#Both Law and Luffy are Princes
cinnbar-bun · 4 months
Gifts OP Characters Give you for Valentine’s Day
Rating: SFW
A/n: happy Valentine’s Day!! Enjoy this short little thing. Vday is kinda messy for me cuz I’m allergic to chocolate so 😭 Oofie lmao. Chopper is platonic only!!!
Luffy: He is very earnest and most of his “affection” is shown through actions, so he’ll probably be more physically affectionate and want you by his side all day. Would gift you some food to share and maybe a single flower (he accidentally crushed it but it’s so cute)
Zoro: Your favorite drink. He probably would drink lots of sake, but if you don’t drink sake/alcohol in general, he buys you your favorite soda, coffee, tea, or sparkling juice etc. to drink beside you. Prefers a more romantic gesture of drinking at night alone with you under the stars.
Nami: Chocolate covered tangerines. Or if you’re allergic to both/either/don’t care for those, she gives you a nice piece of matching jewelry to wear with her.
Usopp: A heart-shaped device. Dunno what that device would specifically be but it’s probably based on whatever you needed and he decided to spruce it up for you.
Sanji: Mr. Prince does everything. Bugs you two dozen glitter roses, large teddy bears, and heart shaped everythings. Gives the gifts to you all day and makes sure to make a romantic vday dinner with you. Lots of kisses.
Chopper: cotton candy!!! And it’s pink!!! And kinda looks like a heart!! (Please ignore the way he wants to take a bite of it… or don’t and just forfeit all your possessions to him).
Robin: A lovely scrapbook and some flowers. She likes homemade gifts for you and her, so she made sure to buy those for you to always carry the memories you two shared with each other.
Franky: a miniature boat with figures of you and him he dubs the ‘love boat’. It’s so cheesy but it’s so expertly crafted and made you can’t help but be l happy about it.
Brook: a new song just for you. Brook is always happy to perform for you, and you’re his biggest muse so he’s always got you on the brain. He crafts a love song just to express his feelings for you.
Jinbei: a nice new tea and some desserts for you two to indulge in and relax with. Sweets are always better with you <3
Buggy: New makeup and a matching outfit with him. He loves when your outfits complement his so he wants to have you dress up in a similar fashion to him!
Mihawk: Nice homemade meals and a romantic dinner. He’s extra attentive and romantic today, making sure to pepper you in kisses and hold you close to him.
Crocodile: Expensive gifts made with gold and lots of flowers. Excess is the name, and that’s Crocodile’s game. He is happy to present you with a room full of gifts and then murmur to you he is happy to have you beside him the rest of the day (and night).
Law: Says he doesn’t believe in this yet he got you nice (and a healthier version) of some of your favorite foods. Also some flowers too, which he extensively looked up the meaning of so he could confess the feelings he’s too tsun to admit (if you care to notice-)
Corazon: Says you don’t need a gift, since your love is the best gift in the world. Just kidding, he gets you flowers and offers to take the day off to just do whatever you want.
Doflamingo: Awwwww you were expecting flowers? Maybe even chocolates? No, he’s got you a new outfit and you better be ready soon cuz he’s got a reservation at a fancy restaurant for the both of you.
Shanks: Also says you don’t need a gift because he’s the greatest thing ever and your love is just so strong with each other and- okay okay, he’s being serious now. He got you that one trinket you were eyeing at the island back there that you thought he didn’t notice you were eyeing but he did because he’s like that.
Beckman: Gruff man who is offering to take care of you today and make sure you’re completely relaxed and not lifting a finger. If the others try to get you to work, he’s lecturing them. Also wants to just spend time with you quietly.
Ace: Big teddy bear!!! It’s so cute!!! Just like you!!! He had to get it!! Might also accidentally set it on fire from getting flustered when you kiss his cheek.
Sabo: Gentleman- he gets you traditional gifts associated with Valentines Day, but then offers to take you to an untraditional date spot.
Koala: Girl put her hardest effort into making your favorite sweets/food. She wants a romantic meal with you and to spend time not working for a night.
Perona: … hello??? You’re supposed to be getting HER gifts??? She’s a princess, why are you bugging? Okay… she’ll admit, she made you a cute gothic outfit so you can be just as cute as her. She demands romantic movies and cuddles.
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blacklegsanjiii · 1 month
How about an allsan au where almoat everyman he meets absolutely fumbles for him when they spend only 5 minutes with him, he ofcourse is oblivious (hes not even bi in denial he's just stupid)
It starts ofcourse with zoro seeing him hold up a marine by the throat, Gin and Luffy being given food out of kindness and nothing else, Ace, crocodile being impressed by the mr prince tricks and so on so on
Also lots of men flirt with him on island but are quickly chased away by a glare and a sword to the throat or a guy wrapping around the pretty boy demanding food (or the good old possessive hat placement)
You decide the end couple but the whole of blue fumble for Sanji fr fr
Give this man all the simps.
Zoro choking on his drink as watches Sanji lift a marine by the throat which makes Usopp and Nami giggle at him. Gin falling for him as he eats the best food he's ever had in his whole fucking life that's keeping him from starving to death. Luffy falls in love with the way he talks about the All Blue and cares about his job and others. He's so fucking kind.
Ace falls for the guy who takes care of the others and doesn't let guests work, who spoils the handful of a little brother he has. Sir Crocodile who thinks the blond is cute and clever, who set up chances for his captain to save the crew and then him. Koza who sees how well he's taken care of his princess and the help he's given to take back Alabasta. He still insists on helping to serve and cook and Cobra is giving Koza knowing looks that make him flush and avert his eyes from the king and the cook.
Maybe it's after the time skip, after Dressrosa when Barto is literally drooling over the 'ONLY ALIVE' poster that Law is flustered and asking Luffy and Zoro about the cook. They're staring at him as Robin is giggling to herself because they are possessive. Both of them. It's the Monster Trio. Sanji is oblivious. Both of them are grumbling about Sanji not seeing their obvious interest but it's Sanji. If someone doesn't hit him over the head with a four by four he's not going to take the hint. Ask all of Tashigi's men from Punk Hazard who were crying at the cook not taking their advances. Okay maybe he just needs to be beaten with said four by four. Pedro straight up sacrifices himself for Sanji and Sanji only feels bad he's dead and that his life ended coming to get him.
You got the rest of the North Blue Boys who are obsessing over Stealth Black and Law feels like throwing up if it wouldn't insult the cook, he's so fucking excited. Luffy is over the fucking moon to see it in action. Yamato looking at Sanji from across the party and Luffy asks him what's up and he's just like Law with the whole 'the cook' thing. MARCO KNOWS better, he knows how to make an impression so at one point he's just talking to Sanji and Sanji keeps looking between Marco and whatever he thinks he needs to be doing so Marco just lightly grabs Sanji's chin and says it's rude to not focus on the person you're talking with. Sanji is so red and stuttering as Luffy wraps a rubber arm around Sanji screaming for meat as Sanji is ripped from in front of Marco to like the other side of the room.
Maybe it would end with zolusan or whatever the ship is called. Zoro asks if they have to do what Marco did after all the flirting he and Luffy have been doing for all of their sailing together and Sanji just being confused at what they're talking about.
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ssun-showerss · 1 month
My heartpirate!sanji au thoughts are that sanji, law and the rest go through lengths to hide his identity, especially since law is gunning for warlord position, so they refer to sanji as "mr. prince" in the presence of strangers, keep him masked up etc.
A possible side effect would be that germa actually never find sanji again and big mom ends up killing them all. Sanji reads it on the newspaper on the way to Wano and has the worst afternoon ever.
Another effect is either
a) Sanji gets a bounty poster that looks super mysterious and places a target on his back (Luffy thinks he's rad as hell, every other sane person thinks this is a guy to look out for)
b) He gets a bounty much later and is underestimated by enemies (WIN WIN SCENARIO FOR ME!)
I thought of Sanji going to Punk Hazard with Law, either by arguing with him and convincing him or by sneaking onto his boat. Sanji can confront Law because he understands Law through and through, they've been through a lot, (and have similar ways of acting. Cough cough.) So Sanji lays it all out for Law and Law cannot decline because Sanji *is* the most qualified to go with him. He’s stealthy, he’s calculating, he’s strong and he has experience with laboratories (shudders).
One scene I always picture is towards the end of the Punk Hazard arc, when everyone is on the wagon to leave the laboratory. The strawhats haven’t seen Sanji before but Law has told them about his companion, they know the stories about the Heart Pirates and the doors in the lab were always open at the right times during the escape.
Law: We can’t go off yet. Prince- he’s not here yet.
Chopper: The poison is spreading fast, by my estimate, it’ll reach us within the next minute!
Law: I know! I know, just… I can’t…
Luffy: We should go now, start the engine guys!
Law: NO! I just said- Luffy: You’re nakama, aren’t you? Then, you’ll trust him.
Law: …
Luffy: We go, now, and Prince-guy will catch up.
The wagon shoots off and Law expands his sphere to scan for Sanji’s presence. Just as they reach the outdoors, he feels it — someone in the air, approaching fast, with a suitcase full of files. He teleports Sanji immediately, into his arms, holds him tight. They’re both breathing heavily. Sanji’s shaking, bleeding from like 20 places, body temperature running wild, hair windswept and he goes, “Sorry c’ptn, I think a few of the files flew out while I was running.” and Law mumbles some prayer in Northern into Sanji’s hair.
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fluffycalamari · 1 year
One Piece Relationship Headcannons
Content warning: Fluffy!!
Characters included: Luffy, Sanji, Ussop
Characters you can expect in other parts: Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Buggy
I feel like Luffy wouldn't know how to express his attraction and love for you properly. Like he loves you so much he can't physically express it the way he wants to.
He's definitely asking you if he can take your food instead of outright taking it. I can also see him offering you a LITTLE bit of his food.
Definitely gives amazing hugs
A very affectionate partner
Very blunt; doesn't matter whose around he will tell and possibly yell about how gorgeous/handsome/attractive you are.
I can see him doing this goofy little thing where he'll act like he's dying very poorly for your affection like:
"Oh noooooooo!" luffy shouts, clutching his chest; falling to the ground all in dramatic fashion. You snicker at the scene while the other straw hats continued on with what they were already doing. "I think..." he throws his hands to his forehead, palms facing the crystal clear sky. "...I think it dying!! If only...." The goofball coughs a few times too many. "[Name]!" He snaps his head to you when he says that, eyes wide, tounge hanging out. "You can save me! With a kiss! A couple of kisses and I'll be better instantly!!" Who are you to deny saving the life of your captain!? You trot right on over to him, lie on top of him and pecker his face with kisses.
Over the top boyfriend!!
He loves you, he craves you, he adores you, he'll love you even more if you're a tad bit obsessive!!
Will love if you offer to help him cook, he loves instructing you!! Will make an amazing teacher if you want to learn to cook!
Showers you in gifts and words of affirmation, anything you do is amazing.
Hype man!!
He's a bit protective, but he trusts you entirely!!
Now when I say obsessive I don't mean it in the "I'll kill anyone for you" type of fashion. Sanji may be down bad but he isn't insane. This is what I mean:
Moments like these are what the both you crave; the ocean was calm and you guys were currently smooth sailing. You and Sanji laid together completely tangled on his bed in the male dorms. Smothering eachother in kisses and praise you cup his face. "I wish I could buy an island; kidnap you, and we could live together happily forever!" You beam and his face goes red. The fact that you basically admitted that you want to have a life with him warms his soul. AND HES THE REASON FOR YOUR HAPPINESS?!?! he'll eat that shit THE FUCK UP!!!!
Very flustered boyfriend
He knows exactly how he wants to show undying love to you but gets embarrassed or flustered and it never goes the way he plans. It adds to his dorky charm!!
I think he'd be constantly jealous, idunno my Usopp senses are tingling on that one
He loves to tell you stories!! Whether they're true or not.
Will tell you stories to sleep!!
Gets very defensive and will actually shoot at sanji whenever he makes a move on you
"[Name] SWAAAAAA~" The blond shouted from across the ship, running towards you with horrifying speed. It was hot as hell today, so you opted for a tank top and a pair of usopps shorts. "Hello to you too." You chuckle at his behavior, there were hearts bulgding from his eyes; literally drooling over you. "Sanji please...you know they're with Usopp, you KNOW Usopp doesn't like when you do this!!" Chopper shouts, medkit in hand; knowing how the situation was going to play out. "Sorry prince, I'm happily with Usopp; you can stop drooling over me now," You lazily smile. The blonde now on his knees banging on the ships floor dramatically shouts "What does that long nosed bastard have that I don't!! How did he manage to win your heart when I'M RIGHT HERE!!! This is-ACKK!" Sanji howls in pain as you notice rocks being shot at him. Not small rocks either, simular to an snowball. Ussop fires back to back everytime Sanji opens his mouth; only stopping when he's outta rocks. Ussop walks up to you, planting a big fat kiss on your left cheek, smiling. "I have [name], Sanji, you don't!" He retorts as Chopper quickly runs towards the1 bruised cook tensing to his injuries.
My writing is actually so bad I need to improve LMAO
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apote-lesma · 4 months
Thinking about the Hades OP AU I came up with. Zoro, prince of Hell, endlessly fighting souls through the underworld to become the best. Its endless, though, and he feels empty and doesn’t know WHY he wants be to the best. Doesn’t know anything besides that goal. Until a man of bright light and laughter appears in front of Zoro, as the swordsman is bleeding out and about to be returned in the river of Styx.
He asks who this weird guy is, because he definitely doesnt seem dead. Quite the opposite, really. He’s Luffy, the guy tells him, bouncing around excitedly. How did he get there, in the Underworld? Luffy laughs boisterously. He didn’t know! He was on an adventure, and sometimes he gets lost. Luffy was excited though, because there were many legends in the Underworld. Like Zoro, because the prince of the undead was famous! And, Luffy told Zoro, who was intrigued by the weird man, his brothers were down here too.
Zoro tells the Sun God that he wants to escape, but his father, Mihawk, the best, the King of the dead himself, stands in his way. Luffy laughs. Then he spoke; echoing the words that had been buried in Zoro’s soul. He just needed to become the best himself and then he could do whatever he wanted. Eyes gleaming, Luffy said that he was trying to the same. Become the strongest god, so he could be the freest.
Zoro was beginning to fade, to die yet again. As he died, Luffy called to him, telling him that he’s not alone! To come find him after he’s free, and until then, Luffy’s friends, the other gods, will support him with their gifts. Nika disappears then, and Zoro returns to his home.
He tells Perona, his sister and Fury sister (ironically one of those opposing him to escaping) of who had stumbled into over a bottle of nectar. She was flabbergasted, both at Zoro being so open and the fact that someone had casually entered the Underworld like that. But in her brothers eyes, she saw a fire and passion that had gone for so long, because of this Sun God
AGHH!!! Now that I’ve put thought into this crossover it works. I see Mihawk as Hades, Nami as Zeus, Robin as Athena, Jinbei as Poseidon, Brook as Orpheus, Ace as Achilles, Law as Thanatos. It’s open to interpretation, of course, so if you have ideas feel free to share! But come on. Zoro saying he’s the King of Hell and Luffy being the god of Joy and liberation. This makes me feel insane in the head
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Poll Vote Fluff
Sorry everyone for being late. Was fighting a mean headache. I hope you all had a great weekend and wish you a wonderful week <3
A Legend about True Love by Katia_Anyway (G)
The Prince of the Kingdom, Luffy, has spent his whole life locked up in the Castle, his Grandfather the King insisting that the world outside was too dangerous. But the Prince is curious and adventurous, he wants to go explore, even if that means having to sneak out alone. But once outside, he gets lost, and needs the help of a very beautiful Witch named Trafalgar Law.
No Stranger to Crazy by Purplehairedwonder (G)
The Straw Hats arrive on an island to discover not only that the Hearts are already there, but there is also a winter festival happening. Law doesn’t have the best memories with winter islands or festivals, so Luffy is determined to make some good ones with him.
You can calm me down by Sakuya_Serenity_Kira (G)
After Luffy has beaten Kaido devastatingly, his fighting spirit is unbroken. He wants, he needs more. In this intoxication, he loses control of his new abilities. Can someone stop him? But who? And how? After all, Luffy is now. . . a god.
A Sinner's Pledge by bimarian (T)
This one little incident this morning just reminded him of the promise that he wanted to make and of the letter that he said he would have to eventually write. The Surgeon takes a moment to glance between his sleeping fiancé and the papers on his lap before he finally writes a greeting on the scented paper. ‘Hey, Ace-ya.’  In which Luffy wakes up from a nightmare—and Law finally writes a letter to make one little promise to Ace.
Midnight by Chenziee (T)
Luffy really wanted to celebrate the end of the year with his friends and family but with his arm injured, strict orders of no partying, and his roommate on his heels, it got really damn hard to sneak out.
Are You Bananas by Plume8now (G)
Usopp gives Luffy an idea, and now, Luffy can't get it off his mind. Of course, he won't wait until tomorrow to do it. And nothing can stop Monkey D. Luffy.
The Mysterious Case of the Hiccups. by ClementineJuicebox, SailorHeichou (G)
-hic- The first hiccup that started it all.
Show me what love is all about by aloas (T)
If Law didn’t know how useless Luffy is when it comes to making plans, he would be complimenting Luffy’s mastermind for always knowing just the right way or the right time to catch Law unguarded. But Law knows that is not the case. So, he curses at the universe. Or fate. Or whatever deity out there that is constantly plotting for Luffy to find Law. (Or the one where Law learns a thing or two about love.)
Answer the Question by Heart_Core (T)
Law’s birthday celebration hadn’t gone the way Luffy expected too, but he was grateful nonetheless.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by Purplehairedwonder (G)
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me." Written for 10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 10: Confessions.
Always See the Daylight by Purplehairedwonder (G)
“Why did you want to see my room?” Law asked, both curious and a bit apprehensive at what the response might be. “Because it’s yours!” Luffy said immediately, sitting up quickly. Luffy looked as though the answer had been obvious. For Law, however, that explained exactly nothing. “What—” Luffy looked around, his expression softening in a way that made Law fidgety. “It’s very Torao,” he decided. Written for LawLu Week 2022. Day 5 Prompt: Captain's quarters
Coming Home (To Breathe Again, To Start Again) by Purplehairedwonder (G)
Law had a… complicated relationship with the concept of home. But here on the beach of Wano with Luffy looking at him with such fondness that Law wanted to squirm, he thought that maybe home could be another person.
-Mod Raiya
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sashi-ya · 2 years
Tumblr media
nsfw - Jealousy HC Kid & Killer
nsfw- Law, Kidd, Sabo - Reacting to his S/O being captured by Marines
nsfw - Eustass Kid x Doctor! f! readernsfw - Eustass Captain Kid x F!Reader ~ Yes, Master p1
nsfw - Eustass Kid x f! Reader ~ Yes, Master p2
sfw - Law, Luffy & Kidd - Reacting to his S/O stealing their favorite things.
Law, Rosinante, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy & Kid ~ Hcs on how many kids they want to have.
nsfw - Eustass Kid x Killer x F! Reader ~ I Want Both p1
nsfw - Eustass Kid x Killer x F! Reader ~ I Want Both p2
nsfw - Eustass Captain Kid x F! Reader ~ Free day
nsfw ~ Eustass Captain Kidd x F! Sub! Reader ~ An Adrenaline Release 
Luffy, Kid, Law & Page One ~ HCs of them reacting to his S/O wanting to fight in Onigashima
nsfw - Eustass Kid, Killer & Monkey D. Luffy ~ HCs for Face Sitting
sfw- Kid, Law & Luffy ~ Reacting to his s/o stealing their favorite things
nsfw - Dom! Eustass Captain Kid x Sub! F! Reader ~ My Property
nsfw - Eustass Captain Kid x F! Reader ~ Before It All Ends [Consented Rape PLAY]
nsfw - Demon! Eustass Kid x F! Slave! Reader ~ Incubus
sfw - day 4 December Advent Calendar: Kid x Gn! reader ~ The First Snow
nsfw - day 5 December Advent Calendar: Kid x f! reader ~ Dressing Up as Santa
nsfw - Kid x F! reader ~ Drinking Sake
nsfw - HCs Law, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Sabo, Ace, Kidd, Izo & Page One having a shaky breath while fucking you ~
nsfw - Eustass Kid x F! Reader ~Camping Under The Stars
nsfw - Prince! Eustass Kid x f! reader ~ My Little Clown
dark! nsfw ~ Eustass Kid x F! Reader ~ Don’t Tell Mom (⚡ step-cest)
nsfw - incubus! Kid x F! reader ~ Unbreakable
nsfw - Sanji, Law, Zoro, Ichiji, Ace, Kid, Doffy, Shanks & Crocodile Pegging HCs
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fivedayslater · 9 months
Part 26: Nami and Law
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“It was you!” Sanji says as he turns and points dramatically at Law, “You killed Nami, and Nami killed Ace!”
Law’s eyes go wide, but he covers it up with a laugh, “Are you serious right now?”
“Dead serious,” he says as he knocks some ash off his cigarette, “It could only have been you.”
He laughs again, more bitter and condescending this time, “And how do you figure that?”
“You gave yourself away,” Sanji says as he takes another hit from his cigarette, “when you said you heard Zoro enter the lounge.”
“You think?” He smirks, “And, how’s that?”
“Luffy said he was near the lounge during the blackout,” he explains, “that he was close enough to the door to hear Nami inside. If you were listening so well that you were positive you heard Zoro, why then didn’t you hear Luffy or Nami?”
“Nami was never in the lounge,” Law leans back in his seat, “Luffy must be lying.”
“I’m not lying!” Luffy growls as he turns to Law.
“Relax,” Zoro says, pulling him back, “Let Sanji handle this.”
He gives Sanji a confident grin, which Sanji returns as he shifts his focus back to Law.
Law raises a brow, “It’s my word against his, so what makes him more trustworthy than me?”
“Because we have evidence Nami was in the lounge after the blackout, but only your word that Zoro was,” he gestures to the bracelet, “And why would Luffy lie about being near the scene of the crime so close to the time of the murder? It just makes him look suspicious. He gains nothing from that.”
“And what pray tell do I have to gain by saying Zoro did it?” He says as he crosses his arms in front of him.
“Simple,” Sanji shrugs, “If Nami didn’t kill Ace, you have a weaker motive against killing her. If she did kill Ace, if she wasn’t in the hall with you during the blackout but you were close enough to the lounge to hear everything, then your motive is clear.”
“And that is?” He shakes his head and laughs, “What logic are you running on, Mr. Prince?”
“If you were close enough to the lounge to hear who was coming and going like you claim, you should have heard what happened. So why not tell me once we found Ace’s body?” He pauses to take a drag from his cigarette, “You kept that secret, because you were planning on using it to blackmail Nami into lowering your debt.”
“This is absurd-”
“No,” Sanji slams a hand on the table, “This is the only thing that makes sense.”
He gestures at the evidence, “You heard Nami enter the lounge, you heard her arguing with Ace. Maybe you didn’t hear the whole murder, but you at least knew she moved Ace’s body. Instead of telling me you kept it a secret, let Nami know you knew she wasn’t in the hall like she said she was, and waited for her to come to you after we split up. She came through the secret passage from the kitchen after she ditched Luffy. When you tried to blackmail her with your knowledge of the murder, she refused. You killed her with the candlestick she stole from the lounge, then brought her back to the kitchen, stashed the candlestick, and disposed of the knife in the dining room.”
He points his cigarette at him, “Law, you killed Nami in the study with the candlestick, after Nami killed Ace in the lounge with the knife.”
“A lot of words and accusations there, Mr. Prince,” Law says with a huff, “But where’s the proof?”
Sanji takes a hit of his cigarette as he mulls it over. If he had time to do blood tests and look for fingerprints, he could easily, but he didn’t have the time or the resources. 
He needs the final piece, the one that will prove his theory once and for all.
He glances over at Zoro, who looks back, a fierce determination in his gaze, but there’s something else there. A look of certainty, like he knows Sanji can do this.
Sanji can’t disappoint Zoro, he won’t. He has to come up with something.
And then, it clicks, the last piece of the puzzle falling into place.
“The phone,” he says as he turns back to Law, “Ace and Nami both received texts just before the blackout, but neither of their phones have been found. If I’m right, Nami would have been the one to text Ace to meet her in the lounge.”
“But we haven’t found Ace’s phone,” Zoro reminds him with a frown, “If you’re right, Nami would have gotten rid of it.”
“Yes, but there wasn’t nearly as much time with Nami’s murder. The murderer only had time to stash the candlestick in a nearby drawer,” he says, his gaze narrowing on Law, “So whoever killed her must still have her phone.”
“This is ridiculous,” Law shakes his head. 
“Then prove it,” he points his cigarette at him, “Empty your pockets! Prove you don’t have her phone!”
Law growls, but reaches into his pockets, pulling out a single phone and a pager and slamming them on the table. 
“There are you happy?” He snarls, “That’s all I have, my pager for work, and my own phone. Are you done with your wild theories yet, Mr. Prince?”
Sanji frowns as he stares at them. He was so sure he’d been right, where was his misstep?
Just then a delicate, flowery tune comes from Law’s jacket. 
“That’s Nami’s ringtone for me,” Zoro says with a fierce glare. His phone is out, his screen turned towards Sanji so he can see that he’s calling Nami, “So maybe give the nice detective her phone now.”
The color drains from Law’s face, his shoulders slump in defeat as he reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out another phone. 
Sanji takes it as Zoro ends the call, and opens it to her last message to Ace, sent just before the blackout: 
Nami: If you want to talk, fine. Meet me in the lounge, I’ll be right behind you. 
And just seconds after, a text to herself, with nothing but keysmashes. 
“This proves it,” Sanji says as he shows everyone the texts, “Nami called Ace to the lounge, then sent herself a text to cover her tracks. She and Ace argued, and she killed him with Zoro’s knife, which she’d taken earlier that evening. You saw part of this, tried to blackmail her, and then killed her.” 
He shakes the phone, “The fact that you had her phone proves it!”
“You’re right,” he sighs, completely defeated, “It’s just as you said. I heard Nami and Ace in the lounge when I was in the hall. They were arguing about her connection to Blackbeard, and it had escalated just as the power went out, so I stuck around.” He shakes his head, “I didn't know she’d killed Ace until we found his body. I’d just heard Nami leave the lounge with something and go back.”
“Thus the blackmail note,” Zoro grunts, “Or the start of one anyway.” 
“That was from earlier,” he frowns as his eyes land on it, “You were right, my debt was getting too out of hand, and Nami was demanding more and more quicker and quicker. I had to get out under her thumb anyway that I could. I’d planned on threatening to tell Ace about her work with Blackbeard if she didn’t lighten up.”
“But,” Sanji gestures at the letter, “Ace found out first.”
“Exactly,” he leans forward, holding his head in his hands, “I thought holding Ace’s murder over her head would be more effective, so I kept it to myself.” He looks up at Sanji, his eyes glistening with regret, “Considering how everything turned out, I regret that now. I never meant for Nami to die.”
Sanji takes another hit from his cigarette, “So, what happened when she confronted you later?”
“She came through the secret passage, like you said,” he sighs as he leans back, staring at the ceiling, “She asked how much I knew, and I said all of it. I said I’d keep quiet if she reduced the debt, but she refused. Said she was in too deep with Blackbeard and the secrets I was giving her were her only way out.”
He glances back at Sanji, “She drew the knife on me, said if she’d killed Ace, how was I so sure she wouldn’t kill me too.”
“You didn’t think it would’ve come to that?” Sanji asks.
“I had brought the rope from the conservatory, just in case I needed to restrain her,” he growls and glances away, “But she attacked suddenly, and it wasn’t much use. The candlestick had fallen out of her purse, so I grabbed it and…” he grits his teeth and buried his face in his hands, “I didn’t mean to kill her, I swear, I just wanted her to back off, but I hit her head instead of her arm, and…”
“You of all people should know how fragile the human body is,” Zoro says. 
“I know,” Law shakes his head and looks up again, “Before I could leave the study, I heard you two and Luffy talking outside. I panicked, and took Nami back through the secret passage. I left her, the candlestick, and the rope in the kitchen to cover my tracks, and tossed the knife in the dining room. Then I went back to the study and waited for someone else to find her body.”
“Why didn’t you tell someone?” Luffy asks, his hands balled into fists in his lap, “Me or Ace or anyone? We would’ve helped you.”
“You’ve already done so much for me,” Law covers his eyes, “I didn’t want to take advantage of your kindness more than I already have. I thought I could handle this myself…” he shakes his head, offering Luffy a frustrated look, “But Blackbeard is much worse than Doflamingo ever was.”
Tears form in Luffy’s eyes as he looks away.
Sanji glances at Zoro and Usopp, but they look just as confused by this as Sanji feels.
There’s clearly more to this story but, just this once, Sanji lets them keep that secret between them.
“You still should’ve come to Sanji tonight,” Zoro says, “Or at the very least, not lied to him and said I’d done it.”
“I am sorry about that,” his gaze turns to Zoro, and he does at least look apologetic, “By the time he’d come to talk to me, I was in too deep. I figured if I pointed him in your direction, there was a chance he’d drop the whole thing completely.”
Sanji’s frowns, “Why’d you think that?”
Law raises a brow at him, “Really? It’s pretty obvious you’ve grown fond of him. If there was a chance out of this, that was it.”
Sanji blushes as he glances at Luffy. Are his feelings for Zoro that obvious? He is fond of him, sure, but he’s not even sure what he’s feeling himself, if that fondness translates to love. But for Law to not only notice his affections but try to use that against him…
“Well shows how much you know,” Zoro scoffs as he crosses his arms, “Sanji’s a great detective. He wouldn’t let that stop him from finding the truth.”
Sanji flushes more at the praise, if that’s possible.
“I suppose you’re right,” Law says with a sigh, “This got out of hand, and it’s all my fault.”
He glances around the room, “For whatever it’s worth, I am sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to go so far.”
Bon-Chan bursts through the door just then, seeking Sanji as they say, “The police are here. Did you find the killer? Should I show them in?”
Sanji glances at Law.
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Hola ! I hope this finds you at a good time . Can you please do smt with op boys and an S/O that gets body shamed in public ( so this happened a while ago where a tottal stranger decised to comment on my weight and tell me to lose some ) op has most of my comfort charcters so if you can do something it will be amazing . Thank you in advance 🖤🖤🖤
Oh those scumbags!!! They don't really know how to respect someone. Dear just ignore them and be beautiful just the way you are😊
Op boys with an s/o the get body shamed in public
Warning:Words, getting body shamed, (some mistakes so please ignore it), violence, mentioned of blood
Feat:Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law
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—Luffy will look at you, he can see you that you were very embarrassed, and the guy whose putting shame on you was still talking nonsense.
—He clench his fist and he quickly punch the guy straight to the face. You are surprised by his actions. But when he turn around to you, he was smiling.
—He approach you and held your hand. "Let's go!" He said pressing a kiss on your forehead. You knew that Luffy was pissed and he just became you prince charming. he was perfect.
—Looking down at the ground trying to to avoid eye contact into the guy that start blabbering about your body. "your so shameless!"
—You tears start welding up in your eyes. "You fucking idiot!!!" You heard Sanji's voice. And when you look up. You daw the guy who's bullying you was flying into the air, face swollen and your boyfriend was kicking him more.
—after the guy fall down, but still had his consciousness. "Remember this!, No one dares to say that to my y/n, y/n is perfect" he said clenching his fist. "Dont you fucking say that word ever again!" He said kicking the guys stomach. The guy screamed from pain.
—Zoro will face the guy. "are you bullying y/n" the guy proudly say yes and it made Zoro's blood boil. You tried to too him but you can't.
—He withdrew his sword and attack the guy without any hesitation. The guy had a cut all over his body. And you still was amaze. The guy fall down on his knees, bleeding to hell.
—Law saw you that you were trying to calm your self. And you were trying to endure the embarrassment. "Oi!" He said Pointing the guy. "do you want me to cut your worthless tounge?" He said with his eyes getting furious.
—the guy felt the danger and he look down. Law turn to you and he cupped your cheeks. Pressing a kiss on your forehead.
—both of you walk away and suddenly the guy screamed but law didn't let you look back.
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🏴‍☠️ Pinned Post! 🏴‍☠️
OC blog for @leftsidebonfire
OC and Canon Friendly! 🖤
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⚓️ Welcome to: Tales from the Rolling Mountain! The Rolling Mountain is a beautiful pirate ship, home to Captain Eleni Santiana, and is the place where all the best come together to tell stories. All of my OCs live here on this ship, and this is the hot spot for all those who are wanderers looking to share tales and create some adventures of their own. 🍻
⚓️ I finally decided it would be fun to play around with a Sideblog for all my OC shenanigans! I'm always eager to create and talk about my little OCs for different Fandoms, so I figured this would be the easiest way to consolidate information, art, and RP.
⚓️ About The Captain: You can call me Elfie, She/Her, and I am 25 and a total dork nerd <3
⚓️ Major Fandoms include:
⚓️ One Piece, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Dungeons and Dragons (as a whole)
OCs are always open for interaction!
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🏴‍☠️ One Piece OCs
👒 Strawhat Grand Fleet: Unaek Seveer, Jocasta Erotas, Captain Eleni Santiana
💛 Heart Pirates: Vidra
🎩 Revolutionary Army: Ruth, Hazel Floren, Rose Thorn, Trygve Seveer, Phaedra, Amaryllis
🎸 Rumbar Pirates: Rhapsody
💙 Buggy Pirates: Lyra
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🌟 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs
🍷 Phantom Blood: Amaryllis, Vassia, Caroline, Kallias
🌠 Battle Tendency: Jocasta
🏜 Stardust Crusaders: Avidia Zeppeli, BG May
💎 Diamond is Unbreakable: BG May, Joanna Jett
🐞 Golden Wind: Tagliata Scottato
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🎲 Dungeons and Dragons OCs
🧝‍♀️ Ziona (Bard), Jocasta (Rogue), Eleni (Sorcerer), Amaryllis (Monk), Phaedra (Monk), Vassia (Cleric), Juniper (Ranger), Xiamara (Fighter)
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The Fankids are fun. I have both Canon and AU Fankids I've been playing with. The AU is playing around with a "What Could Have Been" or a Partner Swap AU. I love playing around with both of these, and it's awesome to mix and match. All the AU Fankids are treated as alternate universes and are just as Canon as the real ones <3
Unaek x Sanji:
Delphinium "Delphi" Pince and Liatris Prince
Unaek x Luffy
Monkey D. Ace and Monkey D. Rosie
Jocasta x Usopp
Mary Erotas
Eleni x Zoro
Roronoa Enma
Eleni x Law
Trafalgar D. Cora
...And more to come! Including the AU children!
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⚓️ Final Thoughts:
⚓️ On this blog you can expect to find OC art, Fanfics, and RP opportunities! You can feel free to ask about any of these OCs you'd like. Feel free to jump in any time! DMs are open for RP plots or general fangirling, and I promise I'm not scary 😇 I am OC friendly, Canon Friendly, Self Ship Friendly, and always more than happy to talk about the little characters that live in my brain.
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wingsofsong · 2 months
Cavendish and The Little Prince
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In Chapter 784 "Gear Four" Oda forestalls the reveal of Luffy's new form to emphasize he and Law as the "eye of the storm" to follow Doffy's defeat through the words of Cavendish "The Pirate Prince."
But given the implicitness of that conclusion; the scene more so exists as character building for Cavendish.
Sitting criss-cross amongst the chaos grants him a very understated character moment for Cavendish and the reader to just "be" and soak in the beauty and adventure of Dressrosa; a feeling the anime expertly captures.
Displaying concern and appreciation outside of self from a character who's core gag/drive is self-absorbenent; putting his own place on the seas into perspective.
But there's more too it.
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Cavendish's archetype is that of the White Knight/Knight Errant in European lit/mythos; his epithets being a verbalization of that fact.
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Dressrosa is One Piece's analogue for Spain-
Cavendish's name is English in etymology and his real world namesake "Thomas Cavendish" the privateer is partly known for his raids of Spanish ships.
He's the former prince of the Borgeoise Kingdom, hailing from Rommel where himself as Hakuba became known as their slicing winds (a Kamitachi; a Yokai in Japanese mythos) alluding to Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde and Jack The Ripper as you may know, both English refrences.
His former kingdoms name shares it's etymology with Mary Geoise in the French word Borgeosie and Cavendish's aesthetics/rapier are very Musketeer/French.
His weapon/attacks are all references to European mythos/lit/plays.
-Durandal a French blade of legend
-Round Table (King Arthur)
-Blue Bird
-Biken: Zan t-Exupéry
-Precious Metal Axe
The tontattas/fairies being another tie to literature and mythos.
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Given that pastiche it's notable that Oda chose Cavendish to sit in a childlike manner and note one of the two most fantastical aspects of the arc in the "dwarves" (the other being the toys).
It taps into the feelings fantasy ferments in children and the inspirations behind Oda's writing, in a land where Doflamingo has cast a cruel veneer over the settings beauty.
A recent realization on my part is on the fourth attack listed above "Biken: Zant t-Exupéry" or
"Beautiful Sword: Stardust Prince."
The attack's name coming from French novel "The Little Prince-" and it's author; a childrens novel dealing with space, a loss of imagination in adulthood, love and loss and the human experience more broadly.
The titular character being the lonely, blonde "little prince" of an asteroid where he resides and tends to his love.
A thorny, vain, rose that "The Little Prince" knows not how to love properly until they've lost each other and he learns to see the uniqueness in those he values through their worth to one another vs outside validation/being a lone rose.
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Cavendish is first seen with a red rose and his attacks often have rose petals swirling around him.
He's a blonde prince, exiled from his home with his animal companion Farul (The Little Prince tames/makes a companion of a fox on his journey).
From Oda's SBS we know that he also carried roses as a child and in a cover page we see him tending to a garden of roses with Farul, his vivre card lists roses as his favorite food, making it clear that Cavendish and roses is imagery Oda is intentionally/continuously associating him with.
Knowing this all; I propose that Cavendish's character is partly inspired by The Little Prince (the novel/character) in his design, own emotional makeup having aspects of various figures in the book, and the tapping into child-like wonder described above as the Little Prince's narrator is a man at risk of losing that imagination, as multiple adults seen through the stories pages already have.
-The stars on his pants are similar to the stars on the little princes coat which is also similar to Cavendish's coat
-They both use rapiers
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It makes me wonder what Cavendish's childhood was like; if there was any lonliness, whether there's anything to be said abolut the potential of "taming" Hakuba and growing in self-love/past his obsession with uniquness.
Of course there's much more to his character than a single inspriation and differences to see between him and The Little Prince but I'll definitely keep the story in mind going forward.
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
Thought of a au to add more trauma for Sanji, Law and Robin :) basically the RLS!siblings au
So, after Cora dies, Law ends up finding Robin who decides to help this teenager and they stay together, until they also find a freesly free from the dunsheon Sanji. Both help Sanji and with time, all of them start to feel like siblings.
This is, until a storm happens, separating the 3 of them. After this, things go like the story: Robin joins Baroque Works, Law starts the Heart Pirates and Sanji meet Zeff. But in their minds, they always suffer bc of what happened.
Years later, Sanji joins the StrawHats and him and Luffy start dating short before entering the Grand Line. Then Alabasta happens and Sanji remeet his sister (both are crying when they finally have the chance to be alone). Then Water 7 with Sanji having a damn crisis. Then everything goes until Marineford, where Law helps to save Ace since he is the old brother of his little brother boyfriend's. Punk Hazard where both R and S are relivied to see Law. Dressrosa where Robin and Law can talk again.
And then WCI, who Robin joins bc fuck it, her little brother helped her so much during Water 7 and she's NOT letting him stay with the same fucking people who made all the wounds and scars she saw in the past. After all this, all the 3 of them finally are able to be together again after the battle in Wano (with a Luffy wanting affection from his boyfriend after the fight, of course)
Sure, more trauma, it's fine. (They are barely holding it together fam.) This is very long so there is a cut!
Like 13 year old Law finds 17 year old Robin and they're staring at each other with a lot of distrust. Law is still really fresh off losing Corazon, it's been like two weeks, maybe. Then they find out they both have fruits and train with each other. Especially given their professions it's very helpful. So they travel together and train, stay out of eyesight from the government and the Donquixote family.
Then they find a child in a metal helmet. Law shambles it off the kid and they start checking him over because what the fuck? The kid is fucked up and they find out his name is Sanji and he's eight. Law and Robin take him along and start the Heart Pirates with Shachi, Bepo, and Penguin. The captain is the spotted kid in the spotted hat and the polar bear is the first mate as Sanji is the chef and Robin is the archeologist. Law tells them about Cora-san and how he wants his revenge, Sanji tells them about the All Blue in all the childlike wonder he can muster, Robin talks about the poneglyphs and reading them.
It's before anyone else gets bounties so it's just Robin who has one when the storm hits a couple years later sending them all adrift. Law manages to stay with Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin but his brother and sister are gone. They're gone and he can't stop crying. Law thought he was done losing family. Robin who lost her second family and heaves sobs before she wipes her face and looks ahead. She only allows herself a short time to mourn. Sanji is just numb, he's been abandoned before, he thought it would happen again. He cries when he feels something other than the numbness, the deep bone settled hurt that sometimes comes to the surface. Then he starves with some old guy on a rock.
Sanji doesn't get Law's number in this. Sanji thinks they're dead and they think he's dead too. So when he joins the Strawhat Pirates as the cook and starts dating the captain he just goes along with whatever hair brained scheme they have going for them. When he sees Robin for the first time they both do a double take because they're not dead and they're seeing each other. Law's bounty has been out for a while so they know about him but each other? They ran into each other? And they're fighting? Sure. Checks out for both of them honestly.
Also when Crocodile falls for the Mr. Prince thing Robin is giggling to herself, and when he falls to her baby brother and his crew? Amazing. She has joy in her heart for the first time in a long time, to see Sanji alive and trying to love. Once they have a moment alone they catch up and Robin looks at the smoking man who shrugs and looks back. She nods and that's that. They're alive and together.
After the Buster Call in Enies Lobby and Sanji pulling Robin aside and is just begging to not lose her again and she nods and apologizes. Luffy finds them later curled up after they said goodbye to Merry and are waiting on the Sunny. He joins them and feels the arm of his boyfriend and his sister hold him close as they sleep. When they get to Sabaody they see Law for the first time. They don't even get to talk really as everything happens.
Law might have a giant on his crew now but his siblings are dead.
Then he sees his siblings' captain claim Fire Fist as his brother with an army of Impel Down escapees. He knows the pain of losing siblings, many times over(Lami, Baby 5, Robin and Sanji twice over now) so he saves them. Barely, but he does. They are dropped off respectively to whoever is in charge of them. Law has a few revenge plots to settle and they'll only hinder him.
Robin and Sanji are able to meet up thanks to them both training under Revolutionaries. They don't even talk about the fact Sanji is cross dressing, the only thing they're talking about is seeing the crew again. And how much they've probably traumatized Law by "dying" again.
Of course when the crew reunites Luffy is over the moon to see his boyfriend. Nobody other than Luffy knows Robin and Sanji are siblings. Ace is there and amused by his brother's behavior with the cook. Ace goes to give Sanji a shovel talk but Robin says not to worry and that was covered ages ago. Zoro gives Ace a thumbs up which concerns him. They do their business on Fishman Island and head to Punk Hazard on Luffy's whim.
Of course the crew is split up and Law doesn't even hesitate to switch the bodies of whoever else is on Punk Hazard. Then he finds out it's the Strawhats and he may have just switched his baby brother into the cat burglar's body. Robin is acting like she doesn't know him outside of the news, which is fair, and he acts the same to the crew. Of course after all is said and done and he's unfortunately informed of how Straw Hat does alliances does really believe that Sanji fought Vergo and only suffered a broken leg, a building fell on his body at some point, Robin knows Fishman karate and they are not dead.
Law is very tired and very stressed.
And they don't even get to talk about it all that much because there's never a moment of just the three of them. It's annoying. Either a crew member, that samurai,or the kid, or the painter guy, or Caesar are within ear shot and he wants to throttle almost everyone. Then they arrive in Dressrosa and it kind of all goes to shit. Well not kind of, it just does. Law is going to fucking kill(almost) all of them if Doffy doesn't first. Listen, Law doesn't get how Sanji got to where he is physically, he'll figure that out later, but for now the cook needs to go and take Caesar to Zou!
Everything ends up fine. Sure he cut off his arm but he's fine, it's fine, they're heading to Zou after Ace and Luffy's other apparent brother is there, and alive. That's something they have in common Law guesses as they rest for the night and make their escape in the morning. Law is a control freak to the maximum extent so he's ready to get to Zou, see his crew and spend time with his family before they go after Kaido. Except Sanji's poster says only alive and the look he and Robin share is not a good one.
Of course Zou is a wreck because nothing is ever easy and Luffy is off doing something and Ace is chasing him. The Strawhats find out first Sanji was kidnapped first. Law is explaining to his crew that they can't like they're seeing long lost family because the Strawhats don't know. The Strawhats are dealing with finding out Sanji is gone. When they inform the Heart Crew of the plan to get Sanji, Robin and Law share another look as they depart. No one catches it. Not even Luffy. Law is engulfed in Bepo's arms as he shakes because he just got them back and they haven't been able to be together. Shachi and Penguin are looking ahead with a slight dissociation because they haven't been able to see them and talk to them as well. It sucks.
Robin goes with the rescue team and finds Sanji with the golden cuffs in the chariot. Held hostage by the same people who put him in that God awful helmet Law had to shambles off when he was eight. Robin is furious but not as furious as Luffy who is taking all the hits from his boyfriend without fighting back. Robin notes everything going on and when Sanji delivers food to Luffy and tries to fully leave the crew, Luffy is Luffy though. So a plan is devised to save them even as Robin gives the blond a look of disagreement. After all is said and done and they're leaving with Jinbei who has come to help. Robin threatens Judge for Law and her both when he's done belittling her brother for all of the good things about him.
When they make it to Wano and see everyone, Luffy immediately goes to fight Kaido much to everyone's exasperation. Law, Robin, and Sanji keep exchanging looks because they can't pin down time to talk to each other. Too much going on and Sanji feels responsible for Pedro's death and everything being behind schedule. Sanji uses his raid suit and Law is fucking losing his mind because what the fuck did he miss as he realizes where Sanji came from. Law knows he and Robin know these comics, they had read them before the storm separated them and Sanji did not like them. So that clicks in for Law like the Doflamingo bit clicked for them years ago.
After the raid, when Sanji is finally able to be pinned down after stressing about cooking the three of them manage to sit and talk. Of course it's not even ten minutes into the conversation that Luffy bursts in, yelling for Sanji. Law sets a room but Robin puts a hand on his and smiles at him sweetly as Luffy sits on Sanji's lap and then looks at them.
"No, no, we are not doing this with him." Law glowers.
"Ah, but we just started talking about my life after the storm." Robin grins at him as Law huffs. They catch up and Luffy, surprisingly, quietly listens as the three catch up. None of them are smiling necessarily, they have these half twitches sort of dragging the corners of their mouths. Even about Enies Lobby and Germa and Dressrosa they share things. Sabaody from Law's perspective is shocking, as is Marineford. Law asks if it's possible to go kill Judge with a thing and Robin laughs and assures the elder captain that the peace pact only applied to the Strawhat crew, so the Heart crew could absolutely go beat Judge to death with 'it' as Sanji sighs as Luffy starts whining about not being allowed to.
When they go find the crews Law tells his to 'have at them' as Bepo pulls Sanji and Robin close and holds them up and coos as Shachi and Penguin wrap their arms around them as others start asking questions. Newer Heart members who have only heard about them in passing and didn't understand why Law had their posters as the Strawhats just ask Luffy what's going on.
"Oh yeah, turns out Sanji and Robin are Law's brother and sister and were his first crew members until they got separated." Luffy shrugs.
"Are they leaving the crew?" Usopp asks in despair.
"Nah, they already tried that remember?" Luffy reminds him.
"I had every intent to get back." Sanji defends himself.
"That makes a lot of sense." Zoro says like he hadn't heard Sanji.
"You're dead, shitty moss." Sanji growls.
"I want a pelt of Bepo's fur to lay on forever." Robin hums as she burrows into the mink.
"I love you too, Robin." Bepo cheers.
"What about us?" Shachi and Penguin whine.
"Human pelts are good for books." Sanji answers. "I could make you both into cookbooks."
"All three of you are so creepy!" Ikkaku yells at them.
"You should have seen us when it was just us three." Law shrugs as the Strawhats start asking questions.
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sad-brunnettee · 2 years
Sleeping beauty
OP boys with a s/o who falls asleep any chance they get
Ft. zoro, Law and Sanji
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At first he would be very confused and wonder if you were giving him the silent treatment or just ignoring him
Once it dawns on him that it could happen under any circumstance he makes sure you’re next to him
His sense of direction is the absolute worst but when it comes to you he tries to pull his shit together
Even if you’re just asleep on the ship he makes sure nobody comes by to disrupt you
It bothers him when someone wakes him up from his nap and wouldn’t want that to happen to you
Even then, he still insists that you tell Chopper about this. Fearing that it could be something serious and you would need to seek medical attention
Reluctantly you go to Chopper after Zoro threatened to not stop anyone from waking you up until you spoke with him
When the two of you found out that it’s just because you’re tired, he makes sure you get enough sleep during the nighttime
Also going far as to let Sanji take care of your chores. He will do some too if he feels generous enough
Regardless of this, he’s kind of glad you’re a sleepy head because that means the both of you take naps together
It also gives him an excuse to cuddle with you and keep you close to his side
He will lie and say it’s for your own good but it just makes his heart flutter
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He’s a doctor so of course he will be worried about your well-being
He tried asking you questions just to understand your situation better but yet he couldn’t confirm whether you had narcolepsy so he went ahead and did what any sane person would do. Watch you from afar and study you
After noticing that you only fell asleep after a long day or just whenever you were comfortable he felt relieved
Yet he couldn’t help but worry seeing just how easy it was for you to fall asleep
Fear started clouding his mind with thoughts such as: what if marines find you, or what if you get kidnapped or if you fall asleep in a weird position you could somehow hurt yourself
So he made sure to always be near you in order to keep a close eye on you
If he wasn’t able to be there he would ask Bepo to take care of you
Which you didn’t complain about because his fur was the softest and most comfortable place to lay on, sometimes you would sleep there for hours not allowing poor Bepo to do his work
Sometimes Shachi and Penguin would be responsible for you if the three of you were sent out for errands but that changed after they once lost you and found you asleep inside one of the stores
As much as Law complains he still cares about you and wouldn’t change a thing about you
Which is also why he got you your own transponder snail, that way he could be in contact with you if you lost track of time or went somewhere on your own
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I see him as the only one to call you sleeping beauty out loud saying you are his princess/prince
He would also freak out anytime that he sees you in an uncomfortable position, worried you would later on complain about pain in your neck
There are other times that he just admires you with hearts in his eyes and takes pictures to later on show the other straw hats how adorable you look
Once you find out about it you’re a bit embarrassed because there’s some drool falling from your mouth in some of them
Yet you don’t tell him to stop because he just looks so happy and so in love with you
You also make it hard for him to get up in the mornings because you always end up falling asleep again and again
When the both of you reluctantly get up Luffy starts complaining but Sanji simply says that the more he argues the less food he will get
There was one time that you accidentally fell asleep near Zoro which cause Sanji to see red and kick Zoro out to the sea without a care
When he’s not making food or cleaning the kitchen you drag him out with you to enjoy the view and talk about your plans for tomorrow
Next thing both of you know, you’re fast asleep making him stay there longer than intended but he never complains
Regardless if he’s near you or not, he makes sure all of the ship has pillows and blankets nearby for you to grab and lay on
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foxydivaxx · 6 months
Wrestler Zoro
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-Zoro had a similar debut as the Rock. He debuted as a babyface called Prince Roronoa. The gimmick was badly received and he got booed day in day out
-It got so bad that the company eventually turned him heel a year later when he joined the Strawhats who were a heel faction at the time
-He then became Zoro that night. Thanks to his mic skills and stellar work, he became a big star overnight. Like picture him cutting promos similar to the Rock (I actually picture him speaking like the Rock)
-Even when he is not in the title picture, the guy still entertains with his promos which are a highlight to many a fan
-Zoro may be a stoic but he is hilarious and destroys people on the mic every single week, delighting fans.
-During his heel phase, he overthrew Luffy and took over the Strawhats
-Around this same time period, a certain blonde *coughs* Sanji *coughs* debuts.
His major rival is Trafalgar Law (Yes this will be the Stone Cold here)
-Although Zoro was a heel, he was torn between continuing his heelish ways or becoming a babyface as he was deeply in love with Sanji who was a babyface. A lot of fans loved the whole idea of this relationship especially since it was a open secret that Sanji was a virgin and a lot of people wanted a piece of the guy. Another fascinating thing was seeing the emotional turmoil Zoro was going through.
-He turned face after Sanji got attacked by Ichigo and Renji leading to their tag team match. The rest of the Strawhats including Luffy attacked and turned on Zoro. Sanji had enough and delivered the first of his many devastating famous bitch slaps to Luffy, sending him out of the ring
-Sanji and Luffy eventually had a match. Luffy almost won until Zoro intervened and helped Sanji win
-Zoro and Sanji were inseperable at the time and started a real life love affair which ended in disaster no thanks to the Vinsmoke family's interference.
-That marked the first time Zoro went apeshit on someone because Sanji was actually legit injured in the segment and shortly afterward the Black wedding
- Why was Judge pissed over Zoro and Sanji’s secret wedding? Because Sanji was given a purity ring by Judge and Sanji got married just so Zoro can make love to him and take his virginity. Also they were both 18.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 7 months
Rapunzel Riddle AU... but make it the Barbie version.
We can still follow some idea of the original background from the Rapunzel Riddle Au I told you before, but this time Riddle did not have healing hair, instead he has that magical brush✨
In this one, the witch (Madam Roseheart) is actually not Riddle's mother (so she is not Madam Roseheart :V), instead she is actually Riddle's real mother's twin sister who loves her twin's husband. The three of them used to be best friends, but a triangle love was formed and the Witch thought the King (Riddle's father, who was a Prince then) propose his love to her Boa Hancock's style (she thought Luffy proposed to her, when he just said thank you to her). It lead to a heartbreak when he announced his engagement to her twin, and hatred when she found out they're expecting a child.
Not long after his birth, she stole Riddle away and locked him in her castle. Riddle meet Trey and Che'nya still and it goes similarly to the original Rapunzel Riddle Au. However this time he still not in a tower, but the magic barrier around their castle is updated.
Riddle have magic, a strong one, but he never know about it because his "mother" forbidden it. Telling him how it is dangerous and unfitting for a "stupid" boy like him. But you see, Trey and Che'nya both have magic, and they have been teaching Riddle some basic spells that they know behind her back.
Riddle here is used to do basic houseworks and studying. He only ever learn about medicine, potions, and laws through the books he found in the library. In this AU, his "mother" hate him more than anything, so she doesn't want him to be smart. However, she often left him alone in the castle, which make him has a lot of free time to wander around and find many secret places in the castle. Including the hidden library underneath his room. The only reason why he know basic houseworks and cooking was because his "mother" is too lazy to do it herself and Trey know how to basic cooking so he teach Riddle so they can eat properly.
However, the Witch did not leave him to be too bored and then bother her, so she taught him how to draw and often left him some cheap art supplies to spent his time. Riddle really adore those gifts, because to him, those are his mother's way of showing her love to him. It must be.
So he draw everyday. Every time he got a spare time (which is a lot), he will spend it with drawing and painting. His room now fulls of his drawings.
Anyway, I don't really have an idea how to continue it for the moment because I am at work. But I will continue it if you're interested.
Heck yeah! Inferiority complex! :'D
I had to re-see the Barbie Rapunzel movie and BOI was it so feverish... Like I had to take the thermometer out and check if I'm sick or not. That weasel is nightmare fuel...
I also stood way too much with my makeshift whiteboard just contemplating how I would tackle this, because in the movie itself some pretty important shit was nifty and at worst, made me question life choices.
Anyhow! On with this chaos :'3
First of all, congratulations to Mr Rosehearts for finding a decent woman to marry U-Ub
Second, poor Riddle having his Cinderella moment, but worse since it's all he knows since he was an infant, therefore he has no idea it's wrong. :'3
He's getting better at housework over the years, but it's such a big house that it also takes a lot of time. So much that after he's done with the housework, Riddle either goes to rest or paints a bit.
Hence why, he never has proper time to cut his hair, growing so long he was dragging it on the ground if he doesn't tie it.
He meet Che'nya and Trey as kids that wondered through the forest to play. They would come and help Riddle with the work, so he could finish early and play together more. After a few years, Riddle would always pick for the 2's birthday some flowers from the garden, as a sort of gift for them. He sometimes felt bad he couldn't offer more, but Trey and Che'nya looked very happy with the flowers, which was what mattered after all.
Time goes by and the 3 become very close friends. The 2 do try to indulge Riddle into going out to the city or at least wonder through the forest. He couldn't, as his 'mother' could always come earlier home and if she doesn't find him there, she's going to be very mad.
One day, the 3 are cleaning the attic, when they find a very pretty box. Being curious teens, the 3 open the box, discovering a very simple brush. It wasn't something that special, just a simple wooden brush. Being not interested in it, none of the 3 even take it out of the box, but Riddle thinks to present it to his mother, in case she would want another brush for her hair.
Of course, the woman doesn't want the brush and tells Riddle to keep it since it was a simple brush anyone could find in the market for what? 3 coins? Cheap at best.
So very excited of this 'gift', Riddle takes it to his room, really excited since his last brush was a bit old and he couldn't use it properly anymore.
Watch his surprise when he finally gets to touch the thing and it turns into a beautiful silver brush. Being mesmerised by it, Riddle just can't wait to play with it and discover what it could do.
He also discovers he could turn it into various things, opting for a small pretty brush he puts to hold his hair (he doesn't have many things to tie his hair, so he often uses the sticks methods and other improvisations).
Trey and Che'nya are also very hyped about this, saying that it was a wand. When Riddle asks about it, the 2 show their own wands, which were made out of actual wood, unlike Riddle's silver paintbrush.
Trey explains that mages use wands when young to better control their magic. It doesn't really matter what kind of wand you have, if you study magic for a few years, you could just as well go without it. It's more of a training tool, but also used for better accuracy by doctors and other functions where magic has to be extremely precise. Wands were basically tools through which one could make their spells be extremely precise as opposed to freehanding it. Kinda like an add-on: you don't need it, but if you have it, it's in your advantage.
Che'nya says that it's a very pretty wand, as they never saw one made out of silver up until now. Sure, there were wands who had metal casing made out of copper or iron, but those were for guards who needed them in combat as swords or other weapons.
Even so, Riddle saw it as an act of love from his mother. Surely she knew what it was and didn't outright say it. This had to be how she shows her love. No, it isn't, bby, she thought it was some cheap wood brush.
So with this, all excided, Che'nya and Trey also show up their wands, made out of wood. Che'nya's often took the form of very intricate pins, while Trey's as baking tools, or, if he's out, just a simple stick. Nothing that special.
Riddle gets introduced then to a better understanding of the magic concept. He read about it in his free time, but actually practicing it was just something he would fathom about. Thankfully, children in the kingdom were obligated to attend magic base courses, as to avoid potential accidents caused by uncontrolled magic. Of course, the kids who show to be magicless only have to attend a few baiscs so they would know how to act in case of such accidents, while the ones who do have magic, have to study more baiscs and practices and even go up until they are teens. And Che'nya with Trey had to attend those courses. Of course, being open class, the 2 saw some adults attending too, so it wouldn't be far fetched if Riddle got to attend at least 2 or 3 lessons. Just to polish a bit. Until then the 2 tried to teach Riddle how to do it, as they knew he couldn't just leave the place.
But Riddle was, unfortunately, a horrifyingly fast learner. So fast that it ended up going the other way around, with Riddle teaching the 2 tips on improving their casting.
So seeing that the 2 were not capable on handling the teaching, Trey and Che'nya suggest, even insist that Riddle should attend those open classes. He could learn so much more from them and his talent won't just go to waste. His mother always told him to never pursue such thing, because he was unfit for it and this is what prompted Riddle to decline and and all insistences on the matter.
One pelicular day, Riddle had his mother at home, him being done with serving the tea and cleaning, as such simply staying outside and drawing a bird he saw on a branch. Of course, drawing with his wand, now turned into a pen.
That's when a horse is heard and some rides comes by, scaring the bird in the process. Of course, Riddle was mad about it, since the rider could've came more quietly and not scare the subject of the drawing.
The rider presents himself as Floyd. And he was coming from the southeast, for a celebration in the kingdom, but he got lost in the forest. He also ran out of food for his horse, Vorpal, so that's why he was in a bit of a hurry.
Riddle does indulge for the man to wait a bit, until he grabs a carrot so the horse could eat something. He reassures that the 2 weren't far from their destination, but because he was not used to traveling at all, Riddle had to also get out a map.
This gains the attention of the mother, who demands to get the boy inside, to see if he deserves their help. As such, Floyd is welcomed in, to state his motives and how much would they have to welcome him here. If he's welcomed at all, that's it.
Of course, Floyd states again that he came from the southeast, going to the festival that the capital is throwing. He is obligated to attend as it's family business related and if it comes down for payment, he'd gladly pay for at least 1 night of rest. He didn't want to reach the city and wonder aimlessly without knowing from where he could even get some rest, let alone food.
The mother tho, notices something pelicular about Floyd and lets him stay in Riddle's room, saying that the redhead will sleep on the living room couch that night. As for the payment for the hospitality, Floyd pays in advance some quite heavy gold coins. He had to swap currency a few times, so he hoped that those were enough. The mother seems more than pleased and as such that was the arrangement for the night.
For the rest of the day, Riddle had to tend to the horse, but Floyd insisted that Vorpal was a feisty lil shit. This horse listened to very few people and sometimes even kicked over servants who tried to take care of it. Even Floyd had some difficulty sometimes. Riddle tho, insists that he could find a way around it.
And indeed, Vorpal seems fond of the redhead. Alas, the horse was feed and taken care of for the day.
Floyd is welcomed with nice food and a clean bed, but still, he didn't really show much happiness or showed displeasure in the things that were given to him. Mayhaps since he was in a hurry. Riddle was told to be polite and respect their guest's wishes, but so far, Floyd didn't ask for anything else, even refusing when it came to extras.
Floyd tho, also notices the silver brush. He recognised it as a wand, but didn't say anything while the mother was present. Only when she was gone did Floyd ask how come Riddle has a such a pretty wand if he's only a servant in the house.
Riddle, of course, corrects by saying that he's the son, not a servant, but Floyd always assumed he was the servant. There was bearly any physical resemblances and by how the mother ordered him around, one may draw the logical conclusion that Riddle was a servant.
Floyd also shows his own wand, which was made out of silver as well, saying that for underwater folks like him, usually there were used dead coral branches glued together with kelp slime. Silver wands were a sign of a rich family, even royalty, although most times royalty have wands casted in gold or precious stones. He also mentions that a brush wand can take things up a notch and even give life to the caster's imagination if their magic is strong enough.
This gives Riddle a bit to think about.
After Floyd leaves, quite early in the morning, he thanks formally to the mother for the hospitality, while for Riddle, he makes a whisper promise that he would bring him something nice from the city, as a proper token of gratitude for his work.
Again, alone, since Trey and Che'nya were at the open classes, Riddle finds himself daunting over Floyd's words.he saw his empty, unpainted wall from behind his closet, so he pushed it aside with a spell, before taking a deep breath. If it turned out to be a lie, he could always cover it with the closet back.
But it didn't. 2 strokes and already a full image was dragging on the wall, forming a vivid scenery from a field close to the city, a field Riddle often imagined as it was the field Trey and Che'nya told him they had classes. He never imagined it would turn out so different from his vision tho.
But that's also when a small butterfly flies out of the painting. Surprised, Riddle tries his hand on it and it passes through. But because of Floyd's leave, he still had work to do, so first was putting the closet back in it's initial place, covering the painting-now-portal and going to tend to his work before he would get nagged.
The next day, his mother was out all day to go in a far away city for some things. So Riddle decided it was the perfect day to finally go fully through that portal he accidentally created. Just for the occasion, he dressed in some nice clothes he had, which weren't something in any form fancy by normal standards.
Imagine Trey and Che'nya's surprised faces when they see their buddy on the field, minutes away before class would start. Riddle was just taking in how different and open the place was around him. He never went anywhere else, so this was a radical change of scenery.
Of course, the 2 again insist for Riddle to join him for the class. This time, knowing that the mother would be gone for at least 2 days, he accepts.
Of course, Riddle stands out in class too, for being pretty advanced, keeping pace just fine, even surpassing the class. The teacher, Trein, asked why he never saw him at lessons, since he was a true talent. He even suggested that Riddle should apply for the courses offered at the palace, which are courses offered only for the most advanced to become the special line of defense for the king and queen. Just the finest of mages in the whole kingdom are selected and even then, some don't end up making it through it all.
Riddle kindly refuses, saying that he's just visiting the place. He thanks for the kind words, but doesn't plan on applying for such thing.
Trey and Che'nya plan homicide of a certain hag in the bg
Riddle tho, was absolutely excited to spend all day outside. Tomorrow he would have to do immense work all day to catch up, but it was all worth it for him as he got to walk around, see how other people went about their days, the different shops and literally everything that was outside his familiar scenery. And Trey with Che'nya were absolutely egging him on, attending small festivities and dances of the people around. Just enjoying the festival atmosphere overall.
Riddle does ask if everyday is so colorful and fun and happy. Che'nya explains that only on festivals days the kingdom is celebrating like this. This results in asking what exactly are they celebrating?
Trey explains that it's the king's birthday in 2 days. Birthday which is made known with a ball where everyone can attend. The 2 friends did go in there almost every year, excusing the years when they were very small. It's a generous ball holded mostly in celebration of the kingdom rather than the king's birthday, so that's why the people around are so happy.
Of course, mesmerised by this, Riddle absolutely wants to go to the ball. But his mother would probably be at home on that time, so he was bummed up by this. He has read about balls in the fairytale books and all depicted it as some wonderful must-be event.
Surprisingly, the 3 run into Floyd, who was also wondering through the streets in exploration. He seemed happy to see the redhead without his 'master' around. Riddle does explain to Trey and Che'nya that Floyd was a guest they had for a night. Floyd himself confirms it that he was only a rider that crashed on for the night out oof need.
Riddle failed to notice how Trey and Che'nya were stiff for some reason.
Of course, as promised, Floyd did grab something for Riddle. He saw how long the redhead's hair was, as such he picked some pretty pins that resembled flowers, made out of silver, to go with the wand. Riddle didn't seem to know just how pricey these were. He wanted initially to refuse, saying that Floyd was too kind, but Floyd insists, even puts them in the redhead's hair with magic, so there won't be anymore protests.
For the rest of the day, Floyd joined in the group with exploring around. Sometimes being childish, but Riddle was too mesmerised by everything to even pay any mind to him. Trey and Che'nya both seemed to be a bit more stiff, Riddle assuming that it was a late hour and that he should get back.
Of course, people around did notice the redhead and the odd group. So when Riddle himself was asked by local people if it's a chance to see him at the ball, he promptly said that he didn't know. Many found it wierd, because even travelers who just stumbled upon this place also attended the ball.
Even so, Riddle had to return to his home. Of course, he was asked if at least tomorrow he will go for another lesson at least, but he refused, saying that he has to catch up with his missed jobs around the house.
When the mother returns, she finds the house cleaned up everything just as she wanted. Riddle himself presented in a poise manner the food and only did things like clockwork.
But his mother didn't notice something: Riddle seemed lost in thought.
At the evening, Riddle finally takes some courage and asks his mother about the upcoming ball. She seems taken aback by this, asking what ball, Riddle saying that Floyd told him that there was a ball where all people around were free to come and celebrate. This was a truth, since Floyd did explain to Riddle how the ball would go as well as the theme of it, things which Trey and Che'nya didn't provide in their explanations.
But the mother grows enraged, saying 'how come you, a stupid child, even have the entitlement to want this?'. As such, Riddle is taken aback, not really understanding how come this was stupid. Floyd, Trey and Che'nya made it seem like a wonderful event, made to bring happiness to everyone. Why was he not allowed to share some of that happiness too? Why did he have to be privated from a thing even the lowest of the low get to enjoy? Was he really that unworthy?
But, because Riddle kept insisting, she gives him one condition: He could go to the ball, if on the day of it, he cleans up every corner of the house before he goes there. Unfortunately, the day was today and already it was the middle of the time. It was an impossible task, which is why the mother knew that Riddle would finish it only after the ball would be done. And to just rub salt on the wound, she also demanded for him to iron and prepare her gown for special occasions, meaning she gets to go, but on time.
But the redhead seemed very confident that he could do it. That he could reach the ball on time. He was running around, wiping and cleaning everything as fast as possible. The gown was taken care of and left for the woman to dress in it, as Riddle was wiping the floors.
When the woman left for the ball, Riddle was cleaning the living room carpet. Once she did leave, the redhead tho switched to spells and magic, speeding up everything significantly. A lot of spells to clean in his stead as he was trying to come up with something for the ball.
So using his paintbrush on himself, Riddle realised he could change his clothes that way. He wanted something simple, but then again, he got inspired by the pretty princesses in sparkly gowns from his fairytale books that he had an outfit inspired by them.
So making sure to take off all his enchantments once the house was all squeaky clean in record time, Riddle passed through the portal he made and followed the people of the town towards the palace. Since it was a masked ball, Riddle didn't quite recognise anyone familiar, but he was way too happy to just be at such cheerful event overall. He was all happy by everything: the decorations, the music, the food, the people just dancing around.
One thing that was noticeable tho, were the pins in his hair. Familiar pins which Floyd recognised. He had to sit through a whole ass meeting with all the possible suitors he had for his hand, but he recognised those pins and immediately decided to dip the pretendants, in favor of taking the redhead up a dance.
Riddle, poor confused Riddle, didn't realise it was Floyd the man that asked for a dance. Even so, being all happy and excited over the ball, he took the offer, all dance saying just how beautiful it was this party and how happy everyone looked. He didn't realise that other people were also looking at them, more like at Floyd, as he was of royal blood after all.
Riddle does ask what is the name of the man, but Floyd denies it, saying that where's the fun if there isn't some effort to find it. He says he's here as he was initially promised to the heir of this kingdom, for a way to strengthen the relationship in between mers and humans. But the heir dissappeared when it was merely an infant. So as to still have a reassurance of an alliance and someone to lead the country in the future, Floyd was given and he needed a pretendant from this kingdom as to make a union. His brother, Jade, was up to lead his home kingdom, as he was here too, but with no fiancé yet.
Riddle still didn't make the connection, but got embarrassed aas he took the prince from the pretendants. Floyd counters that he was the one who invited him to the dance after all.
And Floyd being an absolute bastard at heart, he dances all night with the redhead, not letting anyone else get a turn. Jade sees this and finds it infinitely funny since his brother was doing this just to be petty and screw up with the rich bitches.
As such, when the clock strikes midnight, Riddle doesn't really know how late it was, but he saw a few hours after that people started to leave. Alarmed that his mother won't find him home, the redhead wants to run back home.
Floyd tho, insists for him to stay, saying that surely he would make one hell of a pretendant, that he wants to take him, not the others, but Riddle insists that he is no worthy to even attempt to try and get the prince's hand. He shouldn't and that was final.
With that, he leaves through the rose maze and uses his paintbrush to paint a quick escape.
Except that he was awaited at home, by the mother. She came in earlier than him. She knew he attended the ball and as such she was mad, insisting that Riddle was lying about finishing his jobs. The redhead says that he finished them, that the house was clean from top to bottom and that everything was done just as he promised, but the woman doesn't believe him, insisting that he must've skipped on a job.
As such, she makes the magic barrier over the tower, saying that until Riddle doesn't give the name of the one he danced with at the ball, the barrier won't be lifted. It was cursed so that anyone who lies won't be let in or out.
And poor Riddle doesn't know the name of the one he danced with, which again, he isn't believed for. The mother broke his wand, leaving him with the broken pieces on the floor to cry about how it was absolutely unfair. He didn't lie, yet he still wasn't believed.
He realised that mayhaps he should've taken on the prince's offer. That offer was too fairytale-esque to believe, but really Riddle wanted to think he had a chance.
Of course, to add salt on the wound, the witch decided that she would find the man that Riddle danced with. So she stole the redhead's silver pins and used an illusion spell to pose at him and try to return to the ball, as it was still in full swing. To assure Riddle won't try anything funny, she destroyed the portal painting too.
So while that plot is going at the ball, Riddle is trying to mend his wand. Trey and Che'nya told him that wands were mere tools and that magic could be casted without them. So Riddle hoped to use his own magic to mend it back together.
It doesn't work.
So in desperation, the redhead tries to get through the barrier, knowing that he didn't lie to his supposed mother.
He manages to pass through! :D
So using his hair and a hanger from the window, Riddle manages to get down. He does fall in a bush, but he was happy he manges to get out and off he was to warn the others about the plot against the prince.
Meanwhile, at the ball, it turns into chaos once the witch reveals her presence and starts attacking around. By the time Riddle reached the place, people were running away and guards were trying to protect the innocents, but mostly the king and queen.
Of course, Riddle was thinking on how he could turn the tables in his favor, coming up with the idea of distracting the witch by his mere presence alone.
So he steps up, saying that the barrier didn't work against him because he was no liar. The witch, of course, charges up at him, but Riddle was faster to dodge.
That couldn't be said about his hair tho, as it was cut as a result of a stray spell.
During this fight, it was revealed the truth about the king and the 'affairs' he had. Man really only thought of the witch as just a good friend and sister in law, nothing more. Man really just didn't feel the same, but because she was blinded by the idea of becoming a queen she thought that the feelings of the man were towards her.
Of course, when the whole secret is blown up, Riddle is in an absolute shock. It all came crashing down for him. So in rage, he decides to do a better plan: use the fact that the witch lied to him, against her.
Thankfully, Floyd willingly gives his wand to the redhead, as he turns it in a paintbrush, using it to make a portal to the tower in which he pushes the witch inside. Once that is done, the said painting is destroyed, assuring that now, the witch cannot leave the tower as the barrier prevents anyone who lied to pass through.
Of course, the aftermath was awkward. Finding out you are a prince and not only that, but that also you were promised to some royalty you danced at the ball with, which turns out to be the kind guy you kept meeting around. Not to mention almost everything you knew about yourself was a complete lie.
The broken silver wand does prove it, as it was a wand that was supposed to be inherited throughout the royal bloodline. It used to be the king's wand, so Riddle felt absolutely ashamed that he was the reason it ended up broken. The king does reassure that it's not his fault and mainly that they had a lot to catch up to.
Also Trey and Che'nya are invited to the palace, a bit salty that they can't still put in action their homicide plan(they even got Floyd on the board with it, but alas it was in vain now)
And that would be the end I guess :v
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Okay, I haven't read chapter 6 of Sapsorrow yet, I have a big day ahead so I know it will distract me too much and I like the incentive of something to treat myself at the end of the day, so my actual thoughts on the chapter are yet incoming
Your thoughts for Buggy and/or Law having a ring have inspired me.
Ive been working on an idea for a series of interconnected one piece one shots using fairy tales (which got set back once I got COVID bc I had three days of writing planned out which ended up being three days of delirious fever sleep). And I haven't really set anything in stone yet but I have several stories that I think would work for each character and several extra stories I haven't yet decided characters for. So allow me to regurgitate some of those stories that I think could be thematically appropriate for Law/Buggy stories in the Sapsorrow AU:
Hans who made the princess laugh/The Princess who never smiled/the lad with the goat skin (there are a lot of variants of the story of a boy making the princess laugh/smile for her hand in marriage) - I was thinking of using this concept for a Koby or Luffy story, but it also really suits Buggy. If the condition placed upon marriage is him finally making his betrothed laugh it makes room for lots of hijinks that would inevitably lead to her getting to know him and fall in love.
A Thousand and One Nights - I planned this for Usopp (obviously) but I feel like Buggy managing to entertain someone with tricks and jokes so they allow him to keep wooing them the next night and so on until they agree to marry him because he's entertained them successfully for however many days and nights as was his task
Princess and the frog/beauty and the beast/Prince Lindworm esque story - hear me out, Reader as the scary beast bc Buggy's task was to prove he loved them truly for more than just superficial reasons. I feel like, thematically, I could see Buggy learning to not judge others and consequentially therefore learning not to be so harsh on himself (learning that he deserves kindness by extending kindness to others?) (And then there is the opportunity to flip the script with Buggy being the one wearing the ring and Reader being the one owning it.)
Hades and Persephone - I like how Buggy consistently fails upwards and I can definitely see the bumbling clown somehow getting lucky enough to snag the favour of someone super dangerous and powerful despite tripping over himself repeatedly. I imagine someone only ever feared might enjoy him speaking his mind bluntly. Also could have Reader owning the ring. (The comedic potential for a story of Buggy somehow failing forwards into the arms of a Morticia-esque partner. The angst/drama potential of someone learning they are not only capable but deserving of love and loving and are allowed to have some light and fun in their dark life.)
For Law I feel like his task could be something associated with him being a doctor. Either his betrothed promises to marry whoever manages to cure her loved one (or her) of a sickness/curse. Maybe his betrothed has sworn off marriage because she is sick and expects to die and doesn't want to leave anyone heart broken, which is why she objects to marrying him, which leads to a lot of secret keeping and angst on both sides.
OR, something that is the other side of the coin, his betrothed wants to kill/poison someone and needs his help. Oooooh~ dramatic crime story
SNAIL AGAIN! I should've seen this one first. My dear, you spoil me!
The way I have been struggling with Buggy's Sapsorrow. I want to write a little snippet so desperately, but he is thus far eluding me. I am LOVING these thoughts.
I do have an idea for Law, but I am wanting to write for him last due to not desiring to reveal all of the lore involving the spectre of Sapsorrow just yet. Of all of the rings to be given, I will say that Law will be the only one to offer it to someone freely: using it for its intended purpose. It is going to devastate me, but I am very much looking forward to his the most. Main theme: Angst.
........are you saying you would like to join in on the storyteller au collab? Because if you are!!! Usopp with "a story short" and Luffy with "Fearnot" would be perfect for you: considering it sounds like you already have many a similar idea regarding them, and I would LOVE to have you involved!!!
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