#Anyway fam ya this is what I'm here for
edenfoxi · 3 months
It took me literally forever in denial but I'm finally forcing myself to admit I'm genderfluid, I can never publicly come out but at least on the internet I am free. My ass is gonna be buying makeup and dresses in secret or smth bro, I can't be bothered to explain this to my mom considering she already can't handle me being a "binary trans guy" anyways.
From now on I'm some guy thing, maybe. I want my gender to be questionable and strange. Even if I have to mostly hide it since I still live with my mother. And don't have any friends, especially ND/queer friends that'd understand lol. Can't wait to tell my therapist tho, he's rad.
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Eyoooo, thanks for answering my last ask!!! anyways, gotta new one for ya, same groups if ya able but with a really pretty/attractive mc s/o like manhwa mc level kinda pretty. I can imagine kaito being somewhere along the lines of 'they tossed me over their shoulder and I've been on it ever since' with a little touch of internal screaming. I just wanna see if any of the boys would be flustered or have their ego stroked with having a really pretty s/o -👾
Thanks for sending asks in fam! This will be fun since I have so many ideas for these boys!
Being honest, his ego is entirely stroked by an attractive MC.
The one thing he finds a pain in the ass is all the gossip. He's always hearing some baseless rumor that someone is cheating or MC got surgery done or whatever.
It pisses him off to hear people talk about his beautiful/handsome partner like that.
Whenever he gets the chance to show MC off, he does and he makes sure their outfits are to DIE for.
Congrats! MC will most likely be spoiled with a new fancy wardrobe. (He would do this with any serious partner but it's AMPLIFIED with an extra attractive MC)
Whatever they need for their skincare or whatever routine they need. He'll take care of it. Just give him a list and he'll get someone on it ASAP.
The ego boost this man gets! OH MAH GOD!
He's not shy and he knows what he's about so he's not necessarily flustered, but he's definitely proud to land such an amazing looking partner.
A lot of others start referring to MC as royalty once they start dating, they start it sarcastically of course but when Tohma hears it, he flips it right on its head.
I mean like, using it to fluster MC: bowing, taking their coat, carrying things, etc (again, he'd be doing that stuff anyways) but he would take the time to fluster MC at the same time.
What i mean is like kissing the back of their palm and whispering against their skin something along the lines of,
"Only the best for my Prince/my Princess/ your Majesty/etc"
Kaito does not know how the hell he got here with them but he doesn't give a single fuck.
He will spend the first part of this new relationship in all of the self doubt, because In his mind, this could be a prank or some kind of mistake. But when MC shows him that, no baby girl this isn't a mistake..? Mans here thinks he's died and that MC really is his guardian angel.
He will try to spend what money he has to try and spoil them how he thinks they deserve. He's just really trying his best.
When Frostheim throws their fancy ass balls, Kaito is BEAMING with pride. Yeah, he's on the arm of the best looking person here! Eat it!
And when they dance with him, there is so much internal screaming going on. He's worried he's gonna mess up and make MC look dumb, but with some time he'll loosen up and have some fun.
Okay, another one with gossip. But its surprising not about the relationship itself. Its about each individual.
I think Luca and MC have separate fan clubs. I'm sure We've all seen that Luca has fans at the school. an extra attractive MC for sure has one too.
It all started with the two fanclubs talking shit about the other and spreading rumors. Like the usual rumors about cheating, or about how they don't deserve the other, etc.
However, there is a small part in each club that joined forces to try and spread gossip to break them up.
Ofc it doesn't work, Luca and his partner trust each other and do their best to communicate, so it doesn't really effect the happy couple all too much. I mean if you're gonna be subjugating a demon together, there's a LOT of mutual trust going on there.
Alan would be a bit more protective of his partner, because in his experience (*cough cough* LEO *COUGH*) more attractive people, aren't really fighters.
If and when MC manages to prove themselves capable in a fight, he'll back off a little bit, but he'll still be a little protective.
He'd try to do things he thinks MC would like, that he's not the most comfortable with. Like fancier dates, dressing up, going out, etc.
If MC wants to squash that, they gotta do it RIGHT AWAY, since in his mind, they're more attractive so they've gotta like the fancier stuff...right?
Sho is a guy who will take them out for rides on Bonnie (his bike) but he doesn't really care about their appearance.
Sure its a plus and all, but he doesn't care if their hair looks really good today, they're wearing a damn helmet when they go on rides.
He figures MC knows their stuff when it comes to appealing design, so he values their opinion on his project (those who know, know). He takes all their critiques on the chin and does his best to listen.
its still his so he won't let them change it entirely, but he'll for sure keep it in mind.
Okay if you think Luca and Jin fans were wildin, Leo's fanclub is WAY worse.
To start off, Leo will do small things with MC. Probably not show their amazing face too much.
It's a mix between wanting to keep things as private as possible and keeping them all to himself.
The internet being the internet, someone eventually got a pic of them together and people figured out that MC was this mysterious partner that Leo has been hiding.
Once the secret is out, he's full on bringing them into his content, like get ready with me's, matching outfit checks, etc.
On the down side, there's a LOT of MC haters out there. Leo typically ignores those comments, he figures their just jealous (of him or MC im not sure)
But if anyone even TRIED to threaten or do his MC. they're done. Their reputation might as well be in the trash. Leo is absolutely not above blackmailing someone to get what he wants so good luck to whoever fucked up that bad.
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rodeoxqueen · 7 months
Buckle up, because we're about to make (well, I guess more in this case have) some good domestic tunes! So, Dante and his S/O doing some house chores like doing dishes together or washing clothes together and chatting about the daily shenanigans in the Sparda fam? I just need some good slice-of-life-y with my man and delivered by you is truly a delight, dear Rodeo! It's also my first time requesting on non-anon here, btw hehe, cherry kisses for ya! ❤
HOWDY HOW YOU DOIN'?? Here's some headcanons for domestic Dante. I'm a bit burnt out from school but this is what I was able to write in my spare time.
Being Domestic With Dante!
Expect that if you don't do chores with Dante, he won't do them himself. He loves your attention and begrudgingly does chores with you to spend more time with his beloved.
Especially dishes. God he hates dishes.
And LAUNDRY. He'd rather just buy more clothes.
So when you first start dating, you get your work cut out for you.
Eventually, you and him form a symbiotic relationship with keeping house. If you both do it together, you're positively unstoppable.
Dante loves to talk and you often find yourselves gossiping like middle school girls over a rack of dishes to clean and dry.
He'll always squeeze in a little hip bump as he is an audaciously flirty man no matter how long into the relationship you guys are in.
If you bend over to grab the laundry from the machine, just expect a swat to your ass as this man cannot help himself.
Dante is a bit of a bum when it comes to doing laundry regardless, so it's a good thing you're here to help him with it.
He also knows what you can do in your spare time while you wait for the machines to do their thing ;).
Dante puts the dishes up higher and cleaning supplies where you cannot reach so you have to ask for his help. He also likes to see you on your tippy toes anyways.
Dante starts looking forward to Sundays when you two keep house.
You can find him sliding along the hallways in his white socks while singing a song, dusting as he goes along.
"Hey babe?" you ask, looking for the detergent.
"Yeah-*CRASH*" Dante is cut off, his smooth path deterred as he trips over the carpet from sliding around.
What a mess.
It's nice to have you there to keep your shared home nice. When Dante was younger, he was alone so it didn't matter what the place looked like.
However now, he's got a sweet doll like you in his life to make sure that everything is in tip top shape.
He's so grateful for the fact that there is work to be done around the house.
It means more time with you <3.
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: Last Twilight In Phuket and I Promised You The Moon Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I conclude my thoughts on Nadao Bangkok's trio of shows, from I Told Sunset About You, to Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You The Moon.]
Whew! I needed to take a quick break from the OGMMTVC slate of reviews to live life: I moved domiciles, and took myself on a therapeutic journey of rewatching the very long and intense series that is Until We Meet Again (I therapize in weird ways, fam), but anyway! Ya girl is BACK on her bullshit, and I am finally reviewing (heads-up, dear @shortpplfedup!) the utterly wonderful Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You the Moon, ending the Nadao Bangkok section of this project that started with I Told Sunset About You.
Just to take a quick 10,000-foot-look at these three shows together: repeating myself from my ITSAY review, we know that ITSAY, LTIP, and IPYTM are on the OGMMTVC list as THE prestige BLs of Thailand -- the BL dramas that likely cost the most money to make, and that took the most solid cinematic turn of any of the BLs on this list. And they are centered and cemented by the mindblowing performances of PP Krit and Billkin Putthipong, who were both up for the very remarkable challenge of making theater-level content in two short series and one special episode. (For my tastes? We don't see this level of acting again until Bad Buddy -- but I'm a BBS girlie and thus very biased. But anyway!)
Forgive me as I pen this review a little differently from my previous ones where I lay out an outline, because the dominant thought I have about LTIP and IPYTM was that I will forever respect Nadao Bangkok for going in totally different directions with each piece in the ITSAY framework.
I spent a great amount of time in my ITSAY review celebrating the show's very intentional conversation about place by way of Phuket, and how the history of immigration and the demographic landscape of Phuket so very deeply influenced the layers of meaning in that show (and I thank the WONDERFUL @telomeke once more for spending so much time with me talking about this!).
As we needed a bridge from Phuket to Bangkok: I just love that Boss Naruebet, the main screenwriter and director for both ITSAY and Last Twilight in Phuket, took the time to create a singular episode in LTIP about place, and centering place for the sake of our two beloved leads, Teh and Oh-aew, in order to hammer home ever more deeply what Phuket meant to them, to Boss, and what Phuket should mean to us as the viewers.
Besides the gorgeous celebration of the spaces that meant so much to Teh and Oh-aew -- of course, what we also saw in LTIP was how time can change places. How the boys couldn't get to their special beach spot anymore because the entrance was boarded up. How their tutoring school had closed.
And that theme of change -- and the ache of change -- is, of course, what takes us right to the doorstep of I Promised You The Moon.
But before I go to Bangkok to unwind on IPYTM, I have one last thought on LTIP. In my ITSAY review, I felt the need to unwind and celebrate ITSAY's homage to Phuket as a melting pot, the meeting place of so many cultures (Thai, Chinese, Malay, Peranakan), because to me: Phuket, as a singular place, represented change at home, change from within the home and external to home. Teh's tremendous emotional outburst at the incredibly chaotic decision he made to give up his university spot for Oh-aew -- that devolvement happened literally inside of his home, a traditional Chinese-Peranakan home in multicultural Phuket.
Phuket itself represented a place where Teh could change himself, because the cultural fabric of the place of Phuket changed and changes with the nature of the people that live and breathe within Phuket. That's how immigration and migration change a place -- that's how time changes a place. I posited in my ITSAY review that that was exactly what Phuket was meant to represent as a place of home for Teh and Oh-aew: that a place that was historically and inherently built on change could sustain this very modern relationship between two young men, at least one of them (Teh) raised in an otherwise very traditional and old-fashioned Peranakan culture.
As LTIP unwound (gosh, the name cards of the places they visited, listing place names in English, just made me swoon), and we saw the boys SEEING the change of THEIR place happen before their eyes, I felt that what I was seeing was such an empathic metaphor for the steps of adulthood that they were both about to take. I totally remember taking IN the place where I grew up, one last time, before I hit the road for college. I think I was too young in that moment to put the following into words, but: I knew that the place I was leaving was never going to be the same.... in large part because the way I would see that place called home would change, as well as the place itself actually changing, and getting older itself.
From those steps of change, do we go to Bangkok and to I Promised You the Moon.
The most obvious structural change that separates IPYTM from ITSAY and LTIP is the change in the main screenwriter and director: Boss Naruebet is replaced by Meen Tossaphon.
Now -- oh man. I gotta get my thoughts together on IPYTM.
This is likely going to be controversial! There were many parts of IPYTM that I ended up loving more than ITSAY. Lemme get into it.
If you have been a regular around this blog, you might be able to surmise why I loved IPYTM. IPYTM did not beat around any bush -- it did not ignore the bullshit of everyday life in a relationship.
My very favorite BL of all time, What Did You Eat Yesterday?, deals with two middle-aged men in a long-established relationship. We meet them in the middle of their time together. We get all their origin material well within the series.
The wonderful @bengiyo often writes, in his Stray Thoughts posts and elsewhere, how refreshing it often is to see an established queer couple managing the quirks of their relationship as it happens. We so often watch shows that center relationships that start in a series with a queer revelation. The very high majority of our shows are about the chase, a confession, a fleeting sexual moment or two, that first kiss.
I think we were so lucky to get Teh and Oh-aew in their young adulthood, in their four years in university in IPYTM, to see a full life stage -- how AMAZING is that -- complete before our eyes.
But before I go on to talk about why I LOVED IPYTM, and why I think it's important for the OGMMTVC project, I want to explain why there were many parts of IPYTM that I liked more than ITSAY.
ITSAY had explosive emotional moments. They shook me so hardcore that I had to stop multitasking while watching the episodes, and nothing usually slows me down.
@neuroticbookworm and I have spoken, as two South Asians, about the nature of the depictions of these explosive emotional moments on the part of Teh in ITSAY. I've talked before (most recently in my review of The Love of Siam) about how important it is that Western viewers understand that while the interaction that Asian directors and screenwriters have had with Western and Western queer content is important and present (Jojo Tichakorn is revealing himself on this almost weekly as Only Friends airs) -- that there is a VERY long history of Asian content featuring non-happy endings and/or open-ended endings.
Why am I talking about non-HEAs with Teh? Because @neuroticbookworm and I both posit that ITSAY could have ended very authentically -- for the story itself, and for the region from which ITSAY comes -- if Teh and Oh-aew did not get together, especially considering the absolutely torturous emotional breakdowns that Teh was having about his attraction to and love for Oh-aew.
But they DID get together, and it was a triumph for prestige Asian queer content. ITSAY may very well have been talking to the heartbreaking ending of The Love of Siam.
I compare those emotional volcanoes to IPYTM's narrative process. We don't get those emotional volcanoes. Instead, we see a much more established couple (maybe not necessarily more mature, but at least established), two years into their relationship, about to start a new chapter in their lives as much as they can be together. And I think, without those emotional volcanoes: we were able, in IPYTM, to get more into tonally quieter, but still incredibly emotional and heart-wrenching details about Teh and Oh-aew's relationship that deserved time and the spotlight to work through -- such as Teh's slow falling for Jai.
To the point that their maturity is in question: give me a series about a developing relationship, and I will give you my heart. I want to see more and more shows about dudes working on their shit in a relationship. I want to see queer dudes experiencing the highs and lows of living a mundane life together, à la What Did You Eat Yesterday?
As we saw in ITSAY: Teh has a thing about change. Change is really, really, really hard for him. He had to change his mindset about the kind of person he was falling in love with in ITSAY. He was falling in love with a fellow young man, and it sent him off the rails.
Teh continues to be chaotic as fuck in IPYTM -- and that's all happening in the context of him watching, and being with Oh-aew, as Oh changes himself over time.
And: OH!!! MY. BOY. OH-AEW. CLAP EMOJIS. FIND YOURSELF! OMG. Oh-aew's trajectory in IPYTM stole my heart. Oh FOUND HIMSELF, AND found his community. The hair color change? The wardrobe change? The glistening legs? (PP KRIT.) The tattoo? Quitting acting -- which, of course, made Teh sooooo superior-feeling -- to find a career that he LIKED, and was GOOD AT?
Oh-aew was my boy in IPYTM. He was such a LIGHT against the continued darkness that Teh lived in. And Oh-aew knew it, and my god: Oh learned a lot about self-preservation in the time they had in college together.
As I wrote about in my Theory of Love review, I am a true sucker for behavioral change stories in dramas. Oh-aew gave me tons of that, in SUCH an empathic, well-lit way. Teh also gave us a change story, with the delightful essence of the kind of fucked-up chaos that only Teh, and Billkin as an actor, can muster.
Repeating myself from my ITSAY review: Teh, for me, is a reflection of my very favorite chaos boy, Fuse from Make It Right. In the second season of Make It Right, Fuse continues to date his girlfriend, Jean, while his attraction to his same-sex lover, Tee, continues to grow.
Teh watches Oh-aew change. Teh questions why Oh-aew got the teacup tattoo. Teh sees Oh-aew hang out with Oh's cadre of queer friends. Teh sees so much of LIFE happen through Oh-aew: that Oh is indicating a permanence to their relationship vis à vis the tattoo. Teh sees that Oh is comfortable in his own skin, in his growing, strong identity as a queer man. Oh-aew, to me, is truly reflective of the internal change that can happen when one leaves home, when one leaves a place to go to another place -- a tremendous journey.
Teh...... oh, Teh. Teh is not on that same journey. He goes to a more fucked-up place. He, idiotically, falls for Jai -- literally, verbally, visually, right in front of Oh-aew -- all while Teh increasingly becomes unmoored in his relationship with Oh.
Now, let me clarify something. I LOVE CHAOS BOYS. I needed @lurkingshan to check me as I was unwinding on Teh and Teh's cheating: Shan had to yell at me, "TURTLES, TEH WAS CHEATING!!!" lol.
Because! Because I actually sympathized with Teh a bit. Teh acted like a total fucking jackass, an idiot of the highest order. But I sympathized with him.
I sympathized with him because, unlike Oh-aew, Teh came from a more old-fashioned background. Of course, he learned early in IPYTM that his mother knew about his relationship with Oh-aew. That should have given Teh comfort to live his authentic life in Bangkok, and I think it did, to some extent. But, Teh was such a brilliantly written character as to have not actually be able to shed EVERYTHING about his past life, his past identity, his past values coming from an old-fashioned culture, in fast time.
That's what happens in fantasies, and it doesn't always happen that way in real life. Not to say that IPYTM is real life -- but I think Teh's path towards change and maturity reflected a different and difficult style of realistic growth that I am glad the show did not shy away from.
I understand that there are a lot of people that either don't like, or didn't watch, IPYTM because of the cheating plot. Let me just say, as an #old -- cheating happens.
Teh felt disconnected from Oh and Oh's change journey, his growth. Teh found an outlet for his misplaced emotional yearnings in Jai. Jai took total advantage of the moment to extract a performance out of Teh. Teh was used. Teh was dumb enough to not recognize this. And he jeopardized his relationship with Oh-aew. And to Oh-aew's damn credit, Oh said -- fuck THAT, and walked.
All of that? Waving my hand in a circle and clinching my fingers, all of that? REAL SHIT. Real talk. Man, do I LOVE IPYTM for going there.
I knew -- of course I knew, the gifs are everywhere -- that Teh and Oh-aew would get together by the end of IPYTM. But to see that their relationship NEEDED to take a very healthy break, and that Teh NEEDED to be faced with very real consequences of his unthoughtful, chaotic behavior, was a demonstration of accountability of the highest order in a drama that I heartily welcomed. It was mature AF, and it established Oh's boundaries and feelings in such a gorgeous, respectful way for a young queer man to represent. God. I'm clutching my hands. It gives me the same good feelings as Pharm setting his boundaries in UWMA.
I think, if this kind of growth story bores people (?) -- I unfortunately have to say that I think this is where more and more BLs are going, on this route, on the WDYEY route, on the Love In Translation route that my friends @lurkingshan, @bengiyo, and @neuroticbookworm are telling me about right now.
And to take this route in a prestige, cinematic BL. To take the route of demonstrating growth, maturity, accountability, and responsibility in a BL of the highest quality order, means a lot to me as an #old, who is fascinated by internal change over the course of time. Which.... is also the story of Phuket, the story of Bangkok, the story of the queer community in Bangkok, the story of the continued growing strength of the LGBTQ+ community in Thailand and globally.
And to tie this all together: in IPYTM, I did not question the ending. I LOVED THE ENDING. It was a happy ending for the romantics. It was an open-ended ending for the realists like myself. Oh-aew said: I don't know if things are gonna work, homeboy. But you're my man. You will be my man. (When Oh-aew wakes up in bed and sees a vision of Teh before they got together for the last time? Oh yes, I screamed. Asian family pain, baby.)
And Teh says: deal. And almost immediately commits another crime of chaos with that Instagram post. But, as I wrote in my notes as the show ended: he was now engaging in external chaos, not internal chaos. Teh will make the commitment to WORK on his chaos WITH Oh-aew, IN the context of a relationship. No more holding it in. If Teh takes risks, he'll take Oh-aew with him, together, because that's what being in a bonded relationship is about.
I felt unsettled when ITSAY ended. I felt that Teh's emotional peaks weren't fully resolved. I was so right about this when I went through IPYTM. And IPTYM closed that for me. IPYTM gave me the very authentic emotional journey and process of change that had been hinted at in ITSAY, the journey that, I think, could NOT have ended with ONLY ITSAY. IPYTM showed me that Teh was going to continue fucking up, because I knew it would happen with where he was in ITSAY. Man. And IPYTM sewed it up convincingly.
Nadao Bangkok, I think, took a HUGE risk to demonstrate this VERY sophisticated change journey in a prestige BL. And they did it of the highest order. It was a celebration of Bangkok, of finding your communities, of finding your friends, your love, yourself, and -- my head is spinning at how WELL it was filmed, and how well the story was told. I love ITSAY, but IPYTM will be my baby. I desperately want Thailand to go to this level again, and I believe they will.
[Alright! I am indeed back on my bullshit and crushing through 55:15 Never Too Late, for its macro BL storyline featuring Khaotung Thanawat and an EarthMix cameo.
Next week, we have my review of Not Me, which I personally loved, but I will not shy away from offering some quibbles about the quality of the storytelling.
A quick note on the list below, as I've made some additions! I've added a rewatch of The Eclipse, in part to compare issues-based series between TE and Not Me. And, on the high recommendation of @lurkingshan and @bengiyo, I am retracting a vow I made to never watch another MAME show again, and am adding Wedding Plan. Shan and Ben have remarked that this show represents a 180-degree turnaround from what I think of as MAME's basis of passive and aggressive bigotry in her work. Maybe she's learned that equity sells. In any case: I'm giving this show a shot to see if the turn is indeed an honest one.
But for now, the OGMMTVC weekly slate of reviews will pause for at least a couple weeks, as I rewatch Bad Buddy. I have a few ideas for a couple of pieces, as really: Bad Buddy is the reason I'm doing this project. To learn about the history of Thai BLs, the tropes, the styles, everything -- reaching the BBS rewatch is a touch of a culmination, as I undertook this project in large part to understand what Bad Buddy was built off of. I can't wait, I CANNOT WAIT, and I have been engaging with lots of friends over the past few weeks about our mutual love and respect for BBS, and I just can't wait to put some of our thoughts into reverent words.
Here's the status of the list; this list has been jacked by Tumblr's new web editor, so for a more up-to-date version, please click here!
1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (re-review here) 27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review here) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (review coming) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) (watching) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For the Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 37) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 38) The Eclipse OGMMTVC Rewatch For the Sake of Re-Analyzing an Politics-Focused Show After Not Me 39) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 40) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 41) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 42) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults) 43) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 44) Wedding Plan (2023) (Recommended as an important trajectory in the course of MAME’s work and influence from TharnType) 45) Only Friends (2023)]
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timetravelerpyrite · 8 months
Uh, hi.
My name is Pyrite, I go by he/him mainly… don't mind she/her though. Newly found out I like Pup/Pupself pronouns too.
I'm 30. (B-day is November 16th, if that matters to anyone.)
//Current Arc: None rn!
//Finished Arcs: Fool's Faller, ABSOLute Panic!
Anyway, not too important, I just kinda found this site and realized 'Oh, there's some people like me here!' so here I am I guess?
Don't expect me to be friendly.
I don't bite! I'm trying to make more friends, but don't shove too much at me at once please.
I don't like staying in one place, it makes me anxious, no I won't tell you why. I was running a lot because of my Ex, she and my bio fam wants me to come back, but I won't, I'm actually tying to get use to staying in one place now.
Most important thing, I'm a Time Traveler and Dimension hopper, how the hell am I both?
I caught a Celebi (He/She/They) by COMPLETE ACCIDENT so now I'm kinda stuck with them, and I kinda got adopted by a Dimension hopping Iron called Iron Eclipse (It/Its)… no, I do not expect you to know what that is.
Call me a fake if you want, I don't care, just try not to hold me down in one spot, got it? Wow I don't like this part the most, why was I such a jerk in my intro??
Anyway, I might visit ya if I feel like, I have two adopted (not legally but who gives a shit) sisters @queen-of-the-phantoms and @pokedexcamp! I'm dating @silveredfeathers and living with him and his wife (and now my Girlfriend-??) @trainerlynda.
Adding an addendum: Sometimes we, his Irons, connect to his phone to be able to post. We are;
🐉: Iron Rage. (She/Her)
🕊️: Iron Serenity! (He/They/Fae)
🌋: Iron Eruption. (He/Him)
🌑🌈: Iron Eclipse.
⌛: And sometimes I steal the phone, I'm Chronos his Celebi.
🍞: Thanatos types sometimes too, she has rather broken English so it will likely be autocorrected to hell and back, please tell her if it gets a word wrong, from what I can tell she wants to understand (She/It)
//Open ask games!
Pelipper mail and malice.
Ask an invasive question.
//Magnifying glass ask game!
See his dreams and nightmares.
//A post for you to give me permission for him to hop to your character's dimension! (Either on purpose or by accident.)
//Ooc info under the cut!
//Ooc. This is a sideblog! Unreality. Mod is an adult and goes by she/her he/him pronouns All art I use is my own (Or made for me)! I follow from @theshadowqueenofthedistortion, more info about me on my main! This blog is not settled in one dimension at the moment, so expect conflicting area info. Here's some of my other accounts as well!
//Semi-Serious blog, I will participate in active silliness and also write serious stuff. Will sometimes touch on death, abuse and a few other things, I will tag the serious stuff with their appropriate tw/cw tags.
//I will not ship with anyone who isn't my BF (and myself, but that's a note for later), just for my comfort. This boi does n o t stay in one place, if he goes to visit someone he will get there himself/he fell into that universe by accident.
//Magic anons are allowed! But I am picky.
//I am very open to crossover stuff!
//This guy is very much centered around Future Paradox pokemon! He's not gonna know all the Pokemon's names and will call them 'Irons'. The Iron names are VERY much headcannons unless talking about a cannon Iron.
//When he's on the move things he says aloud will be under
[Voice to text active!] where as when he's actully writing it will be under [Pyrite is typing...]
//What the tags mean.
//Shadow Mod Speaks: Mod speaking.
//Mod Reference: Me and/or Zorana making references for this account
//Shadow Art: Art by me that isn't a ref/finished.
//Pyrite info: Self-Explanatory. For both IC and OOC.
Little Hops: His post/response tag.
Warping Reality: Closed and/or serious RP. I will also use this tag when responding seriously to something.
Where am I today?: When Pyrite is mainly talking to himself.
The Pokemon tags: They are for each respective Pokemon/Iron
Magic Anon Things.: Stuff with magic anons.
Triangle Terror: Pyrite dealing with the truth triangles. He can't turn them off, so hehehe.
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cevansbaby-dove · 6 months
Chris Loves Love. Part 11
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Emily's pov.
Ugh it's December...I sit up in my bed and look around my small bedroom. I get out of bed and see that chris texted me.
Chris-Morning Em hope you slept good, it's Christmas time!! 🎄
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I smile lightly at his text, Christmas....oh chris if you only knew..
I walk into the kitchen and make myself some tea. i get a call from mom. I pick up. 'Morning Mom"
"Hello Em did i wake you?"
"No I just got up, i'm grabbing some tea before chris and i head out for the dog park. How are you?"
"I'm good just wanted to check on you....your birthday is in four days and..."
"Mom I know i know...so are you guys flying here?"
"We thought we would, your father also really wants to meet Chris, have you told him yet?"
I chew on my cheek. "No i uh...i haven't been in the mind set to tell him...it still hurts mom" i say with a small sigh.
"I know Em i know, I'm sorry it happened on that day but he's in a better place ok?" I nod blinking my tears away. "I just wish he never left us...Especially on my birthday"
I hear my mom sigh. "he held on as long as he could honey.." I sit at the counter and nod. "Anyway uh....when were you guys coming?"
"We were thinking tonight we are packing so we should be there around seven if chris is free to meet us then"
I smile. "ye..yea he should be"
"Good and Emily?"
"yes Mom?"
"Always know that he loved you so much and he's so proud of you for what you have become ok?" I feel my cheeks become wet so i wipe them off. "thanks mom i know he is proud of me."
"Alright honey see you tonight, I love you" I smile. "I love you too mom see ya later" We hang up and i look at my tea and sigh. then i get a text from Chris.
Chris-babe are u ok? I haven't heard from you.....🥺
Emily-Morning Chrissy sorry i was fixing my tea then my mom called. i'm ok.
Chris-Oh thank god your alive! Anywayyy free for breakfast? 🙂
Emily-uh..not today chrissy I'm sorry i have a busy day today, maybe tomorrow? oh my mom and dad and brother are flying in tonight from NC are you ok meeting them at their hotel?
Chris-I'd love to meet them darling pick you up at 6?
Chris's pov.
"Em is acting off man i don't know what's going on with her." I say to scott.
Scott nods as he sips on some beer. "Dude maybe she's just having an off day, we all know you have a lot of those" I roll my eyes and look at my phone. "Oh shit! it's almost time to meet her uh...fam"
Scott says. "YOUR MEETING HER FAMILY!!????"
"Scotttt cool it yes i am they are coming to boston to see her but she asked if i wanted to meet them so..i mean she is my girlfriend so...makes sense right?"
I look at scott who is on his phone. "oh no no scott don't!"
Ma-oh yay!!
Shanna-that's a great step!
Calry-I Agree!
Chris-I was waiting to tell you guys By myself! thanks a lot scott.
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I look at the text. "oh jesus scott come on man..i was waiting to tell them!"
Emily's pov.
I walk off set and see some of the pictures of the shoot i just did so i take one and post it to my instagram.
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Emily_Maxwell:looking like something out of a dream. ✨
Emilyfan:Damn your so hot mother!! Slayyyy!!
ScottEvans:Wow my brother's gf is so cute!
CEfan#1:#evanswell is back and here to stay!!
i walk to my car and drive home. i get home in ten minutes so i have time to change into something else. I walk into my home and i grab this outfit.
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I hear someone knocking on the front door so i walk to it as i put my hair into a bun. i open it and see chris with flowers in his hands. "Hi Em" He says with a big grin. "hey chris come in"
He walks in and says. "Are you alright Em?" I look at him as i grab my purse. "uh..yea all good" i flash him a smile. 'Ready to go?" Chris grabs my hand. "emily talk to me you didn't text me back right away, your even acting funny and not in a funny way"
"Chrissy I'll talk about it when i feel like it" He says. "Em.." i turn and look at him. "my god chris it's nothing that you can fix! look, my grandpa passed away on Christmas eve so that is why i hate December and i am not a fan of the holidays!"
I watch chris as he sits down and doesn't say anything. I blink. "Chris I didn't want to tell you....thats why i have been the way i am today, it'll be 3 years without him...."
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i text my fam. Emily: hey sorry i'll be there later than what i said. see u all soon.
i sit by chris. "please say something to me" He looks at me with tears falling down his cheeks. "Em I'm sorry"
He hugs me and i hug him back lightly. "It's not your fault Chrissy.." He pulls away looking into my eyes. "i wish i was there, i wish i could have been there for you....I wish-"
"Chrissy it's ok, Death happens and By now i'm ok it just..hurts some days i promise I'll be ok.."
Chris nods and i say. "okay...now can we see my mom and dad and brother?" Chris laughs lightly. "Yes my princess" We stand up and walk to his car.
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Chris's pov.
I can't help but look at Em differently now, man her grandpa passed...on her birthday and she's been so strong since then...i glance at her taking her hand in mine. "So what's your family like?"
She smiles at me. "Well i told you how my dad is...um my mother she's very sweet and might come across as harsh but she means everything she says with love, and My brother He is quite the little man, he's thirteen but he acts older than he looks."
I nod and say. "Sounds like i'll get along with them just fine" She nods "Yes i hope so!"
I pull into the parking lot of the Hotel and look at Em, she looks...sad..man. "emily do you maybe want to go back home? you don't look to good right now"
She looks at me. "no i'll be ok" She kisses my cheek then gets out.
She was right her i love her family they are very warm and nice people just like herself. Half three hours of being with them Emily and i head back to my place she was begging me to see Dodger.
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"hey chrissy?" i look at her. 'hmm?" She wrap her arms around me. "thanks for not leaving me when i told you about my past" I kiss her head. "I'm always here for my girl" She falls asleep on my chest and dodger lays by her feet and falls asleep. a/n: 🥺 I'm sorry if this was kind of sad but back story about Christmas eve for me, I lost my bunny that night so Christmas hasn't been the same, he passed away four years ago and ever Christmas Eve is tough on me cus of me missing my bunny. But thank you for reading part 11. 🥲
Taglist: @cutedisneygrl @nicoline1998enilocin @k-slla @patzammit @armystay89
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Summertime Magic XII
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A/N: I'M BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I know it has been a very long time, like years, but I have been going through a lot of stuff like depression, panic attacks, and just an all-around mess. BUT I AM BACK AND HERE TO STAY.
To Catch Up, Press Here. 
Warning: No warning but ... nope, you gotta read it.
Song Recommendation: Honest Kiana Lede
Word Count: 2665
“Of course, baby. Especially after that. You basically fought for me and you still looked beautiful doing that shit. You’re a queen for sure, always have. Always will be”, N’Jadaka kissed her perfectly bandaged knuckles and lied his head into her chest again. “And you will always be my king, baby boy.” She straddled his lap kissing his forehead and was startled by him pulling them down to the bed so she lied on the bed and he was on top. “I love you, my queen.”
“I love you, my king.”
They began to kiss and get intimate as their chains sat in a dish together, sunken in a cleaner to get rid of all the blood they drew together as a team, in the distance.
“Daka, have you seen my keys”, Y/N asked as she looked through the multiple purses of her home while N’Jadaka was in the kitchen washing dishes. “Nah, baby. I haven’t. Did you check ya jeans you wore last night?”
“That was the first thing I checked, baby”, Y/N walked out of her bedroom wearing a camel-toned satin pencil skirt with a black turtleneck and matching heels; her hair was laid with a seamless 1B lace front wig cut into a bob, left side tucked behind her ear. Daka turned his head in her direction and started to walk up to her. “Look at my queen, looking like she looking.” He wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her neck. “Baby, I gotta go”, Y/N said as she pouted. Daka growled in her ear and said “Nah, you don’t” before smacking her plush bottom. Y/N felt all heated up but knew the business had to be dealt with at the shop. It had been a month and the team was finally chosen, eight nail techs, four barbers and beauticians, and a whole lot more. “Aht aht. None of that. Momma got to go have this business meeting, my love. And besides, don’t you have to be at the center today anyway.”
“Ah, shit. You right”, N’Jadaka said as he dried his hands off. The grand opening was in a week for the center and everything had to be perfect. “Shuri been bugging me about that. The fam was supposed to be all here, but T is in New York, M is in the ATL and Shuri is gonna be in Florida opening the other centers.” Y/N listened as she grabbed ice-cold water from the fridge; she noticed her keys were by the door. “Well, they are here in spirit. OK, I will see you tonight for dinner, right?”
“Oh, for sure. It’s at Leslie’s?” Y/N nodded as she smiled and said, “yes and you can meet my Godson, Izaiah.” N’Jadaka grinned adding, “I can’t wait to meet little man, baby. I know he is gonna be a good kid.” She looked at him as she walked back to the door. “Well, my baby is very much on the shy side. It would take a while for him to get warmed up to you.”
“What is he into? Like coloring, video games, what?”
“Eh, a little bit of everything. But I gotta go. Love you, baby”, and like that she was gone. N’Jadaka looked at his watch and ran off to the room to get ready. He looked over what he chose to wear again to make sure, a black sweater with matching slacks and loafers. When he was finished, he heard some movement in his living room. With his Navy tactic instincts, he listened carefully as he crept in. Suddenly, something told him to grab and pull which he did. He pulled down a slightly heavy object and flipped it over his shoulder; when he looked to see what or who it was, his older cousin chuckled heartedly. “T, what the Hell? You scared the fuck outta me!”
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“I am sorry, cousin N’Jadaka. I thought it would be an amazing surprise to see your dear cousin.” The cousins dear their royal salute and chuckled at how T’Challa startled the Prince. “I thought you were in the Big Apple. Go ahead and sit. Get comfortable”, Daka said as he heads to the kitchen. As T’Challa sat on the couch, N’Jadaka asked “you want anything while I’m in here, cuz.”
“Water will be fine. I see you added a few new pictures around, dear cousin.” T’Challa had lifted up the golden framed picture and grinned; it was a photo of N’Jadaka and Y/N at what seemed to be a wedding. He wore a navy suit with a white button-down and his hair braided back; she wore a beautiful, tasteful burgundy sheer gown with her hair in a low bun and golden jewelry. As he placed the photo down, N’Jadaka handed him his water and sat on the armchair near the couch. “Well, Y/N will be a beautiful princess one day and from Shuri’s mouth, she is quite the woman.  She could not stop speaking highly of her once she came back.” N’Jadaka leaned back into his chair and agreed to say “yeah, my baby is something special.” T’Challa sipped from his bottle and noticed his cousin grinning into space. As he leaned to place his bottle on a lonely coaster, he asked “well, when will you tell her you are THE prince of Wakanda?”
N’Jadaka side-eyed his cousin and uttered “it’s not the right time, T. One day, but not now.” T’Challa lay back on the couch and folded his leg over his other knee. “If you love Y/N then why hide who you REALLY are? You are the Prince of Wakanda and a part of one of the wealthiest families, there is. You live in a lavish part of California near the hills and you have an underground garage for cars. How does she not know or expect you are basically worth trillions?” N’Jadaka leaned forward, elbows knees, and said “she been busy with her shop, and besides, I don’t want her to end up being like every woman I have been with. Cuz, I had multiple women claiming I gave them a baby but how can I do that as a virgin? What we got pregnant orally”; this made T’Challa laugh and boom around the area. “Ah, yes. You are talking about Ashley, Veronica, and Francesca.”
“Yeah, those ‘women’ only wanted to take pictures and pretend it was their shit. I’m just glad Shuri can hack people’s phones and whatnot. But I just gotta make sure Y/N is really the one, T. That’s all.” N’Jadaka looked at the time on his phone and placed it on the table; T’Challa noticed the picture on the screen of the couple. “I have 20/20 vision, Prince N’Jadaka, so that means I can clearly see that she is the one you will marry and have multiple babies with.  I have yet to meet her but Shuri has told me nothing but good things about her. You should not doubt that she isn’t. Father has taught you that before he passed away.”
“I know but-“
“Aht aht, no buts, Prince. Y/N is the only. I can see it already.”
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“I agree with your cousin, N’Jadaka”, N’Jadaka heard coming from the secret elevator. There he stood’ 6’5, around 250 or more in brown dress pants, wool turtleneck, and suede slipper. N’Jadaka stood and gave his good friend brotherly love. “Baku, you look good man. I see you not dressing like a hobo anymore”; M’Baku laughs while he faked like he was going to hit him in the gut. “I wanted to come to visit before my trip to Trinidad for a month or so. I had to see about this overly flashy garage of yours but also to hear about the lovely Y/N in person.”
“You tryna ease up on my lady, bro?”
“Her, no. A sister, twin or cousin that looks exactly her, yes most definitely”, M’Baku said matter of factly while the men looked at one another. “Well, MY baby is that shop handling business and away from you, horn ball”. Suddenly, the door opened and the men turned to see a woman coming in. “Come in, Leslie. We can get the-"; the ladies stopped when the N’Jadaka was with two men. “Oh, hey baby. I am so sorry. I came to get the paperwork for my employees. We can wait until you’re done.” N’Jadaka walked to her and hugged Leslie, and gave his lady a kiss on the forehead. “Never apologize, baby girl. That is why I gave you the key to come and go as you please. I wanna introduce you to my friend, M’Baku, and my cousin, T’Challa.” When Y/N looked at Leslie, she smiled, and waved at the two then looked between her and N’Jadaka. “While y’all talk, Ima go to the back and look for those papers”, Leslie said as she fixed her power suit and gave the men slight bows to pass by; M’Baku watched as she passed by and waited until she disappeared. “Is she attached to anyone”, M’Baku asked and Y/N smiled. “Married actually with a child if I may add.” M’Baku held his head down in defeat as a joke as T’Challa smacked him on the chest and made his way over to Y/N. “Hello, Y/N. It is finally nice to meet you in person and now I see what Shuri said about your beauty is truth.”
“She is very sweet and telling by your accent like Shuri’s is that you are actually born and raised in Wakanda”; T’Challa looked at N’Jadaka to see that his eyes squinted right before Y/N looked at where he changed into a smiley expression. “Yes, I sure am.”
“Ooo, how is it? I’ve heard it's beautiful. I tried looking up pictures, but I couldn’t find any pictures.”
“Well, that is because we are like a very private location. You know, to keep intruders-.”
“And colonizers”, N’Jadaka said cutting of T’Challa. T’Challa looked at N’Jadaka before looking back at Y/N. “I guess he is right.” They heard Leslie’s heels click against the ground and turned with the files in hand. “Alright, girly. Let’s get a move on. We got lost to do tonight.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you both. I guess I will see more of you soon”, Y/N said and T’Challa nodded. Leslie touched N’Jadaka’s shoulder and said, “see you tomorrow night, and don’t forget the drinks.”
“Bye, my baby”, Y/N said before Leslie gently pushed her out and closed the door. N’Jadaka smiled at the door before M’Baku asked “so, her friend. Is that a real situation with her husband and child or”, with a mouth full of washed, crunchy celery; the men looked at him as he shrugged and kept eating.
Y/N stepped out of the bathroom in nothing, but an all-black bra and panty set staring at two outfit options; a light blue jean dress with a matching jacket a brand new black Timberlands that N’Jadaka bought, or a yellow sundress and sandals. N’Jadaka was in the mirror standing there in a white tee and black combat cargo. He peeked over at Y/N holding up the outfit up to her frame as she looked in the mirror. He leaned against the door frame and looked over her outfit. “Ain’t it too cold to wear a dress. It’s like 50 degrees outside and besides, they said to be comfortable and warm since we are eating in the backyard.”
“Yeah but it’s pretty.”
“Yes, it’s very pretty and you are beautiful, but I don’t want you catching a cold because it’s ‘cute.’ What about jeans, basic with a jacket and ya Timbs.” She turned to look at what he wore and up & down saying “you tryna be twins again, big head.” He walked up to her with hands in his pockets and smiled. “I mean, Ima be warm so I’m just saying that my fit choice makes sense.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, making her smile, and she told him “tell you what? What if I wear one of your long sleeve white tees, black jeans with the boots, and my jean vest.”
“Eh, I don’t know”, he said being goofy and it made her hit his forehead softly and he laughed. “So rough. Aight aight fine BUT if you get cold do NOT, AND I do mean DO NOT ask for my jacket, little lady”; she held up her pinky and said, “pinky promise.” He rolled his eyes and he cuffed their fingers together. Soon, she got dressed before doing her hair in a large bun on her head and looked in the mirror, quietly admitting that she actually looked better than this in her jean dress; they hopped in the car and were off. As Y/N led them to the location, they looked around the neighborhood, full of white people and huge houses. N’Jadaka shook his head while observing the people watching their car pass by. Once they finally pulled up, he turned off the car and reached behind him to the backseat, and grabbed his jean jacket along with the bottle of alcohol for the small dinner party. Before he got out he looked at Y/N’s left hand as she applied lip gloss and checked her hair; he stared at the hand with new jewelry before he asked “ya ready, baby?”
“Yeah, ready”; he walked over to her side to open the door, help her out and close the door before wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked. Before she rang the bell, Y/N could hear giggles and pitter-patter passing by inside which made Y/N chuckle. “Leslie is chasing around Izaiah before dinner. It makes him eat a lot which means he will be tired by ten.”
“He goes to bed at ten?”
“If they are lucky. That little boy can get so much energy that he won’t be able to sleep until four.” The door soon opened and revealed Monte smiling big and pulling Y/N into his arm and lifting her up into a big hug. “Monteeeee, ugh. Put me down, you big dummy”, Y/N said as she laughed before Monte put her down. Monte held his arms up and said “welcome to our crib. JD, it’s good to see you again brotha, man”, he said as he gave him a brotherly handshake. “Thanks for inviting me, man.”
“Ah, don’t mention. If you dealing with Y/N, you deserve some love over here”, he stood to the side as they walked in. The ceiling was tall with a silver tinted chandelier that hung midway, two levels of stories, and an archway on both sides of the home. “Whoa, bro. This is a HUGE house”, Y/N said as she looked around; N’Jadaka just did the same, but he knew in his head that his place was bigger, she just didn’t know about it. They heard the giggles and laughs getting closer when a three-year-old toddler ran their way and Y/N scooped him up. “Got ya, stinky butt”, she said before lifting him into the air and blowing a raspberry on his belly. Leslie walked around the corner out of breath and said “hey, y’all. As y’all can see, the little troublemaker was tryna make a getaway.” Y/N held him on her hip while he cuddles into her and said “he should know that when TT is here, it is a wrap”; she tickled his stomach loving his little giggle. N’Jadaka looked over to Leslie and said “hey, I brought the drinks.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll show you the kitchen so we can chill them”, Leslie said as she walked past the group after kissing her husband and son. Once the pair walked into the kitchen, he saw the oakwood countertop and black-white patterned tile ground. “This is nice as fuck. It really is nice, Lez. No cap.”, he said as got to the fridge caressing the dark steel fridge that matched the coffee machine, microwave, and stove/oven. “Thanks, we got them from this appliance shop down the way. You can sit down while they go out. I think we should talk.” N’Jadaka sat on one of the barstools at the island placing his jacket down and Leslie pass the water bottle to him; he opened it and began drinking.
“So what you wanna talk about? If this is about M’Baku, I apologize.  He's wild as fuck I swear. Do you mind if I grab an apple?” She washed one off and handed it to him with a smile. He nodded as he bit into at how delicious it was heard:
“Ndiyazi ukuba ungubani kanye kanye ... iNkosana N'Jadaka (I know who you really are... Prince N'Jadaka),” Leslie said, causing him to cough from the shock and looked up; noticing her brow raise, folded arms and slight grin, hips leaning against the counter.
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monin1ca · 2 years
Hello~ hope youre having a wonderful day!
Can you make a Yoru ff where fem reader, Yoru and some other agents were playing truth or dare, and reader dared Yoru to sing, but he refused. So later Yoru came into readers room to sing "Shinunoga E-Wa" and reader knows the meaning of the song, so they realize that the riftwalker likes them :D
Word count:740  Warnings: Nothing Just fluff :’) WOOOHOOOOOO I ENJOYED WRITING THIS
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Why was he here again?
Yoru asks himself; it was a quiet night at the protocol. Well, aside from the fact the younglings were playing truth or dare at full volume. So many secrets were revealed during this game, and lots of stupid things were done. Cypher was having so much fun listening to and watching them. Though- this night wasn't a bad one; the attention turned to Yoru. It was his turn to be asked the question, “Truth or Dare?” Y/N excitedly asks, but he hesitates. “Dare?...” The other agents weren’t used to this Yoru, his voice that was usually heard with arrogance. Is now soft and meek; was he perhaps hiding something? 
“Ya know, Yoru,” Y/N began, “I’ve never heard you sing before!” The crowd begins to chatter and murmur in agreement and excitement, “So I dare you to sing!” Y/N smirks at the rift walker, but he wasn’t having any of it “W-what? You idiot, I never wanted to be here anyway.” He stands up, clearly in a rush to leave. “C’mon now, fam! That’s no fun!” Phoenix interjects; Yoru doesn't care and just flips off the latter. The others were left hanging, the anticipation killing them. ‘Was he good at singing and was just shy?’ or ‘Does he suck at singing? Even so, they probably won't judge’
The duelist rushes off to his room, loudly shutting the door behind him. He scavenges his room for his cigarettes and lighter; once found, he walks to the balcony and begins smoking. Whilst smoking, he thinks about his actions. He was a… mediocre singer; he didn’t sound bad at all! He had a chance to show off to his friends and, most especially, Y/N!  He blows out the smoke with so much frustration. Why did he walk out? Whatever, it doesn't matter; he plans on making it up to her.
Sometime later, after rehearsing what he wants to sing to you. Yoru gains the courage to walk to Y/N’s door. He softly knocks on her door, the tension in his body so strong it could kill him. He hears sluggish footsteps approaching the door; Yoru inhales and brings out his usual demeanor; Y/N opens the door, “Oh? Yoru? Whatcha doing here?” She drawls; it was clear she was kinda sleepy. “I’m here to make it up to you, idiot.” Though confused, she let Yoru into her room. She pats her bed, motioning for him to sit beside her.  He sits down and begins speaking, “Im here to make it up to you by... singing,” The rift walker says begrudgingly, Y/N squeals; surprised at his change of heart. “Well? Go on then!”
The male inhales slowly, “指切りげんまん ホラでも吹いたら ���でもなんでも 飲ませていただき (Pinky swear if I do tell a lie I'm willing to swallow needles or anything on) Monday, It doesn’t matter if it's Sunday.”  Ah, Y/N knew this song very well. Mostly because of TikTok but at some point, she was very fixated on this song ever since it became popular, she knew the English lyrics by heart at this point even the meaning. “鏡よ鏡よ この世で1番 変わることのない 愛をくれるのは だれ (Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Who would give me the most fairest love of them all) No need to ask cause it's my darling.” 
His voice was so different from his usual speaking voice. It was so mellow, soft and so enchanting. She could tell the man in front of her was pouring his heart out into this song. “わたしの最後はあなたがいい  (いい) あなたとこのままおサラバするより 死ぬのがいいわ 死ぬのがいいわ 三度の飯よりあんたがいいのよ (いい) あんたとこのままおサラバするよか 死ぬのがいいわ 死ぬのがいいわ (I want you to be my last If I had to keep being separated from you like this, I’d rather die, I'd rather die, I choose you over three meals a day, If I had to keep being separated from you like this, I'd rather die, I'd rather die,)”
Y/N was stunned, did he.. Really like her? Yoru stops singing, noticing the realization on her face. She pulls the duelist into a warm and loving hug, “I think I fell in love with you, even more, Yoru.” Yoru smiles, something he never did often. “Is this a yes?” He asks, just to make sure- “Yeah, I like you too Yoru.”
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charliedawn · 1 year
hi Charlie! Nice to see ya again! I’d like to ask you to take a minute and think about the Hannibal Fam meeting the Addams Family :) that made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too :)
(PS: BG and Movie say hi -🦋🦋🦋)
Author : "Hello, dear. It did make me smile. Thank you for the inspiration."
Hannibal Jr. and the Gomez parents :
Hannibal Sr. : "Pleasure to see you again, my dear friends." *kisses Morticia's hand and shakes Gomez's* "Do stay for dinner."
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Morticia : "OH dear, Hannibal Sr..If your food is as good as the last time we came ? I'm afraid we must absolutely stay."
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Gomez : "You are absolutely right, caramilla. The Hannibals do know how to party. Let's hope their legacy remains for centuries to come."
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Hannibal Sr. *smiles* : "Likewise, dear friend. Likewise."
Uncle Fester and uncle Hannibal Jr :
Hannibal Jr : "Would you do us the honors of cutting the turkey ?"
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Uncle Fester : "My pleasure."
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Morgan and Pugsley :
Morgan : "Hey. Wanna test how long a living being can survive without his heart ?"
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Pugsley : "I mean...We already tested on a squirrel with Wednesday. It was about 15 seconds.."
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Morgan *tries to scare him and smirks evilly* : "I wasn't talking about a squirrel.."
Pugsley : "Okay."
Morgan : "...."
Pugsley : "...."
Morgan : "....What ?"
Pugsley *shrugs* : "I said okay. Could be fun."
Morgan : "...." *puts his scalpel down* "How about we go downstairs and eat some cookies instead, huh ?"
Pugsley : "Are they poisoned ? I do love mine sprinkled with rat poison."
Morgan : "....Yeah. Sure. Whatever."
Peter and Wednesday :
Peter : "Yay. New friend ! You and I are going to have so much fun ! What do you want to do first ? Play dolls ? Draw flowers ? Sing karaoke together ?"
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Wednesday : "...Get me out of here. His smile is like a sunny day surrounded by hundreds of fluffy puppies on clouds..It's too much."
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Kevin and baby Adams :
Kevin : "Great. I'm stuck with the baby. What can he do anyways ?"
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Baby Adams *literally shoots a flaming arrow that stucks just above his head*
Kevin *grins widely and carries the baby* : "BEST. BABY. EVER."
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eulchu · 4 months
rogie 💖💕
it was a little death heavy for a finale like they really wanted to cause some damage before they peaced the fuck out
sometimes charlie is so sweet and normal and then othertimes his reactions and thought processes really reveal the fucked up childhood trauma LIKE OF COURSE BABE WAS FUCKING DEVASTATED YOU PSYCHOPATH but I'm so so happy that they are back together and I need them to be happy forever now
sonic and north, I need the most heart wrenching devastating love confession and then they kiss whilst crying tears of relief because how the fuck has it taken so long and then they refuse to let go of each other even though sonic still tries to fein indifference but no one can take him seriously anymore because he melts everytime he makes eye contact with north
fuck tony, glad he died in a puddle of his own blood and it would have been wrong for anyone else to have killed him other than kenta, my poor sweet boy, he deserves so much love
way did not have to die and I honestly don't want to think about it too much because I'm in denial, also he's an enigma so surely SURELY there's a chance he's not DEAD dead ya know? but two fake deaths might be pushing it also my poor fucking boy babe, that was an extra layer of trauma he just did not need
jeff is pregnant and no one can prove he isn't, jeff and alan deserve each other so bad and bring me peace
winner gets an award for being the most pathetic and least serious villain ever
kenta???????? kenta needs to be adopted into the hunter fam immediately and looked after and loved and cherished and cuddled at this point I don't even care who by, he just needs someone
definitely need a special ep, heavily focused on northsonic and kenta and kim with the happy couples as background characters (and like towards the end it cuts to pete and way living happily in secret without anyone ever finding out way didn't die because apparently that was such an essential plot line)
anyway thank you so fucking much for your review I appreciated it so bad you don't even know and I'm sorry to your followers who do not give a shit about bl dramas but like maybe they should and I am here to support all the demons you have <3
oh my anogie ur my favorite person ever i agree with everything you said And you know what you're right in my mind way is somewhere safe living his best cottagecore life with pete and sometimes babe and charlie go to visit😭😭😭
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cantsaythetword · 5 months
Hey Y'all,
2024 - New year, new me (kinda). I'm sectioning off my blog into different sub-blogs (which will be listed and explained briefly below) to try and better manage what I'm posting and where I'm posting it.
If you want the tl;dr, the most important updates coming are as follows:
@cantsaythetword will be a SFW 18+ ONLY blog
(as of Jan 10th 2024 to give people time to adjust)
@cantwritethetword will be a SFW ALL AGES blog
(where I post all my fics)
@cantspamthetword will be a (mostly) SFW 18+ ONLY blog
(memes lol)
Want more detail? here:
This blog (cantsaythetword) will be my main blog, including:
tickle stuff (posts, gifs, thoughts, etc)
I'll also be reblogging any fics I write on my other account onto here just so people can still see it
This blog will be 18+. Not because I will be reblogging lots of NSFW/kink/explicit content, but purely because with some aspects of tickling there are grey areas. And I'd be much more comfortable reblogging things that fall into that grey area (and reblogging from potentially NSFW blogs even if the post itself is sfw) if there are no minors following me.
However I will allow minors to send me a message/ask IF there is an adult in the community making them feel unsafe.
Please please please do not hesitate to say so, it is important to keep yourself safe, and as a grown adult in the community I feel it is my responsibility to keep you guys safe too
Anyways moving on to exciting shiny new things !!!
My fanfiction blog will now be cantwritethetword. This is for:
fic challenges (e.g. tickletober, squealing santa, etc)
headcanon requests
reblogging other's fics too
the occasional update on what's going on with ya boi
this blog will be all ages (cause it'll just be fandom/fic stuff), but I won't be using this blog for DMs
Finally, I'm gonna set up cantspamthetword (do u like the continuity with the name lmao). This is just a spam blog for:
random memes
generic reblogs
world news stuff
fandom/gaming/hobby things
it'll still be SFW and 18+ cause there might be some suggestive/implicit memes or that sort of thing, and again I won't be using DMs on this one
Thanks fam!
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hueningkoi · 2 years
Hey guys!!! So I'm out of the hospital and in a hotel in mexico now. My friends/fam made a go fund me for my surgery because insurance doesn't cover international medical emergencies and it's like 33k and we're all trying our damn best but it's not going to be easy. I've never asked for money before it feels super weird but desperate times and all that. That's what happens when a cyst bursts inside ya and then ur appendix immediately says ME TOO BITCH TAKE ME TOO!! And in another country of course this would happen ugh. talk about fomo... anyways I would be so greatful for any help yall can send it's been the worst week of my life and I'd like to just move on now please and thank you I love you guys to the moon and back and I'm so glad I'm still here to tell you guys that 💓
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currymuncherxxx0 · 6 months
Obey me demon brothers with a Chav! Mc
Okay so this hc is gonna be comedy lol. Its the obey me brothers with an mc who is such a chav. A chav is basically a very popular British girl in British schools or anywhere it doesn't have be in school lol. If you're British you'll understand lmao. #chav
As you arrived in devildom you had a very salty look on your face. Your fake lashes falling off, your face looking disgusted and your orange foundation and dark contour stands out.
Lucifer: Lucifer will obviously be very annoyed and irritated. This human causes more chaos than mammon himself. She's too loud and petty. And not to forget, the litres of Victoria's secret perfume sprayed on herself and in her room. It killed his airways. Lucifer comes to her to scold her about spraying too much perfume in the house of lamentation until she replies "Oh my god bruv, it actually bare stinks in this room yeah, you lot need to know what hygiene is." With that, Lucifer got frustrated. "MC! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU CONTINUE TO SPRAY PERFUME IN THE HOUSE??! IT WILL DAMAGE THE AIR!!" "Okay and, I don't care fam. It still smells like clapped pussios." Lucifer gets more confused now. More and more confused. He don't know a single thing about British slang. But as time went on, the MC and lucifer did have a love hate relationship. In fact, Lucifer even wanted to visit London with MC.
Mammon: Being the second born tsundere, Mammon is obviously gonna be like, "Oi, I don't like ya, MC!" and then he blushes. But when the MC is like, "Okay and? You keep staring at me like a bare madman still. You're clapped anyways." Mammon got more confused. What is clapped? As soon as he finds out what it actually means, Mammon starts sobbing into his pillows every day and night. Although Mammon was an idiot, he was never insulted by someone he loved. Since all of his brothers treated him like shit and insulted him badly. He had to cope with that trauma. A few weeks later, the MC realises how much she's hurt his feelings. "Look bruv. I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings still. It's just that I grew up having to be a salty skept. Forgive me still." With that, Mammon is a bit skeptical but forgives mc. The next time any roadman try to shank MC up, Mammon is here with her in his demon form. And if any girl tries to steal Mammon away from the MC, MC will smoke them still.
Leviathan: Now we all know that Levi is always in his room, watching some random h3nt@1 shit or playing video games. And he probably didn't shower for weeks. And because of that, MC does laugh at him. "Oi you man. What the fuck did you do with your hair, why does it look like some purple bowl? Are you Justin Bieber on crack mate? You're butters! Take a shower as well, fam." With that, Levi was just like "w-well you're obviously not gonna l-like a-an o-otaku like m-me." I swear, this guy gives pick me boy vibes. But the second that Levi takes off his shirt and his toned, outlined 6 pack and chest is showing, the MC is more confused now and also intrigued. "O-oi, MC, s-stop l-looking at me!" "Alai, you're actually so fit icl. You're leng. Since when did you have a chocolate bar shaped body when you're in that prison all day just busting shit?? You're tasty, bruv." And with that, the two of them have hate love relationships again. Levi swears to protect the MC from the opps. And MC swears to scrap anyone who even steals her bf away.
Satan: Well, Satan does has anger and daddy issues. So don't fuck with him or else you'll get smoked by him innit. "Oi, you! Yeah you, you yeah! You look like Cat Noir from poundland still." With that, Satan gets angry. "Well at least I'm smarter than you, kid." He's a bit angry. "You're calling big man a kid?? Nah. I'm a big man, pussio. I'll chef you and your dad up, wait you have daddy issues lololol" Satan has turned intona green flash and then into his demon form. "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, B***!! ILL FUCKNG BREAK YOUR NECK!!" Satan was destroying everything around him now. "Okay okay fam, calm down fam. No need to act mental and that, get a grip mate. Sorry fam. Geez, you're so sensitive blud." Throughout time, they're still enemies. Yeah.
Asmodeus: Asmo is gonna be the one that the MC hates the most. MC thinks that he's too feminine as a man. As Asmo applies a heavy amount of foundation, concealer, contour, blusher, face powder, glittery pink, orange and yellow eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, long long false lashes, highlighter, bronzer and purple lipstick, MC just looks at him, weirdly. "What the fuck are you doing, bruv? You look bare zesty." Asmo does not know a single thing about British slang so instead he says this. "Oh, sorry for stating the facts that I'm beautiful hun. You're just jealous that I can blend my contour and concealer better than you, you just look more orange than Donald trump, your crusty musty looking concealer lips." MC gets angry. "Oi, what the fuck did you just say to me, bruv?? Do you wanna scrap?? I'll smoke you fam, don't fuck with me innit." Asmo isn't scared at all. "Well try and do that, love. You won't be able to walk the next day, hun~~~ 😏" of course he's gonna be some horny ass mf.
Beelzebub: Tbh, I think MC would kind of get along with Beel. Yes, she would find it irritating that beel eats the whole fridge but still. I have a feeling tha MC would actually have a crush on Beel. "Oi, Ed Sheeran looking man! Yeah you! You're leng still! You look fit! Man eats the whole fridge and still has bare tits and biceps." And yeah, MC and beel just have a nice friendship. As time went on, Beel smoked more oops and roadmen who touched MC and MC scrapped any chav that would lay a finger on her bodybuilder bf.
Sorry I didn't add belphie, I'll try to do that in the next part 😭
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
This is VERY UNLIKE ME, but here's some incredibly fast, EXTREMELY late-night meta on two dramas (Dangerous Romance and I Feel You Linger in the Air) from this TIRED mama, all before Only Friends later today!
(Y'all. I've missed being around this week! Moving and unpacking... I'll tell ya. It gets harder as I get older. Mostly because I/we have more stuff, and the BRAINS I need to figure out where this stuff should go is like, as mentally draining as it is physically draining to open boxes, unpack 'em, go up and down stairs -- damn. I have been COLLAPSING at night. Friends have been sending me meta to read -- @ranchthoughts, I see you, boo! <3 <3 The little peeks and breaks I've been getting have been giving me energy. I'm a little back on my bullshit now, and I can't wait to give Only Friends the full treatment tomorrow. But for now, quick notes!)
1) Dangerous Romance, episode 4: Listen, the friends covered a lot (here, here, and here -- @neuroticbookworm, @lurkingshan, @wen-kexing-apologist, all clowning correctly). WKA also notes that this show was written by Pratchaya Thavornthummarut and Bee Pongsate, two of the three writers of some of the best BLs ever -- Bad Buddy, My School President, Dark Blue Kiss, etc. When Bee and Pratchaya write WITHOUT Au Kornprom, as they did in BBS, MSP, and DBK -- things go a touch awry (cc @chickenstrangers, as we've talked about this before). Bee and Pratchaya, for instance, wrote Vice Versa, which I haven't watched, but I know the fam is mid on. (Remember when Aof Noppharnach had to come in to save 2gether by making Still 2gether? 2gether was written by Bee and Pratchaya -- Aof and Au joined in on the Still 2gether correction.)
ANYWAY, ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY that I should have been smarter about this show when I started in on it. It's directed in part by Lit Phadung, formerly of SOTUS, which is a fine show by nostalgia's standards! But like, not the height of drahmah.
So there's a lot of mid kinda swirling around here, and god, honestly, I'm kicking myself, because I should have been more sus. I should have been more sus!
Perth and Chimon are too good for this show. Not that I hate it! I don't hate the show, per se. It's just -- the first episode was so intense, so very issues-based, as all the dear friends noted, that to swerve towards a SUCH a gloopy romance plot was just... man, even SOTUS was WAY more clear in its plot than DR. (Dudes, I was chatting with @neuroticbookworm while I was watching this, and I was like, LOVE SICK HAD A MORE CONVINCING ROMANCE PACE THAN THIS. LOVE SICK!!!) DR is moving WAY too quickly towards the cheesiest of tropes, without the beef to back it up.
Anyway, from the energy vibes that Perth and Chimon are giving off, they should either 1) be making out by now, and/or 2) doing it by now, because like, WHOA, lots of staring, boys! LOTS of staring. And lemme tell ya, someone's staring at me like that, like in the clurb or something, and I'm like, yep, make-out time, right?! RIGHT?!
I am now officially watching this show, as I noted to @neuroticbookworm, literally to watch all the dear GMMTV celebs in here try to avoid a dumpster fire. (Where the hell is June?!) (At least Marc and Pawin are funny for like, the 10 seconds we see them.)
OH, ALSO?! What's the difference in Sailom becoming a sex worker vs. being bought out as a live-in tutor? Were we supposed to judge Sailom becoming an escort? Are we intentionally ignoring bias in socioeconomic gaps, writers? TOO MUCH TO ASK, TEAM! Too. much. to. ask.
I luv you, Perth and Chimon, I LUV YOU, BUT WHY. ANYWAY. MOVING ON.
2) I haven't written anything about I Feel You Linger in the Air yet because of LIFE (see above), and I was very wibbly about it when I started it, because you, your mother, MY mother, and MY MOTHER'S MOTHER all know about how sus I am on Tee Bundit (but I finally watched Lovely Writer and LOVED IT, so I am a touch less sus).
ANYWAY, thanks to the convincing of @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm to look past the slow pace of the first episode as accurate for a historical drama, I kept at it with IFYLITA. And I'm glad I did.
Now this? THIS IS A BL, BABY!
We got sexy typewriter scenes! Drawings of cutie widdle pigwets! Drunk falls! Red cheeks! Reading out loud! POETRY! FLOWERS! ENEMIES AND INTRIGUE! (I'm not happy about the marital rape, but unfortunately, I am thinking that is accurate for the time being portrayed.)
Admittedly -- god, Tee, the episodes are still a little long, my homey. A little long. BUT.
This show, as so many have noted, is just beyond gorgeous. The plumerias. I LOVE Ming and Maey. I LOVE THAT WE MAY HAVE A SAPPHIC SUB-PLOT.
But I also appreciate that only four episodes in, we haven't forgotten that this is a time travel show, in the midst of the budding romance. My thinking on that out-of-body experience on Jom's part was Jom flirting with consciousness after the present-day car crash. But who knows.
I like that Jom is making the connections with those drawings he found in that chest -- and that, lol, he was asking Prik questions about the architecture. Even though Yai's dad seems like a bad dude, I have faith that Tee Bundit is going to keep Nu Surasak going as a good BL dad/dude -- fingers crossed.
I am just -- I am loving where this show is going to go. The house is worried about Yai. I like the way the scent about Yai's preferences is a lot more muted in 1920s Thailand than it would be as set in the present-day. I just think that's totally accurate for what I would call an "old-fashioned" Asian perspective now. I'm very intrigued to see how a historical drama like this will wrestle with homophobia, as this is my first period BL, and -- I'm just excited to see where it'll go.
The acting is GREAT, the pace of the romance is GREAT, the pace of the filming is still slow, but I can't believe I'm saying this -- I'll continue to forgive it for now. Tee, please, PLEASE don't fail us, because you have something GREAT going on here. Yai, head over HEEEELLLLSSS for Jom, is just -- it's a wonder to see, and I am fully on this roller coaster palanquin ride.
(Also, hey, TWO DRAMAS where dudes were PAID to live with their crushes. K!)
(Oh, also, definitely, next time I'm at a clurb, in like, 20 years, I am definitely ordering an URN of liquor with a ladle. Like a baijiu urn. Fuck yeah. What a LOOK.)
(Okay, that's it, good night, see you for Only Friends!)
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I'm late at asking this but this was a response to the two pics of Joseph one with him holding flowers the other with MC holding his face and him nuzzling into their hand. You asked if one of us to ask you to make a scenario based one of them, So me and my extra self attempted to do so buuut I wanted to make a up a backstory of how the wholesome happened in the first. So I wrote all this because I have no self control lol
Forgive me once I start I can't stop lmao 🙏 Anyway, here's what i came up with:
Aight I got you fam.
So the 1st pic Joe is usually the kinda guy that minds his own businessss, does his own thing tryst to avoid attention ya know? He isn't an unfriendly dude it's just sometimes a fella finds himself in the wrong place and the wrong time often.TOO often for poor Ole Joe unfortunately. Naturally rumors ran rampant, and with Joe being the big scary buff loner kid and all, who can blame anyone feeling weary over him? A couple of jerks try to mess with him and try starting fighting with the poor guy. With all this said though, the rumors at times weren't entirely unjustified either. Like I said, he's not a bad guy by any means; it's just you got to do what you got to do to survive. If that means a guy gotta do some stuff that ain't exactly legal, then so be it. No one is gonna miss a couple bags of chips or a shirt or two anyways right? Another one was skipping class, it's too much at times and keeps getting worse and worse by the day it seems. So because of his appearance, rumors, and his bad habits people tended to avoid him... That is until MC came along! They were the first and only person to treat Joe with respect and kindness, never minding the here says from others and at least try to understand him and his less than glamorous habits. They even convinced to pursue that acting a dream mind one that NO One knew about, not even his parents...Their Support really meant a whole lot to Joe, so of course MC grew to mean a whole lot to him. So much so that he couldn't stop thinking about them! How much fun they were, how much calmer things were with them around. How sweet and caring they are...How attractive they were...Before he knew it, Joe fell hard for MC. He knew exactly when he realized too, after a REALLY shitty day....
(Now imma stop myself here because this is long enough already lol I'll let ya finish this here if you like! Love your writing!!! Take care ^^)
Ah my love! I love this start come bbbaaacckk and we can compare stories
Please 🥺👉👈❤️💛💙
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
Got some workout pants
Canceled interviews I knew I didn't want to waste my time on; going out on faith that I need to just finish these lessons, get prepped, and the opportunity that is for me will be there when I am ready
FINALLY learned one my gym crush's names! He's soooo cuteeeee!! I be peeping him wit my bad sight...IDK what it is about getting on the other side of 28, but I run into SOOO many people younger than me...and it's sooo obvious, even without talking to them...yes looks, but even more than that...hard to explain lol...I don't know his age, but I figure he's probably younger...anyway, I get excited for him to greet me when I go in...I be looking a hot mess, but he don't reject me as if that's the case...he asked me what my Thanksgiving plans were...convo went like this:
Him: Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?
Me: No...You? :)
Him: I'm going down to my hometown.
Me: Oh! Where are you from?
Him: Bakersfield
Me: BAKERSFIELD!? That's a push!
Him: Yeah. I used to do trucking *makes hand gestures as if he's steering a wheel*
Me: *thinking - 'TAKE ME WITH YOU!?* Oh okay...Well enjoy! What's your name?
Him: Angel *reaches out his hand to shake mine*
Me: *gives heart eyes but also damn there knocks down the scanner (WHY AM I SO AWKWARD?!)* I'm [MY NAME] :)
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Together: Nice to meet you (maybe I imagined that part lol my mind kinda went blank...he had a nice grip!!!)
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Me: *waves and walks away* SEE YA!
Before today, I told myself, "Life is too short! Tomorrow, ask that guy what his name is!" I didn't that next day, but the day after, HE set himself up so I didn't have to stress too much about how I was going to ask him!! <3 I'm WAYYY to old to be so nervous talking to people!!!!!!!!!!! Le sigh...
Which reminds me...I got invited to an event run by the only two guys I've had sexual intercourse with...they make me incredibly nervous whenever I see them around randomly in this "smaller-than-you-think" town; maybe I told this story here, maybe I didn't...but I thought for a second about going and trying to look my best, and then I thought, "[MY NAME] don't be so damn desperate for validation or to close a chapter or prove that you CAN hold a convo with either of them without letting your memories overcome you and imploding!"
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Yesterday went to a trivia bday party...some ex-colleagues were there...it didn't hurt me to share...Sometimes I worry about financial stability, but I have to remind myself that I have a lot of support around me and I know the best is ahead; One thing I nerded out on: before trivia, I wanted to finish up AlgoExpert’s video on memory. Its main focus was on binary numbers. During trivia, one of the questions was, “What is bit short for?,” and although I didn’t know the final answer (binary digit), I did get partial credit because I figured binary had to be a part of the final answer. It was literally the subject of the video I had just pushed myself to watch hours before, not even knowing that would be tested. Reminded me that even if I don’t master stuff, I’ll help myself get 80% of the way there if I try harder and that may be good enough. Reminded me that the effort isn't as big as it seems. Glory be to God! It is only through Him that I’ll get there!
Signed up for a free therapy session
Pushed myself to complete an AlgoExpert video...took me 2 hours with notes & breaks
A few days ago I had a bit of a panic attack...I come down by praying, sitting up, and watching a sermon; I reached out to fam in the midst of it too...I know there's some work I need to do to forgive and get on with my life...I didn't get the response I hoped, but I feel good I did it because it felt like what God wanted me to do; I still have not told them I was laid off...part ego & part protecting them from worrying or feeling they need to fill some financial burden
I got sort of what I wanted on Hinge: a tall Black tech company founder around my age who speaks French...only, he is not attractive to me looks wise...and that's hard...not sure if I should start chatting with him to keep him in the roll-a-dex...I don't get butterflies like I do when I think about gym crush...I'M going to be really wealthy...I don't need anyone else's money, but for marriage, it is a must have because marriages are about so much more than just love & attraction alone...
Doctor's appts & blood work yesterday all came back good, thank God
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What I Learned Today
Big O Notation refresher
Encouraged; It's easier for me to get started with these videos...I find that it's so much easier to stay consistent when the content is in video format with adjustable speeds...I do the same with listening to tech articles on Medium
I now don't feel so bad about taking 2 weeks off after being let go like I once did...I just wish I would have GUILTLESSLY took that time off...a RESET was necessary, and I already feel better getting more sleep in regularly and getting workouts in...my balance will be better after all this is over, thank God
Reminded that my prayers are getting answered...
A bit concerned about the slight...idk if I can call it confusion or dizziness...I get after workouts...it's not incredible, but it feels like I am a bit slower sometimes, but I don't know if that is me being hyper aware...doc says she doesn't think it's nothing and I've now been rejected 4 times for an MRI or CT scan so...I'll just be praying that I'm okay
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It's coming
I should stop being such a hypochondriac; worrying does NOT help anything
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
Allowing myself to complete errands and holding myself to finishing at least one video; pushing myself
Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
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Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
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