#And he became the best auntie he could be
radiance1 · 1 year
Danny and Vlad are now mythical creatures.
They don't know exactly how- their bets are on Desiree. Which mean someone in Amity Park had to wish for this to happen.
Except it extended to the whole of Amity park, and not just them. Danny became a dragon, while Vlad became a phoenix and not those small ones, but he's a very big one.
Like, bigger than a person big.
Everyone can switch between from a creature back to their human selves, with the catch being that some of their beastly instincts and traits carry over into their human side.
Danny is just minding his own business, resting in dragon form in the deepest part of the Far Frozen, until a phoenix busts through and interrupts his haze, fire blazing behind him and hits him with.
"Pariah Dark is missing."
And if that didn't wake Danny up faster than one of his parents inventions exploding then he doesn't know what would.
So they go to his abandoned castle, see the coffin missing, proceed to freak out for a few minutes, then remember that Clockwork exists and races over to his lair, leaving a trail of ice and fire in their wake.
Clockwork tells them that Pariah Dark was summoned to another dimension.
"Ghost King he is no more, but powerful ghost he still is."
So now they have to jump to different dimensions to try and find Pariah Dark before something goes down.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
The 10 year old sitting at the edge of the summoning circle staring at the Sarcophagus that just appeared in stunned silence.
Also said child walking forward and poking at it curiously.
Also said child when he summoned something in his parents basement from a really old book he found not expecting it to work but it did: Neat.
The kid then opens the Sarcophagus, found it stupid easy, and then what is obviously a groggy giant man pulls himself out of it.
So he obviously dragged him upstairs and sat him down on the couch.
Meanwhile with Danny and Vlad:
Both of them are going through portals looking for the ex-ghost king, landed in some medieval dimensions, accidently became legends based on sightings alone, landed in some present day dimensions, alarmed their governments.
Yet none of them contained were wrecked and enslaved by Pariah Dark, nor was there even any signs of him.
they spent a few years looking in different dimensions, then they felt a tug about someone summoning them, not just one of them, but both.
Probably didn't get the memo about a new king.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
Showing pictures of the kid who summoned him to other aunties and gossiping about the new gangs and drama in Gotham.
Meanwhile with Vlad and Danny:
Looking at the stunned faces of cultists as they stand menacingly in their mythical creature forms, just staring done at them as if they were mere ants.
In reality they just want this over and done with so they can go back to finding Pariah Dark and finally call it a day.
They're waiting for the cultists to finally speak and tell them what they want, only for them to be interrupted by people in colorful spandex who beat up the cultists.
Did they stay after that?
They left the summoning circle to look for Pariah if he has any chance of being in this one.
They also went intangible to avoid them if they decided to chase after them, Vlad went one way and Danny the other.
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axelsagewrites · 6 months
Can I request a modern! Jacaerys x Fem! OC fic where Rhaenyra is best friends with the OC’s mother and both Rhaenyra and the OC’s mother try to get Jacaerys and the OC to be friends and like each other but they absolutely hate each other ( like actually hate ) even when they were babies. Then, they grow up near each other and go to the same school but they still hate each other severely. During high school Jace becomes popular, and becomes the captain of his soccer team, and even gets a girlfriend while the OC is not popular by any means and is very shy and reclusive. They go off to uni, and the OC finally shows up to a frat party ( Jace’s frat ) and the tension sort of at its height, and that night and the OC accidentally ends up pregnant and they learn to love and live with each other during her pregnancy. Thank you so much if you can do this btw!!!
Jace Velaryon*Frat Party
Pairing: jace x f!reader
Word count: 1982
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Warnings: rivalry, mentions of bullying, frat jace, flirty frat cregan, implied smut but nothing explicity, hate sex, accidental pregnancy, drinking
Masterlist Here
Part Two linked at end
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You had no clue how someone so sweet and loving and kind and amazing could birth such an idiotic insufferable twat. Yet somehow Rhaenyra had managed to do just that. Your mother was friends with Rhaenyra, lovingly dubbed aunty Nyra by you, and were so close that they deliberately moved into the same neighbourhood. This was all be swell if not for the fact that her eldest son Jace was just such a dick.
Your mothers tried to make you like each other and constantly set up playdates but you would simply ditch Jace to play with Luke until you realised, he’d only been so quite because he was giving your barbies haircuts. Eventually some time in middle school they gave up trying but still forced you to go on joint family vacations and similar hellish events.
There was a time in your freshman year of high school you almost became friends. That summer had gone surprisingly well with you both finally being civil enough to talk to each other. Then school rolled around again and Jace got onto the high school soccer team. You congratulated him and even was debating plucking up the courage to ask him to go out to celebrate since despite how much you hated him even you thought he was cute. Then he and sara snow came waltzing out of school and in hand and you went right back to hating him.
It wasn’t just because you were jealous, which you were but refused to admit, but because Sara snow had tormented you all of your first year. And Jace knew this. He knew she would taunt you and make pig noises at you in the corridor but yet here he was sucking face with her in front of your locker which was sadly right above his.
It only got worse when he dumped her then became the captain of the team. Then came a string of girlfriends who’d fawn over him relentlessly in school. To say it was hell was an understatement especially since it always seemed to be the girls that would tease you or laugh when you walked past. Highschool sucked to say the least but finally after all these years of hard work you got the letter.
Youd got into your dream school and were set to be moving to the dorm soon. A new start, new friends, another chance. Finally. Your bubble however was popped by your usual enemy. Jace fucking Velaryon was going there as well. You basically ran him down at the joint celebratory dinner your parents threw you both to say that if he dared ruin university for you the same way he ruined high school you’d make sure he’d never kick another ball again.
So, for the first two years you had peace. You had a small circle of friends, great classes, amazing grades, and your hair finally began to cooperate with you. Aunty Nyra even joked uni had given you a glow up when she saw you this summer. What you didn’t see was the way Jace’s eyes followed you as you left the room.
“I can’t believe you’ve never went to a frat party,” Aly said as she began to raid your closet, pulling out a dress and holding it to herself, “This poor dress. it deserves to see a little fun,”
You snorted at your friends as you helped straighten Sansa’s hair. “You wear it,”
“Or you could,” Sansa retorted, backing off when you held the straighteners in a way an angry mother holds a wooden spoon.
“Either you wear it, or I will,” Aly said as she tossed it on the bed and continued her raid. Your roommate Sansa had recently become friends with Aly and in an unexpected turn so had you. you and Sansa were far quieter than her, but Sansa always seemed to come back from hanging out with her with a huge smile, “Girl look at this top,” Aly broke your train of thought as she held up a black low-cut top, “How you not gonna go out when you own all these clothes?”
“My aunty got me them,”
Aly rolled her eyes as she continued her search, “Well I’m stealing the top but you’re wearing that dress,” she said and before you could even protest, she cut you off, “You are far too hot to be at home in sweats on a Saturday night. We are going,”
You sighed as you finished Sansa’s hair, but she turned to look up at you, “Cmon,” she whined, “one hour and if you don’t like it, we’ll all come back here and watch the polar express,”
You sighed yet again before pausing. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. After all your confidence was far better than what it once was, and you had a good few friends you knew would also be going. Your eyes wandered to the dark red dress on the bed. “Fuck it,” you said, snatching up the fabric.
“You’re coming?!” Sansa grinned, flinging herself off the bed, “Finally come on sit down. Its makeup times!”
Sansa and Aly worked their magic and soon you were walking arm in arm with both girls to the frat. And you had to say they had done a good job if you do say so yourself. Even if you were currently freezing that was. “Boys,” Aly greeted with a wide grin as she walked up to the boy at the door, Cregan you were sure.
“Troubles here,” he joked, his eyes wandering up and down, “And you brought a friend,” he said, eyes turning to you, and it was like the wind was knocked out of you when you saw his face, “Nice to meet you I’m Cregan,”
“Hi,” you grinned, quickly introducing yourself before rushing inside with a giggling Sansa and Aly.
“He was so checking you out,” Aly nudged your ribs.
“Okay maybe this was a good idea,” you laughed as she dragged you and Sansa off for some drinks.
As you stood filling your cup with cheap beer there was a set of gorgeous brown eyes watching your every move, “Dude you know that girl?” Cregan asked as he walked over with more drinks for him and Jace.
“She’s my neighbour,” he said, taking the drink and trying not to let his eyes wander again.
Cregan let out a low whistle, “If she was my neighbour, she would not be here alone,” he laughed prompting Jace to shove his elbow into his ribs, “Hey man!”
Meanwhile you had somehow been convinced to head to the dance floor. Perhaps the three drinks Aly had got you and the buzz in your head had helped. The night had been going surprisingly well. So far at least. You hadn’t even realised Jace was here. That was till you felt two strong hands grip your hips, “Not such a goody two shoes now,” Jace’s voice was low, his breath tickling your neck.
You turned around with a drunken grin as you attempted to push him back, but your attempt was futile, “What did you miss me too much?” you joked.
A grin spread across his lips, “You’re drunk?” he asked, his head tilted like a puppy.
“Watcha gonna do about it? tell on me?” you teased as you crossed your arms. Not knowing it gave Jace an even better view of your tits. “I’m just having a little fun,”
He chuckled as his hands returned to your hips, his head dipping slightly in a way that made butterflies spark in your stomach, “Why don’t you show me how to have a little fun then doll?”
Your eyes flickered down, scanning his face for a moment before grinning, “Follow me then,” you said as you lead him to the drinks table.
Several drinks later you awoke in dark blue sheets and a soccer jersey wondering where the hell your dress went and a strong arm around your waist. The low pounding of your head and Jace’s snores brought you back to reality. “Fuck,” you muttered as you tried to ease out of his grip.
Your eyes fell to the floor where your dress had apparently ended up last night. You debated which was worse, walking home in last night’s dress or Jace’s jersey. You quickly decided to steal a pair of his joggies as well and just ball up the dress and take it with you. as you crept out the room you ignored the faint snoring in the background.
Part of you wondered if it had all been a bad dream. That was till your phone buzzed.
You stole my jersey
What you gonna do? Tell on me?
You sighed as you flung your phone to the side and shoved your pillow in your face to scream. Funnily enough what you had been doing only last night as well.
It was the next day when a heavy knock came at the door. when you opened it, eyebrows knitted, you were met with an infuriatingly hot site. Jace’s arm was lent against the door meaning he was able to glare down at you perfectly, “I want my jersey,”
“Sorry do I know you?” you asked, crossing your arms with a tilted glare.
Jace scoffed slightly before grinning, “You seemed to remember my name fine the other night,” this time you scoffed but not before Jace pushed his way in. “Where is it?”
“Get out of my room!” you protested as Jace shut the door behind him and started rummaging. As his hands went to grab your sheets you pulled at his arms to keep him back but not shockingly, he was able to push you off with ease. “Hey!”
“What’s this?” he said, his hand reaching for the jersey that had been under your duvet however your face went red when he lifted it. a wide grin spread across his stupid face, “What’s that princess?”
“Don’t princess me,” you stuttered as he went to grab the pink silicone you’d left on your bed. “Don’t!” you whined as you grabbed his wrist, accidentally ending up face to face with him yet again.
You could feel his hot breath fanning your lips and you saw his eyes dip for a moment as a pit grew in your stomach. Before you could think what to do next his lips had crashed onto yours, his jersey slipping from his grip as his hands moved to cup your face.
Your hands grabbed at his t-shirt, pulling him in closer till you were stood pressed against his hard chest. His hands moved to your back, finding the small of your waist. Jace sat down, bringing you with him to staddle his lap. You gasped when you felt his bulge pressing into your thigh.
His lips moved to your neck, kissing every last bit of skin he could reach. “This is a bad idea- “
“Why don’t you shut up and enjoy it princess?” Jace cut you off, his hands slipping beneath your shirt. “You enjoyed it the other day,”
You groaned as his fingertips explored your skin before finally sighing, “Fine but it’s just sex,” Jace rolled his eyes at you but didn’t bother to respond as he flipped you onto your back, his hands moving to pull off your shirt.
You knew having a enemies with benefits situation ship with Jace would eventually come back to bite you in the ass but the two pink lines staring back at you felt like being plunged into ice water. “You okay Hun?” Sansa called through the door, wondering what had been taking you so long.
You unlocked the door but refused to stand up. Sansa walked in; concern written over her face when her eyes finally spotted the test in your hand. Looking up at her you could only say one thing, “I’m pregnant,”
Part two here
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @jacesvelaryons
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radioisntdead · 1 month
Omg i need more platonic Alastor and child overlord reader! Like i need child reader to be a menace to society! I need Valentino quivering in his boots as he glances at child reader! Like im talking reader was reason Val has a messed up entente. Alastor trying to manipulate the kid only for child reader to laugh it off and sip their juicebox. Child reader should definitely be an arsonist, having a thing for fire.
Good evening my dear! This is a little shorter then intended but I hope you enjoy!
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Alastor & Child reader, platonic obviously.
FERAL CHILD READER, making this a prequel or au? [?] of the other one, reader became an overlord by accident, child reader is still a doll, I am still TERRIFIED OF PORCELAIN DOLLS
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Alastor began to regret picking you up from the streets as your teeny tiny little hands patted his fluffy ears, it was fine the first few days as he tried to find your parents, after all you were a child.
He was unable to be rid of you, he tried to drop you off at a hell orphanage, you appeared again, put you back in the alley he found you, you appeared again, you were inescapable.
Alastor didn't even know you became an overlord until an invite to a overlord meeting was given to you sent by Carmilla Carmine, how did she know you became an overlord?
The overlord meeting was confusing, you didn't want to be there, they were confused on how you got there, you were sat sipping on a juice box that Auntie Rosie had brought you Infront of you a coloring book with crayons.
They were discussing something you didn't care about, overlord duties, territory issues blah blah blah, what did catch your attention though was the purple guy squinting at Rosie, he made a comment about making her a star causing Rosie to frown, the static that Alastor produced made your ears hurt and that pinwheeled into Carmilla asking the purple guy what possessed him to make that comment and kicked him out of the meeting and that was that.
For now.
Alastor held your hand as he walked you up to the Vees tower, he leaned over you
"Small one, do you remember that awfully tacky dressed thing from our little meeting today?"
You nodded,
"The one that made Auntie Rosie frown?"
"That's the one! Be a dear and do what you do best and-" he gently grabbed your arms and rolled up your sleeves, looking them over to make sure they wouldn't come loose and fall
"T̸̛͍͇͕̖͓̗̰̱̗̙̤̝̥̘̪͉̋̔̏̋̈͛̊͂͌̆̀͛̐͘͝e̴̢̛̘͔̩͍̣̪͈̞̘̖̦̤͙̫̾̽̌̌̐͗̈̾̿͐͗̆͂̒͘͜a̴̡̢̢͉̗̥̩̦͚̻̼͙͓̬͔̣͆̔̑̓̓̀͊̾̈́̃̀̉̓̇͘͝r̴̖͈̹͕͖͖̲̪͓̜̠̺̖̝̦̍͌̿́͒̈́̎͗͊̌̚͝͝͝͠͠ͅ ̸̡̡̢̥̣͍̖͙͍̰͕̟͍̯̲̍̎͑̎̅̎͗̈́̌̍̂͋̎́͠͠ͅh̴̛̞̰͍̪̘̞̜̗͍̞̞̝̖̩̼̠̓̋̿̅͐́̋̾͒̑̊̍̏̿͝i̵̧̢̛̳̗̗̠͒̓͋̈́̓̑͌̄̌̃͑̄͘͘̚m̶̢͚͚̞̯͕͍̬̩̭͖̦̯͉̖̭̒͌̈́̿̏̏̔̂̍̽̃̉͘̚̕͝ ̶̢̧̗͔̩̖̙̼̙̳͉̦̬̱̺̰͊̓̒̃̍̍͒̽͌̋̑̓́̌̕͝a̴̯͚͉̼̺̥͖̬̪̟͍͉̼̩̫̅͌́͗́́͑̽̇͆̐͗̋̒̾̕͜p̸̛̛̙͓̯͙͈͚̜͔̱͚͈̝̲̹̟̲͗̈́̓̆̀̆̌͆̔́͗̚͝͝a̶̢̨̝̘̮͙͕̼̰͍̹̲̮̮̥̥͛͆͐̾͐͛͗̃̑̂̾̑̒͐̚̚r̷̢̛͍̯̖̪͍̱̹̺͖͉̭̥̣̹̾̇͒̉̈̿́̒͋̓̈́̓̚͘͜͝ẗ̴̢͍̺̰̱̮̗͓̟̱̯̥͙̜̝͑͌͆̑̓̂͛̊̔͌̆̉̏̂͛͜ ̵̡̧̧̢͕̜͙̜͙͈̝̪̜̮̲̐̆̈́̌͑͛̑͗̐̍̚̕̕͜͝͝͝"
the static in his voice stung your ears but you didn't care too much because you just got permission to be absolutely feral, not that you needed that permission in the first place.
You skipped cheerfully into the tower sneaking past the receptionist and into an elevator, luckily for you the purple man from earlier came rushing into the elevator.
Valentino was now stuck with you.
Valentino was confused when the regular elevator music changed to boss music and that's when he looked down to see two large child eyes staring back at him.
"What the-aCK" he didn't even get to finish his sentence as you grabbed fist fulls of his wings and climbed up him, actively growling like a feral raccoon.
The elevator dinged as it opened up, Valentino fell out small puddles of what one could assume to be blood puddled out beneath him startling several employees,
You stood tall [or at least you felt like it], wearing Valentino's heart shaped glasses, the white bits of one of Valentino's antennas in your hand before you grinned and threw it up like confetti.
"Okie-dokie! I'm done, bye-bye!" You said gleefully before kicking the rest of Valentino out of the elevator and pushed a button to go back down humming cheerfully as the door closed and someone rushed over to Valentino.
He didn't come to overlord meetings after that, at least not when you were there.
"Little one, sign this."
Alastor said as he came to you holding a contract and your favorite flavor of crayon,
"I'll give you candy and I'll let you go to bed at 9:30 instead of 8:45"
You shook your head and shouted before taking a sip of your juicebox, Alastor opened his smiling mouth to say something only to get interrupted by horrendous banging on the hotel doors.
It seemed the purple man had come to do something to Angel dust, your favorite babysitter, you looked up and blinked at your forcibly adopted parent as if asking for permission, you weren't asking you were giving a forewarning.
Alastor just nodded smile growing larger as you skipped over to the hotel doors and swung em' open, stopping the moth mid door attack.
Valentino was stunned for a moment as he saw no one was seemingly there, you coughed to get his attention.
Valentino looked down at you, juice box in hand and a grin large on your little face,
A chill ran through his spine, he knew you.
He blinked, the juicebox in your hand was replaced with a lighter.
He opened his mouth to let out a scream attempting to scramble away from you before you took away his other antenna,
Unfortunately for him he wasn't fast enough in his escape as you had set his wings on fire, turns out they're really flammable!
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Good evening folks I'm scheduling this for Monday at 8 am so hopefully it'll actually post! Thank you for tuning in I hope you enjoyed!
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byunpum · 1 year
What will happen when Jake learn from Neytiri and his sister how before the war there are some Navi men and women from different tribes try to court his sister and even after the war they still try to ask her as a mate but still gotten shut down each time
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Pair: Human reader x neytiri x jake (family moments)
Warning: None, neytiri and reader being bestie. More auntie content <3
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"Do you remember that guy…what was his name?" speaks Neytiri. As they both laughed and worked on the family dinner. Watching their children run around the hut and play. Jake was sitting next to his partner, also helping to prepare everything. His sister didn't live with them, but used to spend time in the family home. "The one who had given you that nice necklace, a couple of months ago" says neytiri.
"Ohh are you talking about Lewaymä, yes I remember him. He was cute" you chuckle a little. While neytiri pats you on the shoulder. "You're talking like he's dead…I'm asking you if you remember him. Because he asked me about you" says neytiri, laughing mischievously. "Ahh yes?, I thought he had a mate" you say as you continue to cut some fruit.
"Well no…he's single and he told me he was still interested in you." Neytiri looked excited about it. It could have been a long time since you two met. But when you were together you felt like children again.
You two had met years ago, even before Jake came to Pandora. You were one of the youngest humans to arrive at pandora, at the age of 16. Your intelligence and dedication helped you get a scholarship. Joining grace's team, and living with the navis. There you met all the Omaticaya clan and were quickly accepted. Still having your human body. You couldn't have an avatar, because of some DNA complications. So you were also one of those humans that were taken as a sample to see how the navis and humans behaved.
You and Neytiri became very close friends very quickly, you were both the same age. And you liked to talk, walk and learn from both of you. It hurt you very much when you had to separate, it was like another loss for Neytiri. You had spent so much time together, that when you saw each other after a while, when jake was entering the clan. Neytiri's emotion was unique, hugging you and giving you lots of kisses. Even mo'at and her father embraced you, calling you daughter, welcoming you as part of the clan. Even tsu'tey got excited when he saw you.
"What man are you talking about?" asked Jake, now he was the one who was surprised. His little sister had lovers? He couldn't believe it. It wasn't that you were ugly or anything. You were a beautiful, talented and kind woman. But he was surprised that Navi men were interested in a human. "Lewaymä he's been after Y/N for years" says neytiri.
"Are you kidding me?" says Jake, turning to mock you. You give him a quick punch in the arm. "What's wrong with you, you idiot!!!" you yell a little, throwing a piece of food at your brother. "Even if you don't believe it, I have my lovers…very good lovers" you say snickering a little. You can hear how jake laughs out loud, looking at neytiri who was looking at him with a bad look.
"Laugh all you want…but Y/N has made the best warriors of some of the clans fall in love with her. Remember when Tìnzaik had started to seduce you?" says neytiri. You blush at the memory. A navi girl from the war clan had tried to court you. It was not a common thing, but for her you were so interesting and beautiful. You had been in that clan for a while, doing some tours with grace. Of course you rejected the proposal, you didn't feel ready. But Neytiri had been teasing you all week about what happened.
"Are you serious?" Jake still didn't believe it. You decided to ignore him, while you and Neytiri kept talking about your stuff. You weren't going to lose your patience with your brother. After a while, Neytiri ordered jake to go get some things so we could finish dinner. Jake came out of the house, picked up what neytiri ordered him to pick up. But he stopped for a moment, when he saw a tsu'tey approaching. Always with that perfect posture, stunning. Jake noticed that the man had some object in his hand.
"Jakesully" says tsu'tey, laughing a little as he approached him. "Is something wrong?" asks jake, the man can see how his colleague is getting a little nervous. The more he talked to him the more he could notice how he kept moving anxiously, until he interrupts him out of nowhere. "Jake…mmm I don't know if you can" says tsu'tey, lifting the object he had in his hands. Handing the gift to jake.
"And what is this?" asks jake. Tsu'tey swallows hard. "It is for Y/N…. I would like you to give it to her" says tsu'tey. He is sure that his plan was going to work. "And what's in this?" says jake. Tsu'tey becomes nervous. "You just hand this to her…she'll understand" says tsu'tey, waving goodbye to jake. Walking as fast as he could, jake watched as tsu'tey even stumbled a bit as he walked away.
Jake arrived at the hut, approaching you. You and Neytiri were joking, while you were holding lo'ak in your arms. "Love here are the things you asked for…and Y/N tsu'tey told me to give you this" says Jake handing you the wrapped object. It was very beautiful, you could see that everything was handmade and with a unique delicate touch. "And this?" you were surprised. Tsu'tey had never given you anything before.
"He didn't say why he sent it?" said Neytiri, coming closer to you. To look at the new gift. "No…he just gave it to me and then left. He looked a little nervous," says Jake. Neytiri lets out a cry of excitement, hugging you and wiggling like a little girl. This surprised Jake, Neytiri never acted like this with him…it was always with you that she shared these emotions. "Open it…I think I know what it is" says the woman, watching as you slowly open the gift. You had to admit that you felt a little nervous…after all it was tsu'tey.
Opening the gift, you could see that it was a top. It was so beautiful, it had beautiful rocks, you could see the details of the vine patterns that probably had been chosen with care. You took the piece carefully and placed it on your chest. It was your size, it was perfect. "It's very pretty…aunt y/n" says lo'ak, touching the gift carefully. "I know…it's beautiful" you speak, still admiring the gift.
"Ahhhh it's a courting gift..tsu'tey is courting you!!! you have to say yes!!!!" neytiri says, your sister-in-law was so excited. "I don't know…" you start talking. "Tsu'tey?" says jake a little surprised. You quickly turn around to take a look at your brother. You laugh a little and give a complicity look to neytiri. She laughs and understands what you want to tell her.
"You know what…maybe I did accept this gift" you say. Jake settles down and gets a little upset. "Ahh no, no…tsu'tey no" jake says. You raise your hand and place your index finger on your brother's lips making him shut up. "Shhhh you shut up" you speak, taking the gift in your hands again. Neytiri starts laughing hysterically, teasing her mate. Jake gets upset, taking lo'ak from your arms.
"I think he's upset now," Neytiri says, laughing as you stick your tongue out at your brother.
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Twelve
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twelve: Preparing for Battle
Summary: The Hotel trains to fight angels, and (Y/N) goes on a shopping trip with Rosie and Alastor.
            (Y/N) spun the spear around in their hands, letting themself feel the balance. They felt at home with it, ready to defend their friends against the angels that would be arriving tomorrow to try to destroy their souls. Narrowing their eyes, (Y/N) let their briars take the weapon from them. They refused to let the exorcists win. (Y/N) had trained as hard as they could for this—the fight to have an afterlife, to have an existence, to have a family.
            “Well, it seems everyone is coming along nicely,” said Rosie, overseeing her cannibals with approval. She herself would be leaving before the battle to protect more of her people in case the exorcists came for Cannibal Town at all, but she was there to help at the hotel for now.
            “Do you think we have a fighting chance?” said (Y/N), glancing at her.
            “Oh, yes,” said Rosie, grinning sharply. “If anyone can tear these angels apart, it is this group.”
            (Y/N) stood a little taller at that. “I’m ready to fight.”
            Rosie patted them on the shoulder. “Of course you are, sweetheart]! However…” Rosie raised a brow and looked at (Y/N)’s overalls. “Are you sure you wish to go into battle in that?”
            “My clothes?” asked (Y/N) in confusion.
            “Sweetheart, you’re about to be in the greatest fight or your life and afterlife,” said Rosie. “I just know that upstart Vox will be filming everything, and, of course, if you’re going to fight, you should look good doing it.” She pulled (Y/N) to her side. “We’re getting you new clothes.”
            “Is now really the time?” said (Y/N), looking around at everyone training.
            “Certainly,” said Rosie. “Come along, sweetheart. If we’re going into battle, we do it in style! Right, Alastor?”
            He was instantly by his (best and only) friend’s side. “It wouldn’t be a good show without style.”
            “I can’t believe you haven’t taken (Y/N) to our tailor yet,” tsked Rosie as she, (Y/N), and Alastor walked into the city.
            (Y/N) liked walking between them. Alastor was…interesting (intimidating), but they didn’t really mind him, and Rosie was possibly the nicest and warmest woman (Y/N) had ever met. Going shopping was a strange turn of events given the circumstances, but (Y/N) wasn’t opposed since they felt comfortable in their own skin with people for the first time in their life. They were going to explore who they were—clothes, magic, and all.
            “Here we are!” said Rosie, guiding (Y/N) into a tailor shop. “This is the perfect place for new clothes. Alastor and I have been patrons of this shop since we arrived in Hell, haven’t we?”
            (Y/N) could have told them that. When they had walked in with the two overlords, the other customers had run out in fear, and the workers had immediately stood at the ready to assist them. Luckily, several seemed pleased to have the clientele, so not every experience with Rosie or Alastor had been bad. Unsurprisingly, they could be classy when going about their business.
            “Of course. They have a classier style than some of the modern…attire—” Alastor spoke as if he was calling it trash “—you find around these parts.”
            “It looks expensive,” said (Y/N), looking around at the lovely outfits, yes, but also well-made (which mean they cost money).
            “Auntie Rosie is treating you,” said Rosie proudly. “And if I don’t want to cover everything, I’ll just ask Alastor.” She winked. As his best friend, she could get away with that.
            (Y/N) smiled. “Alright.”
            “Then let’s begin!” Rosie became businesslike. As an Overlord and talented businesswoman, she took presentation seriously, and she was not about to let (Y/N)’s new, made-in-Hell clothes be anything less than excellent. “Alastor, what colors are we thinking?”
            “Red, of course,” said Alastor.
            Rosie nodded approvingly. “Bold, hellish, and it will harmonize with our outfits.”
            (Y/N) had a (pleasant) feeling that they were going to be going around with Rosie and Alastor far more often.
            “Can we get their measurements?” said Alastor, looking at a worker. It was not a request.
            The tailor walked up with his measuring tape, and (Y/N) frowned, stepping back.
            “I, uh, I don’t like to be touched,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms in an instinctive attempt to self-soothe.
            Rosie’s gaze softened. “Would you be comfortable with me doing your measurements, sweetheart?”
            (Y/N) looked at Rosie and gazed into her eyes. For a moment, they didn’t speak. Then, they nodded. (Y/N) would take a chance and trust Rosie—warm and comforting Rosie. They were sure she had her dark side—she was a cannibalistic overlord, after all—but (Y/N) didn’t really care about that. Other parts of who people were felt more important to them. Like Rosie being kind to them. Rosie being respectful.
            “Thank you, sweetheart,” said Rosie, taking the measuring tape from the worker. “Now, just stand still.” She stepped closer and held the measuring tape across (Y/N)’s shoulders, beginning the measurements. “Alastor, what are your opinions on style? (Y/N), your opinions are valid, too. Speak up if you have any ideas.”
            “I don’t like modern clothes,” said Alastor. “I think the style should be more timeless instead of cheap and temporarily ‘trendy’.”
            (Y/N) would have nodded in agreement, but Rosie was measuring their neck, so they decided to speak. “I want to feel put-together. Like I’m strong and I’m here to stay. I don’t want to be overlooked or considered a weak kid who has no idea what they’re doing, anymore.”
            Rosie and Alastor’s grins sharpened. As (Y/N) spoke, they grew more impassioned, their hidden feelings and thoughts that had undoubtedly led to the incident that sent them to Hell coming through. Rosie and Alastor respected that fire.
            “Oh, don’t worry,” said Alastor. “No one is going to say my protégé is weak if I have a say in it.”
            “Sweetheart, it’s time for you to really show Hell and Heaven who you are,” said Rosie, cupping (Y/N)’s cheek.
            “Now, smile!” said Alastor. “No matter what outfit you wear, you’re never fully dressed without one.”
            (Y/N) grinned.
            “Where the hell were you?” said Vaggie, hands on her hips when (Y/N) and Alastor returned to the hotel (Rosie had headed back to Cannibal Town).
            “Shopping,” said Alastor, his shadows holding up the bags.
            “You went shopping at a time like this?” said Vaggie.
            “I can’t let my protégé go into battle wearing those,” said Alastor, gesturing to (Y/N)’s overalls.
            (Y/N) shrugged and looked at Vaggie. “Rosie insisted.”
            Vaggie sighed. “Alright, alright. Come on, Charlie has a speech.”
            “Very Charlie-like,” said (Y/N), laughing and walking over to the gathering crowd.
            “Alastor, (Y/N), you’re back! Great timing!” said Charlie, not questioning their absence for a moment. “Hey, uh, Alastor, could I borrow your microphone again? I want to make sure everyone can hear me.” Alastor tossed the microphone to her, and Charlie grinned. “Thank you!” She walked on stage and looked out over the crowd.
            “I want to thank everyone for coming,” she began, smiling out at her people. “Even people who aren’t staying here yet…Cherri.”
            “Look, I can’t resist a fight, okay?” said Cherri, grinning. “Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead.” She hugged Angel.
            Charlie smiled and addressed the crowd at large again. “Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win!”
            “Yeah! Yeah, we will, tell ‘em baby!” cheered Vaggie.
            (Y/N) grinned. They were ready to fight for their home.
            “Yes! And we are-we are going to win!” declared Charlie. She coughed. “But, in case we don’t…I want you all to know that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means…I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you.”
            (Y/N) wasn’t too sure about going to Heaven if they were alright with killing sinners’ souls for sport, but they couldn’t help a smile at Charlie’s words. Becoming a better person was good.
            “And it’s…I’m just…I love you all so much,” said Charlie. “And…and live tonight however you want because—”
            “We’re all going to die!” Niffty cackled excitedly.
            Everyone stared at her.
            “Alright, let’s give it up for not dying!” said Vaggie, attempting to salvage the situation. “Love not dying.” She coughed. “Drinks?”
            That was an idea everyone could get behind.
            (Y/N) held their drink and smiled at the family they’d found. They were in Hell, yes, punished just like the…people on Earth had always told them they’d be. But they were happy. They were living how they wanted, and no one was judging them. They were accepted. In Hell, in the Hazbin Hotel, (Y/N) was home.
            “I mean, personally, I’m excited. It’s been a long time since I’ve stabbed someone and really meant it, you know what I mean?” said Vaggie, and the group laughed.
            “I’m excited to get to really see what I can do with my magic, really go all out, you know?” said (Y/N) excitedly, the roses on their head doubling and blooming wide.
            “Cheers, bitches!” said Cherri.
            “Yeah,” laughed Husk.
            “Here’s to us,” said Angel, clinking his glass with Husk’s.
            “Here’s to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!” declared Pentious.
            Everyone cheered and raised their glasses together—a family coming together.
            Above them, Alastor leaned on the banister of the stairs and regarded them from afar. “Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It’s been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection.” He leaned his head on his hand. “Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?”
            “I really like them, Alastor,” said Niffty. “They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!”
            Alastor chuckled. “Ah, an enjoyable collective.”
            Niffty nodded vigorously. “(Y/N) even made me a stage and set!”
            Alastor’s familiarly manipulative grin morphed to a far different smile. His eyes landed on (Y/N) below. “I admit one could get accustomed.” However, as much as (Y/N) was Alastor’s protégé, he refused to think of anything else. Vulnerability would only get him into trouble. Alastor refused to lose any chance he had at power and freedom to sentiment. He couldn’t afford to.
            (Y/N) noticed him and waved.
            Alastor couldn’t help but smile slightly wider in response.
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ghostfacd · 9 months
dad!jack hughes au
- set four years ago during jack and yn’s senior year of high school
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liked by lhughes_06, quinnhughes and 76,082 others
jackhughes prom with my rory
tagged ylerory
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yleory the romeo to my juliet
jackhughes minus the deaths baby
friend1 aww! my fave couple
quinnhughes they grow up so fast
lhughes_06 you’re just old
quinnhughes okay mr just became a sophomore in high school 👦
user1 awww no he’s taken 😭😭
user2 throwing up and everything
user3 jack said not a soft but a HARD launch
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liked by jackhughes, livvyhughes and 777 more
ylerory with my favorite hughes and girls!
tagged livvyhughes, friend1, friend2
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jackhughes so livvy’s your favorite hughes and not me?
lhughes_06 clearly livvy is everyone’s favorite Hughes
livvyhughes love u v much sister! don’t know why you’re even dating my brother but so glad you came into our lives <3
ylerory i love u my lil sissy
friend1 YESS we look so good!!
friend2 us when we rock prom 🙏
user1 jack’s gf is so pretty OHMYGOD
- fast forward to yn and jack’s freshman year of college
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liked by jackhughes, elblue6 and 8,028 others
ylerory full time student —> full time mama soon
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jackhughes hell yea!
elblue6 i remember how much i cried after i found out, so unbelievably grateful for the happiness you bring to my son and our family 💗💐
ylerory mama hughes! 🥲🥲 gonna make me cry
livvyhughes YAAA!! cool auntie in a few months 😎
jackhughes the coolest auntie ever
ylerory 💗💗💗
umichockey some of our players gon be protective uncles soon 👀👀
user1 NOOO WAY
user2 we officially lost him.
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liked by quinnhughes, lhughes_06 and 567,982 others
jackhughes yn lerory, the girl who i fell head over heels with in sophomore year of high school who taught me not to only become better for myself, but also better for others. i cannot ask the world for a better girlfriend and best friend, and you’ve brightened up my life since the day we met. thank you for bringing olivier into the world, and thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me. thanks for sticking with the annoying sophomore jack hughes who couldn’t even do chemistry properly. my smart, beautiful, and now a mother, rory.
tagged ylerory
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livvyhughes am i crying? who’s crying?
quinnhughes the most wholesome and happiest I’ve ever seen you. Congrats buddy, hope all goes well for you and Rory (my future sister in law.)
ylerory aww quinn 🥹🥹 we love you so much, thank you for being the person we could always go to when we needed help. best big brother EVER.
lhughes_06 part time hockey player, full time ollie’s uncle
umichockey whoa there buddy we still need u on the ice!
- fast forward to present
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liked by gabeperreault44, ylerory and 13,487 others
livvyhughes auntie life best life
tagged ylerory
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gabeperreault44 kids looks good on you Livvy
jackhughes don’t even think about it buddy
ylerory yay!! ollie loves his auntie and uncles so much, thank you for bringing joy into his life
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
All the nurses are confused why there 4 large men crowding around the baby in your hospital room.
Price is a baby hog: imma say it. He wanted to be a dad so bad, it’s all of their kid! but, Price will hip check anyone out of the way to be the first to hold the baby. Gaz acknowledges the baby, adores the baby but, he beelines to you. Right now? You need his attention and affection. You’re his priority, he’ll have his baby time eventually.
Soap wants the baby SO FUCKING BAD! But nothing is going to make Price put the baby down (Except you, he’ll gladly hand the baby over to you) Soap’s acting like a crackhead looking for his next hit. Simon doesn’t want to hold the baby yet, he’s fine watching for now… he pokes the baby ngl
Gaz rocks along with whomever is rocking the baby. (It’s a thing) A subconscious thing, someone else has the baby, bouncing it, Gaz his rocking and bouncing in sync with them. His voice turns soft and sweet whenever he talks to the baby. When it’s Gaz time? It’s soft and sweet calm down time.
Soap holds the baby in increasingly weirder ways the older the baby gets. Like, that kid is nothing but a rugby ball to Soap. He randomly bites the baby. Not like ‘chomp’ but, like mouths the baby’s chubby cheeks. MAN HANDLES baby! Not too rough, just to get the giggles going. When it’s Soap time? It’s high energy fun time.
Price is a baby head sniffer, a coddler, the one who’s scolded most about holding the baby too much. They’re not going to want to be put down! “Well, why do you think I got these muscles for? So I can hold them s’long as they want! Mind your own damn business!” When it’s Price time? It’s Stern loving care with no nonsense.
And Simon, oh Simon. Simon is the worrier. He checks to see if the baby is breathing every 20 minutes, he has *everything* on hand. Blankie’s, dummies, hats, extra socks, anything that baby needs? Simon has. He’s the one they’ll run too when they need anything. When it’s Simon time? It’s dumb jokes, happy giggles quiet time.
They- they have a girl. They’re all girl dads, no question.
(Poly baby au. You’re the Squad’s girl and it’s their baby)
You inspired me.
(That and I just became an Auntie and, disgustingly, have baby-fever. I hope it goes away soon)
THEIR BABYYY!!! i need a poly au baby or im gonna lose my goddamn mind.
Can you imagine like the nurse being like so, who's the father? only for 4 hands to go up.
oooookay...who's the biological father? Simon, bless his tactless soul just bluntly says, "We all fu-err, sleep with her."
The nurse just sighs. "Someone needs to fill out the paternity acknowledgement form and the baby needs to have a last name."
Johnny thinks that it should have all of theirs because MacPrilerrick is definitely something that should go on paper.
But the genetics are obvious, so the baby's last name is Garrick.
Price is the one that rips his shirt off for skin-to-skin time, though. "Everyone piss off."
Johnny would totally cackle at him like, "Yer gonna smother the bairn with yer chest hair, Cap." Because his body hair situation is that much better.
Kyle's softly speaking with the nurses, asking them a bunch of questions they're more than happy to answer.
Simon's simply staring at the baby, because why is she so small? You'll pull him out of his reverie with a soft touch to his wrist. "You won't hurt her. There's no place safer for the baby than in your arms, hm?" He has to sit down to hold her because his knees spaghetti.
Congratulations!! The newborn phase is the best. They just smell like BABY.
I could eat them right up.
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she's in good hands// t.s, s.r
pairing: steve rogers x reader (romantic), tony tark x daughter!reader (platonic)
warnings: tony being a bit of a douche to steve, tooth rotting happy relationships
summary: tony was very protective of everyone he cared about but his daughter meant the most to him out of anyone so when he has to face the music that shes growing up he finds it hard to accept especially when it comes to boys but not just any boy captain america
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*gif not mine*
Y/N swore she could never love anyone as much as she loved her dad, he was the only man she needed in her life. The two were peas in a pod, they were best friends and after Y/N got her heart broken who was there to pick up the pieces? Her dad.
Everyone swore Tony wouldn't be a present father, that he would send his child off the first chance he got. Just like his parents did to him. But Tony used that to be better, he became the worlds best dad at least in Y/N's eyes and to him that's all that mattered.
When the avengers were formed they all was told to keep their hands to themselves when it came to Y/N. No one risked to see where the line was because Tony had never been so passionate about something in his life. His little girl (although she is now 24, she will always be the little girl he used to play tea parties with and dress up with her like princesses) was his world, she saved him when he lost his parents, she gave him a reason to keep going and he will always protect her.
What Tony wasn't prepared for was her getting to the age where she was interested in boys and becoming more curious about them and her feelings. She didn't have a mother figure in life really other than Pepper then eventually Nat became an auntie/ older sister to her, so it was down to him to teach her everything and it was the first time Pepper had seen Tony unsure of himself.
Y/N went through her fair share of rough relationships, the worst being a three year relationship that ended with her being cheated on. Tony was furious seeing his girl crying over someone. She swore to him she was done with men, that he was the only man for her, the only one she needed. She was happy being single and free. That was until 2011 when she met Steve Rogers.
Y/N and Steve both agreed to keep the relationship a secret to start with so the two could find their footing without the whole world watching their every move. And also so they could work out how to tell Tony without putting him or Steve into an early grave.
"Hey, how would you feel about telling my dad about us?" Y/N said looking up at Steve who had his arm draped over her shoulder as they cuddled into the sofa.
"As long as you want to I'll do whatever you want sweetheart you know that" Steve says.
"I know I'm just nervous"
"I know you are but we love each other right?"
"So your dad will see that and how he hasn't noticed yet I don't know but we will show him that I'm not like the others" Steve says placing a kiss onto Y/N's forehead.
It was a few hours later and Jarvis had made Y/N and Steve aware Tony was back from his mission with Nat and Clint. Everyone meet in the living room to welcome the three back when Tony looked up at his daughter suspiciously.
"Why are you being weird?" Tony says bluntly.
"Wow nice to see you too dad"
"Honey you know what I mean, your quiet and your not as happy to see me" "I just need to talk to you when you get a minute"
"You can talk to me whenever you need, I'm your dad"
"In private please?"
Tony and Y/N walk to her bedroom, Steve following behind sneakily to be there for Y/N.
"What's going on kiddo"
"I'm just going to come out and say it" Y/N says running a finger through her hair "I'm dating Steve"
"As in Captain America?"
"No Steve from down the road, yes Captain America"
Steve takes this a time to walk through the door and wraps his hand over Y/N's.
"No" Tony says quickly
"No?" Steve says "What do you mean no?"
"I mean nope, not happening, over my dead body. How else do you want me to say it, I can say it in another language if that helps you Cap"
"Dad, I wasn't asking you if I can, I'm telling you because I don't want to hide him. I want to hold his hand or sit next to him on the sofa without having too worry someone will catch on. I want you to be able to accept that I'm not your little girl anymore I've grown up" Y/N says getting more annoyed at her dad.
Seeing how passionate his daughter is makes him realise she loves Steve, not in the same way she loves Tony but the way he loves Pepper. It made him realise he will always be the man who taught her what to expect from men, to not accept anything less than 100%. Steve however he showed her what 100% is, he showed her the meaning of true love. He chose her and he would risk everything to make sure she knew how much she loved him.
Tony looked between the two of them "Rogers promise me something?"
"Yeah Tony?" Steve says unsure of what he's signing up for.
"Promise me you'll look after my girl, she's my world and if you hurt her I will not be held responsible for what happens"
"I promise, I will always protect her and I will always do what's right by her" Steve says looking down at Y/N lovingly, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
"Just because I know your together doesn't mean the PDA can come out thank you very much" Tony says as he leaves Y/N's bedroom shacking his head.
That evening Y/N is cuddled back up to Steve on the sofa dozing off slightly as the Avengers all have a movie night which was tradition when someone came back from a mission.
"Tony I'm surprised you haven't blasted Steve to another planet for touching Y/N" Nat says looking over at the two.
"Nope, she's in good hands and I'm okay with that" Tony says as he watches Steve admire his girl sleeping.
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httpknjoon · 8 months
(re)starting over again | kth; 12
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plot | Your four-year relationship with Taehyung was going well and strong. Until he was involved in a car accident, resulting to him losing some memories. By some, it means everything that happened five years ago. Things he remember? His friends, his bakeshop, and his ex girlfriend from the past. With that, you tried to keep up, restarting over again.
words | 5.3k
genres | fluff, angst, amnesia au
pairing | taehyung x reader
warning/s | mentions of death, drinking, disease (cancer)
note | surpisingly, i am still alive lol i'm kidding. i apologize for the delay! the bad headaches are now gone and the fever has cooled down. and now, the update's here! to everyone who sent their messages, tysm I appreciate it 🥺 I didn't mean to ghost y'all, I'm so sorry! anw hope u enjoy reading this one :)
main masterlist | series masterlist
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Ever since you were young, you liked things to go the way you planned it. When you were younger, you carried a small notebook with you. Your father gave you your first one during the holidays when you were seven. In there, you make your own little bullet journal, listing off the things you would want to do for the upcoming days. With your messy handwriting, you even wrote your far future plans.
As a child, you used to see things with your rose-colored glasses. Everything seemed real and attainable for your small hands. You thought you just had to follow the usual path of your plans and you would be fine. But things do not always go according to plan. You learned it the hard way.
You always dreamt of being a nurse. At age eight, you were a frequent visitor to the hospital. Not because you were sick yourself, but because you and your mom had to go back there from time to time with your dad who was receiving treatment for his disease. You wanted to take care of him. So you did what a little girl could do, listen to your dad’s heartbeat through your plastic toy stethoscope and kiss his pain away. He would always call you his favorite nurse and you would give him your toothy grin. After a year, when you were nine, he lost his battle with cancer. 
Confused and in sorrow, you almost crossed out that dream from your list. You had a hard time understanding why you had to lose your dad at such an early age. Your friends had dads, how come you lost yours before you could even reach middle school? Then, you became angry. Your father was always in treatment in the hospital. Hospitals are meant to cure people, right? Your little kid brain thought. It felt unfair to you.
But then, you and your mom later left the small neighborhood you were living in and moved in with your aunt– her older sister. Aunty Belle is a nurse herself, a surprise for you as you didn’t know you have a relative who works in the same place you loathed at that time. But you couldn’t bring yourself to hate her, she was warm and welcoming when you arrived in her humble abode in Incheon. She doesn’t have a family of her own so she took good care of you and your mom. She became your third parent while your mom deals with the grief of losing her husband.
“It’s fun. You get to meet wonderful people every day and help them to feel better.” your aunt replied once when you asked her about her job.
Aunty Belle never got tired of your questions and curiosity about nursing. Slowly, you began rebuilding your plans. The dream of being a nurse is back, added with your other dreams: making your mom happy, and living independently (like your aunt). You studied hard, aiming for higher grades and going to the best college for your dreams.
But at age fifteen, Aunty Belle became your legal guardian when your mom passed. Through your aunt, you learned that your mother has been struggling heavier than you expected. Your aunt was extremely worried for your mom that’s why she begged her to come and live with her. You always thought your mom was getting better with how she cried less day by day and even took a job as a receptionist in a dental clinic. 
Since then, you have become more understanding and emotionally sensitive to everyone. The feelings you had years ago when you lost your dad were creeping around you. This time, instead of being angry at something else, you felt like this one was on you. You blamed yourself for not seeing the signs from your mother’s eyes. How she became more reserved or how her eyes were often blank whenever she tried to smile for you. Maybe you were too focused on reaching your plans that you didn’t give any attention to her. You were angry, hurt, and in guilt. It’s too overwhelming and is heavy in your heart. It reached the point where you broke down during breakfast, in front of the toast and bacon Aunty Belle prepared for you, weeks after your mom’s funeral.
“I should’ve seen it. I should have seen that she was not okay.” you sniffed as you looked down your plate. “I was supposed to make her feel better and happy.”
Crying, you pushed your plate in front of you and just covered your face with your palms. You repeated the words over and over again like you were reminding yourself how you failed as your mom’s only child.
“Oh, sweetie…” your aunt whispered before sitting beside you and enveloping you in a hug. Her hand moved up and down your arms, making you feel warm. “It’s not your fault. You are the best daughter she could ask for. She loves you more than anything else.”
After that morning, Aunty Belle made sure to get you the best help. She guided you in everything she could and supported you with your choices. She made sure that you will still pursue your plans, never stopping you from doing what you want. Years later, you graduated from high school and were about to embark on a new journey.
“You know that you can just have this place,” she mumbled when you were packing your things. “I’m selling it anyway.”
“But Aunty, this isn’t in my plan. You know how bad I want to live in Seoul.” you smiled at her.
Because of your efforts and hard work, you got accepted into one of the best universities in another city. You later moved from Incheon to Seoul to finish your studies and become a nurse there. While Aunty Belle sold her home and followed her own plans of living with her longtime best friends under one roof.
But none of what happened in the last few years was part of your plans when you were younger. You didn’t really see yourself coming back to Incheon after living in Seoul for the longest time. You never thought you would leave your job in the hospital you dreamed of and work in a slightly different environment.
Two years ago, you left home. The house you had plans in with someone else. You were the one who broke off those plans and moved away without really telling anyone. You remembered that night like it was yesterday.
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Every step you took away from him felt like a piece of you fell on the ground. Your vision was all blurry and you had to cover your lips as you sobbed. You clutched onto your gown while you remind yourself that you need to do this. For the sake of your own being. But still, there is this voice telling you to stay– to turn around and come back to him.
“YN, honey,” 
Looking up, you see Julia looking at you with sympathy. She walked towards you with open arms and you immediately just broke down on her dress. Listening to your sobs, Julia eyes her date, whom you didn’t notice was there waiting too, to get in the car. 
Your whispered voice muffled in the hug, “I hate this so much,”
The whole drive home, Julia and Chanyeol respected your silence in the backseat. They put on some radio music and chatted about the wedding while your teary eyes just looked outside the window. They were like your parents that night. When you guys passed by McDonald’s, it took one nudge from Julia to make Chanyeol turn the car back around for the drive-thru. She ordered your food for you in a separate bag so you could have something to eat when you reached home. When you arrived in front of your house, they helped you with your small bag. 
“Thank you so much, guys. I’m sorry this is our first meeting, Chanyeol.” you tried to lighten the mood as you three stood on the porch.
He smiled, “It’s fine. Everyone has their bad day.”
You chuckled before Julia nudged her again with her elbow. Then, she turns to you.
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?”
“Probably early morning. I already have the keys to keep my apartment so I can go there now too if I want to.” your words rambled as your head felt like a mess.
“Okay, call me. I’ll pick you up–” Before you can say anything, she lifts her finger. “And no, I won’t take no for an answer. I wanna see your new place.”
They left after Julia made sure you were fine. Walking into your house for the last time, you tried to go straight to your room to change from your gown to your pajamas. Then, you cried again. And again. And again. 
The last time you woke up in that house was the morning after that. You woke up before dawn. The sky was barely lit and the moon was still present above you. You promised yourself that you would leave like a ghost. Like what you have been doing the last few days. Cleaning up, your hand ran on your bedsheets to smoothen out the wrinkles. Fortunately, almost ninety percent of your clothes fit in two pieces of luggage. You just have to leave a few things that you’ll probably get when you get back.
From Julia
Will be there in five
Five minutes left, you find yourself sitting in front of your vanity mirror. Making one last check, you pulled the small drawers in the table. That’s when you saw that old pearl ring Taehyung bought you in the flea market. A heavy sigh from your chest makes its way out of your lips. Holding it between your thumb and index finger, you stare at it.
We tried, didn’t we?
Before any tears can fall, you simply close your eyes. Your chest heaves. You clutched that ring in your palm for some minute, like you were giving your one last goodbye. Then, you carefully place it next to your keys. You decided to leave your keys as you don’t want to come and go here in secret as you always have the tendency to do that especially if you want to avoid a person. Like you were doing now. You want to come back here better and hopefully, talk to Taehyung in the future.
Feel at home, this house is yours too. Paint the walls with the colors you like, buy new furniture, and fill the frames with new memories. Just please don’t sell it. I’ll try to reach out as soon as I can. For now, live the last years you missed.
You wrote on a piece of paper that you left on the same table. In the weeks you two lived together after the accident, you knew how he struggled to adjust to this house. Now that you’re going, you wish for him to feel comfortable in this house you two shared and called home. The pieces of furniture and shade of blue that took over every wall in the house were picked by both you and Taehyung when you bought it. The frame kept every memory you and Taehyung love to look back on in the span of your four-year relationship. But if it means for him to feel at home, you won’t mind if he wants to change things around the house. Even though it will probably break your heart harder than it is now.
It was only your first morning, the second day in your new apartment in Incheon when someone came knocking on your door. You were still organizing your place and unpacking when you heard continuous heavy knocks. Almost instantly, your eyes widened when you saw who it was through your door’s peephole. The person spoke again as soon as you opened your door.
“You moved?!” Jisoo immediately pushed through your door and welcomed herself in. “You moved here?!”
Based on the tone of her voice, she was more angry than surprised. Her eyebrows were scrunched together while her nose flared. Her hands were on her hips like she was waiting for an explanation. Your lips opened for a second before it closed again. You softly scratched your cheek before opening your lips again,
“I-I thought you were on your honeymoon vacation.”
She tilts her head, “Well, I’m not. Am I?”
“Why are you here?” you mumbled, sounding scared at her.
The thing is, Jisoo rarely gets angry or annoyed. You had known her ever since you began working as a nurse and you learned she have the longest patience for everyone else. But when she runs out of it, you don’t know how she will react.
“Why are you here?” she returned your question with raised eyebrows. “You did not tell me you were moving here or resigning in the hospital! What happened?”
You closed the door and quietly walked back to your messy living room since you knew she would follow. She did and continued,
“I saw the shift schedule like two hours ago and you’re not there. I had to ask Gail and she said you resigned. You were not answering my calls or messages! I had to call Julia. Then, she told me you moved here– What the fuck happened? I was only busy for like two weeks and next thing I know, my best friend’s in another city and hospital.”
You sat on your grey couch while Jisoo still stood in front of you. You looked away as your replied,
“Well, actually I’ll be working in a school–”
Jisoo’s tone went higher, “What?!”
“I applied as a school nurse–”
“No, no, no.” she shushed you. “Tell me everything that happened. Everything.”
So you did. But first, you asked her to sit down next to you. You ordered food by app as you don’t really have any stock of food at the moment. While you were waiting for the food, you began telling her about what happened. From how you met Lily to how you happened to be where you are right now. Jisoo listened intently. As you went on, you noticed her shoulders and facial expression softened up. From her jaw being clenched tight, her lips were formed into a slight frown. You tried not to cry throughout the whole story-telling impromptu but your voice did shake and you just felt your best friend’s warm hands somewhere in the middle of your story. At the end, you find yourself leaning your head on her shoulder while she leans hers on top.
“I and Joon just decided to go on honeymoon next month. Plus, I have a toaster and an air fryer in my car.” Jisoo broke the comfortable silence you two shared with a random sentence.
You lifted your head, looking at her, “What? Why?”
“We received like a ton of it from the wedding. We had to give some stuff away rather than selling it and I just knew your place is probably still empty. So I just bought some. I have plates too.” she smiled.
“But what if I was the one who gave you that toaster?” you asked, squinting your eyes.
“You did not.” she chuckled but your expression didn’t change. She blinked and asked with a feeble voice, “You did not, right?”
Your lips broke into a smile, “Yeah, we didn’t.”
She pouted before you two laughed and hugged. Just like that, you and Jisoo are okay.
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Unlike any of your past decisions, nothing was truly planned when you decided to move away. Aunty Belle, whom you visit every now and then, comforted you about it and said that life just happens like that sometimes. And that’s how your two years went. Unplanned. You just applied for the first good job you saw, which happened to be being a school nurse in a preschool. You moved to another apartment after just a few months since your initial place is farther on the subway you always take to get to the school every morning.
Working with kids, you always miss your patients back in Seoul. Particularly, Naeun, whom you are still in contact with. You visit her a couple of times when you go to Seoul.
And there were times when you thought you saw Taehyung. Not just in Seoul, but also in Incheon. The first one was just months after you left, you were on your way to preschool when you saw him in the subway. But you thought it was just a look-alike and impossible since he would not have any reason to come here. Plus, you were feeling a little down that week as it was supposedly your fifth anniversary. The next time is when you come to Seoul to visit Naeun. It was a busy Sunday and you stopped by a toy store in the mall to get a gift for your favorite patient. It was a bit crowded since it was on sale. So you lost him in the blink of an eye.
The most recent one is when you came to Seoul for Julia’s birthday. You had a few drinks with your friends and everything was already slightly blurry. But you swore you saw him when you were waiting for your Uber late at night. You were with Julia, who was waiting with you just to make sure you’d be safe. She was talking about something but your eyes caught a man walking on the other side of the road with his head down on his phone. The small light coming from his screen made you recognize him. It’s him, you’re sure.
Although you have visited the city a couple of times already, you never drop by the bakeshop or the house. You never even contacted Taehyung. There were times it crossed your mind. But you never did. You miss him. God knows, how much. But you don’t know what to say about the house, him, you, or the relationship you two had.
You and Jimin talked seldomly. The first one was a week after you and Taehyung officially went separate ways. He would ask how are you and you would do the same thing. You were surprised but happy at the same time when you learned he had a kid, who happens to be Jisoo’s nephew. You two had this unspoken rule to not talk about Taehyung because Jimin doesn’t bring him up and you are too shy to ask. But you know they are doing well, you heard they expanded the shop.
In the whole two years, Taehyung never really left your mind. It’s hard. Especially when you would still get random reminders of your relationship in unexpected ways. In what was supposed to be your fifth anniversary, you got a scheduled e-mail from his account. Every year, your phone calendar still updates you to buy him a gift a month before his birthday. And just like last month, you found an old picture in one of your bags. Something you probably slipped there long ago. It’s a picture taken years ago during your first snow in your house with a handwritten caption, TOO MORE SNOWY DAYS TOGETHER. It was in his handwriting.
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“Goodbye, Nurse YN!”
A little kid waved his little hand to you while his mom politely smiled at you. You waved back and continued walking back from your small clinic. This is how your day ends in school: tiny voices saying goodbye and sometimes giving you warm hugs. You were never really busy since you worked with two other school nurses who you became friends with. 
“Oh, hey, YN.”
You just sat in front of your computer screen, recording some student’s health records, when your co-nurse popped into your shared office. Martha just found her recent hobby a couple of months ago after you told her that you haven’t been dating for the last couple of years.
You exaggeratedly sighed and did not even look at her, “What do you want?”
“YN sounds so tired of you already.” Aileen, your other co-nurse, laughed while organizing her files.
“I know, she is.” Martha chuckled. She turns to you, “I know a guy…”
You paused from what you were doing, “Martha–” 
It’s not like you’re not interested in dating. It took you more than a year to be open again to the idea and so far, you’ve gone into two dates from Martha’s recommendations. But both were not a match. The first one is a great guy but he seems like he cannot get over an ex since he talked about her half of the time. While the second guy is just rude. That’s all you can say about him. The date was all about him not liking how the steak was cooked and how one of the waiters was too kind to you. It was horrible.
“No, no, honey. Listen to me first.” Matha cuts you off. “I personally know this guy. He’s my cousin and… he also works in the medical field! He’s a doctor.”
An eyebrow raised. A doctor? Well, you never dated one before. But you knew doctors were better than that last guy you mentioned.
Aileen joined, “Is he the one you showed me earlier?
“Yup,” Martha replied, popping the ‘p’ sound.
“Oh, you’ve got to see him, YN. The guy is gorgeous!” she exclaimed. “If you won’t date him, I will!”
The three of you laughed. Of course, Aileen can’t. She is currently seven months pregnant with her second child and married to one of the teachers in this same preschool.
“Just don’t tell Seb,” she added, mentioning her husband.
You still haven’t said anything even though you are admittedly interested. Martha pulled her phone out.
“Wait, I’ll show you his account.”
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“Oh, that dress suits you perfectly!”
Jisoo’s voice filled your room as you fixed the dress on your body. Even though you two are in different cities, she is still your go-to every time you need to dress up for something. Usually, through Facetiming. The date is fine-dining. So, you tried on different dresses for Jisoo to pick on and eventually, you two agreed on the same one.
“Don’t forget your coat! It might get cold,” she advised. “Now, turn around again!”
You giggled before doing what she said. You heard her cheer and compliments, making you smile.
“You are stunning!”
“Thank you so much for helping me, Jiji,” you said with a small smile.
“You’re welcome. Just have fun, okay? Let me know how it goes later.” she told you and you nodded. She spoke again, “Now, go! Book that Uber already.”
“Okay, okay. Bye! Call you later. Love you!” you waved.
She waved back, “Love you, take care!”
You ended the call and moved to another app to look for a ride. Your date initially asked if you wanted him to pick you up. But you just agreed to meet him at the restaurant he invited you to. He seems nice. Martha said her cousin has been single for a while now. After his last relationship, he just gave most of his time to work.
To +82 65 78** ****
Hi! I’m on my way. See you there.
You sent your date the message when you finally got in the car you booked twenty minutes ago. It did not even take a few minutes before he replied,
From +82 65 78** ****
Okay, see you there! Take care.
Pursing your lips, you look outside the window of the moving car. You hope for the best for tonight. You hope Martha’s recommendation is at least okay this time. Maybe the universe could prove to you that Taehyung is not the only guy in the world who could make the butterflies play around in your stomach. Or the only guy who would be patient enough with your tendencies. You just have to know that he is not the only guy in the world. Period.
As much as you won’t say it, dating Taehyung for four years made him your standard for everything. You already met two versions of him; one before the accident and one after the accident. They are almost the same person but the latter just brought you a lot of pain because of various circumstances. But you know and feel he shows his emotions in other ways.
“We’re here.” the female driver, whom you saw is Val, said as she stopped the car in front of the brightly lit restaurant.
You smiled before getting out of the vehicle, “Thank you.”
Starry Night lives up to its name. As you noticed before, the whole place is lit up with many lights. Carefully, you walked inside with your strappy heels. The staff smiled and greeted you, and you greeted them back.
“Good evening, madam. Welcome to Starry Night. How may I help you?”
“I have a reservation under Jung Hoseok’s name.” you politely replied.
“Oh, okay. Let me check our list. Excuse me.” the host scrolled down his iPad for a minute. “The name’s here! Please, follow me to your table. This way please.” 
You followed him while looking around the place. It’s not too crowded and it has a romantic feeling because of the lights and jazz music. You know someone who would have loved to go here. Before you sit down, the host assisted you with the chair and offered to take your coat. You agreed. Pulling out your phone from your purse, you update Hoseok that you just arrived. You put your phone down and studied the whole place again with your eyes. 
A woman caught your eye. She was talking and chatting with the chef in the side station. They looked like they were waiting for someone to enter the door. Your gaze were broke off when someone spoke from your side.
“Good evening, ma’am. My name is Soojin and I’ll be your waiter for tonight. Would you like to order something?” the young waiter smiled.
“Oh, I’m still waiting for my date…” you murmured. “But can I have some water please?”
“Certainly, ma’am. Excuse me.”
Soojin left as you said thank you. As she was gone from your sight, your eyes landed on the man who was entering the restaurant. Dressed in a nice black coat over a light blue shirt, you quickly recognize him. Your mouth runs dry while your heart beats like a horse’s footsteps in a race. You were frozen.
What is he doing he– Fuck.
Your eyes meet. You can see his eyes widening as his lips gaped slightly. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down while you practically lost your hearing. All you can hear is the drum inside your chest.
Fuck, you cursed again.
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What are the chances for this to happen? Is the universe playing or simply fucking with you? You asked for a great date and it gave you this. The man you’ve been holding as your standard ever since. 
It burns.
His eyes. You can feel them as you take a sip from the ice-cold glass of water. After the host led him to one of the empty tables in your line, your eyes traveled everywhere except on his spot. You two were literally just an empty table apart.
Is he here for a date? Why here? In Incheon, really? Can’t he just date people from Seoul?
It has been nine minutes, you’ve been counting. Your hand rests on your knee, to stop your knees from jerking up and down, while the other rests on the table with your phone. You’ve been texting but erasing messages to Hoseok. You don’t think you can do this. With Taehyung being just a few feet away from you, it felt wrong to be with someone else. You should have been sitting right in front of him.
Slowly, you try to move your eyes in his direction. You paused when you saw that he was staring at you too, unmovable. Are you supposed to smile? Wave? Nod. just nod. You were about to do that when the same woman from the side station walked up to him, covering your view of him.
“Hi, good evening!” you heard her honey-like voice greet him. “I’m Ashley.”
You noticed Taehyung stood up. They shake hands and you don’t really hear the rest of their conversation. You began texting your date,
To +82 65 78** ****
Hi. Where are you?
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You’ve been alone for a while now.
Taehyung noticed. The glass of water on your table is almost empty. The waiter already come back to you a couple of times now. He can see you chewing on your lower lip as you check your phone every minute that passes by.
Did your date just stand you up?
His hands clutched as he thought of that idea. He knew you didn’t deserve that.
“I think this is good! Not too sweet, not too spiced. It’s soft too. Just perfect.” Ashley snapped him from his thoughts.
Taehyung tried to concentrate on what he originally meant to do here, “Yeah… uhm… Jimin, my friend, really tries to balance the texture and taste. It’s his own carrot cake recipe that he worked on before we even had the shop.”
Ashley already had a taste of every cake he brought. Five open Tupperware are on their table, including the cheesecake you love. She began talking about the other cakes and dessert while Taehyung stole some glances at you again. This time, you are on call. You pursed your lips before replying to whoever it was. He can read the disappointment through your eyes as your lips form into a small frown. You sighed before saying, it’s fine, I understand. No problem. 
“Okay, these are really good. I think your products will be a great addition to our menu.” Ashley spoke again. 
Taehyung looked at her with surprise, “Oh, wow. That’s… great.”
Did he just get this deal?
“Yeah, I trusted my chef when he said he had the best Tiramisu in your shop and I’m glad I did. These desserts are perfect and really satisfy my sweet tooth.” She compliments.
Taehyung bowed his head, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Your desserts deserve to be everywhere. Haven’t you guys thought of opening a branch here?” she asked.
“Oh, we’re still figuring things out. We just expanded our main shop in Seoul.” he chuckled.
“Well, I might go there when I visit Seoul.”
“Please do and let us know.” he smiled.
“I will. By the way, the contract is not ready now. But we are definitely having this deal! Can you and Jimin visit here again next week or maybe me and my head chef can visit your shop in Seoul?” Ashley offers.
“I still have to discuss that with my friend.”
“Oh, sure. Sure. Here, we are okay with any decision. Just let us know. You guys have our e-mail and numbers, right?” Taehyung nods. “Okay, I guess… that’s a done deal.”
Ashley stood up and offered her hand. Taehyung stood up too and shook her hand. 
“Thank you so much.” Taehyung smiled.
While Ashley replied, he stole another glance behind her. That’s when he sees you standing up and walking back to the host at the entrance of the restaurant. The host had an apologetic look on his face as you talked to him. He helped you with your coat. It seems like you’re leaving with your date being a no-show. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. But I would have to go for now..” Taehyung carefully said.
Ashley smiled, “Oh, of course. Yes. You can go. But one more thing… can you leave these cakes?”
Taehyung chuckled with that, “Of course!”
“Thank you! See you in the contract signing!”
“See you.�� 
Taehyung took his coat from his seat and left in a hurry. You were already gone, possibly out of the restaurant. He said thank you to the staff who opened the door for him and he immediately searched around. That’s when he sees you standing, looking down at your phone.
“This one’s just a few minutes away–”
He took a deep breath before saying, “YN?”
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hobvitr · 1 year
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pavitr prabhakar x reader
genre/warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, reader is insecure, comfort, unrevised writing.
note: i swear i try to write for the other characters but this little guy don't leave my head !!! i was wanting to write something like this for a while, i'm a Romantic at heart unfortunately.. recommended song: love like you - rebecca sugar
sinopses: your best friend invites you to be his partner at the school ball! he has no clue you like him more than as a friend.
the wind swung nicely around your clothes, the summer night doing favors to every person going to the ball. you were quite anxious about the event, as your best friend pavitr invited you to be his partner. you didn't know if he knew about your feelings towards him, but it seemed not, gratefully.
after all the three years together at high school, doing everything side by side, the feelings started to develop with much ease. sure pavitr playfully bothered you as a friend, who doesn't? but he was overly sweet about everything, always. you lost count of the times his hug was your comfort through tough times, his laugh the highlight of your day, and the lunch dates the best days of the week.
"do you want to come to my house and have a cup of chai?" he suggested, both of you making your ways to your respective homes. you didn't live far of each other, which make your visits rather frequent. "maya auntie said she miss you" you heard a little chuckle coming from him.
"yeah! anything for maya auntie!" you said excitedly with a grin on your lips. pavi rolled his eyes "you like her more than you like me, hm?" it was more like an affirmation than a question. "a lot more" you retorted holding a laugh.
making your way to his house, you excuse yourself before entering and sprint to go find maya auntie to say hi. "namaste, maya auntie!" you say with a big smile at her joyful look at you. "y/n! i see pavi finally remembered to told you to come see me" she hugs you affectionately.
"hey! I didn't invited you to come to chat with her instead of me" pavi come behind you both, faking a pout. "if you want to keep her to yourself, ask her out first!" maya aunt retorted playfully, but not letting the opportunity to annoy her nephew escape.
"what?!" his tone was desperate, both of you now with deep shades of red on your cheeks. "what? i'm just kidding, bhateeja" she laughs putting both of her hands on pavitr's shoulders. "you go make a chai for us, i'll get something for us to eat" she leave before pavi could protest.
"don't mind her, i don't know why she said that" he clumsily made his way to prepare the drink. "it's okay, i know how it is" your chuckle came out humorless. you took a sit at the table, staring at pavi's back.
your mind was racing at the thought of the feeling be reciprocate, but obviously your head became clouded with doubt and insecurities. is you good enough for him? is you the right person to make him happy? is you the person he'd choose to spend his days by side? oh, you don't think so.
"priy, what's going through your mind?" pavitr's voice caught your attention with the nickname he refused to tell you the meaning, taking you back to the present. "nothing, i think i just slept right here" you answer getting a laugh from him.
"sure... let's get inside, gwen already texted me asking where we at" he take your hand, pulling you inside with him.
just now you realized how good he looked in a suit and how damned you were from having to spend the night away with him without calling him boyfriend. the music echoed throughout the place, thankfully not a slow one. you two walk around the place holding hands and looking for your friends.
"gwen!!" you shouted, stunned by her beauty and pretty outfit. "you look so good" you say while hugging her. "look at you!" she replied, backing up to take a good look. "pavitr is so lucky to have you as partner"
gwen knew about your feelings towards him, because you told her and also, she is your best friend, she could sense at the beginning.
"yes i am" he said overhearing your convo, while greeting miles and hobie. you shared a desperate eye contact with gwen, letting only her know your reaction at his reply. you greeted miles and hobie affectionately too, setting a comfortable chat with all five of you.
after a little while, gwen and miles left to get drinks and you, pavitr and hobie stayed chatting about anything. "changing the subject completely, i still can't believe I'm the only one without a partner" he looked down at you both with a knowing look.
before you could deny anything pavi starts talking "it's okay to not have one, dude" he patted hobie's shoulder, trying to comfort him. you almost giggled at the interaction. the slow songs started to play, making you start to get nervous. love like you was the exact song playing and the next thing you heard was "i love that song" pavi say excited, directing his eyesight at you, and extending a hand. "care for a dance?"
you thanked mentally for the blue lights above at the ceiling, because you're sure you're blushing like hell. "only 'cause you asked so nicely" you say with a smile growing on your lips, getting one from him as well.
he took your hand, going to a more private spot (away from your friends). he didn't let go of your hand for a second, only letting go to be able to hold you properly for a dance. both his hands placed in your waist, while you shyly bring your hands to his shoulders.
"pavi" you called him briefly, trying your best to maintain eye contact. he hummed, with the most genuine smile on his lips. you wanted so much to confess to him right now, but you just couldn't let the words out. you were afraid it would ruin the rest of the night for all of you. "you look good" is the only thing you manage to say.
"thanks, priy" he replied, making you chuckle. "are you cursing me for saying you look good?" you ask playfully, after a while you were certain the nickname was something funny.
"who said it's a curse?" he grinned at you, making you lean your head slightly to the side, confused. "what else could it be?" you retorted with a chuckle, he doing the same. he didn't said anything for a solid 15 seconds, only staring at you swaying within the song.
"darling." he says, and you don't react, not sure if you heard or understood right. "priy means darling" he explained, lefting you with no doubts.
you kept staring at him, and he staring at you. the natural smile he always had getting more prominent. "i like you, so much i couldn't even stand one minute more without telling you" he confessed, being greeted with you smiling brightly at him.
everything in this moment was beautiful. him, the dance, the song, you. you giggled, trying to hide your flustered face from him.
"pavi, if you're messing with me I'll kill you, i swear." you laughed, closing the space between you to hug him tightly. your arms around his neck, his arms around you waist holding you just as thigh. "I'm not! i promise" he chuckle, nuzzling his face at the crook of your neck.
"i like you too, for so long..." you finally confess, backing up to take a look at his pretty face. "and a lot more than you like me" you say playfully, a hand going to caress his cheek with a thumb. "that was the dumbest thing I've heard you say!" pavitr retorted while laughing. "no chance, i don't like you, i love you" you could feel the joy in his tone, making you giggle and blush at the words. "whatever, 'cause i love you more"
he smiled before kissing you softly, ending instantly the discussion. you kissed him back with the most joy you've ever felt, finally being able to share this moment with your lover.
"you're still not winning the discussion" you say after the kiss "only if now You kiss Me" pavi enfatize in the phrase, making you hug him again and spend the rest of the night as lovers.
"c'mon miles, give me the money" gwen extented her hand at him, hearing a groan. "i should've known better, damn" five bucks was now on gwen's hand.
"aren't you forgetting something?" hobie ask to miles as well "fine, take it" another five bucks at hobie's hand.
"they owe me 10 bucks"
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fangirl-writes · 1 year
Who Do You Love?
JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): angst
Notes: Man JJ and angst just go together and that’s unfortunate but a happy ending is mandatory. Also Cleo’s in here but there aren’t any season 3 spoilers. I think if this situation were actually in the show, it would be way more action-y and dramatic but I wasn’t feeling that so have this instead.
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It wasn’t that JJ was a bad boyfriend. On the contrary, he was a better boyfriend than his circumstances would’ve led you to believe.
But lately it had been nagging at you; a year into the relationship and he hadn’t told you he loved you. Not once.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t said it. In fact, when you said it the first time, JJ looked like he was ready to break up with you on the spot.
But he didn’t and you just assumed that he wasn’t ready. You always put your whole heart to things and JJ was no different. You’re convinced he’s the one.
But now, after everything that’s happened to you guys, he still can’t say it?
John B. and Sarah got metaphorically married after not even six months in a relationship and JJ can’t tell you he loves you.
Are you that unimportant to him? Or is this just a fling to him? And breaking up with you is just something he hasn’t gotten around to yet?
It’s a stupid thought, JJ never does anything he doesn’t want to do and he’d never play with your feelings like that, but you can’t wrap your mind around why he doesn’t just tell you.
There can’t be another girl, right? That’s just silly when would he have the time-
...him and Kiara had been spending a lot of time together lately.
But her and Pope- no. That hadn’t worked out either. Was that where you and JJ were headed? To an unceremonious end that you wouldn’t talk about? You didn’t think you could be as cool with it as Pope.
Maybe that’s because you weren’t a true pogue.
Which was just as silly because you’d been friends with them since way before you and JJ became a thing. But you two were the first to break the “no macking” rule, even before Kiara kissed John B.
Oh, fuck.
First John B. and then Pope...Kiara wasn’t just making her rounds on her friends, right? Trying each of them out until one fit?
No, how could you even think that? That’s a horrible thing to think about one of your friends. But the insecure little girl inside of you was trying to come up with an explanation. One that wasn’t just “he’s not ready.”
Because why wasn’t he ready?
You tried to push these feelings down. Tried to not stare at John B. and Sarah with jealous longing, to not feel queasy inside when Kie and JJ hugged.
If anyone noticed your discomfort, they didn’t say anything. There was just so much going on, as always, and anyone’s feelings that weren’t out in the open fell to the wayside.
But, if you were being honest with yourself, it was starting to wear on you.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Cleo said, snapping her fingers in front of your face. “Why ya staring at Kiara like you wish her head would explode?”
You blinked, a blush coloring your cheeks. “What? I-I wasn’t-”
“Now, come on. Don’t lie to your auntie Cleo. What’s going on?”
You rubbed your arm, considering. Cleo might be the best person to talk to about it. She and JJ weren’t really close, so she could give a rather unbiased perspective on things. Maybe she could help.
“It’s just...you don’t think there’s anything going on between them do you?”
Your gaze was transfixed on the way Kie and JJ laughed, doing a little dance to the music playing at the wreck. 
“Them two? Nah. They bicker like siblings, but I don’ think either of them are interested like that. Besides, aren’t you and JJ an item?”
You nodded. “Yeah but lately I’ve been...kind of worried about it.”
“How so?”
You took a deep breath.
“It’s stupid, really, but JJ and I have been together for over a year now and...he hasn’t told me he loves me. Which I know is a stupid thing to be worried about but I can’t keep it from bugging me-”
“Hey, hey, slow down there,” Cleo said, coaxing you from the brink of rambling. “If it’s botherin’ you this much then it’s not stupid.”
You bit you lip, anxiety pooling in your stomach.
“For what it’s worth, JJ looks at you like your da sun. But if you’re really this worried about it, just talk to him. Either way it goes, you’ll have your answer.”
You gave her a grateful look. “Thanks for listening.”
“Anytime. We’re friends, yeah?”
“Good. Now go talk to yer boyfriend before someone’s head explodes.”
You laughed, feeling a little more relieved, but that anxiety returned the closer to JJ you got.
He was his beautiful self, as always; drinking a coke in board shorts and a muscle tee, sunglasses perched perfectly on his nose, and strands of blond hair falling gracefully over them.
“Hey, baby,” JJ greeted casually as you approached, putting a hand on your thigh when you stopped by his seat.
“Hey, J,” you replied, trying to keep the waver out of your voice. “Can we talk?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah! Yeah. I just need to talk to you about something...alone, preferably.”
You glanced around the group, who were all staring at you with curious eyes and wondering glances. You never asked JJ to “talk,” especially not alone.
“Yeah, uh, okay.”
JJ got up anyway, but you could tell by his body language that he was just as weirded out by this as the rest of the pogues (except Cleo, who gave you an encouraging nod when you glanced at her).
He reached for your hand, but you crossed your arms to sneakily avoid it and took off toward the docks. That he definitely noticed.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” He asked, sitting himself down beside you on the dock.
“Actually, no, but also yes? Um, you’re gonna think this is stupid and I really need you not to blow up at me for it because I think I’d lose my mind if you did.”
“Y/N, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
You let him take your hand this time and squeezed it for comfort.
“I just...why haven’t you said you love me?”
JJ’s brow furrowed. “What?”
“It’s stupid, I know, but, J, why? I’ve told you I love you. I’ve told you multiple times, even just out of instinct, but you haven’t said it once.”
“I say it-”
“No. You don’t.” You snapped.
This put JJ into defense mode. “Why’s it so important to you anyway? They’re just words. Just because you say them doesn’t make them true.”
“But are they?”
“Are they true?”
Tears were rolling down your cheeks now, unable to control your emotions when he was discounting your feelings like this.
“This is stupid,” JJ said, standing up.
That shattered you.
“So, that’s it then?” You asked, feeling your heart sinking in your chest. “You don’t love me?”
“Of course I love you, Y/N! Why the fuck would I be with you if I didn’t love you?”
“I don’t know, you tell me!” You shot back. “Because this has been bothering me for weeks and you haven’t noticed anything’s been off! You’re too busy with this stupid treasure hunt and hanging around with Kiara-”
“Is that what this is about? You’re pissed because I’m hanging out with Kie?” JJ asked, face pinching angrier with every second.
“No, that’s not what I-”
“Well, maybe I should date her! At least she wouldn’t act like this!”
“Maybe you should!”
JJ’s face fell and silence settled between you.
Tears were still falling from your eyes and you hugged yourself, regret and guilt pooling in your stomach.
“You don’t mean that,” JJ whispered.
“I don’t know,” You replied, softly.
“You don’t know what?”
You shook your head. “I just don’t know. I don’t know if I meant it. I don’t know if you love me. I don’t know if I want to be dating you any more.”
JJ looked like you felt, completely shattered. Tears were pooling in his eyes and his mouth was slightly open, like he wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words out.
“Y/N-” he started, reaching out for you.
You stepped back from him. “Just...just don’t.”
You shouldered passed him, heading up the dock.
JJ watched, frozen, as you grabbed your bicycle from where it was leaned against the Wreck’s building and biked away.
He also caught sight of his friends, who’d been watching the encounter from the balcony, and they looked to him, confused.
What just happened?
JJ wasn’t sure either. But he knew that if he didn’t do something soon, he was gonna lose the most important thing to him.
It wasn’t until the sun had gone down that JJ finally showed up at your house.
You’d been expecting him since you left without resolving anything in your fight. In fact, you’d been aching for him for that long, wishing he’d come hold you in his arms and tell you everything would be okay, like he always did. But when he was the cause of the pain, would that make it better or worse?
You were almost asleep when there was tapping on your window.
You went to it almost too quickly, opening the curtains to see JJ standing on the roof with a small bouquet of flowers in his hand and an unsure grin.
With a deep breath, you opened the window.
“Hey,” JJ said, sliding into your room as you moved out of the way.
You didn’t respond to him, just crossed your arms and waited for him to start talking, a tired frown etched on your face.
“Um...these are for you,” he said, holding out the bouquet.
They were Gaillardias. The flowers that grew in the soft sand along beach walkways. JJ always said they reminded him of you because they were bright and beautiful and thrived in the sun.
The thought warmed your heart and you felt yourself wanting to cry again.
You took the bouquet from him, “thank you.”
You put them in a small vase that was on your desk, having once held the flowers JJ got you for your birthday a few months ago and you were just too lazy to put the vase away. You were thankful for it now.
“So,” he started, taking a seat on your bed. “Can we talk about our fight?”
You shrugged. “I guess we have to, right?”
JJ nodded as you sat next to him.
“I’m sorry for bringing it up,” You said, avoiding looking at him. “I knew it was stupid and I still brought it up. I just wanted to know...”
“It wasn’t stupid,” JJ replied, also not looking at you. “I’m sorry for saying it was.”
“Would you tell me why?” You asked.
“I-” JJ sighed, turning sideways and pulling you along with him so that the two of you were facing each other.
You wrinkled your nose. “JJ your shoes are all sandy-”
“I’ll take them off,” he said, quickly pulling his sneakers off his feet and dropping them on the floor, making sure to wipe away the sand before taking a deep breath and continuing. “I can’t say I love you because I really do. It’s hard for me to say because everyone I’ve loved before have left me. My mom’s gone, I loved my dad just as much as I hated him, Big John’s gone, I thought I lost John B.”
JJ hung his head, stopping to take a breath. “I guess I’m just scared that I’ll lose you, too,”
You chuckled a little. “You know, it’s funny, I wanted you to tell me you love me because I didn’t want to lose you. I thought that if you weren’t saying it, that meant that this wasn’t something you were invested in.”
“I’ve never been more invested in anything in my life,” JJ admitted.
You smiled. “I guess that’s all I need.”
“No,” JJ shook his head. “No, this time I’m going to say it. I love you, Y/N.”
You felt like crying all over again. “I love you, too,”
JJ took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. A gesture you returned, putting your hands on his chest and gripping his grey t-shirt tightly.
A thunk hit your window, causing the two of you to pull apart and turn your attention towards it.
“Oh, yeah,” JJ said, getting up and sticking his head out of the window. “We’re good, guys!”
Confused, you joined JJ at the window.
The twinkie was sitting in your driveway, passenger and side door open, with the rest of the pogues around it.
“Good,” John B. said. “We were starting to think she killed you.”
“Not yet, he’s still worth keeping around,” you said, jokingly.
“You guys coming down? We’re gonna go have a bonfire now.”
JJ smirked. “Nah, I think we’ve got some more apologizing to do, if you know what I mean.”
“JJ!” You said, shoving his shoulder and blushing furiously.
“Be safe!” Pope said.
“Use protection!” Kiara said.
“Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t do!” Cleo chimed in.
“I hate you all!” You said, disappearing back into your room.
JJ laughed, leaning back in and closing the window.
“Now,” he said. “Where were we?”
“I’d really like to start at ‘I love you’,” you said, smiling bashfully, sitting back on your bed.
JJ leaned forward on his hands that were on either side of you. “Well, then I love you,”
You were giddy inside. “Alright, let’s do this.”
JJ laughed as your wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned backwards on the bed, taking him with you.
Yeah, maybe love doesn’t only have to be said in words, but it’s nice to hear. And JJ would say it indefinitely more times, if only to see the smile it brought to your face.
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foreverisntenough · 28 days
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Chapter 1 - Size of A Plum
Chapter 2 - With a ‘U’ or an ‘O’
Chapter 3 - Auntie Laur and A Very Drunk Boy
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, mention of the word ‘daddy,’ kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 4 - Baby Dior | ‘Ours’
“Thank you for coming over for dinner tonight. If you came from 7 hours away or 7 minutes away, Y/N and I really appreciate it. Erm… we do have some news we wanted to share with our all, our families.” Trent smiled and looked at you. You squeezed his arm reassuring him that you were okay. “We've been discussing this for some time, so we’re absolutely buzzing…” he paused and looked at you again offering you the moment.
“So yeah, this… erm, sorry a little nervous.” You quivered, shaking some. Trent pressed a kiss to your forehead whispering to you that everything was okay. You watched Marcel’s eyebrows raise interested, your sister's cheeks rose from a smile of anticipation, Tyler leaning forward in his chair, your dad leaning back in his. You watched as a caterer placed a little white box in front of everyone’s seat. The whole table inspected the plain carton in front of them. “So, if you wouldn’t mind opening up the little boxes in front of each of you. Hopefully, you’ll be excited with us come this Fall as we are…” you paused. You could hear the thick material of the boxes being plied open over the muffled music outside. Then you heard the first breath get sucked in from your mum. “We are expecting a baby!” You got out fairly confidently. Collectively there were a lot of gasps and ‘oh my gods.’ You giggled a little as Trent held you closer in support. In each box there were respective things for each person pertaining to their role in your baby’s life i.e being an uncle, a grandmother, an aunt. With the little gifts was also the ultrasound. On each one you had written a little blurb.
‘Baby Girl Alexander-Arnold coming this Fall!’
In Marcel’s box you felt the need to include a little white sticky note on the photo as well.
‘Yes, this was planned’
It was cheeky and it made him smile that you knew him well enough to know he’d be a little taken aback by all this coming at him. Dianne thought she was going to have a heart attack. She grabbed your mum's hand and your mum was in the same boat.
“A baby girl!” She yelled astonished, standing up. She ran over to you first. She gave you the tightest hug you’ve ever been given before she released you to give possibly a tighter one to Trent. You picked your head up to see everyone impatiently waiting to say congratulations asking a million questions but your dad caught your eye. He was at the end of the table unmoved with tears in his eyes. You got up and squeezed Trent’s shoulder before walking over to him. You crouched next to his chair and put your hand on his arm.
“Oh, dad… ” you whispered sympathetically . Your mum walked around you placing a kiss on your cheek before going over to Trent. She wanted you to have your moment alone with your dad. You had such a special bond with him. Your whole family was close but this was really different from your relationships with your mum and sister. You were so similar. You learned with him, you explored the world with him. He was your best friend, your role model, the first man you truly loved with your whole heart and in a twist of fate and the heat of one summer he in a way brought you to Trent. Without him you would’ve never known those big brown eyes on 78th Street.
“I’m so proud of the women you’ve grown up to be. So incredibly kind and loving. You’ll be the most amazing mother to a very lucky girl.” Tears started to fill your eyes as he spoke quietly only to you. He wiped away his own before he did yours. His approval was all you ever wanted. He gave you everything you could ever want in a life, in a backwards way he introduced you to Trent. He was the best parent you could ask for and unknowingly also a wingman. The fact that you were about to embark on your own parental journey was surreal.
“She’ll be lucky to have the most amazing grandad too.” You cooed leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I guess I’ll have myself an official born and bred Red now I suppose.” He joked. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he picked himself up from his seat to go give Trent a hug and you followed.
“Congratulations, honestly. I couldn’t be happier for you two. It’s so important that you have each other on this journey.” You could feel your dad shifting into a mode you knew well. One where he was speaking vaguely before diving into something he had been harboring. “I’d like to request that my visits to see my granddaughter will be at Anfield.” He joked and gripped Trent’s shoulder in a way that made you quickly squeeze his opposite arms hand.
“Trent, come here a minute.” You heard your dad say it and you got nervous for Trent you couldn’t imagine what he was possibly feeling. Trent went over and your dad wrapped his arm around his shoulder and they walked off away from your families. You were in a conversation with your mum and Dianne but mentally you were somewhere else trying to read Trent’s lips and monitor your dad’s body language.
“Do not want to be in that discussion.” Marcel quipped seeing Trent’s face fall into a more serious mold. He was sitting with Tyler and your sister trying to eavesdrop.
“Yeah impregnating his daughter isn’t exactly the best way to win a dad over is it?” Your sister laughed also starting to watch their conversation closely.
“Nah it’s not.” Tyler laughed. “Trenty can hold his own though he’s got the prem trophy on his side. Your dad can’t forget that.” Tyler sarcastically but maybe seriously commented, your sister couldn’t tell. Their conversation lulled to only small comments about what they thought they overheard.
“I trust you wholeheartedly on the pitch every weekend. I’d like to think I can trust you just the same with my daughter and my granddaughter every day of their lives.” Your dad spoke sternly towards Trent looking over his shoulder at you caressing your belly. You looked beautiful and healthy. He meant what he said earlier. He was so proud of you. He wanted to threaten Trent. Scare him. As kind and humorous as your dad was, he definitely had a fire that made him absolutely terrifying. Like the man you’d see at the pub you wouldn’t want to piss off. Trent was polite and considerate listening intently hanging into every word your dad said. He couldn’t exactly understand the emotion though. He watched your dad rant about how special you were and Trent agreed but it was a slightly different form of affection. Trent was wrapping his head around the fact that he was going to be a dad, that he would have a daughter, that he would have this conversation someday. Trent swore, promised, vowed he would take care of you and your babygirl and also in true form, never without some humor your dad also insisted Trent promised England would win the next World Cup. Your dad believed him about taking care of you and only partially about the World Cup. They returned to the party, your dad more at ease, Trent more on edge.
Your house was so full for the rest of the week. Your mum began helping start the nursery, your sister and you in fits of giggles trying to sort out how to dress for the upcoming match of Trent’s you were going to in Spain, your dad and Trent watching the remainder of other leagues seasons. Suddenly their 4 day stay was over, the house was quiet, it was strange to have your family there one day and gone the next. You didn’t realize how much you missed them, especially your sister. You made a promise you’d be better about seeing each other in person more.
After your family left there was only about a week and half until you were flying with Marcel to the Champions League Final in Madrid. This very well could be the year Trent and Liverpool won the treble; The English Premier League, The FA Cup, and after this 90 odd minutes, The Champions League. You arrived at the stadium. It was bustling. It was busy, nosy, everything you didn’t want to experience thrust into one place; large men pushing around, alcohol everywhere, smoke and flares in the air. It wasn’t ideal but there was nowhere else you wanted to be. If you weren’t months into a pregnancy the atmosphere would be exciting, almost beautiful in the way it energized the air. Trent had won this before but there was no problem with winning it again. Liverpool was playing AC Milan and it was bound to be a good game. You and Marcel weaved your way up to your concourse. Since Marcel found out you were pregnant he had been almost as protective as Trent. You weren’t sure that was possible but he was a close number 2. The joke that you spent more time with him probably was more true than you’d like to admit. He had become one of your best friends in England. He was like a little brother, as much as you loved to razz the other or pick fights, you loved him unconditionally and vise versa. He would do anything to keep you safe. He kept his arm around you as you made your way up to a box. Eventually the rest of the Alexander-Arnold camp arrived and you mingled around while a few people you hadn’t seen in a while congratulated you quietly about your pregnancy, unsure if that was something you were doing yet . Trent’s manager found out fairly early right after your families knew but you hadn’t seen him in person since he found out. You sat up in a box tucked away from the crowds and as a surprise to you about 5 minutes before kick off, in walked a friendly familiar face who was ecstatic to see you. Jude had snuck into the stadium incognito in hopes of not drawing attention to himself. So far he had managed the task well.
“C’mere, Mum!” He cheekily cooed, not as quiet as you would’ve liked, pulling you into a hug. You squeezed him tight. “Brought your little family something.” He handed you a bag. You said you’d open it later, you couldn’t handle any more emotions than you were already feeling. You believed in Trent and the team wholeheartedly. It just was stressful. You were massively nervous for this game but he insisted. You rolled your eyes at him being such a pest but you dug through the little gift bag. You unwrapped tissue paper and unfolded a Bellingham Real Madrid jersey. You smiled at how small it was. It did occur to you that if all Trent’s friends giftedyour baby girl jerseys she was going to have quite the collection.
“You know he’s not going to let her wear this in England.” You joked pulling him in for another hug. “Thank you, Judey. When we come back to Madrid with her, she will definitely have it on.” You giggled.
You moved outside the box to see Liverpool warm up on the pitch. Trent stood with his brow furrowed as he surveyed the seats in front of the box high up for you. He finally found you and his stern face snapped into the full cheeky smile you loved. You blew him a kiss and he made a heart with his hands back up to you. No matter how many matches he did it at, it always made your heart skip a beat. You felt so special being the girl in the crowd he was sending his love to. While you loved the gesture it also acted as a signal to those who cared if you were or weren’t at a game. If there was a heart in that boy's hands, there was a Y/N in the stands. Before you knew it you were singing You’ll Never Walk Alone swaying back and forth with Marcel and just as quickly the match was underway. Your eyes followed Trent closely as you leaned back in your seat, one hand subtly trying to hold your bump. You wore one of Trent’s jerseys from a few years ago with a pair of Reformation black shorts and a mesh Gucci black GG heeled sandal that featured the logo monogram patterned in rhinestone crystals across it paired with Bottega Veneta silver drop earrings and matching silver mini Sardine Bag.
What started as a fan account updating that you were simply at the match, moved to a breakdown of your outfit, and then spiraled into uncontrollable internet chaos. Comments flooded Instagram and Twitter posts of you sitting in the box next to Jude and Marcel. Being with Jude only fueled the fire and more for eyes to search for you at the stadium.
‘ISTG she’s pregnant. Why have we not seen her lately?’
‘YK Jude and Trent drive her crazy 😂’
‘She’s so cool. I want her closet’
‘Wait Jude Bellingham is at this match?’
‘Imagine sitting next to Jude Bellingham and friendzoning him lol’
‘She bagged box tickets to the UCL final… mission complete’
The first half began and as much as you were trying to watch you were slightly distracted as Marcel and Jude rattled on about what you should name your baby every time the ball went out of play. It faded out eventually when unfortunately, you all watched Milan net an early penalty but then in quick succession Trent bagged an assist to equalize. You watched minutes tick by. The match felt both painfully slow and unbelievably fast. The crowd were chanting. At first you didn’t clock it until a few people beneath the box turned to look up at you. You assumed it was to see Jude but they were pointing more at you. You’re not sure what drew the attention to you. People seemed to be fixated on Trent and there for you. Half the stadium sang out in unison…
‘She’s not that fit, she’s not that fiit, Trent Alexander Arnold, your birds not that fit’ . * IYKYK the tune*
When the chant fully registered, you didn't know what to do. You felt paralyzed. Jude leaned over and cupped his hand over your ear. He whispered to you not to react. To wait until it was over. You understood why he said that. There would be more of a story if there were videos of you running away crying but the thing was you couldn’t move if you wanted to. It felt never ending. Ringing and ringing around the stadium. When it finally faded out. Dianne came over and rushed you inside. You started balling. You had no control of your tears. It wasn’t that the chant was all that offensive, it was just the feeling of being targeted by so many people and more so, the feeling that you were carrying your little girl as they insulted you. Dianne sat with you consoling you until Jude came inside after a couple minutes. He plopped next to you on the couch. When his big frame sat down, your side of the cushion raised. He told you he got tired of everyone taking photos of him but you knew he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
“Me and you can hide out, yeah?” He cooed sweetly wrapping his arm around you laying it over the back of the couch. You watched the game on the large tv inside a little annoyed at yourself for being unable to withstand the crowd. You wanted to see Trent play so as it got into the final minutes you walked outside. It wasn’t looking good for Liverpool. They didn’t have a ton of possession but you were holding out hope. In an instant, a bizarre deflection off a shot bounced off god knows who into the back of the goal. Your stomach dropped. 2 -1 Milan. You felt sick. This couldn’t end like this. 90 minutes. 5 minutes of stoppage time. Then 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes,1 minute left then the absolute worst sound you’ve ever heard; the referee’s final whistle muffled by half the crowd beginning to celebrate. Your eyes glazed over. You looked at Marcel dropping his head into his hands. You ran your hand over his back. Jude squeezed his hand tight above your knee.
“It’ll be fine.” He whispered as you both watched Trent take a seat defeated on the pitch. His head between his legs. They had lost the Champions League final. Cynically, Trent had to do a press conference post match. You went downstairs in the stadium with Tyler to be there with him.
You could barely look Trent in the eyes when you saw him. He walked over and hugged you in complete silence. Your cheeks squished together in the embrace. You pressed your lips to his skin and he closed his eyes. You could still feel his rapid heartbeat and chest heavily rise and fall. He was absolutely devastated. He let go and went on to go do his media duties. You trailed behind him watching his strong back walk into the room security tailing you. You stood in the back corner with people from the club and Trent’s camp. Your heart broke hearing his voice. His eyes eventually cast up towards you and they softened. You could barely manage a sympathetic smile. When you finally got to leave the stadium it was chaos and yet simultaneously soundless in the car. Trent wanted to get the fuck out of Spain so that’s what you did. You were on a plane back to England promptly. You didn’t know what to say. What you did know was that Trent needed to avoid his phone at all costs. Between the loss and the chant about you… he couldn’t see the internet right now. You grabbed his phone and turned it off putting it away in his bag. He was laying face down on a couch on the plane. You sat on the floor next to him. You rubbed his arm. He didn’t acknowledge you for a while until he turned his head to look at you. His blank stare didn’t change, it was just empty.
“I know, baby.” You whispered understanding his numbness, pushing your lips against his forearm. There wasn’t really anything to say. Trent wasn’t the type of person that wanted to hear ‘you played well’ or ‘you did your best’ type stuff even if it was true. He took losses to heart. Eventually he pulled you up for a cuddle with him. You sat next to him and opened your arms for him to settle into you. He let out demoralized breaths and sighs as you ran your hand up and down his back. He kept his face hidden in the nape of your neck. You kept the trip quiet only whispering how much you loved him after you’d kiss his head every so often. The loss lingered for days. When you settled back in at home he was almost vacant but he still took care of you. He drew you a bath every night. Sometimes he would join you but it’d be quiet, other times he would stay downstairs playing fifa in the cinema.
“You want to take it out on me?” You were asking if he wanted to have rough sex in an effort to make him feel better or just release a little. You’d done it a lot before it was always fun and hot but Trent was less than impressed.
“Nah baby. For one thing, you’re pregnant I’m not going to choke you out am I? Secondly, I’m not really in the mood for all that, honestly.” He was fairly snippy lately but you understood and let it go. You felt terrible and a little lost on how to fix this one but one day you decided you needed to get him out of the house. It was officially summer and the off season there was no use sitting inside. You forcibly dragged him with you and the dogs to go for a walk on Formby Beach. Trent rolled up the bottom of your sweatpants for you. Bending down was starting to get more difficult for you so you appreciated it. As you walked along the shore you spotted a family playing football. A little girl and her brother playing in the sand both in Liverpool jerseys; the boy wearing a Salah number 11 and then an all too familiar 66 flashed when the little girl turned around. Seeing her tiny curls in the kit hit you like a freight train. This would be your life. You would have a daughter just the same. You nodded your head in their direction for Trent to see. He squeezed your hand he was holding.
“Thank you.” He whispered quietly into your ear with a kiss behind it. He was happy you made him come with you. You smiled back at him before returning your gaze to the children’s football game.
“Always for you. You should say hi, T.” you cooed, turning back to him, swiping your thumb over his cheek.
“Nah, I don’t want to.” He wasn’t usually the person to go out of his way to flaunt who he was but he definitely didn’t feel like it after Madrid. They were only kids, you knew they'd be excited to meet him. Trent was not feeling the best and you understood that too. But as the way life goes suddenly the ball skidded across the sand towards you two. Trent juggled the ball a few times, flicking it upwards to catch it with a smile forming on his face. You gave him a knowing look because even as much as he was wallowing in the loss he still absolutely loved football at the end of the day. He walked it over to the two kids. You frowned seeing the two kids absolutely lose their minds seeing the one and only Trent Alexander-Arnold come over. They gushed that he was their favorite because he’s a Scouser like them. In turn, Trent teased the little boy about his Mo jersey. Their parents weren’t much better at containing their excitement. Trent took photos with them and talked for a little. When you walked away you could tell he felt significantly better, that he felt lighter. He wrapped his arms around you and you stood on the shore.
“I’ve never been more in love with you.” He cooed. The salty air had a wet chill to it but his warm embrace made it all okay. You stood in his embrace listening to the waves roll in and wash out. Things were calm for the first time in a while.
“You say that every time.” You giggled and everything on that beach and in the world slowed for a moment. You leaned your head back onto Trent. He hummed and kissed your cheek.
“And I mean it every time. Every day somehow it’s more than the last.” His words were more sincere than ever. You hated that they lost the game but it didn’t really matter in the big picture.
“T… I love you. I’m proud of you. You’re going to be a really good role model for her. You work so hard. You never give up and I really admire that. I wish I was like that.” You began to self reflect a little. You thought Trent to be much more resilient than you were.
“Thank you, baby.” He paused but then he laughed shaking his head. He didn’t agree with you. In fact, he didn’t think he was all that different than you were in terms of toughness. “You’re much stronger than you realize, Y/N.” Whenever Trent said your full name you knew he was absolutely certain about what he was saying and he was serious too. “This isn’t easy what you’re doing, what you’ve done. You’re amazing. You should never doubt yourself but I want you to know that when you do… I’m right here, baby.. I’ve got your back. I'm right behind you. Not giving up.” These were the times when you knew that there was something much deeper between you two then just attraction, then just good times. Trent really, genuinely cared for you not just as his girlfriend but as a person; he respected you and believed in you undoubtedly. You held hands walking back to your car and you stood at the boot. Trent helped you brush the sand off your feet. He kissed your ankle and you laughed. You heard children’s voices yelling so you picked up your head. You tapped Trent’s shoulder to turn. The kids from earlier were screaming bye to Trent. You giggled at their flamboyance. He waved back before wrapping his arm around your waist walking you to the passenger side.
“Passenger princess, that's what they call it now?” He laughed as he helped you in. You told him to shut up pulling the door closed.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” You quipped as he got into the driver's side. He drove home with your hand laced with his. Everything was going to be just fine.
On a whim after dinner that night you decided you were going to make dessert. You had finally started to pull Trent out of his post Champions League funk. You put on some music walking back into the kitchen when Trent offered to help. The two of you landed on cupcakes, don’t know why but that’s what was happening. You got about ¾ of the way done when Trent cupped your chin. His dark gaze and long pretty lashes looked down at you. He scooped a bit of the frosting you had made off the whisk with his fingers and brought it to your plump lips.
“Open your mouth.” He cooed. You felt your heart rate pick up. You parted your lips a little for him. He slowly stuck his fingers in your mouth and you sucked whirling your tongue around them to taste. That’s at least what you were trying to do but you couldn’t shake the wave of excitement that ran through you when he did that. He pulled his fingers out equally as slow and wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb. He kept his eyes fixed on you the whole time. He hummed with a stern face before it fell into the perfect smile. He dropped his eyes from yours and gazed down at your swollen boobs spilling out of the little top you were in. His breath caught in his throat. Desire started to course through him. He pulled you closer to him. He leaned further towards you but kept his thumb right on your lips. He was teasing you, waiting for you to make the first move. He licked his lips and gave up waiting before his juicy pout crashed into you. You let out a quiet whine. He tasted so sweet from the frosting he had tried before. He hungrily dropped his hands to your ass, gripping it. “You’re so sexy.” Trent softly groaned. The kiss was needy and messy. He started to peel off your clothes. His fingers dipping down towards your pussy. “Already wet f’me, baby?” He whispered with a smirk. You tried to respond but stuttered and ended up just nodding. You were fucking adorable. In a flash you were up in your bedroom lying on the mattress. Trent pulled you towards him by your ankle. You squealed with a giggled as he dragged you. He got on top of you and pulled the lace thong you were in off with a shaky breath trying to compose himself. Your arms draped over his shoulder. He looked down at you and slipped his hand under your top to brush over your hard nipples. You were so sensitive you couldn’t help but whimper. His pearly white teeth flashed in a smile before they dropped and began to nibble against your nipples. He always tried to be gentle since you got pregnant but in the heat of the moment it was hard to restrain yourselves. You were gripping on the bed sheets above your head. You were babbling the most lewd things, you couldn’t even believe the things you were whining out. When he slowed he took your legs and placed them over his shoulder. That was like a death sentence for you. You loved it, he knew you loved it. It was a match made in heaven and quickly you started to unravel.
“I’m gonna cum!” You inhaled sharply as your chest heaved underneath him. Trent placed a harsh kiss onto the back of your leg. And then he stopped when your orgasm came crashing over you. “T…Oh my god. What?” You whined as your pussy fluttered around him. He relaxed his body so you dragged your foot down his chest sensually back to the bed.
“You need to understand how much I love you.” You were confused when he said that. You were pretty sure you understood just fine and he was showing you how much he did until he just stopped. “You need to see what I see.” He pulled out of you and you hissed. He turned you to face the large mirror in your room and stood behind you on the bed. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” He asked rather harshly. His warm breath fanning against the shell of your ear sent shivers down your spine. He playfully licked down the side of it only to nibble on your earlobe. He teased you, dragging his leaking tip through your folds circling your entrance. “Do you?” he slipped his cock into your pussy with no warning. The buildup in these few seconds when he wasn’t inside you was insane. You leaned back into him as he continued to build his pace again. He kissed your neck and you let out a desperate moan. Your heart swooned a little at the sentiment of his words. You stared into the mirror, watching him place gentle kisses against your skin in contrast to his harsh thrusts.
“I love you so fucking much.” You moaned out after a sharp breath when he hit a little bit deeper. His hand came around you and softly wrapped around your neck. He was so gentle dragging his finger down your throat. You knew he did it because he had said he wouldn’t earlier and it set you off. “T… Please, I need to cum.” The cutest scowl formed on your face.
“I got you. I got you, baby.” He whispered to your ear again. Your whines constantly getting louder. You felt like you were gonna black out. It felt so good. Your grip on him tightened and then you released. Your pussy spasmed around his cock. White hot pleasure coursed through you. Trent’s breathing deepened seeing you cum in the mirror. “God, you’re such a good girl f’me. I’m gonna cum, baby..” He threw his head back. Being able to see him had you barreling toward another high almost adjoining the other. He swallowed hard, fixing his gaze back on you as he reached between your legs. His fingers pinched your clit and you yelped out. He rubbed harsh circles repeatedly. You were a mess. The sounds in your room were nothing but pornographic. “Want me to cum inside?” You nodded your head completely drunk off his cock.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!” You whimpered, feeling both your own orgasm and his cum. He pumped you full, slowing his thrusts prolonging your high. You grinded back into him desperately needing a little more. His hands gripped your waist tight as he rocked into you a few more times
“Just… just need a little more. Fuck. Good girl.” He said almost silently out of breath, teetering toward drowsy. You both dramatically crashed back into your bed. You cuddled up to him with a giggle. That was exactly what you both needed.
“If I could fall in love with you for the first time all over again, Y/N, I would.” He panted, staring up and ceiling talking into the thick air. You pouted your lips at him.
“That’s really sweet, T.” You giggled leaning your head on his chest. “So this cheer you up more than cupcakes?”
“Massively, more than cupcakes, baby. Nothing could ever come close to comparing to you.” He smushed a kiss against your forehead.
You laid in bed the next morning. You woke up and rolled away from Trent unintentionally. You didn’t know he already had woken up. He furrowed his brow at you moving away from him, more often than not you woke up practically on top of one another, so he wasn’t having it. He extended one of his arms to come and wrap around your naked waist and playfully dragged you across the bed back toward him.
“Gotcha” he laughed in a groggy morning voice. You giggled and attempted to break out of his tight hold. He wouldn’t let go. Not this morning and not in a million years. He tucked you into his chest resting your head in the nape of your neck. You were so close that if you even opened your mouth in the slightest your lips would be on his skin. He whispered to you but you couldn’t exactly make it out. You think he said he loved you..
Despite the Champions League loss, Liverpool was still going to have a Parade in the city for their Premier League title. You helped Trent get ready, making him breakfast, before you sent him on his way to AXA for the 4+ hour parade he was about to embark on. You and Dianne thought it’d be nice to go to the house he grew up in to watch the route. It would be cute to be able to see his trajectory from his boyhood home to premier league winner. You also liked that he knew exactly where to find you while he was up on the bus. When the team buses went by he blew you a million kisses and he blew a million and one back. You stood and watched everyone drink and party. Lately, you didn’t feel like yourself and as you leaned your head onto George’s shoulder seeing the red flares fill the air you felt less like yourself then ever. Your body had changed so much and your ways of socializing had changed even more. You hardly felt yourself and yet you were watching Trent be more himself than ever.
Summer was in full swing. 30 degree weather and shitty ac was not helping the swelling you were dealing with. You had gotten to celebrate Trent’s success from this year but soon after it totally dissipated. The funny thing with footballers was as quickly as they were able to move on from their losses they did just the same with their wins. All eyes were on the upcoming season. The workouts, plans, activations, all sorts of things for football started right up again. You sat in your back garden by the pool on a late afternoon. You laid on separate chairs as long as you could but ultimately you ended up sitting yourself in between his legs sharing a seat. You leaned your back against his bare chest. He snaked his hands around your waist. Caressing your stomach. When your phone pinged. You got an email notification from Tyler and Trent’s manager.
“T…T…” you slapped at his arms. Your jaw dropped and a sudden jolt ran through your veins. Trent answered with a distracted hum. “No, seriously…” you cooed, turning your head back to him. “Did you just get Ty’s email!”
“My phone is inside. What’s it say, baby?” He pressed a kiss against your cheek peeking over you to look at your screen but you weren’t giving him a good enough view. His hands nicked the phone from you. “Let me see” he wanted to read the email in full.
“T.. we got invited to Paris fashion week!!!!” You squealed, kicking your feet up and down on the longue chair.
“Okay, okay, okay, excited girl. I’m assuming you want to go?” He laughed at you. Squeezing you tight. “We can, if you’re feeling up for it.”
“T… we have to. We have to pull together like looks* Can I dress you? Pleaseeeee” you began to babble excited imagining the fits. He rolled his eyes at your pestering and agreed. You bickered back and forth who had better style until the sun went down. You began walking back inside whilst Trent was rambling about what he wanted to have for dinner.
“You know it’s me, just admit it, baby…” you teased cutting him off and squeezing his hip. You never landed on an agreement of who dressed better. It was typical Trent, he knew he was wrong but he never wanted to lose.
“What are you on about?” He looked at you confused, swatting your hand away from him.
“I have better style. It was literally my job. Just concede for once, T.” You giggled going to pinch at him again.
“Nope!” He popped the ‘p’ laughing. “I dress better and I'm a lot faster too.” He slapped your ass and took off running like a little kid back into the house away from you
“That wasn’t up for debate! I’m pregnant, T! Be nice to me!!!” you whined left in the back garden. “This is your baby, come backkk!” You yelled after him. He turned around laughing.
“C’mere” he grunted, scooping you up carefully. “I’m always nice to you, baby.” He cooed with a big fat kiss.
“Can you come here pleasaaaseeee. I need to see this on you.” You whined begging Trent to come into the wardrobe. You sat on an ottoman there on FaceTime with Lauren as you packed for Paris. Trent had delegated his packing to you but he really needed to be there. You had worked as a stylist for major magazines so you offered to coordinate with his PR team and the brands of the shows you’d be attending. You worked together to decide what you were going to wear and in turn be delivering to your hotel on the day of the show. You were currently packing for all the rest of the days you were going to be there.
“I thought this is what you were on the phone for, Laur.” Trent laughed, jogging into the room. He heard Lauren’s voice before he entered. “What do you need, baby?” He cooed, pressing a kiss on your head.
“Can you put this on for me?” You tossed a short sleeve Louis Vuitton button up shirt towards him and he snatched it out of the air, putting it on the island while he took his top off. You were 50/50 on the color at the moment. Trent pulled his shirt over his head. Leaving his toned abs on full display. You looked Trent and then back at Lauren with full cheeks and mouthed a ‘yum’ at her. She fed into it and teasingly whistled at Trent.
“Stop objectifying me.” He feigned offense. You rolled your eyes at him because no matter who said it you knew he loved when people liked the way he looked.
“Aw baby you’re just so pretty.” You cooed with a giggle. To be fair, you were incredibly serious. He did look really good. He swung the shirt around his back to slip his arm in.
“Yeah, T, you’re so pretty.” Lauren laughed only egging the situation on. Trent threw her a less than impressed stare. You bit your lip watching his big hands do the small buttons.
“Yes or no?” He asked as he finished the last one. He left the top two undone and he looked good you just were trying to focus on the actual shirt.
“Erm… “ you pondered for a second. Trent spun around with his arms out to show you it in full.
“Good modeling," you giggled, drawing a smile from him. You decided you liked it. The shirt would work.
“We’re done? I can go?” Trent asked wanting to get back to whatever he was doing. All you knew was that he wasn’t packing. You just hummed. He came over to you and pecked your lips. “Thank you baby.” He cooed standing above you taking off the shirt. You ran your hands up his taut abs.
You were upstairs the entire day, accessories bags, toiletries, there were so many things to get together. Frankly you loved packing. It was your two favorite things: organizing and clothes. You zipped the last bag and laid on the floor exhausted.
You landed in Paris and were thrilled. You got off the plane onto the tarmac. Trent carried your bag in one and held your hand in the other.
“Mon amour” he held the door of the room for you to enter. Followed by the bellhop with all your bags.
“Merci joli garçon” you replied giggling hearing his silly accent attempt French. ( thank you pretty boy) you sat down on the couch and let out a sigh exhausted from the flight.
“Oh yeah?” He laughed at your dramatics. “You hungry, baby?” Trent ask cupping your jaw swiping his thumb over your cheek.
“I need to change but yes.” You smiled back at him. You showered together and then got dressed. You put on a on denim shacket dress, gold strappy sandal heels, and a light blue Fendi bag with gold hardware. You needed to stop wearing heels soon or you were going to die but honestly Paris wasn’t the place you were going to stop.
You were outside at a favorite cafe of yours in the sixth arrondissement. You sat next to Trent in black and dark green rattan chairs looking out to the street at a small circular table. You were hungry and landed on doing your own taste test of a few different crepes. Your tabletop was covered entirely with plates.
“I think I’m just happy with the chocolate…” you told Trent looking at him with a smile reaching towards his face. You wiped your thumb over the corner of his mouth to get a bit of chocolate.
“Yeah? You were never a chocolate person until her.” He spoke looking at your hidden stomach. “I’m more into sweets, you know? I think I lean towards the berry ones.” You dragged your smooth leg over his under the table. You hummed interested in everything he had to say but you pulled him in for a kiss in the middle of his sentence. You lips pressed into each other.
“Sweet” you cooed, pulling away from his perfect pout. He gave you a cheesy smile and you returned one just the same.
“Me or the crepe?” He laughed looking into your eyes. He placed his big hand on your bare thigh and squeezed high up.
“Mmmm both I guess.” You giggled before picking up your fork to take another bite of the chocolate crepe. “Do you want to go to a few shops before we go back for dinner?” You asked after you had seen the Dior store on your walk over to the cafe. He agreed so you went after you got full from all the crepes and browsed for a while. You really wanted a Book Tote for your holiday to the Maldives but ended up with that, a pair of silk pants, and Dway slides. As you were walking with your sales associate to check out you spotted the Dior bracelet sets. “Want to match with me?” You picked one up holding it towards Trent.
“Yeah, baby. I’ll match with you.” He grabbed it from you and inspected it. He held it over his wrist to imagine it on him. “This one though.” He grabbed a different color. He held it over his wrist to check again and then yours. “Yeah, this one is for us.” You nodded with a childish grin liking the way his face looked while he thought. You had moved into the mens section looking at trainers with Trent when you saw it.
“Ohhhh my god T…” you whined with a pout, taping his arm, seeing the entrance into a separate part of the store for Baby Dior.
“We can go…” he laughed at you taking one trainer he was trying on off. He held your hands as you walked in. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and hummed. He pressed a kiss to your head as you made your way to where new born things were. You two had a field day. You always loved shopping but in Dior… with Trent… for your baby… it was the absolute dream.
“Babbbyyyy, she needs these.” Trent groaned. He held up a little pair of high top trainers. You knew pretty quickly that Trent was going to give this little girl everything. He already gave everything to you but throw in chubby cheeks and his dna in the mix, he was a goner.
“Yeah, T. I like those.” You giggled as he furrowed his brow, inspecting the shoe size chart for age to months trying to figure it out. It was really adorable how dedicated he was to learning all things about babies and little girls.
“et nous pouvons envoyer tout ça en Angleterre?” You asked the sales associate before you paid for an obscene amount of stuff. You took French in school your whole life and it always came in handy. You felt like you got better service when you were in France so you handled the check out. The women nodded at you. “Parfait, merci.” You cooed. (And we can send all this to England? , Perfect, thank you)
“Beautiful and smart” Trent came to stand in front of you and nuzzled his nose against yours. You kissed his plump lips. You felt your cheeks warm as he pulled you into his chest. He pressed another kiss to your forehead. He picked his head up and said thank you to the sales associate before being escorted out of that side of the store. You took about one step out the door before someone had spotted Trent that had been waiting to meet him. You took a photo for them and didn’t think anything of it but the internet sure had a lot to say.
‘Are they in front of BABY DIOR?’
‘OMG are they going to Paris Fashion Week??!?’
‘Are we going to talk about the fact that Trent Alexander Arnold is walking out of baby dior in France today?’
‘If she is pregnant, that baby is going to be beautiful… omg’
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 5 xx
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anatay004 · 2 years
ʟᴏᴠᴇ & ᴘᴀɪɴ | ᴊᴀᴄᴀᴇʀʏꜱ ᴠᴇʟᴀʀʏᴏɴ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ)
After your betrothed to Jacaerys, there’s still some enmity that lingers between you and him. And now, things are starting to complicate between you too as feelings start to show.
warnings: Targaryen incest.
Part four:
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THE NEXT MORNING, you woke up alone as the sunlight streamed in through the windows. For a few minutes, you rested quietly as the warmth of the sheets seeped into your skin. The remnants of last night seemed vague—Jacaerys knocking on the door, an exchange of a couple of insults, and his body brushing against yours in the middle of the night.
But the vestiges soon faded and you were left with a cloud of questions in the back of your head that made you nibble your bottom lip.
Perhaps, it was nothing, you thought.
Then, a soft knock broke into your reverie. For a second, you considered pulling the sheets over your head and turning to the other side, but the knocking soon became repetitive. So, with an audible groan, you climbed out of bed.
To your surprise, Lucerys was the one to stumble into your line of vision. He was standing outside the door, offering a smile as he shifted uncomfortably on his heels. "Um, hi."
Surprised, you raised an eyebrow in sudden question. "Oh, is everything okay?"
"Ern – of course," Luke answered, but the words rushed through his lips almost immediately and your eyebrows knitted together in evident confusion.
"Luke, are you okay – "
" – Don't walk into the council room." Luke blurted out suddenly, taking a step back in almost regret when you tilted your head in surprise. "I– well, I heard some people are truly mad at you today. So, I figured it'll be best to warn you."
To say you were confused at that moment was an understatement. You had only been in Dragonstone for less than a day, how much trouble could you have possibly caused in less than twenty-four hours?
"Do you know why?" You questioned, your voice muffled as you looked down at Luke.
Hesitant, he nodded. "It's about the letters."
"Letters? But I haven't sent any letters."
Luke shook his head. "Not yours, for you."
You frowned. "I supposed my brothers could have sent some rather disrespectful – "
" – They're from suitors." Luke finally clarified, his muscles tensed as he allowed the words to escape his mouth. "Hundreds of them."
Your eyes widen. "Oh."
It was impossible, the word of your betrothal could not have traveled that fast across Westeros in only a matter of days. You could only imagine the things that were written in those letters—proposals, love confessions, and title offerings. However, you supposed it was harmless now, you were to marry Jacaerys by the king's order and nothing could change that.
And yet, you wondered.
"Luke, by any chance, did your brother read through those letters?"
"That's the problem," Luke cleared his throat, fumbling with his fingers awkwardly as he clarified. "Jacaerys read through all of the letters, and I mean all of them."
"It's really bad."
"I understand," you eventually whispered, inhaling a sharp breath before Luke offered you his hand in comfort and you squeezed it.
"I could walk you around the castle if you wish to avoid him. I wouldn't mind at all."
A faint smile curved your lips as you raked a hand through his hair. " I would love that."
The hour with Luke was like a fresh take of air. Despite not seeing each other for a long time, the conversations were natural and the moment was almost blissful. In a couple of minutes, you learned about his character, he was valiant yet often doubted his agility and strength.
"That's nonsense, I'm sure you're braver than many grown men around here."
"I am not, auntie."
You slowed down your pace and soon stopped to look at him squarely in the face. "Very well, then what if I named you my protector? Would that ensure my trust in your strength, Luke?"
His eyes widen in disbelief. "You would do that?"
"Of course, I would. I swear it."
But before a smile could curve his lips, the beatific moment was interrupted when a knight approached you and beckoned for you to follow him back into the castle. Uneasy, Luke threw you a look of concern, but you dismissed it with a faint smile that made his muscles relax.
"I'll look for you, Luke."
In truth, you weren't sure of what to expect. You supposed a bit of tension would welcome you once you stepped inside the council room, but nothing too harsh or unpleasant, right? After all, you weren't necessarily responsible for such letters, it was something that accompanied you ever since you became of age.
And yet, you felt a stricken sensation writhing in the pit of your stomach. It was the feeling that often crashed down when you knew you were in trouble – when you knew it was bad.
So, holding back your breath, you finally stepped inside the room. Rhaenyra was the first person to acknowledge your presence, but to your surprise, she welcomed you with a gentle smile, despite her tense posture and worried facade. "Dear sister, I apologize for the sudden call."
"It's alright, I was – awake, anyway."
And then, as you scrutinize the room, your eyes eventually landed on Jacaerys. He was serious, his lips were pressed into a thin line as he tapped his fingers softly against the parchment letters. There was a furious expression on his face, the most calmest and silent sort of anger you had ever seen in anyone before.
And you almost relished it.
"Is there a problem?" You questioned, as a feigned look of innocence settled over your features. "I hear the matter was urgent."
"It is," Jacaerys spat suddenly, throwing you a heated look as he leaned back on his chair. "Did you know Lord Jason Lannister wants you as his wife? Upon learning of our arrangement, he is rather desperate and offers you gold and diamonds, along with some very specific descriptions of what he plans to do on your wedding night if you do accept to leave me."
For a second, the silence that followed almost suffocated you.
He was looking at you so intensely – searchingly, as though he was trying to decipher every emotion that flitted across your face over the space of just a few seconds. You tried to dismiss the sudden tension, so, startled, you blinked. "Is that so?
Wrong answer.
"Is that so?" Jacaerys wryly mocked, but the brown hue in his irises darkened as he darted a menacing look toward your direction. "Shit, where you expecting more?"
"Well, not necessarily – "
" – or, perhaps, were expecting from anyone in particular? Because I have all of fucking Westeros scattered over this damn table." Jacaerys suddenly stood up, his voice raised a few decibels as he fisted the letters and threw them over the table.
Rhaenyra threw him a look. "Jace..."
You frowned.
The expression on your face was elusive. You weren't sure of what to even think of the matter. You looked back at Jace with a confused gaze, you couldn't comprehend what was so damn troubling about a few lords sending you letters?
You were going to marry him anyway.
So, why was he so furious?
"Why does it even matter?" You boldly questioned, taking a deliberate step closer to his frame. "They're letters, Jacaerys, just letters."
He let out a bitter laugh. "That's perfect then. While I'm played the jester, let everyone in Westeros know that my betrothed is free to whoever offers the biggest diamond."
A sudden tang of venom pestered your tongue as you processed his words. There he was again, shooting words to kill, but this time, you began to close the distance between you and him. "I've done nothing but my duty. I've played the role of your betrothed without sin and yet you dare to insinuate I'm a whore?"
He clenched his jaw. "I never – "
"If I remember correctly, a lord was recently killed for throwing that word cowardly to your mother. It'll be a shame, really, if my father hears from me that my betrothed is nothing but similar to his dear uncle."
He paused for a second, taking a moment to analyze the emotions that flitted across your face. You looked at him back with searing anger, but then he fell back a step as he whispered. "I'm tired of this fucking nonsense."
Hopeful, you held back a breath. For a moment, you were certain he was going to call off the wedding. For just a split second, you were certain he was going to let you go.
But things usually didn't go your way.
So, when he finally opened his mouth to speak, he turned away from you with a look of certainty. "We are to marry tomorrow. Do whatever it's necessary, mother, it doesn't have to be mesmerizing or crowded, just a ceremony that would ensure my wife doesn't run away at the presented opportunities."
You faltered on your spot.
"You're unbelievable," you breathed out, a wry chuckle ripped through your lips. "You'd rather continue with this farce than let me go?"
"Why?" He suddenly dared, his face an inch from brushing your skin as he clenched his jaw. "So you can marry Lord Lannister? Or, perhaps, Sir. Criston Cole?"
"I would've been far more content with either of those options." You mumbled lowly. It wasn't true, of course, but somehow, that made him falter on his spot. The brief emotion of hurt flickered in his eyes the moment the words slipped out, it was so swift that you almost missed, but it had been there.
Until he whispered, "I would've assumed, I heard they like to sleep around too."
You were unsure of how it happened. After unrelenting for so long, the sudden tears that pricked the back of your eyelids finally made you realize how painful his words truly were. It wasn't about the insinuation, it was about the wound that ripped open inside your chest like flesh when he toyed with you.
You felt like an object.
He treated you like an object.
Like a sullied trophy for insecurities and only his.
And, the truth was, you'd never slept with anyone. You were ambitious, of course, but never stupid enough to will before a man because he simply carried precious stones. God, were you burning with anger and self-deprecating thoughts in that second, but it was futile to fight back anymore, so you blinked back the tears.
After a second, regret stole over his face. Your cheeks tinged with pink hues, the corners of your mouth dropped, and the unshed tears that you held began to collect in your eyelashes.
"I didn't mean it." Jacaerys breathed out, swallowing hard when you shook your head. "I-I swear, I didn't fucking mean it, I just – "
" – I would like to be dismissed." You requested, throwing your sister a pleading look. She was startled, standing in the corner of the room with nothing but wide eyes as she witnessed the scene she was exactly afraid of.
"Of course," she whispered at last.
" – Wait, don't leave yet — "
But you ignored him, and immediately traced back your steps to your chamber without a word. And Jacaerys watched, as you stepped out the room, stealing the sunlight that streamed in through the windows as you walked away.
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spiderymiasma · 11 months
🕸 Five Times....🕸 || Miguel x f!Spider
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Summary: Five Times They Weren't Alone and One Time They Were.
Words: 1.5k
Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Kissing, Pre-relationship, Flirting, Dating, Fluff, Wholesome
|| My AO3 ||
1. Pavitr Prabhakar
Pavitr bounced eagerly on the balls of his feet, making sure his calf muscles were limber.  It would be one of his first big team up assignments.  Well, of course he's worked with Gwen and Hobie but that was nothing compared to this one.  It was the Big Leagues.  The A team.  The Varsity League.
If he were anyone else, he would be nervous.  But he's worked hard for this.  He's got this.  Great hair, great web, and nothing could stop him.
"What are you doing here?"  A gruff voice asked.
Oh….well…that…that could stop him.
The bulking, looming mass of Miguel O'Hara towered over Pav.  It was hard not to be intimidated.
"Hello Mr. O'Hara, sir!"  Pav gave a little wave.  "I'm reporting for the mission to Earth-6709."
"What?" the older man's lips curled upwards, his fangs peeking through. 
"Pav!  There you are!" A bubbly, feminine voice spoke from behind him.  "Are you ready for our first trio mission!"
Pav bounced in excitement.  "Charlotte!!  I'm excited to see you!  This is going to be one of the best missions ever!"
She beamed with crescent-shaped eyes.  It's been a only three months since Charlotte took the newly minted Spiderman under her wing.  As one of the older, most senior members of Spider Society, she took join in mentoring many of the new recruits.
Miguel thought it was a tremendous waste of her time and talents, but she had gotten rather good at ignoring her boss's nagging.  Especially when it came to spending too much time with the kids.
After all, who could say no to a face like Pav?
"No."  Miguel crossed his arms, the muscles bulging quite ominously.  He glanced over at his mission partner.  "We're not taking the kid."
It was a good thing that Charlotte had such selective hearing.  She seemed unperturbed by his menacing figure, an impressive feat in Pav’s eyes.  "You're going to do great, Pav.  Stick to me and listen to Miguel or me for any directions.  This is going to be the best mission ever."
Miguel hung his head.  His eyes burning daggers into the linoleum floor of the lobby. "Why did you invite the kid?"  Miguel mumbled flatly, now more speaking to himself than the woman ignoring him.
She adjusted Pavitr’s mask like a mother bundling her child for the cold.  "Did you tell your Auntie you were going to be away for a while?  I don't want her to be worried over you, Pav."
Before Pav could answer, a low growl came from behind him.  "I don't think this mission needs him."
Hands on Pav's shoulders, she looked up at the taller man behind him.  Her grip tightened on Pav protectively.  The two stared at each other intensely, no doubt having a silent conversation only they were privy to.
The eyes on her mask narrowed into tiny slits.  "Miguel."  She stretched out his name in a tone that left very little room for discussion.
"Charlotte.  We're not taking the kid." Miguel placed his hands on his hips, clearly done with the conversation.  "It's too dangerous.  Those are my orders, and that's final."
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
…..Pav came along anyway. 
Maybe it was the body language or maybe it was Miguel saying "I don't want you here," but Pav was starting to get the impression that Miguel O'Hara did not want Pav there.  Now, ordinarily Prav would be offended.  He was a good Spiderman: kind, efficient, good quips, good hair.  Pavitr was a vital and essential part of Spider Society.  After all, he was trained by one of the very best mentors! 
But it soon became quite obvious why Miguel was so offended by the younger kid's presence.
It's because this was supposed to be a date. 
A mission date.
Yes, it was so obvious.  Trailing a good distance behind the two adults, Pav would observe their interactions with each other.  The longing stares, their closeness, the small smiles underneath Spider masks.  Their body movements, so fluid, so in sync with each other, as if they always knew where the other one was.  The pair kept whispering (bickering) with each other, hoping that Pav couldn't overhear there.
The tension.  It was palpable.
And Pav was so excited just to bear witness to it.  Love, at any age, especially at Mr. O'Hara's twilight years (of 50 or 60 years old?  Give or take a few years?) was a sight to behold.
She turned around, swinging backwards, to address Prav, "Whenever, it's just Miguel and I, we usually go get post-mission dinner.  Whoever catches the anomaly, chooses the venue."
Miguel's shoulders stiffened.  It was their thing.  No one else knew of this.  It was something that they kept to themselves.  Certainly not to share with some nosy teenagers and their blabbermouths.
It was often the best part of Miguel's week, sometimes the highlight of his month.  Sitting on top of whatever universe's equivalent of an Empire State Building, and sharing an empanada in peaceful silence after a job well done.  No urgent tasks.  No annoying blabbermouths, quips, one-liners constantly nagging his voice.  Just two people enjoying each other's company. 
Now, this kid was here to ruin it all. 
Pav's heart skipped a beat.  A long-standing private romantic tradition? 
He could hear wedding bells~~
"It's not a thing that we do.  We have never done that before."  Miguel denied gruffly, his face turned away from the other two.    "We don't do post-mission dinners."
Lyla popped up next to Miguel's head, no doubt triggered by her creator’s words.  "Would you like me to curate your usual ranking list for dinner plans?"
The responding silence spoke volumes.
Miguel slapped his face.  This is exactly the reason why these missions were two person missions.  To avoid any embarrassment.  "Yes Lyla."
"Careful Miguel," her voice was thick with amusement.  "Any more slip ups, and we'll be getting Italian in Earth-33443."
Miguel growled.  "Charlotte.  Don't you dare play games with me!"  He pointed at her.  "I refuse to go back to go back to an Earth without seasoning."
Pav nearly crashed into a skyscraper, only saved by last minute by his own Spidey senses. "An earth with no seasoning?  Does India still exist?"
Miguel shuddered.  "The curry's grey, kid.  Just grey slob." 
Prav wailed in the background, distraught at this newfound knowledge. 
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
Pav was the one to catch the anomaly so he chose the very best food in all of the multiverse.
Samosas from Mumbattan.
Masks off, the trio of them devoured their food, sitting on one of Pav's favorite watch spots.  His heart overflowing with joy, he kicked his feet happily.  A job well done, mentor pleased with his work, the big boss grudgingly approved of his contributions.  An overall successful mission all around.
And of course, to be a fly on the wall of this beautiful romantic?  Between an old couple?  Who didn't even know they were in love?
Amazing.  This day literally could not get better.
"Mig, you got sauce all over your face."  Reaching up, she wiped the corner of his cheek with her thumb, as if it was a practiced move she'd done a thousand times before. 
To Pav's surprise, the intimidating man was not at all bothered by the close contact.  Mig swore.  "It's these fangs,  You know how hard it is to eat with these things?"
"Yes, yes, well, we can't all have easy excuses for own bad manners."
They were sitting so close.  Their thighs pressed against each other intimately, sharing body heat.  If Pav were to do something that scandalous to Gayarti, well, he didn't even want to think how her father would react.
The last few rays of dying sunlight illuminated her hair giving it a soft otherworldly glow.  Miguel had a hard time looking away from her.  She looked so at peace, the lines around her figure soft and inviting.  Miguel’s shoulders soften.  Somehow the million of reasons why they couldn't be together seemed to fade away from his mind.
Perhaps the reason why Miguel so coveted these small moments was how simple they were.  He wasn’t Spiderman. He wasn’t the leader of an elite task force. He wasn’t a father who killed his daughter twice over.
No, here, in this moment with her?  He was just a man.  Eating samosas in the sunset with a beautiful woman who was always by his side.
“Charlotte.”  His stomach tensed.  His voice was low.  “They’re something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
She body shifted, turning towards him like a sunflower yearning for the sun.  Her eyes bright a glossy, her lips slightly parted in anticipation.  “Yes, Miguel?” 
“I….I think we-"
She swore jumping to her feet.  The Spiderwoman mask already over her face.  “Message from Jess.  Emergency back in HQ.  C'mon, Pav, let's get you back home before your Auntie notices anything."
Miguel's expression was closed off, back into the stoic professionalism that was so familiar on his face.  The peace, tender moment entirely gone now.
Pav almost swore.  They were so close.  Confessing feelings, in the sunset?  They had to be the most obliviously in love couple he's seen in a while.
If only they could wake up and see it.
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batwritings · 8 months
Kinktober Day 1 - Breeding
My first published piece for Call of Duty! Like a lot of others I got very much sucked in (c'mon...hot masked man? ya'll really think I'm that strong? I'm far too gay for that. /hj) to this series and hope you all enjoy the content I write for it! Enjoy!~
Coming on this mission was nothing short of a mistake. Yet Price wasn’t one to let work build up and overwhelm him. Plus, this was a favor to Nik; he couldn’t just turn the Russian man down with all the times Nik had saved his ass. The unfortunate part of all this was you.
Your relationship with the Captain wasn’t exactly secret. A number of soldiers had caught you two by now. You two really did try to keep things under wraps! But after Gaz and Soap had caught you in his lap, lips passionately discovering the other’s, well…let’s just say the two sergeants weren’t the best at letting it remain a secret. Thankfully for the both of you, Laswell had workarounds, and the entire squad was sworn to secrecy until further notice. It was only recently, during a short shore leave that the conversation came up: kids. “I’m too old for that pup,” he’d chided, casually taking a drag off his cigar. You huffed a laugh quietly.
“Oh c’mon John,” you hummed against his bare chest. Your fingers played idly with the hair that covered his skin. “You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to see a little mix of both of us running around base? How happy they’d be with all their uncles and auntie Laswell?” You could see the cogs turning in his post-coitus brain. So many different scenarios played over and over in his brain. On the one hand, the two of you had probably the most dangerous jobs in the world. There was absolutely no way he would let you back out in to the field if he found out you were pregnant. 
But the more he thought about it; you all round with his child, the happy life that would await you two. The idea of him absolutely ravishing you with the sole purpose of knocking you up became more and more enticing. Which was exactly why this mission was nothing short of torture for him.
You were being used as bait, put lightly. And a variety of different people had their hands all over you, guiding you where you needed to be. Now normally, Price was by no means a jealous man. He was rather proud to call you his partner, and was more than happy to show you off and brag about you. But something about the way you were being drug around set some sort of fire in the good captain.
“Ghost, do you have a copy?” He asks over the comms.
“Send traffic,” comes the response of Ghost from the other end of the building, no doubt honing on potential targets through the sight of his sniper rifle.
“Go to the next channel, there’s been a change of plans,” Price tells him as calmly as possible. There are a view other questions from Soap, Gaz, and Laswell, but he leaves them all unanswered as he switches the channel on his radio. “I’m going in after them.” “Price…” Ghost starts to protest. He’d warned the Captain long ago that if Price were to involve himself with a partner, emotions would eventually get in the way. The masked man knew his Captain’s emotions and control over them far better than he’d ever let on. “We can’t afford to complicate things.”
“I won’t,” Price comments sharply, slipping down the embankment to get closer to the building. His aim was to slip in a window to a room where he knew there’d be no guards. He remembers the layout like the back of his hand; his photographic memory worked pretty well for someone reaching forty. 
Again, the Lieutenant sighs heavily over the comms. “Fuckin’ hell…” he grumbles, adjusting his position slightly. “Just don’t get yourselves caught in there old man. Last thing we need is losing two good soldiers in one night.”
The captain chuckles grimly before hoisting himself up onto a few barrels and switching his comm back to the original channel. Ghost can be heard explaining the plan to the team, but Price tunes them out. “C/S, move to that empty room we pointed out on the first floor as you can,” Ghost instructs.
“Copy,” comes your hushed response. Price nods, hauling himself up and into the open window. How their target didn’t think to guard this room was beyond him. Then again, with how much he was struggling to get in, it’s not like it was necessary. “Fuck my old boots,” the man grumbles as he hits the floor, joints protesting at the sudden drop.
“Gettin’ old on us there Cap?” comes your teasing tone. You just barely manage to silently shut the door behind you when your world is sent into a whirlwind, eyes now meeting the brick wall in the dark room. A gloved hand is covering your mouth as the other pins your hands above your head. 
“I’m sorry darlin’,” you hear Price say, right against your ear. “But there’s a thought that’s been plaguing me, and I can’t hold it in anymore, Nikolai be damned.” You try hard to wiggle and protest, but your captain has his boot between your feet, shuffling your legs apart.
You gasp a little as you feel the excitement rush straight between your thighs. “That’s my pup,” Price purrs, warm breath and beard tickling the shell of your ear. “Keep those wandering hands still for me.” Slowly, as if to test your obedience, the good captain lets go of your hands. You do as he orders as you feel him undo the suit pants you’d been put in for the night. 
A gloved hand dips beneath the waistband of your underwear, running over your wet slit. You try to contain your whimper, but your captain was no fool. He knew your body and all it’s sweet spots better than he knew his own. The rough fabric brushes over your nub and you gasp against his other hand. 
“That eager already are we?” The man teases, kissing along your neck. Your eyes close and your brow knits in frustration. Not that you were mad by what was unfolding, oh no. It was because that man’s amazing cock wasn’t in you right now.
Thankfully, you and Price often shared the same brain cell, and you could hear the telltale sound of him undoing his belt, shimmying his pants and briefs down enough to get his member free. Yours were next, the fabric easily slipping down your legs to pool around your ankles. 
Price was as slow as he felt he could be, rubbing the head of his cock over your quickly moistening slit and hole. “Gonna take me so well darling,” he coos, more kisses and nips against the sensitive area of your neck. 
When his member first breaches your entrance, your knees almost buckle. It had been so long since you’d had your captain inside you, you’d nearly forgotten what it felt like. If it weren’t for the glove in front of you, the diplomatic party would probably have heard your shuddered sigh of pleasure as Price fully sheaths himself inside you.
It doesn’t take long, between the time crunch and your warm, wet walls hugging his cock so perfectly, for the captain to start truly fucking you. He went from gently letting you adjust to trying to muffle the sound of your skin meeting so quick it made your world spin. “Fuckin’ hell,” he groans, sliding his hand down your side to grip your hip so hard you knew it would bruise and you’d have to hide your slight limp for the rest of the night.
“Can’t wait to see you,” he murmurs against your skin, stopping in his sentence to moan softly. “--so full with our child, love. Gonna be so perfect for me.” His words have you absolutely gushing, your wetness making the sex even louder. 
You’re not sure how long the two of you had been at this, but the voices growing closer to the room told both you and Price that there wasn’t much time left. “Price, wrap up your business,” Ghost hisses over the comms. The thrill and knowledge of what brought this on has you teetering on the precipice of orgasm.
“Go on pup,” Price growls softly. “Let’s make this the moment. That moment I breed you like you want.” As every good soldier would, you follow your captain’s order, biting down slightly on the fabric of the glove to keep your whimpers from reaching the hall. The good captain isn’t far behind you, quickly spilling his seed inside you. 
The two of you are trying to come down from your respective highs when you hear. “...Is someone in there?” shouted from beyond the door. In swift movements, Price pulls out of you and you’re pulling your pants and underwear up from the floor. Just as you’re finished fixing your hair and your captain slips around the corner does the door open, light flooding the dark room.
“...Y/N?” asks the intruder. You give a sheepish smile, only accented by the flush still on your face. Not like they had to know it was from the sneaky sex you’d just had with your superior who would probably blow this person’s brains out in the next few minutes.
“Sorry, I…got a bit shy. I needed a moment to adjust myself,” you explain. The person shoots you a knowing look before ushering you out of the room. Price waits with baited breath for them to leave and walk away before sighing. He needed to get out of here before the mission changed any further. 
“All finished?” Ghost asks, voice surprisingly calm for how much he detested the change in plan.
“On my way out,” Price advises, pulling a few boxes closer to help ease his escape.
“Good,” the lieutenant answers. “Oh and Price? Permission to speak freely?”
“Go ahead Ghost, send traffic,” the captain answers, just barely getting into the window before he hears the response.
“Turn your comms off next time you decide to fuck your partner on the job.”
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twigg96 · 8 months
Right Here with You
Daryl X Reader
Place: The HIlltop
POV: You
Pronouns: You/ Your/ They/ She/ Her/ Wife
Warnings: Fluffy fluff, Domestic Fluff, Phoenix acting out, Pregnancy, Complications with pregnancy, Birth, anxiety, worry,
Summary: After the Savior's War you find out your unexpectantly pregnant with your third. You and Daryl move through the motions as best you can surviving the best you always do.
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Ever since the Saviors War, you and Daryl had found yourselves visiting the Hilltop more and more. Hershel had just turned one. Phoenix liked to visit and help her auntie Maggie and neither of you minded her using all of her energy doing the mundane tasks Maggie assigned her. Beau was fascinated with the youngster and when you both started to visit after his birth would often be found staring down at him with wide curious eyes whispering imaginative stories to the baby. As time went on however, Beau became strangely clingy to you. You wrote it off as just normal jealousy. That since there was a child younger than him he wanted attention from you he had to make sure you gave him equal treatment.
But strangely enough his behavior persisted for months past when you thought it would stop. Even when you had caught a summer flu that had you down for nearly a week, Beau was clinging to you like a life line. Each time anyone tried to pull him away he screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking and screaming until he could scramble back into your embrace.
So you sat on the wrap-around-porch of the Hilltop with Maggie. She had just finished feeding her little one and handed him to you to hold while she went inside for a quick meeting. Bouncing Hershel on your knee you listened to him happily babble nothingness to you, smiling away. "Is that so?" You whispered back once in a while, giggling as he squealed reaching out with chubby fingers to grab at your face. "Am I interruptin'?" Daryl teased, trudging up the stairs, dripping in sweat, completely filthy from whatever work he had been doing around the Hilltop. "Nah. Just listening to his complaints." You teased back, lifting Hershel up for him to take. Daryl smiled taking the baby from you looking at the baby for a moment. "Ah... he don't look like he's got a lot to complain 'bout... 'sept the mashed peas taste like shit." He laughed as the little one giggled waving his arms around energetically as if to agree with him.
Feeling a soft tug at your shirt you sighed and rolled your eyes. Without even looking down you smiled, reaching down to pat your son on the head. "Well, hello there... how can I help you Beau?" You asked. Beau whined, yanking at your clothes, desperately trying to scale your body and climb into your lap. "Hey... no Beau." Daryl chided, shuffling Hershel in his arms. "C'mon you said ya wanted to come with me ta talk to yer aunt Maggie. So let's go." He muttered. Opening your legs a bit so you could hug your son close you sighed into his hair. "Go on now. Go go keep your Daddy company." You whispered, kissing his crown. But instead of pulling away, you felt him lay his head and his little hands rub your tummy. "I'm so excited, Momma." He giggled. You couldn't help but laugh cocking a curious brow. "Excited for what, baby?" You asked meeting Beau's brilliant blue eyes. "I'm excited for the baby in your belly Momma!" He started and instantly you felt your breath catch in your throat and your skin blanch. Meeting your husband's worried glance you could tell this was news to him too. And why wouldn't it be... you weren't pregnant.
Before you could even speak, Beau had kissed your tummy and pulled away running over to Daryl, holding his hand tightly. "Yeah! There is a baby in your belly like when auntie Maggie had her baby. And when you have him it'll be so cute!" He giggled, bouncing up and down, using Daryl's hand like a spring. "Beau..." Daryl mumbled looking nearly just as sick as you felt. "Who told you Momma had a baby in her belly?" He asked. Your little hellion looked up at Daryl and smiled. "No one... I just know." A wave of nausea crashed over you which absolutely did not help the situation. By the look on your husband's face he felt about the same... ever since the whisperers started to become a problem, none of you ever felt completely comfortable. A new baby... thrown into this... it always was dangerous but now of all times. Right after you just got Daryl back... when you still felt so raw? You felt lightheaded and unsure. But then again it was just something your son said... right?
Standing slowly you turned to the door as it creaked open. Maggie stood smiling, Jesus by her side. "Know what?" She asked, stepping forward holding her arms out to take her son from Daryl. "Momma's got a baby in her belly!" Beau yelled before either you or Daryl could react. Both of the Hilltop residents looked completely shocked, looking from Daryl to you back to Daryl. "Well, congratulations..." Jesus said smirking a slight hint of a tease in his voice. Daryl sighed rolling his eyes as he handed Hershel to Maggie, but you for whatever reason couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, cornered. "We ain't pregnant." You bit out a little too venomously for anyone's liking. Maggie frowned, holding Hershel to her chest. "Well... Judith was my early warning... she told me and..." She went silent looking to the wood of the porch swallowing a lump in her throat. "That's when I first tested ya know." She whispered. Jesus nodded along. "A lot of the children here have predicted pregnancies... if anything you should at least-" But you didn't let him finish, turning on your heel you huffed, holding your middle you stormed down the stairs. "I said I ain't pregnant!"
"Hey!" Daryl's annoyed voice called out to you as you stormed through the fields of the Hilltop. watching as people hulled wood from one place to another. Trailer doors opening and closing as people filed in and out. Hammers working tirelessly at the heavy wooden wall. You only stopped when you felt Daryl's strong fingers wrap around your wrist. "[Y/N]!" He nearly yelled, pulling you to a stop with him. "Hey! God damn it! Stop and talk ta me." He huffed. The world around you felt like it was moving all too quickly but not fast enough. Your chest felt tight and like there wasn't enough air in the world to supply you. Turning to face your husband you shook your head as the first sob rattled you both. "I-I" You got out just as he pulled you close. "Hey..." He whispered into your hair. "Take a deep breath... tell me what's gonin' on in that head of yers." You couldn't help it. You wailed. You made a scene. Clinging to Daryl like a lifeline you let yourself release the tense anxiety that had been drowning you ever since the day Negan took him well over a year ago. And maybe Daryl understood this because he never said a word edgewise. He never tried to move you. He simply let you do what you needed. And as your sobs died down and you were able to formulate sentences you tried your damnedest to make sense. "I- sorry." You started, only to be shushed with a gentle kiss to your temple. "It's alright, don't ever feel sorry baby. Just tell me... what's wrong."
Clutching to his shirt you pulled away looking deep into Daryl's blue eyes. "I just got you back..." You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks. Daryl stayed silent but you could see it written on his face. That shared uncertainty. The fear of losing each other you both experienced. "I'm right here, darlin' girl." He whispered cupping your cheek gently. You nodded, reaching up to mirror him. "I know... I know and I could never be more grateful, Daryl. But..." You closed your eyes feeling the hot tears stream down your cheek only to be swiped away by his calloused thumb. "But, nothin'." He whispered back, taking your wrist in his other hand he turned his head, gently kissing the inside of your palm then your wrist. "I am right here. I'm right here with you. That's all that matters. Ya told me that when I first came home didn't ya?" You nodded staring longingly up at your husband. Daryl smiled kissing your wrist once more before pulling you closer, wrapping your arm around his neck. "Then we'll get through this... no matter what happens. Always do." You blushed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss you sweetly. "Love you, Dare..." You whispered into his mouth. Pulling away he smiled. "I love you more than anything... now lets get you tested."
Staring down at the little pink plus sign you felt yourself shaking and turning pale. Daryl held you close to his chest, his chin resting atop your head. "Mrs. Dixon." Dr. Carson prodded, frowning at the pair of you, pulling gloves over his hands. "I'd like to preform an ultrasound if that's alright? To determine how far along you are." Glancing hesitantly to Daryl, he scanned your face. "Up to you, baby. I'll be with you every step of the way no matter what you choose." He murmured, but there was a sadness to his eyes you could see. You had been strong with every child you bore. Phoenix who had been a complete surprise to you both who were both still just teenagers yourselves. Beau who you could say was planned but in reality was just as big a surprise as Phoenix. Turning to the doctor you nodded. "We can do this..." You muttered hesitantly. Dr. Carson smiled ushering you over to the exam table. "Just lift your shirt a little. We can do an internal later if you feel you need one." He said softly, plugging the machines in and getting the jelly out of the cabinet you just knew would be cold as ice. Jumping onto the side of the table you laid down, wincing away from the coldness of the metal.
"Sorry. Wish I could have a better area but..." the OBGYN sighed as he clicked a few buttons on the machine. Daryl stepped to stand beside you taking your hand he squeezed it reassuringly. Holding the wand high Dr. Carson turned the screen so that the three of you could all watch. "Ready?" He asked, not waiting for an answer as he pressed the wand against your tummy. "Sorry if it's cold." He muttered, fully focused on the screen as it came to life in a bright array of whites and greys. You whined, trying to sit as still as you could for the man as he pressed it harder into your full bladder but you couldn't help but pull away slightly. "I know it's uncomfortable..." Dr. Carson whispered, twisting the wand to the right pressing a few buttons and then to the left. "Alright... moment of truth." He said twisting it downward. You had expected to see a sea monkey or a bean like you had when you found out you were pregnant with Phoenix. Maybe even an alien looking ameba. But if you hadn't been laying down, you would have most certainly fallen to your ass when the doctor showed you both a fully formed, kicking, moving baby inside you. "What the-" You squealed. "Well..." The doctor chuckled. "You're most defiantly pregnant."
Daryl's hand slipped from your own as he stagged back, siting in the chair beside the table staring up at the screen in disbelief and shock. "H-How?!" You whined, gesturing to your flat stomach. You hadn't shown... at all. "Are you asking how you got pregnant? Because if you two need the talk after three kids I might need to put you on a makeshift birth control..." Carson joked, smirking as you glared and wound back to smack him. "No... but seriously." He chuckled, handing you a towel to wipe your stomach off with. "You're having a cryptic pregnancy." He said suddenly becoming serious. "You're lucky we caught it now, even though it's as late as it is. Most women who experience them never find out until they go into labor. Especially now it could lead to a very serious and dangerous birth for you and your baby." He said, rolling the machine away. "You could have gone into labor out on a run... or worse in the middle of escaping the walkers or whisperers.” The doctor said watching your face blanch in horror.
“That’s not to mention the other complications this type of pregnancy causes.” He muttered, tossing his gloves in the bin before grabbing a small clear model of a pregnant torso with a little extendable belly. “What normally happens is that the uterus fills with fluid and falls into place in your pelvis here under your other organs pushing the belly out.” Carson said squeezing the little devise to make the uterus enlarge and the belly grow. “You however,” he said covering the belly and pushing the uterus back in. “Have either grown too strong of abdominal muscles and it is holding your uterus inside. Or during the birth of Beau you tore some vital ligaments and it’s keeping your uterus from having the room it needs to grow. Either way, your uterus is moving all your organs up and out of place.” He pointed to the model and how the little jelly organs moved when he pushed the belly in. Carson went silent for a moment placing the model down before sighing. “There is a higher chance of stillbirth, SIDS, and even higher mother mortality with this type of pregnancy. Due to the strange placement of the uterus and chance of preexisting injury it may be harder to push or even cause the child to get stuck on the pelvis and can require a cesarean. You'll both need to consider your options carefully.” He muttered softly refusing to meet your eyes. “I’m very sorry.” Covering your face you tried not to gag or scream. “Fuck… fuck.” You whispered hot tears rolling down your face.
Guilt washed through you as your breath hitched in your throat. Daryl was by your side in a second, you could feel his calloused hand wrapping around your wrist desperate to move it away from your face. "I-I... I smoked. I drank. I was doing heavy lifting." You whispered desperately, letting your husband pry your hand away. "You didn't know." He countered but you could see the fear swirling in his eyes. Carson nodded. "We do our best with the information we have, [Y/N]." He muttered reassuringly. "Just stay away from the stuff from now on til baby comes." He said in the most cartoony doctor voice you had ever heard. "You can lift things in moderation but I want you here so I can keep an eye on you and monitor your birth... and I really don't want you walking or riding home if you can avoid it. The least amount of danger we can put you in the better. If I had to guess your only a few weeks away from having this little one." He said handing you a picture of your ultrasound. "I'll leave you two alone to talk. Just make sure to lock the door when you leave." He said softly, touching your hand.
Watching the doctor walk out of the makeshift clinic you sighed. Laying your head back on the paper like pillow you sniffled. "Do you know what this means?" You whispered to Daryl, meeting his stormy eyes. He stayed silent scanning your face for an answer. "It means we gotta get Carol to make our son cookies." You whispered a sly smile crossing your lips. Daryl chuckled a smile blooming across his own face. "Scoot over, woman." He laughed shooing you over on the exam table. Laying down beside you, Daryl draped his arm around your body holding you close. "Oh, god we're gonna have to get the nursery ready." You whispered, swiping at your tear stained face. "We are." Daryl agreed, nuzzling his head against yours. "Do we still have Beau's old crib or did we give that away?" You asked, gripping your hair. "It's in the attic." Daryl whispered. "We need new cloth diapers I think we burnt Beau's old ones..." You whined. "We did." Daryl hummed, threading his leg through your own.
You seemed to relax slightly holding the little black and white photo up. Your thumb swiped over the baby in the picture. "I wonder if it'll be a girl or a boy?" You whispered. "As long as both of my girls are healthy I don't care." He hummed. "You don't want another boy?" You asked curiously. "Nah... boys fight. Girls don't do that." He muttered curling in on you. "That's a lie and you know it." You giggled. "Phoenix has kicked boys asses before." You giggled as Daryl let out a satisfied hum. "She better always be that way too." He chuckled. You whined playfully. "Phoenix was a big baby, Daryl. Beau was an even bigger baby." You reminisced. Daryl chuckled. "Yeah, they were." He laughed until you bopped him on the back of the head with the ultrasound photo. "You gave me big ass kids Daryl!" You whined, handing him the picture. "Has ta come from yer side." He hummed, sitting up on an elbow. "Merle said I was a month and a half premature." You stared at him silently for a momet as your fingers carded through his hair. He already told you this... several times before. With Beau when you were as big as a beach ball and when Phoenix was small Merle always commented about how much bigger she was at her age than Daryl was being "unseasonable".
"Do you think we can really do this again?" You asked, turning your gaze from the picture to Daryl. Your husband shrugged. "We gotta try right?" He hummed looking up to you. You nodded, scooting closer to him. "Yeah..." You whispered letting your hand fall to your tummy for the first time. Nothing. Not a kick. Not a flutter. Not even a butterfly. It frustrated you. "You ever hear of a cryptic pregnancy before?" You asked. Daryl hummed moving his hand above yours. "No." You sighed, turning your head away. "Don't do that. This isn't your fault." Daryl whispered. "Yes it is, my body is-" You replied, closing your eyes. But Daryl cut you off. "Darlin' girl." He hummed kissing your neck. "You're perfect and I'll make damned sure everything turns out alright. Ya have my word."
Slowly. Steadily a week passed at the Hilltop. And while you still felt totally normal, you felt the heat the eyes made drilling into the back of your head. Already you were starting to go a little stir crazy inside the walls. You never liked to be confined. Dr. Carson let you stand guard up on the wall with the exception that someone stand with you and you didn’t actively put yourself in danger. Daryl left on the second day after you assured him for the umpteenth time that you weren’t about to have the baby without him. He radioed back from the Kingdom when he arrived. But before he could get a word in edge wise he was cut off by Carol. “Who told you two you could have more munchkins!” She screamed over the radio. “I’m so happy for you two!” You giggled. “Thanks Carol.” “So have you thought of any names yet?” Carol asked seemingly both of you as you heard Daryl’s struggle to get his radio back over the waves. “Not yet C. You’ll be one of the first to know when we do.”
“Do ya know what yer havin’ yet?” Maggie asked softly, walking side by side with you, later the same day. She was carrying half of the wood you would normally carry to the drying rack. You hummed, shaking your head. “Nah. Dare and I always liked it to be a surprise with Phoenix and Beau. Figured we’d keep the tradition with this literal surprise.” You giggled placing the wood down on top of the ever growing pile. “How’d ya know it ain’t twins?” Maggie teased. But the mere thought of it made you choke on your own spit and gasp for air. “Jesus, Maggie don’t put that nasty juju on me!” You wailed wiping away the spit from your chin as Maggie laughed so hard she was bent over her legs clenched to keep from peeing herself. But when your next appointment with the doctor came you couldn’t help but to crane your neck to see the monitor. “Looking for something?” Carson asked. “Making sure there’s not two in there.” You muttered to the doctor who only laughed and shook his head.
As the second week dawned Daryl spent most of his time between the Hilltop, on runs looking for baby supplies, and Alexandria. When he came back he told you all about the preparations he was making to your home. “I moved the crib down from the attic and found some diapers in Beau’s old things so we’re good there.” Daryl muttered taking a bite out of the crab apple he picked up from the ground. “We kept those? Ew.” You whispered making your husband laugh. His strong arm wrapped around you as you walked, pulling you close to him. You could feel his large hand rubbing circles on your flat tummy. “Did you remember to feed Dog before you left?” You asked absentmindedly turning your eyes to the changing colors of the leaves. “Like always.” He hummed. “Do you think he’ll be good with the baby?” You whispered, leaning down to pick up one of the leaves. “He’s always been good with Phoenix and Beau. Don’t see why that would change with this one.” Daryl lied. But you shrugged letting it slide. “Wish I could feel ‘er.” Daryl muttered, his mouth full of apple. “Me too.” You deadpanned.
Little did you know that you would both be wishing for the exact opposite in just a few hours time. It started in the middle of the night. You felt what you thought was fluttering. Maybe gas. But soon that gas became painful and you knew this feeling. Reaching behind you in bed you patted your husband awake. “Baby, I think I’m going into labor.” You whispered tiredly. You giggled feeling Daryl’s strong arms pull you closer to him, his stubble tickling your bare shoulder. “It bad yet?” He asked tiredly, his drawl stronger in the dead of the night. You knew from experience Daryl knew when to panic. That he would understand when it was go time or not. But this was early stages of labor. Simply moving his hand from your chest to your stomach to act as hot water bottle you hummed. “Nah not yet.” You felt his hot breath on your neck as he sighed. “Good. Try and get some more sleep.”
Hours passed. The ache that once felt like cramps radiated to your back uncomfortably but not overwhelmingly painful. You paced back and forth in front of the house trying to ignore the way everyone's eyes were on you. "You could be doing anything other than staring." You tried not to hiss glaring at your husband and two children. Daryl cocked a brow, leaning back on the porch stairs. "What d' ya need me to do?" He asked. Phoenix worriedly watched you from her place beside him. Beau on the other hand was all too interested in the little bug crawling on the wood of the stairs to care. If anyone had a camera and could capture a photograph, in the old world the picture would have sold for millions in the old world. "I want you to stop staring at me. Go find something better to do." You growled. Phoenix sighed patting her father on the shoulder before she stood. "Whatever you say..." She huffed. "but you both should consider getting fixed!" She screamed, kicking a metal bucket full of water over as she walked away. You wanted to yell at her. The hormones throwing a rave in your body were telling you to scream and cry. But instead you took a deep breath trying to breath through the next wave of the contraction crashing through you. Daryl stared at the ground in front of him, biting at the skin around his thumb. "She's j'st worried." Daryl murmured, instinctively wrapping his arm around Beau's waist to keep him from tumbling off the porch, reaching for the flying beetle.
Tears slipped down your cheeks when the pain slowly started to get worse. You had managed to make it back inside to your shared bedroom. Kneeling beside the bed you rocked side to side, Daryl right beside you, his hands on your sides acting as heating pads. "On a scale of one to ten where are you?" He whispered. Your low groan stopped you from answering. "Do you need me to get Carson?" He whispered, daring to kiss your collar bone. Shaking your head you let out a sob. "I-I'm not ready." You whispered. "Yes you are." Daryl whispered kissing the shell of your ear. "You have two beautiful kids and your gonna do great with this one." You sobbed again shaking your head. "W-We didn't even pick a name." You whined, groaning as another contraction ripped you in half. "We'll know when we see her. Just like we did with Phoenix and Beau. We'll know." He whispered kissing your cheek. "Now I'm going to get Carson."
You fucking hated this. You hated Carson looking at you down there. You hated that you were in an uncomfortable bed that smelled of old people and moth balls. You hated that you could hear Greggory screaming about staining the linens from outside your door and Maggie doing her best to keep him from barging in. You hated that your fucking god damn knees were being held up behind your head like a fucking pretzel by Daryl and Jesus. But overall it was the pain you hated most. With Phoenix it hurt, sure but you were drugged up for the bottom of the ninth so you didn't feel it after they kicked in. With Beau the pain was more from the ripping when he came too fast for your body to adjust. But with this one... the pain was different and overwhelming. Bearing down just as Carson instructed you pushed with all your strength. Sweat dripped down your face. You tried not to scream or moan. Carson said it was it was a waist of energy. But when it became too much for you to bare you couldn't help it. As the contraction ended you gasped, slumping against the pillows behind you. "Doin' great darlin' girl. Just keep fighting. Don't give up." Daryl breathed, rubbing your thigh, lovingly. Jesus on the other hand looked like he was about ready to be sick. "Y-Yeah..." He managed to get out. "Just... do that."
Before you could manage an answer you could feel another contraction ebbing its way up your spine. "Fuck..." You whimpered. "You're so close to crowning, [Y/N]. Just keep it up." Carson praised, reaching up to help pull you forward and help you to bare down. Holding tight to your thighs you moaned beginning to push with Carson's encouragement. "There you go! There's the head!" Carson yelled, moving his hands down. Jesus paled, turning completely towards the wall. But Daryl... Daryl moved so that he could see his baby being born. His face lit up in a way you had only seen happen two times before. With one more good push you felt it happen. At first there was silence. You were too afraid to breath. You could see Carson moving swiftly below you, grabbing towels and wet cloths. You could see him rubbing the baby's back. "C'mon." he whispered. And suddenly you had a whole new fear as the men holding your legs let them down gently. But when you watched the little baby twitch and heard the sudden inhale followed by the tiny most perfect cry you had ever heard a baby make you couldn't help but sob. Handing you the wriggling bundle Carson smiled. "It's a girl." He whispered. You sobbed, moving the little blanket from her face. "She's beautiful." You whispered watching Daryl cut her cord. "She's so tiny." Daryl replied holding out his finger to his tiniest daughter who instantly grasped it in her hand. "Lilybeth?" You whispered looking to Daryl. "Nah, don't sound right..." He hummed, caressing your daughter's cheek with his thumb. "Lilian?" He offered making you smile. "Perfect. Lilian Beth Dixon." He smiled kissing you then her head. "Now c'mon. let's get you cleaned up, momma."
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