#3d hypno ring
silentcartoonist2018 · 9 months
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not too perfect, but it's something I've done in under a month
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biolizardboils · 11 months
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Presenting, for possibly the first time anywhere on the entire Internet... the Official 3-D Hypno-Ring instruction manual!
Transcription and extra notes under the cut!
OFFICIAL 3-D Hypno-Ring™ Instruction Manual
WARNING: Improper use of this ring may result in irreversible mental disturbances and severe psychological trauma. Keep out of reach of mad scientists and evil geniuses.
©1997 The Li’l Wiseguy Novelty Co.
In this booklet, you’ll learn how to use your new 3-D Hypno-Ring to amaze your friends, control your enemies, and rule the world!
[NOTE: This ring is for entertainment purposes only. The Li’l Wiseguy Novelty Company hereby disclaims all responsibility for any global conquests which may result from the use or misuse of the 3-D Hypno-Ring.]
1. Put the 3-D Hypno-Ring on your finger—DANGER: DO NOT STARE DIRECTLY INTO THE RING! 2. Ask a friend to stare directly into the ring. 3. Slowly move the ring back and forth. 4. Instruct your friend to stare deeper and deeper into the ring. Say the word “deeper” over and over again, very slowly.
5 [sic] Tell your friend that he or she is getting very sleepy. Say the words “very sleepy” again and again, slower and slower. 6. When your friend closes his or her eyes, say these words: “You are under my spell. When I snap my fingers, you will obey my every command!” 7. Now have some fun! Turn them into a dog...or a banana. Tell them to do all your homework from now on...
...or make ‘em clean your room. Use your imagination- it’s fun! 8. [sic] To safely bring a person out of a trance, just snap your fingers, then give them a hug.
[DANGER: The 3-D Hypno Ring [sic] may have an opposite effect on adult females. Who knew?]
Caution: The 3-D Hypno Ring may cause headaches, nausea, runny nose, diaper rash, watery eyes, post-nasal drip, upset stomach, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, increased appetite, hiccups, hives, tunnel vision, projectile diarrhea, gingivitis, temporary hallucinations, irreversible brain damage, halitosis, fever, dizziness, excessive hair growth on the shoulders and upper back, sore throat, coughing, interest in yoga, pink-eye, tennis elbow, runner’s knee, athlete’s foot, bowler’s belly, pitcher’s mound, secretaries’ day, author’s misanthropism, dejà vu...
...dejà vu, stiffness in joints, stubbed toes, weeping, gnashing of teeth, drooling, snoring, severe belching and flatulence, vertigo, receding hairline, dandruff, ring-around-the-collar, stuffy nose, sneezing, tingling in extremities, achy-breaky heart, stinky-winky feet, split ends, profuse sweating, an uncontrollable urge to watch Bette Midler movies, paranoia, ingrown toenails, and/or chapped lips.
It’s Fun for the Whole Family!
Whatever you do, don’t pour water on anybody’s head while they are in a trance! This will cause the hypnotized person to slip back and forth from trance to reality whenever they hear the sound of fingers snapping.
TM &© 2001 Day [sic] Pilkey
This thing is 4 pages longer than I expected (including the front and back “covers”)?? To think that this vital statistic went undocumented for so long...
The 2001 copyright date on the package sticker has been visible in photos for years; despite this, I’ve hesitated on pinning this as the Ring’s production date. The mention of the Works-Opposite-On-Women thing makes me more confident that the manual, at least, was added to the package in 2001, perhaps close to or after Book 5 dropped that August. (I’d still say the Ring itself is still up in the air, given the multiple claims of it being given out as early as 1997. Which brings up some more questions: Did those early Rings come with a different manual and sticker, or none at all?)
Speaking of the Works-Opposite-On-Women thing, the wording of “may” kills me fghjf. It’s like the Company found this glaring malfunction during testing and went “oh well, off to mass production!” No wonder they got shut down lol
The back cover looks exactly as it appeared in Book 1, down to the sentence breaks! The only addition is the copyright info on the right side.
I’ve been laughing at “Day Pilkey” for 20 minutes now lol. I thought of correcting all the typos in my transcription, but they’re cute to me so I left them in
Somehow it never occurred to me that Dav himself might’ve written this manual. The long list of silly side-effects is a big giveaway. There’s little guarantee he’ll remember the answer after all this time, but it’s a question I’ll be keeping in mind just in case.
The Ring itself is so tiny that I’m scared to wear it fhgjghj, it might get stuck past my knuckle or even break! Also I can’t snap my fingers so it’s not like I could use it anyway
Besides the Black Lenticular Spiral/Red Light-Up Spiral thing, there’s another small difference between this Ring and the Movie-era one. This one has “3-D” printed vertically on its shoulders and “Hypno-Ring” printed horizontally on its halo; the Movie one has the full name on its halo, minus the hyphen between 3 and D. (Look up “ring anatomy” if that sentence doesn’t make sense.)
The package is resealable, so I’ve put everything back in. I’ll be storing it in the little plastic chest I keep my first-edition CU books in, away from excess heat, excess light, and—most importantly—the wrong hands!
I’ve been waiting 20 years to get my hands on this thing. (Well, okay, first I stewed about it for about 1-3 years as a kid, then forgot about it for 11, then suddenly remembered it and stewed for 6 more, but you get this gist.) It’s nuts to finally hold it in my hands, let alone be the first to preserve a piece of it. Let this be a lesson to all: no matter how long it takes or how silly it is, your personal Holy Grail still exists for the taking... though it might cost over 40 bucks!
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quagmatv · 5 months
When I was a kid, I went to the scholastic book fair and got a book. The next day, I found out that I was supposed to have gotten one of these promotional novelty items along with it, so I went to the librarian running it and asked, but nope, said i couldn't have one even though I had receipts. A friend gave me theirs, but it was missing the lenticular part, and my mom threw it away a month later.
Now, 20 years and $60 later, I've finally regained a tiny piece of my missing childhood, an originally free promotional item, and I wanna open it up and play with it so dang bad
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ACT 1 - PART 1: The Origin Story
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In the years since Captain Underpants’ disappearance, his existence in Piqua has become an urban legend. Those able to give testimony decline, and the existing footage is blurry enough to be unable to identify a bald Mr. Krupp.
After graduation Jerome Horwitz, Kipper and his friends leveled up to middle school and then high school shortly after. In that time, Kipper started being taught how to drive by his uncle, Benjamin Krupp. During one of the lessons, the two ended up in a car accident that nearly killed Kipper. Benjamin donated some of his blood to Kipper, and that ended up saving his life. Unbeknownst to Kipper, Benjamin had also inadvertently given him superpowers.
In the present day, Kipper, Bugg, Loogie, and Fink have moved in together in an apartment complex in Piqua. While Bugg and Fink wrap up their third year of college, Kipper and Loogie have dropped out. Loogie’s taken a job as a video game beta tester, meanwhile Kipper is able to get a paid internship at Jerome Horwitz thanks to his uncle and dad. Kipper laments to himself about his stagnation, being stuck at the place where he was at his highest while his friends move on to better things. It feels like the others have everything figured out…so why doesn’t he?
The last day of school has passed and Krupp tests Kipper for the following year by unpacking old boxes from the storage. Kipper finds a box full of peculiar comics, and decides to take them home out of interest. 
Kipper arrives home with the comics, realizing they were written by old enemies George and Harold. The two admitted on his last day of Jerome Horwitz that the Wedgie Magee incident (which left the quartet emotionally scarred for several months) was a prank, but by that point it was too late for any of them to do anything. Kipper took it the hardest out of the group, so he’s the most reluctant to read the comics. Eventually, however, he gives them a try alongside his friends, and ends up liking them. Alongside the entire first volume of Captain Underpants comics, the reboot series co-written with Melvin Sneedly is present in its entirety as well, having far more issues. With it is a whoopie cushion, a picture of George and Harold with Captain Underpants that they think was photoshopped….
And the 3D HYPNO RING.
Bugg searches it up on Google and finds an old manual. For fun, the group decides to test it on each other, with Kipper reluctantly going first. While Loogie lures him into a trance and decides to turn him into Captain Underpants for kicks, Fink finds one last comic left behind in the box, titled “The TRUE Origin Story of Captain Underpants: A Cautionary Tale”. Fink reads it and interrupts the hypnosis, causing Kipper to go in and out of trance. He takes off his clothes and rips off a curtain before stepping onto the balcony and teetering on the edge. The trio realize Kipper has left and go after him, reversing the process by Bugg saying “Kipper Krupp, wake up!” and snapping his fingers. Kipper awakes, realizing what’s going on, but it’s too late.
He falls off the balcony, stopping just above the cars and floating in place. In a panicked, stressful night for the four, Kipper discovers his powers and gets into several accidents trying  to get back into his apartment. Kipper becomes incredibly frustrated upon reading the True Origin Story and heads to bed angry. 
In the distance, Captain Underpants’ energy signature is detected by a mysterious robot from within an underground bunker. That robot breaks out of the bunker and begins to make its way towards Piqua.
Kipper and Loogie hitch a ride with Bugg and Fink, carrying the comics. Kipper plans to burn the box at a dumpster near the grocery store, only for the ride to be interrupted by the arrival of the robot, called The Slammer by the panicked civilians as the car pulls into the parking lot of a nearby mall where the group ducks into a store with broken lights. While the group panics, Loogie tries in a desperate effort to convince Kipper to go out there and confront the robot, as he’s the only person who can right now. 
Kipper finally reluctantly agrees, but on the condition that he goes out in the cooler (and less revealing) costume in the reboot comics. Kipper takes flight for the first time and confronts the Slammer head on, a battle ensuing and lengthened both by the robot’s durability and Kipper’s inexperience. Taking notes from his school sports days, he’s able to get an upper hand on the robot before pinning him down, taking him out. The citizens of Piqua cheer on their new hero as he disappears into the light..
The next day, Kipper arrives at Jerome Horwitz for the next day of his internship, meeting up with his uncle. Having read the origin comic, he repeatedly snaps his finger to test and yet…nothing happens. With questions in the air and new responsibilities laying on Kipper’s shoulders, the new waistband warrior wonders what’s next in store for him…..
The news spreads of a new tighty-whity sensation in Piqua. In the nearby futuristic city of Heiwise, Melvin Sneedly sees the news from his dorm in Elitinati Academy. Surprised by the news, he contacts two old friends.
The Society of Robes senses a disturbance in the natural order as they continue their search for the alien robe that broke free years ago. Reality as they know it is going to change forever, and Piqua is going to be the epicenter. Upon receiving the news of a new Captain Underpants, Robicus is assigned to finding this new caped crusader and preparing them for the shift to come.
A phone call is held between the CEO of the new booming toiletries company, Body’s Delights, and an executive at the Piqua Order Of Professional Space and Interplanetary Explorers (P.O.O.P.S.I.E.) regarding the storing of some “precious assets” that got prematurely released for unknown reasons. The CEO reassures the executive that it was a mere technical failure and that he’ll make sure it doesn’t occur again.
With P.O.O.P.S.I.E. subdued, Theodore Murdsley hangs up and looks out the window, the news of a new Captain Underpants on his mind.
“It’s finally time, isn’t it….?”
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cutechickdgaming · 1 year
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Truly a 3D Hypno-Ring with Shellington moment.
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sketch-twentytwo · 7 months
if ur considering implementing CU unto your AU (lol) what if he came to be through Melvin's radical science rather than the hypno ring? then he could also potentially be like a physically separate entity from Krupp while still being part of him. if you'd want them to, like, interact with each other directly, yanno?
Careful op, you're giving me ideas!
First things first, though, Captain's gotta come to existence through George and Harold's shenanigans! Working towards it right now with the current comic, but I've yet to decide how Krupp gets tossed into the fray....
I do plan on using the 3D-Hypno ring, just haven't decided how just yet.
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jaytoons7 · 2 years
Ah, Melvin Sneedly. He's a tattle tale, But he's my favorite tattle tale. So here's a teen version of him from my CU universe
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General info about this version of Melvin (4th grade)
He has both ADHD and autism (Got diagnosed in 1st grade)
He's trans (ftm) and came out in 3rd grade, A year before the first book
His parents, Gaylord and Cindy are divorced, Due to Gaylord actually being a supervillain in this universe. Cindy got full custody
His heterochromia isn't natural (Both eyes were blue). His orangish eye came along as a side effect from the whole "Booger Boy" incident, Along with the scars surrounding his right eye
Desperate for the approval of the adults around him. That's why he tattles on any wrongdoings the other students do, Especially George and Harold. This doesn't make him very well liked among his peers
Has pretty bad Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. He will literally cry if he even gets so much as a B-. This is likely the reason he wants his teacher's approval, He doesn't want to be a failure
Actually really likes sweets. He can't eat chocolate of course, But any other candy or baked good is on the table. He especially likes vanilla and strawberry flavored stuff. He'll unfortunately feel sick if he eats too much
Isn't good with animals. You saw how things went with Sulu
Info about teen Melvin (14 years old)
Nicknamed "Vin" or "Vinnie"
Has trauma from knowing what his future self (Melvinborg) has done and literally deleting him from existence
He eventually learned that his teachers never had his best interests at heart. He hasn't gone as far as getting revenge for manipulating him though. Not yet anyway...
He isn't really a tattle tale anymore. In fact, He mostly just keeps to himself
He's lost quite a bit of the energy he used to have when he was in elementary school. Must be the burnout...
Thinks he can live on 2 hours of sleep and coffee. He cannot
He eventually got his own cat (Danderella was more his mom's). She's a grey, Hypoallergenic kitty named Karaoke. He thankfully learned that the way he treated Sulu was very bad and is a lot nicer to Karaoke
In 5th grade, He stole the 3D Hypno ring from George and Harold after seeing the trouble they caused with it. He hasn't been foolish enough to use it
He generally doesn't trust people, Especially adults, After everything he's been through.
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artpoint420 · 2 years
Wait, I just thought, wasn’t the company that made the 3D-hypno rings in the books pretty suspicious? Like, literally letting kids buy something that can actually be used to hypnotize people and my memory is foggy but they made them how? Idk, something interesting that just popped into my mind. As a kid I always felt there was something off about the whole thing with the hypnoring.
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I think of something I read about Sargent: how in portraiture, Sargent always looked for the animal in the sitter (a tendency that, once I knew to look for it, I saw everywhere in his work: in the long foxy noses and pointed ears of Sargent’s heiresses, in his rabbit-toothed intellectuals and leonine captains of industry, his plump, owl-faced children).
- Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch
John Singer Sargent’s reputation among art critics has risen, fallen, and risen again. He was once among the most celebrated painters in Europe and America. He scandalised Paris with his painting Madame X, helped inspire The Picture of Dorian Gray, and was made the official artist of World War I. But when he died in 1925, artistic trends were already turning against representational art, and lush paintings of wealthy industrialists’ wives had become politically incorrect. In 1931, Lewis Mumford called him a mere “illustrator,” whose work was characterized by “contemptuous and cynical superficiality.”
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Madame X by John Singer Sargent
Born in Italy to American parents, Sargent lived most of his life in Europe. He studied in the Paris studio of Carolus-Duran, and his major influences were Velazquez and the French impressionists. The latter were personal friends, particularly Claude Monet and Paul Helleu, with whom he often painted. But his style was distinct, especially his use of dark contrasts. According to one revealing story, Sargent once ran out of black paint and asked to borrow some from Monet, only to find that the Frenchman didn’t carry any.
He adapted from the impressionists his characteristic style of bold brushstrokes and tricks such as the glob of white paint that gives the necklace in Lady Agnew of Lochnaw  a glimmering 3D effect. Examined up close, Sargent’s paintings appear like streaks of colour that couldn’t possibly make up the more-than-real images one actually sees when one steps back. And he combined this deceptive precision with a mastery of shading, which he enjoyed demonstrating by painting white-on-white - a demanding trick that under his brush seems like hardly any bother. As is usually the case, such apparent effortlessness was the product of painstaking discipline. His 1886 Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose took months to complete, because he could paint only for a few minutes each evening when the light was perfect.
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Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent
Sargent was also skilled at selecting poses that bring his subjects to life. Instead of forcing Homer St. Gaudens into a stale, statuesque position, he captured the boy’s candid, slouching boredom. Édouard and Marie-Louise Pailleron sit like they’re about to disclose some haunting secret. And Pamela, the middle Wyndham Sister, fiddles idly with her ring like the flirtatious dynamo she was. Yet his works don’t descend into bland, documentary naturalism. On the contrary, these realistic touches amplify the glamorous, sometimes otherworldly beauty that Sargent drew out of real people.
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His skill at abstraction often makes his portraits more like windows into an ideal world than faithful depictions of his models. Consider Mrs. Fiske Warren and Her Daughter Rachel, now on display at the Gardner alongside a photo of the two posing. They’re by no means ugly, but on canvas, they become what they no doubt wished they were. “Women don’t ask you to make them beautiful,” he wrote, “but you can feel them wanting you to.”
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Lady Agnew of Lochnaw by John Singer Sargent, National Galleries of Scotland
Or consider his greatest portrait, Lady Agnew. The real Gertrude Vernon was a moderately attractive noblewoman who was ill much of her life, including when the artist was working. But the painting, finished in just six sittings with no preliminary sketches, transcends reality. She vibrates with a liveliness only thinly veiled with nonchalance, just as the translucent sleeves of her gown shield the arms beneath. Her leisurely pose, on one hip diagonal with the chair, contrasts with the hypnotic attentiveness of her gaze, giving the impression - to borrow a line from Sargent’s contemporary, Joseph Conrad - of “the stillness of an implacable force brooding over an inscrutable intention.” Lady Agnew goes beyond formal portraiture, and transports the viewer into a realm of elegance and intrigue.
Despite efforts by later critics to marginalise his work, Sargent influenced generations of painters - from John White Alexander to Daniel E. Greene to Ariana Richards. Perhaps his finest admirer in recent years was Pino Daeni, whose sensual oils adapted Sargent’s sweeping brush strokes and lively poses to a more exotic color palette. One can only hope that more people can give Sargent his artistic due. As the master of elevated grace, his legacy will forever be cherished by those who long for an art that expresses life as it could and ought to be.
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silentcartoonist2018 · 7 months
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biolizardboils · 11 months
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IT’S HERE!!!! gotta go to work now but i’ll scan the manual tomorrow morning!!!
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tunnysaysidk · 3 years
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This was a fursuit design I had available (I have lots more availble on my Trello board here: https://trello.com/b/Uoluwuss/fursuit-work ) where I basically tried to combine as many dinosaur features as I could. He has stegosaurus plates & thagomizer, a parasaur crest (with uv-reactive clear vinyl!), A raptor-ish face & teeth, triceratops horns, little pterosaur wings, and a few ankylosaur plates too 🌈 All his yellow/green/orange markings are blacklight-sensitive, as well as his tongue & crest webbing. And his eyes are 3D (follow-me) eyes with lenticular (animated) hypno rings!
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tornrose24 · 5 years
I see a lot of "Harold has superpowers" ideas and don't get me wrong; it makes perfect sense given how easily he holds that brick of gold but there should also be "George has superpowers/magical powers" stuff. I mean he pretty much made up everything to do with the hypno ring on the spot and it worked, despite him having absolutely no idea what he was doing. SOMETHING magical/mystical/thing-of-that-nature has to be up with him.
In the book and series, it is confirmed to be an actual working 3d ring from a store, either through mail order or from a magic shop. Why it works in the film is not explained (I have this theory that if ALL the Dreamworks Animation films were connected then someone from a certain film may of had a hand in it).
It’s possible George may also be more than what he seems too, but I can’t think of any evidence off the top of my head. Wasn’t he the one of the two who was able to hold the other in one hand and hold onto the edge of the TT2000 in the movie?
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Taking place a few years after the events of a timeline that mashes together the books and the series (with bits and pieces of the movie), Kipper Krupp and his friends have settled into a apartment as roommates. While some of them go to college and others jobs, Kipper feels somewhat left out.
Taking a internship at Jerome Horwitz Elementary, Kipper and his uncle stumble upon a box containing all of George and Harold’s old comics, including the new series they published during the 6th grade with Melvin, various goofy items..and one 3D Hypno Ring.
One thing leads to another, and a night of goofing around leads to Kipper discovering a latent power within him, suddenly being thrust into the role of a reluctant superhero.
Hi, my name’s PlugBoy! As you can tell, I’m a huge Captain Underpants fan, and I wanna express that the way most people on this site do, through coming up with an alternate universe take on it!
This AU is meant to be somewhat lighthearted, but rest assured that if you want ACTION, DRAMA, and LAFFS, this’ll be the best place to get it! I have a lot of other projects to work on but I’ll try to update as much as I’m able! (Just don’t expect most of the art to be as polished as the stuff I had prepared ahead of time, heh)
Prologue: Sixth Grade
Part 1: The Origin Story
Part 2: Monster of the Week (coming soon)
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kingmintyreturns · 6 years
I remember when i was a kid, I had a captain underpants keychain that made sound effects, a pen (which also made sounds i think!) and a 3d Hypno Ring with a holographic face on it to give the illusion of movement. I always loved getting stuff like that from the book order catalogs in elementary school! I don’t know where any of that stuff is now, except for the ring which i lent to a friend (who never gave it back to me). hehe 
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pika-ace · 6 years
Maybe he used the hypno ring to stop Usnavi from moving?
Oh my god…you’re a genius!!
So after Carnival Del Barrio, Sonny goes off and mopes and maybe Pete finds him and maybe Pete comments that it’s not like you can just change his mind by snapping your fingers and Sonny immediately gets a lightbulb in his head and they travel down to a cheap little store and buy the 3D Hypno Ring.  
Unfortunately, when they get back they get the sad news that Abuela passed away and maybe after Alabanza and Sonny learns that Usnavi’s still going, he does the hypno thing to him, more out of anger and grief (even though hypnotizing Usnavi while he’s sad about Abuela is a pretty dick move). And after hypnotizing him, Sonny calls Pete over like ‘Holy shit dude, it worked, get your ass over here!’ And they decide to mess with him a bit until Sonny pulls out their old comics from childhood and turn Usnavi into Captain Coffee…but then Usnavi freaking jumps off the fire escape to fight crime and shenanigans ensue.
And this is good for angst because Sonny realizes that hypnotizing his cousin to stay is really selfish so they un-hypnotize him and Sonny decides to do the mural to make it up to him (but of course, whenever someone snaps their fingers Usnavi changes back into Captain Coffee and more shenanigans ensue XD)
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