#A Jaune of All Trades
notmaplemable · 6 months
Cradle Bandit
Yang: *Pinching her nose, trying desperately not to explode* How, exactly, did this happen?
Raven: *Wearing Jaune's hoodie, smug as hell*
Jaune: I don't really remember. There was... a lot of alcohol involved.
Yang: *Insert sharp inhale of rage here*
Ruby: *Wearing Raven's top* ...I'm sorry Yang.
Yang: So you got Ruby and Jaune drunk and took advantage of them!?
Raven: They made their decisions. I just traded in for the new models.
Yang: *About 5 seconds away from breaking everything*
Qrow: *Walks into the room* What's all the-
Qrow: *Looks around at the situation at hand*
Qrow: ...
Qrow: I AM NOT DOING THIS FUCKING THING AGAIN! *Jumps through the nearest window*
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howi99 · 2 months
Blake: My mom just told me we are getting a new roommate.
Jaune: Any name?
Blake: Apparently it's Bleiss?
Jaune: ... You mean bless? Like bless you?
Blake: No, Bleiss.
Adam: That's... Kind of a weird name.
Ilia: Not worse than Jaune.
Jaune: Hey!
Blake: She is from Atlas. So i'm expecting her to be a pompous bitch.
Adam: Language! But i agree. *Sigh* Of all the places, why our school?
Blake: Apparently it's to bring our kingdom closer together? I also heard that the SDC is reopening the dust trade.
Ilia: Does that have anything to do with the reform i heard they are making due to international pressure?
Jaune: Man, all that politic talk is hard to follow.
Adam: Sienna must be having a blast right now. Seems her attacks won't be necessary for the near future.
Blake: You think that will last?
Adam: *shrugs* hey, as long as we get what we deserve. Cutting firewood everyday to keep our dormitory warm was getting long.
Jaune: *vexed* I was the one cutting it!
Adam: I was the one looking after you.
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spahhzy · 2 months
Jaune: Trivia, light of my life, mind explaining to me how our daughter started a Faro table in the 3rd grade?
Trivia, innocently: 'I don't know, and it's not Faro, it's highstakes UNO, but nonetheless I'm supremely proud of her! look at all she's brought in!'
Trivia opens her daughters pack back to see cookies, some trading cards, an assortment of hall passes, and one credit card that belonged to one Yang Xiao Long.
Jaune: Not going to lie, that's impressive, but let's return at least the credit card. The last thing we need is a Xiao-Long bursting in our home.
Trivia: 'Fine, but I will at least flaunt my daughters victory in her face first, it will be hilarious!'
Jaune smiles and laughs before nodding.
Trivia hugs her husband before going off to find her daughter and help her with homework (and give her some more tips in her little UNO scam)
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jboy44 · 5 months
A stallions little pony
Jaune holding adrian who has a horse tail. " hi guys this is adrian my son
Rwbynpr " .....what?
Jaune " my sister asker me to breed her wife so i am uncle daddy
Weiss "......😱
Blake " hay no....
Jaune holds her idea " my id clearly says I am a horse faunus like all arcs blake. Trade well what i used to make adrian
Adrian " 😇 nay
Pyrrha " so you saying you have been a single dilf who is litteraly hung like horse all along
Jaune " yes
Ruby "...... YAY * jumping for joy
Yang horrifed
Nora "........i am going to feed that baby pancakes * leaves
Ren " i best stop her
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superiorsturgeon · 9 months
Family Pictures
Pyrrha: *at a mission briefing* …and here she is at a month old, being held by Jaune! Doesn’t she have his eyes? We were a bit surprised when we found out about her before Jaune and I even graduated, but I wouldn’t trade our family for the world! 🥰
Ozpin: *looking around baby pictures being held in his face* …very cute, miss Nikos, but if we can get back to the mission…
Pyrrha: *holding more photos* Oh! And this is her first birthday! She may have Jaune’s eyes, but she definitely has the Nikos redhead! See her trying to blow on the candle with her father’s help? 🥰
Lisa Lavender: Oh, how cute! Can we get a camera close-up?
Talk Show Audience: AWWWWWW!!!!😍
Lisa Lavender: …but seriously, can we talk about your combat career? That’s what this show was supposed to be about.
Pyrrha: *going through a photo album* Here’s another one of my daughter meeting her new brother for the first time! She didn’t quite understand how the process worked, but when she saw him she just demanded to hold him too! Isn’t that the cutest?
Cordovin: Yes, but if we could please focus on the topic at hand? The Branwen tribe has resurfaced and Argus is under threat!
Pyrrha: *scrolling through gallery*…she was so nervous at first about the water, but here she is just a month later in her little swim team uniform! She was so proud! 😁
Raven: *disheveled and bruised after furious battle with RWBYJNPR* …my kid was cuter…!
Yang: Mom, can you just not?
Pyrrha: *holding up her scroll with video playing*…and they just climbed right onto Jaune the second he got home! Here’s my son holding up his little toy sword like he’s a knight and he’s slain his daddy! 🥰
Tyrian: *beaten up and at zero aura* ????
Pyrrha: …and my son decided swim team wasn’t for him after all, but he’s interested in how our weapons transform, so we’re trying to get him to try out some basic engineering clubs!
Mantle Moms: Aww!/So adorable!/My son tried the same thing!
Jaune: *waiting with the Mantle kids* Pyrrha, I can’t hold up traffic any longer! Can we do this later?
Pyrrha: …so my daughter is starting next week at Beacon, and my son just got awarded a scholarship to an engineering school where he’s going to specialize in robotics! *points at photo* He’s the blonde on the left without the beard! The other one is actually my husband! Don’t they look alike?
Salem: *impaled and beginning to evaporate at the end of a climactic battle* Such an adorable family! Let me get my album out and show you my girls!
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Jaune's Prophecy
"To the Knight, who bears a broken heart and two bloody hands"
"Come and fight, and seek the place with the whitest sands"
"Travel southwest, and you shall find the banished mother"
"Like all the rest, face to face with the one who shall become another,"
"Find the blade, and Hades will make you a deal,"
"Accept the trade, and two fates you shall seal"
"Atop the oldest mount, you will beat the mad titan bloody"
"12 by your count, and a king's name you shall muddy"
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Manami Aiba/ La Brava AU Concept
Manami Aiba was alone… She had been for a long time, born small and stunted little had been expected of her. Though despite that, her intellect was not to be shrugged off, her skills less so. She had what it took to be someone great, Atlas had made her multiple offers when she was still in middle school and up until she dropped out of high school all those years ago…
So why had she… Love, love was a powerful, but cruel force for Aiba, it drove the young and older, experienced and naïve alike to do foolish things. She was no different, she fell in love, he wasn’t anyone special, not really, but to her that boy had been the world. She could hardly remember what it was that drew her to him anymore.
She had wanted to know him to be closer to the person that made her heart beat so fast, that lit her soul with joy and desire. She’d followed him, learned about him… Stalked him, she was young, naïve… Dumb. Of course he would notice, and unfortunately for her, he would not view it positively.
Creepy, freak, midget psycho, those were a few word he tossed out, and then those became her titles to the entire student body… People avoided her, and in turn she begun to avoid them in kind.
She denied her scholarships, she pushed away teachers, her parents and anyone, everyone else. Eventually she left it all behind, leaving Mistral to go to Vale, but nothing truly changed, every time she was outside, she felt people stare, heard them call her names…
She didn’t want anything to do with people anymore, after all, the rejection had crushed her, not simply because it broke her heart, not because it ostracized her… But because it denied her very soul, her semblance, she had aura, her parents opting to awaken it when her dwarfism had been identified, hoping aura would help her growth which given her more capable state it had.
But with it came the manifestation of her soul, Love, the power to amplify every facet of a individual’s capabilities, the sole limits being that she can only activate it once and that the only person she can use it on is the one she loves….
Could it be blamed for her powerful emotions, for her need to know the person she felt love for, did she stalk and obsess over that boy because of her semblance, or did she use her semblance as a excuse to do so. Was she sane, or desperate, pathetic or pitiful. She didn’t know, she didn’t want to know, because she refused to fall in love again.
So she avoided it, avoided the world, the outside whenever and however she could.
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She used her talents to secure a stable living. She was a hacker like no others, able to break through any firewall, or program to secure what she needed.
She sold info, to the highest bidder, made false documents, traded information for favors. The Xiong proved a valuable client. That was how she secured her life, as a cyber sleuth, a hacker with the alias, LA BRAVA.
And that was how she lived her life, alone, there was no Gentle Criminal in Remnant who became her light in the dark. Nobody would come and pull her from her loneliness, she would live this way forever, committing cyber crimes to survive and sustain her isolation…
Junior then contacted her with a request, to falsify some Transcripts into Beacon, she may have been criminal, but Manami was not without morals. She wouldn’t just pave the way for anyone to access Huntsman level training. It was such a person who had done so for the Branwen twin several decades ago and even Mistral still suffered under the hands of the bandit queen.
So she requested info on the individual, she would commit her own background check on them, and then decide.
His name, was Jaune Arc and he was… Handsome. He was from a village outside the kingdom, there were few records past his birth certificate. Not nearly enough, her heart beat with every picture of him she saw. She requested more information, Junior didn’t have much, so she dug deeper, found out where he was living at the time. It was just for her to decide…
She… She left her home, her small apartment, the Arcs weren’t to renowned but to those in the know they were taught the familiar were as honorable as they came, knights outta fairytales. So why was her here, asking to fake his way into Beacon, she had to know.
She almost was able to ignore the stares on her, the pit in her stomach being in public caused, she felt dizzy, she wanted, no needed to go bac-
“Are you okay?”
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And then by sheer coincidence she met him, Jaune Arc kneeled before her, a worried look on his face. Things happened rather fast, she found herself walking beside her target, the boy so friendly, so open to talk to her. Not making a huge issue of her form, of her condition, but also not ignoring it.
He slowed to walk with her, but never once drew attention to her size, and when someone not noticing her bumped into her he defended her. Made them apologize… When asked why he approached her, it wasn’t a painful excuse or cruel misunderstanding like that he thought she was a lost child or that he wanted to ask directions.
“You looked sad, so I figured I’d try to see if I could fix that.” He smiled, it was bright, kind and inviting.
“After all, if I wanna be a Huntsman I should be able to at least cheer up a pretty girl right?” Her cheeks flushed, her chest tightened as he went on with his silly simple but honest words.
That time couldn’t have lasted though, people approached her, junior’s men, they didn’t recognize her, couldn’t have, they’d never met in person after all. Everyone back away as they did, it made sense, junior liked to be in the know, and she was a new face he’d never seen.
Despite how it looked everything should’ve been okay, would’ve been okay, but Jaune didn’t know that, and stepped between.
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He wasn’t skilled, not huntsman level at least, but he was strong, she was sure he could kill grimm, even without aura. It shocked her seeing that, seeing him bleed, but he stood tall and strong, defending her until police showed up. But she could see it, the despair in his face, he must’ve realized they were Hei’s men. That he’d thrown away his chance to go to Beacon…
Or so he thought, but she thought different, because despite all that he prioritized her, his friend, one he said didn’t matter that he just met because.
“Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet.” She’d said it on reflex.
“Love you…” If he hadn’t burst into a dazzlingly, blinding white light he might’ve heard her instead of freaking out. She had to explain what Aura was to him, what it meant, and then convince him to not give up… She, she might’ve told him he shouldn’t sleep at his hotel, that Junior’s men might try to hurt him. They wouldn’t, not so soon, but he didn’t need to know that.
He hadn’t cared until he thought they might go after her… She, used that to have him stay with her, to keep him in Vale. Hacking Beacon was easy, falsifying transcripts easier, they looked more legitimate then the actual ones. Jaune, her friend would be a Huntsman, she’d make sure of it.
Several weeks he stayed with her, cooked for her, and spent time with her, they talked, they grew close, he, he was so amazing, so nice and kind… And hot, he was beefy under his hoodie, like a actual farmboy.
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But it all had to come to a end, he thanked her, and promised to visit, to call and made her promise to do the same.
And then he left, but she wasn’t done, hacking Beacon’s security cameras she watched their Initiation saw him partner with a celebrity, a tall, leggy celebrity, but even then he talked about her. About his best friend in Vale, which made his best friend in Beacon, Ruby Rose Jealous.
Then the Grimm attacked, he charged a giant Death Stalker, and her heart froze in fear, she didn’t hesitate, knowing it’d activate.
“I Love You!” She said it with desperation, and even so far away it activated, and the world exploded with bright pink light as Jaune was amplified by her semblance. Moving faster then the Rose Girl, hitting stronger then the blonde, red-eyed bimbo or the ginger hammer wielder. He was confused but not still, determined to act.
Every swing of his blade tearing trough he thick armor and flesh of the Death Stalker alike it’s claws, tail and then legs before he cleaved it in twain. And then… He jumped into the air, not thinking for his safety, or about what he’d do if the power disappeared.
Only about killing the second Grimm, tackling into the giant Nevermore and shooting straight through it. He fell hard but survived given his already immense aura being multiplied several dozen fold.
And it was over, and he called a hour later, people celebrating behind him as he told her the good news, unaware she’d seen it all. The only misunderstanding being that he thought her power was his semblance. He thanked her for unlocking his soul and promised he’d visit her that weekend.
Only for someone to visit her only a hour later, someone she knew, but solely by reputation, the man in charge of Jaune’s fate. The headmaster of Beacon academy, something about having a good grasp of detecting Aura and it’s sources… Then pointing out how while Jaune’s transcripts were flawless, his history was not.
She expected her life to be over but instead.
“Manami Aiba, I believe Beacon could use someone of your particular set of skills, how would you feel about assisting our Stealth and Security Professor Ann Greene? You are around the age of a fourth year. I’m sure we can… Work something out.”
I think their ship name should be 'Amour' (French for Love)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 6 months
Papa Arc: *Breaks Door down* SON! I Found a treasure trove of family history! *Throw box at Jaune* Dig in!
Jaune: ... These are all picture of Faunus woman opening pickle jars with their feet.
Papa Arc: Oop! Wrong box!
Jaune: Look, all I need is one Ancestor that I'm proud of. Do we have any of those?
Papa Arc: our family has been knuckle deep in History's pie for years!
Abraham Lincoln: Mary Todd, why don't we stay Here tonight?
Arc Ancestor 1: *Breaks door down* Hey Abe! I got Free tickets to the Theatre, And they're balcony seats!
~Flashback 2, on the Titanic~
Sailor: Ice berg, Dead Ahead! Let's Go around it!
Arc Ancestor 2: *Breaks door down* Around it? No! We're going through it!
~Flashback 2~
George Lucas: I don't want to be too hands on with these star wars prequels
Arc Ancestor 3: *Breaks door Down* George! You gotta Write and Direct these yourself! And make 'em all about Trade Disputes, Audiences eat that Stuff up!
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howlingday · 2 months
Arc’s Burgers.
May I get some more Nora as Linda Belcher please?
Best of Linda in Season 13
Bob and Linda Being A Power Couple
Jaune: Nora, this whole situation with Magnum is crazy.
Nora: Yeah, well, sometimes you have to fight crazy with crazy.
Jaune: Well, Magnum gets it from your side of the family.
Nora: You think I don't know that? Eheheheheheh~!
Jaune: What- What are you doing? Stop it.
Jaune: AGH!
Nora: What? What is it?
Jaune: I... I had a bad dream. I think. I'm not sure.
Nora: Was it the dream about the grenade filled with penises?
Jaune: I... have never had that dream.
Nora: Oh, I have it all the time. There's just too many penises on that thing. Right? Anyway, get some sleep, Jaune. We got a big day tomorrow. Big day... full of... dreams coming...
Jaune: Right... Right, our dreams... Um, Nora, do you think- Oh, you're already asleep, aren't you?
Nora: What? A penis sniper rifle?
Nora: Okay, kids! Have fun fishing balls out of the sea, my little Moby Dicks~!
Jaune: Captain Ahabs.
Nora: What?
Jaune: Captain Ahab was trying to get the whale. Moby Dick would be the balls.
Nora: Don't be gross in front of the kids, Jaune.
Jaune: That was great!
Nora: Eh... You went a little high.
Jaune: Well, I think I nailed it.
Nora: Nah, you were too high.
Jaune: So? Go higher.
Nora: I mean, let's face it. We're probably gonna die here.
Jaune: Not helping, Nora.
Nora: But it won't be for a long, long time! And I wouldn't trade that for anything! (Kisses)
Jaune: (Chuckles) You want to die in our restaurant?
Nora: Yeah! Sixty years from now, we'll die inside, same time, crossing our eyes and sticking out our tongues.
Jaune: I think I'll try to smile so I don't scare the kids.
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lipeg · 5 months
The JNR team was gathered in a cafeteria.
Jaune: Tell me again Nora why are we even here
Nora: REST!
Jaune: We are in a crisis situation
Nora: We need to relax and rest!
Jaune looked at Ren.
Jaune: How can you handle this Ren
Ren: Inner peace
Jaune: Zé ruela
Nora: You look like a very boring old man JAUNE!
Jaune: But I'm old, I'm 60
Nora growled in anger.
Ren: Nora want to make up for lost time Jaune, you spend a lot of time working
Jaune: Mistral threw all her hunters to Vacuo, Vale no one has news, Atlas destroyed. I need some help.
Ren: That's why you sent Ruby to work manufacturing and repairing weapons
Jaune: Exactly
Nora: ENOUGH OF THIS! Let's talk about something more important!
Jaune and Ren: The what?
Jaune and Ren: Oh.... Nothing relevant
Nora: Ren, shut up! Jaune you may not live the rest of your life alone
Jaune: Yes, yes I can
Nora: No you can not! How about... Ruby, you two would make a great couple
Jaune: I'm not so sure
Nora: Why no!
Jaune: Ruby and I had some disagreements about certain events. Two immature people getting into a relationship would not be very good, Besides, we became just friends, not great friends anymore
Nora: So WEISS! You had a crush on her
Jaune: Well maybe, but she was just a little.... A little
Ren: Sociable?
Jaune: No
Ren: Friendly?
Jaune: Maybe but no. She's still too proud and I can't handle all that pride. Another issue is that she is too low
Ren: Unfortunate is true
Nora: Jaune, you wouldn't date Weiss because she's too short!
Jaune: Yes.I mean, if I married her and we had a family, my kids would be bigger than her sister
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( Art of Seshirukun )
Nora covered his mouth and started laugh.
Nora: OK you win
Nora: So Yang?
Jaune: I don't want this woman even for free!
Nora: Why no?
Jaune: When they were coming to Vacuo, the girls decided to play truth or dare, they forgot I was with them for some reason.... I heard things that I didn't like at all
Ren: Blake?
Jaune: She already had a boyfriend but the relationship didn't work out, Sun tried to win Blake's heart but it didn't work and she is lesbian
Nora: what a problem, but that would be a great drama
Jaune:I have no idea and besides, I barely have a conversation with her, I only know that because they decided to play truth or dares
Ren: Complicated situation
Nora: So stay with whoever you wanted
Jaune: Pyrrha
Nora was surprised and lively.
Jaune: I mean Pyrrha was beautiful she had a nice body you saw it yourself Nora
Nora: It's true she had a great body
Jaune: Pyrrha is the perfect balance of power, beauty and kindness. She helped me a lot, even after her death leaving tips on combat. Well I mean, can you compare Pyrrha to a sports car that doesn't give you any problems, do you trade a good car for a car that's fallen apart?
Nora: Who would be the car falling apart
Jaune: Team RWBY
Nora started laughing uncontrollably.
Ren: Would you have the courage to say that to their face?
Jaune: I barely talk to them anyway, whether or not we lost the friendship doesn't matter to me
Ren: So tell me, which one of the girls you meet would you ask to go to bed?
Nora stopped laughing and looked at Ren.
Nora: REN!!!
Ren: What?
Jaune placed his left hand on his chin.
Jaune: Velvet
Nora and Ren looked at Jaune.
Nora e Ren: Really?
Jaune: Yes.It's because of one of my uncles really like Faunus women, his favorites are the rabbit Faunus. He said if you scratch the back of the rabbit's ears they move one of their legs and my uncle did this during sex.
Nora was left open-mouthed.
Jaune: My uncle said the following: or you think it's weird and you're not excited, or you think it's cute and you're not excited. or you think it's cute and you get even more excited
Ren: oh Jaune
Ren pointed over Jaune's shoulder.
Jaune turned around.
The CYFV team is behind him.
They heard everything.
Jaune: You better get ready for tonight Velvet, you're going to call me of daddy later tonight
Velvet's face turned red with embarrassment and anger.
Velvet: Excuse me! I won't sleep with you!
Jaune: Ok what do you know, There are always fish in the sea
This time, a rabbit Faunus woman passed by outside the cafeteria.
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Jaune: This phrase has never been more true
Jaune went after that rabbit Faunus.
Velvet: WAIT!
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reashot · 1 year
The Rose Princess and The Rusted Knight.
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As promised this is the fluff you all wanted:
Old Man Jaune: You finally made it...
Ruby: (Jaune, Is that really you. What happened to you?)
Jaune: Hey. There's something I been holding on for you. It was the first thing I saw. Years later when I finally found it. I know you would come back another time...
Ruby: ... I - thank you, Jaune.
Jaune: Don't mention it.
Ruby: Jaune, what did happened to Lewis?
Jaune: ... I think Alyx traded him to the tree in order to leave. And then she wrote him out off the story. Night everyone...
Ruby and the rest of her teammates did as they were told it was easy because most were too tired after everything that happened to them. Yang and Blake sleep while sharing sleeping accommodation, Weiss mumbles in her sleep about Jaune but Ruby is too concerned about Jaune to be resting. So she decides to look for him instead.
Ruby: *knock, knock* Jaune are you awake?
Jaune: *opens doors* Ruby what are you doing, up so late? This is the middle of the night.
Ruby: I'm sorry but I have to.... Oh sweet brothers.
She only just realizes that Jaune doesn't have a shirt on when he opens the door.
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Jaune: Why are you?... *looks down* Oh crud! *slams the door close*
Ruby: (oh my gods! He looks even hotter without his shirt on?! 🥵)
Jaune: *opens door* Okay Ruby what did you have to say to me again?
Ruby: C-can I come in. I want to talk.
Jaune: Ruby you can't just...
Ruby: Well I'm coming in anyway whether you wanted me to or not.
Jaune: *sigh* fine but it have to be quick.
Ruby: Y-yeah, thank you Jaune.
Jaune: So what did you want to talk about. That it can't wait until morning?
Ruby: Can I stay here with you Jaune?
Jaune: Excuse me?
Ruby: What I mean to say is that can I talk to you about something?
Jaune: Go ahead, but it have to be quick..
Ruby: I can't sleep...
Jaune: So just close your eyes and count to ten, that usually work. Now if you done I would like to go back to sleep...
Ruby: Since when did you become so cold to me?
Jaune: Ruby... You are alone in a room with a man that's older than your father. Why do you think I don't want you here?
Ruby: But you wouldn't do that to me right?
Jaune: I done things I never thought was possible while I'm in here. So for your sake please just leave me alone.
Ruby: No. *hugs Jaune*
Jaune: What are you doing?
Ruby: You're desperately in need of a hug.
Jaune: Okay, now you given me one. So you can go back now.
Ruby: Where is that kind and gentle boy that I used to be friend with?
Jaune: He's dead a long time ago. I'm afraid.
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Ruby: Then why are you crying?
Jaune: ... I just have something in my eyes that's all.
Ruby: I see... Then do you want me to stop hugging you then?
Jaune: No! It's fine, you can keep doing this for as long as you want.
Ruby: Then I will keep doing so then. And Jaune afterward can I sleep here with you?
Jaune: Eh?
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Ruby: Thank you Jaune.
Jaune: Well I'm glad you're enjoying it but you have to wake up early. The last thing I want is to explain to Yang and the rests about why we were sleeping together.
Ruby: I promise. And Jaune I meant it when I said that I want to talk to you about something. It's about.
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Jaune: *headpat* We will talk about it later, for now let's rest. Good night.
Ruby: Good night to you to Jaune.
Jaune: And Ruby. Thanks for the hug.
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marcmarcmomarc · 6 months
Ruby telling this story in front of the whole Remnant Alliance, using Robyn’s Lie Detection to prove what she’s telling them is the truth, inspired by this post:
ROBYN: So what happened on the other side of the portals?
RUBY: Well, after I fell, I met a talking mouse I named Little, then we found Weiss and Blake captured by a whole village of talking mice whom we convinced to let them go, then we found Yang fighting a Jabberwalker while missing her arm, then we realized we were in our favorite childhood fairy tale, The Girl Who Fell Through the World.
OSCAR: That fairy tale actually happened?
RUBY: Then we went to the village in the Crimson Acre to bargain with the Jinxy Peddler for Yang’s arm.
EMERALD: You met the Jinxy Peddler?
VELVET: Was he cute?
WEISS: Yeah.
RUBY: And he was older than he was in the book. Anyway, toy soldiers won the arm, and we only got it back from them because Little tried stealing another “fine treasure”, exposing Jinxy’s treasures as fakes. The soldiers escorted us to the Crimson Castle, at first to arrest us for stealing Yang’s arm, or “royal property”, before I traded Penny’s sword, with a story of her being the greatest warrior to ever live.
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RUBY: The occasion was the birthday of who we thought was the Red King, but turned out to be the Red Prince, who was more of a spoiled brat than Weiss was at Beacon.
YANG: (nudging Weiss) Heh-heh.
RUBY: Then we challenged him to a game of chess, where he shrunk the girls to the size of chess pawns, and when we beat him, he threw a tantrum and wanted us beheaded, and the Curious Cat rescued us.
NORA: The Curious Kitty?!
REN: Were they as chatty as the book made them out to be?
RUBY: Mm-hm. Not to mention easily distracted. Anyway, they took us to look for ingredients for a Growgurt Parfait in the Garden Acre, and we met a smoking caterpillar called Herb who drugged us into seeing our past selves via leaves from the Great Tree, which we all rejected, well, which the other girls rejected, I almost gave in, before the Cat stopped me, then got Herb swallowed by a hole in the ground.
TAI: You guys did drugs?
QROW: Whoa, whoa, don’t start drinking like me, girls.
RUBY: Anyway, the Cat led us to a market to keep looking for the Parfait ingredients. Along the way, they told us about Ascension, a process that occurs when an Afteran is no longer doing the assigned role that they are supposed to be, triggered by them losing their ways, wearing out, doubting themselves, or even just finishing their assigned tasks, upon which they are taken to the Great Tree and repurposed into someone or something else with a new identity, personality, and role. Their memories are erased in the process, but the heart barely ever forgets.
RUBY: And then, the market was attacked by Jabberwalkers using Neopolitan’s Semblance. We had all of the ingredients for the Parfait, and the girls grew back to normal size just as we got assistance from the Rusted Knight riding his white rabbit.
WHITLEY: You know, Weiss had a crush on the Rusted Knight when she was a kid.
BLAKE: I think everyone had a crush on the Rusted Knight at some point.
RUBY: Well, things didn’t help when he turned out to be a grown-up Jaune with longer hair and a beard, who grabbed a fruit that sent him back in time twenty years right after he landed.
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NORA: Oh, my Gods, Jaune.
JAUNE: I was stuck there isolated from other human contact, too.
YANG: Weiss certainly loved how mature he was.
RUBY: And the white rabbit was a jackalope Jaune named Juniper.
NORA: Aw, Jaune.
RUBY: Then Jaune told us his perspective on the Tree, that he believed it was death, that Alyx backstabbed her brother Lewis, the author of the fairy tale, who wrote the story the way he wished it had happened, and that the Cat couldn’t be trusted, then we got sent to a punderstorm, which creates a physical manifestation of a mental or emotional problem. Jaune, Weiss, and I were sent to metaphorical and literal crossroads, while Yang and Blake were sent to two broken, wooden, rickety bridges connected to a giant pillar they could only advance toward if they were honest about their feelings for each other. Yeah, Yang and Blake are girlfriends now.
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NORA: See, Ren? I told you there was more going on!
KALI: Our baby girl found love?
TAI: With my sunny little dragon?
RAVEN: She really is your daughter, then, Tai.
RUBY: Then the Cat bailed on us after mistaking us for selfishly using them to get home, and once the storm passed, Jaune let us spend the night in his house in the Origami Acre, then he introduced us the next morning to a village of paper stars called the Paper Pleasers whose purpose was finished and kept trying to go to the Tree to gain a new purpose, but Jaune had been stopping them for as long as he knew them. Then Neo’s Jabberwalkers attacked, and while we were distracted, the Paper Pleasers finally managed to commit mass suicide via destroying the koi pond dam, then when the girls asked me to help comfort Jaune, I blew up at them for caring more about everyone else’s feelings or getting home, and taking my mental health for granted and ignoring my suffering…
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RUBY: …then I ran away, came across the Abandoned Acre, and entered a random mansion, where Neo had made clone illusions of Roman Torchwick, Penny, Pyrrha, Professor Lionheart, Clover, Professor Ozpin, and General Ironwood, and used them to physically and psychologically destroy me, and when the chaos was over, I didn’t want to be me anymore, not helped by Torchwick’s question: “Do you really think you can stand to watch more of your friends fall, or are you ready to admit the truth? That the world would just be better off without you?”
REMNANT ALLIANCE (passing tissues around):
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RUBY: Then Neo offered me tea made from leaves from the Tree intended to wipe me from existence, then the Cat blasted her away, but then turned out to be evil and tried to possess me, then Neo fought them off and stomped Little to death, then I drank the tea, offing myself, and got swallowed by the Tree.
YANG: (tearing up) Oh, Rubes.
RUBY: Then I met a Blacksmith, who I also found at the market, or, rather, she found me, and then she presented me with a choice to either be someone else or myself. I saw my mom’s weapon and was treated to a vision of the night she left with Raven on another one of Ozpin’s secret missions and never came back.
TAI: (turns accusingly at…) Raven?
RAVEN: (sheepishly) Uh, surprise?
HARE: (to Ruby) Wait. What did you say your mother’s name was again?
RUBY: Summer.
HARE: (muttering) So, her uncle is Qrow, her father is Taiyang, and her sister’s mother is Raven. All are members of Team STRQ. Summer, Summer, Summer… (out loud) Summer Rose, the leader of Team STRQ, was your mother?
REMNANT ALLIANCE (walla): Summer?…Summer Rose?…The previous silver-eyed Huntress?…That’s Summer Rose’s daughter?
RUBY: Yeah. And then, I finally chose to be myself and grow into a better Huntress. And I. Came. Back, and helped the girls fight the evil Cat. And we won.
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RUBY: And then Neo killed the Cat with the Jabberwalkers, who, by the way, are the only creatures to prevent Ascension if they eat Afterans. And, according to the girls, Neo was possessed by the Cat, and she chose to accept Torchwick’s death and undergo her own Ascension. Oh, and Little ascended, too, into who we called Somewhat, and succeeded Jaune as the protector of the Ever After. And then, we had made it to the Tree, and we walked through the door back home, landed inside the plane of the Tree met the Blacksmith again at her workshop, and when we noticed two statues of the Brother Gods, she told us their backstory. That the Ever After was overfilled with plants and dangerous wildlife in its primordial years, but the Brothers were created to clear it out. Then they created the Afterans as well as the different acres for them to live in. They designed new creations that would replace them in maintaining the Ever After. This was how the Cat was created. They later created the Jabberwalker as a form of destruction. However, the two disagreed on whether it disrupted the balance or not and began to wage war.
OSCAR: (scoffs) What else is new?
RUBY: The Blacksmith told us how balance isn’t supposed to be two opposing forces locked in battle; balance is an ecosystem, an organism, and a living thing, thus balance isn’t restored with force or manipulation, it’s restored naturally, requiring love and patience to see it through to the end. The Gods got to Remnant because the Ever After created a door to a “greater beyond” for the Gods, so they can leave and experiment in creating new worlds as much as they like.
NORA: (snickering) So the Tree basically said, “You think you have life sorted out? Then get out of my house”?
RUBY: Pretty much.
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YANG: (wiping a tear) Oh, my Gods, that’s such a hilarious way of looking at it. Thanks, Nora.
RUBY: Anyway, the Blacksmith told us that we have impacted the Ever After significantly; just like Somewhat, Alyx, and Lewis, and that the Cat caused a bad impact, and then she made us a portal in the desert on the outskirts of the city, and now you’re all caught up.
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pilot-boi · 8 months
All this color trades look like jaunes kids at the end of a harem fic
I’m going to skin you alive
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arc-misadventures · 24 days
So this has been living in my head rent-free for a while and I got to let it out, I know it’s unusual but here it goes.
I’ve been reading your "Friends" storyline, which I love reading, in "Master Posts of Post 1" and I just imagine this spin-off happening and this diverges after "Friends XII” and before "Friends XV".
Basically, in Argus, there was a diner called "Fredbear’s & Friends Family Diner”, owned and runner by William Afton and Henry Emily (William doesn’t go murdering here and doesn’t lose family), and Jaune temporarily worked there part time as a performer by wearing the Springbonnie springlock suit and a mechanic to earn some extra lien on the side and he was a good performer, the best even that impressed William and customers alike, a "Jaune of All Trades" if you will.
Of course the springlock suits are safe to wear and not deathtraps (In this universe) because the springlocks were inversed where the animatronic was always in "costume" mode and when the springlocks were wound up, they would go into animatronic mode, and when there was a springlock failure, the endoskeleton would snap open into "costume" mode.
Because of his trauma and among other mental problems, Jaune started disassociating himself from “Jaune Arc” and was detaching himself and into "Springbonnie".
Jaune always wore the Springbonnie suit everywhere, even inside the Cotta-Arc house, like sitting on the couch and cooking pasta while wearing the suit for example, always sleeps outside in the backyard or on the roof under the stars WHILE still wearing the suit, not taking it off at all, walking outside while still wearing out, an usually sight for the people of Argus but he stays in character waving at children and being the friendly mascot walking around (Which William was unusually okay with as he always had backup Springbonnie suits), and he even gave up Crocea Mors in favor of a fire axe (Unsheathed and strapped on his back when not in combat as to not scare kids) and a hidden bowie knife, shipped Crocea Mora back to the rest of his family, and the suit itself and its springlock endoskeleton was made of the lightest but strongest metal (titanium) so Jaune isn’t encumbered much so he can still run pretty scarily fast.
Adrian would be scared at first but "Springbonnie" comforts and soothes him showing that he is not bad and is even a new friend to play with.
Of course Jaune had standards as he takes off the suit to shower and clean himself, cleans the suit, and takes the suit off when eating or drinking, those are the only times one can catch him with the suit off but that’s it, other than that, he always wore the suit.
Jaune/Springbonnie even said this to the others.
"Jaune Arc was a monster, he couldn’t save anyone and got people killed instead. I, Springbonnie, have killed him and have taken his place, he is gone."
How would the RWBYNR, Oscar (with Ozpin in his head), Maria, the Cotta-Arcs react to Jaune disassociating and detaching himself into "Springbonnie"?
I just want the angst, sorry if this was long.
The Springbonnie Suit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/uvxz43/c4d_springbonnie_v6_by_failz_model_edit/
Oh thanks for saying that! Yeah, Friends is a story I like to continue, but I just don’t know how to.
As for your question…?
I’m sorry, but I have no idea what any of this is about…
Is this Fnaf? I am not into that. I have zero understanding of this post. All I know is that it’s a horror game. I am sorry, but I can’t add on to this. Or, sure if I can…?
It’s well written out, but I don’t understand enough to understand this.
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astralwukong · 1 year
Jealousy is not why Ruby snapped at Blake and Yang's new relationship. It is pretty obvious that she took advantage of the most obvious source of happiness for her sister and teammate to just...lash out because Ruby is not happy. Simple as that. Ruby is depressed, sad, and traumatized, but her team still relies emotionally on her and she's tired of it! She's tired of trading her own happiness for everyone else's and still get blamed for all the choices she makes while trying to make everyone happy. Ruby doesn't feel neglected and she isn't jealous, she is just tired of others being happy because of her efforts while she, herself, has no time to cure her own soul nor mourn or process everything that keeps happening to her. Ruby is, for once, being egoistic and she's right. That doesn't make Jaune or her teammates wrong though! Jaune has his own issues and pent up thoughts after all this time, Weiss is not in the wrong for looking up to Ruby as her leader (she promised to do so all that time ago) and sure as hell Blake and Yang are not in the wrong for finding love! (no one, ever, is in the wrong for desiring their own happiness, just like Ruby!) I promise you, Ruby knows! But her state of mind doesn't allow her to process all these thoughts and ultimately the only thing that comes out is the anger, the frustration and the spite of bearing a burden that is too big for her. Oh Ruby.
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sir-adamus · 10 months
in terms of like, visual story-telling, the characters in RWBY all having unique weapons is great short-hand for telling you about them
Ruby’s scythe - it’s big, over-the-top, loud, it showcases her exuberance and imaginative thinking because she has to accommodate for its size and difficulty to use, which is why she’s a good leader because she’s already good at thinking around problems and using what she has available to her advantage
or Jaune’s sword and shield - it starts fairly basic and he’s not good at using them because they’re not his yet, Jaune doesn’t know who he is, so his weapon is straightforward and generic. as he progresses and upgrades his equipment, the weapon changes to reflect him - the Mistral upgrades when he’s on a self-destructive spiral focusing more on brute force that ultimately proves to not be particularly effective, especially contrasting his Atlas upgrades, which allow him to finally address his lack of a landing strategy and expand the shield, showing him more comfortable in his role as support and protector. and then the Ever After degradation, showing how he’s stagnated because he’s not been able to move forward
and on the flip-side of that, the weapons that aren’t terribly unique also tell you a lot about the characters
Cardin has a mace. that’s it. it’s blunt, brute force and aggressive but it’s also boring as hell. he’s a one-note bully with nothing much to him once you get past the bravado
similarly, James Ironwood has a gun. and that’s it. his upgrades involve: more gun. and then bigger gun. brute force trading out for even bruter forceness. it demonstrates his complete lack of imagination and how he focuses solely on direct action (which is reflected in how every strategy of his is ‘swing my dick giant army at it’, and we see in volume 8 how being the leader of the world’s only standing military means jack shit when you’ve never had to fight a war, and for all he brags about how advanced Atlas is - because that’s all he cares about - he’s never thought to update their strategy for the new equipment. using formations meant for horses and muskets isn’t gonna do you much good with giant robots and laser guns my guy)
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