#(I already have more than enough posts on my blogs to explain why I support this ship)
reading-comp-posting · 2 months
Have you ever considered using AI tools to assist with writing your responses?
Well no, because I'm doing this blog for fun. I'm enjoying writing out reading comprehension questions for posts, so why would I automate that away?
But let's say that I saw myself as some sort of arbitor of reading comprehension who needs to post as much as possible to enlighten the lowly tumblr masses. Let's say that I'm interested in upping my output of questions by any means necessary.
I opened up chatgpt and input a certain request, which would hopefully make it write questions about the last post I responded to:
Write reading comprehension questions about a Tumblr post, written by a user named "echoeyee," that reads as folows: "my take on shipping aromantic characters is that if you're aro you get to do whatever you want and if you're not you have to write me a three page essay 12 pt font times new roman double spaced explaining in detail why you believe entering a romantic relationship would be an interesting and worthwhile storyline for the character and how you believe their aromanticism would affect the way they experience said relationship"
And it certainly did write a lot of questions about it. Let's go through them, one by one.
1. What is the primary stance expressed by the Tumblr user "echoeyee" regarding shipping aromantic characters?
This one is good. If you look at the set I wrote, my first one is basically the same, just with different words and a less formal tone.
2. According to the post, what conditions must non-aromantic individuals fulfill if they wish to advocate for romantic storylines involving aromantic characters?
Again, this one is good. It's basically my 3rd question but, yet again, more formal.
3. Describe the format and specifications outined for the essay mentioned in the post.
This is the part where the questions get bad. The exact details of the essay are irrelevant, other than the fact that they imply a formal, academic setting.
4. In your own words, explain the user's perspective on the autonomy of aromantic individuals in contrast to non-aromantic individuals when it comes to shipping characters.
This question seems to genuinely be a product of chatgpt pissing on the poor. The purpose of the post (and specifically the essay within) is to ask people who ship aromantic characters without being aromantic themself to consider said character's aromanticism instead of erasing it.
Meanwhile, chatgpt seems to think that the OP thinks that people who aren't aromantic should be forced by law or something to write an essay if they want to ship an aromantic character.
5. How does the Tumblr post reflect the user's views on representation and storytelling in relation to aromantic characters?
I think that this one is a bit too speculative, but it does actually relate to the OP's intended takeaway.
6. Discuss the potential implications of the requirements set forth in the post for writers and creators in the realm of fiction and fanworks.
This one is just a bit confusing. Chatgpt seems to be going off the assumption that OP is issuing a decree as the emperor of the world.
7. Reflect on whether you agree or disagree with the sentiments expressed in the post and provide reasons to support your viewpoint.
This could have been a "discuss with a mutual" question, and I actually did initially write a question like this one, but I ended up removing it.
Aromantiscism is already controversial enough and I fear that a discussion of whether OP's take on shipping aromantic characters is valid could quickly devolve into discussion on whether aromanticism itself is valid.
8. How might the user's approach impact discussions and representations of aromanticism in media and popular culture?
Yet again, chatgpt is taking the essay thing way too literally. Yes, forcing every single writer who isn't aromantic but wants to ship an aromantic character to write an essay about it would most likely lead to a decrease in people erasing their identities, but the essay isn't the point.
9. Consider the broader societal and cultural context in which this post is situated. How might prevailing attitudes towards romantic relationships influence reactions to the user's perspective?
Obviously historical context is important to keep in mind when you're reading/listening to/watching/whatever a text, but this question has almost nothing to do with reading comprehension. You need to understand the post to imagine how people would react, sure, but understanding how people would react to the post doesn't help you understand this post very much.
10. What insights can be gleaned from this post regarding the importance of diverse and inclusive storytelling in media and creative works?
This could be a discuss with a mutual question. The issue is that it's a bit to broad of a topic.
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waywardmillennial · 15 days
watchergate & where we go from here...
To start at the end, I purchased my annual Watcher TV subscription on April 20th because I wanted to support them when it felt like so many others were not. I'm cancelling another subscription to make this work with my budget, and I'm very happy with this!
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Watcher has always made high quality, entertaining content that I love, and I'm happy to support them as they try to grow like they've always wanted to so they can bring on more creators and give us more diverse art.
So, moving forward, I'm going to be posting about Watcher TV when it comes out - spoiler parties with the sexy moots! - and I'll be blocking any and all haters I see. 💜💜💜
(read more bc ofc this got long)
To walk this back and give a little history/context, *ahem* [sotto Byron voice]
April 12, 2024: Watcher announced they had a surprise coming for us in a week's time. The news came in the form of a very spirited ad-read in the Mystery Files s2 finale. And afterwards there were a few blogs posting about it, but I commented to a friend that my dash had been devoid of Watcher posts (oh, how that sweet summer child would grow to long for a day such as that).
There were some corkboard theories, and I broke down the new logo design, but nothing big happened until the following Thursday.
April 18, 2024: I saw the leak for the announcement. It was on reddit and a sock tumblr blog was made sending the link out to people. I didn't post it or share it because it wasn't my news to share. I wanted to wait to see how they were going to explain it.
Maybe I should have said at the time (but it's fine if you don't believe me now I guess) but I was hoping Watcher TV would become like their enhanced Patreon replacement, where the new shows like "Puppet History Karaoke" and "Road Files" would be exclusive, and some other perks like early access. [note: if Apollo is laughing at him right now, I'd kindly request he stuff that red ball somewhere Helios doesn't shine]
I imagined some people would be mad at the streaming news but it didn't prepare me for how bad it would get...
April 19, 2024: Most of us know what happened. The announcement was not well received. Watcher's silence right after wasn't helping, but I don't think many people were willing to give them any grace for their pre-planned trip to the UK and instead demanded answers immediately.
Do I think maybe their announcement could have been timed better? Or maybe given a different tone? Perhaps. But either way what they were trying to communicate was not what people chose to hear, and the response from many viewers was, to choose a very formal phrase here, absolute bonker banana balls insane.
The main anti-streamer "arguments" I saw basically boiled down into these categories:
"high production tv quality content is what they want to make, but we don't want that - we only want them to sit in a blank room and talk to each other with blue and yellow text like the bfu days!!"
"Steven's the one behind all this bc he's rich and greedy and only eats gold"
"they already make enough money off their patreon why are they doing this?? they should have consulted [insert other yt-er here]"
"they've become the capitalist elite that we swore to destroy! so we have to tear them down from their thrones!!"
Even now, feeling better than I have in days, I don't have the energy to say why each of those takes completely misses the point of who they are as a company, as creators, and as human beings. But there are some eloquent posts in my #watchergate tag, or my other post, if you're interested.
April 22, 2024: We got the Watcher update - giving people access to all videos after a month on the new streamer - and that seemed to placate a lot of viewers and those on the fence. But it was also the day I learned about that horrible petition against Steven, and I'd been following all this drama for several days (foregoing some self-care) and so I had a little meltdown...
Even though the new setup is closer to what I'd hoped for like 10 days ago, I hate how we arrived at it. It's shown people that they can bully creators to get them to compromise on their company. In fact, I've seen accounts celebrating this.
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Opinions like this have given me trust issues when it comes to the Watcher fandom at large now. As many of my beloved mutuals have said, I'm going to be wary of accounts that follow me and be applying that blocking feature liberally.
I can also only imagine how things like this must have broken some of the trust that the Watcher crew feels for us - fightingfuries really said it best. If they do start distancing themselves on socials and things, I wouldn't really blame them.
I don't have more to say, other than I'm going to support them as much as I can, for as long as they continue to make content. I'm going to send the team a care package. And I hope in time we'll earn back their trust.
Now I'll let Ryan Bergara play me out...
As for the question of why we decided to launch our own platform, when we started Watcher in 2020, we wanted to create shows that we were proud of, that we had ownership over, and that would provide you the caliber of content that we felt you deserved. However, we were finding it harder and harder to stay relevant to advertisers and the constantly changing YouTube landscape. We faced some incredibly challenging decisions. We didn't want to compromise our content to ensure they met advertising requirements. And we definitely did not want to lay people off that have brought Watcher to life behind the scenes. And we didn't want to bring Watcher to a close, which would have happened if we stayed solely on YouTube. - An Update, April 22, 2024
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
do you cherry pick your questions? 🫤
I wouldn't call it 'cherry picking', but I can see how it could feel disheartening to not get an answer from me, so let me explain some things.
Sometimes I don't have the inspiration for a drabble, so I leave it for later. Or it is a request that is generally either 'empty' (Aka 'Pls write more tentacle', or it is a full on new fic request with fully fleshed out plot and every scene and character described. Both of these make me struggle, because the 'empty' asks give me no spark of inspiration to go from, and the 'overfilled' one is basically a full fic request, which I do not do for free, and neither are my requests open at the moment.
Some other times, a question is asking for my personal opinion on potentially very dangerous topics (Such as giving my opinion on recent songs released, rumors about the members, political things, you get the point) that I just don't feel comfortable talking publicly about. I've been cancelled enough many times. I don't really wanna do that anymore.
Some asks are simply just commentary about my works/something I've done where I can't add anything to it. It's the kind of comment you could've always also just left underneath my works for me to read as well..
Or, it's repetitive questions such as, Where's your main masterlist, why is your patreon so expensive, can I be tagged in fic X, is there a taglist, where's the update for fic X, did you discontinue fic X. If I was to answer every single ask I get, trust me, my blog would be a bigger mess than it already is.
Asks about when an update is coming aren't being answered for the reasons of there. are. so. many. I can literally update a story, and six hours later people will ask if I discontinued it or when I'll update it. I don't have a schedule, I don't have anything planned out right away, I write when I feel like it. If I post a new chapter to a fic, it has 99% of the time been written in the last few hours prior to posting it.
If I don't answer your ask, it's not because I don't like you, or because I want you to feel bad, or because I'm ungrateful for your interest or support. There's a reason for it. Please understand.
I'm sorry I might've been coming of as entitled or anything similar. It wasn't my intention. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad.
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tjmystic · 4 months
Before I say anything else, let me be clear that I support trans, nonbinary, and otherwise queer people. I support and want to validate the ways that they choose to present themselves and the things they need to make themselves feel like humans instead of weird dolls that someone slapped a gender onto arbitrarily. This is not a TERF post, I'm not interested in anything TERFs have to say.
Now, with that out of the way, I'm going to do a "woe is me, poor little privileged person" thing, and I'm well aware that it's going to sound dumb, but this blog is basically a virtual diary at this point, and, if you followed me, you signed up to sneak into my room with little flashlights and creep through the pages.
It is SO difficult to hold so-called "normal" or mainstream identities when, in large part, you don't want to have a community with any of the people who also hold such identities. And not just because of them. It's also because of people who are deemed transversive or abnormal. I recognize that this is a purely online problem and that most people who don't match the norm have to hide themselves away in fear lest they be attacked, but I'm not really interested in meeting or doing things with anyone in person, so virtual interaction is what I do. And because I reject everything fascist, white supremacist, evangelical, and misogynistic, most of my curated online experience is very queer. Usually, that's great. I'm not queer myself, but I usually feel like I have more in common with queer people than I do with other cis straights.
But not always.
Here's an example. I get that a lot of people hate the gender binary and find it oppressive. I completely agree that arbitrary gender roles are stupid. I also understand that gender isn't completely binary because, otherwise, nonbinary and agender people wouldn't exist. But people lose me when they say they want to abolish gender entirely. I am a woman and I like being a woman and I have always identified as either a girl or a woman. (Discounting one day when I was 4 and tried drawing hair on my chest with my mom's mascara because I COMPLETELY missed the point of Mulan and thought it meant you couldn't do cool stuff if you were or looked like a girl. My mom clarified things for me.) Taking that away from me would be taking away a big part of who I am and how I define myself. I don't even like the idea of anyone ever asking me about my pronouns, because the idea that someone couldn't be able to tell at first glance that I'm a woman makes me feel gross. Not because being anything besides a woman is gross, but because me being seen as anything other than what I am is. I already feel unsexy and ugly and unattractive on a daily basis, being mistaken for anything but a woman would just make that even worse.
On a similar note, I'm a monogamous person. I like the idea that other people have so much love to give that they don't want to be confined to a single romantic pairing. Sometimes. But, most of the time, hearing people openly describe their relationship goals with terms like, "I don't want to limit myself to one person" and, "It's stupid to think that one person can fulfill all of your emotional needs" is deeply depressing for me. It plants that seed of reminder that even people I think I have a kinship with would never think I'm enough in a relationship, that they would eventually get bored of me and want more because I just can't do it for them on my own. That is devastating to me.
Final example: I'm Christian. Literally no one needs me to explain why Christians are pretty much always the bad guys. Even I have a tendency to cringe away from or otherwise dismiss anyone who calls themselves Christian or talks about Jesus because I know the behaviors and attitudes associated with my religion. But it's still my religion. And seeing people call all religions cults, say we should do away with religion entirely, or claim that religion is the main source of people wanting to murder each other makes me want to bash my head against a wall.
But it doesn't feel like there's an alternative. I'm not talking to people who want to oppress or even murder trans and other queer people. I'm not participating in anything with people who think that enforced monogamy is a good thing. I don't actually see any kinship between myself and predominantly white nationalists who use Jesus as an excuse to do whatever the fuck they want. But it sometimes feels like the only alternative to that is being stuck in a weird "other" box.
I'm not expecting a reward for doing the bare minimum of rejecting the stupid and cruel parts of society. I'm not comparing my "struggle" or whatever to the genuine fear of assault and death that queer people have to deal with on a daily basis. It would just be nice if there was any kind of community that doesn't want to kill or hurt people but is also cool with liking some of the societal constructs we've been born with.
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proud-mama-joyce · 2 years
Love confessions: the “code” of Season 4?
It’s been a rough couple of days on the Byler tag, but here’s a sliver of hope. (Or delusion? Time will tell, and I really don’t mind being entirely wrong, so here goes nothing.)
This post by @byersbyler sharing someone’s tweets got me thinking. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/byersbyler/688707836951330816?source=share
I agree that Mike is smart enough to connect the dots here about what Will is really saying in the van. On a rewatch of this scene, I am fully of the opinion that Mike seems to catch on to Will’s veiled confession after he mentions pushing Mike away—only he and Will did that to each other (not Mike and El to the same degree since they kept in touch with letters), which was already discussed in the season between them. In this reading of the scene, Mike knows Will is telling him that he will always need him, which is why he looks so touched at that moment. It also explains why Mike doesn’t console Will afterwards—he thinks that Will knows that Mike understands, despite his tears. (Will doesn’t yet, which is why he’s so upset.)
Finn said that at the end of Season 4, Mike and Will reach a “mutual understanding and acceptance” regarding their feelings. 
This comment doesn’t make sense to me at all if we take Mike’s confession to El at face value, which would suggest that Mike is oblivious to Will’s meaning during the van scene. Does it hint at Finn’s state of mind while acting in these scenes? 
The S4 California poster also suggests this mutual understanding, which in my opinion doesn’t match up with a surface-level interpretation of the Mike-El-Will scenes we were given. 
So what if we operate under the assumption that this is true—that Mike and Will actually understand each other by the end of E9? This would mean that both:
1)     Mike understands that Will is talking about his own feelings for Mike in the van scene, using El as a cover
2)     Will understands that Mike is talking about his own feelings for Will in the monologue scene, using El as a cover
A stretch? Maybe it is. Maybe it’s a big one. But for the sake of exploration, let’s see what else may support this idea:
We’ve had coded messages across several seasons now that turn out to be relevant to solving a major part of the UD plot. In S2 we had Will’s Morse code message to close the gate; in S3 we had the Russian transmission code (which was put into code because “the message was somehow sensitive”); are these love confessions the new “code” in S4 that’s the key to overpowering Vecna?
Will did his project on Alan Turing…a codebreaker who was gay. Could this be a hint that he is breaking the “code” of Mike’s monologue to understand that Mike reciprocates his feelings?
There’s a shot of Will, and then Jonathan, right as Mike says the following during the monologue to El: “And I thought that if I said how I felt, it would somehow make that day [glance toward Will] hurt more.” [Shot of meaningful look from Will toward Mike, then a shot of Jonathan—the person who observed their interaction in the van and knows how Will feels. Are these shots showing that they understand Mike’s words to mean more than they appear?]
The pineapple pizza scene has Mike being encouraged to try a fruit (which of course has gay connotations). He’s told to “try before you deny,” and he’s surprised that El supports it. In the background after we shift to Jonathan and Will, we hear Mike finally agree (“Okay, okay”) and try it—and then he says, “You’re right. It’s really good.”
Mike brings up the yellow Benny’s Burgers shirt that El was wearing. (“And it was so big, it almost swallowed you whole.”) Jonathan mentions a Lego man that got stuck up Will’s nose, presumably when Will was young since he only remembers “vaguely.” While Mike didn’t hear this exchange, we have an interesting parallel here: “Benny” on the yellow shirt that “almost swallowed [El] whole,” and “Larry” the Lego man wearing a “high-vis” (aka “high visibility,” or bright yellow) shirt that Will almost got stuck whole up his nose—presumably around the same age when he met Mike. An intended similarity?
Where is the “swapping places” from “Running Up That Hill” relevant? We were told by the Duffers that the lyrics would be thematically relevant to ending Vecna’s curse. Is El “swapping places” with Will, in Mike’s mind, for at least part of his monologue? Could El have had a hard time talking to Mike afterwards because she understands the truth about this? (This wouldn’t mean that Mike doesn’t love her…only that they both understand that it’s not romantic love, IF we read the scene this way.)
Continuing this train of thought: another part of the RUTH lyrics are, “It doesn’t hurt me / Do you wanna feel how it feels / Do you wanna know, know that it doesn’t hurt me?”… These lyrics could also be consistent with El reaching a new understanding about not needing Mike’s romantic love to defeat Vecna, and they play while El is looking at Max under Vecna’s control. Mike’s (romantic) love has swapped places, but maybe it doesn’t hurt her because she now understands that she never needed it. (She overpowered Vecna the first time with familial love thinking of her mother. She also loved the pineapple pizza, if we are taking that scene to be metaphorical…)
El has a scene later where we see her flash back to meaningful memories with Max. She also screams her name several times in the void, in what could be interpreted as a direct parallel to how we’ve seen her call Mike’s name in earlier seasons. Could she have had a realization of her own about actually needing a different kind of love, which is implied in this development/updated parallel to Mike? Mike’s monologue includes several parallels to Brenner (calling her a “superhero,” telling her “you can fly,” saying “El, can you hear me?” which seems to recall “Eleven, are you listening?”, etc.) And yet, El doesn’t need Brenner’s approval in the end—she rejects it, so maybe these parallels also imply that she also doesn’t need Mike’s romantic love. El already signed a note to Mike with “From, El” this season, seemingly suggesting that she knows Mike didn’t actually love her romantically at that point. Could El have had her surge of strength against Vecna from both Mike’s (platonic) love, as well as her own love for Max? (Or even her love for Max alone?) As the post I linked above pointed out, Mike and El’s lack of interaction after her (temporary) defeat of Vecna doesn’t seem consistent with the idea that Mike was truly afraid of El not needing him—she doesn’t, but neither Mike nor El seem too bothered by that. And yet she was able to achieve her victory in the moment, which seems like terrible writing if it wasn’t authentically inspired by love on El’s part. (And maybe it is terrible writing after all…just putting this out there for the sake of considering this take.)
In 4x01, Will tells El, “we’ll fix it together” (referring to her broken project). If this IS meant to be foreshadowing for later, it could either mean a) Will gave the push Mike needed at a crucial moment…OR b) Will’s love itself helped to defeat Vecna, because he loved Mike and was the impetus for El’s realization moment, indirectly through Mike.
Why didn’t we see Mike and El have a scene resolving their earlier argument, following Mike’s monologue? Why wouldn’t they want to show the viewers El’s reaction, if it healed their relationship? What we got instead for her in the aftermath were emotional familial reunions, especially her scene with Hopper. This draws attention again to her need for familial love. Does this focus imply that it’s her priority?
Why are Mike and Will standing together in the ending shot? Queer bait...or is there something more under the surface about their mutual understanding, given all the above? 
I need to sleep on this more, but I’m keeping the clown makeup on for now.
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loubatas · 7 months
Hey Brittany !
I noticed you’re a fan of webcomics as I came across your page seeing that you re-blogged a webcomic related post.
I’m Melissa, and I’ve recently embarked on an exciting zombie based webcomic project!
It would mean the world to me if you could check out my recent post about my GoFundMe campaign and consider liking or re-blogging it!
Your support could truly make a difference in bringing my vision to life and sharing it with a wider audience.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration! 🌼
I was unsure what to do about this, but in the end I'll answer in the off-chance you are actually a rude newbie artist here and not a scammer And also to explain to my followers why they shouldn't send you and people like you any money
First. That's not how webcomics work. You don't ask people to send you money before you actually make the comic. You first post it online, for free. You can also set up a patreon for people to support you financially in exchange of early access to your comic, and once you've published enough pages to make a book you may do a kickstarter to print it and sell the physical books But in the end the concept of webcomics is that they are passion projects, of various quality, free to read online. Some people manage to live off this, but you should never start a webcomic with the objective to live off them
If you want to get paid before making your comic, you'll have to pitch your project to a publisher But you don't ask people to send you money for a comic they know nothing about, no plot summary, no visuals safe for two screenshots on your blog's only post, no presentation of who the protagonists are, nothing "An exciting webcomic project" you say, but you say nothing about why it's exciting and why we should be interested in it, and more importantly why we should trust you
Tumblr has had its fair share of scams where people promised to make an animated series, a web series or whatever and the people ran away with the money. Right now your project looks exactly like one of those scams. No one with a smidge of common sense will pay you anything
Secondly, that's incredibly rude behaviour here I don't know you. You barely followed me before sending me this message, you didn't like or reblogged anything, you just went straight to promoting your stuff in my inbox. And the "I'm new to tumblr I don't know how it works" card doesn't work here because that would be rude on any social media Don't do that Promote your stuff like every other artists do, by actually posting art and talking about your project on your blog, and by using the relevant hashtags so people who are following them can find your work. This way you'll catch the attention of people who are actually interested in your project Because I don't like zombies stories anyway. Sorry, bad shot there
And thirdly, and this time it's more personal: MY NAME ISN'T FUCKING BRITTANY. THAT'S THE NAME OF WHERE I LIVE
If you're going to promote yourself into a stranger's inbox, maybe don't be even more rude than you're already being by calling them a completely wrong name??
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mysticbewitched · 11 months
Hi Mystic! Before I explain my situation, I just wanted to say how much I deeply appreciate your blog and how well-written your posts and replies are. I can clearly see you put a lot of great effort into helping us and that you genuinely care. I love you for that so thank you so much 💓💓💓
1) I am in need of some advice however. You see, I'm currently on school holiday and have wasted a lot of time doing nothing and procrastinating working on my self concept and manifesting my dream life. I have four days left and I'm in a serious time crunch. I want to shock everybody when I'm back at school, also considering the fact I hate school and don't fit in at all.
So I want to ask, how do I not give up and succeed in manifesting my desires before I go back to school. I actually want to wake up in the void state to manifest my dream life but I have a shitty void concept and need more than four days to improve it. This situation is troubling me and I need someone's advice. Thank you for reading and I would greatly appreciate a response.
2) And also I feel like absolute shit because I know I'm being incredibly selfish. My dad is a humanitarian and politician for Sierra Leone. The people there are living in extreme, extreme poverty, even the animals don't have enough to eat so you see where this is going. I literally know about the Law of Assumption, the GOLDEN TICKET, and whilst all these innocent people are out there suffering, I'm wasting my time spiralling and being lazy which is making me feel super guilty. I have the power to help the entire world and I feel pressured if you know what I mean. How do I stop feeling this way, manifest my desires before school ends and just finally change the world?
Bonjour, lovely.
Your kind words mean so much more to me than words could ever describe. Thank you so much for your love, support, and noticing all of the passion I pour into my work. I deeply appreciate you, and you have absolutely warmed my heart. Thank you. 🖤
1. So I want to point out a couple of things here. Your priority is focused on the wrong thing. You have spent all this time overconsuming a huge amount of information surrounding manifestation instead of dedicating all of that time into transforming yourself into a confident manifestor.
Secondly, you're worried about the "time" when you should just simply accept the fact that your desire is already fulfilled. Why are you rushing yourself? Take your time and put in the inner work of revamping your mindset.
You can most definitely manifest to wake up in the void state, but don't you want to achieve that manifestation easily? I highly recommend that you start prioritizing your focus on changing your mindset.
Your mindset is all you need to be able to manifest your desires easily and effortlessly.
Manifestation is all about *you.*
Your focus should completely be set on you. Don't rush yourself and take your time with this.
You are the God of your own reality, and manifesting your desires is as simple as accepting them as already fulfilled from the confident manifestor state of mind. It is done.
Accept your desires as done and continue to persist in the inner knowing of their inevitable manifestation.
Change your mindset, and you will easily be able to manifest waking up in the void state or whatever other desires you have. Not to mention, you will also be able to achieve great success with your own manifesting power with or without experiencing the void state.
After all, the void state is only experiencing your true self as awareness. It is not *outside of you.*
All that's needed for you to completely transform your reality and manifest every single one of your desires is a simple change in perception.
Simply change your mindset: This post is the answer to your prayers.
2. You don't have to put yourself or feel selfish. We are each the creators of our own realities, and manifesting a "world change" in your reality would not show up for the rest of us in our own realities. I am in complete control of my own reality, and you are in control of yours. For example, if you manifested for world hunger end in your reality, that worldly change would not be manifested for me in my reality, and I would still be experiencing the same world from my end.
So please, don't beat yourself up or feel guilty about this and realize that you are absolutely entitled to manifesting whatever the hell you want in your own reality. You're the one running the show. Also, show yourself some grace and compassion.
You're in the middle of transitioning from "victim" mentality to the confident manifestor mindset. This is an individual journey that you need to take at your own pace, so take it easy on yourself.
Again, I say, don't rush yourself and take your time in order to turn your mindset around, and you will be able to easily manifest any desire you're after.
I hope I was able to inspire you and provide the advice you needed. I want you to know that I believe in you.
You only need to believe in yourself.
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aickerman-s · 5 months
Hello again👋
Hey all, long time no see.
For those who uhhhhh still remember me lol, I wanted to write a little update post on where I've been/why I disappeared etc.
So, I've probably not logged on to tumblr for about a year and there's many reasons for that. I've been debating whether or not to explain them at all for a while now, but I think I wanted to just get it out there and be open about stuff for a bit. This blog, and this community has meant a lot to me over the years, and the support I got from it all in my writing is more important to me than y'all know.
Basically, there's a (very!) good/positive reason that I've been away, and also a not-so-good one. Details below:
First, the good reason! The very good exciting awesome amazing reason: I got my dream writing job! I had the amazing opportunity to work as a video game writer on a project I'm so proud of and so incredibly grateful to have been a part of. Understandably, I was quite busy with that for the better part of 2023! The game is out now, and if anyone would like the link/to learn more about it please feel free to send me a dm! (Like, please, I'd love to brag about it!) Not going to post the link publically simply because I've always preferred to keep my blog free of irl/professional details, etc.
Some of you may remember I was briefly part of another game project a few years ago as lead writer, which fell through. Ever since I've been trying to get my first published credit, and now I have it <3 I'm a professional writer!!! 🥳 I'm very proud of the work we did, and I hope some of y'all will try it out!
But if working two jobs for most of the year wasn't enough, there's been something else that's kept me in a strange place this year - the not-so-good reason I've been quiet. This one is a bit more personal, and something I didn't want to reveal until now: content warning here, for both physical and mental health discussion.
Nearly two years ago now, I developed some rather debilitating symptoms of an unknown medical condition. While I've had chronic pain from another condition for most my life, the symptoms this new condition left me with were, quite frankly, terrifying. And terrifyingly, they appeared pretty much overnight. While I don't want to get into all the details, I've had to change and adapt a lot of things in my life to try and come to terms with this new normal - because sadly, these symptoms have not went away.
For the first 10/11 months or so of this condition, I was pretty much brute forcing my way through it - trying to tough my way through life as normal as if everything wasn't suddenly so much harder than it already was. About a year ago, I reached a breaking point. I had been hoping that all of this was just temporary, and was beginning to see that it wasn't.
While I had started the incredibly long and draining process of tests, hospital and doctor's appointments to try and investigate my condition, I realised at the start of 2023 that I had also become scarily depressed. I've struggled with and overcome depression before in my life, but this felt like so much uncharted territory. To be perfectly honest, I've always been proud of my own willpower and determination when dealing with depression in the past, but this year was the closest I've ever felt to truly giving up.
...And that's scary to admit - to myself, let alone anyone reading this! But admitting it pushed me into seeking the extra support I needed (therapy) throughout this journey. And a journey it is - while I'm much better mentally than I was in January, and I'm now on some medication to help alleviate the worst symptoms of my condition, my diagnosis is still a ways off. In the meantime, I've been coming to terms with the changes I've needed to make in my life, and the ones still to come.
It's been a lot, this year, trying to juggle a new disability and a new dream job - on top of the old job, poor mental health, and the complexity of coming to terms with the word 'disability'. There were times throughout the year when I wanted to open up tumblr and just browse through some rivamika internet goodness.
But I couldn't. My perfectionism and imposter syndrome and all these other factors led to me putting quite a lot of pressure on myself - every time I thought about tumblr I thought "I can't log on, I don't have any new chapters to post; I haven't responded to people's messages; it's already been way too long since I've updated; I'm such a terrible fanfic writer I've been inconsistent for years; I'm not allowed to log on unless I update a fic, and even then I'll have to apologise for being so late-".
So, I didn't. In all the weirdness I managed to convince myself that I would come back to... I don't know, interrogations or something 😂 It sounds quite silly now that I type it out. But I'm in a better place now, and I'm hoping I can get back to the no-pressure fun of writing fics soon.
As for my fanfics, would you believe me anymore if I said I still plan to finish them? 😂 I've even had drafts of the next chapters of both A Man, in a Bar and Fear and Fidelity sitting here for ages, but I'd managed to convince myself they weren't good enough to post. I've been thinking about them a lot lately, which is a good sign I think. I've been itching to write Levi and Mikasa again. So while I won't make any promises or such about updates/schedules or whatever, I just wanted to let it be known that I still want to continue these stories. (If I, and the readers, can even remember what happened in them😅). I might even take some prompts soon to get back into the swing of things!
But yeah... that's my update! It's probably the most personal I've ever gotten on this blog, and I hope that's okay. I felt like I needed it - to clear the air, of sorts. I sincerely hope everyone in this lil' community has been doing well, and is having a safe and happy holiday season. Thanks for reading, if you've managed to get through this big personal post! I love and appreciate everyone I've interacted with through this blog, and hope to get back into it again <3
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Hi, I really need help staying afloat right now as I just got kicked out and am wondering if you could reblog my pinned post so more people could see it? Sorry to bother you, it's perfectly fine if you can't, and thank you for your time!!
your earliest post is only a couple months ago
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your archive doesn't work and your blog is hidden from the web
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in the rare original posts, you're tag spamming unrelated stuff
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you've been sending this to everyone, mostly strangers afaik, it follows the same formula as scams, eg the "rb my pinned post"
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and yet you haven't thanked a single ko-fi supporter, the site will notify you to do it whenever people donate, it takes ten seconds
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additionally "My parents found out I was trans last month so they kicked me out and fired me from their shop, where I’ve been working to support my family." they own a shop where you worked to support them? help me with the maths there. and "I can’t get a job because there’s none where my friend lives and I don’t have a car to be able to commute, and I can’t borrow my friend’s car because she’s using it for her own job. I’ve seriously tried to find any solution out of this, but I can’t [...] I need money for either some shitty car so I can commute, or rent so I can leave my friend’s place and get my own where I could find work." you're asking for 4k, my dude. that's a lot more than a shit car or a couple months rent, and I can't understand it. cars on ebay vary from a couple hundred to a couple thousand, my family could never afford more than that and they would get cars there. you could uber or taxi or take the bus, or get dropped off by your friend, or otherwise carpool, or so on, and ask for a fraction of this to supply your friend with some food and to pay for your journey until you're settled in. it's been a month since you even left and you've already established there are zero jobs nearby unless you buy a fancy car, what about remote work? and you say your friend wouldn't kick you out and can afford rent, so why not raise money for food shopping to help her out (which you cite as the issue here) while you look for a work from home job or a means of transport? and you took days to make a vague post about a confrontation with your friends' parents? no vent nearer the time, just a vague post spammed into unrelated tags? the timing and "logic" is all over the place. I'm sorry, this isn't adding up at all. I've been literally homeless multiple times, and I've had to ask for help myself a couple times - I have my bro's fundraiser pinned, and I have my own ko-fi in my bio, and I have a post explaining about how I could become homeless again unless I meet inconsistent and unreliable demands of my landlord, something I've talked about for over a year on here venting and stuff. so I'm no stranger to these situations, and the lack of supporting info for yours is weird enough, but there's also the scam-like practices, and the fact that 4k doesn't check out at all, that's more than the deposit to rent outside of big cities (where you would have no issue with job quantity or lack of public transport, so we can assume you're not in one). you have no breakdown of why the high asking price or where you got that number for a car or anything. I checked the notes of that pinned post and the ko-fi and scrolled through your entire blog, and I couldn't find any additional information of the sort. I really wanted to believe you weren't a scammer taking advantage of people's kindness, but with all this in mind that's understandably difficult for me. I'll let others make up their minds on this one.
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poppy-thatcher · 2 years
Why Not Him? (Shoto Todoroki)
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NEW A/N: So... I’m stupid when it comes to Tumblr. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I had to re-upload this to an account that I could actually interact with you all on. My dumb self posted this on a side-blog. Take 2 for this post! Sorry and I appreciate all the kind words I had already received on this post. It means the absolute world, you don’t even know!!! ❤️
A/N: I write fanfic in my spare time. But I'm not brave enough to publish my work. However, a beautifully lovely writer (@delirious-donna) gave me the push I needed to post something. Time to be brave(ish)! 🤭 This small specific piece of my latest story, sadly, was something inspired by a shared moment between my (ex) best guy friend and myself. 💔 It also severely hurt me to make Bakugo the bad guy. The things I do for the sake of a plot. 🙄
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I looked down, my hand in my lap becoming increasingly interesting as the moments of silence passed.  
"Love, you can talk to me. You know that." Shoto quietly reminded me as he slowly took my free hand in his.  
"Katsuki and I are having issues. We've been having them for a while now."
"And today?" He asked, finally understanding that I was staying at a friend's house instead of my own.  
"It was our 3-year anniversary. I got off work early and came to his place to decorate and make his favorite foods." I swallowed the thick saliva as my throat was involuntarily making it harder to continue. The hurt was bubbling up and sitting heavily in my chest.
"He didn't come home after work. He spent the night at a bar with Kirishima and Kaminari. I wouldn't have even known, since he ignored all my texts, but you can't be number 2 without some gossip blogs snapping pictures." A tear snuck out causing Shoto to chase it away quickly, "when he got home he couldn't even put everything together. He didn't even remember it was our anniversary, let alone realize that he had missed the entirety of it."
Shoto's eyes glossed over with tears. It broke my heart to see him this worked up over me. I was never worth all the emotional support he gave me. He deserved to find someone to return his incredibly strong feelings.  
"Can I freely speak my mind?" He asked me, always cautious around my delicate feelings.  
"Only if you can be unbiased," I sighed as a few more tears flowed down my cheek, knowing I was asking the impossible from him.
Izuku gently squeezed my hand before he let it go, grabbing onto Ochako's hand, both of them with sullen expressions at the performance going on at their dinner table. They slowly got up, excusing themselves to give us the privacy we needed.
Shoto took my face in his hands, cupping my cheeks so my face pointed to his, mimicking his movements. His eyes bore into mine like they were peering into my very soul.
“I can’t trust that I’ll be unbiased. But Bakugo, he’s always been a damn fool.” Shoto softly chased my cascading tears off my cheeks, “you two have been together so long. To me, he doesn’t take what you two have seriously. He doesn’t treat you the way he’s supposed to, the way you deserve to be treated. He takes you for granted. I… I would have married you twice over the span of your relationship with him!”
He pulled my forehead slowly to his soft lips before releasing his hold on my face and moving back into his seat.
I quickly averted my gaze, not feeling brave enough to maintain his strong eye contact, as new tears threatened to fall even more furiously than before.
Why was it always the wrong person telling me what I wanted to hear the most?
That’s just how the world works, I suppose.
Loving Shoto would be the easiest thing to do. He had always been there for me, through every grand occasion and every heartbreaking moment. If our friendship ever had weeks, or even months of radio silence we could always pick back up as though nothing had changed. He was exactly what my heart needed.
And yet... my foolish heart never once reached for his. I couldn’t ever explain the amount of pain I felt knowing that the person who loved me the way I wanted, the way I so desperately needed to be loved, was someone my mind, body, and soul just couldn’t accept.
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leandras-books · 2 years
Regarding the donor thing in 6x04
(Reposting my answer to an ask here so it ends up on the tag because my main blog is currently shadow banned - I’ve appealed, but tumblr staff is working slow)
@blutterlie asked: 
hey hi just wanted to say i had the exact same thought about 911 and one of its main themes/messages being how biology doesn't = family. and therefore buck going through with the sperm donation could totally fit in with that theme/message. i could really see the show depicting it as a positive/healing thing for buck, where he's like, "i'm happy i made these people happy!" and i can definitely see eddie being surprised but supportive. realistically i don't see eddie being all like, "don't do this, you already have a kid!" anyway, just wanted to throw in a supporting voice to your viewpoint lol i'll be interested to see if we're right!
Hi, thank you! Yeah, that's my take too.
I also think it really depends a lot on the mindset of a person. Buck, a year or two ago, might have viewed it differently. Let me try to elaborate if I can sort through that vague feeling I have in my mind, lol.
So, Buck, who always yearned for connection, for meaningful relationships, for a real family, but never truly believed and trusted that he could have it, that he had that impact and importance in someone's life - that Buck knowing there was a kid out there that was biologically his but not being able to play a significant role in that kid's life? That Buck would have been devastated, because he'd see it as possibly his only chance of ever having anything resembling a real family, and that chance turning into another instance of rejection, of "not being good enough" to actually matter in a significant way. Just parts to be used to achieve a goal for somebody else.
But I don't think he's that person anymore. I truly believe he's grown so much and he's made peace with his past - never fully, of course; something like that always stays with you to some extent, but enough to move on from it. He's way more confident in his own importance and significance for others; he still has a bit to go for it to establish so deeply that he finds himself fully "at ease and peace", but he's on his way there. (The way the conflict regarding being interim caption resolved quite easily and beautifully was a perfect sign for his growth; instead of taking from it all the reasons why he isn't worthy, he simply accepted it and didn't think any worse of himself for it).
I think the missing puzzle piece here is Eddie and Christopher, because, as much as Buck knows at this point that he matters to both of them a great fucking deal, they're still one step away from becoming an actual family. Buck knows he's important to Chris, but he also still thinks he's more of a backup plan. He needs to know and see that he's much more than that. And I truly believe this is what we're about to get, within this season.
And once he's there, whatever moments of doubt he may have in the coming months about the sperm donor situation, he will fully realize what I said in my initial post and you said in that ask. He IS a father. Christopher isn't biologically his, but he can love him as much as if he were, and he can play a significant role in his life. And on the other hand, Connor and his wife's baby is biologically his, but that's just chemistry, just a sequence of amino acids that happen to match his own roughly 50%. It doesn't make him a father, it doesn't make them have any kind of connection.
Lastly, as I said, Buck before would have seen this as him just being "parts to be used", but other than when his parents made him with no agency on his side about it all, here, he chose to do it. He wasn't thrown into it against his will, he freely chose to do something for someone else. And not because he thinks helping others is his only worth in the world. I cannot explain it, but watching all those scenes I felt like it was a decision that, yes, was big and a bit frightening, but it was also closure on the whole being made to save his brother thing. Because this time he was the one with the power to decide. He was able to take his trauma and turn it into something positive, productive, something that reflects his nature of wanting to help others but fully keeping his agency while doing it.
I'm really hoping this is the angle they're going with this, because it would be such a huge step of growth for Buck.
The more I think about it, the more I actually love this story line (and yep, before the ep yesterday I was all on board of "somebody/ideally Eddie is gonna talk him out of it!" train).
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
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I posted 3,156 times in 2022
That's 1,272 more posts than 2021!
216 posts created (7%)
2,940 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,130 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#heartstopper - 1,236 posts
#nick nelson - 741 posts
#charlie spring - 611 posts
#nick x charlie - 536 posts
#charlie x nick - 507 posts
#otp: why are we like this - 507 posts
#heartstopper spoilers - 396 posts
#kit connor - 102 posts
#our flag means death - 83 posts
#tao xu - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#and they were like ‘oh i know you loved it’ ‘you react in different ways to other people but you do react and i can tell you loved it’
My Top Posts in 2022:
shoutout to Heartstopper for being the only piece of media that understands that a friend group that consists of all LGBTs and one token cishet is way more realistic than a friend group of all cishets and one token queer
3,920 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
how it started:
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how it's going:
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6,156 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Anyways, to all my fellow bisexuals out there who have been hurt today, I see you. Let's be honest, this situation reeks of biphobia, and the worst part is that the call is coming from inside the house. This is biphobia coming from our own community. And I know that's nothing new, but it still hurts.
So, if you're hurting, and feeling isolated from the rest of the community right now, if you're feeling disconnected from the Heartstopper fandom because of this, if seeing another bi person forced out because some people only accept queerness if you have a partner of the same gender is making you feel invalidated and alone, this post is for you.
I see you, I love you, I support you. Your bisexuality is valid, you are queer enough, you belong in queer spaces. It doesn't matter if you've only dated one gender or the other, or if you've never dated anyone at all, or if you've dated a mix of genders. It doesn't matter if you have a preference or not. It doesn't matter how you dress or how you act or if you fit certain stereotypes or boxes, or if you don't fit them. No matter what, you are a part of this community.
The people who don't want us in this community are wrong, and they're narrow-minded. It's the LGBTQIA+ community. We've always been a part of it, and we always will be.
6,262 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
hey remember when Aled Last said "there's this idea that if you're not straight, you have to tell [people] immediately, like you owe it to them. but you don't. you don't have to do anything until you're ready" and Charlie Spring said "you didn't just force yourself because I'm out already?" and Tara Jones said "don't feel like you have to come out to anyone before you're ready" and Nick Nelson said "I'm not saying I want to have a public announcement, but I want to tell the people who matter" and when Geoff explained that Charlie getting outed was a trauma?
remember all that??
10,857 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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how I felt reading Heartstopper
13,327 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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xxsycamore · 2 years
Hello! I have never participated in kinktober before but I have written something and was wondering how it works? I have actually never posted anything I've written before. Do I send it to you first to be approved? Do I wait and post it in October on the day? Do you reblog it once it's tagged? (Again sorry totally new to this) Thank you! Love your works!
Hello and thank you for reaching out, I'm always glad to be of help! :) Don't apologize for anything, I totally get why challenges like this one might be a bit of a headache to figure out as a novice, as there are quite a few unwritten rules surrounding them. I'll try to explain in simple terms but you're always welcome to ask additional questions in case something is still unclear! ❤
-> Participating in most content creation challenges of this kind (at least on this side of tumblr, can't talk much beyond mobile otome tumblr) is actually quite subjective. For you to be considered participating in such challenge, it is often enough in your post to be mentioned something among the lines of, this work is part of x challenge.
-> Of course, this is mostly related to challenges where you're provided themes to create for, like prompt lists. I won't go into detail about what other kinds exist, but for instance, a fandom gift exchange event requires you to sign up via filling a special form regarding the details around creating a gift and receiving a gift. But to answer your question, and especially for my Visions of Temptation challenge: Do I send it to you first to be approved? - No, you don't have to do that! In order to participate, as a writer such as yourself, you simply write a fic, post it mentioning that it's written for said challenge, tag this blog, and voilà!
you might know this already, but also: by putting in the hashtags the fandom and characters of your work, you will make it easily findable for others browsing these hastags. Additionally, my challenge uses the special hashtag #visions of temptation 2022, so make sure to include that as well! :) That way we can all easily browse through the challenge creations!
Do I wait and post it in October on the day? - Preferably, yes. Following the list according to the dates is practically what makes this a challenge, so many of us will try to do that. But hey, there are no hard rules here. You won't get judged or disqualified or anything like that for not following the supposed posting dates. In fact, many entries are posted waaay later than the period of the challenge! I'm a good example, as I still have four fics to finish from last year's... 👉🏻👈🏻(and here i need to add, you don't have to be like me and try to complete all 31 days if it's more than what you can bear! Make sure not to overwhelm yourself <3 even just one work is enough too!) In the same way, creations posted earlier than the challenge dates are welcomed too! :)
Do you reblog it once it's tagged? - I do that, but not as a rule. I only do it out of my personal desire to support and appreciate participants, and I do it from my main blog @kissmetwicekissmedeadly , under #vot 22 reblogs (and usually, days and weeks after the works are posted... I'm often very busy :( ) . I leave a little comment on stuff that I like sometimes, but sometimes I'm too tired to say anything, and I can't promise that I'm gonna reblog everything too.
I hope that helps! Once again, feel free to ask about whatever else you're unfamiliar with, especially considering that you haven't posted anything before. My DMs are open too, in case you feel more comfortable with that. I'd be glad to help you out in your fic-posting journey! <3 Thank you for enjoying my works, I'm thrilled to hear that and I hope that you can continue to do so in the future ❤ Have a nice day!
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sofipitch · 2 years
Im curious for the show in how theyll take inspiration from source material here. Like I think I will enjoy it knowing its not meant to be an exact adaption- though Im curious how they will handle Claudia with the actress being a grown person (or really all of them being aged up) Or Louis with his arcs of guilt and repression- when this time he starts owning a bunch of brothels and maybe has a past male lover? Im curious tho optimistic
I'm kind of confused bc this ask isn't a question? I can also only answer these to the best of my knowledge bc I'm not one of the show runners, I'm just some guy 😂
But if you are asking why I support the show and it's changes I'll say that I personally hated being a teenager and in this version Claudia will be 13. I think that is plenty young enough to feel stuck in one's body, which is Claudia's main issue. The show runners have said child labor laws were a reason they cast someone who was legally an adult but I think Durst was the only possible youngest Claudia. She was 12 and already an accomplished actress when she took the role, I read that Neil Jordan wanted a trained child actor since it's such a hard role for a kid to play an adult. The behind the scenes in my dvd copy Durnst even says at the time she didn't really understand what her character Claudia was going through, looking back as an adult made it make sense, so I'm guessing she probably had good stage direction for Jordan or other crew. So at the end of the day, I think to have someone reasonably play a character who is mentally an adult they needed to cast someone older. We haven't gotten a lot of images of Claudia but it looks like from the 2 we have she is still a "child".
I also kind of feel like comments that Bailey Bass is too old are rooted in racist stereotypes. Black girls get seen as "older" and "sexual" much sooner than white girls. Some of what I have seen ppl say about Bailey Bass has really disgusted me. I don't think you should be commenting on this girl's body parts, even if she is "legally an adult". She is still leagues younger than the ppl I see commenting on her body.
For the other characters I also prefer for them to be older. Lestat not having a fully formed prefrontal cortex might explain a lot of his bullshit but I also agree with others in saying that AR consistently saying the most attractive men alive are 21 (and later 20 and then 19) and her harping on how attractive Armand is (who looks 17) sounds more like a fetish than realistic. It's an old post by a friend, now @hedonisticgene but it was his old blog I think, said "Have you ever met the college kid who thinks he's a sex god? That's Lestat". So I do think making the characters older will make them seem attractive and charming and also have ppl not inquire too much about their lives be realistic.
As for the brothel it has the potential to be as morally repugnant as Louis having been a slave owner. I think fanon and late canon woobifies Louis so much that his general weak moral backbone is often ignored. Remember in the book IWTV Louis does not object to kill humans "bc it's wrong morally" but bc he thought it was an aesthetic experience he should work his way up to. He also describes his slaves in some awful ways, so I don't really think brothel owner is out of the question. And when it comes to Louis's repressed sexuality, well wouldn't it be the best cover, if you are gay and don't want others to know, to own a brothel. I am aware some ppl read Louis as bi while others (myself included) see him as gay. I also read IWTV as the interpretation that Louis's struggle to come to terms with vampirism is his struggle to come to terms with his sexuality. And Louis doesn't shy from telling us he went to whorehouses or that he maybe had feelings for Babette. What he shies away from is admitting his feelings for Lestat. So I think Louis being repressed has more to do with internalized homophobia than sex in general. So I feel like surrounding yourself with a whole bunch of hot women would be the best way to be "I'm totally straight! Look how straight I am!" 😂
I have my reservations about the show like any fan. These books (well the first three) mean so much to be I'll be devastated if this show sucks. But honestly for me it's not in these kind of small details, to me what matters is the character dynamic. That's what I love, and as long as this show scratches my brain the same way the books do I'll be happy.
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stormhaven13 · 2 years
How do you explain Edelgard using the Slithers as pawns to "free humanity from tyranny" when they are a direct danger to anyone and everyone? Rhea is not the "bigger" threat when the Agarthans turn people into beasts and still actively pursue genocide of a race/species while all Rhea does is reactionary.
When Edelgard invaded the Holy Tomb, she threatened to kill anyone who stopped them from stealing Crest Stones, is it not understandable that Rhea would take some huge offense to that? Not to mention the "Flame Emporor" being involved in other crimes as well.
If Edelgard needed to "use" anyone (lets face it, she was the pawn all along cause the Slithers ultimately got what they wanted in the end, Rhea dead and possibly being used by them and the other few Nabateans leaving Fodlan for good and Sothis and her power disappering from Byleth) she would have used the Church to wipe out Slithers before forcing Rhea to step down.
So. I don’t really know why you’re asking this as if it’s a big gotcha. Like your whole point of “Edelgard is really the pawn”. Yeah. That’s. That’s just the point, that was the whole intention of TWSITD. They literally made her to be a weapon, and she could not get out from under their thumb. So instead, she decides to use their plan to enact her own, to try and change the world for the better.
I’m guessing you haven’t done Edelgards route in Three Hopes, because it actually looks at one of your points. The whole premise is that given the first opportunity she uses the church against TWSITD, which requires a massive series of coincidences and her plans going perfectly, and all that does is annoy Thales rather than outright beat him. I haven’t had time to finish it yet, so I don’t know how it ends, but yeah. Three Hopes’ Black Eagles route is exactly what you said.
The thing that makes it pretty clear that this ask isn’t really in good faith is that I’m not a particularly active blog, so if you looked at the stuff I’ve posted you’d see that I’ve never said I don’t like Rhea, or think that she’s always being unreasonable or whatever, im really not sure how you’ve drawn that conclusion. Best guess is you saw my response about Seteth and Flayn being only spareable by Byleth and made a few logical leaps.
I personally don’t have a huge amount of interest in Rhea, but there’s plenty of nuance to her character rather than the kind of flat and boring characters of TWSITD. She makes an interesting antagonist in Crimson Flower, which is my favorite route, but I just don’t personally have a lot to say about her that other people haven’t already said.
And the fact that you seem to think TWSITD has more power than Rhea is frankly a bit laughable, and requires ignoring most of the text of the game. Are they a threat, absolutely there’s a reason they are the final antagonist of one of the routes, but the whole point is that they are attacking the far stronger force of the Church.
Do I think Edelgard using TWSITD the way she does is “morally right”? No probably not, especially on routes other than Crimson Flower where she feels forced to rely on them even more. But she has been put into an impossible position, where there are no morally right options, and we aren’t given enough text to really analyze what her other options would have been, besides in Three Hopes, which makes it pretty clear that that path would not have been possible in the original Three Houses.
But all of that is not the point of Three Houses, none of the house leaders, or Rhea, are “perfectly moral”, they are all put in difficult situations that require impossible choices, and to differing degrees they all do “bad” things in various routes, or in their histories. The point, at least to me, is that what happens when someone like that is given an out, what happens when they’re given support is that they improve. All of them, when given support, learn to trust again, to rely on others. I personally just find Edelgards version of that the most compelling, for reasons others have said far more eloquently than I am willing to try now. If you want to understand why people like Edelgard, I encourage you to go look (just look, no need to start arguments) at other posts in the tag about her.
TLDR: I’m a small blog who has never said I dislike Rhea as a character, or view her as this total monster or whatever. I simply like Edelgard not just despite, but because she is flawed, she is human, because she makes sometimes crappy choices in the pursuit of a better future against impossible odds. Three Hopes specifically answers and examines one of these points in great detail, so I invite you to either play it yourself, or watch a playthrough if that’s not possible. Do I personally find Crimson Flower to be the most compelling path, yeah I do. I’m just not black and white about it, and just because I don’t personally find interest in a character doesn’t mean I think that they’re a bad character, or unreasonable, or whatever. You’ve ascribed thoughts to me that simply do not exist.
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asherlockstudy · 8 months
Ofc they might come out I'm not saying they're 100% straight. And if they came out I'd support them fully. But this doesn't mean you should speculate about this or them being in a relationship(which they said a lot of times that they're not). We don't know them. We don't know these people or how things work for them. I never said your blog is dangerous or whatever I'm saying the way you assume their lives and "announcements" are delusional and parasocial. If they came out they'd come out. If they're in a non monogamous relationship (which again they said a lot of times that they're with their wives) and they're dating, good. But this doesn't mean you can come here and talk about how they are cheating on their wives or waiting for their kids to leave home kinda bullshit. That's delulu. Also their kids are old enough to use the internet I hope you realize that at one point.
So no matter what they do, you'll support them unconditionally, but if I am proven right for any of my suspicions, I will have been delusional all this time? Last time I checked, being proven right is the exact opposite of being delusional.
Then you say both "I never said your blog is dangerous" and also "hope you realise that their kids can see this". Make up your mind. I explained this in the very previous mail but you walked past it:
For the kids to be able to find this, there is no other way except coming to tumblr and searching for rhink content in specific, let alone that a lot of my latest stuff is UNTAGGED. Even my blog theme has nothing to do with R&L. So it will take a lot of targeted search on their part to find speculative content about their fathers.
And let's say they find this. There are two ways that this would make sense to go.
a) The kids, because they are the kids, they know infinitely better their parents than I do, and so when they see this, they go like "what a bunch of crap by a randomer haha" and go on with their lives.
b) The other way this can go is that these posts strangely alarm them...why??? Because they don't know their parents well enough? They expect someone from a different continent to tell them what 's going on? Because they see truth in what is discussed here? In the mad case it is so (and I sincerely hope this can not ever be the case), then their major problem is what is really happening and not me suspecting that it is happening.
Can you wrap your head around that or not? The kids do not rely on me to tell them what is going on in their family. One can not be 100% okay with their dad sucking his friend's nipples in front of thousands of viewers but have a problem with (a) random viewer(s) thinking "well there might be a reason they do all this shit because other people are money-grabbers too but they ain't THAT desperate". Either they are gonna mind neither or both, and if they mind both they will mind what their dad is doing first and not what the unknown X somewhere on the planet is concluding because of it.
And honestly with all your discourse you're making this a lot more uncomfortable for whomever is reading it. It's you who bring up the kids and the families and assume their interaction with the content here. I have repeatedly said I doubt and I do not wish that any of this content could reach any of them. This content is meant to stay here only. I have heard some people ask them and the kids directly about the rings and all that crap - now that's fucked up indeed. The only thing I am doing is saying "hey they literally said this which honestly can only mean that" in my blog. You say "you can't do that here" here, where? I can't think in my own blog?
If my reasoning seems "delulu" to you, I am fine with it. It's okay, you've made yourself understood from the first time already. How much longer are we going to be discussing this? I am delulu, okay, got it. If you keep repeating yourself, I can't keep responding forever. Even a delulu gets bored eventually.
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