sanssupremacy · 2 months
Me whenever someone boops:
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theo-files · 2 months
friendly reminder that while booping people on tumblr is fun, don't forget your boop for palestine today!
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fwizard · 2 months
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spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
do u guys know how much i miss him?? i’m up late at night staring at the ceiling trying to think of whys to get him back. i feel like my heart has been ripped out, my soul torn to shreds. i think it’s too late. i think i’ve waited too long. i will never even have a second chance now. (this is abt my old motorola razr flip phone btw)
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inkpoizining · 2 months
Tumblr is forbidding me from mercilessly booping everyone on this site by making none of my desktop boop buttons work. They knew I would be a menace if I was not nerfed,,,,,,,,
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mbrine · 2 months
I have hacked the mainframe (Inspect Element)
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It seems like WOW starts at 4000 boops given, OMG at 2000, MAX at 1000
Adding on all the tiers I've found so far
MAX - 1000
LOL - 1500?(Missed the window, can't confirm)
OMG - 2000
WOW - 4000
*-* - 5000
WHY - 6000
PLZ - 7000
AAA - 7500
;_; - 8000
0_0 - 8500
T_T - 9000
MAX - 9200+? (I think the counter bugged? idk)
<33 - 9500
TUM - 10000 given
BLR - 10000 received
How to Super Boop
On desktop, hover your mouse over the Boop button for around 5 seconds, and it will do 2 spins.
Once the button is done spinning, click on it and you can send a Super Boop!
EVIL BOOPS can be accessed by allowing the animation to play 3 times before clicking
One way to get Super Boops on mobile is using a web browser to access tumblr. Use "Desktop Site"/"Desktop Mode", then click and hold the button to send the boop. That'll convert it to a Super Boop button. It seems pretty inconsistent though.
For all clicking enthusiasts, do click this too, trust me, it's just as satisfying
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Omg thanks everyone for the boops, I've been butterfly clicking the boop button for so many different people for the past 6 hours and I'm exhausted
I'm pretty sure this is also my most engaged post on any platform I've ever used, thanks for all the RBs and likes <3 <3 <3
If anyone's crazy enough to try reaching 10k without an autoclicker, here's what I did
Ok, one more tutorial for the boops before I go to bed for real.
How do I check my exact given and received boop count?
NOTE: You'll need to refresh the page to update the counters, unless there's another method to check the live count
Go to your dash ("home" tab).
Press f12, or right click and select "Inspect Element"
In the window that pops up, click on "Sources" then "dashboard" under "www.tumblr.com" (Pic below for reference)
In the window showing the code, press Ctrl+F and type in either "givenCount" or "receivedCount".
Ta da! (Pic below for reference)
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Go to your dash ("home" tab).
Press f12, or right click and select "Inspect Element (Q)"
In the window that pops up, click on "Debugger", then "Sources" and "dashboard" under "www.tumblr.com" (Pic below for reference)
In the window showing the code, press Ctrl+F and type in either "givenCount" or "receivedCount".
Enjoy formatting (Pic below for reference)
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Gonna take a break from Tumblr for now, my fingers are in shambles and I'm pretty sure I can hear the mouse clicks echoing around inside my skull. Thanks to everyone for making this random Singaporean guy's day, mbrine signing out! ❤
Here's a link to my Twitch and Instagram for those who're interested, seeing as the standard procedure for when a post blows up online is to shamelessly plug lol ;)
Happy April Fool's Day!
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seelestia · 2 months
in lieu of the boop fest: genshin men as boopers.
⎯ something made on a whim to commemorate the lovely booping chaos going on. may not be accurate but i tried!!! 🙏 which one are you?? tag yourself /j this is the silliest thing ever, forgive me. fluff & crack (and made with love).
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the harbinger of dedication (???): boop them once and oh, it's on. boops you back and will not stop booping you back — it's an all-out war! or at least, to them. they take this whole matter as an opportunity and certainly don't mind tiring their fingers out just tapping the button on repeat. does it for the fun and to get a reaction out of you. also, probably eats (sends) super boops for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it's their bread and butter.
childe (of course), arataki itto, cyno (has a desire to max out his boop-o-meter till the end - a completionist's habit).
the menace (as simple as that): they have no need to be booped because they're the one booping you first and a lot at that too. oh, you got 99+ notifs? yeah, that's an act of love and it's from them. they hoped you liked the gift because they had fun giving it. grab a handkerchief because you're gonna have to scrub that smirk off their face, literally.
wriothesley, kaeya, shikanoin heizou, lyney (he apologizes by treating you to a meal afterwards).
confusion (awkward ver.): ...what. what is this? what does 'boop' even mean? why does it sound so oddly menacing when uttered out loud? and why are you smiling at like that? it's a trend, you explain and they — reluctantly and nervously — send a boop back. they have no idea what they're doing but at least, seeing that proud look on your face amounts to something. maybe, they did well? they then proceed to send you another one just for good measure. how cute.
xiao, gorou.
confusion (boomer ver.): their first thought was that they're getting hacked by a... feline virus? how interesting (please explain). with some explanation from you, they'll eventually understand the concept! a passive booper at best, but has a proclivity to treat boops as a “i'm thinking about you” button. so just know one boop equals to one time you crossed their mind.
zhongli, neuvillette, dainsleif (still confused at the end of it), diluc (secretly because he has pride).
the 'humble' reciprocator (dark horse?): all is in perfect tandem. you give one boop, they give one back. you give two boops, they give two back. you squint your eyes at them from across the room suspiciously, they chuckle into their hand in response. is that an act of mischief or demureness? you wonder what will happen if you boop them one hundred times? well, let's find out. (they will give back the exact amount, no matter what.)
kaedehara kazuha, baizhu, kamisato ayato (a true hybrid between being humble and a menace, he is. starts off nice until he spams boops when you least expect it... with a smile, of course!).
the bystander with the popcorn: thanks for the boop, you get one back. yes, only one, sorry. they'd rather not participate in the chaos and prefer to keep their inbox clean. no offense meant, you're free to have your fun so go ahead. they're just here to observe because in their humblest opinion, it serves them well enough as participating does. oh, don't look at them like that. you did get one back, didn't you? rejoice in the fact that you're one of the few — if not, the only one — they gave a boop to. treat it as an approval badge. it means you're special (to them).
alhaitham, tighnari, albedo, wanderer (he thinks he's above this childish and pointless act of booping... or is he?).
the victim™: is getting booped left and right without rest. suffocating and drowning in them even. lady luck is not on their side; they swore they booped everyone back to infinity and beyond — surely, it's all repaid and they can take a break now, right? wrong. they rest for 5 minutes and come back to 99+ notifs every single time. (if you relate, you might be a victim of affectionate bullying. feel free to riot about it.)
kaveh, thoma.
the loser at the start line: sneezes whenever the paw comes up on screen, yikes. A+ for effort, though!
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— thanks for reading!
© seelestia on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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oh-look-car-horns · 2 months
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We are halfway through the day and only 5% of the way to maxing out the global boop-o-meter. In a last-ditch effort I am releasing my automated booping script. It can run anywhere you can run python, and only requires the pyautogui and time libraries. The code is below the cut, and extremely scuffed as I am in physics not cs. Happy booping.
import pyautogui as pg
import time
def boop_spam():
    Spam an account with boops. WARNING: You will not be able to use your computer while this is running, as this operates via automated mouse movements.
    Test it out with boop count of 10 to make sure you have the hang of it before picking a larger number.
    If you accidentally set it running for a very long period of time, you can either restart your computer to stop it,
    or wait for every 200th boop where there will be a 5s pause where you can click the garbage icon on your terminal
        print("Hover mouse over the first button, then press enter")
        x1, y1 = pg.position()
        print("Hover mouse over the second button, then press enter")
        x2, y2 = pg.position()
        print("Input boop count")
        boop = int(input())
        for i in range(boop):
            pg.click(x1, y1)
            if i%200 == 0:
        print("Continue? (y/n)")
        cont = input()
        if cont != 'y':
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kittenintheden · 3 months
Since I adore the way you write I was thinking this might be up your alley:
Tav/named Tav or Ori (years after the Netherbrain or some such) challenging Astarion that they can make him cum with kisses alone. He's blindfolded and he cannot touch himself 👀
And maaaayyybee just to make it harder: pointy ears are off limits.
Well. How could I say no?
Rating: E Pairing: Astarion x AFAB F!Tav (3rd person) Word Count: 1.7k Content: 18+, established relationship, sexy kissing, sexually explicit talk, teasing, orgasm delay, analingus
They love to kiss.
A few years have passed, the greatest of their heroics nowhere near forgotten but just a bit distant. They've been together through it all and beyond. They've more adventures under their belts, more friends than they know what to do with, and memories enough to bring more joy than sorrow most days.
As they recline in one of their favorite armchairs, her draped across his lap crosswise with her arms wrapped around his neck, Astarion doesn't kiss her like the first time. That was stilted, acted, hollow. No, he kisses her like the first time he realized this was... something.
He remembers that kiss well. Softer, opening. The loosening of lip and tongue to let someone in. She meets him instantly, as she always has. Always up for anything if it involves him. It has the same effect on him now that it did then.
Astarion groans as he breaks their kiss, rolling his forehead against hers. "Gods, Tav, how do you do it? Sometimes, I think I could come from your kisses alone."
Her grin goes wide against his lips. "Is that a challenge?"
His eyelids feel heavy as he blinks them open to look at her. With effort, he raises an eyebrow. "Would love to see you try."
"Oh, you..." She leans in close and curls out her tongue to just barely touch his bottom lip before she sits back again. "... asked for it."
"Literally did, yes," he says. She pushes up to standing and gives him a gentle shove so he takes her place draped across the chair, legs hanging over one side and his head cushioned on the other. He folds his hands across his torso and smirks at her.
Tav matches his smarmy look as she reaches to her hips to untie the sash she has tied across them. She takes the cloth and begins folding it over itself before she says, "I don't think you're going to see me try, though." She winks and comes closer.
"Cheeky," he teases as she places the cloth over his eyes and moves around to tie it behind his head. "Fine. I get to lay ground rules, as well."
"Go ahead," she says as she gets the blindfold in place, amusement in her voice.
Astarion raises a finger in the air. "No ears. My ears are off limits."
She drops her hands with a huff. "What for?"
"You know exactly what for, you cheat," he says, mockingly shaking his raised finger as if scolding her. "This is kisses only. Kisses from your mouth."
He hears her tutting above him. "Tongue? Teeth?" she asks.
"Only as much as would reasonably be expected during an intimate but not... aggressive moment," he says. "No sucking."
"Hm," she hums. "I'll work with it. Now, my rules: no touching."
"What?" he huffs through his laugh.
She boops his nose. "No touching me, and no touching yourself. I'm steering, not you. Dear."
"Feisty tonight," he purrs. "I'll allow it. Because it's hot, mostly."
She chuckles as she pushes off the chair and takes a step back from the sound of it. "Challenge accepted. Clothes off."
He turns his head in her direction. "Why don't you do it?"
There's a pause, then she clears her throat and says "uh-uh" and he realizes she must have shook her head and then realized he can't see her. He huffs a laugh.
"I'm only allowed to kiss," she says. "You know I'm skilled, but undoing buttons and hooks via kiss is beyond even me."
"Oh, all right," he lilts through his grin as he begins to undo his buttons. "If you insist."
"This as much as you'll get to touch yourself for a bit, so enjoy it while you can," she says. She's closer now. Kneeling near his head by the sound of it.
He enjoys it. He enjoys it very much, teasing her mercilessly by plucking each button with intentional slowness, sliding his clothing off his skin bit by bit. Though he can't see her, he can hear her pulse quicken, smell the stirrings of her arousal. It's giving her a head start, he knows, but he can't help his body reacting to it.
She notices. "I haven't even touched you yet and you're already half-hard. The odds look to be in my favor."
"Long way to go before you can gl-" he starts, but he's cut off as he feels the weight of her hands on the arm of the chair by either side of his head and her mouth is on his. His last words melt into a pleased hum.
It's a sweet kiss. Tender, loving. Exactly the way she kisses him when she wants him to know he's precious to her, safe with her. It's a lover's sigh swirling down the length of his spine and he blooms instantly, just like she certainly knew he would. He tilts his chin up toward her, trying to get closer. More.
Tav lets him take comfort of her. Take love, take care. When he cracks open from it, when his lips fall open and pliant, she teases them open further with gentle laps from the tip of her tongue. They meet, warm and wet, tasting of one another.
He nearly catches her about to suck one of his lips but she stops herself, her mouth flickering into a quick smile before she gives him a light nip instead. It sends a shiver straight down the line between his abdominals and he feels his cock go fully hard and aching.
Astarion presses his hips deeper into the chair and arches his chest up, a low noise in his throat. He makes his hands into fists and his sides and feels Tav reach for the hand nearest her. She sits up and he lets her lift his hand to her face, gently loosening it until she can press her lips to the pad of one of his fingers. It's a relatively innocent gesture, which makes his soft moan sound all the more debauched in the quiet of the room. He bites his lip and turns his face away from her, desperate to pretend she's not having the effect she is as she presses kisses to each of his fingers, then his palm, then the inside of his wrist.
Then her tongue is warm and gentle against the thin skin of his wrist and his cock twitches hard. There's the smallest bit of tightening and he feels cool air more prominently against his skin. He realizes it's because he's leaking, the head of him going slightly damp.
"Ah ha, ha," he laughs breathily. "That's... made your point, I think."
She giggles and puts his hand back down. He feels her body heat as she leans over him. "I don't think it has, love."
"Oh, oh.... kay..." he manages before her lips land beside his windpipe and he instinctively bares his whole throat to her, head tilted back over the arm of the chair.
Tav giggles against his skin as she kisses down the length of his neck and back up again, paying special attention to the place where his pulse point would be if he had a pulse. He nearly gets it together enough to scold her for straying so close to his ear when she kisses down once more and continues over his collarbones, then between his pectorals.
Her mouth presses and lifts down, down, following the line of his abdomen all the way. She's always careful to keep her arms on either side of him, dutifully not touching in any way that could be considered cheating. Speaking of cheating, she's getting dangerously close to...
But she veers to the side, instead placing another open-mouthed kiss over his hip bone. Astarion rolls into it with a sigh, his neglected cock seeking stimulation of any kind. He's so achingly hard and sensitive that he's nearly to the point of mindlessly attempting to rut whatever's closest.
Tav's laughter ghosts her hot breath over the crease of his thighs. Her mouth leaves him and he bites down hard on the whine that tries to escape him. He can hear her breathing hard around her words.
"Lift up a bit more for me?" she says.
With a groan, he does so, lifting himself so his hips are angled better for her. He's at the point of doing whatever she asks because she's a balm, she's soothing relief and rolling pleasure. Just barely, he manages to say, "Kisses only."
"Yes, dear," she says as she uses the softest possible nudge to get him in place.
Her mouth is back at the crease of his thigh, then the other side, gentle kisses up and down, and it is so sweet but he's losing his mind, he needs more, always more.
Tav's parted lips are soft against the root of his cock and his balls pull in tighter to him. Close, but not quite there. Not yet.
"Darling, I... I can't take... please," he breathes. "I'm so close, please."
She kisses the base once more and moves up higher, just a breath, and he preemptively smiles, waiting for her to take him in her mouth, give him his final end, relieve the ache. But she doesn't keep going up.
Tav goes down.
Just as Astarion realizes what she's about to do, she does it. A warm, teasing, slow open-mouthed kiss to his arsehole, followed by circle, and circle, and circle, and-
The blackness behind his blindfold whites out as his body rolls through its orgasm, his spend spilling from him in bursts as he shivers through it. His groan stutters out of him in pieces.
When he can move his arms again, he raises a heavy hand to pull the blindfold off his head and glares down the length of his mussed body at his partner, who leans on one hand and grins up at him from between his legs.
"That was definitely cheating," he pants.
She shrugs. "You said ears were off limits. You didn't say anything about arse."
"You're... going to get it... later." He flops back onto the chair and goes boneless. "Once my limbs are answering requests from my brain again."
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astralnymphh · 7 months
can we have some caregiver Ellie comforting u when you’re stressed cuz of school cuz I have an exam tmrw and I’m about to break down like ims erioisly about to start tweaking
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first try at some reallll fluff, SFW!! lovey dovey!! ♡.
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caregiver!ellie who will legit prepare a whole damn sauna for you to relax in. yes, going bath route. will cosset you and plant you in a warm basin of bubbly water, letting you soak up the suds on your skin whilst she undresses, speaking under the muffle of her shirt being tossed over, "can't let that bath go– mph– to waste so.." shimmies her jeans off to her ankles, "joining you." with the most loving smirk that you probably can't even see cause ur eyes are locked on the blank bath wall, thoughts running amok about that doomed exam. then the swish of water snaps droplets onto your back as her ankles sink in, swerving around your body and slouching down fully to koala–cup herself over you. now that would sever any blight of vexing thoughts, her touch. her calves glissade on each side of yours, her steely fingers meld into the flesh of your waist and pulls your backside plane to her groin, then imparts that exact pressure to your chest, asking you to lie against her non–verbally. goddess hecate, please save me cause her SKINN– ughh her skin would feel like a plush layer of cashmere under the water. her chest just radiates an enigma of flurrying heat that no electric heater could ever compare to, a kind of calidity that stems from the beating ballad of a heart. ౨ৎ anyways I went a little off beat there. her biceps, they hug yours, and her arms lank down to your belly, holding the curve of it (els especially loves belly pouches dont even get me started on els who loves ur body) and just brushing her thumb over the tender skin. does some dorky foolery like plunking her finger in your belly button for a second and going "boop." with a wrinkly smile you can hear– and feel on your nape. bespeckles your neck with kisses and licks, suckling every drop of water beelining from your head, bumps ur body lightly with her nosy nuzzles becked onto your scruff, whispering thickly, "fuck school, yeah? just hang out with me, so I can kiss you like this–" a puckered kiss to your lobe, "and this–" another given to your jaw, only sneaking closer n closer to ur lips, and with every kiss sewn her cute pointy nose just wriggles as it nudges you– random thought. sways you with her body, humming a raspy rendition of 'take on me' while her wet lashes bat on your nape, fucking melting in the existence of such a fragile moment living right between her arms. ౨ৎ
so what do we think of my fluff skills. it was so hard to not think of ellie fingering you in the bath AHHHHHH.
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silkkorchid · 2 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
Covers 3/30 - 4/5
This week was ok ish…
NRC therapist and Gardening club seems to be planning something against Mrs. Rosehearts…
NRC Newspaper club has a new member called, Atlas, seeming to be an unofficial prophet for NRC, thanks to his Unique Magic.
There is a Dance Club at NRC now-
One of the hosts and the host club seem to have a questionable draft that was soon posted by another host. I’m looking at you 🪞⚜️.
NRC Host Club has now a menu of food, with the one of them being uhm a very clever name for it!
NRC cooking club made a disgusting salad that I cannot describe…
NRC allows students to have tazer if worn correctly…
Another race is happening between Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College. And there is a poll which school is going to win, some students at NRC are rigging the poll.
Both of RSA and NRC Cleaning club have log entries.
Che’nya is at it with the invisible boop towards the boys.
Some of the boys’ future children are throwing powder ball at them, for no apparent reasons???
The Diasomnia gossip account seems to be telling all the juicy stuff that happens in Diasomnia- wait does Malleus even know this exists?
Someone said Sebek is just… I can’t say it as I’m gonna puke…
A boop war has commenced between us who will get the most boops.
A boop battle between Ruggie and Silver. Silver surrender with Ruggie being the winner .
A student of Diasomnia ate a whole pathway since they were hungry. The person that did this, u know.
Malleus and Althea is having a boop match across campus. Then lasers were incorporated into this match of theirs.? After all that happens, Althea and Malleus end their boop match with ice cream.
Althea trying kidnap Gidel, NO TOUCHING THE CHILD ALTHEA!
General Lilia came back from the dead.
Lilia destroyed the microwave again, wait is that smoke coming from Diasomnia?
Lilia got into Ramshackle’s kitchen and yeeeee….
Riddle realized his mother now got a Tumblr account-
Ace got food poisoning, and Riddle ban him from the kitchen till he gets his credit for the mandatory cooking class.
Mrs. Rosehearts has came back after 4 days. Someone gotta hold onto me before I jump her.
Seems like fans of Riddle are pushing their buttons with Mrs. Rosehearts, and I’m proud seeing them being straight forward on causing chaos.
Ace destroyed a microwave. No questions ask.
Ace got collared for the millionth time.
Ruggie’s future child SOMEHOW broke through a wall!? H-how does that logic work!?
Someone cast a spell onto ruggie in which made him wear bunny ears and a tail.
Leona is trying to pass his responsibility onto Ruggie.
Azul has now met his future child after idk how long.
@quartztwst made Azul bald.
Jamil trying to prevent Alcestris dating Najima, his sister. Meanwhile Althea cheering Alce on…
Epel came back after a beauty break to see the last update before shortly going offline.
Idia arguing which anime he and his future children will watch.
Idia allowing his future children to commit arson…. Ortho please stop him being a bad influence to his own future children…
Idia loosing his shit when the topic of Sonic came up.
Idia lost something very important for his magic pen.
Someone reminded Idia that he accidentally left Ortho’s filter off and you know the story.
The boys’ future children somehow got gender-bend due to a potion.?
The children tried monopoly and it turn into a full on war.
One of Sam’s friends can speak that wired language that I can’t understand-
Cheka came back after a long nap.
Someone taught Cheka to swear-
Fellow and Gidel is at it again trying to find new puppets…
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ameriko-steelie · 6 months
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CloudCat - 4t3 Tulip Dress
This will be my last upload for Advent 2023! After today, I will be taking a break to get my Simblr Christmas gift ready, along with my next set of teen conversions. Thank you for being a part of this!
For: TF, AF
Categories: Everyday, Formal, Career, Outerwear
Polycount: 5k
4 channels - Dress, Collar/Cuffs, That Part by the Buttons, Buttons
Download - SFS
Download - Simblr.CC
See you on the 25th!
See the rest of the Advent 2023 gifts here - boop
@wanderingsimsfinds @matchsim @pis3update @gifappels-stuff @eternalccfinds
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I keep breaking my boop button I'm getting so many errors 🫢
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beamtori · 9 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐜𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐬
ji changmin x afab!reader (he refers to you as "woman" LMAO)
1.9k words, smut (minors dni), a wrestle for dominance, use of handcuffs, lots of pet names (angel, baby, brat, good girl, my love), subtle praise kink, blowjob, slight handjob, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it bffs), riding, kissing, biting, swearing (a lot), i think i got it all lol
a/n: uhm,,,, hi 🧍🏻‍♀️ first smut fic, check! @winterchimez convinced me not to gatekeep this lol but thank u ally and @zzoguri for making me feel better abt this :'))
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The click of the handcuffs echoed through the quiet bedroom. The only other sounds were yours and Ji Changmin's heavy breathing. His eyes were dark as he lifted his head, his hands locked behind his back and white dress shirt stretched broad across his chest.
You stood between his legs to marvel at your handiwork. "Nice."
His tongue poked his cheek. "C'mon, angel. You can smile. I know you like seeing me like this."
The smile bloomed on your face, and you saw there was a twitch at the corner of his lips. He liked that you liked this.
"Well," you said, taking a step back, "I think I'm gonna go run to the supermarket—"
Your plans were foiled by his foot hooking around your leg and sending you careening over his chest. The both of you fell back onto the bed, his teeth gritting as all the weight landed on his hands and wrists. Your hands planted against his chest and you could feel his heart beat race as he wet his lips.
"Not cool," you said.
His eyes narrowed. "You literally have me at your mercy and the first thing you wanna do is go to the fucking supermarket?"
Fire curled in your stomach. "...Yes?" Your smile was impish.
He was not amused.
"Isn't that the pleasure of it though? Making you wait?" You asked, adjusting yourself to straddle his chest and gently drag the tip of your index finger down his plush lips, cleaving straight down his strained Adam's apple, all the way over the buttons that threatened to burst. You shifted your bottom half slightly, pausing when you felt something poking you right between your legs.
A slow smile. You locked eyes with him as you rolled your hips generously over his erection.
You bit your lip as a moan fell out of his mouth, his eyes rolling back. "Is this what you want, Changmin?" You murmured. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his jawline, then another up, and up and up, until you nipped his earlobe. "You want me to fuck you until you can't walk?"
You rocked your hips again, relishing in the delicious way you hit your clit then. You sighed in his ear and felt him jerk beneath you; he was itching to break free of the cuffs, to flip you over and have his way with you. To teach you a lesson.
But he couldn't. And wasn't that the fun if it?
"I think I really like you like this," you chuckled lowly. Your hand snuck between your bodies and reached the crotch of his jeans. A tent had formed there, and you cupped your hand over it. His cock throbbed in your hand—he jerked his hips upward again.
You tsked. "Nuh-uh," you pouted, caressing the side of his face, "only good boys get off."
A flash of something in his eyes. A muscle feathered in his jaw. "You're gonna regret this, angel."
"No, actually. I think I'm gonna have so much fun."
You straightened then, grabbing a fistful of the front of his shirt and managing to haul him up with you. He swore when you got him sitting straight up, his cock painfully hard against his zipper. You stood between his legs again, right in front of him, but completely out of his reach.
"Angel," he said, head cocking to the side like a predator, eyes narrowing, "if you let me out of these cuffs…"
"Don't even try that on me." You teased him with a boop of his dimple. You saw the annoyance flash across his face. "You agreed to this, my love."
"Then stop wasting time."
"Someone's impatient," you teased. Taking pity on him, you grabbed the top of his head and held him as you crushed your lips against his. He made a noise of relief, tongues and teeth gnashing together. You were keen to take your time, but by the way he fought against you, he was definitely trying to make a point.
You ripped away from him, his mouth chasing after yours, but too late.
He watched you tear your shirt over your head and give him an eyeful of flesh.
"You're drooling."
He snapped his mouth shut. "You just want to kill me tonight, woman," he snapped. "Please, just let me rip that thing off you. You can cum as many times as you want."
You didn't even pretend to think about it. "No."
His eyes darted from the pretty, lavender-colored lace bra to your eyes. "You know I'll treat you well, angel," he drawled. "Come on. Unlock the cuffs."
"No," you repeated, but this time, you hooked your thumbs in your pants and yanked them down.
He whimpered. "Not the garter," he gulped, eyes going to the ceiling like he was praying. "You want to kill me."
"Something like that," you mused.
You climbed over him again, practically shoving your lace-covered breasts into his flushed face. Your fingers dug into his shoulders. "You like it? It's new since you ripped the old one."
Changmin shoved his face into your chest and moaned like a man drinking water after a week in the desert. "Your tits are perfect. Fuck, please, just put me out of my misery."
Your fingers curled gently around the hairs at the nape of his neck as you let him kiss your cleavage. "It's so odd hearing you beg."
"You like that?" He murmured, mouth over your hardened nipple through the lace. "The sound of me begging you to uncuff me. To let me worship your beautiful body. To fuck you how you deserve to be fucked."
You yanked his head back by his hair and he growled at the loss of contact.
"I think you've had your fun," you said and stood again.
"Angel—angel, I…" The words died on his tongue as you sunk down onto your knees in front of him and nuzzled your face into his crotch. He thrusted his hips toward your mouth. "Fuck," he hissed, "please."
"Since you asked so nicely." You used one hand to hold down his thigh, and the other to pull his zipper down. A wet spot had begun to form over his boxers, and you could feel him fucking pulsing, he was so hard.
You peered up at him and let him watch you lower his waistband. His cock slapped against his stomach with a dull thump, the shaft reddened and dripping with precome. His chest fell and rose rapidly, his breathing heavy, as you wrapped your hand around the base of his shaft and licked right up the length.
A shuddering breath fell from his lips and grew more haggard when you wrapped your lips around his tip to suck on the salty bead that had formed.
You removed your lips. "Spit on yourself."
Changmin did as he was told. A glob of his spit landed on his dick and dribbled down the side. You used it to pump him once, twice—he let out a colorful string of swears, hips fucking up into your fist.
When you were satisfied, you lowered your mouth over him once more, and took him all the way to the base.
"Oh fucking—shit," he groaned. You began to bob your head up and down, taking him down your throat as best you could. "Yn, angel, you're so good to me. Oh my god, look at you—"
His thighs were shaking by your head and beneath your hands. Everything in him was fighting to not rut up into your mouth but you were choking yourself on his dick anyway. Your fingers fondled his balls, twisted at the base—you were practically dripping through your panties at this point.
His thighs tensed, and you abruptly pulled off him.
"Why—what!" He sputtered at the lack of contact. He had been close, and you'd known that.
His pretty cock was even harder now, standing straight up, angry and red and covered in your slobber.
You pushed up from the floor and nearly had your knees buckle from under you. "Shit."
"Angel, please just let me take care of you. You've been so good to me," he pleaded, lips jutting out in a pout. "Come on, baby. Let me return the favor."
You braced your hands on his thighs and kissed him so he could taste himself on your tongue. "I don't," you hummed, "think so."
He bit your lip at your defiance. "Brat," he huffed.
You grinned, hand dancing around his throat. "I'll make you eat your words."
"Well, I could've been eating you out, but—" He held his breath. You climbed into his lap again with one hand holding his shoulder and the other circling over the wet spot on your panties. "Is that for me?" His voice dropped lower. "You're so wet—and all from sucking me off? Good girl."
Something in you warmed at the praise. You had to snap yourself out of it. "That's not gonna work."
"Well, you're gonna fuck me anyways, right?"
"Starting to think I could finish up in the bathroom," you drawled teasingly, your fingers slipping past the drenched hem of your underwear.
He glared. "Don't you fucking dare."
You grabbed his cock and the breath in his chest left him. You raised your hips over his tip, rubbing it up against your weeping folds. "Don't I fucking what now?" You quipped.
"Oh fuck," he groaned, pressing his forehead against yours to watch you sink down onto him. You swallowed your moans down as you kissed him, walls stretching to accommodate his girth until you could seat yourself well enough.
The handcuffs jingled as he yanked at his restraints, his tongue pressing into your mouth.
You felt so full, and your thumb rubbed your clit to loosen yourself up. You whimpered into his mouth… and slowly began to swirl your hips.
"Mmmh," he hummed, eyes pinned to you to watch you fall apart. "That's it, angel. You can do it. Fuck yourself on my cock for me."
It was like second nature, listening to his voice and encouragement. You steadied yourself on his shoulders, your thighs shaking, your tits bouncing in his face. He braced his feet against the floor and helped you, thrusting up as best as he could with his hands still restrained behind him.
You choked when his tip found that gummy spot inside you, all spongy and sensitive. "Fuck," you hissed. "There—right there!"
"Doing so good for me, baby," he said, lips suckling on the soft skin at your throat. "You're so warm, so tight. I know you can fuck yourself harder."
And you did. That tightening sensation—it curled in the pit of your stomach—it wound tighter, tighter— "Changmin, Changmin, I'm close—"
"Me too, angel. I'm close—come on and use me—"
It wound and wound and wound—and then you cried out as that tension shattered, a cresting wave. Your legs shook and you fell over him. Changmin's teeth sank into your shoulder as his cum flooded into you. Your pussy lips fluttered; too much, too much, too much.
You both sat there for a second attempting to catch your breath. Sweat dribbled down the side of his face and the back of his neck, and you turned your head slightly to catch a bit of it, and kiss the warm skin there.
"You okay?" You rasped.
You felt a reciprocal kiss against the bite mark he'd made. That was definitely going to bruise. "More than okay. Holy shit. How about you, baby?"
"I'm great." You lifted your head out of his neck and giggled, meeting his soft smile and after-sex glow. You brushed the bangs out of his eyes, then kissed him. "Hey, I love you."
"I love you too," he said, nose nudging yours. "But I'd love you even more if you uncuffed me."
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a/n: tbh the ideal way this would carry on is you unlock the cuffs and he makes you "regret" not uncuffing him earlier 🤸‍♀️
tbz m.list
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darlingofvalyria · 9 months
❝The story where your rage nearly tore Winterfell to ashes?❞
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[ You talk your daughter down from her cold feet. ]
[ 1,405 ] [ series masterlist ] | king!jacaerys velaryon x aunt targ!reader (aegon's twin)
contains— canon divergence - fluff, smidge of angst - allusions to warfare, character death(s), infidelity, revenge, manipulative targ!reader - children, arranged marriage, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth - sort of fluff?? bits of angst, toxic as shit hhshs - no kings, no martyrs, no betas.
a/n— a little blurb before the third proper instalment of 'in hightower green' (yes, we now have a masterlist and a series title!!). this is post-the series, & contains a hint on what happens to the third part, which will be a two-parter, cos its heavy and reader goes full gone girl shdjshdhs can't wait to share it!! but for now have a glimpse of the future lol + comment, reblog & like at will, my loves!!
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"I was told that you were on the verge of fainting, but I see you are upright as a horse." A faint smile glimmers on your playful lips as your daughter turns, smiling in an exact replica of how Helaena smiles.
It bursts wildflowers and warmth in your chest as you approach, standing behind her as you take the earrings from her fingers that have been turning them around and around, Nila, the spider whose web you placed by your daughter's, said.
You balance the heavy accessory, before you say, "Let me."
A quiet settles the pair of mother and daughter, the chaos of the feast unable to taint the tranquility provided in her chambers. As you take care in placing the baubles for her ears you press a gentle smile on your face as you gaze upon her on the mirror. Maegella Velaryon is a patchwork creation of your most beloved people, despite being the fourth born daughter and the second triplet, she bore Helaena's smile and Aemond's dusky laughter.
Though there is the Strong features in her jaw and face shape, her eyes and hair are your mother's. The Hightower features you have adored since childhood, the auburn hair and the gentle, round brown eyes.
Your seventh child bears the most resemblance to your Hightower roots, as she is the only one with her grandmother's auburn locks. Sweet orange red, a shimmer of a dying flame.
"I do not know if I am making the right decision, your grace." She breaks the silence, meeting your violet gaze with her gentle brown. She is young, on the verge of her womanhood, while you have aged, a mirror of what visage will soon become. "I understand that the Lord Stark is an honourable man, most auspicious is our arrangement thus far, but..."
"I am fearful," she whispers.
There is Aegon in her chin, in her purse lips. It tugs at your heartstrings further at the reminder of your beloved twin.
Your children have always been Aegon's favourite to spoil, but much more your triplet daughters.
"They all look so much like you, sweet sister, even if their colouring is not fully Valyrian," he had said when they were born, snuggled against each other in their sleep much like the two of you when you were newborn babes.
"So they look like you, since we are twins," you teased. He nudged you with an elbow, giggling.
"Yes, exactly." He turned to Maegella, newborn as she is, her hair had been a lighter shade of red orange back then. He runs a finger down her hair and forehead before booping her button nose. "This one has mother's hair."
"And brown eyed. I thought of naming her Alicent, but I digressed. Much too on the nose."
He laughed. "Maybe the next one then, as for sure you will be round with the Strong bastard's babe once more."
Though there was no heat to his tone, you still slapped his arm. It wasn't like he was wrong. You promised Jace you will bring him heirs.
You promised yourself strong babes. Their blood is yours, and they breathe with you.
"Oh, my sweet, darling girl," you say now, smiling gently as you place a coifed, auburn lock back behind strings of pearl that swept up her hair in elegant coils, not unlike fully bloomed roses cinched together. "You are about to make a new life for yourself, there is much to fear. But you are the blood of the dragons. And of the oldest, greatest House in Westeros. And the sea. Which is ancient, and has drowned men in vigour despite her age."
"Just like Vhagar?"
You laugh. "Much like Vhagar when she lived, yes, that old, ferocious girl."
She giggles then sighs as you hold her close to you. Gentle as you are to her wedding attire, a faint, seafoam blue laced white dress. A gift from her father.
You stand straight, something in your expression triggers her own posture to straighten. The visage and orderly manner of a princess coming back to her spine and face.
"No true marriage is a fairytale. Most oft, you have to strangle fate by the throat and conquer your future."
Her eyes widen. "Mother! That sounds ghastly."
"It is." Your laugh isn't what she's used to. It's a breathless, mirthless exhale. A memory so entangled in your mind it weaves about in silvery threads between you. "But my marriage to your father had not always been such a gladdened time."
"I would expect so..." she says hesitantly, wary of every minute change of your expression. "It has been a long marriage, with a heft of babes of your own." Her hand finds yours and squeezes, trying for a jest with a pinch of honesty. "Do not expect the same amount of children from me, your grace. Though the birthing bed is a war all women must face, I have five other sisters to continue your lineage."
You exchange a laugh, pinching her cheek whilst she yelps.
"I cannot fathom birthing the same amount as you have. You are the strongest of us all."
"Your great-great grandmother, The Good Queen Alysanne, named after your sister, bore much more than I, I will remind you so."
She shivers. "Madness it is."
"It is," you agree. "The realm had asked for only two, but I had love your father so. But our marriage... it had almost cost me everything."
Your smile is flaccid. "My crown, my birthright, my position in your father's life. Everything."
She stands, thoroughly alarmed, spinning to you and holding your arms. "Mother? I have not heard of this before."
"Oh, how can you? You were yet to be born." You run your fingers over her sweet face. Your seventh child. To think you almost lost them all. To think such bastards nearly took everything from you. "Only Daenera and Aemma had been, and I am not sure they can remember it all. They were quite young. And I am furious to tell further, but... but for you, I can. So you might understand that marriage is too, a battle to be won. A prize you must covet. As a dragon, your hoard is your own. Any who dare touch it must pay with fire and blood."
Your chin tips. "Even if sometimes, your enemy is your own spouse."
"Father?" A faint gasps leave her lips. "You are scaring me mother. What story is this?"
A smirk plays on your lips. "The story of how Winterfell almost burnt to the ground."
"Rage, my sweet girl, especially born out of a dragon's flame, can raze armies to the ground. We were called conquerors for a reason." You cup her face with your hands. "Though I have not made a promise to your father, I had kept this piece of history deep within the wells of my heart. But for you I shall. To guide you into your marriage, and to comfort you that no matter what happens, no matter what tragedy curses your vows, you are able to control your future. You are no mere wife. Your blood sings above the sheep alike, and with it, a reminder to all that you are a dragon and nothing less."
You release her face, smiling gently, before you tug her to the bed. "We have time for a story, I'm sure. They cannot start it without a queen nor the bride."
"The story where your rage nearly tore Winterfell to ashes?" She frowns. "How does father fare in this?"
"Oh, he had lied to me."
"Father?! Lied?"
You tap her lips. "You must take this story to your bosom. And you must not look at your father any differently. He is changed now. He has kept his vows with much sincerity." Though a certain bitter triumph echoes in your heart at the idea that his own daughter might look at him with hatred.
The years had been kind to you, yes. But by no means have you met it with ease. The crown you bear on your head bore witness to every battle you had won, every war you had forged, and only those who understood its stench know of the blood you had spilled to get it.
And though you have forgiven him long before, the memory sings old embers anew.
"Her name was Sara Snow, and your father had dared..."
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TAGGED: @inkareds @marihoneywk @caterina-caterina @ahristata @xxvelvetxxxx @but-i-write-so-i-must-count @bunbunbl0gs @yazzzmints @bellstwd @hiraethrhapsody
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unfortunatelycake · 2 months
Shy ppl: break into a sweat thinking about interacting with moots, let alone random tumblrs
Shy ppl given a boop button:
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