#(I'm really hoping to be in an actual house before december!!)
kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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worldofkuro · 1 month
Painted Smile
Painted Smile VII
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Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: 4913 words... I don't know what happened. I'm so tired, it's 1 am but who cares, I needed to drop the new chapters. I really hope you'll enjoy it dears ! Tell me what you think of it! Because I'm dead tired there might have more mistake than usual, I'll check it out tomorrow.
“ And then I kind of kissed him through the blanket.”
You stared as Alice squealed with delight, bouncing on her seat in front of you. You were in your living room,sitting on your sofa, your Mother was out which made you alone with your friend. You just finished telling her what happened two days ago and she seemed delighted while you were… confused. At that moment you didn’t even think, you just… went for the kiss. It wasn’t even a kiss, your lips didn’t touch! You just felt the blanket!
“ And then ? And then ? Don’t leave me hanging, tell me what happened next!” begged Alice while she was squeezing a cushion against her chest. You turned your head toward the chimney’s fire. You were the 20th of December. Christmas was around the corner and then Alastor’s birthday…And you still didn’t have any ideas for a present ! You sighed, you were losing against the clock… “ Hey, are you doing alright ?”
“ Oh, sorry Alice, nothing happened after. He… reassured me and then he went home. But the problem right now is that I don’t have his Chrismas’s present… I don’t even have his birthday’s present!”
“ He was born on the first of January, right ?” You nodded and she tilted her head backward, thinking about a present for your friend. You almost scoffed, you trusted her but if YOU couldn’t find a present for Alastor, how could she do it? “ Hey, before I forget, I asked my parents if I could celebrate Chrismas’s Eve with friends and they said yes!” she clapped her hands together. “ You should come, and bring Alastor with you !”
Going to a soirée with Alastor..? You looked at Alice. She was indeed the daughter of a rich family but she wasn’t like those pompous people who thought they were better than anyone. She was open minded. She made friends with everyone, white people, coloured people, everyone.. And you were surprised her parents were okay with it. Maybe they weren’t closed minded people?
You kind of wanted to see Alastor in this kind of environment, you have never seen him all dressed up since you were kids. It could be fun ! But would he agree ? You could almost hear his voice saying he didn’t want to leave his Mother alone for Chrismas’s Eve.. You didn’t want to leave your mother alone either– Wait, that was it! You would invite Marie to pass Chrismas’s Eve with your Mother and you and Alastor would go to Alice’s soirée and then celebrated Christmas in your own house with Alastor and her mother!  
“ From your smile, I guess it is a yes?” asked Alice with a grin. You winked at her before standing up.
“ It’s a maybe… I don’t know if Alastor would want to come.”
“Mhn.. If he doesn’t want to come, tell him that John will be there.” she said with a teasing expression, like she knew something you didn’t. You raised an eyebrow at her, suspicious.
“ Alice… Did you talk with Alastor when he walked you home?”
“ Oh! Actually yes, he is the one who began to talk. He asked about our relationship, he seemed very protective of you, it was cute!” she beamed as she giggled. You blushed, looking away. “ But you think he would not like a party?  He seemed like he would be the star of the soirée!”
You did know that. Alastor has something that made people want to approach him. He was almost seventeen but he already had so much charisma, he was a proper gentleman. You weren’t blind, you could see more and more young ladies turn their eyes on him when you were walking outside. You wondered if he was aware of it? If he was, he never made a deal of it, he would just smile back at them if they happened to catch his eyes. 
You wondered how ladies would try to approach Alastor. You’ve known him for eight years, so you weren’t impressed by him anymore, if you wanted you would just jump on his back because you were tired and he would carry you home just like. No questions asked. You smiled without noticing, people might have found Alastor difficult to approached but for you, it was as easy as breathing.
You kind of wanted to see people trying to approach Alastor now…
“ Well, I just have to convince Alastor.”
“ I’ll be delighted!”
You blinked, turning your head toward him. He was laying on the tree’s foot, seeming to be reading a book as you were sitting on the swing. It was snowing today, but you both decided to stay outside for a change. The forest was pretty hidden under a white blanket.
You went to Alastor’s house after parting ways with Alice. You did pay attention to the people around, but you didn’t see any man that would be stalking you. You were sure, if there was a stalker, that he would stalk Alice, not you. But Alastor has made you promise that you would pay attention so…
“ Really? You would like to come?” you smiled as you let the swing go, walking toward him. He put his book down and looked up at you with his usual grin, he really seemed excited about it! 
“ Of course dear, going to a soirée with you holding on to my arm? How could I refuse? And I’m sure my Mother would be delighted to celebrate Christmas’s Eve with your mother, as long as we celebrate Christmas with them.” he sketched before sitting up. He tilted his head and you couldn’t help but laugh as you saw a few leaves and snow on his hair. You sat next to him and began to take the leaves out of his hair. In two seconds, Alastor was laying back down on the grass but this time his head was on your thighs. He took his book back and continued his reading as you stroked his hair, looking at the sky.
What kind of dress would you wear? You never went to a soirée before, you needed to look your best, you wanted to impress Alastor. You’ve never really put too much thought into what you wore, you’ll have to ask Alice for advice… You wondered how Alastor was going to show up..
“ Alastor, what are you going to wear?” you looked at him, still playing with his hair, how could his hair be so soft to the touch? He didn’t move his gaze from the book, answering you with a teasing smile.
“ Why? ”
“ Come on, I was just wondering… I don’t know what kind of dress would suit me, I have never been to a fancy soirée. I’m scared of being… underdressed. “ and you didn’t want Alastor to be ashamed of you because of your poor choice of outfit. He stayed silent for a minute and then tilted his head backward on your laps so he could stare into your gaze.
“ Red suits you.” 
You stared in his eyes, the sun made them look almost caramel like. He was so lucky to be this handsome, really ,and he wasn’t even a full grown man yet. You pouted, looking away. How unfair.
“ Well, thank you, does that mean that the only color that suits me is red and I look awful with any other color?” 
“ Oh I didn’t say that. I just want to see you in red.”
You looked at him and couldn’t help the smile sketching your lips. Well, if that’s what he wanted. You took his book off his hands, which he let you do, still looking at you. You put the book next to you, on the grass. 
“ Do you think you'll be able to keep up with me if we have to dance ?” you teased him, raising an eyebrow. His eyes widened before he roared with laughter, holding his belly. You chuckled at his reaction, you knew that Alastor was an amazing dancer, you just wanted to hear him laugh… 
“ Oh my dearest friend, if we happen to dance, trust me, I’ll make it so you wouldn’t be able to walk for some days.” he winked at you with a confident smile. You laughed out loud, throwing your head back.
“ And I’ll make it so you wouldn’t ever consider another partner!” he took your hand in his with a soft smile, caressing your skin. You looked up as you heard someone coming and your eyes met Marie’s. She smiled softly at you, saying it was time for you to go home, she didn’t like you going home at night and didn't want you to catch a cold.
Alastor stood up, before taking his book. You stood up with his help, said goodbye to Marie’s and went back home with Alastor. Since the “stalker” evenement, he didn’t want you to walk home alone. You rolled your eyes at him but at least you could stay with Alastor a little while longer, so it was worth it. You walked together on the road of New Orleans, watching at the shop vitrines if it could give you some ideas for Alastor’s gift.
“ Hey, Alasto-”
You screamed as your foot slid on ice. You felt yourself falling before Alastor wrapped his arms around you and tugged your body against him before gracefully dancing around the freezed road. You stared at him, your eyes wide opened as he made you spin on the freezing floor, but you never fell, he was moving your body, like it was another part of him. You began to laugh happily. You let him take control of your body, letting him make you dance as he wished. Not too long after he made you drop, your head almost touching the ground. You stared at him as he held you firmly, your breath coming in short puff. He was staring intensely at you with a satisfied smile.
“ No matter what, I’ll always catch you if you fall.”
You smiled at him as he straightened you before offering his arm to you. You took it, as you kept walking toward your home and of course, as always, he leaned in to give you a kiss on your forehead before leaving. You stared at him until you couldn’t see him anymore and then you decided to enter your home.
“ Mom~ What would you think about celebrating Christmas’ Eve with Marie~?”
“ This is a disaster Alice !” 
You fell on your bed,head in your pillow ready to scream bloody murder. You haven’t found a single red dress that suited you. You hated every single dress you had tried ! And Alice’s soirée was tomorrow night ! You didn’t know what to do with your hair, with your makeup and you still didn’t have anything to wear ! 
“ I see… Well, it seems like it’s my time to shine ! Look what I’ve got you !” She took a bag from behind her and put it in front of your bed. You lifted your head from your pillow and opened the bag. Your eyes opened as you saw a beautiful black and red flapper dress. Your eyes were wide open, you’ve only seen this kind of dress with the riches folks. You stared at Alice, your mouth wide open without being able to put words together. “ I know you will look delicious like this, come on, try it on so we can find makeup and hairstyle to go with it!”
“ We can see my legs !”
“ We’ll wear stockings, don’t worry ! It’s almost 1920’s, come on!”
“ We’ll be in 1917 next month!”
“ That’s what I said, come on now!”
You undressed yourself before looking at the dress. It was very pretty and it was shining with so many sparkles… You dressed up and put on some heels and then you looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked… like a woman. You really liked the dress… you moved around a bit, it was comfortable, you feel like you could dance with it! You could feel the flapper moving against your thighs with each movement. You blushed a little and looked at Alice who was staring at you with stars in her eyes.
“ Ooh, yes! You’ll look perfect ! Don’t worry, I’ll have some similar dress, you’ll not feel left out! Now, the makeup and the hairstyle my friend~.”
Oh dear.
It was the day. You were in front of your mirror. You were wearing your dress, your black heels, you had put a red lipstick on your lips and a bit of mascara. You were so nervous. What if Alastor found you absolutely ridiculous ? Oh you couldn’t live with the humiliation. You heard your door open and turned around to see your mother, staring at you with teary eyes.
“ Oh sweetheart, you look… Breathtaking, your father would be crying…” She went into your bedroom and hugged you which you immediately reciprocated. 
“ I don’t look stupid ?”
“ Baby, no. You look like a grown woman! Oh, how time flies…you're already sixteen...” she smiled before you heard someone ringing at your door making you tense. It was Alastor, you were sure of it. Your Mother smiled at you before winking and then she left you bedroom, going downstairs so she could open the door. You tried to hear what they were saying but you couldn’t hear anything…
You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror.
“ Come on girl. You’re going to an amazing soirée and you’ll enjoy every single second of it, okay?” you nodded at your reflection. Great.
You sighed and then left your bedroom. You took a deep breath and then began to walk down the stairs, your heels making noises against the wooden stairs. You heard Alastor and Marie’s voice getting closer. You saw your mother at the bottom of the stairs with an encouraging smile. 
“ Alastor, come closer, there she is !”
You heard his shoes before finally seeing him.
He was beautiful.
His dark hair was slicked back, he didn’t have his glasses on, he was wearing a dark redded suit and he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his right hand. He was staring at you, his eyes wide open. You both stood there, without talking or doing anything else. You took a shaky breath before walking down the stairs until you were in front of him, thanks to your heels you were face to face with him. He was still staring at you with a straining smile. Did he find you ridiculous, did you try too hard? You kissed him softly on both cheeks and you heard him gulp. What was happening to him?
“ Alastor, please say something…” you begged, looking down.
You felt his hand on your face, raising your chin up so he could meet your gaze. His smile was softer and his eyes still had this intense glint that made you relax.
“ I told you, red is our color.” he smirked before giving you the bouquet. You grinned as you stared at the beautiful flowers in front of you and then you looked at Alastor’s eyes. He didn’t even once let his gaze move away from you, it made you feel warm. You smiled brightly as your mother took the flowers from you, putting it in a vase. 
“ You both are so beautiful, but leaving before being late !” Marie said just after taking a picture of you. You took a long coat that hid your figure before leaving with your arm around Alastor’s one. 
“ I can’t wait to be there ! “ you said excitedly. You were still feeling nervous but Alastor by your side, it was getting easier to just be excited about this party. You felt Alastor grip your arm tighter as you walked into a busy road. You tried not to bump into people, and after a thirty minute walk, you find yourself in front of a huge house. Was it a mansion?
You knocked on the huge door and a butler opened the door, eyeing suspiciously but before you could even your mouth you saw Alice running toward you. She was wearing an outfit similar to yours, as promised, but hers was white and blue. She looked almost angelic.
“ You made it ! Come, come, come inside!” 
You walked into a huge reception room and there were already so many people inside. The butler took off your coat making you feel a little cold, so you just stayed against Alastor who put his arms around your shoulder. Alice introduced some of her friends, you could not remember every name, there were too many. Did Alice really know all of them? Some of them looked like real adults, and was that a band that was getting ready? You went with Alastor toward the buffet.
“ Well, what do you think of it so far?” you asked him with a tired smile. He took a drink and sniffed it before putting it back. “ What?”
“ Be careful, some of the brevage have alcohol,” he said before leaning against the wall.” but I’m not surprised. Your friend seems to be the type to always go big.  Being able to pull off this kind of soirée with a war going on? I’m almost impressed.” he said before straightening his tie. 
“ Alastor, is it you?”
You turned to the voice and saw a beautiful lady. She smiled sweetly at Alastor who gave her his usual smile. Who was she? She began to talk with Alastor, ignoring your presence. You tilted your head, it was the first time someone came straight at Alastor with you next to him. She seemed so confident, you almost envied her. Almost. You were a polite girl, you wouldn’t interrupt them but you didn’t want to stand next to them too long, it would get boring quickly. You took a drink from the buffet and sipped it. It was sweet, you wondered what it was. You smirked, you could already imagine Alastor’s face at the disgustingly sweet brevage you just had.
You should prank him. You took another cup and turned toward Alastor before being startled by the band who began to play music. You almost dropped the cup, that was a close call.. You looked at Alastor who was being dragged by the lady toward the dancefloor. 
Wait what? 
You stared at the scene in front of you, as Alastor began to dance with her.
“ Oh, who do we kill before Christmas?” You turned your head toward Alice who was trying to see what you were watching. “ Oh… Oh, yes. Jealous?”
“ No! I’m just .. surprised. I didn’t know Alastor had other female friends.. Come on, let’s dance.” you finished your drink and dragged Alice who eagerly nodded. 
You both danced with each other, smiling. It was fun! The band was playing some good tunes! She gave you a spin who landed you into someone's arms. You looked up and saw John, your school’s mate.
“ You look beautiful like this…” he said as he admired you. You nodded with a confident smile. You didn’t know why but you felt like the most powerful woman right now! He smiled at you, before looking away shyly. “ Care to bless me with a dance?” You laughed, so formal. You took his hand and danced with him, keeping your eyes open to match his steps. You did stop him from lifting you in the air though, you didn’t trust him to keep you up in the air but thankfully he didn’t take it badly.
You took a look at Alastor and couldn’t help but frown. He was dancing amazingly, as always, spinning the woman before tugging her against him. You pouted, you thought he only did that with you.
As the party kept going you were getting more and more agitated. Why was Alastor still not dancing with you? You didn’t know why, but most of the time you were a good girl but when Alastor was included, you could become the worst brat ever. You walked toward the buffet, took another drink and went toward the band, you needed to look confident. You spoke to the singer and he smiled before making some place for you. He placed the microphone in front of you and asked you what song you wanted to sing.
You smirked and asked for a song you and Alastor’s used to dance on when you were younger. You were watching the crowd, took a deep breath and began to sing. You stared at Alastor who was dancing with another girl but once he heard your voice he turned his head toward the scene , where you were standing. You couldn’t feel but something in your belly, just like that his attention was back on you. You saw the girl trying to keep his gaze on her and you smirked. Not today.
Today you were selfish.
You sang like there was no tomorrow, the crowd clapping their hands with the rhythm of the song, you didn’t think you ever sang this good. You had perfect control on your voice, you were even dancing on the stage as the band were giving their all with you. You looked at Alastor who was still dancing with the lady, even if you could see he was getting bored. Well, you could help. You began to sing with more energy, the band making the rhythm faster as well. You could feel your lips sketched into a mocking smile as you saw the girl not being able to keep up with Alastor. Perfect.
You went down the stage , still singing. The crowd parted for you and you couldn’t help but feel excited. You walked toward Alastor, he had his back on you. You slided your hand on his back making him flinch. He turned his head toward you with a surprised expression. You grinned at him, singing before smoothly taking Alastor away from the girl. You both were encircled by the crowd but you didn’t care. Alastor and you danced, never breaking eye contact. You kept the rhythm as fast as you could, every step was nailed, every spin. You would have your back against his chest and then he would spin you so your face was inches away from each other. And then Alastor lifted you in his arms before throwing you in the air. You closed your eyes, feeling perfectly safe. He promised he would always catch you if you were to fall.
You fell down in his arms, your head near the floor but never touching it. You felt his breath on your lips and you opened your eyes, staring right back into his gaze. He was sweating and so were you. You were holding his shoulder, breathing hard. You were both alone in your own world. 
And just like that, the spell broke as the crowd cheered for you. You blinked and Alastor straightened you up with a genuine smile. You grinned at him before you both bowed to the crowd. You went back to the stage, giving back the microphone before going to the buffet, you needed some fresh water.
“ Oh my Lord, you both were.. I don’t even have the words!” squealed Alice as she shook you by the shoulders. You laughed at her reaction , it was just you being petty because Alastor wasn’t paying attention to you.
“It really was amazing.” John said as he clapped while you were drinking a glass of water.
“ That’s what happens when you let us do our things together, let that be a lesson folks.”  Alastor said as he put his arms around your shoulders.  You nudged him but couldn’t contain your laughter. You were having a great time.
You had other dances with Alastor, before people were making little group. You were sitting on a table with Alice,John,Alastor and other people you dind’t know. You didn’t know why, maybe they drank some alcohol but the conversation which was proper began to turn toward something more… spicy?
“ You’ve never kissed before? Hoho, you don’t know what you are missing.” said a lady to John who just blushed. The lady stared languidly at Alastor. “ And you, pretty boy? Have you ever kissed someone ?”  You were ready to tell the lady to back off, you didn’t want her to embarrass Alastor because he didn’t have his first kiss.
“ Yes, I have.”
“ Oh, I’m not surprised. And you sweetie?” you felt everyone's eyes on you and you blushed. Even Alice had already kissed someone !
“ N-no, I have never.”
“ Well, why not remedy it tonight, just before Christmas ! John, was it, why don’t you kiss our adorable singer right here?” you flushed even more as John was looking at you, seeming hesitant. 
“ As if my dearest friend’s first kiss would be with such a boring fella, no offense my friend.” said Alastor sarcastly.  You frowned, why would he care! He already had his first kiss and he didn’t even tell you. You stood up.
“ I need some air, I’ll be back.”
You took a sip of your glass with the sweet juice and went out, in the garden. You heels hit the paving stone as you try not to burst out of… of what? sadness? angryness? You sighed as you stared at the stars in the sky, you felt the snow falling on your naked arms. You could even see the air you were breathing.
“ You are going to catch a cold.”
You turned your head toward Alastor as he took off his blazer, ready to hand it to you. You shook your head.
“ No, I needed… I need the cold air.”
“ Why did you lie ?”
“ Pardon?” you turned your body toward him as he took a step toward you.
“ About your first kiss.”
“ I didn’t lie, I’ve never kissed anyone. And unlike you, if I did, I would have told you but Mister Alastor doesn’t care to share such a secret with me, am I right?” you crossed your arms over your chest. He smiled at you mockingly. You felt anger sweltering inside you.
“ Don’t you dare look at me like that, Alastor.”
“ You’ve always been endearingly stupid. My first kiss was with you, in your room, remember ?” he tilted his head as he took another step toward you.
You felt your body relaxed. You couldn’t be angry with him. He didn’t know. He wasn’t reading the same book as you. You have been so embarrassed when he had catched you reading a love story but at least you knew what a first kiss was! 
“ Alastor, a kiss isn’t… A first kiss is something you must share with a special someone. Your lips need to touch the other one.” you blushed as you looked away. “ I think.. Th-The lips need to move against each other an-and..”
You took a step back but his hand found the back of your waist as he softly tugged you against him. You knew he was trying to find your eyes but you were so embarrassed by what you just told him.
“ So, a first kiss must be with a special someone, right?” he waited for you to nod before raising your chin with his finger. “ Then, can I give you my real first kiss?” You stared at him with your eyes wide open, your cheeks flushed red.
“ What..”
“ You are my most special person since childhood… For me, it’s only natural for you to have my first kiss.” he smiled at you, his eyes shining with that oh so familiar glint you were used to seeing each time he was looking at you. “ You don’t have to if you don’t want of course, but–”
“ I want to. You.. You are also my .. most special person…” he nodded with a soft genuine smile that made you feel warm inside. You closed your eyes as you waited for him to kiss you.
“ Nu-uh, keep your eyes on me.” you opened your eyes, blushing furiously.
“ You are supposed to close your eyes when you are kissing someone !”
“ I don’t really care, this is our first kiss, we’ll do it how we want.” he smirked as he approached his face toward you. Your eyes were looking at his lips then his eyes, you couldn't focus on something, you were stressed, you were nervous, you were excited. Your eyes were half closed when you felt his warm lips against your cold one. You looked at his eyes, his gaze piercing your gaze with an intensity too much to bear, you closed your eyes.
It wasn’t like in the book but you didn’t know why, you didn’t care. 
You kept your eyes closed as Alastor stepped back slightly , you could still feel his breath against your mouth. You opened your eyes and gave him a shy smile as he whispered.
“ So dear, have you ever kissed someone ?” you nodded. “ With whom?”
“ Alastor.”
“ How was it?”
“ Perfect.” you smiled at him as he grinned at you before covering your shoulder with his blaze. 
“ Come on now, the soirée needs its stars !”
Tag List: lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @boogiemansbitch @sodavizz @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp
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fairyyeo · 1 year
wrapped in red ❅ han jisung
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pairing — bestfriend!jisung x reader
genre — fluff
tw — none
wc — 1.2k
a/n — i loveeee this fic. this is my fav xmas song + my bias so !! love this !! proud of it !! is it a little mish mash all over the place ? yeah. is it a little cringe ? yeah. do i care? fuck no. merry christmas eve loves <33
december 24th. christmas eve.
you first realised you were in love with your best friend on christmas eve four years ago. it was at a christmas party that your friends had every year to spend time together and exchange gifts.
you can remember the evening clearly. there was a buzz in the air. they were all laughing and smiling, their cheeks a warm rosy pink from all the alcohol. they each got exactly what they'd hoped they would for christmas—including you.
yet, even as you happily held the gift from jeongin that you'd so badly wanted, something didn't feel right. you still felt like something was missing. your eyes danced around the room, really taking in the sight of your friends enjoying each other's company, and thats when you saw it.
jisung beaming as he opened his gift from felix.
his smile. his beautiful heart-shaped grin. sure, you'd seen that smile thousands of times before, but there was no denying the way your own smile grew as you saw his. and you certainly couldn't deny the way your heart swelled to the point where you thought it would burst through your ribcage.
it was never the same after that. each time you saw him smile thereafter your heart ached. you loved him.
you never let it show. not once. you didn't have the courage to tell him how you felt.
every year december came around once more and your friends' hosted their annual christmas eve party.
every year you suffered in silence while your best friend smiled as he opened his gift.
you wouldn't love him from afar anymore. you wouldn't sit and watch and do nothing about your longing heart. you would reach out this year.
this christmas you would risk it all.
it was christmas eve, again.
you weren't even sure how you'd willed yourself to get into the car. it was merely hours before you were meant to be at changbin's house for the christmas party. but you couldn't tell jisung at the party. it had to be now or you'd put it off yet another year.
nervous was an understatement. eight years of friendship was on the line here. so when you pulled up outside jisung's house, your legs wobbled like you were tipsy on eggnog as you stepped out the car.
the snow fall was heavy but it didn't stop you from dashing for the front door. standing on the porch it suddenly felt real, you'd come this far, there was no turning back now. you paced a few steps, mustering the courage to knock on the door.
just as you lifted your hand to knock, the door swung open, startling you.
the two of you exclaimed.
"are you heading out?" you asked him, noticing the car keys in his hand.
"yeah, i was actually." jisung was confused why you were standing on his front porch. he narrowed his eyes at you, "what are you doing here?"
this was it. now or next year.
"i... um..." you wrung your hands, in an attempt to both calm your nerves and warm your hands. "there's something i wanted to tell you."
"what is it?" jisung cocked his head looking truly confused, you honestly felt bad.
"well, you see..." you tried to say it, you really did. but you were struggling to say those unspoken words out loud.
jisung noticed you hesitating, "whatever it is, you can tell me. i'm your best friend, remember?" he rubbed your arm comfortingly.
jisung was right. he was your best friend. if this didn't go as planned you wouldn't lose him because of it. you could go back to loving him from afar, back to the ache in your heart, back to being best friends.
suddenly, you weren't afraid to fall.
you let out a steady breath, "i love you, jisung."
he didn't say anything at first. instead, the snow continued to fall, a few snowflakes landing on your face and head. the cold was beginning to seep into your skin. you hadn't even realised how freezing it was outside until now because you'd been in such a hurry on the way over.
you were about to tell jisung to forget about it just as he let out a nervous chuckle.
"boy, i am so glad you said that." he emphasised the word 'so' before breaking into that goddamn heart-shaped grin.
it was poetic.
how could someone be so beautiful? in fact, beautiful was an enormous understatement. you truly couldn't find the words to describe how beautifully you thought of him.
"i got you for secret santa this year," jisung began as he brushed some snow off your shoulder, "you know, for the christmas party." he dusted the snow from your hair now, but he couldn't look you in the eye. "i wasn't quite sure what to get you because... because nothing really showed how much i feel for you." now he brushed off the snow from your nose and cheeks, his warm hand finally resting on your cheek. "i guess what i'm trying to say is, i love you too."
jisung's cheeks now wore that same warm pink from christmas eve four years ago, except for a far different reason. he was shy to confess.
understandable, you had struggled too. you were honestly proud of yourself for coming all the way here and actually getting yourself to say the words 'i love you'—wait, what was that?
did jisung say he loved you too? maybe you got some snow in your ear. truthfully, your senses faltered after you confessed, you were too enthralled by jisung's smile once again. and the way he was brushing the snow off of you. and the way his hand remained on your cheek.
it was also then you became aware that jisung was now holding your face with both of his warm hands.
you quickly grasped his arms. "wait. did you say you love me too?"
"was i not supposed to say that?" jisung now wore a confused look.
"sorry, i blanked out looking at your smile and—oh my god did that sound creepy? i'm sorry, i just think you have the most beautiful smile in the world. i think it's the reason i fell in love with—"
your nervous ramble was cut short as jisung darted forward and placed his soft lips on yours. he gently pulled you by your jacket through the front door and into the warm hallway, never breaking the kiss. and though the tug on your jacket was gentle, the kiss certainly was not. it was deep and passionate and as soon as he'd pulled you across that threshold your back was against the wall and his hands were tangled in your hair.
this is not what you'd thought would happen, however, you could certainly not complain. kissing jisung felt like reading the most beautiful poetry. the kind of sonnet that makes you tear up. the one you actually feel pull on your heartstrings. you never wanted to stop kissing him, the feeling too insatiable.
"merry christmas." jisung breathed as he reluctantly pulled away, already accustomed to the taste of your lips.
you grinned, an immense feeling of adoration blanketing your heart, "merry christmas, jisung."
"so," he shut the door and led you further inside, "does this mean i don't have to get you anything for secret santa now?"
you laughed, "your smile is as good of a gift as any."
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ltbarnes · 6 months
‘Tis the Damn Season
Stark U #6
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve, you’re too drunk, you’ve basically avoided Bucky and Steve for six months and the last person you’d want to meet at this party just happens to be yelling in your face. The panic attack is inevitable, really.
Pairing: college!Steve Rogers x reader, college!Bucky Barnes x reader, college!Sam Wilson x reader, college!Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 7.8k
Warnings: so much angst, past SA, alcohol, talk about violence, Christmas celebrations, things finally start to happen, kissing :)
A/N: Happy holidays to anyone who celebrates and to those who don’t, I hope you have a good few days anyways <3 This is the first I’ve posted since July which is awful of me so sorry
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You didn't see them all summer. The day after your last exam was over, you bolted back to your hometown and spent the entire summer selectively ignoring messages from Bucky and Natasha and Steve and Sam asking what you were doing and how your summer was going and maybe you could all meet up and go somewhere and—
It's December now, and every goddamn day since June you have been trying to figure out if what Bucky said to you when you were sick was a fever-induced hallucination or if he really, actually, said that he wanted you to take his last name someday. It made you panic, because the entire spring term you tried to convince yourself that your feelings towards them were batshit crazy and any inkling to them feeling the same was a delusional reach, grasping for crumbs that in reality were just friendly gestures. And then he says that.
"She's just practicing her future last name, Stevie."
So, yeah...things have been weird. Three months have passed since classes started and none of you want to mention what happened right before summer break. Actually, with each day passing you feel more like maybe it was just a hallucination or a very vivid dream, because both Bucky and Steve act like it never even happened. Bucky even had his mouth latched onto some blonde sophomore at a dumb, stupid frat party on Halloween. You went home right after and cried for two hours. But it's not hard to conclude that even if there was some spark or connection or anything beyond friendship with either of them before summer, it has died out completely.
The subject will probably never be broached. You're too scared of confrontation and definitely too scared of revealing unreciprocated feelings for that to happen. The slightly tense atmosphere in the loft is entirely your fault—your lack of communication with anyone in the group during the summer has made them a little confused, you guess. You mostly spend time in your room, giving excuses of studying and talking with parents on the phone and 'I'm just tired, sorry'.
Spending too much time with Natasha scares you too, because she reads you so well and you don't want her to know how hurt and unhappily in love you are. She'll try to do something about it and then Steve and Bucky will catch on and then you will end up rejected and labeled as crazy, because who the fuck falls in love with two people?
That doesn't mean you've managed to avoid her. Living in the same apartment as her definitely makes that hard, but just the fact that she won't let you makes it impossible. Last week she even broke into your room when you had it locked, because apparently she knows how to pick a lock open in under ten seconds. She absolutely knows something is off, but so far she hasn't brought it up.
Natasha is the sole reason why you're now standing in the backyard of some rich kid's house just off campus, surrounded by smoke from cheap cigarettes and fairy lights hung up between the trees and one too many shots of vodka in your blood. It's December utterly and thoroughly—there's snow on the ground but people still haven't accepted the fact that wearing their short dresses and tank tops without jackets does not work anymore. Ice drops hangs from the tree where you stand, listening to Natasha talk with a drunken girl looking for her phone.
It's fun, sure. Not the worst party you've been to and not the best either. You talked to the girl you've been sitting next to in History class earlier for almost twenty minutes. Got free vodka. It's Friday and you don't have any exams to study for. None of that makes you forget that things aren't the same.
"Nat. Nat." You poke her shoulder repeatedly, obnoxiously probably, until she glances over her shoulder with a slight glare.
"What is it?"
"I'm gonna get 'nother drink. Inside," you tell her, pointing with your thumb towards a hedge even though it was meant to be the door. Natasha seems to understand anyway.
"Okay. Don't wander off too long. And come back here right after."
"Yes, ma'am." You give her a half-assed salute before turning around, swaying slightly in your step. It's the uneven and slippery surface of the snow-covered ground, you tell yourself.
There's a lot of people here, is what you note as you push yourself through the seemingly endless crowds of the living room. You kind of hate that they haven't played a single song you like and if Steve was here he would agree, because he doesn't listen to any music made after the internet was born. Bucky would then make fun of Steve and you would laugh and everything would be right in the world. Instead you're pressed to kitchen drawers of a dark kitchen, cheap vodka mixed with soda running down your throat.
The kitchen is crowded too, but either way it's a respite from whatever the hell's going on in the living room. Jumping up and down and calling it dancing (you were doing the same the hour before). You're too drunk to be miserable about everything happening in your life this entire term and much too drunk to feel the absolute atrocious taste of your drink.
In half an hour you will probably throw up and tomorrow will be spent nursing a horrible hangover, but those consequences seem insignificant right now. You just keep thinking about the image of Bucky shoving his tongue down someone's throat that wasn't yours. It was heartbreaking. That he's not here is a good thing, because you'd either witness the same thing again or actually bring it up to him, and that's much worse. God knows it's only a matter of time before Steve does the same thing.
Someone pushes into you, forcing the liquid from your cup to spill from the confines of the red plastic onto your dress. It's black, so it doesn't really matter, but the alcohol still seeps through the fabric until it reaches your skin.
"Shit, fuck—"
Your hand tries to somehow dry your dress by fanning the fabric, which obviously doesn't help very much, and the paper towels placed on the counter in front of you escape your drunken mind completely.
Fresh air and icy winter winds are the only options, so you push through and stumble into people on your way outside. It takes a lot longer than it should. You can't really see much considering the dizziness and darkness inside, but somehow, magically, you are eventually dragging your way towards Natasha who stands in the same place as before.
"Nat. Natty—I spilled. Look."
The black dress with the now wet patch is lifted towards her by your hands, highlighted for her to see. You sway as you tell her.
"Jesus, you can barely stand straight," Natasha answers with a stabling hand to your shoulder, shaking her head to herself instead of focusing on the very urgent fact that you spilled on yourself.
Natasha turns to the girl she's talking to, saying something you can't bother to decipher, before stepping aside with a guiding arm around you.
"We gotta get you home before you embarrass yourself for real," she mumbles underneath her breath.
"I heard that," you whisper, a loud hiccup following. Whoops.
She rolls her eyes, fishing her phone up from her pocket.
"Who—who you writing? To?" you ask, slightly aware that your sentences lack correct structure but not really caring. As long as the message comes across, right?
"I'm texting Steve. I can't drive and you sure as hell can't."
Even in your state, panic instantly sets in over the mention of his name even though you live in the same goddamn apartment.
"Nooo. No Steve."
Your hand grasps for her phone. Nat pulls it away from your reach much quicker than you can comprehend.
"Yes Steve. You're a mess and he's the only one with the patience to take care of this level of drunk. I don't care that you're avoiding them for some stupid goddamn reason," she tells you.
"Nat," you whine. "He can't see me. I spilled!"
She just glares at you. "I swear to god, Y/n...nobody cares that you spilled your drink. I can't even see it."
"I'm so drunk!"
"Yeah, I know. Just—just stay here, okay? I'm going to get you some water so you can sober up by the time your precious Steve comes for us."
Natasha is heading inside before you can process her words. Waiting in place for a few minutes turns into an eternity in your mind. She should know better than to leave you unattended and then expect you to stay—really, it's her own fault. You will accept no blame if Nat gets mad at you for going inside again. It's cold and you need to go to the bathroom. Also, you're mad at her. Telling Steve to come get you? That's just...embarrassing.
Once again you're shouldering your way past people on about the same level of intoxication as you. There's a bad remix of a Christmas song playing loudly. Makes you wanna punch whoever's phone is connected to the speaker. The bathroom is so, so far away. It's something the architect of this house should've thought of before he put it at the very end of this long hallway you're currently making your way through, but clearly he didn't have you in mind.
"Fuck! Watch where you're going, asshole," some girl seethes at you as your shoulder nudges against hers. A nudge is an exaggeration—you brushed against it at most. She's probably an aggressive drunk, that's all.
You don't answer, instead fumbling for the door handle to what you believe might be the bathroom. Some couple is making out in here, the girl with her ass planted on the edge of the bathtub and the guy nearly devouring her face. Doesn't look very pleasant, if you're honest.
"Out. I need to pee."
Your hands find their way to their shoulders, ushering the lovesick pair out of the room without much protest from either of them. They're still making out as they walk out.
Despite your less than sober state, you manage to remember to lock the door after they leave. Some of the mascara that previously inhabited your lashes has moved down to rest under your eyes. You rub it away, smudging it slightly, but it just makes you look a little more like one of those cool girls you always see on campus. It will do.
You kind of want to throw up, but decide against it. That hasn't happened since you were a freshman, and you'd like to keep it that way. Staring at yourself in the mirror occupies your time in the bathroom instead, swaying slightly with your hands placed on the cold sink. If Steve saw you now he would be so disappointed. At least you imagine he would be—that fatherly look on his face as he tells you how you need to be more mindful with your alcohol consumption. Did you even watch who poured your drink? Never go anywhere alone at a party. Especially not a frat one. You know better than this, Y/n.
Steve's imaginary voice is interrupted by someone banging on the door, shouting for you to hurry the fuck up. It's been over ten minutes, but to you it just feels like three, and Natasha has been looking for you ever since she returned to the garden with a glass of water in her hand and no one to give it to. It's not her banging on the door, unfortunately, but instead a dickhead guy who has no patience. Can't a girl spend some time alone in the bathroom doing nothing anymore?
The guy glares at you as you push the door open, stumbling out into the crowded hallway while paying him no mind. It's dark save for the red LED-lights plastered on the walls, making it feel like a seedy dive bar instead of a seedy house. You don't see much.
"Hey! Hey, you—the girl with the black dress!"
Someone pushes their way past the people talking and making out and leaning against the walls, shoving through them as he searches for your attention. Of course, you don't really think it's you he's after. Half of the people at this party are wearing black dresses.
A clammy hand finds purchase on your shoulder, halting you in your less than gracious steps and turning you around with ease. Head tilted back, gaze running upwards until they settle on the face of a quite attractive guy. He doesn't look pretty happy to see you. You're not very happy to see him either.
The blood drains from your face, stealing away all that alcohol-induced heat within a second as his curly hair and green eyes look down at you with that same contempt he had when Sam dragged him away from the kitchen almost a year ago. You had hoped you never had to see him again. It was a naive thing to wish for.
"Y/n, right?" he asks bitterly. You don't answer, but he takes your silence as a yes. It was probably a rhetorical question anyway. His slightly crooked nose was perfectly straight the last time you saw him. His face is committed to your memory, burned in to taunt you on sleepless nights and everytime an unknown man walks a little too closely when you're out alone. "Your little boyfriend broke my fucking nose. You know that?"
Another rhetorical question. Definitely more threatening. Might be the tight grip he has on your arm too. Either way, his mere presence has apparently stripped away your ability to breathe normally. It feels like you've been running to the point of nausea, dark spots dancing before your eyes as he shakes you in attempt to get an answer.
"You ruined my fucking reputation. For what? I barely touched you. Such a sensitive fucking bitch, going around telling everyone that..." His voice trails off, ushering you into a quiet corner when he realizes people are staring. "Got nothing to say now, huh? Been so good at running your fucking mouth before, haven't you?"
"Let me go," you whisper, voice wavering. You don't sound assertive at all, instead weak and fearful. It's what you feel, as an upbeat, slightly bad cover rendition of "All I Want For Christmas" booms through the house. Girls shrieking in excitement over in the living room reaches your ears. You would have joined them if you weren't currently cornered by the guy who assaulted you in your own kitchen a year ago.
"No, we're going to fucking talk. What the fuck were you doing, going around saying shit like that about me to everyone?"
"I...I didn't..." Your lips part between words, breathing out shakily, trying to articulate sentences long enough to make sense. Why can't you speak? Why can't you even think?
"You didn't what?" he seethes. "You're such a fucking bitch, you know that? Acts all innocent and hides behind her friends. My nose is fucking crooked forever because of that fuckhead you sent after me."
Is it the alcohol that renders you this goddamn useless? There's just tears springing to your eyes, unable to say anything in defense of yourself. Can't even walk away.
He pushes you against the wall, knocking the breath out of you. To other people it probably looks like you're hooking up. At least that's what you hope they think, because otherwise you want to wonder why no one is intervening.
"Joshua, please let me go," you tell him again, even more pathetic this time. You're crying now, curled in on yourself in attempt to make yourself as small as possible.
"Fuck, you're so—"
"She told you to let her go."
The assertive, familiar tone booms through the hallway. It doesn't really, can probably only be heard by the people around you, but it feels like it when Steve's tall figure pushes through with hasty steps towards where you and Joshua stand, followed by a glaring Bucky with his jaw clenched so fucking tightly. A sob of relief is drawn from your lips, muffled by the back of your hand.
Joshua steps back instantly. Kind of funny to think that he's so scared of those two, and sad to think that he only respects a 'no' when it comes from men.
"Nice nose job," Bucky speaks up, pointing at his own nose as he stares at Joshua's crooked one, courtesy of the damn good punch he managed to land with his left fist all those months ago.
"Fuck you," Joshua growls, taking a step forward in attempt to appear more threatening or something. He doesn't really succeed—both Bucky and Steve towers over him in both length and build, unrelenting in their stance. As if they're stone walls keeping out the enemy.
Steve rolls his his eyes, shaking his head with a sigh. "Just get out of here. Don't go near her ever again, you hear me? Bucky's glad to fix your nose otherwise. Break it right back. Can't promise the result will be very good, though."
Bucky stands slightly behind Steve, raising an eyebrow in Joshua's direction that tells him there's not even a trace of a lie in the blonde giant's statement.
"You—fuck this." Joshua throws his hands in the air, aiming the most distasteful glare over his shoulder in your direction, before pushing past Steve and Bucky with a shove.
Your body instantly deflates, the tension melting off your limbs as you close your eyes and lean back against the wall. Gentle, firm hands instantly reach your cheeks, your arms, searching for any trace Joshua might have left behind on your body.
"Hey, hey. Y/n, are you okay? Did he touch you? Sweetheart, look at me."
Bucky's voice draws you out of the anxious, panicked state you slipped into, fluttering your eyelids open to see his worried frown and an equally worried Steve looming behind him. Wet cheeks and red-rimmed eyes greet them, pupils dilated from the alcohol.
"Y/n, are you hurt? How long have you two been talking?" Steve adds, looming over you in such a way that his large frame blocks out any of the colorful lights plastered on the walls.
They already know you're drunk—Natasha was the one to call them here to get you, after all. Maybe your silence and obvious intoxication makes it clear to them after a couple of seconds that an answer from you is a few minutes away, a few miles of distance from this foggy, packed house. Nothing more is said or requested from you. Instead your trembling form is led away and out into the biting cold by gentle hands belonging to your friends. Even your slight shock can't shield you from freezing your ass off as soon as you get out into the fresh air again, teeth beginning to chatter within the second step on tightly packed snow.
"What the—where the hell have you been? I swear to god, Y/n, I was gone for two minutes! I've been looking for you everywhere!" an angry Natasha yells, running perfectly towards the three of you down the slippery lawn to where Steve is currently helping you into the backseat of his car.
"Nat," Steve says, giving her a pleading look that silently tells her it's not the time for a scolding.
"What? I told her to stay put when I went to get her a glass of water and she just disappeared out of nowhere. Slippery motherfucker while drunk, I swear she'll be the death of me—"
"Nat," he repeats, sternly this time. In that tone only he masters, silencing even the most eager tongues with a single exhale. "She met Joshua. And she's not okay. So please, leave your yelling for tomorrow and get in the car."
Steve holds the passenger door open, gesturing for the seat beside Bucky. He's turning the key, letting the car warm up properly while he clutches the wheel tightly. Natasha's irritated frown turns into a concerned one, nodding silently before slipping inside. Steve closes the door shut behind her.
You lean your head against the frost-covered window, fogged up by your breath two inches away from it, and close your eyes. Steve leans over you, reaching for the belt and fastens it over your torso. You forgot. He never does.
It's no surprise, doesn't startle you despite your absentminded state, when his warm hand cups your cheek, turns your head to face him. Soft, blue gaze and ridiculously long lashes. It's nothing but contrasting against the clouds released from your mouths with each breath—warm, concerned...loving? Maybe.
"Are you okay?" he whispers, thumb rubbing over your cheek.
You nod. "Yes. I am now."
Bucky puts his foot on the gas, turns on the blinker, and pulls away from the curb, out onto the streets. It's nearly soundless. The usual rumble from wheels against road is cushioned by the snow.
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"This was a mistake. Sorry, I can't—" Sam gags, moving his head out of the bathroom before returning his presence within a few seconds. "You're a real shitty guard, Nat. Why'd you let her drink this much?"
All four of your roommates are gathered in the bathroom, surrounding you as if you're a newly born lion cub in a zoo, while you puke your guts out into the toilet. Steve is kneeling on the floor beside you, a comforting hand rubbing your back, while Bucky sits a few feet away with a glass of water in hand, ready for whenever you need it.
"Fuck you. You weren't there—she was like a goddamn ghost, just slipping away everytime I blinked. Looked fucking everywhere for her. 'S not my fault," Nat answers, residing on the floor of the shower in lack of space.
"Not true," you murmur in answer, your voice echoing off the ceramic surrounding you.
You're pretty much done throwing up, it's just the exhaustion following that's keeping you slumped over on the bathroom tile. Your hand stretches out in Bucky's direction, reaching for the glass of water that's gulped down within a few seconds.
"Careful. Gonna get sick again if you do it this fast," Bucky says, unable to help himself from brushing away the stray drops of water running down your chin.
The gesture is nothing new from him. He did it when you were sick all those months ago too, and you haven't forgotten it at all. His thumb gently rubbing over your skin as if you're precious, something deserving of gentleness, is engraved into your mind. You're thankful for getting most of the alcohol out of your system, because you might not have remembered this moment in the morning if not. Fuck it if you forgot the way his pupils widen just slightly, as if he didn't mean to, as if he couldn't help himself.
"I'm fine," you whisper in answer, clearing your throat. "Got it all out."
"Good." Steve's hand moves up from your back to your head, stroking it for just a second before withdrawing his touch. "Let's get you to the couch."
"I don't wanna go to the couch. Wanna be in my bed." You're pouting. Maybe there is some trace of alcohol left in you.
"Steve and Buck will feel much less like creepy stalkers if they stare at you sleeping on the couch instead of hovering around your bedroom all night like a bunch of pervs," Natasha speaks up. A snort follows after, as if it was a joke and not a statement. Definitely tipsy too, despite unwilling to admit such a weakness.
Steve raises a reprimanding eyebrow Natasha's way, telling her to shut her mouth with just his gaze. She smirks in answer.
"Don't listen to her. A fucking liar," Bucky remarks, but there's still some form of amusement in his expression. He can't even deny the statement—he is going to watch over you. Doesn't really matter if it's in the living room or in your bedroom. "Now let's get you up. C'mon."
With a push from your arms against the cold tile, you're standing on two legs again. Steve is hovering his hand near your back, ready to support if the vodka decides to topple you over. But you're fine—just tired now.
For ten minutes it feels things are back to normal again. On the living room couch, nestled in between them, your head leaning on Steve's shoulder as a stupid Hallmark Christmas movie plays on the tv. Sam and Natasha are in their rooms sleeping, and for a few moments you forget why you kept your distance. Everything would have been good if this is how the night would end. If Steve didn't have to address the past six months.
"I've missed this. With us," Steve whispers as he strokes your shoulder absentmindedly, like it's second nature to him to have his hands on your skin. "You've been so distant lately. For months, Y/n."
The room instantly becomes tense enough to make you nauseous. A clearing of your throat, an attempt to sit up out of Steve's hold and away from this conversation that you'd much rather avoid is futile—it's instantly stopped by Bucky's hand on your chest that pushes you right back.
"No," he says sternly. "You're gonna sit right here, sweetheart, and tell us why you've barely let us see you since fall term started. 'Cause it's sure as fuck not something I take lightly. Why have you avoided us?"
You look away, shaking your head to yourself as you try to talk yourself down. You will not break. You will not confess a single thing. You are going to act like everything is fine and you are not currently freaking out being sandwiched between the only two men you would gladly be sandwiched between under different circumstances than this.
"What are you even talking about?" you answer meekly. It's clear as soon as the words come out of your mouth that no one is falling for your innocent act, not even sweet, naive Steve. Then again, you're doing a particularly bad job. "Both of you think I've been distant?"
"Cut the bullshit, Y/n. If we've done something wrong, just say so." Bucky bites his cheek, glancing down for just a second, but it's enough to let his vulnerability slip. He's hurt.
A wave of guilt instantly washes over your body, an unusual feeling. During all these months of avoiding any interaction with Bucky and Steve besides the necessary ones, you didn't think that they'd actually mind your absence that much. They might not be hopelessly in love with you like you are with them, but they're still your friends. Friends miss each other.
"Or if it's something personal, you can tell us, you know? Is it anxiety, or are you feeling generally low, or...?" Steve chips in, trying to drown out Bucky's accusatory tone.
"No, no...I'm not depressed, Steve. And none of you have done anything wrong, I promise," you say hastily, shutting down their concerns as quickly as possible while trying to buy yourself time to come up with an excuse. "I just...needed some alone time."
Bucky rolls his eyes, shaking his head. Sassy man. "Bullshit again. You've spent a bunch of time with Natasha. Sam, too. It's us you're avoiding." He points to himself and Steve with his hand. "It's been almost six months, Y/n. What the hell's your problem?" He pushes himself off the couch, standing up and blocking your view of the tv. It's as if his frustration is all contained while sitting down.
"Bucky," Steve scolds, glaring up at his friend. He's not appreciating the tone at all, that's for sure.
"There's no problem, Bucky," you tell him, shaking your head. Trying to dismiss this entire conversation before you reveal too much.
"No! Y/n, I'm going fucking crazy! This is the first time you've even let me touch you in half a year!" Bucky yells, a pleading tone in his voice that breaks your heart just a little. Because it's true. You have barely even hugged since June. You've barely talked for more than five minutes at a time.
"Don't yell at her, for god's sake, Bucky," Steve adds, his hands on your shoulders and ready to get up from the couch any second.
"What the hell's going on with you, huh?!" Bucky continues, ignoring Steve's statement. His eyes are solely focused on you, void of the usual softness. There's just anger. "Cause if you can't stand us, then tough fucking luck. I can have your fucking things moved out by tomorrow for all I care. Can move right into Walker's dorm. Bet he'd accept you with open fucking arms if you get to your knees and—“
The drop of your heart down to your stomach can almost be heard, an echoing, hollow sound. You're sure of it. Bucky shuts his mouth, as if he realizes what exactly was about to come out of it. What is not even a second of silence feels like a whole minute, before Steve shoots up from his seat beside you and grabs Bucky by the collar, rattling the whole room with the force in which he nearly tackles Bucky against the wall with. The tangy taste of iron starts to fill your mouth, your teeth biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood. There's tears lingering in your eyes but you can't hold them back, not anymore.
"You don't fucking talk to her like that, you bast—"
"I love you! It’s ‘cause I fucking love you guys!” you yell, a pathetic sob marring the words. “So I’m fucking sorry that I’ve avoided you two but I’m trying to get over these goddamn—these feelings, but I can’t, okay! I can’t!”
The bitter delivery is punctuated by the sleeve of your sweater wiping away the tears furiously, cutting Steve off and drawing both of their wild eyes towards your figure now standing up, just a minute away from a complete breakdown. You don't even process the fact that Steve cursed. It would've been teased about endlessly in any other situation.
"I will go. I'll leave if that's what you want," you seethe with a voice so unsteady that it's almost unbearable to listen to. "But I don’t hate any of you. I don’t, and I get why you’re mad. But fuck you, Bucky. Fuck you for saying that.”
More tears fall. It's futile to wipe them away when they'll be replaced the second after. You want to say more, hit Bucky where it hurts, but you cannot get the goddamn words to form on your lips. Opening your mouth and closing it again, shaking your head, comes before hastily walking towards your room and locking yourself inside without giving them a chance to answer.
As soon as the door is slammed shut, your hand comes up to your mouth to muffle the sobs. Sinking down to the floor as if you’re in a movie, forehead resting against your knees. The rate of your heartbeats could be considered dangerously high, but you just blurted out a whole love confession for two of your roommates in the midst of a fight. How the hell could everything turn to shit so quickly? Half an hour ago all of you were joking around in the bathroom, and now you're not sure you have the courage to face any of them again.
It's a rash, impulsive decision fueled by anger and betrayal and shame, but you rush over to your closet and pull out an overnight bag that's soon filled to the brim with enough things to last you a few days. You're crying the entire time.
When you pass the living room again, Bucky isn't there anymore. But Steve is. Barely a glance his way is spared, with hasty steps heading towards the hallway. You remind yourself of a furious toddler when you angrily put on your jacket, stick your feet into your winter boots. The bag is slung over your shoulder, hand resting on the door handle.
"Don't go. Y/n, please don't leave."
Steve stands at the other side of the hallway, a broken down expression on his pretty face.
"Bucky went out of line, but he didn't mean it, I swear. He's just too prideful to admit it," he continues. You shake your head, biting down on your bottom lip. "Please, honey. It’s Christmas Eve. It won’t be the same if you’re not here tomorrow.”
"I just need some space," you whisper, brushing away a stray tear with the sleeve of your jacket. You’re so embarrassed and hurt that you can barely look him in the eye. "I can't be in the same apartment as him right now."
Steve sighs, looking about ready to just throw you over his shoulder to get you to stay. But he won't do that. That's not Steve. So instead he glances down to the floor, shaking his head to himself.
“Did you mean it?” he asks softly. “The thing about—you said you loved us. Did you mean it?”
It takes a few seconds before you nod tentatively, sniffling and keeping your gaze on a spot past Steve. He doesn’t say anything.
Steve gathers courage enough to walk up to where you stand by the door, grabbing your cheeks with his hands, thumb running over the tear-stained skin gently. For a few moments, he just looks at you. Loud thoughts running amok in that perfect head of his.
“Nothing I say right now will do my feelings any justice, so I’m gonna save any big speeches for tomorrow. But just…stay. It’s 2 am, it’s freezing out and you’re still drunk. I don’t want you out there on the streets alone. I need you to stay, even if it’s only for your own safety. Don’t have to talk to any of us if you don’t want to.”
His words makes you nod automatically. All it took was his hands on your skin and the flicker of hope his words ignite in your chest, and you conceded within a second. No hesitation left in that exhausted body of yours. He‘s not saying outright that your feelings are requited, but it doesn’t feel like a rejection either. He doesn’t seem disgusted by your confession, by the knowledge that you’re in love with both him and his best friend.
“Good girl. Let’s just—let’s get you to bed, okay?”Steve tells you, squeezing your shoulder gently. With your confirmation in form of another silent nod, he nestles the bag out of your grip and takes off the jacket from your torso.
The bed feels so soft and warm and comforting when you lie down. Steve tucks you in. It’s achingly sweet and you don’t really deserve it after avoiding him and Bucky like that for so long, but he looks out for you nonetheless.
“Steve,” you whisper, drawing his gaze up to meet yours. “I’m sorry. For being so distant.”
He shakes his head. “You have nothing to be sorry for. You were scared,” Steve answers. “Don’t worry about anything, okay? Get some sleep. You’ve had a tough night, Y/n.”
The softest of smiles grazes your lips, puppy eyes gazing up at Steve. Your wonderful, caring, perfect Steve.
“Are you alright? It must’ve been hard meeting Joshua again. And what Bucky said, it…it was far from okay.”
“I will be,” you whisper.
He nods, observes your face for a few seconds. Leans down to press a kiss to your forehead—what kind of college guy even does that? And then he leaves the room, turning the light off behind him.
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You’re woken up by a red headed, crazy woman sitting on top of you over the sheets, shaking your shoulders.
“Wake up, fuckhead. You’re gonna open the presents I got you,” Natasha urges, grinning down at you as you blink your eyes open, groaning.
“Fuckhead?” you ask, a tired chuckle from your lips as Natasha climbs off the bed.
“Yes. Don’t like it, huh?” she teases. “C’mon. The guys are already waiting.”
With slow steps and a loud yawn, the slightest trace of a hangover plaguing your body, you drag yourself out into the living room. Around the ugly, little tree that Sam insisted on cutting down from the campus gardens last week (he almost got arrested by the security guards) the three boys sit. Your gaze falls to the floor, scratching the skin right above your lip nervously, once Bucky looks up at you. Can’t really read his expression, but you figure you’ll lay the fight aside for the day. It’s Christmas, after all.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Steve says, urging you to sit down next to him right there on the carpet. You offer a soft smile, and an even softer ‘Merry Christmas’ back. You’re still unsure about yesterday. Despite there being no rejection from either of them, the uncertainty is kind of killing you. A pit of anxiety rests in your stomach, an uneasy feeling corrupting every cell as you sit down on the floor next to Steve.
Not even ten minutes later, the living room is drowning in a sea of wrapping paper. Natasha went overboard with the gift shopping this year, it seems like, but her absent father is also some kind of Russian oligarch or something so she tends to use up as much of his money as she can. You’re not complaining.
The special edition of The Hobbit, signed by the director of the movie, that you managed to get on eBay and cost you a fucking fortune is received with a whispered ‘thank you’ from Bucky. He holds it in his hands tightly, staring down at the book without a word, and you don’t know if he’s happy for it. Maybe he’s not happy with anything touched by you at this moment. He hasn’t gotten you a gift, it seems like, or maybe he threw it in the trash and burned it yesterday.
Steve got you three books that he’d heard you say you wanted months ago, and a dainty silver necklace with a bee pendant hanging from it. “You know, uh, I usually call you ‘honey’ and I thought it was a little funny, maybe. But I can exchange it if you don’t like it. It’s no problem,” he had said, even though there were tears of gratitude in your eyes. Your arms were thrown around him a second later, hugging him tightly as you thanked him profusely for the most thoughtful gift.
Now you’re leaning your back against the couch, still on the floor, watching as Sam and Natasha are tinkering with his new Nintendo Switch that he got from her (overboard with the gifts, as previously mentioned). He’s so happy it almost makes you zoned out as you watch his childlike excitement. It’s nice to see the two of them so calm and sweet with each other too. Usually bickering and getting on each other’s nerves all the time otherwise.
“Y/n, can we talk?”
Your head tilts back, looking up at Bucky standing nervously in front of you, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. There’s a deep hesitation within you, a pride that wants to say no and remain in your angry state forever without confrontation. But it’s Bucky. You hate this animosity between the two of you, the tension. Despite being pissed off and hurt and afraid that he doesn’t want you, you can’t say no, so you nod and push yourself up to a stand.
Bucky closes the door to his room behind him gently, clearing his throat and looking at anything but you. A sigh comes out of his mouth, shaking his head, before he parts his lips to speak.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. What I said was disgusting and unforgivable and so fucking out of line. You didn’t deserve that at all. So out of proportion to what I was mad at you for,” Bucky says, running the palm of his calloused hand over his face.
“It was,” you answer honestly. There’s no use in denying that what Bucky said was stupidly hurtful. He nods, looking away from your gaze.
“It made me angry thinking that you ignored me, because at first I didn’t know what I had done, you know? And then I thought for a few months that me and Steve had been too overbearing and that you tried to keep your distance because you thought we were annoying or something. But that’s not the case. I should’ve known better by now than to think that you would do anything to purposely hurt us.”
You gulp, nodding, looking down to the floor. “I’m sorry too,” you whisper. “I didn’t know that you guys thought I had something against you until last night. Obviously, you…you know now that’s not the case,” you tell him, embracing yourself with your arms. “But last night, Bucky, I…you hurt me. I know you were angry, but saying those kind of things isn’t okay.”
“I know that. God, I know, Y/n. I’m so sorry. It was fucking childish of me, retorting to saying that Jo—“ Bucky shakes his head, hands coming up to tug at the roots of his hair. “And it felt stupid giving you that present in front of everyone, so now you think I didn’t get you anything, too, and—“
“You got me a present?”
“Yes. Of course I did, Y/n. But I saw how much Natasha had bought and that necklace Steve gave you and my gift felt stupid in comparison to that. Just didn’t want to give it to you in front of everyone,” he says, a little awkwardly. A little boy giving his mother a drawing he made in kindergarten, he reminds you of.
“Bucky…that doesn’t matter. I don’t care what you have gotten me. I’ll like it no matter what if it’s from you.”
He shifts in his place, contemplating something, before picking up a sweater on his bed, revealing a wrapped present hidden underneath. Bucky took the gift from the pile without anyone noticing before, throwing it into his room so no one would see.
With a tentative hand, he reaches it out to you. Doesn’t watch as you unwrap it, instead biting on his thumbnail. You reprimand him for it, and the hand returns to his side.
“Is it a book?” You run your fingers over the cover, a hardcover with nothing on it. Blank.
“It’s a photo album. Shit, it’s stupid. I don’t know,” Bucky answers, looking about ready to snatch it back, but you open the first page up before he has a chance to.
A picture of you, Natasha, Sam and Steve on the first page. It was taken last year in November. You’re all running after one of Sam’s model planes, fall leaves singling down from the sky. It’s a beautiful picture.
“4 grown idiots running after a kid’s toy - November 12th, 2022”
“It’s just pics I’ve taken with my phone, so it’s nothing artsy or anything, but…uhm.” Bucky runs his hand through his short, brown hair.
You flip the page. You’re looking out through the kitchen window, the sun shining through and casting shadows over the room and your figure curled up on the chair.
“Angel in the sun - March 25th, 2023”
A soft chuckle is drawn from your lips, resisting the urge to run your finger over the photo, but you don’t want to smudge the blank paper. On the same page there’s another picture of you with your arms around Natasha’s shoulders, nearly wrestling her to the ground with the force of your hug. You look so happy.
Bucky looks nervous as you glance up from the photo album at him. “Know it’s not much, but…yeah.”
A loud huff of hair escapes Bucky as you throw your arms around him. It takes a second or two for him to hug you back, but he soon has his chin resting on top of your head, arms around your waist.
“I love it,” you whisper, holding onto him tightly enough to constrict his breathing.
“You do? I can take it back if you don’t like it.”
Your grip around him releases, arms coming down to your sides so you can take a step back and look him in the eyes. “This is everything, Bucky,” you say softly, feeling a lump in your throat that can turn into tears any second. “The fact that you took the time to make this for me is just…it’s the most thoughtful thing ever. And these pictures are so beautiful, Bucky, and just the thought of you sitting down and glueing them onto the page and writing captions and—“
His lips against yours. Oh god. Oh my god, Bucky has his lips pressed against yours. Gentle hands hold your jaw, his head leaning down to compensate for the height difference, and Bucky Barnes is kissing you with urgency and desperation.
The shock is enough to make you unable to return the kiss. He seems to take your surprise as rejection despite the fact that you literally yelled ‘I love you’ in his face last night. Bucky steps away and takes his hands off your skin, running his hand over his mouth, shaking his head.
“I’m so sorry, don’t know what the hell came over me, I—“
On your tiptoes, fingers grabbing his sweatshirt to pull him closer, and you nearly smash your lips against his to shut up any of that doubt he carries. It’s not a graceful or very romantic kiss, but by the sound akin to a very mild growl that comes from Bucky and his hands sliding down to your waist to pull you closer, you guess he likes it anyway.
It doesn’t last more than 20 seconds. A harsh knock on the door to Bucky’s room interrupts it, forcing you part from his lips and get down from your tiptoes again.
“What the hell are you doing in there? C’mon! I’ve made goddamn Christmas brunch!” Sam yells, drawing a soft chuckle from your lips as your forehead meets Bucky’s chest.
With a soft smile, nothing said, you back away from Bucky. Slipping out of his room and leaving him there all flustered and semi-hard from a 20 second make-out session. The first ever between you, though. He thinks it’s pretty understandable.
As Bucky follows you into the kitchen, sitting down at the table by Steve, he leans towards his best friend and whispers into his ear low enough to make anyone else unable to hear.
“I kissed her, Stevie,” Bucky says with a shit eating grin on his face. “I finally fucking kissed her.”
The blond man turns his head enough to look over at Bucky, the red flush of his cheeks and ears enough to tell anyone what’s been said.
“Are you serious?” Steve asks.
“I kissed her and she kissed me back, I swear. I gave her that photo album I’ve worked on for weeks. She said she loved it, Steve.”
“I guess it’s my turn then, isn’t it?” Steve answers, a shy smile on his lips as the two of them watch you sit down opposite of them at the table, glancing through the window out at the heavy snowfall. Natasha puts a newly toasted bagel on your plate.
“Go get our girl, Stevie.”
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thisapplepielife · 6 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Taking Over the Neighborhood
Prompt Day 21: Snow | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Fluff, Neighbor Meet-Cute, Snow, Platonic Stobin, Cat People, Eddie POV
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Eddie hates winter. 
It's cold. It's miserable. 
And the snow. 
The goddamn, motherfucking snow. 
He looks out the window, and he's not sure he's even gonna be able to get home by closing time. That's the shitty thing about working nights in the winter. Sometimes, when you're really unlucky, you get stuck at work.
They get a few more inches of snow, but he's determined to make it home, come hell or frozen water. His van can just suck it up.
He has to drive about ten miles per hour, but he does make it home. Then he gets to wade through his snow-covered sidewalk. Fantastic. 
His jeans are wet from the knees down, and he's freezing, so he jumps in the warm shower. Even if he'd really rather just crash.
The next day, he wakes up just after lunch, and while he's drinking his first cup of coffee, he notices that his walk has been shoveled. That's weird. He definitely doesn't know any of his neighbors that well. He hasn't lived here long, and his schedule isn't exactly ideal for meeting neighbors. Maybe it's some of the kids in the neighborhood, and he owes them money now. Which, he wouldn't mind paying, he definitely appreciates it.
Maybe he'll see 'em out working.
So, Eddie sits by the window and waits. Soon enough, a guy is walking across the street with a snow shovel. Eddie's never seen him before in his life. Doesn't know if he has a wife, a boyfriend, six kids or a dozen cats. No clue. Maybe all of the above, for all Eddie knows.
But, Eddie pours another mug of coffee, slides on his boots, zips up his coat and goes out to thank him.
The guy's just walking up the driveway when Eddie opens the door, and he freezes in his tracks.
"Hey, thank you, your handiwork is greatly appreciated!" Eddie hollers, offering him a big smile. "I'm Eddie."
"I'm Steve," Steve says, and Eddie smiles at him. "I kinda figured that either you worked nights, or were a vampire," Steve teases, "But look at you! Out in the daytime."
Eddie laughs, "Not a vampire. Bar owner, though, so lots of late nights," Eddie says.
"I hope you don't mind, I was doing mine, and just thought I'd help."
"I really appreciate that help, Steve," Eddie says, handing him the cup of coffee. Steve accepts it with thanks, and Eddie takes the shovel from his hands, and shovels up the small amount of new snow that fell overnight.
"So, a bar, huh? Which one?" Steve asks, and Eddie pauses for a second.
"Hellfire Club," Eddie finally says.
"Oh, that's cool! Small world. My best friend and I have been there a few times. It's great. We liked it a lot. There's not a lot of queer-friendly bars in the area, and a new one is always appreciated," Steve says, and Eddie relaxes.
"I'm glad you guys liked it," Eddie says, smiling, "it's taking up all my time. Hence, the rumors of me being a vampire, apparently."
Steve laughs, and Eddie leans on the shovel, just looking at him. He's very pretty, and maybe, some flavor of queer.
It's Eddie's lucky day.
"You hungry? I can make breakfast? As a thank you for all your manual labor," Eddie offers, and Steve actually nods, which sends a thrill through Eddie. He hadn't expected that, not really.
But he ushers Steve into his house, and they both take off their snow boots at the front door, and then Eddie leads him into his kitchen. "There's more coffee in the pot," Eddie says, and he watches as Steve refills his mug. "Milk or cream in the fridge if you want some, and sugar in the container right there," Eddie adds, pointing.
And Steve doctors up his coffee.
"I should have asked earlier, I forget not everyone drinks it black," Eddie says.
"Oh, I like it both ways," Steve says, stirring his coffee with a spoon he got out of the dish drainer. 
Eddie would be so lucky, if Steve likes it both ways.
Steve scoots onto the bar stool, and drinks his coffee while Eddie makes breakfast. 
"How do you like your eggs?" Eddie asks.
"The runnier the better," Steve says, and Eddie pulls his hands to his heart, dramatically. 
Steve laughs.
"A guy after my heart," Eddie declares, and starts frying some bacon, and puts bread in the toaster.
"How long have you lived across the street?" Eddie asks, glancing over his shoulder at Steve.
"Four, no, five years. My best friend, Robin and I, moved from a small town in Indiana," Steve says.
"I didn't know who lived over there. Single person? Family with six kids? A dozen cats? It could have been any combination," Eddie teases.
"Well, it's one bisexual, one lesbian, no kids, and 2 cats."
Eddie smiles, teasing, "We're taking over the neighborhood."
"The gays?" Steve asks, grinning.
"No, the cat people," Eddie teases, clicking his tongue and a big, black cat comes racing into the kitchen.
"That's Midnight."
Steve reaches down and scratches him behind the ears, and it makes Eddie smile.
Once the food is ready, they sit side-by-side and eat at the counter. Midnight eating his lunch in the corner, on the floor. They talk, and Eddie is happy he's making a friend in town. 
Then there's knocking on the front door, and Eddie gets up to go answer it. That's weird. Gareth would just walk in, so he doesn't know who it'd be.
He opens the door to a woman with a bob haircut, "Did you kidnap my best friend?"
"Yes, and I'm force feeding him breakfast," Eddie answers. "You must be Robin."
Steve laughs from the kitchen, then hollers, "How did you even know I was over here?"
"I followed your footprints. And I saw your shovel, dingus," she says, and pushes her way inside. 
Eddie steps aside to let her enter.
Maybe he'll make two new friends today.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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suugarbabe · 2 months
Hello!! I was wondering if I could request a Theo Nott x reader fic, where Theo invites the reader to his quidditch game. Slytherin wins, and to celebrate, Theo invites the reader to fly with him, but she's is kinda afraid of heights. Eventually he convinces her to take a ride with him and it's really fluffy and sweet!
Happy Holidays! <3
sorry i'm such a shite shite person as this request is from like december but I hope it does justice for you because i think it's actually really cute this is also not edited so pls ignore any mistakes <3
Pansy smacked your hand away from your mouth, “If you keep gnawing on your nails there’s going to be nothing left.” You shot her a dirty look playfully, “Well if those fucking weasel twins weren’t so freakishly gangly and smacking bloody bludgers at Teddy every two seconds maybe I could relax!” Pansy gave you a knowing look, “Is it really that? Or is it the fact that we’re winning and you promised Theo you’d finally allow him to fly you around the pitch.” The smile you tried to fake could easily be described as a grimace. It was widely known in your friend group that you did not fly. You hated flying. You were perfectly fine with your feet planted firmly on the ground. You did the required first year class and after that you were done. 
However the budding more than friendship that started happening between you and Theo led to each of you pushing yourselves to try new things. Theo allowed you to teach him how to bake (the muggle way) and in exchange you promised him you would allow him to take you flying strictly if Slytherin won their game against Gryffindor. You had honestly believed your house would lose, not because you didn’t believe in your team, but because historically this year the prideful group had been demolishing your sneaky snakes. 
Your bet seemed to be all the motivation Theo needed to play twice as good as he normally did, as he had your house up by about 150 pts. Pansy’s grip on your thigh tightened as you both watched Draco nose dive towards the bottom of the pitch. “He sees it. Oh fucking Salazar’s sake, he sees it. If he gets ahold of this snitch before golden four-eyes scar boy I am going to reward him graciously tonight.” You faked a gag, “Pansy, please. Spare me the detai-” your retort was cut off by a squealing screech as Pansy and the rest of your house’s section erupted into roars of cheers. Zips and flashes of green seemed to fly by you and around the pitch as silver and emerald fireworks erupted, signaling the official victory of Slytherin house. 
As you were watching the whirling wizards around you, one with dark golden curls and deep ocean eyes stopped abruptly in front of you. With a knee weakening grin he hovered just before your view. “Hello, Teddy,” you watched with a smile as he hopped off his broom to stand on the bleachers beside you, “Ciao, dolcezza.” You stood before him, trying to control the goofy grin plastered on your face as he seemed to be looking you over. “You here to cash in on the bet, Teddy?” Theo’s grin grew three fold, “Only if you’re willing, princepesa.” You nodded, going to grab his broom before he quickly pulled it away, “Woah, now. There’s a few rules of the air you have to follow. If you can’t, I simply will not allow you to fly.” 
You rolled your eyes with a cheeky grin, “You know I did take the same flying class as you first year, Mister Nott.” Theo shook his head, “Times have changed, amore...now listen up.” Theo rested both hands over the tail end of his broom, resting his chin on top of that. You loved how tall he was, how broad he was. It made you feel like he could protect you from anything and everything. “Rule number one, hands on the broomstick at all times.” You looked at him curiously, “I thought I was riding with you? Wouldn’t I just be holding on to you?” Theo shook his head, biting his bottom lip briefly in mischief, “No, amore, you’ll be in front of me. This is a lesson after all. Not a joy ride. If you want one of those it’ll have to be later.” Theo was able to get out a quick wink before you shoved his shoulder playfully, “Don’t be dirty, Teddy!” 
Theo couldn’t hide his smile as he held out his broom, “C’mon. Hop on, cutie.” You snatched his broom from his hands, only furthering the growth of his smirk as you swung your leg over to mount it. You could have never prepared for the heat you felt rise in your cheeks as Theo mounted the broom behind you, arms and shoulders easily engulfing yours as he held onto the broom himself. “Now just push off with a little jump,” Theo’s lips ghosted the shell of your ear as he whispered instructions to you. “Yes, yes, I remember…” you tried to sound intimidating but you feared he could sense your hesitance as you gave a meek hop off the ground. Theo thankfully jumped with you, launching the two of you off of the bleachers and into the sky around you. 
Your grip on his broomstick was knuckle white as you squeezed your eyes shut. “Uh-uh, princepesa, eyes open. Steer the way.” Your eyes shot open, noticing Theo had taken you both significantly higher in a matter of forty-seconds. “Oh fucking Salazar, how did we get so high?” Theo’s breath on your neck was the only warmth of air around you right now, “Lean forward a little bi-” You cut him in a panic, “FORWARD? Are you trying to kill me, Theo? Look I’m sorry for throwing flower at you, truly.” Theo only laughed again, “Lean forward and we’ll start to go lower, amore.”  Pink tinted your cheeks and you were thankful that he couldn’t see them. You followed his instructions, leaning forward carefully. The broom did exactly as Theo said it would, slowly taking you both lower and lower. As you came closer to the ground you realised you never asked Theo how to actually land after flying. But you didn’t get much time to panic as Theo’s feet hit the ground first, one arm wrapping around your waist as you tried to not trip over your feet. Once you found stable ground, Theo quickly let go. “Erm, we should go, erm, meet the others for dinner.” You nodded in agreement, the two of you walking in a comfortable silence back inside the castle, Theo playfully bumping into your side. The eyes of all your friends found the two of you as you entered the great hall together, neither you nor Theo noticing as you sat down next to each other. Blaise raised an eyebrow, using his fork to gesture at the two of you, “Where’ve you two been, huh?” You opened your mouth to respond, but Pansy quickly jumped in before you, “She was riding Nott’s broomstick.”
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How about dreary?
Nedcan break up fighttttt lmao. This one is also complete.
Amsterdam, 1990.
Jan opened the front door to the dreary day and the nation of Canada standing on his stoop with a shy, hopeful smile.
"I wasn't expecting you!" Jan blurted, taken on the back foot. "You're a surprise!"
"A good one, I hope," Matt smiled. He was dressed warmer than required for the weather, wrapped in his good winter coat, gloves and hat and standing in the drizzle, one hand above his face to keep it dry. Jan stood there, gawking. "Can't I come in?"
"Of course!" Jan said, shaking himself loose of his thoughts and flinging the door open.
Matt stepped inside, peeling off his hat and gloves and moving to give Jan a kiss once inside the privacy of the house.
"What are you doing here?" Jan asked. Matt's lips were fish-cold, and Jan shivered a little before he took his coat.
"I was in Kyiv," Matt said. "And I was feeling a bit more myself, so I called your office, and they said you didn't have anything booked, so I got my connecting flight to Rotterdam."
"Oh," Jan said.
"Is it a bad time?" Matt asked.
"No, no. Just… I've got a flight in a few hours."
"Where too?"
"First leg is DC,"
"Oh?" Matt asked, and they moved toward the living room, Matt's suitcase in the foyer and coat hanging on the rack like a guest. "What's in DC?"
"A layover and a few hours at the Dutch Embassy. They're giving a dinner for the Queen."
"Ah, very official. And then?"
"Another flight."
"Where too?" Matt asked, putting his arms around Jan and smiling. "Where have they sent you off to now?"
"Nowhere," Jan said, kissing his hair. Matt dropped his head on Jan's shoulder. "I took vacation time."
"Did I pre-empt a surprise visit? Matt smiled, kissing him, full of promise. He was still cold, and Jan could only let it happen, full of sadness.
Jan was silent for a moment. "Tokyo, actually."
"Oh," Matt dropped his arms. "Well, that's not great timing on my part; I'm sorry. I must have called before you put it on your schedule."
"It's not scheduled," Jan said. "Personal."
Matthew disengaged. "Again?"
"I haven't been there in months."
"A month," Matt said. "You were there in December, and it's not even February."
"I have something I want to be there for."
"Something?" Matt said.
"A gift. A windmill is going up in Sakura."
"A windmill. Goodness." Matt said. "Does that require you?"
"It's my design, so yes, I supposed it does. I based it on one I had in the 18th century. It's quite a fine design.
Matt huffed. "Lucky Sakura."
"Kiku has been looking forward to it.
"You have to, by the sounds of it."
"I have."
Matt nodded, collapsing onto the sofa. He looked off somehow, something more shadowed about his eyes than usual, his face thinner—probably jet lag.
"Do you want to get some lunch?" Jan asked. "Before I go?"
Matt looked at his hands and swallowed. "Jan, If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"Is there a reason I should?" Jan raised a brow.
"I miss you, love you, and want to spend time with you."
"My flights booked, Matt."
"Right." Matt shut his eyes and exhaled. "Okay. That was bad timing on my part. I'm sorry I dropped in unannounced. I really thought you were free."
"Why don't we get lunch and figure out another time."
"I'm not hungry," Matt said. His jaw tensed, and he looked up at Jan. "When can I expect a visit from you?"
"I'll be over with the tulips, like usual."
"Could you take some time before then? Or could I pop over?"
"Can't it wait until May?"
Matt flexed his hands in his lap. "Does it have to? I miss you."
"I don't think I can take any more time for a few months, but I'll call when I get back."
"Do you miss me when I'm not here?"
"I'm always happy to see you."
"That's not what I asked." Matt returned. "Do you miss me? Because it feels like I haven't seen much of you in a long time."
"I'll be there in May. A whole week."
"How long in Japan?"
'Fourteen days."
"Fourteen days," Matt repeated. "Another fourteen days?"
"December was only 10."
"Only?" Matt spat back and then shut his eyes, exhaling. "Sorry."
"That was for a whole different thing. This is official."
"You just said it was personal!"
"It is! But it's for an event!" Jan said, running his hand over Matt's arm to take his hand. "Come on, let's get some food before I have to go. I'll call you when I get back and I'll see you in May."
"Do you even want to see me in May?"
"I always come in May."
"Do you want to though? You're not beholden to me." Matt stared at his hand, supporting him against the wall rather than at Jan. "We're not married; we're not human. You can do whatever you like."
Jan frowned. "Matt— you didn't even mention you wanted company before dumping yourself on my doorstep. I'm not a mind reader."
Matt squeezed his eyes shut against some sort of pain.
"Matthew, be reasonable. I can't do anything if you don't talk to me."
"You aren't listening anymore when I try. Even when I'm here, you're elsewhere. You had a life before me. You still have a life without me. It's fine. Do whatever or whomever you want."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means there were no honorifics when he talked to you. And you still use the formal case when talking to me in public. Because I'm not imp— it's fine. You should go. I'll talk to you when I'm in a fit state."
"You could just talk to me now!" Jan said. "I'm listening now."
"You're already packed," Matt said. "It's fine. I'll go to my Dad's."
"I'm sorry this time didn't work out," Jan said, scrubbing his face. "But you didn't tell me you wanted to see me until 10 minutes ago."
"I tried in December. You were in Japan." Matt smiled wanly, and Jan wasn't sure he'd ever seen him look so hollow. "I tried. I tried talking to you. But you don't return my calls, and that time you were unreachable and in Japan, and now you're on your way there again."
"Matt. There's only a competition where you go and make one. The world's changed, and times change. You have your place with me sometimes, and I have mine with him sometimes. It's not a competition. Just compartments."
"So you can put me in a little box and take me out when you're bored?" Matt sighed through his nose and rubbed his temples. "Just like that?"
"That's not what I said."
"Isn't it?" Matt shot back. "Isn't that what you're doing exactly? I was place holder while you waited for something better! Fifty years ago, you kissed me on VJ day with almost as much relief as VE Day. You kissed me both times. I didn't expect anything from you. But you made me love you. And now you throw that in my face by telling me nothing changed?"
"It hasn't!" Jan shouted. "I love you!"
"Then why aren't you actually here when you lay next to me?" Matt shouted. "Where the fuck are you when I try to talk to you and get only grunts? Why are we always playing phone tag? When I'm trying to make love, and you're closing your eyes? Where the fuck are you, and who are you thinking about? Because in fifty years, we haven't been monogamous, but you never used to close your eyes!
"I buy you flowers every year. I pay attention to you when we're together. But it's not as if we live together. Our lives are long. And complicated. I have feelings for you, for him, for a lot of people. Same as you. Don't begrudge me my life, Matt, Fuck! Its not my fault you're such a fucking child you can't understand this!"
"Oh, I'm a child now?" Matt stood. "It makes me a child that I don't understand how you can do this with him? Of all people?"
"It does! You are a fucking child if you can't understand that. And a hypocrite. Your parents have done far more to each other than Kiku and I ever did."
"How the fuck does that make this okay?"
"Because there was a single war between Kiku and me. One! A single war in 400 years."
"It was the largest conflict the world's ever seen! Ludwig nearly killed you, and Kiku allied with him and they both tried to bring the world to heel. Tell me, should I fuck Ludwig? No!"
"You can if you want! Go, fuck him, love him, let him love you, change! Maybe you'd understand some fucking sense."
Matthew's eyes widened. Jan exhaled and saw his breath. The room had dropped twenty degrees around the personification of Canada.
"Do… do you love him?"
"I did."
"Thats not what I'm asking. Do you love him now? At this moment."
"Fine." Matt exhaled, and the room's temperature rose again. "Fine. Go."
"Matt, don't play the jealous wife. It's beneath you."
"Who the fuck said I was? I just said you were free to do as you liked, didn't I?" Matt smiled again, bitter and fragile like shards of porcelain. "Enjoy your time, Jan."
"…. Will I see you in May?"
"I don't think so."
Send me a word, if it’s in one of my wip documents I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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static-radio-ao3 · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic // december 16 // prompt: eyes closed // words: 481 // frat boy james au: part 1 + part 2 + part 3
"You're staring," James says, voice somehow fond and smug at the same time.
If you could see him, you'd understand why Regulus was staring, even if he'll always deny it. James, cheeks flushed and nose red. A few stray snowflakes are caught in the mess of his hair, snapback long giney, but they melt rapidly with the temperature change in the cafe. James looks handsome like this. He always does, but well, Regulus can't tell him that, now can he?
"I'm literally not," he counters. "My eyes are closed."
James turns to face him, making direct eye contact. Regulus squeezes them shut so hard he sees stars for a moment.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart."
Driving Home for Christmas plays faintly in the background as they make their way to their table. Theirs, as in, the same one they sit at every week for their study date. Emphasis on date rather than study, but it's the thought that counts (it really isn't).
"The house wants to do a Christmas event," James says once they've ordered their drinks. "Probably next weekend. I think the idea is to either collect money and donate it directly, or use it to buy gifts and then donate those."
"That sounds nice. Are you doing another kissing booth?" He hopes the question comes out neutral.
"Well, I'd need to ask you, wouldn't I? You're the old ball and chain now." He pauses when the waitress returns with their drinks. Flashes her a smile in thanks and eagerly curls his hands around the steaming mug. "Besides, I need to make sure we actually collect, since we don't have you to bankroll our entire charity project anymore."
Regulus rolls his eyes so hard he thinks he sees the inside of his skull. James is so very lucky Regulus is love with him. "Are you ever going to let that go? You're almost worse than Barty at this point."
James tilts his head in consideration, ponders it for a moment or two. Then, "Probably not."
With a huff, Regulus reaches for his own mug of hot chocolate, but before he can grab it, a cold hand circles his wrist, tugging at him until he's facing James.
"What," Regulus mutters. James laughs, but it's a puff of air more than anything. He's about to say something, sorry or I love you or sweetheart, but stops when Regulus lifts his free hand.
He curls a finger under the thin gold chain James is wearing. Notices how goosebumps erupt on his neck when his cold fingers touch the skin there. A single tug on the chain and James sways forward, like how the tide follows the moon. Easy.
Regulus is about to tell him as much, but then James closes the distance between them. Cold chapped lips find his and Regulus feels warm all over. Doesn't even need to squeeze his eyes to see stars.
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delilahluvsu · 5 months
oh, its what you do to me pt.1
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chris x reader (delilah)
warnings: cursing, suggestive but no actual smut (yet), mentions of death and grief
a/n: this is my first story. It might be a little rough but I hope you enjoy!!! ; no requests
characters- matt sturniolo, chris sturniolo, nick sturniolo, delilah moore, aria moore
When I was 16 and my sister was 13, both our parents died in a car accident. It was the hardest day of my entire life. Immediately, the sturniolo family took us in and we have been living with them ever since.
the sturniolos have always been close family friends of ours and often, my family would go over to their house for dinner, or just to hang out as one big family.
I guess I would say that I'm close with Matt and Nick but I'm definitely closest with Chris. We have the most in common, and we overall just clicked the best from the beginning.
On that day, December 4, 2019, my life completely changed. I got the call from my sister and my heart immediately sank to the floor. I broke down sobbing before rushing to the scene and falling into my sisters arms. We held each other and mourned the loss of our parents who had raised us and given us such a wonderful life.
When the sturniolo family had found out about what had happened they got to the scene as fast as they could and reassured me and my sister that everything was going to be okay. I had always looked at Mary-lou like a second mother; someone I could always count on to treat me like one of her own children and love me as she loves them too.
They took both me and my sister in right away. I remember that night, we were sobbing in the triplets arms. I’ll never forget it. They planned the funeral and paid for everything since all the money I have is from my job and I don’t have a lot, and my sister doesn’t have a job.
Ever since, the triplets and their family have done so much for me and my sister and i’m so grateful for them.
-jump to a year later-
my room is in the same hallway as all three triplets and my sister. i wake up from a good ass nap and I realize that it’s 7 PM. “ugh” i groan, annoyed that I had just wasted the day. I guess Chris heard me from the hallway because he knocked on my door while cracking it open. “you good?” he says confused. “yeah i just took a long ass nap and i didn’t mean to” “damn sorry bout that” chris says with a smirk and closes your door. i roll over and sigh and i decided to gather myself and not be lazy for the whole day. I make myself get out of bed and wash my face and I put on a little make up just to look presentable.
I put on a hoodie and grey sweatpants and i just threw my hair into a messy bun because i don’t feel like doing my hair since it’s later in the day and im lazy. As soon as i walk out the door i bump into chris who was seemingly about to open my door. “sorry” i say with a giggle. “you’re good delilah, i was just wondering if you wanted to come watch a movie with me, matt, nick, and aria?” “sure” i say with a smile. “let me grab my blanket real quick” “okay” chris says as he heads downstairs.
The boys are all sat on the couch with the movie “the conjuring” queued on the tv. my sister races down the stairs and plops down on the couch next to matt and nick. i look at the screen and say “really” with a confused tone. they all laugh. they know i’m a big baby when it comes to horror movies. “you’ll be fine, delilah” nick says “its just a movie”. “yeah its stupid, and don't worry, if you get scared you can just hide under the blanket" Chris says. "like a little baby" Chris says softly but just loud enough so nick, matt, and aria could hear and we all start dying laughing. Chris motions me over to him. He is sitting on the bigger part of the couch with more room. In my opinion, it's the comfiest part of the couch so I'm glad he picked it. I sit on the couch next to him while putting my blanket over both of us. The blanket is huge so it covers us nicely and keeps us warm. A few feet away from us are Nick, aria, and matt are all snuggled under a cozy blanket. I look at them and smile. They're so adorable, I think to myself.
The movie starts and my back and neck start to hurt so I search for a more comfortable position. Chris notices "what's up?" he says softly so no one could hear but me. "oh, nothing my back and neck are just killing me" I say with my hand rubbing the back of my neck. "okay, do whatever you need to make yourself comfortable" Chris says with a smile. "okay" I say while smiling back. I am closer with Chris than I am with matt and nick so it is not unfamiliar for us to be physical in a platonic way (of course). I put my head on Chris' chest and shift my body sideways a little. Chris looks down at me and tucks my hair behind my ears before looking back up at the movie.
All of a sudden there's a jump scare and I hide under the blanket. Chris starts laughing and so do matt and nick. "it's okay D, nothings going to hurt you" Chris says with a reassuring tone. "I know" I say with a tinge of heat flooding my cheeks from embarrassment. We continue watching the movie and when the movie is over, all of us go upstairs. The triplets and my sister say goodnight to me and we all head to our rooms.
I suddenly wake up when I hear footsteps heading downstairs and I check my phone. It's 3:20 AM. I put on my slippers and I walk downstairs to see who it is. It's Chris. standing in the kitchen, shirtless. the moonlight from the window shining onto his body. he looks gorgeous and I am taken aback by the sight that is in front of my eyes. he's popping open a Pepsi can. After he takes a sip he turns around and looks at me. I'm standing in the doorway looking at him in a way I never thought I would before. "hey" Chris says. "what are you doing up?" "I heard footsteps and I was just checking to see what was going on" I say as I walk over to the fridge and I take out cranberry juice. "oh okay" Chris says. "what's that look on your face for" chris says playfully. "its nothing" I say while blushing and trembling a little bit from this newfound feeling I never imagined feeling for Chris. "okay" chris says, not believing that its nothing. "why are you drinking a Pepsi at 3 AM chris, thats crazy" I say while giggling while I snatch the Pepsi can out of his hands and run downstairs with it. He runs after me and we're both giggling like idiots. I squeal as he catches up to me and wraps his arms around me pushing us both on the couch in attempt to steal his Pepsi back. "nuh uh" i say, struggling to keep him from grabbing the Pepsi. Suddenly he flips me around while he grabs his Pepsi from my hands and he pins me on the couch while taunting me with the Pepsi he just stole back from me. "hey!" I say feeling defeated but still giggling. Chris says "don't ever do that again" while laughing. suddenly my heart starts beating faster. He still has me pinned to the couch. We're looking into each others eyes and I feel that feeling once more. I start to feel heat in between my legs because I don't know why but him pinning me down like that made butterflies fill my stomach and wish he would never move. But he did. He slowly moved off of me. "seriously if you ever do that again, Delilah" "I promise, never" I taunt him while thinking to myself that I will definitely do that again sometime without a doubt. we both head back to the kitchen and then back up to our rooms.
As I lay in bed, I can't help but think about that feeling that I felt when I was with Chris today. It's new and scary and I've never felt that way about Chris before. The triplets and I had always been really close but never have I ever had thoughts like this for any of them until now. I think about the way Chris tucked my hair behind my ear, the way he reassured me that nothing was going to hurt me during the movie, the way he looked while the moonlight shone on his shirtless body and his perfect hair, the way he pinned me down and looked into my eyes and the way that it made me wet. it. made. me. wet. Chris sturniolo made me wet. My mind travels and I wonder if Chris is thinking about me right now, about the moments we shared today that gave me that feeling. that familiar yet so unfamiliar feeling. I wonder if he felt that feeling too. I find myself fantasizing over if he were to come into my room right now and do unspeakable things to me, but I quickly catch myself. "what the fuck??" I snap myself out of the trance "no no no this can't happen" "never" I say to myself while rolling my eyes and sighing with disgust. I roll over in defeat and I doze off to sleep.
I thought sleeping it off would help, but my dream is about chris.....
stay tuned for part 2..
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spar-kie · 2 months
Do You Have The Time?
A Thorough Dissection of What Past Aevium Means For You
So I've been reading through @/jazz-kitty's rejuv playthrough (not actually tagging them bc this will contain spoilers for shit they've not gotten to but if you're reading this Jazz, keep up the good work! It's super fun to read through your playthrough :>), and I've realized we got some concrete dates (in a fashion), meaning that, we might be able to figure out when Storm 9 happens, within a couple months! As well as some other details.
Anyways even if you don't want to hear my rambling about dates, there's gonna be something I really want to share underneath the cut, I'll put some big bold header text so you know where to scroll to.
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Now, it all starts here, with Melia's Mimikyu, which we are there to see caught, giving us a concrete date, October 10th, 198X.
Now you may be asking yourself, but Sparkie, the screenshot says 1984? That's because my buddy Nym, who is on the dev team, stated that to its memory, the year is calculated based off your system date. Meaning that the year will change depending on the year you play Rejuv in. However, Jazz's post that I got this from does mention in the tags how the rest of Melia's pokemon are caught from 1981-1983. I had an old save file kicking around that was near Blacksteeple, and checking "Emma's" Pokemon in that I can also say that these dates are variable based off system time. Being 198X-3 through 198X-1. For simplicity's sake we're going to be based off of System Time being the year 2024, mostly because shit like 198X-1 is hard to read. But just keep in mind that as Rejuv is set in 202X these dates have about a 10 year range they can vary by, this will come back later, take note of this.
I want to establish before we go forward, you can also see how this works for yourself rather easily, if you go into the past and catch a pokemon, the date it's caught at will be your system time, minus 40 years. This, combined with some plot elements such as Melia's birthday being after she catches this Mimikyu confirms that the past segments take place exactly 40 years before present day, with the Time Crystals not sending you back or forth to a specific time and date, but rather a set amount of time forward and back (in this case 40 years).
Anyways, this also lets us know that Storm-9 happened a little over 39 years ago as of the game's start, and at some point during the game's time span we will hit the 40 year anniversary. I always thought it was 50 years before the game's start, I don't remember if I got that from somewhere in game or it's just one of them things I got in my head, but between the wiki and a reply from Zumi on one of my tweets it's actually 40. If anyone has the same misconception I had, I hope that clears it up.
But through what we can gleam in game, we can actually tell (roughly) when Storm-9 happens! Judging by the fact we can still visit the past at the end of the .karma files, Storm-9 has not hit the past yet. It's going to happen very soon, but it's not there yet. Thankfully, we have a very concrete date on when that would be, December 25th, 2024, as the Xen Raid is just one day later. Meaning, that as of December 25th, 1984, the Aevium region is still fine. This combined with the fact that there is a note on the door of the house occupied by the A-Gang near Hyoshi City that says they'll be out until the Summer means that they are going to be at school until late May, early June, assuming it runs at similar time frames to a school in the U.S.. Meaning that, at some point, most likely in Early 1985, but possibly for about a week in Late 1984, is when Storm 9 hits. You could extrapolate more (i.e. no teachers/other students in the academy during the Interceptor's Nightmare Realm means people might've been on break, meaning it was Late 1984 and the gang was just hanging out at the academy) but as that's explicitly stated to be not entirely accurate to how that day actually was, I'm not going to do that.
Anyways, now that you've heard me ramble about dates like your history teacher, we get to the fun part! That being I get to tell you about the A gang! That being we know the protag choices are 17-18 years old, and given that we know Storm 9 happened in either very Late 1984 or Early 1985, we can assume that the A-Gang were those ages during Storm-9. Meaning their birth years could range between 1966-1968, placing them firmly in Gen X, meaning they are chronologically old enough to be some of the people reading this's parents!
But that's not all, do you remember how I stated that Rejuv took place in 202X, meaning it could be any year of the 2020s? And thus, the past segments take place in any year 40 years before that, in the 1980s? If we were to say, put the year Rejuv takes place in in 2020, then that would mean the A Gang would be born in the years 1962-1964.
The general consensus on baby boomers is that they were born between 1946-1964.
The A Gang could, conceivably, be baby boomers.
Have a nice night everyone.
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flamingo-writes · 10 days
I'm literally begging you 🙏🏽😭 for a gentle/sfw fic or head canons (it's so rare to see a fic of Hobie that is not nsfw😔) where Hobie has a significant other (that is also a spider person from Mexico from different universe) that has cottagecore vibes and is really colorful unlike Hobie but they still love each other, and it's just Hobie visiting them in there universe or they went on a date and it's just a sweet moment💓
I adore how well you write Hobie, I wish you well and thank you in advance 💕
I absolutely loved this!! I wanted to write an actual fanfic but the freaking heat wave and the seasonal depression are making it hard for me to write extensive pieces 😭😭 so I wrote this in headcanon's format. I hope you like it.
the song Corazón de Rubí by El Búho ft Miük helped inspire this.
Corazón de Rubí – Hobie x Mexican!Reader.
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Hobie could never really understand what people meant when they said "warm winter"
Seriously? What the fuck was that? Winter was always cold. Sometimes it was less cold that previous years. But it was always cold.
At least until he met you.
Not only in the cheesy metaphoric way. Hobie is artistic, not only he's a visual artist, he's a musician. Of course he's thought about it in a metaphoric way.
Something he'd always keep hidden, maybe except from you.
But you literally were warmer.
From the friendly and welcoming nature. To the very bright colours surrounding you.
He changed colors, and sometimes they were bright. But the color palette you and your universe was vastly different. It was vibrant, saturated, contrasting between them. It was like someone had turned up the brightness in the world.
Both literally and figuratively.
Your world was simply warmer.
Even well into December with winter just around the corner.
Hobie thought it was adorable how you complained about it being cold when the humidity and warmth was so unlike anything he was used to.
The jungle was still vibrant green.
When you were taking a break from you Spider Duties and escaped the city, you'd hide away in a small house that once belonged to your grandmother, in the middle of the jungle.
Where exactly, he didn't know. He just knew the vast green mountains before him were referred to as La Sierra.
For a full week, the both of you decided to run away from your duties and maybe forget about the mutliverse, the rest of the Spider Society could hold the fort just fine without you two around.
And for a full week, close to the start of winter, you hung out in your grandmother's house.
It was small, and could easily get lost between the tall trees.
It was sunny for the most part, but not hot enough to be bothersome.
Hobie's favourite part was watching you go about your day. Water the plants, take out the dogs, buy groceries for lunch and see you interact with the people in the closest town. Show him off as your partner. Even learning a little bit of Spanish to get him about his day whenever he felt like adventuring on his own.
He wasn't exactly fond of spicy food in the beginning, but he got to appreciate that tangy taste of chili pepper in the food.
While you were and early riser and immediately got started with your morning routine, he wouldn't wake up until midday.
And by the time he was up, you'd make tea for him, and keep him company with a cup of coffee for yourself. Who knew Mexican's liked coffee so much. Especially with cinnamon. café de olla, was called. He still liked tea better, but he'd ocassionally indulge in some café de olla.
Walking around town was also pleasant. Everyone you came across to was so nice and kind. Being a small town, everyone knew each other, and everyone apparently knew and remembered your grandmother.
And soon everyone in town came to know him too.
At night, you'd sit on the small balcony and gaze at the stars visible. They were definitely more than in the city, but it was still not that rich of a stary sky. But the way your eyes shone put the stars to shame.
Drinking either coffee (late at night), tea, if the night was too hot a cold beer. Just talking back and forth, exchanging stories and comparing childhoods.
For that full week, Hobie felt like he was in a dream. A tropical vacation swallowed by the jungle, nice humid weather, cool nights, and friendly people.
But it was spending his free time with you what made it so magical.
After returning back to his usual routine, for a good three months, he'd make so much art inspired on all the landscapes he saw. Suddenly all of his art had green in it. Green, yellow, hot pink and blue.
He kept askign you over and over again when would you two go to another week getaway from the responsibilities, already missing your grandmother's house in La Sierra. Missing the food. The nice weather.
"Fine, let's go. But we're absolutely NOT going during the summer. You're gonna die of a heat stroke on me, and mosquitos will eat you alive" You chuckled.
If Hobie felt the winter was already warm enough, he thought maybe the summer would be, indeed, very hot.
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xxforestfairyxx · 5 months
Indiana Snow
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an: We've just had our first snow of winter and everything looks so pretty! In honor of the first snow, here's a winter Eddie one-shot, a product of my boredom! Hope you enjoy it! (NOT related to 'The time before')
blurb: Andrea Emerson is back from college, but not even a week into her winter break, Hawkins receives a freak blizzard. Her brother, Gareth, has recently suffered an injury and calls in his bandmate to aid Andrea.
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The snow was coming down in small, sticky clumps when I woke up on a chilly morning in the middle of December. I could feel the blistering cold through my socks as I walked down the creaky stairs, trying my hardest to not wake the rest of the house up. I made my way into the frightfully cold kitchen, where a note taped to the fridge caught my eye.
Wanted to get out before the snow started. There are sandwich materials in the pantry. Josie's food is in the fridge. Love, Mom
Right on cue, I could hear my sister's tiny footsteps padding down the stairs. She came around the corner into the kitchen, her hair sticking out in every direction while she rubbed her eyes. "Hi, bubby," I said, picking her up and kissing her on the cheek. She was only two but had recently figured out how to climb out of the crib. "Hi, Andy," She sighed and laid her head on my shoulder sleepily.
Josie and I spent the rest of the morning making breakfast and coffee while watching the snow out the window.
Eventually, Gareth came downstairs, befuddled by sleep, and had breakfast. He glanced out the window, immediately refusing to shovel any snow. He sprained his ankle a week ago anyway, so I wasn't planning on him doing much. "I will take Josie out to play, though," he exclaimed, his statement punctuated by an excited squeal from Josie. I sighed heavily, marching to get my boots and coat on.
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What a great way to start winter break. Not even three days back from college, and already freezing my butt off while shoveling snow. I wasn't making any good progress either, barely getting the steps clear enough to get out of the house without falling over.
About half an hour into shoveling, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, stranger." I turned to see Eddie, clad in a winter jacket, holding a snow shovel. The snow whipped around us, leaving snowflakes in his hair, which was held back in a ponytail. He looks like an angel, I thought. The idea bounced around in my mind briefly before I banished it. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to help," He said, motioning to the shovel.
"You guys sure did get a lot more snow than we did at the trailer park. That probably has to do with how many cars drive up and down those roads. It's so much... prettier here." He said, looking out in our yard. Our house was nothing to look out for, nothing notable. It was small, with barely enough space for all of us. I made a slight noise of agreement before getting back to shoveling, Eddie following close behind. "Jesus, this snow is packed. I think what you need for Christmas is a snowblower," he exclaimed. I laughed mildly, watching a grin break out across his face.
"Can I ask you something?" I said, heaving snow to the left of me. "Shoot," He replied. "Were you actually 'In the neighborhood' and just happened upon me?" I asked. He let a few moments pass before heaving out a long sigh. "Not really," He finally answered. "Your brother called me." Bingo. "Oh." Even I could hear the disappointment bubbling in my voice. I'm gonna kill that brat.
"But I'm happy to do it. What other day do I get to spend with a college girl?" He grinned at me. "Shut up," I said, trying not to let him see me smile at such a stupid joke. "Well, tell me about it. How is college going?" He asked. I sighed. "It's good. I like it; it's just so... much. The schedule is really intense." I explained. "Geez. Sounds rough," he said. I was also tempted to ask him about school, but I knew there wouldn't be much to say. I could tell he took a hit on his self-esteem each time he had to repeat senior year.
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"Well, it looks like we're about done here," I said. After almost two hours in the snow, we had finally cleared the driveway and the sidewalk. He held his hand up for a high five, which I missed by about a mile. We both let out awkward laughter, eye contact slipping away. There was another minute of awkward silence. "Hey, I think we've got some hot chocolate inside," I suggested in a singsongy tone. "Hell yeah. I'm freezing my balls off," he said, letting out a chuckle of laughter. I walked past him, smiling, and let us into the house.
We shed our coats, boots, and scarves by the front door and entered the kitchen. Eddie followed me as I went through the cabinets, grabbing various supplies. Josie came running over, and I picked her up, cradling her in my arm while the other stirred cocoa powder into a few mugs. "Josie, you remember Eddie," I said, turning her to face Eddie, leaning against the counter next to me. He waved to her. "Can you say 'Hi'?" I prompted. She waited a few minutes while smiling at him and then said a slow 'hi.' He shot her a grin and returned the greeting. She giggled and hid her face in my neck. Me too, girl. Me too.
❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ 
The following afternoon was very calm, with Eddie and Gareth escaping to the basement to practice a little one-on-one. We drank our hot chocolate at the kitchen table, laughing the whole time as Eddie or Gareth cracked a joke.
"Why in God's name would you call Eddie, of all people?" I asked while shutting the door behind the cold. "Well... um.... I thought he would be the most willing?" He said, scratching his head. "And why is that?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Because the guy loves you! I mean, do you really not see it?" He exclaimed. I scoffed. "Come on. Is there any other guy in this town who would subject himself to a day of manual labor just so he could spend time with you? He was practically begging me to give him an in like this." My heart thumped in my chest, and I could feel my cheeks blooming with heat. "Shut up. He does not," I said, walking down the hallway back into the kitchen. "Seriously. He doesn't shut up about it. It's a little weird, sometimes, to hear the kind of shit he says about my sister," He said. I focused on doing the dishes, pretending not to hear him. He sighed and finally gave up, walking down the hallway.
My mind continued to race in all different directions. He likes me? How is that even possible? I mean, we never even talked to each other, even though he was best friends with my brother, and we were originally supposed to be in the same year. It was all just... weird. Besides, I've been away at college for the past year! Sure, he was cute in high school and possibly even cuter now, but why would he ever have feelings for me?
❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ 
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hwabang · 9 months
PLS MAKE A PART TWO FOR “when the first love returns” i genuinely loved it sm and cried a bit ngl… part two should be so fluffy and jake possibly proposing 🤔🤔
When the First Love Returns Pt. 2- Sim Jaeyun
Summary: Jake grovels after you almost took a break with him after his ex tried to break you guys up. He realizes just how afraid he is to lose you so moves up the date for his proposal plan
Genre: fluff fluff fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, jake is so guilty omg, grovels a LOT, proposal. mention of reader not being Korean (?)
Author’s Note: the amount of people asking for a pt 2 to something i wasn't even confident posting in the first place made me so happy😭 hope this is what y'all wanted!
NOTICE: (the names used for side characters are fake names, with the exception of the enhypen members. the fake names don't represent any real life characters.)
(gif not mine!)
(moodboard is mine, pics off Pinterest)
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Today was Minji's last day in Korea. Jake begged you to go to the airport with them but you really had a lot of work to get done, so you said goodbye to her in your apartment and sent her off with Jake.
On the way to the airport they didn't talk too much but they did have one last conversation before she went into the gate.
"Thank you for everything Jake," Minji started. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other day."
Jake sighed. "Minji.. you're a good friend and I don't want this to ruin our whole group. But please, don't think we can ever be anything more than friends.. we dated for a year in high school and that was that. I love Y/N, a lot."
Minji nodded. "Yeah yeah, it was wrong of me to try and win you back.. I understand that now. Cynthia yelled at me a lot yesterday."
Jake let out a hearty laugh. "Yeah, she's had Y/N's back this whole time.. thanks for being so understanding Minji. Again you're a good friend of mine; let's keep it that way."
"Agreed. You're proposing this December in Australia right?"
"Actually... I'm proposing next week."
Minji's eyes widened with excitement. "What, no way! What happened, why the sudden change?!"
Jake rubbed the back of his neck feeling embarrassed. "I.. haven't been the best to her recently.. actually the night you were at your grandma's.. she wanted us to take a break."
Minji gasped. "Jake.. I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. "It's okay. We talked it through, I begged her not to do this, and she agreed. So I've just been, I don't know, scared? That night really shocked me so much.. I don't think I can wait till December. I'm moving all the plans around to next week."
"Jake that'a awesome! You got the hotel and flight tickets and all?"
"Yeah yeah, everything was booked yesterday."
Just then the last announcement for Minji's flight was made. She gave one last goodbye to Jake and headed to the gate as he made his way back to his car.
Jake had never felt so guilty like he did the past two days. It was eating him up; the fact that he gave another woman more attention than he gave you; the woman that you were uncomfortable with him being around. Every time he thought about it he winced and thanked God that you didn't leave him.
You had forgiven him; Jake loved you and you never once doubted that. But he didn't care– he'd make it up to you in the best way possible.
After leaving the airport he went to the ENHYPEN dorm to tell the news about him moving up his proposal plans and assigning them their roles. He then went to the company to talk to them about his decision. They already knew you Jake was proposing in December and were fine with it, but now Jake had to tell them the slight change in plans so they could have the statement ready by next week.
Once all of that was taken care of Jake headed back to the apartment and started cleaning. It wasn't messy; how could it be? You were so good at taking care of the house, taking care of him, taking care of your relationship when he'd mess it up..
Jake sighed as he walked into the empty house. You were just at work, he knew it of course. But he couldn't imagine how distraught he'd be if every single day he came home to an empty house, knowing you would never return.
Jake started by cleaning up the guest room and guest bathroom Minji had used; putting new sheets, changing the trash, wiping down the furniture. He then went on to clean the rest of the bathrooms in the house, then tidying up the kitchen and master bedroom. Once those were taken care of he took a 10 minute break to order food, and continued on cleaning the dining room and living room.
You were exhausted, having a hard day at work yourself. You trudged up to the front door and fumbled with your keys before the door swung open revealing a very happy yet tired Jake.
"Hi baby, you're home!" he exclaimed.
You giggled and pecked his lips as you walked into the house. "Hi my love, how was your day today?" As soon as you walked further into the house you immediately realized it was sparkling; everything was sparkling. You turned to Jake in shock who was standing there expectantly. "Jake.. did you clean the house while I was gone?"
He eagerly nodded. "Did I do a good job? Actually you can't judge just from seeing this.. I cleaned the guest bedroom, our room, the bathrooms and kitchen too!"
Your eyes were still widened in shock and you slowly wrapped your arms around Jake's neck. "Baby, I appreciate it but why'd you do all of that? I would've come home and done it anyways."
He wrapped his arms around you. "It's not fair that you have to do all of it," Jake pouted. "I live here too, this is my house too. I should take on some of the household responsibilities."
"You do honey! You have your own chores and I have mine."
Jake shook his head. "I just take the trash out and pay the bills once a month Y/N. You clean and cook almost everyday.. I come home every single day and appreciate it but I don't think I say it enough so I'm sorry. I genuinely appreciate everything you do, and after doing what you do for a day, I'm fucking exhausted."
You laughed as you pulled him into a hug. "Aww, thank you Jake. Really, I appreciate this a lot."
"Of course baby.. by the way, is it too late for you to put in some vacation days for next week?"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you plotting now Sim Jaeyun?"
"Nah nah nothing.. I was thinking you and I could spend a couple days in the Maldives?"
"Maldives!? Jake, are you serious!?" you squealed.
Jake smiled, relieved you were this happy. The Maldives was a dream destination for you; you had always talked about going there so why not get proposed to there?
"It's a day long flight," Jake explained. "We need two days for the flights, we'll spend 4 days there. What do you think?"
You squealed again and tightly hugged Jake, jumping into his arms. "Thank you thank you thank you!! You're the best boyfriend ever. When do we leave?"
You were so excited for the trip that Friday felt like it was in forever, but finally you were in the Maldives. The first night you guys slept almost immediately after getting there because you were so drained but the next day you guys were up bright and early, enjoying all that the Maldives have to offer.
Today was the last full day in the Maldives, and the two of you were enjoying some down time in your private hotel room pool. Jake glanced to check on you and saw you at the edge of the pool, furrowing your eyebrows while staring at your phone. He swam up to you and grabbed his beverage. "What's wrong baby?"
"My parents," you responded. "They're not responding! I know I have good service so I don't know why they're not answering."
Despite you not looking at Jake, he still looked away from you. He couldn't lie to you, and he knew that if he mad eye contact with you, he'd spoil everything about the proposal. "M-maybe they're just busy."
You shook your head as you tried dialing them again. "No.. it's like just past evening in my country right now, they're definitely home."
Jake knew he had to distract you before you somehow caught on. He just had to hide all of this from you for another couple hours; as tonight was the proposal.
From the minute he woke up this morning he felt like throwing up. Every single second he felt like regurgitating. You wouldn't say no right? Nah nah, you love him.. right?!
"Baby," he called out as he grabbed your phone gently from you. "It's okay, we'll check on your parents later. Maybe they tuned in early? Our parents aren't getting any younger you know."
You hummed. "Yeah yeah you're right... I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning."
Oh you definitely will.
Jake pulled you back into the middle of the pool and you guys spent more time in the pool until you felt your skin pruning. After you had come out of the shower you saw a couple of wrapped gifts laying on the bed. You looked to your boyfriend with a confused look and he just returned a smug smile.
"Open them," Jake commanded. "It's for our date tonight."
You headed to the bed and one by one opened the boxes. The first one had a beautiful pair of pencil heels covered in golden and silver sparkles. Next was a black leather handbag and the one after it had a diamond crystal heart necklace. The last box you opened had your jaw drop slack open. The dress in the box perfectly matched the shoes; it was pretty short in the front but the tulle in the back went all the way down to the floor and without wearing it, you could tell it would snatch your waist in such an alluring way. It was off the shoulder with a straight neckline and the short bit of sleeves there were drooped down to your elbows.
You caressed the sequins on the dress before turning to your boyfriend and jumping to hug him, not caring you were in just a robe. "Jake, I'm gonna cry! You're the best and this whole look is amazing! Thank you so so SO much!"
He rubbed your back as he held back a huge grin. "Anything for the love of my life." He kissed your forehead before letting you go. "Get dressed, I'm almost ready. We should head to the restaurant in an hour."
Jake had booked a reservation for the two of you at "The Cloud"; an Italian-Chinese sit down restaurant that had numerous 5-star reviews for not only the food but the fancy and romantic ambiance as well.
You two enjoyed your extremely romantic dinner; the food was tremendously good and you two just couldn't stop laughing and looking at each other with the utmost love you could hold in your eyes.
After the dinner Jake suggested a walk on the beach and you happily agreed, not wanting the night to end. You were walking hand in hand, you barefoot with your shoes in Jake's empty hands.
"Jake," you called out breaking the comforting silence.
"Yeah baby?"
You looked to him and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you.. for everything. The last 4 days have felt so magical I just.. I can't even describe it. I really appreciate everything you've done for me, everything you've made me feel."
Jake's eyes softened as he looked at you, returning the kiss on the cheek. "Again, anything and everything for you baby. I'm just glad we're finally getting quality time alone."
You hummed. "Minji and you are good right? I didn't intend to break up a friendship."
Jake snapped his head towards you and gave you crazed look. "Baby, what are you talking about? You did nothing wrong! If my friendship with Minji would've ended it would've been because of her trying to break us up. You went through so much the last couple weeks and held everything in.. I'm so proud of you but I can't help but feel guilty because of it."
You took your free hand and caressed Jake's forearm with it. "Stop feeling guilty; you've done more than enough to make it up," you giggled.
Jake hesitated a little before biting his lip. "Well, does that mean you don't want the last surprise?"
You groaned. "Jake there's more? You've already done so much what could possibly–"
"Shh," he brought a finger up to your lip. "Let me do the talking right now." You both stopped walking and Jake let go of your hand. He placed your shoes on the sand and stood in front of you. "You trust me right Y/N?"
You vigorously nodded. "Of course Jake! With my whole life."
He gently kissed your lips before reaching into his pocket for a blue velvet box and got down on one knee making you gasp.
"Jake! I–"
"Baby," he whined. "I said let me do the talking." He waited for your nod to continue and did so with a sigh. "Okay look, truth be told I had a completely different speech prepared for this because.. actually I was planning to propose this December when we planned to go to Australia. I had this whole yacht lunch date planned and then an orchestra band and an after party.. but then the last couple weeks happened. And when you suggested we take a break, I.. I felt like my entire world collapsed."
Jake had tears threatening to fall out of his eyes as he looked up at you with so much love. "You are my entire world.. I couldn't ever imagine a life without you, and I don't think I could wait 3-4 more months to propose. This moment right here, this calm after the storm, it feels right. I want nothing more than to be with you forever. I– I can't promise that I'll always be a good husband even though I know you'll always be a good wife, and I'll apologize for that every single day that I'm alive, but I'm always going to do my very best to keep you happy. Nothing matters to me more than your happiness. Let me be the only man to make you happy forever Y/N. Please.. will you marry me?"
You didn't trust your voice as you could feel the sobs closing up your throat so you nodded, extending your left hand for Jake to slip the ring on; it fit perfectly.
He finally let the tears slip and came up from his position to hug you tight and you let him, wrapping your own arms around his form as you two sobbed. Jake kissed your head repeatedly. "Thank you baby, thank you for making me the happiest I've ever been."
You pulled back a little for the hug and kissed some of his tears away before kissing his plump lips. "I– I love you so much Jake I– thank you for everything."
Jake kissed you once again, murmuring an 'I love you too' as you two finished crying. He grabbed your shoes again and put his hand out to grab your now bejeweled one. "Shall we head back to our room, my fiancee?"
You couldn't help but break out into a smile at the new name. "Of course fiance... God I wish my mom was picking up my calls so I could tell her we're engaged..."
Jake laughed. "Your mom won't be picking up any calls for abouttt.. another 45 minutes," he reported checking his wristwatch.
You cocked your head at him. "Why? Is she not home?"
"She's on a plane.. to Korea.. your whole family is.. for the celebration party of our engagement. My parents are there by now too I think; Heeseung Hyung should've picked them up by now."
Your eyes widened. "What? You flew my parents out?!"
Jake eagerly nodded. "Yup! That's why we're heading back to Korea so early tomorrow morning; we have an engagement party tomorrow night with both of our families and closest friends. I got the guys to decorate it. They'll do fine right?"
You shook your head in disbelief at how this man could continuously sweep you off your feet. "Sim Jaeyun the man you are.. how many more times are you gonna woo me in this lifetime hmm?"
"Oh you have no idea baby."
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shinsengumi-archives · 6 months
I’m back (after writing a 55 pg fic so far). I’m trying to wrap my head around Soji’s timeline and pouring over the timeline you have posted.
In September 1867 Soji becomes seriously ill - does he stay with the Shinsengumi still during that time I’m guessing?
January 1868 - I assume he went to Osaka for the battle of Toba-Fushimi but he doesn’t take part in it? He stays behind with Kondo who was shot in the shoulder?
February 4 - they sail to Edo, and I assume Soji is with them? And this is his first time on a ship?
Feb? ?? - Okita’s sister Mitsu and Okita Rintaro left (which I’m guessing they were in contact and it’s unknown how they parted)
February 28ish - This is when Soji goes to Matsumoto Ryojin’s clinic and is staying at Matsumoto’s house at Imado shrine.
March 24 - so a month later the Shinsengumi goes to Kofu Castle and stays in Hino which is still in Edo where I’m guessing Soji gets bad/feverish and can’t travel so this is actually where they officially leave him at Uekiya Heigoro’s house? In the “site of Okita Souji’s death” post you say it was the end of February when he moved there (which would be a month prior to this when he was going to Matsumoto’s clinic - so I just want to clarify that it was around the end of March that Okita moved to Heigoro’s house.
Sometime in March (before the 28th) - the Shinsengumi visits Soji and he smiles and doesn’t let them know how sick he is so they won’t worry.
March 28-April 25 - the shinsengumi are pretty much all around Edo until Kondo is beheaded in May and Hijikata gets injured at the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle - Where does Hijikata go?
July 19 - *sobs* we lose him. So he’s at the house alone and suffering from end of March to July? 4 months. And in those four months, he did visit Kondo’s wife Tsune and daughter Tama at Joganji Temple in Nakano (when was this?).
Let me know if I missed anything we know about Soji here as well!
Thank you so much and super grateful. I want to learn as much as I can and flesh out the timeline a bit so I can fully understand what he experienced and how he lived up until the end.
Hi @sayitcanonlybeme, sorry for the extremely late reply. I've gone back to grad school and have been busy with classes/projects for the past few months, so I haven't been able to be active on Tumblr until the holidays.
The timeline was posted a long time ago when I first started learning about the Shinsengumi, so there are inaccuracies, especially mixups between Lunar calendar and Western calendar dates.
Here are the events with details and corrections:
September 1867 Soji becomes seriously ill
It's not clear exactly when he became ill, but according to Japanese Wiki Corpus:
according to Kanefumi NISHIMURA's "Mibu Roshi Shimatsuki", he [Okita Souji] was seriously ill around September when the quarters were moved to Fudodo Village; and in a letter to Kondo dated October 13, Kojima wrote that he was worried about Okita's worsening condition. Given the above, when Okita's health condition worsened so critical that he could not bear fighting was from autumn to winter in 1867. It is also thought that his intense exercise might have been an added burden on his lungs and aggravated his illness.
I'm not sure whether the dates are Lunar or Western calendar, but September is October on the Western calendar. Here's a useful calendar converter.
January 1868 - I assume he went to Osaka for the battle of Toba-Fushimi
He was first staying at Kondo Isami’s mistress’s house in Rokujo, Kyoto, not far from Fushimi (according to this article and this article). Abe Juro arrived there on the morning of December 18 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: January 12, 1868), hoping to assassinate Okita. He later mentioned in the "Shidankai Sokkiroku" (史談會速記錄), "However there was no one there but one woman, who after interrogation admitted that there was an Okita Souji the other night who at 10PM returned to Fushimi. It was really regrettable."
December 18 was also the day Kondo got shot in the right shoulder on his way from Nijo Castle (more info).
They were both sent to Osaka Castle to receive medical care, so neither of them participated in the fighting that started on January 3 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: January 27).
February 4 - they sail to Edo
According to this article, Kondo, Hijikata, and Okita boarded the Shogunate's ship Fujisanmaru on January 10 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: February 3).
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(image sources: [1] [2])
Nagakura boarded the Jundomaru which left a day earlier. Out of the 150 Shinsengumi members, 116 remained. They went back to Edo on those two ships along with the rest of the Shogunate army.
The Fujisanmaru arrived at Shinagawa, Edo on January 15. Kondo and Okita went to a medical clinic in Kanda Izumibashi (神田和泉橋) to receive treatment from Matsumoto Ryojun. The rest of the Shinsengumi stayed at a garrison in Kajibashi Gate (鍛冶橋門).
This is likely Okita's first time traveling on a ship since the Shinsengumi originally arrived in Kyoto on foot and there are no other records of Okita making long journeys.
Feb? ?? - Okita’s sister Mitsu and Okita Rintaro left
Okita Mitsu and Rintaro evacuated along with the Shinchogumi's sponsor, the Lord of the Shonai domain Sakai Tadazumi, to the Shonai domain in northern Japan (source).
Since Souji wasn't fit for travel, he was left behind in Edo. According to the Okita Family Records, they left him on February 26 (Lunar calendar, Western calendar: March 19, 1868). However, according to this article, Mitsu and Rintaro left in March (lunar calendar), so I'm not sure which date is more accurate.
According to the Shinsengumi's financial records, Okita withdrew money to pay a carpenter on February 26 (lunar) to repair Uekiya's house in Sendagaya where he spent his final days, so he had either just moved in or was about to move there when Mitsu left.
February 28ish - This is when Soji goes to Matsumoto Ryojin’s clinic
I think February 28ish (lunar) is when he left Matsumoto Ryojun's clinic.
According to this article:
In January of Keio 4, Matsumoto Ryojun was summoned by a certain Hiraoka, a young official of the shogunate, and receive news that "The wounded from the Battle of Toba-Fushimi were returning to Edo, and that they should be given temporary hospitalization at the residences of the lords". As if following in the footsteps of the Shogunate's army, news spread that Satsuma-Choshu army had moved eastward and was coming to Edo. Most of the wounded had already been cured, and more than 30 patients were treated at Imado. He built his own dormitory in a corner of the grounds of the shrine in Imado, where he lived, and built a hospital building in Shofukuji Temple, which was used as a field hospital, and moved his own patients there as well. The Shinsengumi, defeated in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in Keio 4, returned to Edo aboard the Fujisanmaru and were transported from the Kamaya (釜屋, an inn/teahouse) in Shinagawa to a medical clinic in Okachimachi, Kanda Izumibashi, and then to a field hospital in Shofukuji, where Kondo Isami and Okita Souji were treated by Matsumoto Ryojun, but this is only speculation.
So it's not clear when they went to each location, but from that article, it sounds like Okita went to Matsumoto's clinic at Imado Shrine shortly after arriving in Edo.
March 24 - so a month later the Shinsengumi goes to Kofu Castle and stays in Hino
They went to Kofu on March 24 (Western calendar, Lunar calendar: March 1), so it makes sense that after Okita got too sick in Hino, he was left behind and eventually sent to Uekiya's house in Sendagaya.
He was probably either about to move in or already living in Uekiya's house before he left towards Kofu, since he took out money for renovations on February 26 (lunar).
Sometime in March (before the 28th) - the Shinsengumi visits Soji
Since Nagakura assumed Okita died at Imado in his diary, most Shinsengumi members probably didn't know that he was staying at Uekiya's house starting from March. They were probably trying to keep his location secret to keep him safe.
Since Kondo was captured soon after the Battle of Koshu-Katsunuma, it's unlikely that he ever visited Okita again.
Hijikata did go back to Edo for a short time after that battle, so it's possible that he could have visited Okita, but he was busy pleading Kondo's case and preparing for battle.
It's also possible that a few other trusted Shinsengumi members knew Okita's whereabouts and visited him. Since they didn't want to tell Okita about Kondo's death, it could mean that Okita was still in touch with some Shinsengumi members.
March 28-April 25 - the shinsengumi are pretty much all around Edo until Kondo is beheaded in May and Hijikata gets injured at the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle
At the Battle of Utsunomiya, Hijikata was shot in his right foot on April 23, so he was carried from the battlefield on Shimada Kai's back.
On April 29, Hijikata arrived near Aizu-Wakamatsu and stayed at Shimizuya Inn, which had hot springs, to recover from his wound.
He learned about Kondo's death while he was there and built a tombstone for him at the nearby Tenneiji temple.
On July 1, he left to visit his men.
A month later, he went back to the battlefield to fight the Battle of Aizu.
July 19 - *sobs* we lose him. So he’s at the house alone and suffering from end of March to July? 4 months. And in those four months, he did visit Kondo’s wife Tsune and daughter Tama at Joganji Temple in Nakano
He died on July 19 (Western calendar). He might have been lonely without his loved ones, but I don't think he was alone since Uekiya’s rice cooker was taking care of him and he probably saw other doctors after Matsumoto left.
He visited Kondo’s wife and daughter at Joganji Temple, but I don't think there would be any records where we could find the date since he was in hiding and trying to keep his movements secret.
According to the quote from this article from "Shinsengumi Imon" (新選組遺聞) by Shimozawa Kan:
Isami's family, his wife Tsune and his mother-in-law Keiko (瓊子), moved out of their house in Ushigome shortly after Isami left for Koshu and moved to the outskirts of Edo. They rented room at a temple called Joganji in Nomurahongo.
In the Shinsengumi's financial records, there's a withdrawal on February 28 (lunar) for the house in Ushigome where Kondo’s wife and child lived, which might be related to the move.
So Okita probably visited them in Joganji some time between March and July.
This article (from the "Joganji Records" (成願寺誌)) describes what his final days were like:
Edo was already crawling with government troops with Imperial Brocades, but Uekiya, where Souji was staying, was a safe haven in Ikejiribashi, a very lonely place at the time, where the sound of watermills over the river echoed and there was hardly anyone to be seen at night. Although safe, it must have been too lonely for the young Souji. Sometimes he would go by palanquin to Joganji temple, about a ri away [a 1 hour walk]. He would stay there for days and days. He had an incurable disease, and he probably knew better than anyone else that his death was approaching. Unable to endure the loneliness and desolation, he would come to the temple and soak in the warmth of the unchanging affection of the mother and child, and how comforted he was by that.
Let me know if there's anything I didn't cover or if you have any more questions.
I would really like to read the fic you wrote, if you don't mind sharing it - nvm, found it :)
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vinetae · 1 year
Y/n as a young babysitter of jimin's son where jimin is recently divorced. Y/n is a tease yet acts oblivious and jimin is obsessed with tiddies just like the child but for different reasons. Just porn with a little bit of plot.
Okay soooo this went in a WHOLE different direction buuuuut still has some really breast obsessed and smutty scenes!!!! My darn brain went- BUt wait. what if!-
A PLOT???!!
I hope you enjoy it <;33
P.S: The app thing isn't accurate but hey we ain't here for the plot, ight?
Those two sentences (Red and yellow) at the top are the two sides of my brain talking to each other.
Pairings: Single Dad!Jimin x Babysitter!Reader
Genre: Single dad!AU, Babysitter!AU, Angst, Smut, !!Age gap!!
Word Count: ??
Summary: Uhhh you already knowwww
"Are you sure this is the right place, Yoon-mi? You glance up towards the apartment numbers nailed to the door.
You had been needing some extra cash every since you'd been laid off by your boss because you refused to sleep with him. Mr. Choi had always been a sleezy perv, it just took one last final time for you to walk away from it all. Only then, had you realized that number one; You had no more income for money.
Number 2; Rent was due.
Your friend Youn-mi had told you about this amazing babysitting service for you adults trying to earn some big cash. At first you'd been a little heistant. You'd always been around kids your whole life, so although you were amazing with them and they loved you, you had hoped to get away from them in your adult years. 
Only that had not been the case. 
It only took a few clicks of a button to set up your profile. Then, you'd been getting gigs left and right. Mom of 4 wanting a babysitter so she could go on vacation? Pass. Four is too much. Grandpa and grandma wanting a night out? Sure. Shit, someone already signed it. You'd scrolled for hours trying to find the right job to set up and sign. Just as you were about to uninstall the app seeming as it was a waste of time, a notification popped up on the screen. You slide down to check out the details. 
Name: Park Jimin.
Child(ren): Park Ji-woo.
Date for day: December 13th.
You shrug, clicking on the messaging icon before another notification popped up. 
Message from: PJMin
You click on the message.
From: PJMin
Hello, I've reccently seen your profile and I'm very impressed! Would you mind if I asked you a few more questions, though?
You smile just a bit at the situation. 
How ironic. 
To: PJMin
Hi, thank you for your consideration! Ask away. 
A few minutes later, your phone goes off. 
From: PJMin
No problem. Actually, you logged on just in time. I've been needing a sitter for this weekend, and I loved your profile. So it says that you're 22, right? 
You don't see how your age is that big of a deal, but you decide to just go along with it. Deciding to change the coversation a bit so it doesn't sound like a dating app instead. 
To: PJMin
Yes. My mother ran a daycare just a few blocks from my house, so it's probably safe to say that I grew up there. She shut down when I turned 17 and now I'm here. 
From: PJMin
Trying to live out your glory days, right? Haha
You chuckle at his response. Eh, not really.. But rent was more important than being right for now..
To: PJMin
Haha, I guess you could say that. So how old are your kids?
From: PJMin
Kid. I have a 5 year old son. Something came up at work this weekend and I'm in desperate need of a sitter. When I saw your profile, I knew you'd be a perfect match. So, the big question; 
You pause, tilting your head as you await his response. A few seconds go by until he continues.
From: PJMin
How well do you like Thomas The Train?
One thing led to another and now you're standing outside his apartment door. Yoon-mi being on the other side of the phone. 
"Of course it's the right one, girl! And I know you'll do great with this. You were practically made for kids!" You roll your eyes at her exatreation. The one thing you didn't want to associate yourself with anymore is now the center of your income.
"Alright, I'll talk to you later." She waves goodbye before your press the red button, closing the app as you ring the doorbell.
A few minutes go by until you can hear something on the other side. Soon, the door opens to reveal a tall figure. The white collar of his button-down shirt sticks straight up as a loose blue tie fits snug around the base of his neck. He's trying to invite you in while in the midst of looping his tie in place. 
"Ah! You must be Y/n. Sorry about the wait." You flash your best employee of the month smile while making your way inside of the doorframe. Your eyes scan the lavish room. Cream colored walls stand tall adorning the white marble-tiled flooring. The contrasting dark sofa and lounge chair tucked in the corner had looked like it cost more than your whole apartment. The woven light fixtures dangle from the sunken LED-striped ceiling. The tone set to a tan-ish hue. Your eyes reach back to the man as a young child wraps his whole body around the man's leg. 
"Ah, Ji-woo. I told you not to do that in front of people-" The man reaches down slinging the child up into his arms as the young boy's set into a fit of giggles. The smile mirroring his father's. How adorable. They looked like the perfect pair. 
"I'm sorry- He's not usually this clingy." He holds out his free hand to offer a shake. You nod, reaching to meet his. You study the child's and his features as he shifts the boy in his arms. "You're Mr. Park, I assume?" You ask, hoping that this is the right apartment still. He flashes you a kind smile.
"Yes, but you can just call me Jimin." You nod, watching as his chocolate eyes light up at the sight of his smiling child. He swings the child around before dipping him down, mimicking a dropping gesture, sending them both into a fit of giggles. His eyes land back to yours.
"Thank You for doing this on such a short notice. I know some sitters on that app have to have at least a week in advance." You smile. "No problem. I really had nothing to do anyways. My boss kinda laid me off this week.." 
Shit, why are you sharing such personal information already?!?! Stupid! You barely know him!! He probably thinks you're some stupid sappy story now- will he fire me?
His expression switches to a concered look. "I'm sorry.. But hey, if you do well I might hire you for full-time." He smiles before handing Ji-woo to you. He immidiently clings to you, before burying his face into the crease of your breasts. Mr. Park's quick to react, scolding his child.
"Hey! Ji-woo- What'd I tell you about doing that to girls??" He reaches forward to stop his child's naughty antics. You chuckle at his cute expression. 
Not Mr. Park's. 
Ji-woo sits up clinging onto you ever more as to not be picked up by his father again. "No!" He wraps his chubby arms tightly around your neck before sticking his tongue out at his father.
"Ugh, I'm so sorry.." Jimin reaches behind him, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. He's always been obsessed with.. uh.." You look down the back up to see Jimin's face tint with a light pink hue.
"Breasts?" You finish his sentence. He chuckles, a nervous tone clear in his chest. "Like father like son I guess.." You hear him mumble the last part, which makes it your turn to turn cherry red. After a few minutes of Jimin explaining all of Ji-woo's favorite things and allergies, it had been time for him to leave.
You both are standing by the door. You with Ji-woo wrapped around your small figure as Jimin's sliding his jacket over his shoulders. He grabs the keys before giving Ji-woo a peck on his cheek.
"You're welcome to anything in the fridge. His bedtime's 8:00 o'clock so I'd prefer if he didn't watch any cartoons at least an hour and a half before bed." You nod as gives Ji-woo one last look before he sighs.
"It's my first time leaving him alone like this.." You flash him an assuring smile.
"Don't worry sir, he's in great hands, I promise." A smirk tugs his lips at that sentence. His eyes no longer having any hint of sadness or worry. Instead, it's swirling with something else..
"Sir?" His steps close distance between the two of you. Ji-woo had gotten down long ago to go and play with his toys in the corner. Your hand had been on the door's edge as his tone is hushed and whispered.
"We'll have to work on that." 
It was now time for Ji-woo's dinner. You'd decided to go with some easy gimbap rolls cut into little bite-sized pieces as to not be a choking hazard. The television had been streaming in the background, as you placed the last requirement of items down onto the dinning room table.
"Ji-woo, time for dinner!" You call out, scooting your chair until you're snug tucked into the table. A few minutes go by as Ji-woo walks into the dinning room. You flash him a teasing smile.
"Did you wash your hands, mister?" He smiles before nodding his head sharply.
"Yes!" You reach out to feel his cold hands bringing them up to take a whiff. Once you smelled the scent of vanilla and lavander, you help him into his booster seat. The apartment is quiet, as you both are enjoying a nice dinner together.
Only now could you see the resembelance between his father and him. The high bridge nose, the dark chocolate eyes, only Jimin's hair had been lightened a bit to match his irises. 
Once it had been bedtime, Ji-woo helped you pick up his toys in the living room and his room before you'd decided that he had earned a bit of screen time before it was time to sleep. He walks into the living room, dragging a thomas the choo-choo train blanket behind him. He hops onto the couch before scooting over to lay his head in your lap.
"I like you, Y/n." You smile, caressing the crown of his jet-black hair. Brushing the cutely cut bangs out of his eyes, his eyelids start to flutter from sleepiness.
"You do? Well I have a secret to tell you~" You lean down to whisper in his ear, as he shoots up with widened eyes.
"What secret??" He bounces on your lap with anticipation. You giggle, trying to settle him down.
"Shhh, it's a REALLY big secret. Do you think you can keep it?" He nods profusely before clasping his hands together, beginning to beg.
"Pleeeeaaaseee! I keep it! Tell me tell me tell me!!" 
"Okay okay-" You lower your tone and head, whispering into his ear.
"I like you too." He smiles before tackling you, wrapping his whole upper body around your neck. The force would've made you stumble backwards if you hadn't been leaned against the couch. Once the energy is quiet again, Ji-woo replies while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"You're nicer than mommy.." Your eyebrows knit together in pain at his words. What had his mother done for him to say this?
He nuzzles his face into the crease of your chest before pulling his thumb into his mouth to suck on it. 
Once you'd settled Ji-woo into his racecar bed, you'd quietly made your way out of the room and began cleaning. First the kitchen, then the living room. Well, there hadn't been really anything to clean. This guy kept his place almost spotless.. 
You're almost finished with the last few dishes you'd been hand washing, until the beep of the front-door unlocking sounds through the complex. Jimin grudgingly walks into, sighing as he kicks his shoes to the side before removing his jacket, along with loosening his tie. He begins unbuttoning the clasps of his white collar shirt before noticing your presence.
"Oh shi- sorry.." He walks back over, fixing himself so that he's decent once more. You stay silent, resuming washing the dishes. He takes in a deep breath, settling down onto the chair that faces you. The tick of the clock echoes through the room, as you finish up the dishes. You turn back around before placing a small steaming cauldron in front of him. He looks up to meet your eyes, as you flash him a warm smile.
"And you cook too?" You chuckle, before joining him on the parallel barstool next to his.
"Just a little. I thought you'd might wanna eat something after work.." He smiles, blowing on the hoot spoonful before taking a bite.
His eyes light up at the delicious flavor.
"This tastes amazing. Thank You" He takes another bite, quietly letting a few moans slip out on the way.
"It's been so long since I've had real cooking.." He sighs, tilting the cauldron to the side to sip every last drop.
"Usually-" He places the bowl back down as he leans over the counter, setting it down into the sink.
"Usually I just order take-out either here or at the office." You smile, tilting your head to the side, admiring his exausted look. Barely noticeable eyebags slip droop under his eyes, as his cheeks turn rosy red from the spice of the soup. His straight, thick eyebrows curve into a mysterious shape. His eyes-
Staring straight into yours. 
You stutter, looking anywhere but him now.
"I-.. Sorry." Out of the corner of your eye, you can see a small smirk tugs his lips.
"Sorry for what?" He leans his face closer to yours, trying to get you to look at him again.
"Look at me, Y/n." Your eyes shift around the room. To the fridge that had been decorated with many arts and crafts from Ji-woo's early years. Over to the couch, onto the blank TV-
"Look. At me, Y/n." His finger lifts, tilting your chin until your eyes set dead on his. Your heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. You knew he'd been very handsome from the beginning but this sight right now- His shirt halfway unbuttoned, giving you a sneak peak down the lines of his chest..
His tie falling loosely around the base of his neck.. His chocolate darkened irises burning into the center of yours.. His hair slicked back from sweat from a hard work day...
But you also noticed something else. 
On his left hand, a shiny silver band wrapped perfectly around his third finger. 
He knew where your mind had gone to. He wanted to make sure you knew what had happened. 
He sighs, leaning back to sit up. "I'm divorced." He reaches over the counter, grabbing a random beer from it's hiding corner. He cracks open the top, taking a sip from the tip.
"I'm sorry.." You can only respond with. He reaches over before sliding you a can yourself. You take the canister, not wanting to seem rude, but just toy with the cold can instead. He continues.
"Don't be. She was a horrible person from the start." He takes another sip before slamming the beer can down, sighing. He turns to look at you, shifting in his seat.
"She was never a good mother to Ji-woo anyways." He chuckles, a sad tone crossing his voice.
"You know she left Ji-woo here all by himself, just to go catch the new deals at Balenciaga? He was only six months old.." Your mouth drops open at his confession. He scoffs at your expression.
"Exactly. She was and still is a bitch. And that's not even the half of it.." Your eyebrows knit together in concern, as your hand unconsciously comes to rub at his left shoulder.
"I'm really sorry.." He sighs, leaning into your touch. Your fingers trail along the broadness of his shoulder before stopping at his bicep. The thick muscle protrudes through the thin material of his white button up that has the corner of your lips drooling.
His eyes, bare into yours as you watch a few tears slip from his ducts. The corner of his lip quivers at all that he'd been supressing for weeks on end. Ever since the divorce, he's never really had time to actually process the whole thing in the first place. He'd barely been able to cry himself to sleep at night becuase Ji-woo had wanted to sleep in his bed ever since the huge fight between him and Ji-soo. 
Your eyes wander over his towering frame. As your hand runs gently across his heated skin, each muscle in his body tense at your touch. With each passing second, his lips inch closer to the pad of yours.
His veiny hand comes to grace your cheek softly. His fiery touch torches each square inch of your skin. The burn taunts you. The plush of his bottom lip drags across your right cheek lightly, feeling the way his straight cut teeth bare a slight poke to your heated flesh. His free hand comes to rest on the round of your knee. The hot stream of breath brushes past your cheek, rolling onto the shell of your ear. 
"I.." You whine as the digits of his fingers dance up the plains of your thighs, resting on your cupped heat. Your breath hitches in pitch.
"B-Bad.." You whine, as he groans at the sound.
"Mmm, bad indeed." He smirks as butterfly-like kisses are pressed to the side of your cheek, trailing down your sharp jawline.
"N-No.. Mr. Park this-" He teases the hem of your jeans,  toying with the button that held the fabric together. His chest rumbles as a deep groan emits.
"Mmm, makes it sound like I'm your boss." He chuckles as his lips press deep kisses down the line of your throat.
"Ji-Ji-woo.." He grumbles at the name, hugging your body closer to his, as if you're sitting on his lap.
"Mmm, no baby. Jimin~"
You finally gather the strength to push him away, as your eyes flash towards Ji-woo standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Appa.." Jimin's neck whips to the side as he imidiently pulls away from you, walking over to pick up Ji-woo in his arms. His eyes switch from yours to his son's.
"Come on, buddy. Let's get you back to bed." You watch as Jimin walks back into his son's room to tuck him in for goodnight. 
A few minutes later, Jimin returns. He takes a glance around the room, noticing your lack of presence. A frown creeps his face. 
"And you did WHAT with him??" Youn-mi questions while slamming down her shot glass. You take in a breath, watching the bubbles in your coke slowly dissapear. "We didn't even do anything. It's just- well there was this thing.. and then he.." She drunkingly smiles, slurring her words around while taking back another swig. 
"Then you fucked, right?? oh PLEASE tell me you fucked!!" Your cheeks go red at her choice of words. You had reccived quite a few stares from bypassers from the level of her voice.
"No, we didn't." You swirl the end of your straw around your once chilled glass of soda. The bubbles dying down with their fizzling.
"We just- ugh, it's complicated!" She just laughs, leaning into your shoulder drunkenly.
"Girrrrl. Gimmie that phone!" She reaches into your bag, while you're laughing, trying to deflect her attacks.
"Ahah!" She smirks, easily typing in your passcode before swiping over the app she'd been more familiar with than you. She found his profile in seconds.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT, GIRL!! I would PAY to suck his dick!" You instantly snatch your phone, snapping at her with reddened cheeks.
"Yah! Remind me to change my passcode. I don't need you sniffing through my phone so easily anyways." Her mouth falls open as she oogles at her imagination.
"Y/nnn if you don't take that gig, I will!" You sigh, sliding your phone back into your purse before taking another sip of your now room-temp drink.
"I don't knowww. I feel like it's going to be weird if I go again.. He probably won't even ask-" 
"There!" She chimes, before flashing you something she'd sent. You squint, reading the text out loud. 
To: PJMin
Heyyy so I'm like UBER sorry about earlier and shit but if you're still DTF LMK 😉😉😉
"Youn-mi!!!" You yell at her, as she quickly dodges your attacks. "I'm gonna KILL YOU!!" She laughs trying to fight you off.
"Y/n if you hadn't fucked with him I would kill YOU!" You roll your eyes, trying to take the device from her hands. A you're still fighting tooth and nail trying grab your phone back from her grip so you can delete that god-forsaken text, your phone pings mid-fight. Your eyes both widen in sync as she shields you from looking at the screen, reading it out loud. 
"Y/n? This doesn't seem like you. Are you DRUNK??? AHHAHA OMG HE'S WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" Your eyes roll the back of your head. 
You wished the world would swallow you whole. 
"Youn-mi stop it! I'll loose my job because of you!!" Another ping. 
This time, she turns the phone to you. You can't help but look down, as your eyes blow wide at the content.  You read back of what Youn-mi had sent prior. 
From: PJMin
Y/n, I'm serious. Do you have anybody that can take you home?
To: PJMin
You're more than welcome to 😉 
From: PJMin
I'm putting Ji-woo to bed. Where are you?
Youn-mi giggles like a 13 year old girl talking about her middle school crush. She balls her hands up while swaying back and forth, singing an off-tune song. "Y/n's gettin rich dick, Y/n is get-ting rich dickk" You hit her shoulder as she laughs. "Ow!" 
You never should've gone out with Youn-mi tonight. You practically had to call Jimin to explain that it was just your friend teasing you, and that he didn't need to waste time or gas for her stupid antics. 
You were more than just embrassed to show your face today. Once he knew that you weren't drunk off your ass, he texted asking if you were free the next day. His mom had planned to watch Ji-woo while he went out to sign somethings, but she had forgotten about her last minute dentist appointment. And on such short notice, you were the only one he could think of that would feel safe with watching his son. 
Trust me, he was just as nervous. 
Flashes from a few nights ago keep filling his mind. He never should've crossed that line for numberous of reasons. Yet, 
He somehow still can't get you out of his mind. 
"And this one is what color, Ji Ji?" Jimin coos as he sits with his son cross in his lap, holding out some blocks in front of them both. He bounces Ji-woo on his leg gently, as he flashes his father a 1,000-watt smile.
"Blue!" Jimin grins, rubbing the crown of his head, kissing his chubby cheek.
"My smart little man." As Jimin picks up the next colored block, the doorbell rings.
"Ooo, looks like someone's here~"  He lifts Ji-woo up, carrying them both to the front door. His eyes land on your own. However his gaze is set on an entirely different category of you. 
I.e the black tights that hugged your legs like he wished would suffocate him. A huge puffed scarf coiled around your neck like how he would wrap his own hands around your neck, taking your breath away. literally. 
The white button-up blouse you'd decided to pair with your color pencil skirt left his mind racing to the most lewd and unspeakable things. Yet, he keeps his calm demeanor. That's the thing about working in corperate. 
Number one rule: Never let them know how you're really feeling. 
"Y/n!" Ji-woo yells as he tries to reach out to latch onto you. Jimin watches as your bright and beautiful smile matches his son's, as you too reach out to hold him in your arms. Jimin internally melts at the simple gesture.
"Ji-woo! How's it been hanging, man??" You twirl Ji-woo around the little platform made for outdoor shoes, as Jimin just stands back watching the cute interaction.
"I missed you, bud! We're gonna have soooo much fun, isn't that right?" Ji-woo giggles at your tone as he rests his head on your chest. Once the fun's calmed down, Jimin watches as you finally take notice of him.
"Uhm.. Hi."
He flashes you a professional smile, which is actually breaking his heart to only do. If it was up to him, he'd have you against the navy blue and charcoal walls of his apartment already. 
"You're a bit early." He comments, watching as you slide your shoes off to the side before closing the door behind you.
"Yeah. Sorry about that. Darn traffic was terrific." You giggle, before walking over to set Ji-woo down in his booster chair. Jimin joins the two of you, watching as you begin making his breakfast without missing a beat. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to make Ji-woo like you more than me" He watches as your nose scrunches with your laugh.
"Whaat? Noo." It had all been fun and games until Jimin caught a glimpse of your cleavage when you had bent over, looking for a bowl to start breakfast with. The back of his throat goes dry at the sight. Ji-woo's smile burns a thousand suns while looking at his dad until he noticed something. 
"Appa, phone." the young boy points to his father's.. lower area, as Jimin quickly clears his throat.
"Ah okaaay. Ji-woo, why don't you go clean up the blocks in your room?" He frowns, pouting at the mundane chore he obviously didn't want to do right now. "But I wanna stay with Y/n-ma." You chuckle at the name.
"What's with the Ma?" Ji-woo flashes you a grin.
"I like the word ma. It's pretty like Y/nnie." Jimin watches as the simple compliment makes your cheeks go more red than a cherry tomato.
"Go clean buddy. You'll spend all day with her later." Ji-woo huffs before sliding out of his chair, walking to his room. You glance up to Jimin through thick eyelashes, silently giggling to yourself at Ji-woo's previous comment.
"Didn't know people keep their phones in the front pocket, nowadays. What is it, like a trend? The back's not good enough anymore?" You tease, as you crack as egg into the skillet. He chuckles rising from his seat as he reaches from behind you to grab something off the counter. You could feel the prominent outline of what Ji-woo had pointed out earlier, rearing itself barely into your ass. 
"Dunno, but.." He leans forward, the breath that falls from his lips brush against the shell of your ear.
"I prefer the back."
You quickly turn around, seeing as you're now trapped between his arms. both of his muscular and veiny limbs trap you in an embrace you're not sure you absolutely wanna leave. His head dips forward, as his gaze silently commands you to keep your eyes on him. 
"So.." He starts. His breath dancing along the outer lines of your lips before dissipating into thin air. 
"What was up with last night?" He questions, watching as your eyes flick back and forth, not sure what to focus on.
"My friend took my phone."
"No passcode?"
"Passcode. But she knew it."
"Then might wanna change it." 
"uhuh.." Your eyes peek down to travel the gentle dips of his abdomine that the tease of his hem-ed shirt had been allowing you. You hear the same cocky laugh as you had a few nights before. 
"Like what you see, baby?" 
You couldn't help but moan at the simple pet name. Everything had just been too overwhelming for your sense to keep up. 
And what happens when a fortress's walls get torn down?
Infiltration begins.
It felt as if you were a hot air balloon. Each of his words only fueling the fire that makes the object rise higher and higher until it feels as if the person is on cloud 9. 
His hands curve around your waist to pull you closer. Your bodies flush against one anothers as breth pattern begin to mix to form one beautiful, and dangerous taste. 
"Why don't I just take you on this counter right here baby. Bend you over and fill you up until your every breath," His finger slips into the tight elastic of your waistband, finding your immidiently. You gasp at the sudden movement. 
"Every word," His lips suck on the skin that sits right behind your ear, licking and tugging at the lobe while his fingers dance between your slick folds. 
"Every sound you make belongs to me." His hand comes up to cup over your mouth, as if he knew exactly when you were going to, and just in the nick of time. He coos, thumbing over the plump of your lip, dipping the tip past your lips before forcing his thumb down on the flat of your tongue. You moan, as his smirk widens.
"How 'bout I just stay home today, hmm? My mom can come by and pick him up." Your eyes flutter then flick wide open. You twist your body, as your sudden movements stop his own.
"What'd you just say?" He tilts his head at your question. A smile still presses his lips.
"You told me that your mom had a dentist appointment." 
He laughs it off, leaning back into your arms, trying to re-ingnite the once burning fire. Your hands are quick to pull them from inside your underwear, pushing him back a bit as he stumbles. 
"Y/n I-" 
Your eyes now burn with something other than the once intoxicating lust. 
"You lied to me." 
His eyes go wide. "No- No! I didn't I-" You walk forwards, backing him into the corner. 
"You said your mother had an appointment."
"She did but-"
"You said she couldn't watch Ji-woo, and that you had nobody else you trusted!" 
"Y/n please I-"
He glances down, seeing that he's trapped between you and the counter's edge. 
"Just calm down-" 
You scoff at the realization. "I'm outta here." You storm off to grab your bag as he follows quickly behind. "Y/n, wait!" You turn to face him, anger firing away.
"I ain't your teenage wet dream of fucking your babysitter, Jimin! I came here to watch kids and get paid. Not fuck their dads like some kind of whore!"
He reaches out, trying to calm your raging tone. 
"You're not a whore, Y/n and I've never thought of you as one! This is NOT how I planned this, alright? It just kinda- happened! and it's not like you didn't need the money" You groan at his sad attempts.
"Money?! I'm not some kinda charity case for you to guilt into sleeping with after you hand out a few -might I add- HARD EARNED dollars!" 
His hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you away from the door. His eyes burning with the same intense look as yours, just on different sides of the spectrum. He speaks again. This time, his tone is quiet and calm. Much like one he'd used for when being disappointed in his child. 
Only in this case, he's disappointed in himself. 
"I fucked this up, I really did. I never meant for you to feel like some sort of sex worker when all you've done is care for Ji-woo with the upmost love and affection." You can see tears welling up in the ducts of his eyes. A few already on their way out of slipping. 
"And I'm so thankful for that.. I'm the asshole and I only thought with my dick and there's no presentation in the world that can show how sorry I am for that.." You stop resisting so much, finally allowing the steam to settle off from your skin as he continues.
"My ex-wife really fucked me up and I know that's no excuse but- I just.. She had always been attacking me. Whether physically or mentally, with each day she took a piece of me with her and crushed it right before my eyes. So yes, I act like a dickhead because that's how I gaurd myself. So fucked up, right? Protect myself with sex and being a dickwad. But that first night when you cooked dinner for me.. it brought out a side I tried for months to hide. You.."
He leans in closer, as his once tightened grip on your wrist comes to take your hand loveingly in his. "You made me feel something I hadn't felt in such a long time.." He brings his hands up, kissing one knuckle on bot.
h of your hands.
"I just- wanted to show you how much your small gestures mean to me.." You scoff softly at his words, not fully believing it.
"I only cooked for you once. Are you that much of a simp?" He smiles, pressing his forehead to yours as his tone lowers.
"Maybe seeing you actually being nice to my child had something to do with all of it too.." Your eyes rolls back playfully.
"Yeah? How so?" A smirk tugs the corner of his lip, as his cheek brushes against the side of yours. His hushed whisper and hot breaths rolling down the shell of your ear sent chills up your spine. 
"Would it be wrong of me to admit that after you leave I have to go relieve myself in the bathroom because of the things you wear..?" Your bodies flush together, slowly backing up into the wall next to his front door entrance. Your steps in sync as his hips press into yours, leaving a small gasp to roll from your lips before his own swallow it whole.
"Relieve? Such a gentleman-y word. Can't just say jerk like every other man?" His smirk beams into your own. The tension in the room slowly transforming into lust.
"We both know," He leans to brush the skin of your ear before lightly pulling the flesh through his teeth.
"I'm not like every other man." 
Your lips barely brush his own as the alarm set on his watch starts blaring. His eyes bare into yours, before backing away, silently cursing at the slip of time.
"Shit.." He looks up, seeing as Ji-woo had crossed the lving room to sit at the table, patiently waiting his food. Your expression quickly changes from sultry to sweet.
"Well, have a good day at work," You turn back around, sending him a cheeky grin before winking.
"Mr. Park." 
6:00PM. What was the hold up? Jimin promised that he'd be back no later than 4. His mom actually had stopped by earlier and picked Ji-woo up for an afternoon picnic, so now you're just stuck at his apartment, cleaning up the mess you and Ji-woo had made that morning.
On your knees, you reach over to grab, throwing the stuffed animals and dinosaurs into the plastic bucket before starting on another one. You sigh, sitting up on your knees, taking a break from the back-throwing task. Your eyes finally can take a look around his apartment details. The beautiful art pieces sat flat against the tall, extending walls of the living area. The black sectional rimmed with golden tabs adorned the Teak finished flooring. Everything about this place screamed money.
Something your apartment could ever even dream of. 
You stand to your feet, making your way around to take a few good looks. 
The hallway had a similar design in colors and themes, with navy blue and charcoal gray walls standing around 10 feet tall, outlining the beautiful home. You look to the mahogany side table, noticing a few pictures placed carefully on top. 
Him holding what you could only assume was Ji-woo. His 1,000-watt smile beamed so brightly that you could feel the warmth just from a few colors and shapes on a piece of paper. 
The next had been trimmed with a thin gold outline; Him hold his 3-year old son upside down while standing on a beautiful, white-sanded beach, The sun setting perfectly behind the horizon, bidding their wonderful trip a goodnight for now. 
You could feel the tears starting to well in your eyes. 
Your parents could never really afford fancy trips like that. You only really ever got to leave the city when your dad had to make distant deliveries. He owned a small corner shop for small pastries and sweets. When mom had found out about the loans he'd hidden from her all those years, they had been around something like 200,000 dollars in debt. The only reason you know that guestimate? You heard your mother constantly ridicule and fight over it many nights when they thought you had been sleeping. Soon, she had enough and your parents divorced. She's now married to a guy named Dan and lives in Michigan somewhere. 
Your tears finally slip when you see the last framed picture. 
His wedding day. 
She had looked beautiful. 
She looked perfect. 
How could you compare? 
He looked 100 times happier looking at her than he did you..
You're so stupid.
This was all so stupid. 
His eyes creased, disapearing completely as he had dipped her low. Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly. 
They looked like the perfect couple. 
The perfect family. 
You look closer, seeing fancy jewerly adorning her neck and hands. In her hair, a golden clip-pin with flower petals and diamonds. Her wrist had a gorgeous golden small chained accessory that looked like it costed more than your entire apartment including the furniture. Her skin was like a doll's. Not an imperfection in sight. The smile they both shared had looked wider than anything you've ever shown. 
Your heart breaks at another picture posted up on the gray wall. 
He's bent down in the tall, green grass; kissing her rounded belly. Her white dress flows perfectly in the wind, while the flower crown had lost just enough petals to the strong breeze to look like a spring paradise. 
Suddenly, you felt digusting. The mirror hanging right infront of you made it even harder to look at yourself. Your pinned up greasy hair had fallen back slightly, making you look 50 years older. Your reddened and scarred face had too many bumps to count at this point. Your forehead look oily and some of your teeth were crooked. You force a smile, only to feel twice as worse. Your eyes switch back and forth between his ex-wife and your reflection. 
You felt angry. 
How were people born with perfect looks?? How do they automatically have perfect, straight white teeth and an updo fit for a majesty herself!
You let the anger take over, lifting the picture frame up before watching it smash into a million pieces on the hardwood floor. Your breath is ragged, as you fall to the floor. 
You couldn't stand looking at her smug face anymore. Her perfect teeth and smooth, silky hair. Her beautiful smile that could make any man fall to his knees. She could have anyone under her control just by a simple grin. 
And you hated that. 
Jimin watches as the clock strikes 7PM. 
He makes quick haste in packing up his things before walking out of the office. 
The familiar chime of the front door sounds as he clicks it shut, sliding off the uncomfortableness of his loafers. He sets the briefcase on his side bench, walking in to see his living room spotless. He walks around, trying to find any sign that you had still been here. He stops as a small glass shard pierces the sole of his foot. He groans lifting his foot to remove the shard. "What the.." His seeing your body plopped on the floor with about a million similar shards surrounding your sulking figure. He reach down, lifting the broken picture to see what had gotten you so upset. 
His wedding pictures. 
"I'm sorry.." He hears you soft cries, immidiently putting the frame down to level himself with you. "Not a big fan of weddings, I assume?" He teases, trying to see your adorable smile which he loved so much.
To his disappointment, you only had just repeated 'sorry' about a million times. 
"I'll clean it up.." You reach for the shards before he grabs your wrists, in making sure you don't injure yourself. 
"What happened, Y/n?" He asks, tilting his head down to try to catch your attention. His thumb and index reach out to lift your chin, gently making your soaked and red eyes to meet his. "What happened, sweetheart?" 
"I broke something.." You act like a child getting scolded by her parents. Your speech being heavily impaired by all of your sudden emotions. You weren't one to cry or breakdown like this. Hell, when you lost your job about a month ago, you barely shed a tear. You just pushed through and buried your feelings. 
'I'll deal with it later' was your mantra. 
He chuckles, giving you a soft, caring look. "I see that." 
"So why'd you break it?" You sniff, trying to calm your staggered breaths. "B-Because.." The inside of his palm comes to caress the heated red flush of your cheek, thumbing over the space under your eyes to dry. "Why can't you just work it out with her..?" He's taken back by the sudden request. He chuckles, thinking it's some kind of slight joke but when he sees the burning tears soaking your cheeks, he knows you mean business. 
"Some people aren't supposed to be together, Y/n.." You scoff at his counter. 
"Divorce fucks people up, Jimin.."
He sighs, taking a seat in front of you, crossing his legs.
"I know."
You finally glance at him on your own terms.
"You don't fucking know. Have you even considered how Ji-woo feels about it!? He's gonna blame himself! Wonder if he's the reason his parents broke up. And in his teenage years, he's going to be so fucked up from going back and forth from place to place he's going to consider if it's really worth living in this shit hole!!"
You watch his eyes widen at your words.
You quickly rise to your feet, sniffing before placing the broken picture back on his side table. You dry the last bit of tears with the sleeve of your fuzzy over-sweater. "I've gotta go." He stands, blocking your way.
"Y/n, she's an unstable narcissistic person who needed serious help. Ji-woo is better off not having any contact with her."
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from having another episode.
"How would you know? I saw your family. Perfect parents who own a huge, successful business with millions of dollars income. While some of us had work our asses off, scrape what we can off the bottom of other's shoes just to be able to fucking EAT." He folds his arms across his chest.
"Is this about my marriage or my job?" 
"ALL of IT! ALL OF YOU! You're rich and sucessful. Someone like you spit on people like me!" His eyes pierce yours with a harsh intensity.
"Make up your mind, Y/n. Wanna bitch about my job, my family's wealth, or my fucked up marriage? Really, Y/N. Take. Your. Fucking. Pick." Your breath hitches at his tone.  He scoffs at your silence.
"Oh now you wanna shut up? Come on, Y/n. You picked this battle, now you've gotta fight for stance. Don't got anything to say now, huh? You're such a fucking brat, you know?" He watches as your tiny adam's apple bobs up and down. The back of your throat dries from the tension. 
"Don't just stand there, Y/n. Wanna complain about how I was born into such a perfect, wealthy family? Oh, or do you wanna bitch on how you just hate how rich I am because I too worked my ass off to get where I am! Just because I didn't grow up with your kind of situation, doesn't mean I didn't have my own shit to deal with."
Your teeth grind against each other at his bitter words. You'd never seen this side of him before. Not even when talking about his so called bitch-of-a-wife. 
"You don't know SHIT." You curse, pushing him with all your might, that only barely makes him move. "You gonna keep being a brat or am I gunna have to fuck this attitude out of you?" Your body freezes. He smirks, stalking your figure, now having you backed into some doorway.
"Such a loud mouth for a tiny girl. Who gave you permission to curse like this, sweetie? I know I sure didn't." Your silence only fuels his ego.
"What? Can't handle a little fight back, baby? Think I'll just get on my knees and do as you say? like all those little pussies of men you've fucked before? You might think you're the shit, darling,"
The back of your legs touch a soft material. His breath rolls across your cheek, sliding to touch your outer ear.
"But we all know you just want a real man to fuck you like his little princess."
You moan out, as his arms come to snake around your waist, gripping you tight.
"Was this in your plan all along? Getting me all worked up then seducing me with your cute little subby face?" A deep chuckle echoes through the room. Lust prowls the atmosphere like a rabid animal. 
"Thinking that I'll just fall head over heels for your cute face, and you'll get what you want?"
You shake your head, not even realizing that it's what you wanted all along. He chuckles at your compliance. 
"See? Told you."
He leans forward, whispering along the shell of your ear.
"All big and strong until someone actually puts you in your place."
His harsh words elicit a pitchy whine from the back of your throat. You reach up, trying to tug at the material of his button up. He smirks, removing your hands from his clothing.
"Nu-uh. You wanna act like a brat? You get punished like one."
He sits on the egde of his bed, manspreading his thighs for your viewing glory. His eyes narrow at yours, silently commanding you.
"Down." You start to lower yourself to the floor before he stops you, tsking.
"On my lap." You swing your leg over his lap before he stops you once more.
"Jesus, baby. Should've known you weren't one to listen." He pulls your body down, bending you over his knee as his hand palms the flesh of your clothed ass. He chuckles, lifting your skirt up to reveal your thin, high waisted pantyhose.
"What's your safe word, love?" You moan at his question. 
Who knew consent was so hot??? (Hell yes it is children)
"mmm, what was your ex-wife's name again?" You tease.
He growls at the mention, giving your ass a good slap before countering.
"Smart off to me again and I'll make this ass redder than Rudolph's nose. Now,"
He runs the flat of his palms smoothly across your clothed skin before sliding the hem of your pantyhose down.
"What's your safe word, again?" You lift your head slightly to look at him, flashing a cheeky grin.
"Red, sir." He lightly applies a smack to your ass.
"Good girl." 
His eyes beat down onto the exposed flesh of your ass. The plump and softness of the skin is slightly reddened from the first spanking. Before you're about to smart off again, he continues.
"How should we do this, hmm? Maybe match your spankings to how many times you rolled your eyes at me?" You squeal at the sudden impact being harshly applied to your cheeks. He immediately soothes the sensitive skin afterwards, rubbing the round of his palm onto the reddened flesh.
"Or how many pieces you broke my wedding frame into?" You moan out, shaking your head, refusing either one of those options. He chuckles, not giving you an ultimatum.
"No? But you were so confident earlier though."
He leans down, tilting your chin to turn to meet his narrowed gaze.
"Now are you going to behave or am I going to have to paint your beautiful ass every shade of red?" You shake your head, not wanting anymore. You had some experience with spanking and shit but-
Holy fuck did his hands hurt..
"I'm gonna need more than a few tears, love." You whine, feeling the slick between your folds duplicate in dampness. 
"No, I'll be good- I swear!" You moan out, feeling the sweet relief of his palms rubbing over your reddened cheeks. He smirks, grabbing a fistful of the plump flesh before giving it a little jiggle. 
"That's more like it." He stands, pushing you back against the bed. His index comes up to tilt your head, forcing your eyes to meet his. "You just wanna please daddy, don't you?" Your pussy clenches at the given-name. Though you hadn't really likes it in the pornos you'd seen before, you quite liked the taste when it came from his mouth. 
"Say it." He commands, as you rise to your hands and knees. 
"I want your cum to fill me up so good" He quirks an eyebrow. 
"Who's cum?" You moan at his tone. His voice alone could make any women cum in just a matter of seconds but when it was paired with that, 
"Daddy's." He nods, bringing your hands to unbuckle the clasp of his belt. Your hands make quick work of the material, watching as it falls to the floor, circling his ankles. 
"And who's your daddy?" You giggle at the word. It felt so wrong on your tongue but on his..
"You, daddy." That makes his heart swell. His hands wrap the leather belt around his wrists. A dark expression swirls behind his usual chocolatey irises.
"Lay back for daddy." You obey, watching as he leans over, wrapping the leather belt around your wrists, pinning you to the headboard. He leans back on the balls of his knees, admiring your beautiful figure. 
"Mmm, this won't do." His fingers trail up the inner of your thighs before ripping a huge hole into the black tights. You gasp, watching as he slips your mini-skirt from your hips, throwing it somewhere across the room. 
"Can't believe you wore this here.." He scoffs, palms rubbing up the inner parts of your thighs before setting on your clad light pink panties. 
"So fucking cute." He groans, running his digits through the thin material, watching as the light pink fabric turns a light gray. 
"How fucking dirty of you, baby. Soiling your panties? Why? Because you were thinking of daddy fucking your tight little pussy?" You moan, nodding quickly at his words. A chuckle rolls past his lips. 
"I bindded you, not gagged you. Use your big girl words, baby." You whine, feeling the pads of his digits making straight lines connecting from your clit down to your soaking core.
"Yes! I dreamed of daddy's cock every night! Wanting it in me so bad, daddy..!" He raises an eyebrow, not truly believing your words.
"Mmmm, so you didn't even touch yourself? You stayed pure for me? Because if you touched yourself, I'm gonna have to punish you for that, darling." His fingers tilt your chin to meet his eyes.
"Tell me the truth, baby. Did you touch your pretty pussy? Make it all wet like how I'm doing right now? Did you ruin yourself without me?"
You shake your head, legs twitching from the lack of his touch. "No! I stayed pure for daddy." The tip of your toe teases his clad underwear, running the sole of your foot along the outline of his hardened dick. He retorts, moving away from your touch.
"Not into feet babe." He comments, as your face turns a beet red.
"Me neither.." You both laugh at the silly fail. He sighs, palm running over the rounds of your knees, watching the way your breasts bounce slightly when he rocks your body.
"What are you doing?" You look down, seeing his narrowed eyes staring at your erect buds.
"Your body is like fucking Picasso, sweetheart."
You laugh at his comment, watching as his lips come to hover over the exposed bud.
"I hope it's not like fucking Picasso.." He rolls his eyes at your stupid joke.
"Don't ruin this, Y/n." You smile, watching as he takes the bud between his lips, while his other free hand comes up to toy with the bouncy flesh of your over breast. Your head falls back against his silk pillows, back arching from the way his tongues swirls your nipple.
He releases with a pop, licking the pads of his lips before speaking.
"Can't fucking wait for these to be filled up with milk.." Your eyes widen at his words. "W-what?"
His eyes glance up to meet yours. A softer expression paints his face.
"For our babies. God, to see you so big and pregnant for me- carrying my child- fuck." You giggle at his antics, wrapping your exposed thighs around his hips, grinding against his clothed angry cock.
"You already have a kid, baby." You reply, kissing the side of his neck, as he traces patterns into the skin of your under bust.
"mmmm, I'm just horny.." He chuckles, licking a stripe up along the erects of your nipple. You moan at the sensation, as he smirks, chuckling.
"My baby likes it when I suck her pretty tits?" He teases it back and forth between the space of his top and bottom front teeth, watching your every expression with focus. The way your face contorted a certain way with each direction, tug, and lick.
"Jesus, baby. You're so sensitive. Like a virgin." He chuckles, as you stay silent.
He rises, giving you a questioning look. "Baby are you.."
You gently nod, flashing a small smile.
"My major never really let me date any guys so I-"
"You're a virgin?"
You're starting to think telling him was a mistake.
"Yeah but I like thi-"
"How the hell am I so lucky."
His words stop you mid-sentence.
He crawls up the plains of your curved body, hands trailing up to caress your cheek.
"I'm. So. Fucking. Lucky."
He whispers, while trailing his butterfly kisses all the way down to your navel. He glances up through his thick eyelashes.
"Anything else I should know?" You think for a second, before responding.
"I once tried using a bubble wand as a dildo."
He bursts out at this. Sitting up, his eyes cresant from his fit of giggles.
"Are you being serious?" He questions, wiping a tear from his eyes before laying back down, taking one of your breasts in hand to play with it.
"What's so funny?" You chuckle, not being able to help joining in with him.
"It was just- so random." He leans up, gently pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, before giving you an eskemo kiss as well.
"That was adorable. You're adorable." He reaches up to untie your hands, making your pout a bit.
"But I liked those.." He smiles, pecking a small kiss to your cheek.
"We'll get into that later. For now, let's just focus on teaching you-" You cut him off.
"Please don't tell me you're about to teach me how to have sex." He chuckles, nodding.
"This is like the best thing a man can do." You smile, pecking his lips, pulling his chubby cheeks in along with the kiss.
You can feel his smile beam against the passionate kiss, as he pulls away. "Your kisses are so soft, baby.." You pout, folding your arms.
"No no! It's a cute thing. So many people just go in and basically bite each other's tongues off - That was an exaggeration, sweetheart. I'm suing you if you try to bite my tongue off." You giggle, nodding while leaning back against his bedframe.
"Your kisses are so soft. Just saying" He takes his chi n in his hand, pulling you to seer your lips together once more. It had quickly escalated when he added tongue. You always thought the idea was a little gross but actually feeling it..
Holy shitballs.
He feels you moan against the kiss, as his hands comes down to toy with the cup of your breast. His other hand trails down to slip into the elastic of your panties.
"Ah-" You moan out, feeling the tip of his finger run along the entrance of your sopping core. He smirks, pressing kisses to the side of your cheek, all the way down to your collarbone.
"Does it feel good?" He asks, lips still attacking your neck. You moan, feeling the tip of his middle finger poke at your entrance.
"U-huh.. Feels weirder when someone else does- Fuck!" You feel the tightness of his whole finger stretching you out. Your velvet walls slicking his extended digit, while his kisses distract your from what pain he fears you might experience.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay?" You nod, hips meeting to grind up into the palm of his hand. He chuckles while adding another finger. You grip onto his shoulders, nails gently cratering soft creasant moons into his shoulder blades.
"Shit baby... You're so fucking tight.." You whine, wanting to feel more.
"Mmmm, good." He smirks, tugging at the loose skin of your ear.
"Mmmm, feels good?"
"u-huh! Oh fuck-" He adds his third finger as your body completely just melts at the sensation. Your hips now moving to straddle his lap while he just sits back chuckling.
"What's so funny?" You ask, grinding down onto his palm.
"You're so eager, that's what's funny. You're acting like a teenage boy, babe." You roll your eyes, reaching down between the space of you, wrapping your hand around the length of his cock. He quickly shuts up, taking a sharp breath as your hand just sits around his cock.
"I was trying to go slow, Y/n." You playfully scoff, leaning down to spit on his hardened cock, as you move your hand up and down his length. You watch as his exposed stomach now tenses up at your motions, admiring the way his hairline had a beautiful little glisten on it from sweat.
"If I wanted slow, I would've told you." He chuckles, moving a strand of hair from your face while thrusting his three lodged digits up until your sopping core. Your hand making quick work on his cock makes this virginity-loss session more like two teens scared to fuck so they just jack each other off.
"Then what do you want?' You questions, groaning at the feeling of your hand around his cock. Your fingertip dances gently around his angry tip, watching as the precum spills from his slit.
"I want you to fuck me." He moan as your hand had done a certain motion, practically making him Jell-O in your hands. s
"But vi-virgi-" You cup your hand over his mouth, shushing him while repeating the same motion that made him react that way in the first place.
"Fine, don't fuck me. But don't call it 'love making' either. I've heard that one too many times from my parents, I don't need to hear it while we have sex." He nods, as he flips the two of you over. His body towering your own, watching the way your eyelashes flutter a bit in the cool apartment AC air.
He looks over toward you as he's reaching inside his black and gold rimmed nightstand, pulling a tiny square packet from it's hiding spot. You laugh slightly, as he settles back in between your thighs.
"Wouldn't Ji-woo find that?" You question as he rolls the tiny latex rubber over and down his cock.
"Of course not." He reaches back over, flashing a black key that had been placed in a specific spot under the nightstand.
"It's locked." He smiles, reaching down to line himself up with your entrance. You take in a sharp breath as the tip pokes your sopping core.
He glances up, pressing soft kisses all around your face before leaning up. "You might bleed a little.. And it'll be painful for sometime, but after that it gets better." You nod, watching as the gray swirls in his eyes let you know that he's just as nervous as you are. Your hand comes to rest upon his cheek, which seemed to calm both of your nerves.
"I'm ready."
He nods, clasping his hand in your while slowly sliding the tip in.
Not so bad.
You smile, feeling the pain starting to form.
Okay it's a little un-
"Fuck!" You moan out, imminently clasping your legs together, trying to stop him. Thankfully he stops checking to see if you're okay.
"I-.. Just hurt.." He nods, flashing you a small smile before kissing the tip of your nose.
"You're doing so well, baby. Being so good for daddy." You moan at the words, barely being able to feel the way he'd slowly inched his way in, until you felt the way his tip kissed your cervix.
"How do you feel?" He glances up, checking your expression to see if it's anything discomforting.
"It.. so full.." He chuckles at your lack of a structured sentence.
"That good, huh?" You nod, not even caring what he's teasing you about this time. Your hips grind up into his, feeling the way the ribbed condom slid against your ways.
"Oh.. my- fuuuck" His moans soon join yours as the speed of his thrusts pick up in momentum. His arms had braced themselves on each side of your body. A beautiful missionary pose if you do say so yourself.
"Oh shit baby- So fucking tight for me. fuuuckk" He groans, lifting your legs to wrap tightly around his waist, while your arms had snaked their way his veiny neck. Your head falls back, mouth gaped a O-shape.
"Oh- Ji- oh my god-" His grunts leave a pool of slick running down your thighs, which made this moment all the much hotter. Any pain that you had experienced had been long replaced with an ecstacy you wish you could feel all the time.
Your nails dig into the skin of his back, once innocent and cute creseant moon shapes now turned cherry red, with a few having drawn blood.
"Oh my god!" You hands come to stable by your hips, while leaning into your already fucked up position, thrusts hitting -somehow- even deeper before.
"Oh fu- daddy!" Your screams and skin slapping made fifty-shades of gray look like a disney movie. Along with Jimin's dirty but sweet talk, you had felt like you were on cloud nine.
"Oh fucking- shiiiittt baby. Gonna fill you up so nice. Fuuuck baby, look at your pussy taking me so well."
You moan, trying to switch positions. He pauses. "Something wrong?"
You nod. "I wanna be ontop." His eyes widen. "But- isn't that too kinky for right now?"
You pout. "Jimin so help me if you keep condemning me on how I can and can't fuck, I will leave here right now and you will have the WORSE case of blue balls in your life. " He immdiently flips around to that, laying on his back. You one leg over, straddling him lap. You reach down, guiding his cock around until your find your entrance.
"Oh- fuck that's not!- oh.." He groans, feeling an even tighter sensation from your back.
"Oh shit.." You laugh, taking it out before trying to line it up with your entrance. His wrist catches you.
"Baby if you want the worse UTI possible, I'd say go for it but let's just-" he reaches down, pulling the condom off. As he's reaching into his bedside table, you slam down onto his lap, cock being engulfed by your soaked pussy. He groans out, hands immediately coming to steady your hips.
"Jesus fu- baby you're gonna kill me.."
You smirk, guiding your hips along the trails of his cock, bouncing repeatedly. Going from fast paced to a slow, rhythmic pattern. His hands comes up to cup the rounds of your breasts, nipples being tugged at by his thumbs and index fingers. You glance down, chuckling at his position.
"You've got a breast kink.."
He smirk. "No, I've got a 'I wanna fuck a baby in you, please be the mother of my child' kink." That both sends you into a fit of tiny laughters, but the soon get replaced by moans and whimpers.
Mostly from your side.
"Baby I'm really gonna- no no no no shit- Baby I'm gonna cum!" You moan, hands reaching down to draw tiny circles into his hip bones and v-line as your thighs and pussy clench around his cock.
"Mmmm, can't tease me with a baby and break your promise, daddy." He groans, fighting with everything he's got as to not blow his load into your sweet pussy right now.
"Baby please- We can talk about that lat- fuck it!"
He flips you around in a matter of seconds. Your roots tightly coiled in his palm, while the other has reached forwards to grp one of your nipples.
"You want a baby so fucking badly? We're doing this my way." He leans down, thrusting his hips upwards into your pussy, watching as your sopping core engulfs his dick. He chuckles.
"My sperm, my choice of position." Your roll your eyes as his tugs on the roots of your hair, pulling you back to face him.
"Keep rolling your eyes and next time Imma shove that butt plug up your smart ass." You smirk, wiggling your hips as his thrusts start to become sloppy.
"You love my smart ass, daddy." He grunts, feeling the way his balls push up against your folds, slicking them even more.
"Fuck yeah I do. But," He tweaks your nipple in one hand, as you mewl out. "I love your fucking titties better."
You groan, burying your face into his satin pillows.
"Fuc-Fuck I'm coming!" He reaches forward, taking a hold on your clit likes it's dear life. The harsh circular motions send you into a fit of moans.
Psh, as if you weren't already in that.
"F-fuck- coming!" He moans out as you feel the hot rush of warm liquid shoot through your pussy. After a few moments he pulls out, admiring the Da Vinci like work he's done to both your ass and cunt.
He flips you over, making you lay upside down as your legs rest against the wall.
"What's this for?"
He smirks. "You said you wanted a baby, "
His lips capture yours in a spiderman like kiss.
"I'm gonna give you a baby."
He sits up, smiling like a little kid.
""Also I'm gonna call your pussy pac-man. Or.. pac-woman?" He laughs while cleaning up the sheets.
"Pac-pussy! Has a nice ring to it, don't chya think?"
______________________________________________________________ You know that I was thinking that this fic isn't long enough so I'm like- Lemme check the word count.
omg I need sleep-
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
ooou for the advent calendar could you do nat x reader where natasha is actually the one who loves christmas and doing all that cute stuff and is super excited to spend her first christmas together with reader and it’s cute and domestic 🫶🏼
☃️ Christmas Widow ☃️
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: The famous, tough Black Widow shows her softest side during the holidays. 
Fluff | 0.6K | No Warnings | 
Translations: moya dorogaya (sweet darling), medovyy (honey),
AC: I watched Avengers and AOU today, Nat is actually so soft! I hope you enjoy this!
Day 13 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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"Moya dorogaya, wake up" Natasha voice broke your sleep as your eyes flickered open, "mmhmm" you mumbled before turning on your side and pulling the covers more over your body. "It's December" Natasha added. December, a time of year that you thought was overrated. The music, the decorations, the eggnog, snow, the gingerbread houses, everything that had to do with Christmas made you cringe but what you weren't aware of was Natasha's love for Christmas. 
Sharing a room with her at the compound was almost like the step before finding an apartment to rent together. It's only been roughly 6 months since the two of you took this step of sharing a room, having been together for a little over a year but not yet been able to spend Christmas together until now. 
"Nat, I'm tired" you mumbled once again, grabbing the side of your pillow to cover your ears. Only coming back from a mission yesterday afternoon, your body was tired, your mind was tired, you simply just wanted rest. "I know, medovyy but we have the day off and I made plans" Nat pulled the covers off you, exposing you to the coldness of the first of December. Rolling back on to your back, you were able to look at Natasha with your tired eyes before they were drawn to the leaf she was holding above you. 
"Tis the season!" she smiled before placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
"Don't tell me that's a mistletoe" you cocked a brow, "Did I forget to tell you I love Christmas?" she replied, to your surprise, yes she did. "That you did, you can't be serious, I thought you would hate Christmas" you slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Natasha placed the mistletoe beside her and smiled once more, "nope! I love it and today we're going tree shopping so up you get! I'll wait for you downstairs with coffee" she explained before kissing you once more. 
Watching Natasha look at the different types of trees all while asking for your opinion left you confused on why she even liked the holiday, everything about her told you it would be something she would rather ignore, like you do. "Which tree are you thinking?" she turned to you, "it's for the whole compound, not just our room" she added. You shrugged, "whatever one makes you happy" you smiled. 
As December went on, your shock about Nat loving Christmas surprised you every day. She woke you every morning with mistletoe and coffee before finding something Christmas related to do throughout the day even dragging you to the mall to get your photo taken with 'Santa'. At that point you started to think that maybe it was all a joke and Nat was really just making a joke out of all of this but that thought was quickly shut down when Natasha and you were snuggled up in bed watching one of the many Christmas movies she convinced you to watch. 
"I love that we finally get to spend Christmas together" you heard her say softly as you twirled with her red locks around your finger, "I've never had a chance to spend the holiday with anybody, well not the real thing" she added, "spending it with you has been so special"
Hearing her words made your heart sink, knowing her past and what she experienced in Red Room, her childhood being ripped away suddenly made sense why she loved Christmas so much and you couldn't help but start to feel guilty for not letting yourself enjoy the holiday as much as she had been. "Me too, Natty" you smiled softly before placing a kiss on the top of her head. 
"I'm feeling like a hot chocolate, do you want one?" you asked, Nat looked up at you and smiled softly, "can we make them together?" She asked. Who would you be to deny the famous Black Widow a moment to make hot chocolates together? With a nod and soft kiss, the two of you made your way downstairs to the compounds kitchen.
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