0m3n-0f-d3ath · 2 months
Cold medicine drawings
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Yes the sun and moon are Lesbians 💥
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jiloop · 7 months
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She’s so silly
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beastwhimsy · 8 months
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haischaper · 5 months
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Happy new years to my closest mutuals! Thank you all for being so lovely, and thank you for having fun to draw characters!!!
Characters in order:
Jax Caeglas by @candygothjester | Cosmo Costalott by @ballpitbee
Bonnabelle by @transgnckon | (?) by @smurfs
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yourlocalnameless · 4 months
Long overdue day 2
I might just post day 3, 4, and 5 together cuz.. 😭🙏 MY UPLOAD SCHEDULE IS SO BAD
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Ok so they're name is Corella
And they're un talked abt bc ppl r still mad at them for picking the glow squid in the minecraft mob vote
But they're overall very nice(Don't check the tags)
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honey-dont · 8 months
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bb hours
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lizardgirl10 · 8 months
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I love how this version of them has like a love-hate relationship  and it’s so freaking gay. I love it. 
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koco-coko · 5 months
OC Info Post: Bonnabel de Saint-Germain
(This is most certainly my most self-indulgent and somehow also my most thought-out OC. Enjoy my unadulterated silliness)
@drewadoodle hi here's the mansion baby (apparently i have one for the castle trio too except that one's fully an adult so if I post her I can tag you in that one too if ya want)
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Full name: Bonnabel de Saint-Germain
Nickname: Bonnie, Bon-Bon (Arthur specific), Bell (Theo and Vincent specific)
Birthday: November 8th
Likes: Outdoors, Pastries, Mousette, Reading
Dislikes: Sour Flavors, Math, Rules
Background: A mysterious infant showed up on Le Comte de Saint-Germain’s doorstep one night during a banquet with the residents, and she’s been called his daughter ever since. All she came with was a homemade birth certificate, a stuffed toy of a pastel blue bat, and a wax-sealed letter. The contents of said letter are only known to Comte and Leonardo and he has refused to share it with anyone else, even Bonnie herself. A strange injection Bonnabel took as a newborn has made it so that they are unable to detect what kind of vampire she is, though Comte doesn’t seem too concerned about that fact…
Through the Ages
(aka the main differences between Bonnabel’s different ages without getting into deep spoilers because I’m writing a fic with her hehe.) (Bonnabel is almost always portrayed in the Childhood stage. Sometimes teenage [mostly with castle trio])
Childhood– Bonnabel, wild and carefree. Don’t even try to make her sit still– she’ll bite your hands with dull, stubby fangs until you let her go. The biggest nuisance and agent of chaos the house has seen in a while. Temper tantrums and dramatic outbursts are common, and as a vampire, she’s really yet to understand her strength. Still… There is something endearing about her reckless abandon and pure fascination with life. She’s sweet and kind all the same, she just has her moments.
Teenage years– Outdoor play time has turned into calm walks through the garden and snack time is now tea time. Although Bonnabel’s matured since being in single digits, everyone can tell something about her is just… off. Maybe it’s the way she’s shy about everything, how reclusive she’s become, how utterly captivated she is by space, or perhaps the way she’s withdrawn from everything other than her studies. Her self-image couldn’t be worse (how could she ever compare to the greats of history she lived amongst, really?), and she’s really been pestering Comte about her past as of late.
Adulthood– Bonnabel, after many, many challenges, trial and errors, heartbreaks, and betrayal, has finally grown into her own skin. Well, sort of. She’s gained back some of the excitement she had when she was a little girl, but it’s been distilled into a fine wit and humor. Now, she simply does as she pleases, whether that be studying something to the point of burning into her brain to simply staying in all day and catching up on some novels. She’s a vampire! She’s got all the time in the world to get things right.
Eye color: A pale orange, with slight hints of crimson in her pupils. It’s not very noticeable from far away but in the right sunlight it’s a bit more 
Hair color- Sandy blonde, like Vincent’s hair. Just a bit more colorful than that.
Disabilities- Undiagnosed because of the century, but most certainly has ADHD and dyscalculia (unable to some basic math)
Height- Childhood: 4’1, Teenage: 5’0, Adulthood: 5’11
(i dont have any drawings so um yeah i just used to ikevamp doll haha)
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I’ll be splitting the characters into archetypes– how Bonnabel sees each of the residents as a family unit, then going a bit more in-depth.
Brothers– Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Isaac, Napoleon, Jean
– Napoleon: The big brother. No matter how Bonnabel’s feeling, whether she wants to play or vent to him, he’ll make time available. Bonnabel likes hiding and cuddling into his cape and constantly pesters him to teach her fencing. Instead, he’ll teach her how to cook pastries (it’s not like Jean or Vincent are going to do it). 
– Arthur: He’s the one Bonnabel goes to if she wants to get away with something or is bored out of her mind. He’s the fun brother and almost lets her get away with anything. Especially when it comes to teasing Isaac. He’ll also sneak her chocolates from time to time. She loves playing detective with him and likes to act out scenes from books with him. Plus, Vic and Bonnie are utterly enamored with each other, so it’s always a good time with Arthur.
– Vincent and Theo: How could they not feel like her big brothers? Vincent is the only person Bonnie is nice to no matter her mood and he’ll let her watch him paint if she’s ever interested. They tried finger-painting when she was little, but she tried to eat the paint and it’s been banned for the time being.
Theo, on the other hand… It’s a bit more tenuous. Bonnabel didn’t understand being called a mutt or pup was a sign of affection at first, but the two clicked once the misunderstanding was cleared up. As a little girl, Bonnabel drew a picture of all three of them holding hands with both Vincent and Theo titled ‘big brothers’ and that might be the closest Theo was to ever crying in front of his brother. He now has it framed in his room.
– Isaac, Mozart, and Jean: All in the same boat- didn’t get along at first, but later on they became close. Mozart’s relationship with loud and wild Bonnabel is… strange, but he does seem to be able to talk sense in her. She only recently got unbanned from the music room. Mozart’s bedroom is still off limits. Isaac was wary of her (especially because she liked Arthur so much), but they get along once she’s older and quieter. Sometimes they stargaze together. Jean has always been kind to her, but never got too close. Well, until Bonnabel insisted they study reading together and now it’s not uncommon to see them reading fairy tales together. Jean has promised to teach Bonnabel fencing one day, too, behind Comte’s back. 
Weird Uncles– Dazai and William
Dazai: Dazai is a nutcase, but in a fun way! He’s always speaking in riddles, but at least he’s not boring, right? She doesn’t interact with him that much, but when she does, she’s surprised by the words of wisdom she receives. She also has joined forces with him to absolutely torment Isaac, except she’s the one who has to apologize and learn a lesson. He’s fun, just weird.
William: Bonnabel doesn’t see him often. When she does, Puck is close behind and the girl and rabbit become inseparable. Bonnabel is utterly infatuated with Puck and gives him all of her attention, booping his cute little nose at every chance. The one bad thing about seeing Will is, well… tiny little Bonnabel can’t understand him at all. Vincent or Comte have to translate for her if they ever visit the villa because she’s too shy to ask him to speak simpler.
Parents– Leonardo and Comte
Comte: Dearest papa! It’s his life mission to make sure Bonnabel never has to know a day of pain or fear. Sure, perhaps the idea of raising her without the same pressures of nobility and vampirism that he did is a selfish wish, but she’s smiling everyday in the mansion. He has to be doing something right, right? Comte was Bonnabel’s whole world as a little girl. Going into her teenage years, their relationship becomes strained, much to Comte’s confusion and sorrow. (And yes, the pun in Bonnabel's name was intentional, even if he tries to deny it).
Leonardo: Babbo! Whenever there’s a Comte level matter but Bonnabel’s worried he’ll be mad at her, she goes to Leonardo. While hugging Comte smells like fine wine and perfumes, Leonardo smells like book pages and cigars. Both scents have become safe places for her. They take naps together a lot. Especially when Bonnabel is upset. Sometimes she’ll find him sleeping on the floor and join him because she’s bored, using his chest as a pillow. A lot of Bonnabel’s toys and even her bed are made by him.
Auntie and ‘Mama–’ MC/Mitsuki and Sebastian
– When Bonnabel was learning how to talk, she called Sebastian ‘Mama’ and it kind of stuck. Nowadays, she just calls him Sebby (he’s not the biggest fan, but nothing he’d really want to complain about), but sometimes they still joke about that name despite Bonnabel having zero recollection of it. Unfortunately, Bonnabel almost never listens to what Sebastian has to say unless he flicks her forehead. 
Mitsuki was called Auntie from the start. Bonnabel respects her a lot and will mostly listen to her authority, so she is definitely more of an aunt than a sister to her. This is also due to Mitsuki having to help Comte in certain aspects of raising her, such as bathtime and the likes. A part of their strong connection simply is the fact they’re the only women in the mansion.
BONUS! Castle Trio (met at Teenage Stage)
Charles-Henri: After a bit of apprehension, they get along pretty well. Whenever Bonnabel starts stressing out, Charles will pop up and distract her with games, food, or something else. He also tends to encourage any of her fixations no matter what, when, how and why.
Faust: Bonnabel is completely creeped out by him, but… He seems to know her somehow. Sort of like an uncle you haven’t seen in years but keep telling you things they remember. Bonnabel thinks he might know about her birth parents, but she's too shy and nervous to ask him. He’s… polite, at least. Doesn’t seem to try and bother her very much, but he still gives odd vibes. She does not want to be alone in a room with him.
Vlad: Oh… him. Yeah. It’s weird. On one hand, they have a shared trauma they can bond over, and on the other, he’s trying to hurt her family. Sure, he saved her from certain death that one time, but his dream has become so twisted she can’t help but distrust him. Still, it’s not as if they don’t get along. Actually, they have a lot more in common than one might think. 
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biinaberry · 2 years
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"Heard the Sheriff got himself a new mount, calls her Bonnabelle but I think Demon is more fitting"
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grosscorpsechic · 3 months
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He’s fine don’t worry-
I don’t post often at all here so I thought I’d at least feed some art into this place once in a while.
Here’s the sketch of my work I usually do one on paper before making it digital
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Welp that’s all folks stay tuned for more !
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filthycasualfanfic · 7 months
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My version of PB and Marceline
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kcnomeds · 6 months
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12 days to Christmas countdown day 6:
Ice Skating
Well in Bonnabell’s case figure skating. Had to do her snowflake form, my fave.
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jiloop · 7 months
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Guys I may have a favorite, just maybe
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flower-do0dles-dump · 10 months
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Lil' wip sneek peek? For you? 👁👁
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 10 months
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lol my pfp
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yourlocalnameless · 4 months
ok so yesterday a friend of mine said like
A: Bro you do nothing besides draw fish 😭🙏 go marry finding Nemo or sum be more creative 🗣
So that's why I'm joining funguary instead!
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Keep in mind I am a beginner artist so shit MIGHT NOT look good but yeah! If anyone needs brush names let me know 💯🗣
this is day 1 mycena subcyanocephala
Shes wanted in 52 countries for sprinkling sand in people's eyes at night. 😍🥰
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