#Ancient Egypt Inspired AU
uva124 · 4 months
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It should be noted that this is a redesign for the Wish Au character written by @ animación , who helped me with the ideas and references for Amaya's design,@ animación it is very fun to collaborate with you :D
Now I will start to explain how we came to make this design:
-At first I didn't have many ideas for their design (the truth is before I was concentrating more on Aster and Asha) so I decided to watch the Whis movie to get a better idea of ​​the aesthetic I wanted to look for them………yes, the movie is not that good, later I will talk about my opinion of the movie but in terms of design I was disappointed that out of so many possibilities for the design and costumes of royalty, Disney chose a neutral color palette with small details of blue color, I don't know, I feel like there were so many striking possibilities wasted for they desings.
-Well, continuing with the topic, the author of this Au Wish sent me references about what her vision was about the design of Amaya, which were mostly about the storyboards of the movie, I really liked the idea, since it gave me vibes of a threatening but elegant queen,she also sent me some concept art of Mother Gothel that I used as a reference for the structure of Amaya's face
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This gave me the idea of ​​also using Sephora that belongs to the movie "The Prince of Egypt" as a reference for the aesthetic that I more or less wanted for the character.
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so first I decided to practice the structure of the face to familiarize myself with the design :D (I clarify that I traced the structure of the drawings here because it was just a practice, I used none of these sketches in the final result)
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After a while I started making my own sketches when I finally understood how to draw the face
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(For the hairstyle, I was guided by the photos that the author sent me, I almost forgot to put that😅)
-I also decided that instead of putting a crown on Amaya, I put a kind of headband with a jewel, because in addition to being comfortable, practical and cute (something that greatly characterizes Amaya's style)
It is also a parallel to my Asha design which has a diamond-shaped tattoo on her forehead.
-Now talking about Amaya's dress, yes or yes I wanted to design a cape with a hood, although at first I thought about adding a neckline to the top part of the dress, an idea came to me which was to be inspired by the Greek mythology character Circe, since curiously she is also a sorceress, I mentioned this to the author and she mentioned that at first when trying to draw her she was inspired by the conceptual art of Megara, who is also Greek, so in the end she decided that maybe the queen comes from from a town in Greece (Also this could have something to do with her backstory 👀)
-At some point in the story we discover that Amaya keeps different potions inside her dress (I guess for emergencies, I don't know), that's why I decided that the dress has a small opening, because in addition to making it easier for you to walk, it would also help you. get your potions out in an easier way (her potions are attached to a belt that would be on her leg or waist I suppose).
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-In the end I designed these 3 prototypes and sent them to the author to help me decide which one to choose or which to combine because the truth is I couldn't choose alone (I'm too indecisive).As I said, I was inspired by the character of Circe, so I looked for references of how the Greek goddesses dressed in ancient paintings, and if you look a little closer you can notice that I added the Leo symbol, since it represents the lion. , an animal that was associated with the Greek mythology character I mentioned
Another important detail is the moons on her dress, since it represents motherhood, an aspect that Amaya uses as a facade with her people, and speaking of space, the writer gave me the idea that Magnifico represents the sun since in her own words:
"I know the association with the sun and the moon fits their personalities really well. As the sun can be seen as bright, fun and warm like Magnifico presents himself, but it can also be a force of destruction that burns and is unpredictable. And the moon can be associated with Amaya for being a protective glow in the darkness like how she presents herself as a caring guide, but the moon also has a mysterious dark side we can never see.And the moon only shines to us because the sun is shining on it, so like… Amaya only shines because she’s next to Magnifico"
(Honestly, I'm always surprised by how much symbolism the writer can find for the characters, I only put it in because of what I mentioned before and because I thought it looked cute lol).
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(I came up with the belt and most of the costume thanks to this circe painting)
-Don't think that I decided on the colors yellow and dark blue just because they go together well, nonono, this one also has a meaning :D , you see, while I was looking at some of Wish's concept art there were these discarded designs of Magnifico:
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And doing a little google search I found this:
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-That's why I chose these colors, blue is a color that represents the truth, something that Amaya and Magnifico want to pretend, but the color yellow represents what they truly are, liars.
-And finally (because this writing is taking me more than 2 hours) the roses that are in her dress and hair are natural, and without giving you too many spoilers about the rewrite, Amaya suddenly ages a little, and when this happens the roses also have a change as they wither
Final comments :D
wow, that was quite long ,wasn't it?, I'm more than happy with the result, I hope you like it too, @annymation and I've put a lot of effort into this design and history of Amaya :)
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aight-griffin · 3 months
One Piece collage au
Inspired by @atomikats
Everyone is their canon post-timeskip age
Undetermined major
Rarely, if ever, goes to class
Spends most of his time hanging out with his friends, going to protests, and fighting in underground cage fights.
Only goes to college because Garp pays for it. (Luffy was dishonorably discharged from the navy and Garp didn’t want to deal with him anymore.)
Stays around because of the Straw Hats.
Can’t drive
Speaks Portuguese
Lives with Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji. He and Usopp technically share a room, but he always ends up in Zoro’s bed.
Shanks is his godfather, but they haven’t seen each other in ages.
Called his friend group ‘the Straw Hats’ relentlessly until they adopted the nickname too.
On the wrestling team
Ace and Sabo are both in grad school, but he sees them occasionally
Fitness and Health major
Got in on a Kendo scholarship
Gym rat
Follows Luffy around whenever he’s not at the gym, no one can tell if they’re dating or not.
Can drive, but doesn’t because “walking everywhere is good cardio.” (He can’t make it a block without gps.)
Constantly bickering with Sanji
Bit of an alcoholic
Big trans ally
Always harrumph’s when he finds Luffy passed out in his bed/wakes up underneath Luffy, but never kicks him out.
Joined the wrestling team because of Luffy, now takes it was more seriously than him
Finance/Geography double major
Meteorology minor
Lives off campus with her sister Nojiko, who inherited an urban tangerine farm from their mom Belemere.
Met Zoro her first year, but only became friends with him when they both met Luffy.
Dating Vivi, a foreign exchange student from Egypt.
Knows how to pickpocket
Regularly drinks every other Straw Hat under the table.
Vivi got a Roll’s Royce from her dad and Nami drives it every chance she gets
Chemistry major
Botany minor
He and Luffy were in the same grade in high school when they met, but Luffy took a gap year and Ussop went straight to college.
Started going to the gym after Zoro convinced him
Legacy student
Has anxiety
Likes to tell wild tales about the school so he can scare freshmen, but they rarely believe him.
Dating Kaya, who wants to be a pediatrician.
Captain of the slingshot club, tells everyone he has the world record for farthest shot with a slingshot.
Has a 2004 Honda Civic named Merry that he loves almost as much as his gf
Culinary student at a nearby trade school
Met the rest of the group when he ended up as roommates with Luffy, Ussop, and Zoro.
Works at Zeff’s seafood restaurant most nights.
Kickboxes on the side
Has zero free time, still manages to cook for the Straw Hats most days.
Ran away from his abusive dad as a kid, nearly starved before Zeff took him in.
The other Straw Hats like to show up at his work and piss him off. (He loves when they come but refuses to admit it.)
Constantly going on dates, can’t hold a girlfriend for more than a week.
Can drive
Had a fling with Nami when they were sophomores, never really got over her.
Has bipolar
Started smoking to calm himself down during manic episodes. It didn’t help, but now he can’t stop.
Biology/Pharmaceutical Double Major
Biochemistry Minor
Highschool age, but got a scholarship to go to college early.
Raised by his grandpa Hiriluk, who died when he was 15
Lives with off campus with Dr. Kureha, who’s old friends with Hiriluk. (He calls her aunt Kureha.)
Met the Straw Hats when he found Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji walking home after a fight. They were bleeding, so he patched them up, and they were friends ever since.
Simultaneously baby and smartest member of the friend group.
History professor
Mainly teaches Ancient Civ, Lost Languages, and archaeology.
PHD in archaeology.
Traveled the world and did her own research for several years after getting her PHD.
Only been teaching for two years
Knows over a dozen languages, half of them are dead.
Nami and Vivi have a class with her.
There are lots of rumors about her having a criminal record or being part of the mafia.
Local mechanic
Owns a shop called the Franky Family
Married to Robin
Lost his legs in a train accident
Made his own prosthetic legs, constantly tinkering with and improving on them.
Goes to night classes for electrical and mechanical engineering.
Addicted to Coca-Cola
Has a class with Ussop
Luffy and Chopper met him while picking up Ussop and now think he’s the coolest guy in the entire world.
Music Professor
Former Jazz pianist, started teaching when the last of his band mates died
Oldest person in the school, refuses to retire
His is the only class Luffy regularly shows up to
Prefers piano, but can play just about any instrument put in front of him
Likes to joke about hitting people with his cane. (Never actually does obv)
Assistant coach of the fencing team, says he could’ve gone pro with it but “the music was calling.”
Head wrestling coach
Assistant swim coach
Teaches various martial arts to kids in his spare time
Loves his boat more than life, takes it out every chance he gets
Looks mean and strict, but is actually the nicest coach you’ve ever had
Has a soft spot for Luffy because Ace was his star player, but only barely puts up with his antics
Always trying to convince Sanji to join the swim team
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Lost Fic #163
1. Hello! Thank you for the work you do! I have lost a fic on archiveofourown (it seems to have been deleted) but I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's been posted somewhere else or if there are any copies out there that are ok to be shared pls? It's an Aziraphale and Crowley through the ages but with the twist of it being Aziraphale's discorporated spirit trying to find its way back through time to modern day Crowley (with the premise being that Adam never recorporated Aziraphale after Armageddon). Thank you so much!! - @tumbl3w33d
2. My beloved bestie, I'm looking for a fic I've read in 2019, it's a priest Aziraphale AU, it's very gloomy and melancholic, Crowley is going through it as always, the one specific detail I remember is that they go on a date and visit the Barbican Centre because Crowley loves brutalism - @hiperfixationqueen
3. hello!! years ago, pre series, i read some book where crowley is stuck in hell and aziraphale sort of lightheartedly stumbles his way down through dante's inferno to rescue him. at some point he's possessed by his sword and the story gets somewhat more serious? i can't even remember if it was good or not, but i've been wanting to read it again for absolute ages and i can't find it for the life of me. i hope that was enough info!! thanks again so much for the help!! - anon
4. hello there! i've been trying to track down a fic where heaven and hell get in a competition around the 60s over music, because rock n' roll has a lot of sway over human minds. and aziraphale ends up inspiring 'turn, turn, turn' by the byrds, which makes hell furious. have you guys seen that one? - @give-soup-please
5. hey, hope y'all r doing well! sure ur swamped, but years and years ago i read a book verse story i'd love to find again! it took place in ancient egypt, crowley was an advisor of some kind, and aziraphale came with an arranged marriage. crowley accidentally sees aziraphale in the bath briefly and i believe they have a tipsy encounter in a garden? thank you so much! - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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cochineal-leviat · 8 months
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Marquis Fluff reference The Midnight Soirée chapter 1 to 5
It's Fluff's turn!
Kirby 1-2
A warning for spoilers for the Midnight Soirée. Please go read that first if you're interested in the story. Please enjoy
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Back reference without Fluff's long hair.
Colour Pallete:
All Fluff's colours are saturated, and compared to Kirby, who uses all colours - Fluff only uses the CMYK colour palette except the green for the leaves. (Cyan, magenta, yellow and key colour. The key colour is usually black or brown, with the latter fitting in here. And well, the cyan is more blue, but I ended up using it for Fluff's eyeshadow.) CMYK is known as print colours and are subtractive, which means the more colour you add, the darker it becomes. The opposite is RGB colours, which are additive colours. The more colour you add, the closer it becomes to white, with white being every colour. RGB is used in electronic displays like TVs, phones and computer screens, and eye cones are also RGB. Though very rarely, people are born with four cones rather than three. Animals like the mantis shrimp have sixteen colour receptors and can see in more colours than we do. 
From top to bottom: we have his wooden crown. In my extra trivia chapter from the Midnight Soirée, I explained how all fae royalty wear flower crowns when they marry and afterwards. But since Fluff is a bachelor, he does not wear a flower crown. So, he dons a crown of wood instead. A few small branches grow from it, resembling horns, as Fluff's true form has four horns. 
All the gems on his person are diamond-shaped. This is because the shape of a diamond represents perfection, which is also why I used the diamond pattern on his jacket. Although with the shading, the diamonds look like triangles, considered half or incomplete perfection. They also resemble cushions, which refers to Patchland being made from arts and crafts. 
The jacket of a concerto maestro with their long tailcoats inspired Fluff's overcoat. Fluff's coattails resemble broken clipped dragonfly wings; the top half is missing, and Fluff's pouldrons are very prince-like. Kirby never thought Fluff was a prince because his crown was humble compared to the royalty Kirby knew. Duke Dedede wears a singlet, which is normal for Dreamland Nobility. A passage in Chapter 1 explains this as crowns are passed down the aristocracy family tree from the head of the family to the next heir. 
Before designing the characters, I had already visualised the starlight tights, which fit well with Kirby's starry night cape. They resemble Lapiz Lazuli, which are some magnificent stones. They have these golden flecks in them and crushed are called Ultramarine, which is a very vibrant dark blue powder. It was believed that wearing lapis lazuli warded off bad spirits, and in Ancient Egypt, they crushed the stone to wear the powder as eyeshadow. 
Fluff's shoes are styled like flowers/vines that wrap around the foot and legs like boots but have the appearance of high heels. It is both elegant and intimidating. A fun detail is that they, from the front, resemble hooves from a bovine. Which is not the correct animal, but hell, why not? It is one of the few drafts I kept from the first sketch because it fits well. 
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Without the sash. Marquis Fluff gave his sash to Kirby in chapter 2
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Close up from face. I had a lot of fun designing the makeup for Fluff in this AU.
Fluff's glamour is constructed out of many things. However, as a fae, Fluff has no hair shine as a human like Kirby does. Neither do Fae have eyelights. You can see it best in this close-up. The only light that reflects back is on Fluff's clothes or gems. This is why the only light is at the bottom of Fluff's hair, as it is a gradient. This is because the fae use an illusion to hide their true yet ever-changing eldritch forms. So Fluff's eyes and hair are fake, so his skin and really everything about him. It is all magic, which is why, throughout the night, he changes appearances so rapidly and why his expressions can go from warm to cold/deadly so quickly. He mimics human expressions and mannerisms while filling the rest with fae manners. The fae are an adaptive species that outwardly change like nature as nature, even if we don't see it, is constantly adapting for survival. 
As for why Fluff decided to adapt to his form - who knows? Partly, it is to resemble the portrait that hangs in the real world in the debilitated mansion's foyer.
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(remember this bad boy? Yeah, it's old but I still love the colours)
All the features that have been added or changed are meant to lure Kirby in. Fae are said to tempt people with their magical beauty and, in some instances, transform to fit the human's preferences. In some myths, it is even said when someone casts their eyes on a fae they have already lost as they are that beautiful.
Fluff took something Kirby was familiar with and was already bewitched by. Or perhaps the portrait is magical of itself and was the first part of the curse. Who knows.
Chapter 3 & Beginning
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Fluff with his hair done up and a few other things. Fluff looks more elegant/handsome with his pair-up. It might be because I've been staring at Fluff's reference model with his hair down, so putting up his hair is refreshing.
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Fluff was sure at this point that he and Kirby would be together as husbands, so he felt more free to express himself and put more thought into his appearance. The diamond skin from Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 is not part of his makeup, as that was his glamour starting to slip. Luckily for him, it was something that could be considered beautiful. Although the lights can look creepy in the dark as they are essentially glowing freckles. The pointed ears are also from his glamour weakening but he does not feel ashamed to hide them since Kirby knows he is Fae. Fluff's first appearance was meant to attract and yet hide his true nature so here he is much more open. 
Also, diamond earrings = symbolise perfection. Fluff looks a lot more sheep-like with his nose. 
Midpoint Chapter 4 and 5
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Here, Fluff is without his maestro jacket - seemingly vulnerable as he wanted to be left alone. Despite his obvious otherness, he seems more down to earth in his upset state. We also see his shirt and hands without his blue coat/gloves covering them, so that's neat. I had a lot of fun designing the ruffled shirt. I wanted to ensure it was not a stale design when I eventually disregarded the jacket for Fluff's angry/hurt role in those two chapters. 
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Oh yeah, Fluff is pissed, alright. Well, he is more hurt, but he gets to be angry too. Even if he understood deep down, it was a misunderstanding. He was so close to one's goal, and finding someone who he could love and loves suddenly reject him stung. As did Kirby returning after they rejected him. Fluff did away with all the makeup and jewellery. Even his crown of wood/thorns is gone. His hair is messy, and his eyes and cheeks are covered in cracks. Yeah, Fluff does not care anymore how he is perceived in that moment. Still, he holds onto his glamour just a little longer for sentimentally. Because as hurt as he is, he did enjoy his time spent with Kirby. He also stopped glamouring his natural red peepers, and from this point, he never hides them behind the yellow lenses he conjured from the beginning of the night. They have horizontal pupils like sheep do. 
The pin in his bun is a button. 
Thank you very much for looking at my art & reading. I hope you have a wonderful day or night further! Happy spooky month (*^▽^*)
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foxydivaxx · 7 months
Why does Zosan keep inspiring story ideas? Okay so hear me out. Ancient Egypt AU. I have not decided yet who will be the Egyptian Prince and who would be the foreign prince yet. Or the Prince and his little sex pet. Wait Zoro can be the Egyptian Prince and Sanji can be a Babylonian Prince or a Greek Prince
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missmewachu · 3 months
!!!! Yugioh Hades AU where Bakura's spirit was never sealed in the ring and he's been roaming the shadow realm for all this time.. Only to FINALLY have a means of escape when Ryou shows up there, possesses him, and together they desperately fight their way through the shadows against monsters and spirits in hopes of together living again once more. I can picture it SO CLEARLY, Thief King Bakura would meld SO PERFECTLY with the art style!! Looking at Zagreus here I can SO EASILY see him draped in his red coat, hair sticking out, and golden treasures gleaming..
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WHAT IF.... What if Atem ALSO never got sealed in the millennium puzzle and the vengeful, bitter Pharaoh is the final boss??? Oh Mew you are cooking SO GOOD THIS MORNING.. Thinking of characters I could easily see inspiring Atem's design Hermes of course comes to mind..
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Following with the Gods/mythology theme, Bakura and Ryou could seek out boons from ancient Egyptian deities who see the Thief King's plight and are curious to see how it unfurls. The abilities they gain would be interwoven with what each God represents, and with the sheer depth of deities in Ancient Egypt there could truly be a HUGE array of combinations... UWAHHHH my love for Hades and my newfound love for Yugioh and Ancient Egyptian mythology are mashing together in the most BEAUTIFUL WAY TODAY.. AHH I LOVE IT!!! Anyway if you read down this far tysm for indulging me, hehe~ ^.^
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luc3 · 2 years
Hawthorn / French Folk Traditions
I recovered some typical French folk traditions related to Hawthorn, which "conjure" a little what happened (it calms my anger and I think it's a nice way to pay homage), because the tree is essentially seen by the ancients as a protector and even healer.
Christian Folklore :
Thus it is said that the Blessed Virgin fell asleep under this tree or that she protected herself there from the storm during the flight to Egypt. In many places it is explained that its branches were used to make the crown of Christ. Moreover, if one pricks oneself with one's thorns, one must not swear because that brings bad luck. It is thought almost everywhere in France that when the hawthorn is in flower in May, it brings renewed cold and frost. When it bears a lot of fruit, it also announces a very harsh winter. (…)
Protective Magic :
In his Fasti, Ovid relates that Janus, who had deflowered Carna, made her the goddess of hinges (opening and closing of doors) and endowed her with a branch of hawthorn to chase away harmful influences.
He further evokes the strigas (…) and adds that to protect an infant from the suction of these evil females (to which the witches will subsequently be assimilated), a hawthorn wand consecrated to Janus is placed near his window.
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Storms :
Everywhere in France, the peasants are convinced that lightning never falls on the hawthorn and take refuge under it when they are surprised by the storm.
We carry them on ourselves and place them in homes to protect them (from lightning).
In certain prayers to be recited during the storm, the hawthorn is sometimes asked to "serve as a sacrament":
"Hawthorn, my good / I gather you and I take you / If I die on the way / Serve me a sacrament"
(Aubépine, mon bien / Je te cueille et je te prends / Si je meurs en chemin / Sers moi de sacrement)
Hawthorn branches picked on the first of May are very powerful.
The one that will be planted in the manure will prevent the wheat from germinating in the attic, or will prevent snakes and toads from sucking the cows' milk.
On St. Peter's Day, hawthorn branches blessed by the priest are attached to protect the vines from bad weather.
Magical Medicine :
To get rid of stains on the eyes, we address a prayer :
" Hawthorn, God bless you above all flowers and roots / In the name of God, flower, I command you / If you are white, that you bleach / If you are red, that you redden / The three persons of the Holy Trinity command you to go away".
"Aubépine, Dieu de bénit par-dessus toute fleur et racine / Au nom de Dieu, fleur, je te commande / Si tu es blanche, que tu déblanches / Si tu es rouge, que tu dérouges / Les trois personnes de la Sainte - Trinité te commandent de t'en aller".
Against all fevers : we lead the sick, men or animals, in front of a hawthorn bush : we hang bread on a fork of the shrub and we throw salt on it. We go back by a different path from the one we took to come and we enter through a different door than the one we took to leave. (Offerings vary by region.)
The clod of grass on which the sick person or animal has stepped is carried in front of the shrub. Healing occurs as the grass dries.
There are also many instances in which mothers bring their sick children to the feet of the hawthorns and then kneel down to pray.
[Excerpts from P. Sebillot and M.C Delmas - who herself was inspired by the abbot Thiers ]
(+ tag @hillsarehollow évidemment :) )
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s0nia246 · 5 months
Elise's Design for my Au
Part one of my au: https://www.tumblr.com/s0nia246/738812471410933760/sonic-06-rambling?source=share
Elise and the Royal Family:
The royal family works very similar to how Pharaohs worked in ancient Egypt. They divine rulers who were responsible for maintaining the Flame of Hope - otherwise known as Solaris - worshiped as a sun god by the people of Soleanna. They were also responsible for the administration of the kingdom, the management of the economy, the construction of public works, and the defense of the realm.The people of Soleanna see the royal family as divine rulers, chosen by Solaris themselves to ruler the nation.The daily life of Princess Elise the The Third is:
• Morning Rituals: The Princess starts the day with rituals dedicated to Solaris, the Flame of Hope. These ceremonies involve offerings and prayers for guidance and prosperity.
• Administrative Duties: After the religious rituals, the Princess attends to matters of governance. This includes meeting with advisors, overseeing construction projects, and managing the kingdom's economy.
• Public Audiences: The Princess holds court to address the concerns of the people. Citizens come to seek guidance, justice, or to present petitions. The Pharaoh's decisions are seen as divinely inspired.
• Military Oversight: As the defender of the realm, the Princess reviews the kingdom's military preparedness and strategizes with generals to ensure the security of Soleanna.
• Cultural and Educational Pursuits: The Princess supports the arts, sciences, and education. Patronage of scholars, artists, and architects is common to promote the kingdom's cultural and intellectual growth.
• Afternoon Recreation: To maintain balance, the Princess engages in recreational activities, perhaps enjoying the palace gardens, participating in sports, or attending cultural events.
• Evening Ceremonies: As the day concludes, the Princess participates in evening ceremonies to honor Solaris, seeking blessings for the kingdom and its people.
• Family Time: The Princess sadly doesn't have any family to spend family time with XD SORRY
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Hi I’m looking for a fox where hermione is part of Theo family and is brought up to be a breeder and draco wants her it’s AU
House Pet by NinaBinaBallerina - E, WIP - After a dark curse, the wizarding world is left barren. Facing extinction, the Purebloods subjugate the muggles, searching for the rare muggleborns—the only witches able to reproduce. Raised in the Nott household as a pampered pet, Hermione is forced to enter the Trials as she comes of age—a competition created for pureblood wizards to claim a breeder. Determined to win her, Draco Malfoy only knew two things: she belonged to him, and he’d destroy anyone who tried to take her. But the cries of the enslaved muggles pierce through Hermione's comfortable life, causing her to reexamine everything she thought she knew about her world and the people in it. She soon discovers that the ancient call of magic and vengeance cannot be denied. Plot inspired by the Prince of Egypt, with themes from the Handmaid's Tale.
- AgnMag
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infin1ty-garden · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ summary: alina confesses her feelings while imhotep wants to sacrifice her ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ pairing: alina starkov x gn! reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ warnings: spoilers for the mummy (1999), sacrifice & stabbing ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ word count: 516 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ author note: inspired by the movie 'the mummy' (1999). also kind of a AU
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"It's always my fault, isn't it?"
"What? No," you tried to sound as convincing as possible. Alina had been bottling up her feelings since the start of the journey. She felt as if she was the problem. Somehow, she was blamed for everything going wrong. She felt useless, like a burden.
You didn't know how to comfort her. "No, it isn't. You are doing great. No one expects you to know how to act in this situation."
"It’s totally fine to mess up sometimes. None of us know what we are doing. Especially now with the looming threat of a painful death and all.” She paused for a second taking this information in. “You just seem to have everything figured out and I feel like a bumbling fool.”
“I wouldn’t say that. You are a very capable and brave person. Coming all this way to Hamunaptra and fighting an evil undead priest.”
“That same priest is trying to kill me,” you two finally turned to Nikolai. “This hole confessing your feelings for each other is great but just not now.” Imhotep caught up to Nikolai and tried to stab him only for him to escape from his grip.
Alina used her new found confidence and abilities to help Nikolai as you joined her. Mal, Zoya and Genya had gotten separated from you. But finding them wasn’t that high on your list of priorities as Imhotep was very keen on sacrificing Alina.
Alina used her sun powers to distract Imhotep and his priests. Nikolai killing a few of them in the process. Suddenly, Zoya and Genya fell through a secret door right next to you. Without a second thought, they grabbed their weapons and started fighting whoever was trying to kill them.
“Where’s Mal?” Alina asked, Genya looked around quickly. “We were under the impression that he was with you.”
“This isn’t working. They aren’t staying dead.” Nikolai shouted as the priest he just cut down stood up as if nothing had happened. “We can see that. Any other bright ideas?”
“The book of Amun-Ra!” Alina quickly opened the book. She flipped through the pages at record speed and found the text she was looking for. “Get ready!”
“For what?” Nikolai asked, bewildered of what she could be referring to. She spouted words in ancient egypt. When Alina finished reading the passage, nothing seemed to have happened. “Stab him,” Nikolai did as he was told and stabbed Imhotep.
Only for the blade to finally pierce his skin. Killing the priest and his followers once and for all. Then Hamunaptra starts sinking into the sand. Everyone scrambles to leave the city as fast as they can. Going to what you remember to be the way out.
Finding Mal passed out in one of the halls and bringing him with. Making it out of the city just in time. “I’ve been wanting to do this forever,” Alina grabs your shirt, pulling you close to her and smashing her lips onto yours.
You wouldn’t dare close your eyes as Alina looked beautiful. The sun rises, illuminating her face.
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Thank you for reading!
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convexicalcrow · 4 months
Love you Lost Prince AU and I felt inspired to draw fabart but I would like to know, how does Cub, Scar and Ma'akhi look like? I'm not familiar with Ancient Egyptian wear and I want to protray them as respectable as possible. (Or if drawing them is right out, then I will respect that request too!) Thank you in advance
O: !!!!
I would love some Lost Prince AU fanart omg yes pls! <3 I'm so excited my fics inspired you to want to make art for it! :D
I'm gonna start with Ma'akhi bc there's less to explain lol, but bear with me, Imma infodump for you anon. :D
Also I will preface this by saying, while I'll share a lot of historical stuff here for reference, this ancient Egypt is an AU with a different timeline, so feel free to take these as a reference and make them your own. Also feel free to use the AU tag when posting so I can see it. :D
For Ma'akhi, his heritage is Roman-Egyptian, and he's mid-30s. His parents were merchants and traders, and they made many trips to Djesdjes while he was a child. He served regularly in the temple when they were staying at the oasis, but only joined permanently once his parents died. This was before the invasion. He did have a Roman name when he was born, but his Egyptian name is what he goes by now. In full, his name is Djehutyma'akheru, 'Djehuty is true of voice'. Ma'akhi is the nickname.
This is the only image I have rn of Ma'akhi. It's a doll maker image i made of him years ago when I was working on this world as original fiction, and while it's not entirely accurate in terms of 'this is what he looks like/this is what he wears' with perhaps the exception of the face, it's at least 'these are the vibes' lol. I'd love to see some actual art of him because that doll is all I have rn!
The outfit he's in here is probably what he'd wear outside of temple spaces when he's not dressed as a priest. I don't see him as the type to wear a wig like other Egyptians would, but he would if the occasion called for it. His dress blends both Roman and Egyptian items, esp jewellery. I suspect he'd have a bunch of non-Egyptian stuff he'd acquired while travelling with his parents.
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As a priest, he would wear a long white linen kilt, a white sash over his right shoulder across his body (a mark of Djehuty priests in this AU), papyrus sandals, and as high priest, he would wear the leopard skin cloak. He would also have shaved his whole body. No wool or leather was to be worn in the temple.
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^ Priestly attire. But this AU would have longer skirts, usually ankle length, with pleats (and feel free to get Very Fancy with the pleats if you want to). Ma'akhi would be the guy on the far left. Cub and Scar would be closer to the middle two, but with Scar not wearing a sash, and both with longer kilts. Cub, Scar, and Ma'akhi may also wear white linen cloaks for night rituals or outside processions to protect from the heat.
For regular wear, they might just wear shorter kilts, pleated kilts, or tunics. Both Cub and Scar prefer to have their heads shaved, and would definitely wear wigs. I feel like Scar's would be more decorated than Cub's. Cub and Scar are also light-skinned Egyptians, but I'd take their skin tone less White and more tanned/brown to fit their ethnicity.
The pendant Cub wears looks something like this:
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Except emerald rather than stone. It'd be about 1.5in/4cm long. It would sit around the middle of the chest near the heart area.
Sans cat, this is the style of carnelian ring Cub wears, with a slightly thicker band:
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Scar wears no specific jewellery pieces, but I imagine he wears a bunch of stuff based on what he's been able to steal/trade/haggle off others. So beaded collars, single strings of beaded necklaces, arm bands or bracelets, a variety of rings, pectoral amulets, idk, google some Egyptian jewllery and pick things you think look nice. He's dedicated to Bast ofc so any Bast amulets would be a must, or anything with cats on it. He also carries a satchel/bag with potions, writing tools, and spellbooks in it.
In soldier mode, Cub carries a sword, small pouches for small spells and amulets on his belts, and a shield. Scar fights with bow and arrow if he has to, but he leaves the fighting to Cub. He prefers to talk his way out of danger.
For the Egyptians, the Libyan people (the rebu) were sometimes depicted as light-skinned people.
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^ From left to right we have 4 Libyans, a Nubian, an Asiatic, and an Egptian. From Seti I's tomb.
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^ A rendering of a Libyan warrior.
For my AU, I imagine them wearing more of a loincloth or short kilt and some kind of leather straps around their waist (an influence from contact with Roman armies or serving with them as mercenaries). More of a short tunic when travelling for comfort and sun protection. Leather sandals. They would have grown their hair and beards out too.
Pix, as the Copper King, isn't Libyan, but more like the Berber or Bedouin tribes, but more based on Pixandrian culture than those ones specifically. The mines are a diverse mix of people who've found a home there.
Pearl as the governor of Djesdjes is both a warrior and an official. She would dress as a soldier if defence of the oasis is called for, but when out of that role, she's more in sheath dresses and sandals, with long wigs and gold jewellery. Darker skin than Cub and Scar bc she's got a different ethnic mix, and she's spent a lot of time outside fighting with her soldiers.
ANYWAY. I hope that is enough infodumping anon! :D If you have any further questions, pls do ask and I will do my best to answer you! :D I'm excited and honoured you want to make art for my AU and I can't wait to see it! :D
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moldy-mold · 1 year
Hi I LOVE the Yugioh swap au stuff you're doing, it's so much fun and with both posts you've made I've gone over the pictures over and over trying to get every detail avhsbshd
Marik and Ishizu switching places?? Beautiful, fantastic, glorious- but also Where Is Odion and Is He Okay
Thief Queen Mai can send me to the shadow realm as much as she wants and I would thank her tbh-
I have Many Questions about Joey and Tea in the newest one- it seemed that before, Joey was still friends with the main gang? Or at least friends with Seto, so I have to wonder if they aren't as close as they seem or if Something Else went down (also I hope you know that, for me at least, this au has inspired puppyshipping galore every time I think about it sjdbjs)
And Tea getting Timaeus, the card that Yugi originally used and I would have expected Seto to use? Facinating, I'd love to know if anything in particular led to that decision or if it was just for shits and giggles
Serenity?? With the eye?? I am intrigued, is she evil, how much pain has she caused Joey, what's the story there I Must Know
And f i n a l l y , our main two, our lovely rivals, the tallest and shortest people on the show-
Did Yugi and Seto go through a whole life swap? It seems that way, with Mutoland (also it's hilarious that Mokuba wants to go with Yami Seto, thanks for that) and generally How Yugi Is Dressed in the pictures we've seen, so does that mean Seto actually goes to school and he and Mokuba run a game shop?? Because that's a fantastic mental image ngl- and would that mean that Yugi kidnapped Mokuba, if the 'first episode' went the same direction as canon?
And does this mean that, in the past, roles were swapped as well? Seto being the Pharaoh while Atem is his priest? Or is that as usual and they have to tell Yugi he's the reincarnation of an ancient Pharaoh ahdbjsbd
Are the favored cards swapped around? Is Dark Magician more powerful/more rare than Blue Eyes? Is Yugi still the same height as Mokuba that's the real question here-
So many questions and (probably) so few answers- but whether you answer this or not, I enjoy your au Greatly and I'm Very Excited for whatever comes next!!
HEY!! THANK YOU SM!! Glad y’all are having fun with it!! It was a real mind-bending journey to draw and think about.
I’ll answer these questions carefully. I don’t want to give everything away so if I skip over it, I probably have plans for it that I’ll hopefully get to drawing!
Odion, as far as I know, has the same role as he did originally. I would like to draw him in the future. 8)
I have such a bias for Mai, I love her the most and would like for her to be more important in DM, personally.
Joey is friends with the gang but he’s closer to Seto than Yugi. Seto and Joey are on first-name basis! Isn’t that crazy??!! I think businessman Yugi is too busy these days. :( The main reason Orichalcos Joey happened was because he was tired of Yami Seto always defending him when he wants to be able to take care of himself. I’m still very surprised at the fact that in the anime, Atem succumbed the power of the Orichalcos and yet, Joey did not. The hot-headed gambling delinquent boy Joey did not???!
I gave Timaeus to Tea because I want to make her more important to the Orichalcos lore since she doesn’t quite have a place in the ancient Egypt lore. I haven’t decided who her two partners would be.
Many plans for Serenity…
Yugi and Seto do have a life swap, but not a personality swap. So yea, Yugi and his Grandpa run Muto Corp and the Kaibas run a game store LOL! Seto probably did something to Big Boss Grandpa and episode 1 happens all over again.
I’ma be honest and say I haven’t watched the Egypt final arc yet so I don’t know what happens in there. I will watch it soon! But for now, because I like having Atem’s personality inside Seto’s body (that just makes it really really funny for me), that’s Pharaoh Atem we’re seeing. Seto hates it. :)
YES Dark Magician is more rare than Blue Eyes. PERSONAL BIAS. I love Dark Magician lmaooo.
Yugi believes in magic yet he does NOT have any of the millennium items!!!! Right now he’s just thinking “oh it’s better someone else keeps them since they’re dangerous.” And that’s that. Seto is STILL STUBBORN and doesn’t believe in ancient Egyptian magic despite what is happening to him!! He has a feeling Atem is important but doesn’t really believe the weird power of the god cards and the millennium items.
Thank you for your questions! It truly is fun to talk about this!
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sesshy380 · 1 year
☀️ and 🤔 for wip ask game
I am going apologize. You asked about WiP inspo. This is gonna be long no matter how short I try to make it. Current wordcount? I'll just give my POSTED wordcount for my longfic alone. Current posted is 242,000 on longfic. At this time, longfic is only on chapter 57. I am currently on WIP chapter 82...and I still haven't completed a full 2 in-story weeks. The story will cover nearly a year. I can't wait for the time-skips lol Inspiration behind current WiP? Which one??? I am simultaneously working on at least 3 WiP's atm. One is Gemshipping based on another prompt I found on Pinterest (Sorry, I have a feverish and clingy assassin on my lap. I'll call you back once I've convinced him that a cold doesn't mean he's dying.).
Eldritch Puzzleshipping AU is actually based off my sister sharing what she had written down from a dream that stuck with her, and so now we both have an Eldritch story that is based off the same basic idea, but is going in two separate directions. Longfic was a combination of things. Let me point out first that I'm older than I care to admit. I started watching Yugioh with my oldest son during late Duelist Kingdom through beginning of Waking the Dragons. He had to watch it each day before nap. I was hooked on the ancient Egypt story. Life happened, had to move, wasn't able to finish out the series. Anxiety brain did not like that. It needed completion. Combine that with insomnia, cue 'stories' to make the night go by faster. Then Pyramid of Light came out. Brain started wondering 'what if the ancient Gods weren't that benevolent'? The 'story' has warped and changed many times over the past few decades, but the base plot remains the same. Immortals, elementals, magic, and lots of trauma and self-discovery. Did I mention that my insomnia 'stories' are also a coping mechanism?
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golvio · 2 years
I’ve also had some ideas for my personal design for Ganon in my AUs.
I already love the Malice’s…well, malleability. And the golden irises with black sclera, definitely keeping that from the BotW design. I love the implication that, in a more stable body with his soul present instead of astrally projecting into a backup body, his form would be protean, and he could adapt himself at will, but there’s also a little chaos in there since his “prettiest” and most symmetrical form as Dark Beast Ganon was revealed to be full of eyeballs once his forehead split open. It’d also add potential for some neat shoutouts to the Puppet Ganon fight in Wind Waker, as he changed into a spider and a snake in the second and third phases.
But, also, I like how OOT Ganon was a little more chimerical. Based on that and my associating him with water/blood to contrast and distinguish him from Demise’s fire motif, I’d like to incorporate a few touches of animals that aren’t boars, although his design and personality as a monster would still be primarily boarish. I especially like the idea of him having patches of iridescent scales that appear black, but show these beautiful blazes of color when they catch the light just right.
I was a little inspired by the concepts behind Ammit, the beast who’d devour your heart if, when Anubis weighed it on the scales, it was heavier than a feather. Ammit being designed to provoke fear meant she was composed of the three scariest critters Ancient Egyptians could think of: the lion, the crocodile, and the hippopotamus. Two of those three animals are associated with water and are found by riverbanks in a more arid parts of the world, and the hippo is an evolutionary cousin twice-removed from good ol’ Sus scrofa, so they captured my interest immediately. I’m ditching the lion, though, as lion symbolism for characters is way overplayed, and because I personally prefer pigs and feel they’re underappreciated as motifs.
If the Gerudo Desert’s geography is anything like Egypt, then they’d probably have a major river that cuts through the desert like the Nile that a most of the non-nomadic tribes would build their permanent settlements around fir easy access to water and transportation by boat. And, of course, if the wildlife had anything in common with Earth’s ecosystems, there would absolutely be crocodiles and hippos on its banks. And you’d better believe the Gerudo would develop a healthy fear of both critters.
Now, why people would be scared of crocs is obvious. They’ve got big mouths with sharp teeth and a bite force capable of breaking human bones, as well as a body powerful enough to do a death roll to help the bone breaking process along. They lie in wait in the water and among the reeds to ambush unsuspecting animals or humans who stop by the riverbank to drink from the lifegiving waters. When they’re within striking distance, they grab their prey with their jaws and drag them into the water to drown and devour them.
But why would people be afraid of hippos, the unfamiliar reader might ask? Aren’t they funny fat herbivores with goofy buck teeth that prance around in tutus like Fantasia?
No, no they are not.
First of all, hippos are large ungulates. Large even-toed ungulates, which include bison, wild boar, and deer, are all very large prey animals. Now, prey animals evolved to spend their lives protecting themselves from predators. Megafauna like the hippo can’t really hide themselves away from predators, considering they’re huge, so instead they use their considerable bulk and strength to become territorial assholes capable of beating anything they see as a potential threat into a pulp, including humans.
“But,” you might say, “hippos are fat and bulky and sit in the water all day! They can’t even swim! Why would someone be more afraid of being chased by a fat goofy animal than the svelte, majestic lion?”
Because, dear reader, hippos don’t need to swim. You see, hippos can’t swim because they can’t float. And the reason they can’t float is because underneath their subcutaneous fat layer, they are tankards made of solid muscle. When a hippo decides they don’t like the way some jerk off in the distance is looking at them, they can charge after them at a speed of 30 mph on land. Their legs are powerful tree trunks made of pure muscle and allow them to plow through anything in their way that’s not another hippo or a rhino like a Mack truck.
But surely, you say, surely they can’t go that fast in water due to water resistance. And, besides, didn’t you say they couldn’t swim? You’re right in that hippos can’t swim, but they can still move at a respectable 5 mph due to their tree trunk legs. The reason hippos don’t skip leg day is because instead of swimming, they walk underwater due to their density. And that means they can charge underwater, too. Of course, instead of running, they “jump”—letting their bodies sink to the bottom of the river, then pushing themselves up and forward with their muscular legs. They are optimized for living in low-g environments, and the concept of Moon Hippos should frighten you.
“But 5 mph by water surely can’t be that scary in person, can it? Most cars can go faster than that.”
I dunno, you tell me.
A monster with the silver tongue of a man, the cunning and resourcefulness of a pig, the patience of a crocodile, and the strength and tenacity of a hippo would be quite the boogeyman for a desert culture, wouldn’t it?
I can imagine the stories they’d tell of the witch king’s more monstrous face by the campfire—some kind of adaptation of the siren archetype where a woman rowing a boat downriver hears a man’s beautiful singing, or the voice of a man calling for help, from the reeds. Intrigued (and imagining that the mysterious traveler is probably a handsome young man who’ll reward her just as handsomely for her aid), she rows towards the riverbank. Suddenly, a massive creature bursts from the water and slams into her, throwing the captain into the river, capsizing the boat, and scattering its cargo to the riverbed. Whether she just barely escapes with her life or drowns in the waters, the cargo belongs to the beast now, especially precious jewelry and delicious food and wine.
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
Year of the OTP - January Edition
So the prompts this month are:
first kiss | mission fic | fake dating | "whenever I look at you..." | snow | historical au
Now I refuse to open my fanfic ideas list because I'm not doing that anymore. I know I had some fics that probably would have worked but NOT. DOING. IT. (maybe if I say it enough I will stop being tempted idk).
Anyway some of these prompts do just work much better for fic because they are hard to capture visually BUT some would be absolutely fine for art.
The PROBLEM is what I already have on my plate. The Bering and Wells exchange, the Leverage Bingo card, the ton of projects that have been on my list for months and I haven't got to yet etc. Do I really need new ideas for projects that jump the queue? No. Do I have them anyway? *stares at the camera like I'm on the Office*
I have 3 potential thoughts (ok I may have found some references for all of them).
1) Historical AU Sanctuary OT3. Not going to lie I'm taking inspiration from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. It's the hood and the shadow, I don't know my brain just went "hmm?" when I was looking for possible historical eras. As obviously the issue with Sanctuary is it has as canon all of recent history. A fan favourite of Regency doesn't feel so far removed from the late 1800's so it's not as cool, hence looking for something else. This is probably more mission-related in concept than overtly shippy. It's just how my brain imagined it.
2) Historical AU I know same prompt but I was thinking about my ships and my brain is very much "Bering and Wells" at the moment. I have the piece for the exchange (which isn't this) and so it's not like that ship is neglected in art but ehhh. I was feeling Ancient Egypt perhaps with Warehouse 2 vibes. Not going to lie probably going to pick up some inspiration from Assassin's Creed: Origins. This one is also going to have a kiss.
3) Mission + Snow Then there is a Sanctuary concept of Helen surrounded by abnomals near the mouth of a cave in a snowy mountain. My problem with this is my brain is only really seeing Helen, so it's not very OTP. Perhaps this one won't count for the challenge and will just go on my regular idea list (of which there are MANY) idk.
So that's my thoughts. Whether I will do any of it, let alone all of it, is uknown at this time but we shall see. Maybe One Day TM haha.
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augustallosaurus · 1 year
Tag Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @ogsimpgoose and then accidentally forgot abt it for a few days LMFAO. I was reminded tonight hence the poor formatting of the post because I’m doing this on my phone before I pass out.
I’m fairly certain @pastel-skulls hasn’t been tagged yet :) suffer
world building works
“The Myceal Desert” — originally a world doc dedicated to a cat civilization heavily inspired by Ancient Egypt that I’ve been considering adding into my Big Project (tm)
“The Origins” — a word doc dedicated to the scribbled down notes I have surrounding what was originally Wolvden Lore but has since grown into something much bigger. It’s currently mostly about the Parthenon of Gods that rule over my various wolf packs.
“End / Elytrian Lore” — a doc I have that’s similar to the Origins doc in the sense that it’s filled with what is mostly mindless notes and scribbles. Though this one is about my Minecraft Au and the History and Biology of the creatures of the End Dimension.
“The ARK” — admittedly my most empty word doc that is going to be scribbles of ideas for my AU based around the game Ark: Survival Evolved with the slightest hint of Horizon: Zero Dawn.
original character works
“The Afterwood CYA” — a choose your own adventure style game I’ve been working on and off over the past year. Essentially you play the part of a wolf (yes, within the Origins universe) that wakes up within a world of eldritch horrors and must do what you can to survive.
“Afterwood CYA Prologue” — another choose your own adventure game that would act like a prologue to the above. Unlike the above, though, it would have a ‘canon’ ending that would be alluded to throughout the main CYA game. It’s meant to be like a tutorial level for the larger CYA.
“Ghast loses her wings” — an original character of mine (more specifically, an elytrian minecraft oc based off the Origins Mod) gets her wings ripped off a la Maleficent style and has to come to terms with the consequences of that, both mentally and physically. The story is actually told through the eyes of Goose’s (tagged above! :D) OC.
“Lord of the Rain” — a God within ‘the Origins’ Universe, Thunder Weaver, comes face to face with his murderer; the woman who loved him more than anything.
Abandoned Works
^ I do not plan on finishing these fics, but I would be more than happy to answer questions about them :)
“In the Beginning, there was Nothing.” — a short, “introduction monologue” style fic that would have introduced the Parthenon of the Origin Universe as well as the reasoning behind their creation.
“Into the Night Sky” — another wolf fic but it was more of a ‘filler’ than anything else. Originally meant to be a short little scene explaining the beginning of a massive shift within one of the packs and was heavily inspired by dialogue from the show Grey’s Anatomy.
“Driftrot” — “My parents named me Vulturekit, for the markings on my face. My father always seemed proud of it, some sort of sign from Starclan, but as I grew it just felt like a bitter reminder.”
“Dying” — “Frosted was never an optimist, so when he realizes that Badger Bite doesn’t have the herbs he needs to help his friend recover from influenza, he goes to extremes to ensure Whispering Wood’s survival.” Set within the Origin universe.
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