simply-eno · 5 months
Rest Me There
Lay my bones in the belly of the mountain,
Beneath the peak and beneath the roots of the wildflowers,
Lay my flesh under their greedy, hungry hands and let me rest.
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1dalmatianeveryday · 9 months
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lil kinz | 9.14.23
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jokeanddaggerdept · 7 months
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mrsandman42069 · 3 months
i was watching a video essay and the guy brought up the oedipus complex as a valid argument and i stopped watching the video, and i just realised, that was the first time in my life i actually thought "this is bullshit i'm gonna stop believing this person" which makes me worried about the past several years of internet browsing that ocurred without that happening even once
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decemberthe7th · 5 months
Those tees I borrowed, you’ll never get ‘em back, goodbye
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richardmurrayhumblr · 5 months
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Title: to a rorstll story titled Bird Gone Bust Artist: shawn alleyne https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=2556&type=status
#rmaalbc #artist #shawn  
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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Smoke In the Night.
Inhale the light of the flickering street lamp;
Coals burning illuminate deep in black lungs, Cancerous to want weeze in the sweet smoke, Yet exhale: luminous factors hidden in the cells, Perfusion going horribly wrong in hopeless night, Poison coursing in the veins of a vile creature, Intoxicated with a drunkard’s whiskey thoughts. 
Respire to aspire taking away the life of the sky; Moonless, starless, frankly fucking bleak: inspire!
Taken into the gullet of the unforgiving beast. 
We are shaken into submission in fading light; A desire to shine in a moment of weakness, Breathe in now, contract this disease of life, Enter into the capillaries of grotesque arteries, Ischemia, and we hypo-ventilate in the smoke,
Sigh in the shadows of the battered, cold mind,
Run from the monster snaking its way to you, Tendrils of acrid fumes filtering into dead lungs:
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. 
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simply-eno · 7 months
I caught you looking through me once again,
Your eyes drifting past the silver edge of my prison,
Bars like none other, made of glass not steel,
You cannot trace my skin with your hand I long to feel.
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1dalmatianeveryday · 9 months
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kind eyes | 9.1.23
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the-original-b · 2 years
The Fell King
The Warrior led his men to battle, sand soaked in the blood of those who came before gods and men from the world’s furthest corners gathered here, to witness the end of the Long War. And, like a thunderbolt, descended the steel, when the fight was finally won the victor, alone, rose to his feet, his back toward the setting sun "Worthy opponent," said he before bringing his blade to rest, "'twas nobly fought. Of all who faced me and failed, thou’rt the best." Returned, he did, a hero--welcomed home by his kin the feast was had in his honor, same as the tales told of his win. with argentine crown placed upon his head, he declared himself blessed by the gods, to act in their stead. All embraced his rule as the Young King swore no oath to the nobles who came before; the scorned cancerous growth who held the people's ire--he fastened their shackle clasps and declared his dynasty would last forever, that his reach would exceed his grasp. For fifty years his domain expanded, stretching far beyond the sea and skies "My riches shall be thine own," he swore, promises made, only lies For fifty years his soldiers killed and died by order of the Throne victory after hollow victory for the glory of a crown that was not their own. For two score and ten years the now-old King sired no heir he laid his seed in land-turned-barren; the gods, it seemed, cast their favor elsewhere. The due collapse was swift, righteous, when his men finally turned their swords and spears toward the crown, the Old King's orders spurned. The Fell King spent his final days in squalor, before returning to the Earth again; writ upon his meager grave: Felled by Ambition, Scourge of Gods and Men
>>>>July 13th 2022 B. M. Lubin, the Original B
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reloaderror · 2 years
writing a dissertation on comedy. a teeheesis if you will.
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cafffine · 5 months
my prof just explained on the syllabus that he’s included more points in the class than we needed to pass, so we could skip up like?? 20 small assignments/quizzes/participation!! and still get a very high grade!!
the idea was that we could focus on assignments that played to our strengths - only do the participation stuff if we like to talk out loud - only do the quizzes/readings if we want to do the class remotely - only do online discussions if we like to talk and share opinions but struggle with anxiety in class ect.
and that’s cool enough but then he pulled up DnD character sheets with drawings he’d done of these hypothetical student player classes and how our various accessibility needs could be gamified to ‘max out’ different aspects of the class to get high grades and like!!!!!
hell yeah!!!! let’s treat accessibility in higher education not just as a necessity but as the fun, engaging, and creative aspect of learning that it is!!! I love this!!
EDIT: For proper credit or further questions about his system please find my professor on twitter @/kurtishanlon
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getrope1 · 3 months
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You cant make this shit up
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sparebutton · 1 year
(Across the Spider-Verse spoiler)
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evkso · 11 months
wait wtf is cream soda
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