#3x03 know the enemy
dgct2 · 1 year
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I can't have any more stabbing victims on my watch.
3.03 Nosce Inimicum
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
It's Finally Time. LMK Game Motif.
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Spider Queen: "The game is just beginning!"
(1x04 Noodles or Death) (Shout out to Spider Queen for being the first instance of Game Motif)
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Sun Wukong: "So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them?" Lady Bone Demon: "There are so many moves I've yet to play."
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Your destiny has not been changed or diminished! Your enemies have done exactly what we needed. And now, my queen, the real game can begin."
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Sleep Bug Game: "Sleep Bug! Download now from the app store!"
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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Lady Bone Demon: "With this, you will build your revenge, one piece at a time. Five more items of power must be collected, and then, we shall forge your destiny!"
(2x01 Sleep Bug)
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Pigsy: "I've seen it all before, games suck up the best years of your life until you're left a hollow bitter old man."
(2x03 Pig Pong Panic)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Just a piece in a game you can not possible comprehend."
(2x05 Minor Scale)
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Game Wukong: "After you complete the tutorials, you'll learn how to access-" MK: "Ugh! This is taking forever! How do I...skip."
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(2x06 Game On) (Game Motif the episode fr fr)
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Huntsman: "Why am I doing all this for you?" Lady Bone Demon: "You're only asking this now? Because, that is you're role to play in this game."
(2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
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Syntax: "My Queen, we can begin collecting the materials! The update is ready." Spider Queen: "*Breathes in* Good, good! I'm not gonna let that little lady play me!"
(2x09 72 Transformations)
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Lady Bone Demon: "It would seem the Queen's usefulness is drawing to an end. Time to remove the unnecessary pieces from the game." Mayor: "With pleasure, my lady."
(2x09 72 Transformations)
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Spider Queen: "I was just a pawn in the game! Like you." MK: "It's not too late, you can run." Spider Queen: "Haven't you figured that out yet, there's no running from what she is."
(2x09 72 Transformations)
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Gold Fish Demon: "The rules, they are simple: you put up something of value in order to win something of value! Win the game, get the prize!"
(3x03 Smartie Kid)
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Lady Bone Demon: "The Samadhi Fire is the final piece of the game, a tool destiny has gifted me to complete my work!"
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Red Son: "That's how I know you won't lose control—you can't, because you're the only hope I- the only hope this world has left. But! Only so long as you master all my tutorials."
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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MK: "Ugh! Again! Remind me how this 'game' is supposed to convince me I'm not destined to turn into an evil demon monkey thing again? Cause every option I pick takes me to this!"
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MK: "Same!"
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MK: "Screen!" Macaque: "Hey you're finally getting it! No matter what options it's giving you, you're always gonna end up in the same spot."
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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Macaque: "Alright misery kid, you were supposed to realize by now that the choices the games giving you, aren't the only choices you've got! Life isn't some pre-written thing like a video game where you have to do what the tutorial says!"
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
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The Jade Emperor: "How is it you come to stand before me today Azure, was there a point where you questioned it, or where you to oblivious with your own delusion to realize you are a mere piece in someone else's game!"
(4x10 The Jade Emperor)
Azure, who gave you that scroll? Because whoever it was, they must have known this would happen, wanted this to happen! And they used you to do it.
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chick-with-wifi · 9 months
Meta: Shaw doesn't need god mode
Shaw is the only main character who has never been in god mode (Root in 2x22 then periodically throughout the series, Reese in 2x22 and 4x22, Finch from 5x10 onwards) and this is because, due to her skills and style of operating, she doesn't need it.
She is extremely observant, so would receive no benefit from the Machine's updates about her surroundings. For example, she reads the room in 5x11 ("That guy has a bum leg, the one by the door still has the safety on, and she hasn't stopped shaking since she raised her gun.") with the same level of detail as the information the Machine gives out ("Sharp right leg. Left knee, ACL. Tactical blade. Glass jaw." 4x22). 
This extends to awareness of approaching threats, so she doesn't require the Machine to tell her where to aim. In 2x22 when Reese is in god mode, she shoots an approaching enemy at the same time as him and continues to help throughout the scene. In 3x01 she uses two guns to take down a group of enemies, leaving them a groaning heap on the ground, much like Root does with help from the Machine in 3x10. 
She achieves this through a mixture of quick reflexes and precise aiming, as shown through her shooting an enemy after seeing his shadow under the door in 2x16, shooting a perpetrator who is using a victim as a human shield by aiming through his jacket in 3x05 and reacting instantly when a sniper's red dot appears on Root in 3x21. 
This ability to rapidly assess her environment and move with exact timing also factors into her signature move of sneaking up on people, demonstrated when she both appears and disappears on Reese in 2x21.
Shaw is excellent at reading people and gleans a lot of information from using this skill, so does not require any additional input from the Machine. In 2x21, she makes deductions easily from Reese's body language ("Can you track him? How? You put a bug on your friend?"). In 3x05, she can tell when Gen is lying ("There is no Agent Cross.") and later knows exactly what to say to persuade Gen to give her the location of the tapes ("I'm a spy too, remember?"). In 4x11, she is able to talk the bomber out of detonating his vest.
She also demonstrates incredible strategic planning, exemplified by her escape from Samaritan in 5x08 ("It's not like I'm gonna spill a glass of water on the nightstand, stomp on your foot, throw an elbow to your chin, and stick you with that sedative.") which parallels Root's escape from the psychiatric facility in 3x03 with the Machine's help ("First the phone on your desk will ring. She'll be letting me know it's time. Then I'll punch you in the carotid artery. It'll hurt, Ronald, but it won't kill you. Then I'll take your car keys.").
Her plans involve reacting in the moment and maximizing the resources available to her, so any further instructions would be a distraction. She does this both in smaller ways, such as taking the enemy's radio in 2x16 to keep updated on their movements and using her gun cartridge as a mirror to look down the hallway in 3x05.
And in larger ways, for example in 2x16 when she needs a place to lay low and get supplies, she kidnaps a drug dealer and uses their base of operations, likely because they won't call the police on her. In 3x05, she repeatedly ignores Finch's instructions to get medical help and instead follows the trail of clues stemming from a packet of drugs to successfully track down the people who took Gen, while stealing supplies from an ambulance and giving herself a blood transfusion in the field.
In conclusion, Shaw works best when given an objective and the freedom to choose for herself how to complete it. The ISA worked like this ("My call. We had the cesium. Seemed like the best way to cover our tracks." 2x16) and she excelled at it, as evidenced by Wilson calling her his "best operator" (2x16) and Hersh saying "Shaw is one of our best. Trained her myself. You're not gonna find her until she wants to be found." (2x16). In this episode Finch also asks her to stop running "because you're much too good at it and we can't keep up."
This makes her a very valuable asset to Team Machine, which is particularly well demonstrated in 4x11 when Shaw's arrival makes their chance of survival skyrocket from single digits to over 20%.
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blacklister214 · 4 months
The Slow Shift of Eliza's Feelings Toward Patrick
2x04: Angel of Inferno. Enemy. Patrick immediately gets under her skin, so much so that she literally says that losing to him would be worse than somebody dying. She loathes him, reasonably so, because he seems like one more man determined to stand in the way of her business. Also he gets her thrown in jail, and tries to steal her evidence.
He throws her further through a loop when she beats him at his own game and he shows up at her house with a smile on his face. She genuinely doesn't know what to make of him. Then she thinks he's threatening her friends and she is ready to throw down.
2x06: Frenemy. First step was Patrick hiring her to work his case. I don't think she really took his flattery sincerely until this moment. She assumes he wants her for the novelty of the "lady detective." This is big show of faith, especially for a man who runs his own agency.
The next big moment is when the way Patrick reacts to the results of the case. Even though she got him shot, he don't yell at her, and neither does he take back the money. Further more he thanks her for coming to see him, even though he's perfectly aware she had to to give him the results. Because of these reactions he moves into the frenemy tier. She offers him her opinion on his cane choice, which at the beginning of the episode she wouldn't have bothered with.
3x03: Friend. My favorite because this the beginning of their personal relationship, though the first jump was to ally of convenience which Patrick earns by listening to Eliza, conceding to her point and acquiescing to her plan. As the evening wears on she slowly drops the convenience part. She opens up with a little about her childhood and plays a game with him. She doesn't reproach him for his mistake with Malone, but immediately admits her own error and is ready to move on, until she find out he lied to her. Big moment here, because this time his lie HURT. She is furious in a way she's never been, because she'd allowed herself to begin to trust him. She's so mad that when he does open up in apology/explanation, she is unwilling to listen. Finally the major moment: He helps her out of her restraints, rather than leaving her there. She knows Patrick really did share the most painful moment of his life with her. That's why the breakfast and "Patrick" becomes a thing.
3x06: Employer. Why does she accept his offer? Patrick raced over to tell her about the bomb and checked himself to see if it was dangerous. He listened to her about taking the case to Wellington. He also helps tidy her office as he speaks to her without being asked. He accept her direction on the joint task force for without comment. Finally he proves how much he gets her. Business cards in a box, desire to make things possible for other women, and he already put her name on the door.
4x04: Partner: Shares ideas. Listens to him. Why? Because he doesn't give up on her, even though he is angry. Because he is able to push past mistakes and focus on the problems at hand.
4x05: Mentor. Evidenced by Eliza listening to Patrick about Phelps and honoring the deal. Why? Because he doesn't throw her under the bus with Bracewell. Because she can see Patrick being effective in a way she is not when he gets them into the crime scene. Because she can see his argument has merit, even when it sticks in her craw.
4x06: Ride or Die. Eliza is conflicted about Patrick's announcement he's going back to Paris. She's pleased at the show of faith, but still its not a purely celebratory look on her face. She agrees to spend her free time with him, doing something outside her comfort zone. Eliza never doubts his innocence in the stabbing, refuses to stay out of his trouble, and when she realizes the truth, she quite literally bets her life on his character.
All told, that's quite a bit of progress. Unlike William and Eliza who go from "Person I am UNWILLING to admit to being romantically interested in, but also drives me crazy to Person I am WILLING to admit I am romantically interested in, but also drives me crazy."
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
i don't go there but i know you do so... top 5 buddie moments? 😆
fdgkhdfsjb raffaella you are so cool for this <333
"there's no one else in this world i trust more with my son than you" in 3x03, with eddie's hand half on buck's neck, half on his shoulder. EDDIE BRO you've know buck for like a year??? at that point??? i fucking can't with this line.
the fucking will scene in 4x14 (the whole 4x13/4x14 buddie arc is very chef kiss, i love my shit very angsty). "because, evan" do i even need to say more.....
the whole 2x01 episode when they first meet and buck said enemies to best friends to lovers speedrun in 25 minutes. also eddie's hair? still UNMATCHED
buck trying to dig through 40 feet of wet mud with his bare hands after eddie was buried alive in 3x15 :))) and bobby had to physically restrain him :))) as taylor alison swift said: don’t blame me, love made me crazy, if it doesn't you ain't doin it right..... i still can't believe we haven't seen them talk about that yet what the FUCK
annnnd the most domestic scene in the whole show in the season 6 premiere when buck cooks a whole ass perfected-after-3-tries lasagna for his diaz boys and then there's the couch metaphor. eddie's "all your girlfriends came with couches" and buck not getting a new couch after his breakup because "maybe i don't want to make the same mistakes again" while looking at him straight in the eyes....... i cannot with these gays
that was hard dfsmkhbdfskdfs. the way i could just go on and on and on lol, thank youuuuu
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Ted Lasso is quite frankly a masterclass in making the little details count. The clothing choices each season have always been intentional, whether in terms of cementing characterization or subtly hinting at the relationships between characters. This season goes all in right from the very beginning. It was noticeable in the trailer alone, but the costume choices in 3x03 have a lot more to say, because this season does too.
Here's a breakdown of some of the most significant fashion choices in 3x03:
Colin consistently wears blue in this episode. Blue of course being associated with sadness, this perhaps relates to Colin's sadness at having to remain closeted to fit in at AFC Richmond.
He turns up to the group dinner at Ola's in a denim shirt. Denim can be dressed up or down - 'Colin is a chameleon' - and he wants to appear casual and at ease with the rest of the team. However, the shirt isn't chambray which is more breathable, it's pure denim - stiff, stifling fabric that symbolizes his internal discomfort. Add to this the fact that his partner shows up in a suit? Colin's formally introducing the team to his partner, even though they don't know it yet.
Ted & Rebecca
It goes without saying that the amount of biscuit box pink we're seeing on Rebecca this season is truly spectacular. The pink coat and cream scarf, the black and pink coat & gold rectangular earrings? Rebecca's desk isn't the only thing full of biscuit crumbs!
Ted & Rebecca wear matching shades of burgundy at Ola's- considering that the episode ended with multiple shots that acted like fleeting glances across the room, focusing on couples both past and present, this is an interesting choice. It's not the first time Ted & Rebecca have color-matched, but in this context - past, present and future - it's indicative of Ted & Rebecca's continued partnership.
In terms of color psychology, burgundy signifies power, sophistication and ambition - are we being braced for AFC Richmond's new Power Couple?
Keeley & Zava
Keeley & Zava are both wearing Versace when they first meet. Judging by the way he lingers on her hand and calls her his queen (shouldn't that be your wife, sir?) there could be more trouble ahead. However, Keeley's heart necklace and lock earrings are a symbol of her heart being open, but it's under lock and key, because there's only one man who deserves to hold that key - Roy.
Zava's Versace necklace. The La Greca motif symbolizes infinity and unity, and the first thing he does with the team is lead them in a breathing meditation to become one with each other.
Tish's zebra skirt. The zebra symbolizes duality, determination, empowerment, community and communication. Communication is a common theme in spirituality. If we take into account the interwoven elements of magic and misdirection, the zebra pattern alone signifies Illusion. Seeing things in black and white. Instinct and intuition. Family - the herd. 'You're going to be a mother'.
Allow me to channel Sir David Attenborough for a moment.
Remember Rebecca's speech to Ted about fighting back? And the lion or panda debate in season 1?
Rebecca isn't a lion anymore. She's a zebra.
When a zebra is attacked by a lion, it fights back by hitting the lion on the jaw. This kick is so strong that the lion won’t be able to feed.
However, nine times out of ten, the lion wins the fight, because most of the time, lions attack in groups to take down large prey. They ambush and use their power and aggression to bring their target down.
Rupert is the hunter, Rebecca is the prey. Stealth is key for prey, as it offers them the best chance of out-manoeuvring the predator. Ted is fighting back subtly. He's outwitting the enemy. However Richmond chooses to attack West Ham, it's almost certain Rupert won't see it coming.
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twilight-deviant · 1 year
Do you think Matt has feelings for Fisk? Or just treat him as an enemy.
*gasp* An ask enabling me? 😍
Thanks for asking, but I think I have three different answers, depending on context. Haha. I'm not sure if you mean in the Netflix-verse, comic-verse, or fan-verse(s).
But I love my ship and can definitely give a very long rambling reply on all three. lol.
And ramble I did!!! ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Prepare for a really long answer (2600 words) to a yes-or-no question. Sorry it took so long. (Busy week.)
In the Netflix show, I think a very interesting aspect of their relationship (pervasive in comics as well) is how even when Matt has damning knowledge about Fisk, knows his true nature and past deeds, he still somehow contemplates good in him or something otherwise worth preserving.
In 1x09, Matt speaks with Father Lantom on how he might have to go all the way and kill Fisk to stop him. Then he meets Vanessa and Fisk in person and changes his mind. (He does reverse that decision again at the end of the episode, only to reverse it again in 1x10. Not even Matt knows what Matt is going to do. lol.) But I think it's notable how meeting Fisk and shaking his hand awoke an unfortunate truth in Matt that the guy at the top wasn't just a theoretical evil he could overcome. It was a man. With people "who would mourn his loss."
In S2, we really get a sense of how Fisk remains under Matt's skin even when he's off the board. After the courthouse shooting blamed on Frank, no one mentioned or thought of Fisk, but Matt pipes in with, "Ah, that's the same cellblock Fisk is on. I should go talk with him." First off, how does he know that? 😂 Secondly, sure he's correct and sure it's nothing but a plot device to drive a climatic meeting between them, but it kills me how the man lives rent-free in Matt's mind. Hahahahaha. XDDD
No One: Matthew Michael Murdock: ".......................Fisk!"
Then in S3, after years of thorough acquaintance with Fisk, Matt contemplates that maybe the man has changed. I think about this a lot. I remain unsure of Matt's full motives in 3x03 when he tried sneaking into The Presidential Hotel where the FBI was keeping Fisk (something Matt and I have in common), but his inner-monologue-Fisk reasoned with Matt that maybe he did change for the better and was doing a sincere service by supplying inside information to take down crime.
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I'd like to reiterate: this 👆 is not Matt arguing with Fisk. This is Matt arguing with Matt.
Later, Matt asks Maggie if she thinks people can change. He's talking about Fisk. We know the truth, of course, that it's all just another plot and not a new leaf for Fisk's character. But at that moment, Matt has no evidence either way. He brings it up twice (once with the Fisk in his head and again with Maggie), forcing others to play the devil's advocate while he insists people can't change. He still ponders if it's true and wants others to reason that it is. I think one part of Matt wanted/needed it to be false. Because if Fisk was evil and plotting, that gave him purpose in a time when he had none. However, I think another small part of him almost wanted it to be true.
It may sound like I don't have a point in there. 😂 But I think it's interesting how even after engaging in excessive crime and murdering people (after trying to murder him!), Matt is willing to consider Fisk can change for the better. He acknowledges Fisk is not a formless and useless flat evil. There is depth to the man. There is something to lose if he died.
I think he's able to hate Fisk most when he sees him as evil actions and not as a man. Whenever Matt is forced to see Fisk as a person and humanize him, he struggles to hate as deeply. In S3, Matt fantasizes about beating Fisk and breaking his neck. When the moment comes in the finale, when Fisk is in his hands and Vanessa is watching, Matt can't do it. He would rather Fisk be sent alive back to prison, knowing full well (because Fisk says it while goading him) that it won't stop him forever. It will be as temporary as the first time. But Matt can't kill another living person. He wants to kill evil, but he can't kill a man.
Grabbing for my point again... lol. In my opinion, Matt wants to see Fisk only as an amorphous evil and enemy. However, it's impossible for him to keep it that simple. He will consistently humanize Fisk. He may even want Fisk to genuinely be a better man.
I believe Matt does have feelings for Fisk in the show, but they are completely without name. They're not romantic or fond (though I will take inspiration otherwise in shipping), but they're just as strong and important. Think how differently S3 might have gone if it did not sync with Fisk's return to power. Matt was fully willing to kill himself at the end of 3x01. He found brief purpose in 3x02 tracking/subduing the men from the assault (sent by Fisk), but after that, what? Further depression and suicidal ideations? The love of family and friends didn't pull Matt out of his spiral. It was only the responsibility he felt for Fisk's life and deeds (his own voiced opinion), combined with the inexplicable connection they do have. Matt is a character who shuns healthy support in favor of a clear purpose, and Fisk was the only one to give him that.
I ramble, I ramble. ~( ̄▽ ̄~) But I hope I get my point across that Matt doesn't have traditional feelings towards Fisk (nor Fisk towards him). However! Matt and his emotions and mentality are far from normal to begin with. He doesn't want someone to give him what most people expect or need. Which is why he clicks so well romantically with Elektra (over Karen or anyone else) and goes back to her time and time again. Matt has a darkness in him despite his light, and he seeks out complimentary people who have a light in them despite the darkness. Yin and Yang and all that. I find it very poetic and compelling.
In the Comics, their relationship is even more complex after 40+ years of them knowing each other in canon. I'll admit I need to read more comics with them. A part of me wants to devour it all. Another part wants to savor it.
Over such a long run and with so many different writers, Fisk and Matt's relationship takes a lot of turns. But there are some great doozies out there. I love when people understand that even though Kingpin began as a Spider-Man villain, Fisk belongs to Daredevil. This is Matt's villainous foil, the other side of his coin. You get panels like this expressing how much they need each other.
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Yes, this is a Fisk from Matt's imagination again. Which, tbh, makes it hit even harder because those are just Matt's thoughts back at him. It's Matt admitting he'd miss Fisk if he were gone. (I won't ignore that the context is about fighting and validating Matt's heroism, etc, but I will generalize.) Obviously, I like this panel and text, but it's a small example. I'd need 50k words to thoroughly establish their comic relationship, but I can condense it down to vibes maybe. Hit some of my favorite high points.
There are moments like this, when Fisk destroys Matt's entire life, has him disbarred and penniless, destroys his home, tries to have him killed, and so on. But Matt still forgives him.
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Matt has little evidence Fisk could improve after reaching his own rock bottom here, but he still believes he can. He wants Fisk to become "something noble." He even provides a considerate foundation for moving forward: forgiveness from a man supposed to hate him. That's not, "He's my enemy and nothing more," behavior.
(Yes, I will acknowledge Matt often has a soft spot and sympathy for his villains. What makes gestures with Fisk so much more meaningful is HOW MUCH he's forgiving. Also, Matt won't forgive Bullseye for things like killing Elektra and Karen, so there is a line there. Just not for Fisk and not here.)
Fast forward to after Vanessa dies, Matt fulfills her dying wish: becoming Fisk's lawyer to get him released from jail. Comforting him though, that's extra credit.
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After that, they don't see each other for two years, but the reunion is *chef's kiss*
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Fisk opening up and Matt patiently, sympathetically listening the entire time. It's so perfect, I'd almost think I wrote it. This is a good moment for fans of a Matt/Fisk casual truce relationship. 👀 And what's more, Matt doesn't interrupt or dismiss what Fisk has to say. He lets him speak, knowing he needs to (and with Matt of all people). It's a kindness and compassion, an emotional investment in another person. Again, more than one enemy to another.
As said, I could go on and on about their comic relationship, but this post is already really long. Also what I feel reflects what I said about the Netflix show: Matt often hates Fisk, but he hopes for something better. And CONSTANTLY forgives him or accepts truces. So often, they put their animosity aside for a bigger picture or else when hating each other is just more effort than they want to support.
Matt even reaches a point in recent comics where he's resigned to quit trying and let Fisk be happy.
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(I pretend I do not see the conclusion of this story arc. 😂🙈)
It's stuff like that. Where they've accepted this person as part of their life, and there's nothing they can do but make the best of it. There are a lot of ups and downs, falling outs and making ups, but it's a Marvel comic. Neither character will permanently die (except in alternate universes). They're like two immortals stuck in a city they both rarely leave. Right now, Matt wants to kill Fisk again. This too shall pass.
Soulmates (derogatory)
In Fandom, obviously their relationship can be whatever a person wants. There isn't much FiskMatt content, but I've seen a decent sample pool.
A lot of it uses the good setup of two enemies (one of which has great power, resources, and strength) to make Matt an unfortunate victim for kink scenarios. (I've done it myself. Haha.) In those instances, Matt clearly does not like him.
There are a few fics with Stockholm Syndrome. (I have also written that.) And I do believe that if you reduce the stakes in Matt's life where there's nothing he can do to help people or stop Fisk, a silent part of him could welcome the rest/relief it brings. Since he admits in canon that one of his primary reasons for being Daredevil is he can't help himself. In such a scenario as captivity, he might be grateful on some deeper level, but probably not one where he'd admit it. That's okay. I like to ponder someone taking care of Matt like he needs, even and especially against his will. Good stuff. (◕‿◕✿)
But can Matt have feelings for Fisk and commit to a consensual relationship? (Which I have also written.) It's complicated, ngl. There's a reason why I tend to skip the "how they actually got together" part of the story and jump into Established Relationship. lol. Because despite how complicated their connection is, we kinda know the one unavoidable fact: Matt hates Fisk. 😂😅
Matt is very righteous and believes he has to save people from evil, which is sooooooo often Fisk. If it's not Fisk, it will usually lead to Fisk. lol. But can the hate be so simple? It's complicated because, as I often say, they are, "same but different."
One line I love from the Netflix show is episode 1x06 with the radio when Fisk says, "I want to save this city, like you, only on a scale that matters." (When you've watched a scene so many times you can quote without referring back to it.) Followed later by, "But we both can't have what we want." Fisk acknowledges that they do want the same thing because they love their city. All that separates them is the method to achieve it. And this is a consistent motivation for them across all adaptations, even times when Fisk admits that greed for profits and power plays a role in his ambition. They each think their way is best and won't hear the other.
For a relationship to work, one has to concede to the other's method, right? Obviously not as simple as it sounds. They're both very stubborn. The ingrained "good should always win over evil" motif of fiction makes us want to default into saying, "Well, if Fisk wants to be with Matt, he should give up crime. Matt does nothing wrong." But even that isn't so simple.
Despite furthering crime throughout the city, Fisk's empire has merit. He unites criminals under one umbrella, cutting down on gang wars and casualties. Canonically, Fisk states this as part of his motivation. Because as a child, he watched the disorder and saw room for improvement. (Don't ask me for the comic panel, I can't find it. 😭) Without the control he has built, a power vacuum takes its place. We see this in S2 of the Netflix show when other gangs try to step in and seize what Fisk left when going to prison. There are multiple instances in the comic where characters like the Punisher had to forgo killing Fisk due to acknowledgement of the power vacuum. So no, I don't think Fisk can be removed from power. But obviously I don't think he's right either. He and Matt are both wrong/right. lol.
Wait. I'm rambling. What was the question? XD
Okay, back on topic. With a spark of plot/infatuation to make them drop the immediate dislike towards one another (creator's choice), I think Fisk and Matt could quickly see the overlap of their lives and their passions. Same but different. And from there, if they saw something worth working on, they could compromise. Without compromise, either Matt has to start being cool with a lot of stuff, or Fisk has to completely change how he operates. I typically put a relationship with them in the middle. Fisk retains power but has to back down on how many innocent citizens get dragged into his work. (Only involve those who consent, etc.) Matt has to accept the non-negotiable aspects of that work.
Even then, tragically, I still consider their relationship to be a powder keg. Maybe they go the distance, but probably one inevitably puts his foot down in an argument. (I say this like I don't know the catalyst is Fisk breaking a promise or Matt's conscience changing the rules. Matt retaliates as Daredevil, blah blah blah.) BUT! The tragedy is in the fact they would still love and care for each other. They simply can't be together.
I love tragic and bittersweet endings. I often end up here. Why did you ask my opinion? Don't ask me. 😂
To answer though, yes, I think fandom Matt could have feelings for Fisk. He could even love the good parts of him. He just has to overlook the bad. Everything hinges on it.
(For the record, I think canon Fisk and Matt could end up in a place of camaraderie. Maybe more if the characters' sexualities were ever expanded. But canon has to push plot, and that often involves them fighting and returning to the status quo. Maybe one day the multiverse will smile upon me though. xD)
I look forward to adding another section one day rambling about their relationship in the D+ Born Again show. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Like I'm sad it won't be a direct continuation of the Netflix-verse, but if you tell me I get to see my ship meet all over again with new circumstances, I am very interested. Please go on. OεO
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
RNM fic masterlist (sorry guys but I felt like it <3)
not all my wip’s are on here, but I wanted to have somewhere to store these by relationship (fandoms + ships I write for)
RNM Echo:
within series
Absolutely Smitten: their first meeting on the playground and what was going through Max’s head
Bubblegum Babe: set somewhere in s2, Liz spends her first night at Max’s after the resurrection
The One I Choose: 4x01 fix-it of sorts, in which Liz is the one proposing on the roof top
Alien Therapy: 4x02 fix-it-fic, in which Max and Liz discuss the repercussions of him threatening Anatsa
Sexual Healing: 4x09 fix-it-fic, in which Liz accepts her whole self and Max sees her faults and loves her easily (threesome’s solve everything apparently)
Biblical: post series, Max is on book tour and has to miss Liz’s birthday
Meet Me by the Ocean: post series, beach wedding
Happily Ever After: post series, a look into their everyday lives
you could be a bumper car, bumping: post series, Liz picks Max up from work (written for RNMAfterDark22)
Supergalactic Lover: post series, Liz arrives at the CrashDown to do some wedding planning and finds Max in an unexpected condition
to be totally locked up by you: post series, their beach wedding; with dancing and sibling bickering
Husbandly Duty: post series, established relationship, smut, they’re literally that married couple
cause this is my game and you better come to play: post series, smut (forewarning: this is a kink fic)
The Ugly Bug Ball: Max and Liz meet at a black tie event thrown by Rosa’s art gallery and immediately hit it off
as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand: mermaid au, Liz is a marine biologist who stumbles upon a mermaid trapped in a net, and decides to catch and release- except the releasing but is more complicated than she assumed
within series
Miss Americano & the Heartbreak Prince: highschool era, Liz seeks comfort in their relationship
Sexy Dirty Love: pre-2x04, a look at why Kyle was at Max’s place so early in the morning (in other words it’s angsty smut)
within series
Doctor, Deputy: lost decade, they have a hate-sex thing going, idk why
capti a vobis: s2-ish, TVD crossover
Damn Valenti: pre-s3, established relationship/secret relationship and Taylor Swift drag night
Home Grown: pre-s3, Kyle forces Max to help build raised garden beds in his yard, so they can grow tomatoes
Lover: pre-s3, established relationship, angst, Max is dying need I say more?
Use Me Absolutely: 3x03, their fight scene but without clothes
You Got Time, You’re on the Mend, Babe: 3x05, the missing scene of Max getting Kyle all snuggled up, but he gets to snuggle a different alien
You and Her, Cosmic: 3x13, Kyle prepping Max for the adrenaline extraction leads to them discussing their unresolved sexual tension
Alien Cuffs: post s-3, established relationship, Kyle retrieves the un-alienified Valenti radio from Guerin’s grotto, and borrows something else
I’ll Stop the World and Melt With You: post s3, getting together fic, Kyle finds himself seeking comfort from Max after a long day
Swing Life Away: Highschool all human au, in which Kyle, Alex, and Liz start noticing strange things about the Evans triplets after they move into town, and decide to investigate (mutant powers, malex, and lizobel)
Treading Water: sequel to Swing Life Away, all human au, Kyle&Alex&Isobel open up their PI practice while Michael and Liz pursue other careers, Max deciding to work for Michelle Valenti and switching his life plans at the last moment, all while they search for Bonnie Parker
Wanna See What’s Under that Attitude: fake dating Christmas au, in which they’ve been enemies for over a decade but Max needs a boyfriend and doesn’t know who else to ask
Drunk on a Plane: Kyle and Max meet on a flight to Mexico, one to his sisters wedding the other to his solo honeymoon
within series
Restless?: ambiguous timing, there was only one bed
Our Hearts Beat as One: ambiguous timing, in which Kyle is dosed with sex pollen and communication ensues
Paper Rings: 2x06, Max tries flirting with Kyle but it goes over his head, after regaining his memories he and Liz make a gesture
Cubed (or the Power of Three): 3x04, Jones runs into Kyle in his office (Jones/Kyle)
Could it be I got my wish?: post s-3, Max throws a Halloween movie night and echo attempts to seduce Kyle
If we’re made of stardust…: angsty soulmate au (malex, rosabel)
Meet Cute: Kyle runs into a couple at the movie theater
Sugar Sweet: christmas all human au, Liz gathers a team to beat Maria in a gingerbread house competition (background malexa)
within series
I Forgot that You Existed: pre-s3, Maria and Isobel help Kyle through his break up (Maria/Kyle)
That Damn Valenti Code: Kyle and Greg discuss Isobel and Kyle’s new found feelings
My Final Touch, Your Fatal Curse: post s-3, Kyle and Isobel get together
Kissable: post s3, Kyle borrows Iz’s clothes and makeup
within series
Baby, I’ll Treat You Right: au pre-2x05, just smut (written for RNMAfterDark22)
Pod Squad:
within series
the futures in the hand that you hold: pre-series, Max and Isobel’s first meeting (Max&Isobel)
Suddenly Everything Changed: 3x01, Michael is alone when he meets up with Max in the pod cave and learns about his heart failing (Max&Michael)
Three Becomes Four: 3x10, in which Michael and Isobel reach out to Dallas without omitting Max’s existence (Dallas&Michael&Isobel)
Decisions Not Temptations: post 3x10, after his calls to Michael and Isobel fail Max calls Kyle who brings the newest alien in tow (Max&Dallas)
The Perfect Marshmallow: post s3, they got camping and Isobel’s brothers tease her about Kyle (Max&Isobel&Michael, Kybel at heart)
Pod People: 4x02, Isobel returns home to find a sad Max on her couch and she comforts him through the denied marriage proposal
Hygge: Jim makes sure Michael gets adopted into a good family (baby Michael & baby Kyle)
søskende: sequel to Hugge, Michael reunites with Max&Iz (Michael&Max&Isobel)
within series
I Woke Up in Mid-Afternoon: post s3, Rosa and Dallas grow closer while she shows him all of Roswell’s secret places
Then Woo Me: post s3, Rosa helps Dallas out with the creative aspects of his work
within series
Scientist Kink: pre-s3 through 3x09, Max and Heath hookup during the gap year and Max deals with the emotional fallout
What’s love got to do with it?: 3x12 (sequel to Scientist Kink), Max and Heath discuss Liz and Dallas
within series
Crimson Red Paint on My Lips: 3x11, in which their brunch gets kinky (written for RNMAfterDark22)
within series
Birds Singing in the Sycamore Tree: 3x06, Jones finds more than just his sword (hints of Max/Kyle)
Cruel Summer: Jones has a thing for Valenti’s idk, he’s more sexual during their two interactions
within series
the Allure of Darkness: pre-series, Clyde’s relationship with Jones and Bonnie on Oasis
within series
To Touch Things From Another World: 4x04, Isobel gets to take her girlfriend to the pod caves
Burn for You: 1x01, in which Liz and Michael dated during senior year of high school, before he broke her heart right after her sister died, now ten years later she runs into him at the Wild Pony
forever is the sweetest con: 1x09, in which Max’s high school crush was just that, and Liz takes a moment to comfort Michael in respect to his sister, because if she can understand anything it’s losing a loved one
within series
I Think He Knows: lost decade, Kyle and Michael hook up shortly after Kyle moves back to Roswell
within series
Ours: post s3, Michael, Alex, and Maria agree to take care of a baby left at the sheriff’s office (accidental baby acquisition)
within series
Inner Sanctum: post s3, Kyle learns how to feel at peace within Michael and Alex’s house
within series
gonna learn to love you right: pre-3x01, Forrest joined Alex in his mission between the seasons allowing them to grow closer, and he green lights Alex pursuing Michael (pre- Michael/Alex/Forrest)
Max/Michelle Valenti:
within series
Baby, Pull Me Closer: lost decade, Max still needs to shave cause grooming standards
within series
Shania & Soda: pre-series, Michelle lets loose and dances with her son and husband
Happy Home: 3x05, Kyle & Liz discuss the implications of Jones vs. Max on the drive
What Did We Miss?: post 3x08, Max and Kyle get caught up during the three day gap
Family Ain’t Blood: 3x12, Michael and Maria take a moment to make sure Walt is okay before going after Jones
She’s the Best Thing That You’ll Ever Have: Kyle laments never being the right guy while helping the ‘right’ guy out (ends in Kybel or Valevans or neither)
a partner to ride with you when I can’t: 4x10 missing scene, Max&Rosa discuss his decision to get his powers back
The Better Kisser: post s3, Max, Kyle, and Heath hang out at the Pony and make out for science
An Eternity of Misery: canon divergent 1x05, the pod squad make Liz leave town, and Max/Jenna fall in love
Man and the Serpent: canon divergent s3, Max doesn’t get healed, Kyle&Rosa discuss love and loss
Familia: Kyle is sick and the Ortecho’s take care of him
High Infidelity: Jim Valenti/Michelle Valenti, in which Michelle confronts Jim about Jesse Manes
our only defense to brave the wilderness: Max/Dallas, Christmas fic, fluff, getting together
between the woods and frozen lake: Isobel/Anatsa/Liz, Christmas fic, fluff, gift exchange
cause it’s a long road to wisdom, but it’s a short one to being ignored: (Arturo&Michelle&Anne) they bond over parenthood and their kids secretly dating
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 9 months
I really want to know how Tissaia talks about Yennefer. And what impression their relationship made on the continent. Because Vilgefortz was able to compare himself with her when he was talking with Tissaia in 3x03 (btw I'm still thinking he was faking everything that looks like he and Yen have any similarities) and he knew that these characteristics where things Tissaia likes on Yennefer. And I really like the idea that Stregobor in 2x03 was particularly careful that Tissaia was nowhere near when he was looking for Yennefer before he interrogated her because I always feel IF anybody knows about their complicated relationship then it would be him because he hates them bothso much and all that keep your friends close but your enemies closer shit.
They indicated that they hadn't spoken to each other for a long time in the first season but then we have scenes where it seems like everyone knows that they can't mess with either of them because it would automatically follows with the anger of the other. Like Stregobor calling Yennefer Tissaias pet in season 2. Or that scene in 3x04 when Yen was talking with the brotherhood when Artorius asked her about the "we" she used before. And when Tissaia said "Yennefer has my full support." everyone was laughing while Stregobor said "Of course she has YOUR support" (idk why but I really love that scene) as they wouldn't expect something else from her. No but everyone was really like "of course" and where shaking their heads (even Rita and Sabrina). And that one dude looked so done with the two of them as something like that was even the first time and he was sending prayers.
It's like everyone knows that they will always have eachothers back and their relationship is so obviously for everybody except for them.
My theory right now is that they try to avoid talking about eachother (expect Tissaia bc we know that she must have talked about her because of Vilgefortz) but then when anyone else but them tries to insult the other one they will become their biggest defender. They will be like "I can talk shit about that gorgeous person, but YOU? I will kill you if you're thinking something like that again."
I'm also curious as to how Tissaia and Vilgefortz discussed Yennefer pre-Sodden. Yen didn't know Vilgefortz when he invited her to come back to Aretuza, so they had clearly never met before. Meaning he only knew her and her allegiances second hand.
In fact, the generally accepted fact that Yennefer is important to Tissaia must pretty much all come from Tissaia. Either from what she has said to people, or from observing her reaction to Yennefer's disappearance after Sodden and subsequently going on the run.
Because when have people seen them together? When Yen was a student? Fine, that's when Stregobor decided Yen was Tissaia's protégé. At Sodden? That's the first time Vilgefortz would have observed them.
As adults, they've not spent much time together at all. They've had a five minute conversation in Rinde. They travelled to Sodden and prepared for and fought the battle. Then they seemed to have one day together when Yen returned after Sodden, although there were probably more before the Kings were able to get there to watch the execution. So maybe a few weeks in total prior to season 3? (While I love the fierceness and vehemence of 'I know you to your core' I'm not sure how that's possible.)
Anyway, yes, I do enjoy the thought of them being each other's biggest defender. We saw Yennefer shout at Ciri when she had the temerity to imply that Tissaia might turn her into an eel (which I still say is a totally valid concern for Ciri to have!!)
As for Vilgefortz, he must have expressed distaste for Yennefer at some point as well.
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So I wonder what he's said to make her think that and what she said in return.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Blindspot Season 3 Re-watch OC (original creations)
Making another little post for this season that I can pin to keep track of my creations. :) Ususally I tag them all as “#nachos blindspot oc” but, well, you know how this website goes. Things go missing.
My season 2 re-watch creations can be found here. :)
3x01 - Back to the Grind
Fics - Selfless Disregard | Miss Green-Eyes (fluff, angst, childhood friends) | The Family (fluff through and through)
Gifsets - Jane’s a little different | The new recruit | Jane Leaves (Part 1) (Part 2) | A Tank! A freaking tank! | New Ink
Parallels - Weapon of Choice (2x17/3x01)
A stupid meme (Driving a Tank)
Another stupid meme (Courtship displays)
Unspoken Dialogue 1
3x02 - Enemy Bag of Tricks
Gifset - The Occupational Hazard
3x03 - Upside Down Craft
Gifset - Jane is Done
A stupid meme (Judge Janey)
3x04 - Gunplay Ricochet
Gifsets - Jane & Kurt’s Wedding (Tasha and Reade) | Jane & Kurt’s Wedding (Patterson) | The bombshell from the past
Parallels - Roman solved a tattoo... kind of (2x12/3x04)
3x05 - This Profound Legacy
Fic - It didn’t exactly fit into her plans
3x06 -
Unspoken Dialogue
Parallels - Faith & Change
3x07 -
Ficlet, sort of
Unspoken Dialogue
Gifsets - This is for Paris | You got a name? | Missing a team - the team | You really love him?
Thoughts: mfw
An extremely niche meme for an already small fandom
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purpleplaid17 · 23 hours
Jess Watches // Fri 7 June // Day 254 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Sweet Kaaram Coffee (with mum) 1x05 Just A Mother
The weathered travellers open themselves up to the world, and in come a host of experiences.
The singing and scenery were especially beautiful this episode. Just who is this mystery person Sundari wants to reunite with?
Upload 3x03 CyberDiscountDay
The gang celebrates CyberDiscountDay while Nora discovers something game-changing: Nathan has been copied in Lakeview.
Nathan and Nora are getting a bit boring. I'm much more invested in Luke and Aleesha's slowburn and whatever kinky things Ingrid has in mind for me Nathan 2.0.
Amphibia 1x13 Croak and Punishment / Trip to the Archives
When Sprig's Blue Moon Shell is stolen, he and Anne investigate to find the crook. / To prepare for Anne's quest, the Plantars go to the archives and accidentally get trapped!
My sister lived in Singapore for a year and having joined a running club could leave her bag (with her wallet and phone in) on the grass and go for a run knowing her stuff was safe. Sounds bonkers but places like Wartwood do exist irl. Don't think Singapore had any talking frogs though.
Invincible 2x01 A Lesson for Your Next Life
In the aftermath of his father's betrayal, Mark struggles with his responsibilities as Invincible and encounters an unexpected enemy.
The fakeout of Mark teaming up with his dad in a different universe nearly had me there ngl. And Eve looked cool with a shaved head. Sterling K. Brown's head however, yikes.
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dgct2 · 1 year
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I can keep you in the loop.
3.03 Nosce Inimicum
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sunflowerdigs · 3 years
I’m really intrigued how the show is going to handle the sexual harassment aspect of Roman/Gerri. I think it’s kind of a genius set-up, we have a firm that is currently under investigation for covering up systemic sexual abuse, because all people involved were “NRPI”. But Gerri isn’t NRPI. She’s the interim CEO. She’s been in the Roy’s lives for probably as long as the kids have been alive. She’s very much a “real person,” and to a degree Logan respects her in a way he doesn’t anyone else. And I’m curious as to who he’d throw under the bus in this situation, because it’s been repeatedly emphasized throughout this show that roman is not a real person. Logans instinctual reaction was to get rid of Gerri, but I’m sure once he thought it through he’d realize he can’t just discard her like all the women on the cruises. She’s too important, too powerful, knows too much. But Roman? What use is he to Logan, at this point?
Oh man, now I really need a Roman and Gerri scene where she tells him "this is real" about something, either the foundation of their partnership (but not the romance) or just life generally.
To be fair, Gerri was originally set up to take the hit for Shiv in 3x03 (i think?). If anything happened while Shiv was president and Gerri was CEO, Gerri would go down. So Logan doesn't value her. He should but he's a misogynist and an elitist. Roman acting as though firing Gerri would hurt him was probably a mistake because that will only make Logan double down in order to teach him a lesson.
What I'm hoping is that Shiv has overplayed her hand. Gerri said herself that she was a dangerous enemy but we haven't seen her make good on that threat. As a corporate lawyer, she probably knows the ins-and-outs around sexual harassment and how it's meant to be handled by someone in Shiv's position. Shiv has tried to blackmail her into reporting sexual harassment, which is likely criminal in some way. What if Gerri went to the DOJ with that right as they're about to take jail off the table and said "no, the culture here is terrible, he's what you need to know"? And would she still protect Roman even while bringing everything else down?
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botheredbuck · 3 years
In some alternate timeline, Ballum and Buddie are friends
anon did you,,, did you really think you could just drop this in my ask box and leave like i wasn't going to go absolutely insane at this??? all i can say is that you're gonna get what you asked for with this post
bc YES. i cannot explain the thoughts this gives me. the joy it gives me.
so this is how it happens right.
say ballum end up in la. idk how, don't ask me, semantics, it's like their anniversary or some shit idk. and they're involved in some big accident like a disaster ep or something. and buck and eddie are working together looking for survivors and injured people and shit. and say buck finds callum and they've been separated so callum's just like repeatedly saying he needs to find his husband and his daughter, they were with him when it happened, he needs to know if they're okay (and all i have in my head writing this is buck looking for chris in 3x02/3x03 do with that what you will) and buck's just trying to figure out whether he's hurt or not but callum's not having any of it
until buck looks at him and says 'i know how you feel, okay? i know you feel hopeless right now, not knowing where the people you love are, but trust me on this, the best thing you can do for them is to keep yourself safe. we will help you find them, i promise. just let us help you for now, okay? '
and callum just nods and sits down and lets eddie and buck help him
and eddie ends up asking callum about lexi and they spend a while just chatting about kids, he tells callum about chris and its a perfect distraction bc callum just lights up talking about lex (bc of course he does)
and yeah everything ends up okay and later buck and eddie are debriefing and buck's just looking around and he happens to see ben, callum and lexi all basically in a huddle together on the floor and he nudges eddie and points them out and they just share this smile bc there's nothing quite like reuniting a family
and yeah maybe a couple days later or something they're having a q-word shift and ben and callum turn up at the fire house with lexi in between them holding a box and bobby notices them first and asks if they could help and callum asks for buck and eddie and buck recognises them straight away and smiles
and so basically they go down and meet them and lexi steps forward and offers this box to buck and says 'it's to say thank you for saving my dad'
and buck kneels down and like thanks her for them (it's like a box of home baked cookies) and eddie says something like you made a good choice there, they're buck's favourites and lexi just lights up
and anyway it's cute they're lifelong besties now
CALLUM AND BUCK ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS. FIGHT ME. no but maybe it's just my taste in characters but there is so much similar between them??? the sunshine personality??? the childhood neglect/trauma??? the want to just be loved and belong somewhere???
and like the pairings themselves are so similar in a lot of ways too??? they even have the same almost enemies to lovers energy what with buck and eddie in 2x01 and with callum basically hating bens guts at the beginning
i just,,, am completely in love with the idea of callum and buck being friends. also idk if buck or callum canonically like superheroes but ive decided they do and much to the distaste of their partners they often have long debates about who would beat who in a fight or something
also after they meet and cal and ben go back home, fortnightly zoom meetings become a thing and they basically become friends with the whole 118 and they get in on all the gossip and it's just fun okay
oh and don't even get me started on LEXI AND CHRISTOPHER i believe in my heart they would be the best of friends and you literally cannot tell me otherwise this is my hc now you cannot take it away from me.
yes i had a lot of thoughts about this thank u anon ily <3
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captain-hen · 3 years
What are your top 10 9-1-1 episodes (in no particular order) and why? Feel free to tag other blogs in your answer and ask them the same question. I’d love to see everyone discussing this 😊
ooh, this is an interesting question! okay, let's go, in no particular order:
2x16, oceans 911: this GODDAMN episode. it's soo good, the bank heist thing, the beginning of bobby and michael's shenanigans, the characters being interrogated? *chefs kiss* definitely an episode i could watch over and over
2x01, under pressure: this was such an amazing beginning to the season and had me hooked right away, especially since the debacle that was s1 had me with one foot out the door. eddie's introduction?? our lord and savior maddie showing up?? the buckley siblings content?? BATHENA?? the shortest enemies to friends arc ever for buck and eddie?? hen and chim's friendship?? top tier, 100/10.
3x09, fallout: gets an a++ purely for all the henren we got. the characters actually working through their trauma?? karen being the most supportive wife ever to hen?? (seriously, hen hit the jackpot, i want karen to be my wife) the kitchen scene™?? THE FIREFAM group hug. ugh, quality content
4x12, treasure hunt: listen, this episode gave me so much serotonin like you wouldn't believe. the shenanigans and silliness! firefam content! bathena being everyone's parents!! the way they immediately turned on each other asdfkdkl. karen wilson, mvp, writing her wife an algorithm for the treasure hunt alone gets it a spot on this list.
3x03, the searchers: gosh, i wish i could list all the tsunami episodes on this list because this arc was soo good. was it stressful af and was i crying every five minutes? yes. was it worth it, though? yes again!
2x13, fight or flight: another insanely stressful episode, but it was soo good, absolutely phenomenal and they just handled maddie's storyline with domestic violence so well. 10/10.
4x13, suspicion: you KNEW this was gonna be on the list. the way this episode paralleled future tense so well, the very important storyline they did with hen and toni, maddie's ppd storyline, so MUCH screentime for eddie, him being so compassionate and caring for that kid and of course...the Scene™. the way the episode lulled us in with a false sense of security and then proceeded to destroy us. just amazing.
2x09, hen begins: the way this episode highlighted hen's struggles and the discrimination she faced while joining the LAFD was unparalleled and they did it SO well. and her and athena's friendship too! and her friendship with chimney and the beginning of her support system!! loved it soo much.
3x15, eddie begins: GOD this episode. another insanely stressful one, but so good, especially in light of the s4 finale. the way eddie's major storylines that coincide with him 'finding himself' or character development for him always include kids because fatherhood is such an innate part of him!! the st christopher medallion!!! him fighting to come back to his family!!! the signs of the trauma he's been repressing all along!! just so good
2x04, stuck: this is another feel good episode, that was soo good for all the characters. eddie's character being showcased and developed so well and him and chris!! athena's storyline about considering that promotion and bobby knowing her better than anyone knows that she'll turn it down!! chim finding closure with tatiana! (right before he meets maddie, too 😏) maddie moving out and buck finally reconsidering his relationship with abby! *chefs kiss* quality content right there.
this was so much fun to answer, nonnie! i'll tag: @malikjavaddzayn @bi-demi-eddie @diazalex @buttercupbuck and anyone else who has their own thoughts on this!
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highly-flammable · 3 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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