Do you have a name to go by or… (/lh)
that's. that's a good question 🕴️
can yall call me buttocks I want to see if it takes off /hj
BUT UH HERE'S MY CARRD (finally made one even tho it gives no info-- i'll add it into my bio i suppose??)
call me hades <3
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sentientsky · 6 months
i know this has been discussed ad nauseam, but i'm doing research for a meta, and i'm slowly realizing that i will never ever be over the Good Omens Lockdown dialogue. especially that line towards the end (begins at the 02:50 minute mark):
Crowley: [...] You know, I could hunker down at your place; slither over and watch you eat cake. I could bring a bottle—a case—of something...drinkable?
first, the unabashed expression of a desire to be near Aziraphale is so rarely evident (i mean, we have 1967 and other instances, but in the case of '67, an outsider could more easily—i guess??—interpret offering him a lift home as an expression of gratitude for the holy water). so, to witness his clear, unveiled desire for comfort and closeness (and to literally just watch Aziraphale eat cake) demonstrates the interpersonal progress made in the time after Armageddon't; he's not concealing the offer behind some flimsily-constructed reason (e.g., "I just didn't want to see you embarrass yourself"). in fact, he's implying that they'd be spending long lengths of time together ("hunker down", "a case of something drinkable"). and then Aziraphale's response is also really interesting, and kind of exists as a microcosm of their whole push-and-pull dynamic that has existed for literally thousands of years (begins at the 02:59 minute mark):
Aziraphale: No, I—I—I—I’m afraid that would be breaking all the rules! Out of the question! I’ll see you… when… this is over?
i'm sorry, but the sheer nervousness???? the grasping for excuses??? they're gay disasters, ur honour. breaks my fucking heart </3 i love them both, but also OUGH. azi, why?!?
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dangerous-advantage · 9 months
jin ling, having done some stupid shit: my uncle's gonna kill me!
lan sizhui, serenely: it's ok, your other uncle's a necromancer
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cherrirui-official · 7 months
Friendlocke Violet Gijinkas (Part 1/7)
Since the edited episodes are starting to come out, I figured that bc of that and the fact that I've been keeping this in the back burner for a loooong while now, might as well complete all my friendlocke violet gijinkas!! Some are gonna stay the same while others are gonna have slight/ complete redesigns, so please keep that in mind!
I plan on posting them in order by groups of three, so there's gonna be seven parts in total, all of which I'll be linking here when done vvv
(Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six) (Part Seven)
!! These will contain personal headcanons I have for the cast, little fun facts, and also spoilers for Friendlocke Violet (for both the edited vids and the streams) !!
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And that's pretty much it, designs under the cut!
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HUGE nerd. spent most of his time during the Uva Academy studying different kinds of pokemon as well as different fighting styles he can utilize once he is able to go out on his own journey with his very own trainer! Too bad that didn't really help in the long run...
His entire wardrobe consists of McDonald's related outfits. It's fucking insane. He even has some from long LONG ago that aren't available anywhere else.
The bubble pattern on his hair is able to move and change. Nobody knows how this is possible, not even Lark himself. All Lark knows is that his hair looks incredibly stylish!
Speaking of bubbles, he has the ability to blow bubbles whenever and wherever he pleases!
Often keeps himself extremely clean and gets upset if even a small speck of dirt gets on him, despite this he somehow smells like McDonald's food and axe body spray. Disgusting. He's so cool!
Even after death he still likes to hang around the other team members as a ghost, often getting to know the newer members as well as reuniting with the old ones. Sometimes they see him, sometimes they don't. It usually depends.
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Due to being a human in her past life, Sara is able to actually speak with the other humans in the pokemon world. However she usually doesn't due to it being seen as extremely weird and out of place. She did slip up once while talking in the presence of Arven, who thought it was the weed making him hear things.
Oinkologne are usually unable to do much with their hooves but Sara spent nights practicing how to knit with her new hooves and now she's able to do it flawlessly. I don't know how she managed to do that but go queen!
When first joining the team she'd often have the urge to eat her food related companions. It was a strange time for Sara, but she managed to overcome it.
When Peppy gets sick, she usually is the one who nurses him back to health. She was a human once so she often is able to figure out whatever sickness Peppy has and treat it properly. I suppose she's like a second mother to him.
The bag she carries with her is full of thread that she collected from various Tarountula she encountered on the journey, as well as little things she knits together in her spare time.
For the most part, Sara forgives... but NEVER forgets.
Did you guys know that Sara has a new YouTube channel? Check it out!
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Before joining the team, Pastey was a nameless wanderer. He's been down every road in Paldea and knows almost the entire region (except for Area Zero) like the back of his hand.
He's gotten hurt pretty badly throughout the run (ie. the Mikey fight, the Atticus fight, and ESPECIALLY the final battle), however, he does not gain any (physical) scars from those fights. This is bc he's basically an axolotl, and axolotls are usually able to heal without scarring.
Pastey's "arms" are, to put it simply, mud prosthetics. More info here vvv
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Pastey HAS met Mall Bingo once before the run, however, he doesn't recognize her. The only reason he does not recognize her is bc she wears glasses. (You know how people somehow aren't able to recognize Superman bc he wears glasses in his civilian attire even tho his face remains the same? It's basically like that lmao)
Unlike the lightbulbs he eats, the gasoline he drinks isn't really mandatory to his diet. Gasoline is like alcohol to him and he drinks it like an absolute CHAMP.
He goes fishing when there's nothing else to do or when he can't sleep at night. He doesn't do this bc he thinks it's fun or anything, only bc it's a "good time passer" or so he claims. Other members of the team will often sit with him and vent out anything that's troubling them at the moment, and Pastey is always there to listen to them.
And that's pretty much it. Next is Joe, Hannah Ü, and Mykyie!
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
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Small Revali’s for anyone who needs it. This guy has me in a chokehold
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mossdoesartshit · 4 months
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extermination day extermination always irritated vaggie. She had developed a major dislike of it upon being dropped into hell for showing mercy, which shouldve kept her in heaven than get her booted out, but she had found the love of her life here, so she couldnt complain. After the battle during the old hotels time, the exterminations had become far more erratic. sometimes theyd be only a month or so away, sometimes over a year. she had no doubts it was entirely because of lute, which she wasnt too fond of, but what could vaggie realistically do, her old sister in arms had always been a bit of a nutcase. besides, she had bigger fish to worry about right now. she and charlie were doing a headcount of people who had been in the hotel that day, (alastor, husk, nifty, the usual people, along with some hopefully quests to be) and there was one person distinctly missing "do i have to go get him?" vaggie asked, exasparated "come on please? he should be somewhere on the upper floors, i saw him walking up before the bell rang loud, besides you always have your weapon on you!" charlie begged, earning agreed mumblings of the others "If Safety Is Your Concern, Trust Me Vaggie, I Will Be Able To Handle Any Possible Nuisances While You're Getting Mister Bleeding Heart Back" alastor piped up, with that sickeningly sweet grin of his. She rolled her eyes, and groaned out a soft "fiine" as she moved to go up the hotel. Thank Fucking Lucifer that he had installed an elevator into the hotel, because boy howdy if vaggie had had to walk up the flight of stairs just to get Adam she would not have even considered it. Eventually, she found him on the roof, watching the carnage. "come on Adam, i know youre probably so fucking hard about all the destruction and shit, but you wont be safe from them killing you" Adam didnt turn to look at vaggie, instead closing his wings around himself as best he could, and "I can still recognize them you know" "huh?" with one wing, adam pointed down to two exterminators "that right there is lyre, ruthless as ever, but she has that methodical work flow, kind of like a dance. i think they partnered her with a newbie, which is good- well. bad, but. good from a combat standpoint- because she'll get good pointers at the end" vaggie looked down at the next group of exterminators that adam pointed to "over there is janatha, still fumbling with her stabs and pierces as ever. shes in a bigger squad, but they always worked well together, even if theyre a bit chaotic" an explosion blew up relatively near them, and adam looked over to it with sluggish movements "must be lute... say vags-" "vaggie." "-vaggie, do you remember flute?" "huh? you mean lutes sister?" "mmhm, lutes always been pretty ruthless, but that can leave her open at the back, flute would have covered her but. i think she was killed a few exterminations ago, the one that weapons dealer got. i think theyve tried to pair her with others but i always see her alone" vaggie stood there stunned "i. didnt think you were telling the truth when you said you recognized me. i thought you'd been bluffing or that lute had told you, given..." "well, thats the view souls have of me i suppose. liar down to a t. but i do recognize all of them. i just regret that my blind rage cost the lives of several of them and... lutes arm" another explosion closer to them alerted vaggie to grab adams shoulder "come on, charlies going to get worried if you keep me standing here, cant have you getting killed now that shes done so much work on you" "whatever you say vaggie" adam said, solemnly looking behind to where theyd spotted lute, before walking with vaggie to the elevator to get to the more bunkered area
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT REN'S BIRTHDAY!!! I PROMISE!!!!! There's been a lot of rain recently n half of my house is flooded now lol
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solargeist · 3 days
THIS pride month I’m having dysphoria in every direction ✌️
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oldkamelle · 1 year
Still accepting Ideas? If so, Spy asking advice on Sniper on how to tell Scout that he is his dad.
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small-spark-of-light · 6 months
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i wanted to paint a scene i like from the fanfic heres the blorbs
rafe is about to get Jumpscared XD
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bunnieswithknives · 2 months
Who gave you the right to make red guy hot AND give him one of my favorite names ever? JK JK, I love your art. Discovered your through TOU but am now a big fan.
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sleepymrshmllow · 2 months
I see too many people punch down on blitz while expressing love for stolas :( like some people don't even try to understand why blitz acts the way he does in the context of his relationship with stolas and it irks me
like we as the audience can see that stolas is very genuine about his romantic feelings for blitz at this point, but despite the effort stolas puts in it doesn't just erase his behavior in their relationship initially (plus yknow the power imbalance that very clearly affects the way blitz sees their relationship). calling blitz an imp in condescending ways ("my impish little plaything" "imps like yourself", etc). there being a heavy focus on sex in their relationship (+ intimacy between the two of them being solely transactional for a lot of their relationship), heavy flirting when its clearly unwanted.. (I love stolas and this isn't meant to be slander, just observations and its okay to acknowledge his negative traits/actions)
I feel like you don't need to be Einstein to gather that all those little comments and factors are going to affect the way blitz feels about stolas/himself, or reacts to when stolas gives him genuine affection (which is deny deny deny that its even real bc up until this point.. how could it not be bullshit like everything else?)
add in the fact that blitz is starting to harbor very real feelings for stolas and that is obviously going to be so fucking scary for someone in his situation. also blitz's abysmal self worth on top of it all is probably gonna make it hard for him to accept that someone like stolas could really genuinely care for him.
tl;dr people beg for mental illness representation and when you don't get the idealized version (ie stolas) you resort to demonizing? this happened with pearl from su as well lol sometimes traumatized or hurt people lash out/isolate/push people away and no one is saying it's healthy or good, but its a very real experience that I wish ppl had more sympathy for.
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s1llydr3amscape · 2 months
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My headcanons of the Reluctant Follower unmasked back in the day vs now :3 Valerie (2019) and Vanessa (2021) + Rare human art
Imma be real I was a bit disappointed at the Vanny is Vanessa twist because off how it got spoiled already by SteelWool and stuff but I'm fine with it now!!! But oughhh rip my old Vanny design you will be my oc now!! I think I was just bummed because they kept hinting at it and like the first human character revealed and the enemy being a furry is like huh istg if she ends up being the security guard... I think I wouldn't have mind if Ness had more screentime tbh!!
So back then I hoped Vanny was separate from Vanessa and they both had similar names so Glitchtrap wanted to frame Nessie for the murders due to it. Same with Glam Freddy and Greggy think it was Vanessa who was the bad guy at first like gasps Vanessa + Bunny = Vanny!! Also they're both fake blondes and dye their hair often!! (There's more to it but I'd end up rambling)
First time drawing textured hair digitally I hope to improve more on it in the future because oughh Vanny deserves it!!!
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kaysdenofchaos · 9 months
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Me realizing I’ve filled up three 9” x 12” sketchbooks and more in the past year
With just ninja turtles.
Specifically. And solely. Ninja. Turtles.
I’m never gonna escape AGHFKQNCKA
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 9 months
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Type three: lycanthrope
Made a funny lil thing relating to the monster au-
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roomy-ghosted · 9 months
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My feelings towards ao3 this morning.
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