javiviara · 7 months
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Día 02
Aruani - Inoktober
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isayamasideblog · 3 years
AOT ships and what they are into... nsfw 😳
Mikasa and Eren just love holding on to each other and gazing into each other’s eyes as they slowly move against one another. Eren likes to hold Mikasa’s hand over her head as he snuggles against her neck.
Yes, she wears her scarf during sex, especially if things are nice and soft.
They do a lot of face kissing, like cheeks and foreheads. So soft, so cute. Missionary isn’t boring if it’s with someone you love fyi!
AH! He’s always touching her face during missionary, like caressing her cheek, and putting any strand of hair that’s over her face behind her ear!!
Mikasa just loves getting lost inside those gray/green eyes of his, and she loves seeing his muscles strain out of his arms as he slowly rocks back and forth.
He tends to be silent, but his face is pure bliss, and when he comes he whispers Mikasa’s name as he let’s himself get lost in the pleasure of having her.
Mikasa is the silent type but she hums when Eren is hitting her sweet spot and it is the sweetest sound to Eren’s ears. 
These two give each other the best most passionate kisses ever when they are doing the deed, it’s just them taking each other in, letting each other know that there’s nowhere else they would rather be
Lots of holding, hugging, and just having each other’s lips against their ears as they whisper sweet everythings
Surprise surprise... Eren is a biter O_O he likes to leave little love bites on Mikasa’s neck and places where they will be seen, this boy doesn’t care who sees because the audience must know what’s going on... Mikasa covers these love bites with her scarf lol 
Vanilla sex can be something that can be like so personal when done with someone you really love... 
Jeanpiku/Face riding: 
Jean loves when Pieck rides his face (horse joke?) 
He’s always the one telling her to get on, he just puts his head on a pillow and motions her to come over. 
She just smiles and slowly moves towards him as she settles her hips over him. He trails small kisses in her inner thigh before he slowly kisses her right there where she most wants his mouth to touch. 
Jean likes the view and he loves how Pieck cranes her neck back and holds on to his thighs as she rocks her hips against his face. 
Because of the height difference they tend to stick to sitting positions or Pieck sitting on his lap. It’s just easier to be face to face when they are like this. 
Also Jean tends to carry her a lot and he sorta moves her against him as she snuggly wraps herself around him. His hands are always on her backside, like always. She has a nice butt okay!
… yeah she rides him a lot actually, not just his face 
halfway through her riding him, she spins around his length, so she gives him a back view and Jean is just drooling like 🤤  as she does this  
He’s not shy about moaning btw, and Pieck always encourages him to do so
“Come on, say my name Jeanboi 😏” and Jean’s just like “My little Pieck 🥺” despite being very confident around her, she always manages to leave him in a blushing mess!
He’s very straightforward with aftercare, he just walks out butt naked to the kitchen and grabs her a water bottle... Pieck always smiles slyly to herself when he does this because she always has a water bottle in hand (she just likes to see a naked Jean walking away 😏) 
Jean loves to hold her against his chest as they both finish. He runs his large hands down her long hair and back while Pieck looks up at him adoringly and caresses the prickly hairs on the bottom of his chin and they kiss each other passionately 
Armin seems shy, but he loves giving it to Annie from behind. He’s an ass man and he hides it well
When he sees Annie on her stomach and she just tilts her butt up in the air even slightly, Armin is already crawling towards her and pressing her backside against him. 
He’s kinda shy to initiate and so is Annie, but once these two get going, they better hold on to something, because they go at it like rabbits
Armin holds Annie’s breast in his hand as he moves against her from behind
Annie buries her face into a pillow as she tries to stop herself from shouting Armin’s name 
And Armin is a blushing mess as he grabs her hips and guides her against him 
Armin is a soft moaner 🥺
This gets Annie so soft... she’s wondering if he’s giving it to her or if it’s the other way around. 
Annie is the silent type, but when things get to hectic she can’t control her facial expression and a mewl or two escape.  
After they are done, he acts all shy as if he didn’t just finish giving her the best sex ever. 
Annie too, both of them are so shy afterwards, but then Armin pulls her in, and hugs her as he whispers against her ear, “Are you okay?”
He’s so good with aftercare btw, he’s out there getting her water, a towel, sometimes even a snack. 
They like to lay on their sides as they look at each other for the longest time and it’s not until Armin smiles at her that Annie smiles back. They can stay like this forever. 
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shensratos · 3 years
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Humanity's Strongest Pair-A Rivamika Story (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/268971493-humanity%27s-strongest-pair-a-rivamika-story?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=ShenSratos&wp_originator=aqDJVAk56njpHgMCKGlBjRVjh7LCz1NwvYqKHCd9YTaWbuZs%2FMS7UxES7JhuzYt5HJVse3Inx43GhEjnHEUKQLO9KW8D9bAqvEZ3FoWWTTWAOI6yf2zISG4puaB%2Fwz7y A story about a Survey Corps Soldier and her Captain's Love and War. This story begins with students of Attack Junior High and them standing against Titans to actually fighting them in the battlefield and in the journey of life, the episode of Mikasa's and Levi's Love Story. This story occurs in AU. Some part of the story is taken from anime and manga so they contain spoilers. I know some of you may hate this ship, I respect your ideas, and please feel free to use comments to let me know whether you liked it or not. Have a nice day. The characters are owned by Hajime Isayama and his Anime/Manga- Shingeki No Kyojin, Yoshihide Ibata, Saki Nakagawa and his anime Attack Junior High. Credits given to them and to every individual who deserved.
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hocaltnozomi · 4 years
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último adiós ?
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aruanis-blog · 5 years
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hanisusu93 · 5 years
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Last of Aruani Christmas Week 2018 entry. D6 & D7: Hot chocolate/Coffee & Together/Alone. Take a guess who drinks which and why Armin can’t be with Annie. Also, I skipped D5 because I planned something that still can’t go into motion.
Entry is still accepted 😄
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shiny-armin · 5 years
an AruAni fanfiction, ballet AU Language: Spanish
El sol de media tarde entraba por la ventana, el polvo en suspensión haciéndose visible en los haces de luz. Annie no acababa de llegar de clase, y ya tenía que empezar a preparase de nuevo. No pensaba que fuese a habituarse a este horario tan fácilmente, aunque tampoco tenía otra opción. Metió todo lo indispensable en su bolso, una botella de agua, las zapatillas, peines y gomillas dentro de un neceser, y una muda para más tarde. Todo lo demás no salía de ese bolso jamás, por si acaso alguna vez se le olvidaba.
Annie llevaba siendo estudiante de danza clásica desde que era pequeña. ¿Cuántas horas habría pasado entre barras y pliés? La cuenta era demasiado larga. El conservatorio siempre había sido parte de su día a día, de su vida cotidiana. No recordaba bien qué la empujó a comenzar, sólo sabía que no quería abandonarlo. Desafortunadamente, tuvo que dejar el apretado y asfixiante horario del conservatorio, de lo contrario no podría compaginar el baile con los estudios universitarios. Siguiendo su mayor aspiración, optó por bailar en una academia privada. No podría decirse que estuviera nerviosa, pero nunca había sido buena con los comienzos, incluso llevado lustros haciendo lo mismo todos los días. Supuso que no habría una diferencia abismal entre ambos ambientes.
Suspiró profundamente, agarró con fuerza su bolso negro por encima del hombro y salió a la calle. La academia no quedaba muy lejos en bus de su casa, lo cual era un alivio. El viento azotó su cara en cuanto salió por la puerta, liberando algunos mechones demasiado cortos de su alto moño. Los apartó con la mano, maldiciendo entre dientes.
El trayecto se le hizo más bien corto, mientras apañaba los mechones dorados con pinzas y movimientos experimentados con sus manos. Era una profesional en recogerse el pelo rápida y minuciosamente. El autobús chirrió al llegar a su parada.
Empujó la puerta principal y pisó silenciosamente el suelo de parqué. Echó una rápida ojeada alrededor del pasillo que llevaba al estudio principal. Paredes inmaculadamente blancas, con cuadros de bailarinas por todos lados. Descubrió que estaba aterrada, pero no lo dejó mostrar. Encontró un pequeño vestuario a mano derecha, donde se deshizo de la ropa de calle y se colocó las zapatillas de lona. "Parece que ya toca comprar unas nuevas," masculló para sí misma, mientras rozaba la tela desgastada de la suela con los dedos.
No tardó en ponerse la rebeca de punto sobre su maillot antes de entrar a clase, ya no era verano y comenzaba a refrescar. Ella nunca era impuntual. Lo pudo comprobar en la cantidad de gente en el interior de la sala, además del reloj de la pared. Las cinco y media, exactamente. Oficialmente la clase comenzaba a esa hora, pero supuso que a los otros bailarines les traía sin cuidado.
Acudió a la barra más cercana para calentar un poco los tobillos, mientras observaba la clase a través del espejo. Un grupo de chicas riendo por allí, algunas otras con el móvil por allá, y varios chicos apoyados en la barra charlando. "Uno no se apoya en la barra como si fuese la de un bar," pensó con el ceño fruncido, cuantas veces le habrían regañado de pequeña por hacer lo mismo. Simplemente, era algo inconcebible para un bailarín con cierta etiqueta. Nadie parecía haberla observado detalladamente. Le alegró.
Una mujer joven y menuda apareció por la puerta del estudio, con un mono burdeos encima de su maillot, moño bajo y varios discos en la mano. La mujer de ojos avellana la observó, y sonrió dulcemente.
"¡Hola! Tú debes de ser Annie," dijo encandilada, mientras se acercaba a la impasible rubia. "Yo soy la profesora, me llamo Petra," añadió musicalmente. Annie asintió con atención. No parecía tener muchos años más que ella, pero notó en sus gestos y forma de andar que sin duda había bailado durante muchos años. "Hablamos por teléfono el otro día, siento que hayas tenido que dejar el conservatorio," añadió algo alicaída. "Puedes sentirte como en casa, pero no te relajes demasiado, soy bastante dura", dijo con cierta burla, levantando un índice, a la vez que intentando parecer estricta. No lo consiguió, o eso pensó Annie.
Tras una breve charla acerca del nivel de la rubia y de lesiones recientes, Annie se quedó sola de nuevo, mientras que Petra encendía el radiocasete y colocaba el disco de música clásica. La sala parecía algo más llena que cuando Annie llegó, podía contar unas doce personas. Amplios espejos recubrían la mayor parte de la pared, el suelo parecía algo desgastado de tanto roce con las puntas de las bailarinas. El calentamiento fue bastante silencioso, aunque relajante tras un estresante día de clases en la facultad. Llegó con facilidad a sus talones mientras se alargaba sobre sus piernas estiradas.
La barra fue algo más activo, sobre todo porque había dos chicas que simplemente, no paraban de cuchichear. Annie quiso lanzar su pie a sus caras durante un arabesque, pero se contuvo. Aún tenía que ganar confianza en este nuevo terreno. Simples tendús, un rond-de-jambe muy lento y arduo, para terminarlos con developpés á la seconde y derrière.
Cuando los ejercicios de barra al son de Chopin cesaron, observó como las chicas se colocaban las brillantes puntas de satén, y los chicos se quitaban algunas capas de abrigo. "Repertorio", suspiró Annie mientras alcanzó su par de zapatillas. Algunas chicas la miraban, con curiosidad, con recelo, incluso con algo de superioridad. Nada nuevo para ella, el mundo del ballet siempre había sido así. Ella seguía sumida en sus pensamientos, mientras escondía el nudo de los lazos tras su tobillo. Hacía tiempo que no realizaba un pas de deux, recordó, mientras veía como chicas y chicos se emparejaban a la vez que bromeaban entre ellos. Le costaría alcanzarles. Viéndose sin pareja, optó por quedarse al final de la clase, y repetir los movimientos de las chicas emparejadas delante de ella.
Petra observó su acción, y se apresuró a interrumpirla. "Annie, no te preocupes, esper-," la puerta se abrió con el mismo chirrido de siempre, aunque este pareció aún más estrepitoso. Un chico rubio y ojos claros apareció en la sala, acaparando la atención de todos. Tenía una cara horrenda, como si un elefante le hubiese trotado por encima. "Buenas tardes, señorita Ral", saludó con voz rasposa mientras se sonaba la nariz. El chico tiró sus zapatillas de lona negras al suelo y comenzó a colocárselas. "Oh, Armin, no tendrías que haber venido, estás fatal", a lo cual el chico respondió con una sincera sonrisa. "No importa, sólo he venido para repertorio, así que estaré bien", añadió mientras saludaba a los otros bailarines a duras penas.
"Qué desastre de persona," Annie dijo para sus adentros. Algo hizo click en su cabeza. Petra le dijo que esperara, porque iba a ser la pareja en el pas de deux del mocoso de turno. Como si le hubiese leído la mente, Petra guió al chico de cabello rubio hacia ella. "Armin, esta es Annie. Pensaba hacer que se turnase con otro chico, pero ya que has llegado, harás el apaño. Hoy es su primer día aquí, no te pases con ella," pero qué dice esta loca, pensó Annie con mueca de desesperación. "Sin problema, haré lo que pueda," dijo jocoso el chico. Annie estaba fuera de sus casillas. Al menos, no le sacaba un buen trecho de altura, por lo que podrían trabajar bien, quiso tranquilizarse la rubia.
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tsunadeworld · 3 years
arniee’s tech day
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Atlantis inspired Aruani - Disney Fanart Comparisons: Girls being broken/saved from a crystal to be held by their nerd boyfriends :) Please don’t repost without credit
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lila-negra · 7 years
Relatos de SnK a pedido
He observado que en Tumblr está lleno de blogs que escriben relatos breves o hacen dibujos a pedido. Nunca hice nada parecido pero suena estimulante así que, por qué no? Ahora que tengo pocos seguidores es el momento supongo XD Díganme a qué personajes de SnK les gustaría leer en qué situación y yo trataré de escribir un par de párrafos al respecto. Acepto pedidos de Riren/Ereri, LeviHan, Eremin, AnniexArmin, AnniexEren (Annie sería el seme de cualquier relación, creánme), quizás podría animarme con algo de Eruri, ah y HangexMoblit por supuesto. Y si se les ocurre otra pareja prueben igual, soy flexible XD Veremos cómo sale!
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isayamasideblog · 4 years
Armin x Annie Headcanon
This is my first Armin x Annie head canon! 
So what happens when Armin recognizes his feelings for Annie, but Annie thinks Armin hates her? 
Warnings: none
First of all, my boy Armin is not shy around girls, he’s a chill person, he just lacks assertiveness, but he can carry a conversation with anyone 
But when he notices that his feelings towards Annie are special, that’s when he starts stumbling his words, his steps, and his thoughts only around her. 
He tries to be rational at first, he thinks that it’s because he discovered she was the female titan
But then he’s like “I took notice because I was always staring at her, WAIT why was I staring?”
He’s a smart boy so it doesn’t take him long before he realizes he likes her, maybe even more than he originally thought
Annie notices the difference in his treatment towards her and other people, because she lowkey feels bad that he tends to avoid her
Armin doesn’t do it on purpose, but he thinks that Annie would never want anything with him so he rather avoid her to see if his feelings for her recede the more he avoids her (that always works, right?) 
So Annie thinks that Armin hates her and Annie wants to know why. Annie normally doesn’t care if you don’t like her, but for some reason she really cares that Armin doesn’t like her
So Armin is sitting down in a quiet place in town reading his many books (he’s so cute I swear) and Annie has figured out where he likes to hide when everything is too much for him
So she watches him for a moment, and realizes how peaceful he looks reading and the lightest smile tugs at her lips when she sees him blushing and smiling excitedly at something he read
Oh she really hopes that he doesn’t hate her!
“It’s that book really so interesting?” she asks trying to sound disinterested, but not mean
Armin startles because it’s Annie, “Why is she here?” he wonders, he tries to be relaxed but his chill has left the premises once she entered
“Uh-it’s just about the sea, it’s okay, I can let you borrow it! If you’re interested in that sort of thing?” 
Annie sits next to him and looks at the book, and poor Armin tenses, he tries to look at the sky to distract him, but it’s doing little to help him
“Hey… Armin? Do you hate me?” Annie says suddenly. Annie is very clear, she doesn’t play around. 
Normally she’d be ready to fight when she says this to anyone else, but with Armin she’s very soft with her tone of voice 
Armin’s eyes widen, “What? Annie, no! Why would you say that?”
Annie shrugs, “You always avoid me”
 Armin looks down at his hands realizing that it’s all his fault that she thinks he hates her. He didn’t mean his actions to be interpreted as such, he must come clean.
“Annie, I don’t hate you… i-it’s actually the opposite,” he reddens and slouches as he tries to hide his face
Annie is surprised when he says this, she doesn’t know what to say as the weight of his words settle down
She suddenly finds herself fighting a smile at the possibility of Armin liking her. 
“Maybe you’re not alone in those feelings,” she says cooly. 
Armin freezes and he looks at Annie’s level headed smile, he smiles too
And they sit quietly for a moment, until Annie grabs the book and points at a picture. “What’s this?” she asks
“I’ll read it to you,” and Armin’s smile gets bigger as he spends the day reading to Annie. 
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haldohange · 3 years
What if Eren's idea is the exact opposite of Zeke's?
Zeke wanted to end Eldians through their infertility, but Eren wants his friends to live long lives, and who better would he trust to have continue living, teach their own kids, thus teaching the TRUTH to all future generation?
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I noticed a lot of romance and pairing suddenly in the manga that could be considered canon. FalcoxGabi, the new JeanxPieck, AnniexArmin is pretty much mutually canon. And of course, Levihan (if Hanji theories come true).
If Eren really planned everything so far as part of his way to "restart" the cycle of hatred, then having his friends teach their kids and become the new leaders of the "new Eldia" might be what he is betting on and hence why Armin is narrating the story! He is not going to be the only survivor but rather, the chosen non-biased and thought-leader to retell this cruel yet beautiful story.
I'm ready to be wrong, this can still stay as my headcanon 😐
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ryas-olea · 3 years
Does someone knows a good fic including AnniexArmin, ErenxMikasa ? and with bonus ErenxArmin and AnniexMikasa. I mostly care about AnniexMikasa tough.
I'm very picky with my fic sooo
I think if I don't find anything I might end up by writing something which will end in a fourthsome... And I kinda prefer to avoid that... Plus my English is rusty
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mikasalily · 6 years
Sent me a Show
Tagged by @chirokoi Shingeki No Kyojin
Favorite male character: definitly Armin Arlert
Favorite femelle character:Mikasa Akerman
OTP: NOTP: Other Ships: YmirxChrista; ErenxLevi
Least favorite char: Annie ,i just hate her beacause of the AnniexArmin ships 😝
Favorite episode/season: well chirokoi if you know me pretty good, you should know that i can’t answer beacause i don’t watch SNK. Sorry! ^^
Character i wanna date: ARMIN!!!
Thank you @chirokoi !!!
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hanisusu93 · 5 years
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Very late Aruani Christmas Week 2018 entry. D1 & D2 prompt: Snow/Warmth & Gift/Present. Entry is still open to everyone until next Christmas. Details can be found on my Tumblr :D
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squiddlesandsopor · 7 years
I have honestly never considered this pairing before. I think...maybe it could work? I could see them being cute short-term. However, I’m not sure I could see them being happy together in the long-term. I’ll keep an eye on their interactions during my next read through of SnK though. You’ve piqued my curiosity anon.
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