#And to make his sweater vest look crochet
yukkins64 · 1 year
Sketch of my baby
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Hey mei!
Can i request a Spencer x Reader where reader crochets? And they dress super colourful and become like besties with garcia🤞 very much stevie nicks vibes maybe theyre a bit spritual aswell🧘‍♀️
maybe GN!reader but i dont mind.
Thank youu 💞💞
I wasn't sure how to incorporate all of that into one blurb so i focused more on the first aspects!
“Spencer.” You’re breathless as you stop by his desk, having rushed from the kitchen to get there the moment he sat down, “I made you something.”
You announce it proudly, with the puff of your chest and a bright, shiny grin. He’s used to receiving gifts from you, you jokingly call him your sugar baby, and at this point he thinks it’s true. Yarn is expensive, he’s found, and you go through an alarming rate to weave it together for him.
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow, looking up curiously at you, “Can I see it now, or do I have to wait?”
“You can see it now,” You reach for your bag at his question, finger hooking around something inside before you narrow your eyes at him. That’s his cue, and he snaps his eyes shut, clenching them tightly so that you won’t be able to accuse him of peeking while holding his hands out.
He hears the rustle of your bag, of whatever’s tucked inside, then something soft, alarmingly so, is placed on his palms.
“There,” You him, “Open, Spence.”
His eyes land on a much larger mass of fabric than he’d been expecting to find, used to flower-print bookmarks and water bottle sleeves from your craft. This is bigger, with multiple colors of yarn woven in— this is a sweater vest. It’s primarily brown, a few different shades in a pattern together, but it seems that you couldn't resist adding one of your own pops of color, a splash of green thrown in to give it a mossy appearance.
"Wow," He mumbles, fingers tracing the soft material, "Angel, this is- wow, you made this?"
"I did," You grin, leaning down to kiss his cheek. It's rushed and a little sloppy, but it's Spencer's favorite kind, because it feels like you're racing to love him.
"Thank you," He turns to hug you, letting the vest hang from his grip, "Is it- do I need to wash it or something, before I wear it?"
"No," You giggle, "Just wear it whenever, Spence."
He stands clumsily from his chair, abrupt and sticking out like a sore thumb in the quiet, still bullpen, "I'm gonna wear it now."
He wrestles with the sweater vest he's got on, one of his favorites but now paling in comparison to yours. He lets it fall haphazardly onto his desk, but he'll tuck it away neatly in his bag later. The sweater vest is a perfect fit on him, and he wonders if you've been checking the sizing of his clothes while he's been sleeping.
"Angel this is perfect," He commends you, grinning adoringly at the satisfied smile on your face, "You should sell these or something."
"No, that's too big of a commitment," You wrinkle your nose at the idea, "But, if you want, I can make you a full sweater?"
His brows shoot up until they're nearly enveloped by the hair hanging over his face. He can't imagine the time it would take to hand craft an entire sweater, in fact, he's still in awe you've made him the vest, so he tugs your contemplative face into his chest with an arm around your waist.
"I love whatever you make me," He promises, kissing the crown of your head, "But if that's too much work for you, don't strain yourself. I need all of your fingers in tact," He takes your hand in his, intertwining your digits, "I couldn't hold your hand if you broke it crocheting too close to the sun."
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moldybonessmell · 6 months
Spider-squad winter outfits headcanons post!
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you can tell i drew different charas in separate days oh wow
So i kinda posted few days ago about recent lack of atsv content Hobie content specifically so i had to deliver myself, amirite? Tho i decided to not stop on Hobie and did the entire spider-squad or perhaps, spider-quad? *badum tss* im funny see
also it's like -38C/-36.4F in my city and i be wearing like four layers at all times so i got inspired can't believe i still love winter when my ass be freezing this bad
So here's my headcanons for spider gang winter outfits!
Let's imagine they all have a mission in winter...
She can't really wear her hood bc of wind but everyone teases her about looking bald without it lmaoo so she got one of these knitted hoods instead, also wears one of these fluffy soft jackets
Was wearing uggs until she lost one of the boots during a fight LOL so she got these uggs with velcro fasteners + leg warmers
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pics: 1) found-store on Pinterest, 2) wglwkjg on Pinterest, 3) pey on Pinterest, 4) ·˚ Isabella·˚ on Pinterest
I see him wearing something kinda like his og itsv outfit but winter version with one of these gigantic puffy jackets and nike sneakers with fur inside + a hat with pompom
Let's imagine his jacket is opened, i didn't realise in time it makes his spiderman-outfit not-so-spider looking
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pics: 1) Hipok on Pinterest, 2) Nordstrom on Pinterest
He got one of these fluffy earmuffs (because his hair needs to be looking perfect at all times!), a puffy cropped cord jacket, a pair of these puffy winter shoes (these have a ribbon so you don't lose them flying around a city) and a BIG scarf with mittens (he definitely lost one of these tho)
He's the least used to cold out of the squad, but he's being very brave about it and wears a socially acceptable amount of layers
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pics: 1) Campus Gifts on Pinterest, 2) WTI Designer on Pinterest, 3) true deals club on Pinterest, 4) liisa rita on Pinterest 5) EtsyCA on Pinterest
In contrast with Pavitr he would wear a disturbing amount of layers, definately one of these mfs who wear layers instead of one warm thing
He's got one of these plaid "winter" coats that are thin af but swears he's warm cus it gets hot during fights (nobody believes him cus they watch him start to shiver in real time) (Pavitr crocheting a scarf for him was the only way to make buddy dress fairly properly for cold weather)
At least Hobie got a warm hat, right? Yes, spikes on the mask do just go through it, but it's warm, right? -right? ("it's a ventilation, mate!" or whatever lol)
Got layers of sweaters over each other: a turtleneck-sweater, a cropped one on top + a vest over all these
Would wear his usual boots just with warm socks under
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pics: 1) People on Pinterest, 2) Natalia on Pinterest 3) Fur Hat World on Pinterest 4) OLUOLIN on Pinterest 5) Elena Ilieva on Pinterest 6) EtsyCA on Pinterest
Disclaimer: english is not my native and i was SWEATING trying to find how all of these clothes are called in english so if i messed up some names ignore it pls or let me now how they are called correctly
Okay, this is all! Hope you liked it!
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moonshine999 · 8 months
The Greens during Autumn
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Putting on a coat and going on a long walk to be amongst the chatter and happiness of the town 
Being tired and taking the longest hot shower 
Recording every special moment with an outdated phone (Daeron insists she buy a new one while Aemond argues it looks “vintage”) 
Having every family dinner be accompanied by a cliche autumn scented candle 
Knitting light blue  matching scarves for herself ,Helaena and Jaehaera 
Owning too many cardigans and sweaters
Making hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows ofc) 
Getting dried leaves stuck in her hair (and not noticing them until the twins start laughing and simultaneously each pick a leaf out ) 
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Autumn means begging his wife for more cuddles because he’s cold (he refuses to sleep with a shirt on.) 
Taking the kids to a pumpkin patch and getting unnecessarily competitive with Jaehaerys on who can carve a scarier face (he gives in and lets him win at the end) 
Watching horror movies after putting the kids to bed 
Going apple picking with his mom 
Jumping in a pile of leaves just for the heck of it 
Wrapping one of his scarves around sunfyre before taking him on a walk or a hike with him
Visiting different wineries 
Serenading his wife , guitar in hand , while on the family road trip 
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Baking anything and everything from cinnamon rolls to apple pies to chocolate chip cookies 
Readjusting the entire house before Halloween (I can imagine it will look so fucking adorable and cozy. Plus the kids help make the decorations) 
Owning too many pairs of warm knit socks with bug themed patterns 
Arranging for picnic dates in their backyard 
Playing piano when she feels it’s quiet enough (dreamfyre is curled up on top of the piano, either observing or falling asleep to the music)
Drinking too much coffee (mother of three, wife of thousands, girl has her work cut out for her)
Embroidering flowers and the butterflies that fly around her garden 
Nearly always wrapped in something or the other (a giant blanket, a scarf, her mother’s old cardigan, her husband’s arms, the list goes on)
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Reading thrillers during cold evenings
Thrifting everything 
Playing chess, going on morning runs and solving complicated puzzles with Criston
Having an entire 5 hour playlist for this season and this season alone
Writing down special moments sitting beneath falling leaves
Declaring that there is no such thing as too much caramel because he refuses to accept he has a problem 
Trying the crochet patterns Helaena taught him 
Long coats, sweater vests, crew necks and flannels (in short, autumn fashion GOD)
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oh my god i can just imagine like s1 spencer rolling up in this sweater crocheter!Reader made and someone’s like “oh that’s cute where’d you get it” and he’s like “oh my gf made it :)”
he’s so cute i’m gonna be sick
OH MY GOD PLEASE GIMME THIS!!! He would be so cute in them too. I (of course) provided photographic examples of crochet pieces I would make him lmao. The argyle sweater vest is SO Spencer, especially season 1-2. He would look so dorky and cute and I would be obsessed with him even more than I already am.
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Spencer would wear them to work and Derek and Elle would immediately clock that his outfits are homemade. They would share gleeful smirks, ready to pounce and tease Spencer because it's just so easy to mess with him. But of course, but they are both thrilled for him to have someone.
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
december chaos
summary: you try crocheting a sweater for your girlfriend and it seems like everything that could go wrong, goes wrong.
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!reader
day 3 of ficmas (december 21st, 2022)
wednesday addams, the girl who couldn’t care less about love or feelings was in a relationship. a public relationship at that. you guys got together when wednesday kissed you out of nowhere while you guys were checking on the bees. you’d always had feelings for the goth girl but never once thought they were reciprocated. that was a couple of months ago.
though she still wasn’t as comfortable with hugs or affection, she tried to make sure you knew she loved you. instead of holding hands, you guys would link your pinkys together. it shocked everyone at nevermore when you guys were seen walking down the hallway to class with linked pinky’s for the first time. but wednesday didn’t care about other people’s opinions and she wasn’t gonna start caring any time soon.
“hey enid, do you have any good tutorials for making a sweater vest?” you asked her from wednesday’s side of the room. you were waiting for her to get back from class.
“i’m pretty sure i do. why what’s up?”
“well i wanted to crochet wednesday a sweater vest for a christmas gift since she wears them all the time.” enid’s smile grew upon hearing your reasoning.
“you know, i think it’s cute you want to give your girlfriend a handmade gift! here let me send you the youtube channel i watch,” she grabs her phone to send a link to the channel.
“thanks enid.”
“what are you thanking her for y/n?” you jumped back and faced your girlfriend. when the hell did she even get in the room?
“wednesday babe, you have to stop scaring me like that.” you turned to glance at enid before staring back at her, “i was just thanking her for choosing my new nail color. i was debating between a couple of colors.” wednesday eyed you suspiciously, she knew you were lying to her but for now she wasn’t going to question it.
it was the last week of school before break and you still couldn’t crochet the vest. you had scrolled through the youtube channel enid sent finding the perfect vest you knew your girlfriend will like. it was gray, black and white and have spiders and scorpions on it. but you couldn’t even get passed actually making the animals.
immediately after the fifth time attempting, you threw the crochet hook across the room and cried in your hands. you felt like a failure who couldn’t even make her loved one something special. you were glad your roommate yoko had stepped out of the room to hang with the sirens as it was too embarrassing to be seen like this.
wednesday hadn’t seen you all day today and she was beginning to become worried. you weren’t in class and none of your friends had seen you. she even asked your roommate but yoko refused to answer. were you ignoring her on purpose?
“thing where is she?”
the hand panicked and signed to her that he didn’t know. of course, he knew and so did everyone else. you had told them not to say anything because you needed this vest to be a complete surprise.
“i will pluck your finger nails one by one. where is my girlfriend?”
thing gave up your location after the threat of losing his finger nails. that was not worth it at all to him. without saying any more, wednesday makes her way to your dorm room. she steps inside not even knocking but she does that all the time anyways. there she found on you on the floor crying with your computer pushed to the side, a crochet hook a few feet away and yarn.
“y/n?” you looked up to see your girlfriend and burst out into more tears. sobbing back in your hands, you felt worse now that she was in here. wednesday’s hard face soften at the sight of you.
“what is all of this?”
“i tried making you a sweater vest for christmas and i can’t get it right,” you stuttered out the words. wednesday walks up to sit next to you on floor.
“why are you crying then?”
“because i wanted it to be perfect for you. i’m not even a good girlfriend, i can’t make a simple stupid vest,” the black haired girl pulls you into a hug without hesitation. this was different for her but she didn’t want to invalidate your feelings. never wanting to hurt you.
“you’re a great girlfriend. though i appreciate the gesture, it’s not necessary.”
“but wednes-“ she shushed you holding you a bit tighter. you took the time to wrap your arms around her too. you liked when she hugged you because it didn’t happen often.
“cara mia, you need not to stress yourself. you are a good girlfriend and for that i love you,” wednesday blinks realizing she finally said the words out loud. you paused your cries and glanced up at her.
“do you really mean that?” you sniffled quietly. she nods her head slowly suddenly scared of the way her stomach fluttered.
“i love you too wednesday,” you hugged her again and she was thankful you couldn’t see the blush that warmed her cheeks. she cleared her throat for a second before lightly pushing you away. wednesday then wipes the remaining tears off of your face.
“you tell anyone about this and i will deny it,” she’s quick to shuffle away even though her heart is pounding at the thought of holding you again.
“i will never tell,” you giggled and kissed your girlfriend’s cheek before moving to clean the floor. wednesday had managed to make you feel better about not finishing the vest. you had gotten a hug and a cute pet name of this. maybe you should be sad more often.
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nube55 · 5 days
Hi dearest Nube ✨
For the ask game, how about 3, 25, 38 & 90?
Bonus (well, I'm really curious I guess 👀😉): have you any new crochet project going on?
Mwah 😘
Val ✨️ how are you this lovely Monday? Thanks for sending these AND a bonus 😏 let's go!
3. guilty pleasure?
I'd like to think of them as not guilty and just pleasures 🤭 but if I had to pick one it would be binge watching home makeover shows and/or really REALLY cringey reality tv 😂
5. do you collect anything?
I do! Thimbles from all around 💜 still a small collection but getting there!
38. what is your love language?
Nothing speaks more love language to me than a frequent dedication of time to share a peaceful moment with a heart to heart talk over wine and soulwarming food
90. weirdest habit?
Mmm... I give names to home appliances? 😂 my current laptop is named Zoe 🤭
As for your bonus question... I'm going for a read more!
Wanna be nosey?
I have... way too many wips going on Val 🤣 as for now I have:
A blue sweater for Señor Nube that only lacks the sleeves but... as usual... I misscalculated the amount of yarn 🤧 and that specific yarn is out of stock. Any ideas? Make it a vest maybe? 😂
A deep red cardigan for me that surprise! I misscalculated lmaooo. I actually got new yarn for that one, but the dye batch is different. Yes, tears were shed. But I was advised to actually redo the sleeves alternating both batches between rows so that it looks less obvious and/or gives it a stripe-y on purpose look
I'm also making two blankets! A baby crochet blanket for a friend aaaand I'm also getting into knitting! So i'm testing circular needles and I am cursing so much really enjoying it! Here go two very low quality pics cause photography isn't my thing evidently
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Thanks for stopping by Val, and for letting me ramble about fiber artssss 😍
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honkygay · 1 year
my brain is rotting it is full of michael and mike. michael squared.
i need to draw them kissing chastely or desperate i need to draw them hugging mid cry i need to draw them cuddling i need to draw them reading books.
i need to draw the crazed look in mikes eyes like a particularly enamoured cat when michael brings home another fucking book, i think his pupils blow out until his whole iris is almost gone and michaels just grinning ear to ear excited to cuddle up to it’s fav person ever. THEM.
Do you think michael crochets it’s own sweaters or vests and makes mike a scarf do you do you because i do i think he prefers to show love through gifts and acts of service and parallel play.
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spaceace144 · 10 months
Get to know me~
Hello!!! My name is Emily and I was tagged by @zeloinator!!!
Last song: Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo. Okay so my boyfriend has a playlist of like 800 songs from a bunch of different genres and artists (because youtube mashed his individual playlists together) from Primus to Simon & Garfunkel to Animal Collective to Bosnian folk war songs, so I've been going through and picking the ones that I like and put them in a playlist that we can listen to in the car that isn't huge and we have to skip half the songs. (lol let me know if you wanna see it)
Currently reading: Imagine reading. I haven't read in years and I hate audio books because I just tune them out. I guess I've been reading Oshi no Ko since the first season ended, but like novel wise I have Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir (since I loved reading the Martin in high school).
Yell at me to read maybe.
Currently watching: Another boyfriend influenced pick, Girls Last Tour. We're going to be cosplaying them at Anime NYC so I figured I should watch it. But other stuff I've watched recently is Skip and Loafer (which was SUPER cute), BOFURI (reminds me of Chuchu tbh <3), and Bocchi the Rock!
Current obsession: Boy howdy do I like crocheting. Right now I'm working on a vest but after that me and one of my friends are going to go to Rhinebeck for the Wool Festival where a bunch of knitters and crocheters go since they sell yarn there. But infamously for Rhinebeck is the Rhinebeck Sweater, which is a sweater that you make specifically for the festival, so I'll be working on that next. Also it's still pretty empty, but my instagram for crafts is @ekotts_krafts if you wanna see what I'm making. I also love rhythm games, so I've been playing SIF2 (which is dog shit unfortunately), Wonder Dai Star literally came out yesterday but I'm playing that, and I've opened D4DJ and Project Sekai recently, but not too much actual playing. Of course I'm always obsessed with Chuchu, my Lord and Savior. I've literally bough yarn and nail polish and stuff because it reminded me of her. Speaking of, nail polish is another thing I've been into recently. I've been ordering from indie polish makers on Polish Pickup, which has a theme every month. They put up the polishes to look at the week before they go live for sale (the first weekend of the month) and then you have that weekend to order.
Tagging: @isayoldbean @itshabitchual @killjoy-prince @selnyam @boileddogchicken @luciacbg @cynicowl @strawbebbynya @pietremi @elizabethrobertajones @feralfelyne
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Modern au - headcanons
* on crochet tiktok
* Makes crochet sweater vest for his bf (to supply his acedemia look, which he gladly wears,,, and it makes eddies heart skip a beat whenever his bf wears the stuff his makes)
* Has gotten into fairy grunge, and has tried different diy projects for that as well
* Colors parts of his hair different colors
* Loves cuddling his bf while his gaming
* Has a tongue piercing (probably also a nose ring and eyebrow,, more mayhaps??)
* Sometimes steals Steve switch to play stardew vally
* Makes a lot of things for Steve but will get frustrated if it didn’t turn out the way he intended, but Steve keeps all of the things Eddie make for him very close to his heart<33
okay so the concept of Steve being a lol gamer in a modern setting has been stuck in my brain so here:
* Steve definitely plays league and has tried to convince his bf to join but he complains “that it’s too complicated” which is ironic but fair
* Jonathan definitely got him into playing together after they became friends, now will and Mike has joined their team as well
* He has the cat ear headphones (I’m very passionate about this one)
* Gets so happy every time his bf tries to make something for him
* Owns a switch but at this point Eddie has almost permanently stolen it to play stardew valley
* Sometimes if his gaming in long periods of time Eddie will come and sit and cuddle him while he plays, which he very much a appreciate considering his love language is also physical touch but he has to maintain the gamer grind as well:’)
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uglyfruit · 2 years
hi!! i love your knitting so much and as a fellow knitter i was wondering if you did intarsia or duplicate stitch to get the pictures on your knit pieces‚ and if so‚ where did you learn intarsia? it's something i've wanted to get into for a while but it's intimidating!
for these socks and this vest, i used duplicate stitch. for this sweater and these pieces, i used intarsia/fair isle.
before i learned knitting intarsia, i learned crochet intarsia. idk if you do crochet but i feel like colorwork with crochet is a bit easier and for me it made knitting intarsia less scary. the first intarsia knitting i did was for the harry styles cardigan, using this tutorial. which i wouldn't necessarily recommend u learn from unless you're doing that project.
anyway i'd say just look up tutorials! this looks like a nice in-depth one. maybe make a little swatch along with a tutorial and then hopefully you'll have a bit of a grasp on the technique and be able to follow other some patterns. I promise it’s not that scary!!
fair isle is worth knowing too, and you can use it pretty interchangeably/in tandem with intarsia depending on what design you're doing - basically you just bring your same yarn in a strand across the back of a different color design, whereas with intarsia you use a new ball of yarn after a color change.
i wish you luck and so much happy knitting! let me know if u need more help! <3
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julesnull · 1 year
Hi!! How are you doing? How has your new year been so far? I hope well-- I was wondering if you've been working on any project recently! If so, mind... sharing some... wips/blurbs about it?
HELLO GALEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very sorry I didn't get to this sooner cause I've been so inactive !! My new year so far has had it's ups and downs but pretty swag overall !! How is yours going? Tell me in the comments below <):3c I CUT IT CAUSE ITS SUPER LONG !!!!!!!
I got a massive case of art block and haven't had the motivation to draw for a few months, I did make a few things though !!
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This demon guy !! He's one of my favorite ocs Devil and I actually drew him last night at like 2 am but I couldn't stop cause I was finally able to draw something !! I started rping with him when he was but a skroingly little fella and he's grown up a bunch so I drew him as a mature young man here, it's only a screenshot though cause idk if I can show him fully shirtless ?? ?? LMK IF YOU WANNA SEE THOUGH cause Im v proud of how it came out ! !!!!!!
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Here's my current wip drawing wise !!! This is a new oc named Neytiri (I forgot where I got the name but apparently it's from avater ?? i love that movie so much but I don't remember any of the names :(( ) He's a priest that was cast out of his home town and CAPTURED by vampires in a spooky vampire castle. His scar is supposed to kinda look like a cross but idk if that came out so well ?? and it made his hair line all funkied up :(
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That's basically all I did this month but I also painted !! I was feeling kinda stuck and I bought guache a few months ago so I tried to make a little portrait !! !! I think it could be better but it's pretty cool for my first try :] it wasn't supposed to be purple also I just forgot to mix yellow back in when I was mixin more paint lol
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And this thang!! Just a little landscape thing I liked :33
I've been crocheting a lot though !! !! ! Here are some things I've been working on :3c
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A wip scarf for Damien that my cat Muffles is standing on !!!!
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This neat checkered glove thing I made !!!
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An oddly dark strawberry inspired hat !!!!!!
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This funky pride hat!!!!!!
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The white band is the hem of a sweater vest, the blue one is the brim of a hat for my brother :333!!!
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This unfinished checkered vest that's WAY too big for me :((((((
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And these cute heart patches for my friend !! He's gonna sew them on his pants :33
Thanks for the ask pal !! ANd the opportunity to share all my projects !!!!! !!!
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Harry Styles is the Most Wonderfully Dressed Singer in the Universe
Most singers have notable fashion adventures, but Harry Styles? In the midst of a fashion revolution. From One Direction's infancy in 2011 to today, the pop star has blessed us with so many great looks. What started with wavy hair and tight jeans quickly evolved into hand-knitted cardigans and hand-knitted sweaters within a decade.
If you want to get into the timeline of Harry's most influential ensembles, please let me break them down into some periods. The earliest notable is the period of the singer's colorful cardigans and knitted vests. From there he moved on to the era of long hair, then to the age of the playful crochet cardigan and sweater vest.Right now, Harry is in his ambitious age wearing sequins and sparkles as if it were his own business. No matter which ~Harry era~ you prefer, you're sure to enjoy all of the best Harry Styles outfits put together below.
1) Hand Knit Cardigan, Crochet Cardigan, Colorful Cardigan, Oversized Cardigan, Sweater Cardigan Women, Women's Sweater, Oversized Patchwork;
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2) Harry Styles Sweater, Hand Knit Sweater, Blue Sweater, Crochet Sweater, Women's Sweater, Handmade Sweater, Sweater Men, Embroidered Sweater;
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3) Harry Styles Vest, Floral Vest, Sleeveless Vest, Black Vest, Hand Knit Vest, Womens Vest, Boho Vest, Crochet Vest, Knit Sweater Vest
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4) Harry Styles Sweater, Hand Knit Sweater, Black Sweater, Crochet Sweater, Women's Sweater, Handmade Sweater, Sweater for Men, Boho Sweater
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Harry Styles knows how to carry clothes. Styles lived up to his last name in earnest for years. This is because he knows the definition of style: to fit his wardrobe into a series of basic elements and then have some fun with his finishing touches. From chunky cardigans to embroidered sweaters and floral patterned vests, her outfits never stop inspiring.
Harry's House is now out with his new album, we expect bigger harmony...
Each show on Harry Styles' Love On Tour offered more than just tremendous music. The performances doubled as a fashion show featuring Styles' custom-designed unisex cardigans and fans dressed in equally theatrical fits. In some cases, he even encouraged a certain dress code for his fans to follow, such as Styles' Harryween shows. The tour was the perfect combination of music, fashion and entertainment, but Styles also kills fashion play off stage.
While Styles has always been fond of fashion, this year has seen the singer really master and develop her performance style. He appeared on stage with boho cardigan, cardigan sweater and oversized cardigans. She wore summer cardigan for Halloween shows and dressed like a seriously stylish ghost in a white, frilly dress.
Styles hasn't made many red carpets this year, but in the situations he has, Styles has been a memorable fit. At this year's Grammys, he set fandom on fire when he wore a long cardigan and lavender-colored boa. She wore a sweater with a blue chick pattern; Both looks have become popular this year. At the Brit Awards, Styles channeled the 1970s with patchwork cardigans and summer cardigans. The singer's style seems to be making itself better every year, so let's prepare ourselves for what 2022 will hold. At just 28 years old, Harry Styles has established himself as one of the most talented multi-hyphens in the game.
With "Watermelon Candy", which topped the charts in 2019, she has already proven her success in singing and plunged into the world of acting. But what we're really obsessed with is Harry leading the fashion. He's come a long way since wearing hoodies and baggy jeans. He fasts forward 12 years and Harry Styles is the guy all the designers want to put on a knitted cardigan.
But if we're talking about Harry's style shift, we definitely need to discuss the early years: 2014, 2015, 2016 where Harry's tailoring rules book consists of knit cardiga, men's cardigans, wool cardigans, patterned vests, chunky sweaters and retro sweaters.
Then, around the time he was cut for a role in the 2017 Dunkirk film – he witnessed Harry's typical boy band aesthetic shift to a much more adventurous approach to fashion; Since then, she has been praised for challenging gender norms and blurring them through style.
She became the face of designers who made custom-designed cardigans, sweaters and vests, then wore a transparent, lacy blouse with a single pearl earring at the 2019 Met Gala. In December 2020, Harry appeared on the cover of several magazines, wearing a streetwear sweater paired with an oversize sweater.
She told the magazine: "The clothes are there to have fun, try on and play... When you buy something like, 'There are clothes for men and there are clothes for women,' when you remove any barriers, obviously you open them. In the arena where you can play."
And this year was a time when Harry took to the stage in sparkling, animal sweaters and colorful cardigans that dazzled us.
Transforming from One Directioner to Hollywood, the leading man accomplished much in his way of pushing the boundaries of mainstream fashion by doing very little: 90's sweaters, handknit sweaters, crochet vests, black vests, and sleeveless vests earned him both friend and foe. While Styles isn't the first man to "gender-bend" tailoring standards, her pride in enjoying fashion may compound over her, despite social pressures to conform to toxic masculinity. Definitely successful.
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afashionelles · 2 years
Off White Sneakers himself and his work
Think rugby and polo shirts featuring a new 1977 insignia, cable knit Off White Shoes turtleneck sweaters, '90s barn jackets redone in cool cotton blends, and wardrobe staples rendered in French terry and jersey. It's sporty in feel, but she made it feel super high-fashion with the help of a striped fur stole, miniskirt, and strappy stilettos. You'd never guess that the stripes that decorate these pieces don't miss the cape dresses were inspired by data charts about global warming. The moment Linda, Cindy, Naomi, and Christy traipsed down Fall 1991 catwalk to the strains of George Michael's Freedom! '90, history was made.
Pop stars and go hand in hand, but the label's Gen Z muse is undoubtedly Dua Lipa. Still, it feels like it's not enough. It's the tail end of New York Fashion Week, and the vibrant street style scene certainly hasn't disappointed. How do you wrap up a fashion show in the age of social media? By giving the audience and the viewers at home a moment designed for Instagram. The collection also includes some covetable pieces that take inspiration from classic American style too. As a designer, Manning understands trial and error is part of the process, and he isn't afraid to keep exploring Off White Sneakers himself and his work.
Intarsia is wonderful if you want to make a knit with a pattern that has multiple colors, Geyter further explains. With so many jobs in the fashion industry, it's no surprise that he has killer personal style to boot. Kit Willow, the Australian designer behind Kitx, is doing her damnedest to fight that slide. The forecast in Paris predicts several days of 50 degrees and sunny weather during the men's shows, giving the fashion crowd a chance to showcase their best looks while attending shows from Louis Vuitton, Dior Men, Rick Owens, and Kenzo, among many more.
Today's stylish celebrities are rocking windbreakers in fresh new ways. Don't be afraid to try bold colors too, like rich neon hues, that break away from the norm. I was talking a lot with my team and I'm thankful to them Off White Outlet because they gave me this confidence that we needed to do it. When we met for coffee on New York's Lower East Side-between stores like Bode, Cafe Forgot, and adjacent to the highly curated vintage emporium James Veloria, each of which represents the city's new style-Prost appeared like a vision in almost a dozen clashing and ethereal layers: vintage floral jeans worn under a pleated wool skirt inspired by my look at , a tie-neck blouse and crochet vest underneath a Collina Strada pink hoodie, and a long strand of pearls.
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hi babes!!
how are you? how is your day going?
this is too damn cute and I kinda want to try it
I just got home and naturally I went on looking for Spencer pics so enjoy this mini photo dump.
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And some flowers for you. 💜💜 love you!
hi grecy!!!
i hope that you're day was good and that you'll get a good night's sleep.
ughhh greccccyyyy you are just increasing my need to kiss him so much. look at him scrunching his nose how dare he be that cute. and that one of him lecturing??? i would have laughed at his joke because he's just so cute and i have a really bad nervous laugh.
and the adam's apple. since when are those hot? please anything about him is hot lol
anyway!! i'm good. i'm crocheting because i have a bad habit of starting new projects when i haven't even finished the other ones. so i'm mulling through that. right now i'm making a sweater vest. so that's fun :)
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plagggscamembert · 2 years
Lukadrien headcannons BC I HAVE MORE
(ik its been a while)
- Luka has tattoos. (some are stick and poke and some are professional)
- Luka gives Adrien a stick and poke tattoo on his hip where unless he is wearing pretty much nothing it can’t be seen
- Luka tried to teach Adrien how to play the guitar and he was actually pretty good at it but refused to acknowledge it
- Luka has rings, soooo maaaaannyy rings, all silver or black. He lets Adrien borrow a few of them from time to time to fidget with
- They go shopping together for the first time and Adrien tries pretty much everything on. Luka being the Supportive Boyfriend™ tells him he looks hot in all of it and to buy it all. Adrien ends up doing just that despite not being able to wear it unless his father is away, (still prefers Lukas clothes)
- Luka takes up crocheting (his first project was definitely the rib cage thing *reference pic at bottom*) and makes Adrien and him matching things (gloves and hats and sweater vests) to make up for not being able to buy him things
- They take trips to the Louvre and walk around showing each other their favorite pieces and artists
- Adrien got into a huge fight with his father about his freedom and didn’t come home for 2 weeks. he stayed at Luka’s instead
- Luka loves giving hickeys and Adrien loves having them (win win)
- Marinette let them spend a few hours in the bakery (and or kitchen if Tom didn’t vibe w/that) to make cookies for a bake sale, she had to come and finish them two hours later as they only accomplished getting covered in flower and forgetting to turn the oven on
- Adrien has a habit of doodling on his skin bc it pisses off his father even if he can’t actually dray anything for the life of him, when Luka finds out about this he teaches him how to draw some simple things and gives him the proper pens to use. Adrien comes home COVERED in pen art and very smiley
- Adrien takes wayyy too many dance classes and Luka loves to sit in during rehearsals (or when they are at Adriens house) and watch him dance, his favorite is Ballet
- Adrien loves to take Luka swimming mostly because he loves the way Luka’s eyeliner runs down his face after a few hours
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