#Also if anyone sees this don't worry im alright right now this is just the frustration of like. Doing maths basically
Ever wonder how in the hell Jay's death goes? well do I HAVE A STORY FOR YOOUUUU!!! INTRODUCING HIS NEW CAUSE OF DEATH WOAH!!!! !
TW: Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, suicide/suicidal tendencies, self harm, overdose mention, gore, ???
Quick note?? All of this is canon, yes he dies like this ;P LOLZIES!!!!! ALso if its all over the place i apologize i am fighting a moth while writing this /srs kinda curious to know how anyone reacts to it, so... if you wanna put that down or make a post go for it, honestly im kinda considering having this be my closing post but idk yet lol </3
The sound of a gunshot can never be heard over crowds laughing and music blasting. Fireworks in the air, water from the pool splashing... The loud BANG deaf to everyone's ears. How could we know that? The only way it was learned was finding the body of Mr. Jay Gatz. In the highest point of his manor, overlooking the crowd below...
Let's start from square one.
Jay felt... Unwanted. Alone, if you will. As a man who's built himself and his business up only for the sake of overthrowing others, he wasn't the most enjoyed man around. Normally he would've handled this by now. The dread, the self pity, everything he had thought about himself was always kept inside. Why not now? Standing alone, pathetic... In the office he had to himself. Bookcases covering the walls of obscure novels that he hasn't even read, a desk holding messy stacks of various papers, making him feel even worse about himself. A never ending ringing phone before he cut it, the gusts of wind blowing from the outside rustling against the curtains behind him. What a pitiful life.
An outsider. That's all he was, wasn't he? Standing up on that balcony of his, absent to anyones attention besides the solemn glow of the moon above him, and even that was leaving him soon. The fireworks lit up the mansion, the people below, the water, and the champagne bottles crashing and being tossed around to be used. He lit a cigarette, holding it for just a moment then he took a drag.
...After another drag, and another, and another... He put out the cigarette... On his own arm. He winced at the burning feeling against his skin, but another scar wouldn't hurt... Right? Scars were littered all over his body anyway, just another part of him to be ruined. He lit another cigarette then walked inside to grab a bottle of vodka from his own personal storage of alcohol. Never touched unless he was feeling more pathetic than other nights.
Ha, maybe this time he can drink himself to death. Or maybe Perkins will call the ambulance again. Jay hoped to whatever god there was above he wouldn't survive this time. His shaky hands moved to the bottle, bringing it up to his lips before pausing. A week of sobriety.
...He can restart another day. Or in another life, perhaps.
He took a drink. The burn of the alcohol going down his throat being a feeling of discomfort but satisfaction was one that he had somehow managed to miss. Gatz went back out to the balcony, drinking away his sorrows before he couldn't even find himself having any emotion anymore. The rich man could barely hear the knocks at the door, let alone the sound of a man calling for his name.
Soon enough, the door opened unbeknownst to Jay. The only thing that managed to get his attention was a quiet voice coming from the darkened room, lit by only one light. But now... There was another. Then another light on as the person flicked on the light switches. ...Perkins.
➳ ❜ Ah, Jay! I was worried about you, sir! Are you doing alright up here? It's quite... Quiet up here. ❛
No response. Jay turned back to stare into nothing.
➳ ❜ Oh, I see... Maybe you should sit down, I can grab you some tea and- ...Well, maybe not any medicine, I don't want to... Let that happen again. ❛
It wasn't needed to be discussed anymore, it was obvious Perkins was referring to the prior... Attempts Jay had made. In an attempt, Perkins had tried his best to hide anything that Jay could use to end things. As of now, it was working. With a slow approach, Perkins had walked over to Jay. Placing down the lantern he held with a small blow to put it out, he found himself standing next to his boss. Or, rather, his semi-adopted son.
The silence felt like a million years. Perkins, thinking of how to approach this properly, feeling the fatherly need to sit there and just be someone for Jay to lean on, but he knew it wasn't a night for that. All he knew is that he could NEVER leave Jay alone in a state like this. He heard a small mutter of a sob coming from next to him.
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Perkins... Can we go inside? ❛ 
➳ ❜ Of course my boy. ❛
Jay tiredly swung his arm around Perkins shoulders as he got guided back into the office, letting the shorter man take the vodka from his bruised and shaky hand. Within the next minute or so, he found himself sitting in the rather comfortable office chair he had right infront of his desk. Almost immediately he put his arms down on the desk and put his head down on them, shielding his face in some form of fear of what'll happen next.
➳ ❜ Jay- ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ You can leave now Perkins. ...I'm fine on my own. ❛ 
➳ ❜ I'm worried, my boy. I can't just leave you like this. Not because it's my job but it's because I care- ❛
Jay's body tensed. Perkins froze as he could practically feel the cold emotion that came from the man right next to him.
╰┈➤ ❜ You don't have to lie to me, Perkins. ❛ 
Silence. Jay thought he had left, but he hadn't. When Jay lifted up his head he saw Perkins sitting quietly next to him. ...Looks like he's here for a while.
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Am I gonna be left alone forever, Perkins? ❛ 
➳ ❜ Oh- of course not! You have plenty of people who would love to be around you - ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Then why has everyone left me? ...Everyone except you. I can't keep being alone like this. ❛ 
➳ ❜ I know, I know... And I'm not getting any younger... But trust me, I won't leave you all alone. You don't deserve that. ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ ... ❛ 
Jay stood up, then went to grab another bottle of vodka. Perkins got up to take the bottle, only for Jay to look down with a look he has only seen a few times. He was desperate for some form of numbing. ...Perkins sighed. He held up a single finger to signal he can only have one glass.
Jay agreed.
He got the glass and drank it quickly as if it were medicine. And it has been his medicine. Ever since he was younger, more vulnerable. Manipulated, oblivious, it's always been his escape.
╰┈➤ ❜ ...If I were to give you the rest of my wealth, would you let me die? ❛ 
Silence. Shock. A beat went by.
➳ ❜ Of course not. I wouldn't let you die at all. ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ Oh. ❛ 
Jay was quiet again. He exhaled and took a drag of the cigarette he had lit earlier. Blowing it out, he looked to the floor with some thought. Jay then opened a drawer in the desk, rummaging around then he let a metal item clatter into the desk.
A gun.
Perkins froze. He took a step forward and Jay put his hand on the gun. Not as a warning to Perkins, but to himself. The blond male slowly picked it up and showed that it was loaded.
╰┈➤ ❜ I was told I needed therapy. You know, I think I’m too far gone. What’s the point of it if im just a lost cause? I’ve been crying and telling too many people my sob story. At this point this… This is better. ❛
➳ ❜ No you’re not too far gone, Jay. …Put down the gun, okay? We can talk about this- ❛
The now slowly breaking millionaire then stood up sharply, stepping back. He took the gun along with him. Then… He snapped. Immediately bursting into tears, he found himself breaking every pushing second. His hands shaking more, he held the gun up to his own head.
╰┈➤ ❜ Talk about what, Perkins? How long have you tried to help me? I’ve been nothing but a waste of time, and god… God I BET if I just- if I just SHOT myself RIGHT NOW, NOBODY OUT THERE WILL HEAR OR CARE, RIGHT?! Who’d go to my funeral? You? Who else? Huh? ❛
Silence. Perkins simply walked over and hugged Jay, catching him off guard. Jays body tensed up again, trying to find a way to keep his composure but failing miserably. The gun slightly moved away from his head, then it sharply went back.
One last exhale, and one last sentence.
╰┈➤ ❜ If you want me to live another day, I need you to start running. Get to the nearest phone. ❛
God, why was he doing this? Why was he trying to help himself? He knew he’d die by then. Somehow, Perkins listened and immediately rushed to the nearest phone only to see Jay had cut the line, then opened the door to go outside. Jay stared.
The door closed, leaving Jay alone.
…Then the gun went off.
Silence. Darkness. Not a feeling. Just… emptiness.
When the paramedics got there Jay was already as dead as can be as he laid in Perkins arms. He had staged it as a murder, writing to Perkins in a final note to never specify it was suicide, but say it was homicide. The people wouldn’t care how he died.
The sight was grim. His only butler making an effort to help, holding him up as if he were still going to live. It was a desperate attempt, really, like a father begging to bring his son back from the dead. The once lively millionaire deceased, his body tense and the blood and brain matter pooling from his head onto the fur rug he had died on. His eyes were still open, only this time they were a monotone and distant blue with less saturation than ever. His skin was pale, suit tattered most likely from the fall. The cigarette lay on his hand, slowly burning at the skin. As he lay there, people were crowded around. Some were investigators, others were people who simply wanted to see. Others taking photos to post on the papers as soon as possible.
…And now Perkins was left to handle the rest of the work Jay had set up.
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aw-bean-s · 1 year
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shuamorollss · 6 months
Café Amnesia — l.sm x f!reader
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— When your insane crush on Lee Seokmin hits a curb when he yells out the wrong name for your order whilst having your name written perfectly fine on your cup.
How the hell was he able to fuck your name up so badly?
On purpose? Obviously. Why? You simply don't know.
romcom, mutual pining, cafe au with a pinch of univ, strangers2friends2lovers warnings/notes— They're both whipped for each other(Seokmin mostly), there's a whole segment of reader suffering from period cramps, uhmm I'll add more :> 1.7k wc TEASER . Estimated full wc: 10k-12k + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
tags— @jangwonie @jungwonize @luhvlyuna @w3bqrl @ineedaherosavemeenow @leaderwon @writingmeraki
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"Girl, take your chance. He's right there taking orders!" Im Nayeon encouraged as the both of you took a step inside the bittersweet aromatic premises.
Oh yes, this very Café, not only were you a regular customer here, you were also known by your friends to be limping hearts for someone around these ambient walls.
Strangers might say, Oh, this person must really love the coffee here.
Although your friends would definitely say, Oh, he just loves the coffee made by brew. A code name your friends have made to pertain to him.
The very ‘brew’ on the counter, taking orders with his usual sweet smile.
Lee Seokmin.
Oh that man, how could you ever describe him?
Seokmin’s a family friend, you usually see him outside Café territory. Even visiting your home multiple times just to have a chat with your family. Crazy how a guy so cute and so close to your age is more talkative with the likes of your aunts and uncles.
You have always noticed his presence even before he started working in your favorite Café, though you only developed ominous worries by the time he started working there.
There was something about his mere presence that irks you a certain way, never in a bad way, quite unsure in a good way.
How would he have this effect on you so suddenly?
It doesn't make sense.
You only view him discerningly from your balcony as he laughs with your mom at the gate. He’s a peculiar guy, who only visits your home to greet anyone but the people his age.
You didn't care about it, you didn't even ponder any further with his visits, you weren't as much bothered with his bond with your relatives… So why do you feel the opposite of the things just mentioned now?
"Uhm, Y/N?" a voice echoed, shaking you through your thoughts.
"Huh? "
You blinked out of your rainbow towered thoughts, checking the very man standing in front of you with an intense gaze.
Everything felt sudden, you were just giggling with Nayeon earlier at the back of the line and now you're… here.
"Your order please?" He repeats, raising his brow as his eyes fixed on you, patiently waiting for your response.
As much as you wanted to, you couldn't take a look at his face for longer than 2 seconds. You didn't want to become a blushing, stuttering mess in front of him, you had to erase such humiliation as this has probably happened to many times within his view.
You take a good look at the menu for a short while, subtly attempting to compose yourself. Then back to looking into his eyes with a determined smile.
"Ah— Uhm… Two iced caffe latte please." you spoke out, you eyes averting away after you realized you might be looking at him for a bit too long.
"Size?" He questioned.
"Both grande."
“Alright, name?” He asks, leaving you slightly dumber and might be dumbest since you were so so sure he had mentioned your name before, the name you own, the name he lets out to escape you from the unrealistic wonders of your mind.
Well, you guess he had to do it for the professional setting.
“Y/N.” You answered with a warm smile.
He nodded, starting to scribble your name on both cups.
You stared at him for a brief second before darting your eyes out of his figure again. It was an awkward, unnecessary feat you have, however you feel a pinch of guilt for staring at him for too long… You didn't think you would have a chance anyway, or would even notice your gaze fixated on him for an uncomfortable amount of time.
You were great with eye contact, you swore that to life.
Now it’s just different in front of him.
The transaction ended smoothly, thankfully, he gave out your remaining change and you turned around leaving with a wide grin that seemed stuck on your face for the next few minutes.
Nayeon notices your change of demeanor, mirroring your subtle excitement as your footsteps approach her figure.
“So, how did it go?!” She slowly squealed, her bunny teeth entirely evident as her emotions seemed to be ecstatic at yours.
“It went good,” You answer with the same wide grin. “It went with the usual order but this time, he asked for my name.”
Nayeon’s smile immediately falters at your answer, her reaction unsatisfied.
“Y/N, that's… he does that to everyone, it’s his job.” She deadpans.
“No no no, I mean. I was like— thinking about something you know?— I was in deep thought, and then Seok— I mean him, Brew, called me by my name and that took me out of my trance,” You paused, earning back your composure. “Then all of a sudden, he just asks me for my name when he was about to write it on the cup? Like, isn't that weird?! He called me before, with the perfect pronunciation of my name, and then asks about it afterwards?”
Nayeon’s reaction did make any sort of change, yet here you are, at the verge of squealing at the half-assed interaction she had ever heard.
Though, to be fair, she had heard more shit stains than this.
“Darling, Y/N, I'm sorry, but, you just have to get better than that..?” Her tone rose unsurely, you could tell she wasn't atoned with the happening, well, it wasn't supposed to be squealed about. You couldn't admit it to her but, it was indeed a boring interaction.
As much as you were extremely down bad for the man, you couldn't act upon it. Why would you? He’s so out of your reach. He wouldn't even look at you in the eyes, never even greeted you when you were at home, and not even bothered to have your parents introduce him to you.
So why would you try and befriend him if the hints are obviously at plain sight that your parents don't want him for you.
Gahh?! What is wrong with me?! you argue along with your conscience. This case seriously needs to be studied for the reason that this regression did not go unnoticed by you. You had a chance to talk to him before but now it just seems too far of a run to be able to reach.
As you and Nayeon remain seated, patiently waiting for your order while she voices out her stress about the upcoming midterm exams, a certain voice echoes throughout the area.
A name kept being called.
Twice, thrice, you don't even know how to word it out the fourth time and so on.
It was embarrassing how this man, Seokmin, was honking a name no one responds to in such a quiet auranescent place. Almost everyone in the Café gave their shares of baffled looks at Seokmin’s way, you gave your shares of it also, until Seokmin’s gaze points at you.
The drink on his hands reached out to your direction, mouthing the words to what seems to be “you.”
Nayeon catches onto this quickly and nudges you out of your seat, so you could reach the drinks on what you assumed to be yours and Nayeon’s, which in fact right now, you were still unsure of.
You make your way awkwardly towards the man, your eyes circling around the Café, releasing a breath of relief at the realization that the customers had gone back to their personal businesses, although the embarrassing flush still creeps into you as you step closer and closer to the counter.
“You, yes you.” Seokmin lets out with a sigh of relief you swore you just did a few seconds back.
“Here's your order, I’ve been calling out for you for 4 years.” He jokes, a bit weak but it was tolerable. He’s handing the two lattes you ordered, still dumbfounded at the fact this was your order.
But he said your name wrong
extremely wrong. unpleasantly wrong. absolutely wrong.
It wasn't even close to your name at all— it's just wrong.
You never felt so embarrassingly offended in your life.
The way he says that too casually, audaciously loud, couldn't even set you off to the right track. You still think he's getting the wrong person to give this order to.
But it was the correct order, the one you recited to him.
He knew you, that's for sure, but how— wha?—
“Oh, thanks.” You say dryly, grabbing your order and walking away with a forced smile. Not even bothering to correct him, just because.
You examine the drink, still unsure if this was actually what you ordered (Which it really is), then turning it to the other side of the cup to read your name,
perfectly spelled.
Which bombards your thoughts with even more questions.
How was he able to fuck your name up so badly?
On purpose? Obviously. Why? You simply don't know.
You went back to the gracious face from Nayeon holding her laugh.
“Well, that's what I call an interaction.” She welled, leaning back onto her seat with a squeaky laugh.
You were quite embarrassed by the whole situation, yet a gush of butterflies lingered in your stomach shooting to the realization that Seokmin had joked with you.
It was unusual, but you’d be content with it at best.
Nayeon repeats the name Seokmin kept calling out a few minutes back, which somehow became unbearable coming from her.
You slide her drink with a clear frown, aggressively sitting on your seat without laying a single look at your friend.
“Oh come on, Y/N, you know I'm just kidding..— woah.” Her eyes widened as her eyes lays at the name spelt on her drink. You could tell the element of surprise creeping up into her whole being as she tries to piece things together.
“Y/N, your name is spelled correctly here?”
You roll your eyes, “Wow, I didn't even notice.” You reply with evidently toned grouchiness.
She gives you the same wide eyes yet the edges of her lips begin to perk up.
You know where she's getting at.
“Y/N! Do you know what this means?!”
You lock your gaze at her, waiting to continue her words.
“He yelled and butchered your name on purpose!” She says ecstatically.
Yeah, you have already established that.
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© shuamorollss. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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victortalkingmachine · 7 months
tumblr in the 1900s simulator
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🎀 basilgillgirlie
HELPPP i went to see a country girl and i SWEAR coffin looked directly at me while he was singing no. 19 😳😳😳
#im going to DIE #oh my godddd #hayden coffin tag #theatre tag
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🪮 tortoiseshelllll
honestly just go ahead and block me if you're still not against the consumption of intoxicating liquors /srs
#temperance discourse
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🤵‍♂️ h0ney-b0y 🔁 in-my-merry-oldsmobile Follow
💁‍♀️ soshineonharvestmoon Follow
Alright, let's settle this once and for all:
Do cylinders or discs produce the clearest sound?
‎ ‎‎ Cylinders⬜‍‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‍21.2%
‎‎ ‎‎ ‎Discs🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎‎78.8%
‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎Final result from 18,796 votes
🐶 yourwildirishrose Follow
literally who is voting for cylinders. #discsweep
#poll results that would give thomas edison neurasthenia
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👨 lawrenceseldens 🔁 the-thing-with-feathers86 Follow
☕ the-thing-with-feathers86 Follow
hey. everyone. TAG YOUR HOUSE OF MIRTH SPOILERS!!!!! not all of us are able to keep up with the installments, especially ppl employed at factories/others who work 10+ hour shifts
#!!! #the house of mirth #edith wharton #scribner's magazine
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🌌 impastolover 🔁 le-modernisme Follow
🔘 ilythomascole-deactivated19061203
There’s NO WAY you people are still supporting H*nri M*tisse after he posted THIS
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🌈 chezlesfauves Follow
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does this scare you
🌈 chezlesfauves Follow
i guess so lmaooo
#i wonder if op knows about la femme au chapeau…
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🌻 emancipation-waist-official 🔁 localhoyden Follow
🐈‍⬛ localhoyden Follow
friendly reminder that it’s perfectly ok for women and girls to wear corsets if they want to!! don't ever let anyone make you feel ashamed for it - it's your choice, you can do whatever makes you happy 💗
🌻 emancipation-waist-official
Go outside.
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👰 kittybristolsgf
i know it's been less than a decade since uh. you know. but can anarchists please go back to assassinating public figures and bombing government buildings and such all the time already, i have had ENOUGH
#the latest tariff law that was passed.... wtf #(for legal reasons this is a joke) #(please don't have me electrocuted <3)
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🦚 fancyfeathers
Just got my widest hat yet!! An entire owl can fit atop it!
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🏓 whiffwhaffwagerer
at the marathon in st. louis!👍 what is happening
#so the original winner cheated i guess #and the actual winner had to be carried over the finish line and is currently being treated by *several* doctors #also apparently some of the competitors are missing #...i'll keep you all posted?
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🧳 thatkeenmotorist 🔁 thatkeenmotorist
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
driving my motor-car 😁
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
broken chain ☹️
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
driving my motor-car 😁
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
broken belt ☹️
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
driving my motor-car 😁
🧳 thatkeenmotorist
broken chain again ☹️
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💃 lilyelsieinthemerrywidow 🔁 thegreat-trainrobbery1903 Follow
💃 lilyelsieinthemerrywidow
hey um whats going on in the balkans right now 😨 do you think theres going to be a war in europe soon im nervous
🙎‍♂️ thegreat-trainrobbery1903 Follow
well, a major war caused by a crisis in the balkans has been speculated on for a while. but it'll probably only last about a year like the war of 1870, plus you don't even live near the balkans, i wouldn't worry too much
💃 lilyelsieinthemerrywidow
yeah youre probably right
#and if it did reach us it would most likely be beneficial anyway #<-prev
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choccy-milky · 28 days
Hi Darling! First of all.. OMG I REALLYYY REALLYYYY LOVE YOUR FIC ♥️♥️♥️! I've been a silent reader for too long and this is the first time I came to the surface to thank you for this amazing fic and art that you've made.
I also have gathered my courage to ask you this. But headcanonically (if that's even a word but wtv 😭) in your fic world. Did Sebastian ever court or interested in someone before Clora? I had a wild thought that he was into someone and had courted them but wouldn't last long because he had to take care of Anne and this lass he courted was tired of his rambling about Anne this and Anne that. Sebastian decided that they should end things because not appreciating Anne means not appreciating him.
And when he dated Clora. He met her again. She desperately wants him back and apologises (She does have another intention though). He declines because he's already ill with her and is now crazy in love with our darling Clora. He chooses not to tell Clora about this. But I wonder what happened if Clora knows tho.
AW THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME💖💖IM GLAD TO HEAR IT💖💖 AND OK its funny you bring this up bc i actually planned for sebastian to have a bit of an internal monologue in my most recent chap about the girls he's had a crush on (before clora--omg... B.C), but i ended up cutting it out because it was part of a deleted scene. but no seb has never actually dated/courted anyone before clora, tho he defs did have crushes....but if he WAS with another girl before clora....🤔🤔hmm🤔🤔 i guess it would depend when in their relationship clora found out? if it was at the beginning when clora was still really shy/nervous/self conscious, it would obviously make her even moreso, and she would have compared herself and wondered if she was good enough and if she was doing things right. and i feel like that early in the relationship, if that other girl DID come back and try and get with seb, clora might actually be worried they'd get together again, esp if she ever saw them talking (kinda like the lawley situation, but in reverse BAHA) if it was NOW though and clora just suddenly found out....LMAOO oh boy. she'd obvs be like why did u never tell me, and itd go something like this: seb: "it was brief enough that i didn't see any point in mentioning it--we hadn't even snogged." clora: "well, it just so happens that i was with a boy before you, too. but we hadn't snogged either, so by your logic, i guess you don't care." seb: ".........." seb: "........alright, point proven." (and then seb would be all worried and confirm that she hadnt actually been with anyone before him/that she was just messing with him, and shed be like LMAO YES IT WAS JUST FOR ARGUMANTS SAKE OBVS) anyway clora might be sad for a bit but she'd get over it pretty quick, since she knows seb is so devoted to her/hed make it a point to be a huge simp for her to show her he has no leftover feelings for anyone else LOL (like how he was after the relic incident & during her period) honestly its just hard to make clora jealous in the first place, bc seb is such a mega simp for her LMFAO. and aS HE SHOULD BE!!!👇🧎‍♂️
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awfulwriter123 · 14 days
Second Mom Part 2 (Rhea Ripley x Reader One-Shot)
Hey Everyone! ik its been... *checks calendar* awhile since my last upload, I'm not gonna lie to you, i have a VERY hard time trying to translate my ideas to these works. But I REALLY wanted to get back into it so why not start small? Happy Reading and a good morning/night/afternoon to all! Part 1 for anyone who's interested!!
Warnings: None, Just fluff, Also D/n is daughters name
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Okay, You were nervous....Nope, Scratch that. You were scared. I mean you only flew half way across the world to Australia. Not just for Rhea's probably biggest show ever performing Infront of her family and people. But also because you were also here to introduce your now Four year old daughter d/n to her family. No pressure.
Rhea of course, was able to sense your nerves as you guys were on the plane ride over. D/n comfortably asleep with her head leaned on her shoulder. She looked over towards you to see you picking at your nails, a nervous habit you had. "Hey?" She whispered towards you has to not disturb the child sleeping on her shoulder.
You turned your head towards her to see the gentle smile on her face, that smile just slightly calming your nerves. "Hey" You whispered back with a slight smile of your own as she grabbed your hand in her own and squeezed reassuringly.
"They are gonna love her, Don't worry." She said as she leaned over slightly to place a kiss on the top of your head, gaining a huge smile out of you in the process. "I know they will, I just can't help but feel nervous you know?" You said as you looked towards your feet in nervousness.
You felt a finger under your chin causing you to lift your head. You had little time to react has you felt a pair of lips on yours for a split second before that feeling was gone. "It'll be alright, Trust me please?" She practically whispered against your lips. You nodded with a soft smile on your face before pecking her lips for quick kiss again.
You leaned back into your seat and closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 'It's gonna be a lonnnnnngggg couple of days' You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted into a nice nap before the inevitable.
~ Time Skip ~
"Hehe, I feel so tall up here!" D/n said/giggled from atop of Rhea's shoulders, You couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Tell me, What do you see up there koala?" Rhea asked while using her favorite nickname for your daughter.
"Ummmmm.... OH! I see Uncle Priest and Dom! HEY GUYS!!" She basically shouted while waving ethuastically. Dom and Priest both looked up from whatever they were looking at on Dom's phone to laugh at the sight and wave back.
"D/n, Inside voice please." You said softly next to Rhea while looking up at your daughter. "Sorry Momma." She said softly leaning on Rhea's head and closing here eyes, still a bit tired. You couldn't help but chuckle and shake your head at the sight and say. "Like mother like daughter." Rhea looked at you out of the corner of her eye. "What was that honey?" "Nothing." You said cheekily.
You guys walked a bit further before you asked. "Where did your sister say she was picking us up at?" "Should be right over he- oh I see her." You turned your head slightly to see a woman who looks just like Rhea but with blonde hair lookign around. "HEY! SIS!" Rhea shouts while waving a hand.
You see her eyes snap in your direction before a big smile comes across her face as you guys walk up to her. You gently reach up to take d/n off of Rhea's shoulders so she can greet her sister properly. D/n of course whines at not being so high up anymore.
"Hey sis, how you been?" Rhea's sister asks as she gives her big hug, Rhea instantly giving her one of her own. "I've been great, How abou you, mom and dad?" She asks while pulling back to look at her sister. "They've been great, looking forward to seeing you and meeting the Mrs." She said while looking torwards you with d/n in your arms with a smile.
You smile back and reach a free hand out. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." She shakes your hand enthusiastically. "Oh I know, Rhea never shuts up about you." She laughs while pulling her hand away only for Rhea to push her shoulder playfully. "Oh piss off you-" "Language!" You quickly reprimand Rhea nudging your head towards d/n.
"Sorry love." She quickly apologized before coming over to put her arm around you and kiss the top of d/n's head. Her sister coming over to introduce herself to d/n who was currently trying to hide by burying her head in your shoulder. "Hi sweetie, It's nice to meet you." She said softly to her, d/n looking at her for a split second before hiding back into your shoulder.
"Sorry she's a bit shy around new people." You said to her before she gave you a big smile. "It's alright, that's understandable." She said before hearing a quiet voice. "So your Mommy's sister?" D/n asks while giving her a big puppy eyed look. "Yep, sure am kiddo." She said with a soft smile on her face. "So that make you my aunt?" D/n looks towards you as to make her logic checks out, which you couldn't help but laugh at.
"Yes honey, she's your aunt." D/n gets a big smile on her face and a glint in her eye as she quietly asks to be put down. As soon as you put her down she immediately runs over to Rhea's sister and hugs her legs tightly. "Hi auntie." She says as she looks up at her to which she immediately gets picked up into her aunts arms. "Good to meet you too possum."
You lean into Rhea at the sight as all your worries seem to wash away just like that. "Hope she'll be like that around your parent's." You say quietly as you look up towards Rhea who is still looking at her sister with her daughter in her arms with a look of pure happiness. "Oh she will." She said confidently before kissing your temple as you guys walk out towards her sisters car. You now know, you were worrying for no reason.
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gojot-t · 4 months
Can i have a 1 second chance romance with topping “I can’t imagine going back to a life without you.” “Then stay.” ?
Name is Sae Itoshi ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
from the valentine's day event! ⊹ ࣪ ˖
itoshi sae + second chance romance +"I can't imagine going back to a life without you." "Then stay." ˎˊ˗
tags :: probably ooc sae :(, gn!reader, this doesn't exactly follow the manga, a little angst but overall fluffy yayy, also probably grammar mistakes..
a/n:: anon im so so so sorry for the delay</3 i really hope you will like it nonetheless. on the other hand, this is almost 2k words :o
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You remember the first time Sae asked you out.
You both were still children at the time, but in front of the ocean waves and ice cream dripping on the sand, no one had ever made you feel the way he did, so complete and loved.
That day, with the orange of the sunset illuminating his face, you almost thought he was an angel. When he looked at you so intensely and wrapped his hands around yours and whispered those words, like a precious secret between just the two of you, you already knew that he was the one for you.
"When I'm around you, I feel these strange things," he paused as if searching for the right words, "After a while I finally figured out what it was. I like you, I really like you, so... We should just date."
There were no fancy roses or chocolates, just an awkward confession of his way and the childish desire to always be there for each other.
"Dating? Like what adults do?"
"Yeah, like cuddles and stuff..." He looked away embarrassed as he spoke. It was rare to see Sae blush and the sight brought you more joy than you could explain.
"But we're not adults! And we already hug all the time..."
"Whatever, just accept it."
Sae's hands weren't much bigger against yours, but at that moment he felt as if he could hold the world in them.
After that, even though things had changed a bit, it felt natural, a good change. He had treated you well all along, but now he had turned into a complete gentleman. He would insist that you go to all his games to be his "lucky charm" even though he had always said that he didn't need anything but himself to win. "If I see you cheering for me, I'll definitely score another goal."
He would wait for you after school to go for ice cream together, walking hand in hand.
Once you insisted that you play ball together. Despite knowing nothing about the sport, you still wanted to share and support Sae's passion for it, but you just shamefully tripped over the ball and fell flat on your face in front of him, instead of laughing or mocking you, he knelt down beside you so worried that you were surprised. "Are you alright?? Does it hurt?! Do you want me to carry you??"
"I'm fine..."
"Good, don't scare me like that." He had given your knee a little kiss to "heal" and helped you up.
You wish you could cherish moments like that forever and everything was like a beautiful fairytale until Sae was offered professional training in Spain.
He had always loved soccer and that was no secret to anyone, so when the news arrived everyone hugged him and congratulated him. You couldn't have been happier for him and jumping for joy alongside him, despite his usual stoic façade, you knew that he too could barely contain his excitement.
There was just one small problem that you didn't have the courage to point out and apparently, Sae too.
When the day of his departure arrived, your heart was heavy with mixed feelings that you desperately tried not to let show. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Sae, and despite feeling so, so happy for him, when his flight was announced, the curtain of tears in your eyes finally came down.
You expected to meet his angry gaze, for being so selfish and crying at such an important moment for him, but instead you saw kind eyes and a sad smile.
"Don't cry, you look ugly like that."
The tears just fell harder. The hand that had been patting your head moved to your shoulder and pulled you against him.
The sight of you crying for him - because of him - brought an uncomfortable feeling to the pit of his stomach that he couldn't describe, but knew he didn't like. He had no experience in comforting anyone other than Rin, and you weren't Rin, but for your sake he was willing to learn anything.
"You won't forget me, will you?" Your hands grabbed at any piece of him they could reach.
You knew that Sae's family was probably watching the whole interaction, yet at that moment it felt like there were only the two of you in the world.
Sae seemed even sadder. "I should be the one asking this, you know. Don't think you'll be able to get rid of me that easily, I'll still call you every day. There are the holidays too, I'm going to visit at Christmas. Nothing between us is going to change."
You desperately wished it were true, but it never was. Sae didn't come back for Christmas.
The daily calls he'd promised became weekly, stopping only once in a while until you were the only one calling and being answered by the operator's monotone, robotic voice - this number is unavailable. Try again later.
You were worried, then angry with him and then at yourself. You didn't know what had caused the sudden change, so you blamed yourself. No matter how much you wanted to, you had to come to terms with the fact that you'd probably never know if things really could have been different.
Like putting a bandaid on a deep wound, that scar would always be open in you. Sometimes the slightest gust of wind was enough to make it bleed, like passing the ice cream parlor on the corner where you made so many fond memories with him, or Mrs. Sae who still greeted you on the street.
The truth was that the more you tried to forget the boy you handed your heart to on a platter, the more attached you felt to him.
That's why when you saw him standing in front of your door after four long years, you almost thought you were crazy.
With your emotions betraying your reason, you found yourself in front of the ocean waves with Sae again. Your mind has imagined this situation many times and each time you would shout at him, beat your fists against his chest, answer him with the same coldness that he dismissed you from his life, but a simple "Can we talk?" was enough for your determination crumble.
With your arms over your chest – your only armor against the memories that came at you like an avalanche – the dichotomy between the boy with the gentle hands and soft eyes you knew and the man in front of you is so much that it seems to destabilize you.
With his hands in his pockets, Sae almost looks a bit embarrassed. The deja vu of the situation doesn't go unnoticed and you decide to be a little petty and remain silent.
"... Coach said recently that there was still something holding me back in Japan."
He scratches the back of his neck slightly. "You probably hate me, right? I don't blame you for that... But in the last almost five years there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you."
Hate him? You don't think you've ever hated Sae. Sure, there have been times when you've been angry with him, but hating him... You don't think you're capable of it and the thought haunts you. You'd like to hate him.
He sighs as if he's tired. "This is where it all started, remember?"
"...Just what am I to you, Sae?" You thought your voice would come out as loud as a scream, but only it shakes with anger. "You... You make me think that you're the only one for me and then you leave just like that! Now you come back out of nowhere, what do you think I'm going to do? Crawl at your feet and say I missed you?! Just what I am to you?"
He doesn't seem surprised and this increases your anger even more. There's just one second where only the waves of the sea can be heard.
"There was this one time in elementary school when the teacher asked us what we wanted for the future. You said you didn't know, but as long as you could see me play you'd be satisfied... That's when I realized I was madly in love with you."
His answer catches you off guard, this happened right at the beginning of his and Sae's friendship.
"I'd never had those kinds of thoughts before. Futebol is an individual sport for me, so I thought my life would be like that too. I'd never imagined someone always by my side before, but then you'd give me that stupid smile with that cute little window of yours and suddenly all I cared about was having you with me."
"When I got the offer to train abroad, I wanted to take you with me, but I couldn't... Some things happened there, and I was no longer the same boy you last saw. I didn't want to disappoint you and I didn't have the courage to look at you again, so... I thought it would be better if you just hated me. I was a coward."
He interlaces your fingers against his.
"Despite everything, all this time that has passed and trying to convince myself that things would be better this way... I can't imagine going back to a life without you."
Sobs clog up the words in your throat and even when you try to reply, all that comes out are cries. with your face stained with tears, you're sure that if it weren't for Sae's arms holding you, your knees would have lost their strength a long time ago.
"Sae, Y-You idiot,” you whisper against his chest, voice heavy with the pain of finally knowing the truth. “Coward.."
He hugs you and caresses your head, his touch has never felt so right on your skin - like the missing piece of a puzzle finally falling into place. So many years ago you were the same size as him, but now his shape completely engulfs yours.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Then stay." He opens his mouth but you stop him, you already know what he's going to say. "It doesn't have to be in Japan... Just with me, just be here, with me."
He rests his forehead against yours and hugs you harder. With a kiss salty with tears, he doesn't need words to seal this promise against your lips. Sae doesn't intend to make the same mistake twice.
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midnight-talescape · 8 months
𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓉𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 (𝐵𝑜𝒹𝓎𝑔𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 12: Somnophilia
I don't believe in bottom Miguel but I'm ready to pay money to hear the man whimper. I want him to beg
Warning: somnophillia, noncon? age gap, reader is at least 18 tho, it's just Miguel is old, a little gaslighting etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 2609
It was his mission to protect you.
To get close to you and your family, so he can gather evidence and take them down.
He shouldn't be attached to you, you were just a target after all.
You were only supposed to be a target.
But he couldn't stop himself from being attracted to you.
You were just so…beautiful
When he took the mission he fully expected you to be a brat, and don't get him wrong, you are.
You refuse to wake up in the morning, is a lazy fuck who refuses to do anything unless he forces you, you don't eat unless he cooks, and you practically refuse to walk unless you need to.
Sometimes Miguel wonders if he came to be your bodyguard or your maid.
But you also go out of your way to make sure he takes care of himself, dragging him along on all your dumb little adventures.
He tried to push down his feelings for you.
He really did.
He reminded himself that you were the child of his enemy, the sole heir of the largest mafia in the city. That you guys can never be together and after his mission is over you will despise him.
Even if you weren’t his target and he was a regular bodyguard, he was still too old for you. Why will someone like you like a guy who’s so much older than you? Cough dilf cough
But he couldn't.
Not when you trust him so full-heartedly and look up at him with your beautiful eyes.
Not when you ask him to dance at the party, and when you guys kiss each other for a dare.
You were his secret desire, something he couldn't have.
But god help him, if he sees anyone near you, if he can't have you, no one else should either.
Which is why you're currently holding onto his arm, trying to stop him from beating the living shit out of the guy who dares get touchy with you.
“Miguel! Stop it!” you yell as you hold onto his arm trying to pull him back,
Miguel looks back at you snarling, his eyes maniacal and filled with rage,
“No! He insulted you! I'm not stopping until he regrets it!”
“I’m sure he’s regretting it right now, please stop you’re scaring me, Miguel!”
Hearing your words Miguel turned towards you, before leaning down and breathing heavily,
“I-im sorry, I lost control there. Are you okay, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, I'm okay! Are you alright?” You ask as you wipe away some of the blood on his face,
Miguel chuckled as you said that. You completely ignored the fact that he was the one who was beating up the other guy, solely focused on his safety.
He shouldn't feel delighted to see your cruelty showing, but as the target of your worries and affection, he couldn't help but feel satisfied.
“Me? Of course, I'm alright, princesa.”
“Are you sure?” you ask worriedly while circling him trying to make sure there’s no injury on him,
Miguel wrapped his arm around your waist tightly and buried his face in the crook of your neck,
“Yes, there's no need to worry about me…” Miguel holds back the desire to moan into your neck as he breathes in your scent,
I'm a bastard, I'm a sick fucking bastard…
You leaned into his arm and closed your eyes in content, you do enjoy hugs despite not giving them out often.
His arm was large and firm, kinda like a warm pillow. It makes you feel safe like he can protect you from anything in the world. As you wrapped your arm around his waist, you thought,
I swear this is the only reason I ask Father for him to be my bodyguard.
Miguel lifted you into his arm, carrying you bridal style, as though you were his entire world.
And in a way… you are.
As you wrapped your arm around his neck, sighing in contentment, Miguel looked down at you with a warm smile.
“You look cute when you’re leaning into my arm, Cariño. I should do this more often…” Miguel said jokingly but his eyes were deadly serious, he wish he could cuddle you more often,
You yawned as you made an order on your phone to take care of the man in the alley as Miguel began to take you back home,
“We should, you are very comfortable, Miguel,”
Miguel blushed at your statement, he didn't expect you to agree with him, feeling a little bolder he said,
“I'm glad you think so, maybe next time I can be your mattress?”
What am I doing?! She will hate me!!! What kind of creep says that?! What the fuck is wrong with me?!
“Can you do that? Is that a part of your job description?”
He nearly choked when you said that. He didn't expect you to be so down with this, and so excited
“Of course, anything to make you happy, proncesa,” he said as he placed a kiss on your forehead, his voice having an undertone of excitement,
You snuggled deeper into his chest, allowing your face to rest on the soft muscle,
“I'm so glad I picked you to be my bodyguard, Miguel. I knew picking people based on how pretty I find them was a good baseline!”
A faint blush appeared on Miguel's face as he held you tighter to him,
“I'm glad you find me pretty enough to be your bodyguard…”
He might have said something else and you might have answered back, but he was too distracted by what you said, while you were too distracted by his pecs.
When you guys finally reached your mansion he finally calmed down a little and began placing you on your bed.
Just as he was about to leave you stopped him,
“I thought you promised to be my mattress, Miguel? Come sleep with meeeeeee, you look warm and comfortable, please.” You said making grabby hands toward him,
Miguel sighed as he looked at you, trying his best to hide how flustered he is
“You’re a brat sometime you know?”
“Pleeeeeease, Miguel?” You ask again doing your best puppy eyes,
“Fine, I will go change first,” Miguel said, not being able to say no to your puppy eyes,
A part of him wants to sleep next to you, to hold your body in his arms, even if it’s just for a single night.
By the time he came back you were already changed and waiting for him. As soon as he got on your bed, you almost immediately snuggled onto him.
“Good night, Miguel” you mumbled as you closed your eyes sleepily,
Miguel lowered his eyes and placed a kiss on your cheek before whispering hoarsely,
“Sleep tight, princesa…”
As your breathing slowed and you fell into a deep sleep, Miguel closed his eyes as well, desperately trying to sleep and ignoring your warm body so close to his.
Your body felt so tiny in his arms.
Miguel thought about all the things he wanted to do to you. Things that no bodyguard should ever think of doing to their client.
Miguel's eyes stayed shut as he tried to sleep, but his imagination filled with possibilities of what he could do to you.
He was pretty successful until he felt your mouth on his chest, nibbling it softly in your sleep.
What are you dreaming of? You breastfeeding me, I mean what?
Miguel let out a soft moan as he felt you bite down on his pecs, shuddering as he clenched his hand into a fist.
His brain is filled with vulgar thoughts of what he wants to do to you.
I-i should leave, go do some exercise, and blow off some steam. This isn't right, she's a target, I shouldn't feel this way.
Just as he was about to leave, you tighten your arm around his waist whining,
“D-dont leave…”
Well fuck
Miguel was frozen in place, he wanted to leave but he couldn't move an inch because of you.
"Okay, Okay, Fine I won't leave,”
He whispered as he tried to ignore the way you were clinging onto him, the way his body reacted to you and the way his mind was going feral with lust.
As you buried your face in his chest again, leaving behind little bite marks in your dream, Miguel couldn't take it anymore.
In a moment of weakness, he tilted your face up toward him and pressed his lip against yours.
You moaned softly in your sleep, the taste of your mouth on his caused Miguel to freeze as he felt his cock harden.
This is wrong, this is so wrong, you were asleep for fuck sake
But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself from wanting you.
Even as an undercover cop that's meant to take down your family, somehow being your bodyguard and keeping you with him is more important to him now.
He pressed a soft kiss against your neck, his tongue slowly tracing the curves there as his cock throbbed painfully in his pants.
Miguel knew this was wrong, and yet he couldn't stop himself.
You writhed in your sleep, a soft whimper escaping your lips as Miguel's hand traced the curves of your back and slid down to your ass.
The thoughts running through his mind were disturbing, considering his profession as your bodyguard and yet the desire seemed to consume him.
His fingers traced over the small bruises and cuts on your body, he saw proof of how dangerous your life was. He should focus on how to protect you, to keep you safe, or at the very least gather more evidence against your family, and yet, all he could think about was how to claim you as his.
Miguel's hand slipped under your shirt and lifted it up, revealing your breast. He took a hardened nipple into his mouth, biting it gently as his other hand slipped between your legs.
You let out a moan in your sleep as you tried to close your leg, catching Miguel’s hand between your soft thigh.
As he watched your body twist and writhe under him, he realized he didn't care about the fact that you were his target and he was your bodyguard.
He held his hand near your panties and he could feel the wetness that was seeping through. He was getting you aroused in your sleep.
Miguel couldn't help but feel the thrill and wrongness of it all mixing together in his mind.
His mouth continues to lick and bite your breast, gently holding your nipple between his teeth and grinding it slowly like he was savoring it.
You whimpered in your sleep, weakly trying to push away the intruder that was causing you discomfort in your sleep.
He moved your panties to the side, exposing your wet cunt. His finger gently circled your clit before he slipped a finger inside you, your body trembled in your sleep as you let out a small gasp. Your eyes begin to flutter as you feel the discomfort in your body.
Noticing this Miguel stopped fingering you momentarily to place a kiss on your forehead, using his free to stroke your back gently as he whispered,
“It's okay, princesa. Go back to sleep, I will take care of you…”
Hearing his words you slowly fell back into a deeper sleep, before letting out a louder moan as Miguel started thrusting his finger into you faster.
As his fingers moved inside you, he felt your walls contracting and clenching around his finger. He could hear your soft groan as he hit your sensitive spot and the tear that threatened to fall from under your closed eyelids.
A few minutes later with a shuddering cry, you orgasm onto his finger, drenching the sheet under you and his hand wet.
Miguel grinned as he felt the warm fluid on his fingers, without hesitation he slipped another finger inside you, holding your body tightly as your back arched.
You let out a sob as you felt your body being stretched open in your sleep, a soft whimper escaping your lips as Miguel's warm hands moved across your bare body.
Miguel couldn't stop himself, he wanted you too much. To hold you and fuck you senseless, making you cry out his name as you beg for him to stop.
Letting go of your breast he slowly kissed his way up your neck again. As he groaned into your neck, one by one he slipped his fingers inside you, forcing your body to stay still as he stretched you open.
Taking in a sick satisfaction as he forced you to come on his hand over and over again. Your cry and whimper getting more and more desperate as your was overstimulated.
Finally pulling his finger out, he licked the juice off his finger before lowering his head to your thigh.
As you let out a mewl in your sleep, Miguel couldn't resist taking your clit into his mouth, hungrily sucking on it like his life depends on it.
"You taste so sweet, princesa," Miguel mumbled into your cunt, his nose buried deep inside you, smelling your tantalizing scent as he thrust his tongue inside you,
Every moment, he felt guilt clawing at his conscience, reminding him of his duties as your undercover bodyguard. He wasn't supposed to want you, let alone touch you.
As his tongue danced around your clit, Miguel couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. It was wrong to want you. As his consciousness yelled at him to stop, he slid a finger back inside you, finding your g-spot before thrusting into you with his tongue.
You cried out in your sleep, the sound getting louder and louder as Miguel continued to thrust into you. Your body clamped down on his fingers, as your body began to shake violently. Your eyes fluttering rapidly seemingly ready to wake up at any moment.
With a final suck, you squirted onto Miguel's face, as your eyes flew open your breathing heavy as you woke up confused and your face covered in tears.
“W-what is happening?” You ask dazed and very confused,
Miguel wiped off his face before holding your face in his hand and whispered,
“You’re dreaming, princesa… go back to sleep…”
“A-am i? You ask sleepily, your body feels sore and sticky,
“Of course, Princesa… your dreams are always weird when you’re tired. Just close your eyes, carino… I will take care of you…”
You tried to question what was happening more, but you were so tired.
As you fell asleep again, Miguel knew he was off the hook. You never remember anything that happened when you're half asleep.
But he needs to stop, he can only gaslight you so many times. You’re dense, not stupid.
With a groan, he pulled out his thick erection that had been painfully hard in the last few hours.
With a few quick strokes, he placed his cock between your thigh, smearing his precum onto your thigh.
With a few grunts, he begins thrusting his cock between your thigh, ignoring your sleepy cry and whining.
Eventually, he climaxed onto you, spilling white cum across your chest and legs. Miguel panted as he watched your body tainted by his seed he finally regained his clarity.
He should feel sick for what he did to you in your sleep, but he doesn't.
Only a sick sense of satisfaction.
Getting up, he went to get a towel to clean you up.
He will never let you know what he did to you…
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l0ves1ckf0ol · 2 years
hear me out! nevermore has a musical they produce for the spring. they they so happen to do Chicago, the reader is velma kelly and xavier falls in love with the reader while he is helping with set for the show.
CAUGHT IN THE ACT | xavier thorpe
"you're breaking character, xavier. "
also a bit of a disclaimer i only heard abt the summary and i have no time to watch the whole musical but imma just go with my common knowledge i have for this. SO MOSTLY ITSBJUST THEM AND LESS CHICAGO IM SORRY SHSGS
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"damn! only got ensemble, what about you y/n?" enid groans, you smirk at her "i got velma kelly." you say a toothy grin growin on your face. wednesday frowned at the conversation, "remind me again, why are you doing this?" she sighs out to you, almost looking disappointed. "i may be the child of the poltergeist and yes i love to hide but y'know i have to try out stuff once in a while." you reply to her, "also it's because of principal weems. she said that i had to do this or else i won't be sleeping in my own dorm, i set one on fire by accident." you add as enid laughed, "you never try out these things, y/n. why the change of heart? also you could've spent beekeeping with me and ottinger rather than be in that horrific display of singing." wednesday wonders curiously, did she see right through you? "just trying things out, wednesday." you breathed out to her, trying to play it cool looking ahead of her to a specific long haired boy who was busy on his sketchbook.
you've never heard of a theatre within the school, but it certainly exists. it's just that it needs cleaning up. you were there for rehearsals, since it was a saturday morning everyone was either in jericho or lazing away in their dorms. principal weems was unsure if you were going to stay put in the school grounds but you stayed behind, truthfully. you suddenly begin to despise being the lead for this musical, the pressure was getting to you and you start to worry if you're going to screw up.
"okay, let's go again, lights-" you announce as you start pacing the stage, "camera- paint?" you notice xavier coming up to the stage with a small bucket of what looked like maroon paint. "sorry for interrupting, please continue." he says politely, walking over to the lousy background of the stage, it had a sickening yellow color to it with loads of crusty paint slipping off the cement. "wouldn't you be at jericho by now?" you ask him as he dipped his wide brush in the paint and started painting from below to above.
"nope, weems asked me this morning to make a good background for the musical, it needs to be barely noticeable because they're using cardboard cutouts as scenes. she said black but for interrupting my coffee hours, i'll go with maroon instead." xavier answered, "could've gone with neon instead to infuriate her more, no?" you offer, wiggling your eyebrows. xavier laughed, "then i'll feel bad." he replies. "you have a soft heart for someone who looks like they ate a piece of lemon." you mentioned to him, he looks at you for the first time he walks in the room with a downturned smile, if that made sense.
"well- don't tell anyone about that. that right there is my biggest secret." he jokes, shaking his head left to right with a scoff. "alright, it'll be our official secret."
- xavier's pov (?) -
xavier never thought of you, or even acknowledged you that much but for some reason, after that conversation at the theatre you were basically unforgettable. he said hi to you in the hallways, everything seemed so monochrome but when you walked in the same room as him? instant color. so whenever he was free, he would do at least something to see you. this had been going on for a good 2 weeks
a week before the final rehearsal, he brought wax because weems tasked him to wax the stage. as he was nearing the door your voice rang clearer and clearer. your beautiful voice. xavier sighs to himself, he was at a loss by now, he tried his best to sneak inside unnoticed but the poltergeist could spot a shadow moving a mile away. so you instantly stopped.
"oh hey sorry, i came in here to uh... wax the stage." xavier mumbled timidly, finally getting up to his normal height. you frowned, "thought this school was rich enough for maintenance people." you told him, he was trying to find the answers, for a moment he thought you were about to catch him in the act. "or was this only an act of service to suck up to the principal?" he could almost sigh from relief, "um yeah, been failing ms. thornhill's class lately so." xavier lied, he was doing excellently in that subject. a firm "hm." said it all, you probably knew, you just didn't want to spoil the fun. while y/n was singing her lungs off, xavier was sure it had something to do with jazz, he wasn't familiar with the musical. he was pre occupied scrubbing the floors with wax, luckily he wasn't wearing his school uniform since it was after class hours, otherwise those sweet blue slacks were toast. you didn't leave until he finished, you had other plans, xavier was onto you. if you figured him out, xavier was dead to himself and his dignity, i mean he wasn't ashamed with liking you. you were amazing, he just wanted to be sure that he liked you. lies.
"you finished. now, walk me to my dorm will you?" you ask him as you picked up your things from one of the leather seats and went outside as he followed. xavier left the wax at the stage, he remembered to return it tomorrow. as you walked the only sounds both of you could hear were your steps against the cobblestone floor, this only happend for 3 minutes. "so uh-"
"do you like me, xavier?" xavier wanted the ground to swallow him up right now. he stops in his footsteps and you turned from your heel, with a raised eyebrow. testing him. for a moment xavier almost breaks but he endured "do i like you is the question, what do you think?" he said, now you were testing each other. "i think you have had a little crush on me, ever since you painted the maroon background at the theatre. i know the maintenance people here, and i know that weems would never leave out an assignment for them, especially since it's this heck of a theatre that has not been used for a decade." you point out to him, with a devious smirk on your face.
xavier tugged at his jacket and approached one step forward toward you, "we both know you're a lazy poltergeist, l/n. why do you have extra rehearsals every after rehearsal- alone in the theatre?" you scoffed at his accusation, placing a hand on his chest, leaning in slightly, this made xavier's stomach do a flip and made his knees weak. "since we both are onto each other, you and i know the answer." you whispered as you lean back with a teasing side smile, xavier sighs out through his nose, his cheeks could match the theatre background, a sign that he gave up. his slim hands went up to your cheeks, his thumb caressing it. his lips were practically brushing against yours now,
"may i kiss you?"
"you're breaking character, xavier." you smiled, pressing your lips on to his, giving him an answer.
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Call him up. He comes to my bedroom. Ended up we'd fuck on the hotel floor.
Summary: you, Jay, fucking after an award show
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, MINORS DNI, Oral (recieving), some comfort from husband material Jay
A/N: ALRIGHT! First smut work! I definitely need to improve a lot but here you go my babygirls. Also first Jay drabble! YAY! im taking a break from my work and writing whenever I'm at work and just staring at fishies.
Song rec: A&W by Lana del Rey. Yes the title is a lyric from that song. My favourite lyric!
"You wanted to see me baby?" Jay Park. Can anyone in this world get more luckier that you to get Jay fucking Park.
Award shows were boring, but when you had Jay beside you, it made it worth it, for you to stare at that slightly open white shirt with that watch that you gifted him, wrapped around his pretty little wrist. Yet again, L/N Y/N had won another award for best producer of the year. Some more of these and your house will end up becoming a store for selling 'Best producer' awards. Jay's group Enhypen had won 'Best boy band of the year' award this time and you were so proud of him. If not for the slight hiccup.
Being a producer, your ears were probably the most sensitive shit on earth, which enabled you to hear far more further than most people can (I actually have this ability and it's really cool!). Which in turn allows you to eavesdrop easily. But sometimes the eavesdropping isn't always the most comforting thing on this world, and as you heard your fellow producers smoke in the bathroom stalls and say 'She just got that award because she's Jay's girlfriend.' and 'He's so delicious though. Why did he pick that ugly bitch of a whore?'. You weren't really the type of person to cry or feel insecure, I mean after all you were in the kpop industry. Someone was always prettier or more talented than you. But hey, you were raised by some pretty good people, who taught you not to let jealousy take over you. But sometimes even saints abandon their principles in time of desperation. And for you? Your co workers shit talking about you was the time of desperation. You knew being in a relationship in this industry and letting it be public was a risk. But for Jay? Oh honey you'd risk the entire universe to be with him.
"Honey what's wrong? Hey are you crying?" Jay had walked into your hotel room, after you sent a staff member to get him. The afterparty was in the same hotel and you knew Jay would be with the rest of the boys, enjoying, drinking and critiquing every person's outfit. But you just couldn't go and stand there and give fake smiles to your coworkers, and pretend that everything was okay. You needed your boyfriend right now. And Jay would do anything for you, even abandon a party to come up to your magnificent suite. "Baby what's wrong?" Jay sat down on the bed next to you and cupped your cheeks. "You weren't at the party. I brought some food for you." Hearing that only made you sob harder onto your custom made red Prada dress, a gift from the worried man sitting in front of you, wondering silently what he could do to make you feel better as he stroked your hair and put your head against his chest.
"Shh baby shh. What happened?" "I- I heard them s-saying- Jay they think I- don't have- Jay." You sniffled in Jay's chest as he quickly understood what had happened. He had seen your coworkers giggling and approaching him again and again at the party and connecting the dots, it made perfect sense. Tracing the jewels on your dress with one hand and slightly taking off his tie with his other, Jay moved you to the pillow slowly, whilst admiring your figure in that dress. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to you or see you up close since both of you were seated at different places, far from each other, neither did he have the chance to see you before the show, so when his eyes fell upon the tightly fit fabric on your hips, oh god his entire world came crashing down.
"Jay wha- what are you doi-" "Baby where do you keep the condoms?" You shuddered back as Jay slowly cane above you. "I- I'm on the pill." Jay slowly unzipped your dress, sneaking his hand behind you as you moved your hand to his collar. "Good" he growled against your ear. "You'll see what you're capable of tonight."
"Jay~" you whine as he grinds against your figure, the fabric of your dress slowly getting destroyed and ripped off of your body. You were quick to unbutton his white silk shirt, your gift, and unbutton his pants, throwing away the belt onto the bedside table. Jay moaned lowly as he inhaled the scent of your jasmine perfume, his favourite one. "Shit baby were you always this wet for him?" He teased you as you could do nothing but only whine in response. "Jay ah fuck!" He had slipped his fingers into your cunt, rings still on. The metal of the rings rubbed your pussy so hard, pleasure seeping in and out of you. "Is this ok baby? Or does my love need my cock inside?" "Jay ngh ahh fuck!" He slips himself in at an absolutely brutal pace, that your brain goes dumb and your pussy goes wild. This was heaven like you've never seen it. Jay was angry, so angry, and as his hands felt all of your naked skin, and all of your sadness turning into pure pleasure, satisfaction filled him to the brim. "No Jay don't pull out please." You whine to Jay as he slowly goes back. "Patience baby. Patience. I'll make you feel even better yeah? Give me my belt would you?" You were quick to reach out to the bedside table, where the brown leather belt lay, waiting for its turn. Jay slowly got your hands up and tied them to the bedframe with the belt tightly, as all you were capable of doing was whine and moan for him. "Jay please" He chuckled slowly at your desperate words and made his way down to your ripped pink panties. Pressing light kisses to your pussy, Jay took in your ever sweet whimpers and as his tongue darted out ever so often to flick you cute little clit, it drove you crazy, as you begged and begged for his cock again and again. "Aww does my Y/N want her daddy's dick inside of her now?" You whimpered again as he came up to you, face right above yours, hot breath, tinted with the smell of alcohol hitting your face. "Yes d-daddy please I need it please." You whispered to him. "Anything for my princess." He kissed you with his tongue moving around in your mouth, hands touching your clit, making you moan out his name, in the dirtiest way possible.
"Ah deeper Jay go deeper please." "You like that baby? Want me to cum inside of you hm?" The belt tied around your hands was untied now, as you moved your hands to Jay's pretty neck and thrust him into you. Jay sucked on your nipple softly, love and roses filling the huge room. The bed was definitely strong, because at the rate both of you were thrusting into each other, it should have broke. But then again, the hotel you were in wasn't called the best in the country for no reason.
"Wanna get in the shower baby?" Jay finally pulled out and flopped next to you on the bed, both of your hair and makeup, a mess. "Sure baby. Round two there?" You asked him, massaging your legs. Jay, to your dissatisfaction, shook his head. "No baby. Lets get washed up. We got an event tomorrow don't we? Don't want you limping at the event do we?" You pouted slightly as you remembered the Prada event you had tomorrow and as an ambassador, you had to deliver a speech. Yep another round of sex with Jay right now and tomorrow, nothing would be on your brain other than getting your pussy filled with his cum again. "Alright oh great Park Joengsoeng. I got your lavender shampoo. Wanna use that?" You said while getting up from the bed, completely naked. "Of course baby." Jay replied.
Winning an award tonight was good but getting your actual award with Jay was even better, you thought, as you entered the hot shower, Jay caressing your hips and kissing your neck. Yep you can't wait to get married to this man.
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Oh shit!
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alright so i have a read on this scene from e5 that i don't think i've seen anyone else make a post about, but it feels like the most straightforward reason for why fang was worried about blackbeard getting back early?? but since im seeing some "ed is usually very strict and cruel as a captain" takes (which i get why people might think that, but imo it doesn't feel like that's really supported by canon) i figured i'd make a post about it!
my interpretation builds off of two things:
based on what little we see of ed on his ship in e2 and e3, and based on ivan's "this is the most open and available i've ever seen him" in e6, it's pretty logical to assume that ed wasn't interacting with his crew all that much pre-canon. he probably had izzy deliver his orders, let his reputation keep everyone in line, and just hung out in his cabin by himself smoking opium wrong
i have said it before and i will say it again: ed is Pirate Beyoncé
so like, if you're a backup dancer for beyoncé, you're probably not actually interacting with her that much. you're probably getting all your instructions passed down from assistants or choreographers or directors or whoever.
but if and when you DO interact with beyoncé, you're gonna straighten up and pay attention and be on your best behavior because holy shit, it's beyoncé. if you're on a lunch break and someone walks into the room and is like "hey, beyoncé is looking for you," you're gonna say "oh shit!" and drop everything to go see what she wants.
that's what i think is happening in this scene!
back on ed's ship, actually being directly addressed by their captain is probably a rare occasion for blackbeard's crew. it's almost certainly a Big Deal, they probably see it as a chance to impress Thee Pirate Blackbeard. if blackbeard is looking for you specifically, you're gonna go report to him ASAP
and remember, this episode starts with stede saying it's only been a few days since the lighthouse fuckery. we haven't gotten to ivan saying "this is the most open and available i've ever seen him." so far, all they've done is run a few demo raids for stede's crew, and fang sat in for stede's dining lesson and carried out ed's order to skin the french captain. and this is before "you wear fine things well," so probably before ed started really letting himself enjoy himself on stede's ship.
so from fang's perspective, blackbeard aka Pirate Beyoncé went to a party and wasn't supposed to be back until nighttime. and this cute guy was flirting with him, and fang had some down time, so he stripped naked and had himself a fun little "draw me like one of your french girls" moment.
and for a second, when wee john walked in and said "the boss is lookin' for you," fang thought that Pirate Beyoncé was back early and was looking for him right now, and he was fully and completely nude.
idk about you guys, but i would also panic and go "oh shit!"
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
I’ll Always Find You
Pairings: Shuri Udaku x fem!reader
Summary: When your girlfriend is sent on a mission that turns out to be a set up, her enemies take the opportunity to abduct you for your talents.
Word Count: 4,131
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Your POV:
"Do you have everything you need?" I asked.
"Uh I think so."  Shuri replied a little uncertain as she finished getting ready.
The Dora Milaje had just given Shuri notice of a new threat on the outskirts of Wakanda, and now she was suiting up to go take care of it. The Jabari Tribe was currently at war with other tribes, and Nakia was going with Shuri, so I was going to be alone in the palace.
Shuri was hesitant on leaving me by myself, but I insisted she went. She also didn't really have a choice, as it was her duty. But, I didn't mind being alone because it gave me some time to work on the new suits I was making for the Dora Milaje.
I handed the almost forgotten kimoyo beads to her, "And this is why you have me." I teased.
"Ah thank you, baby." she said, putting the kimoyo beads on her wrist as I hummed. She put one hand on the back of my neck, and the other on my waist, pulling me closer to her body so she could lean down to gently kiss me.
I held onto both of her arms as we got lost in each other, completely forgetting about the mission that needed to be taken care of. That was until someone entered the lab.
"Alright you two, calm yourselves. Shuri, we've got places to be. You'll see your baby later." Okoye joked, making her way into the room.
We pulled away and turned our heads. "Must you alway do this." Shuri sighed, playfully annoyed.
"Hey, I was just coming to let you know that the Talon Fighter was ready whenever you are." she put her hands up, defending herself.
"Okay, okay thank you. I'll be right there just go away." she said trying to hide a smile, but failing miserably.
Okoye raised her eyebrow while walking away with a smirk on her face. Shuri sighed and looked back down at me.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself for a few hours?" she asked softly.
"Yeah I'll be fine don't worry. Those suits are probably gonna keep my occupied most of the time anyways." I smiled up at her.
"Alright, well you have your kimoyo beads right? If you need anything you can always tell me or even get Griot to contact me." her protective nature over me was making itself known.
"Yes Shuri, I have them. Now get going everyone's probably waiting on you." I urged her.
"I'm going, Im going- wait one more kiss." she pleaded and I playfully rolled my eyes as she gave me a deep, passionate kiss.
"I love you." she whispered when we pulled away.
"I love you too. Promise me you'll come back to me in one piece." I made her give me her word.
"I Promise. I always do, my love." she smiled and gave me one last peck before turning and walking out of the room.
I sighed and made my way over to the table I was originally working at before Shuri came to inform me of the situation. I sat down in the chair and picked up my pencil, beginning to sketch out my next step.
The sun was now almost completely set as I finished my drawing. Admiring my work, I wanted to make a few changes to some parts of it, but I decided to get a snack before I start that because it must've been a while since I last ate considering my growling stomach.
"Hey Griot, what time is it?" I asked the AI.
"It is currently 6:26 Miss Y/L/N."
"I'll take a quick break and then get back to work." I thought to myself.
I exited the lab and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips and water. I sat down to eat and scroll through my phone. I got bored about 15 minutes later, but when an idea for the suits popped into my head, I cleaned up my mess and made my way back into the lab.
I sat back down and began erasing and redrawing the parts I had wanted to change. I was deep in thought until I heard a loud thud. Confused, I looked up and my eyes scanned around the room. No one should be in here since everyone was out.
When I didn't see anyone in the room, I pushed my chair back and stood up, slowly walking towards the lab exit. Peeking my head out, I looked to my left and then the right, but saw no one. I fully exited the lab and started walking down one of the hallways.
As I went to turn a corner, I felt someone grab me from behind. I didn't get a chance to scream because they quickly held a cloth over my mouth and nose. I struggled to get out of their grip until I felt myself getting weaker, eventually passing out.
Shuri's POV:
We were currently in a fight with the trespassers. They weren't that skilled in battle, there was just a lot of them. I came face to face with the leader of them when they began to speak.
"How's that girl of yours doing, hm?" they suddenly asked.
"That girl- Y/N?" I was confused as to how they knew about her and why they brought her up.
"Is that her name? That information was never really at the top of my priority list while trying to locate her." they said.
"Locate her? What are you talking about? Why are you looking for Y/N?" I questioned angrily. I was getting impatient and concerned about my girl.
"That you don't need to worry about. I would worry about the fact that we're no longer looking for her because we've already got her. Please know that this little fight was never a personal thing, we just needed you out of the way." they smirked before retreating along with the rest of their group, leaving me stunned and speechless.
All of the information that was just given to me was now processing. They needed me out of the way so they could get to Y/N? This was all a set up? It was all clicking.
"Okoye, Nakia, Aneka, I need you to get back to the aircraft right now." I spoke to them using my kimoyo beads.
Quickly making my way back to the aircraft, I ran inside and they were already there waiting for me.
"What happened? Why did they all just flee like that?" Okoye questioned.
I set the Fighter in autopilot to take us home while I explained everything to them.
"I-it was a trap. A set up. We need to get back to Y/N because the leader of that group said s-something about how they just needed us out of the way so they could get to Y/N." I quickly explained and stuttered along the way because I was getting really anxious.
"Wait so they have Y/N?" Nakia spoke up.
"I think so and we don't even know anything about these people or how they managed to get into the palace undetected." I said.
"Okay let's think about this for a minute. Shouldn't you be able to track her kimoyo beads?" Okoye suggested.
"I was already working on doing that, but it's saying that they're still at the palace, and I have no way to tell if she really is there because the security cameras were deactivated." I sighed, feeling defeated
"Okay then when we get back we'll be able to take a closer look. See if there's anything to help us. And there is a possibility that she's still there and this was all just some sick attempt at scaring us, right?" Aneka added.
"Yeah it'll be alright." Okoye reassured, putting a hand on my shoulder.
When we arrived home, I barely gave the doors time to open before I darted out of aircraft, and inside the palace.
"Y/N?! Y/N are you here?!" I was running down all of the hallways trying to find anything. I paused when I saw something lying on the floor. I walked closer to the object to get a better look and picked it up. Her kimoyo beads.
"She's not here. We checked the other side of the palace." Okoye said as we all ended up in the same hallway.
I sighed and turned around, pacing, trying to figure out what to do next.
"I'll try to get the Griot up and running again to see if he has any information. Can you just check outside to see if there's anything?" I pleaded to them.
"Aneka and I will. Okoye, you stay with Shuri and keep her company." Nakia asked and Okoye nodded before they left to go look outside.
I made my way back into the lab and started working.
"I can't believe the last time I saw her was just a few hours ago." I said quietly and Okoye just let me talk.
"I promised her I'd come back to her, but I was too late. I should've known." I shook my head.
"Shuri, you couldn't have predicted that. I mean they tricked all of us, it wasn't just you. You can't blame yourself, and I don't think Y/N will blame you either when we find her." Okoye said.
"Yeah well I'm the one who left her alone. My gut was telling me not to and I didn't listen. I left her." I whispered the last part.
"It's not your fault. You went to go protect your country, and the threat wasn't what any of us expected." she was trying to convince me that I couldn't have known any better.
"I went to go protect my country when in reality I should've been here protecting her." I said blankly.
She didn't get a chance to respond because there was a loud beep as I had finally succeeded in activating Griot once again. I pumped my fists in victory. We haven't found Y/N yet, but this is a start.
"Griot, do you have any security footage stored in your database from the last 4 hours?" I asked hopefully.
"It appears that I do. I was not deactivated until minutes after the incident. I will now project the footage for you." he said and I silently thanked my ancestors.
He showed us the video and Okoye stood up next to me to watch it too.
I saw Y/N working at her desk when there was a noise that got her attention. She got up and walked out of the lab very cautiously. I observed a figure dressed in all black grasp her from behind and roughly place a cloth over her face. I watched with tears in my eyes as she tried to fight back, but was unsuccessful when she passed out. They must've had some type of sedative in the cloth that caused her to go unconscious. I felt anger wash over me when they slipped her kimoyo heads off of her wrist and onto the floor, carrying her out of the video frame.
"Griot turn it off." I demanded, finding it hard to watch, and it disappeared.
Now that I had a clear video of the person, I should be able to identify them and then find a location. Wherever they are, Y/N had to be there too.
It didn't take me very long to find coordinates. Only about 20 minutes. I had Okoye notify Aneka and Nakia and tell them I needed them to come too. We boarded the Fighter and took off.
Your POV:
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I regained consciousness. I used my arms to push me to sit up, and took in my surroundings. I was on the floor in a dark room. When my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I noticed that it was a cell made up of glass walls.
My head turned at the sound of a beep and a door opening, three people walked in. Two of them appearing to be guards.
"Y/N! I see you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" a tall man asked me.
I just stared at him. He was crazy for thinking that I was going to talk to him after he quite literally kidnapped me.
"Silent treatment. I see. Well I don't plan on causing you any harm. I just heard you were one of the finest technical designers in Wakanda and I just had to have you complete a small little project for me." he said way too enthusiastically, leaning against a wall.
"I couldn't even think about taking Shuri because well, she's clearly proved her ability to put up a fight, and it would just be too difficult. But you'll do just fine, won't you?" he asked raising his eyebrow.
"I'm not making anything for you. You must be out of your mind if you ever thought I would." I muttered.
"Thought you might say that." he looked down and sighed.
He opened the door to the room I was in and closed it, slowly stalking towards me and bending down to my level as I was still on the ground.
"You see I was trying to be nice at first, but it seems like you don't wanna reciprocate, and i've run out of patience. I know I said I wasn't planning on causing you any harm, but i'll fit that into my schedule if it comes down to that." he said sternly, only a few inches away from my face.
I broke eye contact with him and looked anywhere that wasn't towards him, responding with silence. That must've set him off because he then harshly backhanded me, the silver rings on his fingers bound to make bruises appear on my cheek sooner or later.
He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "I gave you a chance and you refused to take it. Now we'll just have to see how long it’ll take you to comply the hard way." he was stone-faced as he turned to walk out the door, the two other men following behind.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, and let my upper body fall into the glass so I was sitting propped up against the wall.
Shuri's basically the smartest person in the world. She would've had to have noticed something was wrong, right?
Shuri's POV:
"Right so you guys all understand what is expected of you, correct?" I just finished going over the game plan with them as we approached the building.
"Yes, your highness." Nakia responded while Aneka and Okoye nodded their heads.
"Stay on your feet and please, be smart. We can’t risk anything because we're not leaving without Y/N." I said looking between the three of them as they nodded.
We went off our separate ways and discreetly entered the building. It was quiet empty considering the fact that they're holding someone here against their will. I opened every door and searched inside, feeling disappointed when Y/N was never in any of the rooms.
I came across another door. I opened it and saw that it led to a basement. As I made my way down the stairs I was automatically met with two men who instantly attacked me.
Like the people we fought earlier, they weren't very skilled, so I took them out easily since there were only a couple of them.
When they were unconscious, I continued my walk towards the end of the hallway and came across a double door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. Looking around, I saw that the door needed a keycard in order to be unlocked.
I ran back down the hallway to the bottom of the stairs and started to look in the pockets of the guards lying on the floor. I came up empty handed after searching the first one, but the second one had a keycard in their pocket.
Grabbing the card and running back, I hoped that it would unlock the door, and it miraculously did. When I opened the door, my heart broke at the sight of my love sitting on the floor of such a tiny, dark space.
"Oh my god Y/N?!" I loudly whispered, disabling my mask with my kimoyo beads, and her head perked up.
"Shuri!" she said and stood up to scurry over to the front of the small room she was in. I darted over to the glass wall that was separating us and my eyes scanned her body for injuries. I noticed a bruise forming under her eye.
"Are you okay? Did they do that to you? I swear i'm gonna-"she interrupted me.
"I'm okay, i'm okay I promise." she reassured me with a small smile on her face.
I saw the door to the room she was in and I tugged on the handled, but it was obviously locked. I thought for a second before an idea popped into my head.
"I'm gonna get you out, okay? Just sit down in the corner back there and cover your face." she did as I told her.
I stepped back to gain momentum in my punch, trying to break the glass. It only took three hits for it to shatter and I sprinted towards her, kneeling down in front of her, gently moving her hands away from her face.
"Are you hurt anywhere else, darling? Is it just that bruise? What else did they do to you?" I frantically asked, turning her head to check her neck, and I started to lift up her shirt to check her torso before she stopped me.
"I'm fine, Shuri. It was just that bruise. I'm okay." she softly told me as I carefully cupped her cheeks, stroking my thumb under the mark so I didn't hurt her.
"Okay well we need to leave now. I'm sure they've already noticed we're here and I've got to get you out of this place.” I said and started to help her stand up until someone else starting speaking.
"Aw wasn't that just adorable." a voice said.
I quickly spun around getting into fighting stance, ready to defend my girl, but relaxed when I saw Okoye, Nakia, and Aneka standing in the doorway.
"You can't just sneak up on me like that. I could've hurt you guys." I jokingly lectured them.
"You? Hurt me? Ha, you're funny." Okoye snickered.
"Uh what she means to say is that we dealt with big boss man for you." Aneka interrupted.
"Big boss man. Really?" I raised my eyebrows.
"How was I supposed to know his name?" she explained herself.
I shook my head with a small laugh, "Thanks guys. I owe you for this."
"Just doing our job, you highness." Aneka nodded at me.
"You guys can head to the aircraft. We'll meet you there." I told them before they disappeared out of sight.
I turned around and saw Y/N standing up.
"Hey, no walking for you, princess." I frowned.
"Shuri I said I'm okay, my legs are working perfectly fine." she tried to reason with me but I shook my head, picking her up off of her feet bridal style and stepping over the glass to walk out of the building.
As I entered the aircraft, I put Y/N down on a table and pulled a chair up in front of her for me to sit in. I asked Nakia to get me the first aid kit so I could treat the bruise on her face.
"So we saw how it happened. You know, how they got you out of the palace. But, we don't know why they were looking for you specifically. Did they say anything to you while you were there?" I was trying to understand why this all happened to her.
"Yeah um. They wanted me to make something for them. I guess they found out about the technology I designed for Wakanda, and they needed me to make something for them. Said they didn't want to take you because it would be too complicated." she explained.
I nodded my head connecting all of the dots with the information that I knew. Nakia came back with the first aid kit and handed it to me, I thanked her.
"How did you know that I was gone?" she asked.
I sighed and stood up between her legs, opening the box and pulling out the things I needed, "The man who took you was the leader of the group that we were in combat with earlier today. They needed all of our best defenders out of the picture to get to you, so they set us up. It was all a trick." I told her as I began treating the cut on her bruise.
Y/N was a very observant person and she could read me like a book. That's why she could tell how guilty I was feeling despite me trying to mask it.
"Don't tell me you think this is your fault, Shuri." she said.
"I can't help but think it is. You needed me and I wasn't there. Plain and simple." I shook my head at myself.
"Shuri, you couldn't have known. I didn't know. No one knew. So don't beat yourself up over this." she whispered.
I sighed and put down the cotton swab I was working with, "I know, I'm sorry. I just feel like I should've been there for you." I put my hand on the side her her jaw and stroked my thumb over her cheek. I tend to do that a lot because I know she finds it comforting.
"Well you found me. You're here now." she said, trying to find the positives in this situation like she always does. I admire that about her.
"I'll always find you, love." I softly told her. She gave me that sweet smile of hers and I couldn't help but smile too. Craving the feel of her lips against mine was an understatement. The last time I got to feel them was before I left and I needed to kiss those lips.
"I love you, sweet girl." I said staring into her eyes.
"I love you, too." she whispered.
I moved my hand to her chin and tilted her head up, giving her slow and soft kisses while my other hand fell onto her thigh. I could feel her relax under my touch as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
We continued like this for a couple minutes until footsteps caught Y/N's attention. I wasn't aware of them yet, so when she tried to break the kiss I just pulled her closer.
"Baby-" she managed to get out in between kisses, pushing on my chest and I stopped.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, worried that I did something wrong. I followed her eyes to see what she was looking at.
"I leave for 5 minutes and you can't keep your hands to yourselves?" Okoye jokingly questioned.
I groaned and threw my head back, "Why do you always do this." I whined.
"It's not my fault you didn't consider the fact that you're in this aircraft with 3 other people." she shrugged.
I rolled my eyes at her before she spoke up again, "I was just coming to tell you that due to the weather we're going to have to slow down the flight speed and it's gonna take a little while to get home, so get comfy. But now I see that you already were very comfortable." she teased.
"Oh go away, Okoye." I said, playfully annoyed.
"I'm going, calm down." she said and walked back to wherever she came from.
I turned my head to look back down at Y/N, "You look so tired, darling." I observed.
"So do you." she said and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Well in that case, up you go." I picked her up under her thighs and her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms wrapping around my neck.
I walked over to a couch and sat down with her in my arms, turning my body so I could lay down with my head propped up on the arm of it. Y/N moved herself to lay down on top of me, her legs tangling with mine as her head fell onto my chest.
Her hand went to play with my necklace, and my hand went under her shirt to rub her bare back, lulling her into a deep sleep that would last for most of the ride home.
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willalove75 · 10 months
Hi im the anon who asked for Rebecca x Pregnant!reader. Now looking back I feel I didn’t give detail to my request so if it’s not a problem. Would you be able to write Rebecca with pregnant!reader and she visit Rebecca at work and they meet ted and the team etc. or they watch a match together and reader goes into labour. Your writing is amazing💕
Hello again anon!! Thank you so much for adding some details to your request! It's absolutely not a problem at all!💕 I hope you enjoy!
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"Good mornin' boss!" Ted says, happy as ever on his usual morning stroll into Rebecca's office. "I got you your favorite!"
"Good morning Ted, thank you!" Rebecca says as she eagerly grabs the little pink box from his hands.
"I also got a little extra today for that beautiful wife of yours!" Ted places a second pink box onto Rebecca's desk.
"Oh Ted, how kind! She is going to love them!"
"Don't mention it boss. Although I gotta say, I know we were all at the wedding and all, but I'm beginning to think the whole thing was just a ruse and that she don't actually exist." Rebecca gives Ted a look and he chuckles. "You two have been married for how long? And I've only met her twice, including yall's nuptials."
"Well Ted, we've been very busy, and now that the baby's due date is coming up things have been even busier."
"Ya'll should come to the game this weekend! I know the baby is due soon but it'll give you both the chance to hang out and have some fun before the real fun starts!"
"Ted, I don't know-"
"I ain't takin' no for an answer unless she calls me and tells me no herself!"
"Alright Ted, I will speak to her about it tonight."
"Alrighty then! Catch ya on the flipside, boss!"
As you're laying on the couch, flipping through channels, you're beginning to realize that there's nothing good on tv anymore. No more good shows to just throw on when you're bored. Luckily, right before you feel like you're about to die from boredom the front door opens.
Rebecca walks into the house and closes the door, immediately kicking off her shoes and hanging her coat on the coatrack. Looking up, she sees you slowly sitting up on the couch.
"Hello there my love." She says with a warm smile.
"Hi baby, how was your day?"
You go to stand up and it takes you a few tries before you can even begin to pull yourself up off of the couch.
"Be careful! Here, let me help you." Rebecca says, rushing to your side.
"I'm okay baby, don't worry."
Rebecca helps you stand and cups your face in her hands.
"I know my love, but I can't help but worry."
Even without shoes on, Rebecca towers over you, so you get up on your tip toes and softly kiss her.
"You're adorable."
"Never more adorable than you."
A slight blush creeps across your cheeks and you wrap your arms around her and hug her tight. Damn hormones.
"How was your day?"
"The usual, busy as always. Oh! Before I forget-" Rebecca walks away from your grasp and you pout. She grabs her purse and walks back over to you after pulling out a little pink box. "Ted made an extra box of biscuits just for you."
"Aw! He shouldn't have-" you open the box and the sweet scent of biscuits fills your nose. "Oh my god." You moan and your eyes roll back a little. "These smell amazing."
Rebecca looks at you with a smirk on her face.
"I've never seen anyone or anything other than me make you make that face before." She says with a wink.
"Rebecca Welton!"
Rebecca laughs and pulls you in for a kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, and Ted was on my case once again about meeting you and invited you to the match this weekend, but I told him it probably wasn't going to happen."
"Why not?"
Rebecca looks a little surprised.
"Well I know how tired you've been and the baby is due soon and I don't want to overwhelm you."
"You're adorable, but I would love to go see a match. It would be nice to get out of the house for a little while anyway."
"Are you sure? You don't think it'll be too much?"
"Baby I'll be fine, I promise. Let's go and have some fun."
Rebecca gazes into your eyes and you feel like you've fallen in love all over again. Her emerald green eyes pull you in so deeply you forgot where you were for a moment. You're brought back to earth when she leans down and gently kisses you.
The rest of the week flies by and before you know it, it's game day. It's also two weeks before your due date, something that both you and Rebecca are so excited about, but you can tell her anxiety is starting to sky rocket.
"Are you sure you're okay with going? There's some stairs and a little bit of walking, the seats aren't comfortable and we'll be in them for a few hours." She rambles on while pacing back and fourth.
"Baby," you say, trying to pull her out of her spiral, but she doesn't stop. "baby!" Rebecca finally stops and turns towards you. Walking up to her, you cup her face with your hands and look deeply into her eyes. "Everything will be fine, don't worry, okay? We're going to go, have a wonderful time, come home and go right to sleep, okay? I'll be fine, I promise."
Rebecca stares back into your eyes for a few moments before nodding her head. You pull her down and bring her in for a kiss. Her body relaxes into yours when your lips meet and she lets out a peaceful sigh.
"I'm ready when you are my love."
The two of you get into the car and head to the stadium. You both decided to get there a little early to say hi to everyone since you've only met most of them once or twice before.
Rebecca leads you into the locker room and the room goes silent when she walks in.
"Good afternoon boys, good luck out there today! I want to introduce you all to my wife, y/n."
As if it was rehearsed, all of the boys greet you at the same time.
"Hi everyone, it's great to finally meet you all!"
"Well I'll be darned! You sure do exist!" Ted says as he walks out of his office. "You owe me 20 bucks." He says to Coach Beard who pulls out a £20 and slaps it into Ted's hand.
"Hello Ted, you remember y/n, y/n, you remember Ted."
"How could I ever forget my favorite boss' wife?!" He says as he pulls you in for a hug. "How're ya feelin'? You're due soon, right?"
"I'm feeling really good. I feel gigantic, but good. And yes, the due date is two weeks from today actually!"
"Well how about that! Coach Beard, get over here!" Coach Beard walks over to the three of you and he nods at Rebecca, who nods back. "Coach, you remember y/n, right?"
"Could never forget her. How are you?"
"I've been good!"
"Hey! Roy! Nate! Get your butts over here and welcome our guest of honor!"
Roy and Nate walk over and you all greet each other. You only met Nate one other time, at your wedding. He's sweet but very nervous, but in a cute way almost. Roy you've met a bunch of times, you, Rebecca, Roy and Keeley have gone on your fair share of double dates over the last few years and you've gotten to know him quite well.
Rebecca introduces you to some of the players, some of them comment on how you're glowing. One player, Jan Maas, says something about how large you look and every one of his teammates groans and throws their towels at him. That made you laugh so hard you almost peed yourself.
After mingling for a little while, Rebecca brings you out to the stands to your seats. Keeley and Higgins eventually join you and before you know it, the match it starting.
As the boys play, the crowd goes wild. Both teams are giving it their all and it quickly turns into an intense match. Richmond shoots and the other teams goalie just barely knocks it away. The other team takes the ball across the pitch and shoots. Zoreaux dives, catching it in a perfect save.
Just before half-time Colin has the ball and is running down the pitch, he passes it to Jamie who looks like he's about to kick the ball into the goal but instead kicks it across to Sam who sinks it into the net.
The crowd goes wild, all four of you jump out of your seats in excitement as chanting rings out into the stadium.
Half-time comes and goes and the match starts up once more. Both teams come back with a fire in their hearts and play with even more passion than they had in the first half. Jamie gets possession of the ball and sprints to the other end of the pitch, right before he's about to score a player from the other team slide tackles him and kicks the ball away to his teammate.
A collective "ohhh" echoes through the crowd and you feel a cramp in your abdomen that causes you to bend forward a little.
"Are you okay?" Rebecca says, her eyes instantly filling with worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine baby, I promise."
A few minutes later, another cramp appears and you take a deep breath as you breathe through it. Rebecca looks at you with concern and you give her a reassuring smile. The two of you turn your attention back to the intense game and she grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze. You can tell just by the way she's gripping onto your hand that she's nervous, when you look over at her you can see her thoughts going a million miles a minute.
Just as you're about to comfort her, another, much stronger cramp hits and you double over gasping for air. Before anyone can react you feel a gush between your legs like you just peed yourself.
"Oh shit."
"What? What's wrong? What happened?" Rebecca says in a panic.
Looking over at Rebecca you see worry and fear painted across her face. It breaks your heart a little seeing her so scared.
"I'm okay, but don't panic, alright?" Rebecca stares at you silently and you grab her hand. "I'm fine, however, I'm pretty sure my water just broke."
"NO FUCKIN WAY!" Keeley yells.
"Rebecca! Baby, calm down, it's okay!"
"I knew we shouldn't have come here, god damnit."
"Hey, hey, listen to me." You say, cupping her face. "Look at me, it's okay. Everything is okay. The match isn't why this is happening-"
"But you're not due for another two weeks!"
"It's okay, remember what the doctor said? I can go into labor as early as 38 weeks and that's totally normal. Okay?"
Rebecca nods her head with her eyes still filled with worry. Another cramp, which you're pretty sure is a contraction at this point, hits.
"Shit!" You say, grabbing Rebecca's hand. Breathing through it, Rebecca rubs your back and gives Keeley a worried look. Once it passes you look back up at Rebecca. "Everything is fine, however, we should definitely go to the hospital now."
"Yes, you guys go, we'll take care of everything else here, right Higgins?" Keeley says.
"Yes! Of course!"
"Right, yes, okay. Come on, let me grab your things, uh- my jacket, shit, my purse-" Frantically, Rebecca grabs both of your things and helps you stand up. She leads you out of the stadium and into the car and the driver takes you to the hospital.
The labor was long and painful but once they placed the epidural the pain was much easier to deal with. After the doctor came in to examine you again she said it was time to push.
With your legs in the stirrups and Rebecca's hand in yours, you begin to push. Every time you felt that now familiar pressure you pushed, you felt like you were going at it for hours, even though it had only been thirty minutes.
Exhaustion begins to take over and you feel yourself losing steam. You lay back for a minute to take a breath and Rebecca looks into your eyes.
"You're so close my love, she's almost here. Just a little more. I'm so proud of you, you're doing such an amazing job." She gently brushes a strand of hair out of your face and smiles at you. After a minute you feel the pressure again and push harder than you have before.
Just when you think you can't keep going, the most beautiful cry rings out into the delivery room. As you lay back the doctor places the baby in your lap and they dry her off. Carefully, you bring your hand to her head and caress her with your thumb. Rebecca's grip on your arm tightens and you look over at her to find that she has tears streaming down her face.
The nurse whisks the baby away and you reach up and wipe Rebecca's tears away.
"She's perfect." She whispers.
"She is." You say with a smile.
After a few minutes the nurse comes back with the baby and hands her to Rebecca. Moving over to Rebecca can sit next to you, she claims the spot and looks down at your daughter with wonder in her eyes.
The next few days were a whirlwind, learning how to breastfeed and to get the baby to latch, recovering from giving birth, just adjusting to the new life the two of you stepped into. It's been chaos but also beautiful.
As you're laying in bed with the baby in your arms, Rebecca is sitting on the recliner reading her book. Everything is peaceful and for the first time since giving birth, you're both actually relaxed. A knock on the door takes your attention away.
"Knock knock!" You hear, accompanied by a distinctive southern accent.
"Ted! What are you doing here?" Rebecca says, getting up from her spot.
"Well I heard we got a new member to our Richmond family and Beard and I couldn't say no to givin' 'em a visit!"
Coach Beard steps into the room along with Keeley, Roy, Higgins and a few other players from the team.
"How did you manage to get so many people in here?"
"Southern charm goes a long way in these parts." Beard says.
The baby gets passed around a little, Beard and Roy both declining the opportunity to hold her. The second the baby is placed into Keeley's arms she sobs and sinks into the chair Rebecca was sitting in. It came as a surprise to no one that the second Keeley got her, no one else got to hold her for the rest of the visit.
The team brought lunch, something you were grateful for because you were sick of hospital food at that point.
Beard comes into the room with extra chairs, where he got them from, you have no idea but no one dares to question it.
Everyone takes a seat and you all eat lunch together. This is the most one-on-one time you've spent with everyone. Even though it's kind of weird that it's happening in the hospital after you give birth, it was nice really getting to know everyone finally.
As everyone was finishing up their lunch, the nurse comes back in and it taken back by how many people were in the room.
"Hello everyone!" She says.
"Howdy, I'm Ted Lasso, great to meet ya!" Ted says, getting up to shake her hand.
"I'm Rose, y/n's nurse, there are a lot of you in here, wow."
"Yeah, well, ya know, southern charm still goes a long way overseas."
"I can see that! Unfortunately, the lactation nurse will be here in a few minutes so I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave."
"Oh sure, not a problem at all, right team?" Everyone nods. "Well, we'll get outta your hair."
Everyone starts to say their goodbyes and Keeley tries to walk out with the baby before Roy stops her. Reluctantly, she turns around and hands you your daughter.
"Auntie Keeley loves you so much." She says with tears in her eyes and gives her a kiss on her head. "You guys made the cutest fucking baby I've ever seen."
"Congratulations boss, y/n, she sure is a beauty." Ted says.
"Thank you, Ted." Rebecca says and gives him a hug.
"Thanks Ted, she's perfect." You say, looking down at the infant in your arms.
"I'll catch ya'll later!"
After another day in the hospital, you're finally discharged and able to go home.
Rebecca carries the car seat inside and the two of you take the baby up to the nursery.
After you take the baby out of her car seat, you sit on the rocking chair and feed her before laying her in her crib. After the baby is fed, Rebecca takes her and lays her in the crib. She fusses for a minute and Rebecca starts to softly sing.
You wrap your arms around Rebecca while she sings to the baby and you rest your head on her chest. With on hand gently caressing the baby's cheeks, Rebecca wraps her other arm around you and pulls you tightly into her. As she sings, the baby calms down and within a few minutes she's asleep.
Standing there with your wife, watching over your new daughter as she sleeps, you're the happiest you've ever been.
Rebecca brings her hand to your chin and tilts your face up towards her.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Rebecca."
She leans down and places a soft but firm kiss on your lips. Nothing could ever take away the love and joy that's filling your heart right now.
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conniesanchor · 10 months
hi!!!! are you going to do a celebration for your next follower mark? also, could i pretty please get sick!shy!reader + conrad?
hello, yes, i think i might do a 300 celebration. i have it sitting in my drafts. and here you go, bae:
cw; mentions of throwing up (no doing so)
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you were supposed to go out with your boyfriend tonight. conrad had planned this big dinner with his family, so when you threw up this morning (and practically all day), your heart broke at the thought of canceling.
you called him anyway, head pounding. "hey, connie. im so sorry, but i don't think i can make it tonight. im not feeling too hot and don't want to get anyone sick. im sorry," you apologized. you knew you were stressing over nothing, conrad was an angel, he would never get mad at you for something as little as being sick.
"okay. we can reschedule for sometime next week. anything i can do?" he asked, worried.
as if he could see you, you shook your head. "no, im okay. just a stomach bug." you weren't completely lying. it was a stomach bug. it just happened to also be a cold.
you were aware of the fact that he was probably already heading downstairs to his car, "i'll be there soon, baby. want seven up or gingerale?" he questioned.
you weren't going down without a fight, though, "no, connie. please don't come, i don't want to get you sick."
"don't worry. then i'll have my wonderful, beautiful, perfect girlfriend to take care of me."
you rolled your eyes but answered his previous question anyway, "seven up is fine."
"okay, have you eaten? i can pick up some chicken noodle soup, or if you can't stomach, that i can make you some cinnamon and sugar toast," he spoke, and you could hear him start the car in the process.
you knew you would throw up if you ate the soup you would throw up, even the toast might make you throw up, but conrad was going to make you eat regardless. "toast, please," you settled.
"okay. im on my way. give me twenty minutes." he would speak, "i love you."
"i love you."
like clockwork, conrad showed up exactly twenty minutes later. no matter how many times you told him he didn't have to knock, he never listened. so you dragged your feet over to your front door and opened it. you looked gross. you were curled up in a snuggie (even though it was probably ninety degrees outside), your hair was pulled into a messy bun, and your nose was rubbed red. "baby." was all he could mumbled out before putting the bags he had gotten from the store onto the table beside your door and pulling you into a big hug.
the hug only lasted a few seconds before he was ushering you onto the couch and making his way to the kitchen. he poured you a glass of seven up and made you toast with cinnamon and sugar (because who eats it any other way?) unbeknownst to you, he also turned the air up. it was blazing hot, and you were in a blanket. no wonder you were throwing up. "alright. you want ten things i hate about you, tangled, or the breakfast club?" he picked up the remote and listed your (my) favorite movies.
you pondered for a second. it was the decision of a lifetime, after all. what movie were you going to fall asleep ten minutes into? you took a bite of your toast before answering, "ten things i hate about you, please."
conrad clicked his tongue, "i figured." he spoke before noticing you hadn't drank your soda, "why don't you take a sip of that soda for me, yeah? it'll make you feel better." you reluctantly complied, hoping you wouldn't throw up again.
then guilt hit you all over again, "did you tell your family im sorry?" you asked and conrad could have melted right there.
"yes, pretty. they know you can't control being sick, and they were happy to reschedule soon. they love you, you know that." he assured you, "now finish that toast, and you can get some sleep."
"okay. hey, did you turn that air up? it's cold."
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lonely-layla · 5 months
Amazing experience
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Budo Masuta x fem!chubby!reader
Not proof read so if you see errors use ur brain
You made it to the martial arts club, You’re not sure who you’re looking for but from the flier it was someone named Budo. You take a deep breath and fix my skirt as you open the door to 5 people training.
“Welcome to the Martial Arts Club! What brings you here?” A man, around 5’8 with black hair approaches you. “Uhm hi. Imr looking for someone named…” you look at paper double checking the name on the flier. “Budo Masuta?” You hear a chuckled come from the black haired guy in front of you. “Well, that would be me. And you are?” He looks at you waiting for your response. “Y/n” you respond nearvously. “It's nice to meet you, y/n. And I assume you wish to join the Martial Arts Club?” He asks you with a standard enthusiastic tone he always has.
“Y-yeah” you stutter in response. “Excellent! I always welcome more members to our club. Do you have any experience in martial arts, or would you be a complete beginner?” You pause for a moment before answering “no…im a beginner”. “Don't worry, we'll start you off slowly. That should give you a good foundation to work with, and then you can always advance as you improve your skills!” He smile at you. It makes you feel warm inside, how a complete stranger is being nicer to you than anyone in the whole school has. You begin your classes with Budo until the bell rings for class.
You walk to your class when you see and you and Budo are both in class 3-2. As you sit down in class, you see that Budo is already seated next to you. He glances in your direction and smiles, then turns back to the front of the class.
“The first 6 digits of pie are 3.14159” you say answering the question. “Correct y/n” the teacher congratulates you. “It seems you know a lot about pie don’t you, fatty” Musume comments from the back of the class, giggling as some of the people in the class also laugh a little.
Budo glances over at you and notices you’re much less confident than you were before. He shoots a dangerous glare at Musume. She immediately shuts up and faces forward, visibly shaken.
Class bell rings again and everyone leaves to lunch. You pack up your stuff but Musume had stayed. You notice the rest of her friends walking into the classroom. *what the hell are they gonna do now?* you think to yourself.
Just as you ask that, you turn around and is faced with a little pig that got thrown at your face. You don’t even worry about yourself you worry if the little pig is alright as it squeals and runs away. “OMG Y/n! It’s your twin ahahaha” Hanna yells and they all laugh and walk away. You burst out into tears and run to the zen garden.
Once you arrive at the garden to calm down you take a seat at one of the benches. You hear footsteps come up behind you, and you can sense someone approaching you from behind as your breathing slows down. *Oh no, it’s probably them again. Please stop, don’t come any closer* you think, you brace for an impact but you feel a soft hand on my arm.
Budo is standing behind you. He looks worried when he sees your wet cheeks and red eyes from crying. You feel his hand squeeze gently. “Hey...are you alright?” He asks you with a worried expression on his face. It was embarrassing for you, for him to see you like this. You didn’t know how to respond, so you turn away and curl into a ball and continue sobbing.
He kneels down and rests on the ground beside you. He pulls you close to him and gently pats your back as he tries to comfort you. “Shhh, everything will be okay. I know it's tough right now, but just try to hold on and let your emotions flow naturally. I promise it gets better” . Those comforting words proved to you that he wasn’t here to judge you.
“Why do I have to look like this?” You ask softly, trying to hide your body. “Why do so many people find time out of their day to tell me what’s wrong with me?” You sigh out of exhaustion. Budo gives you a reassuring gaze as he continues to hug you.
“I don't think there's anything wrong with how you look. Yes, you may have a few extra pounds on you, but that just makes you more beautiful in my eyes. There's nothing wrong with having a little bit of extra curve, it just shows that you have a healthy amount of energy and nutrients. Musume and her friends are just jealous of your natural beauty.” He comforts you rubbings circles into your shoulder.
The bell rings to go back to class as I stand up and just him as tight as I can. Thinking about how no one had ever said that to me before. “Thank you” I say feeling more tears fall. Budo smiles warmly, angles your face to face his and gently wipes away your tears with his thumbs. “It's no problem at all, really. Just try to keep your eyes dry. I'd hate for your pretty face to be stained with tears” he giggles as he smiles at you.
This was the moment you realized you were in love with him. The man that actually care about you unlike anyone else. We both walk back to class together and I sit down, instinctively putting my bag on my lap hiding my stomach. Budo noticed this subtle act and notes it.
As the day comes to a close and you make your way to the gate, you hear footsteps approach you and you sense someone approaching you. “Hey y/n, I just wanted to ask you about one of the math problems from class today. I didn’t really understand it” Budo speaks to you, obviously trying to make an excuse to walk you home, but you don’t mind. He walks beside you discussing the problem bruh you reach your home.
You feel his hand fall to the small of your back as you two walk together, this brings butterflies to your stomach. Budo glances down as you walk up your driveway. The sight of you fills him with so much emotion. The way your soft cheeks glisten in the sunlight, the gentle sway of your hips as you walk, the way your cute little Akademi uniform clings your tummy, everything is just perfect. He waves goodbye to you as he walks to his own home.
That night you thought of making Budo a fresh batch of cookies as a gratitude gift. The next day, you walk into school and spot Budo walking in with the rest of the martial arts club. “Hey Budo!” I say waking over to him.
Before he could say good morning back I speak “thank you for protecting me yesterday. I-I brought you some fresh baked cookies. You don’t have to eat them if you don’t want but I just wanted to do something ni-“ your rambling is interrupted by Budo putting his hand on your shoulder. “Thank you for the cookies, but you don't have to buy me anything. I'm just doing my part as the Martial Arts Club leader. And I was only being a gentleman by accompanying you home; it's something that I'd do for anyone” Budo states as he continues to walk into the school.
“id do that for anyone”, those words ran in your head all day. Was what he said and did back in the garden, just because he felt bad for me? Did he not actually like me the same way I liked him? Was all of his actions just him being friendly? There was so thoughts in my mind.
Today, you decide to keep your distance from Budo so that you can clear your head and make some sense of your feelings. Budo noticed that you were avoiding him,but he didn't make an effort of contacting you. He just thought that you didn’t want to talk to him because of this morning. As you sit alone, you're filled with mixed emotions, excitement, frustration, uncertainty.
Your school day concludes and you walk to the gate like you always do. Still compressing the thoughts, but then you hear footsteps behind you. You can tell it’s Budo, because… well who else would it be. But his footsteps sound fast.
You turn around to feel his lips crash into yours with a passionate kiss. It sends a jolt of butterflies through your body as you melt into Budo's embrace. His hands caress the side of your face as he kisses you. It's like all your negative feelings are being erased, leaving only pure, blissful happiness.
You break the kiss as you look at him, this kiss lingers on your lips, almost tasting the sweetness from where his lips touched yours. “I've wanted to do that for so long... You're so beautiful.” He states, tilting his head a bit smiling at you.
Why now? Why all of a sudden? He was so distant a couple hours ago, why does he think this is the right time? You look away from is gaze with a concerned look. You can’t understand why all of a sudden he’s showing you affections after being distant all day.
He noticed this body language and takes a step back. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I should have asked before I did something like tha-”
“nonono! You didn’t! I- I just didn’t think you liked me the way I liked you” you meekly say adverting his gaze. He smiles and exhales as he moves closer, “Oh, honey... I've always thought you were so cute. You don't think I kept following you around because I hate you, do you? I thought you would have put two and two together by now, but I'm guessing you didn't pick up on those hints” he awkwardly smiles.
You make eye contact again but slowly look someplace else. “I just didn’t think someone like you could like someone…like me. The whole reason why I join your club is because Musume and her friends told me to lose some weight” Budo's expression widened hearing your wirds.
*flashback to before you met Budo*
“Ahaha y/n! Don’t you think you should lost some weight you fat pig” Hanna Daidaiyama comments walking by you. “Don’t you think you need to re-dye your roots bitch?!” You angrily snap back at her. She frantically looks around as she walks towards you and pushes you to the ground. “Yeah, but unlike you, I know how to fight” she says as she walks away.
You stand up and amidst yourself off, walking to the stairs of the first floor you see a post o Brie wall “Martial Arts Club! Come show off your self defense skills and learn new ones!” Those seems like exactly what you need. You rip the poster off the wall and go straight to the class
*back to present time*
Budo pulls you into a hug. “Don't let anyone tell you any different: you are beautiful. Those bullies were just jealous of your beauty, and they took it out on you just because they had some personal problems to deal with. I know you've gone through a lot, but I swear to you that everything is going to change. From here on out, none of that bullshit is going to happen again.”
You feel tears fill your eyes to this. You finally found someone who loves you for you, who doenst want to change you. “T-thank you Budo” you sob out.
He smiles as he wipes away your tears with his thumb “Oh, my sweet little angel~” He kisses you on the forehead and wipes a few more tears before gently placing his hand on your cheek. “I'm so happy that you're mine now” he tells you warmly as the smile grows wider and brighter than ever as he stares into your eyes.
You both walk home together and this time, when you get to your doorstep, you invite him into you house. Since your parents are out on a business trip it was just you and your dog “do you want to come inside?” You asks gesturing at the door. Budo face lights up as he nods ands walks inside. He follows you inside the hallway. He pets your dog softly, then smiles warmly as he turns to look at the inside of the house.
You both get to your room as you walk to the closet to change. YIY close the door and walk out in a hoodie and some shorts. Budo couldn’t stop staring at you as you sit on the bed. “Do you wanna watch a movie?” You ask him with a light blush on your cheeks, he smiles and agrees.
Budo curls around you tightly as he rests his head against your chest. Your soft, warm body is incredibly comforting, and he feels completely at peace. He wraps his arms carefully around you, and pulls you into a tight hug. He kisses your forehead.
“I guess listening to Musume actually did do something good for once hmm~” you exhale softly as you adjust your position to be more comfortable. Budo laughs at your comment and gently strokes your hair as he rests his head on your chest. “I guess that’s one thing to thank her for. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now”
You shifted your weight so your on my side, letting out a soft groan to the movement. Budo picked up on the slight noise and it sends shivers down his spine. He begins to caress your body more intimately, stroking your hair and running his hands along your side. His touch feels heavenly, and you could almost feel the heat coming from his palms.
You turn again to face him and lean in to a kiss. Budo wraps his arms around your waist, returning the kiss. Holding you tightly against him as he kisses back with all the passion in world. He then movers you up onto his lap in a quick movement.
You are surprised at his strength as no one else was able to move you like that before. His lips are warm and tender, and they feel like heaven as they make contact with your own. You feel your body heat up with excitement, and your mind becomes clouded with pure ecstasy.
Your hips begin to unconsciously start rocking on his groin, making his breath hitch. His hands start to roam your body going from your thick thighs and ending on your lump ass.
As you continue to ride him he throws his head back “Mmm~” he melts a deep moan escape his lips as his hands grip your ass tighter, urging you on.
He begins to take off your shirt when you put your hand over his go stop him “Budo are you sure about this?” You ask letting my insecurities get the better of you. “I-I just don’t want you to be… disappointed” I look down in shame. His hands go to my chip and it leads me to connect with his lips once more. “I love you and your body, there’s nothing about you that will disappoint me” I gives you a smile.
Grabs your wrist firmly, pulling your hand away from his “You are beautiful the way you are and II’ve every inch of you. You're perfect exactly as you are.” He reassures you as he continues to undress you.
His hands start to move your pants down to expose your stomach. He pecks kisses all over your body. Once your bottom parts are exposed, he kisses you deeper, his hand gently caressing your bare thigh, moving closer to your already wet pussy “You are so beautiful” his eyes hold yours as his hand moves further up your thigh, making you shiver from anticipation and desire.
He inserts two digits inside of you. “Oh my, looks like you wanted this as much as I did~” he says getting more hard by the minute as he pumps two digits in and out of you. You take his pants off as you start pumping his already hard cock in your chubby palm. “Ahh~ damn you good” his laugh turned into a moan as he continued to pump into you, now adding a third digit and hitting deeper.
Budo groans loudly "Fuck~, I can't take this much longer~" he breathes heavily as his hips buck into your hand. He feels his orgasm coming over him as he lets out a loud moan as he comes onto your hand. his whole body shivers as his breath hitches.
His eyes widen when you don’t stop pumping and you lower your plump ass onto his cock and begin moving. “W-wait wait wait! Ah~ fuck~” he moans out loud joy expecting you to overstimulate him.
As you continue to bounce, he in clasps your bra letting your heavy breasts fall and bounce freely he reaches up to cup your breasts and his mouth goes to your right nipple "You are so fucking beautiful right now," he muffles into your breast, his hands falling to your stomach massaging it slowly.
You couldn’t believe the amount of praise you were getting from this man in the moment. it was too much for you to handle. “ahh~ fuck Budo!” You yell out as you come to my climax and squirt over his cock.
He watches in amazement, watching the liquid seep out, feeling your tightness release around him “Oh my~” He whispers as he feels the warmth of your climax cover his cock, it's something he's never experienced before with another person.
His words snap you back to reality as you see the mess you made around you. “B-Budo I’m.. Fuck I-” before u ou could spew out your apology, he kisses you softly, “Don't worry about it honey~” he soothes, pressing his lips to the curve of your neck as both of your breathing patterns even out. “It was incredible”
You lean on his chests as you two both fall into a soothing sleep. Feeling each others chests rise and fall.
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didishawn · 1 year
Hey bestie!!!! Your works are chef kiss 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 uhm I was wondering if you can write angst w Ferran? Idk like there's an argument n he says something hurtful?? Miss ma'am tbh I have no clue what im requesting😭😭 all ik is that I'd like some angst ending in fluff pls??? N ur writing is amazing so 🤌🏼
Broken souls (Ferran x Reader)
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Warnings: angsty with happy ending, mentions of Ferran's insecurities and mental health, mentions of the internet being assholes, Sira mention (not in a truly bad way as the girl is amazing)
You know Ferran adores Barça and loves playing in it, it's where his best friends play and 9ne the best club's out there, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if things would be better had he stayed in Manchester City.
Words can bring down even the happiest of people, that person who everyone knows to be the nicest, the funniest, being broken by people on the Internet feeling the need to comment on all his flaws and creating insecurities.
It's terrible for anyone, brings them down, worsens their mental health and makes them sometimes not be themselves.
Your boyfriend, you know is broken, as months pass by he becomes even more of a shell of his true self, he might pretend everything is alright out there, but you know it isn't.
He overworks himself, training hours not enough for him, locking himself in the gym or using the goalie on your backyard to practice until late night hours, then waking up even before the sun rises.
You know he is exhausted, but he refuses to stop, you are worried about what will happen to him, you have told him so multiple times, and the screaming match you both are having right now is a repetition, already happened.
"I just told you to please come to bed, I don't think there is nothing wrong with it!" you shout at him, trying to get your words through that thick head of his, he shakes his head, a smile that is not truthful, almost cruel.
"You don't fucking understand, don't you? How can I go to bed when I fucking suck! Its almost as if you have fun seeing how terrible I am!"
"How can you say that? You know I am your biggest supporter! I just think you should also keep in mind to take care of yourself!"
He gives a dry laugh, face to face with you as he glares down at you, you are not afraid though, you know he would never hurt you -at least not with his hands that he furiously moves around and points at you.
"Really? Because I think you enjoy it, having all culers hating on me, maybe you like that I have no one by my side to have me all for yourself! Always so fucking clingy" he sighs "Sira understood..."
You both tense, his eyes snap into yours, apologetic, trying to reach out for you.
"Love, I'm-"
"Fuck you, Ferran. If Sira was so much better then she can take care of you so you don't fucking die from exhaustion" you are in tears "I fucking care for you and you just treat me as if I was a parasite, someone you don't actually love, maybe you didn't want a girlfriend -at least not me as its obvious you did want Sira, you wanted someone to keep your house clean and all that shit so meanwhile you repay me like this"
You walk away from his, you don't let him grab you a she wants, picking up your purse and intentionally leaving the house keys behind. You stop, see the promise ring on your finger, and go to take it off, his hands stop you.
"Please, amor, don't do that I promise I will try to do better, ok? You are right, I am sorry for treating you like shit, I promise I will listen to what you say"
You laugh "Only when you are about to lose me do you react, how can I believe your words for a second if maybe this conversation will repeat itself in a week"
"It won't, ok? I swear, y/n, I will do my best so there is no repetition on this, I want you, I love you, I won't be able to do this without you. I know I am an asshole, bit the one good thing I have is you and I will make sure to always remind it"
You think it over for a second, dropping your purse you let his arms wrap around you, taking a moment in them, you then go on to whisper.
"You are still sleeping on the couch after that Sira comment"
"Totally worth it if you stay"
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