#Astro tarot
vitaminseetarot · 9 months
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like? 🦋💕
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Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it. Marian Keyes
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Sup y'all and welcome back to my free PAC readings! Thank you so so much for your patience with this particular post. It's been a busy week and it'll only get busier! I haven't done many love readings in the past as my readings focused solely on the querent. I decided to keep it simple and focus on that (frankly addicting) feeling of falling in love for the first time with someone.
There are four butterflies to choose from today to show you how it will feel like for you the next time you fall in love. If you're already with someone, this can represent how it feels when your partner does something truly special for you, what the right signal feels like.
As always you can choose more than one.
Pile 1, Blue Morpho Pile 2, Orange Monarch Pile 3, Red Peacock Pile 4, Emerald Swallowtail Pile 5, Purple Emperor
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Pile 1: Blue (Morpho)
XVIII Moon; Rest, Inspiration, Let it Be, 28. Blessed Sight; X Wheel of Fortune, 5 of Pentacles, XIII Death, XIV Temperance
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I pulled your oracle cards before your tarot, and before I did I said "this must be my Pisces pile". Then BOOM I got the Moon card dead center. You may be drawn to this pile if you have a lot or important Pisces placements, but I think it also very well describes the general energy of this pile.
Your next falling in love will be like a dream, or something that came from your dreams. Your person may remind you of someone you once met in your dreams even. It will feel as though your crush will be as a glowing light in the dark that warms you as you move forward into the unknown. If you're with someone, they could be showing up in your dreams more and more--there could even be a case of you both receiving signals about each other.
You're comfortable with letting fate be the guiding hand in you you'll meet next and what your partner will be like. Notice how in two cards we see closed eyes? One is resting, while the other is still walking to where she wants to go. There is a certain faith about this pile, you feel in your heart that the one you're seeking is out there and that you will not need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to find them.
With this, sometimes you may falter and feel disheartened when you feel other people meeting their match while you're still watching the clouds roll by in the shape of your dreams. Fate combines both luck and change. Don't be afraid to sit back and let the process unfold before you. It doesn't mean you can expect your dream crush to come knocking on your door (although they could!), you can put yourself out there and mingle. This is an internal sense, adopt the intuition of letting the little guiding lights connect together and guide you when they are ready to.
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Pile 2: Orange (Monarch)
XII Hanged One; Abundance, Pause, Determination, 11. Inspiration; XI Justice, King of Cups, 3 of Swords, 10 of Wands
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This pile has likely had relationships in the recent past which may not have worked out. Or there were some romantic prospects where things didn't line up right. It seems like you're working on bringing yourself back into alignment where you can focus more on your personal goals in life. While there's nothing wrong with that, this question is about what it will feel like the next time you're in love. And I have to remind those who need this message that it's okay to take the time you need to recover.
But when you're finally ready to emerge back into the dating world, or if you're planning to, you will need to do so with open arms. Not the same as naïveté. Not the same as being in the same situations or patterns that didn't work out before. But you will need to push aside negative feelings telling you it won't work out again before you can move further with other singles. If you're in a relationship it's likely that your partner wants to see your emotional qualities more, they want you to open up so they can do the same. They want to work side-by-side with you and help you.
You're a strong individual when it comes to reaching your goals. With that said, it's okay to let others, specifically your next partner, help you out in areas you normally excel in. It will help loosen the tension a lot and bring ease to your abundance mindset. Support is with you and you don't need to do it alone. Let your crush carry some of the extra bags for you and help you relax. And don't think that by doing this you're somehow limiting yourself from reaching your future goals. If anything, your crush will help you move ahead. Your crush will want to see you CRUSH it in the board room. You will feel 100% backed and protected by your next love.
Also I wanted to add that when I did the reading for this pile, a little moth landed on my door's window and stared at me upside down like the Hanged One! Not a butterfly, but close enough! Moths talk about what you're intuitively drawn to, but also confusion following paths (since artificial light messes with their navigation). Let moths be your animal sign for when you're soon to meet your next love. They will help to guide you towards the better light.
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Pile 3: Red (Peacock)
7 of Wands; Mystery, Desire, Wisdom, 24. Heal Thyself; 3 of Pentacles, VI Lovers, Queen of Cups, 7 of Wands (x2)
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Pile 3, I'm glad I chose the beautiful red Peacock butterfly for your reading because this pile is incredibly bold! You got 7 of wands twice. It doesn't seem as though you're scared to stand out of the crowd to attract your next crush. Similarly, you want the same in your partner. You may be looking for someone who's strong and assertive, and maybe loves to put on a good show for people (as we have Mars in Leo here).
You could be into punk, or darker music genres. Your next love will be fiery, but won't show all their cards. They leave just enough detail for you to want to know more, I think they'd like to egg you on or tease you (but not in a mean way). This person could be way more intelligent than they may let on initially. You'll feel challenged by them, in a refreshing way. They may invite you to debate or play something competitive with them.
I think there's one thing that must be greatly noted with this pile, and that's remembering to stop and take some time for yourself. It doesn't mean stepping out of the dating scene. There's a fine line to walk between meeting someone who's very attractive at face level and the love that comes from genuine compatibility. Lovers speaks about integrating these two parts as one instead of thinking it's one or the other.
You also need to make sure to prioritize your own needs as well rather than get caught up in the heat of passion. I don't think this pile struggles at all with passion, but some emotional discretion is advised here. There could have been people surrounding past relationships who weren't really supportive of who you were with. Whether or not they were in the "right", it's left you a bit defensive over who you choose to be with. Please remember to take time away from every influence to listen to your own inner voice.
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Pile 4: Green (Emerald Swallowtail)
King of Pentacles; Stop, Pause, Goals, 23. Big Picture; 2 of Cups, XVII Star, XIV Temperance, 6 of Cup
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Oh wow, pile 4. Stop and Pause side by side, and then we have Goals on the bottom. Stopping goals! Says who?! Not you, Emerald Swallowtail, with the King of Pentacles in front. You must be a very career or school driven group. Money savvy, ambitious, and unafraid to chart unknown territory. You'll definitely be a catch for the next person you fall for.
Except it doesn't seem like you're in the mood for the dating scene at all. Not in the fun and casual sense anyway. You want someone serious and committed, right off the bat. Someone who's fiscally responsible and likely as driven as you. You want someone who comes right in, sits down, and presents themselves as a good partner as though they're interviewing for a job hoping the star will stand out of the pack. Mainly, you want to know exactly what you're in for before sticky things like emotions even enter the picture.
This pile seems similar to my pile 2. Maybe somebody in the past told you that as soon as you marry or get serious with someone, it's gonna affect your career or your stability and that sacrifices will inevitably be made. That seeking any kind of relationship is like stepping over huge boulders hoping your ankle won't fall through between the cracks. The thing is, emotions are already involved in this. Your next love will make you feel stable and secure, knowing that you don't have to push too hard to get by.
Moreover, your next love will LOVE that you're career oriented. They will not be threatened by your achievements. They can help you bring balance between the adult side of you that's disciplined and focused and the little kid in you who wants to play and explore. Your next love will help you expand beyond what you thought was possible in a relationship. You'll be half of a real power couple who can tackle anything together with forces combined.
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Pile 5: Purple (Emperor)
6 of Wands; Ideation, Open Heart, Hibernation, 2. Understanding; XII Hanged One, 10 of Cups, Page of Swords, 7 of Wands
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Hi, lovely pile 5! Your next love will simply make you feel like you're actually radiating. Notice all the little diamonds on the 6 of wands as well as the Ideation card? Your next love will feel more rare than diamonds, it will have you shining like one. There is such warmth with this pile, it's like the sense of having a good looking musician with a great smile gently guide your hand up on stage to let you be part of the show. Even if you're the shy type to stand back, your crush will rave about you enough to have you blushing. They'll root for your success even when you'd rather be modest.
I get with this pile that you may be slow to open up with new people, and that you would prefer to take your time in meeting someone serious. You may be just starting to dip your feet in the dating scene, perhaps for the first time. You're realizing that it's one thing to imagine what it'd be like to go out and meet new people, but it's another to actually do it. But I don't see any reason to worry too much here. Even if you come off as shy, people can sense the glow of your aura. You have a quiet but unabashed confidence and may attract that in your next partner as well.
If there's one thing I can advise for you, pile 5, is to avoid being over critical about who you would rather be or NOT be with. I mean overcritical about the little things. Try to avoid saying things like "I can't be with someone who chews too loud" because you could meet the love of your life where that happens to be their one and only flaw. If you allow compassion to rule here, then it will return back to you ten fold.
Your next love feels so smooth and romantic, your next crush will want to woo you. They will really go out their way to impress you and while they can be comfortable inside the house on rainy days, likely there will be chances to travel and share new experiences abroad. They'll love being with you but will work to warm you up to the wonders of life. They will yearn for your happiness, pile 5, your bliss will be their success! When your heart tells you it's safe, allow yourself to wander into a new adventure with someone who lights up your world inside and out.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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ms-taurusvenus · 1 year
What do You Need to Hear Right Now?
(Pile 1-5 from left to right)
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Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Energy changes and fluctuates. Chose the images carefully and go with your gut. Enjoy! 💗
Pile 1
[Cards: Four of Wands, The Chariot, Four of Swords.]
You've been worrying and experiencing anxiety recently over something. Is it a family matter or a fresh romance? You want to move forward with what is in front of you—this item that will lead to new beginnings—but your fear of the past is preventing you from doing so and making you anxious. You feel the need to shield yourself from whatever events have caused you to feel this way because you don't want to get harmed, or get hurt again. You want to move forward, take a leap of faith, and begin this fresh beginning despite how you feel. This individual has genuine intentions towards you, a portion of you could be wary of them because of your history.
Don't let your fear of the future or of change prevent you from starting this new chapter in your life. With these new encounters, your prior experiences will be helpful. Don't let a negative event prevent you from pursuing new possibilities, initiating new relationships, or finding pleasure. Since you can only do so much with the past, you must free yourself from it and go on. Use what you already know, continue to study and develop, and use it to help protect yourself. If you are injured again, it will only be another chance for you to learn, develop, and become the finest version of yourself and the person God intended you to be.
Pile 2
[Cards: Five of Wands, Judgement, Ten of Pentecles]
Regarding your goals and aspirations, there have been arguments and confrontations with you; nonetheless, this is something to which you strive and towards which you may or may not be receiving an opportunity. This might have to do with money, or it might be a creative endeavor. It might be expensive (e.g., paying xyz or needing a specific degree and qualifications) or risky, or it might take a lot of trial and error before you succeed and break into the sector. It's possible that you were already offered this opportunity, and when you went to share it with your family, tension and conflicts immediately erupted. Your life may undergo several changes once you enter this. Those around you may not be familiar with you because you may not know many of them.
Take this leap of faith without hesitation. You have been praying, dreaming, and aspirating for this. Great things, notably wealth and abundance, are on the way for you. These doubts won't hold water in the end, and it will be worthwhile. They might return to get you; there's a chance it might be for payment. This will alter your life, and while it occasionally may be too much for you, it will help you live the life of your dreams. You will learn a lot from it and change for the best.
Pile 3
[Cards: High Priestess, Ace of Wands RV, Seven of Wands.]
You've missed out on something, specifically an opportunity. You believe that all of the time and effort you invested in this was for nothing. You're exhausted. You can still feel as though you didn't achieve enough despite this feeling. Maybe you believe that you "Deserved" to pass up this chance. Even if you might not have been certain you wanted something, you nevertheless seized the opportunity since it presented itself. Perhaps there was anything you skimmed over or overlooked that caused you to miss this chance or something that will help you go where you want to go.
You're going to get something better. This could occur without warning. Make sure to heed to your gut and trust that your efforts are paying off. Keep your thoughts and worries about this scenario in check, and make sure your life is in harmony. But, consider how you may make the most of your abilities and how to seize the finest opportunity possible.
Pile 4
[Cards: The Tower, Moon RV, The Sun.]
Has your life undergone any significant changes? or unexpected twists and changes in your life. You've lately experienced something that has made you feel as if your life is utterly disorganized, trapped, and compelled to make changes. You believe that this scenario will last forever and that there is no chance for your life to feel stable or return to its previous state. sad and filled with skepticism about getting that back. You feel as though everything is moving too quickly for you.
Even though it seems like things won't improve, they eventually will. You will develop and bloom as a result, becoming the best version of yourself possible. Spend time with the people and things you love and appreciate, whether it's your loved ones, a great gift for yourself, etc. Keep in mind that this sensation won't last forever; have patience while joy and tranquility find their way to you.
Pile 5
[Cards: King of Cups, Four of Cups RV, King of Swords.]
Someone is attempting to enter your life; or did they recently enter your life? You might be dismissing this person, seeming disinterested in them, and rolling your eyes whenever they make an effort to show affection or tease you (not sure how to really .. describe this). This individual might be well-known or well-liked, which gives you pause and the impression that they are out to get you. With people being attracted to them, you can perceive them as a player, which strengthens this impression. You might feel this way because they might come across as harsh, frigid, and capable of manipulation? You wouldn't generally be interested in or hang out with this person.
This person is intrigued by you because of a certain quality about you. They desire to comprehend and know you. They are a devoted partner who wants to be with you. They might not first appear to be affectionate, yet they will grow to like you. Or perhaps they already do. They are sensitive to other people's feelings and capable of managing them (for the most part). If you do choose to join them, you two might push each other to become better individuals and to advance. But, this can breed competition, so if you don't like it, beware of that. Although, beware of getting bored of them.
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trolagygirl2022 · 7 months
hi mimi, can you do a reading on cha eunwoo's future romantic partner or fs? thank you❤️
Cha Eunwoo future spouse
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Ace of Wands rev, The Hierophant, 2 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, Ace of Cups, 7 of Swords, 8 of Cups, Knight of Wands, King of Wands, Justice rev, The Chariot, 8 of Pentacles rev, 9 of Cups.
They are a calculated maybe even manipulating person. I wouldn't say like in general but they are the type to manipulate people to get what they want. They are determined and know what they want and if they don't find what they are looking for they will go elsewhere. This person can be a bit hard to please and will very much show you if they are interested or not. They are quite traditional, probably Korean but I also feel that they could be a liar and have issues with being truthful. On the more positive side they are quite determined, "I want it I got it" type of energy. They only put effort in things they deem "worthy". Their energy is a bit masculine. This person is well off, either they come from a rich family or built themselves up they are rich. They will either have a crush on him or vice versa and it's possible for them just to flee and just be alone together. They are balanced and busy, possible earth sign?
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Dong Min
Stage Name: Cha Eunwoo
Group: ASTRO
DOB: 30.03.1997
Sun Sign: Aries
Chinese Sign: Fire Ox
Life Path Number: 5
Masterpost: Astro
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Lee Dong Min
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO)
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - XVIII The Moon (Selene - Illusion)
Eunwoo’s significant other shouldn’t be taken at face value. They might seem plain or even invisible but they possess great intuition. They literally flow through life and simply bypass difficulties or obstacles on their way. Their voice might be quiet, deep, and nearly hypnotic. Their eyes are usually veiled as they often introspect. Maybe they don’t talk often but when they do, it turns out to be true. Their intuition is more accurate than other people’s certainty, therefore they are considered to be very wise and perceptive.
Heart - 8 of Swords (Restriction)
While Eunwoo’s ideal partner’s intuition is casting the light on their way, they might feel trapped at heart. They might feel like others simply don’t understand them, and can't keep up with the flow of their thoughts. And it’s possibly true, as this person is likely highly intelligent and probably prefers to observe others and study them then to actually socialise. They might seem to be standing outside all the social circles, watching calmly and staying out of the drama.
Spirit - 5 of Wands (Conflict)
Seemingly calm and untouchable, Eunwoo’s destined lover is likely battling themselves deep inside. They might feel torn between the desire to stay above things and the need to actually share their ideas and thoughts with others. They genuinely believe they could make the world a better place, if only all those people quieted for a little bit and listened to what they had to say. Eunwoo’s ideal partner likes to stick to the facts and prefers to solve issues with a cool head while people around them are loud and easily give in to their emotions, which can feel frustrating and chaotic.
Soul - 3 of Cups (Friendship)
Deep down in their soul, Eunwoo’s special person is a warm and friendly creature. They might not know how exactly to express it, they might feel and act awkward when they try to show affection, but they truly care. They have a kind heart, good sense of humour and they actually love to smile and laugh. Only need someone to find someone who will actually make the effort to approach them and make them chuckle. Once they are close to someone, they become so adorable and playful.
Time - Ace of Cups (Tenderness)
It is possible Eunwoo already knows or met his perfect match. They might have become friends. However, Eunwoo will never consider them anything more until they overcome the natural shyness and show their more tender and loving side to him. It might come as a pleasant shock to Eunwoo to suddenly realise that the person he always considered to be reliable and wise, is also attractive in a different way. Once he makes this discovery, there’s no way back, though. Falling in love is inevitable and fatal.
Place - 6 of Wands (Triumph)
If Eunwoo decides to share a home with his special person, it’s gonna be a success on all fronts. They simply click, they create an inspiring and warm home full of fun, love and laughter. They might even incite a bit of envy in others as Eunwoo and his lover become stronger and more powerful when they are together.
Zodiac Sign - /
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lilly-chou-chou · 1 year
Greetings, (T/W: d3ath mention)
Little PSA but kpop tarot readers please for the love of God DO NOT do any readings on Astro's Moonbin because it is so disrespectful. His family, members, friends and fans are mourning and it doesn't matter who they are but please don't do readings on people who have passed, especially not with insensitive questions about how and why.
It has come under my notice that Astro's Moonbin has pas/sed away. It is such a shock to me and millions of fans as this was so sudden, he has left us and become a part of one of the star in the sky and I hope his family and members are getting utmost amount of love and support.
These days we have no idea how difficult and horrible life can be and how suddenly things can take turn for the worse. Take this time to mourn, heal and love. Look out for loved ones and spend lots of time with them 🩷
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thirddeyetarot · 4 months
hi! may i ask about eunwoo fs? thanks💝
Eunwoo future spouse
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Traits: seductive and doe eyes, Adventurous, affectionate, around same height as him, has piercings, blonde hair, younger (by 2y), ambitious, reeeaaalllly carrier-driven!!
Nationality: Europian, no specific country
Personality: To be honest a very good person!! I only got positive things about them. In any case, they are characterized by honesty and benevolence. They are very giving and can do anything for their loved ones. They have a pure soul. They only believe in serious and successful relationships and date for marriage.
How their relationship will go:
In the beginning, everything will be perfect, and as I see here, there will definitely be a marriage between them. They will have many good experiences together and be truly happy in the relationship, and I also see travelling. Over time, their marriage will deteriorate a little, mainly because of the conflict, but as I see it, they will solve it together and in the end it will be a marriage with a good outcome. I'm not sure about them having children tho its 50-50.
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theninthdoor · 9 months
hi🩷 can you add cha eunwoo on the list, please? https://www.tumblr.com/theninthdoor/728343501643956224/hello-my-friends-im-currently-working-on-some?source=share
right now he has a new drama coming on October and lately he has a new shoot with moon gayoung so we thought that shinshin ship is sailing haha
(I didn't look into his connection with anyone in particular! This is just a general love reading for him.)
|| five of swords, seven of pentacles: Although I think he has his eye on a particular someone, there's nothing going on between them as of right now. Work is definitely getting in the way of the connection and, to be honest, this might be a case of them having to chose between a romantic relationship & a work relationship. I also see him having some disagreements with this person, so I can't even pick up on any romantic feelings.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure 🌌🌠🌃
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Thank you for voting in my latest poll! I'm surprised and glad to see that Next Big Adventure won by a landslide! Seeing as we have the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th, it makes sense that we are collectively interested in seeing what the next chapter has in store. Please note that some of these other topics mentioned in my polls may appear in future pick a card readings, so stay tuned.
So without further ado, let's get into our piles! Pretend as though you are a Knight from your favorite tarot deck about to embark on your next journey. Please choose your mode of transportation:
1 - Plane 2 - Ship 3 - Motorbike 4 - Train
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Pile 1 - Plane
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Cards: Re-Evaluate, Pencil Sketch, The Pilgrim, Ceres - Nurture, Patience, 26. Protection - Finding What's Important; I Magician, 10 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, XIX The Sun Channeled Locations: Canada, Singapore, Morocco, Ukraine, Australia, Philippines, UK, New Zealand, NYC, South Korea
Hi pile 1, you've chosen to travel by air, bypassing all the long troublesome routes. After all, the sky's the limit! Isn't it nice to measure your distance by how the crow flies sometimes? You're ready to catapult yourself into the next big adventure; I can tell there's a lot of excitement to see what's ahead here. You'd rather get to the next phase of your life instantly yet with ease. This is likely the pile with big career goals, especially if moving or actual traveling will be in the big picture. Maybe you're dreaming of traveling by plane as part of your future dream job? You don't just want to get there, as great as that is--it has to be done with intention.
You're in the process of drawing out what your next life would look like. The future seems full of creative possibilities, but with Pencil Sketch next to Re-evaluate, you're being asked to pay attention to the details. How do you want things to go one month from now, and one year from now? As great as it would be to have an entire decade mapped out, it's unrealistic, but it doesn't mean you can't draft some concepts. You should have something in mind, though, instead of setting out with a knapsack and praying for the best. If your next career or long term project could be anything you wanted, are you going to hop into something for 10 years that doesn't end up panning out in your favor, or would you rather delicately test something for a year before diving in? Moving forward can be exciting, but if you're going by plane, you will need some coordinates.
I think your reading is super straightforward, pile 1. You've got a lucky edge going for you with the tarot cards here. Whatever kind of career goal you have in mind, you may have a chance to "make it big" at some point. That won't come without a lot of foresight and careful investment, however. Don't try to rush into any big decisions right off the bat. I occasionally see the Magician card as the one signifying "read between the lines". If any contracts get involved, be very careful and read thoroughly. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification. The ones giving you the contact would rather see you jump in it blind, but you've got the crafty Magician energy to help you out during this retrograde period.
As eager as you are to begin your next journey, you're being asked to consider what you want to grow over the long term. This reading wants to shift the focus away from the end goal, even if there's a message here about acting with intention. Setting intention doesn't mean straying away from the present moment to only consider what happens in the end. Part of paying attention to detail means being aware and present in what's happening around you. The present moment is a crucial aspect of your growth period, and it wants you to gently guard after and care for your goal as though it were a plant. You know the fruit of the plant will be ready to eat when it's there and fully ripened, but in the meantime you can enjoy its flowers and fresh budding leaves.
Enjoy the gentle growth process, because once you do start to take off, you may be shocked by how high you'll find yourself in mere seconds. The initial lift of the plane as it begins to run with the sky can give you a wonky feeling like your whole world is shifting and moving with you. Your sense of time can change, requiring adjustment. If you're unprepared, the change could feel overwhelming. Make sure that by the time you're ready for that big takeoff in your work or projects, you will have built up a solid foundation to ground you once you're ready to come back down to earth. That's how you'll build lasting success in your life's next adventure. Stay optimistic, because that positive shift could come sooner than you think!
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Pile 2 - Ship
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Cards: Limitless, Calla, The Alchemist, 10. Capricorn - Achieve, Express Love, 11. Invention - Burning with Passion; X Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Wands, VII Chariot, 10 of Swords Channeled Locations: India, Greece, Ethiopia, Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia, South Africa
The seas are calling you, pile 2, calmly asking you to take only what's truly needed with you. The water's may be choppy, but out in the expansive blue seas, you can feel connected to the coasts of the entire world. With a firm grasp of the ship's wheel, you designate yourself captain as you adjust your sails and set your sights for the hidden treasure that lies ahead--or perhaps beneath your anchor. You're entering your next big adventure lit up with grand ideas for what to do all laid out on your map. Over the vast horizon, anything could happen, and you could find yourself shaking hands with anybody new. This pile may be seeking proposals or offers of some kind, ones that will let you dream bigger than you have before. This pile likely has a good idea of where to go next, or at least some interesting things written down.
These cards ask you to make peace with some aspect of your past. It could be that whatever you had planned before didn't entirely work out in your favor. As much as the online community talks about how rejection is divine protection, sometimes having plans fall apart is not going to feel good, even when you're just glad it's over with. The worst thing can be the feeling of not knowing what to expect after a fall. But your next chapter is showing a lot of promise in things to come, so don't let your past be the omen of your future. The tides are turning right now, and if you can focus on what you'd like to accomplish next, you'll be able to shift those tides in your favor. The first step is to see that you've survived the bad times, and that in itself makes you a victor. With that, you can move ahead with more confidence than before.
That's the thing about Capricorn energy: it thrives in conditions that others would consider too harsh or demanding. It's the drive to take the roughest materials and make diamonds from them. Once you can decide to make peace with what you've gone through, you can take the nuggets of wisdom you've garnered to make a beautiful new path for yourself. You dissolve the worst of your experiences and bring them together to make it better, as the Alchemist card suggests. The difficult times and failed attempts were not for waste; you've gained a lot of valuable growth that will provide a smoother current toward success in your next endeavor. This could be the pile that wants to start a business. Please know that simply starting a business, or even taking the first steps to plan one, takes a lot of guts already. If you've managed to go that far, congratulations! It takes a lot of hard work for a new business to be survive the long haul. So celebrate your milestones, no matter how small they seem.
Part of what makes this next chapter so fortuitous for you is how the energy is transiting through. You could be hit with a wave of inspiration from out of nowhere. If you've been stuck in one place without any wind to carry you through the fog, be prepared for that big splash! All hiccups set aside, you're still brimming with a lot of zeal for your next idea. You may even receive a cascade of insight, so be sure to write these things down as they come. You never know if something silly and small could end up helping you out later on. Your next big adventure is going to put the spark back in you, with a feeling of having a second chance at life, as Calla lilies represent rebirth. Don't be afraid to get excited over what's to come, pile 2. Your faith that things will work out for the better is contagious, as is your gratitude for the accomplishments you've made so far.
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Pile 3 - Motorbike
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Cards: Breathe, Snowboard, The Heir (Rx), 5. Leo - Shine, Balance, 21. Resilience - Finding Your Limits; 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, Page of Wands, XIII Death Channeled Locations: Mexico, Italy, Midwest US, France, Norway, Egypt, Chile, Brazil
Your pile is like the fiery passion of the wands suit. Independent and bold, you chose to take open road for your next adventure, blazing a new path in front of your very eyes. You have an eagerness to take the world by storm, going wherever your first impulse wishes to carry you. This pile has a lot of drive to move forward to the next chapter with as much speed as possible, optimistic to find that next golden opportunity. And you're not afraid of a little showboating along the way. You even have the Snowboard palette card, which is a sport involving nothing but speeding down slopes and catching incredible air. This pile is the most excited for their next adventure.
Except actually, pile 3, you're being asked to slow down a little bit. And I get it! I get that this message can be so frustrating when you see what looks to be an endless highway yet the speed limit says 55. That might be a good pace for many folks, but for this pile it's not nearly enough! The thing to keep in mind is that this process of moderating your pace is for your overall benefit. See, you have the only reversed archetype card in all the piles. The card speaks of untapped potential, which is still there. It's simply saying that whatever you're seeking to do next, you're not totally ready because there is too much you're still carrying with you. To go with the motorbike analogy again, any leftover baggage from your past is going to weigh you down so it's in your benefit to review what you have before you can move forward. The more you let it go, the faster you'll be able to pick up the pace.
You have a lot to be proud of with how far you've come already. This pile likely thrives on challenges and sees overcoming them as a big part of spiritual development. Which can be true in many cases, and you demonstrate clearly that you're not afraid of what's to come next. It may come as a shock to you that your next chapter might be a little more quiet than expected. This is likely because, if you've gone through a lot of growth in your last chapter, it makes sense to have some downtime to balance things out. The Queen of Cups can be introverted energy, but she knows how to use her alone time to replenish her soul with art and meditation. You may have more time to spend by yourself steeped in creative drive rather than trying to accomplish too many things in the outer world.
This is one of the more spiritually oriented piles; over this next big phase in your life, your creative skills may flourish and evolve to another level. Maybe for a while you've been inclined towards artistic pursuits, but feel a desire to expand upon what you're already doing. With this energy, you're in alignment to have more time and energy to devote towards passions like painting, sports, or music. In this way, you can take that immense enthusiastic drive from the Page of Wands and channel it into something constructive or purposeful, even if you don't intend to monetize it.
Your next big adventure is tackling the speed limits that exist within you: the self imposed beliefs that tell you how fast you can go or where you're allowed to proceed. Thing is, in your inner world, you have a lot more freedom than you would on any highway. You can choose for yourself how you wish to manifest your passions into the world, and you can decide how much or how little passion you put into your work. Things like imposter syndrome can be their own mountains to climb, and this time around you're more geared up than ever to take it on. Once the spiritual mountains have been overcome, you'll be able to top anything the next chapter in life brings you.
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Pile 4 - Train
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Cards: Nucleus, Billiard Green, The Gambler, 44. Sixth House - Sustainability, Trust, 1. Vision - Contemplating the Future; XVIII The Moon, 10 of Wands, 3 Cups, XV The Devil Channeled Locations: West US, Sweden, Japan, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Slovenia, China, Germany, Switzerland
You've picked the solid, earthy pile of moving forward to your next adventure by train. Locomotion is slow but it's steady and reliable with time. Fully embodying the principles of inertia, once it moves it keeps moving, but it takes a lot of initial effort to get things going. Something you've worked on is slow going, but you're close or nearing the finish line. Once this is accomplished, things will move much more smoothly for you without so much push. Your next chapter will be steady, but it will be easier than before because it's already in motion.
I find this pile intriguing, y'all. You have Gambler above the Billiard card, and the Devil card shows a casino as well. It's almost bringing to mind old train heist movies. There's action, adventure, mystery, and a lot of fun here in this pile. Your next big adventure could involve having more chances to go out and have fun with friends. You could meet new friends around this time who will have a lot of extra pep in their step. They'll get you out of your shell if you've been in one for a while. Alternatively, if you see yourself as a party loving daredevil already, this new friendship may slow you down and protect you a little, in a good sense. They'll either be the head to your heart, or the heart to your head.
This pile is definitely more inclined to go with the flow in the next chapter. I almost typed 'glow' on accident, so perhaps you'll also experience basking in a 'glow' of some kind. You could be overcoming a huge obstacle at this time and look forward to more unstructured down time. You're encouraged to take time to enjoy yourself before moving to the next phase, but to also balance it out by taking moments to see where you'd rather go next. It's easy, after a huge achievement, to lose pace once the "now what?" sign is reached on your path. Go-with-the-flow doesn't necessarily mean 'fuck around and see what happens', lol. Try to find a middle ground here between playing and planning.
Your work-life balance will likely have some kind of pressure valve released like steam. You've had to really push for what you wanted this year. When opportunities looked scant, you had to tap in to your own power and immense resources to pull through. You've done so in flying colors. So your desire for freedom and thrills after a hard chapter is totally understandable. If you're not finished with something, there's almost a temptation here to run from it now and deal with it later. This isn't recommended; push through to the end because soon you will find yourself on the other side basking in the glow, and relaxing will be so much easier once you're fully done.
There's also advice to not get too carried away with material desires here. Your next chapter may have your finances fluctuating up and down, so try to stay steady with investments. If a windfall comes in, don't spend it all in a day. The Trust card here is talking about how you trust yourself with your resources and energy. When you're able to carry a greater amount with more responsibility, more will be added to you in due time. You're being asked to make small and consistent investments with wherever you're putting your value and resources into. Nothing wrong with wanting to splurge on something nice of course, especially if you've been working hard and you want to reward yourself. This is more to do with long term investments over the next few years.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
Decks Used: Tarotwave, Starcodes Astro Oracle, Citadel Oracle, StarDragons, Opal Oracle, Starlight Messages, Color Palette cards
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plutonianeris · 1 year
a message from 13 year old you ‧₊˚✩彡 [letter] 💓🍬
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this is a general reading. take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. ⛓️ *・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ if you feel guided to: tip jar💘 ✧.*
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Pile one ‧₊˚✩彡
"what did I tell you? I always knew it would work out in the end. I was always knew the pain wasn't going to last forever. It hurt to be treated that way by the people closest to me, especially the women in my life. there was always so much confusion growing up. people would say pretty things but there body language would show something else. I felt caged in my connections. But I always had some faith. I always had a feeling that the universe was watching out for me... for us. that it was sending us signs. that eventually I would be able to enjoy life to the fullest without feeling guilty for it. without feeling like I had to compare myself to the versions of me that they wanted me to be. I hope you know now that those versions don't exist. that we weren't born to be dolls for other people to dress up and control and shove words and opinions in their mouth and to gargle and spit back up. I doubted my intellgience so much.. underestimated my creativity. but looking at you now.. looking at us... I feel so proud. dont forget about me please! I always believed in you. even on those days where you couldnt stand to look in the mirror. I was on your side this whole time, its just that sometimes you werent listening. But now looking at you, you are everything I ever wanted to be. Im so glad I didnt give up. You deserve it all. the world. your dreams. im rooting for you. heres to more blessings and abundance."
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Pile two ‧₊˚✩彡
"remember the way everyone would make fun of us for the weird things we did? Our odd expressions and the questions we asked and how we laughed out loud and our desire to see the world. how it always labeled as silly. I know it had made us dull our self expression for a little while. How we forced ourselves to shrink down, to fake laugh to the mean comments, or "oh this? not a big deal" or "its not that good.." so many of those... just to blend in better with our friends and family at the time. to make them like us. to see if that would make them stop criticizing so damn much. I hope we no longer are letting comments like that slide. I hope we dress like the way we always wanted to in our head but were to afraid to wear out. I hope we didn't let the world extinguish our playful nature. life felt like heartbreak after another. what do you know about love? youre just a kid. they deformed the way we saw it for a long time. but not anymore. It makes me emotional.. the way you never let go my hand. and how you always carried me along with you in your heart. Of course, now you call me your inner child. Or I guess inner teen. Ha, inner tween. Thank you for always being my friend. I see now that you are always what I was meant to be. Out of all the stars in the sky, we shine the brightest, you and me."
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Pile three ‧₊˚✩彡
"you are so beautiful... wow we really are so different now. But I still see hints of me in you. in your smirk and your mischievous laugh and in your questioning glances and sharp stare when someone gets a little bit too close to our personal space. I admire the way your presence can make someone nervously glance away. I use to feel so powerless.. so many things I did to try to gain some control, even if it meant hurting myself and pushing away the people I love. I love how vulnerable you are. I really did see it as a weakness but looking at you now, it makes me realize how brave you are. of putting yourself out there despite the uncertainty. of taking that chance even if could end up badly. even if you could end up with a broken heart it seems like you no longer find sastification in staying in the darkness. I understand, its.. well, lonely... being alone. Do you think you could take me with you? That part of you... that is still afraid. do you think you could tell me? tell me that I am not broken or incomplete that there is nothing wrong with me. that I am not the worst thing that has ever happened to me or will happen to me. Reassure me? Tell me that some things we have to do even when we are afraid. that its terrifying and nerve wracking and makes our palms sweat. but then once we do it, it's glorious, it's liberating, it's everything we have ever dreamed of and more. I see it now. Take me with you. Do you see me? I see you. The way you look at the world and want to devour it. I see you now, with a crown atop your head. how you wear it so gracefully..."
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Pile four ‧₊˚✩彡
"So many times.... I was so close to giving up. to listening to that little voice in my head that kept telling me over and over again that there was no point. that the feeling and the ache in my chest would last forever. that it was always going to be me versus the world. me versus me. that everything around me would always be dull and gray and that I would always be blue. I doubted my self-worth so much. It was practically non-existent. I still do in some ways now when I pop up and invalidate the way you feel, shrugging my shoulders wondering if maybe we are actually deserving of this happiness... of this success. it feels foreign. like its not really mine.. well, ours. We're not in a really good situation right now and my parents are trying to hide things from me that im just too big now to pretend not to notice. they don't make me feel that protected anymore. and that hurts me a lot. whose gonna take care of me now? Im so glad youre here now. Im so glad we got to grow up and that we survived. and im so glad that now that we survive we can actually live. Thank you for reminding that we can let go now. that theres no room for a pity party anymore. thank you for letting me know that your'e not going to leave me behind. thank you for keeping my memory alive. thank you for looking back at me with kind and loving eyes. but most of all, thank you for fighting for me. I know I can easily lie and say "everything is fine" but thank you for showing me that it eventually it is. thank you proving to me that eventually I will say its fine. its okay. its great even. and that I, that we, actually mean it."
© plutonianeris
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jupitersrealm · 1 year
Saturn in Pisces - The Eight of Cups
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Saturn in Pisces is associated with the Eight of Cups in tarot. As we are now in the Saturn in Pisces period I though it would be interesting to see how it reflects the astrology, and the main themes to expect and be aware of.
My full reflections can be found in my blog post Saturn in Pisces Through the Lens of Tarot (Eight of Cups)
Do you have Saturn in Pisces in your birth chart? What are your experiences with this placement?
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leonaluv · 1 year
Wow! I'm shocked... their account is uploading teaser photos and there are two versions pure and impure, but in the impure version they are like innocent and calm and the pure version they are like dark and sexy… In the picture we can see a perfume bottle broken and each other have a scar in the forehead.
Just the teaser videos ! 🌸 They had the word Madness at the end , I know it means crazy but also Mad scientist vibes.
I know the scar symbolize something got to look at it later again.
Black & white that balance between Good & Bad . Pure vs impure getting in touch with your shadow side.
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thapsyrensays · 2 years
Listening to Fortune’s Wheelhouse Podcast and they are discussing The Hanged Man card in Tarot, specifically the Thoth deck.
I looked up the card image as I had never seen it before and saw there’s an Ankh by his feet.
The Ankh is representative of Venus.
The Hanged Man is Pisces energy.
Venus is exalted in Pisces.
Tarot symbolism is so dope.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO) - Relationship Role Analysis based on Tarot Cards Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Full Name: Cha Eun Woo
Stage Name: Cha Eunwoo
Group: ASTRO
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Cha Eun Woo
Cha Eunwoo - ASTRO
Spread: Relationship Role
Deck: E. A. Poe
Friend - 4 of Swords, XIV Temperance
Friend Cha Eunwoo is the calm and steady anchor in life. He’s the type of friend one can always rely on and count on to keep a cool head and give wise advice. He’s emotionally mature and balanced, a perfect guide and mentor. However he prefers to keep his privacy for himself so hanging in his home is not very likely. Eunwoo is also likely to ask for his personal space to be respected. He’s not cold but he’s probably not going to be the hugging type either.
Boyfriend - XV The Devil, 4 of Cups
It seems like when it comes to dating, Eunwoo can be a handful. It’s likely he has a strong libido and therefore he expects the physical aspect of the dating to come as soon as possible. He might suffer from tension and cravings ever since the first date. It’s likely for him to become possessive and controllable from the very first moment. If his significant other doesn’t feel the same and wants to take the dating slowly, Eunwoo is likely to lose interest and withdraw from the relationship, ignoring his love till the relationship inevitably breaks.
Lover - Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups
While being a bit of a pain when it comes to playing the boyfriend role, Eunwoo is likely to become one of the best lovers in his partner’s life. Once he’s in the bedroom, all the tension drops and he transforms into a sensual, passionate and most loving and caring lover. He’s full of… emotions and desire. Eunwoo is an exceptionally skilled and sensitive lover. Considering how much he always wants it, he truly enjoys love making like if it was a celebration. Prepare for some fireworks.
Husband - I The Magician, XIII The Death
Cha Eunwoo would give a lot of thought to the marriage institution before entering it. For him it’s a very serious matter and he knows that once he becomes a husband, his life changes completely. He would become a very devoted husband, cheating would be out of question. He’s likely to be the breadwinner of the household and the head of the family. Eunwoo sees a marriage as an accomplishment and he will do anything to make it work. When deeply in love, Eunwoo won’t hesitate to bring sacrifice, to transform or to move abroad if it’s necessary.
One-Night-Stand - 3 of Pentacles, VII The Chariot
Eunwoo might go for a one night stand if he’s pushed or hassled. Something like a drunken bet might make him seduce a stranger for a wild night because his pride urges him to win any bet. It’s probably not going to be something he would be particularly proud about but the fact he won the bet is something he might actually be happy about.
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l3xistentialism · 8 months
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LIBRA III 😴 | who woulda thought a 9th house transit could be so chaotic. I’m putting a lot of things to rest at the end of this season. Mindsets, relationships, shit that doesn’t suit or serve my highest good. I put a lot of mental energy into situations that I should just let play out naturally. My anxious brain will get it one day. I’m a fast learner but a slow adapter apparently. The upcoming eclipse in Taurus is already showing its ass & I just have to let things play out how they will. Letting go of expectation & just allowing myself to ride the frequency.
Thank you DC, thank you Thundercat, Coco & Breezy 😎
Here’s to me dominating while Mars, Mercury & the Sun ignite my 10th House 🦂
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ghostlyferrettarot · 3 months
🖤✨️Venus in the houses✨️🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
🖤🖤If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🖤🖤
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♥︎Venus 1st house: charming people with a flirtatious aura. They know how to get people attached to them ; love to compliment others but expect double the praise in return, they know they are a catch. This individuals are usually the life of the party, the one who unites the relationship/friendship group.
♥︎Venus 2nd house: This is the house of finances, so these people prefer to be pampered by their loved one. People with strong values and respect, they expect the same from their partners. They don't play, they want stability and seriousness in a relationship; most loyal and supporting persons ever.
♥︎Venus 3rd house: really flirtatious and persuasive. They value new experiences, they are attracted to other's personality and interests. You have to keep them entertained, they have an adventurous nature and can get bored easily when it comes to a routine.
♥︎Venus 4th house: These individuals have a really harmonious and protective nature, a fairy-like aura to them. They value comfort and openness in a relationship, they want to feel the love of their partners and create a special bond with them. These people tend to attract people with mommy and daddy issues, with an "I can fix them" vibe.
♥︎Venus 5th House: These are my luxurious people, they have high standards and don't care what anyone has to say about it. They are in love with love, their cheerful nature attracts them towards creative people and people who are in a position of fame or success. They are the muses of artists.
♥︎Venus 6th house: These individuals tend to manage many things at once, they thrive on self-improvement. Their love language tends to be acts of service, they are also attracted to truly selfless people. They can spot a lie from miles away, value trust, and expect the same from their romantic partners. They forgive but they never forget.
♥︎Venus 7th house: They have an attractive and persuasive personality, they are tolerant and charismatic. The 7th house is the house of agreement and partnership, so your luck will probably change after your marriage, your significant other may play an important role in your life. These people crave love and genuine connections.
♥︎Venus 8th house: They are very sensual and intimidating; tend to have stalkers and admirers. They value deep connections, people who truly understand and accept them. People with some type of trauma are attracted to them. You may be interested in occult sciences and have healing powers.
♥︎Venus 9th house: They have a happy aura and an adventurous character. These individuals are attracted to optimistic and adventurous people, those who value their beliefs and want to take risks with them. Venus in the 9th house attracts many foreigners as it may indicate a lot of travelling, you significant other may be from another country.
♥︎Venus 10th House: The 10th House governs public image, career aspirations, and career achievements which makes these individuals attracted to status. They are goal-oriented, always looking to improve, and expect the same from their partners. You will want to live a high-profile life and connect with influential people.
♥︎Venus 11th house: They have a calming and jovial personality. Easily attract many friends who would want to work and connect with you to grow your business. These are my "friends to lovers" trope, they value friendship over romance, which attracts them to those closer to them.
♥︎Venus 12th house: These are my artistic people, they have a lot of passion and compassion. They tend to be attracted to spiritual or helpful people. They value connections and are naturally drawn to others; They find much comfort in helping those around them. They are looking for a partner with good character and empathy.
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moodboard-d · 4 months
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