#Bergruutfa Clan
kittystargen3 · 2 years
Today I've updated my story, "Time Travel: To the Past Yoda Goes." Below is a short selection of the chapter. Please go to the link below to read more.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13876994/1/Time-Travel-To-the-Past-Yoda-Goes
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Chapter 40 - Worse than Sand
The door of the shuttle opened up.  Anakin bit his teeth as he stepped closer to the opening.  A wind bearing more cold air blew inside, hitting him with the reality of just how cold this planet was.  Anakin had read about it.  First with Master Yaddle in one of their reading lessons.  Then again on the ride here from a datapad that Master Windu provided.  Each time he was in slight disbelief.  The coldest he had felt before was on spaceships, where the recycled air was kept at a low sixty degrees to prevent mold growth.  At the temple, its air conditioning kept a steady seventy degrees, which was considered comfortable unless you were from a planet which almost never saw a day below eighty degrees.  But this, now.  This was colder than cold.
The air outside was cold enough to freeze the fluids in your body, given enough time.  Master Windu had taken the time to go over safety procedures, including a winter suit, which Anakin was wearing now.  The Master also suggested they each take some time to adapt their bodies to the cold.  They still had several hours before the sun would be high enough to open the door to the Ilum Temple, he’d heard Mace say. 
Anakin looked over to see Kate, already knee deep in the snow.  She picked up a handful and threw it at Freya.  The white ball seemed to disintegrate when it hit her.  He looked back at Kent, who was the only boy in their clan besides himself who came along to see the planet. 
Ramu insisted he didn’t need time to adapt to the cold, because his blood was resistant to freezing.  His Nautolan ancestors swam in some of the deepest oceans on their home planet.  
Alex, though he was a human, was born on Arkania, where genetic engineering was the norm.  Those highlights of green in his almost white hair were natural, and so was his ability to tolerate extreme weather.  
Kent seemed eager to run in the snow, but was staying back to wait for Anakin.  After a nod they both ran down the ramp and into the white landscape.  ...
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celynsdream · 1 year
Initiates | Wards
Below is the brainstorming I've created as to give more development for the Initiates of the Order of Jedi. Feel free to use in your writing, but please make sure to credit back to this post or tumblr. If not, I will not hesitate to remove all resources.
A Jedi Initiate, Jedi Trainee, Youngling, or Ward referred to a Force-sensitive child who was undergoing the early stages of Jedi training or currently residing in the Créche, at a Jedi Academy. Initiates are found at early ages, typically a few months to up to three years, by Jedi Recruiters and Finders, such as in the case with Master Koon’s Finding of Padawan Tano and Master Kenobi, and are brought to the Coruscant Temple for initial placement and care. 
Initiate Clans:
All Initates are placed into Clans within their third year of life, and placed into care of various selected Créchemasters until they become Padawans. It is typical for a Clan to remain close even throughout adulthood and Padawanship, interchanging Padawans for training, and relying on each other for missions over other Jedi. Below is a list of known, and current Initiate Clans:
Bear Clan
Bergruutfa Clan (Most librarians/archivists come from this Clan)
Boma Clan
Clawmouse Clan
Dragon Clan
Heliost Clan
Katarn Clan
Savrip Clan
Soaring Hawkbat Clan (Most pilots/Aces come from this Clan)
Squall Clan
Thranta Clan
Tra’cor Clan
Wuulf Clan
Vorpaak Clan (Notorious for producing the Disaster Crew)
Once an Initiate is placed into their Clan, they started their education, typically around the age of five-six standard years. Those aged three-four years are introduced to ideas necessary for their future education, such as numbers and alphabet, and are more play-orientated than the older Initiates. They also start learning the basics of the Jedi Code and the Three Pillars of the Order between various games.
Initiates aged five-eight are considered Junior Initiates, and follow a set schedule, varying days based on Clan, but it rarely changes. Upon waking, the Initiates are led in morning exercises, including a fifteen-minute meditation session. In the mornings, Clans engage in Force studies, usually games meant to help them develop control, such as the “Feather Game”, or “Catch”, under the watchful eyes of their Créchemaster and Padawans doing Créche duty. Before lunch, the Initiates settle down for a fifteen minute meditation session, led by one of the Junior-Créchemasters. Around midday, the Initiates head to the refectory for lunch and story-time, usually about a Jedi of old, then shift into physical training under the watchful eyes of the Initiate Battlemaster, Jardin Eldil. They learn the basics of the six accepted forms of Lightsaber combat, followed by another fifteen-minute session of movement mediation. Once they return to their Clan-room, they engage in crafts or games for an hour, before they return to learning the history of the Order. Around five-six o’clock is dinner for the younger Initiates, then they return to their room to do one final relaxation meditation session, followed by a short story, then get tucked into their beds.
Initiates aged nine-twelve are considered Senior Initiates, and follow a little bit of a less intense schedule than the Juniors. In the mornings, they wake up on the call of an alarm clock, versus being individually woken by the Junior-Créchemasters, as the Junior-Initiates get. A Junior-Créchemaster leads them through morning exercises and meditation, then the Senior-Initiates head to their classrooms for history, mathematics, science, political sciences, including one elective class they choose. Around midday, like the junior-initiates, they head to the refectory for lunch, but while the juniors are having their story time, the seniors are working on their assignments from that morning. After lunch, they attend classes taught by the Initiate Battlemaster, switching over to actual lightsaber work over the six accepted forms, then doing a movement meditation session after their physical training. Once returning to their Clan-room, they help out with the care of the younger initiates because arts-and-crafts can stress anyone out, then finish up their assigned assignments from that day’s classes. Around six-seven o’clock is dinner for the Senior Initiates, then they join the younger initiates for their evening meditation, but while the juniors get tucked into beds, the seniors are given thirty minutes to do what they want before lights out.
At the age of twelve-thirteen is when things start to change for their schedules. The initiates turning twelve that year are given the date of their Gathering, then are permitted to attend classes and seminars in whatever order they want. There’s no set schedule for these initiates anymore, due to them preparing to take the Initiate Trials at the end of the year, hoping to move onto Padawanship. These Initiates spend most of their days studying to prepare for their Trials, knowing that their results will forecast their future path in the Jedi Order. Before these Initiates take their Trials, they participate in the Gathering, a ceremony that had been passed down through the Order for centuries. They are escorted by a Jedi of a higher rank, typically a Master or Senior-Padawan, and travel to Ilum, where they would undergo unofficial trials of trusting their instincts and overcoming inner and outer obstacles in search of a kyber crystal that is fully theirs, in both Force and physical being.
Wards are Initiates that are not Force-Sensitive, but live in the Temple. They’re taught the same as the Initiates, usually coming from Corps families or those killed in action, or are even Temple-stork babies. However, the difference comes that when the senior-initiates shift over to preparing for their Trials, Wards change their focus to their future adulthood paths. 
Wards are taught the Jedi traditions, and even as adults, they’re common sights at ceremonies all over the various Temples. Most of the staff, or senior members of various organizations, celebrities, radio hosts, etc, are Wards from various Temples, and sometimes… there can be a decade or two old rivalries between certain Wards that always lead to interesting meetings. 
Wards filter into branches and careers all over the galaxy, and are certainly not held to the same behavioral standards/oaths of the Knighthood, so most Wards do end up having families throughout their lifetimes. The Jedi temples, all across the galaxy, are known to provide a safe place for children to grow up and learn and become strong good adult figures, even in war-torn environments, but the High Council strictly regulates how many Wards to Initiates are accepted each year, unless there��s a particularly good reasoning that the regulation limit won’t work. 
The typical regulation numbers are 25-30 Wards, 30-50 Initiates plus their staff and instructors, at any one time.
The Initiates aged eighteen months or less wear cream-colored onesies, done in patterns to handle their developing forms. The amphibious babies wear waterproof cream-colored onesies, also to handle their developing forms.
The Initiates aged twenty months to eight years wear cream-colored tunics, brown leggings, and soft kidskin leather boots, with a brown leather chest harness for the Crèchemasters’ leash usage to clip onto.
The Initiates aged nine years to thirteen wear cream-colored tunics, brown leggings, brown leather boots, and a colored belt that corresponded with their future path.
Crèche Life:
The Crèche is the full name for the Initiate Wing, though it is more commonly referred as the Initiate Hall, and the term Crèche is used in reference to the nursery. In all Initiate rooms, except during nap times, the sound of cheerful voices and playful kid-voices can be heard from even outside the rooms. There’s always some sort of activity going on down in the Initiate Wing, which contributes to such a permanent joyful atmosphere for all those even walking past.
Jedi Councilor, and Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is the youngest known initiate to ever be brought to the Coruscant Temple. He was rescued from Stewjon by Councilor Plo Koon at the age of a month, and quickly enfolded into the Vorpaak Clan.
The most chaotic Clan in all of Crèche-history is the Vorpaak Clan, though they have produced some of the most skilled Jedi of the age. Notable members included Shadow Quinlan Vos, Ace Garen Muln, Healer Bant Eerin, Peacekeeper Reeft, and Knight-Ambassadors Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Temple-stork babies are those that were dropped off at the closest temple’s front door, much like the image of the stork bringing babies to their true families.
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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-Real name:-
-Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
-Type: Human
-Occupation: Padawan
-Afilliations: Bergruutfa Clan, Galactic Republic, Jedi Order
-Powers: Agility, danger sense, escape artist, gadgets, healing, intellect, leadership, marksmanship, power item, psionic, radar sense, sense death, stamina, stealth, swordsmanship, telekinesis, telepathy, tracking, unarmed combat, weapon master.
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sabersourcing · 3 years
Allara Lightsaber (Taken From General Grievous) | Lightsaber Profile
Allara Lightsaber (Taken From General Grievous) | Lightsaber Profile
The Allara lightsaber refers to two different green-bladed lightsabers that Jedi Padawan Allara dares to take from Confederate General Grievous in Star Wars Legends. The young Padawan survives two separate lightsaber duels with General Grievous, though he swiftly defeats her each time. Allara, a talented and courageous young human female member of the Bergruutfa Clan and a Padawan of Jedi Master…
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greyias · 7 years
FIC: Traditions
Title: Traditions Summary: It had been the fourth time that the Alliance’s commander had seemingly disappeared from the base. Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Genre: Mostly Fluff Word Count: ~4600 Author’s Notes: Just some lighthearted fluff I found myself needing to write in between the angsty pieces that keep trying to turn into epics.
Crossposted to AO3
He finally found her above the military hanger on the outcropping overlooking the clearing where the Defender was parked. It had been the fourth time that the Alliance's commander had seemingly disappeared from the base. The previous three times Theron had contacted her by the comm, and she'd eventually made her reappearance after being summoned. He could have done the same this time, but his curiosity was piqued. He had spent the past hour asking various personnel the last direction they'd seen the Alliance's commander heading in, and followed the mismatched directions like a treasure hunter following a badly written starmap. It was probably the most inelegant game of hide and seek ever conducted, but Theron wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
She stood poised near the rocky ledge, and either didn't notice his approach or was too focused on her task to pay him any mind. She was barefoot, the toes of one foot digging into the loose, rocky soil as the other was drawn up, balanced against her knee. Her palms were pressed together, fingers woven together in front of her as she balanced on the one foot, unmoved by the mountain breeze rushing past her and tossing her blonde hair up into the air. She had foregone her usual bulky, ornate armor, opting for a simpler, more relaxed set of vestments he'd spied her wearing during a few sparring sessions. The wrappings showed a small sliver of skin, which sent more of a rush of heat through him than he'd like to admit to.
Subconsciously he softened his footsteps, footfalls hardly making a noise as he approached. It wasn't exactly sneaking up on her, as that would be possibly unwise with someone who could be quite as deadly as her when she put her mind to it. Not that she usually put across those airs to most of those around her. There was more of a quiet serenity about her that he was hesitant to disturb. He was still a few meters away when she finally spoke.
"Hello, Theron."
Chagrinned, he flashed her back a sheepish smile. "Heard me coming?"
"In a way." She didn't break her stance, and her voice was quiet, as if coming from a far off place. It was possible that she had felt his approach more than heard it. He had a feeling that whatever she was up to had more to do with attuning to the Force than simply enjoying the fresh mountain air.
 "It's a nice view," he mused as he came up by her side.
"Mmhmm," she said noncommittally, but as he spied a little closer, he could see that she had her eyes closed, concentrating on something else other than the valley and vistas beyond. 
"So this is where you've been getting off to," he kept his tone light, "was starting to wonder if you had dug out some secret tunnel back when you guys were constructing the base."
"That would just be silly. Not to mention architecturally unsound."
"Well, you wouldn't want to offend the engineers. They're a touchy folk."
"Did you need something, Theron?"
He shrugged noncommittally. "Nothing that can't wait a few more minutes."
"Do you always walk so far for things that can wait?"
The beginnings of a smirk quirked at the edge of his mouth. "Well, I didn't want to disturb you over something minor."
Her serene composure started to crack, brow furrowing ever so slightly in consternation. It was clear she was still trying to concentrate on whatever she was doing, despite his continued efforts to lure her into conversation. He should have probably just have returned back to base after satisfying his curiosity about her whereabouts — but restraint wasn't exactly one of his strong points. Especially where this little blonde Jedi was concerned.
"Can I ask what you're doing?"
"Meditating. Or attempting to."
"I was doing better before things got noisy up here."
"A true master can tune out all distractions."
Her brow creased into a full frown, lips pressing into a thin line as she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Some distractions are louder and more persistent than others."
"If you say so." Out of habit he hid his grin behind his hand, before realizing that with her eyes firmly shut she couldn't see it. "I guess I should have been more specific. Why are you meditating out here? And not the Enclave?"
She let out another deep breath, this one bordering on a sigh. "It's quiet out here — or used to be." That was clearly directed at him.
"Sana-Rae never struck me as the loud type. Or are you trying to tell me you guys throw secret Force raves when the rest of us aren't looking?"
Her lip twitched, clearly trying to suppress whatever reaction he was engendering. Whenever she found that modicum of calm she was so desperately trying to project she spoke again. "It's quieter here. Both in sound and people."
"Is that a subtle hint for me to make my exit?"
She remained quiet for several more long moments before responding. "No, it's fine. I just... sometimes like to come out here when it gets hectic.  Clear my mind, ground myself and reconnect to the Force."
"And you need to be barefoot to do this?"
"It's a Togruta tradition," she said simply, as if that explained everything.
"Yes, of course."
She apparently picked up on the not-so-subtly disguised sarcasm in his tone, and added. "They believe that the land is spiritually connected to them. Wearing shoes cut themselves off from the their bond with the land—"
He leaned over into her space, miming into the air as if he was trying to grasp something invisible over her head. The slight crease in her forehead transformed into a full frown, and her balance wavered ever so slightly.
"What are you doing?"
"Checking for montrals."
That finally did it, and she cracked open an eye at him, deep frown marring the previously serene expression. She looked so incredibly irritated and grumpy he couldn't help himself, and leaned down and pressed a light kiss to her lips, hands ghosting down her sides to rest on her hips.
"You're being very distracting," she murmured against his mouth.
"You said I could stay."
"This is not what I had in mind."
"I'm improvising," he murmured back, and kissed her again, feeling her press into him as she rebalanced on both feet, arms looping around his neck and frown slowly melting away.
"You did that on purpose," she accused quietly as she broke away. Their was no venom in her tone, just a quiet resignation.
He didn't check the cheeky grin he flashed her. "Maybe a little."
She leaned into him, face burying into his chest as he let her rest all of her weight on him. "Why did you come looking for me?"
"You kept disappearing. I didn't know if something was wrong." After he said it, he realized that she probably was asking what Alliance business had prompted his search. He flashed her a sheepish look, but she was eyeing him in a curious way that made his chest tighten a little.
"I'm sorry," she said, voice soft, "I sometimes forget how long things were for you."
"That's not what I meant," he returned, absently brushing his thumb at the soft hairs at the base of her neck, "but... yeah, it was."
"What did you mean?"
"We kind of sprung all of this on you. Fighting Zakuul. The Alliance. Sometimes I worry it's asking too much."
A shadow of something passed across her face, as if maybe he had hit a little too close to the truth. He thought about pressing her, but experience had taught him that the best way to get her to open up was to not press. It was frustrating at times, but there was already too much on her shoulders. He wasn't going to force her to bear the burden of his impatience. When she was ready to discuss it, she'd come to him. At least he hoped she would.
So instead, he gave her an out in the form of a change of subject. "I don't recall Togruta footwear being a part of the Jedi syllabus. Then again, I didn't exactly have the normal Padawan experience."
She flashed him a grateful smile, apparently aware of what he was doing. "I didn't either."
"Look, just because you failed one meditation session doesn't mean you still weren't the star pupil of your creche."
Her eyebrow arched delicately. "You certainly have invented an interesting backstory for me."
"Well, I certainly can't imagine you as the bully of any group."
"I never was a part of any creche," she said, nose wrinkling. "With all that research you did on me back before Korriban, you're telling me you didn't look into my childhood?"
"No," he frowned, "it didn't seem relevant."
She let out a quiet huff of laughter as she rested her cheek against his chest. "And here I thought you were thorough."
"Most of the time I am." He thought about mentioning that he had gotten distracted by the redactions in her file, but seeing as they were from the time in her life she'd rather forget, he decided to let that slide. She was at least smiling right now. "I just seem to make exceptions for this one Jedi."
"Hm, I'll have to ask her for her secret."
"Let me know if she spills them for you," he said lightly. "I keep trying to figure out how to do that."
"You could always ask."
"Be straightforward?"
"You could try."
"All right, I suppose there's a first time for everything." He gave her a measuring look. "If you weren't a member of the Bergruutfa Clan, then what did happen?"
"After my parents were..." She trailed off, and he felt the muscles in her shoulders tense, her eyes getting a far away look in them. She shook her head after a moment, took a deep breath, and then let it out. "I was taken in by a Jedi Knight when I was young."
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, "we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"No, it's okay. I'm not sure why I never mentioned it before," she said quietly. "His name was Thyos Dae. I guess you could say he raised me."
The name was vaguely familiar, but Theron couldn't immediately place it. Probably cropped up in the history books somewhere. "I'm going to guess that he was a Togruta?"
He felt her nod against his chest. "I didn't realize it at the time, but I think he was breaking a few rules teaching me instead of taking me to an enclave. It's kind of funny. He always seemed to be such a stickler for the rules."
"Yeah, things seem different when you're a kid," Theron mused, memories of Nagani Zho surfacing, "but I guess he had his reasons."
"Maybe." Her shoulders shrugged lightly under his hands. "We traveled a lot at the time. The first war was still going on, at least for the first few years."
Theron nodded, remembering his own youth, much of which had spent in the crowded interiors of starships zipping about the galaxy. Those memories ended abruptly at the end of the war, when his path had taken a decidedly different turn than hers. A sudden chill ran down his spine, as he remembered exactly what had happened during the treaty that ended the war. "You weren't near Coruscant during the Sacking, were you?"
"No, but I... felt it. I think all of us Jedi did." She lifted her head from where it had been resting, eyes searching his face for something. "Were you there?"
He shook his head. "I was in the Outer Rim. Master Zho said that the Force had called him elsewhere. That was... the end of my training."
A frown creased her forehead. "What? He left?"
Theron pressed his lips together, the usual sour feeling that settled in his gut when he thought of his time on Haashimut was chased away by a light warmth brought on by her mildly indignant expression. Her disapproval at Nagani Zho's decision to leave Theron behind was written on her face. Without even realizing it, he was already pressing a soft kiss to her forehead to ease away the frown. "It's in the past."
"He and I made our peace with it," he assured her.
One brow delicately arched ever so slightly told him that she may not have quite believed that. He really didn't want to get into all of the events that happened in the Vesla Sector with Darth Mehkis. Even all these years later, he still felt the loss of the man who raised him keenly. He supposed he always would, people tended to leave their mark on those around them whether they realized it or not.
"So Orgus Din wasn't your only master?" he asked, tone possibly a little too light as he tried to redirect the subject.
She shook her head. "I had a few over the years before Master Orgus. I was with Master Dae the longest."
That far off look had returned to her eye, making him wonder exactly what he had missed by not digging further into her past when he'd had the resources at his hands. Sure, he could just ask right now, but like with whatever was weighing on her mind about the Alliance, he suspected it wasn't something she was ready to share yet. She readily accepted the boundaries he set on his own past, it was only fair that he do the same for her.
Even if she had lit the fires of his curiosity.
"We traveled a lot," she continued after a long pause, "I stayed on the ship most of the time when we would dock planetside, at least while the war was still going on. But before we left, we always tried to sneak in one meditation session."
"You couldn't do that on the ship?"
"We did," she flashed him a slightly impatient look, as if he was slow to catch on, "but it's different, surrounded by metal and hyperspace. There's so much more life on each planet."
"There's life in the dirt?" he asked disbelievingly.
"More than you'd think."
"I'll have to take your word for it."
"You don't have to. I could teach you how," the offer was quiet, as if she wasn't sure she should have been saying those words, "if you want."
There was about a hundred things that Theron would like more than spending his time on than digging his toes into the hard rocky soil beneath their feet, and caking layer upon layer of dirt under his toenails as he pretended to "connect" with his surroundings. But as she stared at him with that hesitant, but slightly expectant expression he couldn't think of any of them. As closed off as she was about her past, she was willing to share this piece of it with him.
"I think I'd like that," he said, and the brilliant smile that lit up her face told him that had been the right response.
Without a word she tapped his boots with one of her bare feet, knocking a little dirt on it.  She flushed slightly, but they had seen far worse on their best days. He flashed her a smirk all the same which caused her cheeks to redden further, but obliged the silent request by slipping his boots and socks off so that he was mirroring her state of partial undress. When he quirked an eyebrow at her in expectation, she motioned for him to turn around and take up the spot where she had been standing. He followed her silent direction, his larger footprint obscuring the deep impressions she'd already made in the ground.
"All right," she said softly, "first close your eyes and concentrate."
He followed her instructions, and took a deep breath, before letting it out. If he concentrated, he could feel the sensation of dirt pressing between his toes. He could hear the distant chirps and growls of the Odessen wildlife. He could feel the soft mountain breeze as it caressed his face. But those were all sensations that he was easily aware of both wearing footwear and with an eye on the horizon. Nearly forgotten words echoed in his mind, Nagani Zho's final frustrated lesson—
"There is stillness. Yet like ice on the surface of a lake, the stillness only conceals movement. Feel the wind stirring the dust. Smell the water flowing through..."
But he couldn't feel the wind stirring the dust. He could only feel it gently tease the sweat dotted at his temples. The Force could have flowed through every fiber of his being, and lit up every dark corner of the galaxy. He was still as blind to it as the day he was born, and no amount of stripping down or communing with earthworms was going to change that. He'd always be blind, deaf, and dumb when it came to the larger universe. 
His frustration must have shown, because he heard her let out a small noise of disappointment, before he felt a hand lightly rest on his shoulder. "Take a deep breath, and think less. Just focus on what you can feel."
This was an exercise in pointlessness, but he could at least pretend to follow her instructions. It didn't hurt for him to look like he was trying, and if he gave up in frustration he had a feeling it would probably hurt her feelings more than if he failed after trying. Besides, the point of this wasn't for him to magically become a Jedi Knight and start throwing things around with the Force. It was her sharing something deep and personal for her, even if he didn't quite get it. So he took another deep breath, and just focused on the ground beneath his feet.
It was cold, but was starting to warm ever so slightly the longer he stood there. As they were in the shade the morning dew hadn't completely dried, and the damp granules seemed form a deep trench under his weight. Small pebbles littered the soil, sharp and unworn by the elements. His large toe brushed across the rough edge of one that had been disturbed the deeper his feet dug into the ground.
"What do you feel?"
He almost said something about the long shower he was going to take when he got back to his quarters, but stopped himself. "Dirt?"
"Anything else?"
"There's a nice breeze today."
"There is," she admitted. "Anything else?"
"Not really. Should I be trying to strike an acrobatic pose?" He attempted to mimic the pose she had been trying to maintain when he had found her, but didn't really have his feet set right so he wavered slightly. "Does that help somehow?"
She let out a soft huff of laughter, and he felt her arms circle around his waist to balance him. "That's for when you're trying to achieve balance."
It was a credit to his long training as a spy that he didn't laugh at the absurdity of that. "What are we trying to do here?"
"Let's just focus on connection for now," she said, pressing in close. Her chest rested into the curve of his back so that he could feel every breath she took. "Let me help. For now, just concentrate."
That suddenly became a much taller order than it had been a minute ago, as her close proximity sent a thrill from his spine straight down to his nether regions. He pursed his lips, trying to focus on everything but the feel of her breath tickling against his ear, and the way her palms slid across his arms as she readjusted his stance.
"Just focus on breathing," her words were barely a whisper, but sent a shiver through him all the same, "and open your mind to what you feel."
He nodded ever so slightly, knowing with her close proximity she'd feel the affirmative. Instead of the environment around him, he turned his attention to the person with him. He decided to just focus on the deep, calming breaths she took in, unconsciously mimicking her actions until they almost breathed in and out as one. He focused on the feeling of her palm pressed into his, on the light breaths puffing against his neck. He focused on the way she molded against him perfectly, like two halves of one whole.
And as he focused on that, perhaps it was just his imagination, but for just the briefest moments, despite the fact that he had his eyes closed he could have sworn that he saw the most brilliant burst of light, like every sunrise he had ever seen had been rolled up into one beautiful kaleidoscope of sensation. He grasped onto that moment, trying to stretch it out as long as humanly possible, not wanting to let the warmth and light fade.
He wasn't sure how long it was, but at some point he opened his eyes, feeling her weight press into him from behind, as if she was taking a rest after a particularly taxing kata. He gently took a hold of her hands, intertwining their fingers together as she let her head rest against him, feeling the dotting of perspiration on her forehead as it rested against the sensitive skin on the back of his neck.
It felt wrong somehow to break the silence, but the fleeting sensation of that brilliance he'd experienced hadn't quite faded away. "Is it always like that?"
"No." He felt the smile press into one of his shoulder blades. "I... may have been trying a little too hard to help."
"I like your help."
The corners of her lips drew up into what he assumed must have been a beatific expression. "Did you feel something other than dirt?"
He had no idea if it had been wishful thinking, his imagination, or something else entirely, but that brief moment was burned into the back of his mind. "I think so."
Her lips twitched against his neck, as if she were trying to suppress a wider smile. "Good."
He gently readjusted his position so that they were facing each other, and her cheek once again rested against his chest, and he had looped his arms under hers so he could take her weight on. He had a feeling she wasn't so much tired as just settling into the moment, but he didn't mind it one bit.
"Thank you," he wanted to say for what, but those words didn't quite form. How could a blind man describe a sunrise to an artist? Anything he could say wouldn't do justice to the tight ball of feeling in his chest.
She nodded quietly, as if she knew those words anyway, without him needing to say them. "Sometimes I wish we had more moments like this. Is that selfish?"
"No." The response was immediate, instinctual. She tucked her head under his chin, the soft hairs that had escaped her ponytail tickling against his sternum, and the tightness in his chest eased some. "There has to be something in between all the action."
"I thought you lived for that."
"Used to." He took in a deep breath, feeling the weight of her chest press against his, and then let it out. "Didn't have the moments in between like I do now."
Her head rustled against his chest, as if she was nodding ever-so-slightly. "Me neither... at least not quite in the same way."
Theron wondered exactly what downtime had looked like with her and the previous crew of the Defender. At least before they had been scattered amongst the stars after her disappearance and Zakuul's conquest of the galaxy. Was the companionship as quiet and calm as they shared now, or had it been more boisterous and lively? But perhaps, he realized, that time her life was something unique. Her old crew had made its mark on her just as Nagani Zho left his on Theron.
His fingers found a bare patch of skin between her vestments, feeling the tight coiling of the muscles beneath, and gently kneaded the knots there. That time before Zakuul, before all of this, that was something he couldn't replicate, no matter how much he wanted to try and give her back something of what she had lost. All he could do was offer was what he could in the now.
"I get it, though."
"Needing a break," he said quietly. "The galaxy seems to be throwing a lot our way."
"A Jedi doesn't—"
He cut off the familiar retort before she could even get into her normal stride. "There's nothing wrong with needing a little time to yourself."
She didn't respond, but he felt the annoyed exhale of breath at being interrupted.
"I've got your back, you know that right?"
"Of course." The reply came out fond, if a little exasperated. As if he had been asking if she needed oxygen to breath.
"Then if you need a few minutes, a few hours, a few days... hell, weeks or months, just let me know. I'll make it happen."
"No, I told you I'd take care of things, I meant that. If you need a break from the responsibility, the Alliance, even me, just say so. I've got you covered. No questions asked."
"Why would I need a break from you?"
"I don't know," he said as lightly as he could manage, "but... I'd hate for you to feel like you need to—disappear—I mean, drop off the radar for any reason. Lana and I can hold down the fort for a little while if you need a breather."
She pushed away from where she had been reclining against him, the soft pressure of her pushing her hand into his chest pulling his attention down to her searching gaze. "I'm not going to just leave you holding the bag on your own."
"Hey, I can handle things on my own," he met her gaze evenly, "at least I can if I know you're all right."
Her eyes darted from his, searching out a distant point beyond his shoulder. "I didn't mean to worry you."
"I know," he ran his fingers through the bangs flopping on her forehead, "and I try not to. It's... I just got you back."
"I don't plan on going anywhere."
He managed the barest ghost of a smile for her. "Offer still stands, despite that. Just... please let me know if you need a little time?"
He hated the pleading note in his tone, but it was impossible to keep out completely. Just like it was impossible to describe that brief moment they'd shared, it was as equally difficult to communicate the suffocating feeling that overtook him when he couldn't confirm that she was still here, still real. He wasn't even sure it was fair for him to let her know that. So he held it in, hoping he could convey some small measure of what he was feeling.
One of her hands cupped his cheek, pulling his focus down to those wide blue eyes. "I will. I promise."
He should have said something suave, something that would have distracted her from how close she had managed to dig in with that simple acknowledgement. But that was as impossible as finding the words that often escaped him. So instead, he just dipped down to capture her lips again in an attempt to communicate what he couldn't say.
And as brief as it was, he could almost have sworn he'd found another sunrise in that small moment.
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kyberled · 7 years
Send  🙌 for an NPC from my muse’s life! || Accepting
Naweh was a Force-sensitive Tarasin female that served the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars era of history. Wielding a blue shoto-style lightsaber, she was a ‘graduate’ of Bergruutfa Clan alongside her close friends, Hano Rhi and Braig (at the time, going by his full name of Braig Ellery). The three of them were known for challenging and testing each other, usually during sparring, as both a way of entertaining themselves, and of getting themselves ready for the trials of Initiate-hood.
A bit of a firecracker, Naweh was an excitable, energetic little thing, and was always down for a laugh, usually tagging along quite happily with her friends’ plans - if not outright darting on ahead of them. Her species’ natural tendency to change scale colour in accordance to their emotions made her struggle at first, broadcasting her inability to control herself. This was her greatest struggle as a Jedi, since she couldn’t just pretend to not feel or react to things - it was like being a living mood ring. She was taunted quite frequently for this, and, while it did a number on her self-image, she vowed to do her best to overcome this hurdle, just like all the others. Despite this stubbornness and energy, Naweh was much more follower than leader, and preferred others to take charge. This might have been a hindrance to her progress, if not for the fact that she could work well on her own.
When she was eight years old, she went on her Gathering alongside Garak, Shah-Ki, Lohata, Booda, Hano, and Braig, and was the first to locate her crystal - third to actually acquire it. She also assisted in and was integral to finding and rescuing Braig after part of the tunnels caved in. She was quick to make friends with the Gungan girl Booda, both knowing how it felt to be looked down on based on their species, and, through this, became friends with Lohata, as well - becoming the first of the Bergruutfa trio to do so. Like the others, she made slow progress on warming up to the twins, but, by the time they were teenagers, got along famously with Shah-Ki, much to everyone’s surprise.
Naweh was found in the nursery more often than her peers, and in fact expressed an enjoyment towards looking after the younglings. She had even said, once, that she was thrilled to have been accepted as a padawan, but that it wouldn’t have been the end of the world if she wasn’t, as long as she could be enlisted into the Education Corps. In spite of this nurturing tendency towards those younger than her, Naweh grew into a very sarcastic teenager when faced with those closer to her own age. She wasn’t quite so abrasive as Shah-Ki, though she was a bit more sharp-tongued than some of their other friends, which may explain why the two of them got on so well. She wasn’t necessarily mean-spirited so much as she had a really dry, cynical sense of humour that was a product of both the war and her natural personality. This was a trait she shared with her master, a Zabrak by the name of Daneth Garia, though Daneth would frequently tell Naweh to learn to control who she sassed back to. In spite of this frequent chastisement, Daneth and  Naweh were quite close, and remain good friends past her knighthood, in timelines where there is no Order 66. The one major point of contention between the two was that Naweh was more of a pacifist than her master, and would be almost cripplingly reluctant to fight. Though she was capable enough in combat to survive the war, she preferred not to fight at all. Some called this a weakness, others a moral strength.
In the canon timeline, she was in the nursery, as per usual, when O66 came down. Instructing the staff to evacuate as many of the younglings as they could, she planted herself in the door and refused to move. She was ultimately killed when the 501st stormed that part of the Temple. Most of the children she had been fighting to save were killed, as well, though some, such as Eila Amnada (click) (later renamed to Massi Ghar) managed to escape. 
She was only eighteen years old.
In a timeline without O66, she’s lucky enough to outlive the war. While she didn’t sport as many physical scars, and none quite so glaring, as Hano or Braig (the only other members of their group to survive), her emotional injuries showed themselves in the faded and often monochrome colouring of her skin. She took a padawan later in her life - a human girl, Ritski Fey - though Fey would later go on to leave the Order, only months away from her knighting, in favour of freedom and adventure on her own terms. Even then, Naweh and Ritski would remain in close contact, acting as each others’ secret informants whenever the need arose. Naweh died at the ripe old age of 176, on the way to a medical transport after being grievously injured in an Outer Rim skirmish. She was outlived by her last padawan, a Kiffar named Nada Kor, and a number of other Jedi she’d trained throughout her lifetime.
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kittystargen3 · 2 years
Hello, I've added a new chapter to Time Travel: To the Past Yoda Goes. Below is a small selection. Please click on the link to read more.
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Chapter 39 - An Ilum Summer
Yoda put away his outer robe as he returned to his quarters.  It had been a long day.  Not because of anything overly dramatic occurring, simply long because of the work they had to do.  Illum was nearing its "summer" rotation. Still colder than the winter on most worlds, but it was the best time of the year to allow entrance into its temple.  The Council was scheduling groups of Initiates to go on the Gathering soon.  
And among this year's gatherings would be a special one for the whole council.  Anakin was one of those initiates.
Yoda had to fight today to hold a straight face through all the discussion.  Especially when Mace up and volunteered to escort the group there.  That was something that never would have occurred in the other timeline.  Yoda remembered his fellow Master going to great lengths to argue that they send the, then newly Knighted Skywalker, to a completely different site to get a Kyber for a replacement saber.  Unfortunately, the young man had been prone to lose his lightsaber in the haste of a mission.  And unfortunately for Windu, the Temple of Ilum was and remains the best place to seek a kyber crystal.  That means a journey on the Crucible, and putting a whiz with electronics next to the oldest droid in the order.  
Yoda shook his head as he let out the laughter that he had been holding in.  It was a headache for Windu to be seeing new upgrades on the droid every time he looked at him.  Such a headache that, in the other timeline, when the time came up for Anakin to be selected as escort to a group of younglings, Yoda had mercy on Windu and he suggested they send Skywalker’s Padawan instead.  It was a time of war, and it was easy to make it sound like it was the most logical plan.  Too bad that was the Gathering that cost them the Crucible.  
This time, though, Yoda was looking forward to hearing about the clan's adventures.  Anakin had just turned twelve, and was doing very well in his classes.  He still had a knack for "repairing" perfectly working droids and temple tech, but at least the council got him to leave notes and instructions with his upgrades.
Yoda wouldn't dream of pushing Mace out of the way and volunteering himself to take the Bergruutfa clan, however.  Young Anakin and Huyang got along, rather like two of the chemicals he kept on hand to clean his refresher drain.  Extremely useful if you're in a sticky situation.  Extremely messy in the Temple fountains on prank day. 'Initiates!'
No, Mace can have that honor. Yoda will sit back and prepare to be shocked when he hears about the scandal.
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kittystargen3 · 2 years
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Hello everyone, I've updated my story, Time Travel: To the Past Yoda Goes. Below is a small selection. Please click one of the links above to read more.
Chapter 42 - Escape!
Alex was a brave youngling.  Growing up in the Bergruutfa clan, he had to be the brave one.  Whenever nightmares woke the others up, or when the older Initiates told stories about Sith Plots to take over the galaxy, he had to be the one who wasn’t afraid to walk into that dark room or look under the bed for Sarlaccs.  So, when he was preparing to go into Ilum for the gathering, he could guess what challenges the others would face, but he had no idea what his own would be.  
It all started with a tunnel, and a decision to separate from the others.  Alex felt it was fitting that he and Anakin’s crystals lay in opposite tunnels there, at the end.  He supposed that their challenges may end up being quite similar.  Both boys had to pull back and learn to help the others in less direct ways, by showing their support and many times allowing them to help themselves.  As his Clan-mates were growing, soon they wouldn’t need him anymore.  Soon they would all be taking their trials and soon after that, they’d find a Master and become Padawans.  They’d continue to be friends for sure, but… Things would be different.  
Alex reached the end of his tunnel and there was a small room.  In the middle of this room was a shiny crystal.  He smiled to himself before he reached for it.  
“Get back in line, Initiate!” The voice boomed out at him.  It was deep and it reminded him of the Masters when he and his clanmates would get in trouble.  
“M-Master?” Alex’s hand dropped to his side, and he felt a need to explain himself, though there clearly was nothing he could say.  
“I said get back in line, or I’ll show you what it means to fall!”  A figure in a long robe floated past him.  
Alex’s breath caught in his throat.  He was unused to Jedi Masters making threats for anything other than the standard discipline procedures, and usually with a calm voice.  He turned his head to more closely see the Master who was yelling at him.  Then he blinked several times.  It appeared to be a Toydarian flying on short wings.  Alex couldn’t remember ever seeing any Toydarians in the Temple.  ‘Aren’t they resistant to the Force.’
This brought Alex back to the reality of the situation.  “You are under the Ilum temple, and over there is your crystal,” he said to himself.  He reached out a hand.  
“Oh no you don’t, you little welp.”  The Master was angry now.  He flew in front of Alex and growled at him.  
“M-mmm-master,” Alex’s voice wobbled with fear.  He pulled his arm back as if to avoid it getting bitten.  
“Pathetic Youngling,” the Toydarian Master yelled.  “Get back, or you’ll never see your friends again!”
Alex shook, as he tried to calm his beating heart.  ‘You are one with the Force, and the Force is with you.’ He tried the old meditation mantra.  It was working, but just barely.  Alex knew this illusion would spark more fear if he went for that crystal.  He turned to watch as the Toydarian Master flew back to the tunnel behind him, his expression clearly waiting to be followed.  And then Alex saw it.  On the floor, by the door of the tunnel, there were several stones holding up rocks to make the tunnel doorway.  It was sentient-made, this tunnel he was in.  But that also meant it could come down.  
Alex reached out his hand and used the Force to give a push to the bottom stone.  It slid out of place and the cave floor shook as the tunnel behind him collapsed.  
Alex didn’t know if that would keep the illusion back for long, so he dove and quickly picked up the crystal.  His crystal.  It felt warm in his hand and very much at home there.  Then he turned around and was startled by the reality he hadn’t yet thought of.  “Now, how do I get out?”  He went over to the caved-in tunnel.  Though there were other tunnels, he didn’t know if any of them would lead out, or only deeper into the caves.  
Lifting his hand, he moved a few of the stones, then he looked up, and his eyes opened wide in shock.  The other stones behind the ones he’d cleared were knocked loose, and they were falling towards him…
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kittystargen3 · 2 years
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Hi all! I updated Time Travel to the past Yoda goes. Below is a small selection. Please click the link above to read more.
Chapter 28 - Road Trip
"This way Anakin, you should come," Yoda summoned.  Anakin followed him through the ship.  They entered one of the quarters and three youngling heads popped up to look at them.  "The Bergruutfa Clan, they are.  With them for the trip, you will stay.  Get to know each other, you soon will."
The Jedi Master knew better than to stay, as tempting as it was.  Younglings don't put down their walls and open up when an adult is watching.  So he nodded to Anakin and left the room.
Yoda had high hopes for this match.  Younglings at the Temple were typically assigned a clan at the age of four based on their personalities, and they would be educated together until they became Padawans.  But Anakin was an unusual case.  First, he was nine, and none of the other younglings even knew him.  Second, he spent most of his time with the adult knights, especially his master, and only attended a few lessons each week with the other younglings.  That would be changing soon, as Yoda planned, because Anakin was ready to take more classes with Younglings his own age.
And it’s not like Yoda could use his memories from the first time around to place him.  Firstly because at the time, Initiate Skywalker was just another youngling to him.  Regrettably, the council, himself included, didn’t put much attention into his training.  Most of it was handled by Knight Kenobi alone, until the boy didn’t meet expectations for being a Jedi and needed to be lectured and disciplined, that is.
No, Yoda put those memories behind him.  This time Anakin would be assigned a clan and as far as choices go, the Bergruutfa Clan was an excellent choice.  As a herd animal, the clan’s namesake was very loyal and would often look out for those they thought needed extra help.  ‘A Perfect Match it is.  A kind heart, Anakin always had.  Look out for him, the clan will.’
Qui-Gon was excited when he read his orders to join the party going to Tatooine.  At first it was disbelief, after all the news had only just gone out that morning, and no one else had been given the opportunity to volunteer yet.  Qui-Gon remembered rereading it twice, to be sure he was actually going, and not just a second option if they failed, somehow, to gather enough volunteers.
Of course, it wasn’t until everyone was boarding that Qui-Gon found out the reason for his advanced selection.  He was just ruffling Anakin’s hair, and greeting his former Padawan in the hangar, when Mace walked up carrying the youngling Abigail.  Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to pick her up, but Mace handed her to Qui-Gon instead.  “You’ll be minding her for the trip,” he had said.
And truth be told, Qui-Gon couldn’t be happier with his role.  As he took a moment to rock the Youngling he was holding, he smiled, knowing this would be one of his favorite missions of all time.
‘Poor Obi-Wan,’ thought Qui-Gon.  His former padawan had looked back and forth with worry before finally letting them out of his sight.   They were still struggling with trust, but as Master Yoda said, ‘Only with testing and trials, can one grow.’  If anything, seeing his daughter being cared for under Qui-Gon’s watch should help them build trust again, ‘Shouldn’t it?’
Qui-Gon went to prepare the infant's feeding.  The room he was given on the ship included a youngling stasis crib, a device that included several droid-like arms to tend to all of an infant’s needs during a voyage, but he was a better caretaker than to use it at all hours.  No, infants, he was learning, need to see and experience things if they are to learn.
A loud beep at his door alerted him to a visitor standing outside.  “Open the door,” he told the ship.  It slid open and Obi-Wan walked in.
Obi-Wan stood there looking funny at Qui-Gon for half a minute.  Qui-Gon continued to prepare the feeding.  "Hello Padawan, what do you need?” he asked.
“Oh, uh.  Do you need a hand?”
“No.  We were about to have a feeding.” Qui-Gon motioned to the infant strapped to his chest, and then realized what Obi-Wan was staring at.  “Oh this.  It’s my invention. See, she’s secure, and I can have my hands free to do this.”
Obi-Wan started to nod.  Then he smiled.  “Yes, I can see that.  Very clever.”
A device beeped and Qui-Gon turned to it.  It was the heat pad, and it was finished heating up.  He pulled Abigail out of her cocoon and replaced the heat pad with the warm one. “There we go.  Space is cold, but these pads keep her nice and warm.”  Qui-Gon then picked up the bottle and began to feed Abigail.  “What can we do for you?”
“Oh, nothing.  I just wanted to check up on her.  Yoda has Anakin rooming with some other younglings, and I got bored,” Obi-Wan shrugged.
“Oh, I was going to take her for a walk down to the more social areas of the ship.  Do you want to accompany us?”
Obi-Wan smiled again.  “Yes, I’d like that.”
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kittystargen3 · 2 years
I don't know what happened to this post, but I'll fix it here:
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Below is a small summary. Click one of my links to read more. Chapter 33 - A Tatooinian Street Fair
“DA-ad!” Huff begged.
“Please.” Jula, his brother, stood beside him.
“Alright, go ahead.  But I want no trouble from either of you,” said their father.
Jula looked down in shame.  Their father was clearly thinking about what happened the last time the Jedi were on Tatooine.  They’re little misunderstanding with the one named Anakin, and the Lars boy was unacceptable, or so their father had scolded.
“There’ll be no trouble.  Promise.”  Huff looked his dad directly in the eye.   A lot had changed since that happened, and, if he were pressed to say so, he actually liked the Lars kid a little bit.  ‘I mean, he’s still a nerd, and a little weakling, but his stepbrother is a Jedi.  And his dad’s idea to move everyone out here wasn’t all horrible.’
“Alright.” Mr. Darklighter nodded, accepting his son’s promises.
Huff reached for his brother and pulled him when they got the chance.  Both boys ran down the street towards the celebration.  Sure, they could have waited for their father to close the shop and rode with him, but there were going to be Jedi at the celebration.  And nothing was more embarrassing than arriving with a parent.
As they walked through the crowd, Jula became distracted by a man selling a dish that smelled of meat and spices.  Huff pulled his brother’s sleeve.  “Come on.  We will have plenty of time to eat later.  I want to see the Jedi.  Look for Owen.  They’ll probably be near him.”
Jula sighed and looked longingly at the food.  Then he obediently turned to follow his brother into the crowded streets.  Weeks ago, when it became apparent that everybody would be celebrating this day, folks decided to just throw a big block party and celebrate together.  Then various vendors heard about it and things grew even bigger.
There was a speeder built with a kitchen inside of it that came all the way from Orto.  It had his brother’s attention almost instantly.
“Oh I see him.” Huff called.  Then he rolled his eyes.  Jula was standing at  the head of the line near the window on the food speeder.  Inside a server handed him a dish of noodles.
“I’m coming.  I’m coming,�� Jula assured.  Grabbing the dish and a utensil he walked the direction his brother was leading him.
“Hey Owen!  Have you seen them?  Are the Jedi here yet?” Huff asked.
“They will be here soon,” Mr. Lars answered for his son.  “Why don’t you boys go play?  I’ll come get you when Anakin arrives.”
Huff almost whined.  This, this is why arriving with your parents was not acceptable.
Jula just sat down and said, “Sounds great, sir.”  He put down his noodle dish and pulled out two other empty flimsy bowls he’d also picked up somewhere.  Then he said, “You wanna share?”
As Anakin walked into town today, he noticed it was very different from the other day.  There were banners everywhere saying, “Happy Liberty Day,” in both Basic and Huttese.  A small clinic tent was set up where Jedi healers and volunteers were already removing slave chips from those who freely walked in.  And people.  People of all different species were everywhere.
The Jedi Younglings were all told to “buddy up,” with another member of their clan.  Buddies were to stay together.  It saved the Creche Masters from having a Coronary, with all their charges running off in different directions.
Anakin’s friends, the Bergruutfa clan, all decided to stay together.  It wasn’t even debated in their group.  The girls, Kate, Leeta, and Freya, all began walking with Anakin, Alex, Kent, and Ramu right away.
“So, where do you want to go first?”  Kate asked.
“Anakin wants to find his mom and brother.”  Alex answered.  “Then we can go see the sights.”
“Alright, which way do we go?” Freya asked.  They all looked at Anakin.
Anakin looked inward.  He never thought of it as using the Force before he came to Coruscant, but he’d always been able to locate his mother easily, even in a crowd.  It was like there was this cord tied to each of them and if he pulled it, he would know where to go.  Only after he got to Coruscant did he learn that such a thing was called a bond.   “She’s this way,” he announced.
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