almost involuntarily, the friction hitting your clit in just the way you need it. You can’t help the moan that escapes your throat, only digging your nails deeper into his roots.
Harry’s hand grips tighter onto your waist, guiding your hips to hump on his thigh once more. The covers around you that once served as a warm shelter from the chilly night are now suddenly too hot, making you grab onto them blindly and pushing it away from your tangled bodies. You reach your hand back to his hair, pulling it gently and earning a muffled whimper from him.
Despite having just woken up, you can feel every cell of your body completely aware. It’s the effect he has on you. Being able to fill up all your senses in the most endearing yet overwhelming way. The taste of his tongue on your mouth. The grip of his hand over the thin layer of your pajama shirt. The feeling of his muscle rubbing deliciously on your clothed pussy. It’s almost too much, but yet you still want more -- need more.
He pushes you back slowly into the mattress so he can hover his body above yours, breaking your kiss just for a moment as he finds his spot quickly between your thighs. You press your heels under his bum, pulling him in so your hips can meet.
At this point, your minds are clouded by the desire of having the other as close as possible. Your moves are still lethargic from sleep and the kiss is getting a bit sloppy, your tongues meeting lazily and your teeth clutching awkwardly, but neither of you seems to mind.
One of his hands travels down your body, finding the hem of your -his- oversized shirt and slipping under it. Your skin is warm under his touch as he caresses your waist tenderly. He moves it up teasingly slow, and it’s at the moment his thumb meets the side of your breast that the sound of your alarm echoes once again.
On any other occasion, you would simply ignore it, turn it back down and go back to enjoying Harry’s touch. But what makes you groan in frustration is the realization of the particular sound that was taking over the previously quiet room. Is the one sound you had chosen to indicate that you had plans for the day, and that was your final warning to get up if you don’t want to be late for them. You remember when you set it, knowing your own tendencies of just ignoring your alarm and stealing a few more minutes of sleep.
At the time you gave yourself a pat in the back for thinking of this solution, but right now you just wish you had never thought it in the first place.
“Leave it,” Harry says, spreading kisses across your cheek as you reach your arm to turn off the sound. You want nothing more than to listen to him and pretend the interruption never happened, but in this case, you just move your hands to his shoulders, pushing him away from you gently. His brows knit together at the gesture, his hand grabbing your wrist as you sit up, trying to pull you towards him. “What’s this for? Come back here.”
“We don’t have time, H.” You sigh, rubbing your hand on your forehead. “We’re meeting Alice for brunch.”
“Brunch?” he scoffs, lying back down dramatically. The frustration from the sudden interruption evident in his voice, and you don’t blame him for it.  “Whose idea was it to meet for brunch?”
You giggle at his dramatics, shaking your head slightly. “You know very well whose it was.” You say, “now c’mon grumpy get up, we have to get ready.”
“Can’t believe I’m being denied morning sex for brunch,” he says. “You’re a monster for this.”
You laugh, leaning back down to give him a small peck. “We just have to do this one thing today,” you whisper, caressing your thumb against his hairline. “Then I’m all yours, okay?”
“Sounds promising,” he sighs, grinning up at you, his eyes watching your lips shamelessly. “Give me one last kiss then?”
You happily oblige his request, closing the space between the two of you and meeting his waiting lips. But before you can pull back his hand reaches for your neck, tangling on your hair and pulling you back in. His tongue licks your bottom lip and you allow him to deepen the kiss for just a moment, earning a small whine as you separate from him.
“Do we really have to go to this brunch?” he asks, gazing at you with a pout on his mouth and a frown between his brows, much like a child that’s being denied his favorite treat. 
You shake your head at him, getting up from the bed. “Yes we do, H — this has been planned for weeks now,” you arch your eyebrows at him. “Alice is very excited about this double date.”
“Can’t wait to spend hours with Mr. and Mrs. Perfect,” he buffs, rolling his eyes.
“Harry!” You laugh, picking up a pillow and throwing it playfully at him. “Behave, please — this is not the most pleasing experience for me as well.”
“Then why are we even going?” He moves his hand to lie on top of your knee, caressing his thumb against it. This gesture might seem innocent in a different context, but you know very well what he’s trying to achieve with his fingers tapping on your skin. And you know that it only takes one look into his puppy eyes for you to fall into his trap.
So you shake your head slightly, reminding yourself that you do not want to deal with a mad Alice if you cancel the plans for the day.  And with that thought in mind, you finally get up from the bed, causing Harry’s hand to fall back on the wrinkled sheets, meeting his pleading eyes for just a moment before you respond to his question still lingering in the air.
“Because I’m a good friend,” you turn on your heels in the bathroom's direction, glancing at him over your shoulder. “Also, she’s not Mrs. Perfect yet, they’re just engaged,” you can see his grin widen at your words. You stop by the bathroom entrance, pointing a finger back at him, your eyes flicker for barely a second to the growing bulge straining his sweats, “take care of your… Problem, and go get ready.”
The cold water drops stream down your face when you hear a soft knock on the door behind you, followed by a mop of curls entering the bathroom space. 
You reach for the face towel lying on the hook next to the big mirror in front of you, catching Harry’s eyes on the reflection as he approaches you with a smug look on his face. It’s the face he makes when he’s just done something cheeky. That being when he broke your favorite mug by accident, or, well, in this case, jerked off on your bed while you took a shower.  His arms quickly wrap around your middle, his nose nuzzling into your wet strands. The position is similar to the one you found yourself in the earlier, and you know very well that if you allow it his hands will be quick to untie the strings of your robe and finish what you started.
The thought of it it’s tempting and makes you lean back on him, tilting your neck just a bit so he’s able to press a kiss on your jaw. 
“Smell so good,” he points out, resting his chin on your shoulder and meeting your gaze in the reflection.
“Thank you,” you bite back a smile, dabbing the towel against your cheeks to dry your face. “Used your shampoo.”
“I can tell, love,” he gives one last peck on your hair, unwrapping his arms from around you and walking towards the shower. “My turn now.”
He peeks at you over his shoulder, you can see his smirk growing as his hands wrap on the hem of his pajama shirt, pulling it over his head. You know what he’s doing. He’s teasing you. It almost seems like a punishment -- if you think about it. And he knows it.
You try not to fall for it, though, quickly moving your eyes away and trying to occupy yourself with your body lotion. But you can’t help but wander your eyes in his direction again once you hear the faucet being open.
Harry’s broad shoulders are a sight you can never get enough of. The way the muscles on his back flex when he moves a certain way. His sun-kissed skin, from the morning hikes he does every so often, makes you want to bite and suck into it, carve your nails along his back -- mark him in the way that makes him moan into your ear. He leans to pull down his sweats and you almost lose it. 
“Everything alright?” His voice breaks you from your thoughts, making you jump. You look up to meet his eyes once again glancing at you from over his shoulder. You want to slap the grin out of his face for not only making you fall for his trap, but also for catching you while doing it.
“Yes!” You clear your throat, breaking the eye contact, and putting back the forgotten lotion laying on your hands. “I’ll finish getting ready,” you nod to yourself, turning on your heels and leaving the small space without sparing another look in his direction.
It’s not hard to spot Alice as soon as you enter the small cafe she chose for the occasion. 
She’s one of the few people sitting at a table on the terrace, her polished vintage dress looking oddly out of place compared to the laid-back outfits of the group of girls sitting a couple of tables away. Her blonde hair is pulled perfectly on top of her head, not a single strand out of place. 
There’s a reason Harry and you call her “Mrs. Perfect” — which is a nickname you’d never dare to speak out loud outside of your little inside joke bubble. And that is, she’s always been impeccable on every single aspect of her life. She was a perfect student. She’s a perfect daughter. And well, she’s soon to be the perfect wife.
Growing up with a friend like her around was annoying for sure, but you soon got used to the comparisons, learning to ignore them. After all, it’s not like you ever had a choice with Alice, you two pretty much were born into this friendship — considering your mothers were old college friends. 
But despite everything, you still genuinely like Alice. She’s become like one of those cousins you may have nothing in common with, but you’ve been through so much together that you can’t picture your life without them.
She knows you better than anyone. Well, almost anyone. 
Which is why you feel silly for the growing nervous feeling settling itself at the pit of your stomach, you’ve known her your entire life for god’s sake, what are you even nervous about? It still doesn’t stop you from fidgeting with the fabric of your dress skirt, rubbing your palms through it swiftly as you approach her.
Harry keeps his hand firm on your waist, his thumb caressing it soothingly as he pulls you against him. You’re grateful for his reassuring gesture, knowing that although he probably still feels frustrated for not being able to get off properly earlier, he still pulls it aside to comfort you when he feels you tense up. It’s something that makes your heart skip a bit lightly, how sweet he can be without having to say a single word.
A squeal leaves Alice’s lips as soon as she notices you, jumping from her chair with a smile big enough that almost takes over her entire face. 
“I missed you so much, sis!” She pulls you into a tight hug, her voice roaring in your ear. “It’s been way too long, almost seems like your running away from me.”
You’re instantly met with the strong scent of lavender as you try to embrace her in an awkward position -- her arms being wrapped over your own.  “Wouldn’t dream of that.” 
She withdraws with her hands grabbing onto your shoulders, the amused expression never leaving your face as she scans your body. “I love the dress!” She drops her arms to find a hold on your hands, barely giving you any time to thank her. “It’s really nice to see you again.”
“It’s nice to see you too,” you say, catching a glimpse of the sparkle on her finger, caused by the brand new ring resting in it. You gasp as you remember the sole reason why she invited you for this brunch, “Oh! Congratulations again, by the way, I bet you two are really excited.”
“Thank you! Jamie and I can’t wait, we’ve already started planning everything, and it’s barely been a week!” She squeals, locking her arm with her silent fiancé, who simply smiles shyly at her when she brings her hand up to show you the ring up close. “And thank you for the flowers, they’ve matched perfectly with our new marble countertop.”
“Of course they did,” you chuckle, “Harry actually is the one who chose them.” You grin at your boyfriend who’s standing awkwardly next to you, finding his hand with yours.
“Oh,” she finally acknowledges him when you pull him closer to include him in the conversation. “I didn’t know you liked flowers, Harry.”
He shrugs, “I mean, who doesn’t like flowers, right?” He gazes down at you with a smile you know it’s one he only gives for the sake of being friendly.
The thing is, you know Harry and Alice never really got along. You don’t know exactly why, but they just don’t seem to mesh well together. At the beginning of your relationship, he did try his best to please her, seeing she’s a big part of your life. But the poor thing never really seemed to get it right with her. And it doesn’t help that she’s always been vocal about her discontent with you two being together (once going as far as trying to match you with one of Jamie’s friends).
So Harry gave up on attempting to get her to like him, accepting that you’d never leave him because of her. You know on the inside; it killed him, being a people-pleaser was in his nature, but he also did not feel like simply sitting back and watching her completely disregard your relationship.
Most of the time, you find it amusing to watch them bicker at each other in the most passive-aggressive ways, but right now as you feel the tension grows in the air you just want to get this over with as fast as possible.
“So why don’t we sit down and take a look at the menu? I’m starving!” You exclaim, not waiting for an answer as you make your way to sit on a chair that wasn’t previously occupied, patting the one next to you happily as you motion for Harry to sit on it.
It doesn’t take long until Alice starts babbling excitedly about all the topics regarding her wedding preparations. You try your best to keep up with the amount of information she’s throwing at you while you nab a piece of the blueberry pancake that’s presented in front of you — which, in a first look seemed like something right out of a Pinterest page. Taking into consideration that your knowledge about anything wedding-related comes from Say Yes To The Dress, you don’t really say much, only nodding along to her words.
It’s when she mentions something about the difference in cake layers (something about how she wanted to stick with the traditional format if there even is a difference), that’s when you feel it. Harry’s hand settling on top of your knee — much like it had earlier in the morning, and just like then, you know it’s not just a simple gesture of affection as you feel his fingertips circling gently on your skin. 
At this point, your mind has completely toned out from the conversation, Alice’s voice becoming more of background noise. Your focus is entirely on his hand moving teasingly slow up under your dress skirt, the movement sending a sparkle down your spine right to a growing damp spot on your underwear. 
You glance at him and he has a shit-eating grin on his face, his eyes fixated on the chatty girl as he nods along to whatever she’s rambling about. He glimpses at you for a moment, though, catching your eyes watching him before he leans down to take a sip of his drink. His tongue pokes out to wrap around the reusable straw.  The action is simple, and it wouldn’t even mean anything if his hand didn’t grip on your thigh, moving up again so now it’s completely covered by your dress.
It’s ridiculous, really, how affected he can make you by doing something as trivial as siping on his drink. You could blame yourself for taking your mind to the filthiest places over a simple gesture, but it’s when he pulls back a bit too early, allowing a bit of juice to drip down his chin, that you know he’s doing it on purpose.
He makes a show of peeking at you again when he moves his thumb to catch the drop running down his skin, licking into it quickly before he breaks the eye contact again. You have to hold back as to not shake your head in disbelief at his teasing manner. Readjusting your posture, you gaze down at your plate, trying not to think of how his pinky is rubbing your skin dangerously close to your dripping core.
A call of your name makes you jump a bit, your eyes shooting up to meet Alice’s already watching you. She smiles as if she’s waiting for some kind of answer to a question you didn’t pay attention to, so you simply blink at her.
“Are you still with us?” She laughs, “Did you hear what I just said?”
You open your mouth but closes it again, not really knowing how to answer her. “I’m sorry—I — I was just thinking—”
“You’re always on your head, aren’t you?” She interrupts with a chuckle. “I was talking about your pair for the wedding.”
“Oh,” you say, your eyebrows connecting on a frown at her words. “I thought that—” you begin, glancing at Harry who’s just watching the scene with an amused grin on his face.
“I was thinking of pairing you with Noah, you remember him, right?” She questions.
Of course you remember Noah. He’s one of Jamie’s buff friends she had tried to set you up with on a couple of occasions. It doesn’t surprise you that’s she’s trying it again, this time using her wedding as an excuse. It still baffles you that after so long she’s still trying to pull this move. You try to think of how to find the right words to say to her proposal. You want to protest, of course. You want to argue. And more importantly, you want to tell her off.
But before a single word can come out of your mouth, your attention is brought back to Harry’s hand resting between your legs, as it now moves over your clothed heat. His finger applying the tiniest bit of pressure to where your clit aches with desire. You can’t hold back the small gasp that leaves your lips at the action, which makes the girl in front of you arch her eyebrows in confusion.
“I do remember — uhm, yes I— I know who he is,” you hit yourself mentally for being so flustered, feeling a warmth take over your cheeks as you reach for your glass of water to take a sip.
“Perfect! The pairing would be just for the ceremony,” she gazes at Harry with an apologetic smile. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s just that we’re closest to him, you know?”
“Of course,” he says while circling his fingers harsher over the material of your underwear. You swallow back a whimper, trying to clasp your thighs shut but his hand prevents you from doing so, only picking up the pace.
“I knew you’d understand, I’ve been telling Jamie it wasn’t that big of a deal,” Alice turns to her fiancé, grasping his hand lovingly, completely unaware of your change of behavior (which, for the first time in years, makes you glad for her self-absorbed nature).
It’s getting harder to stay still as you feel jolts of pleasure running through your body, the feeling of your climax getting closer at each second. You bring your hand to rest under your chin, leaning forward slightly as an attempt to cover your hips rolling on Harry’s hand. Focusing every cell in your body as to not let out a moan in the middle of the brunch table.
He knows you’re close, feeling you clench your thighs around his hand, your wetness already escaping the limits of your underwear. You can sense your orgasm building up, but before you can even feel the tightness in your stomach his movements cease and he retracts his hand completely from you. 
You’re thankful that Alice’s focus is on Jamie when you gaze at Harry with eyes almost cussing at him. He has the smuggest look on his face, though, picking up a strawberry that’s left on his plate and chewing it slowly. He meets your astounded gaze, arching his eyebrows as if they said: “got a taste of your own medicine.”  
When you finally step back into your apartment — after what seemed like an eternity of listening to Alice’s wedding talk — you barely have time to register your surroundings. The keys you were fumbling with fall from your hands to the wooden floor, and you find yourself pressed back against the wall next to the entrance door.
It takes you a second to reciprocate Harry’s hungry lips finding yours — being taken back by the sudden move.
The kiss is filled with a desire, a craving for each other that just seemed to grow stronger as time passed. Unlike the ones you shared earlier when you woke up, this time your lips move harsher, more desperate.
You allow your purse to fall mindlessly to the floor, bringing your hands to tangle on his locks. He is all you want to focus on. The taste of his lips. The shape of his arms. The grip of his hands on your waist. You want to feel every inch of his skin against yours. To get drunk on him. You’re aching for it.
A groan escapes his lips and gets lost on your throat as you pull on the root of his hair, scratching your nails on the base of his neck slightly.
“You drive me mad, darling,” his mouth brushes against yours. His low voice makes you open your eyes, only to be met with his own dark irises watching you. “Absolutely mad.”
“Yeah?” It’s all you manage to say when he moves to sponge kisses along your jawline, whining as his lips suck a spot on your skin.
He bites into your earlobe, “yeah, baby.” His voice is just above a whisper, the low tone sending a spark down your spine — contributing to the growing wet spot on your underwear. “Just wanna eat you up.”
You whimper, locking your eyes once again. Your hand moves down on his chest, grabbing his shirt in an attempt to pull him closer. “Please, H” 
“What is it, darling?” His face is growing on a smug grin, his eyes glimpsing with a look you know all too well. It’s the look he gives you when he wants to hear you beg him for it, no matter how desperate he is as well, you know he won’t budge. It makes you whine in frustration. “Tell me what you need, baby.”
“You— please, I—” you move your hips toward his thigh, trying to find some sort of relief. “Just need you.”
“I know, love. But I need you to tell me.” His hand grabs your chin gently, tilting it up so you won’t break eye contact. “Want me to lick into that pretty little cunt of yours?” the grip on your waist tightens, preventing you from rolling your hips against his thigh. “Want my fingers deep inside you ‘til you’re cumming all over my chin?” You whimper, “Is that what you need, baby?”
“Yes—yes, please,” you plead, the words coming out of your mouth rushed and slurred — thanks to your mind clouded with desire.
Harry leans to give you one last peck, sucking in your bottom lip gently before he pulls away. You’re glad that he doesn’t decide to tease you as he usually does — normally taking much longer to comply with your pleas, wanting to push all your buttons to almost your limit. 
Watching him get on his knees in front of you is quite the sight if you’re honest. You wish you could get it tattooed on the inside of your eyelids, the strands of his hair falling on his forehead when he gazes up at you with a smirk on his face. In a right state of mind, you’d poke at his dimples and splatter kisses all over his cheeks. But in the position you’re in, you only run your hand through his curls, moving the locks to get a better look of his eyes. A moan getting caught in your throat as you’re met with his dilated pupils.
His fingertips move along the skin of your leg, so softly that causes goosebumps to rise on the back of your neck. He leans forward to nuzzle his nose on the inside of your thigh, biting into the skin gently before he presses kisses on the area. The skirt of your dress falls around his head, preventing you from seeing what he’s doing.
You part your legs impatiently, rolling your hips once more.
“Patience,” he mutters against your skin, sucking it in for a second before he moves up. “Gosh, baby, can smell you from here,” he groans, pressing an open-mouthed kiss so close to where you need him that you almost melt in his touch. “Is this all for me?”
A whine escapes your lips, “All yours.”
You feel him press a kiss on top of your core before he pulls his head from under the fabric, staring up at you with the fondest smile on his face. “All mine, darling,” his hand move up your legs, playing with the waistband of your underwear before pulling it down slowly. “Always mine.”
He helps you step out of your underwear when it reaches the floor, throwing it blindly to his side. You can feel your arousal dripping on your skin now that you’re exposed. Harry’s hand wraps around your ankle, bringing your leg over his shoulder, making it so that you’re fully open for him. The sudden change of position makes you lose your balance a bit, leaning back on the wall and tangling your nails on his roots to prevent yourself from falling.
The look he gives you as he sucks into the spot on your inner thigh is almost obscene, but you can’t find it in yourself to break the eye contact. Your breath catches in your throat in anticipation when he noses into your skin, much like before, but this time around he doesn’t take his time, doesn’t tease, needing it just as much (if not more) than you do.
It seems like an eternity until you finally feel his tongue licking into your sensitive folds, your knees give out just a bit when you jerk your hips involuntarily. His hand moves from gripping into your hip to splay across your lower stomach, pinning you back against the wall lightly.
“Don’t fall,” you almost miss his voice, your mind hazy with desire. 
You feel a desperate need to see him, watch him work his tongue into you as he gazes up with his lust-filled eyes. But the bottom of your dress flows over his head, not leaving much for you to see, and it’s almost agonizing to an extent. So with trembling hands, you grab the fabric of your dress, barely pulling it up before you let it go as his lips wrap around your clit, teeth grazing it as he sucks the nub softly. 
“Shit— Harry, please,” you mumble under your breath, bumping your head on the wall behind you as you throw it back in a moan. Your fingers dig deeper into his locks, that being the only thing you can really hold on to — considering your surroundings. The action causes him to groan against you, sending the most delicious vibration as he brings his tongue to lick into your folds once more.
“Feels so good, baby— you’re so good,” you praise him in between moans, your hips now rolling against his mouth as he keeps eating you as if it’s his first meal in weeks. You know how smug he gets when praised, being the self-proclaimed narcissist he is, always loving to hear you say it. Say it how good he is. How good he makes you feel. How no one can do it like him.
The way he dives further just proves your point, burying his face into your pussy until not even his hair is visible to you. His hand gripping tightly onto your leg lets go, his fingertips caressing your skin, making its way to where his skilled mouth worked. He teases the tip of his finger on your entrance, rubbing it softly which makes you clench in anticipation.
You try to roll your hips impatiently, but the hand on your stomach keeps you in place. “Harry,” you whimper, feeling your high start to settle on the pit of your belly while he works his tongue on your clit. “Fuck—please,” his finger still circles on your folds, entering just barely. “Please— almost there.”
With that, he slides fully in, rubbing his finger against your walls before pulling it back out. Before you can even find it in your mind to complain about the emptiness he pushes two digits back inside, working on a fast pace that makes your stomach tense, and your knees threaten to give out once more. You can feel the pleasure take over your entire body as you get closer and closer to your high. Harry knows it too, he knows those signs all too well. The way you flutter around his fingers. The way you repeat his name -- almost like a mantra, under your breath. The way you can’t control your hips as they jerk towards his mouth.
You still announce it to him, though, muttering “I’m cumming,” repeatedly as you moan, your voice coming out in a high pitch. 
Harry doesn’t respond, however, only increasing his movements as he helps you prolong your orgasm as much as he can. His tongue only working harder on your clit, making you arch your back against him. Your hands flop around you trying to find something to hold on to, one grabbing his hand that’s still spread on your belly while the other tries to grasp on his hair over the material of your dress.
Your eyes are closed shut when you feel your leg drop from his shoulder, his hands finding their way to grip on your waist so you don’t lose your balance. He pulls his head from under your dress, getting up to pin you against the wall. You’re still trying to catch your breath when you open your eyes, only to be met with his smirk looking down at you.
His body is pinning you against the wall, to which you’re grateful for, considering you don’t trust your shaky legs. His chin is glistening with your arousal, and you can feel it once he leans down to connect your lips. 
He presses his pelvis against yours, allowing you to feel the very prominent bulge of his cock straining under his trousers. You mewl at the thought of finally having him buried inside of you after hours of yearning for it. Despite still being sensitive from your orgasm, you still long for more, you crave for that overwhelming feeling of having him fill up all of your senses.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, as a way to keep your balance once his hand leaves your hips to fiddle with his belt. He keeps your mouths connected, his tongue licking into your mouth in an almost desperate manner. He pulls back for a moment once his trousers loosen around his hips, stepping back to push them down along with his briefs — not having the patience to pull them out all the way, so he simply just lets them hang around his knees.
And just as he does so his cock slaps out of his briefs to stand proudly upon his stomach. There’s a line of precum already dripping down his length as it looked so inviting it makes your mouth water and your knees buckle in anticipation.
“Come here,” he commands, closing the space between you as his hands pat at the back of your thighs.
You don’t have to be told twice, wrapping your legs around his middle as he hoists you, backing you against the wall for support. The new position making so that his tip brushes just barely between your folds. It’s enough, however, to send a chill straight to your drenched core, making you clench around the emptiness.
“Harry,” you whimper, carving your nails onto his shoulder blades.
The sound makes his smirk grow, “left me aching for you, love,” he mutters, it’s clear he’s trying to keep a composed front, but his uneven breath and his grip on your waist betrays his intention. He reaches his hand to grip his cock, stroking the tip between your lower lips. “Gonna let me fuck you now, darling?”
Your breath hitches on your throat as you nod, the closeness making your noses brush. Please stumble out of your lips without a single thought behind them, the expectation clouding your mind.
He doesn’t waste another second, pushing his hips so that you can finally feel him filling you up in just the way you craved since the moment you had woken up. His head falls forward, connecting your foreheads as he curses under his breath. You whine when he stops once he’s fully buried inside of you, moving your hips impatiently.
“Just—” you breathe out, “move— please, fuck me.” 
“Look at you,” he pulls back just a bit, moving his hand down to grip at your ass. “Gonna let me have you against the wall, baby?”
You don’t have time to even register his words as he slams his hips against yours, not giving you any time to adjust to his hard pace. It’s just what you need, though, having fast and rough, his hands grasping so tightly at your skin you know it’ll probably leave a mark later on, but you don’t mind it — you want it, even, as a reminder of the blissful feeling that is having him thrusting his cock inside of you as he pins you against the hard surface.
“God, baby — fuck — such a good girl,” he grunts, letting his head leans to lie at the base of your neck. “Feel so good, so tight around me.”
The filth of his words only makes you clasp your walls around him, only enhancing the euphoric feeling of his length pounding inside of you. It rips a high moan from both your lips — Harry’s being muffled as he bites down into the skin of your shoulder. You know it won’t take long for you to reach your second orgasm, already feeling the pressure settling at the pit of your stomach.
You just have one problem.
And that being the discomforting throb starting to creep at your lower back. You try to ignore it and focus solely on the pleasure slowly taking over your body, but you soon start to shift around as he presses you further against the wall.
Harry senses your annoyance when your whimpers start to become less frequent. So he pulls his head back from its previous position that allowed him to suck at the skin of your neck, slowing his pace as he looks at you with a puzzled expression. “Everything alright?”
You groan in frustration as he ceases his movements. “It’s just—” you can’t help but chuckle at your situation, shaking your head at yourself. You’re almost embarrassed to say it out loud focusing your glance at a spot over his shoulder. “The wall isn’t really doing wonders for my back,” you shift again.
He giggles. He straight up giggles at you, it would make you roll your eyes if his cock wasn’t still buried inside of you. 
“Stop laughing, I shouldn’t have said anything.” 
“You’re adorable,” he smiles fondly down at you, “Can you stand?”
You nod, “I think so, yeah.”
He steps back, pulling out of you completely as he allows you to place your wobbly legs on the floor. He places his hands on your hips, guiding you to face the wall, “turn around for me, baby.”
You do as he says, turning to face away from him. His hand presses between your shoulders, nuzzling you so that your chest is now pressed against the solid surface, your hands resting next to your face as you glance at him.
His hand caresses your hair away from your face, part of it sticking to your forehead thanks to the thin layer of sweat that’s forming on your skin. You barely have any time to register his tender gesture, though, as he pushes his length right back in, picking up his rough pace so easily that it was as if nothing had interrupted it. It’s sudden, and it rips a moan right out of your throat, your nails digging at the wall.
“There we go,” it’s impressive how quick his voice goes back to its low and raspy tone, having gushed at you not even ten seconds ago. “Have to make sure - shit, darling - have to make sure you’re feeling good.”
“So good,” you whine.
The new position makes it harder for you to meet his eyes, but you don’t think about it for long, feeling yours roll to the back of your head as he slams his hips just right. 
His hands tangle on your hair, pulling at it so that you lean back to meet his chest. You don’t even register when he reaches behind your legs, only realizing it when you feel his fingers circling at your clit. And there it is again. You climax feeling so close you can almost see it. 
Your walls pulsate around his cock as his rhythm becomes more and more desperate. His head leans forward, his hot breath hitting your ear as he mumbles a mixture of swears and urges. 
“Cum for me,” he moans, picking up the pace of his fingers rubbing at your nub. “Let me feel you, baby.”
This is the exact feeling you’ve been yearning for. The overstimulation that makes your legs give out and your body to spasm on his arms. You reach your high with a moan of his name and tears pooling up at your waterline, your hand reaching behind you to scratch his roots as he sucks a spot on your skin right at your jawline.
Harry’s orgasm doesn’t take much longer after yours, his thrusts becoming sloppier, his breathing heavy and uneven, being broken by a needy moan or two. Soon, you feel the so familiar warmth between your legs, the feeling of his climax making him stumble a bit onward, making your body pressed between his own and the wall.
It takes a bit until you manage to catch your breath, your dress sticking to your skin thanks to the sweat. When Harry pulls out, you can feel the warmth of his cum dripping down your legs, making you chuckle lightly as you turn to look at him. He’s leaning to pull out his trousers completely, the locks of his hair falling messily against his forehead.
“Looks like we need another shower,” you motion at the mess between your thighs.
“Are you calling me stinky?” He teases, stepping out of the clothing before straightening his posture. His face scrunches in a pained expression as he moves a hand to rub his back. “Think it’s not just your back that’s sore after this one, love.”
You giggle, shaking your head. “Seems like we both just need some nice, relaxing massages.”
He smirks at your suggestion, “like the sound of that.”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 3 years
Just us two
Alex Cabot x Reader
Summary- Alex feels bad always canceling dates on R, now Alex wants to make it up to R.
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Alex feels bad for canceling tonight's date again. She is in her office and she sighed heavily and she looks at the time 8:39 pm. She starts to work on the case she has to be ready for tomorrow. You were still at the restaurant and you sighed, your girlfriend had canceled four times now. You haven't spent time with her in a while, but you knew she is a workaholic when you first met her. You and Alex do live together and you go home.
You walked towards the bedroom and changed clothes. You lie on the couch and started to watch tv. You keep watching tv then checked your phone, no texts or missed calls from Alex.
You fell asleep on the couch and Alex came home at 1 am. You woke up and Alex gave you a small smile.
“Baby, I'm sorry I had to cancel again. I can't let this bastard go back in the streets. I have to put him away and I need to have strong evidence” Alex said.
“Alex, I know you work hard to scumbags away forever, I know that. But also, you need to live your life and I want to spend time with my girlfriend” You said.
“I care about you. It's hard to balance being a lawyer and spending time with you” Alex said.
“Last time we spent time together, it was four months ago!” You said.
“That can't be true,” Alex said.
She starts to think when was the last time, she spent time with you.
“See! You can't come up with a recent time” You said.
“Y/N, I'm sorry. You knew my work hours would all over the place-”
“I miss you! I have been going through a rough time. I know you work long hours but come on Alex... Just forget it. I don't even know what to say anymore” You said and looked away.
“Y/N I-”
You just walked away.
“I’m going back to sleep,” You said.
You know Alex has insomnia but she would cuddle with you sometimes. Alex watched you walk to the bedroom, she can tell you're mad. She does follow you and she lies next to you.
You woke up alone and you figured Alex went to work early. Alex is at the courthouse and she is on break, she called you but you didn't pick up. Casey noticed something is wrong and she sits down next to Alex.
“What’s wrong with you?” Casey asked.
“Y/N is angry at me,” Alex said.
“Why?” Casey asked.
“Because we haven't been spending time together,” Alex said.
“Being a lawyer can be tough. What are you going to do?” Casey asked.
“I have canceled our dates because of work. I would come home late and they will be sleeping or ignore me so we won't argue” Alex said.
“Then you take your work home?” Casey asked.
Alex nods “yes”
“My family has a cabin upstate. Take them there for the weekend or the week, I would give you the key later. Don't worry, my parents are in California and I don't need the cabin” Casey said.
“Casey, are you sure about this?” Alex said.
“I’m sure” Casey smiled.
“Thank you,” Alex said.
“Anytime. I have to get back to work, I will bring you the keys and I will text you the address later” Casey said.
You walked into Alex’s office and she kissed you.
“You seem happy. Did the bastard go to jail?” You said.
“Yes. But I also have some good news” Alex said.
“Oh,” You said.
“You and I are going away together. I asked for some time off. So, y/n what do you say? We go away to upstate. I really want to make it up to you” Alex said.
“I know you work hard and you want to help people, I get that. But yeah, I will go away with you” You said.
Alex wrapped her arms around you and she starts to kiss you. You pulled her closer and her lipstick is on your lips.
“You said, you needed me but I wasn't around. What happened?” Alex said.
You sighed “I lost my job. The company was doing cuts. I was bummed out but I'm over it”
Alex places her hand on your cheek.
“Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't there for you” Alex said.
“It's okay,” You said.
“No, it's not. You needed me and I wasn't, babe I'm so sorry” Alex said.
“You are going to make it up to me so that counts. So when are we leaving?” You said.
“We will leave after Casey gives me the keys to the cabin. It's her family’s cabin” Alex said.
“I didn't expect you to be the type who would stay in a cabin,” You said.
Alex smiled “just get ready later or I will change my mind”
You smiled and she kissed you again.
Hours later you and Alex arrived at the cabin. It feels cozy and it's big. You and Alex walk around the cabin and there is a queen-size bed. Alex lies on the bed and pulled you towards her. You and Alex start to smile. Her hand linked with your hand and she kissed your hand.
You come out of the shower and you noticed the lights are dimmed in the living room.
“What is wrong with the lights?” You asked.
“Well, I thought we will have dinner. My phone is on vibrate and I missed having dinner with you” Alex said.
You smiled and walked closer to her.
“I miss having dinner with you too. Let's eat” You said.
You helped Alex light the fireplace. You and Alex drink wine while having dinner together.
After dinner, you and Alex cuddle on the couch and drink more wine. Her lap is on top of your lap.
“I like this” Alex said.
“We owe Casey for giving us the cabin,” You said.
“Yeah, we do. I just want to enjoy the moment with you. I can't remember the last time we did this” Alex said.
“It's been a while. The food came out great” You said.
“I knew taking those cooking lessons would pay off. Remember when we took lessons a year ago” Alex said.
You nod “yeah, I remember. That was fun. Maybe we should do it again “
“Maybe we should” Alex said.
It's been a while since you and Alex slept in. Alex is spooning you and you felt her snuggle on you. She kissed your shoulder and your neck. The bedroom is getting colder and you turned around and Alex put her leg on top of you.
“I like waking up next to you,” You said.
“I like it too. It feels good waking up next to you. Come closer, babe” Alex said.
You hide your face on her neck and she traces random patterns on your arm. She kissed your head and you smiled.
“Let's stay in bed. You are so comfortable” You said.
“I don't want to move,” Alex said.
You and Alex stayed in bed all morning.
✯ ✬ ✫ ✫
There is a small town that you and Alex are exploring together. She took you to an ice skating rink
“You know how to ice skate?” You asked.
“I haven't ice skated since I was a teenager,” Alex said.
“Let's see what you remember” You giggled.
On the ice rink, Alex didn't have balance. You felt her grip tighten on your wrists, it did sting a little bit. You move slowly and when she is about to fall, you grabbed her fast.
“Apparently, that was a lie what you told me” You teased.
“Shut up” Alex laughed.
Now you and Alex stand by the rail. She won't let go of your hand.
“Let's get something to drink or we can keep ice skating,” You said.
“I rather have something to drink. You can stay here” Alex said.
“You won't let go of my hand,” You said.
“I can do it on my own” Alex said.
You laughed.
“That’s cute” You said.
Later you and Alex go to a restaurant to have dinner. You and Alex didn't talk about work and didn't bother checking the phones. Again you and Alex walked around before going home. She did buy you a souvenir at a gift shop.
“Let's go home,” Alex said.
You kissed her cheek “Sure, I will drive”
Once at home, you and Alex changed into pajamas. She has on your favorite pajama shirt, you and Alex sit on the couch and she starts to drink wine.
“We should go away more often,” You said.
“You are right. We will stay a couple more days, I'm in no rush to go back to the city” Alex said.
Alex puts the cup on the table. She put her hand on your neck and she starts to kiss you.
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Relationship Stahl ~ Charlie Conway x Adam Banks
A/N: Hi all, I'm on my Mighty Ducks bullshit, so sorry not sorry. This is just for fun. It's postcanon - could be canon with the show. I don't specifically go against anything. But yeah. Enjoy this fic for a movie that came out over 25 years ago. *Posts fic and runs away*
Summary: Charlie and Adam are idiots. And they finally figure that out thanks to Charlie's pen pal.
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Conway/Adam Banks, Charlie Conway, Adam Banks, Connie Moreau, Guy Germaine, Fulton Reed, Gunnar Stahl
Rating: T
Word Count: 2800
Warnings: Language ( I think that's it)
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^True love if I ever saw it ;)
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Charlie grinned at his laptop as he fired off his enthusiastic response to the latest email from his pen pal before flipping open his phone. Instead of scrolling through his contacts, he dialed the number he knew by heart.
“I literally just dropped you off,” his best friend laughed when he picked up on the third ring.
“And I couldn’t bear to be without you,” Charlie quipped back.
“What do you want, Charlie?”
Adam’s voice was undeniably fond and it made Charlie’s stomach flutter.
“How do you feel about going to the Wilds game on Saturday?”
“How’d you swing those tickets?”
Charlie shrugged even though Adam couldn’t see him. “I know a guy. So are you in? We can grab drinks with some of the ducks afterwards.”
He could practically hear Adam shaking his head and it made Charlie’s smile widen. He knew what his answer would be.
“Yeah, I’m in. Of course I’m in. I’ll pick you up at 5?”
“Sounds good.”
“Are the other ducks coming?
“I’m gonna see who’s around.”
“Alright. Can’t wait. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
Charlie smiled at the question in his voice.
“Of course. I’ll call you after work.”
“Good night, Charlie.”
“Night. Banksy. Text me when you get home, alright?”
“Will do.”
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Adam was wearing a Minnesota Wilds Jersey and a pair of tight-fitting jeans, when he knocked on the door of Charlie’s house.
He checked his watch. He was early.
He was always early.
Charlie probably wouldn’t be ready for another half hour, so he was surprised when the door swung open – at least until he saw Casey Conway’s smiling face.
“Adam, honey, how are you?” she cooed as she pulled him inside and into a tight hug.
“I’m great, Mrs. Conway. You’re looking lovely this evening.”
She swatted at him, but he saw her genuine smile. “Always a charmer.”
“How are you? How’s the diner?”
“I’m great. The diner is doing well. Business has really increased since we reopened after the renovations. We still have our regulars, but we’re getting more of a younger crowd too.”
“That’s awesome. And so well deserved.”
Adam could still remember when Charlie had sprinted into their college dorm room talking a mile a minute. He’d gleaned that there was a long lost uncle who’d passed and left his mother a rather large inheritance, and she was going to use that to buy out the diner that she’d been helping run for years.
Charlie had been so excited he’d nearly fell over because he forgot to breathe. Adam had spent the summer helping to paint and decorate the newly renovated diner.
“It’s been way too long since you’ve come over for dinner. Are you free next week?”
“Would Tuesday work?”
“Perfect. That’s my early night. And I’ll make your favorite pot pie.”
Adam grinned at the ceiling as he rocked back on his heels.
“You’re the best, Mrs. C.”
“Well, I won’t hold you up. I’m afraid I’ve already made Charlie late. I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“See you then.”
She gave him another quick hug before scurrying out the door.
Adam sighed as he checked his watch.
“Hey, Spazaway. Hurry up or we’re gonna be late!” he yelled up the stairs.
“I’m coming! Relax, cake-eater!”
There were several thumps as Charlie hopped on one foot to get his shoe on and then a slam of his bedroom door, but by the time he made it downstairs he looked perfectly disheveled in a cool way instead of a sloppy way. Classic Charlie. It’d be irritating if it wasn’t so attractive.
“Hey, Banksy. See, 5:15 right on time.”
“I told you I’d pick you up at 5,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, but we both know that at this point you tell me you’ll pick me up 30 minutes before we actually have to leave. So technically, I’m 15 minutes early,” Charlie grinned and slung an arm around his shoulder.
Adam huffed but couldn’t argue. Charlie was right. He’d learned a long time ago never to trust Charlie to be punctual, so he had started telling him earlier times in the hope that they’d actually arrive places before the events were over.
“It’s gonna be a great night.”
“Are any of the others coming?”
“Connie, Guy, and Fulton. Everyone else was busy.”
“That’ll be fun,” Adam admitted as he climbed into the car.
Secretly, he’d kind of been hoping that it would just be him and Charlie, but he shoved that thought away. It would be good to go out with some of his oldest friends.
“Yeah. It will.”
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The five ducks were happily chatting and catching up, laden down with food as they waited for the game to start.
Guy was the first to notice the name after the national anthem.
“Do you think Stahl is the same one we faced from Iceland?”
“I don’t know,” Adam shrugged. “How common of a name do you think it is?”
“Remember when you had that massive crush on Gunnar, Charlie?” Connie teased before taking a sip of her soda.
“I didn’t have a crush on Gunnar.”
“You so did,” Fulton laughed, nudging. “How many hours did you spend watching tapes of his signature shot?”
“That was research,” Charlie insisted, though his cheeks were slightly pink.
“Yeah, you definitely needed to spend all that time on just Gunnar Stahl and not the rest of Iceland,” Guy faux agreed with an exaggerated wink.
Adam remained quiet. He remembered Charlie’s “not a crush” all too well. He wasn’t proud to admit it, but he’d been jealous at the time.
At first it had been, look at this shot. Or look at this play.
And then after the games it was, he’s so nice and cool. He called me ‘Captain Duck’.
Charlie hadn’t shut up about him until they were on the plane home and he promptly knocked out on Adam’s shoulder. Number ninety-nine didn’t have it in him to be jealous when he got to have a sleeping Charlie Conway on top of him.
Tuning back into the conversation after his quick jaunt down memory lane, Adam realized they were still ribbing Charlie.
“Okay, fine. I might have had a little crush on him. I was young. I was still figuring myself out,” Charlie admitted.
“Figures your first crush would be on a hockey player,” Fulton pointed out.
“Who said he was my first crush?”
Adam swore Charlie’s gaze darted to him, and he felt his cheeks heat up.
“Well you literally never talked about anybody else like that before him,” Guy said.
“Except Banks,” Fulton added.
The three of them looked at Adam and he knew he was bright red. They all knew he’d had a crush on Charlie when they were kids. And that he still sort of had a crush on him. He could kick Fulton right now, and he would have if Charlie wasn’t sitting in between them.
“I still talk about Banksy all the time.”
“I’m right here,” Adam finally managed to grumble.
Charlie grinned and nudged him with his shoulder, before throwing an arm around him.
“Are we really gonna sit here and argue over who I did or did not have a crush on twenty something years ago?”
“Yes.” The other three nodded emphatically.
Charlie rolled his eyes.
“Alright fine. Yes, I had a crush on him. But laugh all you want. You have that crush to thank for these seats,” Charlie reminded them smugly.
“What do you mean?” Adam choked out as the others gasped.
Charlie looked at the four flabbergasted ducks in confusion.
“Gunnar got me the tickets. I thought you guys knew.”
“We didn’t know that,” Guy nearly shouted.
“You kept in touch with him all these years?” Connie asked softly.
Their captain shrugged.
“We were pen pals. And now we email every few weeks.”
Adam’s heart clenched in something that felt a lot like jealousy – a lot like when he was 14. He turned his attention to the game, Stahl was on the ice. Adam couldn’t help but track his movements. It had been years since he moved like that. Another squeeze.
It was going to be a long night.
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Charlie noticed the instant Adam went rigid, but he couldn’t understand why. After all, he was the one being teased for a 20 year old crush that only lasted for a minute.
He tried to nudge his best friend and get a response, but Adam’s eyes were glued to the game. That wouldn’t have worried Charlie, but the tight set of his jaw was nothing like his usual relaxed joy at the games. That was one of the reason Charlie had made it a point to go to as many hockey games with Adam as he could. He loved to observe him while he watched the game. But right now, his expression was stony.
When Gunnar managed a hat trick early in the third, Adam abruptly excused himself, saying he needed to go to the bathroom.
“What’s up with Banks?” Fulton voiced Charlie’s question aloud.
Charlie shrugged. “No clue.”
Connie rolled her eyes.
“Boys. He’s jealous.”
“Of what?”
“God, Charlie, are you that oblivious?”
His brow furrowed and he stared at her.
“What are you talking about?”
She huffed and shook her head.
“Nope. If you can’t figure it out after 25 years, you’re on your own.”
Adam was less grumpy, but still pretty sedate when he returned with only a few minutes left to go.
“You alright?” Charlie asked in a low voice as he settled back into his seat.
“Yeah. All good. Long line for the bathroom.”
Charlie didn’t believe him, but shrugged it off as the Wilds managed a late game comeback and beat the Anaheim Mighty Ducks and they were all on their feet cheering.
The five of them waited outside the side exit where the players would come out for Gunnar. The former Iceland captain signed a few autographs before he caught sight of Charlie and waved, flashing him a big smile.
“Good to see you, Captain Duck!” he shouted as he pulled Charlie into a tight hug.
“Good to see you too, Gunnar. Nice playing tonight.”
“Thank you.” Gunnar turned his attention to the rest of the Ducks. “It’s good to see you all too.”
There were various murmurs of agreement, before an awkward silence fell.
“Drinks?” Charlie finally suggested.
Drinks helped. Everyone loosened up by the second round. Even Adam, though he was not that talkative. He could see why Charlie would have kept in touch with the Icelander. He really was quite charming.
That did not help.
When Charlie stepped away from the table to get another pitcher, Gunnar slid into his vacated seat. Adam panicked for a moment. Guy and Connie were deep in conversation and Fulton had gone to the bathroom, it was just the two of them.
“You know, Captain Duck still never shuts up about you.”
“Still?” Adam asked, fixated on the word.
“At the Goodwill Games, when we spoke for the first time at the closing ceremony, Charlie wouldn’t stop raving about you. How he’d been worried about you being hurt. He even glared at Sanderson. And in his letters, he always talked about you. In every single one. I think I knew more about how you were doing than I did about him.”
Adam had no idea how to respond. Gunnar chuckled and shook his head.
“It’s sweet. I’m glad the two of you have made it this far. You’re a good pair.”
Adam’s jaw dropped and he floundered for an answer.
“Thanks what?”
Of course Guy chose that moment to resurface from his conversation.
“For saying I played well back in ’94,” Adam lied unconvincingly.
Charlie’s return halted the conversation, and Adam couldn’t help but think about what Gunnar had said. Why would Charlie be talking about him? Did Gunnar think they were together? Why did Gunnar think they were together?
His head was spinning. And it definitely wasn’t the alcohol. Per usual, it was all Charlie Conway’s fault.
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Charlie was playing with the edge of his jersey when Adam pulled up to his house.
“Do you want to come in for a bit?” he offered.
“Yeah, sure,” Adam agreed.
“Oh. Okay. Cool.”
Charlie had been expecting him to bail. That was what Adam did when things got tense between them, so his easy agreement caught him off guard.
He pulled two beers from the fridge and took a moment to steel himself before rejoining Adam in the living room.
“It was a great game.”
“Yeah. Ducks were smart when they got Gunnar.”
“So, why didn’t you tell any of us that you were still talking to him?”
The former captain tried to gauge Adam’s mood, but he was surprisingly nonchalant.
“I didn’t really think about it. When we were writing actual letters, I’d get one maybe three times a year. So it just never came up. And then we started emailing and it was just something I did. It never seemed like a big deal.”
“So it’s not because you’ve been carrying a torch for him all these years?” Adam asked shyly.
The laughter that bubbled out of Charlie was loud and somewhat alarming.
“Of course not, Banksy. I mean, yes, I had a crush on him. For what seems like five seconds at this point in our lives. He’s just someone I liked to keep in touch with. Another person to talk hockey with. Honestly, I thought we’d last like two letters and then never talk again.”
“Have you seen him before?”
“No. Tonight’s the first time I’ve seen him since we left the games. This isn’t some big torrid affair I’ve been hiding. It’s a pen pal. Who got us tickets to a Wilds game.”
“That was pretty cool.”
“Are we good?”
Adam nodded. “We’re good. Sorry, it was just unexpected.”
“That’s fair. I really thought I had told you guys at some point over the years. Sorry I sprang it on you… unintentionally.”
“No worries.”
It was comfortable for a bit. Charlie put on ESPN and they caught the highlights from the other games that had been played. Somehow he ended up leaning heavily into Adam’s side.
“Was he your first?” He asked as the commentators went over the same play for the third time.
“Was who my first what?” Charlie asked, letting his head loll to the side so he could look at Adam without pulling away.
“Was Gunnar your first crush?”
It came out in a sigh.
“No. He wasn’t.”
“Who was it?”
“I’m serious. Guess. I’ll even give you 5 questions to try and figure it out.”
Charlie wasn’t going to admit it without a fight, and Adam knew it. Curiosity got the better of him.
“Fine. Was your first crush a hockey player?”
“Someone on our team?”
Charlie nodded, sitting up so he could watch him more closely.
“Boy or girl?”
“Peewees or Goodwill Games?”
“Met him in Peewees. Realized I had a crush on him during the Goodwill Games.”
“Did he go to Eden Hall?”
“Yes. I even roomed with him at one point. That’s five. Time to guess.”
He was certain he’d know now.
“Fulton?” Adam asked innocently.
Charlie hung his head.
“You cannot possibly be this obtuse, Banksy.”
“What? You met him in Peewees, he was with us at the games and at Eden hall and you roomed with him sophomore year.”
“Christ,” he huffed. “It’s you, Banksy. Not Fulton. God, definitely not Fulton. He’s like my brother. It’s you.”
“Me? You had a crush on me?”
“I mean, can you call it a crush if it lasts 25 years?”
Adam’s jaw hit the floor.
“You still have a crush on me?” His voice was small, so much like that 10 year old who’d been forced to leave the Hawks. But there was hope.
Charlie, momentarily panicked before resigning himself to his fate. It had to come out.
“No, Adam. I don’t have a crush on you now.”
His best friend deflated slightly.
“I’m in love with you now. I have been for as long as I can remember. Even if I didn’t realize it. And I know you probably don’t feel the same way –“
“I do. Feel the same way. God, Charlie. I’ve been in love with you for ages.”
Adam nodded once, resolutely before Charlie’s lips were on his.
The kiss was quick and hungry and it left them both wanting more.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Charlie demanded in a whisper as he pulled back, touching their foreheads together.
“Why didn’t you?” Adam sniped back.
“Touche. God so much lost time.”
“We didn’t lose anything, Charlie. We were together. That’s never a loss.”
“I love you, Banksy.”
“I love you too, Charlie.”
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A/N: Yeah so I love them. I hope you enjoyed this. I stand by my theory that Charlie had a brief infatuation with Gunnar Stahl. Thanks for reading!
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
the promise of happiness
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Alessia Lyxienne)
Book: Open Heart
Rating: G , TW: mentions of surgery.
Prompts by @choicesjunechallenge2021 Day 1 – plot twist
Summary: Alessia's ex is in town, and its quite a reunion. <3
A/N: hiii, so I decided to participate in the challenge and well, write lots of Bryce before we have to say goodbye to him soon. So, this is kinda (hopefully) become a writing spree for me - like a Bryce appreciation-ish of my own. I have some plans already - and, I can't wait to share them! Also, a huge shoutout to @appiomofchoice for a lot of her help on this fic and the upcoming ones! Enjoy! (also, I will start to use a new mc name! however, she is who casey is but, with a new name instead hehe) // i dont own any characters except mc and brian lewis. (and, i apologize for grammar errors and any errors in this story)
It was supposed to be a normal day, however, the gasped that escaped her signals that the day is going to be an adventure. As she stood beside Bryce, both of them were facing a familiar face who she knows all too well. Brian Lewis, the Brian Lewis. The knowing smirk on his face as his gaze falls onto her brings back all the memories during her time at med school before.
He was a senior, a few years older than her. As they started to get to know one another through a mentoring session with Dr. Lisbon in her anatomy class. They started to go out in a matter of months, as their study sessions become quite intimate in the past – before, breaking up as Brian left for an opportunity to continue his residency in London. They were on good terms, and seeing him again in front of her brought back old memories.
“Dr. Lyxienne, are we clear?” The sound of Harper’s voice pulled her out of a trance, as she was pulled back into reality.
“I’m sorry, would you repeat that once more?”
Harper nods, before introducing him to her – as Bryce raised an eyebrow at the man.
“This is Dr. Brian Lewis from John Hopkins – and, he will assist us in one of the diagnostics team cases.” Brian takes his hand out towards her as Bryce took it before Alessia could do anything.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Lewis, I’m Dr. Bryce Lahela and this is…”
“The Dr. Lyxienne of course! How have you been Alessia?” He said with a huge smile on his face, as Alessia froze, not knowing or mentally preparing herself where her boyfriend met his ex.
“I’m doing fine, thank you, Dr. Lewis.” The formality makes him take a step back as the atmosphere around them becomes awkward.
“Well, Dr. Lewis – we will see you at the diagnostics office soon. It’s nice to meet you.” Harper shook his arm again, with a smile before leaving the room.
The three of them stood awkwardly, before Alessia’s pagers started to beep – as she quickly runs away from the scene any further.
The two men stood quietly before Bryce left the room as well – leaving a sighing Brian in the office.
Bryce’s pager started to vibrate, as he was called into the diagnostics office as he finished with an appendectomy. With a satisfied smile on his face, he was met with a full office – consists of Dr. Emery, Dr. Ramsey, Alessia, Dr. Carrick, and Brian who are discussing their new case.
“Bryce, welcome. Dr. Lewis, this is one of our top surgeons in our department– Dr. Bryce Lahela.” Harper stated before Bryce taking a seat beside Alessia who looks nervous upon the encounter.
“It's good to see you again Dr. Lahela.” His voice was rough with a hint of softness in it.
Bryce nods before he was passed with a copy of the case itself.
“Based on the check-up we did, we found that the patient has suffered from spinal osteomyelitis. It is known as an infection of the vertebrae – it is a rare case, however still dangerous overall.” His presence is commanding as the others listen to it intently.
“How dangerous is it?” Alessia’s voice can be heard as all eyes fall on her.
Brian smiles, as he explains.
“Infections on the spine can be extremely dangerous along with the surgery on that are can be risky with the probability that may lead to a case of paralysis or even more infection.”
She nods intently, as the room went quiet once more.
“When will the surgery be performed? I’m guessing the sooner, the better right?” Tobias adds along with the conversation.
“I suspect we kept her in for a couple of days, to make some additional check-ups. But, if a timeline was needed – definitely as soon as we could.” He concludes before taking a seat.
After a while of discussion – the team was dispersed.
“Dr. Emery, I have to ask why was I picked by Dr. Lewis for the surgery?”
“Dr. Tanaka recommended your name and he wanted to take you in this round. I have to go now for a meeting, but – if you have any questions, Dr. Lewis can answer it for you about the surgery.” He nods as Harper was out of his sight.
Alessia sits on her own, as the dish in front of her remains uneaten due to the textbooks on the table. She was quite occupied with the text in front of her without realizing she had some company awaits her.
Her gaze falls onto the familiar gray eyes looking at her – with the familiar smile since before. Brian was sitting opposite her.
“Yes, Dr. Lewis, what do you need?”
“It’s me Alessia, can we talk – why are you avoiding me?” His voice somewhat remains strong, as Alessia tries to avoid the question.
“I…don’t know. It's weird seeing you again after all these years.” She begins her argument, as Brian nods in understanding.
“I can quite say the same, you look as beautiful as years ago.” He compliments her, as she smiles and lets out a chuckle.
“Thank you. I gotta say – you look as good as you did years ago. But, why Edenbrook, what are you doing here even?” Alessia shuts the textbook, as she looked him in the eyes.
“Dr. Emery was a colleague of mine before, and she requested me to come by for the surgery. I didn’t expect you’d be here.” His gaze falls down upon his hands.
She nods, not knowing how to reply as the silence follows for a moment.
“I know it's an unexpected encounter. It might be weird seeing your ex after all these years, but…I am glad that I got to see you again Alessia.” He says with a smile on his face, the genuine expression she knew all too well from years ago.
Before she could reply, she saw Bryce making his way to her. She smiles at him, as Brian follows her gaze meeting his eyes. He waved at him, before glancing his way back to her. The wide smile on her face still presents on her face, as Bryce took a seat beside them.
“Dr. Lewis, Alessia.” He greeted them both, as Brian's gaze fall onto them both. How comfortable they looked together before he excuses himself from the table.
“I’ll see you in surgery Dr. Lahela, and Alessia.” He smiles before leaving the cafeteria.
Bryce’s gaze follows his trail until he left the cafeteria.
“So, I think I have been out of the loop as your boyfriend – but, who is he?” His eyebrows were raised at Brian’s empty seat.
She lets out a small chuckle,
“He is…my -ex in med school actually.” She lets the truth set free, as Bryce looks at her in awe actually.
“Well, you certainly had upgraded.” He jokes as a wink followed before she elbows him playfully.
“Very funny Bryce.” She says before opening her textbook again.
She feels his eyes on him, as she glances his way. He somehow looked nervous suddenly.
“How do you feel when you see him again?”
She thought about it,
“It feels like nostalgic, yet – the story between us has ended years ago. You don’t have to worry alright.” She winks at him, as Bryce lets out a mock laugh – as a response.
“I’m not worried! Never, nope.”
“Whatever you say, Bryce.” She said before leaning in for a kiss, as they continue to spend the remaining time together studying about the upcoming surgery.
It was days later, as Bryce preps for the surgery alongside Brian. The OR was quiet, as they were the only ones there. A few seconds later, the surgical assistant arrives alongside the on-lookers consists of other surgeons.
He took a deep breath before they began the procedure, the gallery above them was filled with doctors – as Bryce could recognize a few to name. Dr. Emery and Dr. Tanaka are whispering subtlely, Dr. Ramsey alongside Dr. Carrick and even Dr. Banerji are there. As his gaze moved towards the left, he was shocked to see Alessia sitting by the end of the gallery – as she waves his way. He smiles, before resuming his role alongside Brian.
The clock was ticking slowly, as he observes Brian’s work and was impressed by his handiwork. They switched tasks in between the surgery – and he felt alive at that moment.
“Dr. Lahela, pass me the lancet.” Bryce nods as one of the nurses passes it his way.
Brian was focused on his work before he blurted a question in the middle of the surgery itself.
“So, you are the boyfriend I assume.” His voice is low as Bryce look at him with wide eyes.
He nods, as Brian continues on the surgery with such ease in his work.
“How long have you been together?”
“We just made it official, but…almost three years.” He says proudly behind his surgical mask.
There was a pause in between before he says.
“Years ago, I knew that smile on her face – along with the look in her eyes, she really does loves you. And, when Alessia loves someone - she will go over mountains for you.” He said suddenly – as it felt like a promise for him.
Bryce nods and smiles to himself, remembering the moments they had gone through together.
“I know.” I will, an unspoken promise was said between the quiet atmosphere of the OR. As, a smile was visible on Brian's face - somehow he got the message.
As the procedure goes on, a couple of hours had passed – they survived the procedure after a couple roadblocks along the way. The patient has the last resort on the surgery – Bryce took the lead to amputate the affected limb to stop the infection from spreading further. And, at that note – the surgery was over.
They cleaned up from their dirty scrubs as the night has grown late for them both.
“Dr. Lahela – you did an exceptional job today.”
He smiles, feeling the glowing pride in himself.
“Thank you for giving me the chance to join in the surgery, Dr. Lewis.” He replies as Brian nods before they both started to go on separate ways.
It’s the day after the surgery, as Alessia stumbles upon Brian who is hugging Dr. Emery – somewhat as a gesture of farewell. As they went their separate ways, his eyes met with hers – a smile on his face.
“Hey.” He begins to conversation.
“Hi, leaving already?”
“Yeah, unfortunately, I have an emergency meeting with the head of surgery at John Hopkins in a few hours.” He explains as she nods in understanding.
“Well, it's good to see you again which is… very weird to say.” She lets out a laugh as Brian lets out a chuckle.
“It's good to see you too. It's been years, and I’m glad to see you thriving here Alessia.” He smiles as they hugged.
“Thanks to your pop-quizzes on anatomy that's what keeping me here.” She winks at the joke, as they let go of the hug.
“Well, I’m glad I could play a part in the memoir of Dr. Alessia Lyxienne then.”
She nods, as he checks on the time.
“I have to leave before the traffic gets insane – but, say ‘hi’ to Bryce for me? And, if he ever hurts you – just know I’ll be ready to kick his ass for you.”
“No need, I think he’ll make me happy.” She said wistfully, as Brian smiles even wider.
“Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding then.” He winks before leaving the hospital grounds.
He stopped in his tracks, as he gazes back at where he was before. Bryce and Alessia were seen happily smiling together, he smiles – feeling happy for them both.
At that moment, Bryce’s eyes met with his as he waves to him. Brian waves back, as in a second – he was gone out of their sight.
“He said ‘hi’ by the way.”
Bryce nods, as he remembers the words during the surgery – it felt like a promise for him to make her happy. He smiles, as he will keep that promise and make Alessia the happiest woman in the world with him.
tags: @bitchloveskcbaseball , @mvalentine , @storyofmychoices , @princess-geek , @lahellacute , @annekebbphotography , @mrsbhandari, @dcbbw , @choicessa , @fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom , @starrystarrytrouble , @kelseaaa , @choicesficwriterscreations , @lalizah , @drethanramslay , @eleanorbloom , @openheartfanfics , @brycesgirl , @freckles-spangledvampire , @agentnolastname , @robintora , @adriansbiss , @appiomofchoice , @ariondevereux , @natureblooms24
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Okay Part 8 (Final)
Fandom: One Chicago
Series: Okay
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 (Final)
Pairing: Matt Casey x Halstead!Reader
Warning/s: injury, mentions of trauma
Word Count: 1,224
Summary: After narrowly escaping certain death you decided to turn your life around and become a firefighter, and although it wasn’t easy, you survived your first week at 51. Now, you’ve managed to escape certain death for a second time, solving the mystery of your very first fire and saving the life of a little girl in the process, not bad for a candidate huh? The only thing left to do now is figure out how to more forward, with your brothers and your firehouse by your side, with one firefighter in particular staying a little closer than the others. 
Tags: @alievans007 // @louiselikeswriting // @killjoys-make-some-noise-na-na // @sesamepancakes
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Will and Jay hadn’t left your side since you’d arrived at the hospital, fussing over you so much that Casey showing up was like a breath of fresh air, finally having an excuse to ask them for some space. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate the attention, they loved you and they were worried about you, but you still felt like you were suffocating a little bit. 
“Hey,” Casey smiled, knocking on the door as you and your brothers looked up, “how’re you feeling?” He glanced at the bandages covering your hands and forearms, smile slipping away.
“Been worse,” you replied with a shrug, your brothers’ faces dark with the knowledge that that was true. “How’s Lily?”
“As good as can be expected,” Casey told you solemnly, “physically... she’ll be fine, but Doctor Charles is sorting out a long term treatment plan for her and her grandparents are on their way from New York.”
You swallowed hard, so much sympathy and anger swirling inside of you at the thought of what she went through, what she’d still have to go through. 
“I’m sorry we couldn’t get there sooner,” Casey apologised, guilt riddling his words as he looked slightly down, not meeting your eyes. 
“But you came,” you told him, “how’d you know I was in trouble?”
“That call felt wrong, and I had no doubt that you ignored my advice to go home and kept looking for Lily on your own,” he explained.
“Wait, you called Casey when you found Lily and not me?” Jay interjected, definitely a little offended. 
"Hey, you’re not allowed to be mad at me right now, I was nearly killed... again,” you informed him, earning a little grin from Will.
“Fine,” Jay held up his hands, “but we’re discussing this later.” Oh, you had no doubt you were going to receive a brotherly lecture for that.
A silence fell in the room, you and Casey giving each other half glances before Jay looked to Will, gesturing with his head for them to leave. “We’ll be close by if you need anything,” Jay told you, giving your shoulder a squeeze before heading out, nodding at Casey as he left.
“Take it easy, you’ve earned it,” Will said sincerely, following his younger brother out.
“Guess I should thank you for saving me again,” you told Casey as he approached the bed, momentarily forgetting the couple dozen stitches in each of your hands as you tried to sit up, pain shot up both your arms. 
“No, you saved yourself this time,” Casey insisted, wincing in response to your pain as he looked you over.
“Doesn’t feel like it,” you admitted, not feeling like the hero everyone seemed to think you were as you looked at your hands. Lily was safe, but you should have done a better job protecting her in the first place. 
“Are you kidding? You saved Lily,” He said with conviction, causing you to look back up at his face. He was worried for you, but you could also see pride in his eyes. “You even saved Paul, why?” He asked, no judgement, just curiosity.
“If I didn’t... I would have as good as killed him, and he deserves to live with what he did, get justice the right way,” you tried to articulate what had gone through your head in those seconds before you’d ran back inside for the man who’d caused so much pain. “I know it probably sounds silly,” you added but Casey shook his head immediately.
“No it’s... admirable,” he said, hesitating for a minute before he put a tentative hand on your shoulder, “you scared the crap out of me with that phone call you know.”
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, “I know I should have listened to you, going in alone was stupid-”
“You’re right, it was, but I’m the one who should have realised you wouldn’t let it go, I should have been there with you, you did the right thing,” he said, “if you hadn’t... we would have been recovering Lily’s body from that fire. Remember that Y/N,” Casey met your eyes, grip on your shoulder tighter as his words sunk in. 
“Thank you,” you said, your voice smaller than you expected, lightly putting your hand over his. Casey’s belief in you seemed to be unwavering, and you weren’t sure if you deserved it, but you certainly didn’t mind it. 
“So, what’s next, after you recover?” Casey asked, hand still lingering on yours, “are you- do you want to come back to 51?” It sounded like something he’d been thinking a lot about.
You paused, knowing why he was asking - you’d been through a lot, and no one would blame you if you never wanted to even look at another fire again, let alone run head first into one almost daily. But you’d given the question a lot of thought too since you arrived in the hospital, this experience not just reminding you of your previous ordeal, but why it had inspired you to become a firefighter in the first place. 
“I am,” you told him confidently, an answer that Casey seemed very glad about as he smiled.
“Well, drinks on me to celebrate when you get out of here,” he promised.
“You think Herrmann will let me drink on the house?” You asked with a grin.
“Maybe one, potentially just discounted though,” he laughed. It was a good sound, seeming more like himself again as the worry receded. You laughed too, enjoying the feeling of normalcy and security you felt for the moment, Casey’s presence often having that affect on you nowadays. 
“You eaten yet?” He asked, more relaxed as you shook your head. “I’ll grab us some food, sit tight.”
“Like I’m going anywhere,” you replied pointedly. Casey grinned, hesitating as he turned to leave, looking back at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read. 
“I’m glad you’re okay Y/N,” he told you, taking your hand as his eyes lingered on you for a moment, unmentioned tension becoming more apparent as you realised just how close he’d gotten to you as you’d talked. You didn’t know what to say, taken over by a well of emotions.
In that moment it was like you were magnetised, unconsciously pulled together by forces beyond your control. And then his lips were against yours, only briefly, but you could still feel them tingling when he stepped back, clearly realising he probably shouldn’t have done that. After everything you’d been through though, what the hell, you deserved it. 
"Sorry, I-” He began, eyes wide as he dropped your hand.
“I know,” you told him honestly, something unspoken between the two of you being communicated in that moment, something that you’d been feeling building up for a while now. 
“When you get out the hospital, maybe we could spend some time together that isn’t tied to a case?” He suggested hesitantly, rubbing the back of his neck as he waited for your response.
“I’d like that,” you answered with a soft smile, pieces coming together in a surprising but not at all unwelcome way. Your focus had been so singular when it had come to this job, this case, finding Lily... that you hadn’t really realised just exactly how close you’d gotten to Casey. But this wasn’t the kind of unknown that you dreaded.
You held each other’s gaze for a moment before your stomach growled audibily, the moment broken as you both chuckled, Casey leaving to go grab you some food, though his eyes did linger on you for a moment.
There was a lot to figure out, a lot to think about, a lot of pieces to put back together, but you felt ready, and you weren’t afraid. So you smiled, your breathing a little easier as you began to put the past behind you, finally ready to look to the future and whatever it may hold. 
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