#Balan spoilers
saltystingray · 22 days
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Make up your mind before it falls apart.
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ignotarts · 1 year
I'll post this here too! I will start uploading a comic from my Balan Wonderworld AU, details and progress I will upload on my twitter although I will try to update my tumblr!
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crazy56u · 3 months
Okay, I got two episodes to burn through (pun intended), and apparently we won’t find out until May if the show is getting renewed, so I’m a little peeved, but, here we go.
Last time on Quantum Leap: A whole bunch of Hannah.
Also, fucking Gideon indirectly forced Magic to throw himself under the bus.
Meanwhile in 2026/2024, Jen (in my head) spent a whole real time week trying to talk Magic out of this.
“I can’t imagine this place without you.” Well, if NBC decides to play fucking ball, maybe we won’t have to.
“Stay for one last leap?” “Not this time.” Show, I already said NBC was on thin ice with the on the nose shit.
And Ben leaps into that one level of Balan Wonderworld, so you know he’s in Hell.
“I’m a firefighter. Cool.” Ben, you are in the middle of a fire.
Oh goody, the TV committed suicide.
“We were testing my new circuit board-“ Either this kid is Hannah’s son, or he’s Kid Gideon. The literal only two options.
“Your dad is gonna be okay.” “That’s not my dad, he’s my neighbor.” Oh, so he can die then, cool.
“My dad died a couple years back. We all thought a heart attack would get him, but then he ran a red light.”
New Jersey fucking claims another victim…
“…mom, why are you looking like you know the firefighter? Does this have to do with that Cairo thing dad mentioned a couple years ago?”
And Ben is about to give Ziggy a stroke by exploring the stock market, and luckily Hannah is smarter than that.
Plot twist: Ben somehow caused that car accident.
“Hey, Ben, I know you’re in the middle of Hannah shit, but I gotta tell you about the Gideon plot now, sorry.”
Okay, so Ben’s guy is about to retire, shot in the dark, the leap has to do with him dying on the job.
Okay, I am now confident in my guess that this leap or the next will retcon Gideon from the plot if you’re doubling down on Magic “leaving”, I am confident.
“Whelp, I shoved a plant into a box, time to go.”
“You should have let them fire me.” Ian, no offense, but I am willing to bet Gideon is gonna demand all of you quit.
“Look, Jenn, I know you kept wanting me to not do this, so as a prize, you’re New Magic.”
So yeah, Magic is totally gone from the show for real, definitely gone- so anyway, back to Hannah.
“It’s been three leaps. I had some fun in the 80s.”
“Do I look old?” Hannah, you haven’t aged a day since 1948.
Ben, once again, unless you caused that car crash, stop blaming yourself.
Hannah is the key to Quantum Leap.
“This is the last episode I’m in, Ben. To celebrate, explosion.”
So, the plot has been hijacked by the Transformers, got it.
Okay, so now we’re doing The Towering Inferno.
“Lady, stop acting like I’m talking to ghosts, I’m a firefighter, and you ain’t.”
“20 years of experience” is basically the Get Out of Jail Free card for this leap.
This is turning into the plot of a Webster episode…
How many fires has Hannah seen in her life, goddamn…
Ben, Hannah has seen Nazis and the ending of Red Dead Redemption, a fire ain’t nothing by comparison.
“The chagrined look on your face tells me Addison says I’m right, so I win.”
Great, now the fire is chasing you.
“We gotta go through the fire.” “Fuck that shit, even if this is our fault!”
And Gideon has been ripping out the wires… Or it’s because Ian had shit timing, either or.
And Hannah has decided this burning building needs a love triangle.
“The one thing I did that actually worked”, my ass. Ben, you kicked cancer’s ass last week.
“Look at this from a cosmic perspective.” Hannah, the last time someone said that in this show, they were looking to be stuck in the Imaging Chamber for 1600 years.
And now the Fire Sheilds are armed.
Hacking into the power grid to defend the rock, roll goddamn tide.
I love how this looks like a music video.
The fire is angry!
There, they escaped the music video.
…is Hannah gonna die this leap?
I actually admire the fact Jeffery didn’t sneak back inside to get Josh’s stuff. [And three… two… one…]
“I know I just inhaled a bunch of smoke, but I just solved the plot-” “Ben, the building exploded again, that means Jeffery snuck back inside.”
Ian is having his Khan moment, everyone is doing great mentally.
“Math’s just not mathin’.”
So, the DARPA code should be in a museum, got it.
Jenn, stop acting like Magic ain’t immediately coming back.
Hannah, it’s bad enough Ben keeps blaming himself for shit…
And now the fire is retaliating.
God is fucking pissed at you all this week.
“Look, I know I’m pinned, but Jeffery’s more important.”
If Hannah does this episode, then this is a shitty way to go, dear god…
And Hannah decides now is the time to solve the plot.
Jeffery, it’s your own fault this is happening, stop being bitchy.
Jeffery, if you don’t want to see a grown man cry, leave now.
“Time isn’t a river. It’s an ocean. Hopefully you trapped that file from my apartment.”
And Hannah dies…
“Let me use my dying breath to fix your relationship problems.”
Crawling on the ledge of a burning building. If I had to do that, I would instantly die.
Yeah, Ian, just type shit!
…is that constant idea gonna be the thing to undo the time skip?
The only way is down. I would 100% die on the spot.
How is Ben not shitting himself in fear as he does this?
“I know you’re scared! I’m scared too!” NO SHIT
“Choose courage! Jump from the exploding building!”
“Let’s go save your mom!” Ummmmmm…
And back into the music video we go.
Oh, cool, Hannah still has life in her…
NBC, seriously, you need to renew this show.
And Ben gets bailed out by a mention of retirement.
“Tell her thanks. She knows.” Fuck yeah she does, she was the only one to solve the plot.
And Hannah’s code turns out to be Stop ‘n’ Swop.
And in comes the armed gunmen.
“I wanted Ian fired. Magic didn’t do that, so, fuck it.”
Hannah got a sneak preview to this movie, Ben, she doesn’t need to see it.
And Jeffery is about to learn about Ben.
I love how Hannah is getting the kind of goodbye montage a show does when a character dies… despite not being dead.
“I wrote DARPA code to get you home, Ben. I even had a file in my apartment containing the data, you grabbed it, right?”
“…lady, why was I hugging you?”
And Gideon decides to be an even bigger asshole than he was prior, so Addison decides to steal a gun.
Addison, don’t play chicken with the universe here…
…so, they have the spare keys to Beth’s house, I take it?
One down one to go. Gideon is 100% gonna get retconned.
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melancholybat · 1 year
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Every other Maestro has tried their best to get Qui to do ANYTHING but he still won’t budge. Endymion then takes it upon himself to show Qui a bit of tough love. Will his methods work? 
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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rereading the bww book bc i never finished it and sana(watcher) hudson(of the woods) I love you
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lesiasmadness · 1 year
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Glass Animals - JDNT
With things going on right now I feel really shitty and depressed but I will try to hold on. Glad that my comfort things ACTUALLY comforting me again.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
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A picture of the novel I loved reading!
I recolored it for a reason. I thought to myself: what if each of the twelve Inhabitants' heart fragments from the novel were in different colors that represented them?
As you can see, I colored this crystalline heart red to represent Jose.
The first fragment: Represents the part of Jose that wanted to protect his family.
The second fragment: Represents the part of Jose that didn't let any hardship keep him down.
I'll color more, but in the order they went in the novel.
So up next is Bruce Stone's heart!
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Since balan gets a lot of affection from visitors, do you ever think that not receiving any will make him feel touch starved?
I personally don't believe so, not from visitors. Balan certainly loves positive attention, sure, but I've always imagined it as more of a therapist-patient sort of relationship. So Balan is never truly that close to anyone who comes through the doors, and enacts a healthy set of boundaries with every visitor. This is kind of reinforced in the game/novel as well, due to the fact Balan seems to have a good hands-off approach with a majority of the trials and time spent in Wonderworld. He's there to oversee things, and offer some guidance every so often (albeit, in a very non-helpful, cryptic af manner), but he isn't close with the visitors most of the time.
- We can also kind of see it in his reactions to Leo telling him to buzz off and even be rude to him sometimes. Balan doesn't really react one way or the other to it, his response is to simply shrug it off.
Though to be fair, I'd say the end of the game sort of shows that this slips sometimes, albeit very rarely. I'd personally say this is due to the events of the game/novel being particularly hard for all of them, even Balan, so he loses himself in the moment. Perhaps those hearts had been trapped for a longer period of time than any others, so the relief of having them finally repaired again was infectious. But even when Emma and Leo go in for the hug at the end, Balan still pushes them away after a moment and immediately returns to his usual self, so I don't think it lingers in any form. Besides, he'll see them all again at some point or another, so I don't think he's too upset about anyone leaving
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oneiikin · 2 years
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ms paint stuff
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joesicons · 1 year
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for your roleplaying pleasure, 188 icons (some with minor sharpening && color correction for optimal use) of Leo Craig from Balan Wonderworld, in his light skin / blue eyes / blond hair palette. you may edit these, crop them, put a psd on them, do whatever you want. no need to credit either. only rule is please reblog if saving!! it’s the best way to help me out && ensure I can continue making resources. content warnings: spoilers.
Requested by: anonymous
how to obtain: download the pack here!!
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redrockbluerock · 2 years
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something about grief + mourning
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chaotickit · 2 years
New pokemon looking like balan wonderworld costumes /hj
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
hi sorry for balanposting so i haven't started reading the book again yet (didn't finish it the first time I tried) and so I've been looking on the wiki and hm. hm huh. how do we feel abt the cass and attilio thing
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
I’m not sure if this has been done before, but I got a continuation idea for Maestro Hiccups! What if, when Lance gets hiccups, unlike Balan who’s hiccups cause the fabric of reality to freak out, Lance’s hiccups can cause ones worst fears to become reality. And no one is spared, not humans, not costumes, and not Negati/Nega bosses.
Ooh, this would be interesting. Well, here you go!
"This is not what I wanted, not really!" Balan cried as he gazed at the reflection in the mirror. "I can't believe that this is happening to me!" In his reflection, he now looked like a new version of Lance. Pink negative energy surrounded him.
"Balan, I heard you crying," Emma said. "What's going on?" She gasped when she saw Balan's new look. "What happened to you?"
Balan pondered for a moment. Then realization hit him like a brick. "Lance must have the hiccups today," He said. "Unlike mine, his hiccups have different side effects in a way."
"How so?" Emma asked.
"Lance's hiccups causes a person's worst fear to become real," Balan explained. "Even after his hiccups are gone, it will take a long time for that person to heal."
Before Emma could say anything, pink negative energy sprouted around her. Suddenly, she covered her ears, fell to her knees, and started to sob. "No! No! Stop!" Though Balan didn't hear anything, Emma was now hearing a bunch of hurtful whispers about her.
"Lance's hiccups affected you as well," Balan said, walking toward Emma. "Your worst fear is being judged behind your back, I can tell."
"These whispers…" Emma said, sniffing as tears fell from her cheeks. "They keep saying that I am what I'm not: snobbish, spoiled, and greedy. But I'm far from those. And they sound exactly like the maids back at home."
"Balan! Emma! Something's wrong!" Leo said as he ran into the room. Like Emma and Balan, he was surrounded by pink negative energy. "I tried to dance today, but no matter what I did, I couldn't seem to dance! In fact, I stopped being graceful as well!"
"Lance has the hiccups," Emma said, wiping her tears. "They left this side effect on us. It's bring our worst fears to life. Mine is being judged. Balan's is becoming Lance. And yours must be becoming talentless."
"The others. Are they okay too?" Leo asked. "I hope Lance's hiccups didn't get to them."
"Let's go check just to be sure," Balan advised. "I can't imagine the fears they'll have to endure." He, Emma, and Leo made their way to the Isle of Tims. Much to their horror, the Tims were now black with white Negati masks. Each one had the patterning that ranged from cyan to pink, to yellow, and to red. But they still kept their distinctive body shapes and beaks.
"No! Not the Tims!" Emma cried, still sobbing. "What did they do to deserve this?"
"If the Tims are like this, does this mean that the Negati are…pastel colored?" Leo asked.
"Most likely," Balan replied. "The only way to know for sure is to see." He led the two to Jose's stage. When they got there, Leo tripped over something and fell on the dirt path, face first.
When he got up, Leo was shocked by what he had just experienced! Jose's stage looked terrible!
The once bright blue skies were now dark, cloudy, and had lightning bolts flashing across the sky. A bunch of tornadoes were spinning fast, moving quickly in random directions. All of the crops that bloomed on Jose's stage were torn out at the roots and now lay on the ground. The farming equipment was destroyed beyond repair.
"Jose's worst fear has to be storms," Emma guessed. "Tornadoes to be exact. We have to find Jose and see if he's okay."
"He must be in the farmhouse," Leo said. "We better get there and fast before the tornadoes sweep us away."
The three of them struggled, but made their way to the farmhouse. The winds blew so strongly that it was amazing at how none of them were blown away.
The farmhouse, or what's left of it, was in terrible condition. There, stood Jose, his head bent down in despair. Pink, negative energy surrounded him. "Jose!" Emma called. "Are you okay!?"
The farmer looked up at Emma with a look of hopelessness. "My farm…" He said. "How am I supposed to fix all of this…?"
"It's not your fault, Jose," Leo said. "Lance has the hiccups. They made this effect to your stage. We need to get you out of the storm quickly!" He looked to notice a tornado spinning their way.
Jose slowly nodded and grabbed Balan's hand. "The tornado is getting closer and closer to you," Balan said. "Stay here much longer we mustn't do." The maestro quickly snapped his fingers and the four of them were back in the Isle of Tims.
"Hic!" Lance let out another hiccup. Much to his dismay, Fiona's and Yuri's stage were drastically effected by them. "I must find a way to get rid of these quick," He said. "Otherwise, I'll—hic!" All of the Negati around him changed, much to their horror.
They were now brightly colored. Just like the Tims were. Their Negati markings were all gone. The Negati freaked out and made a bunch of frightened squeaks at this.
Lance just flipped out and facepalmed. Then, he released another hiccup.
Fiona screamed as she ran as fast as her feet could carry her. Shadows with glowing red eyes that were in the shape of dolphins started to chase her. The water in her stage was dark and unwelcoming. Everytime she looked at the shadow dolphins, she was reminded on the incident that led her to the theater.
"No! Leave me be!" She cried. "I don't want drown!" Fiona kept on running and running. Due to all the time she spent swimming, she was able to run longer than usual. But even then, her legs were starting to hurt.
She stopped when she saw a dead end. "No! No! No!" Fiona cried! "This can't be happening!" As the shadow dolphins zoomed in on Fiona, she suddenly felt herself scooped up and was…flying. Fiona looked to see that Balan was now carrying her.
"Balan, what's going on?" Fiona asked, holding onto him. The shadow dolphins were zooming after them.
"I will explain everything to you in a smill while," Balan said. "For now, let me take you to back to the Isle." He flew out of her stage and back to the Isle of Tims. The shadow dolphins disappeared.
Balan set Fiona down. "What happened to you guys?" Fiona asked.
"Lance has the hiccups," Emma said. "It's causing our worst fears to come to life. My worst fear is being judged. I hear harsh whispers about me."
"My worst fear is being talentless," Leo said. "And I'm now really clumsy."
"I'm now becoming Lance," Balan admitted. "I can't give myself in the mirror a spare glance."
"Mine is tornadoes," Jose said. "It tore up my stage. What's yours?"
"Drowning," Fiona said with a shudder. "That was why those shadow dolphins were after me." Pink, negative energy surrounded her
"We have to see if the others are okay," Emma said. "These whispers won't leave me be."
The group nodded and went to Yuri's stage.
Yuri sat and hugged her knees. The forest of her stage now mostly resembled her classroom. Screams of her classmates that feared bugs were heard. Gigantic bugs were around her, but they just ignored her, leaving poor Yuri feeling lonely.
"Yuri!" Leo called, running to her. He ran to her, but tripped over a pile of books, much to his aggravation. Yuri slowly turned to face them. "W-Where is everyone?" She asked. "Why won't anyone come for me?"
"We are here, Yuri," Emma said. But for some reason, Yuri wasn't convinced. However, Yuri felt Emma's hand on her shoulder and jumped. "We have to get her out of her stage. Then we have to go visit the others."
Balan scooped Yuri up and took out of her stage. During the time, she didn't utter a word. But that terribly lonely expression still lingered on her face.
After dropping Yuri off at the Isle of Tims, they went to go get the others.
Haoyu yelped as a bunch of planes crashed onto his stage. It didn't help that no matter how much he tried to fix his plane, it would always fall apart. "I don't remember airplanes acting up like this," He said. But he was grabbed by Balan and taken to Isle of Tims.
Sana screamed as the gigantic trees of her stage fell down as though they were chopped. The treehouses and rope bridges would get damaged in the process. Sana was amazed that she was unharmed. "Sana!" Leo said, running to her only to trip on the rope bridges. He got up, groaning at how sore his ankle was. "Meet us at the Isle of Tims! And quickly!" He pointed to a tree that was about to fall down on her. Then he grabbed her hand and the two ran.
Cass sobbed uncontrollaby as a bunch of car accidents happened around her. Pained meows from her cat was heard as the same amount of guilt appeared. A car was about to run into her when Jose grabbed her with fast speed. "Cass, are you okay?" He asked, a look on despair on his face.
"No," Cass sobbed, shaking her head. "It's all my fault…" Jose scooped the girl up and made a run for it, dodging the cars that zoomed past him. He brought Cass to the others.
Cal felt so tortured right now. He found himself going against…an arrogant version of himself. No matter how hard he tried, he could never win. The worst part? His arrogant clone refused to let him move. Rather just kept pressuring him to keep on playing until he won. "Cal?" Fiona called to him. "Please come with me! We must head to the Isle of Tims."
"I-I can't leave," Cal said. But Fiona grabbed his hand.
"Balan knows what's happening. He'll explain everything to you." She dragged Cal away from the table and ran with him.
Iben sobbed as she looked at the gravestones that now appeared on her stage. Two of them had her parents' names on them. But one had…her husband's name. She knew that her husband was still alive. But how was this possible!? Snow drifted on the breeze to the point that it was a blizzard. Iben could now feel how cold it got.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned. There was Sana with a grave look on her face. "Meet us at the Isle of Tims," She said. "Balan will explain everything." With a sad nod, Iben stood up and followed Sana out of her stage.
Attilio stood in his stage, feeling tears in his eyes. Shouts of rejection was heard all around him. Especially the voice of Princess Merry herself. Cal entered into the clown's stage and saw Attilio. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked him.
"No, I'm constantly getting rejecting," Attilio said with a sigh. "Even Princess Merry rejected me. But I know that she would never do this."
"Quick. Meet all of us at the Isle of Tims." Cal offered his hand. "Balan knows what's going on."
Attilio took it without any hestation.
Lucy yelped as she kept on running. Behind her, a bunch of paintings covered in pitch black paint started to fly down toward her. Black paint also spilled out all over the floor. Almost like it was trying to remind her of her struggles.
"Lucy!" Haoyu shouted to her. "Over here! We have to get out of your stage and get to the Isle of Tims." Lucy nodded and kept on running. Haoyu's figure became more and more visible until she finally caught up with him.
"We have to go now, darling!" Lucy cried. The two rushed out of her stage as fast as they could.
Eis was currently doing everything he can to prevent himself from getting burnt. Flames were spread everywhere on his stage, making it extremely hot. Sweat dripped from his forehead. Dodging the fire was difficult as his legs were trembling, threatening to give out at any given moment.
"E-Eis?" Emma called, coughing from the smoke that went into her nose. "Please come with me. I-It's too hot to be in here…"
"Emma?" Eis asked, stunned to see her. "You shouldn't be here! It's too dangerous! But, I'll get over there so we can get you to safety."
Emma coughed again as Eis made his way closer to her. He scooped her up and ran out of his stage.
Bruce gasped in horror as gigantic trash cans fell from the sky. Piles of garbage spilled out around him. "S-Someone… Please help!" Bruce called out, trying to dodge the trashcans that kept falling down.
Balan came and grabbed Bruce. "I'm sorry that your stage is this way," He said. "I do hope that you're okay." He flew Bruce out of his stage and back to the Isle of Tims where everyone was.
Once that was done, Balan began to explain to the others everything. Lance had the hiccups and it's caused everyone's worst fears to come to life. Everyone was now shocked. That explained why this was happening.
Leo's worst fear was being talentless.
Emma's worst fear was being judged.
Balan's worst fear was becoming a Lance himself.
Jose's worst fear was natural disasters.
Fiona's worst fear was betrayal.
Yuri's worst fear was being all alone.
Haoyu's worst fear was failure.
Sana's worst fear was destruction.
Cass's worst fear was being blamed.
Cal's worst fear was not being good enough.
Iben's worst fear was losing loved ones.
Attilio's worst fear was being rejected.
Lucy's worst fear was stress.
Eis's worst fear was fire itself.
And Bruce's worst fear was being helpless.
"We have to cure Lance!" Sana cried. "Who knows what would happen if we don't!?"
Just then, Lance came into the Isle. But before he could say anything, he let out another hiccup.
Everyone grew fearful at this.
Was the real word affected too!?
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So at the end of the game, Lance turns vanilla flavored and then gets dragged into what I can only assume is hell. Was that all a show in your canon? What if someone followed him in to try and help? /Mod silvs
The canon scene for this has always been really interesting to me, and it's somewhat similar to my own AU in what happened.
Grant it, I don't have a lot of my canon perfectly ironed out yet, and a lot of it I may rebuild as time goes on. Admittedly I jumped the gun on all of this because I was so excited for the game, and made up a lot of things from very little information at the time. Can you blame me, I latched onto this hyperfixation so quickly 😂
What I'm thinking right now, is that it was all a show of sorts. Balan and Lance do play their roles and it is usually all an act in my canon, designed specifically to help heal hearts and restore balance, but never upset the balance of their own world and dynamic in the process. Balan and Lance are, in a way, trapped within their roles (or, they assume so at least), so their script is often set to just that. Balan is the benevolent, guiding hand to the visitor, and Lance is the hard-hitting, opposing force which seeks to 'stop' them. They are the support and the villain, the scriptwriter and the complication respectively.
Not surprisingly, this can have a pretty fucked up effect on someone. To constantly be set in a role where they're the villain of the story, and for so long that their role now sort of bleeds into their real character beyond the show. In short, Lance snapped. And in the worst possible ways, because Lance actually had the capacity to hurt real people. Lance attempted to flip the script, mid play, without consulting anyone. They were sick of being cast in Balan's shadow and they wanted to change it, desperately, so in a moment of weakness they manipulated people into a false reality.
As much as I feel Lance is interesting and has the capacity to become a better person, Lance very much did fuck up in the game/novel. There was still heavy manipulation involved, and it's why I think that after the events of the game, it takes a very long while of serious work for Lance to relearn how to treat people. It even becomes a point of contention between Balan and Lance, where Balan has a hard time trusting them for a long while, heck, even all of Wonderworld might too. Especially when it comes to fixing hearts and being around humans in general. It's what leads to the huge spike in tension between them, causes them to fight way more and far more viciously.
So, long story short, what is usually all an act, this time was not. Lance genuinely snapped and went off the rails and hurt people, disrupted the balance, and caused a serious rift to form between themself and Balan. And this in tune demands a long while of working at that to fix it, because it certainly doesn't get better for a long while.
IF someone tried to follow and help Lance into the Negative space (I've just been calling it Underworld to be fitting), I think Lance would be horrified. They already know how much they've fucked up in that moment, and they know the punishment will be severe. But to have someone tail after them into the dark like that would be terrifying, because I can only imagine that exposure to Underworld isn't good by any means. I assume Balan would either yank them out before anything happened, or Lance would force them back out and into Wonderworld.
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