#Boleyn wigs
six-costume-refs · 9 months
Summer 2023 Wig Updates: North American Productions
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The Canadian production has officially opened! I'll do a more in-depth look at all of the wigs later this week, but a few quick updates worthy of note: - Julia Pulo doesn't have any major changes to the base style, but we're finally getting to see a North American Boleyn with curls!! - Krystal Hernández got the red ponytail braid style for Cleves. It has some changes to the specific style, which I'll go into more detail about this week. - Lauren Mariasoosay has the back ponytail that's becoming an alternative standardized style. Hers has a very different base than any of the UK and most of the prior North American Parr wigs in this style, but it definitely fits the general category of the back center ponytail. Again, comparison post coming soon. - We've also seen a few of the alts' hairstyles! So far everything has been as expected, but it does answer one of the big questions I've had: what hair color they'd give Darcy Stewart. She might not get the same color for all three of her queens, but at least for Boleyn they went for a light blonde that reads more strawberry blonde under stage lights.
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Over in the Broadway and North American Tour... - Khaila Wilcoxon joined Broadway as a temporary replacement for Aragon. She's still wearing her wig from the Aragon Tour. - And Sydney Parra got the back ponytail style about a week ago, which we've seen slowly become standardized for non-Black actors. It might be her old wig re-styled but I'm waiting on better photos to confirm that. The styling seems to be more in line with Lauren Mariasoosay's wig than some of the past in this style, but again I'm waiting for better photos.
————————— Canada: pro photos by Joan Marcus; Darcy/Julia photo from @/darcellas, Krystal and Lauren photos from @/laurenmariasoosay, Darcy photo I found on Wiki but presumably is from @/darcellas
Other: Khaila photos from @/thekhailawilcoxon, Sydney from @/sydneyparra and @/sweetbeeyoutees
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lightleckrereins · 1 year
which six wigs from current productions are most different from each other for each role?
This depends on so many things. The wigs have to follow a certain style for each character and how different they can be from each other varies a lot between characters. Lenght, volume, styling, cut, color, hairtype, how much standarization there is. All affect the final look
I think it is:
Aragon: Aragon tour. This one is weird because both UK companies have very different styles for the principal and alternate, but all other alts and swings have almost identical styles. Broadway and Boleyn tour change lenght, volume and hairtype but styling is overall the same. Aragon tour has simmilar curl type for Kahlia, Kelly and Kelsee but a very distinct styling for each one plus marilyn who does have a simmilar styling to Kelsee but completely different hair type.
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Boleyn: Broadway. Leandra makes them win this one on her own, but also Ayla has a different cut than Aubrey and Marilyn (and obviously a different hair type too).
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Seymour: Aragon tour. For ANAT all three of them have different lenght, style and curls; both before and after Kelly and Kelsee got new wigs (and thats not even counting kelsee's ginger wig). I feel like WE and UKT should be in here too because both have very distinct styles for principal and alt and have at least one other alternate that should have a customized style (that hasn't debuted yet), but everyone else has the same just like for Aragon.
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Cleves: Everyone (minus SK but I added them to the chart anyway). Cleves is the character that gets the most customization by far, and even when the base style is technically the same all read very different onstage. Even when NCS tries to give the alts a style that looks the same as the principal it ends up looking different.
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Howard: broadway and only because of a technicality. Holli's wig is made to look like curly hair straightened while everyone else is just straight hair. Also I am not counting dye color in here because that is chosen to compliment the base haircolor so it is not an intentional difference. (And zoomed out photos because they all have different lenghts too)
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Parr: All land companies. Parr does have four different base styles: side curly ponytail, side curls, regular ponytail and updo. But within those happens the same that happens with Cleves, even when the base is the same it looks different on everyone. WE has Roxanne in the ponytail, Leah in side curls, Monique in side curly ponytail and everyone else in different updos. UKT has a simmilar mix of side ponytail for Alana, side curls for Natalie and different updos for everyone else. Boleyn tour has two different side ponytails and two different regular ponytails. Aragon tour has Gabi's style and three different ponytails. Broadway has Taylors side swept curls, two very distinct side curly ponytails and one regular ponytail.
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janedances · 2 years
cassie cleves tonight!!! no hate pls queendom, remember what situation she was in when she last played cleves!!
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navree · 1 year
god every time i see a gifset of tgc with his natural blond hair i get so horrifically angry at the stupid domina show all over again
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blueshistorysims · 2 months
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October 31st, 1923, London, England
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Out of the parties the Porters were known for, it was their Halloween party they were infamous for, and anyone who was anybody was invited, not just friends and acquaintances. Byron thought it amusing, seeing everyone dressed up in elegant costumes that likely cost a pretty penny. They ranged from cute, like Wilhelmina’s ladybug ensemble, to well, his sister’s extremely accurate gown of Empress Elisabeth of Austria she’d made herself. He had not a clue where she’d gotten such a fine wig, nor did he want to know. 
Of course, Byron was less focused on the party, but rather the two women who were talking near his sister and her paramour. He’d never seen them before, but the woman dressed as a Greek god looked rather familiar, though he couldn’t place why.
“I wonder who those lovely ladies are.”
Montgomery, who’d been in a sour mood for most of the night, turned his head and looked generally surprised. “Oh, don’t ya even think ‘bout it.”
“What? You know Miss Dionysus?”
“That’s Miss Eleora Balass.”
“...Like the Richer-Than-God Baghdadi Jew Balasses?”
“Aye. I’m her father’s personal physician.”
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“You? Salim Balass’ personal doctor? He’s everything you are politically against.”
“I think he likes havin’ someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind. We get into such arguments, and I��m afraid I’ve pushed too far, and he’ll fire me, but then the next day he’ll invite me to lunch and we’ll laugh over it.”
The Balass family were one of the wealthiest families in the world—Salim Balass being the fourth richest man in Europe, and listed as one of the top twenty wealthiest men in the world. They had made their fortune as merchant and traders, rising to power in the Mughal Empire before moving their base of operations to India after being forced to flee Baghdad in the early 19th century, where they established control over the Indian cotton industry, moving to Great Britain as their home in the late 1880s. 
“Well, what’s Miss Balass like?”
Montgomery sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No.”
Byron couldn’t help but smirk. “Introduce me. I’ll force you if I must.”
Almost on cue, Miss Balass and her friend turned around, her face lighting up upon recognizing the Scotman’s face, and she waved. “Oh, Dr. MacGregor!”
“Well, I suppose you’ll have to introduce us now, Montgomery.”
“Fuck off.”
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“You know the Porters, Dr. MacGregor?” Miss Balass asked.
“Aye, Mr. Porter and I were flatmates many years ago.” He sighed, turning to Byron reluctantly. “May I introduce his grace the Duke of Feldsbury?”
Byron smiled and nodded his head. “A pleasure.”
“A duke? My, my, I wasn’t aware you knew such people.”
The other woman turned to her friend. “I thought you said he was socialist.”
“Oh, he is, don’t worry. Dr. MacGregor is my late sister’s widower. We knew each other far before I was even aware of the Feldsbury title.”
“Oh, Feldsbury! You’re the former army captain one who married the Gardenhouse girl… and well, divorced her too.”
The way she said it was so amusing that Byron couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, I am unwed now.” He turned to Miss Balass’ friend, dressed as Anne Boleyn. “I’m sorry, we haven’t been properly introduced, Miss Boleyn.”
She laughed as Miss Balass blushed. 
“This is Miss Samira Patel. Our fathers were business partners when we were in India, and they still are today. Miss Patel is one of my closest friends. Dr. MacGregor you know is my father’s physician.”
Montgomery smiled at Miss Patel. “Lovely to meet ya.”
Once they moved past pleasantries, the conversation grew much more lively, and as Byron grew enamored with Miss Balass, he could tell Montgomery was quickly warming up to Miss Patel.
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In fact, when the quartet took their leave, Byron looked over to Montgomery, Miss Patel holding his arm, and said he planned to spend the night with Miss Balass—in Gaelic of course so the women wouldn’t understand.
The doctor smirked and replied in English, “I think so too.”
“You speak Gaelic, duke?”
He smiled at her. “Would you like to find out what else I speak, Miss Balass?”
She rolled her eyes as she waved for a taxi.   
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canyousonicme · 4 months
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Cast announced for "The Other Boleyn Girl" stage adaptation
The show features in Chichester Festival Theatre’s new season
As part of its upcoming 2024 season, Chichester Festival Theatre will present The Other Boleyn Girl, adapted by Mike Poulton from Philippa Gregory’s novel.
Gregory’s novel is set against the backdrop of Henry VIII’s court, where Mary Boleyn finds herself entangled in her family’s quest for power as Henry’s mistress, while her uncle schemes to place her on the throne amid Queen Katherine of Aragon’s inability to produce a male heir. However, Henry’s attention shifts to Mary’s sister, Anne.
The cast includes Jacob Ifan as William Carey, Kemi-Bo Jacobs as Queen Katherine, Alex Kingston as Lady Elizabeth, Peter Losasso as Francis Weston, Freya Mavor as Anne Boleyn, Lily Nichol as Jane Parker, Lucy Phelps as Mary Boleyn, and Andrew Woodall as the Duke of Norfolk. Chris Green and Sarah Harrison provide musical accompaniment.
Directed by Lucy Bailey, it runs from 19 April to 11 May at the Festival Theatre. Joanna Parker serves as the designer, with Chris Davey handling lighting design, Orlando Gough composing the music, Beth Duke managing sound design, Dick Straker overseeing video design, and Ayse Tashkiran as movement director. Susanna Peretz takes charge of wigs, hair & make-up, and Ginny Schiller CDG handles casting.
Book tickets
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Meg Dixon-Brasil Q&A
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@/broadwayworks on Instagram, 25 May 2024
Some other questions:
Q: Which role is the hardest for you vocal range wise? A: Great question! I actually have two answers. So, I'm like a mezzo-soprano, ehm, and the alto line in the show is actually really low - I think, anyway. So when I'm on for Cleves, so um, harmony order is Aragon, Howard, Seymour, Boleyn, Parr, Cleves. It changes for every cast, but that's ours. Ehm, so when I'm on for Cleves I find it really hard 'cause it's really low and it's kinda like… too low for me. But, you know, we manage. And then on the other side of that, when I'm on for Aragon, which I'm on for today, it's really high! (laughs) Ehm, and the harmony - top harmony - is the hardest bit about Aragon's track, which is why it scares me. But… practice makes perfect. We're getting better at it. It'll be fine!
Q: What's the shortest amount of time you've ever had between getting told you're performing and going on? A: This is actually a fun story. So, it was actually my Howard debut. I found out that I was going on at the 5 minute call. Ehm, which was obviously really scary, but it actually went really well and it was really fun. But ehm, I was always really scared about Howard because (sigh) that song is 7 minutes long and the words are really hard. Anyone who's played Howard before, you get it. It's not easy. And I remember I had a dress run for Howard and I messed up the words and I got in my head so much and I was like, "I never wanna debut Howard, I don't wanna do it" (laughs) Ehm, and then I had to. I had to get ready - I think I got ready in ten, fifteen minutes. So the show went up maybe like ten minutes late. I found out I was going on at the five minute call, which is ten minutes before the show. So I sprinted into wigs, they were putting my hair up into a ponytail as I was putting makeup on my face. Ehm, I didn't have time to go through anything… so yeah. I went on. With about fifteen minutes to get ready. Ehm, and I did it! And it was actually really fun! And I didn't mess up the words! Don't ask me if I've messed them up since… 'cause that's another story.
Q: What is your fav and least fav queen to play? A: So, great question. This changes quite a lot, which I guess is great because I don't ever have to choose 'cause I get to play them all, and that's why my job is so great. But, ehm, currently my favourites are Boleyn and Parr. And my least favourite's probably Aragon. Just 'cause it's… hard. It's really hard! But it's fun, and I love them all for different reasons.
Q: How many wigs do you have? A: I have four full wigs and one hair piece for Howard, so I guess five. And then I use my own hair for Boleyn.
Q: Did you audition to be a super swing? If not who did you audition for? A: So, ehm, when I originally auditioned, it was for, ehm, the cruise and NCL. And I auditioned for… Seymour… and Howard, I'm pretty sure. And during that rehearsal process, I was seen for Seymour, Howard, and Boleyn. And I did those three until the finals, and then I got rehearsal swing. And I was a rehearsal swing, ehm, for the Breakaway in August of 2022? I think? And then I came back to London - I auditioned for the tour, and I got quite far for that one with the same three. Ehm, didn't get it. And then I auditioned for the West End. And originally, I was actually only - my first round for the West End I was called in for Howard, and then during my audition, they asked to see Seymour and Bobo as well. Ehm, so then I sang them, and from then on, I was in for those three again, and then at one point - I think it was the one before the final - they also wanted to see Parr. So I ended up doing four. Yeah!
Q: Worst onstage mishap you have done or seen of anyone else? A: Hmm… ehm (giggles) You may have already seen this on TikTok. If you don't follow me on TikTok, my name is just my name. Ehm, one time when I did Howard, I forgot the second verse. That completely left my brain. So, I just, like, didn't sing anything. I didn't sing anything! So it was, 'serious, stern, and slow', and in my brain, I was going 'tall large Henry the Eighth' and that's the third verse, and I was like, 'don't sing it, don't sing it'. But in my brain, it was in my brain. I was like 'don't sing it'. So then I didn't sing that, I just didn't sing anything. And for the life of me, I couldn't figure out which verse I was on. So then I started singing the first verse again. So I sang, ehm, 'broad, dark, sexy Mannox' twice… it was awful. It was actually really bad. (laughs) I was so upset! But I can laugh about it now! But at the time it was ROUGH.
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starllita · 6 months
1 year-ish lolita coord!
(ft. some wishlist pieces that arrived this weekend)
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i'm not sure if this counts as oldschool, sweet, or both- please let me know fhsjsf
also excuse the crinkles, my steamer is barely working so this was the best i could do T^T
JSK: Heart Embroidered (2016) - BTSSB
Blouse: Ribbon Lace (2007) - AP
Bag: Milk-chan Pochette - BTSSB
Headdress: Princess Drop - BTSSB
Socks: Roji Roji
Shoes: Bear Panda
Wig: Boleyn Girl - Dcoucou/Dreamholic
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live-in-consort · 6 months
idk why but I was so sure Storm Lever was getting box braids for her new Boleyn wig
oh well
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cinemaocd · 6 months
This week in Rylanceland: wordy addendum
So Yesterday I posted an all pictorial Rylanceland but I miss giving you all the WORDS about Mark, and boy are there a lot....
Top story is of course that Wolf Hall has begun filming again in Bristol. I am throwing this out there as a plea to tumblr: if you live in the Bristol area and would you be willing to be a correspondent to this esteemed organ, please let me know!
This season or series of Wolf Hall will cover the events of Mirror and the Light. I've been trying to work out WHY they are filming in Bristol, since I don't remember them using any locations there from the last season, but of course it could be something like Mark having a commitment at Bristol's Young Vic, where he has written, produced and acted in plays; and has a position on the board.
The series is due to be released at the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. I am trying to tell myself it will be 2025 and then be pleasantly surprised if we get it earlier. It will have been a decade since the last season so that is ONE HELL of a hiatus.
Since the beginning of MATL picks up exactly where Bring up the Bodies left off (after the execution of Anne Boleyn, but with a substantial flash back to the day of her execution), I am of great hopes that Claire Foy will return for at least a few new scenes..
Also Mark was spotted with a heavily bookmarked copy of The Mirror and the Light on set. I believe he could be seen studying Wolf Hall in a similar manner in behind the scenes photos from Wolf Hall IIRC.
Mark was also wearing a wig with bangs, which he did not have in the last season (reason being it was a freaking DECADE ago and the man has aged) so I assume for continuity's sake the scenes that are being filmed now are not being done chronologically. Also the presence of Jonathan Pryce on set means we are either getting another flashback to Wolsey service days or another Wolsey's ghost scene.
It was raining on the first day of filming, so Mark wore a "pack a mac" over his cloak for some of the scenes (maybe closeups) and I am now going to call on @teadrunktailor to revive their brilliant Tom Crom cosplay with the addition of a pack a mac...because that would be amazing...
Thomas Brodie Sangster who plays Ralph was also on set, in more lordly attire than we have previously seen him, another clue that they are not working chronologically. I think Ralph Sadler would have styled himself similar to Cromwell through the events of MaTL since by that time he was Crom's man in the Privy Chamber. Ralph is a key character in the third book and I look forward to seeing more of his life and back story than we got in the first series.
Still no IMDB page for Series Two/Mirror and the Light but I am checking daily, lads.
Well that's about it Wolf Hall News, but I have a few other bits and bobs. Gonna save them for next week, since they are old enough at this point, they can wait a bit longer...
Bonus High Res pic of the week: This lovely portrait from 2012
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justarandomsixfan · 5 months
My fav six wig variants x
Rt bfr we start the parade, just wanna reiterate I am not calling any actors ugly, these are simply what looked best on the actress, and for the character they play in my views.
Aragon: Deirdre Dunkin
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There are MANY things i would like to say about this wig, but I'm tryina keep all these brief x
1: The wig, whilst looking completely new, still keeps to the standard Aragon crunches (Dutch braids, Hair gathered to back etc.)
2: The back curls look amazing, the wig must of taken so long to get perfect.
Boleyn: Baylie Carson:
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Now, most bobo wigs seem to follow the same pre-standardised look (Straight hair, Pulled to back) so i was excited to see six stepping away from this look when the production photos came out.
After seeing them live, i can not only say that the wig works logistically (Short, pulled back front), but also that the curls actually assist in Baylie's characterization of the character (Bubbly, More chaotic etc.)
Edit: Bonus points for their curls going wild whenever they move x
Seymour: Jasmine Forsberg (Bway variant)
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Jasmine is phenomenal as Seymour, so it's no surprise her wig is exactly the same x. The front piece remains the same as her Aragon tour wig, however her curls are much more loose, and less bunched.
Might just be me but i feel like this works for her less regal, more humane characterization of Seymour.
Cleves: Nasia Thomas
Need i say more, Look at the beauty x.
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(Honestly would go as far to say it's the best cleves wig we've been given PERIOD, but we're all entitled to our own opinions x
Howard: Sophie Issacs:
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I like this wig for many of the same reasons as i do Baylie's, however in a slightlllyyy different context.
With Sophie's wig, I feel as though the more less structured, more curly appearance assists in portraying the character of Howard (a young, naive child) in a more visual sense, therefore making her solo an even more emotional journey for the audience, as her innocence, and child-like mannerisms are on full display.
Parr: The side-curl variant.
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In this case, you simply cannot beat the original.
Appearance-wise, this variant is almost always a hit, it also works in a more technical sense, as the actresses hair is fully combed to one side of their forehead, allowing for less distraction onstage. Along with this, the simplistic appearance of the curls, allows for actors to have slightly more freedom over how they wish to style their hair.
EG: Danielle's Length & volume compared to Janiq's; Hannah's more maintained hairstyle.
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six-costume-refs · 8 months
Harriet Caplan-Dean's Hairstyles: UK Tour
Hey y'all! Have had a few asks recently about Harriet Caplan-Dean's different wigs and hairstyles. I realized I never actually made a full post about that, so here it is.
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She only had two wigs: an Aragon bob and a Howard pony. - The Aragon was used for Aragon. - Her own hair was used for Boleyn, Seymour, and Cleves - The Howard pony was used for both Howard and Parr. This was normal for most non-Black UK Parr covers for a while (post about that here).
Her Parr style was changed a few times mid-run:
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Debut and early shows had a bun in the back before going into the Howard pony. By around July 2022 it had switched to a lower ponytail with a poof and single braid on top, using just her hair. From then through the end of the run it stayed mostly the same, although they played around with the exact style of the braid and poof.
(All from @/harrietdeany)
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lightleckrereins · 10 months
have you seen these?
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I did. And as much as i would love to see either of those happening I think its just another case of queens messing around with each other's costumes (or wigs in this case). And honestly who can blame them. They get to wear some but not all of these amazing costumes there is probably some degree of wanting to try on the others. Marilyn has confirmed she wore Aryn's wig and I think Kelly is wearing Taylor's ponytail. Union rules about sharing aside if they were to play those roles Marilyn would get a brown wig (or maybe her hair or another of her wigs restyled in an emergency) and Kelly a ponytail that matched her texture straightened simmilar to what Holli' has.
Also I typed this yesterday and since we got Aryn Aragon (with I think Marilyn's wig) and Kelly Boleyn. Now I need jana B/H, Taylor Cleves and Cecilia Parr please.
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canirove · 1 year
Bluebell | Chapter 13
Author's note: And after Christmas, we are back to our usual schedule! Thank you very much for reading my imagines and for all the likes and reblogs, especially on the one with Mason! Something related to it may be in the works... 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"You are coming. End of the story."
"Lindsey, I thought I was your boss."
"At Daisy's, yes. But when it comes to socializing, I am in charge. And I already rented the costumes, so" she shrugs.
This year the town is throwing a New Year's Eve party for "the younger folk" on the high school's gym, and it is a costumes party. The buzz around town for the past week has been crazy, everyone talking about what they are going to wear so no one repeats an outfit.
"Please tell me they are nice costumes. Nothing like sexy nurse or something like that."
"Nah, I keep those for Halloween. Though these ones are kind of sexy, because we are wearing a corset that will put our boobs on our throats."
"We are supposed to make it to the new year, not die before it even starts" I chuckle.
"We'll be fine. Trust me" Lindsey says with a wink.
"You look so hot."
"And any minute now, purple. Did you really need to make it so tight?" I say, trying to move the corset so I can breath a bit better.
"It'll start to get loose, you'll see."
"Wow, girls. Wow."
"Hi, Dec."
"You both look stunning!"
"We or our boobs? Because you can't stop looking at them" Lindsey says.
"Both? Or should I say... The four of you? No, wait, six. Math isn't my thing."
"What are you dressed as?" I ask him before Lindsey hits him.
"Real Madrid David Beckham" he says, showing us the back of his shirt.
"Oh, so that's why you are wearing that horrible wig."
"It's not that bad" he says, touching it. "I may let my hair grow like this."
"No! Don't you dare do that to your hair" I say. "You know I am its biggest fan."
"I won't touch it, your majesty" he says with a bow.
"Oh, wow" Ben says behind him. Ben, and Mason.
"What are you two dressed as?" Lindsey asks them, trying not to laugh.
"I've forgotten, I'm too distracted" Ben says, his eyes focused on the same place where Declan's were.
"He is Manchester United Beckham, and I am England National Team Beckham" Mason says. He only has eyes for me, though they are going from head to toe and back again, making me feel goosebumps everywhere.
"Interesting idea" Lindsey says.
"What about you?" Ben asks us.
"Can't you tell, bro? They are Marie Antoinette and Anne Boleyn!" Declan says, pointing first at Lindsey and then at me.
"Oh..." Ben says.
"Really, Benjamin? Declan knows who we are, and you don't?" I say.
"You are... Queens, right?"
"Queens who lost their heads" Lindsey points out.
"You look beautiful" Mason says, still looking just at me.
"Thank you" I reply.
"Anyway, why don't we go find us some drinks, uh? What do their majesties want?" Ben asks.
"Come, let's dance" Mason says, grabbing my good hand.
"Just don't spin me like crazy like you always do, ok? I don't want to end the year feeling all dizzy."
"I'll try not to" he says with a cheeky smile.
"Mason! No spinning!" I say again, laughing. I've lost count of how many times I've told him to stop.
"But look at the way your dress moves!"
"Yeah, the same way the contents of my stomach are moving."
"Always complaining" he says, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer to him while I put my arms around his neck. We are on the same position we were when we first kissed, that same electricity going through us. "Can I ask you something, your majesty?"
"I like how your majesty sounds. It's a lot better than Miss Daisy."
"Nah... It doesn't feel the same. But can I ask you something or not?"
"Go ahead."
"Can I be your last kiss of the year?"
"Yes" I say, speaking before thinking, and completely ignoring the fact that we are surrounded by people and that anyone could see us.
"Girl, finally! Where were you?"
"I was with... Rúben, hi."
"Your majesty" he says, doing a big bow.
"Didn't you get the memo that this was a costumes party?"
"What?" he asks with a confused look.
"You are wearing a suit. You wear a suit almost every day."
"That's what I told him too" Lindsey says.
"This is not a suit, it's a tuxedo. I'm James Bond."
"Oh..." I say, trying not to laugh.
"Don't I look good?" he asks, arching an eyebrow.
"You always look good, Rúben."
"That's what I thought" he says with a cheeky smile.
"Anyway," Lindsey says "should we get ourselves some champagne before the countdown starts? Or Mr. Bond prefers a Martini?"
"Champagne will be fine, thank you" he replies.
"Three... Two... One... Happy new year!"
"Happy new year, boss!" Lindsey screams while hugging me and kissing me on both cheeks.
"Happy new year!" I scream back.
"I thought she would never leave" Rúben says once Lindsey has gone to talk with some friends.
"Rude" I laugh.
"I just wanted to properly wish you a happy new year with no one bothering us. So happy new year."
"Happy new year, Rúben."
"You have lipstick on your face, I just noticed" he chuckles.
"What?" I say, touching it.
"Let me" he says, licking his thumb and cleaning my face while holding it with the other hand. It's like the first time we kissed, though with lipstick instead of marmalade. And I'm feeling the same, the same warmth going through my body while I pray for my knees to not give up. "Done."
"Really. But can I ask you something?" he says, still holding my face.
"Ok" I whisper.
"Can I be your first kiss of the year?"
I just nod, my ability to speak completely gone.
"You need to talk to me, moving your head isn't enough" he says with a smirk.
"Yes. You can."
"Good girl" he says before leaning forward and kissing me.
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redladydeath · 11 months
have you seen these?
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Yeah, I guess it's wig swap day over at the Boleyn tour. Looking forward to the surprise Aryn!Aragon, Jana!Boleyn, Marilyn!Seymour, Taylor!Cleves, Kelly!Howard, and Cecilia!Parr show next week /j
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yet another dumb idea
haikyu production of six the musical, except the cast list looks like this
Catherine of Aragon - Hajime Iwaizumi
 Anne Boleyn - Eita Semi
Jane Seymour - Yūji Terushima
Anna of Cleves - Yūki Shibayama
Katherine Howard - Ryūnosuke Tanaka
Catherine Parr - Hitoka Yachi
can you just imagine the reactions of the teamates. karasuno crying when all you wanna do comes on
Nekoma is laughing their butts off when get down comes on
Johzenji is absolutely frozen most of the show because of A :the jokes are amazing and B: the are crying
Seijoh is just blown away because iwaizumi has an amazing voice and they also look really hot in that costume
Ushijima was the costume designer, understudy, choreographer and director... they have no regrets
yachi was the only person on stage wearing actual pants,semi,terushima and shibayamawore the normal costume, iwaizumi made ushijima change his to have shorts same with Tanaka
They met up with their teams after the show but they were still in costume even the band,so imagine being shiratorizawa , after this emotional rollercoaster of a show instead of going back to the dorms your confronted with semi,who is still in costume and ushijima is A: still wearing a headset and backstage clothes and B: is bouncing up and down with after show excitement
Tanaka wore a wig during the proformance so it took a little bit of time to recognize them
This is the wig ⬇️
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the ladies in waiting
Musical Director/Keys - Kōtarō Bokuto Drums - Kanji Koganegawa Guitar - Shigeru Yahaba Bass - Lev Haiba
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