dailysmilingnatsume · 2 years
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nikolamga · 9 months
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Call Me Josh Chapter 2
Her dreams are strange. They include dreams of a sweet dark curly haired baby boy. He is beautiful inside and out. There is something beyond the natural cute sweetness of all babies, in him. From the moment he is born, he entices every person he meets.
She wakes feeling a peace like she has never felt before. It is, beyond any doubt, an answer on her prayers. This little boy she will have will bring his own peace that will help his own mom with her fears. She lays still for awhile, her hands on her lower abdomen. Does he already exist?, she wonders. Either way, he will.
Should she tell Joe? That was the question in her mind last night. She needs to. Never has she, in two years, kept anything from him. Not small things and not big things and this is the biggest thing ever.
She has classes this morning and will meet up with him for lunch. That won’t be enough time to discuss this but, she can set up a date to do it. A sense of relief comes over her at having made the decision. Whatever happens, she won’t be lying to him.
She sits in class, taking notes, answering and asking questions, just like any other day. Inside, her heart is jumping with both excitement and nerves. She wonders if her fellow classmates can tell something is different about her. Does it show on her face? No one says anything on her about it. Now Joe, she smiles as she thinks about him, Joe, he would know immediately something was up with her.
He greets her with a big smile. She returns it as she walks up to him. “How is my beautiful bride to be?”
“I am incredible Joe.” It is an honest answer. His grin widens. He takes her hands, rubbing his thumb over the ring he placed on her finger.
“That is wonderful.” They take seats across from each other in the restaurant. “Your classes are going well.”
“They are. How is work?”
“It is excellent. I got the contract. You can definitely have the wedding of your dreams.”
Her heart starts pounding again. Will there be a wedding? “I just want to marry the man I love. That is all I care about.”
“That you will.” His green eyes sparkle as he looks at her. From almost the moment he saw her, he knew she was the one he was meant to marry. Now, they are getting ready to plan their wedding. He has never been happier. “The woman I love will become my wife. We shall have a wonderful life.”
“I pray you are right.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” The waitress comes out and they order before she can answer.
“Life can throw curves, can’t they?”
He takes her hands again. “Yes, my heart, my Mary, it does. But as long as we face them together, we can handle anything.”
Something inside her, loosens. Maybe everything will be alright. “You mean it?”
“What is with you today?” He grins, “You aren’t having doubts, are you?”
“No baby, not ever. I love you. I am anxious to be your wife.”
“Good then?” He knows there is something else.
“Can we take a walk this evening? It is kind of complicated.”
“Absolutely, do I need to be worried?”
“No, maybe more amazed.” He turns his head.
“Amazed. I am intrigued.” Their food arrives and they thank their waitress.
“Can you hold on until this evening?” she asks him. Their food is ignored for a moment as they discuss it.
“Always. Come Mary, you know I will do anything for you.”
Hold on to that thought, she thinks. “Thank you.” They turn to their food. The sounds of the restaurant return. She had blocked them out for awhile. A typical college restaurant, it is filled with other students and professors, those who are cool enough to hang with their students.
They greet several they know. Joe remains popular with both students and professors. He is a kind man who treats everyone with respect, a hard worker who had been a conscientious student. He lives by the values his strict Jewish upbringing placed in him.
He takes her hand as they leave. It is the only affection they show in public and out. All else will wait until they are married. Their friends find their old fashioned morality either charming or crazy. They are just living the life that follows their raising.
He escorts her to right outside her next class. “I will see you this evening.” He says.
“Yes.” He squeezes her hand and heads back to work.
They meet outside her dorm house. They walk over to the park that boulders the campus. He takes her hand again and they start to stroll. “Mary I have been waiting. My intrigue hasn’t lessened.”
She nods and organizes her thoughts. “You have. It started when I was working on my literature report. The air around me turned strange, lighter. Then a man was standing there.” He stops her.
“What?” His brown hair ruffles in the wind as he stops them, turning her around to face him.
“Not really a man. I really believe he was an angel.”
“Listen okay?” He nods. Around them, the leaves are picked up and dance around them. “It was the way he appeared and disappeared, the way the light seem to come from him, the way his voice was like a bell. And, most important, his message.”
“His message?”
“Yeah,” Her eyes drop. “He told me I was to have a baby, a son. I am to name him Joshua. That he will be a special child, sent to save his people.”
“Mary I…”
“There is more. He won’t be our biological son. He will be called the son of God.”
Joe gets completely silent. He stands stock still. She waits, her heart in her throat. He breaths out. Then he leads them to a bench. Taking another deep breath, he starts to talk and then again. Finally, after a huge group of joggers pass them, he finds his voice. “You believe you were visited by an angel, an angel who told you that you were to have God’s son?”
“I know how improbable it sounds. I thought I must be dreaming. I even pinched myself. Joe, it really happened.”
He is shaking his head. “Mary, what do you expect me to do with this?”
“I don’t know. I debated telling you until I am actually pregnant.”
He jerks. “You believe you will be.”
“We trust messages from God, don’t we?”
“Of course, we do but that is when it is abstract. It is different when…” He shakes his head again. “Mary I am confused. I can’t just calmly accept this. Did you think I would?”
“Joe, what are you saying?’”
“That I need some time. A day or so to think this through. Okay?”
“Of course. You aren’t breaking up with me are you?”
“A few days, okay?” He stands and walks away. She is left sitting there, tears in her eyes.
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glittermariah · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rare MCM Viking Charcoal Epic Split Swung Vase Mid Century Art Smoke Glass.
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tippysattic · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG Tango made in USA flag silk print necktie.
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linengalaxy · 10 months
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wrongwarp · 1 year
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romulovieira2007 · 1 year
Louvores De Adoração - Espaço Música Gospel - As Melhores Musicas Gospel #1189, TOP HINOS GOSPEL
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evildykeserket · 2 years
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'wasnt nothing but a bunch of dust and rocks before you got here' i think thats actually accurate and not some joke because if they really are on alternia post-death then it would no doubt resemble earth post-death. actually was alternia even hit by meteors? or was it like. cause i know the vast glub killed all the trolls but was alternia itself even destroyed outside of the lusii dying before game starts?
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vox-anglosphere · 9 months
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King Richard I met with his knights here to launch the Third Crusade
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nikolamga · 1 year
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wonderful-prompts · 10 months
Prompt #1189
Gleaming silver caps were fitted to her fangs as though to flaunt each glimpse of danger behind her sweet smile.
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glittermariah · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG 1981 Effanbee Prince Charming Storybook Series 11” Doll W/ Box & Tag.
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novelistparty · 4 months
there is only one (1) good song on Taylor Swift's "1889" and that is the cover of Style by Emilie & Ogden because it has real confusion and ambivalence in it and isn't a power-anthem
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spindash · 5 months
i almist got mochi the other day i should have i keep regretting it so much can one of you send me MOCHI!!! OLEASE
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