#(yes it was MY poll and i was only asking you to choose from a handful of characters who i love very much and it was pretty mixed results
lokiiied · 8 months
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the pie chart version™️
this is so funny to me because it is not what i would have expected but at the same time i feel like it’s an authentic perception of me bc its tumblr so all you know of me is weird niche lore and my special interests and ig my general vibe/style of writing lol. thank you for participating.
#to me: i am izzy sun, ed moon, frenchie/roach rising lol
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vendetta-if · 7 months
Chapter 6 Part 3 + Major System Public Update! 🎉
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Hello everyone! 👋 It's finally time for the public update! 😁 This update brings in 24K of new words, bringing Chapter 6 wordcount in total to 89.4K words and the total demo wordcount to 325.3K words! This update brings Chapter 6 to a neat close, which is important because to me, Chapter 6 is like the end of the first arc of the book. 
Not only that, but I have also added a few major coding functions with this update, namely, a skip chapter function, and an autosave and reload function. I'm aware that my demo is getting longer, so I assume a skip chapter function might  be a welcome addition. 
It took me a long time to plan and figure out how to implement these systems, but in the end, after a lot of personal testing, I have finally managed to make them work.
WARNING: It's highly advised that you either play from the beginning with clean saves (or try out the new skip chapter function). I messed with some of the old variables as well, including Santana's and Skylar's default relationship values. Do not reload the saves to avoid potential future errors.
What's to expect from the new update:
Dropping Rin off to their apartment (and maybe, if you've been a good boy/girl, you can get a little smooch 😘)
Have an angsty talk with Uncle Luka 😥
But don't worry, there are potential wholesome moments too (if you choose them, of course 😉)
Another POV of the killer 😈 To see more on how they think and what they know so far.
Brand new skip chapter function! (Currently only for Chapter 6)
An autosave and reload function! (Currently only for Chapter 6)
Plus some new little stuff added in previous chapters.
New stuff added to previous chapters:
Chapter 2: Add proper introduction scene with Ivan and Boris, the twin bodyguards, highlighting their different personalities and their relationship with MC and Ash. They have changed quite a lot and become more fleshed out compared to the first time I wrote them.
Chapter 4: For MCs who said yes to Yvette when she asked them whether they are interested in becoming a Superhero, you now have the option to accept her guidance and reconnect with her or reject her guidance but still have a choice whether to reconnect with her or not. This is in contrast to how those who said yes was forced to reconnect with her.
Chapter 6: Meddle, fix, and add some background variables. Another reason to play from the beginning and to not load old saves.
Also, I have a side story just released on both Patreon and Ko-Fi and a spicy one coming really soon! I'm also still opening ideas/suggestions for this month's side stories until November 11th and then after that, we'll have our polls! So if you're also interested in supporting me while also getting these exclusive contents, please do consider becoming a member! 💖🥰
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panlight · 7 months
Follow up to yesterday's poll.
You've been in a terrible accident! You're minutes from death but still conscious! A Friendly Neighborhood Vampire appears on the scene and ASKS if you'd like to be turned to save your life.
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kelppsstuff · 4 months
I was just wondering if it’d be possible for you to do like a pick your ending for the Adam cheating fic?
Seriously, your poll hurt me to choose between them.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | ALT ENDING
Warnings: mentions of cheating!
Taglist: @dustsofangels @leathesimp @michelleszn @pinkiee @strangerthings36 @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @dak-ots @adamsfavoritesinner
Okay so yes I can and shall be doing this! I’ll have an alt ending of Lucifer getting the girl. I’m doing and “ALT” instead of choose your own cause Adam did win the poll! However I hope you enjoy! 💛 THIS IS ADAMS ENDING!
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Court went absolutely terrible. Adam had basically trashed the whole idea. Adam also had a huge influence on the court.
I felt truly sorry for Charlie, and Emily. I had thought Sera told Emily, but apparently not. Let’s just say, the whole session could have gone better.
“I’m so sorry Charlie.” We were back in the heaven hotel. We had a few more hours before we had to leave. “It’s okay, not your fault.” Her smile was shaky. “Do you think I could have some time alone?” I smiled gently at her. “Of course darling, get some rest.” I closed the door and looked up to see Lucifer. He looked conflicted, confused, and concerned. The three C’s.
“I knew I shouldn’t have set up this meeting. They crushed her!” We walked back into our own hotel room. “She’s a strong girl Luce. She’ll be okay. I promise.” And she will be. Eventually.
Lucifer smiled at me, but the it faltered. The conflict-ion coming back into his face.
“I saw Lilith.” I nodded my head and gestured for him to continue. “I-I don’t know anymore. I like you.” He sat down on the bed putting his face in his hands. “Like really really like you.” I sat on the floor in front of him. Moving his hands away to look at his crimson eyes. “I like you too.”
His eyes squeeze shut almost as if his next words hurt him to say. “But I made a vow. That no matter what she and I would always have one another.” Even if those words did hurt him, I was positive it hurt me more.
“Your going back to her.” A tear fell down my face. Lucifer opened his eyes again and brushed the said tear aside with his smooth hand.
“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t keep my word to her? What kind of example would I be telling my daughter?” My heart was hurting.m but I understood even if it did hurt.
“Do you love her.” My voice breaking. I never even met her and yet it felt like she took away all the ones I loved. “Yes.” Fuck.
“Do you love me?” Another tear fell. This time instead of his hand brushing it away it was his lips.
“Yes.” He whispered just above my cheek, his breath fanning over my skin. Fucking Christ.
“I’ll love you.” I said, my words full of truth. Even if we hadn’t known each other for a long time.
“I’ll always long for you, but I’ll always miss my wife.” He looked so tired, so torn, so broken.
I brought his lips to mine, my lipstick once again staining his lips. “I love you. So I’ll let you go.” Perhaps in another universe. Perhaps another timeline. We would have been together.
“Thank you.”
“Being you. I couldn’t ask nor want anymore fro you. Your fill me full with content like no other.”
His words done it’s job, it had comforted me.
Lilith went back to hell with Lucifer and me and him would share conversations, but we drew a line we never crossed.
Over time Adam started to show up a lot more around me. I had also made him call off the extermination. He always was asking for me to come home every time. This most recently time had finally worked out in his favor.
“I miss you.” Adam said looking up at my roof in the hotel. “I’m sure you do.” He had only said it a million times. He got up and turned my body away from the window, making me look at him.
“Every breath I take without you is filled with poison. Every drink I sip burns my throat as if it’s lava. You food I eat I feel like chocking to death.” Be brushed my forehead with his own. “I have tasted the most delicious divine fruit of all in a place that was paradise, but even that felt like hell because I didn’t have you.” I went to speak but he pushed a finger to my lips, dishing me. “I never asked for Lilith. Or Eve. And yet both left me. I never felt good enough, not once because of it. That’s why I did that horrid thing. But I was too good for them. The only thing I’m not good enough for is your love, and your being.”
“If I forgive you, you’d do it again.” I tried to explain but he shook his head as if my words were ludicrous. “That’s we’re your wrong, I shall worship the air you breath, devote my entire existence to you and only you. And if I have to rip my heart on and give it to you on a silver platter then so be it, because I love you more than any apple, and garden, and heaven, hell, world. I love you more than anything ever even thought of.”
Tears fell down from my eyes. “One more chance, that’s it.”
You didn’t fully trust him but over the years he did as he said and devoted himself to you and only you.
Adam knew you deserved a better man than him, so he became one.
AHHHHH DONE! I’m going to do an ALT ENDING! So if you wanted Lucifer it will be out shortly I promise. Also sorry if this was short.
I’m trying to upload at least three things on my upload days! So others should be out today as well so check it out if you’d like!
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cambion-companion · 6 months
Frozen Contract
I had to deliver on the poll I recently made. This is a drabble, being forced to share body heat with a cambion as you're stranded in a frozen wasteland.
"You have the freedom to choose the only option you have left."
Raphael x reader | drabble
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You curled in on yourself, the coldness of hard-packed snow beneath you seeping through your thin bedroll straight to your bones.
Your shivering was becoming so violent you could just about feel your brain rattling within your skull.
“Dear, dear, you are in quite a state.”  Raphael sat quite unbothered upon his own pristine bedroll, golden eyes of licking flame as they watched you. “A frozen mouse quite fit for a snake’s meal.”
“Do you ever get tired of your metaphors?”  You could barely speak through the chatter of your teeth.
Raphael tilted his horned head, his breath creating puffs of steam with each exhale. “Does a nightingale get tired of singing the sun to sleep?”
You rolled your eyes.
“It’s self-evident you have life left in you yet, little one.”  Raphael noticed your annoyed expression, raising his eyebrow in return and flipping a page in the book he lazily read. His tail swept idly around in front of him, clearing a bit of snow and shoving it onto your blankets. “While we yet travel together, desist irking me with your trifling mortal troubles.”
“Such as freezing to death?” You bit back, your patience long gone.
Raphael smirked, holding out a large hand and catching several of the large flakes of snow that had begun falling from the dark sky. “Indeed.  I can hear the rattling of your bones from here.”
You glared at him for a moment, then squeezed your eyes tight shut.  
Raphael returned his attention to you, then snapped his book shut with a sharpness that made you jump.  He regarded you with a familiar haughty air. “I would admire your stalwart nature were it not so mulish.”
“I am not asking you for help.”
Raphael didn’t respond for a moment, his expression calculating. “I am quite accustomed to biding my time.”
You turned away, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself and attempted to sleep once more.
It was the shivering that awoke you, your body trying desperately to warm itself.  You couldn’t feel your hands or feet for the numbness, could barely lift your eyelids to check for signs of the dawn.
A heavy hand pressed upon your hip; you could feel the warmth of Raphael’s skin through the fabric over you. His breath was as the breath of life, hot against your neck and cheek. “Say ‘yes’.”
“Yes.”  You gasped out and the cambion responded immediately.
Raphael curled his large fiendish body around your much smaller frame, his fingers undoing the clasps of your clothing. He took hold of your wrists as you moved weakly to protest. “The ice will melt and leave you soaking, and I will not tolerate such a mess.”
You let him shed you of your clothing, his wing quickly covering you and his arm wrapping around your bare torso to tug your body flush against his own.
With two long fingers, Raphael tilted your face to look at him. His eyes flitted between your own, then down to your mouth. “Your lips are a charming shade of blue.”
“I can’t feel them.”  You mumbled; your thoughts hazy from the warmth seeping from his body into yours.
Raphael bent his head to you, his free hand cupping the back of your head, sending a thrill of heat through you. You closed your eyes, feeling his tongue trace liquid fire across your lips, then the soft press of a kiss that deepened to something more primal.
You felt the thick coil of his long tail slide and wind its way up your leg, warming you in a much different way.
Raphael took your chin between thumb and forefinger, forcing you to focus on him. “Say my name, pet.”
You hesitated only a moment.  Giving into a brief defiance before accepting defeat. Your lips trembled, but no longer from the cold. “Raphael.”
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3k - A celebration!
Hey there, guys and gals!
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TLDR: There's a poll at the bottom asking which story deserves a sequel!
Today is a very special day, at least to me. After a little more of one year posting stories to Tumblr, I have reached the absolutely staggering number of 3000 followers. During this time, I have posted about 100 stories with a unbelievable (and I kid you not) 33,333 likes and reblogs. Yes, this is the exact number at the time of writing this post. Yes, I wrote a program to look that up and the number is accurate.
Let me just say: Wow. And thank you. 3000 of you found my writing enjoyable enough to want me in their feed. And there were exactly 33,333 times in the past year-and-a-bit that someone actually *liked* what they saw/read/skimmed over. I couldn't feel more honored, really.
As a celebration, I am going to do something I usually don't (even though I have been asked a couple of times): I will write a sequel or prequel or related story to one of those stories YOU liked most. Remember the program I wrote to find out my total number of notes? Yeah, the original function was to find out the stories with the most notes. Out of the top six of those, I will let you chose the one story you want to see more of. Additionally (although it is only at rank 10), as a seventh option I'll add "Your wish is my command", since that is the story I have received the most sequel requests. So, without further lamenting, here are the stories!
#1: 11:48
#2: Boyfriend Material
#3: ATArena
#4: Spice Up
#5: Beating Recession
#6: Calling the Plumber
#7: Your Wish is my Command
So! Which one is it going to be? Choose wisely!
That's it from my side for today. Stay awesome!
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riacte · 5 months
🥁 Welcome to the first ever "Choose an unhinged Renchanting moment" ✨ALL STARS EDITION✨!!! 🥁
In which winners of the previous nine (!!) polls and the Last Life burning tower scene will battle it out for ULTIMATE UNHINGED RENCHANTING MOMENT!! Deliberately made to cross over from 2023 to 2024 to wish for a new year full of Renchanting <3
If you don't want to read my lengthy and dramatic sports guy commentary you can skip to the poll right at the end.
Now, let's introduce our beloved competitors! With some clips sponsored by @ani-craft, thank you as always <3
Starting from Round 1, the OG, the beginning of this series in Feb 2023— congrats to "Ren calling Maidtyn "very very sexy" completely unprovoked"!. Now, fellow Tumblr users, this is a historical moment because the Maidtyn trend was the Tumblr response to Martyn being active on Tumblr, and it snowballed into the Mint Mistletoes of MCC19 wearing skins of maid dresses (and a butler suit). This is the tangible impact of the Tumblr fan community on MCC. And of course it's about maid dresses.
Round 1 was quickly followed up by Round 2, and narrowly winning by FOUR votes is... [drumroll] "r/place (2022) when Martyn helped place a pixel of blush on RK Ren"!. Truly a chaotic moment that somehow became a highlight even in the overall chaos of those few days.
But the numbers really peaked in Round 3, aka. the Limited Life edition when Martyn's lore stream repeatedly dropped bombs on us. 100% of these moments are from Martyn, by the way. But which unhinged moment was the most unhinged? Which moment will win like Martyn? Unsurprisingly, the most popular option are those two words that basically sum it up— "UNGUIDED HAND". An unhinged moment that won with a whopping 404 out of 1913 votes.
Things did not calm down after Limited Life. Some might say the moments only became more unhinged. 2.5 months after LimLife ended, Round 4 began. Most of these moments are also from Martyn. Most unhinged of all: "Martyn declaring in a low voice: 'Third Life never ended for me'." Yeah it sure didn't, buddy.
Fast forward to September 2023. Treebark Week 2023! Surely the perfect moment for a poll! Also, I need to add that I was so excited about Round 5 that I posted it before TBW ended and... let's say it immediately got worse the day after I posted the poll. My hubris for assuming it was the end... Anyways, Martyn's Tumblr shenanigans kick in once again. Congrats to "Martyn saying nothing about an ask that claims his character is in love with Ren", which also ended up being a significant post to Scurvyblr. For reasons.
Two months after TBW, the pining gets exponentially worse. And I do mean exponentially. Enter Round 6, which has a lot of insane moments, but there was one clear winner, a moment that swept with 32% of the votes— everybody clap and cheer for "Martyn's 50 word 3L AU drabble - "Luck be with ye.... Hand"!! At the time of writing, that post has 4.1k notes. Martyn's just like us. He's writing fanfiction and that's so real of him.
Merely ten days later, fires are crackling, demons are giggling— it's the Decked Out open day! And we got a Renchanting feast! Round 7 emerged from That Iconic Burning Stone Box and was dedicated to moments the stream day. With 39% of the votes, the unhinged moment that swept was "Ren to Martyn: You have very fine lips there and a wonderful neck for kissing". Honorable mentions go to Martyn's Twitch chat (for surviving), Martyn's viewers (for clipping it with varying degrees of "what did he just say??"), and of course, False (for locking them in and kickstarting whatever the improv demon roleplay was).
A few weeks later, the flames have died down— or have they? Round 8 enters with a steel chair and Ren has more unhinged moments now. Martyn's Tumblr takes home another win with "Martyn reblogging a post that calls Ren his “Minecraft boyfriend”!! This is the third win that's from Martyn's Tumblr blog. You love to see it.
Last but not the least, Round 9 from last week! It's finally Ren's turn to dominate. Our winner is.... "Ren mentions going to sleep and dreaming of Martyn’s 'beautiful, beautiful eyes'"!! Appropriately clipped with the caption "Insane".
But that's not all! In Round 1 + 2, I purposefully excluded the altar scene and the burning tower scene because I felt those two would sweep. Now, I think the altar scene is still untouchable but the burning tower seems almost normal now. (As normal as an unhinged moment could be.)
A new unhinged moment has appeared! Challenger approaching! Last Life Ren purposefully sets his tower on fire after knowing Martyn is watching him and Martyn runs to save him while screaming "Ren, what are you doing to yourself! Stop burning yourself!".
Okay, okay, my dramatic commentary is done. Hey, I'm not a Renchanting fan for nothing. Here's the poll. Have fun :D
Much love to all of you <3 here's to another year of unhinged Renchanting moments!
(Also sorry the r/place should be in 2022 not 2021)
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lilghostiequinni · 8 days
Not the Only One
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Main Masterlist Lestappen Masterlist
Pairing: Norris!female oc (Lea) x Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: She comes to Formula One as a photographer. Well, kind of. She's something else but a photographer nonetheless, but for three teams, she takes photos.
Requested: NO / yes (Saturday Poll)
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The better part of all 10 teams was gathered in one of the many conferencing rooms in the F1 headquarters; every team had its own little section.
"Alright, well, we have a new member joining, she is a photographer to all teams, partially and three teams full time," Stefano says to the group of teams in the room as he walks in, a woman following behind.
"She is already assigned to one team of her choice. The other two will be determined via her terms," Stefano says, moving to the side for the woman to come forward.
"This is Lea, Lea Norris. She will also be taking team photos and the grid photo for this year's beginning," Stefano says, pointing to the woman as he does.
"Hello, I'm Lea. The team of my choosing was McLaren. I brought it up to Stefano about how to determine the other two teams I will be working for, and that is a charity race for what ever charity you choose. Any questions?" Lea asks the grid, and a few hands go up.
Lea pointed to Alex Albon, "How are you related to Lando? He never mentions you."
"Well, I'm his twin sister, his more successful little twin sister," Lea walks over to Lando and wraps her arms around his neck, and he holds her arms with his hands.
Carlos raises his hand next, "I would like to point out that I knew of you, just not what you do?"
Lea smiles, and Lando shakes his head, "She co-owns Quadrant with me because she can do the behind-the-scenes better than I can. She also owns her own clothing brand, Leona & Odan, also owning the multi-million dollar company Leletics, the company that makes many parts of the liveries and other things. Let's not forget her athletic ability," Lando says; he does an eye roll at the end but still has a smile.
"That is all true. I own the fashion company Leona & Odan, along with the company Leletics, which is also a design company not just for livery parts and 'stuff.' I also co-own Quadrant with my brother, but I am never on camera because I don't want to. I am also athletic. I do ballet and a few other sports myself. I am terrible at golf, though," Lea says, letting go of her brother to walk back to the front of the room.
She stands at the front of the room, watching the drivers.
"Why are you doing this?" Comes from the Mercedes team.
"Because I need a change of pace. I do what I love every day, but there is only so much I can do about my hobbies, such as photography. Also, I may have punched one of the chairmen to Leletics because he was there for a few years and still thought I was an assistant and not the CEO. He tried to do something that shouldn't be done, and I may have punched him a little too hard," Lea says with a fake smile on her face.
"Someone tried to touch you! Was it that asshole Brason?" Lando demands in big brother mode.
"It's fine, Lando, later, please," Lea begs her brother; Lando clenches his jaw but backs down.
For the next hour, she answers all the questions on what she is to do before she gets a question from one Max Verstappen, "So, what are we to do for this race?"
"The race is to determine what other two teams I'll technically work for, and for charity, the two teams to win will get to give 1 million dollars to a charity of their choosing. McLaren will also be competing because they don't want them left out, but they won't get anything if they win; a charity of their choice will still get a million dollars, and the charities of the rest of the teams will still get half a million dollars, each." Lea says before she continues. "Listen, I know it sounds bad because you don't even know what I can do, but I just want to give back, and I... I don't really know how to explain myself to you. I just want to do what got me started, talking pictures of racing."
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It was basically a mock race in Silverstone; liveries were provided to each team, so everyone was on the same playing field as the racers; there was a single level of qualifying and a single free practice to get familiar with the car.
In the last laps of the race, it was pretty clear that the two other teams would be Red Bull and Ferrari, but Mercedes was still in the running for the third team, attempting to over take Ferrari.
But in the end, it was Ferrari that just barely beat Mecades as Carlos passed Hamilton.
Later that day, Formula One announced the addition of a three-team photographer, and the day after, McLaren, Red Bull, and Ferrari announced themselves as the three teams for the newest photographer
Lea proved herself, too, to all the teams, not just the three that had become her job, that she was capable of taking the necessary photographs in the sport of Formula One.
It was no surprise to her brother, though, when she showed up at Woking with a helmet for her brother, one he sort of forgot about. Just barely remembered a helmet design he told her for the 2024 season, so she designed it but did not tell him she designed it, giving it to him before testing as a surprise.
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A/N: So, Lestappen won, but I will check later when the poll ends and post a thing about which two get one shot in a week. There will also be a part two posted in Week 3, it will take place in Maimi, Imola, and Monaco of the current season. This didn't have much Lestappen content, but in the next one it will.
Tags: If you want to be added to the lists or a single list, let me know
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highvern · 4 months
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Track 12: Wildflower - 5 Seconds of Summer
‘’I see the color in your veins // It makes me smile, it makes me shake’’
Pairing: Chwe Hanson (Vernon) x reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: stoner!vernon, camboy!vernon, camgirl!reader, stoner!reader, exhibitionism, mentions of facials and fingering, non-idol au
Length: ~600
Note: paying homage to my namesake
Like, comment, reblog, enjoy!
Mixtape Series: Me & You Masterlist
main masterlist
This blog is intended for 18+ only! MDNI or you'll be blocked!
User: chewmeup is live with tastelikehoney !
The swirl of red and purple lights illuminates your scantily clad figure, shivering slightly in your boyfriend's hold as you watch viewers pour into the chat. Several you recognize as frequent flyers, but a few new names pop up here and there. Since you started streaming as a couple, both your accounts witnessed a rapid increase of subscribers. 
“Hi guys.” You smile, fanning the smoke away from your face as Vernon exhales before passing the bong to you. 
Taking a deep inhale, you read some of the comments while gently combing through your boyfriend's hair.
MILFMAKERGYU: hey pretty girl ;)
420jun: mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry
You roll your eyes at the usual antics. Vernon remains silent behind you, reading comments as you plant languid pecks across his cheeks and chin. Something about the camera and the intoxicating smoke filling your veins made you extra touchy, desperate to feel everything the man beneath you had to offer. 
hwasaJA: oooo is that a new set?
Vernon uses his nose to nudge you away and towards the computer screen, one of his hands settling on the back of your neck and allowing his thumb to stroke below your ear.
“It is!” You smile. “Do you guys like it? Someone sent it to our P.O. box last week.”
MILFMAKERGYU tipped $250
i.m.whatiam: ur welcome :)
Boowho donated $100
Boowho: lets get this show on the road
 “Someone’s eager,” Vernon tsks.
Usually, nothing happened until a certain number of tips came through but when one person tipped others immediately followed until dollar signs filled the screen and you hit the quota only a few minutes in.
Turning in place, you smirk at Vernon before standing. 
“I guess we’re starting early tonight, babe.” You say loud enough for the mic to pick up as you round the chair to stand behind.
“You don’t wanna ask them?”
Memyselfandbi: ask us what?
Memyselfandbi donated $200
MILFMAKERGYU: yes, i’ll be your third
Rolling your eyes, more curious questions fly through the chat window and so do tips; each attached with a request to decide whatever will happen between you and Vernon tonight. Auctioning off different things wasn’t new to your streams but tonight was a surprise to celebrate the highest earning month either of you had experienced.
“Since you guys are being so generous, we planned two options. If you vote for mine, you’ll get to see my baby treated right. And if you choose his, then we’ll all be bored.”
“Not for me,” Vernon grumbles.
420jun: i vote whatever you want honey!!!
“Aw that’s sweet,” you giggle.
Vernon snorts. The chat is full of people simping for you, trying to gain a second of attention with similar messages. Luckily, he isn't as easily swayed by your batting eyelashes.
“If you choose mine then Honey is gonna ride my fingers for the camera.”
“And if you wanna see me with cum on my face you should pick mine.” You sigh, tracing your nose along the curve of Vernon’s neck, nipping gently at his ear to make him jolt.
The chat descends into chaos as a moderator unlocks a poll. More tips flood in, attempting to sway your decision but you and Vernon spare a glance at each other with knowing smiles. 
No matter what they decide, they’ll get both in the end. A win win for everyone.
Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Request: Sex pollen with sub Larissa/masculine shapeshifter dom Reader
Surprise gift 18+
*Authors note~ sex pollen trope is honestly so much fun to write and I am loving sub Larissa right now. So here we go*
Trigger Warnings~ sub Larissa dom masc shapeshifter r daddy kink praise kink shifted dick breeding kink oral face fucking facial, cream pie degrading kink humiliation kink if you squint.
Prompt~see ask
Hey this my first ever ask so why not ask my fanfic fav ~ . But here it is I LOVED THE SEX POLLEN ONE so may I request another sex pollen story but with Larissa and maybe ® ( a former student that's she's very fond of but you can choose the story line. I know you want let me down ~ @enchantressb
It was no secret you and Larissa were close. Despite you now having left Nevermore and being a few years younger than the principal you'd gotten on well. Especially when you had some personal issues in the last year where she became your god given solace. So of course when she approached you about a new job coming up a few years later you jumped at the chance to return to the school but this time as a somewhat equal to the tall blonde. Of course you fell back into your old comfortable friendship as if nothing had separated you. But what you weren't banking on was for your feelings to grow and develop with every passing day.
You knew Larissa had some attraction to women, but she didn't know about you hence why you thought a the silly little crush on her would fade. Oh how wrong you were. Of course all of this was kept to yourself and yourself only. Maybe that's why you felt so concerned when Larissa volunteered to try a new potion with you. Your friend had sent it to you, it was supposed to bring you what you truly need. Once Larissa found out she was more than happy to try this after all your friend had an amazing track record in the world of potions. So you arranged to go to her office and let the potion do it's own thing.The instructions were simple all you had to do is sprinkle a small amount into some water and drink it. The potion should begin working within half an hour. So of course you followed the instructions before settling on the sofa and falling into a safe conversation.
You were the first to feel it, the unfamiliar tightness like you were missing a vital part of you. "Ris, I'm feeling rather unwell" you murmured before standing up to leave. Only to be stopped by a whimper coming from the blonde, "stay, please." Tears polling in her eyes as she showed her vulnerability to you. "Larissa, what do you need?" You murmured watching a flush hit her cheeks, "I um I need you." You were stopped in your tracks by the confession, the way you stepped back it it made the sensation stronger. The pain stronger. But if you were to step forward then it would morph into need.
"Rissa, I need you too. But I need you to consent darling" you murmured approaching you. "Please y/n I need you" she mumbled before her hands reached out and pulled you into a passionate kiss, one in which you happily reciprocated. That one kiss ignited a flip of a switch that was unstoppable. Your hands roaming Larissa's body as she continued to be responsive to your touches. "Ris, are you sure my darling?" Instead of a verbal response Larissa managed to drag you to her bedroom and settle on her knees at the foot of the bed, "please daddy" was all she whispered. "Oh fuck Larissa, so pretty darling."
You shifted your anatomy more often than not, so it was unsurprising to hear Larissa gasping at the sight sight of your bulge forming. "Daddy" she whined causing you to smirk down at the blonde on her knees. "Oh yes princessa I do like to shift my anatomy in daily life, would you be a good whore for daddy and take her dick?" You practically purred at her which had her almost drooling at the thought and fumbling to free your stone hard dick. You couldn't help but chuckle at how needy she looked upon seeing the reddened tip leaking with pre cum. "Cock slut aren't you baby? I bet you shift yours sometimes huh?" You teased not really expecting a response but still Larissa gave small nod before a whimper of "please" was let loose.
The moment Larissa engulfed the whole of your member could only be described as heavenly. Teary eyes as she gagged around your hard shaft. Her on her knees in front of you swirling her tongue around your bulbous head before swallowing you whole again was perfect and more than you ever imagined. It was hard to remain in control with the potion running rampant in your veins, so of course you began to thrust yourself into her warm tight throat with an animalistic need. Larissa had no complaints thought, gagging and swallowing everything you were giving wanting to taste your seed. But of course that wasn't where you wanted to be, so you slipped out of her skilled mouth and ordered her to stick her tongue out while stroking yourself, a few strokes later you came all over her mouth and face. It was some form of relief but not enough to state your true desire.
"Bed kitten" you murmured in thought as you followed after her, you made quick work of stripping her clothing, marvelling at how beautiful she truly is. You could tell Larissa was feeling self conscious by the way you were worshiping her, the compliments flowing from you were stirring feelings she hurried deep inside herself. The moment your mouth took a greedy yet experimental kick of her cunt you swore you heard an angel gasp. Turns out that angel was Larissa Weems needing more of your touch. "Please god don't stop please more daddy" she whined as she squirmed for you. "I don't plan to stop princessa I just wanna eat my pretty kitten clean" you muttered to the blonde before devouring her as if she was your last meal.
It didn't take long for the coil within her to snap as you hate her out as if you were starving, she came with a cry of your name followed by a string of curses. Somehow the put together principal cursing had you impossibly needy. So of course you wanted more of the blonde, some relief but not stated you both craved the other again. "Please daddy want you inside me" she mewled to you. "Ris, I don't have a-" you started only to be cut off by the blonde, "I don't care please for the love of all things holy just fuck me like the whore I am for you" she begged spreading her legs to invite you in. Your hesitation was soon stopped when she shoved her hand to her cunt and teased herself, if she was getting fucked then it was going to be by you and not her own hand.
You thought her mouth was heavenly but her tightness in her pussy was a new level of pleasure, an out of this world experience, and when she bucked her hips to encourage you to move well, you thought you'd die happy. Sex is one thing, but fucking Larissa Weems like animals in heat was another. The noises you managed to draw from her as the head of your cock brushed her cervix. "Fuck you're such a white kitten, your squeezing me so well baby, fuck like that gorgeous" you praised causing the blonde to continue to meet your harsh thrusts. "Daddy, I'm yours please fuck I wanna be your cum dump please god give it to me" she mewled in the throes of pleasure, "daddy need to cum please please let me" she whimpered as her walls clamped around your cock making it almost impossible to move. "Cum baby, cum for daddy" you panted as her orgasm triggered your own painting her insides white with rope after rope of hot seed.
Only when you both came down from your highs did you slip out of her tight little hole to admire how your come seeped out of it. "God that's so hot Larissa" you murmured before heading to go and get a wash cloth to clean her sticky body sweat and cum scenting the room. Only when you'd successfully cleaned yourself and Larissa up you came to hold the blonde. "Larissa can I kiss you?" You mumbled shyly which didn't make sense considering you'd given her one of her best orgasms in her life. A small giggle came from the blonde as she nodded, you shared a sweet kiss before settling down with each other in the bed. Although you didn't know what it was you were glad you tried the potion from your friend.
Word count~ 1511
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the poor Unpopular dudes-Solomon
not gonna lie surprised you guys voted Solomon as the least popular one, has 630 words
because the RAD Newspaper held a popularity contest that was rigged you tried to do one of your own well kinda you just decided to see who people like least and it was just you using Magic to get a piece of paper with the name of all the important people on it which would return on it´s own after somebody answered it and thinking about it the Winner or Loser depends how you want to see it, was Solomon his reputation in the Devildom really made this one obvious
you don´t even know if you want to tell him about it because you don´t know if he already knows or if that would hurt his feelings, you guess even if the first is the case his feelings would still be hurt when he learns about this so keeping it a secret it is but that could get pretty difficult because not only is he a very curious person he get´s a lot worse with everything concerning you and you are a shit liar so you hope you can just stay out of his way for a while at least, it won´t happen you know that but you can still hope for it
but it seems like luck isn´t on your side today because you can already see Solomon and he noticed you too, he even seems very determined to get you because he just started to walk really fast now and you decided to do the only s art thing you could think of in such a short while and it was to just eat the paper with the result on it
wasn´t the first time you did that either so you are pretty much used to the taste of chemically treated dead trees, still a weird thing to witness though that you can admit but it also never stopped you from doing things
Solomon either didn´t notice what you did, which you doubt, or he choose to ignore it, which does sound more realistic, he even seems really happy to see despite what you did
“MC! there you are I was looking all over for my adorable and wonderful apprentice, I made some Lunch and was wondering if you wanted some” honestly eating a whole stack of paper sounds a lot more pleasant than taking Solomon up on his offer
“oh how nice of you Solomon but uh… I already ate something” technically not a lie but he doesn´t seem to be convinced by it “no problem I can give you the leftovers to take home with you” he was smiling and it´s honestly a crime that he´s so horrible at cooking that it kills otherwise you would have eaten it but you don´t look forward to pain today, you kinda regret eating the paper now because you might have used it to buy you time to escape or distract him
“you know thinking about it Sol did you hear that there was a poll floating around? I think it was asking about the least popular person in the Devildom?” he looked thoughtful for a moment before he replied “ah yes Asmo already told me, a shame I was crowned least popular but it can´t be helped” he seemed a bit upset but nothing more than that, kinda sad thinking about it now “you knew I had the results didn´you?” he gave you a mischievous smile “well I do think it´s funny to see my dear apprentice panic and come up with the craziest of ideas, but eating the paper was very tame for you I hoped you would have teleported it away or even used magic to turn it into something else”
“I feel tricked…” all you got from Solomon was a laugh at your dramatic antics…
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lovifie · 3 months
A little update for everybody for my current and future updates 🩷: (please read it ❤️)
Her Royal Highness: Hiatus. Trust me, I am the saddest about it. It is the first thing I wrote and what made me want to start the blog, but I have kind of lost the vision I had for it and I can't write anything without hating it. Don't worry too much about it because I am really dramatic and might just keep it going on a month 🩷.
Lift me off my feet: Around 4 chapters left. It would make it a 13 chapter series, taking in consideration I started because of a fanart I'm quite impressed with. Still, the little plot that it has is starting to run out and I feel like it is just unnecessarily stretching it, especially since there are other series I want to work on and I can't until this one is finished. I wanted to ask, would you rather have me finish this one “fast” or alternate it with other posts? Fast would be as in focusing on writing only this fic until I finished, and I believe I could have it done next week most likely.
Switch Bodies: Plot wise, around 2 chapters. After that, it would just be random scenarios that I would think of or that you could want me to write. Still, this one doesn't really have a schedule as it is mostly jokes so I can't tell when I'll update.
Spidey: This one will have a slower than usual post schedule since it is going to be interactive and I'll need to leave time between chapters to let everyone vote their favorites. So I'll be a bit more relaxed rhythm of updates.
Poll Fic: Whichever wins the poll (I can't see the results until Monday unless I vote and I'm edging myself like a moron), I won't probably write anything until I finish Lift Me Off My Feet, plus I want to organize a bit the plot so the thing that happens with Her Royal Highness doesn't happens again and I have something to support myself on to finish it. So I'll be a bit of time still.
Those are the series, I'm also working on oneshots and just silly stuff that genuinely I'll post randomly.
Aswell, I wanted to let people know that the on taglist form I removed the option to choose on which fic to me tagged because I was getting everyone mixed and it was becoming too chaotic so now there will be one single taglist. I hope you guys don't mind too much and thank you for understanding. If you would prefer me to remove you from it you can also tell me on the taglist form without a problem. 🩷🩷
There are going to be a couple of days without updates because I'm going to work on tidying everything up a bit so it is easier to navigate the blog. And I'm also going to slow down a bit as well, because I don't understand why I have pressured myself into uploading as soon as possible to the point I'm burning myself out instead of enjoying writing like I should.
That being said, I'm done rambling and complaining. I'd love any kind of feedback, as comments, asks or DM, I always love to read you guys opinion and ideas so feel free to do so ❤️❤️
Sorry for the disappointment of this not being an update let me know what you would rather have happening on the Lift me off my feet fic 🩷
Back to Masterlist - Taglist Form
TagList (1): @1-800-choke-that-ho @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @anirok2 @arbesa-mind @avaleigh16 @blckbrrybasket @bunnysdaydreams @cassiecasluciluce @cheomain @cmbghost @cod-z @coldpaperwonderland @contractedcriteria @cringeycookies @crinoid90 @darkangel4121 @dilara-del @dontworryboutitokie @dukeofjjune @dumb12bvtch1212 @dumybitch @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @evolutionarry @fraserbraw @ghostlythots @ghosts-hoe @glocuseguardian3rd @grenkiesworld @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @hatterripper31 @herefor-tojis-tits @howlove @itsberrydreemurstuff @jaguarthecat @jupiternighties @justyourfriendlyneighbourhood1 @kayden666 @keiraslayz @keiva1000 @kristalhi @l0velifehatey0u @ladyxtiger @lilliumrorum @lolliepopsicle @lolly145 @lotionlamp @lunamoonbby @lunari0 @marymustdie @missmidnight-writes
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yallemagne · 1 year
Luthur (Lucy/Arthur) Propaganda
I'm writing this with all the pent-up rage of an entire year of seeing "Lucy's so dumb, she should have picked my favourite suitor" posts and "who should Lucy have chosen?" polls that always result in practically no votes for Arthur.
This is not an anti-Jack or anti-Quincey post by any means, though it may come across as defensive. It is just a pro-let-Lucy-choose-for-herself post. And yes, letting her choose for herself even includes letting her be monogamous when she has made the conscious decision to remain monogamous.
So, to the proposal descriptions--
Seward tries to hide his anxiety by putting up a front of sternness. From how Lucy describes it, it sounds like he's negotiating a contract:
He spoke to me, Mina, very straightforwardly. He told me how dear I was to him, though he had known me so little, and what his life would be with me to help and cheer him. He was going to tell me how unhappy he would be if I did not care for him, but when he saw me cry he said that he was a brute and would not add to my present trouble. Then he broke off and asked if I could love him in time; and when I shook my head his hands trembled, and then with some hesitation he asked me if I cared already for any one else. He put it very nicely, saying that he did not want to wring my confidence from me, but only to know, because if a woman's heart was free a man might have hope. And then, Mina, I felt a sort of duty to tell him that there was some one. I only told him that much, and then he stood up, and he looked very strong and very grave as he took both my hands in his and said he hoped I would be happy, and that if I ever wanted a friend I must count him one of my best.
Sounds like he hardly popped the question so much as stated: "I would be honoured to have you (I need you I need you I need you I need you) as my wife. If you don't love me back, I will die."
This proposal comes across as very neurodivergent to me. He goes into it thinking mostly about what he wants from Lucy and how good the marriage would be for his mental health, not stopping to consider if she's already seeing someone (literally the man who introduced them) or just maybe... that he's putting too much of a burden on her with this style of proposal. This approach would work better with another no-nonsense B, but Lucy is overwhelmed. He didn't think of her feelings in the matter because he was too busy schooling his own emotions so he wouldn't screw it all up. It comes across as very scripted until he sees that he's upset Lucy-- that is when we get a glimpse of his care for her. But then he's back to his bullet points of "but could you love me one day? do you love another now? on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate this interaction?"
Lucy gets through Seward's entire proposal without getting carried away and writing about Arthur instead, but with Quincey--
I suppose that we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him. I know now what I would do if I were a man and wanted to make a girl love me. No, I don't, for there was Mr. Morris telling us his stories, and Arthur never told any, and yet—— My dear, I am somewhat previous.
She certainly finds Quincey charming, but she cuts herself off to talk about Arthur. While she momentarily thinks that telling adventurous tales would win a woman's heart, she says that it didn't win her own. There's a sort of peacocking going on with Quincey prefacing his proposal with tales of his adventures. It's very much like Seward's stoic attempt but with far more confidence and pizzazz.
Mr. Quincey P. Morris found me alone. It seems that a man always does find a girl alone. No, he doesn't, for Arthur tried twice to make a chance, and I helping him all I could; I am not ashamed to say it now. 
Quincey "found [her] alone". Now, before, she said "Mr. Morris was telling us his stories"-- who is us? I am guessing that perhaps Lucy's mother or someone else was sitting in as a chaperone? And then Quincey found an opportunity to talk to her in private?
Again, she drifts off talking about Arthur while she's trying to explain Quincey. "Arthur tried twice to make a chance"-- my best guess for what this means is that Arthur has tried to have un-chaperoned time with Lucy twice before in order to propose to her, but he never succeeded despite her attempts to aid him.
Which makes this all so much funnier? Some joke that the Suitors probably arranged it all, but this hints that Arthur has been trying his damndest to propose, but the one day he actually gets a chance to, he finds out his two friends proposed to her first! Those dogs!!
I do not know myself if I shall ever speak slang; I do not know if Arthur likes it, as I have never heard him use any as yet.
Lucy interrupts her "haha the silly American talks silly American gibberish" with "would Arthur like it if I spoke this way?" Gah, she's so in love with him. It's funny that she says she's never heard him use slang considering she's already mentioned "Dress is a bore." which she even called slang.
Well, he did look so good-humoured and so jolly that it didn't seem half so hard to refuse him as it did poor Dr. Seward; so I said, as lightly as I could, that I did not know anything of hitching, and that I wasn't broken to harness at all yet. Then he said that he had spoken in a light manner, and he hoped that if he had made a mistake in doing so on so grave, so momentous, an occasion for him, I would forgive him. [...] And then, my dear, before I could say a word he began pouring out a perfect torrent of love-making, laying his very heart and soul at my feet. He looked so earnest over it that I shall never again think that a man must be playful always, and never earnest, because he is merry at times. I suppose he saw something in my face which checked him, for he suddenly stopped, and said with a sort of manly fervour that I could have loved him for if I had been free...
She remarks that Quincey's more light-hearted nature makes him easier to refuse than Seward. However, she finds it harder to reject him when he drops the act and starts behaving more earnestly. She finds it easier to imagine loving him when he's being sincere. She doesn't have this same thought with Seward because, unfortunately, even when he snapped out of his legal negotiation of the potential marriage, he still kept himself emotionally guarded through the rest of the interaction.
Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble? But this is heresy, and I must not say it.
I must say... Lucy here is not saying "I want a harem of men.". Stop. Just stop saying that she is. That interpretation has led to every single adaptation that brands her an insincere cheater who strings along men and deserves to be punished by the narrative. Just stop. What she is expressing here is guilt at not having an option that would please all parties involved. She's been raised as a people-pleaser, but in this scenario, there is no choice she could make that wouldn't lead to someone being hurt. So, she makes the decision to follow her heart rather than her guilty conscience.
And think, just earlier, Jack planted this seed of insecurity by saying that he'll be upset if she does not love him. And then goes even further to imply her loving another robs him of his hope. It makes it so that, even when Quincey is more gracious in accepting her refusal, she can't help but beat herself up for practically destroying these men's lives (hyperbole, of course) all for her own happiness!!
Lucy clearly displays polyamorous traits. She laments that, if she did not love Arthur so much, she could love Quincey (rip Seward). But she has chosen not to explore those feelings. Part of her cutting herself off while writing about Quincey to talk about Arthur could be subconsciously reminding herself: "nope, there is no chance with him, I want Arthur". She compares the two constantly as if to remind herself she made the right choice. There's also her love for Mina, but she has plausible deniability in this era and can claim that as just classic girl love.
But when she considers a woman marrying "as many men as want her" it is not reflective of her being polyamorous because she doesn't have this thought out of "I love these three men enough to marry them" but "I feel guilty about being loved by three men at once, and I have to repay the favour somehow, but I can't". She does not say "as many men as she wants" because it's not about the woman's feelings but about the feelings of the men that surround her. But you know what? She showed agency when she picked the man she wanted and didn't bow and pick the man who would be the most devastated upon being rejected, and I'm proud of her.
Lucy is incredibly brief when describing Arthur's proposal, but let's. just. think about this. Previously, she has tried to hold back her overwhelming love for Arthur in her writing to Mina (she failed, lol). Other than wanting to be discreet, she explains:
My dear, this quite upset me, and I feel I cannot write of happiness just at once, after telling you of it; and I don't wish to tell of the number three until it can be all happy.
She doesn't want to taint her happy feelings with bitterness about how "oh, I'm so horrible and selfish for picking the man I love! I don't deserve to be loved by anyone!" And even then, she goes into a bit more detail in her post-script:
P.S.—Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
Such a friend. Before this, Seward and Quincey were not friends of Lucy's. They were acquaintances that knew her through Arthur (though she does not explicitly state this about Quincey, so she could have met him somewhere else?), and upon being rejected romantically, they swore friendship to her. Before then, they saw her as a potential bride.
But Arthur was already a friend to Lucy. They have been close for longer than she's known either of her other suitors, and while they'd never said the L-word (love) to each other before, I think what wins Lucy's heart is that Arthur is genuine with her. We don't get to see it (she teases us!! how dare!!), but that feels like the most plausible thing that would set him apart from Seward and Quincey. Now, the other two are honest men (we see it when they comfort her), but they both initially put up a front to impress/entertain Lucy. Meanwhile, Arthur doesn't bother with that. He comes into the room, and she's practically already in his arms! It's so effortless with him. She doesn't have to imagine herself being happy and in love with him because she already is.
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zenkindoflove · 10 days
Dear Lucien, Dear Elain: Reveal and Q&A
Before reading this post, make sure you go and read the final update to Dear Lucien, Dear Elain. Under the cut will not only be the reveal of who wrote who, but also a Q&A inspired by some of your questions of the writing process that myself and @crazy-ache took while writing this collaborative fic.
In our poll, you all were evenly split, 50-50, on who you thought wrote Elain and Lucien. Which really tickled us.
Now, to reveal (which maybe you already know if you read the fic lol)....
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art by @works-of-heart (thank you so much for putting this together last minute!!!)
So, are you surprised? Validated on your hunch?
We also asked you all what some of your questions were related to our writing process since this was both a collaborative fic and a very unique style (epistolary). It was definitely experimental for us. But we had so much fun writing it. It was really us stretching some of our creative, writing chops. And the epistolary style really was a great medium for writing a collaborative fic together.
Q&A with crazy-ache and zenkindoflove
How did you choose which character to write.
Crazy-ache: I chose to write for Lucien because I felt most comfortable in his head! I had dived deep into his psyche and motivations in a few of my recent works. I also had this vision in my head that Lucien is a very poetic, romantic writer given his rakish and silvertongue ways. My roots in writing are in poetry and I tend to be a flowery, verbose writer, so I felt like I could naturally tap into Lucien’s style. I believe I asked to be Lucien first and had a good inkling that Zenkindoflove had the stronger grasp on Elain’s character. She went above and beyond in giving Elain’s character and development the justice it deserves. 
Zenkindoflove: I was very relieved when Crazy-ache declared she wanted to write for Lucien because as soon as we came up with this idea, I knew I wanted to write Elain's letters. I think she provided the level of poetry and devotion that was necessary to convey in Lucien's letters. For me, I have always been an introspective writer. I like to be inside character's heads and have them actively work through their feelings. And for Elain, this exercise felt like it was an exploration into her working through her feelings for Lucien. Where I think Lucien has always been clear on his feelings for Elain. Or at least he's been sitting with them longer than Elain. I also relate a lot to Elain (and probably project a lot too though I argue that especially in her case where we haven't gotten her POV, authentic writing requires it a bit). I've always felt more comfortable in my other fics writing from Elain's POV.
General process/approach to writing
Zenkindoflove: We decided that the easiest way to write the fic would be to pick a character, stick to that character, and take a ‘yes and…’ approach to writing much like in improv or role playing. We very much treated it like we were the characters and writing each other letters. I would get so giddy when I saw I had mail because it felt like Lucien was actually writing me 😂. After we wrote the first two letters, we came up with a general plot that we wanted to follow once we knew the set up was working. We didn't know how many letters that would entail but we knew that we wanted to try to stay as canon compliant as possible and end on Nessian's mating ceremony where that would be the first time they would talk in person. For topics that were discussed, that was almost entirely unprompted and generally came from us answering each other's letters as the characters. So the emotional development was fairly organic throughout the whole process.
Crazy-ache: Something I want our readers to know is how organic this entire process was for us. What you read from each character is also mostly what we read as well. So we experience the same feelings of giddiness, sadness, disappointment, etc as you did. We just happened to have an idea of where the story was going, but not the words that would take us there on the journey. We truly got inside our respective character’s heads and created this story for you. It’s been one of the most fun, passionate writing exercises I’ve ever participated in, and I hope that rings true in your reading. 
Curious to know if either of you had veto power for when the other wrote something you didn’t like, or how you handled any differing opinions (if you even had any) on what the characters might say. 
Zenkindoflove: For the most part we didn't have many disagreements. A lot of our conversations consisted of us brainstorming or working through the logic of certain situations. The hardest situation to work through was what we did for Starfall. We knew we wanted to have this angsty moment where Elain stands up Lucien because of a vision, but we were working through the logic of how she could accomplish this without Lucien feeling her panic through the bond and coming to find her. That consisted of a lot of back and forths and crazy-ache wanted to make the situation even angstier by having Azriel actually be involved (only flying her away) and it contributing to Lucien's feelings of paranoia that there was someone else! That was the one time I said absolutely not because I didn't want us to go too hard because it was already a gut punch. Also I had to write the letter explaining everything! 😂
Crazy-ache: Yes Zenkindoflove had veto power for that situation and the next day I was like what was I thinking 😂 But it truly was a collaborative experience where we built off each other’s ideas. When it came to the letters, we had no idea what the other would write (other than an overarching plot we had initially agreed upon), but we respected each other’s creative decisions and just went with it! 
I wonder if either of you had a line that the other’s assigned character just had to say. Did you talk about this prior?
Zenkindoflove: Mostly this did not happen except for setting up some plot stuff. Like, hey did you get your Starfall invitation? That kind of stuff. We sometimes gave each other a few edits after reading. Such as if there was something that felt not properly addressed (cause let's be real, these letters got long at a certain point) that we knew would be good for setting up the next letter. Oh, in the beginning, we did have a really hard time thinking of the questions they would ask each other and we often referenced those lists on the internet of like 100 questions to ask on a first date. Those kinds of things hahaha.
Crazy-ache: Agreed, there was nothing we requested or assigned the other character to say in their letter. Everything we wrote was 100% true reaction to what the other person put in the letter. But like Zenkindoflove said, we would give each other small bits of feedback. Like hey, I think it’s little early to bring that up. Or, I think we need more on X. In fact, the line a lot of people seem to really like from Lucien wouldn’t exist if it hadn’t been for Zenkindoflove pushing me for more on one letter. I remember being like ugh you’re right you’re right….and I sat back down and worked on it some more. And I’m so glad she did because that’s when I came up with this line and paragraph: 
"Perhaps the Mother knew we would not be ready when our paths first crossed—our hearts, our minds, our circumstances—and so she gave us this immediate, unbreakable connection to ensure we never lost each other along the way." 
Zenkindoflove: Specifically I remember Crazy-ache holding me back from Elain bringing up the bond too soon which was 100% correct and I was getting too eager. And I pushed her in the end for Lucien to say “love" more since Elain had been using it after her breakdown. Which I think shows a lot of balance in how we approached emotional development.
Favorite letter you wrote?
Zenkindoflove: My favorite was definitely the last letter. It was challenging because I essentially had to write it as Elain telling Lucien events he already knew because he experienced them too. I wanted people reading to get the information they needed to know to visualize how the night went but make it feel like an authentic letter Elain would write. I also got to lean fully into Elain being as romantic as possible about her feelings for Lucien.
Crazy-ache: I am going to cheat and say 2 letters. The majority of my letters were written in one sitting, really emulating what it would be like for Lucien to sit down and read Elain’s letter and then just write his reaction immediately. But the two letters I sat on for a while….1) THE Starfall letter where we learned Elain stood him up and 2) the letter where he responds to her explanation for why. The starfall letter I was just so excited to write because I knew it would catch everyone in surprise. And the response was also exciting because I really, really enjoyed exploring what the bond meant to Lucien. 
Most challenging letter you wrote?
Zenkindoflove: It was definitely the letter after Elain stood Lucien up and she responded to his very angry curt letter. Crazy-ache sent me his letter and I was immediately overwhelmed even though I knew it was coming. I literally could not stand not answering his letter immediately. I just was so upset haha. And then as I wrote Elain’s letter, I had a complete meltdown in messages to Crazy-ache where I cursed SJM for the SF bonus chapter and making me have to explain the almost kiss. I think I said to her, “I feel like I cheated on Lucien but i didn’t!!!!!” Like, I was a mess you guys. Which is probably why it ended up the way it did - this stream of consciousness. I was imagining Elain just utterly broken, crying at her desk, writing the letter frantically, desperate for Lucien and hoping he would still write to her. With her sad little corsage on her wrist. 
Crazy-ache: The hardest one for me was Chapter 6 after Elain reveals Lucien had misunderstood her discomfort to the bond and she sorta calls him out on that. I really tried to get into his head the best I could for these letters--and I imagine hearing Elain say she always had desired him even when it was confusing and complicated would be overwhelming to read. Like the world just shifted for him because that wasn’t what he imagined…and after you have accepted a certain amount of love and affection, it can be even harder to accept more when it is presented to you. I was balancing all these things when writing his response and that would took me the longest to put together. 
Favorite line the other person wrote? 
Zenkindoflove: Crazy-ache is SO poetic in her writing. Especially as Lucien. Choosing one is incredibly hard. I will choose a few but know that I don’t even know if these are really my favorite favorite because so many of her lines were just BEAUTIFUL. 
“I take all matters and concerns regarding your trip very seriously. I will gladly accompany you across the courts, where you can trust I will be unhurried, diligent, and thorough in the pursuit of your greatest pleasures. I simply could not live knowing you were in the slightest disappointed, and will not rest until I know you are quite satisfied.” - the innuendo!!!
“I have done my best to be loyal, dutiful, and honorable. Only to turn around and discover my actions have only proceeded to write me as a villain in their narratives for those very attempts at doing what is right. There are reminders of my arrogance and recklessness every time I look in the mirror. I have certainly paid the price. You deserve to know these facets of me as well, most especially the bitter, pathetic parts of me.” - such a good summary of Lucien’s character and how he sees himself
“To put it bluntly, yes, your mere existence hurt me. Because my soul aches for you in ways I had never known it could hurt. What was painful and difficult was just how badly I wanted to know you beyond all reason and that terrified me. You, my lady, still terrify me.” - PAIN
“Please, I beg of you, to not mourn any fate of mine. I have survived worse possibilities thus far, and that was before you were mine. Before you were my reason to survive, to fight, to live and breathe. There is nothing that can keep me from you.” - THE ROMANCE
“Elain, if the bond is the sun, then you are the warmth of its light.”
“Fire may live inside my veins, but it is your actions and words that have sparked a flame to rival the sun, where I burn and burn and burn for all of you.” 
“Perhaps the Mother knew we would not be ready when our paths first crossed—our hearts, our minds, our circumstances—and so she gave us this immediate, unbreakable connection to ensure we never lost each other along the way. When I told you I wanted an anchor, someone to ground me, the truth is I wanted it to be you.”
All of these - I cry!
Crazy-ache’s favorites: 
“I suppose, I will have to trust in your wealth of experience and your steady hand to guide me through these desires. I would welcome a long, thorough exploration, as my previous travels ended too soon for my liking. So, I think it would please me to spend sufficient time, discovering new sights and experiences, and some clever bouts of spontaneity, to the point that I am tired and sated.” - NOT APPRECIATED ENOUGH 
“You call yourself disfigured, as if your scar could take away from the handsome features of your face or the ethereal quality of your essence. If anything, your scar is a story of a life of loss and daring, adding to the mystery and allure of your draw. I wanted to know immediately who marked you so I could cut out their eye as well. Because when I looked at your face for the first time, I knew you were mine.” - PLEASEE i will never forget elain wanting to cut a bitch
“And the truth, Lucien, is that you have always eclipsed every desire I've had. Since we met, every second that I am awake, and even hours that I am asleep, are touched by you.”
“I refuse to waste another moment that I have not knowing you. Not just knowing you through your words but knowing the way you smile when you tell a joke or the way your arms feel wrapped around me. I want to live in the moment and see what promise this little passenger in my chest has assured me.”
“So Lucien, to put it plainly, I both wanted your distance and I wanted you near.”
“I think we must be forever changed. It’s not only that the distance is gone, but we are different. I think there is no avoiding it, when soulmates finally find each other through the darkness.” - THIS IS MY FAVORITE AHHHHH
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scarlet-fangs · 10 days
Love blooming under bookshelves
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Here it is, the little love story I wrote for Demetri who won the poll! Reader is a librarian, and their little weirdness has bewitched the tracker's heart...
You were a strange little thing. It is what most of the Volturi coven thought when they first saw you, what a queer little human! Instead of you ending up as food, Aro saw something in your thoughts, what he perceived as a promising gift. So, he left you a choice, death or becoming one of them. To his amusement, reminding you of a particular scene from a movie you loved: Be one of us…  And the first question you asked was: “Can I still be a librarian?” Because it was what really mattered to the little bookworm you were…  To remain surrounded by books, reading and discovering as you wish, and recommending what you had loved… Still amused by your behavior, Aro had given you the control of the library, and a nice budget for the collections… And so you said yes, not caring much about the human blood thing. Your gift must seem a really precious thing for him.
You almost expected Aro to turn him yourself, but he left Demetri do it.
Demetri was quite nice, watching over you from afar, but you never noticed much, too busy getting lost in your written world. So many books! The library, that he showed you, was wonderful, a dream come true. You beamed when you saw it for the first time as a human, and you beamed again when you first saw it with your vampire eyes. The transformation had been painful, yes, but Demetri was here, watching over you, you could feel it, and somehow even if you didn’t know him well it was comforting. It took you a while to get used to your new body, to learn to reign your newfound strength, and not be a threat to your precious books and the wonderful and fluffy cats of the castle. Feeding on humans was instinctual, and Demetri was there to guide you through every step. After only a month, you had a decent control of your body, able to not run at full speed all the time anymore, or accidentally breaking things by gripping them too hard.
Life in the castle was nice. You were able to bring some of your books and belongings from your human life, and following Aro’s orders you were left to your own device, doing as you wished and adapting to your new life. Soon, you started to spend all of your time in the library, enjoying your new memory to learn new languages and to remember all the books you were reading. It made the life of the guards that were supposed to watch over you much easier, to make sure the newborn you were wasn’t causing any troubles. And you were not! Calm on the outside, you used that restless feeling newborns have to do your librarian job, think about ways to make the library better, and to read books. You were already thinking about ways to catalogue everything, and to the sheer horror of some vampires, how to have an actual classification that made sense…
After two months, you were allowed to buy books for the library, and you were particularly excited about it. It would change you from having to only read old books, or things that others had chosen to buy: you could choose your own books! You placed your order to an independent little bookstore, and even managed to get books in other languages, like your native one.
And finally it was the day that the books would be delivered! You were under Demetri’s responsibility, and he was watching over you from afar as you grew more and more restless, wanting desperately your books. You were practically vibrating from excitement, and Demetri watched over you carefully, generally it wasn’t a good thing for newborns.
When you heard the delivery person talk to the secretary two floors below, you bolted toward where you knew your books would be. Demetri followed you, mindful of your every movement. You let out a squeal of delight, and only stopped in front of the secretary desk, this time very much vibrating by how excited you were. “Where are my books please?”
The secretary shows you the box full of books, and you eagerly open it, looking delighted at how many good novels and manga waiting for you. Too focused on the books, you barely pay attention to the sweet sweet scent in the air. You look up at the secretary, thanking her, not paying attention at how close Demetri had gotten, a worried look on his face, nor the ruby pearls dripping down her fingers… Gripping your box of books, you ran back to the library, missing the amazed looks of the vampire nearby that had smelled the fresh blood that you had ignored much more easily than you should have.
Demetri stayed with you the whole day, watching you read happily, a soft smile on his face. You were such a peculiar little vampire… But it made you even more extraordinary in his eyes.
After hearing about this little non-incident, Aro was even more curious about you, and decided that you could go into town to visit a library, to the condition someone was with you. Demetri volunteered, and you were happy about it, you’d come to like when he was near you. You awaited the next rainy day with impatience, wanting to explore the independent bookstore yourself, Demetri by your side.
The next rainy day came, and you were really thrilled about it, until you weren’t. Demetri had told you his goodbye the day before as he was leaving for a mission… When Chelsea asked you if you wanted her to go with you instead, you turned her down: you wanted Demetri… It made her smile, knowing what you had not understood yet.
You spent the next few days in the library, but it seems much bigger, emptier without Demetri’s presence. You read and read, believing those romance books would make it better. And it did, in a way, but you kept missing Demetri. He was always with you recently, and it made you sad that he wasn’t anymore. Was tracking that rogue vampire difficult? Did he missed you like you missed him? Was there a whole in his heart like there was one in yours?
It's all of those books that made you realize something, when you finally understood that the feelings you had for Demetri, were the same as the main character of your novel had for the love interest… All this time, reading quietly in the library, at first far away but then closer and closer, until you’d always share the same velvet couch; sipping blood wine as you explained him many librarian considerations, ones that surely weren’t that interesting to him, but that he would always listen carefully to, asking questions to hear more of your sweet voice…
Demetri wasn’t home, and you realized Volterra felt home because it was his home, and he made you feel welcome. It was your home, because Demetri was always somehow keeping an eye on you, making sure you were feeling at ease, enquiring of your well-being. You loved Demetri, but he wasn’t home for you to tell him.
The next two days felt like torture, even more painful for you than your own transformation. But days came and went, and finally, you heard his gorgeous voice, talking with Felix. You rose, and ran fast, very fast, towards him, nearly knocking up  a few guards and things on your way, only stopping in front of Demetri, his soft curls framing his eyes as he looked down at you.
“Darling! How are you doing? I’ve missed you…” He did not get the time to say more, as you hugged him really tight, refusing to let go, burying your face in his chest, where is unbeating heart was. And for the first time, you were really focused on him. And you felt it. That warm pull that made you enjoy his presence. That made you eager to always have him with you, that made his voice the most beautiful sound on earth, that made Volterra home. Your eyes widen at the realization, and you look up at him. He knows, you realize at the look on his face. He knew it the whole time and he waited for me to feel it too.
“Demetri…” The way you said his name, with such love, such longing, it drove him crazy. He said your name too, and something your brain did not fully registered, but that you agreed to. And he bent down slightly, and his lips met yours, in a soft and tender kiss. It was everything you were waiting for, his kiss, you realized, and you kissed him back; poor Felix happy for his friend but abandoned, left to debrief alone to the kings about the rogue vampire tracked and killed.
“You have no idea how long I’ve longed to do this…” “And now you can do it again and again, for as long as you wish.” You answer him, grabbing his hand and holding it in your smaller one.
“I will love you forever then…”
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
There’s A Frog In My Hand
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary:after scrolling on TikTok, Enid decides to try the trend on Ajax and tells Y/N to do it on Xavier so Enid can compare their reactions.
Warnings: Boyfriend!Xavier because he’s just the cutest, very fluffy, implied Ajax x Enid
Y/N was walking to the quad when she heard someone yell her name. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, I gotta show you something!” Y/N turned around and saw that it was her best friend, Enid. Enid tan as fast as she could and almost bumped into Y/N. “Sorry. I was on TikTok and I was looking at couple trends so I can do some with Ajax, and look at what I came across.” Enid told Y/N. They both sat down at a table in the quad before Enid played the video.
In the video, there was a couple on the bed, the first girl said to her girlfriend that there was an invisible flea in her hand and that it was going to do 3 backflips. After doing the backflips, the first girl asked her girlfriend to hold his little hat as he does more backflips. Then the first girl asked her girlfriend if she really believe that there is a flea in her hands. The girlfriend says no and the first girl asks “then why are you holding his little hat?” And the girlfriend answers “because you asked me to!”
“It’s literally so fucking cute!! You should try that with Xavier.” Enid tells Y/N. “Do you really think Xavier will go along with there being an invisible flea in my hand?” Y/N asks. “Well it doesn’t have to me a flea, I’ve seen people say there was a frog in their hand, a cricket, it could be anything really. I’m gonna try it with Ajax and see his reaction. I’m gonna say flea because I’m a werewolf so that’s easy.” Enid commented as she puts her phone away.
“Then I guess I’ll choose that there’s a frog. I’m naming the frog though.” Y/N commented. “Only you would name an imaginary frog. I wonder how different Ajax and Xavier would react to having an invisible animal in our hands.”Enid said. “I honestly think Ajax would just be asking a lot of questions.” Y/N said, the girls started laughing and that’s when Y/N felt someone cover her eyes.
“Guess who.” The voice said. “Could it be Nevermore’s resident tortured artist?” Y/N guessed and Xavier uncovered her eyes and gave her a forehead kiss. “I expected you so say your super hot boyfriend but that works too.” Xavier said as he sat down beside Y/N. “What were you girls talking about?”
“About nothing, cariño. My parents wanted me to invite you to dinner Saturday night, by the way. My mom is making tallarines saltado, It’s gonna be really good.” Y/N mentioned. “That’s spaghetti, right?” Xavier asked, making sure he got his Spanish right. “Yeah, It’s spaghetti. So is that a yes?” Y/N asked hopefully. “Yeah for sure. I gotta go find Ajax, see you later, angel.” Xavier said, kissing her forehead. When Xavier was far from the table, Enid started talking again.
“So I was thinking you record the video on your phone, and then you can send it to me so I can post it on my gossip site. I will also post my video with Ajax and we’ll have a poll of who’s the better boyfriend. Do you accept the challenge, L/N?” Enid said, holding out her hand to Y/N. “Challenge accepted, Sinclair.”
After classes were over, Y/N went to Xavier’s dorm. “Mi amor, It’s me, Can i come in?” Y/N asked. Xavier opened the door so she could come in. They greeted each other with a kiss and Y/N walked in and sat on Xavier’s bed. “To what do I owe the pleasure, milady?” Xavier said in a bad British accent as he bowed down. Y/N laughed and hit him lightly on the arm. “No seas payaso (don’t be silly), Enid showed me this couples video today, do you want to try it with me?” Y/N asked Xavier.
“Sure babe, let me take a shower then we can do it, okay.” Xavier said and kissed her forehead before he went to the bathroom so he can shower. Like 15 minutes later he’s out and dressed. “Okay I’m ready.” Xavier said. “Great, I’m gonna record it if that’s okay to prove to Enid I did it” Y/N said and Xavier nodded his head. Y/N propped her phone on his dresser, leaning against his cologne bottle and Y/N pressed record.
“Okay, Xavi, so there’s a frog in my hands, okay? His name is Rogelio.” Y/N said. “Why is his name Rogelio?” Xavier asked. “I was watching Shrek 2 in Spanish, okay. Anyway, Rogelio is going to do 3 backflips.” Y/N said, keeping her eyes on Xavier. Xavier nodded. “Okay Rogelio, do your thing, buddy.” “1, 2, 3” as Y/N counted Rogelio’s backflips, she also moved her head as if following his backflips, Xavier did the same.
“Can you hold his jacket for him?” Y/N asked, showing Xavier her cupped hand. “Yeah sure, Rogelio must be feeling hot after doing 3 backflips in a row.” Xavier commented, he went to your hands and moved his hands as if taking the jacket off of the frog. “He’s gonna do 3 backflips again. 1, 2, 3.” Y/N said. “He did a double backflip at the end! Rogelio, you are a very talented frog, you must be exhausted.” Xavier commented, Y/N wanted to laugh so bad, Xavier is just the cutest. “Does Rogelio want his jacket back? It’s a very nice jacket, actually.”
“Okay, Xavi, here’s a question for you. Do you really believe there’s a frog in my hands?” Y/N asked him. “Well you told me there’s a frog in your hands and I’m holding his jacket. He’s probably an invisible frog.” Xavier said, Y/N giggled. “Querido, how would I get an invisible frog?” Y/N asked him. “I Can anímate anything I draw and you’re asking me if it’s possible to have an invisible frog?” Xavier countered.
“We’re getting off the subject. Do you really think there is a frog in my hands.” Y/N asked. “Probably not.” Xavier said, finally. “Then why are you holding Rogelio’s jacket?” Y/N asked. “Because you asked me to, love.” Xavier said laughing, Y/N laughed too and hugged Xavier, hiding her face in his chest and Xavier kissed the top of her head. When they were done, Y/N stopped the video.
“Did I do the video right?” Xavier asked Y/N. “Yes, you did it perfectly, mi vida.” Y/N said. Y/N grabbed her phone and sent the video to Enid. A free minutes later, Enid replied to her
The next day, when Y/N was walking to the quad, everyone stared at her, mostly the girls and all she heard was “you’re so lucky!” “He’s so sweet!” “Your boyfriend is adorable.” And so on. When Y/N at a table, Xavier approached her. “Hey, love, did you see Enid’s gossip site?” Xavier asked. “No, not really. I knew she was gonna post it but I didn’t know when, why?” Y/N asked.
“Everyone is commenting that we’re the best couple. That and that I’m totally whipped for you. I mean I am, but still.” Xavier said, putting his arm around your shoulders. “At least now everyone knows we’re dating, that should keep your jealous fits in check.” Y/N commented and Xavier just laughed. “Ha ha, very funny. Come one, let’s go to class.” Xavier said as he grabbed Y/N’s backpack to carry it for her and held her hand while they walk to class. Maybe Xavier is whipped for Y/N but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Should this be my brand? Just writing Hispanic Reader fanfics? Let me know!
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