#Anonymous octopus
arttsuka · 1 month
Octavius and Jed but merman AU. Maybe they're tiny mermen who live inside an aquarium 😂
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How did they end up in there?
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soracities · 2 months
6'2 woman here, my wife is about 5'4. holding her close is the best sensation, bar none - she fits just right. i often lay on my back and she'll lay right on top of me, her head nestled into my chest, and I'll wrap all four limbs around her. can't ever get close enough 🩷
anon one minute i just need to
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stealthrockdamage · 1 month
Top 5 fish?
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muppenthings · 3 months
Does Gorm use his hands while dealing with humans? Like Intentionally or just to save em???
He much prefers his arms since he's more confident he can handle a human safely with them. Most of the humans he's interacted with physically have been panicking. He don't want them to try to jump off of his palm or anything. And he don't want to try to hold them in place/between his finger. Last time he did he accidentally broke someone's arm because he applied too much pressure in the wrong place. The suckers and arms overall are more sensitive and the suckers are easy to hold someone without any harm.
But if he gets to hold a willing, calm human, I think he could get used to his hands. Practise makes perfect/better after all!
And it's easier to practise when the person isn't scurrying around like a roach or stabbing him. xD
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
I just discovered the blanket octopus. Would you do a fact on them if not already done? 👀
Sure friend! I am a daily fish fact account only, but I simply couldn't not say something about the magnificent blanket octopus :)
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Here is a blanket octopus female! How do I know that? Simple: the males of the species only reach about 2 and a half centimeters, while the females can be as large as two meters long! The species is named after this gorgeous lady's webs that connect to her arms.
"Blanket octopus" refers to four different species actually! And they're all immune to the extremely venomous Portuguese man o' war, young females and males will in fact rip out a dangerous and venomous tentacle from these animals to defend themselves! It is extremely interesting and exciting what kinds of things octopuses are capable of :)
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taldigi · 6 months
Can you tell us more about the Mime in fashion club, like how he got mimic or a sunstone/moonstone, who he was, what he did, or how he died?
He was a wishmaker, like everyone else. He was an actor gone bad. He was a skilled liar, pretender, and incredibly vicious. Outside of his criminal activities, he was charismatic and suave. A real hollywood hottie.
Mimic embodied his wish to find his "self"- cause, like.. For all his wealth and success, he was quite empty and lost himself in his hollywood persona. Turning to crime was a thrill he enjoyed a lot.
Under the hire of Pergue/Fury, he was given the task to steal some valuable, null & fae-related items from those who did not want to hand them over willingly (museums, independent collectors, scholars & researchers)
Through Fury, he is given a moonstone in order to empower his Faerie enough to achieve a "transformation", which he uses not only to disguise himself- but to give him extra strength and special powers.. mime powers...
He does manage to retrieve some vital artifacts (a bust with moonstones for eyes, for example, or tablets/etchings that give hints towards being able to access the faewild.) before he is, accidentally, killed by our heroes (A collapsing building or something. I imagine him being crushed by something he blew up- like in the PV.)
Mimic panics, no longer having an attatchment to a mortal- and attaches themselves to Claude... who is the opposite of his original wishmaker. They hate him a lot.
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latgbg · 8 months
It'd be fun if there was eventually a lumi and the great big cookbook (not just because i want to try Holden's snack from the preview)
An idea to be had for sure! We’ll keep it in mind for the future!
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therealbuckybarnes · 5 months
ok. what do you think i should do for my wife’s birthday
Why the hell are you asking me
Get her flowers, plan a nice movie night, build a blanket fort.
People like forts
Basically, have a movie night in a blanket fort. And for the love of God please do not put candles in the blanket fort
Why are you asking me this, I don't know anything about romantic relationships
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welcometoterrorcity · 6 months
*slides a tomato in and leaves promptly without a word*
Professor Terror:...must resist, must not use tomatoes again..
1 minute later Random citizen: OH GREAT HEAVENS THE CARNIVOROUS TOMATOES ARE BACK! (@erraticeris @melodythebunny)
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hurglewurm · 1 year
Doodle a dumbo octopus? I find them adorable and round. Cheer friend! Hope your night goes good
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heh. tried to make it a bit creepy n weird, just for fun
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How were you born? Hatched from an egg? Summoned into existence? Or perhaps simply spawned as you are?
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"Any more questions would have to go tours the people that are no longer there."
"I was bassicly born without a job or purpose." 😔
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shingetsu-online · 28 days
do you like cats
YEAH I DO :)))))
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cybergoth-damsel · 1 year
whats your opinion on Doc Ock from Spiderverse? She seems like your kind of character
She's so sexy so cool so awesome. Very much an inspiration in the field of evil science lady. She's absolutely the best Doc Ock as far as character design goes. And I'm completely unbiased! * *very biased in favor of evil women
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talesfromthecrypts · 6 months
did you see the aquaman sequel?
Nope. Was out of town the last two weekends and this weekend I had decided either Poor Things (which we didn’t end up getting cause the world hates to see a freak who doesn’t live in a big city win) or Ferrari (which we did get cause everyone likes Michael Mann).
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muppenthings · 10 months
hello please infodump about the space fairies
Anonymous asked: I wanna know more about the space fairies my ask inspired!
Gladly! :D
So, outer space is their natural habitat. They get their energy directly from sunlight, solar powered! Some scientists argue that they may even absorb space radiation. They have no digestive system; any byproducts from their metabolism is released as gas from their petal-like appendages. For those curious, it smells faintly like metal. They lack a respiratory system; there's a distinct lack of air in space after all and they don't need it. This also means they have no sense of smell. Since there is no medium for sound to travel in space, the fairies never evolved organs to hear with either.
So how do they communicate? By a form of telepathy. They have to touch the fairy, or human, that they want to communicate with. They "speak" through images and emotions. These images are very fleeting and humans may have a hard time interpreting their meanings. Human minds can also overwhelm a fairy unused to all the extra senses. The first human-fairy contact left the fairy in chock, overloaded by the amount of impressions. Sense of smell, taste and sound is all alien to the space fairies. It may take a fairy a while to get used to them, but most find them very intriguing once they do.
Space fairies live in large groups, refered to as "a circle". They form very strong bonds and love deeply. However if they dislike someone, their animosity runs just as deep. They hold grudges like no other.
Since there are no day or night cycles in space, fairies rest when tired. A circle of fairies will hold hands or tails in order to not drift away from each other.
They use telekinesis to propel themselves through space. This can be used to "fly" if they're visiting planets with gravity, like Earth. The average fairy can only use this ability on one thing at a time. If they want to pick something up they'll have to land and then lift the object.
Their bodies can handle extreme temperatues and radiation. They're also very resistant to blunt force. Any injuries are quickly sealed with a thick sap-like substance. They have excellent healing abilities and can even regrow limbs if given enough sunlight.
Some space fairies are enthralled by vibrations and are actively drawn to the source of them. It's not uncommon to find fairies perched on top of speakers while music is playing, they want to feel that sweet bass too.
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ivytea · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to say I absolutely adore your artwork!
Your style is so interesting to look and I love your color usage so much. I can’t wait to buy that yakitori lily of the dumbo octopus piece you just posted. Have to push it off for a bit but, just know, when I get my hands on it it’ll be proudly on display.
thank you! it was so fun working on this piece but honestly the entire time i was kind of braced for it to be poorly received, since it's a bit out there even by my standards.. i was really happy to read your words, it means a lot to see it resonating with others too!! 🌷🐙
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