#Budget-friendly hair masks
axonspro · 11 months
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks Unveil the transformative effects of DIY hair masks with our collection of 5 simple recipes. Achieve stunning, healthy hair using natural ingredients found in your pantry. Say goodbye to costly salon treatments and hello to radiant locks! Longing for luscious, healthy hair? You’re not alone! However, commercial hair masks can be…
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cosmerelists · 6 months
Pros and Cons of Stormlight Characters in the Middle Seat Next to You on a Budget Airline.
As requested by anon. :)
1. Kaladin
Cons: His legs are so long. His hair is so luxurious. His shoulders are so broad. This large, beautiful man is not trying to be in your space, but the budget airline seat cannot contain him. Pros: You started what you thought was an idle conversation, but by the end of your flight, he had diagnosed your chronic pain and become your therapist??
2. Shallan
Pros: Well, she's more of a regular-sized human and she's friendly but quiet. She seems to just want to sketch the whole flight, so no complaints! Cons: Why does she keep staring directly at a space across the plane and sketching the creepiest symbol-headed creatures you've ever seen with her eyes vaguely glazed over like she doesn't even know she's doing it holy shit is this a Twilight Zone situation where there are invisible gremlin monsters on this plane that only she can see and is it your imagination or do you hear humming from somewhere
3. Adolin
Cons: Listen, this is a budget airline, and this guy seems to think it's a fancy spa?? He's got the slippers, the posh eye mask, the luxurious travel pillow, some really nice face creams, and he seems to be video chatting with a girl even though the internet on the plane doesn't even work. Frankly, you're jealous and grouchy about it. Pros: Okay, he actually seems really sweet and he gave you some of his way-too-nice-for-an-airplane snacks. You take it all back; this guy is awesome.
4. Szeth
Pros: He is so still. So quiet. Almost folded in on himself. Barely...breathing? Honestly, you keep forgetting the middle seat is occupied, and how rare is that! Cons: You just...you think you'd feel better if he just blinked. Just once. Please.
5. Lift
Cons: You had to sigh just a little when a little kid plopped down next to you. Also, she goes to the bathroom every five minutes, and comes back with food every time. You think she might be robbing people. Pros: She complimented your butt quite sincerely. You've always been kinda self-conscious about your butt! But apparently yours is the "second best she's ever seen." Feels nice.
6. Jasnah
Pros: Like, is it possible for someone to just be really good at flying? She came in, expertly stowed her luggage, sat down elegantly, did her seatbelt, used a wipe to clean up the tray table and surrounding area, and immediately starting reading some thick tome. Do you have a crush on her? You might have a crush on her. Cons: She glanced at the book you're reading, and you know she judged you for it.
7. Wit
Cons: Does this guy EVER stop talking? Pros: Okay, actually, you found him kind of annoying at first, but that story he told you about the temple and the duck might have healed years of trauma? Did you just realize that you don't have to forgive your mom and that's okay?
8. Renarin
Pros: He sat down and you were like, "Okay. Cute nerd. I dig it." Cons: You just wish he wouldn't scrawl foreboding-seeming numerals on the back of the airline chair in front of him. Is it counting down to...just before the plane lands? What does it mean???
9. Amarem
Cons: He came in and was IMMEDIATELY like, "I am taller than you and so I should have your seat." And then he just...waited? Like he thought you'd just comply??? Pros: He seems intent on pretending that never happened. Fine by you. That guy seems like an asshole.
10. Zahel
Pros: He falls asleep, like, immediately and doesn't stir for the entire flight. Cons: He's just kinda stinky.
11. Dalinar
Cons: He sits down and, unprompted, says something like, "In my youth I would always battle to occupy every armrest but now, after reading The Way of Planes, I have realized that it is the journey, not the armrests, that matter, so you can have them" and then you're like, "Dude, the person in the middle seat gets the armrests that's just common courtesy" and then he looks at you and you look at him and it's vaguely awkward the whole flight and nobody uses the armrests. Pros: Actually, after a while you do take the armrest and the tension goes down a lot.
12. Taravangian
Pros: He just kinda seems like a nice old man, you know? Kinda confused about stuff, but harmless enough. Cons: He falls asleep partway through and droops his head onto your shoulder and drools a bit and you know you sound ridiculous but it feels somehow calculated. Intentional. Evil.
13. Sebarial
Cons: The very second beverage service starts he's all, "Bring me a BOTTLE of wine" and you're like, "Oh no. It's one of those dudes who gets way too drunk on planes!" Pros: You know? This guy actually seems pretty jolly and chill. You catch yourself thinking, "I wish I could pretend he was my uncle." You're not sure where that came from.
14. Rock
Pros: He scoffs at the provided airline snacks and gets out this thermos and gives you the best damn soup you've ever had in your life. Cons: He's just a large, warm man. Very large. Very warm. Not his fault, of course, but now YOU are very warm.
15. Elhokar
Cons: Every time there is plane turbulence, he mutters something about how it's the assassins coming to finish the job. Poor dude must be really scared of flying. Pros: You feel a warm, parental feeling growing in you as you look at this sad, scared man. Maybe your mom was right. Maybe you WOULD be good with kids.
16. Eshonai
Pros: This lady is, just, SO excited to be traveling that it can't help but make YOU excited to travel. Like, you always thought plane travel sucked, especially budget airline travel, be she is so delighted by everything that you find yourself thinking, "You know, it IS pretty amazing that we're soaring through the sky right now traveling to a new land." Cons: Cons? No cons. You wish you could ALWAYS see flying through this woman's eyes.
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thelaisydazy · 2 months
Band!141 x Reader - Roach
“Thank you, we’ll call in a few days..”
Your stomach churned. Were they really going to call you? Or, was that just what they told the dancers they weren’t satisfied with? 
Your feet carried you down the street, pushing past the crowds of people that flood into the city every day. Your stomach growls. In your rush to get to the audition, you hadn’t eaten breakfast today and you were starving. You take out your phone to check what’s around.There was a little diner open nearby, it wasn’t exactly the fanciest place, but it was cheap enough for your budget. You turn to head towards the diner only to walk directly into someone, your phone clattering to the sidewalk. 
You stumble back to see a young man, perhaps only a few years older than yourself. He’s tall, though certainly not the tallest you’d seen today. He’s got spiky brown hair, which you imagine might be soft and fluffy without all the gel in it, and soft brown eyes. He’s wearing a tight fitting black muscle-tee that cut just slightly too short, showing off his midriff and a pair of fitted black ripped jeans. Just how many punks were you going to run into today?
“Woah, hey sorry,” he said, bending over to pick up your phone and offer it back to you. You quickly take it, frowning as you see the screen is cracked now. “Oh damn it, sorry ‘bout that.”
“It’s… it’s fine,” you say dejectedly. It’s not, but it’s not his fault you walked right into him and dropped your phone. 
“Hey, I’m going to meet some friends for lunch,” he says. “Why don’t you come along? My treat, I feel bad about your phone.”
You look him over cautiously. “I don’t even know your name,” you say. 
“My friends call me Roach,” he says with a grin. “But you can call me Gary if you’d rather.” 
“It’s nice to meet you Gary,” you say, giving him your name as well. “Roach is a funny nickname.”
“Yeah, my mates and I used to mess around with fireworks,” Gary explains. “Couple times I didn’t get away fast enough, somehow I didn’t get hurt though. My mates said I was like a roach, just surviving anything.” He chuckles at the memory. “How about that lunch then?”
You think for a moment. Is it really safe to go with a perfect stranger? The band you met on the subway jumps into your mind. They’d been nice enough to stop the train for you and offer you a seat in the full car, perhaps Gary was just as nice.
“Sure, why not?” you say. “Couldn’t hurt.”
Gary grins at you and you can’t help but smile back. There’s just something friendly about him, you just hope his friends are as nice.
“Roach! You made it!” A familiar voice calling from a booth at the back of the bar shouts out. You turn to see the same group of men you’d met just earlier that day. It’s Kyle that spots you first out of them, that amazing smile crossing his face. “I see you met our new friend.”
You and Gary walk over and you take a seat near the middle of the table, between Kyle and Gary. You look at the latter. “You know, when you said you were meeting friends, I should have guessed this is who you meant,” you say with a giggle. Looking around the table, Johnny and Ghost were sitting at the far end from you, Ghost having just pulled his mask back up to cover his face when he saw you walk over. John was sitting on the other side of Kyle from you, he drank from his beer and smiled at you.
“How’d you get on at your audition, love?” John asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Did’ya get in?”
“Oh uh.. They said I should hear back in a couple days,” you say, fidgeting with your napkin. You still weren’t so sure the instructors had actually meant it though. 
“I see..” John said thoughtfully. 
“Bonnie thing lek ye?” Johnny chimed in from his seat next to Ghost. “They wis probably speechless or summat.” Ghost nudged him in the ribs with a sharp look.
“Audition?” Gary asked, looking at you. “Whatcha tryin’ out for?”
Before you could answer, Kyle wrapped his arm over your shoulder, though he kept his grip light enough that you could slip away if you wanted to. “Ballet, that fancy place,” he said. “Gonna be a real principal dancer one day.”
Your face feels hot at his confidence. “Oh well… I don’t know about all that,” you say nervously. “I mean.. I’d just be happy in the corps de ballet really.” You’re not really certain you’ve got what it takes for a lead role anyway. “How did that recording go anyway?” you ask, trying to change the subject. 
“Fine, if Soap would focus,” John rumbles, shooting the younger man a look. 
“Haud yer wheesht!” Johnny exclaims looking a bit flustered himself. “Aye wis jus’ think’n alood.”
“An’ not staying on beat,” Kyle teased back.
“Oh I’m sorry..” you say, feeling bad for asking now. 
“Dinna fash, leannan,” Johnny laughs. He starts to stand up. “Am gett’n ‘nother round.” He returns a few moments later and slides a bubbly red drink in front of you with one of those little paper umbrellas in it. 
“What is it?” you ask. Johnny only grins and shrugs at you. Despite your better judgment you take a sip, surprised not to taste any alcohol in the cherry flavored drink at all. “Is this a Shirley Temple?” Your surprised reaction makes the table laugh. 
“They’re not a kid Johnny,” Kyle laughs. He looks at you. “Lemme know if you want a real drink.” All you can do is nod quietly in response as you sip your Shirley Temple.
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Day 4 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
I got a lot done yesterday, I'm actually super proud of myself! I didn't do every single goal I had but I did a lot of them and to me that still counts for something!
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
walked to and from campus✅️
did not hit 8k steps❌️
did not stretch before bed❌️
took my morning meds✅️
did not take my night meds❌️
read 3 chapters of Fast like a girl ✅️
made the decision to begin Intermittent fasting again ✅️
🧠 Mental Health
read a chapter of Atomic Habits ✅️
guided Journal in the AM ✅️
guided Journal in the PM ✅️
listened to a podcast from the mindset mentor about productivity ✅️
❤️ Emotional Health
answered the journal prompt "What am I addicted to?" (stimulation and validation were the two things i immediately thought of) ✅️
wrote down a list of relevant affirmations ✅️
read a section of 101 Essays ✅️
did not read a chapter of attached ❌️
📚 Intellectual Health
completed writing assignment for psychology ✅️
complete nutrition chapters quiz ✅️
researched PCOS friendly foods and diet ✅️
Researched fasting and it's benefits (specifically for PCOS) ✅️
did not budget yet ❌️
attempted but did not complete any language lessons ❌️
🥳 Social Health
did not zoom call with boyfriend ❌️
did not text friend ❌️
🥰 Self Love/Care
AM + PM Skincare ✅️
oil + washed hair + used a hair mask ✅️
cleaned around my bedroom ✅️
washed towels + sheets + pillowcases ✅️
washed dirty clothes ✅️
washed comforter ✅️
cleaned my makeup brushes ✅️
decided I wanted to try out crochet in winter break
looked into other artsy hobbies
As I said, I got a lot done yesterday. My boyfriend and I ended up getting a little upset with each other over something which brought my mood down a little bit but I still managed to have a good day and him and I were good by the end of the day thankfully. communication goes a long way. Now, for today!
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
morning workout
complete fasting window; 8 hour or less eating window
cook a healthy dinner
read a chapter of Fast Like A Girl
🧠 Mental Health
Read 1 Chapter of Make Your Bed
Meditate sometime during the day
AM + PM Guided Journal
❤️ Emotional Health
answer a journal prompt question
repeat affirmations to myself for 2 minutes
read a chapter of 101 Essays
read a chapter of attached
📚 Intellectual Health
1 Busuu Japanese Lesson
1 Duolingo Spanish Lesson
Complete remaining 2 Homework assignments
🏘 Adulting Tasks
look at insurance stuff some more
find Social Security card
disinfect all tech devices
🥰 Self Love/Care
Skincare at least once today
put away all clean clothes
lay down in silence for 3 minutes
So I replaced social health with adulting tasks as I'm a more introverted person so the only social tasks would be calling my dad or talking to my boyfriend or the occasional chat with the roommates. I also know that "lay down in silence" is odd but I'm trying to train myself to be okay with being bored. sort of like meditation but with an emphasis on the do nothing aspects.
I'm super tired today for no reason, but I know I'll get at least 90% of my goals met.
Til next time lovelies 🩷
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lale-txt · 2 years
🌙 traveling together for the first time ↳ w/ Kid, Killer, Rayleigh & Mihawk
So you’re in love. You think you know each other inside out. And you’re going on your first vacation together. Good luck, my child, you’ll need it.
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You’re going by car because this man is not allowed within a 5 miles radius of any airport
You just know it’s because he thought this list of forbidden things in hand baggage was just a friendly recommendation and not serious, making him throw a whole tantrum in the security line when they wouldn’t let him through
A thing that occured not just once according to an anonymous source (blonde long hair waving in the wind, smoking a lone cigarette, a single tear running down behind a mask)
Fine, whatever. You can go by car, no big deal 
Except that Eustass “Road Rage” Kid is putting on his “Calm & Focus” playlist including breathing instructions already and you haven’t even been on the road for 20 minutes 
You can tell that he is trying for you, he really does
His middle finger on the steering wheel twitches, he coughs loudly several times instead of barking out insults towards other drivers and he tries to smile through gritted teeth which looks painful
You coax him to pull over at the next stop, taking his face in your hands to make him look at you
“Kid. I love you. Yes, that’s my first time saying it out loud, but listen. Listen. It pains me seeing you like this. So, either we switch places or you go back to your unhinged self and let it all out. Because honestly, I find it quite sexy when you’re getting hot-headed…”
It’s like a weight drops off Kid’s shoulders as he visibly relaxed in an instant
The kiss he pulls you in is heavy on tongue, leaving you breathless before he switches to his favorite playlist again that can best be described as loud
A few hours and many flipped fingers and hollered out insults later you finally arrive at the resort and as you watch Kid from the bed going through his 12 step skin care night routine, you can’t help but smile to yourself
We can all agree that Killer is the perfect boyfriend
This will also show when he’s taking on the noble task to plan your first vacation together
He’ll make a booklet with suggested destinations and accomodations according to your budget, a travel plan with the cheapest flights, special deals he found and also a culinary list of places to eat (of course keeping in mind if you have any intolerances)
Killer will take care of everything from booking to getting the rental car, all you have to do is follow the plan he emailed you weeks prior, including a checklist of things to pack (that will get updated with the weather forecast)
On the day of travel he makes sure to remember everything. Passports? Turned off the oven and flatiron? Watered the plants? There’s a list for everything, promise
Something unexpected happening on the way to the airport? No worries, Killer also calculated that in, years on board of the Victoria Punk prepared him for any kind of troubles occuring
If you’re running late for boarding, Killer will simply put his travel crocs into sports mode, grab your luggage and throw you over his shoulder, speeding to your gate
That is after he made the whole staff at the security check fall in love with him after taking off his mask 
To surprise you, he also secretly upgraded you into first class to make the start into your first vacation together as relaxed as possible
And what impresses you the most is that he doesn’t seem to be stressed out at all, he handles everything with the calmness that made you fall so hard for him in the first place
Make sure to kiss him long and often, even if it’s not on the timetable – Killer will always make room for this occurrence and humbly embrace it, his slight blush hidden by the long hair falling into his face
Hot Sugar Daddy in your Area wants to take You on an unforgettable Journey!
Not this one though
This one is a little short on money due his bad gambling addiction, but he’s way too charming to be mad at him for that 
Rayleigh suggests a staycation instead, because home is where the heart is anyway, right?
He’ll kiss your pouting face until it will turn into a smile again, and kiss you some more until you’ve forgotten why you were sulky in the first place
Rayleigh will invite you over to his place for a long weekend, nothing new, but when you step into the familiar place you whistle appreciatively through your teeth
Not only was his flat spotless, but he also built a blanket fort in the living room, decorated with fairy lights and a picnic basket waiting at the entrance filled with wine and all your favorite snacks
If the weather allows it, Rayleigh will take you on a midnight stroll for some stargazing, holding you in his arms and coming up with fake constellations together until your cheeks hurt from smiling and your heart is just so full of him
Rayleigh is a man who has seen every last corner of the world, and when you’re back in the blanket fort together, he will tell you all about his adventures, promising you he will take you on one soon
He’ll just let himself be sold as a slave again and then rob the seller, no big deal
Little does he know that you don’t need any big adventures when the thing that brought you joy the most was lying next to him and feeling his lips on yours, pouring love into every fiber of your body
“Why do you want to go on a vacation, my love? We’re literally living in a castle. I’m sure you haven’t even explored every room yet.”
Mihawk’s golden eyes might be fixated on the newspaper in his hands, but you can tell that he’s genuinely listening and going through every possible scenario in his head 
Going on vacation for a fun time? Why, aren’t you having fun at home with him?
Who will take care of the garden when you’re gone? He just planted tomatoes for the season, don’t you know that the young plants need extra care in this state?
What about the baboons? They’ll get lonely for sure
You might still be young and unfazed but his back hurts whenever he sleeps in a bed that isn’t his, but would he ever confess that to you? Absolutely not
Things were going so well between you two, but would you still love him if he admitted that he was a homebody through and through and vacations weren’t necessarily his thing?
His trail of thoughts gets interrupted when you grab the newspaper and take his hands into yours, seeking his gaze 
“Mihawk. I love you. We don’t have to travel somewhere far away. Let’s just have a beach day somewhere nearby and we’ll be home for dinner, okay?”
Now… how should he explain to you that he also loathed the beach, the unapologetic sun, the hot sand that’s everywhere for the following week, the…
He sighs and pulls you in his lap, wrapping his arms tight around your waist, maybe to make sure you won’t try to run away from him for what he is about to tell you, ripping off that bandaid because after all he is a honest man
In the end you still go to the beach where Mihawk watches you in the shade of the big parasol, fully dressed, reading his book about sustainable farming and sipping a cocktail through a twisted frilly straw 
He is fine for as long as you come to kiss him every 10 minutes and ask him to leave early because, granted, there’s no place like home with him
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selfcarewithkay · 6 months
Chapter Three
Hi girlies! Welcome back! As promised today we are going to be discussing products and ways to take care of our hair. I've done a lot of experimenting to figure out what works best for my hair. In conclusion I've learnt that natural homemade remedies work best apart from organic store bought products. The organic store bought products work amazing but they can be very expensive so to keep it budget friendly lets explore some homemade remedies to help your hair grow as well as discussing ingredients that helps all hair types.
Homemade avocado hair mask:
Half an avocado
1 tbsp argan oil
 ¼ cup of mayo
1 tbsp honey
An egg 
3 tbsp black castor oil
1 tbsp olive oil
1  banana
Blend everything in a blender until smooth and apply evenly to hair and scalp and let sit for an hour under a shower cap before rinsing thoroughly. 
Homemade hair grease:
1 large tub of Petroleum jelly
1 Shot of Hennessy
10 ml of coconut oil
10 ml of carrot oil
10 ml of argon oil
10 ml of olive oil
10 ml of tea tree oil
10 ml castor oil
10 ml jojoba oil
10 ml vitamin E oil
10 ml biotin oil
A sprung of rosemary
Three leaves of sage
Four mint leaves
1 tbsp of lad 
To a seep pan on medium to low heat add the tub of petroleum jelly, lad and all fresh herbs and let melt. When petroleum is completely melted add Hennessy and all oils and stir. Carefully pour back into the tub or any storage and let cool till harden or the consistency is no longer runny. Apply grease to the scalp twice a week and massage.
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That's all for this week. Thank you for ready can't wait to see you next week.
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Cryptor Comes In
A while after Zane was rescued from Chen's Island, the Ninja took things slow to regain some semblance of normalcy. With the new addition of Zeke, some things had to change.
For one, Jay was off Ninja work until his android son went to daycare. But in the meantime, Jay loved the quiet around the condo.
It was wonderful, as the team now had a nice place to rest. And Jay had the comfort to raise Zeke with no need to manage a tight budget.
Silly that years back the four failed in mentoring one child to even afford the humongous condo. And now money seemed to be a worry long forgotten.
Cyrus Borg being more than willing to keep the Ninja within city limits to keep the crime rate from climbing to the point it did when Zane was... MIA.
Well- they still budgeted cause Wu would massacre them if they spent money on takeout every night-
But that all changed when a phone call requested Jay to Borg Tower.
A project to restructure a portion of the tower's energy to shift to greener- more eco-friendly power, but the wiring was tricky and a bit frazzled since the Overlord Virus.
Jay is hesitant. He had his son to take care of, the others would still be working on other things than Ninja duties. But Cyrus assured him that the in-building daycare would be perfect for Zeke as other employees with their own android children would be present.
He agrees. And planning starts in a week. Jay is excited to do something other than parent duty. Yes he loved being a dad but he needed to stretch once in while!
The first day, Jay walked in to a familiar face.
Still stoic, but without mask or messed up edits to conform to the Overlord's tastes. His hair hidden by hood was now clean kempt and slicked back, save a few front strands that curled from his forehead.
His waggish uniform was now more fitting akin to a bodyguard.
"Mr. Walker."
He was a bodyguard.
Jay fixed Zeke so the tiny android could cling to his collar. "You look good. Are you doing rounds on the ground floor today?"
"Negative, Borg assigned me to escort you inside the Tower to ensure any inner threats nor spies have access to you or your..." the onyx-skinned nindroid looked to Zeke.
"Oh- my son!" Jay held his baby boy up a bit higher in his held arm to press his cheek on Zeke's head. The baby's soft, synthetic hair tickling the tip of his nose. "This is Zeke, he's almost 7 months old!"
"Interesting. Not many parents of droids estimate their ages like you."
Jay blew Zeke's hair from his nose, but the fluffy mass again rested on his face. "Yeah well, I speed ran this little tyke's conception in 7 months. So exact timing kinda fell off my plate. Besides, he's my son. Not a appliance."
Cryptor raised a brow. "7 months? Doesn't development of a android take a year, at most for blueprinting and design refinement."
"Yeah well, I'm built different." Jay smirked as he walked to the elevator, Cryptor behind him.
"You have components?"
"Only the ones that make me annoying~"
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krethes · 2 years
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Twenty-Six: burn
Part Six of my firefighter AU series: Read: Part One (Wildfire), Part Two (Inhale), Part Three (Accident), Part Four (Popsicle), Part Five (Curl).
Burn fuel, burn calories, burn energy, one in the same. Burn the station dinner because no, a beef wellington really isn't practical or budget friendly and is much harder than Gordon Ramsey makes it look on television.
Burn, because the opposite is to be extinguished, and there is so much to do, so much good left to give the world, so many more adrenaline highs to chase. It would be a lie to say he does his job only because it helps people. Burn, like the thrill of the chase, of not knowing what happens next, of the uncertainty of it all, as addicting as it is damning.
Burn for each other, for the simple moments of bleary-eyed welcome home kisses, of the please be carefuls and the thank fuck you made it backs. Burn like the fire that has staunchly refused to go out after nearly a decade, sending tumbling, fumbling bodies into bedsheets, into worn-in couches, into unyielding tabletops.
Burn, like a hearth, of warmth and love and compassion, welcoming in and accepting all. A table with a spot open for anyone who needs it. A home with two guest rooms for a stray cat or two. Two hearts with ample space to fill with other people, other passions, yet always circling back to each other.
Burn, like the scald of water, painful, searing, just as dangerous as any flame. The water that purifies and condemns, the life-giver and -taker. Burn, like the cigarette in his hand, the sanity-giver, and eventual life-taker. Burn, like the memories of those they could not save, the ones whose legacies live on in the eyes of their children, the grief of their friends, the bitter, unrelenting pain of their parents who never should have had to bury their child.
They are taught to respect fire and to expect the unexpected, to always be five steps ahead with contingency plans to spare, to always be on the lookout for possible danger: a blocked entrance, an overcrowded room, an unattented candle. Fire is unpredictable, but Remus is a steady, constant blaze. A lighthouse, a beacon, guiding him home like the flashlight in his hand, like the light affixed to his helmet, like the bright panic-turned-relief in his voice when Sirius emerges from the billow of smoke, a little girl on his hip wearing his mask and a cat tucked into his turnouts.
Burn, like the crisp agony of toasted lungs, the all-too-familiar ache of smoke inhalation and the temporary sting of the IV going in at the hospital. Like the heat-tight skin of his cheeks, thankfully not actually burned, just too hot.
Burn, like the tears in his eyes because he made it, he fucking made it, and he saved that girl. Samantha. He saved her and her cat whose name is Blaze, of all fucking things. Burn like the overwhelming joy of holding a bundle of blue blankets with a shock of unruly black hair, a godson in his arms, a legacy to remember him by.
He's not extinguished, not yet. He has to keep coming back, keep making it, keep saving people, keep going. For Remus. For James. For Lily. For Harry.
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sense-of-cents · 20 days
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axonspro · 11 months
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks Unveil the transformative effects of DIY hair masks with our collection of 5 simple recipes. Achieve stunning, healthy hair using natural ingredients found in your pantry. Say goodbye to costly salon treatments and hello to radiant locks! Longing for luscious, healthy hair? You’re not alone! However, commercial hair masks can be…
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globalphotoeditt · 22 days
Top-notch Hair Photo Masking Service Near Me: Enhance Your Images Today!
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Ever taken a picture that's perfect except for that pesky background clashing with your gorgeous hairstyle? Maybe you are a photographer looking to create stunning portraits with isolated subjects or perhaps you run an online store and need product photos with clean hairlines for a professional look. Whatever the reason, achieving flawless hair separation in photos can be a challenge. But fear not! This is where a high-quality hair photo masking service comes to the rescue.
The Magic of Hair Photo Masking
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Hair photo masking, also known as hair isolation or deep etching, is an advanced photo editing technique that meticulously separates the hair strands from the background. This allows you to:
Place your subject on any background: Want to transport your portrait to a tropical beach or a bustling cityscape? Hair masking makes it possible!
Create clean product shots: For online businesses, showcasing products like wigs, extensions or hair accessories requires a clear separation between the hair and the background. Hair masking ensures your products are the star of the show.
Enhance photo editing creativity: Hair masking opens doors for creative photo manipulation. Imagine adding dramatic effects or compositing your subject onto a fantastical scene - the possibilities are endless!
Why Choose Global Photo Edit for Your Hair Masking Needs?
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Global Photo Edit knows hair can make or break a photo. That's why our retouching experts wield the latest software and techniques to achieve flawless hair separation, no matter how complex the style.
Here's why we're your ideal partner:
Unmatched Quality: We are obsessed with detail and achieving a realistic look. Our painstaking hair refinement guarantees stunning results that leave you amazed.
Fast Turnaround: Get your photos back quickly without sacrificing quality. We offer efficient turnaround times to meet your deadlines.
Affordable Pricing: Affordable excellence: At Global Photo Edit, we believe you shouldn't have to break the bank for top-notch photo editing.
Exceptional Customer Service: Your satisfaction is our priority. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is always on hand, ready to answer your questions and ensure your photo editing experience is a breeze.
Seamless Workflow: Seamless Uploads & Downloads: Your Photos, Simplified
Ready to experience the difference? Global Photo Edit makes the process simple.  Simply upload your photos, specify your desired background changes, and leave the hair masking magic to us.
Finding a Hair Photo Masking Service Near You
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While near me might not translate to having an editor physically down the street, many photo editing companies, like Global Photo Edit, operate virtually. This allows you to access high-quality services from the comfort of your home, regardless of your location.
Here's how to find a reputable hair photo masking service online:
Research and Reviews: Scour online reviews and customer experiences to get a feel for Global Photo Edit's reputation and their clients' happiness.
Portfolio Power: Dive into Global Photo Edit's project gallery to get a feel for their expertise.  Pay close attention to their hair masking work – it's a real showcase of their skills.
Pricing Transparency: Prioritize companies like Global Photo Edit that showcase their pricing upfront. This transparency empowers you to compare options and make informed decisions that fit your budget.
Communication is Key: Choose a company with clear communication channels and a responsive support team.
Benefits of a Remote Hair Masking Service
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There are several advantages to using a remote hair masking service:
Wider Talent Pool: You are not limited to local options, allowing you to tap into a broader pool of talented editors.
Competitive Pricing: They typically have lower operating expenses because Global Photo Edit operates virtually, which can translate into cost benefits for you.
Convenience and Efficiency: Upload your photos online with Global Photo Edit and get them back digitally faster than ever. Save yourself precious time and effort.
Global Photo Edit: Your One-Stop Shop for Hair Masking Excellence
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We go the extra mile to provide exceptional hair masking services. 
When you select us, here's what you can anticipate:
Free Trial: Hesitant to take the plunge? Global Photo Edit offers a complimentary trial, allowing you to witness the exceptional quality of our edits for yourself.
Customizable Service: We tailor our services to your specific needs and budget.
24/7 Support: Our friendly support crew is always on deck to answer your questions and steer you in the right direction if you hit any snags.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our priority. That's why we offer a happiness guarantee – we are not satisfied until you are with the final edits.
Tips for Taking Hair-Masking-Friendly Photos
It's always helpful to capture photos that lend themselves to a smoother editing process while hair masking can work wonders:
Lighting is King: Aim for even, diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows that can complicate hair separation.
Solid Backgrounds: Choose a solid-colored background that contrasts with the hair color. White, black, or green screens are ideal.
Mind the Wind: Windy conditions can cause flyaways that might be more challenging to mask.
Focus on Hair Detail: Ensure the camera is focused on the hair, capturing as much detail as possible.
Enables professional-looking photos to work their magic with Global Photo Edit’s hair masking service. Regardless of whether you are a professional photographer, business owner, or an individual looking to upgrade your images, fuck going to strike you hard. You will already know the path to producing amazing results if you have a solid knowledge of the techniques used, know the potential benefits applied, and understand all the critical factors.
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camellasstory · 25 days
Get the Perfect Look for Less: Affordable Hair Care Tips from a Makeup Artist in Birmingham      
Introduction to the importance of hair care
Welcome to the world of fabulous hair without breaking the bank! We all know that our locks deserve some love, but sometimes pricey salon treatments and products can put a dent in our wallets. Luckily, with a few insider tips from a talented Makeup Artist in Birmingham, you can achieve stunning hair on a budget. Get ready to discover affordable hair care secrets that will have your mane looking its best without spending a fortune. Let's dive in!
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The role of a Makeup Artist in Birmingham in haircare
As a makeup artist in Birmingham, my role extends beyond just cosmetics. I often find myself offering hair care tips and solutions to my clients. Hair is an essential part of one's overall look, and it complements any makeup beautifully.
I help clients understand the importance of maintaining healthy hair by recommending suitable products and treatments. Whether it's dryness, frizz, or damage, I strive to provide tailored advice that caters to individual needs.
My expertise lies not only in creating stunning makeup looks but also in enhancing the natural beauty of one's hair. By incorporating simple yet effective techniques into their routine, clients can achieve luscious locks that elevate their entire appearance.
Collaborating with hairstylists allows me to offer a holistic approach to beauty transformations. Together, we aim to create cohesive looks that leave clients feeling confident and empowered in their skin.
Budget-friendly tips for healthy hair
Maintaining healthy hair doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some budget-friendly tips to keep your locks looking luscious without draining your wallet.
Opt for multi-purpose products that offer various benefits in one bottle. Look for shampoos and conditioners that cater to your specific hair needs while being cost-effective.
Consider cutting back on the frequency of washing your hair. Overwashing can strip natural oils and lead to dryness. Try extending the time between washes to maintain a balance of oils in your scalp.
Embrace DIY treatments using ingredients from your kitchen like coconut oil, honey, or avocado. These natural remedies can nourish and hydrate your hair without splurging on expensive salon treatments.
Don't underestimate the power of regular trims. Keeping split ends at bay can prevent further damage and help your hair look healthier overall. A trip to the salon for a quick trim every few months can make a significant difference in maintaining healthy hair on a budget.
Affordable products and brands to try
Looking to pamper your locks without breaking the bank? There are plenty of affordable haircare products and brands that can help you achieve salon-worthy results at home.
For budget-friendly shampoos and conditioners, consider checking out drugstore brands like Garnier Fructis or Herbal Essences. These options provide quality ingredients without the hefty price tag.
When it comes to styling products, look for gems like Not Your Mother's or Aussie Haircare. These brands offer a wide range of sprays, gels, and mousses to help you create stunning hairstyles without spending a fortune.
If you need some extra hydration or repair for your hair, explore the world of hair masks from brands like SheaMoisture or OGX. These treatments can revitalize your strands without costing a fortune.
Don't forget about online retailers like Amazon or Ulta Beauty, where you can often find discounts on popular hair care brands. Keeping an eye out for sales and promotions can also help you snag high-quality products at affordable prices.
Styling tricks for different hair types
Are you ready to take your hair styling game to the next level? As a Makeup Artist in Birmingham, I've got some insider tips for styling different hair types that won't break the bank.
For those with fine hair, try using volumizing mousse at the roots before blow-drying upside down for added lift. If you have curly locks, apply a leave-in conditioner and scrunch while air-drying, or use a diffuser on low heat to enhance those natural curls.
If your hair tends to be frizzy, opt for products with argan oil or coconut oil to tame flyaways and add shine. And for those with straight hair looking for more texture, try sea salt spray or dry shampoo for effortless waves.
Remember, less is often more when it comes to styling products – start small and build up as needed. Experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for your unique hair type.
Hair Care is essential for maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. By following the budget-friendly tips from a Makeup Artist in Birmingham, you can achieve the perfect look without breaking the bank. Remember to invest in affordable products and brands, try DIY treatments using household ingredients, and use styling tricks tailored to your specific hair type.
With these expert tips at your disposal, you can rock gorgeous hair every day without spending a fortune. So go ahead, pamper your locks with care and creativity – because fabulous hair doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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kamran9 · 3 months
Conversation with Gemini
Give up 15 blog ideas for women's caring hairs
15 Blog Ideas for Women's Hair Care:
The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type: Break down personalized routines for common hair types (straight, curly, wavy, etc.) with product recommendations and styling tips.
Beat the Frizz: Natural Solutions for Frizzy Hair: Explore DIY masks, leave-in conditioners, and styling techniques to combat frizz and achieve smooth, manageable hair.
Embrace Your Grays: Stylish Tips for Transitioning to Gray Hair: Offer guidance and inspiration for women transitioning to their natural gray hair, including haircut and styling advice.
Hair Hacks for Busy Women: Quick and Easy Styles on the Go: Share time-saving hairstyles and tricks for achieving polished looks even on a busy schedule.
DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair at Home: Provide recipes for homemade hair masks using natural ingredients to address specific concerns like dryness, damage, or lack of volume.
The No-Poo Movement: Exploring Low-Poo and No-Poo Shampoos: Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using low-poo and no-poo shampoos, offering guidance on switching and product recommendations.
Scalp Care 101: The Importance of a Healthy Scalp for Healthy Hair: Highlight the importance of scalp health, offering tips for scalp exfoliation, addressing common scalp concerns like dandruff, and choosing gentle hair products.
Heat Styling Without the Damage: Protective Measures for Healthy Hair: Educate readers on heat protectants, proper heat styling techniques, and alternative styling methods to minimize heat damage.
Hair Care on a Budget: Affordable Products and Drugstore Gems: Recommend effective hair care products at accessible price points, catering to different hair types and needs.
Embrace Your Curls: The Curly Girl Method Explained: Break down the Curly Girl Method (CGM) for beginners, offering tips on product selection, styling techniques, and maintaining healthy curls.
Hair Care After Coloring: Maintaining Vibrant Color and Healthy Hair: Provide advice on post-coloring care routines to keep colored hair vibrant, healthy, and prevent fading.
Hair Loss Solutions: Understanding and Addressing Hair Thinning: Discuss common causes of hair loss in women, offering suggestions for addressing thinning hair and promoting hair growth.
Sustainable Hair Care: Eco-Friendly Products and Practices: Promote eco-conscious hair care practices, recommending sustainable products, packaging, and habits.
Hair Care During the Seasons: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Results: Offer seasonal hair care tips, addressing concerns like dryness in winter or frizz in summer.
Hair Care Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction: Address common hair care myths and misconceptions, providing evidence-based information and clarifying best practices.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to tailor your content to your target audience and their specific hair care needs and interests.
"The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type" write an blog within 2000 words.Seo friendly blog,no use of ai tone
Show drafts
The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type: Unlocking Your Hair's Full Potential
Having healthy, beautiful hair is a desire shared by many. But achieving optimal hair health requires understanding your unique hair type and implementing a personalized care routine. This guide delves into the different hair types, unveils their specific needs, and outlines the ultimate hair care routine for each, empowering you to unlock your hair's full potential.
Understanding Your Hair Type: The Foundation for Healthy Hair
Identifying your hair type is crucial for selecting the right products and developing an effective hair care routine. Here are the main hair types:
Straight: Smooth, lacks natural curl or wave. Can be prone to oiliness at the roots and dryness at the ends.
Wavy: Has loose, "S-shaped" waves that become more defined with styling products. Can be prone to frizz and dryness.
Curly: Has tight, well-defined coils or ringlets. Requires specific products and techniques to maintain moisture and definition.
Coily: Has tightly coiled strands in a "Z" or zig-zag pattern. Requires extra moisture and gentle handling to prevent breakage.
Fine: Thin strands with a delicate texture. Can be prone to limpness and lack of volume.
Thick: Coarse strands with a full, dense texture. Can be resistant to styling and prone to dryness or frizz.
By considering your hair's texture, density, porosity (ability to absorb moisture), and curl pattern, you can embark on a personalized hair care journey.
Customized Care: The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Each Type
1. Straight Hair:
Shampoo: Choose a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse the scalp without stripping natural oils. Wash hair every 2-3 days, depending on your scalp's oil production.
Conditioner: Opt for a lightweight conditioner focused on smoothing and adding shine. Apply to the mid-lengths and ends, avoiding the roots.
Styling: Use heat protectant spray before blow-drying or using hot styling tools. Experiment with volume-boosting products like mousses or root lifters for added body.
2. Wavy Hair:
Shampoo: Use a co-washing technique (using conditioner instead of shampoo) or a gentle, hydrating shampoo to cleanse and retain moisture. Wash hair 1-2 times a week.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly (weekly or bi-weekly) with a rich, moisturizing conditioner to enhance wave definition and combat frizz.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner or styling cream to damp hair, scrunching gently to encourage wave formation. Air-drying is ideal, but if using heat, diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
3. Curly Hair:
Shampoo: Opt for a low-poo or co-washing routine to cleanse the scalp gently while preserving moisture. Wash hair once a week or less, depending on your scalp's needs.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly with a rich, creamy conditioner specifically formulated for curly hair. Apply to wet hair, detangle with a wide-tooth comb, and rinse partially for moisture retention.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner or curl cream to soaking wet hair, using the "squish to condish" method to encourage curl definition. Plop (wrap hair in a T-shirt) or diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
4. Coily Hair:
Shampoo: Similar to curly hair, opt for low-poo or co-washing to maintain moisture. Wash hair every 1-2 weeks, depending on your scalp's needs.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly with a rich, butter-based conditioner specifically formulated for coily hair. Apply generously to wet hair, detangle gently with a wide-tooth comb, and rinse partially for moisture retention.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner, styling cream, or gel to soaking wet hair, using the "shingling" method (small sections layered with product) to define coils. Plop or diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
5. Fine Hair:
Shampoo: Use a volumizing shampoo to cleanse the scalp and add body. Wash hair 2-3 times a week, depending on your scalp's oil production.
Conditioner: Opt for a lightweight conditioner applied only to the mid-lengths and ends to avoid weighing down the hair.
Styling: Use volumizing products like mousses or root lifters at the roots for added body. Avoid heavy styling products that can weigh down fine hair.
6. Thick Hair:
Shampoo: Use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month to remove product build-up and prevent scalp congestion. Wash hair 1-2 times a week, depending on your
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mohitjoshi041 · 3 months
Hair Mask Magic: How to Repair Dry, Damaged, and Frizzy Locks
Our hair strands need the same level of care as our skin, so we use millions of treatments to cure our skin issues. The worst period of our hair occurs when we use hot hair tools excessively, and the weather is unpredictable. Your frizzy and damaged hair, fried ends, and lifeless curls are all caused by pollution, UV radiation, and improper products. Hydrating and restorative hair masks, in contrast to shampoo and conditioner, deeply permeate the therapeutic components in the hair, producing noticeable benefits. 
Hair masks for brittle, dry hair provide your frizzed-out locks hydration, strength, and luster. Fortunately, you don't have to go to the store or add another hair product to your shopping basket. We're here to share the best hair mask for dry, frizzy hair recipes you can make using items you already have in your kitchen to give your dry, lifeless hair a much-needed boost of hydration. Budget-friendly solutions for cuticle healing are simple-to-make hair masks that may be tailored to your hair type and mood. 
Here are the finest hair masks for strengthening and nourishing hair. 
Yogurt and Coconut Oil Hair Mask for Frizzy Hair 
This ultimate antiquated hair mask with moisturizing super elements for dry, damaged hair will keep frizz away. This homemade hair care solution is perfect for dry and brittle hair because of the lactic acid in the yogurt. Fatty acids and vitamin E in coconut oil shield hair from the sun's rays and keep it from drying out. 
Damaged hair treatment with a banana and olive oil mask 
This hair-repair mask uses two ordinary products. Olive oil's healthy lipids and vitamin E shine hair, while bananas' vitamins and minerals hydrate dull, damaged, and dry hair. 
Hair Mask with Avocado and Olive Oil for Split Ends 
Because split ends result from weakening hair strands, avocado-infused hair masks are an excellent option for those with dry, brittle hair. While split ends are unforgiving and cannot be repaired—you must cut them off to get rid of them—the ingredients' proteins and vitamins in the hair mask for dry and frizzy hair nurture and soften the ends while adding additional shine. 
Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar Mask for Itchy Scalp 
The most expensive and well-known substance for a tingling scalp is A.C.V. This amazing hair treatment for dry, damaged hair works more like a spritzer to eliminate bacterial buildup, reduce itching, and restore pH balance to the scalp. Honey and almond oil antioxidants protect the scalp against toxins, chemicals, and surfactants. 
Lemon and Egg White Mask for Oily Scalp and Dull Hair 
Dandruff caused by an oily scalp often results in hair breakage. Protein enzymes included in egg whites help to eliminate excess oil. Lemon's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vitamin C qualities help to cleanse the scalp and provide essential nutrients. 
Honey and Mayonnaise Mask for Lifeless and Dull Hair 
You can get shiny, healthy-looking hair by using your favorite mayo. Mayonnaise's lipids absorb excess accumulation and nourish the scalp with fatty acids. Olive oil and honey's antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties can revive your hair. For more luster, add an egg. 
These are a few tried-and-true hair masks for dry and frizzy hair recipes that can really give your hair more luster and nutrition. Apply these masks once a week to showcase beautiful, healthy-looking hair. 
Hair masks restore dry, damaged, and frizzy hair from pollution and heat styling. Recipes for DIY hair masks utilizing yogurt, coconut oil, banana, olive oil, avocado, honey, and apple cider vinegar may hydrate, strengthen, and shine hair and treat split ends, itchy scalp, and greasy scalp. Regular usage of these DIY hair treatments may increase hair luster and nourishment. 
Resource Box: 
Many hair masks from Barcode Professional hydrate and restore hair for healthier-looking locks. Their line offers exquisite hair masks for various hair care requirements. 
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chiranjeetsaha · 3 months
Make Your Image Perfect with 10 Free Background Remover Tools
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In the digital age, where visuals play a crucial role in communication, having the perfect image can make all the difference. Whether you're a photographer, graphic designer, marketer, or simply someone who loves to share photos on social media, the quality of your images matters. One key aspect of enhancing your images is removing or changing the background, which can significantly impact the overall aesthetics and message of the picture. Fortunately, there are numerous free background remover tools available online that can help you achieve professional-looking results without breaking the bank. In this guide, we'll explore 10 of the best free background remover tools and how they can elevate your images to perfection.
Simplified takes the lead as a top-tier free background remover tool due to its user-friendly interface and powerful customization capabilities. Its intuitive design ensures a seamless experience for users of all skill levels, providing a straightforward pathway to professional-looking results. With Simplified, the process of removing backgrounds becomes effortless, allowing users to refine image elements and achieve a polished look with simplicity and efficiency. The tool's robust customization options empower users to make detailed adjustments without the requirement for advanced design skills. Whether you're a novice or an experienced designer, Simplified accessible features and automation make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their images without the complexities often associated with graphic design tools.
Remove.bg is a popular and user-friendly online tool that specializes in removing backgrounds from images automatically. With its advanced AI technology, Remove.bg can accurately detect the subject in your photo and remove the background in seconds. Whether you're working with portraits, product shots, or group photos, Remove.bg delivers impressive results with just a few clicks. Best of all, it's free to use for images up to a certain resolution, making it perfect for casual users and professionals alike.
Clipping Magic:
Clipping Magic is another powerful background remover tool that offers precise control over the editing process. Its intuitive interface allows you to easily mark the foreground and background areas, and the tool will automatically remove the background while preserving the details of the subject. Clipping Magic also provides advanced editing features such as edge refinement and hair masking, ensuring clean and professional results every time. While the tool offers a paid version with additional features, the free version is still robust enough to meet the needs of most users.
Fotor is a comprehensive online photo editing suite that includes a background remover tool among its many features. With Fotor's background remover, you can quickly and easily remove unwanted backgrounds from your images and replace them with solid colors, gradients, or custom backgrounds. The tool also offers basic editing tools such as cropping, resizing, and color adjustments, allowing you to fine-tune your images to perfection. Whether you're editing portraits, landscapes, or product photos, Fotor provides a simple and effective solution for background removal.
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a powerful open-source image editing software that offers a wide range of features, including a robust background remover tool. While GIMP may have a steeper learning curve compared to some online tools, it provides unparalleled flexibility and control over the editing process. With GIMP, you can manually remove backgrounds, apply complex masking techniques, and fine-tune every aspect of your image to achieve professional-quality results. As an open-source software, GIMP is completely free to download and use, making it an excellent choice for budget-conscious users.
Pixlr is a versatile online photo editor that offers a variety of tools for editing and enhancing your images, including a background remover tool. With Pixlr's background remover, you can quickly isolate subjects from their backgrounds and create stunning compositions with ease. The tool offers both automatic and manual selection modes, allowing you to choose the method that best suits your needs. Pixlr also provides a wide range of filters, effects, and overlays to further enhance your images, making it a favorite among photographers and designers alike.
PhotoScissors is a simple yet powerful background remover tool that is perfect for users of all skill levels. With its intuitive interface and automatic background removal feature, PhotoScissors makes it easy to isolate subjects from their backgrounds in just a few clicks. The tool also offers advanced editing options such as edge refinement and feathering, allowing you to achieve seamless results with minimal effort. Whether you're removing backgrounds from portraits, product photos, or landscapes, PhotoScissors provides a hassle-free solution for achieving professional-quality images.
Canva is a popular online graphic design platform that offers a range of tools for creating stunning visuals, including a background remover tool. With Canva's background remover, you can quickly remove unwanted backgrounds from your images and replace them with solid colors, patterns, or custom backgrounds. The tool also provides a variety of templates and design elements to help you create eye-catching graphics for social media, marketing materials, and more. While Canva offers a paid subscription with additional features, the free version includes everything you need to create professional-looking images.
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Adobe Photoshop Express:
Adobe Photoshop Express is a streamlined version of the industry-leading Photoshop software that offers a range of tools for editing and enhancing your images, including a background remover tool. With Photoshop Express, you can easily remove backgrounds from your photos and replace them with solid colors, gradients, or custom backgrounds. The tool also provides basic editing features such as cropping, resizing, and color adjustments, allowing you to fine-tune your images to perfection. While Photoshop Express offers a paid subscription with additional features, the free version is still a powerful tool for casual users and professionals alike.
Kapwing is a web-based video and image editing platform that offers a variety of tools for creating and editing multimedia content, including a background remover tool. With Kapwing's background remover, you can quickly and easily remove backgrounds from your images and replace them with solid colors, patterns, or custom backgrounds. The tool also provides a range of editing options such as cropping, resizing, and adding text, allowing you to customize your images to suit your needs. Whether you're editing photos for social media, presentations, or personal projects, Kapwing provides a simple and effective solution for achieving professional-quality results.
Photopea is a powerful online image editor that offers many of the same features as Adobe Photoshop, including a robust background remover tool. With Photopea, you can easily remove backgrounds from your images and replace them with solid colors, gradients, or custom backgrounds. The tool also provides advanced editing options such as layers, masks, and filters, allowing you to fine-tune your images to perfection. While Photopea may have a steeper learning curve compared to some online tools, it provides unparalleled flexibility and control over the editing process, making it a favorite among professional photographers and designers.
Importance of Image Quality: In today's visually driven world, high-quality images are essential for grabbing attention, conveying messages effectively, and making a lasting impression. Whether it's for personal use, social media, marketing campaigns, or professional projects, the quality of your images can significantly impact their effectiveness.
Background Removal as a Key Editing Technique: Background removal is a fundamental editing technique used to isolate subjects from their surroundings, allowing for greater flexibility in design and composition. By removing distracting or irrelevant backgrounds, you can draw focus to the main subject, improve visual clarity, and enhance overall aesthetics.
Common Use Cases: Background removal is commonly used in various fields and industries. For example:
E-commerce: Product photos with clean, white backgrounds tend to perform better and increase sales.
Photography: Portrait photographers often remove backgrounds to create studio-like effects or enhance the subject's presence.
Graphic Design: Designers use background removal to create composite images, custom graphics, and visual effects for various projects.
Social Media: Influencers, brands, and individuals use background removal to create visually appealing content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Challenges in Background Removal: While background removal can significantly enhance images, it can also be challenging, especially when dealing with complex backgrounds, fine details, or irregular shapes. Manual background removal techniques may require time, skill, and precision, making them impractical for large volumes of images.
Role of Free Background Remover Tools: Free background remover tools provide accessible and user-friendly solutions for individuals and businesses looking to improve their images without investing in expensive software or hiring professional editors. These tools leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate the background removal process, making it faster, easier, and more accurate.
Choosing the Right Tool: When selecting a free background remover tool, it's essential to consider factors such as ease of use, accuracy, editing capabilities, and compatibility with your workflow. While some tools offer basic functionalities suitable for casual users, others provide more advanced features for professional designers and photographers.
Integration with Other Editing Tools: Many free background remover tools integrate seamlessly with other image editing software, allowing users to combine background removal with additional editing techniques such as color correction, retouching, and text overlay. This integration streamlines the editing process and enables users to achieve comprehensive image enhancements with ease.
Continuous Improvement and Innovation: The landscape of free background remover tools is continually evolving, with developers regularly introducing new features, updates, and improvements to enhance usability and performance. Staying informed about the latest developments in this space can help users discover new tools and techniques to further improve their images.
1 Types of Background Removal Techniques: Free background remover tools employ various techniques to separate subjects from backgrounds. These techniques include:
Automatic Removal: Tools use AI algorithms to detect and remove backgrounds automatically, suitable for images with clear subject-background distinctions.
Manual Selection: Users manually outline the subject and background using selection tools, offering greater control over the editing process but requiring more time and effort.
Semi-Automatic Tools: These tools combine automated background removal with manual refinement options, striking a balance between speed and precision.
2 Considerations for Complex Images: While free background remover tools excel at handling simple images with well-defined subjects and backgrounds, they may struggle with complex scenes, such as those with intricate patterns, transparent elements, or overlapping objects. In such cases, additional manual editing or specialized software may be necessary to achieve desired results.
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3 Image File Formats and Resolution: Free background remover tools support various image file formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. However, the resolution of the image may affect the accuracy of background removal, with higher-resolution images typically yielding better results. Users should consider the intended use and output requirements when selecting image resolution and file format.
4 Beyond Background Removal: While background removal is a valuable editing technique, free tools often offer additional features and functionalities to enhance images further. These may include:
Color Adjustments: Tools for adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation, and color balance to improve overall image quality.
Retouching Tools: Features for removing blemishes, smoothing skin, and enhancing details to achieve a polished look.
Text and Overlay Options: Tools for adding text, graphics, logos, and other overlays to customize images for specific purposes or branding requirements.
Achieving the perfect image requires attention to detail and the right tools for the job. With the 10 free background remover tools outlined in this guide, you can easily remove unwanted backgrounds from your images and create stunning compositions with ease. Whether you're a professional photographer, graphic designer, or casual user, these tools offer the flexibility and functionality you need to elevate your images to perfection. So why settle for mediocre photos when you can make them perfect with the help of these free background remover tools?
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