#Added a readmore because it's long as shit
wasongo · 10 months
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I think I got a lot of new followers recently because twitter keeps going to shit. However, as you probably know I can't and don't post nsfw art here.
You can find my NSFW socials on my pinned post. I think a lot of people are hesitant to join platforms which aren't fully available to the public yet but if you'd like to keep up with my nsfw art I'd like to:
Urge you to visit my website and subscribe to my RSS feed for gallery updates!
Suggest you follow me on either Pillowfort or Cohost (18+).
In the last year I have started using PF and Cohost more than Mastodon, as they've implemented new features and their posting system is more in line with what I enjoy: robust tagging and filtering, ability to post MANY images, and readmores for long posts.
If you've been hesitant to join either of those platforms since you don't know what to expect here's a small-ish review of both purely from my experience as someone who: a) enjoys profile customization b) likes to have an organized art gallery that is filterable by tags.
This review is aimed at artists looking for NSFW spaces to post! UI screenshots might have suggestive terms and images. Proceed with caution.
Edit: Good grief tunglr, if you open this on the web dash the images aren't shown in the neat galleries I put them in to make the post shorter. Head on over to the permalink if you'd like a better looking post!
Let me just say that if you're looking for a review on more technical aspects of these platforms, like security and moderation policies. I'm not your guy. You'll have to look elsewhere for that. I'm focusing on QoL UI and community aspects.
Though both these platforms allow nsfw, please make sure to read their ToS/Community Guidelines for rules on what is and isn't allowed. Though as far as I'm aware they have pretty similar rules.
Pillowfort has more years under its belt being available to users than Cohost does, as such I THINK the artist/fandom userbase atm is larger, which means you might see more activity there. UI as of right now is very comfortable and the site runs pretty smoothly. Loading times are very decent. Posting is easy, though the image uploader is a little wonky (they are working on fixing this). You are able to create and manage communities based on interests or themes, which people can follow or join and all post in the same space. You can personalize your profile by adding images, links, and formatted text to your sidebar, as well as customize your own profile colors. Tag searches in my experience yield results of both art and aesthetic irl porn and gifs. If that's something you miss from ye olden tumblr days it might be worth a look.
Posts have privacy options (everyone, logged in, followers, mutuals, only me)
Has a DM system
Posts have Commentable, Rebloggable, NSFW toggle
Can post MANY images on a single post
Readmore feature for long posts
Robust tagging system
Robust filtering system: hide or click-through warning (by installing Tassel userscript only)
Customizable profile colors, Light/Dark mode for whole website
Communities you can follow/join for shared interests
You can filter posts on profile by tag
You can filter posts on profile by "original poster" or "reblog"
wonky image uploader, cannot upload multiple images at once
Cannot search for multiple tags at once
Search for terms with periods in them is currently broken (ex. "D.Gray-man" will not yield any search results)
Communities have few moderation features atm
Without Tassel installed the filtering system is pretty garbage atm (you can either show or hide nsfw or filtered tags completely, with no click-through warnings)
No multiple account/side blog feature yet
Some inline image formatting options are broken atm
Default endless scrolling
No progressive web app for mobile atm
For a more in depth explanation of PF's UI and features you can check out this official post.
Here are some images of the UI.
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Cohost feels like it has a small artist/fandom userbase at the moment. However, to make up for that it has a pretty slick UI, it works great as a progressive web app on mobile, and it recently implemented an ASK system similar to tumblr's! Everything loads pretty quickly, and you can switch between your "latest posts" feed and your "bookmarked tags" feed. You can access your likes as a bookmark system, but as a whole "notes" and engagement numbers except for comments are not visible anywhere (this is wonderful for my personal mental health). It has a simple post editor and though the image uploader only allows 4 images that will load with lightbox, there's a workaround to upload MANY inline images if you want. The catch is you'll need to use a bit of markdown or html to do that. (more on that below) Though you can't personalize your profile colors, you can add personality to your page by making very cool pinned posts and adding images to your sidebar.
Animated avatars! (listen i like having my animated komui icon)
You can make multiple "pages" (blogs) which function independently for comments/asks. switching between pages is effortless
Ask system, with anon toggle (you cannot reply privately atm tho)
2 Factor Authentication
Progressive web app for mobile works like a charm
You can preview your post before you post it
Posts have a NSFW toggle and you can save drafts
Can post MANY images in a single post (bit of a workaround as you'll need to upload your images to a draft first and then add them to a new post with some markdown or html code)
Readmore feature for long posts
Robust tagging AND filtering system (show, click-through, hide completely), plus CW system to give your posts additional click through warnings you deem necessary
You can do incredibly cool things with HTML and inline CSS on your posts
You can filter posts on profile by tag, and you can have pinned tags
Toggles for hiding reblogs, replies, and asks on profiles
Paginated browsing instead of endless scrolling (things load faster)
No engagement numbers visible ANYWHERE
Image uploader does not let you upload multiple images at once. Limit to 4 images (can upload more as inline images with code)
Advanced post formatting (ex. bold, italics, bullet list, inline images etc.) has to be done through markdown or html + css which is not the friendliest for those who don't know any code (there's a button for a markdown cheatsheet when you post tho!)
No dark mode, or customizing profile colors atm (however there are workarounds to changing site colors with Stylus extension)
Cannot search for multiple tags at once
Cool things you can do with CSS on your posts might look very bad on mobile
Since you can do some crazy things with CSS on posts, you might come across eye straining visuals and movement on some posts. There are settings to tone this down, and people are pretty good about tagging things, so with some good filtering you should be able to avoid this however.
A little quieter on the artist/fandom front (but we can change that)
Here are some images of the UI.
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If you made it to the end of this review thanks for giving it a look! If there's something vital you might want to know that I missed in regards to UI and posting features let me know and I will try to answer. But again, this is not a technical/security issues/bugs review so don't ask me about that.
Lastly, I've been seeing a handful of NSFW artists I follow on twitter hopping on bluesky. I REALLY suggest you do a little research on the owners and platform to see if you think joining is worthwhile, since I have a feeling many artists might not want their alternative to be a site owned by crypto advocates (and also a billionaire). Some basic research will get you there. Just take heed and use your best judgement. On that note Cohost is strictly against crypto (I'm guessing PF might be too but I don't have a link that I can point you to confirming this atm).
I believe community driven and supported platforms are the way to go. If you end up thinking either of these two places are worth your time, do consider getting your friends and favorite artists on board or supporting them! You'll get added perks on both platforms if you become a supporter. PF recently added the ability to have MULTIPLE AVATARS (PFPs I think they're called nowadays) which I think is super cool (i really miss that from LJ days).
Again, thanks for reading and I hope to see some of you there!
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storagebay29 · 4 months
james somerton 'apology' video transcript
Note: for those who do not want to watch it. For those who do, here's a link to a reupload as the original has since been deleted. There are a lot of a pauses and 'um's/'uh's, the latter of which are largely ommitted from the below transcript. Posted under a readmore as it's pretty long.
I'm sorry for taking so long to make this video, or to say anything. I'm in the hospital- I've been in the hospital for a little over a week. I tried- Fuck. I tried to do something really stupid... (pause) I'm only here now because before I did it, I called my dad to talk to him one more time and, he figured out something was wrong, called paramedics or 911 or… and they got here and I woke up in the hospital and, yeah.
Anyway, I'm not trying to make this a sob story, I'm just trying to explain why I've been so quiet. I had a friend from back home checking my emails and stuff, and yeah.
But anyway… I wanna say that I'm really really sorry, really really sorry... for the stuff in the videos, the not crediting people, and for a lot of videos, you know I, I did the opening titles thing, and I tried to put like ‘this is based on X's- this person's research, or on this person's book,’ but I know now that wasn't enough, that wasn't okay. And then there were a lot of times... that uh...  oh god. There were a lot of times that stuff just got put in and there was no attempt at crediting anybody (pause) and I'm really really sorry.
And I'm not, I'm not sorry that I got caught, I'm sorry for ever doing it, I didn't- I honestly honestly... didn't realise that I was hurting people... And now that I know that I was hurting people… I'm just really sorry.
I lost my best friend because of this. Nick and I have been best friends since 2011 or [20]12? We'd been friends online and then. He lived in Ottawa, I moved to Ottawa so we could be, like, friends in person, and then we moved back to- I moved back to Nova Scotia, and Nick came with me. We eventually moved to the Toronto area where we lived together for 7 years? 8 years? We lived together for a really long time… and… he hasn't spoken to me since this happened.
Sorry, sorry I said I wasn't gonna make this a sob sorry. I should’ve got some Kleenex.
Then again I'm really really really sorry for the things I did in the videos: copying people's work and not crediting them properly or at all. I also wanna apologise for the misinformation and just outright lies that ended up in the videos? I didn't- I honestly say that I never intended for any of that stuff to be in the videos, most cases I didn't write it but I should’ve, you know it was my face on the channel, my name on the channel, I should have been, I should have been more diligent about fact checking and stuff. ‘Cause there was a lot of really stupid shit in there. It would’ve- it's just so easy to check, I just never did, I just took it for granted…
I also, I wanna thank Hbomberguy and his team for setting up the fund to make some money available for the authors that were wronged and the journalists and writers and…
I wanna help somehow, I don't know how, a lot of- I've seen a lot of people online saying how much money I apparently make and they’re way overestimating. Beyond the fact that Nick and I split everything 50/50, they're still way overestimating how much money came in… And the Toronto area is expensive, so there's not really any kind of savings, I'm moving home really soon… ‘Cause without Nick there's nothing for me here, and like I said it's really expensive…
And so I wanna say I wanna thank them for setting up that fund, and I wanna help somehow. The only thing I can think of right now is to make the videos, most of the videos public again and every month I can send the ad revenue from all of the past videos- ‘cause there were plenty that didn't have any, any uncredited stuff in them... But I can make them public again, and then every month I can send the AdSense to- either I can send it to Hbomberguy's team, that they can add to the fund, or I can start a fund myself? And every month I can publicly say how much money was made on the AdSense and show it. And send that to the writers and stuff every month. I don't know... what the system for that would be? But I would be more than happy to do that
You know some of the videos like the ‘Killing Stalking’ video brought in like a pretty decent amount of money every month so that would be helpful I think/to them. I'll also put in either the description or the pinned comment the names of the authors so that anyone watching the video knows where all of the information came from, that it wasn’t me going out doing journalism- I never thought that anyone thought that I was doing journalism and stuff, and I don't think anyone did. For the people who actually were doing it should have been given the credit they deserve, they did the hard work, all I did was edit a video. They did the hard work and they- they deserved the credit
(cut) Sorry about that, phone stopped recording.
But- yes. They deserved- they deserved credit, and… when it was something... when it was something like the, the recent... ‘history of hollywood’ videos, right there in the opening credits, I put the Vito Russo's name, that it was adapted from his book ‘The Celluloid Closet’. Same thing went for the gay panic video and the gay holocaust video, they were- the holocaust video was adapted from two books, and the gay panic video was adapted from a lot of journalism, and I- I put their names right at the beginning of the videos.
But and- I understand that's not how citation works... now. I understand that, I get it. And I wanna do better. And I know a lot of people hate me now, ‘cause I did bad shit. But I wanna try and do better. At some point I’d like to make videos again. I'd like to do videos that are fully sourced, where I will put a link to the script where you can find all the sources so that everyone is properly given the credit that they deserve, any the kind of research that's done, credit for any b roll that's used whether it's stock footage, or movies or TV shows or video games, or anything like that, have it all in there. I would like to become a really really good example of giving proper credit to writers and journalists
And I know a lot of you watching this aren't- aren't really gonna care, you'd rather I just disappear. But I would like to try to do better.
I never ever intended to hurt anybody. I never thought that that's what I was doing. Before I went- before I went to the hospital, I read a lot of stuff from people who were really hurt, not just authors and stuff but people who watched my videos who were hurt by stuff in them. People think that I hate ace people and women and bisexual people and lesbians and that's not true. It's really- it's just- it’s not true. And I’m sorry that stuff made it into videos that just shouldn’t have been there: misinformation and lies... But I promise you I did not write that stuff.
I should have been a lot more exacting when Nick and I would be editing scripts but I promise you that those are not- I don't think those things. I specifically want to apologise to asexual people who feel that I just completed delegitimised you. Nick being ace, I- I know that it's kinda like you know, no two gay people are exactly the same, no two ace people are exactly the same, but I kind of, when it came to that I just kind of ran with Nick's judgement and his observations and stuff like that. And I’m not trying to throw Nick under the bus, which a bunch of people are saying that I was setting him up as doing, which is not true…
This whole thing, Nick and I were 50/50 partners, it wasn't I hired him to have a scapegoat or something like that. I never hired Nick. Nick and I were roommates for years before I started doing Youtube videos and then they started- people started watching them and I asked Nick if he wanted to help me write them and he said yes and we started splitting the- first the AdSense and then the Patreon and then the sponsorships, we just split everything. Nick was never supposed to be a fall guy.
I'm sorry. Maybe I should have waited longer to do this. But yeah, I- the- I did not- I don’t think those things and I don't think Nick does either, I think it was just how fast we were writing stuff, and how fast we were putting videos out, it was just too fast. And we weren’t putting the care into them that needed to be put into them.
I've seen a lot of people on social media and other youtubers even lying about me, but other- other- Hbomberguy was not one of them, I just wanna be clear about that, except I was never setting Nick up to be a fall guy and. It was never a grift or anything like that. I swear it was not. It is not.
In the next couple of days, I'm gonna send out a message to the Telos supporters on Indiegogo and explain the whole situation in more detail to them because we were not super clear about everything that was going on with Telos and so I can- I understand if it seems like we weren't doing anything but we were. We were doing a lot of work on Telos. We just weren’t talking about it is because we- we made that initial first announcement for ‘final girl’ and that fell through and I'll explain that to the message I send out to the supporters which I'm sure will end up on reddit or somewhere… And after that we didn't- we didn't want to talk about it too much until we had something really concrete, and I will explain all of that in that message
Telos was and is not a grift. I was never gonna take the money and run. None of the money that came in for telos was ever going to be paying me or Nick. It was going to be paying queer actors and artists, musicians, things like that. And I know there's been lots of talk about budgets and all this stuff, and people saying that I'm really stupid for thinking a movie could be made for that little money, but there are examples of it being done, and I actually do have a work ethic.
Anyway. but yeah. anyway
I do want to keep making videos and I know a lot of you won't watch them and that's- that's fine. But I really liked making videos…
We ended up making a lot of videos we didn't wanna make because people were asking for them, and so there were a lot of videos that we made that we didn't wanna make, and I think those videos are very clear on which ones those were. One of them never got officially released. It was released to patrons, some patrons have shared it to other people before all the videos went private. A lot of people hate the analysis that Nick and I did on it but. And so maybe it's good that that never got properly released, because… maybe it would have hurt people. And I don't want that.
But I do wanna make videos again sometime. I'd love to do like retrospectives on important gay movies. If you watch the channel ‘Be Kind Rewind’ they're an amazing channel that do a lot of retrospectives on older Hollywood movies and I would love to do that for gay movies. A lot of gay movies, people my age and younger have never heard of, things like ‘Torch Song Trilogy’ and ‘Longtime Companion’, and stuff like that, movies from the seventies and eighties and the nineties, things that were like really influential for gay cinema that no one talks about. And you know, I'd like to talk about not just those movies but how they got made and stuff like that. I would love to do something like that.
I swear on my mother's grave that there will be no copying people, no copying pasting. Every source will be cited in a document and on screen. ‘Cause I usually liked doing the research. I loved doing research - reading the books and articles and stuff like that. I- the part of me that was lazy was the copy and paste part. Instead of just putting it into my words and citing them properly and giving them credit… that's where the laziness came in. That was- I wasn't trying to be malicious. That was just laziness. And I promise for anyone who does watch the videos that I make going forward… I promise that will never happen again. I welcome the highest level of scrutiny on the new videos.
As for Patreon, I’m going to reactivate it. Because I saw a lot of people on social media saying that I was probably going to reactivate it right on January 1st so that everyone could get a surprise billing and I could take the money and run. And, no. First of all that was never my plan and I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna reactivate it now so that anyone who wants to leave - which I imagine will be the vast majority - can leave and not have to worry about being billed again in January.
… Yeah. So. In closing. I'm again incredibly sorry... And again I'm not sorry because I was caught, I honestly didn't know how much I was hurting people… and how much harm I was bringing to the community, because that's not ever what I intended. I wanted the channel to be a safe place. I spent so much time deleting comments that were hateful
I recently found out that I wasn't being notified about- that I wasn’t seeing comments that were in replies to other comments so there were plenty of hateful comments in the comment section that were plenty hateful that I wasn’t seeing, and I didn't know that. But I wanted the channel to be a safe place and it ended up not being a safe place.
And for the misinformation, that kind of falls into two categories. 1. I did the wrong research in the historical things and other things they're not what I wrote.
Again, thank you to Hbomberguy and his team for making the fund for the writers. I'd like to try to contribute to that somehow so- if- if it's okay to make the videos public and send all of the- public and send all- it won't be all of videos ‘cause some of them had to be taken down because sponsors wanted them taken down, but I can put the videos back up with the sources properly put in either- for the I guess for the videos that would be going up from zero, I could actually put in sources for the videos, which would be good.
I guess I could- For the other ones that would just be made live again, I could put them in a pinned comment. ‘Cause I think people read pinned comments more than they read the descriptions, cause like the descriptions disappear in a lot of places. Something like that. Something so that I can try and- it won't make up for what I did but just. Something.
So I’m really really really sorry. I hurt a lot of people that I really respect and that really sucks. And.  Nick if you're watching this I know you're probably not but I miss you and…
Yeah I want to do better. I want- I want to do better. I want to prove that I can do better. I don't expect anyone to just give me the benefit of the doubt. But I want to show that I can do better, so I hope you'll let me do that.
Again, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that the things I did- I'm sorry that I disappointed you. I promise going forward I will do better.
Thanks for watching, and...
And I’m really sorry.
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wifegideonnav · 2 months
should i read homestuck. like i feel it would be interesting so i could see what yall are talking about in regards to tlt but is homestuck actually good
"is homestuck good" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 8129 pages of heated debate,
no but seriously, it highkey depends on 1. your definition of good and 2. your tolerance for stupid bullshit. as someone who read tlt and then hs, i'd say that being a fan of the chaotic aspect of tlt is a good predictor of being able to hang in with homestuck.
readmore because this. um. got long. the tl;dr is: i like homestuck a lot and i am glad i read it. i can't tell you if you should read it bc idk your tastes, but there is a lot to like and enjoy about it.
the official pitch for homestuck is something like "4 kids play a game and then a bunch of other shit happens." here's my pitch based on what the core of the story is to me:
several groups of characters across time, space, and reality are brought together in order to succeed at creating a new universe after their own are destroyed. this takes the form of a game, which is called sburb (by the humans) and sgrub (by the trolls). the characters must contend with an eternal battle against good and evil in which they are the deciding factor, and level up while following personalized quests. at its heart, homestuck is about relationships of every sort and how they shape us, growing up and the associated grief and loss, coming into ones identity and choosing who to be, predestination and fate, and stories themselves. it gets very meta at times, and the characters are semi to fully aware that they're characters, and attempt to subvert or escape that. it's got hordes of fleshed out, compelling characters, one of which will almost certainly glom onto you for the rest of your life, real emotion, extremely funny jokes, smart and exciting plotting, and some very cool moments. it more or less invented an entire new genre/medium, and plays with medium in a very cool way.
it is also clunky, hard to get into, and way too convoluted. you will never fully understand what's happening. there are tons of characters whose stories you will follow whom you simply do not care about. there are too many characters. it was written by an edgelord in 2009 so there's some unsavory humor and character writing. it's so fucking long. the ending kinda sucks because the fandom was so toxic that hussie simply wanted it over with. the fandom still kinda sucks tbh. so many people have wrong opinions about it. it requires a very specific lens to approach and understand it. i still dont understand what happened with that fucking puppet someone explain it to me.
overall, i'd say that if you think you want to read it, give it a shot. i have a complicated relationship with it but at the end of the day, i genuinely love the story and the characters and i know they will be with me forever. it certainly enhanced my understanding of tlt, and getting to read more of tamsyn's writing was such a bonus (even though her taste in pairings is. not the same as my own). and like honestly. it's just fun. even when you're going "wait what the fuck just happened" you're having fun. it's really goddamn funny too. it WILL change the way you speak and also think about romance forever.
the best way to read it is to have an experienced reader guide you, but if you or other people don't know anyone like that, here are my basic tips:
i think most people know this already, but download the unofficial homestuck collection. just do it. it's like 4 gigs and it's infinitely better than trying to read on the broken website, and it's even ad free. it can also be modded - for instance ik there's a slur replacer mod (lmao) if you don't want to read those
act 1 sucks to read. you're like what the fuck is this, THIS is homestuck?? the beginning is radically different from how it ends up, so just hang in there. for me, it really picked up somewhere in act 3. just focus on the silly fun the characters are having and you'll be good
things you should actually try to follow in the early acts: the concept of a sylladex existing (the various fetch modi are only there for jokes and eventually just kinda stop being a thing), where all the copies of the game are, what each kid's relationship with their guardian is like, the mechanics of the game and the lore behind it, including classpects and quests
things you do not have to waste brain space on: anything about how the totems work, what the various machines are, what the levels are, basically any of the jokes that would be funny to hussie's original intended audience of software engineers and rpg gamers. oh and the intermission with the midnight crew and the felt, just know that those are guys that exist and you'll be good.
and the biggest tip i have is just. go with it. suspend your disbelief. a lot of the worldbuilding doesn't really make sense, but it would be a worse story if it did. when the time shit and ectobiology come into play, literally just go ok got it and keep going, don't think too hard.
so yeah i don't even know if any of this is useful but i hope it helps you decide. and if you or anyone else have follow up questions send em!
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desceros · 1 month
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@fidgetyfawn hi hi so i thought i'd go and give you a very brief tumblr beginner/early intermediate guide since i've also seen some other people around here that may find it useful!!
i'm going to assume you know little to nothing, and this post is good both for people who are just looking to find cool art/fic/whatever, or for people looking to post their own art/fic.
click on the readmore here and i'll give you a bit of a walkthrough for how to get things set up and how to start interacting with people, as well as some basic etiquette!
THIS IS A VERY LONG POST!! pro tip: if you're on desktop, you can use the J key to skip down a post and the K key to skip up. youre welcome
so first things first, when you log in, the first thing you'll see is your dashboard. this is where posts from people you follow will appear.
dashboard management
i can't remember if this is the default or not, but i highly recommend you change your dashboard (almost typed dachshund ATD counter: 1) to chronological order. you can do this by clicking settings on the left, then dashboard (ATD counter: 2) on the right.
personally, i uncheck the 'shorten longer posts' option since it cuts things too short, and further down you'll see the option that says 'best stuff first'. turn that shit off. you'll miss a lot of posts from people you follow if you have it on. actually, everything on that preferences section can get turned off. tumblr is designed to be more curated, and those are all options the staff added trying to emulate things like twitter. they suck. turn em off.
how to find blogs to follow
so now that you've got your dash set up, it's time to get some shit showing up!! you've already started off right by following me, so i can see you know how to do that much. but in case this post breaches containment, i'll put some tips here for people:
if you see people out in the wild that you like who link their tumblrs, go check em out. see if you like what they post. if so, you can follow them. this will put their posts on your dashboard, and they'll get a notification that you've followed if they have those turned on.
once you find someone you like, check out who they're reblogging from. go check out those blogs. see who they're reblogging. go check out those blogs. search for things that you're interested in, and click on the people posting into those tags (more on this later). eventually, you'll be following lots of people who post things that you like, and now you can start really curating your own posting experience.
some people will have a DNI (do not interact) linked somewhere. if they do, it's considered good etiquette to give it a look and make sure you're not gonna step on toes. some people will have a "blank blogs"/"ageless blogs dni" on theirs, or say they'll block you if you're a blank/ageless blog. this is because a lot of bots will have a blank tumblr, so it's a good idea to make some text posts or something saying IM REAL I PROMISE and you can have "i'm an adult"/"18+"/"(your actual age if you're comfortable with it)"/"(an approximation of your age, e.g. 20s, if you arent)" before you get too in the weeds on following people.
sidebar, once you're blocked, it's a bit tacky to go find that person on other platforms or go on anon and ask why they blocked you. just move on and don't take it personally.
how to post shit
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these are the buttons that let you post new shit. when you make a new post, you'll get the post editor popping up. it's actually pretty cool, hot take, but here are the important things to know:
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put your post in the spot. i'm using the text post one here since i post either fanfic or nattering. you can add links to stuff, change formatting, font colors, all that. i'm not gonna get too into the weeds on that since this is a beginner guide, but there are other guides on how to do it slash you should fuck around with it a bit yourself. i will, however, show you the details of the "post now" button
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post now: posts now
add to queue: tumblr has a function where it will automatically post things in your queue. you can find it in your blog detail page, which you get to via account>[click on your blog name]>queue on the right. you can change how many per day go there. a lot of people will have a cutesy queue tag (eg "i love queue" or something punny like that) so your followers will know if it's a queued post or a regular one. this is cute, but not necessary
save as draft: if you want to keep a post for later but not publish it yet, you can save it as a draft. it's in the same place as your queue, but these will stay there until you post it yourself. i do this a lot for posts that i want to keep for their information, or to save art to post for when i'm trying to break up an ocean of asks. very cool feature
post privately: this will make it so that only you can see the post. just a warning though that anything that goes online will be seen by Someone, so i wouldn't put like. deep dark secrets or your ssn here or something. (<- does not use this feature at all hahaha)
schedule: you can have the post drop on a certain time on a certain day. fun for flashbanging yourself later, or reminding yourself of something, etc.
if you put something in your post, it will be "searchable" on tumblr. that means if you have a post saying "i hate tmnt rise" then people who look for "tmnt rise" may be able to see your post. just a heads up. you can make your blog not show up in search results, but if you're someone looking to be found (e.g. a writer trying to post, or someone trying to make friends, etc.) i dont recommend you turn that on. just be aware that if you post things talking shit, you might get some people trolling you. just block them and move on.
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if you click into a post, this thing will pop up. this will allow you to add a picture, a gif, a link, an audio file, a video file, a poll, or a readmore break (shortens the post like i did with this one to make it less intrusive on someone's dashboard).
etiquette note: if your post is going to be on the long side, Especially if it's a text post (for me this is around the 650-700 word mark), put it under a readmore. it's really annoying on mobile to scroll through a bunch of text. also, if you're going to post nsfw (which i will remind you, WILL show up in the public tags!) either have some kind of nsfw tag, put it under a readmore, or both.
on the bottom of your post, you will see the option to tag your posts. some people don't use the tag function at all. i use it religiously. tagging serves two functions: organizing your blog, and sharing your content.
on your blog, you can search posts by tag. this is the best way to search your tumblr, which has a notoriously terrible search function. if you ever want to confidently be able to find things again, tag them something you'll remember. i have a list here of tags i use as an example for some ideas.
secondly, tumblr has a function where you can see what everyone is posting under a certain phrase. you can find this by typing a phrase into the "search tumblr" bar in the upper right. this will largely be posts that are tagged by that thing, or have tags that contain that phrase. (e.g. if you search "tmnt" you will find posts that are tagged "tmnt" but also some that are tagged "donnie tmnt"). this is how you can find new people to find, and fun art to reblog, etc. search for things you're interested in, then go through the tag and find who looks cool.
you'll also find that some people (<- me) will "talk" in the tags. the op of the post Can See These!!! so don't say anything that's rude or that you wouldn't want them to see!!! but this is a holdover of tumblr etiquette from years ago when it was considered rude to reblog art, let's say, and put your thoughts about something in the reblog as its own reblog. the old school of thought is that it disrupted the "aesthetic" of the post, so you'll see a lot of people put their commentary in the tags instead. it's not as obtrusive, but everyone can still see it. there's a joke that your tags will "pass peer review" if someone screenshots them and puts them on the post while reblogging, but that's usually something you'll see on particularly funny posts or creative posts or that sort of thing.
reblogs vs reposts
you will come across people who have "no reposts" or "don't repost my art" in their description or on their blog or on their art. there's a lot of confusion for new tumblr people on what that means.
reposting means that you are downloading the art/fic/whatever, then using the upload function and creating your own original post.
reblogging is when you take the post that the person made, and clicking on the reblog button (third one here):
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reposting things is BAD because it does not give the op original credit and it makes it look like you created the thing. reblogging is GOOD because it shares art/writing/etc with the people who are following you, and encourages community. the double arrows are what keep community alive!!
on that note, likes are functionally useless. that little heart there does nothing for artist engagement. while there is a tumblr algorithm, it's terrible, doesn't really work, and! we've already turned ours off in the beginning, remember? most people will have done this. liking a post doesn't put it on your blog, it doesn't make it so that you can find it later, it doesn't boost the op's engagement. likes do the two things and only the two things:
op knows you saw the post
tumblr puts it into one giant unsearchable pile of things you've liked
that's it! so if you like a post, consider reblogging it. add that fun commentary in the tags we talked about! this is a really good way to make someone's day.
etiquette note; you'll sometimes see people who say "no spam likes". this means that they don't like it when people go through their blog and just hit like on the latest posts over and over and over. it clogs up the notification feed and makes it harder to see the engagement that actually Means something, e.g. reblogs, mentions, replies, etc. i personally don't have an issue with it since you can filter those out if you're looking for something, but if someone asks you not to do it, don't do it. also, if you do it and suddenly find that you're blocked even if you've not done anything wrong, that might be why. some people just don't like it shrug.
how to make friends
tumblr is a social media site, and while it's possible to have a great time on your own just reblogging pretty art and great fics onto your page, a lot of the joy comes from participating in community.
there's a good post here i reblogged the other day for some details, but here are some basic things for a beginner to know:
you can send messages to blogs you like called "asks". you'll find the link to it on the left of the follow button on someone's blog, and a lot of people will have changed the wording. for example, mine is called "request a song." you can send people messages, anonymously if you wish, and tumblr will let you know when the person has answered your message. they may do so publicly (which i always do!), so make sure not to put anything there you wouldn't be okay with all of their followers seeing. don't be rude. but it's the best way to start talking with someone. and most people are very excited to get messages like this!! so don't be intimidated!!
there is a dm system. most people aren't going to have it available except to people they're following, and it has a bit more of an intimate feel than an ask. personally, i only use this function for my mutuals (people whom i follow who are also following me), and i'd be willing to bet that's a common mood about it.
replies: just like you did with the post you started, you can reply to text posts. the op will see it, and you can start talking about a post without having it appear on your blog. it's a nice way to communicate without clogging up your dash/blog, and you did so perfectly!
reblogs: we already went over this, but you can also just reblog posts. the person from whom you reblog will see what you say, and op will see what you say. etiquette here is not to reblog posts if someone asks you not to, and to tag longer posts as "long post" so people on mobile who have that limited don't have to scroll as long
talk to people! be friendly! ask them about their day. if it's an author, tell them your favorite part of their last fic. ask what the inspiration was for this part or that part. i get people sending me songs in that remind them of character moments, and that's fun! draw art of your favorite scene, then tag the author in it! (to tag people, use the @ symbol, then type their username, e.g. @desceros tags me).
find people that are posting the things that you like, follow them, reblog from them, send in asks off anon when they reblog little games asking for them, just. you know. be social. that post i linked has some good ideas if you need help.
if you're coming from ao3, go to the author's profile page. a lot of us have our tumblrs linked there. go to their tumblr. follow them. send in asks about their fics. you'll often find fun fanart, or wips, or that kind of thing!
anyway i think that answered all the questions you had, but you can ask if there's something specific you were looking for i didn't touch. hope this helps!! C:
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 9 months
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since i decided i wanted to make Reed a butch lesbian, because not enough butches, i started thinking about Doom, even though this is a Spider-Man AU and Doom probably won't even show up, but, you know, I got carried away by a wave of lesbianism and wanting to draw fancy dresses
(crops below the readmore cause this pic ended up a big sketch dump)
I wanted Doom to be... like....... kind of glamorous but also versatile... it seemed like the right choice since regular doom is himself very vain etc. so i thought she ought to also be vain and gorgeous, and vary the way she dresses between things like tailored three piece suits with long coats, and evening gowns, and of course the armor.
adding the pic again just to refresh—
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it was interesting to think about how a female doom might present herself differently, and take influence from various comics and other sources (thinking about the gold mask dr. doom wore in a specific comic for example). The one eye thing just kind of occurred to me while I was drawing and I decided to run with it—one thing was for sure though, i wanted her to be stacked. big tits and big biceps. i figured with her face all fucked up she might still want to draw attention to her impeccable cleavage also so i put some gold glitter on her tits in that velvet gown.
obviously the armor is exactly the same as male doom cause, well, idk if you know this, but large round breastplates fit boobs also.
i think that doom being a lesbian would really make the stuff with valeria's namesake/doom's first love extra crazy though like... god... i'm thinking about it...
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anyway a little bit of doomreed, who am i to say no to bitter gay exes—and a college photo of the trio. reed is very tall, and ben and victoria are... well i guess victoria counts as slightly tall and ben counts as average. but next to tall lanky butch reed they both look short. i was trying to channel a very specific kind of "photos of butch lesbians from the 80s and 90s" vibe for Reed with the short broad tie and the high waisted slacks and men's haircut, and i think i got that. ben looks kind of generic but it's like. one of those things. it's jeans and a t-shirt, that shit has looked the same for like 50 years. maybe i should've tucked his shirt into his jeans or something, higher waist... lol
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obv posted this pic higher up but i was thinking about clothes and how to differentiate reed from the other menswear-heavy characters (like peter, and octavius) and thinking about some outfits i've seen reed actually wear in comics, and aside from the F4 costume, which i'd imagine reed wears the most often—for regular clothes the kind of slouchy casual, slightly outdated look seemed like it was just the right style... like she probably wears ties sometimes still but mostly only if she's gotta go to something formal, you know?
and as you can see, sue is 5'6"
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anyway i knew for sure i wanted Reed to be very masculine, a very specific kind of butch. basically taking reed's handsome DILF/absent-minded professor aura and transposing that onto a lesbian who still calls herself "Mr."
basically she looks exactly the same but with a slight modification to her figure. lmao. she's the kind of butch who gets asked if she's a man or a woman in public a lot. well. not anymore i guess, if the fantastic four are celebrities (though maybe in a weirder more invasive way...)
lost in the sauce (butches)
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lazaruspiss · 9 months
sladedicktalia??????? i am LISTENING
there's like. 5 fics. im so starved. i think theyre so hot and funny together!! im obsessed. also this got long so im adding a readmore. whoops.
SlaDick: classic enemies to lovers. they may try to kill each other half the time but they respect each other more than anyone else. OBSESSED with each other, Slade knows he's weird about Dick and couldn't care less but Dick is so in denial about it. they could both give explicit consent but be so antagonistic about it that it becomes unclear if "yes i want to have sex with you" is actually code for "die right now" and i think that's beautiful.
SladeTalia: they fucked! in canon! there was some bullshit plotline where Talia tried to give Slade Damian and pretend he was his son instead! ex fuck buddies who show up just to make each other's lives harder bc they wanna fuck so bad it makes them have stupid brain. also they're both hot as hell. i'm weak for big strong milf/dilf idk idk.
DickTalia: LISTEN TO ME. TALIA WOULD TREAT HIM RIGHT. THEY BOTH KNOW HOW EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING IT IS TO LOVE BRUCE. LISTEN TO M- ok aside from that. Talia is someone who tried so hard to be good, to choose to be kind. She loved Bruce because she saw how hard he tried to do good in the world. Her character has gotten considerably colder over time, in huge part due to a certain writer writing about her despite knowing nothing about her, but in universe i try and rationalize it as a growing cynicism stemming from both her father's gradually increasing cruelty and Bruce's failure to support her or commit to her or to even just respect her. She hasn't been shown to have very many people in her life who she can really trust and be close to. She used to have a good relationship with Ra's, she used to have Bruce, she's even lost Damian at this point. She feels like such a lonely character to me. And I think Dick would be able to see that, be able to understand it better than most. He's always had people who loved him, people he could turn to, but he's also ended up perpetually isolated for one reason or another. Dick and Talia both feel to me like characters who are so lonely the further they get in their lives. I could see a silent understanding there. The kind of people who would be able to find solace in simply sharing a space with each other. Neither of them like to talk about what they've been through, I think they'd like to have someone who just gets it. Trauma for trauma, you know?
SlaDickTalia: several angles available here.
1) Dick deserves some sexy older lovers who would wine and dine him and also rail him within an inch of his life and also kill for him. i am not immune to the aesthetics!! to the allure of a hot older duo double teaming their young spitfire partner!!!
2) corruption arc. u know u wanna.
3) Dick's fear of abandonment x the 2 most devoted people on the planet. if they were dating nothing bad would happen to Dick again, Slade and Talia just wouldn't allow that. smth smth, couldn't get rid of them if he tried <3
4) Bruce would hate it and that's always fun :3 not that that's hard tho, Babs is like the only one of Dick's partners that Bruce liked and that's bc he wants to keep it in the family.
5) healing.... sobs...... esp when it comes to feelings around parenthood. Those three have shit to work out and i think having some company would help.
6) They all need more people time but 2/3 of them don't get along with anybody so they're kinda stuck with Dick. that kid will forgive anybody if u bat ur eyelashes and behave well enough. He's also more likely to still see them as people despite everything they've been through, and when you're a military experiment and a semi immortal daughter of an immortal terrorist... It can be hard to find someone who looks at you like you still have a chance at humanity.
7) Slade and Talia playing a Cat Vs Dog type game with Dick in the middle. I think it's funny.
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antifa-rainbowdash · 3 months
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i've done more than enough fuh naff redesigns it's time for charles entertainment cheese and his gang to receive a makeover
what i had in mind while doing this was a (personal dream job) HYPOTHETICAL!!! scenario where somehow i've gone back in time and convinced the execs of showbiz pizza time inc to not only keep both cec and showbiz open, but begin a gimmick wherein we lean into the whole "pizza wars" thing and actively pit the characters against each other in a friendly rivalry sort of deal.
firstly youll probably notice that i replaced munch and pasqually with two ptt characters i like much better- pleasemunchandpasquallylikersdonthurtme- that being crusty and harmony. due to my own personal tastes but also because i think adding a second female member of the animatronic lineup evens things out pretty well.
second, is that they all are brand new incarnations of each character, and have their own blurbs i've decided to write down below under the readmore to explain. because this caption is insanely long already. happy reading!!! the rockafire counterpart to this post is coming shortly. so keep an eye out ;)
FIRST AND FOREMOST is the big man himself!!!! chuck e cheese!!! this chuck is an archetypal rebellious teen and cool kid whose primary hobbies include skateboarding and video games. he's got a sort of arrogant i'm-the-shit attitude about him and he definitely can come off as cocky. but he's not necessarily mean spirited either, he really does care for his friends, he's just full of himself.
now, for his rockafire rival (which you will find all the bots have their direct counterpart on the showbiz side of things) you may expect billy bob because mascots of the restaurant and all. but billy bob actually acts more as a mediator in all this, being the only one who has no rival, instead chuck's is beach bear. which will explain why beach has such an aversion to skateboarding - he associates it with the rat boi! chuck doesnt necessarily have anything personal against beach (because this is all in good fun and not anything malicious at all) but beach does feel like chuck's a bit too stuck up for his liking. and also, he can't stand sore losers, or folks who brag about their accomplishments. chuck in turn thinks beach is a bit of a stick in the mud and goody two shoes who doesnt know how to have REAL fun. again these are all FRIENDLY rivalries so nobody's truly mad at anyone just some reasoning.
secondly my gal helen henny. is the direct opposite of mitzi mozzarella of course, who is the popular girl in their high school and head of the cheerleading squad. helen meanwhile is the nerdy type who gets straight a's and sucks up to the teachers a lot. she doesnt get out much besides doing gigs singing in the pizzeria and otherwise is a bit of a shut in. mitzi thinks helen should loosen up, but helen thinks mitzi should be more focused on her future and realize that after high school "popularity" means nothing. theyll still eventually end up being gay married, but thats not until way after they both have graduated from college in which they will reconnect after a chance meeting in the local in universe starbucks, sparking a slow burn romance that eventually leads to the two being wed. but for now, they simply pass each other in the hallway with a friendly nod and perhaps a light chat about the weather.
crusty is in a sports college on a scholarship playing baseball and is one of the strongest team members on campus. he's more reserved and shy most of the time, but really comes out of his shell and shines on stage singing with the others. his dilemma mirrors high school musical in that he's embarrassed to admit that he loves to perform on stage to his fellow baseball players, who are currently unaware of crusty's thespian side. for his rival, fatz geronimo is actually a professor at crusty's college and crusty thinks it's a bit weird how theyre both performers in rival pizzerias. fatz wishes crusty would own up to his love of both baseball and theatre, sometimes giving him dad lectures about being yourself and you only got one life to live so you better make the most of it, while crusty just wishes the old man would mind his own business and butt out of his personal matters. deep down though he appreciates that at least someone cares about what HE wants though.
jasper t jowls in this era is a he/him lesbian because i say so and i make the rules here. he and harmony are open about them being a pair and are often uber affectionate with each other, in front of guests and their friends and all. they really dont care who sees lol. jasper is a farm dog that puts off his chores to go hang with his girlfriend and their friend group. he'd rather spend his hours practicing the banjo and wooing his lady than doing any sort of work, he's real lazy like that. his family thinks his dreams of being a rockstar are ridiculous and so jasper internalizes this way of thinking when it comes to dook larue, who dreams of being an astro physicist and has the support of all his folks. in reality jasper is jealous of dook not having to deal with criticism from his family and being able to freely follow his passions without outside pressure. dook sees jasper as weak willed and thinks he should grow a backbone, but the space doggo most of all just feels bad for the farm doggo and resents his family for not being supportive of his dreams. still, dook's idea of a pep talk is telling jasper to let his folks know what he REALLY thinks and jasper isnt too fond of the idea.
and finally harmony howlette is the resident ranch coyote!!!! shes an expert at wrangling wild mustangs and taming them and preparing them to be farm horses. shes sassy and blunt and takes no shit. sometimes having a hard time keeping her comments to herself. but shes also sweet and genuine, real down to earth type of gal. its what jasper likes best about her. shes rolfe dewolfe's rival, she thinks hes almost as stuck up as chuck can be but to her at least chuck has redeeming qualities about him. in her mind rolfe is just some washed up comedian that lets his assistant earle pick on him to get a cheap laugh out of the audience. which, rolfe doesnt necessarily deny the part about letting earle pick on him, but he thinks harmony needs to learn to take a joke and worry about herself a little more. he says that having a southern accent and country charm isnt a personality trait and wonders what jasper sees in her.
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mushroommushy · 1 year
Please please tell me your ideas I will be so normal about it I am not at all desparate for Broken Masquerade content
Boy I have so many ideas I actually need to put this in a draft to list all of the brainrot things I’ve had circling in my head!! This does include some negative things so feel free for me to ask to tag.
All of the colleges (Particularly Harvard) adding Thaumaturgy to their classes is extremely cool in the canon and I think there should be many more schools
Site-43 College beloved I want to go there so badly please be real c’mon :[
Those Facebook mom groups…oh boy there’s so much drama
Lord help all the poor kids with minor anomalous power
Segregation with schools, even restaurants
A lot of anomalies end up in homeless shelters because not many jobs are willing to take the backlash of anomalous employees
Shitty parents faking their kid having a dangerous anomaly so they can send them away
Because they think the foundation would just kill them because of all the propaganda
You know that the cults are gonna take advantage of this to try and grow their numbers
Chaos Insurgency propaganda against the foundation
A flag that shows your support for the foundation, GOC, anomalies hanging outside your home
New Genders from the tumblrinas like us
Twitter DNI’s are a genuine hell
‘Block me if you call anomalies SCP’s that’s a slur’
Speaking of slurs there’s probably a lot more
COTBG members constantly calling the Nälkan’s Sarkics just to piss them off
And Maxwellium members getting real pressed over internet drama
Someone trying to make the nicknames the Serpents Hand has into a slur
Dr. Glass walking down the street and just has someone scream ‘JAILER’ at him and he is desperately trying to not commit a crime
Also Twitter being Twitter
‘Is it wrong to kin SCP-076-2? I’d murder too if I was under the ocean.’
Extremely dangerous TikTok trends involving anomalies that makes both the GOC and SCP have collective heart attacks
Some girl posts a video from a foundation site doing Macarena during a breach and is just immediately cancelled on every platform
You know there’s gonna be dumbass teenagers trying to find some real dangerous shit to seem cool
‘Oh a lake full of bodies that makes you enter through mind control??? Sounds cool and not totally dangerous I’m gonna find it and go swimming’
Gonna readmore this it’s getting long lol
Five missing teens later the foundations getting slandered even though they did nothing
Articles with the ‘How to tell if ‘X’ is an anomaly’
Of course they’re bullshit and usually offensive
Charities to support anomalies
An actual cult around 2662 that didn’t spawn anomalously
You fucking know that the Christian’s will either take 343 well or absolutely horrifically
There’s also two sides of people when it comes to Cain and Able
The ones who hate Cain and think Able is reasonable and the people who think the opposite
Cain’s also not allowed to leave site-17 for more than just the fact he’d kill plant life it’s for his own safety tbh
Meri does get chances to wander the woods! Just..not in public because they rampage that would happen with the amount of broken phones and cars would be horrible
Iris gets to go home because she deserves it
I feel like Gerald would become a meme in general and people pay his hospital bills for him lmao
Parents keeping their kids out of school and switching to online or homeschooling to keep them away from anomalies
Conversion camps to send your kid to so people can ‘release them from their curse’
Those got the serpents hand real heated
Speaking of them they have the snarkiest Twitter account ever and just roast the living hell out of every word that comes out of the foundations mouth
So many fucking podcasts
There already is a writing on the broken masquerade hub of the foundation making a video with outdated slang to appeal to kids
But I think Dr. Gears should just stare at a camera and say swag with a straight face it would be beautiful
Kondraki, Clef and Gears get called dilfs and not a single one of them knows what it means
‘Kain’s the goodest boy’ even though he’s morally corrupt as fuck is very common
But he will Fuckin run if you even try to touch him he does not need his fur messes up
Ok I don’t want this to be a mile long so I’ll stop here but!!!
If you want more dm me so we can talk 👀👀👀 I need SCP friends
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beesmygod · 1 year
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im calling my shot too early, but i've spent the last 2 days getting my ass beat by lupus symptoms. im feeling so much better. the page is coming.
BUT in the meanwhile: i wrote this long post about why i left Hiveworks
ill put it under a readmore here on tumblr in its entirety:
intro: dont get your hopes up
look, i’m going to be straight up with you: there’s no messy drama or fallout that caused this. no juicy deets or salacious rumors to slurp down. you know if this were the case, i would have erupted across my various social medias in a frenzied rage with all the delicacy of a bull in a china shop partly for entertainment purposes. instead, this will probably be a boring at best navel gaze where i try to walk the line between pragmatically trying to explain why i left and moral grandstanding. because leaving abruptly looks weird externally, i do actually have to explain why instead of just mysteriously leaving during a period of time where i am being an obnoxious asshole. a combination of disdain for the current cultural zeitgeist and a growing culture of disrespect toward audiences has culminated in my online behavior devolving into the online version of grabbing people saying stupid shit on the street and shaking them very hard. this is something an insane person would do. i know.
the commodification and increasingly blatant commercialization of an art format that could once arguably be compared to other amateur transgressive arts (ex: underground comix, tijuana bibles) is borderline heartbreaking. not to be too dramatic, but i want to start smashing things like im a monster from the rampage arcade game to scare the NIMBYs away before they start building escape rooms where the fetish web comics used to be. there is no place unspoiled by the poison of advertising and sponsorships. except…
trying to make money in comics is a fool’s errand. go make furry porn commissions if you want to make money doing art! you’re completely out of your mind if you go into the arts to make money. full on detachment from reality if you choose comics. they should commit you if you choose web comics.
at hive:
i think people have a wildly different perception regarding the popularity of A Ghost Story so i have approximate data to give people an idea. having culled the SHIT out of my analytics results to remove bot traffic, i think i have relatively accurate results, i get about 1000 unique visitors a month (generously rounding up lol), about half of them are regulars, and 10% of them donate to patreon (this is, imo, an unfathomably large amount lol. shocking and humbling. thank you for your continued support of me in spite of [gestures]).  i feel like a small comic 99% of the time, but man. 1,000 is a big number. i can at least reasonably assume, i’m PRETTY sure, that i was a comparatively small comic in hiveworks.
my monthly payout was roughly $100 a month (and merch sales, if applicable) and their services included web site help, dealing with any merch sales, and site hosting in exchange for running banner ads (which have been a fixture on web comics since the conception of google’s ad program; remember the homestuck bidding wars??). banner ads felt like a small and reasonable compromise to be included in something that felt like a weird pipe dream. in certain circles, a hiveworks invitation was a stamp of quality with prestige; i was very aware of the company i was invited into keep and was initially pretty concerned with how my presence reflected onto them and their work. i was going through some serious brain problems due to a deeply stupid relationship and, as a result, i did my best to keep my head down, stay out of people’s way, and focus on not bringing undue shame to something i was well aware i was completely unsuited for. i had (and frankly, still have) no idea why i was chosen as i had not applied. i cannot stress enough that i was under no delusions as to the quality of my comic lol. my perception was that someone had stuck their neck out to make a special exception for me and i was constantly on the verge of fucking it up and humiliating them.
it was a very off-balance exchange extremely in my favor, and i was aware of this. especially since, being frank and honest here, i was bringing absolutely nothing to the table for them. i don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouth, but its a reasonable conclusion that i was more trouble than i was worth, given the infinitesimal worth.
the vast majority of hiveworks readers completely bounced off my comic, which makes perfect sense given the hiveworks audience is i think more interested in the genre they primarily host: fantasy and magical realism. in comparison, “a ghost story” is a slow, slooow burn about federal bureaucracy and being insane with extremely amateur art; i know what i am! and that’s fine! but i became a little resentful (and i tried not to! honest!) after 7 years of perpetually being put on a back burner. it felt like i was being strung along for reasons beyond my comprehension or as the baseline of acceptable awfulness for the website’s quality. someone has to be the “worst”, objectively. it’s not a great feeling to know it, coming to terms with it i think was much healthier than trying to fight it. it was a really good driving force to keep my mind off the nightmare of my life at that point and improve my art a lot.
AGS’ irrelevance was underscored by it being mentioned once over the course of 7 years on official social media networks, upon which a great deal of importance was placed. but frankly, there is nothing worse than dealing with the guy who sucks whining for the spotlight as though they are clueless as to why they are getting the shaft. so i simply achieved enlightenment by getting over it and realizing where i was in the hierarchy and how lucky i was to have so much shit done for me. i was (am, unbelievably. it never gets less wild when i sit down and really think about it) making enough through patreon that the $100 became my monthly fun money while i lived in oregon. it was welcome, but not essential.
a lot of real life, awful things happened that suck and couldn’t be avoided: one of the main points of communication and organization became terribly ill, COVID happened and obliterated shipping and manufacturing rates for apparently all eternity, uhhh the fabric of reality began to unravel lol. it’s been a terrible couple of years. i want to underscore this stuff so that people understand i was not wronged greatly in the grand scheme of things.
there are things that started to chip away at me over time, which made me question if i was a good fit at all. genuinely: the only thing i want to do is to try to live happily within my morals doing what i love to do. even and especially if it means living very broke. that’s the exchange i’m consciously choosing to make when i pick up the pen every day. due to the generosity of the people who support me or have supported me at any time (special shout out to adam, who puts up with this shit for some reason), i am able to do that. i contribute a proportional amount to the household now but tried to be (was??) 50/50 or 25/25/25/25 when i had roommates. i don’t want my one unyielding selfish choice to be anyone else’s burden.
i was told by another artist in hiveworks that my confrontational behavior could be a poor reflection on the brand, which became the tipping point in my choice to leave. to be clear, no one in charge told me this, but even conceptually i was not comfortable representing a company that i felt i was a member of out of obligation or inertia. i didn’t belong there and my presence was an active detriment instead of a tolerated nuisance.
when the offer to leave was presented, i didn’t feel regret, or anxiety, or upset at all. i felt a placid sense of relief. i COULD leave. that’s TRUE. i had been kicking it around on my private twitter for a few months going back and forth with myself over what was more important to me: being able to take care of myself financially or doing something about my own hypocrisy that kept me up at night. if my incessant argument is that advertising based commercialization is a societal poison, then i need to put my money where my mouth is. and if i’m consistently annoying, i need to leave as a courtesy to everyone else.
i don’t regret my time with hive at all, but the overarching transformation from a collection of cartoonists to a brand is not where i want to take my art. i can’t bring myself to work even within the proximity of seven seas, a deeply abhorrent company. i am completely disinterested in wasting time or energy worrying about “the algorithm” because i don’t make comics for the computer’s sake and recognize that there’s a finite number of people interested in web comics in the world and an even more finite amount of money to spend on luxuries (because none of us have any money lol). i don’t want to repeat the familiar cycle of lamenting the death of art as we know it every 6 months.
people who are choosing to spend their limited funds supporting me are making a deliberate choice to elevate my presence in their life. i want and need to keep this in mind at all times, because it drives my attitudes toward what i want to choose to focus on. i want to keep my art (“art”) free with additional goodies being as reasonably priced as possible in the hopes that in this way we scratch each other’s back. making money drawing comics is a ridiculous privilege granted to me by people willing to sacrifice their time and money to me; i need to be thinking more about all that i have instead of worrying about what i don’t.
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vinetae · 1 year
Alice's Game
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This is a game.
And you must win.
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𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕!𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛, 𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝙼𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚛!𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚓𝚘𝚘𝚗, 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝟷𝟾+ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏. 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎. 𝙲𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖! (𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚎), 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝙵𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜, 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚕 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎.
𝙰/𝚗: 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎, 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙶𝙾𝙳; 𝙳𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙻 𝚐𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝚄𝙰𝙻 𝚓𝚊𝚒𝚕.
This was a request from a friend of mine, and so I decided to try my hand at yandere things and psycho-killer themes. She's not on Tumblr, but says Hi! <3
Heavily inspired by: @dovechim - Lost In The Funhouse
Go follow them, they're amazing!! <3
Comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist ☺
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The black molded floor sinks in. The ropes snaked around tightly your limbs, a small tear slipped from your duct. 
It was so perfect. Graduate college, work in the psych ward, settle down in a little town with two or three kids. 
Nowhere in the planner had ‘get kidnapped by your own patient’ penned in.
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Clicking on your red pumps echo through the long hallway. The stench of cigarettes, drugs, and something not so moral wash over your senses. Down the hall, several doors lock themselves tightly away from any human contact. Protecting the people outside of it, more so than what’s inside.
“Remember, no touching. You get 20 minutes, then you’ll hear the buzzer go off. He’ll be chained to the chair, so you don’t have anything to worry about. We’ve also installed cameras on the entire floor and rooms for the patients’ safety. 
Yeah right. You think.
They only take these monsters away because they’re scared. You see, the most notorious, psychopaths and murderers have no fear. From the amount of childhood trauma and mental disorders swirling their brains distracts them from any fear they could have. Neurotypicals such as you had something they could only mirror. Never truly experienced. 
The buzzer alarms. You walk inside the dark room, eyes adjusting to the bright fluorescent light hanging above a metal table. You look a little closer, gasping quietly at his appearance.
You dealt with plenty of psychos in your life. Your father had -unfortunately- been one of the many you came to study in your adult-age. Your mother, a narcissistic pathological liar, has been anything but helpful to your own past. As a child, you lived in constant fear. While kids your age had been going to the park to eat ice cream with their parents, yours had been hunting your innocence and soul both mentally and physically. At the ripe age of 9, you’d decided that you wouldn’t take their shit anymore.
Maturity didn’t make you grow up fast. 
It was fear.
Fear of waking up with your father standing over your bed, knife in hand as blood trickled down the sheen of metal. Heavy grunts and heaves exile his chest. His crusted beard and shattered glasses hang his expressions.
Only, he had no emotion. 
You figured that out very quickly on your 5th birthday. As curious children wander, you had two makeshift barbies in hand. Your colored two ponytails your half-sober mother had lazily put up when she had been in a good mood. The old wooden creaked open as you fell back on your behind.
Father had been yelling at your mother -as per usual- about something and something. Most of your childhood had been extremely vague. Later on, you found out from your psychology class that the brain subconscious avoids pain of any kind. Your brain had blocked the horrid memories. Only allowing you to remember certain things when it thought you could handle it. 
That’s why you’d joked between your colleagues that your brain had been your parent.
The door creaked open, revealing the rotting stench of what had seemed to be deer and rabbits. You fell to the floor, silently crying out for the animals your father had mutilated. 
That wasn’t even the worst part. 
You glance over, sniffling as your child-like innocence sets itself on a blood-shot red table. Obviously the smell is emitting from that more than anything. You scooted a chair over to get a closer look, screaming as your eyes set on the mutilated, poked, prodded, and bloodied human limbs.
A head stares back at you, laid lifelessly on the table. The eyes had been gouged out, while flesh had been ripped off. A ear lays next to your arm. Stitched with some kind of black thread, then ripped apart once more. Anything you’d seen in your teen years on horror movies had nothing against this. 
Boots clack against the old wooden floors. 
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“Doctor? Are you alright?” The guard’s firm but caring tone pulls you from the horrid thoughts. You nod, embarrassingly pushing your black frame glasses higher up to the bridge of your nose, preparing to get to the bottom of what made this man tick. 
“Are you ready?” He asks, as you nod once more. 
The buzzer sounds. 
His dry grin creeps the corner of his lips. 
“Well hello, pretty thing.”
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You chuckle at the silly nickname, keeping your professional stance as you take a seat in the chair across from his. You take notice of his situation. A white straight jacket wraps his built figure. Black, greasy locks fall effortlessly in front of his intimidating eyes. The fluorescent light brightens up his skin even more, every freckle and mole visible on his porcelain like skin. 
You’d seen a lot of mediocre good-looking patients but they had nothing on this man.
Pulling your professional mask back on, you flip through his papers, glancing between the two. 
Cherry red lips..
“Kim Namjoon.” You read.
A well built frame. Muscles as big as your whole head-
“No need for formalities, darling.” he leans closer, staring you down through his luscious eyelashes. 
“It’s just Namjoon, sweets.” He leans back, a bored expression plays on his face. 
You chuckle, flipping through more of his paperwork they’d provided you days beforehand. Of course you’d skimmed through it, but you want to make this at least a bit more comfortable without having to look in his enticing chocolate irises. 
Case #: 2918   Page: 9
Date: June 2nd, 2019.
Last Name: Kim    First Name: Namjoon    Middle: -none-
Race: Asian.
DOB: Sep 12th, 1994.
Details of case: Genocide, use of illegal drugs, Man slaughter, homicide.
Weapon(s) involved: C13H16CINO - Ketamine usage. Dimethoxyethane (DME) usage. 
Habits of patient: Grinding teeth, untimely laughing fits, manipulation, gaslighting,-
One word has caught your attention.
He chuckles at your facial expression. You cleared your throat, focusing your attention back onto the subject. 
“You have quite the resume, Mr. Kim” He chuckles, leaning against the metal chair’s back end. A glimmer of curiosity peaks his irises. 
“Only the best for you, Doc.” You chuckle, shaking your head softly at the teases. You reach into your pocket, sliding the recording device across the table to land between you two. You click your pen, glancing at his bored expression. 
“Any time, Mister Kim.” 
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Once the session's finished, you start to pack your belongings, making sure the recording device is safely tucked beteen you leather breifcase pouch.
"See you later, Little Alice." He replies, watching as you pack more of your things into what small leather briefcase you'd been carrying around. You nod, still having a weird feeling in the pit of your stomache.
"Can I help you?" You ask quietly. He lets out a dark chuckle.
"More than you know, Doll." You roll your eyes, before turning back to face him.
"My name's not Alice, by the way." He hums, leaning against the back of his chair.
"I'm aware, Miss Y/n".
How'd he know your name? It's not like you wear a nametag.
He stands, stalking over to your figure.
He chuckles at your cuteness.
You stand your ground, fixing your posture to seem big.
It didn't work.
No amount of heels could ever make you feel equal to this man. Not only was he one of the most notorious serial killers, he was freakishly tall.
You words catch in the back of your throat.
"Why did you call me Alice, then?"
He smirks, doing a one-over on your whole body.
"Because," He steps closer. If it hadn't been for the straight jacket, he'd have you up against the wall, screaming for him to fuck you by now.
"You like sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."
You huff at his harsh tone.
"And why doesn't my nose belong here?"
He smirks, leaning to the side of your cheek, his hot breath dances lightly on the skin of your lobe.
"Because this is not a place for purity, darling."
You huff.
"I am not purity, Kim." He smiles, walking back over to the chair he'd originally been sat in.
"And I'm not a psycho-killer." He watches as the pink creeps up your face like a child trying to make it past their parents bedroom on Christmas day.
Grabbing the rest of your things, you both hear the buzzing of the door, watching as it opens to reveal two men here to escort you out.
"See you tomorrow." You call back, while making your way out of the room.
This, was going to be fun.
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The buzzer sounds once more. The same routine you’d adjusted to for around a week now. Every day, you’d come into the asylum to check on Namjoon. Sadly, you had only gotten so far as learning what you’d already known. His name, family (or lack of), favorite ways to torture his victims, etc. You’d gotten nowhere, and your deadline was this month. You had to figure out some way of helping him open up. 
Your white pencil skirt creeps up the length of your legs every step you take. Thankfully, you’d chosen to wear black shorts under the skirt as always. The black silk button-up you’d picked from a thrift store lays lazily against your risen bosom. The small accentuates of jewelry decorate your typical appearance. 
You walk into the room you’d now referred to as being your ‘office’ mainly because of how many times you'd been here instead of actually being at corp. You noticing as they bring in Namjoon. The straight jacket still wound tightly around his figure. He plops down harshly on the metal chair, the straps lock his limbs down firmly. Once the guard shuts the door behind him, Namjoon glances through his thick eyebrows to your delicate looking figure. The simple gold necklace eases the hard look of your thick black glasses. A small chuckle escapes his chest. 
“What are those for?” You motion to his forearm, noticing a large incision about the size of a pencil spayed heavily on the surface of his forearm. Dried blood clings to the wound.
“Why so many questions?” You mentally roll your eyes at his comment. You lean forward, the dip of your shirt peaking just enough to give him an accidental taste of what he couldn’t touch. 
“Mister Kim, I’m trying to help you.” He scoffs, looking off into the distance to the corner behind you. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t need your help.” You offer a small grin, to which he barely returns. 
More, Y/n. Come on..
You lean forward some more, now giving him a full display of the dips of your laced breasts on full display for his viewing pleasure. 
“Listen. You’re right. You don’t need my help. But,” Your so close to proximity, that you can feel both lines of breath starting to mix. A dangerous concoction indeed. 
“You want it.”
To that, he chuckles at your ignorance. 
“No, Alice, dear.” He leans forward to meet your own posture. 
“You want it.” He leans back, enjoying the view you’re still providing. 
“Sweet, innocent girl. So,” His lips are so close to yours. Your breath staggers in pitch at his closeness. You’re seducing a serial killer. How fucked up is that?
“Very,” His smirk plasters his face before banging his forehead into yours. 
“Fuck!” You curse. 
His words are harsh, you fall backwards, holding the bruised spot starting to welt. You pierce his gaze, a crazy look remains in his gleam. 
The guards come rushing in to restrain him, as they escort you out. His voice rings through the dark room, reminding you of everything you tried to forget. 
“Might as well just crawl back to daddy if you really wanna study a psychopath, darling!” 
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Jimin sighs, cleaning the gash around your forehead. 
“That fucker” He mumbles, cursing under his breath as your mind’s too busy with reenacting the scene. Looking for something to use against him. 
“I’m gunna fucking kill him!” He groans, lightly applying the bandage to your gash. You wince, but not from the pain. It had been nothing compared to what your father put you through. 
“It’s fine, Jimin.” He scoffs at your obvious lie. 
“Of course it’s not fine, Y/n! That piece of shit fucking gashed your head! You should be lucky he was in that straight jacket. Who knows what he could’ve done with his sick mind!?” You place your hand on his shoulder, hopping off the table to keep your balance.
“It’s okay, really. All in a job’s work.” He rolls his eyes, handing you a small cup of water. You take it from his grasp, immediately quenching your thirst. Throwing the cup into the garbage, you make your way back over to the cafeteria of the prison. 
You’d been escorted to the main level. There were four floors. 
1st held all of the common criminals. Pickpockets, thiefs, people with unpaid parking tickets, druggies and more. 
Second level is for the more mediocre criminals along with the cafeteria and indoor gym for the workers.
 Third, held people like small murderers and interogation rooms. 
The fourth floor had batshit crazies, people with the same charges as Ted Bundy, Dhamer, Lopez, and Shipman. 
Along with Kim. 
You groan in frustration, throwing the papers across your small apartment’s space. The anger you felt had manifested from this case, along with the news that your father had escaped his death sentence, and broken out of the ward he’d been kept in; about 100 miles from where you had moved. 
His laugh echoed through your head. Flashes from when he’d gashed you in that interrogation room earlier fills your senses. Screams, cries, yells reverberate off the walls of your mind. 
A mix of Namjoon’s and your father’s voice screams in your head. 
You’ll never be normal.
You’re not worthy.
You’re the product of a serial killer.
Shut up..
You know it’s true, Y/n. Deep down, 
You always have.
You pick up the glass bottle, throwing it against the wall. The blood-shot red liquid stains your creme white walls. Shards of glass fall to the oak wooden floors. Soaking in all of the pain. Frustration. 
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Day 13.
What an unlucky number. The bags under your eyes alert everyone around you of your restless night. You’d tossed and turned all through the night. Images of your father beating your mother, pictures you’d gone to therapy for 5 years to try to rid yourself of. His evil laugh rips through your fears. 
Living in constant fear for your life is not the ideal thought to have right before you sleep. 
In the end, you’d decide to google anything and everything about this ‘kim Namjoon’ person. 
Six hours later, and you practically had been left at a dead end. 
Family of four. Brother went hysterical, falling into the coping of drugs. Sentenced to sex years for sex trafficking and overdosing/torturing victims. 
You laugh hysterically. 
I guess torture runs in the family.
Mother - Neighbours said the family had always been weird. Hauling in animals left and right, even when it hadn’t been hunting season. Mother had always been cooking something in the backyard. Neighbors complained of ghastly and grotesque smells coming from Kim's estate. Police searched, but had come up empty handed. Soon, father went on a killing spree. A total of 16 lives were lost to the hands of Namjoon’s father. 
Something had caught your eye.
When investigated, authorities found descriptive and eerie pictures of a disgusting family dinner. Authorities took 8 months to identify the victims. Finally, they had been concluded. 
A total of 5 bodies - 4 girls and one boy - all around to be 16-21 - had been consumed. 
Your body hunches forward, your lunch threatening to spill from your stomach. Bile comes creeping up your throat. 
He had been a cannibal. 
It was so much worse than you thought..
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You make your way back into the room, a patient Namjoon is placed in his usual spot. His creeping smile repulses you. You take your seat, preparing the session. 
This time, you were going to catch him. 
The assignment you’d been hired for had been altered.
“Find some evidence good enough to put him on immediate death row.”
Seeing this bastard’s head chopped off gave you some sick kind of feeling in the pit of your stomach. Watching as it rolls around, after being freshly severed gives you a sense of relief. 
And something that should not be there in a time like this…
His chocolate brown eyes swirl your figure. 
“Good morning, Alice.” He fakes a smile, as do you. 
This is a game.
And you must win.
A smile creeps his face. His black locks frame his face like framing of the Mona Lisa. 
You had to admit, he was gorgeous. 
“Good morning, Kim.” He faints a cheap taken back expression from your harsh words. 
“Damn baby, thought after all these dates we’d already have first names in the vocabulary.” You chuckle, clicking your pen to write the date down on your spreadsheet. 
“These aren’t dates.” He smiles, watching as you pen in the date and time.
“Mmm, You sure dress like it is.” 
You glance down to your outfit. The Wine-stained two piece pantsuit accentuates your hips. The white blouse teasingly pops out between your cropped blazer. The gold necklace you’d previously worn, adorns the thin curves down the front of your chest. 
You can hear his chest heave a short groan at your outfit choice. 
You looked like absolute fucking sin.
“Mmm, You look good in red.” He leans forward, the straight jacket having been discarded for ‘good behavior’ from last week. Anything to get to touch your porcelain-soft looking features. To have you writhing under his touches. To corrupt your innocence you hide behind the insecurity like a masked confidence. 
He could read you like a book. 
A newspaper, even. 
You’re filled with stories for him every day.
Your eyes follow his lead meeting in the middle. You notice the write cotton sweatpants wrapped around his thick thighs. The white-ish cream colored monochrome tones match his top. A long sleeve cotton shirt with lack of strings of any kind. Precautions of suicide, you learned in college. 
“So, tell me.” You lean forward, resting your hands atop the desk, placing the point of your chin in the dips of your palms. 
“Anything, Dear.” He flashes a genuine looking smile. 
He’s just mirroring my own expressions.
Psychopaths can’t feel actual emotions. 
So, why does it look genuine?
“Tell me about your family.” He chuckles. 
He glances to the walls surrounding the two of you, sighing out of boredom. 
“Well, it’s not like I’m going anywhere anyways.” He leans up, placing his forearms on the cool metal table, mimicking your stance. 
“What’d you like to know, princess?”
You flip through your folder. 
‘Wow I feel so special. My own folder~” You tilt his head to the side, trying to get a better look at your features to remember for later, but to anyone else it’d just seem like he’s in his own head, acting crazy. 
Like he is.
“Tell me about the wonderful feasts you had.” His expression falls cold. He leans back, demeanor switching completely. 
“Get out.” He torts, but you don’t budge. 
“Come on. Why did yo-” 
“I said get the fuck out!” He yells, as the two guards come rushing in, pulling you away from the metal table. 
Once he sees that you’re gone, he quickly grabs the folder, stuffing it quickly into the belt area of his pants before being dragged out of the interrogation room. 
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Once back in his cell, it’d already been time to rest. His body lays against the cool mattress, shuffling around he finds a comfortable position. On the bright side of being in the top 10 notorious murderers, they deemed him too insane to share a room with anyone else. 
He pulls the thin covers over his head, making sure the red light from the camera in the top corner of his room turns completely off, before the camera sinks back to it’s ‘off’ position. He only gets the non camera luxury because the past few years he’d built up somewhat good connections with the guards. They didn’t like him, but tolerated him more than some of the other inmates. 
It also helped to be in the commission business here. 
The guards always have to be checked for any type of drug or weapon that they could sneak into the facility, which meant taking away their pleasure supply. And to be working in a stuffy, cold, dark and -let’s face it- anything but clean place, it was hard to find the kind of things people were into. Thankfully, Marc, Namjoon’s neighboring door down had a plentiful supply of eroticisms that weren’t even allowed -outside- of the facility. 
Namjoon flips through the papers, having a difficult time reading your chicken scratch. He scoffs at your poor penmanship. 
“A three year old could write better than this.” He rolls his eyes, scanning over the meaningless words such as ‘The Kim family had always been strange and introverted.’ ‘Tied to their house’ 
Blah blah blah. 
He already knows that. 
He lived it. 
One line caught his eye. 
“Lee Y/n.”
He chuckles. 
You’d left your profile in the case file.
He flips through the pages, studying over the content while biting into the apple he’d been given as a token for being a quote ‘good noodle’. 
This good noodle was gonna rip out that guard’s small intestine and use it as a fucking belt if he ever said shit like that again.
He flips through the folder, watching as more information pops up to his enjoyment. 
Name: Lee Y/n
Age: 25
Occupation: Criminal Psychology and Justice Studies. 
Level of Education: Dual-Enrolled all of highschool, Straight A student, Volunteered at psych clinics for 2+ years. Studied at Carnegy another 4 years. 
Hobbies: Reading, History, Criminal studies, Karate, Ju-jitsu.
Another section of the folder catches his eye. 
Background Screening Results - 2019
Relatives: No
Recommendations: 3+
Notes:  Father convicted of 6 murders, one being his own 4 year old son, Grayson. Currently resides;
Westwood Mental Institution (2017).
Mother clinically diagnosed with DSM - Schizophrenia, Generalized anxiety, and depression. Currently resides and recovering in Livingston, Montana. 
So crazy runs in your family too, huh?
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Your low wedges plank across the hardened concrete floors. The off-white colored pencil dress you’d chosen to wear sways along with the sing songy tone of your hips. 
“Morning, Miss Y/n!” Catherine calls from the front desk. 
“Morning, Cathay!” You walk past the guards, already knowing the routine. They don’t even need to check you anymore. -Though, they sometimes still do-
You make your way to the room, laying your small briefcase on the metal table, preparing for today’s session. The cold walls block any kind of kind thoughts you have. 
Something was off. 
 Soon, the thick mental door opens, revealing Namjoon. 
By himself..
You stand, wondering where the guards had gone. 
Sirens whirl off in the distance. 
“Hello, My Alice.”
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You’re confused. Had one of the prisoners tried to escape? It wasn’t until Namjoon grabs you by the arm, gripping tightly, making his way through the corridor. The guards stop him about 20 feet in front. Guns and flashlights shine and gleam on the both of you. Namjoon sighs, rolling his eyes before quickly pulling a gun to your head. 
“Easy boys. Don’t want a lawsuit on your hands” Namjoon’s plastered smirk sends chills down your spine. 
“Come on Namjoon, leave the girl alone.” One of the guards eases his way towards the both of you, still keeping a distance that Namjoon would prefer. He pretends to ponder for a moment, but a blood-curdling look smears his face. 
“How about… No.” He aims the gun towards the guard, ducking down to save his own life. 
“See? You don’t really care about her.” Namjoon’s eyes crane to look down at your motionless frame. 
“Not like I do.”
Just then, a large explosion goes off in the distance. Namjoon’s grasp on your figure never seems to falter as he bends down, shielding you from the glass shards shattering through the air. 
‘Perfect timing, my friend.” He claps his free hand toward a strange looking man, before hauling you up onto his shoulder, making his way out of the blown through wall. 
‘You’re insane!” You yell. A harsh slap to your ass is applied, along with a shushed tone telling you to be quiet. 
“No, No baby.” He sets your figure down, ripping a length of cloth from his shirt to tie snuggly around your hands. 
“We both are.” He caresses the side of your cheek, before you hit his hand backwards, spitting on his face. The anger was clear as day upon his face. 
“Wrong choice, baby.” He reaches into his pocket, revealing a plastic covered syringe. 
“Namjoon please- Please just let me go and I can help you!” You beg, but it’s no use. He flicks the needle, before running a hand through your locks, shushing your shivering figure. 
“Shh, Shhh. It’s okay baby.” His lips meet the crown of your forehead, kissing softly. The sounds of guns firing in the background doesn’t help one bit. 
“Namjoon- Y-you don’t need to do this! Please!” you tried to scoot as far away from his as possible, but his strong biceps held you in place against the metal pole just outside the view of the asylum. 
“This could’ve been different if you had just listened to me.” He sighs, nearing the needle towards the skin of your neck. 
“Namjoon! Please!” you’re practically screaming this time. His free hand comes to cup the palm of his hand against your mouth. 
“Shhh, darling. Be a good girl for me.” A sharp pain rips through your neck. Everything begins to fade in and out. The last thing you see is his disgusting face plastered with a clown-like grin. 
Pure, evil.
“My little Alice.”
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©sweethearthigh 2022. Do not copy, translate, or modify my works with given consent from me.
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dirtcube · 2 years
The great fabric vs forge ramble
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two people want to hear my ramblings im going to ramble now.
Essentially, my main thoughts about forge and fabric is that they’re two modloaders for entirely different audiences of minecraft playstyle. I’m speaking from the perspective of someone who’s been playing minecraft since the indev versions, and thus a lot... a lot of hours playing modded minecraft.
Putting this under a readmore because it became really long lmao
From my experience with making modpacks for my friends and digging through pages upon pages of fabric mods, Fabric is GREAT for general-audiences type packs. There is rarely anything very complex in there. Almost every fabric mod is easy to understand and get into. There’s very little truly gameplay changing mods, save for some outliers that have recently sprung up/been ported from forge. If I have to mention the biggest gameplay changing mods for fabric, that was native to fabric, i’d have to say tech reborn, bewitchment, and origins are the ones that immediately come to mind. 
This makes fabric, as I mentioned, great for general audiences type gameplay. Vanilla+. Friendly for your-average-streamer server and for anyone that wants to play modded with their friends that aren’t as familiar with the game. It’s the people pleaser modloader, because nearly all mods will have people generally go “yeah I like that.” You won’t have people fighting over a selection in your modpack you made for your little server. And that isn’t bad! It’s very good that we have a much more accessible modloader and library of mods.
But by god is it boring and disappointing sometimes to go through curseforge’s fabric category and see vanilla+ upon vanilla+ mod. “More decorative blocks”, “more furniture”, “more mobs”, “QOL tweaks”, “dimension mod that is essentially an excuse to add new blocks and mobs and nothing else”, “biome overhaul/biome mod”. 
Want to find a magic mod? Tough shit. You get incredibly, incredibly basic magic mods. Or, you get things entirely unbalanced for multiplayer. Or its literally just “here’s another new oretype past netherite thats OP as hell and doesn’t’ actually change gameplay.”. It’s like people don’t know how to make mods that aren’t just decorative or making the player overpowered.
And then you look at Forge, and you see the wild shit that they have going on there. And I know that a part of it is that forge has been around for much longer and thus has a lot more experienced devs on it that can do crazy shit, but there’s still that part of me that’s just sad.
From thaumcraft to electroblob’s wizardry, we just don’t see this in fabric.  Except for this guy trying to bring thaumcraft over to fabric as practice big props to this guy me and my friends are quietly cheering him on.
Moving on- Forge is the modloader for people who want complexity in their gameplay. Who want a different gameplay experience from vanilla.
Forge is for experienced players, and focused groups. Forge is generally, not great for easy youtube or stream content, nor is it good for pleasing a general audience. It’s not great for servers that have varying skill levels of play, because by adding complex content (and often difficulty enhancing) mods you alienate the players that aren’t as good at the game. This doesn’t make forge worse, however, but it makes it visibly different when you’re looking to mod your game. 
Now, to talk about the elephant in the room, forge is perpetually stuck at 1.12 for the most part. There’s some movement and there’s some newer ones at 1.18 and 1.19, but a majority of known forge mods are for 1.12 and below. This further adds to the feeling that forge is for experienced players that seek gameplay different from vanilla, because those kinds of players would mind the older versions a lot less compared to someone who is less experienced and thus wouldn’t be so inclined to seek gameplay that differs from vanilla- because they haven’t experienced vanilla as much!
When you look at the repertoire of forge modpacks and forge mods, so many of them are big, gameplay changing mods, and nearly all forge modpacks make sure to include them too, meaning that you are stuck at older versions. 
Now, back in the day I didn’t mind this very much as I primarily played singleplayer. But now that I mainly play multiplayer with my friends, this is painfully noticeable. My friends dont’ want to play older versions! And that’s perfectly understandable. But that means we’re forced to stick to fabric, because ultimately fabric has the most mods for latest and updates the fastest, and they prefer being on latest! And honestly I don’t want to play on older  versions all the time too because certain recent updates sure were good!! And there’s no way to play on latest *and* have those gameplay changing mods that would make my gameplay more interesting *while* having the latest update on.
And I think that’s really just the main point of that whole debate. Forge players would love to update, but they can’t because of how slow it all is. And that’s not the fault of the forge modders or the modloader, because development teams all work differently. And telling them to move to fabric isn’t going to cut it, because fabric lacks the things they want, and being told to move to fabric and abandon the things you like and care about because “fabric is better” when it does not fulfil the things you want in a modded game is annoying, and shows a lack of understanding of why they even play those older versions and mods in the first place.
The weird war between forge and fabric is not because one is inherently better than the other, its because people don’t understand that one does not appeal to the other because it’s lacking what the former had.
And SURE. Fabric has a great repertoire of mods, but as I mentioned before- A majority of it is vanilla+. And if you’re a years-long forge player with the wildest and most complex modpacks, vanilla+ wont make you happy no matter how many of those mods are there.
That’s essentially the end of my ramblings. Hope it was comprehensible at any point lmao.
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
(Hello, sorry if this sounds weird/rude, idk how to phrase this sentences tbh)
I really want to start writing fanfics, but I keep repeating the same word 3 times in the sentence and I don’t know how to phrase it in any other way to get around it, or making the sentence sound weird, and I keep having to relying on Google to type or using my iPhone mic speaker (it sometimes doesn’t work 50% of the time)in the search engine and type “spell [insert word here]” to recognise the words or know what it means, idk if some of that is because of autism or not.
Do you use any software application/apps to help with writing,
Also side note: when I’m trying to text to somebody on discord, I keep thinking the text I’m typing sounds rude, but I’m not trying to make it sound rude??, and then I just feel really high anxiety about it, is that normal???
Sorry for the long gibberish text lmao
Hi! This isn't rude or weird at all, don't worry! I also get really anxious sending asks or asking for advice, you're good.
I'm not the best person to ask, since I'm still very new to writing and I'm still figuring it out myself, but I'll try my best! Putting it under a readmore because it got long
I personally don't use any apps to help with writing. Google docs has some built in features, like autocorrect or suggestions about word choice/placement or grammar, but that's about it. I've heard Grammarly is good?
For spelling:
If autocorrect isn't working I simplify the word then look up synonyms for it. For example, if I'm struggling to spell "delighted, then I'll simplify that word to "happy", and then google "happy synonyms", and keep looking up and searching words until I get to it.
This is also very good if you're struggling to think of a word you need, or if you don't understand what a word means. Adding "synonym" to your search works wonders, for me at least.
Another option is beta readers! They read through your work and can help with things like spelling and grammar, etc. I get my sibling or mum to read through my shit all the time, and I'll go to friends for advice as well.
For actually writing:
I know exactly what you mean with the getting stuck on a sentence or word and not being able to get around it. I had been wanting to get back into writing for around a year and this always stopped me and made me give up, it's only recently, the past couple of months, that I've started to actually commit to writing and get around it. I still get caught up in it!!
A couple of things help me! The main one is sometimes you have to let yourself write Badly. I have multiple docs of when I first started to write again, and it's all bad, but making myself write it, without expecting to publish it, helped me figure out what works best for me. And more importantly, it helps you get back into the actual habit of writing, and gives you something you can go back and work on. It sucks, and it's hard, but sometimes you just got to write the world's worst sentence.
If that's not working, just bail. In all of my wips, I have half completed sentences where I was really struggling and couldn't get around it, so I just stopped and worked on something else, something easier, and then when I think I can try again, I come back to it.
Breaking to down into really simple sentences also helps, to have a foundation you can build on. Most of my fics start out like "Sonic and Tails have a talk about why Tails is upset. Tails is not making eye contact and is looking at the ground. He says that he didn't like it when Sonic ate his mints without asking. Sonic apologizes and says that he didn't know they were Tails' mints." Even dot points would work. Just the bare basics, and then now that I know what exactly is going to happen, I can go back and start actually Writing it.
One thing that helped me actually figure out how to write was reading other people's works, and noting what I really liked about their writing. What pacing choices, word choices, how they use actions and dialogue etc etc. Even doing things like "hmm I would've used a different word there or swapped the order of those actions" can help you figure out how you want to write.
I hope this helps? I'm not sure how much sense it makes sorry akgfdkjh
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phoebified · 4 months
HUGELY LONG POST INCOMING wait mobile has readmores now wtf anyway this is abt new story quest spoilers ahead
thoughts thoughts thoughts... i liked the new quest! i definitely do still get the "this could be more" feeling i tend to get with newer SSO quests -- they tend to exist in that sweet spot between there being not enough tech in a quest and that forcing you to sort of use your imagination and just enough tech to make it really satisfying that leaves it feeling juuust not quite right in a few spots. THAT BEING SAID, it was so much better this quest than it has been in the past. i definitely felt like there was some on the fly world building that was very jarring, but i can't place exactly why that is as it's just so hard to keep up with SSO lore with all the old quests you've done being unplayable. i'm sure it would be kinda hard for them to make a quest library in this moment with how things are optimized, but my god, it'd be so helpful.
so what i didn't like: the tree?? segment??? where you could only ask "some" questions... this was a little misleading to me because i really thought they were gonna make us choose which questions to ask? but that wasn't the case. i felt really confused by this immediately after doing it, and when this was prefaced before the interaction became available, i kinda rolled my eyes because i thought there would be obvious "right" choices and obvious "wrong" choices. so i was really confused at the wording and then at how you could actually just ask *all* the questions. maybe if they had told us we can only ask 4 it would have felt... no, actually, i'm thinking about that and it still is a weird stipulation to then throw out the window. that being said, ignoring that issue, i did like that "is there anything you're worried about?" was ACTUALLY the question you had to ask. i'm sure i could've picked that up from context clues if i hadn't already forgotten the last quests since i played them LOL my memory is NOT what it used to be.
what else... i didn't really like the runestone rising up from the ground. i FW suspension of disbelief, but this had me neutral facing rolling my eyes and shit. also, i learned the hard way you should have winter snow turned OFF for maximum quest effect... i figured they'd have accounted for players still playing with snow on since it came out during winter. this is NOT a deal breaker for me, it's unrealistic to put out a story quest and account for all the future players who *might* play it during winter (i'm thinking in the future, like, several months from now, or 2 years or so). that being said, DID jar me. watching katja run across ice that was very much also traversible for me as well and have the game be like "see? they're escaping!" was so awkward i restarted the game without finishing the quest so i could re-do it with snow off.
what i DID like: THAT ENDING CUTSCENE WAS SO FUN!!! it was fucking hilarious to see nasty dusty gross weird awkward mr sands there i won't lie but like even still, considering SSO's usual animation limitations, especially in cutscenes, i was blown away. and erissa's little cartwheel was so cooooool and so fun and cute i LOVED IT. and with regards to animations, i DID notice when they gave alex a less LOUD talking animation a while back, and when they gave anne that awkward smile (that she used WAY too much and at rather odd times during this quest), like those small details always stick out to me. i really loved it, i loved the FRAMING??? of the cutscene??? i got like super into it it was so cinematic and fun! i had just been rolling my eyes so hard at sso's nearly condescending comebacks in some of the dialogue writing (c'mon, not even kids think that's cool. well maybe some do, i was a cynic as a child) but the cutscene's cool factor immediately won me back. so dope!
i partially loved and partially hated the stuff from the hollow woods being an important part of the quests... on one hand, it's super cool to see them adding in new mechanics, even if they're ones not everyone has played with yet. On the other hand, though, it was a little odd to just like, do a rune puzzle. very strange. i've already talked about this though, so let me get back on track. collecting the sun energy was way more druid training, which i still do like the inclusion of, so while it did feel a little shoe-horned in, i do love that SSO is trying to make the game more game-y.
Overall, I liked it fine. i do think there's still room for improvement, obviously, but i also see how creative they're getting with what once was considered a very *static* game, so that's super dope. oh, and i LOVE erissa so far. her presence is so fun and i'm so excited because i know she's gonna appeal to SO MANY weird kids like i was as a child. and, restating this again, i'd really love if they took chiyo's model and put her in the game as a new npc. i think that would be so cute and fun. she is in DIRE need of some new clothes IMO and also her face could be um... a little different i guess? you all have probably seen my thoughts on her (once more it's more about context than how she *flat out* is, minus her clothes) but yeah. i think it'd be so fun to have more characters like that, unique and cool and weird. i know i'm getting on a totally different tangent now, but i really would love to see chiyo as a cool japanese kid who's like, i dunno, into creepy cute stuff or whatever. like kimokawaii (But don't get crazy, i don't mean in a weeaboo way) emo, or maybe just an awkward artsy emo kid, or an emo kid who's actually really friendly but tries to be broody to fit in or some shit. i would've eaten that UP as a kid. would be a cute questline too like she could realize she could be happy go lucky AND an emo or something. you help her embrace herself yadda yadda, food for thought!
back on track now, overall i definitely feel like SSO's lore is getting mega murky, and in an effort to make it clear by redesigning starter quests (WHICH, BY THE WAY, I ENDED UP LIKING A WHOLE LOT) it has sorta wrapped back around a bit? like i feel like there's a little less *punchiness* to the quests now. like... these weird teens would NOT be this good at communicating. more mess, more drama, more rudeness and emotions before thoughts. i can see sso hinting at this in lots of dialogue, even in this quest! but it just always feels like... the HINT of issue rather than anything actual. y'know, like, they're teens! but maybe the writing has always been like this and i'm just older now. but yeah, the lore is definitely getting kinda odd to me. i'm sure they'll find ways to fix it all up and tie it in together, but y'know. it's messy. very messy.
overall, generally speaking, i enjoyed. curious to hear everybody's thoughts! wondering how the DC oil rig thing will work out in the open world sense -- i assume you can keep going to it up *until* these quests, but i'm unsure.
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v4nnyzzz · 4 months
How do you feel abt Vanny turning out to be Vanessa
hrmm ( = ⩊ = )
I appreciate you wanting to hear my opinion! it's a small gesture to most other people, but means a lot to someone like me.
y'know, i guess i never cared. my approach towards the media i enjoy is simple; i understand it as best as i can (i tend to love doing lore dives in my free time), then i take what i like and the things/characters that could use more development, and develop it myself. make my own version of it
i was certainly around to see the hype/confusion in the initial days of vanny and vanessa being possibly two different characters. i remember it pretty well. i liked the different interpretations, i still do. i like seeing vanny and vanessa designs, though i don't really care to ship characters in canon. or canon at all, honestly.
[ this is going to be a whole ramble that's longer than i epxected, so under a readmore for convenience's sake + SB:DLC spoilers ]
canon doesn't affect me much, if at all. i only refer to it to cherrypick things i like and want to use for my own interpretation. liking things for me can turn into a bit of a thought exercise bc i do my own thing, so vanny and vanessa being revealed to be the same person never bothered me >_>
however, because of the nature of fnaf's lore, i'm...not really inclined to care? fnaf's lore is convoluted and i gave up caring a long, long time ago. it's why it adds to my frustration towards how absent Vanny is as a whole, and i *really* hate that Steel Wool isn't really doing much with her. whether she's two separate characters or not, i likely would've been fine with it if only the character actually had writing. vanny doesn't.
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The therapist CDs and the endings of SB (i hate them) and Vanny's small cameo in SB's DLC aren't enough to me. Not even the in-game video game parallel. Vanny just feels like a character tossed to the side in BOTH games and i find that infuriating. What does it matter whether vanny is 2 different people or 1 person? Steel Wool is doing nothing with it, neither is Scott.
When it comes to Vanny, I always get angry when I remember how little SW and Scott seem to be doing with her. I'm not the biggest FNaF fan who knows a lot of lore or something, but it still infuriates me that she was initially set up as this one big part of SB then gets cut out. Then having like 3 seconds of an appearance in the DLC which is as cryptic as anything else but ultimately amounts to nothing.
I don't feel anything about Vanny turning out to be the same person, because I'm not invested in canon Vanny. I'm invested in my own version of Vanny, and when it concerns designs, the fandom's as well. Scott and SW has done nothing about Vanny to incentivize me to give a single shit about her canon personality and self (that's confirmed, not hinted at). In my humble opinion, she HAS no personality and self. She's just there for the fuck of it and might as well have not been added at all if they are actively choosing to do nothing with her. You get what I'm sayin'?
Such an interesting character and premise that they could explore psychologically and even socially, and in the end nothing was done with her.
It's not like I care enough about FNaF to rewrite its entire plot (I do not care about other characters beyond appearance; and even then I only like some animatronics) or even have an AU or anything. I just like crazy fursuit lady. That's it.
Right shame I happen to like a character that has nothing to her name besides some hints and theories and some confirmed facts that barely mean anything compared to other characters in the same series.
I would've enjoyed an exploration of Vanny within canon of her mental state and her origins. With how vague they are about her, it could've gone any one way and I might've enjoyed it - though maybe not if they decided to go with the shallow fangirl route (something akin to Nina the Killer). Personally, I would've liked something to chew on, something that encourages you to dig deeper into her personality and reasons for doing what she does.
But that idea is going into fan interpretation territory, and treading close to my own ideas of what I would've wanted Vanny to be, and therefore not relevant to this thought vomit. So I'll end it there.
Anyway, if you (or anybody else actually) got it this far, have Evan giving you a thumbs up. Have a good day :3
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gideongrovel · 9 months
I love when others acknowledge my F/Os being my guys, or just hearing others talk about them just makes me 🥰🥰🥰 no tw,,, im just adding a readmore cuz i don't know how long imma ramble lmao,,
so my brother's been visiting for a couple weeks, and normally we (me, my brother, and sister) watch or rewatch a bunch of shit while he's here,,,, so last night we were doing that but my sister wanted to go to bed after a couple movies, but me and my brother wanted to stay up and still watch something still,,,, so we wanted to pick something our sister wouldn't care if we watched without her,,,, so we decided on C.astlevania,,,,, my brother didn't wanna watch any eps from the third season, i said "we have to watch episodes from the fourth season because V.arney is in it" im pretty sure he just thinks I like V.arney as a character he doesn't know how i ship with him tho I'm not good at hiding my affections, so he probably knows it's more then platonic love of a character *rip*,,,, but my sister who does know that I ship with V.arney or at least know vaguely that i do, from down the hall overheard my suggestion, and was like "I heard he stinks, you can't watch that" (she wasn't being mean she was doing a bit, since we will roast characters eachother like for sillies,,, tho he canonically does smell bad lol)
when i was pulling up the episodes my brother started laughing cause he realized the timestamps are all at random points of each of the episodes,,, and he was like "You have them all stopped in the middle of the episodes, on the V.arneys scenes don't you?" and I just laughed and agreed cause he was spot on 😂 I told him "earlier I mentioned how I had "''episodes recorded"'' I really just meant the V.arney scenes" idk what he was thinking when I said that cause he just laughed and was like "Oh my gosh" 💀 Anyways,,, when V.arney first shows up I'm like "There he is! my boy!" and the next scene when they show him my brother immediately was like "There's your boy" 🥰 and then later on when G.ermain (one of my brothers faves in the show) is going through it, I made a joke saying "Your boys looking rough" he just responds saying "It's your boys fault" 😂 calling V.arney just "my boy" feels very much so like an understatement,,,, since he is in fact my husband, not just "my boy" that sounds more casual,,,,Idc if my brother knows I ship with V.arney,,,, but at the same time idk if I would feel comfortable if he knew I see V.arney as a husband,,,, 😅
But being able to gush throughout the episodes at his scenes, and pointing out details about him has me feeling all 🥰💞💞💖💞💞💞 I don't get to gush about V.arney enough to other people,,, since not all of you know his source, so id feel bad just info dumping, and fandomwise there's hardly any post for him to reblog,,, so I can't do it much as I want to,,,, so it's nice to be able to do for a change with to someone who actually know him,,,, and it's always fun to see others acknowledge my affections for a f/o UwU 💕 Still doing our rewatch so I will mention if anything else noteworthy is said (or if i just wanna post about for myself so I don't forget, like mostly how this post is meant to be)
Been so focused on my wife lately,,, so haven't been watching the husbands stuff as much or not as focused when i do,,,,, and coming back after a while,,, gots me in a shippy mood,,,,, I need to draw more ship art of us 👁️👁️ other then the 2year anniversary art the majority of my stuff is from before most of y'all followed me,,,, 😭 i need to finish up an trade I'm working on,,,, after that I can work on something for myself hehe >:3c
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alisria · 4 months
if i have to see that fucking post about how "actually it's impossible to lose weight and you should never be recommended weight loss for your health and you can never ever keep weight off and if you diet you will Starve To Death" one more time i am going to actually commit an act of violence (after seeing it for the sixth fucking time and getting mad about it AGAIN i have finally blocked op instead of just continuing to unfollow whoever put it on my dash)
i put my rant under a readmore because i was writing it in tags and it got too long if anyone tries to fucking debate me about any of this you are getting blocked i seriously do not give a fuck this is a VENT POST because im EXTREMELY ANGRY
i understand that this sentiment can be valuable for people with restrictive eating disorders. you are allowed to eat and nourish your body and not feel guilty. but saying that "oh your knees wont hurt as much and your LDL/A1C will improve but thats it it's otherwise Very Unhealthy" is grossly negligent
ldl? you mean cholesterol? a1c? you mean blood sugar levels? you mean by eating in a way that nourishes your body but not in significant excess will help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes? which are lifelong medical conditions that can be expensive to live with in countries with no socialized health care?
how about instead of lying and saying that Losing Weight Is Bad we talk about eating varieties of nutrient-dense foods. we talk about adding in foods that are good for our bodies and slowly reducing the amount of foods that are genetically engineered to make you crave more and more and are sold by companies that do not give a shit about your health
like. eating 1500 calories a day is not a starvation diet for anyone under 5 foot 4. it is for taller people. because who would have thought people with larger frames need more energy to make their bodies work. because there is more of them to move around.
weight loss AND weight gain are morally neutral!! stop acting like One of them is good and one of them is evil!!! i understand that not every post is about me but like fuck!! seriously!!! this is the Misinformation Website!!! "this is all googleable" okay but you are also using extremely biased language. you are telling people to google 'starvation diet'. of course they will find information about people LITERALLY STARVING. 'i am a doctor just trust me bro' my doctor is the same with the body positive shit i had to CONVINCE her that losing weight would be worthwhile for me for a multitude of reasons. she finally fucking agreed with me after i said "listen. i felt so much better emotionally, physically, and mentally at [X] lbs. i could tie my own shoelaces without sitting down. i could run a mile without collapsing. using the fucking restroom is easier. i wasn't getting fucking TRAPPED on the floor. and now i weigh [Y] lbs and cant put on my own socks and i am fucking crippled and walk with a cane. i am MISERABLE. and i am STILL MISERABLE after finally being on medication that helps with my brain because i am in EXCRUCIATING PAIN every waking moment, and it even fucking wakes me up at night. i cant sleep. i cant do *anything*." and she finally had to say "yeah okay maybe it would help to lose some weight" LIKE I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO CONVINCE YOU TO BE OKAY WITH ME DOING SOMETHING THAT IS GOOD FOR ME.
this shit makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY. i have seen a dietician, who has graduated me from seeing her. i do not have an eating disorder. but these fucking posts that are just LYING are actively triggering!!!
for the love of god there are communities of people out there who have lost a significant amount of weight, have kept it off, and are EXTREMELY supportive for people who want that for themselves! people who choose to stick around once theyre in "maintenance" (staying at a weight that is healthy for them) because they want to help people improve their lives! acting like NO ONE keeps the weight off is just wrong!!
some of us have fucked up hunger cues!! some of us have adapted overeating as an unhealthy coping mechanism!! as a form of self-harm!! and these things deserve to be faced with kindness and understanding, not "You Will Fail, You Will Fail, You Must Stay Fat"
being fat is morally neutral!! being thin is morally neutral!! you are not a bad person for wanting to gain weight! you are not a bad person for wanting to lose weight! you are not a bad person for wanting to stay the same weight! you are not a bad person for not even being concerned about your weight! but by fucking god you are allowed to feel happy and comfortable with your body in whatever shape it is, and if you know you would be happier in a different shape, you are allowed to work for that!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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