#(technically. i used my henry design for canon henry)
reanimationstation · 1 year
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the server was talking about how ink henry needed a hug from real henry so obviously i had to doodle it
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toxi-works-at-culvers · 9 months
also what are some of your headcanons for him? i'd love to know:)!
ohh i have so many thoughts about him, thank you for asking! :3c
some general stuff first i guess? i think he genuinely loved his kids! and i think that he also liked kids in general, since he opened up fredbear's and all. i don't think he was the best dad, but i think he genuinely tried. and i don't really like when he's portrayed as abusive because i don't feel like it makes sense for his character.
basic stuff: 6 ft 2 in tall, built like a fuckin twig, scariest gray/green eyes you will ever see. charming bastard smile. missing a tooth because he's definitely gotten into a fight before. wears purple in almost every outfit and dresses more formally than needed. bisexual. somewhere in his mid-30's in 1983
hobbies include robotics, designing animatronics, acting, journaling, and juggling (canon btw)
british. that's not even a headcanon but i feel like it's being forgotten lately (matthew curtis' voicelines for him + he's not gonna have an accent in the movie… sad!)
very afraid of death
has a very high opinion of himself
probably had a cat at one point. i feel like he would
i think his hair would start graying kind of early because of stress. the man's a workaholic and has definitely done more than a few all-nighters :P
i also think he got married kind of early (in his 20's or so) from societal pressure and also oopsies!! accidental pregnancy! so yeah. michael was an accident but william still loved him - but once elizabeth and evan were born william kind of ends up ignoring michael in favor of them. and that causes michael's teen angst to get especially angsty which is why the bite of 83 happens
he 100% used to have a thing with henry. there's no way they weren't at least a little fruity. (from the silver eyes, "a search of his house had found (…) stacks of journals full of raving paranoia, passages about henry that ranged from wild jealousy to near worship." tell me that's not homosexual.) but anyways they both have families now, yet william still lowkey kind of wants henry. but will never have him because they are both doomed by the narrative :) (edit to also say. they are like a divorced old couple tbh.)
his opinion about henry swaps around a lot. sees henry as being superior and better than him even if, technically, william has made wayyy more advanced animatronics. or sometimes thinks that he's the best and henry would be nothing without him.
and now his personality!! i kind of try to base most of it on how he's portrayed in the books, with my own touch added on. basically he's silly! he's a great actor and he's very theatrical. he's also very charismatic, good at interacting with people as well as getting what he wants. but underneath all that he's kind of an asshole, he's really selfish and only really cares about himself. he's egotistcal and he doesn't admit his faults because he thinks he can't be wrong. so yeah. (this actually got really long so i condensed it down. more elaboration under the cut)
gets springlocked and dies in 1993. returned to the fnaf 1 location because he wanted to destroy the old animatronics, thinking that it might free the souls and let him avoid their wrath or something idk. kind of backfired on him.
post springtrapping he's had a lot of time to reflect, but rather than feeling guilty he feels like he needs to get revenge. he wants to kill everyone who's ever wronged him and that's what keeps him going, even in death. (also the only one he might ACTUALLY somewhat regret is killing charlie, because of how it broke his relationship with henry. but otherwise he doesn't feel guilty at all.)
and most importantly, the fnaf 6 ending (with henry's speech) is canon and he's dead after that :) no glitchtrap, no mimic, no FUCKING FEAR GAS!1!1!11
(the original, longer version of his personality here lol) i think that william is actually a very silly goofy guy! he's dramatic, he's an entertainer and an actor as shown by how he acts when he's wearing the springbonnie suit. although he's definitely playing it up for an effect there, he's still kind of uhh. theatrical i think. but he's also very charismatic and could probably smooth talk his way out of prettty much anything, which is part of the reason he doesn't get arrested after the MCI (also the lack of evidence). at the same time he has kind of a weird vibe to him, you can just tell there's something wrong with this dude, like maybe he's trying a little too hard to look normal.
and thennnn there's what's beneath the surface. william is kind of insensitive, self-centered/selfish, and egotistical. he also absolutely refuses to admit his own faults or shortcomings. something bad happened? not his fault! he was wrong about something? no he wasn't! another thing, william is very paranoid and usually feels like anyone or anything could be a threat to him (mostly because of that one passage from the silver eyes, "had spent so much of his life fighting like a cornered rat." and ANOTHER thing from the silver eyes, "he had taken on the mantle of bitter sadism as an integral part of himself. he would strike out against others and revel in their pain, feeling righteously that the world owed him his cruel pleasures.")
at first he kills charlie because he wants to bring evan back, and feels he deserves some kind of revenge on henry because it was HIS animatronic that did the bite after all, right? but along the way he realizes he enjoys killing. and that it feels so good to have power when he hasn't for most of his life. so he keeps going, and eventually all that comes crashing down on him. and it's tragic! because he used to have what many would call a perfect life. but he completely ruined that with his own selfish desires.
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mute-call · 4 months
ok as per usual im gonna dump all my ideas here & figure them out later <3
v; your bell telephone factory : dsaf-fluid factory phone au.
things i Want / need to keep in mind bc i want to use them / also make this unique from his other verses:
he's not the only pg!! i'll go refresh myself on the generations but i think i want him uhhhh peter-esque.......? bro idk i need my dsaf friends to remind me of stuff. basically i want him to have access to his pre-phone memories but not Immediate Complete access
im sorry i refuse to name any pg of mine scott cawthon all my besties hate scott cawthon <3 . but the pg name can be scott gyver in honor of one of my fave canon phone guy designs
blue head. i cant wait to confuse people by using my animatronic icons for non-animatronic verse >:)c
steven should have worked with other pgs in the past when he was human. i think he would have been lowkey scared of them but also never really got in trouble w them. uneasy alliance /lh. steven voice hey my life might suck but at least i dont have a phone for a head! haha. ha. ha
alright down to the details!
i’m thinking he discovers one of the kids’ bodies in the suits if I want to differentiate, or i can steal from dsaf & let him catch William (Henry?) in the act. I think either would work well for him tbh.
additional / alternate idea.... he gets caught during fnaf 2 shit. not a manager at that point (some other pg is). catches william using the suit & gets Done For. previous pg gets scrapped after all that shit goes down & steve comes to look over fnaf 1. it like. goes ok for a while & then the location goes into decline but doesnt technically close so he is just Standing There. <3 . he takes over night shift bc he just fucken lives there basically. has some line about how he's less likely to get his head bit in now that it's plastic so this is the best option for everyone.
im so indecisive about how & when he should die pre-phone. idk man idk. i think this is one of those things i need to develop better in threads / might be flexible & set at diff points thread to thread
pre-phone steve....
drawing from my hcs about him when he was younger, i think pre-phone phoney was SO bright & cheerful & nicies...
really good with the kids. excited about his first real job to support his family. not yet beaten down by fnaf-slash-dsaf shenanigans
i guess he'd die younger than 30 in this unless he gets phone-ified after his canon death point but that doesnt make much sense. so. itty bitty phone. youngun.
post-phone scott....
i am SO into the idea that he's never fired anyone. pushover of a phone!!!
he & peter can share their fake little photo of a completely different phone guy w a completely different family /lh. pg's so excited to have kids :) . he talks about them all the time! please stop telling him they dont exist!!!
partially to differentiate from animatronic verses & partially to bring in his fnaf 1 characterization i think he's pretty chill as far as pgs go. like he'll ask you to stop screwing stuff up but he'll also just shrug and leave if you tell him to shut up about it T_T . very difficult to rile up.
i think one benefit of phoneification for him was removing his guilt about jeremy where applicable. i think i am leaning more towards steve being human for that game, and the bite of '87 stuff being a real turning point for him in terms of . everything. (but blue, wouldnt it make more sense for him to die BEFORE the bite? yes. <3 and yet /lh).
i think he & jeremy would have been closer if he hadn't been manager + everything that happened there fucked him up severely. luckily, as a phone, he doesnt feel much about it at all!
is there anything im missing..... idk more to come. etc.
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halfusek · 2 years
Your opinion on Henry being fake, ‘cause honestly I kinda disappointed (well, at least it wasn’t what I expected, this trope is interesting tho), but still love this guy and his design is also really good (what do you think about his original look btw?) Sorry, if you already answered to this kind of question, you can ignore it, if so!
I always thought that the Henry in BATIM is a "story" Henry and not the real one, however I thought that the story versions of the real people still have some sort of connection - like their souls were used for it for example
I am kinda indifferent about the design, I don't dislike it, it's okay, but I'm not crazy about it either, I still prefer that they wouldn't reveal it, especially that it doesn't seem like we gained anything from knowing what he looks like but hey maybe at least the devs will be able to react to Henry fanart now lol (they didn't do that before because people assumed that if they interact with someone's designs then it means that these designs are canon... yikes)
Kinda sad that the real Henry isn't involved in this at all honestly, I wish he was somehow included, though I suppose good for him?
By the way the whole "is it less evil if he is just an ink copy" debate kinda reminds me of creating artificial intelligence that's human-like. I personally think that even if something doesn't have a soul and technically is a thing made by a human, by humanizing it, we make it's emotions and suffering as real as that of a human being. So it's still... sad that this Henry is getting tortured in a never ending cycle but... it's like missing that flavour of having influence over their real counterparts, right?
Because even though the story character's suffering is just as real I am also interested in the story of the real characters and I wish there was more to them than Joey writing a fanfiction about them
That is exactly why in my Abomination comic you follow fates of both Real and Story characters XD I think I like my version more, sorry Meatly
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
[Random William Afton/Dave Miller headcanons for my Five Nights At Freddy's Alternate Universe Fanmade-WebComic Series/Fanfiction Story because my brain cannot stop malfunctioning and making me paranoid and unironically afraid of the dark at night lol(Please note that the ver. of the purple peepaw man himself is based off of the ones from the games and/or books/graphic novels so please keep that in mind- thank you). Also please don't hate me if any of the headcanons I interpret for my comfort au seem to be out of character or something, I understand it can be annoying but if it bothers you just please be gentle about it since I can be somewhat fragile<//3. Oki doki, here I go I guess]:
I sometimes like to imagine that while Henry was more on the imaginative side of things when it came to the animatronics such as the character design and how they would act towards the kids in a party setting to give everyone the best of fun, since William would be more on the technical side of stuff involving blueprints on the construction of the animatronics, I feel like Will' was atleast once a decent artist. What I mean is that William could probably sketch up still-life related drawings in a cool fashion that maybe could of had a noticable signature style to it too even if that said style was more subtle since he would mostly focus on copying the stuff around him and how it looked...I can imagine that he could be very impressive in his talents when it came to sketching objects and animals, maybe even people but I feel like his favourite type of things to draw were probably scenery and nature type settings :3. His more cartoony or unrealistic art-style type doodles would be when he was distracted or bored and needed something to do atleast so he would doodle simple sketches on his paperwork and blueprints without realizing x3.
He prefers everything to be nice and clean, organized and neat but that preference and need for perfection wouldn't stop him from getting super lost in his work and ending up with huge messes of paperwork and other needed supplies that he'd use towards his projects all around his work space. Ofcourse this uncleanliness and unorganized mess would bother him, but it's not like it would matter. The stress would probably be more of a distraction anyway with such lingering Doom always clouding over him<3. He's probably a massive caffeine addict to the point where it's hyoerbolically debilitating, mostly in the form of coffee :P.
I feel like despite his calm and often scary, intimidating demeanor towards others when he needs control and some sort of power over others atleast, he can still be very envious/jealous of others esp his coworker Henry which said state drives him insane in the membrane. He knows his brain shouldn't malfunction in such a way, he knows he needs to stay calm and collected in order to get what he wants, so that all can go according to plan but at the same time...at the same time it's all so crushingly painful that he can't help but be of the verge, the edge of completly snapping into further madness just to destroy everything that gets into his path, to shatter every obstacle out of his way in order to finally get his revenge...revenge in what??I don't know yet, I might have forgotten in my brain's messy blurry loss of memory due to my own stress but just...revenge towards something that would be his own fault atleast. It doesn't make sense though to anyone that is not him. An unfathomable, burning, undying rage and hatred to life and yet he still canonically is scared of death in all it's uncertainty(Huh wait am I projecting again??Goddammit).
(Warning!!>:(:This one goes into the space that is my personal comfort alternate universe fan-story so please don't hate me if it doesn't make sense to you, I am probably gonna explain it more in better detail later QwQ): He has memory issues due to both stress and old age, but he still has enough storage in his brain's memory space to know that he was born somewhere around February though Rose(my self-insert for this cringeworthy tale of OCxCanon fanfiction plot atleast)always bugs him to celebrate it on Valentines Day since she likes the idea of him being born on that day and gifting him the anime drawings she attempts to make in her spare time.
By the way, that reminds me, in my Fnaf alternate universe comfort story, William, Henry and Rose are roommates in a vintage-inspired older built house that's not in Utah(Don't ask why yet, I'm still planning stuff out!!>:]). They mostly were able to get the house through the nightguards(again, they're apart of the story too but I'm gonna explain it later when I get a better chance to in the future), who live near the town they're apart of. Something something about wanting a brand new start and thinking that maybe going somewhere away from all the disasterousnes would be better for all of them, something it was mostly Henry and Rose's idea...yes.
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bravevolunteer · 11 months
headcanon + drawing
michael has kept up art as a hobby since he was pretty young, some of the earliest examples of enjoying this were actually based on his father's and henry's animatronics: as a kid, he used to be pretty fascinated with them, draw a bunch of them, bursting with excitement to show either of them his 'ideas,' whether it was new designs he liked to make up or collections of silly little comics. he grew more embarrassed by this the older he got, and stopped showing people his drawings, but kept up with it consistently!
he expanded the subjects of course, still keeping the cartoonish vibe but more so filling sketchbooks with lots of miscellaneous doodles. he would do this especially when he was stuck at the restaurant without any of his friends to mess around with, sketching the animatronics, decorations, and people. he keeps doing short comic-like work ( i point to the silly stylized stick figure ) and often incorporates humor, but he also ends up improving technical skills a lot too. though he doesn't deliberately practice this as much as most would recommend, he can do portraiture and anatomy pretty well ( his strengths there being the fact that he uses very loose and open strokes, so while the technical choices aren't PERFECT, his more realistic work still comes off as stylized and interesting ). he is stupidly good at animatronic and robot parts definitely from the amount of practice he's had just observing them.
he mainly uses just... pencils and pens— anything he can get his hands on rather than seeking out specific materials.
he's not a painter— michael just figures he wouldn't be any good at it, though that's more so the way he's thinking about it. he thinks he doesn't exactly have the drive to sit down for hours and meticulously craft a "real painting" ( in the heaviest of quotes ), personally i think he'd really benefit from quick-paced messy painting as an outlet.
in a similar vein, he doesn't really consider himself much of an artist because of the stereotypical connotations of the word— michael doesn't think he's really making anything worthwhile, which is why it surprises him so much when people are impressed and/or think he could pursue something creative. i am once again saying i think his art teacher was the only one he really got along with and who made him think beyond a one dimensional definition of art.
also just look at his canon doodles wahhh
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for the ask game
character: Jasper
questions: 1, 9, and 11
1- Favourites thing(s) about this character?
Oh, there is so much about Jasper that I love. I suppose my favorite is his kind heart and emotional intelligence.
Yeah, I know that the word intelligence and Jasper don't seem like they would mix since he's perceived as 'stupid' but he's actually quite intelligent when it comes to caring for people.
He knew just what to say when Henry lost his powers. Plus, when he found out that kid Danger was Henry, his first instinct was to tell Henry how proud of him he was, dispite the fact that earlier episodes (before he knew) he expressed jealousy towards the side kick.
9- What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
OMG I have so many. They're mostly really sad self projecting ones, (which you know most of lol) so, I'm only going to put a few non sad ones here.
1. Jasper gives great hugs, the best hugs in fact.
2. That he can sing! The actor for Jasper, Sean Ryan Fox released a few songs a while back they're not really my genre of music, but he's got a great voice.
So I headcanon that Jasper can sing, really well, but no one knows it- not even him.
He always does goofy fun renditions of songs (like the cup song) whenever he sings in front of anyone, making his voice dramatically loud and probably uses an accent too.
But when he's singing to himself, quietly while locking up Junk-N-Stuff, it's really good. A soft sweet melody that he doesn't even realize he's producing.
And it surprises the hell outta anyone who just so happens to hear it.
3. The spider headcanon (more detailed post: here)
Basically, I think he's the only one of the trio that isn't afraid of spiders, and he's the designated spider handler while Charlotte and Henry stand on random furniture, and scream after spotting a spider.
4. Jasper is on the spectrum (while technically a headcanon) I say it's canon regardless.
He doesn't always understand sarcasm, and struggles to comprehend social cues.
He's totally oblivious to the things he does that aren't socially acceptable, and considered rude or 'stupid'.
Plus, hyperfixating on buckets just speak for themselves.
11- Who do you not like to ship with this character?
As per my username, Hensper is my main ship. Therefore I don't really like any ship with Jasper that's not him and Henry.
However, I'm not for or against a ship with him and Charlotte. They have the potential to be cute together, they'd both be loyal and loving- but I just don't think she has the patience to be with him lol 😅
Now, the ship I dislike the most with Jasper is him and Piper. I understand why some people ship them, they have a quite interesting dynamic but I just don't see them ever being a good couple.
Mainly the reason being there age difference and the fact that I seem them as siblings.
Jasper met Henry when he was five, meaning Piper was one when he was first introduced to her.
Which honestly explains a lot of her hostility towards him, he's literally like a brother to her, he probably used to annoy the shit outta Piper.
I could see a toddler Piper constantly pulling on his hair and throwing her toys at him lol
Their age difference isn't that bad, only four years, however currently (per Dangerforce time) the Piper is still a minor, only seventeen, and Jasper is twenty- nearly twenty one. 😬
It just gives me the ick. Perhaps if they both met as adults it might change my opinion of them together, but for me it's a no.
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superherokisser · 2 years
anyways, here is the fanfiction au i was talking about with @/irummna. it’s kinda messy and it’s a pretty old au but i like it!
fanfiction au (it has different names but let’s call it that)
-y/n (or i guess me but in this we call them y/n) goes to ninjago. basically becomes besties with the ninjas for a year or so. also y/n and lloyd start dating. kind of unrelated but my s/i for ninjago, had all the ninja’s powers + teleportion + mind reading (being an empath) + telling the future (saw other episodes). strangely straight, brown hair in a ponytail and a striped gray and teal outfit. not my best design choice i’d say.
-y/n decides to *drumroll* explore other universes (they got bored of ninjago lmao). yay! so they remove everyone’s memory of them expect lloyd since i guess they still loved lloyd. anyways, they explore a ton of universes/other fandoms. they end up in fnaf. very cool, amiright? they stay in fnaf blah blah, maybe traveling to other universes. lloyd goes pretty crazy during this time. he figures out he’s not real and he’s basically being controlled. lloyd tries to tell his friends but obviously, they don’t listen. he eventually decides to go hunt after y/n
-months pass. y/n catches a glimpse of lloyd but brushes it off. but they keep it in mind. lloyd realizes how much y/n has changed and gets very upset about it. lloyd sends y/n a message with the phone they used to keep track of all the universes. the message basically declared war. he gives y/n 1-2 months to get an army and meet him at this giant ass hill field thing.
-during this time, lloyd tries to take kai’s (don’t ask why it was kai, there isn’t rlly a reason lmao) soul and put it into this robot thing called c/n (stands for crush name. he’s supposed to be an overpowered ideal romantic partner or something). kai basically dies and half of his soul goes into c/n so, c/n is technically alive now. lloyd also makes another robot called b/f/n (best friend’s name) who is an ideal best friend but you can call her carmen.
-it’s war time baby. they have a giant fight, lasts quite awhile. it gets pretty emotional. lloyd ends up winning. he wipes y/n’s memory and everyone else’s. takes y/n and keeps them in a house which they can’t leave. c/n and b/f/n basically become lloyd’s minions. y/n stumbles upon b/f/n and gets their memory back and so does everyone else. c/n, b/f/n, and y/n all decide to escape and run to back to the one and only, michael afton! (there was an au that i had where it was michael’s soul in c/n but that’s not canon to this au).
-anyways michael is like “omg ur alive??? yeah i remember. i don’t trust these guys grrrr.” lloyd goes awhile without realizing. then y/n and their friends have to run around other universes. they escape for awhile. lloyd figures out how to call them and calls c/n and b/f/n and asks them to gather everyone involved in this au.
-everyone is gathered and thrown into a really giant arcade-type place. lloyd does a henry emily type speech and burns the place down. after he burns it, y/n is destroyed and all the fictional characters forget everything and go back to their source/media. lloyd also forgets but always feels off and just weird.
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you-are-constance · 3 years
I love how the biggest/most prominent costume changes in tcd concert are:
Fra’s hat
Jamie Muscato puts on a jacket
#i mean sure there are minor things#(like technically Ma Riley has glasses in the second act but not the first)#but these are the biggest ones#bc SyMBoLisM#we know that Fra's hat symbolizes difference between The Storyteller and Will#(and then it's important bc he hands it to Constance when he 'dies')#and then the jacket is... less important (and what i say is not canon just my own opinions and whatnot)#but like... Abraham and the Mayor are wearing suit coats (which is what i mean by 'jacket') the whole time#and then Henry (Jamie) puts one on for his wedding and that's what he wears for the rest of the show#so of the main characters... Will is the only one that isn't wearing the suit coat#(his sleeves are also rolled up but that is important for Other Reasons)#when Henry puts on the suit coat... he's kind of leaving behind the kind of life that Will is still hoping for#and Abraham and the Mayor have already left it behind#even if the Mayor and Henry are happy in their choice to stay in Spindlewood for a simple and quaint life#and maybe Abraham used to be#they've left behind the option for something more like what Will wants#or idk i'm just thinking aloud#that went longer than i wanted it to#(i have many Thoughts (tm) about the actual costumes in the concert and my designs)#anyway#the clockmaker's daughter#tcd#fra fee#jamie muscato#i love them both a lot#costumes#etc etc#i mean the costumes aren't much in the concert but THEY ARE THERE#and if they are there i WILL overthink them
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 years
Hello idk if you still do wolf among us Headcanons but saw the newest trailer and wanted ask for some Flycatcher (Aka frog prince) ones please.
Just saw newest trailer and I hope they dont do my homies of Oz badly
My interpetation of Twau characters deivate from the comics canon - mostly cus i really hate the sexual violence and fridging of a lot of backstory characters (Flycatcher’s family dont even get names), so my version of Flycatcher is a wee different from the comics.
His legal name is Ambrose Frosch. Is called “Fly” by his closest friends.
Has really bad anxiety and can get “a frog in his throat” when he starts panicking and becomes unable to verbalise.
Is bisexual, though fears putting himself out there due to the memories of the Homelands.
As a modern Fable, he is technically not the same character he was back in the Homelands (none of them really are). He *remembers* that his original form had a wife and children, but cannot remember their names. He still cries for their loss.
Turns into a frog when overwhelmed. He can turn back via a kiss or by throwing him - referencing one version of the tale which he turns human after the princess tossed him against a wall. He prefers kisses
Has a deep dislike for “fellow” former royals. Flycatcher spent a fair amount of his youth eating bugs and sleeping in algae, and is far more humble than Fables hanging onto their former staus. He much prefers animal Fables like Bigby or Toad Jr.
He may or may not have a frog’s tongue. Bigby swears he’s seen Flycatcher eat popcorn with it.
Is surprisingly good friends with Grendel. They share a dislike for loud activities and just want to be left out of the chaos of the Woodlands. They met when Flycatcher offered the use of his sound-cancelling headphones to an overstimulated Gren in the offices. Look up those tarantulas that keep frogs as roommates and you can imagine their dynamic.
Sometimes is at the Trip Trap Bar but rarely drinks - his favorite beverage is sparkling cider. He can be counted on as a designated driver.
After the events of the first game, Bigby made sure he got his job back as a janitor at the Woodlands. He however is currently lacking accomodations since he was crashing at the Tweedles’ office before all the Crooked Man business happened.
Has a phobia of snakes. Its the frog brain thing. Will freeze in place if he sees anything resembling a serpent.
Puffs his cheeks when annoyed. Laughter will only incur angry croaking.
In the “Iron Henry” version of his tale, the Frog Prince had a servant named Henry/Harry with iron bands affixed around his heart to prevent it from breaking from sadness at his master’s curse. Which... isnt how cardiology works, and is a bit intense for someone who’s “just a loyal servant”. Flycatcher realises like decades after the fact that Iron Henry was in love with him and has a bisexual moment of panic.
Unironically owns Kermit and Muppets memoarbilia. He loves the funky little frog dude. Cries whenever he hears “The Rainbow Connection”
Thinks bugs are really cool but will more than offen eat them on instinct. Bigby once called him to deal with an ant problem at his apartment and came back to find Flycatcher on the floor eating the ants like a aardvark
Is the sweetest dude in the entire Fables universe, dont fight me on this
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sholangagaga · 2 years
Full Glamstar AU Timeline
Hoh! I've been working on this for a WHILE! and I think I finally got all of my duckies in order!
This is the full timeline for my Glamstar AU, from the beginning all the way to the current point!
please please PLEASE do not take this timeline as true canon. It follows the canon pretty well, but I added in and omitted alot!! I also mixed the game and novel canon, so some of it doesn't follow the same flow as the games!
I also ignored a couple games (Like UCN and Special Delivery) and of course, there are characters and different scenarios than what transpired in the games and books.
Also! This does still technically contain spoilers for a lot of the games and books! So if you haven't played them all or intend to read the novels, DO NOT READ!!
This timeline mentions a lot of things! Murder, kidnapping, suicide, and violence! Please, if any of that triggers you or anything of the sort, DO NOT READ! I will also tag with trigger warnings just in case
Phew! If you made it through all of that, awesome! The full timeline will be under the cut! Enjoy!
If you have any questions or need me to clarify, don't be afraid to ask!
Henry Emily and William Afton become close friends and decide to start a restaurant together. Henry is the owner and founder Fazbear Entertainment Inc., and William is the owner and founder of Afton Robotics LLC. They open their first location, Fredbear’s Family Diner.
Henry creates the first synthetics, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie (known only as Bonnie back then). Due to William’s insistence, these synthetics were built as springlock suits. William creates his own version of Spring Bonnie and hides it away.
Charlotte and Sammy Emily (Henry’s twin children) become fixtures at Fredbear’s Diner, as does Michael and Evan Afton (William’s sons)
William becomes obsessed with Henry, both worshiping and envying him. These feelings become the basis to his future actions.
Due to the success of Fredbear’s, William and Henry open up Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Fredbear is decommissioned as a synthetic, and his mother chip is repurposed and put into Freddy Fazbear. William lies to Henry and instead of removing the mother chip from Spring Bonnie, he creates a copy of it. This chip is used within Bonnie the Bunny. William also creates a copy of Fredbear’s chip, however it was replicated incorrectly and is thus flawed, either by accident or purposely by William.
Henry begins to notice that William is acting strangely towards him and his family, and out of concern for his children, creates the Security Puppet. The Puppet is programmed to protect Charlie and Sammy, differentiating them from other children by the green security bracelets they wear.
William, dressed as Spring Bonnie, lures Charlie Emily outside of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and murders her. The Puppet exits the restaurant to try and rescue her, but due to its exposed design, it short circuits from the water and becomes completely inactive after curling around Charlie’s body. The Puppet then becomes possessed by Charlie.
Spring Bonnie, who becomes aware of this after the fact, becomes enraged at Charlie’s murder. William puts a gag order on Spring Bonnie to prevent him from telling Henry. Spring Bonnie, unable to bring William’s crimes to light, then sets a trap for William. When William wears the Spring Bonnie suit again, the springlocks malfunction. However, William survives this and becomes hospitalized.
In the same year, Michael Afton shoves his younger brother Evan into the decommissioned Fredbear, who was being used as a mindless and stoic prop due to the loss of his mother chip. This causes Fredbear’s springlocks to malfunction and maim Evan.
Due to this, Fredbear’s closes down and the two springlock synthetics are locked away. Evan eventually succumbs to his wounds in hospice, and his spirit bonds to Fredbear.
William is no longer hospitalized and suffered a mental snap after Evan’s death. He buries himself into his work, creating Circus Baby and the Funtimes for Afton Robotics LLC. He uses the faulty Fredbear chip to create Funtime Freddy, and then creates BonBon and Bonnett as an insult to Spring Bonnie and Henry, blaming them for Evan's death.
William kills 5 children at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza which causes the Missing Children Incident, using the spare Spring Bonnie suit to do so. He then disposes of the bodies by stuffing them into Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and the decommissioned Fredbear (Golden Freddy). Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza closes due to this incident.
Circus Baby’s Pizza World is opened in order to capitalize on the gap left by Freddy’s. Elizabeth Afton disobeys her father and approaches Circus Baby, who was her father's pride and joy. Circus Baby, jealous of the attention William showers upon Elizabeth, kills the girl. Elizabeth then possesses Circus Baby.
William grieves for his daughter, but learns that she still “lives” within Circus Baby. He places Baby in an underground facility, which will eventually become Circus Baby’s Rentals.
Henry sells Fazbear Entertainment Inc. to new owners and disappears, going into hiding due to the grief of losing his own daughter.
Henry begins to work on Project Personality, trying to find a way to rebuild his daughter and bring her back to life. Using parts from his original synthetics, he creates 4 synthetics of Charlie, with each one representing a different stage of Charlie’s life (toddler, young child, teen, adult). Henry creates the first Personality Chip, capable of forming emotions, subconsciousness, and more within a synthetic. However, Henry realizes that this will never truly be his Charlie and that the entire notion was complete insanity, so he destroys all of the synthetic Charlies except the unfinished adult Charlie, sells the Personality Chip schematic to Fazbear Entertainment anonymously, and seals the adult Charlie in a storage tube. He then hides the tube within the basement of his family home and sets the building on fire.
Henry learns that William was the one who killed Charlie and the other children and begins to blame himself for their deaths. He also learns that the Puppet is possessed by his dead daughter, and his depression only worsens. Henry contemplates taking his own life, but decides against it. He begins to plan his revenge against William.
William travels to Henry’s home to either confront him or to steal his research. There he learns Henry burned the building down and fled. However, William finds that the basement survived the fire and he attempts to salvage it. He finds the unfinished adult Charlie synthetic and the schematics for a servo chip that can alter the brain’s perception. William steals both and returns to Circus Baby’s.
He uses the adult Charlie as the basis for a new Funtime synthetic, but abandons the project for unknown reasons. He leaves the now unnamed Funtime in a storage facility at Afton Robotics.
The second Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza opens, this time featuring the Toy set of synthetics. These are the first synthetics with the Personality chip, and are more lifelike and advanced than their predecessors. The old synthetics are kept within Parts and Service, but are for the most part unresponsive to humans.
William Afton begins to work at this location as a security guard, but is fired soon after. He then murders 5 more children, who then possess the Toy synthetics. The Toys become aggressive towards security guards, and begin to attack them.
Charlie, as the Puppet, places the spirits of the original 5 children within the corresponding synthetic that houses their bodies. The Toys and the Originals begin to hunt for their killer.
Mangle injures Jeremy Fitzgerald, mistaking him for William. The location closes, the Toy synthetics are completely scrapped excluding their mother and personality chips, and the original synthetics are returned to the original location for rebranding.
William informs Michael of Circus Baby’s Rentals, telling him to go there if he wants answers about his sister.
Michael finds Elizabeth as Baby, but she manipulates and ultimately betrays him, using her brother as a vessel for Ennard and herself. Michael survives this due to Remnant, and promises his siblings that he’ll stop their father. Michael then leaves with Ennard contained within him, disappearing for the time being.
A new location is opened for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. The old synthetics are restored and now harbor mother chips, personality chips, and the souls of the children. Fredbear is a husk of his former self, unable to truly return to normal due to no longer having a mother chip. The synthetics are openly hostile to all security guards they encounter. This only escalates when Mike Schmidt (Michael Afton) begins working at the location, due to his resemblance to William. This leads to the death of the Phone guy.
William himself eventually comes to the restaurant after learning the synthetics were possessed, aiming to dismantle them completely. He succeeds, however the souls of the children trap him within the Safe Room. William dons the original Spring Bonnie suit, which was kept there alongside Fredbear.
Unbeknownst to William, a past incarnation of Freddy had informed Spring Bonnie of what had happened over the years. Spring Bonnie’s sorrow and rage over being unable to kill William the first time combined with the crushing guilt of being used to kill all of those children manifested as Lingering Will, which possesses the copied mother chip within Bonnie. Spring Bonnie once again lays a trap for William. When he dons the synthetic, Spring Bonnie’s locks were geared to malfunction yet again. This time, William is unable to get medical attention and he physically dies. Remnant prevents him from truly dying, and instead he merges with Spring Bonnie, becoming what will eventually be known as Springtrap.
Michael begins to work at Fazbear’s Fright, an amusement park ride based on the events of the original restaurants. He searches for his father, and after his first day the owners of the ride found Springtrap barricaded within the old restaurant.
Some time before this, William replaced his decomposed head with Spring Bonnie’s original one, completely merging with the synthetic. However, Spring Bonnie resists his influence, and they often viciously fight for control.
Once within the attraction, Michael recognizes his father and attempts to keep him at bay. Spring Bonnie, who recalls Michael from years prior, sees the man as a way to end the cycle of suffering. Spring Bonnie sends Michael coded messages in the form of arcade style games. These are the games that lead to freeing the souls of Afton’s victims, and Michael completes them as repentance for his father’s actions. On the 6th night of his tenure and after all of the children are freed, Spring Bonnie tells Michael to burn the attraction down. Michael asks if he can free Spring Bonnie as well, but the synthetic refuses. The synthetic asks that he dies along with William, as he is as much to blame for everything as William is.
Michael burns down Fazbear’s Fright, but doesn’t know that William foresaw Spring Bonnie’s warnings and avoided death, escaping the building.
Henry comes out of hiding after learning of what Michael was trying to do, finally puts his plan into action. Henry gathers all of the remaining possessed synthetics and lures Michael Afton to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place.
Henry and William confront each other for the final time, with Henry condemning William for his crimes and for killing Charlie. Spring Bonnie apologizes to Henry for not stopping William years earlier, and Henry realizes he wasn’t the only one blaming himself for William’s actions.
Henry thanks Spring Bonnie for containing and bearing with William for so long, and tells the synthetic that he never once blamed him for the things that happened.
After apologizing to his daughter, Charlie, Henry destroys the Pizza Place by setting it on fire, killing himself, Michael, and William, and freeing all of the remaining trapped souls.
Fazbear Entertainment rebrands itself completely, and in order to put the rumors and the past behind them, hires game developers to create games based on the events at the original restaurants.
A portion of William’s soul escaped its eternal hell and found its way into a VR game being developed. This entity, dubbed Glitchtrap, bided his time within the game until he could find a way to escape. An employee discovers Glitchtrap after she and her coworker began to succumb to its influence. The employee attempts to destroy and/or contain Glitchtrap within the game, however he overcomes her and corrupts the tapes she made.
A woman named Vanny, who was testing the game, partially merges with Glitchtrap. After succumbing to his influence as well, she begins to help aid his escape into the real world.
The Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex is open and running, hosting a wide variety of synthetics made from Henry’s original specifications. This location was built above the remains of the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place.
Vanny, while under the control of Glitchtrap, begins the cycle anew and murders 9 children before Gregory ends up being adopted into Fazbear Entertainment.
The rest of the timeline you guys already know if you're up to date with the Glamstar Story! Thanks for reading!
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acrylicqueen · 3 years
My Version of FNAF Canon
(a.k.a. my attempt at cleaning up the FNAF timeline) FNAF’s canon is messy and confusing, and I personally think the story would be better if the series ended with FNAF3 like Scott had originally intended. So, a  few days ago, I wrote up a revised version of the story and explained every detail so it is all easily understood.   You can read the revised story/timeline of events underneath the read more! 
Henry Emily
Original Founder of Fazbear Entertainment
Friendly and approachable. A family man despite being a single parent. Harbors big aspirations and is determined to stick to them. Has a tendency to get in a little over his head; has so many ideas that they all tend to muddle together and become confusing. Despite this, he is very professional. A HARD worker.
William Afton
Co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment
Founder of Afton Robotics
Manipulative and controlling. Narcissistic; possibly a megalomaniac. Has a habit of taking advantage of others for personal gain. Incredibly fake in earnest, but good at pretending to be a genuine person. Bad temper. Highly intelligent and sly, which makes him appear rather charming to most people.
Early 1970s
Henry has an idea for a kid's pizza restaurant utilizing animatronics and arcade games as entertainment.
He employs an old friend of his, William Afton, as his business partner. He becomes the co-founder of the company Henry's creating.
Working together, Henry and William found Fazbear Entertainment and in-turn Afton Robotics. 
Henry and William create the restaurant's animatronics, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie, and open their first location, "Fredbear's Family Diner." While they both design the animatronics, William builds them.
Late 1970s
Restaurant is successful and groundbreaking
After a few years of being open, to make the restaurant more exciting, Henry and William design new animatronics to be displayed alongside Fredbear and Bonnie. These new animatronics are Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy (what would later become their withered variants)
With an added aura of confidence due to building these new and more technologically advanced animatronics, William wants to take the company in a direction Henry isn't fond of; William is trying to take control of the company too much for Henry's liking
Eventually Henry fires William
Fuming, William files a lawsuit on Fazbear Entertainment, claiming he is the rightful owner of the physical animatronics. Since he built them he believes he is entitled to their copyright
William loses the lawsuit because when he forfeited the animatronics over to Fazbear Entertainment, technically Henry became the owner of them
Because of being fired and the result of the lawsuit, William is left penniless and disgraced
William grows to resent Henry and the Fazbear Entertainment company because not only did the company ruin him, but he also he believes it's not fair he helped the company become successful only to be fired and kicked off the team
William wants to get revenge, so he vows to figure out a way to ruin the company's reputation while also getting "even" with Henry for dropping him as a business partner
William takes his revenge to the extreme when he decides to murder Henry's daughter, Charlotte, outside of Fredbear's Family Diner in an act of vindictiveness and self-importance
Charlotte possesses the Security Puppet, binding her spirit to all future versions of the Puppet as well
Henry is devastated and the company takes a massive blow when the public finds out Fredbear's Family Diner is now linked to a child's murder
Henry closes Fredbear's down until further notice due to his grief and the negative reception from the public
Meanwhile, William gets away with his crime, no one even suspecting him since he dropped off the public radar after the lawsuit
Mid-Late 1980s (1985-1987) (FNAF 2)
Henry is being dogged by investors of Fazbear Entertainment to rekindle the restaurant 
Feeling backed into a corner, Henry agrees to make a new version of Fredbear's Family Diner, which he renames "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." 
Henry makes new animatronics for the restaurant himself. He dubs these the "Toy" animatronics. Toy Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy (+ a new version of The Puppet, "The Marionette") 
Henry equips these new animatronics with special facial scanners to detect potential criminals in the restaurant. The animatronics identify these criminals through a database. Henry is determined to have this restaurant be safer than his last attempt. 
Note: This restaurant is most likely when the company began using the spring lock suits. Therefore, the safe rooms for bleeding out are located in THIS location specifically. This may have been a suggestion and action from investors, as I can't see Henry making this reckless idea up. 
The restaurant opens to mixed reception. This new restaurant is in a different city than Fredbear's. Henry made this decision mostly to help his mental health.
Eventually, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza becomes just as popular, if not more so, than Fredbear's Family Diner. Kids ADORE adore the restaurant for the characters, games, and prizes, and adults can appreciate the groundbreaking technology that goes into the animatronics.
Despite still being the owner of Fazbear Entertainment, Henry attempts to distance himself from holding a strong management role. He's still traumatized by the brutal death of his daughter.
William, noticing that Fazbear Entertainment is becoming successful again even after the crime he committed, becomes enraged. 
Still doing poorly mentally and financially because of his termination from the company, William realizes that in order to truly tarnish the reputation of Fazbear Entertainment for good, he's going to have to hatch a new plan (William is truly a vindictive bastard)
Note: William tries so hard to ruin the company because not only did it put him out financially, which essentially ruined his life, but it wronged him personally, and since he's so narcissistic he believes people shouldn't be able to get away with doing him wrong. This is most likely not his first experience with breaking the law/doing something truly horrible.
Under the alias 'Fritz Smith' William applies for a job at the new location, landing a position as a day-worker and part-time night guard
William changes his appearance slightly just in case anyone recognizes him from Fredbear's
Considering the fact Henry is trying to distance himself from the new restaurant, he doesn't notice William (posing as a different person) is now working at Freddy's
Note: The animatronics begin to act strangely toward the staff of the restaurant after William gets a job there because Charlotte (inside The Marionette) can sense that an evil presence is within the building now. Therefore, the animatronics start to act aggressively toward all adult figures (considering Charlotte mostly remembers that the murderer is an adult.) 
For a while, William works a normal job at the restaurant, getting close to the patrons and other staff members. He takes this time to study the inner workings of the company.
He's seen as a slightly odd, but generally well-meaning individual (and a pretty good worker too!)
After about a year or so William finally puts his plan into motion, using one of the old animatronic suits to lure five children into the backroom and murder them, just as he had done to Charlotte (maybe he does this on a day he's supposed to have off in order to have an alibi. Takes the day off and then sneaks into work anyway)
He finds great satisfaction in this and ends up having quite a bit of fun committing the crime. It reminds him of the catharsis he felt back when he murdered Charlotte.
(As an added bonus 🙂) William takes each corpse and shoves them into spare animatronic suits in the backroom closet for someone to discover later. He then cleans himself up and promptly flees the scene of the crime, lying in wait for what will happen next.
Charlotte's spirit, now residing inside of The Marionette, gives life to the dead children by allowing them to possess the animatronic they were each stuffed into. This permanently binds their souls to any and all past and future versions of that character. (So technically each child is possessing EVERY iteration of their respectful animatronic. Ex: The child stuffed inside of Freddy is haunting Fredbear, Withered Freddy, Toy Freddy, Regular Freddy, Etc.)
Note: The childrens' bodies were most likely stuffed inside the Withered animatronics. William probably figured it would take people a bit to check those specific models, which would give him enough time to prepare for the fallout that would occur when they were found.
With the disappearance of five children at the restaurant, an investigation is launched. The staff plans to have the restaurant closed for only a few days so the police can conduct it.
As expected, the corpses of the children are found during the investigation and the restaurant is promptly closed
After being cleaned out, the restaurant holds one final birthday party before shutting down to allow for further investigation into the crime
With these five murders, the animatronics are sent into a frenzy, acting more aggressive than ever and generally not working right
During the last birthday party, Jeremy Fitzgerald, the night guard that was instructed to work the dayshift, is attacked by one of the animatronics, resulting in the "Bite of '87". He survives, but with the loss of his frontal lobe he loses cognitive abilities and all motor skills. 
Note: You may ask "Why'd Fazbear Entertainment agree to still do the birthday party even though they literally just found five childrens' corpses in the building?" Money, duh. The managers don't want to miss out on a sale, and they CERTAINLY don't want to have to refund parents for the party.
This is the final nail in the coffin for the restaurant, so it's completely shut down, the future of the company unknown.
The murders of the five children and the Bite of '87 completely tank the reputation of the restaurant, and the tragedy is all over the news.
Henry is left in utter disbelief and turmoil after the incident. Unable to deal with everything, he makes the decision to sell Fazbear Entertainment, completely cutting ties with the company.
Meanwhile, William sits back, satisfied with the fact that he was successfully able to achieve what he set out to do.
Early 1990s (1993?) (FNAF 1)
The Fazbear Entertainment company is in limbo for a while after the incidents. The FNAF2 location is left to rot.
The investigations into the murders of the five children culminated in the wrongful arrest and detainment of another Freddy's employee. Therefore, William has remained innocent.
However, as the years have passed, William has begun to be haunted by the spirits of the five children.
He decides that in order to get *them to stop bothering him, he'll break into the rotting Freddy's location and completely dismantle the animatronics, effectively destroying their vessels and hopefully causing the spirits to be destroyed along with them.
*This doesn't necessarily have to be the actual spirits of the children. It could also be an inkling of William's conscious seeping through and torturing him about the crimes he committed. 
William does this and during the dismantling process is ambushed by the five spirits, scaring him into the safe room and causing him to hide in an abandoned Spring Bonnie costume lying on the ground.
This is where the spring locks release and kill him inside the suit, as seen in the FNAF3 mini games. 
Now that William is finally dead, the spirits believe they can pass on, but what they aren't aware of is that being killed in the Spring Bonnie suit has now fused William's spirit with it. Therefore, he is not truly dead. 
Mid-Late 1990s (FNAF 1)
The people that purchased the Fazbear Entertainment company from Henry decided to once again try and revitalize the company, still seeing great potential in it despite the tragedies that took place. (They want their money!)
They decide to turn the restaurant into more of a chain.
They salvage some parts from the old FNAF2 location, board up the safe rooms inside the building, and use the parts they find to remake the animatronic characters. 
(Q: Why do they board up the safe rooms? 
A: Considering these people technically still own the old FNAF2 building, I would imagine they would like to keep it around for potential other locations in the future. Therefore, they don't want anyone easily breaking into the building and screwing things up, so they just board up any and all entrances, doorways, etc. 
Q: Why did they decide to do this now? Why not earlier? The building was just sitting there, so why hadn't they boarded it up sooner?
A: Up until this point the people that own Fazbear Entertainment now weren't planning on doing ANYTHING with these old locations. They had no plans, so why would they need to make sure that one of the old locations doesn't get vandalized? They only start caring now because the building is finally a potential way to make a profit.)
These characters are cheaply made and look like a significant downgrade from the Toy animatronics (considering they weren't made by William or Henry) 
Most of everything in the new restaurant is dingier and cheaper than the past two locations because the new owners of the company care more about money than quality, unlike Henry.
Since William's spirit lives on inside the Spring Bonnie suit, the children's souls are unable to pass on, so even these new animatronics continue to act strangely and attempt to attack the night guard. 
This continues until this new location is shut down as well for health violations. The place is a mess, the pizza is nasty, and families are complaining that the animatronic characters are glitchy, smell awful, and seem to be leaking "what appears to be blood and mucus." 
~2017 (FNAF 3)
Far in the future, the Fazbear's Fright horror attraction is made to capitalize on the infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza "rumors"
William, now possessing Spring Bonnie, is found by Fazbear's Fright while they scavenge through the old FNAF1 location
He is placed into the horror attraction after he is salvaged. 
Influenced by his remaining bitterness toward anything Fazbear Entertainment related, plus the animalistic nature he processes while inhabiting Springtrap, he attempts to attack and kill the night guard of Fazbear's Fright
After a week, the Fazbear's Fright building catches fire and burns down. Springtrap burns with the building and, with his vessel destroyed, William's spirit is sent to Hell. It's currently debated on whether or not the fire was caused by an outside party, or by the faulty wiring and ventilation in the old building. 
Note: It's quite possible Henry found out about the horror attraction and burnt the building down himself, attempting to end all things related to the seemingly cursed franchise once and for all. This might have been an act of catharsis for him, almost like he's finally letting go of the past.
With William officially gone, the spirits of the six kids he murdered can properly pass on. 
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
DC: The High-School AU: The Series: The Staff (the musical)
So I finally cast the school staff and teachers for my DC High School AU, which I thought some of you would have some fun with! I took the subject list from a fairly fancy looking private school, because only schools you have to pay for have their subject lists online, so I’m probably offering way more classes than your average state school, but hey, it’s my AU and I wanted to cram in as many supervillains, obscure heroes, and bad jokes as possible.
Admin & Staff
Principle - Amanda Waller
Deputy Principle & Treasurer - Noah Kuttler (the Calculator)
Nurse - Myra Mason (she was Dr Midnite’s nurse and love interest in the 40s & 50s, then got fridged, but I’m unfridging her and giving her a job with much better survival prospects)
Councillor - Ethel Peabody (she’s a psychiatrist from the Gotham TV show, and also in my headcanon, Amanda Waller’s sister)
Librarian - Stanislaus Johns (The Librarian. I considered bookworm for this job but he’s literally called the Librarian, what was I supposed to do, not use him?)
Admin Staff - Laura Conway (Superman supporting cast and occaisional vampire), Mabel Martin (Riddler’s secretary), Theresa Collins (Goldstar, also Booster Gold’s secretary)
Loren Jupiter (aka Mr Jupiter the richest and therefore most thrustworthy man in the world) - Business 101, Business Law, Entrepreneurship
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - Business Communications
Annabeth Chamberlain (Brimstone) - Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism (she doesn’t work in tourism, but I figure anyone who can waitress while also having the power to set people on fire and damn them to hell and keeps her job probably knows a whole lot about customer service)
Family & Consumer Science
Miss Tribb (Lobo’s childhood teacher who inexplicably survived the extinction of their species) - Childhood Developement, Early Childhood Education
Neil Richards (The Mad Mod) - Texiles/Sewing, Fashion
Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) - Food & Nutrition
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator) - Personal Finance
Foreign Languages
Matron Bertinelli (Nu52 Huntress, who I’m declaring a sepperate character and the aunt of pre-52 Huntress because they’re radically different characters and I like both of them) - ASL, Italian
Chang Jie-Ru (Nu52 Yo-Yo) - Chinese, AP Chinese
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II) - Spanish, AP Spanish
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - Latin
Health Sciences
Myra Mason - Emergency Medical Responder training
Charles McNider (Dr Midnite) - Anatomy & Physiology, Health Class
Brian Durlin (Savant) - Computer Programming, Web Dev
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Digital Art 101
Arnold Wesker (Ventriloquist) - 3D Animation, 3D Graphics (I don’t know why but the idea of Wesker as an animator just tickled me. Obviously his real passion is stop-motion, but he learnt 3D because there were more jobs)
English (the fancy private school called this ‘language arts’ which is so prentious it makes me feel slightly nauseous)
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - English Language, AP English Language
Rac Shade (Shade the Changing Man) - English Literature, AP English Literature
Chloe Sullivan (the worst character in the Smallville TV show, a hotly contested position) - English Language, Communications 101, supervises the School Paper and the Yearbook
Shelly Gaynore (The Whip III) - Englist Literature, Creative Writing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Intro to Shakespeare
Nick Scratch (officially his supervillain name is just Scratch, but I refuse to consider that a code-name, looking at you Drake) - Communications 102: Public Speaking
Mathematics (which has a 100% villain make-up, which seems accurate from what I remember of high-school maths)
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator, because I think I’m funny) - Pre-Calc, Calculus, AP Calculus
Harlan Graves (The Underbroker) - Stats, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
Angelo Bend (Angle Man, becuase I know I’m funny) - Geometry, Trigonometry
PE (I realise this is probably too many PE teachers but there are a lot more caonical althetes than just about any other job in the DCU except maybe scientist)
Lawrence Crock (Sportsmaster, you knew this was coming) - Gym, Weight Training, coaches Baseball, Basketball, Tennis & Hockey
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - joint-coaches Cheerleading, coaches the Drill Team, Wrestling
Randy Hanrahan (Stallion) - PE, joint-coaches Cheerleading & Cross-Country, coaches Football
William Everett (Amazing Man) - PE, joint-coaches Cross-Country, coaches Track & Field
Matron Bertinelli (Huntress, sort of) - coaches Soccer & gymnastics
Performing Arts
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - Dance
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper) - Music 101, Music Theory, Composition, teaches Guitar & Percussion
Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler) - Music 101, AP Music Theory, leads Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band
Siobhan Smyth (Silver Banshee) - part-time, leads the Choir and teaches singing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Theatre, Theatre 101
Simon Trent (Grey Ghost) - Theatre, Theatre 101, Film Studies
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Theatre Tech
Mary Louise Dahl (Baby-Doll, from B:TAS) - Film Studies, Video Production
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law, who is technically owned by DC now due to corporate buy-outs) - Debate
Science (do you have any idea how hard it is to pin down areas of specialisation for comic book scientists? TNT is on this list entirely because he’s the only actual honest-to-god professional chemist I could find)
Kirk Langstrom (ManBat) - Biology, AP Biology
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) - Biology, Environmental Science
Thomas “Tex” Thomas (TNT) - Chemistry
Achilles Milo (Professor Milo, again not really much of a code name) - Chemistry, AP Chemistry
Will Magnus (I refuse to even dignify it as a code-name) - Physics, Earth Sciences
Ray Palmer (The Atom) - Physics, AP Physics
Adam Strange (DC is just doing this to fuck with me, personally) - Astronomy
Social Studies & Humanities
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - World History
Maxie Zeus (ffs) - World History, AP World History (fun fact, Maxie was canonically just a normal history teacher before he got lightning powers, became convinced he was Zeus incarnate, and set out to become a criminal, making him my favourite DC mobster by a country mile)
Terry Long (aka one of the only characters to really deserve to get fridged) - US History, AP European History
Eobard Thawne (every code-name he has is stupid, but lets just go with Reverse-Flash as the least awful option) - US History, AP US History
Nick Scratch - US Government, AP US Government, AP Comparative Politics
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - AP Art History
Magdalene Kyle-Burton (Sister Zero, she’s a sometimes-nun and a sometimes-sister to Catwoman) - Comparative Religion
Michael Carter (Booster Gold) - Economics, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics
Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) - Psychology (there is exactly one heroic psychiatrist in all of comics, and I’d already used Dr Fate elsewhere. Scarecrow seemed like the least bad option of the remaining pool for being around children, and he does at least have teaching experience)
Adam Strange - Sociology
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law) - Law
Richard Occult/Rose Psychic (it’s complicated, lets just say Dr Occult and leave it at that) - part-time, Criminal Justice
Technology & Engineering
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Electronics, CAD, Woodworking
John Henry Irons (Steel) - Engineering, Metalworking
Will Magnus - Robotics
Visual Arts
Linda Lee/Danvers (she’s Supergirl, but I’m making her a different character from Kara Danvers/Kent because the DCU is really short on artists and I needed someone to teach the damn class, although the only thing that really makes her distinct from other supergirls is that she fucked a horse that one time and IDK how that will translate into a personality...) - Ceramics, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, Art 101
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - Graphic Design, Drawing, AP Studio Art: Drawing
Jack Knight (Starman) - Painting, AP Studio Art: 2D Design, Art 101
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Photography
So there you go - I’ll be honest I still don’t really understand how high-schools in the USA work, and I have no idea what Design studio art even is so I kind of assigned those ones at random, but now it’s done and cannot be changed.
As always this universe is open to prompts so if you want a chapter focussing on any of these characters just drop me an ask or a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Making Dr Occult & Rose Psychic a single gender-fluid person is already on my list to do, since that’s who I thought they were for a longest time when I started reading comics and I’m still kind of annoyed that isn’t canonically what’s going on.
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Plan(ed) to Have Something Ready, By The Ball Drop &/or Tomorrow!!! If Everything Works out...
Hey Everyone, 
Wow, this is the second message without any art added or anything... LOL... Seems odd really to do this without having something up by now... By the way, yes the current avatar pic is related to the comic as you’ll come see soon. It’s and early sketch so some kinks aren’t worked out in the current image. But it was the one I was ready to have when I made this blog so there was at least something...
So as you probably can see by this title, I do plan on having something posted... I just don’t know to what extent. Due to some family drama, and continually piling on work I wasn’t able to get my Christmas Pic out to you guys, which was just a static scene with a few of the characters to get us started here. But... well family got in the way, continually decorating till Christmas day... a lot of things going on, bickering (though we all love each other) it’s just... you know life. I fully expected this as well, which is why I promised something before New Years, but didn’t specify as to what.
I postponed that idea to be released today or tomorrow, after seeing how I was completely unable to get to the work by Christmas Eve. But, by the looks of the progress I made on it and my families continually need of me till we get some things done in this house (that always has something to be done in it... LOL, at least things are coming fairly together).  So lets just say, I may not have anything out by tomorrow. But with hopes I want to have something out. So We’ll see. I could release early the character sketches. But I want to keep this blog clean as possible, so I feel releasing the character profiles, cards and blogs together prior to the Prologue, would fit better and keep this page having a cleaner look to it at the start.
 Maybe even by midnight tomorrow PST I could have something... But that again depends. I need to clean stuff for the internet/cable guy and I’m seriously allergic to dust... So the next few days I may be in an almost sickly comatose state regardless of the precautions I take. If dust gets kicked into the air at all and isn’t properly vacuumed up, than I’m often sick for days... I feel like all I’ve been doing the whole month is cleaning or working story wise on this comic... Mostly cleaning if you ask me, but at least after Saturday things should be more relaxed and I can have a better work schedule planned out. So yeah, that’s my life...
But DIDNT’ WAN TO LEAVE YOU HANGING with this Negative Nancy Talk ;D ;P ;D lol....
I want to tell you what I have so far:
I have the Christmas Image at least with the basic building blocks to complete it. Like I’ve drawn where I want things, but not detailed anything... So that’s why it may be a day or so... Technically its a Happy Holidays and New Years piece, but with the Christmas Tree in it I have the habit of calling it such...
I may have plans to detail it a bit more then I plan on having the comic, but that also depends on things. I may just leave it in the same style and not fully decked out to make it easier to finish...
~Several Characters for the beginning have their final forms created. These are major characters that will be scene in the prologue. I’m just having to figure out out little things with background characters in some instances.
~The prologue is almost completely written out. I had a change of heart a week ago on some things and had to change it around, which is why the written format for the prologue isn’t complete as it initially was. I just felt some things didn’t fit, so I added and took away some things so it flows better and also works both fanfiction wise for the story, but easily mixes for the Ask AU... I also have at least the beginning portion of the Intro script written, the parts unaffected by the changes. However, parts of the intro will be written out, depending on the questions you ask the characters in this prologue so these portions I’m leaving open on purpose. It’s the plot driven portions I’m mentioning that I’ve changed slightly. ;) I have fun plans for the prologue. Remember this story has a clear direction I’m taking it with plot. But the Ask portion will be a part of it, I have such a fun way of Ask’s being tied into the plot driven story, and it will change depending on the context, person and setting which makes this really fun to plan out. 
                   -With that said, here’s an early heads up, that for Ask Questions, I will allow any sort of asks, but if it has potential to spoil a part of the story, then I won’t answer it. Alongside this, I’ll allow Anon magic to a small degree. I won’t include Asks that like spoil something for a character, or tell the character where someone is, give away what someone else is doing to another character, etc... Unless it may fit the context, but generally I won’t use these types of asks. I will allow Anons to appear occasionally rather then just be unseen voices, as I have fun ways of incorporating Anons into the story that also works with different points in the plot. I will accept things like... say a dog or cat to appear for ex. amount of asks. I already know who they’ll be and have been planning out their designs, but I may draw the line at other animals (e.g. horses, fish, racoons, squirrels, lizards, etc.) Although, I do really love rabbits, I chose to make it concise to just two animals that if asked could appear. It’s not because I can’t draw them but I don’t want things getting out of hand. Types of anon magic I’m not going to use if put in the Ask portion, are things like giving people certain powers or items that may completely effect the tone or plot of the story, accept maybe if I did a non-canon AU to this au for fun one day. I will go more in depth in the general rules later. In no way is this to discourage anyone from asking such things. I may set reminders at times if I get to much of something. But, in general I’ll do what I can to make this a fun Ask blog all the same.
~The Larger Summary, I promised like a trailer would be in the comic form I have rendered the Script for, and have two slides so far drawn out, just not completed. (for the time I didn’t have around the Holidays compared to normally I actually surprised myself with this)
~The story itself is really coming together, I already have a starting and stopping point (which I had prior to this blog) as it will have several Acts and Arcs, some which have greatly changed and take on new depth since the point I started this blog. The themes and story in general are drawn out pretty well.  I don’t have all the chapters I’d want fully written. As I have my plan, but I also want to get the prologue in first, just to see if there’s anything I should change with my concept. It’s just a precaution, something I’ve learned well when taking on something new. So I don’t have things that are written in stone and hard to change if the form I’m hoping to take doesn’t work out and needs to be retooled or something. But these are minor and shouldn’t change the overall scope and plot I’m taking this story on either.
~I’ve created several of the character bios, many in fact are already written in true Henry Stickmin fashion. But as I took inspiration to make this into a AU as well, I will possibly make both the bio cards and show a static shot of the characters alongside it or something... It’s an idea, but I want this to also be the easier comic. But, considering that I’ll always have a static shot I use as reference for any character I make, this is what makes this more realistic to occur as well. ~I’ve nearly drawn out all the characters for the intro portion. And already know how I’ll handle Anon’s in the story. In the Prologue itself, I’ll actually have you Anon’s being referenced as audience members in a conference of sorts. Think of it like those conferences when a new Apple or Microsoft product is first advertised as something new to the news conference, those big rotunda’s where someone's being interviewed and presenting the hot new item. Think of the opening to the prologue being something like this scenario. So the questions directed at the character in there, who... *cough* I will introduce later after I fully render both their character profile and have their character bio(s) fully done. Which considering how fun and easy it’s been to do this so far shouldn’t be to long now... Although to keep from getting questions to soon on them, I may hold off on posting the Characters and Bio’s till I have that Intro/Trailer completed... I’m still considering which to do first actually. But top on my list out of all of these is having my cover art for the top completed. That’s something I admit though I have the layout I have hardly started on and should focus on first.
~I’m also taking close looks at how to properly make the rules for this group. When I posts either the Character Bios, Holiday Pic, OR the Trailer Comic... Maye even just the cover art... Then I will try to have out an official Rules list. The one I have on the group posts is just general stuff... But I’m reconsidering some rules I already wrote... Basically keep things family friendly, be kind an courteous, nothing vulgar or disturbing. 
I may change this from a PG-13 comic to maybe PG-15. I’ve realized recently, there are some points that some characters do swear... sometimes more then once. I’m not someone who talks with vulgarity myself, but I sure can write characters with it.... Let’s just say I’m going to see if in those scenes I might just bleep out words and see if the dialogue still comes through. But, I dunno... LUCKILY, we don’t have to worry about many of those scenes till way further into this comic. So lucky for either of us, this isn’t a major concern at the moment. And on the plus side it’s not the crudest words I could have chosen so... it may still work as a PG-13 work... I’ll make this decision soon as possible. 
Another reason for the sudden change, came as I realized as the story goes, and even in early chapters there will be scenes where blood is shown and physical mortal danger and peril is experienced by the characters. I do have heavy theming sometimes, later on it may seem constantly about. As this story is heavily Drama/Mystery and some suspense based. As the story progresses it will become less Drama/Mystery and more based around the drama/suspense itself. This will obviously be some more intense scenes that showing less blood would allow me to make PG-13, however I also don’t want to undercut the certain tones using representations of a mortal wound would bring. I also want to look at things like these future scenes realistically. Which is why I’m mostly considering changing this story to a PG-15 or at least more certain I am. I just don’t want people shocked that I’m doing this. I don’t feel this story will be R, there was a time where I heavily considered it. But for once I decided no, I didn’t want that. I just didn’t want to open the door for scenes I didn’t intend to have in this story. There will be heavy themes that my have TW for some people. But I didn’t want some TW’s  that having a R rated story could potentially have. I mean certain themes people are free to write fanfictions for, and depending on the content can make art for. But again this will be family friendly group... As You can see I’m considering more then a little here when it comes to the official rules. These details will be followed up on the official rules post.
Now I apologize for the length.
The structure of this and the previous Authors Notes will probably fall under their own category for length. I’ll work to make sure posts in the future won’t be so long and hard to read. It is early morning for me when I woke to write this, and I found once much of the day passed that I still wanted to include the stuff I did into this update.
I have more to tell you, but I think this post has spurned the energy in me out. Anything that I missed in this post, I’ll try to remember to update in the next post (hopefully after I get some art on here). What I can’t do at the moment is promise dates right now till I’m more certain of schedule to work on this or can promise that my general allergies won’t cause me to delay this at all. But I can confirm that I should have several things coming out this next month, including the comic Prologue I hope. Depending on the traction the comic and fanfic gets, I may try to work on it quickly, or take my time with it. I may do a mix of both as my perfectionist self won’t let me just shoot something out without giving it my all first. I’m shushing that side slightly so this comic will be easier on me then the more detailed one I have planned. All the same, I’m planning to work on this one more at the moment till I can get an idea of my work flow. Sometimes the easiest route of work is better for planning, rather then diving head first into the deep end right away. You don’t learn to swim by jumping head first into the ocean. Piece of advice that it took years for me to learn myself ;). Anyways, I figured since I did promise something hopefully by today or tomorrow, I’d give you a formal update... Also... Well I can’t promise that updates won’t be like this in the future. I’ll try to keep them concise. But as people who know me, well have learned when it comes to personally talking I tend to write or talk out epistle. So... When I give updates, I may have lengthy ones... I’ll try my best to keep this side of me out of updates, if I can help it. Anyways Happy New Years Everyone!!! I hope everyone's Christmas and Holidays were extra special, despite the state of the world!!! 
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE AND DAY!!! Sincerely, <3 (Mod) Sweet Heart Blaze
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niall-official · 5 years
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Happy 28th! I’ve read some great fics this month, old and new. These are in alphabetical order and, as always, please give kudos and comments on fics you’ve enjoyed! I’m still over at @verylarryfics reblogging more fic posts each day!
📚 Asleep and Dreaming by MrsStylinson (Harry/Louis, 20k) Harry still gets breathless just looking at him but after being best friends for two years you kind of just learn to laugh. Even when all you really want to do is stick your tongue down your best friend’s throat. Or perhaps that’s just Harry?
Or the one where Harry pines for a boy who completely turned his world upside down, not to mention his flat. As for Louis, he’s just a lot better at playing dead than he looks. Featuring night-time confessions, penis cakes and the inconvenience of falling in love.
📚 Big, Bright World by RealName (Harry/Louis, 35k) It really was just a little crush in the beginning, nothing to be worried about. Louis had never really liked anyone he'd worked with in the past, but he was sure he could control himself. Little did he know that over time his 'little crush' would develop into a blazing inferno of Hell-fire proportions. Every day, Louis' feelings became more intense, more immediate, each little smile and gesture and silly flirtation mounting up into something palpable, with a life of its own. Louis felt it every moment they were together.
The only problem? Harry was engaged to someone else and had been from the moment Louis started working at Visionary.
📚 Failure to Launch by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings​ (Harry/Louis, 29k)  Desperate times call for desperate measures when Louis’ mother realizes her adult son may never leave the comfort of home, so she hires Harry, a highly-recommended professional interventionist who’s skilled enough to help push her darling son out of the bloody nest.
📚 i gotta get better! by reveries_passions / @dystopianharry​ (Harry/Louis, 4k) harry’s sex life has been pretty nonexistent since he broke up with his last non-soulmate boyfriend. after a chance encounter with someone online, he decides to enlist them to help him out. no strings attached, obviously.
or soulmates can feel each others’ pain and harry has some kinks he wants to explore.
📚 I'm Not Scared Of Love by EscapeFromReality777 (Liam/Zayn, 3k) "Show me Liam... teach me." Z murmurs, and Liam almost gives in, hearing his breathy voice. "...you must have practice... no one can resist you.. teach me your ways." Zayn continues in the same low voice, coming closer, beginning to corner Liam against the head-board, reminding Liam very much of a predator stalking it's prey.
"Not even you?" Liam jokes... well, tries to joke. And if his voice almost gives out in between... and if he thinks he briefly sees Zayn's eyes light up, well, no one has to know that.."
Or.. the Ziam one shot in which Zayn is pining, Liam is oblivious, jealous and pining, and with a wee bit of sexual tension, "forever" ensues. (Inspired by the very much canon 'Come on then, come on' ziam incident)
📚 I’ve Been Hoping You’d Be Somewhere Better Than This by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works​ (Harry/Louis, 39k) “Does she know who it is then, from the New York office?” Louis enquires.
“Yeah, some guy Henry? Henry Styles I think she said?"
“Harry. His name is Harry Styles.” His heart sank. Louis hadn’t met him, they had only shared a couple of emails back and forth, but he knew exactly who he was. And Harry hadn’t just been killing it in the Big Apple, he’s been ripping the place to absolute shreds, nailing some of the most lucrative accounts in the business.Louis is so fucked.
The one where Louis is up for a promotion, he just has one tiny, little problem standing in his way.
📚 In All Its Imperfections by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite​ (Harry/Louis, 15k) From: Louis Tomlinson To: Undisclosed Recipients
I’ve asked the front desk and you lovely folks are the ones who are on the same level as me in the car park. I found a to-do list today that looked somewhat important because it has lines of poetry scribbled at the bottom that seemed like they might be for a card project. The stationary has a moose in a canoe at the top of it (and he is quite adorable). Let me know if it’s yours!
“Oh. My. Fucking. God,” Harry whispered, his eyes darting over the sentences again willing them not to make sense. They did, they did make sense. “Oh. My. Bloody. Fucking. God.”
The next thing he knew he was on the floor, staring at the ceiling, with a very concerned Liam hovering over his head.
"What happened, mate?" Liam asked.
Harry just pointed to his computer.
Liam bent over Harry’s desk to read the email. “What? This isn’t bad. Is that your to-do list? Did you finally come up with the inside text for those cards?”
“Leeyum" he groaned. “It’s what’s on the list.”
“Oh,” Liam paused for a beat. “Is it dirty stuff?”
Harry nodded.
There was more silence. And then, “Dirty stuff with Louis?”
📚 In Which Calvin Klein Inadvertently Causes A Gay Panic by allsassnoclass (Niall/Shawn, 2k) The thing is, Niall has always considered himself the token straight member of One Direction, but he feels like he really shouldn't be looking at his best friend's thighs like that. 
📚 Just Go With It by rainbowslovehl / @rainbowsandlovehl (Harry/Louis, 6k) “Brett, there’s something I need to tell you,” he started, inwardly cringing at his choice of words before taking in a deep breath. Brett seemed curious, raising her eyebrows expectantly. “The reason I haven’t been texting you back is that...” “Harry, they were all out of organic guacamole,” a raspy, unfamiliar male voice interrupted, startling him into silence. “So I got us the normal one. Hope that’s alright?”
Harry has no idea how to escape awkward situation but luckily for him, Louis swoops in to help.
📚 Leave Your Mark On Me by FullOnLarrie / @fullonlarrie (Harry/Louis, 32k) When Chef Harry Styles’ unbonded Omega designation threatens to derail his career, he does the only thing he can, and goes in search of a black market bond.
📚 Love Will Tear Us Apart by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10 (Harry/Louis, 103k) “You ruined my fucking life, Harry. You stopped me living my dream because you’re a selfish bastard who couldn’t keep himself clean for five fucking minutes. You took away my independence, my freedom, my choices, Harry. And I hate you for that, I hate you!”
As he spat out the final words, Louis felt all of the fight go out of him. He slumped back into the chair, his heart racing his chest, his head beginning to swim. It was a familiar feeling, and one Louis didn't like. He looked up, finally meeting Harry’s gaze for the first time in a while.
“Out of everyone in my life, Harry, I never thought you’d be the one to hurt me. Not like this.”
A story of two halves.
Louis and Harry had it all - a career, friendship, and some of the best sex either of them had ever had.
But Harry ruins it all with one life-changing mistake ... and Louis is left to pay the price.
📚 make you never wanna leave by anonymous (Harry/Louis, 9k) “But that's fine?” Now Louis just looks confused. “There are so many ways you can have fun sex. Wetness is helpful but not a requirement.”
Harry can feel his face heating up. The way Louis said fun sex, like it's that easy, like he has all the experience. He might be a year older than Harry, but Harry's not quite sure if age is the only factor at play here. He doesn't know why the thought of Louis having sex makes his heart start to race again and he especially doesn't know why the next thing he blurts out is, “You could show me.”
or, Harry is an omega teen who has trouble getting wet even when he's turned on, Louis is his omega best friend who helps him experiment. In a completely platonic way, of course.
📚 Never Mind the Furthermore Anonymous (Harry/Louis, 7k) Louis and Harry have regular phone sex. But they're just friends, okay?
📚 O! Yes! by homosociallyyours / @homosociallyyours (Harry/Louis, 2k) Louis is a somewhat sexually awkward omega into other omegas. When an omega-centric sex shop opens near his favorite coffee shop, he definitely doesn't plan to check it out.
One friendly ambush later, he's standing inside and talking with a too pretty omega about things that definitely make him blush. He's not the only one blushing, though. Harry, the cute and enthusiastic toy store employee is too.
📚 Oh, We're In Love, Aren't We? by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings (Harry/Louis, 30k) After sixteen wonderful years of friendship, it's hard to imagine any grand (and usually dumb) plans they haven't had or some type of mischief they haven't gotten into together. But, when Harry suddenly finds himself without a fiance and Louis just wants to help him feel okay again, they realize falling in love is one thing they haven't done, and that's about to change.
📚 Only One at the Finish Line by Anonymous (Harry/Louis, 9k) “What don’t I know?!” Louis shouts, and then Harry is rounding on him, close enough that he can feel the heat of his body, the rage and the glory and the pain of it so close that it blinds him.
“I want to be another alpha’s omega,” is what he says, and it comes out like something reckless, something wild. Like he doesn't care anymore if Louis hates him or not, if Louis understands, he just needs to speak his truth aloud to darkness, to the slender pines that surround them like a jury panel.
📚 signs and wonders by scrunchyharry (Harry/Louis, 29k) On the surface, it looks like Louis Tomlinson has the perfect life; after all, he has the whole package: a white picket fence house (well, his doesn’t technically have a white picket fence, but work with him), a wife, a daughter and a dog. He has it all and he’s not even 30, yet.
On the surface, he could be the happiest man in the world.
The thing is, he never wanted this life. There was this boy, see, this Harry Styles, whose arrival made Louis question everything he thought he knew about himself. Before Louis could pursue it, though, before he could be brave and ask the boy out, one moment of bad luck on prom night, one single lapse of judgment, shaped his life in a way he never would have chosen. Between doing the right thing or turning into his own absent father, he knew what he had to do, even if it meant burying his dreams under the weight of a premature adulthood.
That is, until he receives an invitation for his school’s ten year reunion and sees that Harry will attend.
Could it be his second chance at happiness? At what cost?
📚 Soju (소주) by gettingaphdinlarry / @gettingaphdinmomo (Niall/Shawn, 2k) After a spectacular breakup he'd like to forget about, English language teacher Niall Horan finds himself in starting anew in Seoul, South Korea. He's perfectly content being single, but when his friends try to set him up with Shawn Mendes, well... Maybe it's time to give love another shot.
📚 Sweet Like Honey by moonygirl76 (Niall/Shawn, 7k) In a non au world where Shawn and Niall work to continue what they've built together, they find that, maybe, it's time to figure out exactly what it is they are building, and what they mean to one another.
📚 Tell me when you're ready (I'm waitin') by insufferablelovebirds / @therosiestofdaggers (Harry/Louis, 17k) When Harry's love letters to his old crushes get sent accidentally, one of his old crushes, Louis offers to help him fake a relationship but it gets complicated when feelings get involved.
Or an au loosely based off to all the boys I've loved before.
📚 The Bet by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom (Harry/Louis, 2k) Louis Tomlinson never reneges on a bet. Ever.
He may be many things - a joker, a sometimes-wayward student, a loyal friend, a Tony Award winner in the making, and a card-carrying member of the Chad Michael Murray fan club - but never, ever, a welcher. Louis makes good on his promises and does it with flare.
OR The one where Louis misjudges Harry's ability to do TLC's Waterfall rap and finds himself having to put on a one-man show for his viewing pleasure. If Louis decides to go all-in and dress the part, then that's just a bonus for his (very appreciative) one-man audience.
📚 The Lonely Planet Guide to Second Chances by 1Diamondinthesun (Harry/Louis, 102k) When Harry and Louis broke up, the last thing on Harry's mind was the non-refundable surprise trip he had booked for them across Europe. Harry was supposed to be moving on, not sightseeing with his ex. In hindsight, touring the continent with Louis was probably a bad idea. So naturally, that's exactly what Harry did.
Or, the breakup travel fic featuring romantic sunsets, awkward bed sharing, and second chances against a backdrop of some of Europe's most iconic cities.
📚 the way that you're thrilling me by Anonymous (Harry/Louis, 12k) Sometimes he wondered if everyone was pretending. Alphas were smelly and cocky and mostly arseholes, in Harry’s experience. Or at least they were at school. He didn’t understand how his friends—lovely, soft-skinned, sweet-smelling omegas—could actually want to touch them, or be touched by them.
Maybe he was just immature. That’s what his friends said, anyway. He’d want it eventually.
(Or, the one where Harry and Louis don’t enjoy sex - until they do.)
📚 this love will keep us through blinding of the eyes by Anonymous (Harry/Louis, 9k) As his other friends head into the strip club, he steps towards the bouncer, fumbling through his wallet to find his ID. He’s so distracted by his search that he hasn’t gotten a proper look at the bouncer until he’s standing right in front of him, shoving his ID into the alpha's ridiculously long, painted fingers.
Louis will blame it on the alcohol if anyone asks, but he can’t help staring intensely at the alpha in front of him, soaking up every detail of the guy. His breath catches in his throat as he watches the alpha, unable to look away from the strikingly green eyes.
It’s weird. So weird. Maybe Louis is more drunk than he thought, but he was feeling just barely tipsy only moments ago so that seems slightly unlikely. Between the long curls, the jawline so sharp it could cut glass, muscles rippling under his shirt, and endlessly long legs, this alpha is objectively the most attractive person Louis has ever seen.
But that can’t be right, because Louis’ an alpha, too.
When Louis' friends bring him to a strip club for his 18th birthday, the last thing he would have expected is leaving with a crush, let alone a crush on another alpha.
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p-and-p-admin · 5 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.  (sharing here Admin approved)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/199718373383293/ Hello CRMediaGal and welcome to Behind the Quill, thank-you for letting us get to know you a little better.
Many of our members will know your Unquestionable Love series. 
We’re grateful you can spend some time with us today. 
Okay, so let's jump into it!
What’s the story behind your pen name?
CR is an abbreviation for “cracked rendition” and that comes from the excerpt from a poem I’ve loved since I was young. Years ago, to help put myself through art college, I did web design on the side and called my little company Cracked Rendition Designs. When I created my pen name, I combined all of these elements together to make CRMediaGal (for some illogical reason I thought it was a solid name at the time lol) and, to this day, I still think about changing my pen name altogether.  I figure it’s too late for that now, though. 
Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most?
Luna Lovegood. I wish I’d had her self-assurance and confidence in who she is at that age but, that aside, I identify with how she’s a bit of a loner, an oddball, and tends to be left out (or does until she finds her Hogwarts friends). I’ve really struggled with being an outsider most of my life, so it’s comforting to see that representation in literature but through a young woman who possesses the self-confidence people like myself often lack. 
Do you have a favourite genre to read? 
I tend to love period dramas, so a lot of the classic novels are my favourites (i.e. Austen, Henry James, etceteras).  
Do you have a favourite “classic” novel?
The Portrait of a Lady is one of my favourite novels.  I reread it every couple of years.  
At what age did you start writing? 
I’ve been writing since I was very little, so probably seven, eight, nine-ish? I used to be much more of an artist/sketcher than a writer, so I’d make up stories and write and sketch and staple them together all day long lol. 
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
After watching Deathly Hallows: Part 2 at the cinema in 2011.  Severus Snape’s death hit me hard all over again (I hadn’t read the last book in a few years), and I decided that I desperately needed to change that for myself lol.  Unquestionable Love is the first fanfic (SSHG) I ever wrote and it’s become an ongoing series, so I’m grateful to have gotten the “spark” to write fanfic from somewhere around that time.  I decided in 2011 to try my hand at “fleshing out” my little Snape family that had been mucking about in my head for much longer than that.
What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works?
I’m a total sucker for the brooding, self-loathing male who thinks himself unworthy of love and redemption and the sunshine, kick-arse lady, aka Centre of His World, who loves him back to life. #GimmeMorePleaseandThankYou
What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter?
I’ve written fics for Star Wars (ReyBen/Reylo is another one of my favourite ships outside of SSHG), The Hobbit (Thranduil/Tauriel), and Les Miserables (Enjonine). 
If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon?
Severus Snape’s death (he’s NOT dead! #nope #denial4ever). 
My favourite piece of fanon is probably Severus being Draco’s godfather. Regardless of where it originated from, I’m all for it. 
Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? 
I used to need complete solitude and quiet to write, but nowadays I can write with some instrumental music playing in the background.  It depends on where my headspace is at. 
What are your favourite fanfictions of all time? 
I don’t read much fanfic anymore, as it’s hard enough for me to find time for my own writing…but off the top of my head, I’d probably have to go with a “classic” - The Tattered Man (SSHG) by Aurette.  It’s gutting and heart-wrenching and doesn’t have a happy ending, but it’s a hauntingly beautiful piece that stays with you. 
Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process?
I’m somewhere in the middle. I tend to plot out certain points I want to hit from chapter to chapter (if it’s a multi-chapter fic and heavy on plot, for instance), but writing is an organic process and I enjoy allowing my muse to surprise me as well.
What is your writing genre of choice? 
A good mixture of Angst and Fluff (and nearly always with a HEA!) 
Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why? 
I’m proud of all my stories for different reasons, mainly technical milestones I was able to achieve with the writing or the emotional attachments I had to them at the time that I wrote them.
If I had to choose one (or two because I gotta cheat here haha!), I’d go with either Unto Their Own (SSHG) because the subject matter was so dark and took me to places mentally that were very tough for me to navigate (the fact that I finished that fic is an achievement for me because it could have very well been abandoned at various points in the story); or Unquestionable Love (SSHG), both the original and the series as a whole, because that story has my heart entirely invested in it.  That precious family means everything to me and the story, from beginning to present, is my headcanon for the SSHG pairing.  I really can’t see them any other way, though I’ve written other stories where their lives turn out quite differently. 
Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it?
Sticking with Unquestionable Love here, the original story came together mostly as expected, though there were a couple darker turns the fic was supposed to take that I didn’t have the heart--or the stamina, I suppose--to end up developing.  
One of my dear OCs/one of the daughters was supposed to die at one point in the story and I realised that doing so would have ultimately changed Severus’s fate, as well as the entire course of the storyline.  (There is just no way that UL!Severus would survive the death of one of his children, so I guess I’m no JK Rowling or any other esteemed writer who can just ruthlessly kill off their characters haha!) I’ve learned through writing this series that I can tackle subject matters that are very emotionally tough for me and that’s a good feeling.  
I’ve also learned that I have something to say, even if it’s not much heard or well-liked, and that that still makes my storytelling worthy of being out there in the fandomverse; or, at least, I try to remind myself that it’s okay to exist.
How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write?
It’s intensely personal in some respects and those aspects are difficult for me to discuss.  I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready to talk about them in depth, but I will say a couple scenes in the latter half of Unquestionable Love were incredibly trying to write due to personal experience. I pushed through those moments, though, and I think that, because of that therapeutic exercise, I’m able to tackle other tough subjects in my stories more easily. 
What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing?
I admire various writers, mainly for the love of the language that’s reflected in their writing styles.  Anne Rice immediately comes to mind.  If I had an ounce of her talent, I’d write with so much confidence lol. I don’t think writers like her necessarily affect my writing style, but they’re certainly people I aspire to write more like.  
Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction? 
Only more recently.  I haven’t really allowed any of them to read my work, as so much of it is deeply personal, but just being upfront with my closest friends and family has been a nice development.   
How true for you is the notion of “writing for yourself”? 
I think this is something, as a fic writer, that’s essential.  However, I’m also of the mindset that fandom is about community, and fanfic writers want to engage with their audiences.  We want to feel less alone in these wacky and often times complicated scenarios we put our characters through, and we want people to respond to them...hopefully, with a positive reaction. 
That’s what it’s all about--interaction--and it can be rather heartbreaking, as a writer, when you don’t receive engagement because maybe your headcanons or takes on characters aren’t popular or are considered outside of the ‘norm’. 
For me, I find it too crippling anymore to continue sharing my stories with the fandoms I love when they’re met with silence or hate.  There’s nothing more soul crushing than just being dismissed or disliked or not accepted...and that’s why I’ve chosen to post my stories privately (for now, at least).
How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media?
It’s pretty essential to me to be able to engage with readers.  I absolutely love it and I wish it happened more often haha.  I used to run polls and interact with readers on my fanfiction.net and AO3 accounts (both now inactive) and through my still active Tumblr account (http://crmediagal.tumblr.com/ ).  I now have my own website - www.crmediagal.com - where I can fully control the flames and negativity. 
It may be temporary but, so far, it’s working out pretty well.  It’s made my readership a lot smaller but, at least, I know the people who are there genuinely want to read more of my work and won’t leave me hate comments.  That’s so comforting and encouraging.  
What would you most like your readers to take away with them when they've finished your stories?
A powerful message of some kind...remembrance...perhaps, suggest one or two of them to other readers and shippers out there.  
That’s the only way our stories survive, really. 
What is the best advice you’ve received about writing?
That you need to protect your “voice”, no matter how unpopular it may be, and that there is no one else who writes like you and that you should take pride in that.  
I try to remind myself of these important pointers when I’m feeling particularly down about my storytelling abilities. 
What do you do when you hit writer’s block?
Watch my favourite films or television shows to help re-spark my creativity.  I come back to the writing when it ‘speaks’ to me.  I no longer press myself to push out writing because, more often than not, the result is going to get tossed and reworked anyhow.  
Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing?
Yes, certain experiences and people I’ve encountered in my life have definitely wound up in some of my stories.  
Many of my OCs in different stories are examples of that. 
Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser? 
I’m working on a new SSHG story that’s based off of a fun prompt from a dear, long-time reader.  
It will start posting at my website - www.crmediagal.com - in the coming weeks/months, so if anyone would like access to it, you can contact me there.  
Here’s a short excerpt:
Cradling his head in his hand, Severus stomped to his front door and opened it a crack, jostling the handle loud enough that it caught three people’s attention, the woman firstly before the others.  
“What’s the bloody idea?” he snarled, shouting above them.  
Each individual—two wizards and one witch—went mute and turned to stare from the neighbouring sidewalk.  
“I’ll have you know that this is a quiet street!  And I was sleeping!”  When the guests next door to him, who were just towing the property line and about to get themselves knocked out, offered no response, he prodded, grinding his teeth together, 
“Are you daft, you fools?  Do you not comprehend?  HEY!”
The two gentlemen, who appeared to be fresh out of Hogwarts—or maybe they hadn’t gotten that far in their magical studies, judging by the stupidity on their expressions—startled and nodded in unison.  
“Yes, sir!”
“Oh, my...” the witch, in turn, murmured, seemingly more to herself than anyone else.
Severus identified her vacant, open-mouthed expression at once: she recognised him.  As of yet, he had little recollection as to who she might be and didn’t give a damn.  He kicked his door open the rest of the way with his boot, jostling the three near trespassers backward a few more paces, and stalked down his steps and onto his sidewalk. 
That was when he finally understood the reason behind all of the commotion: one of the branches to the old oak tree that shielded his stoop, and had been there since the earliest days he could recall of his childhood, had crashed onto the pavement, cracking the sidewalk in half. 
A part of his iron fence, too, had crumbled under the weight of the broken branch, and there was an assortment of boxes, some severely banged up, scattered across his property. 
“What the...?  That’s my tree you idiots hit!  And my bleedin’ fence...!”
“I - I’m sorry, sir,” stammered the witch with wildly curly hair and worrisome brown eyes, hastily stepping forward to intervene.  
“I’ve been trying to figure out how this happened—”Severus turned his glare on her.  
“And who are you?”  The seemingly thirty-something woman blushed to her roots, which he couldn’t account for, until she spoke in a faint, insecure whisper, 
“Um, Hermione, sir...  Hermione Weasley.  Oh, gosh, I mean, I - I was Hermione Weasley until...”  She cleared her throat and attempted to reintroduce herself, flushing in such a manner that it flaunted dainty-looking freckles that dotted her cheeks and nose.  Had she always had those?  Severus couldn’t remember.  
“Oh, bother!  It’s Hermione Granger, Professor.  Surely, you...you remember me?”Severus went as rigid as a column.  
“Oh, for fuck’s sake...” he blurted aloud before he could stop himself. Hermione blinked, taken aback.  
“I’m sorry?”Severus’s shock morphed into a tight-fitting sneer.  
“I thought I was done with the lot of you.”
Any words of encouragement to other writers?
Try not to get too discouraged by lack of reviews or not making the recommendations lists.  Keep persevering and know that someone out there, even if it’s just one reader, will love what you have to share with the world.  
Thanks for spending some time with us today CRMediaGal, we’ve enjoyed getting to know you.
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