longitud-de-onda · 4 years
Okay I would like to request one of everything because I love pretty much every one of those prompts but I'll restrain myself and request, from prompt list 1, number 30. "Why are you crying?" *drunk*"Cause I foun' out you're engaged!" "yeah! To you!" with Frankie because that sounds cute as HELL
character; frankie morales
prompt; "why are you crying?" *drunk*"cause i foun' out you're engaged!" "yeah! to you!"
warnings; drunkenness, also me not being sure if i can write a really stupidly drunk reader but we’re going with it anyway
“God, he’s so cute,” you moaned, staring off at the table with the guys. You had come as a large group but as soon as you arrived, all your friends dragged you away from Frankie and Pope and the rest of them, and you had quickly gotten incredibly drunk.
The girls all giggled at you moping about over your best friend. They all knew about your massive crush on him. They had sat with you during the college nights where you bawled your eyes out about his next girlfriend. And they were there to comfort you when he said goodbye and joined the military. 
“Too bad he’s engaged, Y/N,” one of them laughed. 
What? Frankie? Engaged? And you didn’t know? Could your night get any worse? You stared over at him, beautiful and laughing and, you noticed, with a shiny band around his ring finger. You laughed in despair. Of course Frankie would be the kind of romantic to wear an engagement ring along with his future wife. She was one lucky girl. 
The night went on in a blur around you as you settled into the fact that Frankie was no longer within reach. You had missed all the opportunities to tell him how you felt, and it was too late. 
The ladies all stood up to go dancing, but you didn’t feel like it, swatting off their feeble attempts to get you standing. Even if you weren’t on the verge of tears, you were probably too drunk to stand on your own two feet for more than a couple seconds. 
By the time they were gone you let yourself break down, alone at the table. It probably looked bad. But you didn’t care. All that you could think of as your vision fogged and you tried to sort through all the memories of Frankie, and how you had missed all the chances to tell him. And how the hell did you miss him getting engaged? You had to be the shittiest of friends on top of it all.
Someone slid into the seat next to you, and you wiped clear your eyes so you could focus on who it was. Frankie. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a hug.
“Hey, why are you crying?” he asked.
“Cause I foun’ out you’re engaged,” you said, your words marked by some ugly sobs. “And I never told you that I love you.”
Fuck. It was out. You had just dropped a bomb on someone who probably didn’t need to ever know it. But he was chuckling and pulling you into an even tighter embrace.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding. Your head was tucked underneath his chin and your tears were staining the fabric of his shirt. “I am engaged. To you.”
You pushed him back. “To me?”
How could he be engaged to you? You had only just told him you loved him.
“Y/N?” he said, pulling your left hand into his own. “See this? The ring? That’s the one I gave you.”
You stared down at the ring. You could hardly remember anything about your life, not even what your own bedroom looked like. The only thing that was running through your head that you were sad, and somehow engaged to your best friend and love of your life. And you couldn’t remember a damn second of it.
You looked up at him. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he smiled, “And I’m so damn happy that I did. Now you’re way too drunk right now, so I’m gonna get you some water and then we’re going to head home.”
“Yeah. We’re gonna go home, together. To our house?”
“Frankie,” you said, a smile finally making its way onto your face at the thought. “We have a house? Us?”
“We have a house,” he confirmed, nodding his head. 
“We have a house and I’m gonna get married to you?” you asked.
“Yes, you and I are going to get married,” he said. “And it’s going to be the happiest day of our lives.”
perm taglist; @turquiosenights @el-lizzie @sparrows-books @dxxkxx @opheliaelysia @trashbin2 @rzrcrst @arcadianempress @stevieharrrr @peterparkers-tingle @blushingwueen @coredrive @lokiaddicted @mserynlarsen @badassbaker @1-800-fandomtrashqueen @flower-petal-blooming @talesfromtheguild @eupphoriaaa @weirdowithnobeardo @gaybroadwayloser @randomness501 @adikaofmandalore @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @poesdxmerons @bountyguild @sinnamon-bunn @readsalot73 @gooddaykate @rage-isaquietthing @womanontheedgeofnothing @coffeencontemplation @hiscyarika @mrsparknuts @wickedfrsgrl
pedro taglist; @pascalisthepunkest @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @souls-rain @twomoonstwosuns @sophiasescape
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onehellofanaskblog · 4 years
OBERYN?! Oberyn you're the love of my life, sorry boys, I still love you and Ezra you were my favorite but now that Oberyn is here?! Listen. I love all of you deeply, but Oberyn really is the love of my life. Okay I already asked the others, but in the context of Lord of the Rings would you rather be an elf, a human, a dwarf, or a Hobbit? Oh and also will you marry me and can I come live in Dorne with you and Ellaria? Because I also love her.
“Perfectly understandable,” Ezra shrugs easily, clearly rather amused by the changing situation and the new additions to the chaos.
“Well, that’s a warm welcome if I’ve ever had one,” Oberyn first responds. “I think I’d like to be an elf. They seem rather attractive and graceful, don’t you think?” He takes a moment and laughs a little bit. “As for marriage, we will just have to see about that, but assuming even I can return to Dorne, you are certainly welcome to join me.”
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pikemoreno · 4 years
Hello my friend! I saw your Pedro ship post on another blog and I'm always looking for new friends, especially friends who understand how much I love Pedro! May I please request a ship? Also ya girl is annoyingly wordy so this will definitely take more than one ask 😂😂 and so I begin lol. I am really short, like 5'1", and I'm also a little chubby, mostly in the tummy, thigh, hip and boob areas lol. I have shoulder length pink hair and I love dying my hair different colors! 1/
2/ I'm a HUGE nerd! LotR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, Harry Potter pretty much everything! I love to read and I also love writing! I also really love singing! It's my favorite! Especially musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, The Secret Garden, lots of musicals! I sing all the time! I also have anxiety and depression, and I'm working on managing it better. I'm a hopeless romantic, but also very lonely because I've never actually dated anyone lol. I think that's everything though
Wait. Also I sent my Pedro ship thing several hours ago but I remembered that some people put their zodiac in there, but I know nothing about astrology other than I'm a taurus if that matters lol sorry I'm a disaster. I guess that's another thing, my ADHD ass forgets shit a lot. But it also makes me good at cross stitching and means I can sit for like 12 hours straight and do diamond painting. Gods I'm the worst sorry lmao
OMG I'M AN IDIOT. THIS IS MY 4TH ASK BECAUSE I CAN'T GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. I'm also a disaster bisexual mess. 😂
hfdyuh your asks made me giggle.
lol i also know nothing about astrology! is mercury in gatorade rn? no idea
ok so this was the first thing i thought of and it made me LAUGH because it would be utterly chaotic but also completely perfect. so i’m sticking with it & going with ezra. that man talks ALOT. no one has probably ever been able to keep up with him when he gets going. of course not a word is wasted, it’s all meaningful and has purpose, but good lord my dude, the abridged version pls. but you could 200% give him a run for his money. i believe you will NOT be outdone and i, for one, am a huge fan. there is quite possibly never silence between you two and it’s my favorite chaotic good thing in the world.
actually i lied, there would be the absolute sweetest moments of silence on quiet evenings. you’re both heavily involved in the books you’re reading, the only breaks of silence come in when there’s something one of you reads that you just have to share and it’s very very very sweet. i love it and i’m soft for it.
is your thirst for pedro pascal’s characters just too real?
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max--phillips · 4 years
That Max fic... Oh boy. Listen. I already had a vampire kink man, but somehow this was something I hadn't really thought about at length and then you gave me that fic?? After I woke up on my period and had a terrible night??? How did you know? Anyway I love all your stuff and I'm sorry I don't talk to you much cuz I think you're super cool
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Ok I think I accidentally triggered a bunch of y’all’s periods with this fic (or at least timed it really well) because you are not the only person who’s said they were on/started their period at some point close to when I posted this ???????????? So sorry about that I guess I hope that it’s short and light bc boy HOWDY they suck huh
& AAAAAA I’m flattered thank u thank u thank u ! Feel free to drop me a dm or whatever, I’m not the best at carrying on conversations but I’ll do my best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖
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princessbatears · 4 years
Thank you for existing, you are loved! Send this to ten people, who in your opinion deserves such a sweet message in their inbox. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t, but imagine the smiles.
You are amazing, I love you!!! 💗🥺
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ithappensoffstage · 5 years
I saw a Good Omens post with Marianas Trench lyrics and then I wanted to see how many other people knew them and I saw you and MT is MY favorite band and I ALSO have their lyrics tattooed on my skin and my best friend has a matching tattoo and OMG can we be best friends???
yes Yes YES which lyrics?? I love Marianas Trench; they were such an inspirational and formative part of my life and I literally cried my way through their concert last month.
This is my MTrench tattoo (that the band saw ‘cause I showed them in person) btw:
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mynerdylockscreens · 6 years
Hi! I just found your blog and I love it, and I had two suggestions, but on is kind of obscure. The first one is I was hoping you could do some aesthetic lockscreen for Frostback Basin in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The other one is some character/book aesthetics for Wheel of Time, specifically Perrin because he's my favorite. I know not a lot of people have read Wheel of Time, so if you can't that totally fine, I just thought I'd suggest it! Thank you!!
thanks for your suggestions! my research for wheel of time didn’t come up with much, so some frostback basin aesthetics will come out tomorrow ^^
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rae-gar-targaryen · 4 years
Okay I'm absolutely sure no one is talking about this, but I saw one ask about "teams" and like. Don't get me wrong I love every single one of them, but here's the thing. Geralt can have Yen and I will take Tris please? Shes gorgeous and also wonderful and I'm basing this entirely on the show because I haven't actually played the games or read the books, but still I'm in love with her
Oh, the "team" thing was just bc I've played the game and liked Geralt with Yen, and it's just how I tag those posts. But YES I LOVE SHOW!TRIS!!! She's amazing and gorgeous-- and would be lucky to have you.
As for me? If not Yen, my fav witch is Sabrina! A gorgeous, powerful archer? Sign me UP!
Sigh, I could talk about the Witcher for ages.
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pascalisthepunkest · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
ayyyyy 😭💕😭💕😭💕😭💕💕😭💕😭 thank you so much! ✨ right back at you lovely 💕💕💕
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Din developing a small dad bod during his time taking care of Baby Yoda & the reader embracing his softness
word count: 646
warnings: none, just hella fluff and Dad Bod Din
hope you enjoy! i had fun writing this, first time doing something more fluffy with Din (and not smut)
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The sun of the planet you’d found shelter on was setting. The final rays filtered through the leaves as the Mandalorian sat, propped up against a boulder watching the child. He’d laid out his cape—taking off his pauldrons along with it—for the child to sit on, but of course the little womp rat had decided instead to chase the bioluminescent insects that were just starting to appear. 
With a sigh, he leaned back against the outcropped stone, trying to relax after another long day. Retrieving the bounty had taken more effort than he expected and he was tired. You had insisted on staying on this planet for a little while longer—take some time to recuperate where there was no immediate threat. Mando didn’t want to admit you were right. 
“Alright, clean up is done,” you announced, rounding the rock before dropping to sit next to him. “I left a serving for you to eat later.” Scooting closer to Mando’s side, you lifted one of his arms from where it rested on his stomach and dipped your head to wrap it around your shoulders. 
“Thanks.” He adjusted the way he sat so his arm curled to comfortably hold you, bringing your warm body close to his side.
“I like when you take off those shoulder things,” you teased as your head came to rest on where his armor normally would be, “this is much more cozy. I like how soft you are under your beskar.”
Mando’s free hand shifted where it rested on his waist, fingers poking at his stomach. “I’ve gotten soft,” he mumbled, almost too quiet to hear through his helmet. “I’ve gotten weak.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, you are not weak,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at his admission. 
You could feel him going stiff before he spoke, “This last bounty—he shouldn’t have been able to get away at first like that, going up and over the building. I was able to cut him off and catch him but he was able to—”
Mando had never really talked about what happened while he was bounty hunting. It had always been something he went off and took care of himself, leaving you to mind the child until he came back hours or days later, captive in hand. You’d never really wondered or thought to pry, asking what he did while away—and he never freely offered that information.
“Mando,” you interrupted, pushing up to face him—his arm sliding from your shoulders so his palm rested on your waist as you moved. Reaching up you placed a hand flat on the side of his helmet, turning the dark visior towards you. “Listen, that’s not a bad thing.”
“But I—”
“Listen.” Your voice was more forceful, making sure he was paying attention before continuing. “It’s ok if you’re not as strong as you once were because you’re not a warrior anymore.” 
Your hand slid from his metal cheek and dropped to the unguarded cloth of his belly, landing just next to his. Mando’s fingers curled—retreating into his palm—pulling away from your touch.
“Warriors live for battle and they die in battle, but you know you can’t live like that anymore. You can’t die in battle because you now have someone that needs you to come back alive.” Mando’s eyes followed your line of sight as you turned your head to look back at the small green child who was oblivious to his surroundings as he hopped in circles, trying to catch the glowing bugs that seemed to dance around his head.
“You’re a father now, and you have the body to prove it,” you added with a laugh, grabbing his fist and giving a squeeze before wiggling your way back under his arm to cuddle again.
“I guess you have a point,” he mused, idly rubbing his thumb along your shoulder as he enjoyed watching the child play.
some music that heavily influenced this piece:
tagos: @whenimaunicorn @pascalisthepunkest @fat-zygerrian @cptnbvcks @no-droids @laketaj24 @tiyetiye @grungyblonde @rzrcrst @mrsparknuts @lokiaddicted @ivars-heathen @gentlyphotographing @theduchessofkirkcaldy @themandjalorian @fanfiction-trashpile @mando-deserves-hugs @constant-arts @flapjacques @inforapound @pedrolorians @spacegayofficial @rosetophighlander @1-800-fandomtrashqueen  @nolivingthingdroid @libellule2001 @readsalot73 @lizzabex @chelsfic @hopelikethesun @lannister-slings-and-arrows @themandadlorianbod
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
Oh. And, I also literally said "yes" out loud at that part when he says "do you think about me" and FUCK CAMILA I'M DEAD
I’M DEAD TOO, cause like, i responded to him out loud in my room cause it’s fucking pedro like THAT MAN DOES THINGS TO ME AND WILL BE MY UNDOING
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onehellofanaskblog · 4 years
OBERYN ELVES ARE MY FAVORITE!! And listen, the marriage will just be for show and also so my family will stop asking me when I'm gonna find a nice guy and settle down. I certainly will not stop you engaging in activities with other parties and if I can muster up enough courage I may even join you, especially if Ellaria is present. *winks badly* (for real though I'm so excited I love Oberyn and this is very fun)
Oberyn laughs again. “Darling, I find it hard to believe you are having any trouble finding someone to settle down with, but I’m sure something could be agreed upon.”
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pikemoreno · 4 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful. 💕💕💕
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i cannot!!
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tintinwrites · 4 years
bondage and discipline | Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader
Requests: “For the kink thing, could you please do some light bdsm with Poe!” - Anon “Hands tied!!!! With Poe! Like oh lordy that’s one of my biggest kinks and not even handcuffs wise it’s gotta be with rope or a belt or something like that, tight to where you can see the makes on the wrist! Oh boy, do I have it bad!! 😂😂” - Anon “So, I umm saw your follower celebration thing just now and I love Poe more than my own life, and my friend is DEFINITELY going to make fun of me for being "horny on main again" BUT I was wondering if maybe I could get a fic with like Dom Poe? Not like daddy stuff because that makes me uncomfortable but like maybe being tied up and like pet names?” @1-800-fandomtrashqueen​ “Omg please write something with poe spanking reader” - Anon “Could you write something with poe teasing and denying orgasms? Before finally letting you orgasm and then it’s so so good” - Anon “Hi! :) I hope it's not too late to send my request. I was wondering if you could write some dom!Poe x sub!reader involving hair pulling and/or spanking, they're like my biggest turn on asdfhfskdh. Thanks! 😄” - Anon “Poe has a bondage kink? Both tying up reader and being tied up??” - Anon
A/N: We’re all a bunch of submissive hoes and shoutout to the anon who suggested “greedy little kitten” and revealed a fantasy I never knew I had tHANKS
Rating: M
Warning: Smut. BDSM. Spanking. Hair-pulling. Reader is tied up. Orgasm denial. Pet names. Naughty words.
Word count: 1,620, apparently!!
Summary: The only time you’re not sassing Poe is when he’s dominating you.
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GIF credit: I have no idea, but it’s not mine.
"Don't fucking move."
Like you were going to move; you knew what you were doing, knew that Poe would be riled up if you made him chase you around the apartment instead of agreeing to fuck him the moment he asked you.
It would be really fun at first, laughing and screaming while you darted around furniture and Poe dove to grab onto you.
Then he'd corner you and his smile would fade into dark looks, and he would put you over his shoulder and carry you right into the bedroom.
He had you strip off the shirt — his shirt, he reminded — you were wearing and now you were bent over with your hands against the wall like he told you to do, your legs spread slightly while he was behind you silently for a long moment.
"What are the rules, baby girl?"
"Three smacks for every minute you chase me."
"And that was, like, maybe four minutes, which puts you at how many smacks?"
"Twelve—" You yelped as his hand hit your ass hard, doing your best not to jump since he told you not to move.
You could practically hear him grinning, "Whoops, sorry, I think I forgot to tell you that we'll be counting down from twelve to one."
If it were any other time, you might have bit back a very sarcastic you did, but when Poe was dominant like this, you were happy to be submissive.
His hand swatted your ass again and you gasped out the number eleven, aware that if you didn't count, his hits could be much harder.
Fuck, you loved when you had to wiggle in your seat as a reminder of where his hands had hit, and you decided that maybe you could disobey him a little bit.
When he spanked you and you didn't say the next number, he gripped your reddening ass tightly. "You're already being punished for running away, and I can definitely come up with a punishment that's less fun."
You said the next number loudly for fear of him drawing out your orgasm.
Your face was pressed hard into the wall by the time you were moaning out 'four', your ass burning and his smacks most definitely not softening.
Poe straightened you out into the position he'd told you to stay in, then delivered another slap.
And you counted every single smack, until he delivered the hardest and most stinging slap of all and the number one was practically screamed.
You did glare at him out of the corner of your eye for that one and he smiled.
"Get on the bed." When you simply panted against the wall, his hand came to squeeze your hip in a silent way of asking if it was too much.
Of course it wasn't, but your ass wasn't letting you move for a minute while the pain faded.
When he saw you nod slightly, he leaned down to whisper in your ear, "Get on the fucking bed right now, baby girl, or I might edge you for an hour."
You moaned like a damn whore, walking to the bed and whimpering slightly when the mattress dug into your ass. He was unbuckling his belt with a jingle, pulling it out of his belt loops.
He didn't say anything right away, walking over to you and fisting your hair to yank your head back, making you look up at him with your chin pressed to his chest.
"Are you going to be good and put your wrists up to the headboard, or do I have to put your hands behind your back?"
"Be good." You practically scrambled when he released you, laying on the bed and moving your hands to the headboard.
He looped the belt around your wrists and he attached it to the headboard, tight enough that you'd probably have marks for a while.
He moved to the foot of the bed to stare at you hungrily while he undressed. "Look at you, doll, your thighs are wet. You like when I punish you, when I make your pretty ass hurt?"
"Yes, sir." You pulled the belt taut as your hips lifted up, relieving your ass and inviting him to come between your legs.
"Down. Now." His voice was serious and you flopped against the bed almost petulantly, hissing at the mattress bumping against your ass.
His cock was obviously hard when he moved onto the bed next to you, and it would have been quite simple and very welcome if he immediately shoved into you, but that would've made the game rather short.
"You took that punishment mostly like a champ. Should I reward you?"
"Yes, please!"
"Oh, kitten, you're eager."
"I am." Why deny it when you were growing wetter from the names he called you alone?
Poe always called you little names; honey, sweetheart, baby, love were said at least a hundred times again outside of the bedroom, and the names were constant and filthier while in the bedroom.
"Be specific. What do you want?"
"Touch me."
"Oh, okay." The teasing glint in his eye made sense when he ran his fingers over your arm, your collarbone, your breasts, your side.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"You asked me to touch you."
"Not what I meant."
"Then you should listen to what I tell you to do and be specific."
"I want you to touch my pussy. I want your fucking gorgeous fingers inside my cunt and playing with my clit."
He kissed you, his hand trailing down until it found between your legs and gently squeezed your clit.
You bucked your hips; he stopped and pushed them against the bed. "If you're all impatient, I don't play with your pussy."
Keeping still was an interesting challenge when his fingers rubbing over your swollen clit was this amazing, and you could hear him laughing and your brow furrowed slightly as you quietly asked him what could possibly be funny.
His lips moved along your jawline. "It's funny that I called it your pussy when it's my pussy."
Poe was such a respectful guy that hearing him take ownership of part of your body made you moan deep, nails digging hard into your palms and arms pulling the belt.
He nipped at you, pressing his nose to yours when your pleased gaze met his.
"Say it."
"It's yours."
"What's mine? Maybe if you actually told me..."
"My pussy is yours."
"Your pussy?"
"No, fuck, your pussy."
"What am I touching right now?"
"Your pussy."
His finger flicked over the perfect spot and your walls fluttered in preparation for a mind-blowing orgasm, and then the glorious feeling jerked away as his hand did.
You made a noise of disapproval, not able to find the words to express.
"You've been a little sassy today."
"No, please."
He absentmindedly let his fingertip brush against your clit slightly, a few more times, always pulling away and not letting you have enough friction to actually come.
When you pressed your legs together for that beautiful friction, he tsked. "I don't think I have to tell you that's not allowed."
You wished he would spread your legs and be sure you wouldn't pleasure yourself, but he would rather have you use your own willpower to not do it.
The tingling was fading and you whined softly.
"Please, sir."
"You shouldn't really come until you're on my cock and I can feel how much you love me."
Moving between your legs, his fingers that were wet from you came up to your lips, pushing into your mouth as you immediately started sucking on them.
He rocked against you.
"Aren't you a greedy little kitten?"
You moaned loudly around his fingers, blinking up at him when he pulled them away and yanked your hair back to suck a spot on your neck.
Then he was shoving into you and fucking you hard immediately, and you were disappointed to find that your orgasm would need building back up again.
His fast pace was more than lovely, though, and coming would be more than easy.
He was even angling to hit the correct spot inside of you.
"Don't come until I say you can." Of course, he had to make it more difficult.
"How am I supposed to do that?"
"Don't come."
You hated and loved that teasing tone, and you were pretty angry that he started rubbing your clit as well as thrusting perfectly, your orgasm building quickly.
You were teetering on the edge.
"Please, sir."
"Not yet."
"Please let me come."
"Not. Yet."
He grunted and moaned in pursuit of his own release, pressing his face into your breasts lovingly even when he was dominating you.
You always knew when he was close; his moans would turn to whines and his thrusts would be a little sloppy, desperate.
It was a lot of power he held over you that had you coming apart with one word, clenching around him hard enough that you thought you may never let him go.
He came with you, burying himself as deep as he could and moaning sweeter pet names.
Honey, mumbled lowly into your right breast.
He stilled and neither of you said anything for quite a few moments, gasping hard for air.
A lazy hand crawled up to expertly release you from the belt without looking and you barely paid attention to the indents in your wrists as you dropped your hands into his hair.
His arm dropped next to you, his eyes meeting yours.
"You're okay?"
"More than. Your pussy is satisfied."
He laughed, kissing you and moving to pull you into his arms. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
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caitlincat-95 · 4 years
Pocket Pedro in his little flower shirt fanboying over The Mandalorian toys. 💕 He's so precious! 😍
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@lannister-slings-and-arrows @the-real-xhorse @1-800-fandomtrashqueen @little-ms-fandom @arcadianempress @ithinkwehitametaphor @just-add-butter
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in future Pocket Pedro drawings! 💕
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Post 10 of your favorite movies using only gifs!
Tagged by @1-800-fandomtrashqueen
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God I can’t believe I can only choose ten lol
Tagging: @stevieharrrr @pajamasecrets @youmeanmybrain @tarrevizslas @rzrcrst @spacegayofficial @pascalispretty @keeper0fthestars @themandadlorianbod @that-phat-chic
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