#31 days of ficmas 2017
bysaber · 5 months
Singing in a choral ft. Suguru Geto
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Day 08 of 31 Days of Ficmas!
summary — In a world filled with curses and tragedies, Suguru Geto hears the most beautiful voice of his damned life when he least expected to.
word count — 629
content — angst, guilt, no comfort, i’m sorry
notes — ok, i think geto’s guilt pos-hidden inventory arc was never explored and it’s NOT POSSIBLE he didn’t feel guilt, man. he killed his PARENTS and it’s NOT ADDRESSED FURTHER OMG. anyway so that’s my own character’s psychology interpretation!
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Suguru Geto didn’t like to walk among humans.
Not only because they disgusted him, but because it would remind him of the times they didn’t.
And that… that was the worst part.
Blending in, seeing all the people he would eventually murder – even though they weren’t monsters.
But he’d rather know, he’d rather know whose life he was taking.
Humans, humans.
He had a purpose, he’d do everything to achieve it.
He killed his own parents, he gave up on everything to try to save the life of his fellow Jujutsu Sorcerers. His friends, his family.
Even though it was an impossible dream, he tried. He was trying. Day after day after day.
He shouldn’t let guilt take place in his heart.
And yet…
He walked in those streets, hearing conversations and laughter coming from humans that weren’t so bad, after all. He walked and saw that not only hate existed, but happiness and love.
He was a hypocrite. But what could he do? He had to make a choice, and he did.
But nobody seemed to understand how hard of a choice it was.
Suguru Geto was about to leave, sorrow having filled him completely when he heard something that made him suddenly stop.
“May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be bright…”
A voice.
So beautiful and melodic that he felt the need to turn his head to catch a glimpse of its owner.
“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know…”
You’re dressed in white, so different from his all-black outfit, and the words you sang were like a punch in his gut.
He suddenly remembered it was December 23rd, and that he would never have Christmases like the ones he used to know from when he was a teenager.
In the middle of the crowd, he succumbed to his guilt.
He felt the tears falling and all the things he would never be able to say stuck in his throat, and still, he still hated all those monkeys for making him go through that.
While hating himself for thinking that while admiring you – it was so paradoxical.
The rest of the coral disappeared behind you, the main voice, and he watched as you sang – and wished for a white Christmas.
His would be red.
When the choral ended and the crowd dissipated, Suguru stood there. He was aware he looked like a lunatic, but still…
“Hey, are you ok?”
It almost scared him.
He looked up to see you, looking at him with a concerned expression, “Sorry… I noticed you seemed upset about something while we were singing. I just wanted to check,” you opened a soft smile and it pained him more.
“Oh, don’t worry about me. The song just made me emotional,” Geto smiled back – the smile he had mastered.
“Oh, ok. Good to know,” still didn’t seem like you believed him. “In any case, I just want to wish you a good night. And a good life. You seem like you deserve it.”
Suguru just looked at you. He couldn’t say anything – even if he tried.
What could he say? Thank you?
“Well… good night, then. Maybe we will also see each other tomorrow!”, you said at last, waving goodbye while distancing yourself.
He yelled before he could even think about it. You looked back at him, confused.
“Don’t come here tomorrow. Stay out of Shinjuku and Kyoto,” Suguru Geto asked you. “Please.”
You couldn’t muster the reason why, but you just nodded to him before parting ways.
He watched as you left knowing that was the last good thing he would ever do.
Because the next day, December 24th, 2017, was the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.
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31 Days of Ficmas 2021 Masterlist
2017 |  2018  |  2019 | 2020
Holiday Music - 12xRose. If music be the food of love, play on. All Ian wanted was a quiet cafe where he could practice Christmas tunes for a holiday party gig - what he got was so much more. AO3
Holiday Market
Wrapping paper
Candy Cane
Santa and/or Elves
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paigenotblank · 6 years
By Your Side
Pairing: Tentoo x Rose
Rating: General
Written for @doctorroseprompts​ for 31 Days of Ficmas (Day 1 - Hope)
Rose finally spotted him on the beach and exhaled in relief. She approached him silently, hands tucked under her arms and shivering slightly. His gaze was lifted upward, focused on the night sky. The view was rather spectacular being so far away from any sort of light pollution. He turned his head and smiled at her. She should have known that no matter how quiet she tried to be, he’d hear her. Bloody Time Lord hearing. Guess...guess he’s still got that.
Rose walked tentatively over to him and took his outstretched hand. A little bit of the weight she carried lifted at the mild contact. She grinned as he purposefully puffed out little clouds of condensed breath in the frigid air.
“‘S beautiful.” She gestured to the moonless sky with its abundance of twinkling stars.
“It is.” He agreed, voice wistful.
“‘M sorry.”
He turned to her with eyes wide and brows raised in surprise. “What do you have to be sorry for?”
She shrugged and lowered her head to stare at the sand.
She met his gaze and his look of concern had her heart breaking all over again. “It’s jus’ you had to give all of that up, an’ I know how much you loved it. The traveling and adventures. An’ now you’re stuck--”
“Stuck with you though, that’s not so bad, yeah?” He had a half smile on his face and a teasing tone, but Rose’s eyes filled with tears. “Rose! I--”
She sobbed out, “Mmm...mortgage. I have a mortgage.”
The Doctor pulled her into his embrace. “Rose, it’s okay.” She shook her head against his chest. “No, it is. You wanna know why?” Rose leaned back so she could see his face clearly. “It’s because this time, I’ve got this…” He pulled out the TARDIS coral from his pocket. “...and I’ve got hope. But most of all I’ve got you.”
Rose’s breath hitched in her lungs.
“Really all I need is you. And if we never make it back to the stars, Rose, I’d be the happiest I’d ever been. Because I’m with you. Love you.”
“I love you too, Doctor.” They stood arms wrapped around each other. “Do you really think you can grow another TARDIS?”
“With you by my side I can do anything. And it’s like that movie you always make me watch at Christmas.”
She thought for a moment. “It’s a Wonderful Life?”
“That’s the one! George wanted to give Mary the moon. And well, we’re going to have a wonderful life, fantastic even…” He winked at her. “...and I’m going to give you the stars.”
As their lips met, Rose felt home for the first time since arriving in this universe.
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Dear Father Christmas... Chapter 1: December 24, 2016
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Cover art by the wonderful @rose--nebula!
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Tony Tyler; OC Hope Tyler-Noble; OC Charlotte Tyler-Noble; OC Wilfred Tyler-Noble
Rated: Teen
Tags: Family!Fic; Kid!Fic; Pete’s World; Letters to Santa; Christmas Fic; Family; Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Romance; Love
Summary: When Rose Tyler was little, she always wrote a Christmas wish list to Father Christmas. As she grew older, the wish list became more of a letter to someone she could confide in once a year, but she fell out of the habit somewhere along the way. Now, as a new mum, celebrating her daughter’s first Christmas, Rose takes up writing her Christmas letter to Father Christmas once again.
Rose’s Christmas letters are excerpts from her life with her beloved Tentoo and their children in Pete’s World, written once a year, for each of 31 years.
Part of my These Two Hearts series
Written for prompts provided by @doctorroseprompts​ over on Tumblr for their 31 Days of Ficmas celebration. I’ve played with the order of the prompts a bit, but I intend to use them all.
This will be a huge challenge for me. For those of you who know me well, you’ll know I am not a fast writer. To post one of these every day for 31 days will be pushing me well and truly to my limits. They may not all get posted on time, but they will get posted. Promise.
My eternal thanks to my brilliant betas @rose--nebula​ and mrsbertucci for picking up on the things I miss and for chivvying me along. ((((hugs))))
The first prompt is Hope. Please enjoy.
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
December 24th, 2016
Dear Father Christmas,
Blimey! It’s been a while. I don’t think I’ve written to you since… well since Jimmy. That bloody wanker sucked the magic out of everything. He sucked the magic right out of my life. But that’s all right. The Doctor gave me back the magic and then some.
Oh my God! I just realized! Maybe you don’t even know who I am. Is Father Christmas even the same bloke in all universes? Are you a transdimensional entity? I reckon not, or else transdimensional travel would be possible, and we know for a fact it’s not, not any more.
I know I’m just being stupid. Transdimensional capabilities or not, you’re obviously just a fictional character, a product of children’s imaginations and a bloated, economy-driven society. Still, I bet the Doctor would disagree. He’d probably tell me Santa is an actual being from some planet with an unpronounceable name. Complete with elves too! I wager he’d say “lots of planets have a North Pole”. But most of his knowledge is based on the Prime Universe… for now. So even if you are real there, you may not be the same in this universe, or you may not exist at all.
Don’t suppose it matters anyway, yeah? It was just always nice to chat with you like this every year, so I guess I’ll start again. I missed this. Back in the Prime Universe, Mum got me started writing to you every Christmas Eve, even when I was just a baby. Those first notes were just a few pencil scratches. Complete rubbish. She loved them, anyway. She kept them safe for years, would bring them out every Christmas and show them around along with the naked baby photos, (especially if I had been a cow to her or we’d had a row.) But she had to leave them all behind in the Prime Universe with so much else from our lives. Embarrassing as they were, it would’ve been nice to be able to, well… Enough of that!
By the time I was four, I knew all my letters. I was so determined to do it myself, write my own Christmas wish list. Mostly it was just all the things I wanted for Christmas. But I always minded my manners. I said please and thank-you. I always asked after Mrs. Claus and the reindeer. And, I hope I was never greedy. Sorry if I was, even if you aren’t actually the right Father Christmas to apologize to.
As I got older, I realized you weren’t real (sorry!) and my letters to you became more of a diary. You know… private stuff I’d write every year, yeah. It was nice to be able to say things, to tell someone things I couldn’t say to anyone else. Course, I stopped for a while, because Jimmy… I’d never want him to find those letters and have that to hold over me. Anyway, it’s not like I’d ever had the chance to write them, working two, sometimes three jobs, just to keep that knob in fags and drink. And after a while, I just got out of the habit, and life took some good turns… and some bad turns. Then some really bad turns.
But now, life is completely brilliant! I have my Doctor by my side... forever! I have my own baby girl. (Hope’s her name and she’ll be writing you a note too this year!) And, to top it off, I’m actually dictating these letters now. Voice recognition software! The Doctor jiggery-pokeried it so when it’s printed it uses my handwriting as the font.
I’m rambling, aren’t I? Guess I’m just a bit nervous (and excited) about doing this again and getting Hope started too.
I think you’ll like Hope. But I’m warning you, I don’t think she’s quite like other babies. Well, I know she isn’t. She’s her father’s daughter, that’s for sure. Nine months old, and she’s already talking up a storm. Full sentences! Just watch, she’ll be able to use this voice recognition software… Course, I don’t know what her handwriting font will look like, ‘cause she’s pretty much like a normal baby in her gross and fine motor development, so no handwriting just yet. Her verbal and cognitive development, though… the doctors at Torchwood say it’s off the charts.
It scares me if I’m being honest. I don’t know how I can ever be a mum to her… a proper mum. Thank God I have the Doctor by my side to keep her entertained, because she takes in absolutely everything and it’s never enough. But he “gets” her. He knows how to keep her happy. We take her on adventures (safe ones, don’t worry!) all through space and time. And we explore. Oh, we explore so much!
But it’s so different from the way I explored as a kid, ya know? Here’s an example. We go to a beach, yeah, with rock pools and lovely sand too, and the water is so warm and wavy. Now me, as a kid, I’d splash in the waves and muck about in the sand with my pail and spade. And at the rock pool, I’d poke at a few beasties and squeal about them. It was all just in fun. But with Hope, everything is so intense. She investigates everything, and her Daddy is right there with her, coaxing her to connect the dots herself, filling in the bits she’s missed. The starfish (sorry, sea star − I must use proper terminology!) was carefully examined, all its little bits explored and then thoroughly researched back at the TARDIS, and not just the names of the bits, but the hows and whys of them too.
And then the Doctor reads to her… not baby books, but Harry Potter and Narnia and Oliver Twist. She’s even sounding out some parts herself. He’ll break out the sciencey stuff, the physics and chemistry and biology, and the maths too, when it has something to do with what happened on our adventure that day. And she hangs on every word. I don’t know if she understands everything he reads her, but she sure understands a lot of it.
She’s just so tiny, just an infant, but her mind is so big. Definitely bigger on the inside, our child is! I love her like I never thought I could love anyone, but I’m so frightened that… that… well, that she won’t love me, a stupid ape. How can I be a proper mum to her when she already knows more about bloody sea stars than I ever will?
Then there are those times when I hold her in my arms and feed her at my breast, when I snuggle her to sleep, and I breathe in her sweet baby smell. It’s almost normal. Sometimes I can even get her giggling, completely out of control, over the most simple things, like peek-a-boo. And when she bumps her head, her arms immediately come up for me to hold her and kiss it better. Me!  That makes me feel like a proper mum.
You should have seen her when we were putting up the Christmas tree this afternoon. Her fat little fingers were grabbing for all those bright shiny baubles, and her eyes were so wide and she didn’t know where to look first because it was all so pretty. And then Daddy came prancing down the stairs from the console room wearing a big red light-up nose and huge felt antlers on his head, and we were all in hysterics. I really felt like part of the family, and I kind of realized I don’t always feel that way.
It’s made me think, though, going forward, I really need to make a place for her in my life as she grows. I always used to love to paint and draw. Once upon a time, I was even going to go for my A-levels in art. Before Jimmy. I’d like to take that up again, and I could teach her too, eventually, when she can actually hold a brush. Maybe we could do that together. And singing and dancing, not to mention gymnastics when she’s old enough.
Blimey! This has been one weird Christmas letter, yeah? And I haven’t even asked for any presents. I honestly just want my family to be healthy and happy, and I want to be able to be a proper mum to Hope. Not really stuff you can just hide under the tree.
Oh! Here comes Hopie now, in her Daddy’s arms, all fresh from her bath. Hey there, baby girl! Are you ready to write your letter to Father Christmas? C’mere, sit on Mummy’s lap and maybe Daddy will make us a cuppa. (Thanks, love!) And, my darling girl, as soon as you’re finished with your letter, we better head right over to see Gran and Grandad and Uncle Tony. There’ll be hell to pay if we’re late! (I hear you moaning, Doctor!)
Okay, Father Christmas, here’s me, signing off for this year. Lots of love to Mrs. Claus and all the reindeer and elves too! Thanks for listening to me whinge. It really helped to get it off my chest. I know, I know! I need to tell the Doctor how I’ve been feeling, but I don’t want him going and feeling guilty just because he’s being a bloody amazing dad. But I’ll talk to him; I promise.
Happy Christmas!
love, Rose
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
Baby It’s Cold Outside - Chapter 7
Mr. Gold/Belle, Explicit
Chapter Summary: At last, the long awaited moment. For the 31 Days of Ficmas prompt #30 - "cozy."
Notes: Uh...they have teh sex. ;) I feel like this is utter garbage, but yeah. There will be a short epilogue to follow. I’m a little mad at myself that I didn’t post this yesterday, but I did finish writing it yesterday so I guess it still counts as me not missing a day on the Ficmas list.
There had been a few times in Callum Gold’s life where he’d been asked a question so completely and obviously ridiculous that he could barely formulate a proper response.
Being asked if he wanted Belle French, by Belle French herself, was definitely one of those times. He licked his lips, and closed his eyes, biting back a groan as she shifted her hips again, pressing back into his throbbing erection. The words stumbled around his brain and all he managed was a shaky breath that fluttered her hair.
Belle froze. His lack of response made her fear the worst, that his body’s reaction wasn’t at all about her and that she was perhaps taking advantage. The thought made her sick.
“I’m - I’m sorry, I -” she stammered as she started to move away. Her plan was to escape to the library and pretend the entire thing had never happened, but then his arm tightened around her, holding her in place.
“Oh, Belle,” he sighed, pushing his nose in her curls. He lifted his head to speak softly in her ear. “If you can’t tell -”
“I thought -” She interrupted him and laid her arm over his, rubbing his skin. “I mean I didn’t want to presume.”
Gold exhaled, feeling at least a modicum of relief that his attentions weren’t entirely one sided. “Presume,” he said, smiling. “Assume. Suppose. Infer. Surmise.”
Belle giggled and bit her lip. “Sounds like someone is ready for another round of Scrabble.”
He snorted lightly and shook his head, shifting his hips and delighting in the way she gasped and clawed at his forearm. “More than ready for something.”
She shifted then, and turned over, the brevity of the moment fading to something more significant and serious. Her hand came up to his shoulder, drawing him close until their foreheads were touching, her warm breath ghosting over his lips.
For a long moment, there was a cosy, comfortable silence between them. The he felt her move closer, trying to press her body to his, her arms going around his neck as she held him. He allowed himself to close his eyes, dipping his head and burying his face in the puddle of hair at her shoulder as he returned her embrace, his hand pressed against the small of her back.
He had longed for her touch in the months since she had come to work for him, taking small delight in the briefest brushes of her fingers over his arm or his hand. The warmth of her body was comforting and welcome, and he tried not to think about how long it had been since he had touched another person this way.
“I want you,” she said quietly. Her nose stroked along his, and then down to the dip above his upper lip.
“Me too,” he managed, fighting against the lump in his throat that wanted to keep him mute.
She pulled back to look at him, the firelight dancing in her eyes, and then drew him in again, slowly, almost painstakingly so. Her intent was clear, but she wanted to give him time to pull away should he wish to. His mind raced as he felt her lean closer, and his tongue flicked over his lips in anticipation. He had never wanted anything as much as he wanted to kiss her right now, and he only hoped that he wouldn’t disappoint her, or -
She interrupted his dangerous train of thought with her lips, pressing them softly to his. His body felt paralysed at first, but then she sighed and felt himself give in as her hands move from his neck to his hair. He brought his to her waist, tentatively, bunching the silk in his fingers, fitting his palm against her curves. She was so warm, so alive, and he couldn’t believe she wanted him.
Belle gasped against his mouth and her hand tugged lightly on his hair as she returned his kiss hungrily. His tongue slipped into her mouth, gently stroking and probing until he found the places that made her whimper and scrape her nails against his scalp. She lifted her leg and hooked it over his, trying to pull him closer, and a moan rumbled through him.
“Belle,” he breathed, breaking the kiss. “Are you sure this is -?”
She grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and pulled him to her, kissing him hard. “Yes,” she answered firmly, pushing on his chest until he rolled onto his back. She followed after him, pulling the blanket with her, and moving to straddle his hips. She found his mouth again, and he let his fingers slip up under the hem of the pajama shirt to touch the skin above her waistband.
She grinned and adjusted herself so she was over the hard ridge of his cock. “Oh,” she gasped, shifting and rubbing her silk covered sex against him. His fingers tightened on her waist, pulling at the material.
Gold pushed himself up to a sitting position, and then moved until he was propped up by the headboard. Belle followed, scooting up until she was in his lap. He kissed her cheek, her jaw, and down the side of her neck, pulling at the sensitive skin with his lips and nipping at it with his teeth as she gasped and arched into him. Her hand plunged into his hair again, gripping it tightly and directing him where she wanted him to go, down down until he was stopped by the neckline of her top. Before he could ponder pulling it off her, she pulled him back up to her mouth, kissing him with wet lips and an urgent tongue.
They were both panting when they finally stopped, and he gazed up at her in awe. The fire illuminated her perfectly, glowing around the edges of her like a holy light. Her hair fell soft over her shoulders in long curls, messy from his hands, and he could not remember ever seeing anything as beautiful.
He must have said it out loud, because the smile she gave him was bright but shy.
“You are too,” she said softly, her hands coming up to cradle his face, her thumbs sweeping over his cheeks slowly.
She’d always thought he was handsome, but now, rumpled and debauched beneath her, his hair wild from her hands and his mouth wet from her kisses, he was beautiful. He looked up at her like he couldn’t believe she existed, like she was a goddess blessing him with her presence. She’d never felt so powerful or desired, and it made her shiver.
His eyes fluttered closed as she bent to press a long, tender kiss to his forehead. He angled his head up to kiss her again, but she pulled away, just enough to be able to look him in the eyes. Her fingertips traced the edge of his jaw and then down his neck to the sliver of bare skin just above his shirt.
“I want you,” he whispered. “So much, Belle.”
The tension left his body as she smiled down at him, her teeth pressed teasingly against her bottom lip. His hands started to roam, sliding down to grip her thighs, then up again until his fingertips were just at the hem of her shirt. He looked up at her, meeting her dark gaze as he inched his fingers higher. Her legs shifted, parting just a bit more in silent invitation to keep going.
Her nipples tightened again as she let the sheet and blanket fall back, exposing them to the cooler air of the room. The taut buds pushed against the silk top, visible even in the low light. He reached up and brushed his right thumb across her nipple, back and forth, feeling it harden further under his touch. He kept the pressure of his finger gentle, and she squirmed above him, seeking friction for the ache between her legs.
His other hand moved to her back, holding her still as he brought his mouth to her breast, sucking at her through the silk, leaving it damp from his tongue and sticking to her skin. She arched and moaned, the sensation making her squeeze him with her thighs.
Gold pulled back and she immediately lifted her arms, helping him to lift the shirt over her head. The gasp he let out at the sight of her bare chest sent a frisson of pleasure through her. She'd always been a bit insecure about her breasts, but he seemed more than happy with what he saw. Her previous lovers hadn't spent much effort on that part of her, or on foreplay for that matter, but Gold was lingering and teasing, using his teeth and lips to drive her mad. Holding her nipple between his lips, he put his hand between her legs, and used his fingers to gently stroke her through the damp fabric.
“So wet,” he mumbled, lips brushing her nipple as he spoke. “All for me?”
Belle keened. “Yes, god, yes.”
She shuddered as he ran a finger back and forth through her slit several times, slowly spreading her juices, the silk getting so wet it clung to her folds. He bit down on her nipple, not hard but enough to make her squeak in surprise, the slight pain rippling through her straight to her core. Then he massaged the tender bud with his tongue, drawing out another gasping moan. His mouth moved back to her other breast, and he nibbled that one too, and she made a low whining noise behind her closed lips, breathing hard and shutting her eyes. She pushed her hips forward, grinding against his palm, trying to get more stimulation.
Gold moaned against her skin, kissing his way up the side of her neck. He could feel how swollen she was, her pussy hot and ready to be filled, and he ached to be inside her. He pushed his fingers into the wet silk, feeling the outline of her slit, dragging them over and up the front of her mound. She cried out when he found her clit, and he stroked the little nub lightly, watching her body move, rhythmically thrusting into his hand. Warmth spread through him like fire as he rubbed her through the cloth, his other hand coming up to squeeze her breast. It was getting damp between his legs as well, his cock twitching with every movement she made and leaking into his pajamas.
He tried to remove her pants, but she was intent on staying right where she was until she came. The glide of the fabric over her sensitive skin was too good and his fingers were doing all the right things. One of her hands moved from his shoulder to tangle in his hair, the other clawed at his shirt to steady herself. He moved his thumb in a slow, circular motion, and she rolled her hips, the wet silk giving her even more friction. Her legs ached, her cunt throbbed, but the only thing she cared about was the white hot pleasure building in her core. She was so close, but she needed more, something inside her to fill the burning need, and she swore.
“What do you need?” he asked, licking at her breast with the flat of his tongue. “Tell me, sweetheart.”
She bit her lip and let her head fall back. “Oh - fuck - more, please - inside me!”
Pushing her pajamas down as far as he could, his thumb returning to her clit as a finger pushed slowly inside her. Her eyes closed again, and she fell forward, her forehead against his. He wanted to close his eyes too, to lose himself in the moment and revel in her warmth, in the way she felt in his hands. But he needed to see her face when he made her come in case he was never this lucky again.
Belle was gasping, almost uncontrollably, and riding his hand with abandon. He pushed a second finger inside her and she nearly screamed. Her body was warm all over, flushed and blushing, her pussy clenching around his fingers as he slid them in and out. He was whispering nonsense to her, telling her how good she felt, how amazing she was, and for once she believed it, felt it in her heart as her orgasm shook her body.
Gold groaned as she came around his fingers, and he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her throat as her body gave up and gushed over his hand. She grabbed at his shirt, bunching the fabric, and brought her head down to look at him, her hair falling like a veil around her face as the feverish blue of her eyes met his gaze.
Gold was mesmerized by the way she looked, her eyes glazed, mouth hanging open, panting and whimpering as she worked herself against his hand, drawing out her pleasure. It was a sight he hoped to remember for the rest of his days, and he knew then that he was completely in love with her and utterly lost.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
She laughed breathlessly before throwing her head back with a shudder. He removed his hand and let her watch as he licked her essence from his fingers, groaning at the sweet taste. His other hand came up to her hair, pulling her down for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth tasting herself on his tongue as her hands moved down his chest, pausing at the waistband of his pajamas, and then lower, cupping him through the silk. He broke the kiss and sucked in a breath, his eyes not leaving hers as she reached in to stroke him lightly.
Her fingers on his heated flesh were almost enough to undo him right then and there, making him feel like a fumbling teenager. He swallowed and shook his head, clearing the fog of lust long enough to remember that they needed to be practical and safe. “I - I don’t have any, um, I mean -’
She stopped him with a kiss and shook her head, smiling. “Protection?” He nodded, looking away and avoiding her eyes. “It’s alright,” she said, drawing her hand up his length. Her fingers tugged and pulled, sliding over the soft, velvety skin until his eyes found hers again. “I, um, I’m on the pill.”
He could only manage a nod, and watched as she lifted herself off his lap. She sat back on the bed, and worked her pajamas down her legs, baring herself fully to his gaze. He licked his lips, imagining what it might be like to taste her, to put his mouth on her pussy and work her into another frenzy. He wanted to make her scream like that and pull his hair, to have his face covered in her, smelling and tasting her everywhere.
“Do you need help?” she asked, shifting to straddle him again. She smirked at him and tugged his shirt over his head, his arms lifting and lowering automatically. Then pulled she at his pajamas, stopping and giving him a look until he shook himself and finally lifted his hips, helping her push them down.
He braced for some kind of reaction to his nakedness, a wince or a frown when her eyes found his twisted ankle and scarred knee. It was something he’d seen before from his ex wife, Milah, and a later an almost bigger mistake named Cora. But none of that came. His gaze drifted up her body as she knelt beside him, until he met her eyes. They were soft and dark, her lips parted as she breathed deep and steady. She licked her lips, and he swallowed as her eyelids lowered, looking very much like she wanted to devour him.
He was certain he’d let her.
Belle reached for him, her hands running up his legs from knees to hips as she straddled him again. Then she took his cock in hand, wrapping her delicate fingers around the shaft and guiding him between her folds. She pressed him against her entrance, letting the head rest there for a moment before she eased herself down, slowly. The burning ache that made her scream to be filled only increased as she stretched to accommodate him, and she let out a sharp gasp as he finally slipped inside.
They were both breathing hard, and he gripped her thighs tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. She was so soft and wet and warm, her pussy fluttering around him, pulling at him like her body couldn’t get enough. It took every bit of his self-control left to not come right then. He looked up when he heard her exhale sharply, her hips shifting as she dropped down a little more, taking all of him. There was a hint of discomfort on her face, and his hand immediately reached up to her cheek, meeting her eyes, but she smiled and covered it with hers.
She let her eyes close and then open again, her body adjusting and the brief pain subsiding to a hot throbbing need. “Been a while,” she said, wiggling her hips.
Gold managed a quiet chuckle, not wanting to think about how it had probably been twice as long for him as her. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Me too.”
His hands moved to her hips as she kissed him as she started to move, her hands braced on his shoulders. Slowly, almost agonizingly so, she rolled her hips, letting his cock slip almost all the way out before it went back in. It wrenched a loud groan from him, and she spread her knees to take him deeper, biting her lip when he bottomed out inside her.
“Callum,” she gasped. “Oh, fuck that’s -”
He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he’d heard his name that way, or if he ever had, and he felt his control slipping. His hips bucked, and she cried out, and he feared he might have hurt her. She shook her head and took one of his hands in hers, raising it to her mouth to kiss his palm.
“I won’t break,” she said, grinning down at him as brought his hand to her breast. He tweaked her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through her that made her arch her back, her body begging for more.
“Fuck me,” she pleaded. Her steady thrusting faltered for a moment as his fingers pulled and pinched.
Her words broke any semblance of will he had left. He moved against her, lifting his hips as she rocked forward, meeting her thrust for thrust, harder and harder as he lost himself in her. His eyes didn’t leave hers as their rhythm sped up, their voices melting together in a symphony of moans and gasps and unintelligible curses.
She cried out as her eyes closed, pressing her hand to his chest, while the other laced with his, gripping him tight. “Cal - um - oh fuck!”
Gold had never heard such words from her before, but he reveled in it now, loving that he could push her to the edge like this. He pulled her down to his chest and planted his feet on the bed to give him more leverage.
Belle cried out again as he thrust hard, bouncing her against him, his lower abdomen rubbing against her still sensitive clit. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, squeezing his eyes shut, and she felt her pussy tighten again. Everything was sharper this time, her breath coming in gasps as her second orgasm approached faster and more intense than the first.
A tight ball of heat built up in his belly, ready to burst any moment. “Belle, I’m – I can’t –” he pants, vaguely aware of her voice answering him.
“Yes!” she gasped, snapping her hips faster. “Gonna - oh!”
She clamped down hard on his cock, a strangled scream escaping from her throat as her orgasm hit like a wave slamming down on the shore. A second later, he grunted and then let out a long, low moan as he came apart inside her, pumping into her as he felt the hot gush of their fluids dripping out of her.
She kissed his forehead, his temple, his brow, and he rolled his hips, sending a few hard jolts through her and dragging out her pleasure until she was quivering in his arms. She flopped against him, panting and sweating.
For a time, the crack of the fire and their heavy breathing were the only sounds, and he was content to leave it as it was and hope that maybe in the morning she wouldn’t have any regrets.
“That was -” she started, then paused to swallow. She desperately needed a drink of water.
“Yeah,” he breathed, sighing as she stretched and rolled to the side.
His cock slipped out of her and he hissed as the cooler room air hit his hypersensitive skin. He bent and reached for the edge of the blanket, pulling it up over them. She laid her head on his chest, her arm wrapped around him and her leg over his, trying to be as close as possible. Her lips pressed together, trying to hold in the emotions that were too close to the surface. She told herself it was too soon. Just because she had fallen in love with him, didn’t mean he felt the same. This was just sex and -
“I love you,” Gold blurted. His body tensed and he closed his eyes, cursing himself as he waited for the inevitable disappointment. She’d probably run now, happily venture out into the storm to get away from his unreciprocated feelings. But there was no stopping now as the words tumbled out.
Belle’s breath caught and her eyes went wide. She lifted her head to see his face as he spoke, but his eyes stayed fixed on the ceiling.
“I miss you when you’re not here,” he continued. “Everyday I think about asking you to stay for dinner, or to out go to dinner. I wake up in the morning thinking of you, wishing you were here.” He paused again, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t see the horror on her face. “I - I know you don’t -”
“I love you too.”
He blinked and turned to look at her. “Wh-wha -? You - you do?”
She nodded and bit her lip, her hand coming up to trace the side of his face and down along his jaw with her fingertips. “I - I think I have for a long time. So long that I don’t even know when it happened.”
Her words made him feel light, made everything that had happened this evening seem even more like a dream. Except she was here, she was in his bed and his arms, and she loved him. He grinned and reached up, sliding his fingers in her hair and pulling her down for a kiss.
“Guess it’s a good thing it snowed,” she said, later after they’d taken some time to clean up and find fresh pajamas.
Gold tossed another log on the fire and then climbed into bed, snuggling up behind her. His arm wrapped around her and his nose breathed in the scent of her hair. “Indeed.” Then he smiled. “I could have done without getting my arse kicked at Scrabble though.”
Belle snorted and swatted at his arm. “Twice.”
He grumbled and kissed her shoulder. “And at gin rummy.”
She laughed softly and wiggled down under the covers. The motion had her rubbing her backside against his groin again, and she bit her lip when she felt him stirring. She wasn’t sure her body was ready for more, but there was plenty of other things they could do.
“Admit it,” she teased, “it was all part of your plan to get me to stay.”
“Well, you couldn’t go home,” he said, smirking and pressing his hips forward. “It’s cold outside.”
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chocolatequeennk · 6 years
Thirty-one Days of Ficmas
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Hello, Friends! This is my master post of everything I’ll be posting in December as part of my holiday project. If you remember, last December I asked for holiday and winter prompts so I could do an advent calendar project this year. Well, I’ve been working at it, and I’m ready to get started. 
I’ll be updating this post a few times a week with the latest entries. For now, you can take a look at the titles and look forward to what’s coming. If a pairing isn’t stated, assume Ten/Rose
12/1: Always Her Doctor 1/4--Dimension hopping Rose lands in Farringham, 1913. Fobbed holiday reunion.
12/2: Twined Together With Love--Part of How Does She Know? Bonding fic. Pregnancy fic.
12/3: The Look of Love--Coffee shop AU
12/4: Christmas Joy 1/4--First kiss
12/5: Lesson Learned--Set in True Things, after Jackie Tyler Saves the Universe
12/6: Rude and No Ginger--What do you mean, your mother puts ginger in her eggnog?
12/7: Forever With You--AU proposal fic
12/8: Always Her Doctor 2/4
12/9: A Lot Like Christmas 1/2 Christmas fic in As Time Goes By. Tree decorating in this chapter
12/10: Christmas Joy 2/4--The Doctor and Rose go skating and their relationship continues to develop
12/11: Only the Beginning--A mistletoe kiss is just the start for Rose and Nine
12/12: Forever and Never Apart, ch 32 Rose and the Doctor run into... the Doctor. Twelve x Rose
12/14: Mocha Mixup--outtake from chapter 32 of FANA, where Ten and Rose go back to the coffee shop she visited with Twelve, confusing the barista.
12/17: We’re Happy Tonight--Holiday fluff, prequel to Where the Love Light Gleams
12/18: Christmas Joy 3/4--tree decorating fluff
12/21: A Lot Like Christmas 2/2--Christmas fic in As Time Goes By. This chapter inspired by the BBC Christmas advert from 2009
12/23: Always Her Doctor 3
12/24: A Midnight Clear--Eight and Rose go in search of a Christmas tree and find so much more. Sequel to Where You Least Expect It
Still coming:
The current goal is to hopefully get all the stories that are explicitly Christmas done before the end of December, and then work on the rest of the wintry fics in January. I wanted to have them done by next week, but honestly I think I’d be better off if I gave myself the whole month.
Christmas Joy 4/4--proposal fic. Maybe? I don’t know what’s going on with this fic and I don’t know how to wrap it up. I waver between being okay with it and hating it moment by moment.
A Visit from St Nicholas--Christmas reunion. Tony tells Rose his Christmas wish is to meet the Doctor, and this year, his wish comes true.  
Always Her Doctor 4 and 5
Time for Family--Sequel to Redefining Forever, kid fic
A Push From the Past: The newly-engaged Tenth Doctor and Rose run into the Eighth Doctor, who encourages his future self to tell Rose about bonding. Sequel to Forever and a Day
I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm--The Doctor and Rose are trapped away from the TARDIS. Cuddling for warmth + Bad Wolf reveal, set in The Doctor’s Wife. Maybe? I’m not sure about the plot for this, because it’s awfully similar to The Gift That Keeps on Giving. But I wanted to do a story in this series and I don’t know what else to do, and I really did want to do a cuddling for warmth story. 
Who knows?
Do You Want to Help the Snowmen?--Part of The Course of True Love. Pregnancy/baby fic
Winter Wonderland--Winter themed fluff, in a world that is the inspiration for snow globes. 
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shadowsprodpresent · 5 years
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This post is about all the stories I've written about Doctor Who, a sci-fi British show. The story is about a 900 years old Time Lord, an alien from the planet Gallifrey, named The Doctor traveling through all of Time and Space with his mostly humans companions. The Doctor doesn't die, he regenerates and when people need help, he never refuses. Especially when the Time War leaves him with a deep scar and a need for forgiveness and redemption. This post is about all the stories I've written about the show. Please note that they all concern the second part, or reboot starting with the Ninth Doctor and going to the Thirteenth Doctor.
31 days of ficmas
One-shots » » A story a day makes everything better. I’ve taken up the doctorroseprompts Christmas challenge for all the December month and here’s my contribution. Featuring all the New Who Doctors. » Rated: T - English - General/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Published: 2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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31 days of Whumptober
One-shots » » A story a day makes everything better... Except when it's Whumptober. » Rated: M - English - Angst/Whump - Chapters: 31 - Published: 2018 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler; Thirteenth Doctor/Graham O'Brien/Yasmin Khan/Ryan Synclair] - Complete.
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Animal I have become
Three-shots » » It was a bad move and yet, she was willing to do it, to know the man behind the monster. » Rated: M - English/French - Angst/Drama/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2016 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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A Taste Of Christmas
Fiction » » After a very turbulent summer holiday in Broadchurch, the Metacrisis Ninth Doctor and Rose are trying to get used to an almost ordinary and human life while the cold season settles down... » Rated: T - English - General/Fluff/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Published: 2019 - [Metacrisis Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Finished.
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Chronicles of a better man
One-shots » » "We never forget our first Doctor." The TARDIS never forgot any of them and is still ready to go back on adventures with his many incarnations. » Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 39 - Published: 2015/2019 - [New Who Doctors/New Who Companions] - In progress.
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Chronicles of a better man
One-shots » » "On n'oublie jamais son premier Doctor." Le TARDIS, lui, n'en a oublié aucun et il est toujours prêt à repartir vers de nouvelles aventures avec ses différentes incarnations. » Rated: T - French - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Published: 2015/2017 - [New Who Doctors/New Who Companions] - Complete.
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Down To Earth
Fiction » » Instead of killing himself, he could rewrite his whole life and have a better one. He only had to use the Chameleon arch. And maybe finally be happy in a life where his past as killer wouldn’t weight so much on his shoulders. » Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Published: 2016 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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Ghost of you
Fiction » » When an unusual eclipse appeared on the world on the 21st of December and left a strange virus turning people into inoffensive zombies in its wake, all the most brilliant minds had to work on the possible cure before the whole humanity disappeared. Could they manage to create it or was the world destined to end on that day? » Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Published: 2017/2019 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler; Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness] - Complete.
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How would you feel
Fiction » » The Doctor thought everything was done when he had kissed Rose to remove all the power of the Time Vortex out of her. He was dead, and was gonna regenerate into a new man. The universe was safe again. He hadn’t expected that the new Doctor would throw Rose out of the TARDIS, nor that the Bad Wolf would remain into Rose’s mind… » Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Published: 2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Stopped.
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Our last winter
Fiction » » “This thought was what made him move from the bed. He sat on the edge and glanced at the alarm clock. A bit over nine. For someone who always got up around 5 in the morning, this was oversleeping.” » Rated: M - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 31 - Published: 2018 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
The Fallen
Fiction » » He had thought he had taken it all away with that kiss, but he was deadly wrong, and now, his new life was in danger. » Rated: M - English - Drama/Whump - Chapters: 12 - Published: 2019 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - In progress.
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The summertime of our lives
Fiction » » What if the Metacrisis Doctor was Nine instead of Ten? What would happen to him in an universe he doesn't fit in? How will Rose try to fix his angst? » Rated: M - English - General/Romance - Chapters: 6/6 - Published: 2019 - [Metacrisis Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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Waste the night
Fiction » » In nine hundred years of travels in time and space, the Doctor had never lived something as strange, as intriguing and as fantastic as the thing that happened a few hours ago. » Rated: M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 9 - Published: 2016/2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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Waste the night
Fiction » » En neuf cent ans de voyages à travers le temps et l'espace, le Docteur n'a jamais vécu quelque chose d'aussi étrange, d'aussi intriguant, et d'aussi fantastique que ce qui s'est passé il y a quelques heures. » Rated: M - French - Drama/Hirt/Comfort - Chapters: 9 - Published: 2016/2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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We don't wanna be like them
Three-shots » » It all started on December 24th, six years after she ran away from her abusive boyfriend. Rose Tyler lived in the streets with her little boy, and she ran into troubles. She hadn't expected that someone would show up and give her the help and gentleness she had so much needed in her life. » Rated: T - English - Drama/Hirt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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We don't wanna be like them
Two shots » » Tout a commencé un 24 décembre, six ans après qu'elle se soit enfuie loin de son petit-ami abusif. Rose Tyler vit dans la rue avec son petit garçon, et rencontra des problèmes. Elle ne s'était pas attendue à ce que quelqu'un se montre et lui donne l'aide et la gentillesse dont elle avait tant eu besoin dans sa vie. » Rated: M - French - Drama/Hirt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2017 - [Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler] - Complete.
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doctorroseprompts · 6 years
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31 Days of Ficmas is here!
Fanfic advent calendars have been around for years. The classic idea is to write a short story based on each prompt and post one a day. The hardcore writers challenge themselves to write the story on the day, instead of writing ahead.
We’ve provided you with a list of prompts, but we aren’t picky about how you use them. You can combine them, rearrange them, reuse prompts you really like, and skip ones you don’t. Our weekly prompts in December will be inspired by the words for that week, so maybe you’ll take the longer prompt instead of the single word. 
And we’re giving you the list now, so you are definitely free to write ahead. If you want to post a ficlet a day, but know December gets crazy, you have 18 days left in November to get writing.
UPDATE! Now that December is here, we’ve opened a collection on AO3 for this year’s fic: 31 Days of Ficmas 2017. It’s unmoderated, so you should be able to add your fic and see it in the collection automatically.
31 Days of Ficmas:
1. Hope
2. Skating
3. Hot chocolate
4. Ginger
5. Candy canes
6. Bells
7. Ring
8. Snowflake
9. Lights
10. Peace
11. Mistletoe
12. Candles
13. Snowball fight
14. Family
15. Santa and/or elves
16. Mittens
17. Joy
18. Tree
19. Holiday baking
20. Rosy cheeks
21. Holiday music
22. Shiver
23. Feast
24. Love
25. Presents
26. Fire
27. Ice
28. Sledding
29. Scarf
30. Cosy
31. New beginnings
Banner by @lastbluetardis--thank you!
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Sometimes, the best gift you can give is yourself.
Day 25 of 31 Days of Ficmas - Presents.  @doctorroseprompts
13xRose, TenTooxRose
This is based on a prompt from a nonny, and got a bit wordy (juuuuuust shy of 3k).  SPOILERS FOR TWICE UPON A CHRISTMAS.  You have been warned.  The prompt was:  13 x Rose - Presents - Clean - 13 visits Rose in Pete's World
@timepetalsprompts - Bingo - Piper, Mum!Billie, sapphic characters; characters, 13′s suspenders, Capaldi’s eyebrows (mentioned), every Doctor loving Rose.
Ficmas Masterlist 2017, Day 25
“Sarah!” Rose called desperately, dashing around the playground.  Two seconds she’d taken her eyes off her daughter to answer her mother’s text, and the little girl had gone and disappeared.
“Sarah!”  She spun desperately, panic clawing in her throat as she searched.
“Mummy!”  She heard her daughter exclaim happily, and she turned to see her walking towards her, eating chips and holding a woman’s hand.
“Sarah!”  Rose almost collapsed in relief, scooping up her daughter and clutching her tight.  “Don’t you know rule number one?”
The little girl merely shrugged in her arms, and Rose could already hear the Doctor complaining about them being two peas in a wandering-off pod.
“She’s alright, hadn’t gotten far,” the woman who’d found her spoke up, and Rose got her first proper look at her.
She startled slightly, surprised at how much the woman looked like, well, her.  Average height and lean but not a stick, with peroxide blonde hair and kind hazel eyes.  Rose could certainly understand if Sarah had confused the two – except for the woman’s outfit.
“Thank you,” Rose said gratefully, tearing her eyes away from the… unique combination to look her in the eyes.
“Of course,” she said reassuringly, and there was something about her that tickled Rose’s instincts.
“Hang on!” Rose blurted, looking down at her daughter who was happily munching the last of her chips. “Where’d the chips come from?”
“Ah, that was me.  I had already purchased them, but she gave me the look, you know?”  The woman said sheepishly as she grimaced slightly.
“Well, thank you,” Rose settled for, resolved to remind her daughter again about not accepting things from strangers.
“You’re welcome.”
The woman’s stare should have unnerved her, but there was something about her that Rose couldn’t quite put her finger on.
“Thank you!” Sarah chirped, licking the last of the vinegar from her fingers.
“You’re very welcome, Miss Tyler,” she stooped to be at eye level with the little girl.  “Now, hasn’t Daddy told you a thousand times ‘don’t wander off’?”
The combination of the words and that northern accent sent a spark zipping through Rose’s blood as she suddenly understood.
Her gasp must have clued in the woman, who straightened up to smile at Rose.
“Rose Tyler,” they said, and Rose’s breath hitched.
“Doctor,” she whispered in reply, and the Time Lord in front of her smiled wider.
“Not gonna make me prove it?”
Rose slowly shook her head, trying to take it in.  “What…”
“Mummy, Tony and Nana are here, can I go play?”  Sarah interrupted, and Rose set the girl on the ground without looking away from the Doctor.
Once they were alone, Rose gave a disbelieving laugh.  “I thought the walls were closed.”
“They are,” the Doctor shrugged.  “Except they’re not.  It’s complicated.  A lot’s happened.”
“How long-”
“Fifteen hundred years. Give or take.  I honestly don’t know anymore,” they shrugged again, stuffing their hands in their pockets.
“Wait, how’d you know it was me?”  The Doctor asked, blinking when Rose laughed.
“Well, the outfit, and ‘don’t wander off’, and the way you said my name, and… it’s you and me.  How could I not?”
“Are you happy?”  They asked abruptly.
“Course.  I’ve got you,” Rose replied simply.
“I mean in general,” the Doctor rolled their eyes at her.
“Yeah.  I’ve got you,” she repeated.  “Are you?”
Their lips twisted into a bitter smile.  “I haven’t got you.  Or anyone, really.”
“You’re on your own?” Rose’s disappointment cut through them like a hot knife.
“Yeah.  I was settled, if you can believe it, though restless.  Obviously.  I had a friend travelling with me – Bill.  But she’s… gone.  Everyone’s gone.  Again.”
“Oh, Doctor,” Rose sighed, stepping forward to wrap her arms around them.  The Doctor clung to her, desperately fighting the urge to take her hand and run back to the TARDIS and take her away again.
“I’m so tired,” they whispered, burying their face in her shoulder; it was the first time they were at the right height standing up to do so.
“Can you stay?”  Rose asked, and they tensed.  “Never mind, forget I asked.  Though you can, if you like.”
Rose merely held them tight, rubbing soothing circles into their back.  Finally she asked, “How many?”
“Companions or regenerations?”
“Both,” she shrugged. “Either.”
“This is the, uh, third body I think.  Brand new. As for companions – a couple.  No one full-time, though.  Not really.”
Rose nodded, before what she’d said earlier sank in.  “Did you say Bill?”
The Doctor blinked at her. “Yeah?”
“Like from that time I met the you with the impressive eyebrows in that bar in Bristol?”
The Time Lords eyes lit up, and a slow smile grew on their face.  “You remember that?”
“Mmhmm,” she batted her eyelashes.  “Pretty fit, that body was.”
The Doctor laughed. “Glad you thought so.  That was the previous me.  There was a fellow between – very young, not that different from sandshoes.  Floppy brown hair, awful fashion sense.”
“Which doesn’t apply to this you,” Rose said seriously, and they frowned.
“This is a spectacular outfit!”
“Course it is, the suspenders really make it, love,” Rose soothed, and they both paused at the endearment.
“Why are you here?”
The Doctor sighed heavily, finally pulling back from their hug.  “Can we sit?”  Once settled, they sighed again, taking Rose’s hand.  “I struggled with this regeneration,” they shared hesitantly. “It took meeting myself – my original self – to get me sorted.  That was a bit of a thing – but something that came up was the question of what makes one, them?  Is it memories?  If, say, some artificial being has all your memories – are they you?  Or are they just something with your memories?  And that made me think of the metacrisis, and you, and I just… I needed to know you were happy.”
“I am,” Rose promised softly.  “So happy. Even when the toaster settings change the telly station and the light switch starts the kettle and kicking the front door turns the oven on.”
“That coral I gave you…”
“Took a couple years,” Rose confirmed.  “But Donna’s advice was solid, and she’s been up and running for about three years now.”
“Good,” they relaxed marginally.  “I want you to be happy.”
“What about you?” Rose challenged.  “You don’t sound happy.”
“I’m so tired of losing,” they confessed on a whisper.  “Every time, I promise myself I won’t let them down, but ultimately I do.  Then I promise not to let anyone that close again, and I always do.  You’d think I’d learn.”
She hummed in sympathy. “I’m not gonna give you any awful platitudes, or try to spin that.  It sucks. But you’re strong, and I can guarantee that most if not all of your companions would, given the choice, pick you over the safe life any day.”
“Really?”  The Doctor asked skeptically.
Rose shrugged.  “I would.  Mickey would’ve.  Sarah Jane, I think.  Jack.”
“Yeah, but none of you died,” they said bitterly.  “Bill, she got converted to a cyberman by the Master.  And Clara, she became too much like me, and died for it as well.  The Ponds, well, let’s not go there.  You think any of them would say that?”
“Maybe,” Rose dismissed, “maybe not.  No way to know.  But they all – we all – chose to travel with you. We all accepted this life. Especially if they weren’t full time. Could say no at any point.”
The Doctor nodded slowly. “I suppose.”
“How long are you here for?” Rose asked abruptly.
“Twelve hours before I have to go back.  Why?”
“Come on,” she stood, extending her hand.  “Care to explore with me?”
“Rose…” they hedged, even as Kazran’s words echoed faintly in the back of their mind.  “All right.”
She beamed back, that wide, tongue-touched grin that set their hearts pounding like always. “Allons-y!”
They got about five steps towards the park exit before Rose stopped in her tracks.  “Wait!”  She spun, seeking Jackie only to find her mum already staring at her with a perplexed look on her face.  “I’ll be right back.”
Before the Doctor could respond, Rose dropped their hand and jogged over Jackie, talking quickly before calling a goodbye to her daughter and coming back to them.
“All good,” she said cheerfully as she pulled them out of the park and into the city.  “Where do you want to start?”
“-and I said, ‘I am younger!’” the Doctor shared, smiling as Rose almost fell over in laughter.  They were cuddled together on the Eye, ignoring the view of London in favor of each other.  They’d made an effort to keep it lighthearted, and spent their hours together telling stories; Rose had been able to greatly appreciate the Ponds’ suffering during the year of the Cubes, and had not provided the sympathy the Doctor’s obviously been hoping for in relating the tale.
“And what did you, the first you, say?”
“Nothing, we got distracted – shocker, I know.  But still!”
Rose just giggled, smiling fondly at them.  It had been as though no time had passed for either of them, though the Doctor did have to keep reminding themself that Rose was living with that them day in and day out.
“You know I’ve come to love my life, our life, but there are days when I miss that,” she murmured. “Being able to take off, no responsibilities or obligations.  I wouldn’t trade my kids, but to be able to throw myself headlong into the fun without worrying about coming home to them?  Those days were pretty great.”
“But you travel, you said,” the Doctor pointed out.
“Well, yeah, and we still go off and save planets and lead rebellions and do all the usual things, but those are carefully scheduled around meetings and conferences and Sarah’s bedtime and dance classes.  We’ve got roots.  And sometimes they’re wonderful things keeping us grounded, and other times, well, we haven’t changed that much.”
The Doctor sighed.  “I always knew there’d come a time when you’d rather settle down, lead a normal life.  Everyone does.”
Rose shook her head. “No.  Not like that, at least.  I still love the travelling, I’d do it more if we could.  But I like our life, and the roots.  Usually.  But a trip is as likely to be going to take Sarah for a history lesson as it is to find trouble.  It’s not the mortgage and carpets and doors that terrified you on Krop Tor, but it’s not spending all our time on the TARDIS in the vortex either.  It’s a balance.”
They nodded, just pulling her tighter to them.  “Still miss you.”
“Me too,” Rose promised, before jerking up.  “Hang on, how long ago was that for you?”
The Doctor made a face, encouraging Rose’s head back to their shoulder.  “Six months?”
“Blimey,” she breathed. “That was almost a decade ago.”
They shrugged.  “Time machine.  In the, what, ten seconds between when you said no and I came back it was about, oh, three months or so for me?”
“Mmhmm.  Couldn’t stop thinking about you, though.”
“Didn’t know that,” Rose murmured.
The Doctor let that pass, just enjoying the long-forgotten feel of Rose pressed against them.
“So, did you say something earlier about making friends with a Dalek?”
The Doctor couldn’t help it; they burst into laughter.
“Right, so, Clara was travelling with me at the time…”
“Thank you,” the Doctor said abruptly as they neared the TARDIS.
“For what?”
“Spending today with me. Being you.”  They shrugged, making Rose smile.
“I always like spending the day with you – any you.”  She bit her lip, glancing around before whispering, “Shame we couldn’t spend the night.”
The Doctor laughed, loudly, pulling her close.  “Probably not a good idea.”
“Cause we’re both known for doing the smart thing,” she scoffed, letting her arms wrap around their neck as theirs came around her waist.
“Rose Tyler,” they said fondly, and she gave them that smile.
“My Doctor.”
They brushed a strand of hair from her face, fingers lingering on her cheek.  “I still love you.”
“I still love you.  I promised you, remember?  Every you, no matter what you looked like, so long as you looked at me the same, still said my name that way you do.  Yes, I love the Doctor who’s here with me, of course I do.  And I still love you too.  You’re all the same man – er, person? – to me.  You’re all the Doctor.”
“So, you’re saying if we switched places you wouldn’t be bothered at all?”
“Well…” she drew out the word in consideration.  “I do have him rather well-trained to bring me tea in the morning, and put the seat down. But I’m not saying you can’t, you know, audition,” she teased.
They rolled their eyes, not bothering to hide a smile.  “If you insist.”
Cradling Rose’s face gently they brought their face to hers, pausing a moment for Rose to push back if she so chose.  When she didn’t, only puckering up, the Doctor pressed their mouth to hers.
A bomb could have gone off, and Rose would have never noticed.  She’d never kissed a woman before, but she had kissed the Doctor and it was still the same.  Different, softer lips, but the pressure and taste were the same as they’d always been, and she let out a slight moan as their tongues brushed.
A throat clearing behind them yanked them out of the moment, and Rose looked over their shoulder to see her husband leaning against the TARDIS, arms folded.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said dryly, “but the Cloister Bell’s been ringing for a solid minute now.” The unspoken so you should go was loud and clear, and the Doctor huffed.
“Fine, be selfish,” they complained.  “Not like you get her forever, or anything.  I can’t have five minutes?”
“Sorry,” he shrugged. “I don’t make the rules.”
The Doctor sighed, taking Rose’s hand and leading her to the ship.  “I spent the day not a week ago arguing with another previous self; I can’t put up with you as well.”
The Metacrisis Doctor raised his eyebrows at that revelation.  “You’ve been busy, then.”
They shrugged, inserting the key into the lock.  “Rose’ll tell you how I’ve been trying to keep out of trouble.”
“Ha!” she snorted.  “Is that what you call it?”
“Hey!  Trouble’s really been just the bits in between,” they insisted.  “At least lately.  Guess I’m back to the drawing board, again.  Ugh,” they grimaced at the thought.  “Scratch that.  Chalk board has got to go.  Time for a renovation, I suppose.”
“Can I see?”  Rose blurted, stepping forward.
“Uh…” they grimaced again, peeking inside.  “It’s pretty torn up.  It was a nasty regeneration.  I put it off too long.  Again.”
“For obvious reasons it was hard to let go of stupidhair over there.  I put it off, ran some errands.  Had to redo the whole console room.  I think it’s the same this time.”
“Still, please?”  Rose asked, ignoring her husband’s spluttering at the insult to his hair.
“Fine, but not inside. She misses you too, and I can’t promise she won’t try to kidnap you.  Wouldn’t be the first time.”
They stepped inside the door, holding it open for Rose to peek her head in.  Her Doctor, still muttering under his breath, leaned in over her head to see as well.
“I don’t like it,” he announced as he made a face.
“I don’t either,” Rose said seriously, and the Doctor’s face fell.  “I love it!” She beamed, and they lit up as well.
The Cloister Bell tolled once again, and they sighed sadly.
“That’s my cue, I think. No point in getting stuck here – the whole point of regenerating was to be around to save that universe.”
“Goodbye, love,” Rose stepped forward, pressing another kiss to their lips.  “Don’t be afraid to accept the happiness you find, and don’t regret it no matter how it ends.”
“Yes, dear,” they sighed, burning the image of her into their mind.  “Doctor.”
“Doctor,” he replied, sticking out his hand.
“Take care of her.  Treasure her.”  They shook hands.
“Course,” he replied easily. “We take care of each other.”
“Whenever you think you hate this life, just remember – it’s been fifteen hundred years for me since we said goodbye.”
The reminder sobered him, and he wrapped his arm around Rose’s shoulders, pulling her close.  “I’ve never hated it, and I’ve never forgotten.”
The sound of the engines firing up broke the Doctor’s trance as they tried to absorb the last view of Rose. “Have a brilliant life, yeah?  For me?”
“You too,” Rose ordered, smiling brightly.  “Do it for me.  And Bill, and Clara, and the Ponds.  And go visit your friends.  I bet Sarah’d like to see you.”
“Maybe I will,” they agreed, gaze darting back nervously towards the console, eyes widening at the way the rotor was beginning to churn.  “Goodbye, Rose.”
“Goodbye, Doctor,” she said, smiling as the doors slammed shut and the ship began to materialize. She was still smiling until the sound of the engines faded, at which point she burst into tears and buried her face in her husband’s shoulder.
“Shh, it’s all right,” he soothed, wrapping her in a hug.
“I love you,” she mumbled against his shoulder.
“I love you too.  With everything that I am,” he promised in return. He was slightly surprised to realize that he didn’t feel any regret or envy for the now-gone timeship.  He had a feeling that when Rose shared what stories she’d been told, he’d be more grateful than usual for the life he lived.
The other Doctor might have all the perks of being a Time Lord, but he had Rose and in the end, which was the better fate?
The look on that Doctor’s face as they left confirmed what he already knew.
There was no better fate than spending forever with Rose Tyler.
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ao3feed-tentooxrose · 6 years
A Brand New Start
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CM7aQP
by LadyPaigeC
The Doctor resolves to move his and Rose's relationship forward in the New Year.
Words: 736, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 31 of 31 Days of Ficmas 2017
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Pete Tyler (Pete's World)
Relationships: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: 31 Days of Ficmas, New Beginnings, New Year's Eve, Party, Relationship Resolutions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CM7aQP
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wendydarlingfics · 6 years
2017 writing update
So the year is winding to a close and I'm doing a final writing update. 2017 was a long year or well it felt long. Personal life wise I moved houses and suffered with depression for the first few months of the year that semi cleared up around summertime.
Writing wise I feel like I accomplished very little though I know that's not the case. I got a good chunk of Weightless written at the beginning of 2017. I also got a good bit of Hearts Will Bind You done too. Though both aren't done yet but I feel Hearts Will Bind You very well could be done by the end of 2018. Weightless on the other hand maybe not.
I also did two one-shot and minific series'. 31 Days of Tricks in October and 25 Days of Ficmas which I am posting now still.
I also worked on other things too but those seemed to be the ones I got the most done on to be honest.
For 2018 I hope to like I said finish Hearts Will Bind You. I'd like to finish Caged too since it's down to just four chapters left but I'm really struggling with that one though I'm in no way giving up on it or the series. It's just updates will happen when they happen.
I also hope to start posting Tempest In A Teacup my sequel to Nine Crimes. I got five chapters of it done during Nanowrimo. I also hope to continue with Hopeless Romantic a new story I started in November.
I'm also considering doing 31 Days of Tricks again next year as well as some form of a Christmas thing too but maybe go back to 12 Days like I did in 2016.
And on that note I am ending this to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
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Dear Father Christmas… Chapter 24: December 24, 2039
Characters:  Tentoo; Rose Tyler; Jackie Tyler; Pete Tyler; Tony Tyler; OC Hope Tyler-Noble; OC Charlotte Tyler-Noble; OC Wilfred Tyler-Noble; OC Therin Thomson; Javic Thane; Gray Thane; OC Tianza; the TARDIS; OC Abby Tyler-Milne; OC Trevor Tyler-Milne;
Rated: Teen
Tags: Family!Fic; Kid!Fic; Pete’s World; Letters to Santa; Christmas Fic; Family; Fluff; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Romance; Love; gun violence; violence resulting in death; life-threatening injury; life threatening situations; life threatening illness; original characters
Summary: When Rose Tyler was little, she always wrote a Christmas wish list to Father Christmas. As she grew older, the wish list became more of a letter to someone she could confide in once a year, but she fell out of the habit somewhere along the way. Now, as a new mum, celebrating her daughter’s first Christmas, Rose takes up writing her Christmas letter to Father Christmas once again.
Rose’s Christmas letters are excerpts from her life with her beloved Tentoo and their children in Pete’s World, written once a year, for each of 31 years.
Chapter Summary: Despite having so many reasons to celebrate throughout the past year, Rose can’t quite manage to feel as happy as she ought to.
Notes: So, any ideas for posting chapters of this story throughout the summer and fall went completely out the window… Nevertheless, with the Christmas season upon us, please enjoy another installment of Rose’s annual letter to Father Christmas. I am intending to complete this story this year. Only seven chapters to go after this one!
Thanks to @doctorroseprompts for their 31 Days of Ficmas, 2017 prompts. The one I’m using today is Ring.
My brilliant betas, @rose–nebula and mrsbertucci: are still putting up with me. They talk through things with me and provide me with endless inspiration. Thank-you, my luvs!
Also read at: AO3; FF.net; Teaspoon
December 24th, 2039
Dear Father Christmas,
We’ve had so many reasons to celebrate over the past year. I just wish I could feel as happy as I ought to. You know the saying, “the smile didn’t reach someone’s eyes”? Well that’s how I feel: like I should be thrilled and excited – and I’m almost there – but there’s this weight pressing down on me I can’t quite shake. I just feel so sad, not to mention, bloody guilty. Here it is, Christmas Eve, and we’re about to decorate the tree. After the year we’ve had, I should have that warm, fuzzy, Christmassy feeling. Instead, I feel like you’ve gone and left a lump of coal in the pit of my stomach. The Doctor keeps telling me not to be so hard on myself, that it wasn’t my fault. But it really was…
But enough of that! I’ll give you the good news first, yeah?
So, back in February, on Valentine’s Day, after four years of steady dating, Gray finally proposed to Hope. I was thrilled for them. I couldn’t ask for a better match for my little girl. They’re such a lovely pair; they work side by side, partners in every sense of the word – such a great team. He grounds her when she needs grounding and lifts her up and encourages her when her (well-hidden) insecurities kick in.
Mum was, of course, beside herself. It’s been a few years since she’s had a wedding to sink her teeth into. She (and Dad) have offered the mansion and grounds for the ceremony and reception, but much to her chagrin, the two lovebirds don’t seem to be in any rush to tie the knot. They’re perfectly happy, living in sin (Mum’s words! She should talk… all those years on the Estate, bringing home random blokes), and working on Lunar Base Sheppard for the time being.
The Doctor was another case entirely...
Hope and Gray had dropped by a few days after Valentine’s to announce their engagement. They’d taken a shuttle in, so they could surprise us. And as much as the Doctor loves a good surprise, this one threw him for a loop. He hadn’t taken their news well… at all. It didn’t help that Hope had started off her announcement with the infamous words, “So here’s the thing…” In his mind, nothing good ever comes of Hope starting a conversation with those words, and he immediately sprang into full-blown over-protective dad mode. The two of them got into one of their classic, explosive Father-daughter arguments, which mostly involved him trying to force his opinions down her throat, and her defending herself by returning the favour.
Gray (bless) tried to step in and mediate before I could warn him off. I knew from plenty of first-hand experience, it was best to just let the two idiots resolve things on their own. (They always did, in time, usually with their traditional mug of cocoa and loads of apologies.) But, live and learn, I suppose... The poor, innocent baby walked right into a row between the Oncoming Storm and Hurricane Hope, a super-storm in the making.
He came out of it in one piece, but decidedly shell-shocked. He’d overheard the Doctor, a man who he thought liked him, drag his name through the mud more than once. That, in and of itself, must have been devastating, but to top it off, despite what I said earlier about Gray being able to ground Hope, he’d learned the hard way, no amount of reasoning would settle her when she was locked in a battle of wills with her father.
If Charlie had been there, she would have clapped him on the shoulder and cheerfully welcomed him to the family. As it was, Mum took him under her wing, wrapping an arm around him and leading him to the kitchen, shooting daggers at the Doctor the whole way. “C’mon, sweetheart. Come help me make a cuppa, yeah. Heaven knows, I could use one, and I know you could, too.”
For the return trip to the lunar base the next day, I offered to take them in the TARDIS. Hope had dug in her heels, still furious with her father, especially for belittling Gray. (I was pissed with him too and had let him have it the previous night, in private, after the Perfect Storm had abated.) But Gray tugged Hope aside and kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. She settled right down, and he was able to persuade her to take me up on my offer. His calming influence over her had apparently returned.
I had considerably less success with the Doctor. He was the Oncoming Sulk, brooding away in his den. I eventually convinced him to come with us to see Hope off, but he’d lurked in the balcony of the console room the entire time. I’d been hoping he and Hope would make up before she and Gray disembarked, but this time, the hurt was running deep. I figured it would be a while before Hope could forgive her father for some of the things he’d said. Quite right, too. He’d been completely out of line, well beyond his normal “rude and not ginger”.
And he knew it.
The minute Hope and Gray left, he finally slunk out of the shadows. Guilt and remorse were rolling off him over our bond. He paced around the TARDIS console, fiddling with the switches and buttons, but not setting a course… just fidgeting. For the time being, the TARDIS stayed put on Lunar Base Sheppard.
“Penny for ‘em?” I was furious with him but consciously kept that emotion suppressed. I mean, I understood where he was coming from: Hope’s his first-born, his beloved daughter, and although he trusts and respects Gray (despite his earlier words), it’s difficult for him to think about letting her go. It was for me too.
“She’s too young.”
I had to roll my eyes. “She’s only a little younger than I was when you proposed to me.”
“Yeah, but you… were you…” He visibly sagged. “She hasn’t dated enough people.”
I’m afraid the tone of my response came out a bit sarcastic. That and I couldn’t help laughing at him. I mean, his comment was absurd, given how strict he had always been about her dating. “Oh, so now you want her to date more? I never thought I’d see the day.”
He gawked at me. “NO! No, no, no, no! Absolutely not! I just don’t want them rushing into anything.”
“And they’re not… They’re engaged. They haven’t even set a date. They want to wait. Doctor, she’s an adult. She has a good head on her shoulders, and she’s had plenty of experience with the universe. Besides, Gray is a good man.”
“I know, I know…” His conflicted emotions bombarded me, and his pacing and fidgeting intensified. He was muttering under his breath, and I caught Javic Thane’s name somewhere among the garbled bits of nonsense he was spewing out.
“What was that?”
“What?” He stopped to gape at me again.
“You mentioned Javic…”
“Did I?
“Interesting…” He ran his hands through his hair, hedging.
“Out with it!”
“Out with what?”
Santa, I just glared at him. Honestly, after all these years…
“Oh, all right. I just can’t imagine being related to Javic Thane – basically, Captain Jack Harkness, need I remind you – even if only by marriage.”
I stepped up to him and put my arms around his neck. “Doctor, Jack and Javic (both) have always been the best of friends to us, yeah. They already are family, even if one is locked away in another universe. And Gray is also part of our family. He loves Hope. Doctor…”
In seconds, my great Time Lump was babbling out a litany of apologies.
“Not really me you need to apologise to, is it?”
He shook his head, no. “I love you.”
“I know… I love you, too, ya big plonker.”
Within minutes he had prepared four mugs of cocoa: two with whipped cream and chocolate curls for him and Hope; one with marshmallows for me; and one with a peppermint stick for Gray. When he opened the TARDIS doors, Hope, with Gray in tow, was waiting on the other side. The two of them carried four steaming, chocolatey mugs of their own between them. None of us could help laughing.
Needless to say, heartfelt apologies were spoken, and everyone was back on good terms within minutes. I looked around at their happy faces, but the entire experience had reminded me of my own engagement… and I couldn’t stop the sadness from taking away from the celebratory mood. Luckily, only the Doctor noticed, and after Hope and Gray had returned home, he took me to Gallifrey, where he held me and comforted me all night long, and distracted me with stories and myths of the various constellations as we lay among the long fronds of red grass, gazing up at the stars.
But, before I go down that long, sad road, I promised I would give you the good news first, and there’s a bit more of that to be had. Santa, I’m an Auntie again! And little Abby is a big sister now. Trevor joined the family in May. He’s the cuddliest little bloke you could hope to meet. He got his two front teeth in, just in time for Christmas, and shows them off all the time with the biggest smiles in the universe. Tony and Noah are proud as punch, and Mum only keeps her hands off the poor little chap long enough to knit him his very first Christmas jumper.
It’s lovely having little ones around for the holidays again. I’d forgotten how special it was. As our children have grown up, the focus has gradually shifted; I hardly even noticed it happening. But this year, Abby is old enough to really enjoy Christmas, and understand a bit about what’s going on. It’s so exciting to experience the magic of the holidays through her innocent eyes.
And now for the bad news... Another event that should have been happy was our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, in September. A time for celebrating, right?
Wrong! All it did was open up wounds that had never really begun to heal in the first place. I don’t think they ever will. Like I said before, the Doctor doesn’t blame me, but I blame myself. Santa, the truth is I lost my wedding and engagement rings. They’re gone, and I have no idea where. I’ve been so upset over this. (Oh, God, I’m starting to cry again.) Those beautiful rings, irreplaceable, designed by the Doctor just for me, as a symbol of our commitment and love, gone! Gone because I’d been careless. The joke is, I never take them off… ever! But all I know is I must have taken them off sometime in early January because I haven’t seen them since. I just don’t remember doing it. We’ve looked everywhere… everywhere! Through the plumbing, under things, inside things, between things. Please, Santa, if you find them on your travels… please bring them home to me.
We decided to check the TARDIS, too, even though we knew the rings weren’t there. She would have told me immediately if I had left them behind. After all, she was instrumental in giving me my engagement ring in the first place, all those years ago. I remember it as clear as day. Now, if I could only remember why and where I took off my rings back in January this year…
Mum, of course, threw us a huge extravaganza of a party, I think as much to try to lift my spirits as to celebrate our anniversary. I hadn’t allowed her to throw me a fiftieth birthday party, back in the spring, so I had to give her this one. It was all a bit much, but it made her happy, and it was quite nice to meet up with friends, old and new.
On the actual day of our anniversary, the Doctor and I just wanted a quiet night to ourselves. With the guilt I was feeling (and had been feeling all year), I wasn’t up to much else. Luckily, it was a warm evening and we decided to head out to the treehouse with our supper and our sleeping bag, so we could spend the evening cuddling under the stars. We reminisced about the rings and how the Doctor and the baby TARDIS had contrived to surprise me with a marriage proposal on Christmas morning, nearly twenty-six years ago.
We had still been living in our little flat. Even now, looking back, I can’t believe how far we came in just that one year. I had been such a cow to him when he first arrived, and basically a year later he was proposing to me. That was a surprise too; I had no idea he was going to do anything like that. Not that I’d been averse to the idea, it’s just we’d agreed we were already bonded in the most meaningful and intimate way possible. And to be honest, we were really focussed on growing the baby TARDIS. She was such a tiny, little thing, not even a foot tall and just starting to develop her bioluminescent bulbs at the ends of her little branches.
I’d been worried the week before because she had developed a big lump on one of her branches, and her growth had slowed noticeably. But the lump had disappeared after a few days, and her growth had returned to normal. The strange bit was the Doctor hadn’t seemed at all worried throughout the entire incident. But that hadn’t stopped my imagination racing through all kinds of horrible scenarios, so potential marriage proposals were just about the last thing on my mind.
Anyway, Christmas morning, me and the Doctor exchanged gifts – I don’t even remember what I gave him – and he handed me the TARDIS with a big, festive bow wrapped around her main trunk. I was so confused, Santa, I can’t begin to tell you. Then the Doctor pointed to a spot on one of the TARDIS’ branches and told me to tickle her… just there. I didn’t take him seriously at first, but then the TARDIS chirped in my mind, encouraging me. What else could I do? I had to tickle her, yeah?
So, I did as I’d been asked, and I was treated to a serenade of TARDIS “giggles” (for lack of a better word) in my mind. The part of the branch I was tickling was swelling under my touch, and I realized it was the same spot I had seen the growth a few days earlier. I stopped, afraid I was harming our sweet baby. Oh, Santa, I was so worried!
“Go on, then,” the Doctor cajoled, “keep going. Tickle her. You aren’t hurting her, I promise.”
I remember biting my lip; I was incredibly unsure I was doing the right thing. But the Doctor was encouraging me, and the TARDIS seemed to be enjoying herself, so I tickled her more. Suddenly, a gorgeous ring popped out of the swelling, directly into my palm. I was dumbstruck, and I barely registered the Doctor dropping to one knee before me.
He took the ring from me and gestured for me to set the TARDIS down. “Rose Tyler…” His hands were shaking as he took my left hand and slid the ring onto my fourth finger.
“Doctor?” At the sound of my name, with no other words following it, I had been so irrationally afraid his image would fade before my eyes, the way it had done on Bad Wolf Bay, only a few years earlier.
I felt such relief when he broke his silence. “I… erm…” he stammered, “I had this speech written out, all ready to go… Blimey, I don’t remember half of it right now. I’m so thick. My stupid, thick–”
I cupped his cheek, stroking the stubble with my thumb, reassuring him. “Just say what you’re feeling, yeah.”
“Alright... I love you!” he blurted. “Blimey, Rose, I love you so much! And I know we’re already bonded telepathically, but I wanted to make it official the human way, too. If you’ll have me Rose, I promise… I promise you forever. I’ll love you forever.”
I felt so weak and happy with love for the ridiculous, lovely man kneeling before me. “I promise you forever, too… my Doctor.” I remember looking down at the ring, thinking I had never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. “You are asking me to marry you, right?”
“Yes! Oh, yes!”
“Then, yes, you plum.” I pulled him back to his feet. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I kissed him once for every “yes” I spoke. Then, we just held onto each other for the longest time. We were both in a state: tears mixed with laughter, and excitement and joy coursing back and forth over our bond.
Later when we were cuddled on the sofa eating a Christmas breakfast of banana pancakes, the Doctor told me how clever our little TARDIS had been: she had held onto the ring, allowing her coral to grow around it (that was the bump I’d seen.) She’d been trying to create a transcendental pocket within herself, and had been putting so much energy into it, her growth had slowed. She’d finally succeeded, creating her very first bigger-on-the-inside “space”.
I’d been fingering my ring. It was stunning. Such a beautiful thing. That’s when Doctor told me he’d designed the ring himself and confessed he’d meant to use all the elements he’d incorporated into the ring as parts of his proposal, but he’d gone uncharacteristically blank.  
The TARDIS-blue sapphire was nestled in a white-gold split shank, so the gem was flush with the top of the band, a practical but lovely setting, perfect for my often-physical work at Torchwood. The gold was woven into a filigree of infinity knots (“…a promise of forever…”) extending down each side of the ring, and accented with small diamonds (“…the stars I’ll take you to visit again someday…”)
It had been meant to be eternal, designed by this wonderful, ridiculous man as an affirmation of our unwavering love. And I had gone and lost it, along with the matching wedding band.
The memories of the baby TARDIS had made me smile, but thinking about the rings, I found myself bursting into tears again as we sat, snuggled in our treehouse.
“They’ll turn up, love,” the Doctor reassured me.
“You keep saying that.”
“Because they will. In fact, I’m so sure of it I made you these to go with them.” He handed me a little box, squeezing it into my hands. “Happy Anniversary, love. The adventure just keeps getting better every year.” He kissed my cheek. “Well, go on, open it!”
I was scared to. What if I lost whatever treasure was hidden inside. I finally opened the box and found two beautiful drop earrings that complemented the ring perfectly, each with a sapphire and a series of woven infinity knots, accented with tiny diamonds. “They’re beautiful,” I sobbed.
“Just like you. Here, let me help you put them on.”
“I’m scared I’ll lose them, too.”
“You won’t, love.”
He placed them in my ears and kissed my lips so tenderly I think I might have melted a little. I fidgeted with my bare finger. “I miss them so much.”
“I know… and I thought of that, too!” He waggled his eyebrows at me.
“You think you’re so impressive!”
“I am so impressive. I keep telling you.” With that, he handed me another little box, a ring box.
I popped it open. Inside was a simple gold band of infinity knots.
“I know it’s nothing compared to the missing ones,” he rushed out an explanation. “It isn’t even great quality gold. But it’s only meant to be a placeholder. I made it out of the chains of those BFF heart necklaces I gave you that very first Christmas… here, together. I thought that would make it a bit special. I put the pendants on the chain with your old TARDIS key for safekeeping.”
“More than a bit! It’s perfect. What a brilliant idea!”
He beamed. “Here, allow me.” He took my hand, the way he had more than twenty-five years ago, and slipped the ring over my fourth finger. “Rose Tyler…”
The weight felt good on my hand. It fit perfectly. “Yes, Doctor?”
“I love you… so much. I have one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you… if you want.”
“Oh, yes! Every single time: yes! Always and forever.”
And so, Santa, that’s my story for this year. The rings have never turned up. I don’t think they ever will, but the Doctor is ever the optimist about them. I know they are just things, material possessions, but they were so much more than that to me. Their cost wasn’t important; what mattered was the thought and love that went into them. The replacement ring is just as significant, in its own way, for just the same reasons.
But I suppose, just because I’ve lost the rings, it doesn’t in any way diminish the love that created them. That promise of forever is just as strong (if not stronger) today as it was twenty-five wonderful years ago. And now, after writing this letter, it’s given me a chance to think things through and really put things in perspective. I think my smile will finally be able to reach my eyes again tonight.
Oh, here comes the Doctor with all the boxes of ornaments. Time to sign off and get our tree decorated and ready in time for your annual visit.
Happy Christmas, Santa. Hope you and Mrs. Claus and all the reindeer receive those special gifts this year, made with love that will last forever, long after the gifts themselves are no more.
love, Rose
P.S.: Santa! You’ll never guess what happened. The rings turned up, buried in amongst the garland and tinsel. A little Christmas miracle! I remember now! When I was taking down the tree, last year, the needles kept getting stuck under my rings, and were really irritating. I took them off and put them on the tea table for safe keeping. I must have put the garland down there too and swept the lot into the box when I was packing it all away.
Naturally, the Doctor takes full credit for finding them (he pulled the garland from the box.) And now he’s doing his I-told-you-so dance.
He can gloat all he wants! I’m just happy to have those rings back home on my finger, where they belong. The lovely ring he gave me for our twenty-fifth, is on my right hand now, a promise ring of sorts, another symbol of our devotion to one another.
Happy Christmas again, Santa! Lots of love to everyone!
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timelordthirteen · 6 years
Baby It’s Cold Outside - Chapter 1
Mr. Gold/Belle, Explicit (overall)
Summary: Belle is Gold's housekeeper. One night there's a blizzard, and it's unsafe for her to go home. For the 31 Days of Ficmas prompt #12 - candles.
Notes: You know exactly where this is going. ;) From a prompt given to me by the amazing @rufeepeach almost exactly one year ago (I am the worst okay). I'm filling this through prompts in the 31 Days of Ficmas list. It will be multi-chapter and there will definitely be smut by the end. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M ABOUT.
All Belle could see through the window was white.
Two weeks until Christmas and Storybrooke already had sixteen inches of snow. More had started falling in the afternoon, light wispy flakes that were easily battered about by the breeze. They didn’t seem like much of a threat at the time, but what was falling outside now seemed like something else entirely. The flakes were large and hit the windows with a heavy, wet sound, like splashes of raindrops in a storm. The wind had picked up, whipping them at a odd angles, across the garden. She could hear it howling through the back patio and shivered.
She’d been working for Mr. Gold since March, when she’d taken over for his former housekeeper, Ms. Potts, whose arthritis was such that she just couldn’t keep up her duties anymore. At first Mr. Gold was hard to read, a bit gruff and even grumpy at times, with a sharp and a dry, sarcastic sort of humor. There were times she was almost afraid of him, and assumed she’d be fired within the first month.
One Tuesday afternoon, he was in the kitchen making tea and grousing about one of his tenants. He muttered a rather snide quip, and Belle couldn’t help herself. She snickered and he gave her the strangest look right before his face broke out in a wide smile. Her heart fluttered and she knew she was blushing, but then the water for the pasta boiled over on the stove and it was a mad dash to turn the flame down and grab a rag. She felt like a fool, but he insisted on helping to clean it up, and that it was his fault for distracting her at the wrong time.
After that seemingly small moment it was like a switch had been flipped. He was less rude, more friendly, and slowly, they warmed to each other. He was frequently in the kitchen when Belle arrived in the morning, ready with a fresh cup of coffee. After a few days she didn’t even need to add her own cream and sugar, it was already done perfectly. Occasionally, he would bring his papers into the kitchen while she prepared supper, and they would chat about the goings on of their small town, where they’d like to travel, or what books they were reading.
That was how Gold found out she’d originally been a librarian. Unfortunately there were very few such opportunities in this area. Sure, she could have gone to a bigger city, but she’d lived in Boston for a bit before moving to Storybrooke, and barely gotten by on a public library salary even with two roommates. Besides, her father lived here, and she thought it would be nice to be close to him since he was getting on in years, and a few months ago was confided to the care home run by the Sisters of Mercy.
Belle found him quite interesting and funny, his sharp humor meshing well with her brand of eye rolling sarcasm. As the months went on, she found the weekends held no real interest for her beyond a few hours of reading while she was waiting for her laundry to finish. By the end of the summer she could say with great certainty, and to odd stares from her friends, that she loved working for Mr. Gold.
And secretly, maybe she was a bit in love with him too.
Belle walked down the hall to the study, and stopped in the doorway. She watched for a moment as Gold scribbled a note in the margin of some papers, his lips pursing as he did so. It was something he did when he was intent on whatever he was reading or writing. Sometimes his lips would move a little as well, like they were almost saying the words he was thinking in his head. She bit her lip to hold back a smile, and then rapped her knuckles on the molding.
“Mr. Gold?” she called out as she stepped into the room.
“Miss French.” Gold looked up and then frowned. “I thought you’d gone home?”
She smiled. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything else before I left.”
He waved and hand, and pushed to his feet, using his cane to brace himself, and came around the side of the desk. “I’m sure I’ll be fine, thank you.”
“Alright then,” she replied, her fingers bunching the pleats of her skirt.
Gold smiled softly. Belle was the bright light in his otherwise dull existence. He’d been so uncertain when he hired her, but she had proven herself capable very quickly. Their slightly rocky start aside, which was entirely his fault for being grumpy, miserly old man too set in his ways, she slotted right into his household and his life like she was always meant to be there.
That was what terrified him.
Some time ago he’d determined that the odd feeling he got when she brushed past him, and the way his chest felt lighter when she smiled was because he was completely in love with her. It was just his luck that he would fall for someone so out of his reach, so young and smart and beautiful that there was no way she’d ever feel the same for him. He couldn’t possibly deserve her, not with the things he’d done.
“Dinner is in the oven,” she started, “the timer has about ten minutes left on it, and the mail is in the box on the side table.”
He shook his head, standing with both of his hands on the handle of his cane. “Thank you, Miss French. I’m sure -”
Suddenly, the room went dark and they both froze. Belle held her breath until a second later the backup generator kicked in, powering one of the lamps in the room.
“What the hell?” Gold made a face and crossed to the window behind his desk.
“The neighbors are out too,” she said, peeking through the curtains. “Maybe a power line iced up or someone hit a telephone pole?”
The snow seemed to be falling faster now, the flakes shrinking in size which allowed the wind to whip them about even more. After a long moment staring out the windows, Belle closed the curtains and turned around.
“I should get going,” she said. “The roads will be awful soon, and -”
Gold stepped back and tsked. “The roads were awful an hour ago, now their bloody treacherous.”
She bit her lip. “Oh, I’m sure they’re not -
“If you say they’re not that bad,” he interrupted, “I’ll have you committed.” She frowned, and he gave her a crooked smile. “I’m not making you go out in a blizzard, Miss French.”
Belle crossed her arms and shifted from one foot to the other. “You...want me to stay here then?”
His eyes went wide and he pressed his lips together. He’d been concerned for her safety that he hadn’t quite thought through the consequences, which was that he’d be spending possibly the entire evening snowed in with Belle French.
He swallowed. “If, uh, if - that’s alright? There’s plenty of food, and the generator will hold for a couple of hours. I’m sure the power won’t be out too long. Perhaps by then the snow will have let up.”
She smiled and nodded. “Alright then. Thank you, Mr. Gold.”
“It’s no matter,” he said, averting his eyes. If he gazed at her too long he might make a complete idiot of himself.
Secretly, Belle was glad he was so concerned for her safety, and she was more than happy to stay a little bit longer. The power company would probably have crews out shortly and it would be back on in an hour at most.
Gold tapped his cane on the rug. “I guess - uh, I’ll start a fire.”
“And I’ll go find some candles,” Belle said, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
She used the light from the screen to guide her down the dark hallway, returning a few minutes later with the two large candelabras from the dining room. One was set on his desk, the other on the table at the end of the leather sofa. Combined with the large candles on the mantle and the burgeoning fire, the room was soon lit with a warm, golden glow.
“The back of the house is freezing,” Belle said, rubbing her hands together.
“The generator will keep the heat going,” he said, proding the fire to urge the flames higher. “But I’m afraid this house is a drafty old thing, and I have the vents closed in some of the rooms.”
She frowned. “Why?”
“No reason to use them, I guess.” He shrugged. “You don’t need so much space when it’s just one person.”
“Oh,” she said absently, wandering over to the window to peer out at the snow. She knew he had a son from a couple of pictures on his desk, but he never talked about him and the pictures were clearly from a decade ago or more. She assumed something had happened between them that left them estranged. At least she hoped that’s what it was.
Gold glanced over his shoulder. “Not how you imagined spending your evening?”
Belle tilted her head and moved closer to the fire. “No, but aside from the lack of electricity and some modern conveniences, I can’t say I mind too much.”
He smiled at that and pushed to his feet. “I hope dinner isn’t ruined.”
She shook her head. “Not at all. It was practically done anyway and the oven’s still hot. I’m sure it’s fine.”
“The generator only runs the stove at the refrigerator, I’m afraid. We’ll need to take some candles with us.”
“A candlelit dinner?” she asked, feigning a heavy sigh and pressing the back of her hand to her forehead.
The corner of his mouth curved slightly. The prospect of an evening with Belle, even with minimal power and a blizzard outside, was enticing. He hoped the power would stay off as long as possible. “What a terrible fate.”
Belle laughed lightly, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of an intimate dinner with Mr. Gold. “Truly awful indeed.”
No, it might not be how she thought her evening would be, but if the weather forced her to spend more time with Mr. Gold, then let it snow.
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chocolatequeennk · 6 years
I bought a spruce scented candle today and now my room smells like a Christmas tree forest. Ready to write those holiday fics!!
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ao3feed-doctorxrose · 6 years
You Can Ring My Bell
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kbujDY
by blueboxesandtrafficcones (charminggilmoregirl)
James is offended when Rose tells Jack she's got 'nothing to complain about', when it comes to James' bedroom skills. He's determined to get a rave review.
A one-shot deleted scene set in my Written on Your Heart soulmates AU, far in the future. Not necessary to read for understanding.
Words: 2687, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of 31 Days of Ficmas 2017, Part 2 of Written on Your Heart
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Smut, Oral, That's it, Rose is a lucky girl
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2kbujDY
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doctorroseprompts · 6 years
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Rec list for the week of 12/3/17:
Wow!! So far, the 31 Days of Christmas has been a big hit. It’s been so much fun to read all the fic you’ve written this week, holiday/winter themed or otherwise. 
Also, I hadn’t planned to sort these out by author, but it made it easier, in the end, to make sure I had everything! Thank you everyone--we can’t wait to see what you write next week
31 Days of Ficmas
All I Want For Christmas is You, Naked ch 2 chapter 3 chapter 3 by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Nine x Rose, nsfw)
One Day at a Time by @rumple-belle (Tentoo x Rose, ginger)
Dear Father Christmas... December 24 2015 by @tenroseforeverandever (Tentoo x Rose, kid fic, holiday baking)
December 24 2016 (scarf) 
2017 (candy canes)
2018 (bells)
2019 (snowflake)
2020 (shiver)
2021 (family, heed the warnings!)
Tis the Season-Ginger by @hanluvr (Tentoo x Rose, kid fic)
Day 5-Candy Cane by @hanluvr (Nine x Rose)
Tis the Season-Ring by @hanluvr (Ten x Rose)
Tis the Season-Bells by @hanluvr (Ten x Rose)
Tis the Season-Snowflake by @hanluvr (Tentoo x Rose)
Tis the Season-Lights by @hanluvr (Twelve x Rose)
Tis the Season-Peace by @hanluvr​ (Tentoo x Rose, baby fic)
Tis the Season-Mistletoe by @hanluvr​ (Nine x Rose)
Christmas Joy 1/4 by @chocolatequeennk (Ten x Rose, snowball fight)
Day 4-Ginger by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
Day 5-Candy Canes by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
Day 6-Bells by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
Day 7-Ring by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
Day 8-Snowflake by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
Day 9-Lights by @goingtothetardis​ (Nine x Rose)
Day 10-Peace by @goingtothetardis (Nine x Rose)
The Whipped Cream on the Hot Chocolate by @lastbluetardis (Nine x Rose, Tentoo x Rose, ginger)
Christmas Photo by @lastbluetardis (Ten x Rose, baby fic, candy canes)
Sleigh Bells by @lastbluetardis (Ten x Rose)
Downpayment on Forever by @lastbluetardis (Ten x Rose, ring)
Fresh by @lastbluetardis (Ten x Rose, snowflake)
Light Show by @lastbluetardis​ (Ten x Rose)
Fear of Gnomes by @jeeno2 (Ten x Rose, holiday baking and Santa/elves)
Lesson Learned by @chocolatequeennk (Ten x Rose, holiday baking)
Home for the Holidays by @paigenotblank (Tentoo x Rose, baby fic, ginger)
The Sweet and the Bittersweet by @paigenotblank (Ten x Rose, slight Four x Rose, candy canes)
There With Bells On by @paigenotblank (Nine x Rose, nsfw)
The First of Many by @paigenotblank (Nine x Rose, snowflake)
Christmas Bells are Ringing by @paigenotblank (Ten x Rose, ring)
A Season of Surprises by @lizann5869 (Tentoo x Rose, pregnancy fic, family--using the prompt that Rose uses an advent calendar to tell the Doctor she’s pregnant)
Winter Wonderland by @lizann5869 (Tentoo x Rose, sledding, cosy, fire, and rosy cheeks)
Forever With You by @chocolatequeennk (Ten x Rose, ring)
Rude and no Ginger by @chocolatequeennk (Ten x Rose)
Sweet as Sugar by @perfectlyrose (Eleven x Rose, snowflake)
Right Number, Wrong Person by @perfectlyrose (Ten x Rose, ring)
Later On, We’ll Conspire by @perfectlyrose (Fem!Ten x Rose, ginger, alcohol cw)
Bringing Peace by @perfectlyrose (Fem!Nine x Rose)
Always Her Doctor 2/4 by @chocolatequeennk (Ten x Rose, ice)
The Incident by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, ginger)
Time Lord Technology and Hidden Depths by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, candy canes)
Wonderful by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, bells)
In This or Any Other Universe by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, ring)
Snowed In by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, snowflake)
Learning the Language by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall​ (Tentoo x Rose, Lights)
We’re Not Lost Anymore by @ialwayscomewhenyoucall (Tentoo x Rose, peace)
Ginger by @blueboxesandtrafficcones​ (Tentoo x Rose)
Candy Canes by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Tentoo x Rose, nsfw)
Bells by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Ten x Rose, nsfw)
With This Ring by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Ten x Rose)
Snowflake by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Eleven x Rose)
Light in the Dark by @blueboxesandtrafficcones​ (Twelve x Rose, nsfw, lights)
Peace by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Ten x Rose)
A Lot Like Christmas 1/2 by @chocolatequeennk​ (Ten x Rose, lights)
Twelve x Rose
Forever (Can Only Be in His Memories) by @asarahworld-writes (Twelve and dimension hopping Rose)
Other Prompts
After 2/2 by @starsandfairytales​ (Tentoo x Rose, amnesia prompt)
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