#( this was .... wild
jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
I Was Only Supposed to Drop This Off: Attack of Kings Leviathan Prologue *Spoilers*
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Let me just say. Leviathan is the devs favorite, he has to fucking be because this fucking prologue was wild, no build up, no fluff like with Beel where MC went on a cute little date. NAH just side fucking swept in whatever the breeding kink this is omg („ಡωಡ„)
Btw this makes me think of that OM Levi thing I wrote about where he's going into rut on his birthday and he breeds you in his room when you're both supposed to be attending his surprise party (good shit)
Let's start off to catch you all up before I dive into this.
All the screenshots won't fit so:
Satan is pissed off because he owes Levi a favor and Levi specifically asked for MC to deliver the Anti-Pandora's Box (which I may add has some really cool lore behind it involving Satan) and he's so pissed about it that he's taking his anger out on everyone that comes across him. Even poor Leraye tried to soothe his majesty's anger by offering a teddy bear to rip up and Satan just fucking yeets his ass into the sky.
Satan is even like "I'm going to invade Hades...." like he's that pissed.
Sitri warns MC not to open the box, and also explains that Satan loves the box so much and that's why Satan is so angry.
*cough*that ain't why*cough*
So here's MC running in the palace and trying to deliver this damn box that everyone keeps telling them not to open and then after being like "Levi you can't say hello? Damn" in short of words......
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Okay, so it's out of character for him to stare at MC like that it appears...
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Me being like OH WHAT?
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This is where MC and I differ, I because I'd just be confused on why he's stripping rn, like I'm just delivering a box-
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Now see...this is where Levi would of had to choke me foreal because I would have told him to shove it up his ass don't tell me to shut up when I'm asking you a question
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Oh f u c k.
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I....I was lost for words when this popped up because like...
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No MC, you aren't weird I won't judge you but yeah uh phew....because I wish they'd show what it looks like and I swear if they show us what it looks like in the Erolabs version...I'm going to scream
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Ooo a smell? Now I know this must mean he's definitely going through something at the moment since we're having smells, a larger than before penis, and buckets of precum dripping on the floor or whatever fluid that is.
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W a it.
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I'm in fucking shambles right now
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I can't handle the amount of fullness that's happening right now
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Let me get my drink and
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I'm so serious rn there was so much fucking going on and this is just the prologue I can only fucking imagine MC is about to get bred pretty much the entire story from beginning to end
and I'm damn well sure that the true reason Satan was upset is possibly NOT the box, but because he knows this is the around the time Levi is going through that and the fact he asked MC to deliver the box was possibly an excuse and he didn't really need it to begin with. And that's why he's pissed.
In my delulu SatanxLevi ship, he'd be mad because it's usually him that goes and helps Levi with that and he's always happy to help. He's mad that MC is chosen because A. He doesn't want to share MC B. That's a special time between him and Levi so he doesn't wanna share that either C. He's not being included period
I'm just gonna sit here and process this, have a snack, and recollect myself because I was thrown across the room and back with this prologue I can only imagine what the other stories are like.
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kettl-ecorn · 2 years
o̶f̶f̶ ̶l̶i̶m̶i̶t̶s̶ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ
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! part one !
! part two !
a/n: so sorry this took so long, but i hope you enjoy it ♡  thanks so much for the love on the other parts, it really means a lot
warnings: 18+, MDNI. afab!reader, rick sanchez x reader, smut, major dubcon vibes, fingering (f! receiving), oral (m! receiving), a little bit of knife play, unprotected p in v, some light choking, praise, orgasm denial, degradation, dumbification, dom!rick, perv!rick, naive!reader, lots and lots of dirty talk just for you
it was supposed to be a quick errand when he ran into you, interrupting an evening alone to yourself. it had been a year since you had your one night stand with Rick, and although you couldn't stop thinking about it, you didn't think you'd ever see him again. but here he is, standing in your bedroom like nothing ever happened.
you didn't know, however, that this isn't your Rick. but that didn't matter.
off limits part three | 5.1 k words
despite Rick’s tight grip on your jaw and his weight against your lungs, you fall asleep. pass out, more like, Rick’s hold just close enough to a hug that your body relaxes slightly- you let out a soft sigh and your eyes flutter closed. when an annoyed “hellooo” and shake of your head didn’t wake you, Rick shifted up and off the bed, returning to the position he was in when he ruthlessly got what he wanted. 
he admits… he did go a little overkill. something about the desperate look in your eyes, blurry and shiny with tears as you squirmed in his arms had sent shocks down his spine.  he intended to go easy on you, he really did… but the way your tight, wet walls gripped his mechanical digits as they forced you open drove him fucking insane. couldn’t get the thought of how it would feel on his cock out of his head as you cried his name. 
he thought about it again now, staring at your bare thighs and palming the hard outline in his pants. he stares for a while, actually, eyes tracing up and down your body as you dream. he thinks about how easy it would be to just take you now, imagining you waking up to his cock bottoming out excited him to no end- but he hesitated. 
not because of the threat of your Rick. he wasn’t worried about him at all- despite his little knowledge of him. it was a feeling low in his gut that he first noticed when he had slinked his hand around your throat and you relaxed, like you were waiting for him. it took him by surprise and it softened him up just enough.. and it pissed him off. he wondered if the other Rick had fallen for it too, deciding you’d be a good one to keep around.
but what was it? what made you so fucking special? 
Rick was going to find out.
he let you sleep, for now; you’d be no use to him in your post-orgasm clarity. you were drunk on arousal the minute he stepped into the room- who knows how you’ll be now that everything’s passed? so he resigns to the dull ache in his balls and turns to rummage through all your shit instead. 
he starts at what’s nearest to him: your little wooden night stand. he pulls out the drawers, shifting through the random clutter until his hand brushes by something that feels familiar. he pulls out the skinny orange medicine bottle and reads the label, finding your name and the prescription and he immediately recognizes the antidepressants. his eyes keep looking back to your name and he reads it, over and over, searching his own mind for a version of you he might’ve met, but there’s nothing. when he first saw your face, there was an inkling of recognition, but he couldn’t place it.
he pushed the first drawer closed and opened the one underneath it and his eyes instantly landed on your pretty purple 6” rubber dildo. he grins wildly at the sight of it, quickly bringing it up to get a better look. “aww, i see,” he said quietly to himself as he ran his fingers along its cold shaft, “no wonder you always need more.” after putting it back and closing up the small table he turned his attention to the other side of the room, his eyes catching on your closet. with the doors slightly parted, he just had to slide the doors the rest of the way, now standing arms stretched in front of your wardrobe. 
since all he’s seen you in so far is an old oversized t shirt, he didn’t know what to expect. you wore a little bit of everything, it looked like- everything was organized by color, he noticed, sliding his hands along the edges of the different fabric, pulling something if it popped out to him. it was almost like he was shopping straight from your closet- and if we’re honest, he wouldn’t put it past him. everything seemed so cute but also you, including the couple sundresses he found in the back towards the darks, a very nice surprise. he notices a collared white shirt among your lights, and he goes to pull it.
it was a fucking Shoney’s uniform. Rick had to contain his laughter, of fucking course. like that was the key, he remembered you now, the way your hips swang as you walked by him, the way you rubbed the sweat off your brow on a busy shift, your eager, chirping voice as you sweetly milked your customers for their tips. he doesn’t remember a specific time you ever interacted, but he supposes your Rick did- you must’ve been his waiter or host, and you just so happened to be the perfect candidate.
he took his time exploring your personal spaces. he went from room to room, opening closets and boxes, searching through everything personal to you. he even had his way in your bathroom- looking through your cabinets and then your shower. he grabs and smells your shampoo, and his frustrated dick twitches as he takes in the smell of you. 
some odd minutes later, after he’s found himself in your kitchen, successfully having found your alcohol cabinet, he leans against the counter, cradling the cheap vodka that you had bought yourself just the night before. he gripped the neck of the bottle with one hand as he held the journal he found with the other, fingering the binding as he read. 
and oh sweetheart, was it juicy. it was everything he needed to know and more. about how you met Rick, how absolutely smitten you were, thinking he was so smart and pretty; you went into detail about his hair, the way it shined under the bar light, and his big beautiful eyes- even as glazed over they get when he’s drunk, they felt like deep, rippling pools you could swim in for hours. you didn’t go into much detail about the sex itself, but you sure went on about how it made you feel. how deep he went, how he pumped his cum inside you, and how unhinged you became. even had a paragraph dedicated to his dirty talk and how it made you discover more things about yourself and the things you like.
he had started to read from the beginning, the first entry dated as a few years ago, but when he got to this part, he looked at the date. a literal year ago, down to the month, from tonight. and as he read further up to present day, he found his name sprinkled throughout in passages about your failing dating life and how you couldn’t ever feel satisfied.
“hmm,” he mumbled curiously, setting the book down. he reached into his coat to pull out the pallasite he had retreived from you, holding the vial that contained it up to his eyes. he squinted, analizying the color and shapes within the rock. he sets it down and holds his wrist out to it, and a thin green hologramed line stretched forward, scanning over the vial. the contents of the space rock displayed out in front of him and he read over them carefully until his eyes landed on what he’s looking for.
not only was this specific pallasite an excellent component for harvesting energy- it was a fucking aphrodisiac. 
the way it imbedded in you caused for it to act like some sort of love potion. no fucking wonder, he thought. you fantasized about him every night because you were being chemically altered to do so. the feelings probably weren’t as strong now, he assumed, it would have been at its strongest during the first few months, but it all started to make sense now.
he took another big swig, efficiently finishing the bottle, before sloppily putting it back on the counter. he felt almost jealous, knowing this Rick was somewhere getting off to the thought of you, craving and needing him, with no way to reach him or any idea of where he is. he must have the intention to come back eventually, especially since his little coin purse was literally obsessed with him.  
Rick pocketed the pretty crystal and turned with a smirk, starting to head back towards your bedroom, because why not? you were so good for him before, he might as well give you what you want- what you need- after you’ve waited all this time. all while also getting his dick wet in the process.
but his face dropped as soon as he looked up and saw you. 
you looked wild. hair a mess, shirt still drenched in sweat. you had put on some little pink shorts, he noticed, and he wondered how long you’ve really been up. you were staring at him with eyes as big as you could get them, considering the sleep and tears, looking fearful but determined. Rick could see you hiding something, slyly holding it behind your leg to keep out of sight. he smirked.
when you had woken up, confused and dizzy as the events of the night came back to you, you thought that maybe he had left. it was quiet as you slid yourself off the bed, wincing when you began to feel the dull ache he had left inside you. the majority of the pain had already passed but the feeling was there, the feeling of being used. you felt sick as you remembered how desperate you were for him, still so in love with a memory that you’d allow him to handle you like that. a stranger broke into your home, claimed to have needed to finger you till you felt like you’d burst, and then just left, and you let him. you’ve practically begged him for more.
flushed with embarrassment and anger, you throw on the closest shorts you can find and begin your way to the bathroom, determined to wash away the regret, when you hear a noise from the kitchen. 
it was quiet but you could hear the faint noises of glass clinking together. you freeze, not knowing to run or hide. why was he still here? your heart races as you flash through different scenarios in your mind of how to avoid him, how to convince him to spare you, or.. how to kill him first before he kills you.
you knew you weren’t much of a match but snuck back to your room anyway, finding the pocket knife an ex boyfriend had given you “for protection”. you’ve never actually handled it until now, awkwardly pulling the blade out and feeling the weight of it in your hand as you test different grips. you didn’t really know what you were expecting, but you wouldn’t go down without fighting. 
that’s how you ended up here, standing in front of him with the weapon behind your back, waiting for him to make the wrong move. but instead, he smirks, looking you up and down, taking you all in. seeing him in the better light of the kitchen made everything worse for you; he was so fucking handsome, just as he was the night you met him. 
maybe a bit skinnier, you thought- his jaw line looked much sharper as he bit down, staring back at you. your eyes trailed down his chest, searching his criminally hidden frame under the dirty lab coat. you could see the utility belt slung around his slim, bony waist, but couldn’t make anything out. you swallowed as you blinked and looked back up to his eyes. 
Rick waited a second, allowing you time to speak, but you couldn’t. get the fuck out, you wanted to say, don’t fuck with me, this shit is over. but instead you just stood there, flustered and on-edge. 
“well, goodmorning. ‘bout fuckin time, heh, i- your taste in bo-ooze is terrible,” he slurred, gesturing towards your cabinet, “had me- was waiting too long, had to drink your shitty vodka.”
you open your mouth to respond, but he continues,
“but guess it all evens out though, right? after being so mean,” he said through a grin, taking a step closer. you remain still, frozen in the wash of adrenaline. “you-.. you’re good, yeah? pretty little cunt tighten back up?”
“Rick,” you seethe through gritted teeth.
“learned a-a lot about you, y/n, hah,- got a lot of secrets, don’t you?” you shook your head, eyes still locked on his. “n-no,” you respond quickly, tripping on your tongue.
“no? does daddy know about the- your little purple dick you keep by your pillow every night? that his- his beautiful baby girl is letting strangers fill her up with cum?” the distance closes between you quickly, his mouth now hovering above your ear as he bends down to you, “that she’s been dreaming about fucking an old man every night.” you snap your head up to meet him, lips dangerously close now. your face feels red hot as you struggle to keep your composure, “you.. you read-”
“your little diary? haha, yes, i-i read it.” he lazily motions towards it and you see it splayed wide open, to your horror, “‘s not my fault you leave it in such an obvious place-”
“it was in a locked drawer, by my computer-”
“like i said,” he smirked, “obvious.” he slinked his arm around your waist, teasing your skin as his fingers went past, and the soft touch took you by surprise. so much so you panic, feeling claustrophobic in his hold and you swing your small blade up and out from behind you, but before it can get anywhere far, your wrist is jailed in his fingers. you gasp and instinctively use your other hand to push against him before he has that one too, and now you’re helpless. 
you struggle against him with all the power you could muster as he swiftly turns you, spinning you around and pushing you over to the nearest counter. your stomach lands on the hard edge of the granite with an oof and before you could react he’s behind you, pushing all his weight against you, effectively pinning you still. you whine against the pressure, feeling your chest get tighter with the lack of air. “Wait,” you plead frantically.
“wow, never thought you were smart, but-” he rips the knife out of your hand and you cry out, “i-huh, didn’t know you were a fucking idiot.”
you felt him trail the knife up your leg, the tip of the blade cold against your skin as it dragged up. you shivered at the contact and tears filled your eyes as you gripped the edge. “Rick, please, i’m sorry,” you whimper, feeling the blade get higher and higher before softly sliding in between the shorts and your skin, sneaking it’s way lower until the blade was wider than the crotch, then cutting the material right off.
you gasp and jump, causing a chuckle to bubble out of his throat. his breath was hot on your neck as he used his free hand to rub you everywhere, viciously grabbing at your legs, hips and chest, slipping under your shirt to grope your tits as you shivered underneath him. as scared as you were, your body couldn’t help but react; your body heat rising as the knife switched hands before he quickly returned to your cunt. with no other garments to cover you- you opted out of a pair of underwear, thinking he was gone anyway- his fingers were quick to slide through your slick folds. he audibly moans at your wetness, you tremble and throw your head back at the touch, and Rick’s mouth is quick to ghost over your neck.
“so fucking wet, huh? you fuc- you fucking like this, don’t you?” he asks, bringing the knife up to your throat. sobs escape you as you pull your head back as far as it could go in a desperate attempt to get away from the blade. “no… Rick, please.” he shoves his foot in between yours to kick them apart, having you spread wide for him. his fingers start picking up the pace, going back and forth between your slippery hole and your clit, taking his time on the little nub, circling and occasionally pulling on it with his middle and thumb.
the touch was overwhelming. you feel yourself giving in to him, the back of your neck locked onto his shoulder as you cry out to the heavens. your legs start to shake and you worry they’re about to give out, so you lean into him further, causing him to move his hand around to rub your wet pussy from the front. his head buried in the nape of your neck for a moment, taking a big, exaggerated snnniiffff before sighing,
 “poor girl, so fucking scared and dripping for me. We-heh,- you could’ve been good for me, could’ve played nice. but since you wanted to be brave,” his middle finger pushes in, despite your sharp, pained gasp, “i gotta- need to teach you to be good, right? teach you to be polite.” he finds a rhythm, slow and consistent, until you start moaning and squeezing him. the pain now being replaced by building pleasure, you buck your hips towards him, unashamedly chasing your high. he’s added a second finger, now perfectly hitting your songey center with every thrust, using his thumb to sloppily rub at your clit, and your vision blurs.
“Rick, i-“
“if you cum without permission, i will slit your throat and watch you bleed all over this fucking floor,” he growls, and the coil in you grows tight. 
“please, please Rick-“
“please what? use your words, baby,” 
you still your movements in an attempt to slow it down, but Rick’s pace has you desperately reaching out and grabbing the counter, screaming as your vision goes white-
“ohfuck, please let me cum, fuck Rick, pleeeeaasssee,” 
“good girl, let me hear those pretty noises.”
your legs give out from underneath you as you hit your peak, his name pouring out of your mouth as he continues his pace while holding you up. you twitch and jump away from him as he continues to fuck you open, but he holds you still, leaning forward to pin you against the cold surface. your mouth hangs open, releasing little aahs and ffucks until your head hits the granite. your breath hitches as you come down, exhales turning back into moans when he doesn’t stop.
once you had obeyed, he had discarded the knife- so he takes this time to slide his arm around your chest, taking your neck and bringing it up to bite it, rude with his teeth but gentle with his lips when he goes back to lick and suck at the skin. the air hitting his saliva sent chills down your spine, and you arch your back, reaching up to touch him, touch his hair, something,
“no, don’t- you don’t touch me unless i tell you to. you understand? y-you can remember that, right?” his fingers slow, giving you a chance to respond. instead you whine at the change of pace, bucking your hips desperately to get him to keep going. you had reluctantly brought your hands back down to the counter, turning into fists as you’re denied of pleasure.  
he quickly removes his digits to deliver a hard slap to your ass, your skin welting up immediately. you yelp and almost jump up on the tile, desperate to get away as he lands another one, skin now hot to the touch. the hand on your throat moving up to cover your mouth, he brings your ear to his lips, taking his time to lick up the length of it and bring your earlobe in his teeth. you vibrate his hand with moans; he’s not sure if they’re of pleasure or pain but he doesn’t necessarily care. “right?”
he moves his mouth to let you speak and you do, apologetic and frantic as your eyes prickle with tears, “yes! ah-,  r-right,”
Rick watches as your hips fall back to his, your ass grinding against him. his digits had found their way back to your poor clit, pressing and rubbing over it, using his free fingers to spread your shiny lips open. he could see your hands jerking nervously, not knowing what to do and resolving to digging nails into each other.
“look at you, fuck-, poor baby, you wanna touch me that bad, hmm? he-hh, need to feel me, don’t you?”
“yes, Rick,” you breathe, words getting harder now that you see your next peak. it felt so good but you need more to get you there, “please please please,”
he laughs as he pulls his hands away completely, hearing your protests as your tears begin to fall; your bottom lip beginning to bruise as you bite down, he spins you to face him, the hands on your shoulders firm but gentle.
you don’t hesitate. you lower to your knees, eyes locked on his as they follow you down. when your bone hits the cold tile, a little gasp escapes you and you avert your gaze. So fucking precious, it brings a smile to his face. he brings his hand up to hold your chin, holding it between his thumb and index finger, and brings it back up to him.
“s-..so good for me. you’re learning, baby,” his free hand goes to his belt, tugging to pull it open to scramble at his zipper, “i’m going- i’m gonna be nice, gonna give you what you want. you’re going to be grateful,” he moans, finally freeing his cock and holding it at the base. your eyes fly to it, taking in its size and you groan silently. it’s so much bigger than you remember, and you couldn’t imagine it in your mouth let alone in your sore flesh. “you need this dick,” he pressed the dripping tip to your lips, “i’m going to give it to you.”
its too big, way too big, you open your mouth to explain. he had to understand, you wanted this but there’s just no way-
he used this as his literal opening, pushing the head of his cock past your lips, holding your head in place as you struggled against his girth. tears streaming down your face now, he wipes them away with his thumbs before bringing them up to taste your tears. you whine as he pushes farther- you try your best to adjust to him, flattening your tongue and relaxing as your jaw opens wider. 
“very good, ffuck,” he growls, forcing his hips to stay still to let you take your time, “mouth feels sso good, sweetheart, hehh- i- look at me, hey,” you blink up to obey, his eyes blown out with lust when he sees the mess he’s made you- face red and swollen as you fought to keep yourself from gagging, wet and shiny with tears. “so pretty,” he cooed through his teeth, “look at me while i fuck your mouth,”
he pulls himself out, spit trailing from your lips, and you have just enough time for a big breath before he’s pushing in again, coming back out then going further, steadily fucking your mouth with ferver. you gag on his size, struggling to breathe as he’s going faster, getting more aggressive, moaning and grunting when he leans over to rest an arm on the counter- pushing you back and pinning you against the harsh wood, cabinet handles digging into your back. your worried cries vibrate through his shaft and he growls, using the makeshift wall to keep you still he puts both hands on the granite now, jerking his hips against your mouth as you take him all in. through your struggle, you’re still looking at him. 
“s-so fucking obidient. you’ve been waiting for this, huh? been waiting for my big cock, ahh, that’s it baby-”
with one more final, deep thrust he pulls out, leaving you gasping and falling forward, hands landing between his boots. although your lungs are relieved, you look back up at him, wondering why the abrupt stop. he was getting close, you could tell by the way he twitched on your tongue- and you were ready to take it all, was excited for it, even. “Rick? i-”
“get up,” his arms slink under yours to help pull you up, “turn around, bend over.” you wonder why he gives you direction when he just manhandles you, putting you exactly where he wants you. he takes no time to line himself up with your hot opening, already clenching down just begging for him.
he drags his hot shaft along your slit, coating it with your slick. “fuck, please,” you beg.
“you- hah, uhh- you ready? have to tell me you want it, baby, i- need to know you missed me, tell me,”
“fuck me, please Rick, missed it- need you so much, fuck-”
he obliged, sinking his cock in your hot cunt until it completely bottomed out. your tongue fell out of your mouth as you huffed and cried, the stretch too much but so good.
he slowly dragged it out and then in again, working you open, picking up a pace as he breathed heavy in your ear. you hadn’t noticed he reached his arm around until his finger was on your clit, swirling it in circles over and over, being sure to hit the side that made you jerk a little more often- your toes curl and you make filthiest sounds.
“so fucking tight, fucking milking me baby, ‘s like it’s made for me,” he grunts with his thrusts, keeping your waist tight against the hard counter, “such a-fuck, such a dirty slut, can’t think of anything except this cock,”
he picks up speed and you’re writhing beneath him, completely fucked out and drooling- he sees this when your head leans back and your eyes roll, babbling his name around the pooling saliva. the fingers on your throbbing button haven’t skipped a beat, aiding the building pressure in your core. his right hand pulls on your body and you go with him as he takes a step back. he pushes on your back to get you lower and he shifts his hips, and all of a sudden he’s right there, bumping at your spongey core and you lose it.
“Rick, fuck, i’m-ahhhh, so fucking good,”
“mmm, gonna cum- gonna fuckin soak me, baby? gonna be a good girl and ask?”
your mind was going blank. it was all too much, and there was no time to ask, “Rickk, uhh- i’mgonnacum i’mgonnacum-”
and in seconds he was out of you, hands even leaving your waist, leaving you so suddenly empty your knees buckle as you sob, “NO, wait, i’m s-sorry, i- fuck, please let me cum, Rick, i’m sorry,” 
“getting cocky, sweetheart, think you got some fuckin- some magic pussy, getting whatever it wants?”
“no,” you reply weakly.
“no, that’s right. you have no idea what i could do to you, princess, fuck-” he lined himself back up but eased himself in painfully slow, still giving you a punishment, “so you do what i say, right? haheh- you’re cunt’s fuckin’ squeezing me,” 
you sigh in relief as he fills you once more, feeling yourself squeeze him as he hits your center. he starts his rhythm, no fingers to aide you now as he grips all ten into your soft flesh, pulling on your hips as he fucks you on his dick. you gave into his control, allowing yourself to be thrown around as he chases his own high- 
“you belong to me, you get that?” the slapping of his thighs against your ass almost drowning out his low voice, “i’m- ‘m going to fill you with my cum, and you’re gonna take it, you hear me?”
“yeesssssss,” your moans all drawn out as the coil tightens. you’ve lost track of the amount of orgasms but this next one was coming fast, the waves crashing in your stomach much more intense after being denied once. “i’m close, fuck, please let me cum, i wanna be good for you,”
it took all he could from busting right then and there, hearing you submit to him like that. he gives you a simple cum for me but it’s enough, quickly sending you over the edge. your legs struggle to keep you up as black spots cloud your vision, your mouth rambling profanities and thank yous as you fight to come down, wave after wave of pleasure hitting you as he continues to fuck you through it.
“so fucking cute, your dirty little mouth- fuck- gonna make me cum,” his hips snap faster, cruelly hitting deep with every thrust, uncaring of your comfort, “this pussy is mine, fucking all mine, fff- tell me it’s mine.”
“it’s yours,” you moan, knuckles white as you hold on to the tile for dear life.
“f-fuckin’ right, gonna fill it up- take it, ffuck-”
his hips stall as you feel him throb inside, coating your walls with his cum as he leans his forehead on your shoulder, mumbling curses as your pussy contracts around him, sucking him dry. you stay like that for a while, both catching your breath, reeling as you come down. you whine when he finally slips out of you, his seed following suit as it drips to the floor. “what a mess,” he says under his breath, tucking his softening prick back into his pants. “‘d hate to be the one that has to clean that up.” 
you turned to face him but he was already walking away, past you and out of the kitchen to the open space of the living room. it was like deja-vu, watching him leave after slutting you out. “as much as i’d ha-ate to leave you like this, well-” he turns to look at you, flushed and panting over the counter, “hate is a strong word,”
“wait,” you manage to croak out, shifting your weight to stand up straight, “are you… are you going to come back?”
taking the portal gun out of his coat he creates one, a wet garbled sound filling the quiet as green light washed over the room. you gasp, taking a step back- it was beautiful but terrifying, this floating mass of a void that has opened up in your apartment. 
“maybe,” he answered, shrugging his shoulders, completely unphased to your bewilderment, “if he doesn’t get to you first.”
and with that he’s gone, stepping through the portal and you watch as it swallows itself up, leaving you in the dark. 
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dersite-dragons · 1 year
zac's very passionate determination followed up by lou's sinister sadism makes this quite possibly the funniest d20 moment I've ever seen,,,,and it's a saving throw for a cowardly mule
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hamham-moments · 8 months
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arceal-doodles · 2 years
i swore that i’d draw one romantic ship if fell won vs ink and people voted for kustard--
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luminouslotuses · 3 months
nah, fuck these pussies trnya tell me wut u can cant do. fuck them all. fuck all them haters. fuck them lil bitches trnya take me down. kys bitches. im fuckin tubbo. im fucking him. u aint shit g
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Hey everyone,
I just found this WILD story about how a third grade teacher did an experiment with thier students and it went horribly wrong…
According to the report:
GALLATIN, TENN. - A science experiment gone wrong at a Tennessee elementary school sent 18 students and a teacher to the hospital on Friday, officials said.
The third-graders at Vena Stuart Elementary in Gallatin were conducting science experiments with an outside presenter and several said they began feeling sick after an experiment with dry ice, news outlets reported, citing a statement from Sumner County Schools.
The full article will be below if anyone wants to check it out.
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minijeong · 2 years
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karina // illusion @ aespa gma concert series [cr. just]
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sendpseuds · 4 months
My Character Introduction
I was asked by both @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart and @piecesofeden11 to answer the following question from this ask game:
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
This was an insane exercise. I definitely cried while writing this and I'm just gonna post it before I overthink it!
The sound of her voice appears before she does, loud and full, bright with the laugh that seems to always be hiding behind her teeth. It feels like she should wear more color, constantly wrapped in blacks and grays that do nothing to bring out the green in her eyes but it seems like she’s always trying to fade into the background in a way that boisterous personality of hers will never allow. Her smile is crooked and easy, though there are times it feels like a bit of a show — still trying to unlearn habits trained into a little girl with nothing but the mask of a comedian to hide behind.
She’s pretty and she knows it, though the days of free drinks at the bar from men vying for her touch are well in the past — silver streaking across the front of her hairline like the beautiful mutant superhero from her childhood.
She’s always too loud, though people act strange when she’s quiet. She’s the life of every party she didn’t want to go to and has a knack for finding trouble. She’s never able to swallow her words and is somehow still a better listener than most.
She cries less than she laughs, but she often does them at the same time.
She’s far from perfect, but she’s usually right. 
She’s always herself.
Even when she’s not.
She’s a contradiction and exactly what you’d expect.
You just have to find out for yourself.
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scribesynnox · 2 years
That new episode of Rick and Morty, s6 ep05, the one with the fortune cookie and the Rick and Jerry adventure? THAT WAS FUCKIN’ WILD MAN. That was a WILD episode. Holy shit. There is so much character development being shown, I am absolutely Reeling.
Rick apologized. To Jerry. For a slap. Jerry cried and Rick apologized for hitting him. He covered for Jerry to let him not go to the zoo because he was upset and distressed. He helped him out with his fortune problem probability thing. Fuckin’ hell, he CHOSE to save Jerry over all powerful fortune making powers!
And like, I know the signs have been building up for the past few episodes, Rick consistently showing nicer behaviors, but like THIS is what made me sit up and blink. THIS is what’s making me go, “oh shit. Oh shit, Rick’s changing. He’s choosing to care and give a shit and let things matter to him.”
It feels like ever since Morty told Rick, “I don’t know him. You’re my grandpa, Rick”, after everyone settled into their new dimension (where people call parmesan “par-me-sian”), after Summer said that THIS was their new original dimension now, after Rick chose the Smith family over avenging his wife and daughter. After all that. It really feels like Rick is now making the conscious decision to stay and to care and to be a part of the Smith family. And it’s absolutely wild. I look forward to the next episodes, god damn.
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killjpeg · 1 year
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congrats momther with the win @kerorowars
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kamurocho-lullaby · 8 months
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Listen... I just... I need people to see what I was confronted with when I opened my SECOND EVER ask on this blog okay...
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It was like I got jumpscared by TEN YEARS IN THE JOINT and I can't- like u can CLEARLY see what it is and I just !!! keyboard smash
Please feel free to send me ALL the asks!
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noodlesbatches · 3 months
rewatched the house bunny and got a good look at colby-
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WTF ??
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booksanxietyandsports · 5 months
what a fucking relay i can’t
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0xcoffeex0 · 8 months
Do y'all remember when Devsisters added a submarine treasure DURING the submarine incident 😭😭😭
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