amphibifish · 6 months
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the thief of brisingamen :3
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jaymie-the-magpie · 8 months
Behold! The rainforest planet of Kanaya! Now with climates!
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Closeups under the cut :)
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freyja7ds · 9 months
And we have enough gold,’ said another.
Freyja gazed at the necklace. She felt a great longing for it, a painful hunger.
Alfrigg and Dvalin and Berling and Grerr huddled in one corner of the forge. They whispered and murmured and nodded.‘What is your price?’ asked the goddess.
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‘It belongs to us all,’ said one dwarf.‘So what each has must be had by the others,’ said the second, leering. ‘There’s only one price,’ said the third, ‘that will satisfy us.’ The fourth dwarf looked at Freyja. So he goes "Your body" With a creepy little smile.
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The goddess flushed, and her breasts began to rise and fall.‘Only if you will lie one night with each of us will this necklace ever lie round your throat,’ said the dwarfs.
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Freyja’s distaste for the dwarfs — their ugly faces, their pale noses, their misshapen bodies and their small greedy eyes — was great, but her desire for the necklace was greater.
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Four nights were but four nights; the glorious necklace would adorn her for all time. The walls of the forge were red and flickering; the dwarfs’ eyes were motionless
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‘As you wish,’ murmured Freyja shamelessly. ‘As you wish. I am in your hands.’
So she agrees to be his slave for four days/four nights. The dwarfs takes her home
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so each of the dwarves fucks freyja for a solid 4 days & 4 nights cycle.
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Four days passed; four nights passed. Freyja kept her part of the bargain. Then the dwarfs, too, kept their word. They presented the necklace to Freyja and jostled her and fastened it round her throat.
the dwarves fastened the necklace of the Brísings around her neck.
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The goddess hurried out of the cavern and across the bright plains of Midgard, and her shadow followed her. She crossed over Bifrost and returned in the darkness to Sessrumnir. And under her cloak, she wore the necklace of the Brisings.
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Freya returned to her palace to live in shame. She hid the necklace she had given her honour for.
The End!
Tale by @freyja7ds
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vikingsbigbang · 2 years
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Author: @peaceisadirtyword | Artist: @nothingtolosebutweight Title: Brísingamen | Category: F/M | Rating: Explicit | Word count: 33,5k Warnings: Violence Summary: Freya spent her life searching for the kind of love her parents shared. The kind of love that makes them go crazy, the kind that burns in their chests, when they are sure they would rather die than lose each other. And she found it in Kjartan, her future husband and an ambitious man who vows not to marry until he is king. After years of trying and failing to conquer Kattegat, Kjartan seems to accept that he cannot defeat the king of Kattegat in battle, but he still has a plan to sit on the throne, and for that Ivar Ragnarsson must die.
And Freya, the loyal, sweet, innocent Freya, who would do anything for him, could be the key to achieve this. Someone that can sneak into Kattegat and reach the king’s chambers in the middle of the night to bury a knife in his chest. But when Freya gets caught, she learns no one should underestimate Ivar the Boneless.
You can read the story here on AO3!
Created as part of the Vikings Big Bang Winter '22 event on @vikingsbigbang
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moiracolleenodell · 2 years
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kokonoko84 · 4 months
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Furious then was Freyja and snorted in rage,
the whole hall of the Æsir trembled at that,
the great necklece of the Brisings fell from her.
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grumpyqueensblog · 1 year
WIP - Fanart Mythologie Nordique
Petit dessin inachevé mettant en scène Ratatosk qui se sert des “nouvelles” technologies pour foutre la merde...
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beyondthebizarre · 2 years
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Are you familiar with the tale behind Brísingamen, the necklace of Norse goddess Freyja? Will if not, pop over to the link in bio or wherever you listen to podcasts and listen to the latest episode of Beyond the Bizarre, Norse Mythology: The Vanir • • • • • #podcast #horrorpodcast #history #brisingamen #mythology #norsemythology #norsepagan #pagan #paganism #thevanir #freyja #godsandgoddesses #norse #scandinavianmythology #norsegods https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEQpjsOvUs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vintagerpg · 3 months
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Alan Garner’s debut novel, The Weirdstone of Brisigamen (1960) is set mostly in Alderley Edge, in Cheshire, and features a version of the Sleeping King legend, where the wizard of the Edge watches over a sleeping troop of knights who would one day save the world from an untold evil. To do so, though, requires the titular weirdstone, which was lost, but conveniently comes back to the Edge on the wrist of a visiting girl. She and her brother get embroiled in the machinations of a coven of witches, led by Selina Place (actually the Morrigan) and an evil sorcerer Grimnir, who both wish to possess the stone. The siblings wind up lost in the caves and mines of the Edge, are saved by two dwarves and eventually traverse the Cheshire countryside to deliver the stone to the wizard and provoke a final confrontation between the forces of good and evil.
The underground portions of claustrophobic and terrible — any dungeoneer would think twice about spelunking after reading Gardner’s descriptions of stumbling through perfect darkness, squeezing through narrow openings and, worst of all, getting stuck. Nightmarish. The later portion in the Cheshire countryside is deeply strange — mundane fields and woodland becomes overlaid with a fantastic world, populated by witches and terrible creatures — this comes across in Jack Gaughan’s bizarre cover art. The focus on landscape, and its dual nature, is something just about all of Garner’s novels ponder.
The Moon of Gomrath (1963, cover by Jeffrey Catherine Jones) sees the siblings again embroiled in a supernatural conflict with the vengeful Morrigan, an evil spirit called the Brollachan and the Wild Hunt. As an adventure yarn, Moon is probably superior, but it lacks the raw strangeness of Weirdstone. A third novels was meant to wrap things up, but Garner decided he didn’t like the protagonists, so the sequence remained incomplete until Boneland came out in 2012 (which is weird in completely different ways).
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queercodedlunatic · 11 months
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Yennefer of Vengerberg, portrait in Nimue's tower.
Anyone else imagine Yen's hair to be huge with small curls?
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dgorringeart · 11 months
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Bodachs, from Alan Garner's YA fantasy book The Moon of Gomrath. They were smaller than Susan, a young adolescent; bald, pointy-eared, covered in flat locks of hair like scales, had the legs of birds and bounded along with an unpleasant pecking motion. They served Morrigan, living only for the scream of blades.
The dwarf Uthecar described them as much like Goblins, but, loath as he was to admit it, braver, more aggressive. They stuck with me from reading that book a long time ago. I remembered their spears and odd legs, but falsely recalled horns and scaled armour, because these things are tricky.
I've settled on some raven or crow forms in their kit, and let them have the lamprey as a favourite animal motif. In the story, they can be eerily still and hard to detect; I decided their fur should accumulate algae and leaf litter like a loth to help them along with this.
I had a lot of fun with these nasty little men, and got to horse around with some new digital tricks. Like them!
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amphibifish · 5 months
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freyja7ds · 9 months
Freyja and the origin of brisingamen🌟
Using freyja from 7ds grand cross, Since this story is talked about in the game.
Let's get started!
Story and images made by me- @Freyja7DS
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The goddess sidled through the dismal cave. The sound of the tapping, insistent yet fitful, grew stronger and stronger. Freyja stopped, listened again, moved on; at last she stopped, eased her way down a narrow groin, and stepped into the sweltering smithy of the four dwarfs.
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Alfrigg and Dvalin, Berling and Grerr.For a moment Freyja was dazzled by the brilliance of the furnace. She rubbed her eyes, and then she gasped as she saw the breathtaking work of the dwarfs
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a necklace, a choker of gold incised with wondrous patterns, a marvel of fluid metal twisting and weaving and writhing.She had never seen anything so beautiful nor so desired anything before.
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The four dwarfs, meanwhile, stared at the goddess — she shimmered in the warm light of the forge. Where her cloak had fallen apart, the gold brooches and jewels on her dress gleamed and winked. They had never seen anyone so beautiful nor so desired anyone before.
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Freyja smiled at Alfrigg and Dvalin and Berling and Grerr. ‘I will buy that necklace from you,’ she said.The four dwarfs looked at each other. Three shook their heads and the fourth said, ‘It’s not for sale.’‘I want it,’ said Freyja.The dwarfs grimaced.‘I want it.
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I’ll pay you with silver and gold — a fair price and more than a fair price,’ said Freyja, her voice rising. She moved closer to the bench where the necklace was lying. ‘I’ll bring you other rewards.’ ‘We have enough silver,’ said one dwarf.
🚨 Continue in the next post🚨
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So, just started Boneland.
...man, Alan Garner really did look at all the edgy 'all of the Rugrats are dead, Majora's Mask is Link trying to come to terms with his own death, Spirited Away is about child prostitution' theories and said 'hold my beer', didn't he?
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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(flower: ok sleepy time
that g.enshin picrew: i have updates compared to before
flower: REAL SHIT?)
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cicelythereaper · 1 year
merry christmas! today i am plugging my own series because at this point i’ve written almost 50k of Festive Feelings Fic over the past seven years or so and people should get to enjoy that
this series is a massive crossover (it starts with narnia x the box of delights and then gains fandoms as it goes), but honestly, it’s ultimately about susan pevensie post-canon and my Big Feelings about her. it’s about imagination, it’s about childhood, it’s about regaining access to both. it’s about developing friendships and coming to live with grief. it’s about listening to silenced parts of yourself. and it is, and i cannot emphasise this ENOUGH, about just PILING on the most festive christmas imagery i can muster every year. i’m not kidding. look at the playlists.
anyway, if you read it and leave any form of feedback i will owe you my sword and possibly my soul forever! every individual kudos and comment on any of these is treasured deep in my heart.
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