#Are you Ready? 準備はいい? (はーい!)
shireisasleep · 9 months
god i love positive dance time
ma mi mu me moya moya na kimi mo
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New Year! Black Cat Struggle | 新春!黒猫争奪戦
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Want to read along, but don’t have the game? Here’s a link to the event recorded!:
Event Period: 28 of December 2022 - 10 of January 2023
Featured cards: Chifuyu Matsuno / Keisuke Baji
Event box: Tetta Kisaki
Event pass: Shuji Hanma
ウッシ! 準備完了。着物も似合っちまうな、 オレ
Right! Finally ready. Man, I look real good in a kimono.
Anyways, what’s taking Chifuyu so long? He said he’d be here by 12… he overslept?
Whatever. I’ll go wake him up myself!
Chifuyu. Let’s head off to the shrine
What's up?If you’re already ready, why didn’t you come over?
I was gonna feed the cat before I left, but he’s not here.
Hm. It’s the new year, so he’s probably busy greeting everyone else, ain’t he?
[ CHIFUYU’S phone rings ]
Hm? Takemitchy messaged.
I saw Kisaki and Hanma at the shrine, and Hanma had this cat with them.
Chifuyu Matsuno
Hm? Takemitchy texted me.
While I was at the shrine I saw Kisaki and Hanma, but Hanma had a cat with them. Isn’t this your cat Chifuyu?
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Don’t tell me Hanma lured him away!?
That asshole…!
Let’s hurry to the shrine. We gotta get him outta there!
_ _ _ _ _
I’m not asking God for anything.
_ _ _ _ _
We found you, Kisaki!!!
Matsuno? What’s the matter? You’re out of breath.
Don’t play dumb with me. Where’s the cat you had earlier!?
It’s Chifuyu’s cat. Someone saw you and Hanma with him.
Aah, that black cat.
I knew it. You guys lured him out!! You ready for this!?
Huh? Wait a second-
You stole something precious from someone. You ready to get your ass beat?
_ _ _ _ _
Shit… Why am I the one who has to get beat up?
Quit hiding him. Tell us where he is.
If you mean the cat, he’s with Hanma.
Then you better call Hanma over here now.
I got it.
_ _ _ _ _
He said he’s on the other side of the shrine so we should go over to him.
He sure has the audacily, doesn’t he?
…You mean the audacity?
Yeah, that!
What a pain in the ass. Anyways, let’s go over to where he is..
Wait for us - we’re coming to save you!
_ _ _ _ _
ヒャハ。面白いことになってきたな♥Hyaha. This is gonna be interesting ♥
_ _ _ _ _
Ooh, you actually came. Is this cat really that special to you?
Of course he is! He’s a part of my family after all.
Family, huh… hmmm.
Hurry up and give him back already.
Come on, don’t be so cold.
I spent some time with this little guy, so I ended up getting attached ♥
Can’t I have him~?
ふざけんな!! いいわけないだろが!!!
Don’t fuck around!!! There’s no way that’s happening!!!
I’m taking you down, and taking him back!!!
Come at me!!!
Haha ♥
Alrighty then, that means if I win, I’m keeping him.
_ _ _ _ _
Now hurry up and hand him over.
…Don’t wanna ♥
はあ!? 何言ってんだテメェ
Hah!? The heck you saying?!
Now hold on, calm down for a sec, Chifuyu.
How ‘bout we just let him choose for himself?
You guys stand over there while I hold him, then I’ll let him go. 
You guys can call him over, and we’ll see who he chooses as his family.
Wait, hold on a second, I don’t think we should do it like this!
Even though he’s my cat…
I understand.
So I’m sure he understands just how much you love him.
Like, how would he ever choose Hanma who’s only spent a few hours with him?
Right! Let’s get things started~Go on!
Come here! Let’s go home and relax under the kotatsu!
No way,we can eat some grilled sweetfish together instead♥
Haah!? You’re not supposed to feed him all that salty food. Come on, come home with me!
You’d rather be with me than this annoying loser, right?
What, you want me?
Well well well, I guess I lost, huh.
Alright then, let’s head back home to Chifuyu’s!
W-wait for me! I’m coming home with you too!!!
You’re a cute little guy, aren’t ya.
何、場地さんに懐いてんだよ〜 オレの何がダメなんだ!?xxx
Huh, you’re really attached to Baji-san~ But what’s wrong with me then!?
Yo, Kisaki. It would’ve been better if you joined in instead of just watching, ya know.
I’ve already had enough of it.
So? Are you satisfied now?
You thought it was a stray cat, but then went out of your way to provoke Matsuno.
Aah. I wasn’t really interested in that cat, but it still turned out to be a fun first shrine visit of the year.
Matsuno aside, Baji is the one we have be wary of.
Don’t play with your toys too much.
Don’t worry, I’ll be quiet as long as you keep me entertained.
Let’s have some more fun this year too♥
You can view all my translations for Tokyo Revengers: Puzzle Revengers & Hypnosis Mic: Alternative Rap Battle in my discord: HERE.
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violettranslations · 3 months
Please Subscribe to My Channel (チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします)
はじめまして! ぼくはずんだの妖精 ずんだもん!
Nice to meet you! I'm the soybean fairy, Zundamon!
配信活動ってやつを始めてみたいのだ おまえら! チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします!
I wanna try this streaming thing. Hey, you! Please, subscribe to my channel!
何をすればいいのか考えてみる みんなが見てみたいことやってみる ありきたりじゃ見てもらえないから ぼくのパワーで強化効果バフをかけ盛り上げる 準備は完了 完璧な計画 必要なもんは少しの勇気だけ 刮目せよ 伝説の始まり いくぞやるぞ ホントにいくぞやるやる あっあ〜
Let me take a moment to think about what sort of things I should do. I guess I'll just do whatever everyone wants to see. But nobody'll watch if it's just the same old stuff, so I'll use my power to cast some crazy buffs and really get this party started! Preparations complete! The plan is perfect! All I need now is just a little bit of courage. Witness the birth of a legend! Here I go, I'm really doing it! It's actually happening, I'm doing it, I'm doing it! Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はこの企画 与えられたミッションを成し遂げる 熟練の技 巧みな身のこなしで 百パーセント 実力を発揮する ぼくの手から零れ落ちないように 一人残さず救いあげて見せる 慌てず騒がず落ちちちちついて いくぞやるぞ 一気にまとめガバーっと あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: I'll be taking on a special mission! With skillful technique and an adroit bearing, I'll display 100% of my true strength! Just watch me scoop up every last one without a single drop spilling out of my hands! Don't panic, don't lose your cool, caaaaaalm down— Here I go, I'm really doing it! All in one go, in this one fell swoop— Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いし��す なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はコラボレーション 対戦よろしくお願いします お願いします ぼくの強さ見せつけて理解わからせる ボコボッコにして あのちょ あのえ あの あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, this time we've got a collaboration! It's a pleasure to battle here today. Likewise. I'll show off my strength and make you realize how epic I am! I'll beat you to a pulp— Uh, wai- um—huh? Uh... Aaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします とーほく 高評価 ※きりたんを 拡散 いいね ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします たんぽ〜
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to *Kiritan's channel! Tohoku! Please, rate *Kiritan highly, share, and like *Kiritan! Tanpo~
さあということで 今回はこの企画 洗練された無駄のない走りで 誰より速く 美しく華麗に進んで〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: with polished, lean movements, I'll speed through faster, more beautifully, more elegantly than anyone ever—
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
おはようございま〜す ということで 今回は寝起きドッキリをするのだ 只今の時刻は午前5時半なのだ いまぼくはきりたんの部屋の前に来ているのだ 寝ているところを直撃して 寝ボケたきりたんを大公開してやるのだw あられもない姿が見れるかもなのだwww みんな準備はいいか? いくぞやるぞ いくぞやるぞ はっわ〜
Goooood morning! With that in mind, this time, I'm doing a wake up prank. It is, at present, half past 5 in the morning. I am just about to head into Kiritan's room. I'll land a direct hit while she's asleep, and reveal her derpy dazed expression to the world (lol). We might get to see something totally unladylike (lololol). Are you ready, everyone? Here I go, I'm really doing it! Here I go, I'm really doing it! Howwuhhh~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 やめろー チャンネル登録 するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 やめろー 拡散 いいね するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Stop— Please, Don't you do it— Stop— subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, Stop— rate highly, share, Don't you do it— Stop— and like! Yeah!
面白かったら 楽しかったら ���援よろしくお願いします
If you had fun or otherwise enjoyed this video, please consider supporting us!
(Tohoku Chorus Time)
たまに辛いことも あるけれど 見てくれる人がいる限り ぼくたちは 歩いてく だから おまえらの 支援 待ってるぜ!
It gets tough sometimes, but as long as there are people out there watching our videos, we'll be able to keep going. That said, we're both eagerly awaiting your patronage!
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel!
いつも見てくれて ありがとね なのだ これからもどうぞ 末永くどうぞ 宜しくお願い致します なのだ
Thank you all for watching all this time! Yeah! We're very glad to have you here from now throughout the many years to come. Yeah!
今日という記念日を忘れないように 誕生日に設定しておくのだ あ〜
Ooh, how about I mark this anniversary by setting today as this channel's birthday, so I don't forget— Ah~
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quirkydoodler · 5 months
マグダラなマリアの「ティータイム」 ・ “Tea Time” (Magdala na Maria)
Huge kudos to the help from two friends I had to help with the spoken parts :] this is such a quirky song, but it’s so fun!
Below cut are lyrics sectioned off in Japanese, Ro-maji, and English versions!
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<<SPOKEN>> さあ!休憩! みんなお茶の準備して!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム 七色のフレーバー 退屈 霧のように消える ティータイム お砂糖は控えめに お菓子が甘くなくなるから
<<SPOKEN>> クララ!アールグレイ!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム ミルクを入れるのは 渋くなる二杯目から
ティータイム 想いを馳せるのは はるかなる シルクロード
お酒なんてドラッグ コカインと一緒 時間の無駄よ 紅茶が一番
ティータイム ティータイム お茶は喜び お茶があれば大丈夫
<<SPOKEN>> ローズマリー! サボってるとあなたの分ないわよ!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム お茶に欠かせないのは バームクーヘン クッキー パウンドケーキ
ティータイム ババロアと フォンダンショコラ クレームブリュレ キャラメルシブースト!
お茶と甘いお菓子は いつだって一緒 離れはしない 君と僕の様に
ティータイム ティータイム 愛は喜び 愛があれば大丈夫
ティータイム ティータイム 水がなければ
ティータイム ティータイム お茶を飲めばいい
ティータイム ティータイム お茶は喜び
ティータイム ティータイム お茶があれば大丈夫!
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<<SPOKEN>> Saa! Kyuukei! Min’na ocha no junbi shite!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Nanairo no fure-ba- Taikutsu Kiri no you ni kieru Ti- taimu Osatou wa hikaeme ni Okashi ga amakunaku naru kara
<<SPOKEN>> Kurara! A-ru gurei!
Hai, kashikomarimashita!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Miruku wo ireru no wa Shibuku naru nihaime kara
Ti- taimu Omoi wo haseru no wa Haruka naru shiruku ro-do
Osake nante doraggu Kokain to issho Jikan no muda yo Koucha ga ichiban
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wa yorokobi Ocha ga areba daijoubu
<<SPOKEN>> Ro-zu-mari-! Sabotteru to anata no bun nai wa yo!
Hai! Gomen nasai!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Ocha ni kakasenai no wa Baumuku-hen Kukki- Paundoke-ki
Ti- taimu Babaroa to Fondan shokora Kure-mu buryure Kyarameru shibu-suto!
Ocha to amai okashi wa itsu datte issho Hanare wa shinai Kimi to boku no you ni
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ai wa yorokobi Ai ga areba daijoubu
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Mizu ga nakereba
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wo nomeba ii
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wa yorokobi
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha ga areba daijoubu!
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<<SPOKEN>> Come along! Break! Everyone get the tea ready!
<<SUNG>> Tea time The flavors of seven colors Boredom It disappears like a mist Tea time Go easy on the sugar Because the sweets will become less sweet
<<SPOKEN>> Clara! Earl Grey!
Understood, certainly!
<<SUNG>> Tea time As for adding milk Do so after the second cup, when it becomes bitter
Tea time The hurrying thoughts Of the Silk Road that becoming far away
Things like alcohol are drugs The same as cocaine They’re a waste of time Black tea is the best
Tea time Tea time Tea is a delight If you have tea you’ll be alright
<<SPOKEN>> Rosemary! You won’t get your share if you slack off!
Yes! Sorry!
<<SUNG>> Tea time The essential parts of tea are Baumkuchen (German tree cake) Cookies Pound cakes
Tea time Bavarois (Bavarian cream) and Fondant au chocolat Crème brûlée Caramel chiboust (pastry cream)!
Tea and sweet treats always go together They’ll never be apart Just like you and me
Tea time Tea time Love is a delight If you have love you’ll be alright
Tea time Tea time If you don’t have water
Tea time Tea time It’d be great if you drink tea
Tea time Tea time Tea is a delight
Tea time Tea time If you have tea you’ll be alright!
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aoharushiyo · 1 year
#merrychristmas / naniwa danshi [eng translation]
TITLE: #MerryChristmas ARTIST: なにわ男子 (Naniwa Danshi) COMPOSITION: 坂室賢一 (Kenichi Sakamuro), 佐原康太 (Sawara Kouta) LYRICS: 坂室賢一 (Kenichi Sakamuro) ARRANGE: 佐原康太 (Sawara Kouta) OFFICIAL MV: (from youtube)
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2
#MerryChristmas, Let's put a hashtag on it! Are everyone's preparations ready to go? Starlight twinkling and sparkling above colours the town in a party mood (Hoo Hoo) Just by seeing you, (Oh) all of my everyday troubles will be OK! (Yes!) If we match our smiles, we'll become invincible, see (Hey, show me your smile!)
We leave deep footprints in the snow on this never-ending night we wished upon the stars for That's right, on this beautiful night, let's gather around the cake and let the jingling bells ring on high Come on, let's get started already! Are you ready, alright?
Come on, together with us Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's have lots of fun! Louder! Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's fire it up! Let's shake up this party! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) Let's make some party noise! (Yeah!!) Come on, everyone together Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's spread happiness! [1] You're sparkling and shining too Let's play that music (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) and let it resound to the ends of the earth! Even though the scenery of white marks the end of the year, the feelings we have will never melt
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2
For you, who's been working so hard by yourself, we've got a message for you: Merry Christmas! Hurry, come on over here, to the sparkling Christmas tree we've decorated all over (Hoo Hoo) If you're worrying about all the small things that've got you down, (Oh) it's OK to forget them all for now! (Yes!) It'd be great if you could share it all with us, see (Hey, let us listen!)
I've got a present I chose just for you and I'll be the Santa to deliver it right to you That's right, on this special day, let's light the candles and let the jingling bells ring on high! Come on, let's get started already! Are you ready for the time?
Come on, together with us Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's have lots of fun! Louder! Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's hype it up! Let's get this party started! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) Let's sing and party! (Yeah!!) Come on, everyone together Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's spread happiness! My heart's pounding and beating so fast Let's play that music (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) on and on nonstop! Even if this holy night is about to end, the world will gather around and sing
The holy night I was so excited for as a child hasn't changed a single bit through the years I'll continue to harbour all my dreams and hopes from the past into the future, yeah…
#Merry, #MerryChristmas #MerryChristmas Are you ready, alright?
Come on, together with us Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's have lots of fun! Louder! Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's fire it up! Let's shake up this party! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) Let's make some party noise! (Yeah!!) Come on, everyone together Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong; Let's spread happiness! You're sparkling and shining too Let's play that music (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) and let it resound to the ends of the earth! Even though the scenery of white marks the end of the year, the feelings we have will never melt
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2 #MerryChristmas
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2
#MerryChristmas ハッシュタグをつけて みんな集まる準備いいかい? キラッキラに輝くStarlight 街に色づくパーティム��ド (Hoo Hoo) 日々の嫌なことなんて (Oh) 君に会えば全部OK! (Yes) 笑顔繋げば無敵になれるんだほら (ねえ見せてスマイル!)
雪に刻んだ僕らの足跡 星に願ったいつまでも続けと そうさ Beautiful Night ケーキを囲もう ジングルベル 鳴り響かせよう さあ始めよう! Are you ready, Alright?
Come on 僕らと Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃ楽しもう もっとDing-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃ弾けよう 揺らせParty! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 騒げParty! (Yeah!!) Come on みんなで Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong ほらハピろー!! 君もキラキラ輝いてる 鳴らせMusic! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 響かせてどこまでも 白い景色が終わりを告げても 僕らの想いは溶けない
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2
“Merry Christmas” たった一人きり 頑張ってる君にMessage キラッキラ飾ったクリスマスツリー 早くこっちにおいでよ! (Hoo Hoo) 少しヘコんだことなんて (Oh) 今は忘れてIt’s OK! (Yes) 全部話してシェアしちゃえばイイね! (ねえ聞かせて)
君に選んだ僕からのプレゼント サンタになったつもりで届けよう そうさ Special Day キャンドル灯をつけて ジングルベル 鳴り響かせよう さあ始めよう! Are you ready for the time?
Come on 僕らと Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃ楽しもう もっとDing-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃはしゃごう アガれParty! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 歌えParty! (Yeah!!) Come on みんなで Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong ほらハピろー!! 僕もドキドキときめいてる 鳴らせMusic! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 止まらないいつまでも 聖なる夜が終わろうとしても 世界が輪になり歌うよ
幼い頃のワクワクHoly Night 今になってもずっと変わらない 夢も希望もあの頃の気持ちで ずっと持ち続けていこう Yeah…
#Merry, #MerryChristmas #MerryChristmas Are you ready, Alright?
Come on 僕らと Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃ楽しもう もっとDing-Dong, Ding-Dong めちゃ弾けよう 揺らせParty! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 騒げParty! (Yeah!!) Come on みんなで Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong ほらハピろー! 君もキラキラ輝いてる 鳴らせMusic! (Let’s Clap, Clap, Clap) 響かせてどこまでも 白い景色が終わりを告げても 僕らの想いは溶けない
#Merry, #MerryChristmas ×2 #MerryChristmas
[1] ハピろー (hapilaw) is a campaign by lawson, a convenience store chain, and essentially is a shortened form of their vision, to ensure customers are happy and satisfied at lawson. this song was used in a cm, which you can see here!
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endekashi · 2 months
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Haven't heard from Endekashi, the guy who said he was going to Tohoku. He's probably just playing around, isn't he? You must be thinking, "Oh, no, But on the contrary, he was working. I didn't get his wife's permission, did I?
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Actually, there is a reason why I came to Iwate this time. I have a job as a guide for a group of people coming from Germany. It's work, work, work. I'm not just playing around!
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岩手といえばこの男。Iwate Backcoutry Guides の高橋孝精。その���ま今週末は岩手、秋田辺りでコラボツアーの予定です。ご都合合う方!是非とも!!
Speaking of Iwate, this man is Kosei Takahashi of Iwate Backcoutry Guides. I will be collaborating with him on a tour around Iwate and Akita this weekend. If you can make it! We look forward to seeing you there!
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As in Hakuba, the conditions in February were quite severe due to the rain. However, as soon as March arrived, General Winter returned. It snowed so much that the highway was stopped. We had no choice but to take a detour and enjoyed a thrilling drive on the downhill road with storong wind.
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It's my first time going to this mountain too. I'm looking forward to it, given the amount of fresh snow.
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They went to Hokkaido before Iwate. However, They could not to ski powder at all in Hokkaido. Today, They will definitely find it.
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This route has a shrine on the way! What a route to feel Japan!
Let me interrupt you.
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Near the summit, the wind was strong and it was a white world.
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Arrived at the peak! But we are about to be blown away by a blast of wind! Let's get ready to go down to dodge the wind a bit!
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Oh, this place is much better. Well then, let's go!
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It's f cking cold and the snow is superb.
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思わず彼らの中で、POB(Powder Onsen Beer)なる流行語が生まれてました。
We went to the mountain not expecting much, but we were surprised to find that it was better than expected. And the hot springs nearby were perfect.
They unintentionally created a buzzword, POB (Powder Onsen Beer), among them.
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On the second day, snow and wind were forecast for today as yesterday. We went to a forest route to shelter from the wind.
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At first, we walked for a long time through a gently rolling forest.
The snow is heavier than yesterday.
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A shot in front of a magnificent waterfall. A quick snap. I apologize for bending down so much so that you can rub shoulders with me.
The waterfall, which usually freezes over in mid-January, was flowing like water.
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Well, the slope is gradually increasing.
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Okay, let's go from here.
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The bushes are a bit noisy.
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When it finally opened up, there wasn't much slope left.
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Yay guys! I'll take a picture! Obviously, not very excited people. Ummm…. But it's still early, and there's no other place to ski but up here, so let's go for another run….
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But if they start climbing, before they know it, They will all be talking about something again. Nice vibes.
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Yo, come on! Nice!
They are a group of backcountry enthusiasts who go on these overseas backcountry trips once every two years, and they are making a video production of it. That's just the best, right?
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Members of all ages gather together, and everyone seems to really enjoy themselves.
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Ahhhh, that was fun…oshi! It's a hot spring!
P!O!B!(Powder! Onsen! Beer!)
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After descending the mountain, everyone hugged each other and praised each other's efforts. What a wonderful sight!
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This time I went to Matsukawa Onsen Kyounso. The path to the open-air bath is indescribably tasteful and nice.
Here is a sad news. Matsukawa Onsen's deepest attraction, Shouhuso, is no longer in business. Seriously? Too sad. Will someone with money please do it?
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In the evening, we enjoyed delicious Japanese food.
Well, I'm off to the mountains for a little overnight stay starting tomorrow.
I'll tell you how it goes after we get back down the mountain.
Please look forward to it.
0 notes
thyele · 1 year
あじまりかんさん「初の自主企画に向けて、色々準備を進めています! もう少ししたら詳細出せると思うので、今しばらくお待ちくださいませ🙇‍♀️ #あじまりかん https://t.co/Jmc74wEw66」https://twitter.com/ajimari_can/status/1647121940350656512
中島卓偉STAFFさん「#中島卓偉 ただいまリハーサル中! 先行物販終了! 開場後、物販再開致します✨ BIGCATにてお待ちしております! ※一部のキャッシュレス決済も取り扱い有り 昼公演 14:30開演 夜公演 17:30開演 🎸当日券あります🎸 🔥全席椅子席です🔥 #卓偉 @takuinakajima @bigcat_tweet https://t.co/wNcc6sDO3E」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1647095191038468097
舜4/23NEiN吉祥寺さん「急遽ユリくんに来てもらってギターを診てもらったけど、その場ではどうにもならず… どうもピックアップ交換になりそう💦 来月はちょうどライブが何もないのでしっかり治していただくとしますかのう(*´﹃ `*) 仕方ないので呑みにゆく。」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1647105749015998464
中島卓偉STAFFさん「【本日の物販】 物販でニューアルバムを購入された方にプレゼントする、ご当地アクリルキーホルダーです! 大阪は🐙たこ焼き🐙! 先行物販 12:30-13:30 昼公演 14:30開演 夜公演 17:30開演 🔥当日券、全席椅子有🔥 BIGCATにてお待ちしております! #中島卓偉 @takuinakajima @bigcat_tweet https://t.co/DFmvAqWSmt」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1647071847824101376
NakamuraEmiさん「本日下北沢ADRIFT みゆなちゃんイベント、「燦爛と春」 みゆなちゃんと カワムラサンと おまちしてます! そして私達の共通のアニキ ドラマー柏倉隆史さんからの最高な差し入れが!🍪☕️ とてつもない美味しさ。 ごちそうさまです! 15:00まではネットでもチケットも買えるそうです! https://t.co/pq2GE3Hr0r」https://twitter.com/nakamura_emi/status/1647108116256022529
首振りDollsさん「1週間切っております! Are you ready Tokyo?」https://twitter.com/KubihuriDolls/status/1647109624007626762
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「📢本日(4/15)20:00〜 YouTube[BUCK-TICK公式チャンネル]にて、 メンバーインタビュー番組 ⚜️BUCK-TICK 35th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL INTERVIEW⚜️Vol.2を配信❗️ ※アーカイブ配信:7月31日(月)まで ⏬ぜひ、ご覧ください😊 https://t.co/VAshHzg5xf ※本日20:00〜視聴ページ公開 #BUCKTICK #BUCKTICK35th」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1647117800425820160
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「\📢お知らせ/ 4月19日(水)東京:J:COMホール八王子よりスタートする全国ツアー 🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA-🔱のオフィシャルグッズを公開❗️ 商品詳細、先行販売、購入に関しての注意事項等は、 ツアー特設サイトの<GOODS>をチェック👍 ➡https://t.co/GkKdCHuNyl #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1647117800430006272
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「🔱BUCK-TICK TOUR 2023 異空-IZORA-🔱 \特設サイト更新❗️/ 🎫TICKET 「ご来場の際のお願い/公演・公演当日に関しての注意事項」の内容を更新。必ず、ご確認ください。 💖SPECIAL さまざまなツアー連動企画をご用意! 詳しくは<特設サイト>へ ➡https://t.co/hoO1Xx20f9 #BUCKTICK #異空 #IZORA」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1647117800467464192
Deshabillz2023年4月29日(土) 名古屋 MUSIC FARMさん「下唇なんかできてね? 押忍!ちょこ? なんかぁ、暇すぎてー徘徊したろかなてー、食ってねーよなんも 押忍!体は元気すからね #何かが接近してきている https://t.co/sYjs3lnSat」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1647127682495434753
清春さん「【live】live2023『alive』 4.26 ZEPP新宿 https://t.co/m3FHuhbDjo https://t.co/JahNyER7wJ https://t.co/X1rLrsrEhK @kosuketsuji0173 @yotsu_guitar @kurixxattica @elembokatombo #清春 #live #alive #ZeppShinjuku #emily @yutaro_artlove https://t.co/6xys3tJlFG」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1647129208408395781
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「櫻井敦司出演の 🎧FM COCOLO「THE MAJESTIC SATURDAY NIGHT」 今夜21:00~放送です✨ ぜひ、チェックしてください! https://t.co/W1aPtFrunC #BUCKTICK #櫻井敦司 #fmcocolo765 #MSN765」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1647137355495784448
Deshabillz2023年4月29日(土) 名古屋 MUSIC FARMさん「@shina1147 皆、スクショしておいて 押忍!是非!」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1647139665957343232
中島卓偉STAFFさん「まもなく夜公演! #中島卓偉 Version 3 夜公演 TAKUI SONGS ONLY LIVE 4/15(土) 大阪 BIGCAT 開場/開演 17:00/17:30 ◆NEWアルバム購入特典のご当地アクリルキーホルダー 大阪はたこ焼き! BIGCATにてお待ちしております! #卓偉 @takuinakajima @bigcat_tweet https://t.co/ddRc84Q4vV」https://twitter.com/helter_takui_st/status/1647143374452068352
一也さん「本日4/15はHOLLOWGRAMチケット発売日であり東京ディズニーランドの誕生日でもありキムイルソンの誕生日でもある そして母の誕生日である🎂」https://twitter.com/kzymtg/status/1647081840728215552
deadman_officialさん「【本日のオリジナルメニュー】 「FUZ TALK vol.02」 2023年4月15日(土) 大阪Loft PlusOne West https://t.co/8rVpwj3ca4」https://twitter.com/deadman_fuz/status/1647148651062661121
LIVE HOUSE CRESCENDO���ん「4/23(日)【もうじき!】 16:30-①QUAKEDOPE 17:30-②NEiN 18:30-③PROJECT BBA (HISAYOSHI,HADES,Kaz) 19:30-④ARESZ 20:30-⑤PROJECT GGE (HISAYOSHI,AKIRA,VEN,ユキ,Sally) ◆来場 https://t.co/6b09bForUi ◆配信 https://t.co/6x6suv2Xkt ◆投げ銭 https://t.co/dEouCR1VWe 必見!お楽しみに! https://t.co/LDKqroKcf2」https://twitter.com/crescendo_jp/status/1647143741474635776
Deshabillz2023年4月29日(土) 名古屋 MUSIC FARMさん「プレステ5てのを貰ったな 押忍!わーすごーい パイセンありがとう、元気もらいました #小美玉たかし https://t.co/UznUTd9gM4」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1647155362758537217
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「友達の家族と合流。 『川で遊ぶ服は持ってきた?』 『No!』 水着ショップみたいなとこ連れてってくれた。ソンクランは花柄を纏ったらいいとかで色々選んでくれた。何回も着替えてやっと満場一致。その服のまま店を出た。『川遊びは明日だよ』おばあちゃんに言われて着替え直す。カンチャナブリは40°🇹🇭 https://t.co/lwwNKA80dP」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1647156971425140737
洋一郎さん「KAVANEを掲げてもう10年 デザイナーとして、ブランドとしてあっという間の10年でした。 年相応って言葉に縛られずにこれからも好きな事だけを考えて生きていこうと思います。 最近音楽やりたい熱が少しでてきた https://t.co/t0q5GmZeQr」https://twitter.com/KVNC_hilo/status/1647159804937515008
yoshikittyさん「☆Amazon Merch on Demand で限定Tシャツを購入して投票☆ #yoshikitty のTシャツを買って投票  https://t.co/ZcgNyYc5hA ▼投票サイト WEB投票はこちら https://t.co/DFKCwu43kt #サンリオキャラクター大賞 #SanRio #YOSHIKI @YoshikiOfficial https://t.co/lSoVDjSxO0」https://twitter.com/yoshikitty/status/1647072260560404482
ybyyoshikiさん「#JAL ワイン通販 「ワイン頒布会」を販売 4月はアーティストの #YOSHIKI さんが手掛ける「[#ybyyoshiki ]カベルネ・ソーヴィニョン オークヴィル ナパ・ヴァレー 2017」 Yahooニュース(Aviation Wire) https://t.co/IEntWiBGtE @YoshikiOfficial @YOSHIKISTORE」https://twitter.com/ybyyoshiki/status/1637403219474395137
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「土曜のこの時間の池袋西口、なんか治安悪いなぁ😂ヘンなおっさんたくさんおるねん😅ま、あんま害はないからスルってるけど。。。 AKOちゃんと待ち合わせ中〜✨」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1647175077333704704
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「【YouTubeチャンネル】『猫好きYOUのきまぐれYOUちゅ〜ぶ』チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします❣️https://t.co/FB3DkcBE9v LIVE密着したり、チャレンジしたり、トークしたり、好きすぎる鬼滅コスしたり✨ #YouTube #鬼滅の刃 #THESOUNDBEEHD #鬼滅好き #鬼滅コスプレ https://t.co/R6d64XrsF6」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1489977350414487552
Yoshikiさん「Merci Beaucoup! #YOSHIKI "Les mille facettes de Yoshiki https://t.co/SVf3eRppzS via @lopinion_fr @yoshikimono @Yoshiki_Staff #France #lopinion #yoshikimono #fashion」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1647175908229533698
Yoshikiさん「2 million views. 200万回再生..🎶😛 #YOSHIKI https://t.co/msOYp5kiEK @xy___official #XY #CrazyLove」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1647178604613341185
千歳@アマミツゝキ/ヘルブロス/マクラカ壊死さん「今年の誕生日グッズはフォトブック📚 ・Ivy/大熊邦夫による撮り下ろし写真達 ・千歳初(?)のポエム ・各バンドでもオフショットページ有り 手のひらサイズです📕 ・フォトブック¥1.300 ・アクスタ¥1.500 ・撮影券¥3.000 https://t.co/4BqMp9pSXA」https://twitter.com/chitose_chitoru/status/1647173320499134469
Ivy darknessさん「俺のレンズが火を吹いた」https://twitter.com/IVY_DOPE_SHOW/status/1647181611904176128
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「そろそろ準備して向かいます。 21:00からね じゃまた後で https://t.co/nkOakamaKM」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1647187019402194944
詩梟 梨人🐰+.✨.研究・創作・作曲に集中したいので低浮上です。さん「#作曲 #作詞 #ボカロ #創作 https://t.co/FWCfylaZbO -もっちーきなこ- 歌 : 重音テト 作詞: Rint. 作曲: Rint. 初のボカロ作品です。 世界の片隅で小ぢんまりと趣味で色々なことやってますが、よろしくお願いします♪」https://twitter.com/LITTLECOLORARTS/status/1550604606626942976
Yoshikiさん「今レコーディング中、作曲も順調!😋 大きな発表、幾つも控えてる。。😱 I'm recording right now. Composing is going well. Some big announcements coming up soon! #YOSHIKI」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1647188128153862144
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『落成パーティー』 #アメブロ https://t.co/PmnYwPDxaw」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1647188991513620480
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「ワンマンまで1週間! グリム20周年記念 魔歴史を振り返る 2008年には17曲入りのフルアルバムを出しました この時のグリムが全て詰まってます ジャケットはまたも練魔絵人さん 名曲揃い!必聴やで! 画像見たら分かるけど ブックレット裏からは 「全然怖くないグリム童話」も載ってるよ (°_°) https://t.co/nUECiBsQHi」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1647189376668143616
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「雨が世界を洗ってくれる☔️ https://t.co/BstBTxkFKY」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1647189722048122881
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「ギター持ってきちゃうよな。 https://t.co/zWKzfd2Tc8」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1647190939621011456
Yoshikiさん「来週4/17(月)15:00~よりチケット一般先着発売! Tickets go on Sale 4/17 (Mon) at 3:00pm JST. #YOSHIKI #YOSHIKIディナーショー 2023 #世界一豪華なDINNERSHOW 【受付URL】https://t.co/3iNFsW3gH3 枚数制限あり 詳細 https://t.co/zGS4Zg4iZI #EveningWithYOSHIKI #BreakfastWithYOSHIKI https://t.co/Pk1FNOg0CX」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1647192138818682880
横山企画室さん「H.U.G Rec中 https://t.co/qKG1Wp9fnq #HUG」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1647193836270292993
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crnuo · 1 year
うたプリRepeat LOVE初プレイ感想(音也ルート)
音也くんのソロ曲であるTRUST☆MY DREAMは事前にたくさん聴いていたので、ゲームの中でこの曲が出来上がっていく過程に関われて感動したのですが、「不器用な愛のボリューム調節ができない」→「キスをしよう!」の歌詞の流れが完全に理解できて納得しました。一歩間違ったらがっつきすぎになるけど、ちゃんと優しいし愛にあふれているからなあ……首にキスマつけちゃったりとか、10代しかやらないやつ〜〜〜!妙にリアルで怖い………現役中高生にインタビューでもしてシナリオ書いたんか?
TRUST☆MY DREAMの制作過程でなんかかっこいいから英語の歌詞入れたい!Are you ready?とか!って言ってる音也くん、いいと思うよ〜って主人公に軽く流されてて面白かったな…ww
でも、彼が歌った「愛と呼べる木の下で」や「Ok, Hello World!」などから私たちが受け取れるものが今の彼なんだろうな。だってリピラブで「俺がいるべき場所はステージの上」「歌が一番気持ちを伝えられる」と音也くんが言ったから…
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pupa-cinema · 1 year
Village Man’s Store - 夜を走れ(Race Through the Night) - Lyrics English Translation
シビリシブルブラック intro:
行くぞ野郎ども! Here we go you pieces of shit! 楽器持ったか? Got your instruments ready? でゅぴでゅっぴでゅっぱ! Doopy doopy doopah! 今日のお前ら最高に狂ってる! You guys are batshit insane today! 準備はいー! Are you ready? せーの! Hit it!
止まらなければ朝日は来ないぜソレソレ If we never stop then morning will never come, come one come all 五臓六腑に染み込むリズムとソレソレ Along with the gut-wrenching rhythm we call out, come one come all
あなた世間じゃ爪引き者 In the real world you’re an outcast 闇で二人を隠さないとね Better hide these two in the dark 西へ向かってひた走ったら If you run like hell westwards 太陽だって追いつけない Even the sun won’t be able to catch up 愛のためスピード下げないで For the sake of love don’t you dare slow down 曲がり角二人の車は When they reached a corner, the couple’s car- 火花一つ散らすことも無く Without making a single spark- 空を飛んだ Flew up into the sky
誰にも見えぬ三文芝居さソレソレ This is a third-rate show seen by no one, come one come all 五臓六腑に染み込むリズムとソレソレ Along with the gut-wrenching rhythm we call out, come one come all
午後六時目を覚ますジリジリ Waking up at six PM all antsy 闇で埋まる時間を待ってる Waiting for the dark hours 休む事無くひた走ったら If you run like hell and never stop 夜明けまでには眠れるさ You’ll be able sleep before daybreak 冷えて尖るフェンスよじ登り You crawl up a cold spiked fence 油臭い空に届く頃 By the time you reach the oil-reeked sky たぎる血に唆されそうで My boiling blood is about ready to send me over the edge 恐くなるんだ And I’m getting scared
上は大火事下も大火事さソレソレ Above everything’s on fire, below everything’s on fire, come one come call 五臓六腑に染み込むリズムとソレソレ Along with the rhythm seeping into our bones we call out, come one come all
太鼓の様な Just like a drum it is 鼓動に突き動かされて Your heartbeat shakes me to my core 笛の様に Just like a whistle you are 音を出して息をする You make noise and breathe 人間は祭り騒ぎさ The person is a party ヒュルリ風と夜を走れ Along with the wooshes of the wind, race through the night
太鼓の様な音は確かに届いているのさ That drum-like sound is truly coming through 笛を鳴らせ1000の音を束にした様なエンジン Whistle more, like an engine packed with a 1000 sounds 夕闇合図踊り出す Upon the first sign of twilight we burst into dance 夜はまだ始まったばかり The night is still young
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hanarumi · 2 years
May 5th 2022
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9:12 AM · May 5, 2022: おはおはーーーー!!  おはおはおはー!!! 
これをテンション芸と言います Morn mornnnnn!! Morn morn mornn!!!
I said “Mornnnnn”
Didn’t I---!!!!!!!!
I call this ‘The art of tension’
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11:38 AM · May 5, 2022: 挨拶するだけでトレンド入っちまう俺のカリスマ Getting into the trend just by greeting, such is my charisma
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12:01 PM · May 5, 2022: ヤギの世界の検索欄?(Photo) This is the search section of goats’ world? Pic: Related searches: - Hana Celeb tempura - Tissue deliciousness ranking - Why is Hana Celeb soft - Tissue sweetness ranking - Don’t eat Hana Celeb - Adults who eat tissue (note Hana Celeb is a facial tissue brand, the name means sth like ‘Nose celebrity’ i think)
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2:12 PM · May 5, 2022: 勝手に俺がティッシュ食ってる事にするな!!!!!ネット恐るべし Don’t just go and assume that I eat tissue!!!!! The Internet is scary
2:17 PM · May 5, 2022: うーん 疑われるくらいなら本当にやってやろうかな 損してるよな。やってないのに疑われるって損してる Uumm. I’m actually losing, thinking ‘If I’m doubted then might as well just do it for real’. Feeling defeated, since I don’t do it but I’m still doubted
2:18 PM · May 5, 2022: まぁどんなに疑われても うん ティッシュは食わんよね。 Well no matter how much I’m doubted. Um. I won’t eat tissue
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11:56 AM · May 5, 2022: チキンタツタ食べた I ate chicken tatsuta
12:01 PM · May 5, 2022: バンズ:☆☆☆☆☆ パティ:☆☆ おいしさ:☆☆☆ 満腹感:☆☆ Buns: ☆☆☆☆☆ Patty: ☆☆ Deliciousness: ☆☆☆ Satisfaction: ☆☆
12:40 PM · May 5, 2022: 案件きた? Has the item arrived?
2:12 PM · May 5, 2022: 来たときの予行練習をと。 I’m rehearsing for when it comes.
2:22 PM · May 5, 2022: ★つけて評価するあたり皮肉ってんなてめえ  Mocking it by guessing and appraising it with stars huh you asshole
3:59 PM · May 5, 2022: 君のツイートをレビューする準備はいつでもできているよ I’m always ready to review your tweet, you know (note Sakata’s tone here is like in anime characters would say ‘Temee’ with like disgust/anger/whatever negative emotion which usually gets translated as ‘you asshole’ or similar stuff www which makes Senra’s reply to him funnier)
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2:25 PM · May 5, 2022: 坂田「食ってやるー!!」
坂田「!?」 Sakata: I’m gonna eat itt!!
Sakata-ke 1: wwwwww
Sakata-ke 2: Stopp!!!
Sakata: ...Gonna stop after all
Sakata-ke 1: wwwwwww
Sakata-ke 2: Thank godd!
Mysterious force: Even though it’s delicious
Sakata: !?
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8:30 PM · May 5, 2022: いぶくんのライブおもろかった Eve-kun’s live was interesting
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donamoeba · 3 years
[Translation] Germany Character Song: Prost! at the Festival
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[AUDIO LINK] from @hetalia-music​​​ sung by Yasumoto Hiroki (aph Germany)
「ついにこの日が来た…1年待ちわびたこの日が… お前たち!今日は飲むぞー!」
世界最大 ビールの祭典 大歓声 響く O'Zapft is!
何百万人もの友よ ひとつになって歌おう 準備は いいか? 解き放て!ハイテンション
今日は みんなビールで乾杯だ! マースが 暴れだす カンカンッ! 歌え 叫べ 踊れ 最高潮だ 肩を組んで 飲み明かそう まだまだ 序の口だ とばすぞ もう誰も止められない!
巨大テントで 永遠 Musik ヴルストかじり 何度もProst!
何百万人もの友よ ひとつになって笑おう もうベロベロだ 顔赤いだろ?気分は上々 Ja!
いくぞ みんなビールで乾杯だ! マースが よろめいて カンカンッ! 熱気の中 体温も 最高潮だ
肩を組んで 飲み明かそう 楽しく 酔っぱらってきたぞ もうフェストは やめられない♪
Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! さあ もっと盛り上がれ! Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! 笑いが 止まらない ハーッハッハッハッハハハハ!
今日は みんなビールで乾杯だ! マースが 暴れだす カンカンッ! 歌え 叫べ 踊れ 最高潮だ 肩を組んで 飲み明かそう おかわり! もう一杯 飲もう もう誰も止められない!
「明日も飲むぞ! 」
"tsuini kono hi ga kita... ichinen machiwabita kono hi ga… omaetachi! kyou wa nomu zo-!"
sekai saidai biiru no saiten daikansei hibiku O'Zapft is!
nan hyakuman nin mo no tomo yo hitotsu ni natte utaou junbi wa ii ka? tokihanate! Haitenshon
kyou wa min'na biiru de kanpai da! ma-su ga abaredasu kankann! utae sakebe odore saikouchou da kata wo kunde nomiakasou madamada jonokuchi da tobasu zo mou daremo tomerarenai!
kyodai tento de eien Musik vurusuto kajiri nando mo Prost!
nan hyakuman nin mo no tomo yo hitotsu ni natte waraou mou berobero da kao akai daro? kibun wa joujou Ja!
iku zo min'na biiru de kanpai da! ma-su ga yoromeite kankan! nekki no naka taion mo saikouchou da kata wo kunde nomiakasou tanoshiku yopparattekita zo mou fesuto wa yamerarenai ♪
Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! saa motto moriagare! Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! warai ga tomaranai haahhahhahhahhahahaha!
kyou wa min'na biiru de kanpai da! ma-su ga abaredasu kankan! utae sakebe odore saikouchou da kata wo kunde nomiakasou okawari! mou ippai nomou mou daremo tomerarenai!
"ashita mo nomu zo!"
"This day has finally come...this day we've been waiting a whole year for… Everyone! We're drinking today-!"
It's the largest beer festival in the world A loud cheering erupts O'Zapft is!
Dear friends in the millions Let's all come together and sing Are you ready? Let it all out! We’re in high spirit
Today, we'll all toast with beer together! The Maß are running wild, slam-slam! Go sing, shout, and dance. We're reaching the climax Let's put our arms around each other's shoulders and drink the night away We're just getting started, we're picking up the pace No one can stop us anymore!
Inside the huge tents, the Musik goes on forever We bite into our wursts, and shout Prost! over and over again
Dear friends in the millions Let's all come together and laugh We're already dead drunk Our faces are all red, right? But it feels so good, Ja!
Let's go, we'll all toast with beer together! The Maß are stumbling around, slam-slam! In this fervent atmosphere, our body heat also reaches the climax Let's put our arms around each other's shoulders and drink the night away We're all getting happily drunk Noone can stop the fest anymore♪
Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! C’mon, let's get the party started! Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra Hurra! The laughing doesn’t end "Haahhahhahhahhahahaha!"
Today, we'll all toast with beer together! The Maß are running wild, slam-slam! Go sing, shout, and dance. We're reaching the climax Let's put our arms around each other's shoulders and drink the night away Another one! Let's drink another glass No one can stop us anymore!
"We'll drink again tomorrow!"
292 notes · View notes
nonotranslates · 3 years
Translation of Hypnosis Wave - Fling Posse Team Radio (Part 1)
Please do enjoy this alongside the radio itself. The interactions simply can't be captured in words alone, especially since there's tons of fillers and parts that depends on the tone for context...
Link to Spotify
Link to Masterlist
<Fling Posse Division Radio>
[2:24] Opening
Ramuda: Hey he~y! So, are the two of you ready? 乱数  はいはーーーーい!じゃあ、2人とも、準備はいい?
Gentaro: Yup, anytime you’re ready. 幻太郎 ええ、いつでも。
Dice: Yeah! I’m ready too. 帝統  おう!こっちもいいぜ。
Ramuda: Then, shall we start?! On the count of one, two-! 乱数  じゃ、いっくよ?!せーーーのっ!
Together: Spotify HYPNOSIS WAVE! 3人  Spotify HYPNOSIS WAVE
[2:44] Introduction
Ramuda: Good evening☆ I am Shibuya Division Fling Posse’s Yumeno Gentaro! 乱数  こんばんは☆ シブヤ・ディビジョン Fling Posseの夢野幻太郎です!
Gentaro: *chuckles* Good evening. I’m a fellow Fling Posse member, Amemura Ramuda! 幻太郎 (笑)こんばんは。同じくFling Posseの飴村乱数です!
Dice: Aren’t you guys doing it the other way round?! The other way round! 帝統  お前ら逆になってんじゃねーか!逆に!
Dice: Ehh, I’m Fling Posse’s Arisugawa Dice. Please take care of me! 帝統  えー、Fling Posse 有栖川帝統だ。よろしくな!
Ramuda: Okaaay, and so today the 3 of us will be arranging dominoes and toppling them~! 乱数  はーい、ということで今日はこの3人でドミノを並べて、ドミノ倒しをしまーす!
Gentaro: Even though we can’t show you any video, please enjoy the lovely crisp sounds as the dominoes collapse. 幻太郎 映像はお見せできませんが、ドミノが倒れていく小気味よい音をお楽しみください。
Dice: That ain’t it! Why the hell are we making dominoes even though we’re doing a radio show?! 帝統  ちげーだろ!なんでラジオやるのにドミノなんだよ!
Dice: God knows how many hours it’s gonna take if we’re gonna arrange them one-by-one! ちまちま並べてたら何時間かかるかわかったもんじゃねえ!
Ramuda: Eh~ Dice will be the one stacking the dominoes for us though? 乱数  えー、帝統がドミノ並べてくれるんでしょ。
Dice: Why is it gotta be me?! 帝統  なんで俺なんだよ!
Gentaro: It’s based on the volume of work done but, they’ll pay you a fee, you know. 幻太郎 出来高制ですが、ギャラは払いますよ。
Dice: What? A fee? 帝統  なに?ギャラ?
Gentaro: Well, that was a lie though. 幻太郎 まあ、嘘ですけど。
Dice: I should have known! Damnit-! I got tricked again! 帝統  やっぱり!ちくしょー!また騙されるとこだった!
Ramuda: Yes yes! We’re about to start now! 乱数  はいはい!もう始めるよ!
Dice: Yeah yeah. 帝統  わかったよ。
Dice: On this program, every episode will have a different division appearing on the show to answer letters from the listeners. 帝統  この番組は、毎回ディビジョンごとに登場し リスナーの皆さんからのメールにお答えします。
Dice: And so, thanks for all these letters! 帝統  つーことで、メールたくさんサンキューな!
Gentaro: Then, let’s get started with reading the letters. 幻太郎 では、おたよりを紹介してまいりましょう。
Ramuda: Oui!*(idk probably just a random cute Ramuda noise)
[3:45] First Question ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gentaro: Here is a letter from Tokyo prefecture, Radio Name ‘Momoko!’-san, 26 years old. 幻太郎 こちらは 東京都 ラジオネーム( ももこっ! )さん 26歳からいただきました
Ramuda: Momoko! 乱数  ももこっ! Dice: Thanks! 帝統  サンキュー! Gentaro: Thank you. 幻太郎 ありがとうございます。
Gentaro: Good evening to everyone in Fling Posse! 幻太郎 Fling Posseのみなさん、こんばんは! Ramuda & Dice: Good evening!
Gentaro: My worry is… I hiccup at unsuitable times. 私の悩みは…タイミング悪くシャックリが出てしまうことです。
Gentaro: I’ve tried all kinds of methods to stop it, but nothing has been effective. 様々な方法を試して止めようとするのですが、どれも効果が出ません。
Gentaro: If you have any recommended way of stopping hiccups, please tell me. シャックリを止めるオススメの方法があれば教えて頂きたいです。
Ramuda: Hm hm hm. 乱数  うん うん うん。 Dice: Hmmm. 帝統  へぇー。 Gentaro: Hiccups, huh. 幻太郎 シャックリ、ですか。
Ramuda: If it comes out when everyone’s quiet, it sure can be embarrassing! 乱数  みんなが静かにしてるとこで出ちゃうと恥ずかしいかもね!
Gentaro: Hmm. I have heard that if you drink water, hold your breath, 幻太郎 うーん。水を飲んだり、息を止めたり、 Gentaro: Or insert your finger into your ear for about one minute, your hiccups will stop.     耳の穴に1分ほど指を入れるとシャックリが止まる、と聞いたことがありますね。
Ramuda: Huuh. 乱数  へぇー。 Dice: Hmmm. 帝統  ふーん。
Gentaro: And then, the classic is still, to surprise someone after all, no? 幻太郎 あと、定番はやはり、ビックリすることでしょうか。
Ramuda: Is that so? Then, we need to verify that! 乱数  そうか!じゃあ、検証が必要だね!
Ramuda: Dice! Do a hiccup!     帝統!シャックリして!
Dice: Haah? 帝統  はぁ?
Ramuda: Eh? I mean, to find out whether surprising someone will really stop hiccups or not, we have to test it, right?! 乱数  え?いや、ビックリしたら本当にシャックリが止まるかどうか、実験しないといけないでしょー!
Dice: I mean, there’s no way I can pull off a hiccup all of a sudden….. 帝統  いや、そんな急にシャックリが出るわけ…
Gentaro: It’s alright! If it's you Dice, you can do it! 幻太郎 大丈夫、帝統なら出来ます!
Ramuda: Come on, didn’t you hiccup-ed that other day? 乱数  ほら、この間、しゃっくり出てたじゃん!
Dice: Well, that’s true. 帝統  ま、確かにな。
Ramuda: Yeah, all the best! 乱数  うーん、頑張って!
Dice: Gnnn…….. Hi-Hiccup! 帝統  ぐぬぬ……しゃ、しゃっくり!
Ramuda: N...n-nnn??? 乱数  ん???…
Gentaro: That sure was unnatural*…… Can’t you aim for more realism? 幻太郎 わざとらしいですねぇ。もっと本物を追及できないんですか? Note: Yes, Dice literally just says the word 'Hiccup'... that's as forced as it can get...
Dice: I mean, this kinda stuff isn’t something you can pull off just ‘cause you want to-- 帝統  いや、んなもん出そうと思って(出るか!)
Ramuda: WAH!!!!!! 乱数  わっ!!!!
Dice: Uwohhhoh!! You surprised me! 帝統  ぎゃ!びっくりした!
Ramuda: How’s it? Got your hiccup? 乱数  どう?シャックリ出た?
Dice: Hah??? What's that about? 帝統  は??どういうことだよ。
Ramuda: I mean, since if surprising someone stops a hiccup, 乱数  いや、ビックリしてシャックリが止まるってことは、 Ramuda: Conversely, surprising someone should cause a hiccup, isn’t it?     逆にビックリするとシャックリが出るんじゃない?
Dice: Wha- The hell kinda logic is that?! 帝統  いや、どういう理屈だよ!
Gentaro: But, if Dice doesn’t hurry up and give us a hiccup soon, 幻太郎 しかし、早く帝統がシャックリを出さないと
Gentaro: We won’t be able to resolve this listener’s query.     この方のご相談を解決できませんねぇ。
Dice: So it’s my fault?! 帝統  俺のせいかよ!
Ramuda: Haa, that can’t be helped. 乱数  はぁ、しょーがないな?!
Ramuda: Then, let’s go to the next letter! Dice, you read it~?     じゃ、次のメールにいこー!帝統よんで?!
Dice: Is this really fine…..? 帝統  いいのかよ…。
Ramuda: It’s fine, it’s fine! 乱数  いいの、いいの!
[5:28] Second question
Dice: Tochigi Prefecture, Radio Name ‘Sweet shrimp’, 23 years old 帝統  栃木県 ラジオネーム( 甘エビ ) 23歳
Dice: Good evening to everyone from Fling Posse! 帝統  Fling Posseの皆さんこんばんは! Gentaro: Good evening. 幻太郎 こんばんは。 Ramuda: Sweet shrimp! 乱数  甘エビ!
Dice: I have a (laughs) habit where I can’t help but procrastinate on tasks that I need to do. 帝統  わたしは(笑)やらないといけないことを、ついつい後回しにしてしまうクセがあります。
Ramuda: Mm hmm. 乱数  うん うん。
Dice: Even if there are deadlines, I won’t do it until the day itself and will procrastinate until the last minute, so I always regret it. 帝統  締め切りがあっても、その日までやらずに先延ばしにし、ギリギリになってからいつも後悔します。 Ramuda: Hmmm. 乱数  うーん。
Dice: I’m thinking that because of Ramuda-kun and Yumeno-san’s work, you’ll have cases where you need to rush to meet deadlines. Normally how do you overcome it? 帝統  乱数くんや夢野さんはお仕事柄、締め切りに追われることがあると思いますが、いつもどのように乗り切っていますか?
Dice: -that’s what the letter says! 帝統  だとよ!
Ramuda: Hmmm…… 乱数  うーん…
Gentaro: Well… that’s… 幻太郎 そう…ですねぇ…
Dice: I mean, for this stuff, why not just cut the grumbling and quickly get it done with, that should do ain’t it? 帝統  いや、これさー、グダグダ言ってねえでさっさとやればいんじゃねーか?
Gentaro: Guhaaarghhhhh!! 幻太郎 ぐはっ!
Ramuda: Uugh! ….A-ahaha? Dice is saying something sensible?.... 乱数  うっ!…あ、あはは?、帝統が正論言ってる?…
Gentaro: When Dice is the one telling you that, it sure has destructive power…… 幻太郎 帝統に言われると破壊力がありますね…
Dice: Haa? But if you do it then it’s over right? 帝統  はぁ?だって、やってりゃ終わんだろ?
Dice: Then of course it’s better if you quickly get it done with, isn’t it.     だったらさっさと終わらせたほうがいいに決まってんだろ。
Ramuda: There's also stuffs that won’t finish no matter how much you work, okay! 乱数  やってもやっても終わらないことだってあるの!
Gentaro: That’s right. Even if you start early, your completion time will ultimately still be just barely before the deadline. 幻太郎 そうです。早めに始めても終わるときは結局同じ、締め切り時間ギリギリになるものなんですよ。
Ramuda: That’s why, it’s better to play around until the very last moment, don’t you think? 乱数  だったらギリギリまで遊んでたほうがいいでしょ。
Dice: Isn’t that strange? 帝統  そりゃおかしくねーか?
Gentaro: It’s not strange! 幻太郎 おかしくありません!
Ramuda: Moving on to the next mail-! 乱数  じゃ、次のメールにいくよー!
Dice: What’s with this mood….?! 帝統  何このテンション?!…
[6:36] Third Question
Ramuda: A letter from Toyama Prefecture, Radio Name ‘Red Bean’-san, 25 years old! 乱数  富山県 ラジオネーム( 小豆 )さん 25歳��方からいただきました!
All three : Thank you! 3人  ありがとうございます!
Ramuda: The three of you seem close, but is there any part of the other team members that you just wish they would fix? * 乱数  皆さんとても仲が良さそうに見えますが、メンバーの「ここだけは直してほしい」と思うところはありますか?*Note: i.e. is there any part of the others where you'd go 'I wish they'd fix just that part of them...'?
Ramuda: Parts that I wish they would fix? 乱数  直してほしいとこ?
Gentaro: Hmm, nothing in particular that I can think of. 幻太郎 ふーん、特に思いつきませんね。
Dice: For real? I was expecting I’d surely be told things like ‘stop gambling’ or ‘don’t borrow money’. 帝統  マジかよ?俺はてっきりギャンブルやめろとか、借金するなとか言われると思ったぜ。
Ramuda: But the thing is if Dice stops gambling and stops borrowing money, we can’t use that to mess with you, right?? 乱数  だって、帝統がギャンブルやめて借金しなくなったら、それをネタに遊べなくなちゃうでしょう?
Gentaro: That’s right. A hopeless person isn’t something that can change their ways just because you want them to. * 幻太郎 そうですね。ダメ人間は直そうと思って直せるものではありませんし。
Dice: I wish you guys would fix that part of yourselves…… 帝統  俺は、お前らのそういうところを直してほしい。
Ramuda: Then, let’s listen to a song~ Fling Posse’s Black Journey 乱数  じゃあ、曲を聞いてもらうかな〜 Fling PosseでBlack Journey〜
[7:19] <Black Journey>
[8:08] First Interlude
Ramuda:  Easy R
Gentaro: Phantom
Dice:  Dead or Alive
Together:  Fling Posse! Spotify Hypnosis Wave!
[8:22] Fourth Question (Part 2)
Link to Part 2 (08:22 - 13:39)
Link to Masterlist
Funnily, per the HYPSTER Staff Report, there were actual dominoes in a corner of the studio left by another show, which made Ramuda and Gentaro's eyes light up and they brought it to the recording booth to play with it until the show starts. Dice ended up arranging the dominoes during the break, and after the show, the 3 of them flicked it down to cheers and clapping. (Pls support HYPSTER and get a membership if you can for cute gems like these!! You get a cute birthday rap too, you know!! *i've translated most of it so feel free to hmu if you've subscribed but need help understanding it*)
For the hiccuping one, I've seen lots of people saying it's Gentaro scaring Dice but it sounds like Shirai to me? especially with his question afterwards, so I checked the J-wave website and according to the official script it's apparently Ramuda...... but I'm sure Gen scaring Dice is something that happens on a weekly basis anyway since it's their team tradition after all. Also, bossy chaotic Ramuda is the cutest...
Also please take note of how Ramuda will chant the listener's name if it's food-related! Cute... I wonder if this is in the original script or a Shirai adlib because of how Nozu lost it when Shirai did it during Dice's question...
I'm also loving how losing it about deadlines is a bigger feature in Hypmic now lol (prev radios, Hangout!!, etc...), KR is finally making good use of their characters' professions. We love the usual cool Ramu and Gen but we really really need more work-mode Ramu and Gen too, KR pls......
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
Obey Me Devilgram Posts and Comments: Makeup Time/Under the Cherry Blossoms
Three events until we’re caught up!
This would have been out a little earlier, but I fell into a rabbit hole of Classical Japanese verbs lol
This set is really interesting because I think we might have the first instance of the localization team straight up misreading a kanji.  It’s in the footnotes, but I wonder if you can find it just by comparing the official translations with my own.
Maybe either one works, but I triple checked my kanji and I have a feeling mine is more accurate.
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
And as always, we have the #devilgram rush tag and there’s a full transcript below the cut.
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A Camera, Hana Ruri-tan, and You
monSOLO: A nice hobby
Lucifer: Levi’s trouble when he’s angered
stn: As for me, cats and books
LordDiavolo: I’ve heard this song before
#CherryBlossoms #OshiAndOshi(1)
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Let’s Go Flower Viewing!
AsmoBaby: A party? A party?
Angeluke: Should I also bring something?
ButlerBarb: Young Master!  Why did you go ahead?!
Lucifer: That much is easy for Diavolo
#FlowerViewing #Magic
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Cherry Blossom Decorating a Loved One's Hair
DDSimeon: Is Lucifer having fun?
Mammoney: I sense a get-rich-quick scheme!
Beelzeburger: I sense food!
stn: Let’s get a special harassment ready
#CherryBlossoms #SecretForTwo
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Devildom-Style Flower Viewing
Belphie: Bring a pillow for meee
LordDiavolo: It’s a very beautiful flower from the Devildom
Angeluke: I won’t eat it!
BulterBarb: Please have a peaceful time
#FlowerViewing #DevildomFlower
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Makeup Transformation!(2)
L3V1: I want my oshi’s eyeshadow
stn: With those makeup supplies you’ll be dolled up and pretty
Mammoney: Ya gonna make money with that skill?
ButlerBarb: You’re very skilled
#Makeup #ThatsOurAsmo
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Let’s Play at Home!
Lucifer: What’s wrong, Chihuahua
Belphie: It’s peaceful
Beelzeburger: Looking forward to the souvenirs(3)
DDSimeon: It’s a kind world
#HandCream #Friends
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Painting Good Luck Charm
AsmoBaby: Flashy!  Amazing!(4)
LordDiavolo: Will I get one from you too?
L3V1: I want(5) gacha luck!!!(6)
monSOLO: It has a sorcery-related meaning too
#FacePainting #Wish
1. This was in a post before (I think the Devil’s Coast one?), but an oshi is your favorite member of a group/character in a show, etc.  Since it’s made its way into the Anglophone otaku subculture I didn’t translate it further. 2. This one is literally “makeover with makeup” so I did what I could to make it less redundant, and then it turns out it’s the same exact thing as they did in the official localization lmao 3. The localization makes him say “I’ve got the souvenir”, so I think they actually misread 待ってる (matteru - to be waiting) as 持ってる (motteru - to have) 4. He uses すごい (sugoi), which you probably all know by now, but using translations like “cool” or “awesome” sounded un-Asmo and using something like “great” or “wow” sounded almost sarcastic here?  Lol I did my best 5. The verb here can mean “to wish for”, “to demand”, “to seek”, “to request”, “to want”, etc. etc., but I think “want” is the safest here, since I’m think he’s directly asking Barbatos. 6. Wow two in one comment!  What could Levi be saying this time?  It’s not something I know much about, but he uses the verb 求む (motomu), which is actually an archaic form of the modern 求める (motomeru).  From what I know, 二段 (nidan) verbs like that one died out in speech a long time ago, but 求む specifically can still be found in some circumstances like hiring. *二段 (nidan) refers to how the different conjugations would split down two (二) vowel paths, as opposed to ichidan, which sticks to one vowel the whole time, and the modern godan which uses all five.  With a few exceptions, most nidan verbs mutated into ichidan verbs over time.
monSOLO: 良い趣味だ Lucifer: レヴィを怒らせるとめんどうだぜ stn: 俺で言うと猫と本か LordDiavolo: 聞き覚えのある歌だね #桜 #推しと推し
AsmoBaby: パーティー?パーティー? Angeluke: ぼくもなにか持っていこうかな ButlerBarb: 坊っちゃま!なぜ先に行かれたのですか! Lucifer: ディアボロならその程度簡単だろう #お花見 #魔法
DDSimeon: ルシファーは楽しんでる? Mammoney: 儲け話の気配! Beelzeburger: 食べ物の気配! stn: とっておきの嫌がらせを準備しよう #桜 #2人の秘密
Belphie: ぼくの為に枕も持ってきてー LordDiavolo: 魔界ではとても美しい花なんだよ Angeluke: ぼくは食べないからな! ButlerBarb: のんびりとお過ごしくださいませ #お花見 #魔界の花
L3V1: 推しのアイシャドウとか欲しい stn: メイク用品は飾って綺麗だよな Mammoney: その技術で稼げるんじゃね? ButlerBarb: お上手ですね #メイク #さすがアスモ
Lucifer: どうしたチワワ Belphie: 平和だな Beelzeburger: 土産を待ってる DDSimeon: 優しい世界ってやつかな #ハンドクリーム #友達
AsmoBaby: 派手!すごい! LordDiavolo: 君もやてもらうのかい? L3V1: ガチャ運求む!!! monSOLO: 魔術的な意味もあるからね #フェイスペインティング #願い
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gyakutengagotoku · 3 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Turnabout Successor, Part 3
Hey, guys, I’m back. It just had to take the announcement of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to bring me back into the AA fandom and back to work on this blog. No big.
I’ve gone back to add a few more entries to the last project update too (at least the lack of updates makes it easier to find those posts), so please check it out if you’d like. Now, I can finally move on into the infamous flashback case of this game.
Since this is a bit of a shorter one, I think I can get in the next part shortly before the end of tonight (I’m on PST), so look forward to that too! I’ll split up the posts ‘cause they’d be a bit long together.
> Phoenix Wright's case 7 years ago
> Court Lobby
<???> あ、パパ! おはよう! Ooh! Morning, Daddy!
<Enigmar> おお。よく来てくれたな。 Ah, I'm so glad you came.
<???> パパ‥‥大丈夫? いじめられてない? You OK, Daddy? They picking on you?
<Enigmar> はっはっはっはっはっはっ。 モチロン、大丈夫さ。 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I am fine, as always.
今日はね。このオジちゃんが、 パパを助けてくれるからね。 This old boy is here to help me, after all.
<Phoenix> (“おニイちゃん”だけどね) (That's "young man" to you.)
Note: Shadi Enigmar = Nanafushi Kagerou (last, first)
He calls him "ojichan" and Naruhodo corrects him with "onichan".
> Courtroom
<Judge> それでは、これより奈々伏 影郎の 法廷を開廷します。 Court is now in session for the trial of Shadi Enigmar.
<Phoenix> 弁護側、準備完了しております。 The defense is ready, Your Honor.
<???> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Judge> 検察側。どうかしましたかな? Is the prosecution ready?
<???> ‥‥いやあ。 こんなものか、って思ってさ。 I was just thinking, is this what all the fuss is about?
ちょっと、ガッカリしてたトコ。 Bit of a buzz-kill, really.
<Judge> “こんなもの”‥‥? "Buzz-kill"...? Is this some new kind of crime?
<???> 《サイバン》っていうから、 もっとこう‥‥ One of the worst. This is a trial, ja?
ハートにビリビリ 来るかと思ってたのにさ。 Where are the sweaty palms? The pounding hearts?
これなら、ガリューウエーブのギグ のほうが、よっぽどスリリングだね。 A Gavinners concert's got ten times the thrill this gig's got.
As expected, the judge isn't that dumb in the original script. Kyouya here expresses a bit of disdain for "this kind of thing" and the judge asks what he means.
<Judge> あの‥‥あなたは‥‥? Who... were you, again?
<Klavier> 牙琉 響也(がりゅうきょうや)。 Klavier. Klavier Gavin.
法廷をアツくするために 来たオトコだよ。 I came... to get the party started. Legally, ja?
<Judge> あなたが、あの。 牙琉 霧人弁護士の‥‥? Gavin? Defense Attorney Kristoph Gavin's...?
<Klavier> やれやれ‥‥こっちの世界じゃ、 アニキの方が有名、か。 Ah, figures my bro's more famous in this part of town.
"Let's get the party started" reference, GET!
<Phoenix> (牙琉 響也‥‥か) (Klavier Gavin...)
(デビューと同時に大ブレイクを  果たした、超人気ロックバンド) (Lead singer for the megahit band, the Gavinners.)
(《ガリューウエーブ》のボーカル。  場ちがいなボウヤだな‥‥) (You're out of your league, rock-boy.)
<Klavier> “場ちがいなボウヤ”‥‥おおかた、 そんなふうに思ってるんだろ? I know what you're thinking: "You're out of your league, rock-boy."
<Phoenix> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Klavier> デビュー曲《恋の禁固刑・13年》 が、いきなりミリオンセラー‥‥ True, my debut single, "13 Years Hard Time for Love", went platinum overnight...
そっちが遊びなんだ。 ぼくにとっては。 ...but that's just a hobby to me compared to this, ja?
<Phoenix> ‥‥よくしゃべる検事さんだ。 ...Talkative, aren't you? I like your affected Euro-rock accent, by the way.
<Klavier> いずれ、わかるよ。 ‥‥成歩堂弁護士さん。 I'm just getting warmed up, Herr Attorney Wright.
Sad to say, Naruhodo doesn't comment on any "American" or foreign accent he may have. Interestingly, his voice actor in all the promotional materials does speak with a distinct style that easily distinguishes him from his fellow Japanese, even if it isn't a different accent or dialect. It's a very subtle difference in how he intonates, I think. (If anything it's all the more disappointing that the US locale team didn't bring in a voice actor with a "Euro-rock" accent for Klavier in DD. They're the ones who came up with it! Maybe just couldn't get someone else for some reason?)
> Enter 1st Witness
<Klavier> ‥‥で。ダレ? きみ。 ...And you are?
<Gumshoe> ‥‥そういう聞き方をされたのは 初めてッス。 Hey, you were the one who called me up here... sir.
自分は、糸鋸 圭介 (いとのこぎりけいすけ)ッス。 Name's Dick Gumshoe.
所轄署の、殺人事件の 捜査を担当する刑事ッス。 I'm a homicide detective down at the precinct.
Haha, it's one of those things that can't be translated well, but Kyouya speaks to the detective in a way that reminds me of how stereotypical celebs talk down to their backstage staff. So Itonoko comments about how "This is the first time anyone's called on me like that."
<Gumshoe> とにかく。引退した天斎は、 ここ1年、入院していたッス。 Anyhow, the retired Magnifi's been in the hospital for the last year.
なんというか、ええと。 Hmm, what was it?
か‥‥“カンゾーにテンイ”した ‥‥その。 A mall-ignorant tutor or something.
あ。“アクセーシュヨー”に‥‥ ええと。“ナントカ”まれて。 Doing something to his liver, I think. Yeah.
<Judge> “むしばまれて”でしょう。 A "malignant tumor", perhaps?
<Klavier> “悪性腫瘍”‥‥つまり、 ガン、だね。わかりやすくいえば。 In other words, he had liver cancer.
どうやら、余命3ケ月‥‥ といったところだったらしいけど。 He had only three months left to live, in fact.
Aw, Itonoko trying to speak in scientific terms feels like a kid trying to learn words. He ends it with "something-marete" as if trying to cite the doctor, so the judge corrects him with "Was it spoiled, perhaps?" By that, I mean that it was adversely affected.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ Hmm...
たしかに、事実関係は シンプルかもしれませんが‥‥ The facts do seem simple enough.
なんとなく、スッキリしませんな。 But... something's not right.
<Klavier> ‥‥ほんの3ケ月ほど待っていれば、 被害者は、天に召される運命だった。 ...The victim was already climbing a three-month stairway to heaven.
‥‥なぜ、それを待たず、 “射殺”したのか? ...Why not wait for him to knock-knock-knock on heaven's door? Why shoot him?
<Phoenix> (そうなんだよな‥‥こういう  言い方も、アレだけど) (I wouldn't have put it quite so lyrically, but it's true.)
"Stairway to Heaven" and "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" references, GET!
In JP, Kyouya also puts it rather poetically, and Naruhodo comments on how the way he says it is a bit "out there".
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
> Check photo presented, select "shot something else", point to clown doll
> Press new statement (6th)
<Phoenix> そのヒタイ‥‥“ピエロの人形” だったのかもしれません。 But... it might have been the clown's forehead he shot.
<Gumshoe> ピエロで練習してみてから、 被害者も撃ったかもしれないッス! OK, so he practiced first on the doll, then shot him!
<Phoenix> 夜の病院‥‥いつ、だれが来るかも わからないのに、練習を‥‥? He "practiced" in the middle of the hospital? Anyone could have come in at any moment!
<Gumshoe> でも。ジッサイは、ダレも 来なかったワケッスから。 Yeah, but no one did come, did they, pal?
自分のモットーは 《イシバシを叩いてコワす》ッス! Besides, it's what I woulda done. "Always look before you shoot," I say.
In JP, his motto is the old Japanese idiom of knocking on a bridge before crossing it; aka be super cautious. The way it's written in English here, though, makes it sound like "Oh, yeah, I'd practice shooting in a hospital."
> Press 4th statement
<Gumshoe> はああ。あいかわらず、なーんにも 知らないッスね。アンタは。 What pile of sand has your head been stuck in all this time, pal?
《ザックとバランの早撃ち》 ッスよ! You never heard of "Zak & Valant's Quick-Draw Shootem"?
<Phoenix> なんですか? それ。 Huh? What's that?
<Gumshoe> 被告人の得意芸ッス。 One of the defendant's specialties.
真ん中に、���の子をはさんで ザックとバランが撃ち合うッス! Zak and Valant stand on either side of a girl!
すると、フシギッ! Then, they shoot!
魔法の弾丸は、 女の子をスルリと通りぬけて‥‥ But the bullets don't hit her!
ステージの上のあらゆるモノを 撃ちぬくッス! Instead, they hit everything else on stage!!!
そのとき、ステージで使われて いたのが、このピストルッス。 This was one of the pistols they used in their show.
トクベツなデザインで、 チビっ子に大人気だったッス。 Got a great design, huh? The kids love it.
<Klavier> コイツにあこがれて、警察官を めざした少年少女も多かったとか。 Many boys and girls joined the police because of that pistol, I hear.
<Phoenix> (なんだよ、“とか”って‥‥) (You know, that would explain a lot about the police force.)
In the source, it goes more like:
Kyouya: "Like how many boys and girls joined the police because of it." Naruhodo: "(What do you mean "Like how"...?)"
> Press 5th statement, acquire pistol
> Present pistol at 6th statement
<Phoenix> ピストルの弾丸は、 カンタンには手に入らない。 Oh? Where did he get the extra bullet? They're not so easy to come by, you know.
被告人が“用意した”と 主張するのならば‥‥ If you claim the defendant "had one ready"...
その入手経路の 立証を要求します! ...then prove to us how he got it!
<Klavier> ぐっ‥‥! Urk...!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ クッ‥‥クックックッ‥‥ ...... Heh... Ha ha ha...
さすがに、これで決まっちゃあ 盛り上がらないからね。 I had a feeling this wasn't over yet.
それに、ぼくにしてもね。 このまま終わったら‥‥ No... this party's just getting started.
ただのチャラチャラした お調子者のニイちゃんだし。 And I haven't proven anything yet, beyond my good looks, and startling record sales.
<Phoenix> (自覚してたのか‥‥) (And utter lack of humility.)
Kyouya: "Figures, it wouldn't be exciting if it just ended here. Besides, I can't let it end like that... Or I'd just be some jangly sucker who rides off on praise." Naruhodo: "(At least he admits it...)"
Catch you all later in the next one.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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[お中元?] 一ノ瀬学 (SR) [Mid-summer Gift?] Ichinose Gaku (SR)
彼氏がモテると大変? It’s rough because my boyfriend’s popular?
うん、今日はいけそうな気がするよ。 Okay, it feels like I can do this today!
All Episodes Translations : Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) Spoiler friendly : Translations under cut !
BF Series Masterlist
Chapter 1:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
こんにちは、一ノ瀬先生。何を読んでるんですか? Hello, Ichinose-sensei. What are you reading?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えっ!? わっ、ランさん……! Wha—!? Wh- Ran-san…!
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すみません、どうかしましたか……? S-Sorry, did I do something…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
い、いやいやなんでもないよ? びっくりしただけだよ。 No, no; you didn't do anything. I was just surprised, is all.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(でも、さすがにびっくりしすぎだったような……) Huh? Ichinose-sensei? Isn't that the one that's being targeted at high school girls…? あれ? 一ノ瀬先生、それって女子高生向けの……? (But that's still way too big of a reaction for simply being surprised…)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
! え、ええと、これは、その……。なんというか。 Er, umm…! This is, uh… How do I put this…
さ、さすがにわかっちゃうよね、君は女子高生だし。 O-Of course you'll recognize it at a glance! I mean, you're a girl in high school after all…
あ、でも! 僕が好きで買ったんじゃないから……! Oh, but—! It wasn't like I bought this because I like it or anything!
忘れ物らしくて、ここに置きっぱなしだったんだ。 I think it's a lost item; since it was left lying out here.
職員室に持って��って、保管しておこうかと思って。 I was thinking of bringing it back to the Staff Room and temporarily keeping it there.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
でも先生、かなり熱心に読んでいたような……。 But you looked like you were really absorbed in reading it…
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku ……………………はは。バレてたか……。 …...Haha. Guess I got found out, huh...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すみません。触れちゃいけないことでしたか? S-Sorry! Did I just overstep a boundary?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
そこまでじゃないけど……。相談に乗ってくれるかな? Not really, but… Will you talk to me about it?
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 2:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
相談、ですか? 私で良ければ、聞かせてください。 Talk? I'll hear you out if you're willing to let me.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ありがとう。……実はね、この特集を読んでたんだ。 Thank you… I was actually reading this special feature here.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
『今年はコレ欲しい! ガチ狙いホワイトデー特集』? "I want this this year! Special Edition: Let's aim for White Day, for real!"?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
もうすぐホワイトデーでしょ? お返しに悩んでてね。 White Day's coming up soon, no? And I'm a little at a loss as to what I should get as a return gift, you see.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ……。好きな人へのお返し、とかですか? Oh… You mean, you're looking for a return gift for someone you fancy or something?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ち、違うよ、生徒のみんなへ義理チョコのお返しだよ。 N-No. It's for all those students who gave me Obligatory Chocolate.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
義理チョコへのお返しなら、定番のお菓子とか……? If it's just something in return for Obligatory Chocolate, then how about giving them the classic sweet and the like?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
それがね、そう簡単にいかなくて、悩んじゃうんだ。 I mean, what if the students don't like it because I gave them the same thing as last year? Or maybe because it tastes strange?
去年と同じとか、味が微妙だと、生徒から駄目出しが。 Well… I'm worried about that, because wouldn't it be too easy then?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
そ、そうなんですか……? 先生も大変なんですね……。 T-That bad…? Looks like teachers have it pretty hard too...
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。高価なものはお互いに困るし、程々のお値段で。 Yeah. Something expensive would only trouble both sides alike, so it'll have to be something reasonably priced, at least 
後は美味しくて、喜んでもらえるもの。……難しいよ。 And it also has to be something delicious; something they'll be happy to receive. It's really tough…
ランさんなら、どういうお返しが欲しい? What kind of return gift would you like, if you were in their shoes?
この特集に載ってるお菓子に気になるもの、あるかな? Are you interested in any of the sweets on this special feature?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。そうですね……。 Hmm… Well...
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 3:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。どれも美味しそうで選べないです……。 Hmm… I can't really choose since they all look so delicious.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
あはは、わかるよ。美味しそうだし、かわいいしね。 Ahaha, I get you. They all look so delicious and, not to mention, cute.
味が想像つかない見た目のものも、結構あるし……。 There are quite a bit of things where you can't really imagine how they'd taste from how it looks either...
だけど、それじゃあどうしようかな……。……あ、そうか。 But, what should we do, now that it's like this…? Oh… Oh, yes.
味を確かめて買えばいいだけだね。うっかりしてたよ。 All I have to do is to buy it after checking to see how it tastes. I never thought of that.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
確かめる……? Check…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。ホワイトデーコーナーで試食しようかなって。 Yup. I'm thinking of going to try them out at the White Day corner.
片っ端から食べてみて、美味しいのを選べばいいよ。 I just have to start from one end of the line-up they have to offer, and buy those that taste good.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。楽しそうですけど、結構大変そうですね。 Heh… While it does sound fun and all, that also sounds like it'll be quite troublesome.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
まあ、たくさん食べ比べるとしたら骨が折れるよね。 Well, it's really a pain to eat them all and compare them as I go;
でも、みんなに美味しいお菓子をお返ししたいしね。 But I want to give everyone delicious tasting sweets back in return too.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(一ノ瀬先生、やっぱり優しいな……) (He's really nice after all…)
あの……。私も何か、手伝いましょうか? Err… Should I help you with something?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
それって、君も一緒に食べ比べてくれるってこと? You mean, you're willing to come taste-testing with me?
女の子の意見が聞けるなんて、心強いな。ありがとう。 Thank you; It's really reassuring to know that I'll be able to get a girl's opinion on this.
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 4:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(今日は、一ノ瀬先生とお菓子選びに出掛ける日!) (Today's the day I go Sweet Picking with Ichinose-sensei!)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
とりあえず、デパートに行ってみようかと思うんだ。 I'm thinking of going to the Department Store for now.
品揃えも良さそうだし、いろいろ比べやすそうだから。 They have quite an assortment there, so it'll be easier to compare things.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい。きっと素敵なお返しが見つかると思います。 Okay. I'm sure we'll be able to find some brilliant return gifts!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ランさんも、ホワイトデーには期待しているのかな? Are you looking forward to White Day too?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
うーん……。チョコは、感謝を伝えたくて贈ったので。 Hmm… I only gave out chocolates to convey my gratefulness;
相手に喜んでもらえたなら、それだけで満足です。 So I'm satisfied as long as the receiving party's happy with it.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
気持ちが1番ってことかな? ランさんらしいね。 So, it's the feeling that counts? Sounds like something you'd do.
でも、気持ちを込めた贈り物っていうのも悩むよね。 But even heartfelt presents has their own set of troubles... 
想いは目に見えないし、手作りも一長一短だし……。 Feelings are not something that's visible, so there are also pros and cons to handmade gifts…
ふふ。でもこうして悩むのも、また楽しいよね。 Hehe. But these sort of troubles are also pretty fun.
ランさんもバレンタインでは何を贈るか悩んだ? Did you also mull over what to give others during Valentine's?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい。どんなチョコにしようかなって、いろいろと。 Yeah. Lots, actually; like what kinda chocolate I should go with and the like.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
やっぱり。……そのとき、楽しかった? I knew it. Was it fun…?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。はい。とても楽しかったです。 Heh… Yes; it was very fun indeed.
—— —— ≿ -————✣⊹⚜⊹✣————-≾ —— ——
Chapter 5:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えーと……。ホワイトデー関係の売り場はどこかな? Err… Where are the White Day related things being sold at?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、催事場でフェアが開かれているみたいです。 Oh, it looks like they've opened a fair down at the Exhibition Area.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
よし。たくさん買うから、今日は頑張らないとな~。 Okay! I'll be buying lots of things today, so I really do have to work hard~
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
一ノ瀬先生、どれくらいお返しするんですか? Just how many return gifts are you planning to give?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うーん、50個くらい、かな……。 Hmm… About 50, maybe?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
50個!? た、たくさんもらったんですね……! 50!? You really got a heck ton of gifts!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。まず、生徒のみんな、それに親戚とか……。 Yeah. First, I got them from the students; and then from my relatives and the like...
よく行く書店のおばさん、定食屋のおかみさん……。 Like the old grandmother who runs the bookshop I frequent, and the lady boss of the set meal shop...
後は、馴染みのスーパーやコンビニの店員さん、かな。 And also the employees from the supermarket and the convenience store that I've been a patron of for years, I suppose.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
す、すごいです、一ノ瀬先生……。 W-Wow, Ichinose-sensei...
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
もらうだけもらって終わり、なんていけないからね。 I can't just take their gifts and leave it like that after all.
お中元やお歳暮みたいなものだからちゃんとしないと。 Mid-year gifts are like their Year-end gift counterparts, so I've got to do it right.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(ふふ……。一ノ瀬先生って、律儀な人だ��あ) (Hehe… He's such a conscientious person!)
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ん? ランさん、どうして笑ってるの? Hm? Ran-san? Why are you laughing?
君にもたくさん試食してもらうよ。準備はいいかな? I'm going to have you go on a taste-testing spree. Are you ready? 
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Chapter 6:
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
わあ……! さすがに、フェア会場は混雑してますね。 Whoa… The fair's really crowded!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。いろんなお菓子がいっぱい並んでいるし……。 Yeah. I mean, there are lots of sweets lined up here after all…
目移りしちゃうね。どこから見ていけばいいかなあ。 It's really difficult to choose; I don’t know where we should start off.
あ、ここにバウムクーヘンがあるよ。いい焼き色だね。 Oh, there are Baumkuchens here. It’s wonderfully baked.
じゃあ早速だけど、ランさん、試食してみてくれる? Now then, let’s get you started at once. How about trying it out, Ran-san?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
はい! ……わ、しっとりしていて、美味しいです。 Okay! ...Wow, it’s moist and delicious!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ありがとう。次は、クッキーの試食もお願いできる? Thanks. Could I ask you to taste-test the cookie next?
たくさん種類がありすぎて、よくわからないんだ……。 There are way too many different types of them here that I don’t really know which one to go with...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
美味しいです。でも、甘めなので相手を選ぶかも……。 They’re delicious. But it’s sweet, so I think it’ll be dependent on the receiver.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
なるほどなるほど。じゃあ、こっちのマシュマロは? I see, I see. What about the marshmallows here then?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふわっとしていて、優しい甘さで、美味しいです! Soft and fluffy with a gentle sweetness; delicious!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
じゃあ、次は……。こっちのチョコレートはどうかな? Then next up… How about this chocolate?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
……あ、意外とビターで大人の味です。美味しいです。 ...Oh, it’s surprisingly bitter; an adult-like taste. It’s delicious.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
そっか……。参考になるなあ。後は、こっちの―― I see… I’ll keep that in mind. Next, how about this—
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、あの、先生! ちょっと待ってください……! Err, wait a minute— Sensei…!! 
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Chapter 7:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ん? どうしたの? まだ食べてる途中だった? Hm? What’s wrong? Were you still in the middle of eating?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
さっきから、私ばかり食べてる気がします……! I feel like I’m the only one doing all the eating since just now!
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
あ……。そうだったね、ごめん。つい……。 Oh… You’re right. Sorry, I just couldn’t help it...
君が『すごく美味しい』『幸せ』って顔をするから。 Because you’re making such a “happy face” from how “absolutely delicious” it is.
次はどんな表情をするのか見たくなっちゃって……。 And it made me want to see just what sort of expression you’d make next...
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
そ、そんな顔してましたか、私……? W-Was I actually making such a face…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。見ていて、僕も幸せになってきたくらい。 Yup. So much that I was content just by watching you.
いろいろ食べてもらったおかげで、候補を絞れたよ。 I managed to narrow down the selection thanks to you taste-testing a wide variety of things.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
一ノ瀬先生は、食べなくていいんですか……? Are you sure you’re fine with not eating anything…?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
僕の味覚より、女子高生の味覚のほうが参考になるから。 Well, a high school girl’s taste-test review will serve as a better reference than my own.
ところで、ランさんが気になっているのって―― By the way, was the one that was to your liking――
このマシュマロじゃないかな? This marshmallow?
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
あ、はい。……私、そんなに顔に出ていたんですか? Oh, yes. Did it… Did it really show that much on my face?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
うん。……あ、そんなに赤くならなくても大丈夫だよ。 Yup. Oh… You don’t have to get that flustered by it.
いいことだと思うけどなあ。見てて飽きないし……。 I think it’s a rather good thing, actually. Plus, I won’t ever get bored of watching you...
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Chapter 8:
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
素直に感情を表せるのって、いいことだと思うんだ。 I think it’s good that you’re honest with how you feel.
君はそれが、とても上手だから……。 Because you’re very good with that...
あ……。えーと、それじゃあ、お会計してくるね。 Oh… Err, I’l go pay for this then.
マシュマロを中心に何種類か買ってみることにするよ。 I’ll just pick out a couple of different varieties from the marshmallow pile and purchase them.
すみません。このマシュマロを、とりあえず30個…… Excuse me. Could I get 30 of these marshmallows, for the time being…?
店員 Shop Employee
はい、ありがとうございます。 Absolutely, thank you.
お隣は彼女さんですか? 彼氏がモテると大変ですね。 Is that your girlfriend beside you? Must be rough since your boyfriend’s so popular.
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
えっ? Huh?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
えっ? か、彼女なんて、そんな、違いますよ。 Huh? G-Girlfriend? No, no; you’re mistaken.
僕らはそういう関係ではまったくなくて、ですね……! We don’t have that sort of relationship between us; right…!?
ど、どうしよう、あまり否定すると逆に変かな……!? Uh oh, oh no; will denying it only make it seem weirder…!?
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
ごめんね、ランさん。誤解されちゃったみたいで…… Sorry, Ran-san. It looks like we both got misunderstood there... 
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
ふふ……。私は大丈夫ですよ、一ノ瀬先生。 Hehe… Don’t worry about it, Ichinose-sensei.
一ノ瀬 学 Ichinose Gaku
だ、大丈夫って言っても、あの、その……っ! E-Even if you’re okay with it―― Um, err… 
水嶋ラン Mizushima Ran
(慌てる一ノ瀬先生って、ちょっと……かわいいかも) (I think Ichinose-sensei’s kinda a little cute when he gets all flustered like that...)
—— ≿ -————❈ ⚜  𝔉𝔦𝔫.  ♔❈————-≾ ——
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“What happened? Fuck…” I won again. Inupi looks so surprised. When did he think he had the upper hand, but now the tables have turned.
When did we start playing Othello in this hangout? It's been a long time since I started spending time with Inupi, who doesn't seem to want to go home. There is always someone at this hangout, but at this time of night, there is no one. It's not that we want to talk to anyone else. We aim at the time when no one is around and go to this place. But in the end, we had too much time on our hands, so we started playing Othello, which someone had left behind. No matter how many times we played, it was always me who won.
He looked at me as if he didn't understand why he was losing again. "So, in Othello, you have to put the pieces where you don't want to be put first. You can't win if you don't make the first move." "Yeah, I know..." I couldn't tell if he was convinced or not, and I couldn't help but laugh. Inupi, who was staring at the Othello board, noticed the smile on my face and muttered, "What are you laughing at? "
"Are you sure you don't go home yet?" Inupi asked without looking at me. I felt like he was trying to avoid eye contact with me. "Well, I'm still okay." In truth, I was not okay. My parents had welcomed my hanging out with my childhood friend Inupi at first. But since the accident, the Inui family had gone through a rough patch, and my parents found that Inupi had gotten into jail so they were very reluctant to hang out with him like this. I've been doing this and that to get around my parents' eyes, but I'm sure they've noticed by now. Especially since I was out of the house at this time of night. It would be strange if they didn't notice. I'm sure they know I'm doing something I can't even tell my parents about. They'll give me another hard time when I get home. "If that's the case, fine." I didn't miss the look of relief on Inupi's face. And I felt a sense of superiority spread, knowing that it was me who was getting that look. I don't know to whom this feeling of superiority is directed.
"Do you want to play again?" I had nothing to do and asked him with my hand touching pieces. “No thanks.” Inupi was staring at me. Inupi's face was unique. The large burn mark on his face, which would normally be perceived negatively, somehow worked to enhance his attractiveness. Whether he was aware of it or not, he didn't seem to be particularly bothered by it. “Wanna go home?” I stared back. "No, I want to ask you something." Inupi's gaze didn't fit the place where we usually talked about trivial things. “Are you enjoying earning money?” Inupi had never interfered in any way with what I had been doing, so I was a little surprised by the unexpected question.
Since that accident. I've been desperate to make money. There's not much a minor can do to make money. When I cut my way into the gray zone and created a system where money produced money I was filled with a sense of satisfaction that I had never felt before. At first, I told myself it was for Akane's sake, eventually Inupi's, but before I knew it, it was for me. I never thought about whether it would be fun or not. But I was obsessed with this game that had both good and bad returns as long as I played it. Inupi might have noticed that I was changing. "It's not like it's fun. But it's interesting to see the results." I answered honestly, looking Inupi in the eye. This is not the kind of situation where you can lie and deceive. "That's fine. But don't go over the edge too much. Inupi said with a slightly worried expression. I felt a sense of superiority spreading in my heart again, as he gave me such a look.
Inupi got bored as well as me and started playing with the pieces of Othello. “Do you think I can make money like you?” I couldn't help but laugh as Inupi looked innocent. I wondered if he would ever show these various expressions to anyone in the future. It made my heart ache a little to think about it. "It's impossible for someone who can't win at Othello." I said. “You’re right.” Inupi laughed.
We got ready to play Othello again.
「あれ。」 また勝った。イヌピーは狐につままれたような顔だ。いつの間に自分が優勢だと思っていた形勢が逆転したからだろう。 この溜まり場でオセロをし始めたのはいつからだろうか。家に帰りたくなさそうなイヌピーと夜遅く一緒に時間をつぶすようになってだいぶ経つ。このたまり場にはいつも誰かしらがいるが、この時間だとさすがに誰もいない。別に他の誰かと話したいわけではない。俺たちは誰もいない頃を見計らって、この場所へ足を��んだ。とは言っても結局俺たちは時間を持て余し、誰かが置いていったオセロをどちらからともなくやり始めた。何度やっても勝つのはいつも俺だ。 イヌピーはまたどうして自分が負けることになったか理解できないような顔で俺を見つめてきた。 「だからー、オセロは自分が置かれたら嫌な場所に先に置くんだよ。先手を打たなきゃ勝てねーぞ。」 「へぇ。」 納得したのかしてないのかよくわからない表情が面白くて、少し笑ってしまう。オセロ盤をじっと見つめるイヌピーは俺の顔に浮かんだ笑顔に気付くと少し不貞腐れたように「何、笑ってんだよ。」と小さく呟いた。 「お前、まだ帰んなくて大丈夫なのか?」 イヌピーは俺を見ずに聞いてきた。なんとなく敢えて目線を合わせないようにしている気がした。 「まぁ、まだ大丈夫。」 本当は大丈夫ではなかった。俺の親は幼馴染であるイヌピーとつるむことは最初歓迎していた。でもあの事故以来乾家は荒み、ましてや暴力沙汰によるイヌピーの年少行きを知った俺の親はイヌピーとこうして会うことを露骨に嫌がった。俺はあれやこれやとごまかしながら、親の目をかいくぐってイヌピーと会っていたが、もうとっくに気付いているだろう。ましてやこんな夜に家を抜け出しているのだ。気づかない方がおかしい。俺が親にも言えないことをしているのも薄々勘づいているだろう。きっと帰ったらまた小言を言われるはずだ。 「なら、いいけど。」 イヌピーの表情の中に安堵の色が浮かんだのを俺は見逃さなかった。そしてそんな表情をされているのは間違いなく俺なのだという優越感が胸の中に広がるのを感じた。誰に対しての優越感なのかはわからないけど。 「もう一回やるか?」 手持ち無沙汰のなった俺はオセロの石をいじりながら聞いた。 「いや。いいや。」 イヌピーは俺をじっと見つめている。イヌピーの顔は不思議だ。普通だったらネガティブに捉えられかねない顔の大きなやけどの跡は、なぜか近寄り難いほどにイヌピーの魅力を底上げする方に働いていた。本人もそれに自覚しているのかいないのか、特に気にする様子はみせなかった。 「なに?もう帰るか?」 俺も負けじと見つめ返す。 「いや。ココに聞きたいことあるんだけど。」 イヌピーの眼差しにはいつもくだらない会話をしている場所に似合わない重い空気を少し含んでいた。 「お前がやってる金儲けって、楽しい?」 今まで俺がやってきたことに対してイヌピーが何か干渉してきたことはなかったから、予想外の質問に少し驚いた。 あの事件以来。俺は金を稼ぐことに必死になっていた。未成年が金儲けでできることなんて少ない。グレーゾーンに自ら切り込んで行き、金が金を産むシステムを作り出した時、俺は今まで感じたことのない充足感に満たされた。最初は赤音さんのため、ひいてはイヌピーのためだと自分に言い聞かせていたが、いつの間にか自分のためになっていた。楽しいかどうかなんて考えたことはなかった。しかし、やればやるだけ良い方にも悪い方にもリターンがあるこのゲームに俺は憑りつかれていた。イヌピーは昔と変わっていっている俺に気付いているのかもしれない。 「楽しいとかそんなんじゃない。でも結果が出るのは面白いな。」 俺はイヌピーの目を見ながら素直に答えた。ここは嘘で誤魔化すような場面じゃない。 「ならいいんだ。でもあんまり危ない橋渡るなよ。」 イヌピーは少し心配した表情で言った。そんな表情をされている優越感がまた胸の中に広がるのを感じた。 イヌピーも手持ち無沙汰になったのかオセロの石を弄り始めた。 「俺にも金儲けできるかな?」 とイヌピーはとぼけたように言ってくるので笑いを堪える事が出来なかった。こいつの見かけによらない表情の豊かさは、いつも俺を楽しませる。この先、この色々な表情を誰かに見せたりするのだろうか。そう考えると少し胸が痛んだ。 「オセロで勝てないような奴には無理だろ」 と言うと 「そうだな」 とイヌピーも笑った。 俺たちはまたオセロをやる準備を始めた。
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