#900th post celebration
First impressions count: would you rather meet Severus as a muggle from Cokeworth or Severus as a wizard?
Tell me how do you imagine meeting him and how old both of you would be.
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venus616 · 2 years
streets; {tasm!peter parker}
Pairing: tasm!peter parker x f!reader (writing challenge is tasm but you can interpret this as any peter parker if you so please)
Summary: and I can’t be without you, why can’t I find no one like you? (lyrics by doja cat, streets)
Part of @liz-allyn's 900th celebration! (congratulations btw <3) the prompt I chose to work with is "Not My Peter"; post no way home, tasm peter comes back to his home dimension with a new lease on life. problem is, another, identical peter parker is happy to take it for himself. that includes you.
Warnings: established relationship, smut, vaginal fingering/sex, dubious consent (dubcon), consensual non consensual (cnc), unprotected sex, morally gray, moral themes, 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N (PLS READ): this is a dark fic, please do not read if you are uncomfortable with these themes being explored or believe it will trigger you :( I am not responsible for the media/fics you consume, so only open at your own risk! ty~
more here: the aftermath | the bet
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You anxiously checked your phone for any texts from Peter, awaiting his return by the time you got back from work today. Sometimes you wondered if it was worth having Spider-Man as a husband, but twice as much when he was doing multi-dimensional travel semi-regularly. You know that he wouldn’t be able to reach you if he was still on a different earth or universe or- 
Whatever he calls it. You find it difficult to keep up. 
So the only signal you would get that he was okay is when he texts you that he’s back safe. You walk into your shared apartment with groceries, carefully taking out the chocolate milk to put in the fridge for him. You hear chimes behind you and feel a cold breeze as you bend over with the fridge door open, but know it wasn’t coming from your area.
You immediately turn around and see the white eyes of his suit staring back at you from the distance in the shimmery portal of a vague, typical New York rooftop.
When you see one, your eyes scan from left to right, and notice there’s two of them. 
He also has explained the fact that there were Spider-Men, people (or anything) in countless universes to you before but you could never quite wrap your head around it. But, you remembered enough from those honest conversations to recognize that this was one of those cases. 
They seem deep in conversation, but you couldn’t tell who was who as the suits and physical builds were identical. Both had the masks fully on and they shook hands, perched on the edge of the roof. But, one continues to glance at you during. You waved for whichever one was yours and got your answer as the second pair of bug eyes turned back around to run towards you, waving a peace sign to the other Spider figure. 
As soon as Peter jumps back into your world, you wrap your hands around him, opening your eyes and catching the lifeless stare of the other Spider-Man before the portal closes. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” Peter says, slightly muffled underneath his mask. You grin while nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck before responding. 
“Good, I can’t afford to compete with the multiverse,” You feel his hand caressing your head, gently gesturing for you to look at him as he removes his mask. You instantly feel relief seeing him back with you, safe and not finding random injuries on him. 
Your hands immediately reach for his face, running over every line and crease of his smile from his cheeks to his eyes. 
“You’re always gonna be my number one priority. Remember?” Peter reminds you as he places his much larger hand over yours on his face, fingers pressed onto your ring. 
It had been a little over a year since the actual wedding, and you don’t think you’d get over the fact that you married the love of your life. 
“I love you,” You mutter, leaning into his personal space even more to kiss him. He accepts your advancement and kisses you back. His lips are chapped against your soft ones, but you love it all the same as the pressure he placed against them was so light. You almost lose your breath trying to reciprocate the softness he was providing you, dizzied when he echoes your words. 
“I love you, too.” 
Before you could even think, you laid beside Peter in bed, your hair disheveled while Peter’s just got even more messier than usual. The ache between your legs began to disappear as you hiked one knee across his legs and had your head resting on his chest. 
He holds you close while his breathing steadies and your focus on his heartbeat. 
“How was this one?” 
Your fingertips trace his pectorals while his arms squeeze your body in his grasp. 
He hesitates before starting. 
“You know how I’ve met versions of myself before?” You nod, planting your hand on his chest before lifting your head slightly to look up in his direction. 
“This guy was my twin.” Peter’s voice croaks hardly above a whisper. You only move to readjust yourself with your chin above your hands on his chest, laying down on your stomach to focus on whatever he’s about to say. 
“Twin,” You repeat.  
“Babe, it was like looking into a mirror,” He adds. There’s no punchline but his lips tug up at what he just said before chuckling humorlessly. 
“But we’re so different. He said that he feels stuck, that he’s not pulling his punches anymore. So I was trying to cheer him up, but he’s in a tough spot right now.” Peter shakes his head as he recalls it, and you furrow your eyebrows listening to him. 
“You look hung up about it,” You observe, concerned for Peter’s internal monologue. You know how he gets when he overthinks, and you know if he thinks he can help it, he’d be able to help everyone or fix everything. 
“What if I can help him?” He admits, confirming your suspicions. You shake your head, before lifting yourself from his body, taking a loose sheet to cover your chest as you move up to face him. 
“Maybe he doesn’t need your help?” You try to reason with him, not wanting to put himself at multiverse risk unless he absolutely needs to. It’s clearly important to him in more ways than you can ever understand because of how supposedly identical they were. You took Peter’s word for it but still, part of you couldn’t buy that this was his destiny to go help fix whatever part of his life that he’s in. 
“You don’t know that,” Peter sighs, frustrated as he’s still wracking his head around the last encounter. 
You can only imagine what they talked about. 
“You don’t either,” You point out. Peter’s big brown eyes meet yours. Gentle, still tired from the mission but also from the welcome back sex, pleading you to indulge him into his matyrdom. 
Peter clicks his tongue, more at himself than at you and you raise your eyebrow.
“Right.” He clarifies that it’s his thoughts that he’s criticizing. 
The next 48 hours were calm but you could tell Peter was more distracted than usual, presumably about his other self. 
You were getting ready for bed, taking melatonin to knock out as soon as possible after the long day you had. You slipped in the covers beside him, listening to his drawn out monologue about how it’s what's best and he’ll feel guilty if he doesn’t do it. 
“But it’s not your responsibility,” You remind him in a sleepy voice as your eyelids get heavier. Peter scowls, your vision doesn’t catch it entirely but you know he doesn’t agree. 
“Who would I be if I didn’t do anything to help myself?” You rolled your eyes at his sentiment. 
“Pete, I know I’ll never understand but you have to move on, your life is here,” You readjust your head on the pillows as Peter turns over to fully get into bed. You’re suspicious of him as his suit is in direct eyesight of you both from the closet. 
Peter is staring up ahead, probably not registering your pleas that his own life and responsibilities on the earth he’s from should be more important, also the fact that he shouldn’t be messing with the fate of another version of himself just because he feels obligated to help. 
For a man who was so logical, his moral reasoning seemed to go out the window when you rationalized the importance of leaving other people’s decisions and lifepaths alone. 
So much so that by the next morning, there’s an empty space next to you and his suit is gone. You stare at the empty hanger and let out an exasperated sigh with the note that was taped on your bedside table in hand. 
“I’m sorry baby, I have to do this. 
Just give me a few days.
Love you the most -Peter.”
This wouldn’t be the first time he ghosted you with only a note to explain, but he was going to get an earful from you by the time he gets back. You don’t know how you let him get away with as much as he does but you suppose those are the things that come with marriage. Marriage to a superhero came with an entirely different set of terms and conditions though. 
It was day 5 of Peter’s moral-responsibility escapade and you were getting terrified. You felt bad for constantly asking Miles if he or anyone from the several other dimensions had heard of anything but he was kind enough to keep you updated with as much as he knew. 
Of course, that meant the answer was always: 
“No, sorry Mrs. Parker.” 
You would sigh and hang up the phone. 
It was exhausting, not having your husband around but also knowing he was quite literally not in your dimension. 
You tried to do anything to alleviate your stress and imagined him eventually texting you that he’s okay and swinging home as soon as possible, knowing that it would only make you scared to imagine the opposite. 
You were cleaning the kitchen, carefully taking off your wedding ring to put on the counter so it wouldn’t rip your gloves and silently hoped that whenever Peter came back, he would be safe and not trying to continue fixing other people’s lives.
That evening passes by painfully but while trying to block out the thoughts through a self care routine for the night, you realize that this isn’t the longest Peter had been gone. He should be fine and he’ll come back happier, regardless of the outcome knowing that at least he tried. He deserves to come back feeling proud for knowing that he did what he could rather than leaving it at that. However, he was definitely pushing it as it was already more than a few days. 
You slip into one of your t-shirts that are really one of Peter’s and a pair of sleeping shorts, turning off the lights in the house until you hear a loud noise, like a pan's clattering in the kitchen. You’re afraid as you can’t be completely sure that it’s Peter coming back and that you very well could be in danger without him. You call out for his name and get no response. 
Light on your feet, you tip-toe through the hall towards where the noise is coming from and see an illumination of the light on the floor, knowing that it is a portal. He’s been going in and out of them so long you recognized the patterns easily enough. You turn on the light in the kitchen and see his figure in his tattered suit, ripped revealing his bruised and bloody skin underneath. 
You see that one of his gloves is hanging on by the seams, a wedding band tearing the fabric from underneath, blood decorating the silver. 
Rasping out his name, your hands reaching for his hand with the ring. His fingers immediately intertwine with yours, almost trembling and feeling desperate. 
His voice is low and guttural when he says your name, taking off his mask to reveal his face. You feel relief wash over you knowing that your baby is home again and hug him like you have so many times before. You hear him choking back a sob while his much taller frame is swallowing yours and cooed for him to relax, worried about what he saw in this dimension that’s warranting this reaction. 
“It’s okay baby, you’re back home now,” Is what you repeat, running your hand over his back, careful not to touch his wounds.
You lead him back into the bathroom, slowly stripping his suit off in silence knowing that he’ll speak when he wants to. He was acting a bit standoffish, staring at you and mute. You didn’t know what to say or the right questions to ask, so you ran the rag under the water and started gently cleaning the blood off of him. His suit was strewn across the floor, and boots were standing upright by the tub. You were thankful he had a few extras in the closet before having to sew anymore. 
Peter’s stare is empty, his brown eyes look black and he looks like he hadn't been sleeping since he left. You run your fingers across his cheeks softly as you always have but this time he flinches. You quickly remove your hands from his general bubble not wanting to alarm him as you’re still standing in between his legs as he’s seated on the edge of the bathtub. 
You know he regrets it when he grabs your hand to bring his cheek again, staring at you from below through his wet eyelashes. 
“‘M sorry bub,” He says it like he’s ashamed. You shake your head to reassure him, and can’t help but smile at the nickname. 
“You haven’t called me that in so long. Since we first started going out,” You remind him, smiling wider as you recall your earlier memories with him. A blush creeps up Peter’s cheek but he begins to smile back. He wraps his large arms around the small of your back to bring you closer, his face nuzzling on your tummy before his voice perks up. 
“Why did I ever stop?” 
You shrug, placing his chin in between your fingers so you can make eye contact with him. “We grew up.”
Peter nods, smiling tiredly, “Right.” 
He’s not acting much differently than he usually does when he first comes back, but he’s more injured than his past trips so you know that this time was different. 
“What happened with your twin?” You ask as you’re kneeled on the tiled floor before him. You’re cleaning up his scratches with alcohol and cotton balls, discarding the red and pink stained ones in the trash next to you. 
“Nothing,” He mumbles, wincing every time you run another cotton ball over a fresher gash. 
“Doesn’t look like nothing, Peter,” You scold him for not telling you everything. Your hands remain on the top of his thighs when you stand back up, your shorts riding right below your hips when Peter takes the pleasure of raising your t-shirt to kiss your body. 
You’re ticklish at the sudden affection, squirming underneath his sudden display of strength, lips and rough, calloused hands trailing all around your stomach until he stops. You catch your breath from the involuntary giggling he caused when he’s staring at your hips.
“Nine hundred and ninety-nine,” He comments, raising his eyebrow when you realize what he’s referring to. You snort at his confusion and the way he said it.
“You’re such a nerd, you know it’s nine-nine-nine.” You roll your eyes at his sudden awareness of your numerology tattoo. He scoffs with a smile, sighing at the sight of you. There’s a quiet pause and the silence lingering in the air. 
“Do you remember the day we got it?” 
Peter nods, but not without a favor. “Tell me, I’m already forgetting about it.” His grin widens. 
You shake your head flashing a toothy smile at him. He returns one back. “It was only a few years ago. Did you hit your head on a portal the way back?” You try to joke at his lack of memory today. 
He laughs along as you sit down on one of his thighs knowing he’d easily support your weight. You wrap your hands around his neck and stare longingly at him before recalling the memory. His stare is not as cold and distant as it was earlier, so you feel better around him again. 
“I just like listening to you talk, of course I remember.” He explains. 
You nod, failing to hide how good that made you feel. He readjusts his leg to hold you closer while your hands find their way in his hair again. 
“The night we met, I just kept seeing 9’s all day. It was 9 on the dot when I walked into the place we were at 9th avenue, it was September, the temperature was like 90 degrees. It was too much of a coincidence.” You can tell you’re rambling so you look back up from the spot you were staring at to see if Peter was still listening. 
Of course he was. He nods for you to continue. 
“And when I told you this a few years later, I felt like I was meant to meet you because it was the start of a new beginning. 999 is the angel number for it,” He furrows his eyebrows and you shake your head again. 
“Then you laughed at me because you’re such a geek and went on a tangent about probability,” You pause as Peter throws his head to the side, a small laugh escaping his throat from fake offense.
You also giggle but force yourself to continue, “But then you agreed, because of how important I became to you. I think we were on a date when I got a receipt telling you this and we were the 999th table served at that diner and then I said that this is our number, and you said we should get it tattooed.” 
He hangs onto every word as you recount the memory, he cuts you off with the ending of the story. “So we did it that day.” 
You nod, feeling a bit of relief. 
Your head is laying on his shoulder when he finishes the story, thinking about how many times you’ve rehearsed this explanation of how you had a matching tattoo with your boyfriend before you guys became engaged. 
“You tell it the best,” Peter interrupts your thoughts. 
You nuzzle your head in his chest and he takes the opportunity to scoop your body up in his arms by wrapping his other arm underneath your leg to take you to your shared bedroom. You squeal in surprise begging him not to move so suddenly or else he’ll get blood on the sheets but he ignores your requests and eventually you do too. 
When you’re making out with him, your back is pressed up against the bed feeling suffocated by the intensity and desperation of his kisses. You feel his erection through his boxers pressing up against your heat, just as frenzied for his touch as he is for yours. You moan in his mouth, eventually biting his lip when he tries to pull away to undress you as fast as he can. You’re only clad in your underwear by the time he’s pulling down his boxers but notice a difference.
Unsure if you’re seeing things you run your fingers over his skin on the right of his prominent v-lines and notice there’s not any remnants of swollen skin from your matching 999 tattoo with him. 
“Peter?” Your voice is small, still laced with lust, unsure if you were overreacting or not. 
Peter throws his boxers to the side, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand due to his swift strength while he uses his middle finger to play with your clit through your underwear. 
“Fuck, I missed this,” He pauses, staring at your heat before meeting your eyes again. “I missed you so much.” 
Your eyes narrow in confusion but it’s hard for you to focus on what he’s saying, not fully understanding but also trapped underneath his touch. 
“You’re scaring me,” You whimper and it only translates as a moan, breathy as his fingers move faster with your wetness collecting onto them as he pushes your panties to the side. “I’m right here Peter, I’ve always been right here.” You remind him, thinking that he’s alluding to the past few days. In his defense, they did feel like forever. 
Your arms struggle underneath his but you move involuntarily, feeling your cunt clench around nothing already. You moan his name on repeat, your breasts jiggling as your chest heaves up and down from his attention. 
“I had you before,” He slips one finger in. 
“And then I lost you,” Another finger enters.
Peter begins thrusting skillfully before you can think better of it. “I’m not risking that again.”
Your eyes widen at what he just said and the intensity at which his fingers are curling inside you. 
You think about the lack of tattoo, the subtle difference in mannerisms since he came back and the fact that Peter had just left in search of an identical version of himself. 
Feeling yourself become dizzy, the tightness in your stomach from the fact that you were about to cum mixed in with the fear and realization of the situation at hand. “Where’s Peter?” You choke out when he slows down, edging your high. 
He looks up at you, leaning down on your frame to kiss your cheek. You shudder, lip quivering from the onset of tears about to spill out. 
“I’m right here bub,” He whispers. Peter picks up the pace of his fingering and your legs close around his hand, not wanting him to go any further. He uses the hand that had been keeping your hands together to open your legs again to continue and you cum around him, sobbing silently at the nickname.
Your tears start to run on your face, salt streaking your skin. Your breath is uneven from the sobs and cumming simultaneously. 
“Where’s my Peter?” You place emphasis on the my even though your voice feels like chalk in your throat. You use your hands to support yourself sitting up, trying to keep your legs together when he removed his fingers from your cunt. He shakes his head at the attempt to close access off from him and pushes you back down on the bed, gently as you both know trying to defend yourself would be futile. 
You lay down in defeat, watching in shame how he wraps his legs around your waist while his hands are holding your arms above your head once again. 
“You know that deep down, I’m him.” Peter's eyes are blown out with lust, his cock standing tall against his lower abdomen. Your eyes trail past this and to the absence of the tattoo and feel the fear making your body frozen again. 
You close your eyes and shake your head as he leans down towards your face, trying your best to squirm underneath his body. 
“I’ll do anything you want, just don’t do this,” You sob weakly, your chest feels as though it’s going to cave in. “You’re not him but you don’t have to do this, please,” You cry a bit louder, but not enough for anyone to hear you. You quickly realize that it wouldn’t do any good for people to see someone who has the same exact identity as your husband hurting you, if you wanted any chance of seeing your Peter again. 
He slightly readjusts his hips above you and you think he’ll let you go, listening to your pleas but he just hikes up your legs in order to line up to your heat. You hear him chuckling slowly while your legs are instinctively wrapped around his legs, still shaking from how he made you come. 
“All I want is you.”
Your heart picks up its pace as you feel his head right underneath your clit and in between your lips, slowly entering you, feeling that space between your legs be fulfilled. Your guilt eats you up knowing that you were enjoying this, and he knew you were enjoying this, but him not being your actual husband. 
“Get off of me,” Is what you say but your hips say otherwise. Your moans get ragged as he continues to slowly thrust, allowing you to get used to his size before he picks up the pace. Your body moves back and forth as he does, fucking him back as you maneuever yourself up and down on his length. 
He removes his hands from holding you down, mainly to see what you do and you only wrap your chest in embarrassment, biting your lip as he stares down at you. 
“You can’t resist me baby,” He acknowledges, you sniffle. His hips thrust into you again, rocking down into you and you clench around him, causing you both to whine in pleasure. He hiked up your leg higher, flatter against your body as he grabbed the underneath of your thigh to go deeper. 
Your empty sobs fill the room as the bed under you creaks, he growls in response. “It’s all the same, in every universe you’re mine.” 
You shake your head at that, a thread of “No’s” filling your head but you can’t bring yourself to say it aloud. His cock thrusting in and out of you, his hand gripping you like you’re the only thing he can touch is clouding your mind. His toned body is slamming against your hips and you reach out to hold onto him as he gets rougher, wanting him to anchor you for the inevitable climax. 
“I love you just as much as him,” He continues, relishing in your high pitched mewls that he took as praise. He groans lower when you make eye contact with him as your hands grip onto his bicep. 
“Maybe even more.”
You shake your head, eyebrows pinching up and lips in a pout as you can feel the sobs coming back when you think about your Peter. You have no idea where he is right now. How you’ll explain yourself when he comes back.
If he comes back. 
You shake your head even faster and finally verbalize the “No’s” you’ve been wanting to say but couldn’t bring yourself to. 
Your legs become sore at the position he kept them in and presses his chest up against yours. He whispers in your ear, “The fact that I even did this for you says a lot.”
Your head is spinning. 
“I need you, more than you’ll ever know.” He grunts, his final thrusts feel like he’s about to split you open, he knows this by the way your eyes pinch together in pain and slows down for you, trying to ease the friction by using his thumb to play with your clit during. 
You separate your lips in relief and he uses the opportunity to gently kiss you. 
He’s not your husband, he’s not your Peter Parker. But you can’t even bring yourself to identify him as an evil version of your lover. Especially not when he kisses you like this. 
A version of him that refuses to make the right decisions, prioritizes the wrong things and goes out of his way to get what he wants is still him. Every part of you wants to scream that this is wrong, telling him that there’s another way and that you have to find a way to fix this, but you can’t think straight when he’s all there is in front of you. 
Kissing back, you’re desperate to feel him, any version of Peter, on your lips and you squirm underneath when his fingers rub faster on your clit. 
Your cunt tightening around his cock when you feel the tension snap in your stomach. Peter’s hips stutter at the feeling, cumming immediately inside of you and separating himself from you. He allows your legs  to relax, laying you back down fully when he removes himself from you. 
His fingers trace your tattoo, leaning down to kiss it before trailing down to your swollen, puffy cunt. 
“I’ll get a 999 tattoo too,” He says nine-nine-nine this time, smirking when you meet his eyes. 
“It’ll be a new beginning for both of us.”
It’s the last thing he says before going back in to eat you out, petrifying you to an unfamiliar degree.
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liz-allyn · 2 years
Another *ANOTHER* dark angst tasm!peter fic prompt no one asked for
a fanfic writing challenge - my 900th celebration!
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have fun
REQUIRED ELEMENT: must feature the number 900 in some way
word min: 900, maximum: 9k. deadline to submit is Friday 9/9 Monday 9/12 at 9:00pm PST.
* must tag me @liz-allyn and put #Lizzy's fic prompts and #Lizzy’s 900 in the tags
must be an angst and/or dark plot, although it can have a happy ending
must feature tasm!peter as the main character, although other peters or marvel characters can be involved.
Submissions will be posted here
Pick one of the 3 prompts listed below and write a fic. it's that simple!
(Below the cut)
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"in the box"
they say the house by the river is haunted. even with the planes flying overhead, you can hear voices sometimes. screams. turns out, there's something locked up in the basement. it's not just something — it's someone.
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"what are we going to do about this?"
you're caught, red-handed, and peter's next move could destroy your life forever. unless... you can convince him otherwise
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"not my peter?"
post no way home, tasm peter comes back to his home dimension with a new lease on life. problem is, another, identical peter parker is happy to take it for himself. that includes you.
Aaaaaaand go! This is open to all, but remember to tag me in your fic to be featured.
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nuttyrabbit · 9 months
Brief IDW Thoughts
I haven't posted something like this in a bit, but since we got 2 issues today, I might as well
Sonic's 900th Adventure- Gonna be honest, I was pretty damn underwhelmed by this. I liked the concept on paper, but in practice it felt like a fat load of nothing
For a comic that ostensibly sets itself up to celebrate Sonic's long, storied history in comics, it does absolutely nothing in that regard, not even featuring the IDW originals in any major capacity
Like it certainly looked great (for the most part), but the writing was def all over the place (and that Shadow and the Rogues bit was outright bad)
This could've been so much more than it was, but as is, I'm just really disappointed
Sonic #64: I'm mixed on this one. On one hand, the events of this issue make sense and everyone complaining that Lanolin was somehow "abusive" or in the wrong lacks any sort of media literacy, but I also despise what I call the "Bendy" trope, so even though the plot made sense, I didn't enjoy reading it that much
That being said, I do like Mimic
As for the backup, it felt really weird that it was so disconnected from the front story, and it also felt very filler-y (bad), as opposed to filler-y (good)
I stand by my notion that IDW is overall "fine", but honestly these 2 issues just didn't do a lot for me this month
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Question of Faith
Inherit the Earth #900
Just noting here the milestone of posting the 900th mainline strip. There will be a real celebration in another 100!
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
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Heso! Here it is, my 900th post! 🎉 Keeping it simple as I mentioned and celebrating by sharing some of my favorites in various categories I chose!
For those not caught up, one or two scenes from up to around chapter 1055 are included here.
Arranged from left to right: Pink-haired characters, locations, series defining panels, abilities, and animals!
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ditto-not-on-discord · 6 months
"SONIC HAS TERRIBLE LUCK" or "I try calculating time regarding sonic, Part 1."
Ok so before I begin, I have to explain what the hell I'm even doing.
This post exists because of multiple reasons, as any good post does, but the main one I want to bring up is the one shot IDW comic "Sonic's 900th adventure".
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This comic, made as a celebration of 900 English language Sonic comic issues, is unique in the fact that it gives us a canon (minimum) number of adventures Sonic has gone on before frontiers: 899, or 900 at the end of the issue.
This got me thinking: "hey how long would pass on average between each adventure?"
So first.... lets get the total number of days straight first. but in order to do THAT we have to make a few assumptions about Sonic's version of Earth and Sonic himself:
I am assuming that the years are the same length as our years: 365 normally, and 366 on leap years
Sonic was born at such a point that he has been alive for 12 normal years and 3 leap years.
I'm also going to give Sonic the benefit of the doubt and say this one-shot takes place on June 22nd, the day before sonics canon birthday, on a leap year.
I'm ignoring Sonic's actual age during most of these games.
Also ignoring the "most of modern sonic took place in a year and a half" thing from the Bumblecast, on account of that it's insane
This gives us the grand total of 5652 Days that sonic has been alive. However, we actually can remove a few days off from the calculation total right off the bat. By once again being in sonic's favor, I am saying the six consecutive months sonic was in jail included a non leap year February. so, Minus 181 days right there.
Currently at: 5471 days, 899 adventures
Also, for my calculations, if we have a confirmed time period for a game or comic arc, the number of days are removed from the total days and if something is resolved during that time that would count as "saving the world", one adventure is removed from the total.
we can also remove another month from the counter, as when in Issue 4 Blaze mentions that the Sol Emeralds spoke of a terrible event, Sonic says that Blaze is SEVEN months late.
Currently at: 5440 days, 899 adventures
Sonic adventure 2 removes 2 days, Sonic Heroes removes 3, and Unleashed removes at least 9 with the day and night mechanic for 2 more weeks removed as well as 3 adventures!
Currently at: 5426 days, 896 adventures
Generations.... generations is weird because it existed outside of time. so we get to remove one adventure just because (also I have no idea if tails double counted these adventures because of the time travel shenanigans. lets just say he did not double count them and continue on.
Currently at: 5426 days, 895 adventures
Now we reach something odd: The Classic Sonic Games didn't really care for explaining timeline (most of the sonic series doesn't but SHHHHHH) so to be charitable, if a zone that is set at night is in-between 2 day set zones, im gonna count that as an additional day.
Sonic 1 is completed in 1 day by these rules, Sonic CD takes one day, Sonic 2 takes 2 days, Sonic Chaos takes 1, sonic 3+K takes 3 (sandopolis is dark enough where a sunset should be imminent or just happened), Triple trouble takes 2, 3D Blast takes 1, Blast (yes this and 3D blast are different) takes 1, and Sonic adventure takes 1. This is batch 1 of who the hell knows. minus 9 adventures and minus 13 days.
Currently at: 5413 days, 886 adventures
Batch 2, here we go: Advance 1 is 3 days, Advance 2 is 1 day, Sonic Battle is 1 day, Advance 3 is 2 days, Rush is 2 days, Sonic 06 Retconned itself out of existence so arguing about THAT is a moot point, secret rings is 1 day, rivals is 2 days, rush adventure is 2 days, Rivals 2 is 2 days, and black knight is 1 day.
minus 17 days and 10 adventures.
Currently at: 5396 days, 876 adventures
Last batch of games, here w- oh yeah I forgot riders. uh... minus 2 more for both.
Currently at: 5394 days, 874 adventures
NOW for the last batch of games: I have NO idea if sonic 4 is still canon, free riders takes 1, colors takes 1, Lost World is 4 days... And finally because of technicalities, I can count Mania and Superstars. Mania is 2 days and so is Superstars.
Currently at: 5384 days, 869 adventures
.... so thats the total for all of the games and the average would be...
... we still have most of IDW to go now. but at this rate I can say sonic doesnt get a fucking break.
to be continued.... later.
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ravenrune · 3 years
This is my 900th. post and I am celebrating with some flash fics. One Leon x reader, one Carlos x reader. Both based on a randomly generated word. Total word count around 1400.
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Postcard. (Carlos x reader.)
Down. Carlos was feeling a bit down when he finally came home that night. He’d spent the entire day working his ass off, arguing with his superiors and questioning whether or not it was time to find a new job yet again. He was feeling down, and he didn’t know what to do about it this time.
Being away from his love wasn’t helping, either. He really missed you during the days off, but then he usually just ended up just chilling and gaming with his friends. It helped him take his mind off of things. But he missed you even more when he wasn’t feeling well and had nobody to come home to. At least not for a little while.
He grabbed a beer and the mail and plopped down on the couch before starting to sort through things. Bills, official letters from his current employer and a handful of pamphlets he wasn’t interested in. Nothing good ever came through that letterbox, Carlos thought as he threw the mail back onto the coffee table. As the mail landed on the table, a postcard fell out. One he hadn’t spotted because it had been hidden between the pamphlets. Suddenly curious, he picked it up. There was a silly picture on it of a polar bear drinking tea, and Carlos knew of only one person who ever bought such weird postcards. He smiled. “Where the hell did you find this abomination, Y/N,” he muttered under his breath as he turned it around to read it. Hello my love! I miss you! It’s only been a month, but those stupid phonecalls aren’t enough to keep me going. I wish you were here so I could finally crawl back into your arms and fall asleep with my head on your chest. It hurts a bit, sometimes. No, it hurts a lot, sometimes. The weather here is terrible, I am constantly melting. The scenery consists of concrete stacked upon more concrete and then also there’s a lot of concrete. I would kill to see the woods again. I miss our walks. Only two more weeks to go, though! Or thirteen days. Eleven when you get this! You better be ready for me to come back, because I won’t be able to leave you alone for the first couple of days after I get to touch you again. I love you. I miss you. I wish you were here. I hope you’re doing okay and taking good care of yourself. If I find out you’ve only been eating pizza, I will probably turn you into a pizza. I’m running out of space to write now. Sending you all of my love (and also some to the cat and the dog), I miss them too. xxx Y/N <3 The things you’d written made Carlos laugh. He could almost sense your chaotic personality near him, just by reading your postcard. It hurt him that you weren’t there with him, but just reading you for a minute had brightened up his mood a bit. He hadn’t been okay when he came home, but as he pressed the postcard against his chest, he sighed. Only eleven more days until he’d be with you again. He could handle eleven more days.
After setting the postcard on the table where he could look at the idiotic polar bear whenever he felt like it, he turned on his phone and checked to see if you were online somewhere. Feeling a bit disappointed when he noticed you weren’t, he turned his phone back off. He wasn’t going to wake you up in the middle of the night, but he’d definitely be calling you first thing tomorrow.
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Hidden. (Leon x reader) Leon thought it was strange how one of his coworkers, Y/N, always managed to vanish during parties. One moment you were still there, the next you were gone. It was as if you’d vanished into thin air. It kind of disappointed him. He’d been kind of interested in you for quite a while already, but whenever there was an office party, he never got a chance to talk to you. A bit bored, he looked around. Hunnigan was having a conversation with that asshole from the third floor of whom Leon had no idea what their job even was. Hunnigan seemed pretty amused, though, so Leon decided to leave them be. He could’ve sworn he’d seen Ashley around earlier, but she’d disappeared too. Probably off to get herself in trouble again, just like she had been doing constantly over the past couple of months. Those days she’d spent in that village had naturally done a number on her mental health, and while Leon didn’t necessarily approve of her recent behaviour, he really couldn't blame her for acting out. That left him to talk to the people he wasn’t that close to. It wasn’t that Leon disliked most of his colleagues, it was just that he wasn’t in the mood to deal with most of them tonight. He’d only shown up in the hopes of Y/N being there, too, and he’d fished behind the net. Again. Sighing, Leon made his way over to the bar, where he ordered another drink. Leaning against the bar, he scanned the room again. Still no sign of Y/N. He briefly wondered if perhaps you hadn’t actually left the building, but were instead spending some time elsewhere. Because he was bored and didn’t think anything exciting was going to happen at this party, Leon decided to check the building if Y/N was still around. If you were, he might get a chance to have you to himself for a bit. He searched several offices, the cafeteria, the break room and most of the hallways, but you weren’t anywhere to be found. He was about to give up before decided to check outside. He hadn’t thought of checking outside yet because it was cold, but a little bit of fresh air sounded pretty nice by now. And then, as Leon made his way outside, he saw you sitting there. Right around the corner, on a little bench, you were staring at your phone, wondering when it would be appropriate to leave the party. Leon sat down next to you, something that startled you. “Whoa, Y/N, sorry, didn’t mean to scare you…” You smiled. “It’s fine, I wasn’t paying attention,” you said softly. You turned off your phone and glanced at Leon. “What brings you here?” Leon shrugged and shot you a crooked smile. “I was looking for you.” “Why?” You tried to suppress the urge to stare at his neck and hummed. “I don’t like crowds.” Leon looked at you. “Yeah, I noticed. Neither do I, really,” he replied. “Why not just go home?” “I dunno. I guess because it feels inappropriate to leave early?” “Mmm, yeah, I understand what you mean. Want a drink?” Leon asked, showing you his half-empty glass. “It’s scotch.” You mustered up the courage to look him in the face. That man was too handsome for his own good. You smiled. “Nah, thanks, I don’t drink.” Leon tilted his head. “Smart one, I guess.” He set the glass down on the ground. “How about a dance, then?” “A dance?” “Yeah. You can still hear the music here, but there’s nobody else around right now... “ He stood up and offered his hand. “Come on.” “What if somebody else comes outside and sees us?” Leon laughed. “Who cares?” He asked softly. “I came here to drink and to dance. I had a drink, now I want to dance.” He was still holding his hand in frontof you. “Come on Y/N, let’s make this party a little bit more fun for the both of us.”
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smallcures · 2 years
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celebrating the smallcures blog 5th anniversary!
this is our 900th post, and according to my files they contain:
80+ princess smallcures
130+ a la mode smallcures
180+ star twinkle smallcures
230+ futari wa smallcures
250+ healin good smallcures
260+ fresh smallcures
330+ smile smallcures
700+ tropical smallcures
with a handful of hugtto and heartcatch, and the addition of 60+ submissions.
this blog is still very silly but it always made me happy to run! lets go for 5 more!
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quirkwizard · 5 years
Thank you all for getting me this far.
Special thanks to @bitxhkiller for being the 900th follower.
And to all of you who requested and followed.
Now since I got to 900 in the middle of writing All Might: Hero and Father, I was going to make that the 900 follower celebration on top of it being my 2,000th post. But since I thought would be pretty lame, partially because I didn’t announce it and I’ve been wanting to talk about this idea for a while, I’m going to post something else. The special post will be up in due time.
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michael-thandi · 4 years
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There is always something to celebrate everyday. . Take time to be grateful and appreciate the things that don't seem like a big deal. . This post marks my 900th Instagram post. . What is something you've learnt from me? . . . . . #900thpost #900posts #900 #celebratedaily #celebrate #win #positivity #motivational #success #thandi #michaelthandi #entrepreneur #lifegoals #purpose #purposedriven #purposedrivenlife #ididityesterday #motivateeducatedominate #mindset #motivationalquotes #thandiquotes #successquotes (at Port Melbourne, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZ1hoTnF9P/?igshid=xvoe41ljr1kj
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onpagetwentyone · 4 years
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1 am thoughts of an adult who cannot sleep despite of having a 12-freaking-hour-shift tomorrow (typed this on my notepad at 1:00am, 8th March) what’s new?
How’s your 2020 so far? Well, it’s exhausting. I’m already tired and yes, it’s only March.
So, let me rant (strong word, sorry. I’m not gonna rant but lemme talk) about what happened in the 1st two months of 2020.
January is my birth month and I obviously didn’t post anything about it since I didn’t really celebrate my birthday. It was just an ordinary day with port BBQ, doughnuts and a grande cup of coffee jelly. I DIDN’T EVEN GET PIZZA but at least I had coffee jelly. Right? Right.
Oh yeah, something worth celebrating! I went to La Union with my best friend and we explored four municipalities in 2 days. We were tired and broke but the trip was worth it.
Took my oath as a Licensed Professional Teacher. So I’m officially an LPT! Got my license on the same day, too! ♥
I also visited 2 coffee shops for my 20 coffeeshop in 2020 “project” and they were far but worth visiting.
The 1st one is the Secret Garden. LITERALLY secret garden with good ambiance, fresh air, good food. It’s perfect for relaxation, hungry stomach and stressed humans. LOL! Really tho, if you want to relax, go here. It’s located in South Drive.
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The 2nd one is in Tuba, Benguet. Hahaha! Too far but worth visiting. Cafe in the Sky is one of the best cafes in Benguet. The LONG trip was worth it. You will be able to see the entire City of Baguio in their veranda. Only few people visit the place on a daily basis since it’s not really open to the public for environmental reasons. But yep, the view there is promising.
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February was a busy month at work, so this means no travels but I was able to visit this cute cafe in Leonard Wood Rd. here in Baguio and the place was sooooo cool! My inner 12-year-old science geek self is so happy. Yep, science lovers will definitely enjoy this place. They have this “Periodic Table of Ingredients” designed on their walls and their… utensils? were all laboratory apparatuses (or similar) which also makes it different.
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February was also a heavy month because it’s again the season of waiting for me. You know how exhausting it is–emotionally, mentally–but I know I did what I can do back then, it’s no longer my fight but it’s God’s. I’m surrendering all of it to Him and I know that if it’s God’s will, it will prevail but if it wasn’t for me, then I know that another opportunity will come and it’ll be a better one. Still hoping that I’ll be able to get it tho but for now, still working the same job, doing the same thing. Still thankful no matter how tiring it is.
On my happy list, progress so far!
1. Read 16 books in the last 2 months! Gaaah! I’m so happy! I cannot remember the last time I’ve read more than 10 books in a month! I’m so freaking stoked I bought tons of books for my kindle. Yaaay! Happy kindle, happy Jeland. I’m about to complete my pledged goal but I’m no where near my personal goal (100 books)
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2. I discovered new-to-me authors like Lylah James and LJ Shen. If you are into New Adult Romance, go check their books. ♥ I binged Tainted Hearts series by Lylah James and L.J. Shen’s All Saint’s High series, Vaughn’s story is my favorite. 😌
3. We already have Fully Booked here in Baguio! As in finally! I love NBS but there are A FREAKING LOT of great titles in Fully Booked that are NOT AVAILABLE in NBS. So yaaay!
4. Finally got a copy of Regretting You by Colleen Hoover. If you’ve seen my Instagram, I have a lot of CoHo books that I’m supposed to buy but unfortunately, they are not available in our local bookstores anymore. Nonetheless, I’ve got these babies. 
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CoHo is one of my favorite authors, I will read whatever she writes. Regretting You was my first purchase from Fully Booked and this is the proof that I really don’t have self control when it comes to books. I just brought 500 pesos with me that day but then I asked the staff if they accept card payments and I literally squealed like it was the best damn news ever. Hahahaha! Goodbye self control. No more bringing cash and / or bank cards when we visit bookstores moving forward.
5. Went to Seattle’s Best Coffee with my sister and my cousin. It’s my first time since they opened their branch in SM Baguio and I loved their signature hot choco.
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6. I have two series on my watch list: The Witcher and Crash Landing on You. The 1st episode of The Witcher was kind of boring and I don’t feel like watching CLOY just yet. So…there.
7. Watching Chihayafuru and catching up on 900th+ episodes of Detective Conan.
8. Listening to Melissa Polinar’s Calls and Echoes 2014 album. 6 years late, I know but… The songs are really good, it gives me this lovey-dovey feels. I downloaded all her songs on spotify.
9. Happy to be able cross 4 shops off my list and 20 cafes on 2020 is still on! I have a list of coffee shops I’ll visit once my busy days are already over.
10. Some of my most anticipated books will be out this March! House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas and Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly has been published already. Already got Sweet Temptation and I’m just waiting for a paperback copy of HOEAB in our local bookstores because kindle copy is 13 freaking dollars and that’s freaking expensive. All I Ask by Corrine Michaels will be out this month, too! ♥
My niece and I also fixed my shelf, btw. She is a great help until she started throwing my books on my bed. Here’s the finish product. HAHA!
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This is me appreciating little things. No matter how disappointing February was, there are still things that I’m really thankful for no matter how big or small.
Doing my best and still hoping for good things to happen! ♥
JL 💜
PS. Wash your hands, ladies and gentlemen. :) Stay healthy.
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worldofedm853 · 4 years
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mousedetective · 7 years
I feel like death warmed over, but I promise, fic is on its way!
I feel absolutely wretched, guys and gals. My son, when he came over two weeks ago, had been around one of his cousins who had a throat coald or something (possibly strep?) and he was kind of sick the nights he was there, and then Sunday all I wanted to do is sleep and the last two days my throat has been killing me, so I’m not happy. I’m just thankful my mom is currently off radiation/not back on chemo yet. But I’m just exhausted and blah and ended up staying up till 5 AM last night because I couldn’t get comfortable and then just sank into a horrible state of exhaustion (I mean, the dreams I have when I go to deep REM sleep are usually pretty...not nice, so I hate dreaming)
But anyway, I’m going to get started on the fics I have lined up today and HOPEFULLY not pull an all-nighter again so I can get up early and post them. I know @simplyshelbs16xoxo got moved to the top of the list because her fic is a cheer-up fic, and these are all going to be interspersed with the final chapters of "New Family Memories," more CSIverse fic and some early fic for my "Summer Under The Stars" three month celebration (because frankly, it is effin' hot here in So Cal so since it already feels like summer, summer shall commence now whether it's June or not). So if you want that last slot for the 900th fic, send me an ask and it's first come, first serve.
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gagconcert · 7 years
What went down in the past week because of the Gag Concert 900th Episode Special
I was busy with submissions for the past week, so I didn’t get to update as soon as this happened. After the Kim Joon Ho incident, something else has put Gag Concert in the spotlight.
Jung Jong Chul and Im Hyuk Pil are both comedians who shined on Gag Concert in its heydays, but they have both moved on to comedy shows on other channels.
Along with screenshots of Jung Jong Chul himself in the Legends specials that GagCon aired during one of the weekdays before the first part of the 900th Episode Special, Jung Jong Chul posted his thoughts about not getting invited to take part in the 900th Episode Special.
A post shared by 개그맨 정종철 옥동자 마빡이 존잘맨(리처드기어 st.) (@okdongja1004) on May 15, 2017 at 12:57am PDT
[170515] Jung Jong Chul’s Instagram update
Hoho... Before I congratulate GagCon for reaching its 900th Episode, I’d like to say that I wasn’t interviewed to participate in the Special. It’s a show that’s like my home (before I left); my hometown... But I had no idea the show would be having its 900th Episode.. It’s quite upsetting and sad. A dongsaeng I knew told me that they were proud that I was in 8 of the 19 legendary skits/videos, but asked me why I wasn’t participating in the 900th Episode. I couldn’t reply him, hoho...
Gag Concert is definitely made by the show producers, but the show producers can never do it alone. I hope that they don’t forget the people who make the long-time heritage of being able to hit the 900th Episode possible. That includes the hard-working comedians who come up with skit ideas, as well as the audience and viewers who come to applaud for us.
Also, I'd like to say that the senior comedians we look back on and their junior comedians, including me, did not leave Gag Concert because we wanted to. Comedians are also celebrities, and they are the pillars that made GagCon. I’ve always felt it... I felt that the producers have got it all wrong. It’s the 900th Episode, but they invited popular celebrities who have no relation to GagCon to have a party. I don’t think (the producers) should be grateful towards them.
Rather, I hope that they’ll be thankful for the junior comedians who have been holding it out till now and work hard coming up with ideas to make the viewers laugh. I hope that they think deeper about why GagCon comedians leave for ‘Smile People’ and ‘Comedy Big League’. The comedians protecting GagCon are not tissues.
In response to this post, comedian Im Hyuk Pil wrote a comment:
(Ok) Dong Ja*, they regularly do this sort of thing, even having Yoo Jae Suk** who’s not related to GagCon at all ㅋ
*Ok Dong Ja is the name of a character that Jung Jong Chul played in ‘Bongsunga School’, and it’s the most well-known character that he has played.
**In his comment, he also didn’t use a ‘-ssi’ or ‘-nim’ suffix and sounded rude (so instead of writing ‘Yoo Jae Suk-ssi’ he went ‘Yoo Jae Suk’ - to Koreans that is impolite even if these two celebrities are good friends that can drop the suffix when speaking in real life).
In response to this, the netizens thought that Jung Jong Chul has not much reason to be saying what he did when the news of the 900th Episode Special has already been out for weeks, as if he “forgot his parents’ birthdays” when he said it himself that he “considered GagCon his hometown”. Also, they mentioned the fact that “he didn’t stay on GagCon for a long period of time for jumping over to MBC for the better salary”.
Also, many people attacked Im Hyuk Pil for his words, since it’s obviously not true that Yoo Jae Suk has nothing to do with Gag Concert (he debuted as a comedian). The next day, the comment was deleted off Instagram and clarified to news outlets that he didn’t have beef with Yoo Jae Suk and apologised to him over the phone. He said that if he didn’t feel upset, then it would’ve meant that he didn’t love GagCon.
Gag Concert (or KBS) then responded with a press release.
Hello. We are the producers of ‘Gag Concert’.
We, the producers, heard about the disappointed comedians who were not able to participate in the ‘Gag Concert’ 900th Episode Special, and looked over the 900th Episode plans again.
Truthfully, the 900th Episode Special was planned for the senior comedians who want to give strength to their junior comedians by collaborating with them - especially with the comedy industry struggling at the moment.
We planned for 3 episodes worth, and there are 2 host comedians for each episode. It was planned so that a handful of senior comedians will perform their own skits within the junior comedians’ skits. That’s why, we find it regrettable that there were many successful (from Gag Concert) comedians that we couldn’t invite.
There were many comedians with us for the past 19 years that made Gag Concert shine, going through ups and downs together, making the show what it is today with a lot of effort. The 900th Episode Special was made with that in mind, in honour of all the comedians.
Again, we want to convey that it is regrettable that we didn’t manage to even invite just one more comedian who is also part of that honour. In order to keep the past success of the show unharmed, the junior comedians are working hard. We ask for everyone to generously congratulate the ‘Gag Concert’ 900th Episode Special.
We will work harder to bring the ‘Gag Concert’ Episode 1,000 that everyone can happily and enjoyably celebrate.
Again, we want to thank all the comedians and viewers who have been with us, ‘Gag Concert’, every Sunday night for the past 19 years.
Later on the same day, Jung Jong Chul also apologised about the incident later on Instagram and through news outlets.
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originaljiraiyan · 5 years
My Top Ten Anime of All Time
My Top Ten Anime of All Time
To celebrate my 900th blog post, I decided to make my top ten anime of all time lists. When coming up with the top ten I focused on series that had the most impact on me. At the same time I also choose anime that can and have stood the test of time (even from an animation stand point), and I would recommend to anyone. I don’t think any of these series are going to be surprise anyone, as most are…
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