#( i just used my tail. it worked fine for catfish. )
lunarscaled · 6 months
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"I'd die in Octavinelle before I ever got anywhere close to putting my scales in the water."
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rainbow18 · 8 months
Not sure how many people thought about this but all of Tails’s counterparts were bullied for different reasons. All of their names are connected to said bullying.
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Nine was bullied due to his appearance. The older Foxes thought it was funny that he was born with with 2 tails instead of one. (I suspect that Tails’s old bullies counterparts might’ve ended up in the same location, similar to Eggman’s counterparts.)
As a result, Nine became insecure about his real tails and made several mechanical ones to use against those bullies or creeps, as he calls them. Nine’s mechanical tails, quickly became his namesake and he decided that he wasn’t going to like or care about anyone unless they worked hard to prove they deserve his affection.
Nine also might’ve made the mechanical tails with the idea of “You don’t like My real tails, which are of no danger to you? Fine! Let’s see how you like My Metal tails, which can and will destroy you if you don’t stop!”
When Sonic called him “Tails Nine”, Nine hated it since while Sonic meant it as a affectionate nickname, that doesn’t change the fact that Nine spent at least half of his life with “Tails” being used as a derogatory nickname.
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Sails meanwhile was bullied due to his occupation. Because of how Dread treated Captain Jack and the rest of his old crew, they grew resentful and began targeting Dread, Batten, Black, Catfish and Sails.
As a result, Sails became somewhat paranoid as he quickly accused Sonic of being a member of the old crew and wanted to attack him until he realized that Sonic was too fast to be a member of the old crew. Similar to the rest of the crew, Sails doesn’t have much fighting experience since Dread temporarily quit piracy after Captain Jack turned against him. (Edit. Sails also might have lost his ear.)
I’m calling the accusation paranoia because The only vehicles around belonged to Dread, Batten, Black, Catfish and Sails. Plus Sonic was unarmed and by himself. (While Sonic has superspeed, can teleport and has beaten enemies on multiple occasions, Sails had no way of knowing that.)
Sails presumably got his nickname because he specializes in working with sails. He appears to be shown napping in one and the other Counterparts of Tails got their names due to what they do.
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Mangey was bullied because of his wild nature. Given what the word Mangey means, his name likely originated as an insult.
Mangey has a monkey see, monkey do mindset. After witnessing the other scavengers treating the plants badly, he quickly copied. So Thorn sent him to live in the canopy just like the rest of the scavengers. Every time Mangey was successful in getting food, it was quickly taken away by someone else.
Feelings is the only word that Mangey can say and Mangey was the only one who liked Sonic’s idea of everyone talking about their feelings. (Possibly because he’s used to nobody caring about his thoughts and he wanted that to change).
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello Sunday people!
Thanks @nightimedreamersworld @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @basiltonbutliketheherb @aroace-genderfluid-sheep for the tags! I'll check your stuff when I get home.
A couple of hours ago I turned on my laptop because I felt inspired to write, and then I wasted hours updating the docs where I keep my list of ideas and making minor edits to an already published fic... To the point that my laptop is off again and I have to go out in less than an hour and I have written no words. So I'm going to write them now. (Imagine me closing Tumblr and opening a doc here.)
I'm back with new words! (And I'm going out in one minute. Posting this while opening the front door.) I started chapter 2 of my COBB (though I already have snippets from future chapters), so have some Simon!
This is fine.
Simon is fine.
Ebb is going to kill him (or she would if she wasn't so terribly kind to the particular brand of fucked up Simon is), but it's fine. He should've known you can never trust a catfish, but sometimes you're really desperate and you fall for a slimy moustache and suave words coming out of a cavernous mouth.
And it's not even like Simon couldn't find what he was looking for—it was there, hidden behind a waterfall, just like the treacherous fish had told him. But something clearly went wrong, or he wouldn't be nudging a greenish severed head with his claws, the spade of his tail thrashing behind him like a kicked puppy throwing a tantrum.
And since I'm unstoppable and cannot share only 6 sentences, under the cut there's another (7-sentence) snippet AND the tags. Love you all <3
Very unedited Penny from chapter 3
A very long time ago (three weeks, five days, and eleven hours), Penelope used to have a boyfriend. She isn't sure she liked him very much, but it felt safe, and settled, and she enjoyed writing him long letters instead of leaving the comfort of her home to visit him, so it worked just fine.
And then, out of nowhere, he decided she was too focused on her dangerous and pointless research, on her new weird and even more dangerous friend, and, most of all, on magic, and he ditched her. Good riddance, Penelope thought back then, but now, as she watches her new client storm up the stairs without answering her fourteenth question about forbidden rituals, she's starting to think he might have been right.
But she shouldn't be blamed, really.
When fire knocks on your door, you open it. And you fuel it with questions.
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggo @takitalks @theotherhufflepuff @otherworldsivelivedin @excalisbury @shemakesmeforget @starwarned @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @bloodiedpixie @stardustasincocaine @angelsfalling16 @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse
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foulserpent · 2 years
(CLOSED) 25$ creature/character design mini -commissions
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(examples from last time)
for 25$ apiece, i will design you a character based on a prompt. the finished product will be a colored sketch of this design.
im accepting requests for monsters, furry/anthro, and creature design (fantasy, realistic speculative biology, etc are all fine). I strongly prefer drawing creatures rn, please no humanoids!
note that the colored sketch you receive will be the final product. i will design something accurate to your prompt that i am happy with, but this means i will not be doing revisions as part of the base price. (if theres anything youd like changed, we can talk to work out an additional price)
im taking 4 slots right now. if you are committing to buy, please comment in the replies of this post and have your IMs open. i will be IMing you to ask for your prompt and email for the 25$ paypal invoice right away. (if you would like to tip, use my kofi in the pinned! thanks).
2. taken
3. taken
4. taken
example prompts under the cut:
simple (significant artistic freedom on my part):
"a speculative predatory deer"
"an anthro snake girl with 3 heads"
"an argonian based on a bird of paradise"
"a deity representing a sacred pond"
complex (will give you more specific results):
"a speculative predatory deer- a descendent of water deer whose display tusks have been modified into functional cuspid teeth. it has a shorter neck and strong jaws, and its eyes face forward. it has a mane running down its back and a short bristly tail. its coloration is striped to break up its silouette"
"an anthro snake girl with 3 heads. she's based on a coral snake, and each head seems to have a different personality. she is digitigrade with a short tail and a stocky build."
"an argonian based on a bird of paradise, she should have an iridescent blue neck, black feathers, and bright blue eyes, as well as a long fanning tail. any exposed scales should be bright red, and her claws are white."
"a deity representing a sacred pond. it is a gigantic catfish with pond weeds trailing in its barbels, its back marked with scars and embedded spears from failed attempts at its capture. its back is a muddy green-brown, while its underside is dazzling iridescent colors."
your prompt can be anywhere between these levels of complexity, these are just examples. please have a prompt though, while i deeply appreciate the commission i will not accept "just do whatever you want" requests!
if you are committing to buy but need time thinking about your prompt, that's fine, just please have something for me within a few days (i will be sending a paypal invoice right away regardless)
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Hello! I saw that requests were open and I was wondering if I could request the demon brothers from Obey Me! (separately) with a mermaid s/o? The brothers are unaware that their s/o is a mermaid since they hid themself amongst humans and pretended to be one. But since they’re in the Devildom and they miss the ocean, they’ll take really long baths in the bathroom while in their mermaid form whenever they can. Maybe the brothers find out they’re a mermaid when they accidentally see their s/o in their mermaid form? Gender-neutral please! And sorry if this is kinda a long request. I love your work and I hope you have a lovely day! Thank you! ❤️
Aww, I'm glad you like my work thank you for requesting it! And don't worry I love long requests it really helps me when it comes to writing! I will also say this is technically against my rules as I only write for 6 at a time but I will make an exception only for the Obey Me brothers just please keep that in mind. - Lilly
Set up
It's been a rough week the heat in the Deilvdom Is already above average but this past week has been the worst it's almost unbearable and I want nothing more then to get home so I can soak myself for a while. I've been doing that most days anyway but now it's more out of need than a want. Another hot day and another need for a long bath only this time I would get to relax for even longer! 'Everyone should still be at RAD for the meeting" With how hot it was Diavolo said it would be okay for me to head back so I didn't risk passing out so I would have at least an extra hour before anyone got home! Fully submerged in cool water my Iridescent tail just slightly hanging out I let myself unwind from the week. "Other than the heat things have been good I've kept my grades high and tomorrow we'll be going on a date" My lips pull into a smile as I muse not noticing the sound of knocking or the worried voice of my partner calling out to me it seems only natural this would happen one day but opening my eyes to the shocked face of my lover wasn't how I planned it.
Though fully shocked by the news that you're apparently a kind of merfolk he is also in stunned awe
It might take him a few moments but once he recomposes himself he'll jump straight to questioning you on things
He's not mad not even really a little angry that you kept this from him he just wants to know why and how you hid it....did Diavolo know?!
After you answer his questions he just stands there in amazement as a human he thought you the most beautiful being and now you're also like a shining star
You also have no idea how much pride this man has when he finds out you wanted to tell him and only him for a while now
He does get a little shy about a desire he now has but he still tells you about it (it's wanting to see and swim with you in the ocean)
" My my and here I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore then you already have you truly are my most special one huh?
So flustered I mean what was he supposed to do you're in the tub and oh...oh you're a merfolk
He doesn't fully know how to process this information but man he knows he's happy and a little upset
Ask tons of questions and most of them are about why and how you hid this from him
Once that's out of the way Mammon is so excited you've been his number one since before you even started dating but knowing this secret about you and being the only one to know even if it was an accident makes him so happy
You get a new nickname then and there and it's His Sea Jewel though he still calls you his human to cause duh
He plans to take you to the ocean whenever he can just so you be fully yourself and enjoy not being in such a small tub( he might even bribe Asmo so you can use his tub too)
"I always knew you were a treasure but babe this is something else ya know"
:o that's him when he sees your tail, You're a sea dweller like him!!!!
Not even really gonna wonder why you didn't tell him he just gonna make sure you haven't told anyone else
Guess what your new couple's activity is! It's swimming in his aquarium room him in his demon form and you in your merfolk from
Is now a hype man for you talking up how cool it is that you are really a merperson and how it's just like the anime my best friend turned out to be a mermaid!
Will not even think about telling his brothers this is his secret with you now no one else should know unless you want to tell them..
Please let him help clean your tail and fins he will do everything you (⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
He walks out right away and it won't dawn on him at first that you're a merfolk until he's out of the room
Does tons of research on mermaids and merpeople in general
He's hyper-focused on it for a bit and honesty prefers if you want to tell the others because he can brag that you're all his
Teasing calls you catfish and lovingly calls you jellyfish don't ask why
Is really scared now of bringing you with him to play with cats or showing you the cats he brings in thanks to slightly fearing they may try to eat you
enjoys sitting in the tub with you while you stay in your full form even if you like the water cold if it means holding you like this he won't mind
" What a wonderful surprise my dear jellyfish if you ever want to go see the ocean just let me know it will be our vacation plans"
At first, he was just happy to see enjoying your time and then he saw the tail
He so excited his partner the second most beautiful person in all the Devildom and the most beautiful human is actually a beautiful merfolk
Will not question it at all he understand why you might want to hide it and that Diavolo probably already knew so he's not worried
Asmo already called you many sweet nicknames but his new favorite is Angle fish
Now that he knows he becomes far more committed to helping you out with a beauty routine after all merpeople can't risk their fins and scales drying or being hurt
If you're okay with it he'll want to post about you in your true form mostly bragging about how amazing you are
" I didn't think you could be any more gorgeous yet here you are angle fish glimmering like a clear night star"
His first thing after seeing you like this is to be worried you're in the heat so often are you ok?
Beel isn't really fazed by the fact you've been hiding this he's just happy you don't mind him knowing
Won't say a word to anyone unless you want him to but will ask if he can at least tell Belphie
He will go to the beach with you whenever you want and starts to take you with him to work out his gym has a huge swimming pool you can use
Really wants to know about food you like now did you enjoy fish or other types of seafood if so raw or cooked he'll plan a dinner for you
Beel will still call you cupcake but sometimes when he wants to tease you he calls you sushi and if anyone calls you that in a mocking way he will fight
" I've always like carrying you around but now I have even more reasons to"
Doesn't ever notice you have a tail he just wanted to know why you were in the bath for so long
Is both in awe and also doesn't care thanks to you he became ok with humans again and even though he knows you're not really one you clearly choose to live like you are
Is fine with keeping it a secret but will also be real smug if you tell people cause now people think your even cooler but your all his
He can sleep anywhere and thought he wont be in the tub with you he will hold your hand and rub your tail while he sits on the ground and naps
Doesn't like going to the beach much but if you really wanna go hell come with you just to see having fun
Will whole heartedly defend you and fight for you if someone finds out and picks on you or if any of his brothers bother you
" Who would've guessed that you would be such a magical person and to not just that but that even being who you are you still choose me"
Okay I hope that this was to your liking and thank you for reading! And a huge thank you to my best friend @bird-brained-plague-doctor for helping me with some of the ideas used!!!!
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The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend
Rating: Teen and up, just for some allusions and a bit of (quite mild) language. Better safe than sorry.
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Francisco “Catfish” Morales/You
Summary: You're dating Frankie and your cat hates him. Because cats are wonderful assholes.
"I know, baby, I know. Everything stinks and is unfair."
Frankie smiles faintly to himself when he hears your voice from the bathroom, where you are are trying to medicate your very uncooperative cat Karl, who has an ear infection and has to be given eardrops twice a day. The gray-striped tomcat disagrees to this torture loudly, and Frankie is happy about not having to be the one to administer the drops. Then again, he doesn't need to have anything to do with the cat: every since you two started dating and he started coming around to your place, the cat has clearly showed that Frankie is an intruder. He pissed in Frankie's shoes the first night he stayed over, and more than once has Frankie woken up in your bed to find Karl, in the form of an dark, disapproving loaf, on top of you, staring him down in the dark.
"He's been the only man in my life for quite a while," you defended the beast when Frankie finally dared to complain. "He's very protective of me. Give him some time."
Frankie likes cats fine, isn't much used to being around them, but doesn't mind them. He likes the idea of having a purring cat in his lap while watching TV at night. Karl, however, is not living up to his fantasy of what a cat should be like.
The bathroom door opens and Karl slinks out, fast as lightning, disappearing somewhere to pout about the unjust treatment he's been put through. You come into the bedroom and Frankie sits up in bed, holding out his hand. You take it, sliding down next to him, and accept his sweet morning kiss. When he backs away, he spots the red scratch at your collarbones.
"Did the cat do that?" Carefully, he trails the scratch, and you recoil, frowning at the sting. It's not deep enough to bleed, but it does smart. "Sorry," he murmurs and drops his hand to your knee.
"It's not out first rodeo," you shrug. "How would you like it if I held you down and poured liquid into your aching ear?"
"I wouldn't hurt you, that's for sure," Frankie tells you with determination. "That cat is an asshole."
"Careful there. That cat was here way before you." You close your eyes and sigh softly as his hand slides up your thigh and his lips graze your shoulder.
"There's a lot of things I can do for you that the cat can't..." he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear, before applying a little bit of teeth to your earlobe. A shudder runs through you at the light scratch of his facial hair.
"Mmm... but he doesn't make me late for work as often as you do," you chide him, fluttering your eyes open and smiling at him. "I gotta be at work on time today, baby. Early meeting."
Frankie scoffs, disgruntled, and you give him a quick peck on the cheek before getting up. "I know, but it can't be helped. You want coffee?"
"Not what I wanted at all..." Frankie grumbles, and it makes you roll your eyes and throw him a kiss before leaving.
Frankie lays back, yawning loudly and passing his hands through his unruly head of hair, scratching a little and then stretching his arms to the sides, popping joints complaining. His right arm stays where it is, over your side of the bed, and although it's been a while since you got up, he imagines that he can feel the lingering warmth of your body on the sheets. He hears you talk as you serve that dang cat its breakfast, and it doesn't matter that the cat clearly hates him, he accepts Karl because you love Karl. He likes listening to you talk to the jealous little thing, fussing over it. It feels homey.
He flinches when the cat suddenly springs up onto the bed, close to his outstretched arm. Frankie pulls in his arm immadiately, watching Karl closely. Yellow eyes stare back at him, assessing.
"Hello, Karl," Frankie says carefully, expecting the cat to retreat, or hiss, or maybe throw up right in front of him.
Karl blinks slowly. Then, equally slowly, walks across the bed to Frankie, stops right next to him, looks at him again, and flops down against his side. Frankie stiffens, not sure what to do. What does that creature want?
"Okay. Umm..."
Karl is very meticulously looking away, like he doesn't want to acknowledge Frankie's existence at all. His eyes are wide open, staring stubbornly in another direction, with the feline equivalence of a person who has to do something really gross but necessary, like clean up after a kid's explosive diarrhea. And Frankie, quite obviously, is both the kid and the diarrhea.
Carefully, Frankie puts his hand over Karl's neck and passes it slowly over his back, stopping where the tail starts. Nothing happens, so he tries again. And again. Karl's expression of disgust doesn't change, but he closes his eyes.
Well, shit.
Frankie pets the cat in silence, although he wants to call to you and have you come look at the miracle. He has a feeling the cat wouldn't take to bragging like that. Better to just pretend like this is normal, nothing out of the ordinary, move along, nothing to see here...
He hears you walk around the apartment, mumbling to yourself, before you come into the bedroom.
"He's mad enough not to want breakf- "
You come to a full stop when you see what's going on. Frankie can't help but crack a large grin.
"Oh my god," you say. "He's really pissed at me!"
"Thanks for the vote of confidence."
You laugh, and come to sit down next to the two guys in your life.
"Are you this upset with me, you silly boy?" you coo at Karl, who opens his eyes and looks disapprovingly at you. "Come on now, come have breakfast."
Karl slowly comes to his feet, curls his spine up towards the ceiling, and then gets up on Frankie's belly. Very demonstratively, he turns his back on you and settles. You're baffled, and quite amused as well.
"Asshole cat."
"Hey, don't be like that, he's an old gent who deserves some respect!" Frankie admonishes you. Rolling your eyes, you mutter a whatever and get out of bed.
"Coffee's ready."
"We'll be there when we're good and ready," Frankie lets you know. Karl starts to purr.
"Men," you scoff and leave them for your breakfast. Frankie pets Karl, who cracks open an eye to gaze inscrutably at him.
"Us guys gotta stick together, right?" Frankie could swear the cat smiles at him as the one yellow eye shuts close anew. "But we gotta treat her well, too. You know that, right? Right? Good man. You wanna get breakfast? I sure do."
Karl opens his eyes again at the sound of the word breakfast and when Frankie flexes his abs, Karl jumps down and waits for him to get out of bed.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
The Dog Days of Summer
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 1,923
Warnings: A few mentions of Tom, but this is all fluff!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
On one of the warmest days of summer, Frankie takes his dog to a one man dog wash. The last thing he expected was for his dog to lead him to the future love of his life, but hey, that’s how things work here. 
“Community dog wash,” Frankie read off the flier that had been placed in his mailbox. “What do you think Red? Wanna go check it out?”
Red huffed from his spot on the couch.
Frankie chuckled, sitting beside Red. He’d always been a dog person, but could never see himself owning one. At least, not until he’d come home from his latest mission. When Tom had died, he’d left his beautiful Rottweiler dog to the boys. Apparently his wife and daughter weren’t dog people. The Millers couldn’t take Red, and Santi still hadn’t come back to the country. So the care of Red had fallen to Frankie.
Red was not a small dog. At almost 120 pounds, he could’ve been a menace if he wanted to. However, he was gentle as can be and so incredibly enthusiastic for literally anything. Frankie could still remember when Tom had brought Red to meet the boys, and he’d been a tiny fuzzy puppy who’d fallen asleep cradled in Frankie’s arms. Now, that baby was nearing 5, and was no less adorable.
The only thing Frankie hated about Red was having to bathe him.
Red was a menace on bath day. He cowered in the corner of the shower, never got close enough to the shower head to actually get clean, and bit Frankie when he tried to dry him off.
“I think we should go,” Frankie said, scratching behind Red’s ear. “Check it out. You might make some friends.”
Red boofed softly. Sometimes, he responded at just the right times and Frankie could’ve sworn he understood him.
Nearer to noon, Frankie got up off the couch and got dressed, Red dutifully following him and vibrating with excitement at Frankie put his harness on and led him to his truck.
The location of the dog wash wasn’t far. In fact, it was a few minutes away in a small public space. There were a few kiddie pools, a hose, and a single person standing there, drying off a small dog. A handmade sign read ‘Community Dog Wash.’
Frankie kept a firm hand on Red’s leash as he walked over. Tom had trained Red well, but he was still prone to overeager introductions or forgetting he was a big dog.
“Alrighty Ms. Avery, Lydia’s all clean!” you said, handing Ms. Avery her small dog back. Today was one of the nice days of summer, warm without being stifling. So you’d donned shorts, an old shirt, and a baseball cap you’d gotten from a friend and headed out to wash the neighborhood dogs. You did it every summer, and this year was no exception.
“Hello,” a slightly nervous voice said, and you looked around. A man who you’d seen once or twice around the neighborhood was standing there, a practically vibrating Rottie standing by his side. “Is this the dog wash?”
“Yep!” You said happily, kneeling down to introduce yourself to the dog. “Hello, who’re you?”
The man pat the dog’s head. “This is Red.”
Red, seizing his opportunity, licked your face.
“Red!” The man reprimanded, causing Red to whine. “No!”
“Oh it’s fine,” you reassured, wiping your face with your sleeve. “My dog is so much worse.”
As if on cue, your dog came ambling over. The man’s eyes went wide. “That’s not a dog. That’s a small bear.”
You reached up and scratched behind your dog’s ears. “Nah. She’s a Caucasian Shepherd dog. Her name is Oboe, short for Oberon.”
“Like the Game of Thrones character?”
“Midsummer’s Night Dream actually,” you said. “I’m (Y/N).”
You stood, brushing yourself off. “Well, Frankie. Shall we?”
Red was very eager to follow you right up until he discovered this would include water. At which he pulled on his leash and whined pitifully, trying to escape.
“I’m so sorry,” Frankie said as you stood by one of the pools and tried to contain your laughter. “He’s always like this when I try to bathe him.”
Oboe snorted, as if she was laughing. She had curled on the grass, bathing in the warm summer sun. You sighed. You’d have to get her some ice, or else she’d overheat herself.
You walked over to Red, grabbing him and lifting him with ease, which shocked Frankie. He stood there, wide eyed, as you plopped Red in the kiddie pool and got in with him, straddling the dog and squeezing his hips with your legs. “See, this isn’t so bad.”
Red whined and tried to run, but your grip on him tightened. “Frankie, can you hand me the hose?”
Frankie grabbed the hose and handed it to you, smiling as Red gave him a very betrayed look. “Sorry buddy,” he said, kneeling down. “But you smell.”
You gasped overdramatically. “No!” You said, smiling. “He smells just fine!”
Frankie laughed. “Mhm. Sure he does.”
Getting Red wet wasn’t hard. Between the pool and the hose, he was soaked in minutes. However, Frankie had to shed his shoes and join you in the pool because Red wouldn’t sit still. Now, with Red soaked and both of you getting sore, you reached to grab the soap and immediately got a face full of water as Red shook violently.
“Red!” You gasped, looking down at yourself. You’d been a bit damp from your previous dogs, but this wasn’t just a bit wet. Water raced down your arms and legs, and you completely abandoned your ball cap, sighing. “Gonna have to wash that.”
Frankie mirrored your action, tossing his hat beside yours. “Yeah. He’s prone to shaking. Sorry.” His face was just as wet as yours, water dripping off his chin and cheeks.
You shrugged, putting soap in your hands and throwing your leg over Red’s back again. “It’s fine,” you said, starting to lather the soap into Red’s fur. “Oboe’s got all that long fur, and when she shakes, it’s hell.”
Frankie nodded. “Where’d you even find her?”
“A breeder,” you said, scratching Red’s shoulder and laughing as he began to kick. “Breeder was a good friend of mine, and she had a puppy who no one wanted because she was the runt. I had just moved here, and said screw it, I’ll take her. They named her Oberon. All the puppies in that litter had Midsummer names.”
“She’s a runt?” Frankie looked at Oboe, surprised.
You nodded. “She was,” you said. “She’s actually still on the small side for her breed.” Red squirmed out of your soapy grip, but Frankie caught him before he could make a getaway. You smiled and picked up the hose. “Red, stop squirming.”
Red didn’t listen. He continued to wriggle, now trying to bite the hose water. You used one hand to clear the soap from Red’s fur, grinning as he kissed your chin when you bent down.
“So, how’d you end up with Red?” You asked, looking up briefly at Frankie.
“Oh.” He was quiet for a second. “I was in the military, and we lost a good man on a mission not too long ago. Red was his dog.”
You paused in your actions. “I’m so sorry.”
Frankie shrugged halfheartedly, still crouched in the water. “It took a while, but we recovered.”
Red gave you no time to feel much regret about your words. Instead, he tried to bite you as you washed his paws, and you gave him a light bop on the nose. Not enough to hurt him in any way, but enough to warn him. He didn’t try again, thankfully.
Once Red’s front paws were clean, you turned around and started to wash Red’s back half. Oboe had joined the fray, licking moisture out of Frankie’s shirt. He didn’t seem to mind much as he held Red’s face and kept him from going anywhere. As you scratched your nails over Red’s butt, he began to wiggle harder, one leg coming up and then the other.
“He’s dancing!” You said joyfully, continuing to scratch. Frankie laughed, watching Red kick.
Finishing your job only took a few more minutes, and then you were drying Red off and strapping him into his harness again. He kissed you anytime you came close to his face, and you laughed when his entire back half wiggled when he tried to wag his tail.
“Alright,” you said, finally done. “He’s as clean as he’s gonna get!”
“It’ll last all of ten minutes,” Frankie promised, picking his hat up but not putting it on. “I’ll see you around?”
You nodded. “Of course. I’m here every weekend to play with Oboe. We haven’t got a huge backyard, and she likes to run.”
Frankie smiled. “Maybe we’ll have to come play with you and Oboe one weekend.”
“I think we’d both like that.”
Frankie left after that, and you watched him herd Red into his truck. He waved as he drove off, and you waved back.
“Alright Oboe,” you said, turning back to your dog, who was chewing absently on the brim of your hat. “Hey!”
You pulled the hat from her mouth and immediately felt your stomach flip. This wasn’t your hat. The oil company logo was faded and unfamiliar, and you looked around. Frankie’s truck was nowhere to be seen. He probably hadn’t even noticed he’d left with your hat instead of his.
After an hour, the sun got to be too much, and you relented, putting Frankie’s hat on your head. You had to adjust it so it would fit, but it did a decent job of keeping the sun off your face.
When you finally ended up home, you hung the hat up and let Oboe loose in the house. She immediately curled up in her bed, and you slowly made yourself dinner. You were halfway through chopping some vegetables when your phone rang.
“Hello?” You wedged the phone between your shoulder and ear.
You smiled. “Frankie!”
Frankie chuckled. “I think you have something of mine.”
“I could say the same about you,” you said, glancing at the hat on your coat hook by the door.
“Yeah. Sorry about that,” Frankie said. “Glad you wrote your number in it though.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot I did that,” you admitted, dumping the vegetables into a bowl. “Oboe and I are going to go back to the community space tomorrow to watch the neighborhood soccer team play. Wanna come with?”
Frankie was quiet for a second, and you could hear shuffling. When he spoke again, he sounded strained. “Yeah. Sorry, Red had my shoe.”
You laughed. “Tell that rascal he needs to be nice to his daddy!”
Red barked in the background, and you smiled. “Anyway, tomorrow. The team plays at noon, but I’m always there at eleven to help set up.”
“I can be there at noon,” Frankie said. “I won’t bring Red though. He’s spending the day with his uncles.”
You leaned against your counter and tried to wipe your grin off your face. “It’ll just be the two of us. And Oboe.”
Oboe looked up when you said her name, but quickly went right back to sleep.
“That works,” Frankie promised. “This almost sounds like a date.”
You tried to cover your nervousness. “Maybe it is a date.”
Frankie had a grin in his voice when he spoke again. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date.”
“Same here.”
“I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be seeing you. Don’t forget my hat.”
“Don’t forget mine,” Frankie replied. “Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” you echoed, hanging up and looking at Oboe. “Oboe. I think I’m in love.”
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atpk · 3 years
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Mermay (Convin)
There are two types of merfolk: one that lives in the warm clear blue of the carol reefs and the other that lives in the colder darker depths. The ones that live in the warm waters look closer to human, apart from their tails; the ones that live in the cold waters have evolved to have webbed hands and scales on their torsos to help them swim faster. Connor is one of the warm water merfolk. Gavin is one of the cold water merfolk. They don’t mix. Cold water merfolk think the warm water dwellers are weak and soft and way too full of themselves. Warm water merfolk tell stories to their children at night that if they’re very bad the cold water dwellers will come and drag them down into the depths never to be seen again.
So ...
Gavin is out hunting for lunch, and he spots a particularly tasty looking red snapper so takes chase, his perfectly streamlined body torpedoing through the dim cold water; he snags his tail on yet another sharp rock outcrop, potentially adding to the numerous scars he already had along his tail and torso, but doesn’t stop until — he realises the water around him has got warmer, instantly making him uncomfortable. He looks up and realises that he’s closer to the surface than he should be and very far out of his own territory. The red snapper has gone and he’s surrounded by fish he doesn’t immediately recognise.
Needing to get his bearings he carefully climbs the nearest rock formation, his webbed fingers perfect for adhering to the craggy surface. The sun is hot and he closes his eyes and turns his head away from the blinding bright light. He shouldn’t have come up here. It wasn’t safe. He was too close to the land. Shielding his eyes from the sunlight he moved higher up out of the water and stopped, his heart beating a scared rhythm. There on a sandy rock, basking himself in the suns rays, was not only a warm water dwellers, but also the most breathtakingly beautiful mer he’d ever seen. Gavin could only stare, lifting himself higher on the rocks to see better. The mer was oblivious, enjoying the sea spray crashing on his tail and body.
Gavin caught sight of his webbed hands splayed on the rocks in front of him and shook his head, angry at himself for wasting his time daydreaming about this pretty poser. The twofers (this is what Gavin calls humans bc they have two legs) hunted in this area and if that dumb mer wasn’t careful he’d find his tail on the end of a hook, and himself carted off to some aquarium or other.
Gavin slunk back across the rocks and dove back into the too warm water. He was still hungry and the fish swimming around him were too small to do anything but dull the ache in his stomach. Damn that red snapper for getting away and leading him so far away from home. Gavin dove deeper, leaving the surface far below.
Several weeks later, Gavin’d almost completely forgotten about the pretty posing mer, with his perfect tail glinting into the sunlight, and his perfect smooth torso unmarked by a single scale, and his perfect hair swept back from his face — and then Gavin spotted a flash of movement above him, and it was him. The same mer he’d seen sunbathing beautifully on the sand, and he was swimming against the current, struggling to put distance between himself and the dark shadow of the twofer hunting vessel above. Gavin had seen this too many times not to know what was going to happen next. The twofers had obviously tagged the mer while he was on the surface and now they could pinpoint him with almost perfect accuracy. The harpoon came out of nowhere and pierced straight through the soft flesh of the mer’s tail, the hook catching and starting to drag him back and up. Gavin took chase, gaining speed, but the mechanism dragging the mer out of the ocean was faster. And then the mer grabbed onto a nearby rock outcrop and held on for dear life, the only problem being his stupid unwebbed fingers were useless at gripping and holding firm and soon he was only stopping his ascent by the skin of his finger tips.
Gavin saw the moment the mer saw him, he saw the instant flash of fear, but that didn’t stop him from pulling out his blade and hacking at the metal coil attached to the harpoon. The mer screamed in pain as the harpoon ripped deeper into his flesh but Gavin was intent only on getting him free. The metal quickly dulled his blade and Gavin threw it aside using his razor sharp teeth to bite through the last the few strands
The mer was free but had passed out due to the pain and Gavin did the only thing he knew to do and wrapped his arm around the mer’s waist speeding them away from the surface and down into the safety of the dark. Gavin couldn’t bring the top dweller home, he couldn’t be seen fraternising with their sort, so instead he took him to his private hideout.
The cave was small but they were still able to fit at a squeeze. Up close, this mer was even more beautiful than Gavin had thought, but he was bleeding out and Gavin went to work cleaning and disinfecting the wound, and he continued to keep the wound clean for the next day, only leaving to catch food, until the mer finally woke up.
Again Gavin saw that fear flash in his eyes, and his anger spiked.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna eat you.”
The mer looked around them, taking in the cave, the supplies, his bandaged tail and finally looked back at Gavin.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“Whatever,” Gavin snapped and went out to catch some fish.
Connor, that was the pretty mer’s name. A pretty name for a pretty mer, and he liked to talk. He found everything of interest. All the unfamiliar fish that swam by, and their unfamiliar tastes. He marvelled at the lichen on the rocks and almost got his fingers caught in a few oyster shells as he reached in to get the pearl and they clamped shut. In the end, Gavin got him a pearl and Connor beamed at him so happily, it made Gavin’s stomach do funny little backflips. Connor almost died with happiness when Gigi, Gavin’s catfish, turned up to say hello.
“You’re not what I expected from, well, from a cold water dwellers.”
“You were going to say ‘webber’, weren’t you?’
Connor looked chastised.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, I’ve been told my whole life that your kind are dangerous. I was told your webbed hands were slimy. But they’re not. They feel so nice on my tail.”
Connor blushed and then so did Gavin.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you’re told.”
Connor was able to swim a little now without too much pain, his tail was healing nicely, and they’d swim together, their tails sometimes touching, Gavin showing Connor all his favourite places; but oddly enough, whenever Gavin brought up the idea that Connor could probably go home soon, a subject both of them had been avoiding, Connor’s wound would suddenly feel much worse and he’d go back to hiding in the cave.
“We both know you’re fine now.” Gavin bit out reluctantly.
“No, it still hurts.”
Gavin levelled a look at him.
“I don’t want to go.” Connor admitted. “I like it here, with you.”
“You can’t stay here, Connor.” Gavin muttered. “You don’t belong here.”
They both fell silent.
It was true.
Their kinds didn’t mix.
This was just a fluke.
An accident.
It was never supposed to happen.
But it had happened.
“We can carry on seeing each other.” Connor says hopefully. “I can come down, you can come up, and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle.”
Gavin did want that. He really did. But if his kind found out, he’d be ostracised. They already lived in a delicate balance and it wouldn’t take much to tip things over into the worse.
“It’s dangerous.”
“I like you.”
“We shouldn’t.”
“I want to keep seeing you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Connor looked heartbroken but nodded, accepting Gavin’s decision.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.”
Gavin couldn’t take the risk despite how much he still wanted to see Connor, and he endured the next few angst filled weeks mourning his loss until he couldn’t take it anymore.
Going against his better judgement he swam as fast as possible to the rendezvous point Connor had given him, convinced that Connor wouldn’t be there, and his heart leapt when he saw that he was wrong. Connor was there, just as he’d promised to be, waiting patiently for Gavin. Gavin stopping, and did nothing more than float for the next few moments, just staring at his pretty mer, with his perfect tail and perfect torso and perfect hair that swept back from his face, and was just thankful that Connor hadn’t given up on him.
Gavin uncertainly approached and Connor turned slowly towards him and the smile that lit Connor’s face told him he’d made the right decision. Whatever came next, they’d face it, together.
And so they enter into a secret relationship, where they both have to be careful not to let anyone else know. Like Romeo and Juliet only in this one nobody dies and they all live happily ever after in the end.
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lluvguts · 3 years
Cool Blue ; Chapter Two
sunlight on your face
☽ warnings: none
☽ fic masterlist
The sun had crossed Luca's mind many times before, but he was just too afraid to see what it looked like. He'd asked his grandmother what the sun felt like once (or twice, or three times even, Luca had lost count). She would only give her grandson a gentle smile and stick out one hand so Luca's tail would brush along her forearm affectionately.
"That is something for you to find out one day," She winked. "But I'll tell you a little bit about it for now. Sometimes the sun is brilliant and warm on your scales...and other times, it'll burn you." She ended her sentence with another toothy grin and one hand to her breastbone to quiet her knowing laughter.
Luca gaped at her solemnity. "The sun...burns?" He couldn't possibly fathom the idea.
But the sun was so...bright! He imagined it was a big creamy ball in the sky, full of sugar the seeped into the Earth. And the more he mulled it over the harder it was to accept that maybe it wasn't as delightful as he'd dreamed.
"Sure, Bubble," His grandmother chuckled. "It's gotta keep the humans warm somehow, right?"
Luca thought about her answer then. That must be why Alberto smelled so honey-sweet. Nice, he corrected himself. Alberto smelled nice.
But it was the sun dripping all of that sunshine and ardor into Alberto's pores, through the tiny dark spots that spanned across his cheeks and shoulders. Little dashes of the sun. But if he thought over these things too long that fiery sunshine would melt his insides into a pitiful pool of need to see him again and Luca decided not to ask her anymore.
He was a good kid, after all. He didn't need these infectious ideas running through his head.
Luca passed by the herd of goatfish, all grumbling and surrounded in swarms of their own bubbles. He swam by Giuseppe, clearly the favored one, and gave him an endearing pat before glancing over his shoulder. It seemed as though his grandmother had distracted Luca's parents for the time being with some obscure task that he knew granted him a few hours of precious alone time.
He'd dreamed of seeing The Surface before. Herring, he'd actually tried. And once was all it took. A brief sequence of minutes that felt as if they were hours, fluttering toward the crystal glittering skin of the ocean above him, only to doubt his choices and duck back down. But the edges of his mind persisted, Luca the Curious Fish, the one to get caught.
And his mind continued to nag and nudge him toward the parts of the farm that were cooler, left a bite on his scales as he hurried to find that same spot as yesterday. His surroundings flooded again as he was flanked by the jutting sections of the island below the water and into a cave opening leading to the same pool as before.
Luca's eyes fluttered shut past this point. Though it was childish, he feared by whim that a chunk of ominous island rock were to come undone and shatter on top of him, leaving him squished flat in the sand like some scaly water anole scattering for purchase. Luca let the thought, much like his other more intrusive ones leave his head as the temperature lifted around him. His face welcomed the sunlight drifting from the pool above along his fins and closed eyelids.
In a recess of the rock Luca had hidden the purple wooden stick (with the feather-soft bristles that, once Alberto had left, Luca ran along his cheeks until his scales were an embarrassing blue) that Alberto had so kindly gifted him, wedged between the sharp spaces so it didn't float away. He smiled at it sitting there, patiently waiting like he'd been, for a slice of attention.
"Hello again," Luca murmured in greeting to the paintbrush, tracing one finger along the smooth edge of painted wood.
The beams of light flickered along his teal scales, making the darkness of the pool shine pleasantly. But a flash of color even brighter than the sun passed across Luca's dorsal fin so harshly that he yelped aloud in the water and shrunk back from the odd thing. Was it lightning? Another thing Signora Paguro had cautioned him over, something painted quite scary from her perspective in his mind.
But the sun was there, so surely it wasn't lightning.
But even still the flashes appeared once, and then again, with a subdued pop from being underwater.
Wiping the back of his neck, as if the action were to rid him of the itchy feeling the blinding flashes sent along his scales, Luca looked up.
There was Alberto, his silhouette distorted along the water, gripping something bulky in his arms that appeared to be the object of Luca's discomfort.
/ / /
"W-Woah! Hey! What are you doing?"
Alberto leapt back from the mouth of the pool but the boy had swiped for Massimo's polaroid camera. He clawed for it in Alberto's quavering hands, while Alberto was still stunned by the fact that the creature had actually jumped up from the water and attacked him.
Well, he attacked the camera.
He tried to attack the camera.
"What is that thing?" The boy growled, his brows pulled low and angry while it seemed like above water the color of his eyes dimmed to a dark yellow. But still as striking. He had managed to knock Alberto down to the rocky ground where he felt the film in his back pocket crush under the combined weight. Oh hell. That was his last cartridge.
"It's--It's my father's camera! So you can't have it!" Alberto choked out.
"Why does it hurt like the sun?" The boy questioned, his grabbing motion and bared teeth bringing to mind a raccoon. Alberto tried to peel the creature's body from him but it was no use, he had Alberto's legs pinned with his tail.
"What are you talking about?" Alberto shimmed under the boy's weight, taking in a generous amount of air so he didn't gape at his assortment of teal and blue scales inches from his heaving chest, dripping salt water and something slimy. "I was just taking pictures for reference."
"Pictures?" The boy cocked his head, losing some of his fire. Alberto offered a shaky smile, using one hand to press into the ground to wiggle free. The creature got the hint and his vertical pupils widened in shock and wonder. He rolled off Alberto's lap, deflating. "Oh! Sharks, I'm really sorry. I don't know what got into me...I just hate that thing."
"The camera?" Alberto wiped his hand on his shorts, now soaked in water, and scooted a little ways from the boy. He waved the camera around in the air for effect, perhaps a bit carelessly, and the other boy flinched. "This takes pictures of things. It's cool!"
"Well, why were you taking picture things of me?" He said slowly, tasting the new words.
Under the sun Alberto was distracted by the creature's scales, so opalescent on the surface with that deep undertone of his true teal color. His dorsal fin, with no buoyant water to trail along, was flopped to one side casually. Alberto avoided looking at his tail, because this thing had a tail like an animal but could converse as lightly as any kid playing soccer by the fountain.
In short, he was beautiful. But also was a sort-of-fish and Alberto worried he was going to turn into someone's next fillet for the dinner table if he cooked out in the summer heat for much longer.
"Uh, aren't you going to dry up or something up here, sea monster?" Alberto pointed to the droplets of water quickly drying up on his scales.
The boy blushed, but from the sun's rays it wasn't as brilliant as it was the day before in the water. "It's Luca. And I think I'll be fine." He tapped the space below the fins on his cheeks, to some hidden part of his scales that Alberto was too shy to inquire about.
"What's Luca?"
The boy wrinkled his snout. "I'm Luca. That's my name, you catfish. Luca Paguro."
Alberto chuckled and let the polaroid camera rest beside him on a soft tuft of grass. "Catfish? Ouch. You know, I think I know someone who actually looks like a catfish."
Luca grinned his pointy teeth at him. "A real catfish? Can I see him?"
"Oh..." Alberto pulled his knees closer to his damp tank top and frowned at the puddle of water beside him. "I don't know about that..."
"Well, why not?" Luca questioned. He pointed to Alberto. "The Surface isn't so bad. I met you! And...And-" He tried to form the right words, looking so cute with his yellow eyes scrunched close. "And what are those things?"
Luca had abandoned his previous statement and crawled over to Alberto's travel hutch of paints, now propped open for him to admire. Alberto watched in silence as Luca tentatively stuck his webbed hand into the box, staring with raw curiosity at the shiny metal tubes of acrylic and the ceramic saucer serving as his palette.
He picked up Alberto's newest tube of red, examining the plastic top, unbroken.
"That's my paint box. I was thinking of doing a portrait--"
Luca turned the tube of paint so it was horizontal in his claws and took a bite from the top.
"...Of you," Alberto finished, shoulders slack. Luca's eyes flung back open when the pressure sent a burst of red acrylic across his fingers and into his mouth. He dropped the tube with a cry, teeth now stained an alarming red.
"You're not supposed to eat it," Alberto commented. He picked up the ruined tube with Luca's teeth marks still in it and set it in a corner of the box. "Here."
He handed over a towel he'd brought to clean his brushes so Luca could clean his face. Luca blinked wildly at the towel in Alberto's hands, not knowing what to do with it, so Alberto took the liberty to dip the cloth into the pool and wipe the red paint off his scales.
"That feels kind of weird," Luca whispered, eyes flickering up to the muscles lightly moving in Alberto's arm as he worked. His skin turned blue again, the odd freckles spanning along his bright cheeks flushing.
"Well next time don't take a bite out of my paints. Besides, it's for painting, obviously. Not food."
Luca sat on the back of his legs and quietly watched Alberto roll the cloth up and set it in the grass. "Can I paint? It looks like fun."
Alberto's eyes widened and bit his lip to hide his excitement. He fished inside his bag for a piece of paper for Luca then a small flat canvas for himself.
"Sure, I guess," He brushed it off. "Just don't get upset if it doesn't look like my paintings. I'm pretty good."
Luca snorted but eagerly snatched the paper from Alberto. He set it on a drier edge of the pool and slid back into the water. Spinning back around, he flashed Alberto a grin and held up the paintbrush he'd taken the day before, the wood soaked and paint chipping in places from water damage.
"I don't think you can paint with that, buddy," Alberto tsked. "The wood's probably rotted."
Luca's face fell and he jammed the paintbrush back into the crevice from before and scanned Alberto's palette he'd been depositing small portions of paint onto, grumbling.
Alberto started to paint and Luca just sat there watching, confused. Luca hid his face below the edge of the rock and used his index finger to dip into the well of green paint, then placed it on the paper. He let out a tiny noise at the discovery, now smearing globby splotches of forest green all along the page.
"Look Alberto!" Luca tugged on Alberto's toe to get his attention. He looked up from his canvas at Luca's paper. It wasn't much, but the look of pure glee on Luca's features was enough for Alberto to reach out and gently brush the fins on his head, like Luca had done with his hand, and smile.
"Nice," Alberto said softly. Luca blinked at his hand touching him, retreating a little into the water in surprise, but he soon floated back up and was adding blues to his messy painting. Luca couldn't be much younger than Alberto himself, only sixteen, and there still hung a childish innocence to him that was because he was so sheltered.
He knew he could never take Luca back to Portorosso. It was a fishing town.
Full of harpoons, nasty blades, monster-fearing Portorosso.
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Real World Inspiration
for additional physical features you can add to dragons! (previous post was an edit of the D&D black dragon. Next post will be some examples of dragon designs I made.)
The classic european dragon design used in a lot of mainstream fantasy is already kind of a mashup of many different animal features. Bat wings, long swan-like neck, lizard scales and tail, feet that look like reptilian lion feet or bird of prey talons, heads that are partway between a horse and a crocodile, horns like a goat or ram. They’re chimeric and that’s fun to work with. But they do often end up being mostly just big scales, a pair of horns, and then a lot of random spikes. And that’s fine, but there are so many weird physical structures that exist on real world animals which could easily be used on dragons. Let’s look at them in a series of specific categories.
(Under a cut cuz it got so very very long sorry)
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(Description: a collage titled "spikes", showing real world animals with lots of spiky structures on their bodies. Photos of an iguana and a crocodile are labeled "osteoderms". A photo of an echidna is labeled "modified hair". And a photo of an inflated porcupine fish is labeled "modified scales". End description.)
Since dragons are usually depicted as reptilians, osteoderms and modified scales would be the most common way to add lots of spikes in a realistic manner. Iguanas have a whole crest of tall osteoderms on their spines, and the bumps all along a crocodile's back are also osteoderms.
Osteoderm means "bone skin" and they're basically just calcified skin deposits. Boney, but lightweight, not as sturdy as bones, and not at all connected to the skeleton. Armadillo armor is also a form of osteoderm.
Scales are made of a similar material to fingernails, hair, and feathers, and sometimes they get really spiky without necessarily including osteoderm structures. I used a porcupine fish for that but it turns out science is uncertain what their spines actually are. The thorny devil lizard is a good example though, that thing is nothing but spiky scales (even its big facial horns have no bone underneath)
And of course things like echidna, porcupines, and hedgehogs are covered in spikes that are just really thick sturdy hairs. Evolution is bizarre.
And those are all very effective ways to put lots of spikes on a dragon without adding extra weight from bone spikes that emerge from the skeleton.
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(Description: a photo collage titled "dangly bits" showing several animals that have extra flesh hanging from parts of their bodies. Photos of a turkey, rooster, and long wattled umbrella bird are labeled "wattles". A photo of an anole lizard showing its throat display and a photo of a moose are labeled "dewlaps". And a drawing of a catfish is labeled "barbels". End description.)
Wattles are pretty common in many bird species. Extra neck flesh that usually starts by the jaw and may be connected further along the neck but doesnt have to be. The umbrella bird here has a retractable wattle covered in feathers which it can move to make it look like it has a very long pinecone hanging off its neck. I love how weird it is.
A similar structure is the dewlap, which can be found on lizards like anoles and iguanas, but can also be found in birds and even mammals. It's a fleshy protrusion from the neck which can be small and dangly or rather large. Sometimes it's ts flat, but sometimes it's chubby, like on some rabbits.]
And of course we have catfish barbels, which are like thick fleshy whiskers. Lots of asian dragon depictions include barbels because they take inspiration from carp, like the koi fish.
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(Description: a collage titled "frills" showing animals which have various flaring body parts. Photos of a frilled lizard, a chameleon, and a photo collection of birds I couldn't identify, are labeled "crests". Photos of a betta fish, a black bass, and a lionfish, are labeled "fins". End description.)
I'm not sure the frilled lizard counts as having a crest but I had to include it somewhere. I did not look hard enough to learn exactly how it raises its frill, but I did find that the frill only has two very thin bones in it, right by the jaw. The rest is just really precise musculature I guess.
Chameleon crests are built on bone structures, like the ceratopsian dinosaurs bony neck frills. And of course, there are countless bird species that have feathery crests of all forms.
I know I said on my posts correcting official dnd dragons that I disliked the neck fins on those, but fins can look like that with sturdy points and scalloped edges. I just dont like the way they're usually drawn on dragons, with a singular lonely neck fin that has thick bones in it. It would be much more fun if it was accompanied by other fin structures to create a more cohesive creature. May as well go all the way if you're going to add any frill, right?
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(Description: a collage titled "bizarre extras" showing animals that have really weird and unique physical features. Photos of a bat, a star nosed mole, and a mandril, are labeled "noses". Photos of a sage rouse's mating display and a frog's vocal sac are labeled "ballooning". And a photo of the spider tailed viper is labeled "lures". End description.)
This is the section for the weird miscellaneous stuff I basically never see in dragon art. Which is a shame because the real world is full of the weirdest creatures. Weird noses serve purposes by interacting with scent in complex ways, or in the mandril's case, being a point of display. Noses with weird structures can also create different noises for communication.
Lots of creatures have ballooning display structures. Usually for the purposes of attracting a mate and competing for territory. Sage grouses, prairie chickens, frigate birds, and of course frogs, all have weird throat structures they can inflate for communication, attraction, and intimidation. Dragons could even use it as part of their breath weapons. Why not have an extra sac in the throat to carry a special gas or something?
And lures! Angler fish, snapping turtles with tongues that look like worms, and this absolutely bizarre snake that has evolved modified scales on the tip of its tail to resemble a spider. Many animals use specially adapted body parts to lure prey, which then allows them to hunt without expending too much energy. Being a predator is hard work, and most predators will back away from a fight because they do not want to spend the energy or risk injury when they can find an easier target.
Dragons are huge! They must need so much meat to maintain their energy stores. I think it's sensible for some dragons to live quietly, spending as little energy as possible while they use adapted body parts to lure prey. A dragon in a cave with a modified tail that resembles treasure? A green dragon disguised as a small hill in a field with a long tongue that resembles a delectable plant to lure in cattle? Dragons in dark environments with bioluminescent lures? I know big dramatic dragon battles are fun, but this is just such a good concept I'm sad I don't really see it used.
Anyway theres a lot of real world physical features that I think could be used on dragons more. My method of finding interesting and unique ideas for dragons is usually to just google "weird/cool (insert animal here)".
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patchofsunlight · 3 years
brass is a metal(i think😭) but it's what some of the instruments are made out of so i mean the horns, like trumpets, tubas, trombones, and all those, but i have so many band stories a lot of from marching band though😭 most of them are either funny or like, teenage drama™️ last year especially there was a lot of stuff about people dating and all that😭 a lot of stories are just us being silly or doing dumb things though, like there was this time we had a parade and i forgot to eat before it
but my band teacher is really great we all like chilling in the band room when we have free periods, last year me and my friends had the same lunch so we would go and help him move chairs and draw stuff on the whiteboard, one time we drew catfish but they were like, cats with fish tails😭 and my math teacher is annoying me and one of my friends text each other every time he complains about something during class😭
and me and my uncle are kinda close, he lives far away so we talk on the phone, he's my moms brother and he's like, the fun uncle, he's the youngest out of his siblings and i'm not the oldest out of all of their kids bc my brother is technically older than me (only by a minute so idk how much that counts😭) but i'm the most relatable to him so he's been calling me a lot while he's stuck in the house
but did you get to do something for graduation? i think it happened already so how was it, how are you? and how far away are your entrance exams? but i'm good i'm chilling we just had a snow day so i didn't do any of my work and i'm finishing it now so i'm gonna go do that😭 but i hope you're doing well very glad that you're not the virgin mary😭 what are you doing today? -🍓
OH OKAY LMAOOO I HAD NO IDEA THAT IT’S A METAL AND I OOP- but okay that sounds fun!! feel free to tell me your band stories if you want hehe BUT NO WDYM YOU FORGOT TO EAT FNWJXKWKS DONT PARADES TAKE LIKE,,, A LONG WHILE TO END? STRAWBERRY NO-
your band teacher really sounds great, and i love that for you. your math teacher sounds like someone who needs to be punched ❤️
YOU’RE A TWIN??? WAIT THAT’S SO COOL- I BRO THATS SO COOL. SO COOL. being a twin sounds so fun. is it fun??? and your uncle seems like such a nice guy!!! it’s great that you have people like that in your family!!!
yea we had like the whole graduation ceremony and it was really nice!!! i gave a speech and everything went really well, i feel like i spoke nicely and i stayed calm so that was great!! i looked so fucking pretty that day 🥴🥴🥴 FOR REAL I LOOKED AMAZING and i’m uhhh yk!! living!!! lmao i’ve been dealing with some stuff but other than that i’m actually alright.
my entrance exams start during the second week of january!!! but then i have SO MANY of them. i have given myself a week to do nothing and just rest so i haven’t been studying, but i’ll start again next week 😔😔😔 LMAO i really hope everything goes well!!!
GET THAT REST BABY GET IT!!! good luck with all your work, i hope everything went fine!!! today i think i’ll just chill,,,, and i’ll probably open requests for headcanons so i hope i get a lot of writing done too!!! i watched the first season of legend of korra yesterday 👀👀 FUCKING FINALLY and i’m SO inclined to add the lok characters to my request list 😭😭😭 LET’S SEE
wbu?? how are you??
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Dragged From The Depths (1)
Ta-da! here’s part 1 of my newest mer AU. I couldn’t decide from the list yesterday so here is an analgamation of ...something in the middle. Part 2 will also be posted this evening when I get home. Hope you enjoy.
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Picani murmured, staring wide eyed into the large tank that took up the entire opposing wall. His colleagues stood by his side, equally in awe.
“Bless you.” Remy joked, but even the coffee intern couldn’t tear his gaze away. Inside was the expedition team’s latest find. From the waist down, it had a dull almost purple tail not unlike a nurse shark, but from the waist up… it was human.
“Doctor Picani, what is that?” Thomas asked, taking a closer look inside. The creature hissed, showing off the fact it had the sharp fangs of a predator. (Er, make that mostly human.)
“Found it just outside the reef.” Deceit explained, taking a step towards the tank. The creature slunk back, ducking into the shadows. “It was disoriented enough that we were able to nab it; the storm must have knocked it astray.”
Deceit gave an experimental tap of his knuckle on the glass. The effect was immediate- the creature came flying up towards the wall, causing most of the humans to take a surprised jump backwards. But Deceit managed to stand his ground, looking over the strange creature. It had cloudy eyes, with violet pupils that turned almost to slits in its clear irritation. Though it flared up and bared its clawed hands, Deceit noted that the creature was no larger than himself.
“Careful!” Picani warned, rushing forwards. “You’ll startle it.”
“I think it’s been startled quite enough already.” Deceit raised his palm as if to display the fish. “Look at it- such a magnificent, undiscovered creature must have been avoiding humanity all this time. By merely bringing it here we’ve turned its entire world upside down.”
“Maybe we should just release it, then.” Thomas suggested, getting an uneasy feeling as it began to release a series of wails. They were muffled by the glass, but even muted it was clear the sound could be compared to nails on a chalkboard.
“What, and waste this opportunity?” Deceit turned around to raise an eyebrow at Thomas. “Surely you don’t want to squander this position, do you Mr. Sanders?”
“Well, no, but-”
“This creature was nearly knocked unconscious when we discovered it.” Deceit continued. “For all we know, it sustained terrible injuries from the storm. Do you really want to break procedure and release an unexamined specimen back into the ecosystem?”
“Not to mention, this is a unique being.” Deceit turned back to the tank. “How have we never discovered such a thing? Does it possess camouflage traits? Is it perhaps actually a mutant government experiment gone rogue?”
“It is freaky looking.” Remy commented, tilting his head this way and that to get a better look.
“But by all means, if you would like to put this government and this planet at risk, the boat is yours.” Deceit took his keys from his pocket and dangled them with a smirk, knowing Thomas wouldn’t take up the offer.
“Okay, yeah, fine, when you put it like that of course I don’t, but you’re kinda being dramatic, don’t you think?” Thomas rolled his eyes.
“...wait.” Picani said quietly, putting up his hand to silence everyone. “Look.”
The crew looked where Picani was pointing, noting how the merman had stopped thrashing. Instead, its head was tilted in almost a curious manner, looking at the keys Deceit held aloft. Wanting to test a hypothesis, Picani reached out and slowly moved Deceit’s wrist. Sure enough, his eyes followed, the pupils widening like a kitten.
“Oh my god.” Remy laughed. “You guys got catfished.” Picani laughed as well.
“This is incredible!” Picani celebrated. “It’s responding to stimulus.”
“You do realize children can do that as well?” Deceit reminded him. “And can I have my wrist back?”
“Oh, yes, my apologies.” Picani grinned sheepishly, releasing Deceit’s wrist. The field specialist rubbed at his wrist with a scowl, the keys jangling back and forth.
“Why is that such a good thing?” Thomas asked.
“Well, I’m sure you all noted that this being is very...humane in appearance.” Picani explained.
“Of course, I’d forgotten how I grow fangs, fins and cloudy eyeballs.” Deceit rolled his eyes, putting his keys away.
“Been there.” Remy nodded solemnly, pushing up his shades. The mer blinked, looking confused as to where the keys could have gone.
“You know what I mean.” Picani chided. “And I have a hypothesis that if we were able to connect with this person on any sort of level, even something as simple as watching shiny objects, maybe we can get to a level of intelligent communication!”
“Oh my goodness gracious!” Thomas gasped. “Just like aquaman!”
“Yes-! Ah, no.” Picani looked confused for a moment. “More like...the Little Mermaid.”
“Are you our little mermaid?” Remy teased, crouching down to look the mer in the eye.
Without his shiny distraction, the mer was quick to react. He hissed, baring his fangs before flicking his tail in Remy’s direction and darting off behind a piece of coral.
“...that’s a yes.” Remy assured the group.
Thomas looked into the tank. Now, all that could be seen was a single fin, as the little guy was just too big to fit behind the plant.
“Do you think there’s more of him?” Thomas asked what they had all been thinking at some point or another. “I mean, do you think he had a family?”
“Well...I dunno.” Picani admitted. “By all appearances, it looks like a person crossed with a nurse shark- which are both very social creatures.”
“If this thing isn’t a freaky experiment, there has to be more.” Deceit assured him. “Because in case you’ve forgotten, that’s how biology works.”
“Are you gonna give us a fish reproduction lesson again?” Remy gagged.
“Maybe we should go looking for its family then.” Thomas suggested. “If it doesn’t like to be alone, we should bring the others here.”
“An excellent idea!” For once Deceit looked ecstatic, throwing his arm around Thomas’ shoulders. “What a wonderful thought, Thomas, and for once I didn’t have to feed it right to you.”
“...thank you?” Thomas wasn’t sure that was a compliment.
“We can go out tomorrow, bright and early on the waves.” Deceit announced. “Intern, you’re coming too.”
“I don’t roll out of bed until four.” Remy argued.
“Then I suggest you set an alarm, and caffeinate yourself.” Deceit gave him a look that meant this was not a actually a suggestion. “What about you, Doc, will you be accompanying us?”
“Why does he get a choice?” Remy groaned.
“How many doctorates do you have?” Thomas reminded him.
“I think I’ll stay here.” Picani gestured towards the tank. “Keep an eye on this lil’ guy, watch for any abnormal activity.”
“Very well then.” Deceit finally released Thomas. “I will see the two of you at the harbor, 6 o’clock.” He glared at Remy. “Don’t be late.”
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thisgirlsays22 · 5 years
Happy birthday @askmermanlevi!! Love you lots and I hope you know that me attempting my first mer!smut for you demonstrates that love. Thank you for being an amazing friend and for giving the fandom so so many amazing pieces of art <3
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Explicit Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Top Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Bottom Eren Yeager, mer Levi, Shifter Levi, Smut, Mer Smut, Fluff, pining eren, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era Summary:
It wasn’t as though Levi had completely shut down the idea of having sex when he shifted, it was that he needed time, and it would be wrong for Eren to keep pushing. So instead he waited, and yearned, and waited some more.
Plot inspired by the @ereriprompts Redamancy prompt <3
Thank you so much to @attraversiamo19 @zamiraruth @erensjaegerbombs for betaing/feedback <3
Eren loved to watch Levi swim. Body slicing through the lake’s clear water, the blues of his tail glittering when the sun hit them just right. This was their third visit to the Ackerman family’s lake house, and Eren looked forward to the quiet week ahead.
“Caught dinner.” The (mostly) human half of Levi’s body had emerged from the water and, with a small smirk, his webbed hands dropped a still flopping, gasping catfish down on the rocky ground in front of Eren. The gills on the side of Levi’s neck fluttered in the fresh air.
“I think we’ll need another,” Eren said, wanting to watch Levi dive back in, aquamarine tail rising to the surface as he disappeared below the water. Full of an odd longing, Eren tugged on the strings of his hoodie, pulling the fabric tighter to protect against the chilly November air.
That small smirk again. “Well, alright then.” Levi dove back under.
Eren put the fish out of its misery and began gutting it with Levi’s silver pocket knife as he waited.
The second time Levi emerged, he got out of the water the whole way, legs and all. No trace left of the his translucent fins, his shimmery tail. A flicker of disappointment went through Eren.
“You’re indecent,” Eren teased, catching sight of Levi’s cock. “No one wants to see that. Put it away!”
Levi chuckled, teeth chattering as he rooted around in his backpack for his towel and clothes.
“I could warm you up,” Eren offered lowly.
Seeing Levi in his mer form always got Eren worked up. His eyes roamed Levi’s body hungrily, wishing for once he’d let Eren love him in his other form. Levi didn’t acknowledge the comment.
Levi grabbed his bag. “Well, come on. What are you waiting for? I’m starving.”
Eren cast one final look out at the clear lake, nestled between the mountains. The sky beyond looked vast, and Eren felt a little hopeful as he gazed out at the horizon. Like the trip was full of promise and possibility.
He followed Levi back to the house.  
     It wasn’t as though Levi had completely shut down the idea of having sex when he shifted, it was that he needed time, and it would be wrong for Eren to keep pushing. So instead he waited, and yearned, and waited some more.
He understood. At first, Eren was wary of fucking Levi when he wasn’t entirely human. Would doing so make him a fish-loving, bestiality-inclined freak?
“You’re being an idiot,” Levi had said. “Besides, you’re the fucking animal.”
So yeah, Eren understood having hang-ups about the whole thing, but he didn’t quite understand what Levi’s were; they were clearly not one in the same.  
He didn’t even quite understand his fascination, his desire. Maybe it stemmed from the envy Eren felt that Levi had the chance to alter himself so thoroughly, to wear a new skin, whenever he pleased. Something Eren longed for too. Perhaps if he fused Levi and himself together, if it felt like they were one, then Eren could alter himself as well.
     Tonight was their first night at the lake house, so unsurprisingly Levi was dusting all the surfaces in his rapid, efficient way while the fish was in the oven.
Eren had joined in without much enthusiasm and kept getting distracted by how good Levi’s ass looked in his jeans. Maybe it’s better he won’t let me fuck him when he’s a mermaid--man. Shit. He’s going to kill me if I keep getting that wrong. Would he fuck me or would I have to figure out how to fuck him? I’d miss his ass. He has a great ass.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Levi had stopped cleaning and was staring at Eren in disbelief. “Now isn’t the time for daydreaming. Have you seen what a shithole this place is?”
“You’re the one who wanted to go for a swim first and then put dinner on,” Eren whined. “Now I’m tired.”
“Don’t be such a baby.”
“I told you we should have just hired a cleaner to come last week.”
Levi waved a hand. “Tch. Waste of money. Go get the vacuum or something. If you’ve got time for leaning, you’ve got time for cleaning.”
“I wasn’t leaning, I was standing up straight and admiring your ass.”
“Oh, thanks,” Levi’s voice was flat, but that wasn’t his sarcastic tone, so Eren took it as a win. “Now go vacuum.”
Eren paused in the doorway, biting his lower lip.
Levi turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“I’ve just been thinking again. Since I saw you in the water,” Eren said haltingly. “Have you thought more about us--” he gestured between them, raising his eyebrows “--while you’ve shifted.”
“Mm.” Levi shrugged. “A little.”
“Oh,” Eren said. After a beat, he realised Levi wasn’t going to add anything. “So I’ll just...go get that vacuum then.” He turned on his heels, embarrassed at his lack of tact. Hoping to impress Levi, he vacuumed all the more diligently.
     On their third night at the lake house, apropos of nothing, Levi said, “You still want to be a fish fucker?” He was reorganising one of the bookshelves--“Kenny must have been here last, he never puts anything away in the right place.”--on the other side of the room, and Eren was sure he hadn’t heard him properly. Levi’s vague answer the other night had led Eren to believe the discussion would not be picked up for some time (or ever again.)
It was so out of the blue that Eren could only manage to pause his video game and stare blankly at Levi’s back. “What?”
“I’m not saying it again.” The tips of Levi’s ears had gone red, but he was still fussing with the bookshelf.
“Oh god,” Eren breathed, the implication of Levi’s words finally hitting him, “you’re really going to let me?”
Now Levi turned to glare at him. “Yes.”
“No but like for real? You’re not fucking with me?”
“If you don’t knock it off, then it won’t be for real.”
“Sorry sorry! I’m just wow. Wow.” Though he was curious what was going on in Levi’s head right now, what was to thank or blame for his sudden change of heart, Eren feared if he started to push, Levi would rescind the offer. “So how do you want to do this?”
     Once the initial thrill wore off one thing became clear: logistically, it was a nightmare.
It made a sort of weird sense; their whole relationship had been a bit of a logistical nightmare. An innocent question like, “So how did you two meet?” required planning, the harmless twisting of facts, the synchronisation of stories.
Eren couldn’t exactly answer, “Well, I was swimming in the ocean when I was seventeen when a rip tide pulled me under out of nowhere, and then the lifeguard who was also part mermaid-- man damn it. Shit sorry--saved me. I couldn’t stay away from the beach after that and when I finally turned eighteen he fucked me silly on a beach towel and wouldn’t stop complaining about sand in his ass. Yep that’s the love of my life Levi Ackerman for ya. He comes from a long line of merfolk who seem to own a lot of waterfront properties. Great eye for real estate, those mer men and women. Levi and I have been together for about three years now and he still won’t let me fuck him in his mer form, which is a real bummer.”
Now that Levi had finally said yes after all this time, it became clear that the biggest problem was where and how they would do the deed.
“What about the lake?”
Levi snorted. “It’s too fucking cold, especially for you. Your dick’ll shrink to the size of a peanut.”
“Point taken. What about the bathtub?”
Levi scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m fine outside of water for about two hours. I’ll shift in the tub and you can--” he cringed “--carry me to the bedroom. But put a towel down so the sheets don’t get wet and disgusting.”
Once they’d agreed on the bed, Levi ran a bath in the claw tub in the master bedroom’s bathroom. The loud rush of water filling the tub was the only sound between them until Eren said, “Do you want me to leave while you, you know?”
With a bored expression, Levi flicked his gaze to Eren. “Be a bit stupid of me to care if you see me shift at this point. You might as well stay. Maybe it’ll scare you off.”
“It won’t,” Eren said firmly. Levi shrugged one shoulder as if to say suit yourself.
As Levi had requested, Eren went to lay some of their dark towels down on the bed. When he returned the tub was full, and Levi stripped and lowered himself in the water. Eren licked his lips, nerves thrumming. His skin felt electrified with anticipation, goosebumps running up the length of his arms.
Submerged in water, Levi’s body was blurred, but Eren watched as his legs began to fuse together, slowly, at first and then suddenly they were one. That’s when the scales began to form, color blooming into different shades of blue along the tail. Smaller fins emerged at the point where his hip bones would have been and at the end of the tail. His gills were next, opening at the top of his throat as his ears contracted into sharp points, webs appearing between his fingers. Nails becoming clawed and black like a beast’s.   
“Is this really what you want?” Levi asked, the muscles of his abdomen flexing as he hoisted himself into an upright position. Eren caught sight of his sharp incisors as he spoke. There was something even more alluring about Levi like this, the ugliness and power mixed in with all that beauty. The lighter blue fins of his tail fanned themselves at the base of the tub as though testing the air, Levi’s eyes dark and suspicious as he studied Eren.   
A sharp intake of breath as Eren returned the scrutiny. His cock stirred and then strained against his jeans. “Yes.”  
“Well, what are you waiting for? I’m not fucking you like this if you make me army crawl to the bedroom.”
Eren lifted him from the tub, getting used to the new weight in his arms, the slippery feeling of Levi’s wet tail. In his human form, Levi was bulky and muscular already, but his tail was heavier than Eren had expected.
“Careful,” Levi said, voice gentle now. “My fins are sensitive. Make sure they don’t catch on anything.” His arms came up to wrap around Eren’s neck, and Eren could see flecks of gold in the piercing grey of his eyes. Eren swore the color looked different now; the dark grey of his irises lighter.
Eren swallowed and nodded, his mouth dry as he carefully maneuvered them through to the bedroom.
“You remembered the towels,” Levi said appreciatively. He reached for one to dry himself off, leaving another on top of the bed.
“I’m not fucking this up so easily,” Eren replied.
Due to his overeagerness in the past, Eren had accumulated an assortment of embarrassing situations: kneeing Levi in the balls, falling off the bed while changing positions, coming in his pants. This time he would be careful, smooth.
He moved so he was hovering over Levi, hesitant to let his hands wander or to rest his full weight down. But kissing, kissing he could do, so he started there. He slipped his tongue into Levi’s mouth, curious to explore the feel of the newly sharp points of Levi’s teeth, the otherness of it all. His cock throbbed as Levi responded in kind, running his nails down Eren’s back, sucking Eren’s tongue farther into his mouth. Wanting to feel Levi, to see if he was as turned on as Eren, he reached for him only to find...air.  
Eren pulled back and looked between them with a confused frown. “Where’s your dick?”
Levi snorted. “It’s in the slit. I mentioned it before.”
Eren had only a vague recollection of this. They’d never really gone into the mechanics of how this would work. “When does it come out of the slit?” Eren asked, furrowing his brow. He ran a curious finger along the soft edge of the slit, surprised and delighted when Levi gave a full body shiver.
“When you get me excited,” Levi replied.
“Does it excite you when I do this?” Eren murmured, dipping a second finger into the slit. He kissed Levi’s neck, just under his gills, and moved his fingers in slow circles. He could feel Levi’s pulse quickening under his tongue, and when Eren pulled back he could see that Levi had closed his eyes.
He could feel his cock now too, hard and wanting as it emerged from the slit. It was slick with Levi’s arousal and hotter to the touch than Eren had ever felt it before. Though the feeling was different, Eren was pleased to see that it was still recognisable as the same dick he worshiped regularly. He gave it an appreciative stroke, enjoying the warmth spreading through his hand as he glided up and down the slick shaft.
Levi’s tail came up to wrap around Eren’s ass, to pull him closer, and Eren let out a soft moan. The scales were cool and firm against Eren’s skin, a little uncomfortable actually, and it was strange not to be able to tangle his legs with Levi’s.    
“Your tail feels weirdly...strong.”
“There are muscles in there,” Levi said, and squeezed a little tighter. “You not enjoying it? Grass always greener?”
“It’s just taking some getting used to,” Eren admitted. “But no, I think I like it.” He ran his hand from Levi’s human waist down to where his tail began, fingers testing and pressing into the scaled, strong flesh. New and strange and Levi .
The corner of Levi’s lips quirked into a small, half-smile, and Eren bent forward to kiss him again. They stroked one another, rubbing their cocks together. He could tell Levi was being more careful with his touch than usual, careful to keep the hooks of his nails from hurting Eren.
“Would it feel good if I went down on you?”
Levi snorted. “What do you think? Don’t be a moron.”
“Be nice or I won’t suck you off,” Eren warned.  
Levi didn’t say a word.
It was strange not to be able to shift down between Levi’s legs. Instead, Eren knelt before Levi on his right side as he began to explore the slit with his tongue, running teasing circles around Levi’s dick.
He ran a hand up Levi’s tail, where his thigh would have been, and inadvertently provoked a full-body shiver from Levi.
With a hiss of pleasure, Levi said, “Do that again.”
“What did I--?”
“Around the fins.”
Eren moved his hand back down and ran his thumb around the soft fins, his tongue still running teasing circles around the base of Levi’s cock.
“Happy you decided to try this tonight?” Eren asked, lifting his head so he could see Levi.
Voice pitched low, Levi said, “I’m coming around.”
Levi’s hips jerked as Eren enveloped him into the tight heat of his mouth, cock ramming down the back of Eren’s throat in his surprised pleasure. It only took a few sucks before Levi tugged Eren’s head up, said, “I need to be inside you.”
Eren turned himself so that he was facing Levi’s tail and eased himself down onto his waiting cock, letting himself be filled to the brim.
Levi groaned softly. “You were ready for me already?”
“Yeah,” Eren said, voice breathless. He’d prepared himself earlier in anticipation for this, biting back his moans in the bathroom as he’d opened himself up, imagining this moment.
As he moved, he bent forward so that he could finger Levi. He timed his movements with Levi’s thrusts.
“Jesus fuck,” Levi gasped as Eren added a second finger. “I always thought it was fucked up that my asshole is on the front, but I’m starting to think I was wrong.”
Laughing softly, Eren shifted so he could gain more leverage with his knees and lift himself a little higher. Levi’s hands came to rest on his hips, and he was panting beneath Eren, thrusting up into him with barely contained strength.
“God, you feel so good,” Eren said, pausing his movements. “But I really want to see you now.” He slid off Levi’s cock and turned around to take in Levi, fucked out, forehead damp with perspiration, lips bitten red. His eyes were so dark with lust that Eren let out a soft, breathy moan. “You look so good too.”
He knew he was the only one who had seen Levi quite like this, and he understood what a gift it was. Eren drank him in, he trailed kisses across the part of Levi’s body where the human muscles ended and the blue hues of his tail began. Fingers rubbing that tender area at the base of his fins. It was rare that Levi was vocal in bed, but he kept whispering Eren’s name like it was a surprise each time Eren touched him just right.    
Eren nearly sobbed with pleasure when Levi was inside of him once more and he’d wrapped a hand around Eren’s cock.
“ Eren .” Levi gave a bitten-off moan, hips bucking up as he rutted into Eren desperately. The back of his head tipped back, tips of his pointed ears brushing against the headboard.  
Eren could barely formulate words, but he managed to choke out, “Christ you look so fucking beautiful like this. Fuck me harder, please, ” he begged, moving his hips to try to take Levi in deeper.
Maybe this was the only way he’d get Levi to accept a compliment without argument because there was no flippant reply, no changing of the subject. Instead, Levi pulled him forward into a searing kiss. His lips moving against Eren’s like a drowning man, and that was it for Eren. He came in hot, stick bursts all over Levi’s chest, and a moment later Levi gave one final, deep thrust and came too.
     “Why now?” Eren asked the next morning. Sunlight flooded the kitchen overlooking the shimmering lake. He was standing by the sink, waiting for his pot of coffee to brew when he’d finally worked up the courage to ask these questions. “Why never before?”
Sometimes Levi could be coaxed into talking about his feelings, but as the silence dragged on, Eren doubted this was one of those times.
Levi took a sip of his tea before finally saying, “I’ve never had sex in my mer form before.”
Eren already knew that piece of information, but he stayed silent and still as he waited for Levi to continue.
“I was afraid if we started you might hate it. It’s part of me, part of who I am. Who the Ackermans are.”
Puzzled, Eren said, “But that’s exactly why I love it. Love you.”
“You also might have loved it too much,” Levi said wryly.
“What do you mean?”
Levi crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. Light cut across his face, streaking across his cheeks as he sighed. “There’s a world out there of people who are willing to pay good money to fuck someone like me. I don’t want to be someone’s fetish either.” 
They’d turned up the heat that morning, but the kitchen hadn’t yet warmed. Eren frowned down at his fuzzy slippers. He couldn’t possibly think of Levi that way, the thought of it completely alien. It pained him to think that Levi had believed that this whole time, that maybe Eren’s own worries had fed into Levi’s fears.
He spoke carefully, “You know it’s been three years, right? And that I’m in this, really in this. It’s not because you’re a shifter or in spite of you being a shifter. That’s irrelevant. I love you .”
“Alright,” Levi said, looking into his tea cup as though it was telling him something important.
“If that makes me a fish fucker so be it.”
Levi’s eyes cut to Eren’s and he laughed, his arms dropping by his sides as he relaxed.
Coming to stand before Levi, Eren rested his hands on his shoulders, made him put his tea down. “I meant what I said last night too.”
“What? ‘Fuck me harder, please’?”
“Yeah, and the part where I called you beautiful. You are. All the versions of you.”
“Thanks,” Levi said reluctantly, expression blank. “That’s...good.”
He probably was dying to tell Eren to fuck off, so Eren’s words must have really touched him if that was the reply. Eren grinned. “And I hope we can do it again so I can fuck you next time.”
“Idiot.” Levi tugged Eren onto his lap, laughing quietly as he rested his forehead against Eren’s arm. “We’ll see,” he said.
And that was enough for Eren.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What color is your fridge? Black. Do you like it when guys smell good? I do. I love a nice cologne.  Is your phone mostly on vibrate, silent or ringtone? I keep the sound on. No one really calls or texts me, so it’s not bothersome. ha. Do you own black sunglasses? I don’t wear sunglasses.  Are you currently looking for a job? Nope. I’m not able to work right now.
Do you watch MTV? Yeah. I like to watch Catfish, Teen Mom OG, and Teen Mom 2.  How often do you braid your hair? It’s been a little while since the last time I braided it. I was doing it regularly for awhile. Now I just throw it up in a pony tail.  What color is your microwave? Black. Do you find making a survey hard sometimes? I don’t make them. It’d take a lot of time and thinking to try and come up with new and interesting questions and I just don’t have the energy or motivation to try.  Do you wash your face in the morning when you wake up? No. Are you interested in the ocean? I love the ocean when I’m at the beach where I can just watch and listen to the waves crash in and out and feel that nice ocean breeze. I don’t like getting into the ocean; though, and I’m not into ocean life. I have a fear of deep water and sea creatures scare me. Have you ever wrote a story from beginning to end? Yes. I used to write short stories all the time when I was in middle school until I was like 15. 
What’s a big turn on for you? Hmm. It’s been so long since I’ve been interested in someone in that way and had any sort of intimacy or anything. There hasn’t even been someone I’m talking to in that way in years. Do you wear plaid often? No. I used to be really into plaid during the fall, but I kinda just got over it the past few years. That’s when I used to try with my appearance and what I wore, ha. I just wear leggings and oversized graphic tees now all year round. What are you listening to? An ASMR video. What were you doing at 4am? I was watching something on YouTube. What’s your favorite cereal? Fruity Pebbles, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Life, Frosted Cheerios, and Cap’n Crunch Berries. Man, I haven’t had cereal in years actually, but it sounds soooo good right now. What’s the last thing you drank? Starbucks Doubleshot. Where is your biological mother right now? She’s in bed asleep. Where is your biological father right now? He’s in bed asleep as well. What’s your mood? Meh. Are you doing anything tomorrow? Nope. Do you cry a lot? “they call you crybaby, crybaby, but you don’t fuckin’ care.” Have you recently? Yes. What’s your favorite candy? White chocolate anything, really. I haven’t candy in such a long time either. :O Have you ever eaten raw pumpkin? Ew, no. I don’t like pumpkin flavored anything, so I have no desire to eat a raw pumpkin. Does your car have a name? I don’t have a car. Will you be in bed within twenty minutes? I am in bed. I’m pretty much always in bed. Who did you sleep with last night? Me, myself, and I. Had a threesome. ha. Wearing any bracelets? No. What is your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, coral, mint green, and yellow. What should you be doing right now? I’m doing surveys and listening to ASMR. I think that’s exactly what I should be doing right now. How much older is the person you’re currently interested in? Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Yes. Have your parents ever caught you drinking? When I used to drink I was of drinking age, so I didn’t have to try and sneak around. Do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to? I do love my brother. Did you have an exciting last weekend? No. Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Yes. Have you ever flirted with a friend’s crush? No. Did you have a good birthday this year? My birthday is 6 months away still, slow down. I’m in no rush. Do you lead people on? No. I’ve been lead on a few times and I know how it feels. What’s your most recent status on Facebook, and who has liked/commented on it? I haven’t made a status in awhile, so I don’t even remember. I rarely post on Facebook and when I do it’s usually a post or something funny and/or relatable that I’m sharing. Think of the last party you went to. How many people had tattoos? I haven’t been to a party in like 3-4 years, so I don’t even remember. How do you take your tea or coffee? With coffee I use a flavored creamer or some cream (like Half and Half) and sugar. With tea I just use a packet of sweetener. Ooh, speaking of creamer I was quite excited to find that Coffee-Mate has a Funfetti flavored creamer. :P Have you got any exams coming up? Which is the soonest? Nooo, thankfully. I’ve been done with school since 2015. What’s the last thing you bought online? Christmas presents. Which of your friends has the most ‘outrageous’ piercing, and what is it? No one I know has anything “outrageous”, just the typical, common piercings.  Do you use StumbleUpon? Nope, never heard of it. If you use Twitter, who’s tweeted most recently and what did they say? I don’t feel like checking. When you’re taking a survey do you flick between the survey and other pages, or do you finish the survey in one go? I finish in one go. Unless it’s like the 5,000 questions survey series. Each part is really long. Do you own clothes from any celebrity clothing lines? No. Who was the last person you ranted about? Okay so, my mom, brother, and I are planning a trip soon. My dad isn’t going along for this one because where we’re going is just not his thing. He knows he wouldn’t have a good time. He’s been before and yeah it’s just not his scene, not his thing. It’s fine. It’s a bummer for the person and whoever they’re with when that person doesn’t want to be there and isn’t having a good time, ya know? It just is. So yeah he’s not going, but he and my mom are planning another trip at a later time and doing something he actually wants to do. He’s perfectly fine with this idea. I know that I wouldn’t want to go somewhere I didn’t want to go, spend money on it, and have a bad time. That’s just dumb. So anyway it’s all good for us, but my aunt (my dad’s sister) has made comments to my dad that make it sound like we gave him the boot and don’t want him to come with us on vacation cause we just don’t want him there or something. Like, the way she said what she said pissed me and my mom off cause that’s not the case at all. He doesn’t feel left out or anything. He’s perfectly fine staying at home with our doggo for this trip (we were looking into a good doggy daycare place and that would have been expensive, so it’s better someone will be able to stay home with her) and doing something at a later time. Something he’ll enjoy. Ugh and the thing is, she’s made comments like this before whenever my mom, brother, and I go to the beach (which isn’t that often). We like to go during the middle of the week cause it’s less crowded and that’s when my mom and brother typically have a day off. My dad works Mon-Fri, so that wouldn’t work for him, but the main reason he doesn’t go is because he doesn’t like the beach. He’s not into spending hours there like we are. He’d rather be out and about doing something. My aunt will be like, “why do they always go when you have to work?” and shit like that. Like, shut upppp. We don’t go to the beach like every week or go on tons of vacations without him or something. We do plenty of other things all together that we all enjoy as well. She and her daughter go on vacations several times a year and her husband and son don’t go. Her son has a few times, but majority of the time it’s just her and my cousin. So yeah, I don’t know wtf she’s talking about.  Last thing to make you laugh? Something in a video I was watching a bit ago. What was the last thing you remember saying sarcastically? I don’t remember what exactly, but I know it was something yesterday. I have my sarcastic moments. How are you feeling? Bleh. Didn’t you ask this? What were you doing before this? Watching YouTube. What’s the favourite thing about the place you work? I don’t have a job. Are you good friends with your girl friends’ boyfriends? I don’t have friends, but in the past I was friends with some of my friends’ significant others. 
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title is in bold
1.zookeeper au
-"It’s funny, how it's not how wealthy or influential a person is, it's the way that they treat the penguins that really matters."
“That was… deep.”
2.“you don’t love me”
“I wish I could love you..’’
‘‘You don’t?’’
“I’m still figuring that out”
3. “Arrest Me / Lock me up / something borderline BDSM
“Stop running!”
“Are you going to arrest me, officer? (Said flirtatiously)
“Stay still!”
“ are you gonna put handcuffs on me now?” (said flirtatiously)
“Get on the ground, hands where I can see them!”
“Ooooh, kinky… Just how I like it.”
All three instances happen inside the fic wow
4. Pays to be Prepared
“Hi, I like you?”
“Well, I love you.”
“This- wasn’t in my palm cards (blushes)”
5. Teach Me Your Ways
Idk what to write, but what about a teacher au, like the shy, nerdy, socially awkward history teacher and the loud, charismatic drama teacher. They work on different sides of the school, so they keep coming up with crappy excuses to see each other.
“Um, I like you.”
“No, you don’t”
“I do! Don’t deny my feelings!”
“You. don’t”
“Fine, I love you.”
“That’s more fucking like it.”
6. “Sing with me.” “this isn’t a musical”
“I love you, you are my fire,”
“what? continue singing.”
“Fine, the one desireeeeee.”
(continues singing.)
“You are my fire”
“Am I really? Are you too hot? Are you okay?”
“Yes, fine. Sing with me!”
“But this isn’t a musical.”
(gets slapped)
7. Hand holding isn’t that hard
“Hold my hand”
“Hold my hand!”
“Hold my hand before I stab u with it!”
8. It ain’t that awkward (it totally is)
“Hey Susan, I’m really sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, but I don’t love you anymore…”
“Well… this is awkward”
“You’re not Susan!!”
9. Emotional texting isn’t good if it's sent to the wrong person
(over texting)
“_________ should really work up their courage and say I love you to me. I can see it in their eyes! Srsly tho they’re being a pain. I wish they’d just fess up and we’d kiss. Like on a romance movie.”
“Um, I don't think this was meant for me, though my name is ________ (same name as before). Also if you are who I think, I would like to kiss you too.”
“This wasn’t how I’d thought our love story would start.”
*closes book*
And that, kids, is how I met your (parental figure).
10. Bitch.
“I’m sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I never should’ve stolen your mailbox that day in May!”
11. Don’t propose like that, dumbass.
“I love you ___. I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved before I was born, loved you before dinosaurs came into existence. ANd I swear I’ll love even when I die, when the moths are eating away what's left of my clothes. So, will you marry me?”
“ *from doorway* sure, I guess I will.”
12. Don’t get it on (AAAAaaaaA don’t get it on..)
“Sleep with me.”
“I always will”
13. Long Walks on the Beach, and Longer, Faster, Walks Away from the Cops
In which two lovebirds are wrongfully accused, and two birds are rightfully in love.
Aka I don’t fucking know
“Why are you suddenly walking so fast?”
“sHIT1! Wait we haven’t done anything wrong, right? Right?!”
*arguing, one person looks behind them and suddenly start speedwalking down the beach*
14.  Don’t have word sex in the gym.
“Wow, you really drank that fast, huh?”
“Yeah taste nice.”
“Y’know what taste even better, my-”
“The souls of the immoral? Yeah, they taste pretty sweet.”
15. Walnuts, Walmart and a whole lotta whiplash
In which an impulse trip to Walmart goes dreadfully wrong.
“I dunno, I just didn’t want to bother you I guess…”
16. Being married to a celebrity isn’t so nice after all.
celebrity au
“Y’know you should stream more often”
“So people could watch me do terrible things to yo-”
17.mmm, sexy
“This is my first time, please don’t hurt me..”
“Okay, so now I would like you all to dip your hand in the water-”
“Mmm… moist.”
18. The Daily Struggles of Being a Cat-(Fisher)
___ Had never considered the consequences of being a catfisher, no, so you might understand their inevitable surprise when they start to feel -what’s the word?- feelings for their latest conquest.
(a friend) “what?”
“The dude I’m catfishing messaged me.”
“Is that bad?”
“No, what’s worse is I want to respond truthfully.”
19. Evil isn’t always good
“You shot me?”
“Sorry, babe I needed to do something.”
“You. SHOT.ME?”
20. Chicken soup doesn’t heal the soul, music does.
“What you listening to?”
“Hmm? Oh just a little bit of MCR.”
“That explains the tears and eyeliner.”
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devilsmagic · 6 years
more than just a game for two | chapter 3
The girls bond with their not-parents.
AO3 Link
Lucy placed a loaded plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of Iris with a flourish.
"Breakfast is served."
Iris looked up at with a smile before picking up her fork and pushing a piece of bacon around the plate. Lucy sat opposite the young girl, peering at her as she sipped at her coffee.
“Are you feeling okay?” She asked, leaning over to press the back of her hand flat against Iris’ forehead.
“I’m fine, Mum.”
“Are you sure? You hardly ate your dinner last night and now you’re not eating breakfast.”
“I’m just tired, I promise,” Iris gave her a bright smile before shovelling a forkful of egg white into her mouth. When in doubt, fill your mouth with food, she remembered Amy telling her.
“Well, I’d be tired too if I were making mysterious phone calls in the middle of the night. Do I want to know what that’s about?”
“Oh that!” Iris stammered, shocked at being caught. “I was calling a friend from camp. Denise. She lives in New York.”
“Ahh, I see. And you wanted to call Denise at a time that was convenient for her, because of the time difference,” Lucy carefully chewed on a piece of bacon.
“Exactly! The time difference.”
“Right. So you waited until it was three o’clock in the morning for her? Makes perfect sense.”
“Actually, it was eight in the morning. You see, she lives in New York but she was on vacation with her family in Europe.”
Lucy stared at her. “Please tell me you did not make an international call from our house phone last night.”
Iris exaggerated a wince and shrugged, making Lucy to groan in response. “Amy,” she chastised.
“Come on,” Iris took a final sip of her orange juice. “Day’s a-wasting. Let’s go!”
"Day’s a-wasting?" Lucy whispered to herself as Iris ran out of the room.
It wasn’t until later as they were walking down the beach, sandals in hand and licking their ice cream cones, that Iris brought the subject back up.
“We should do that, too, you know?”
“Hmmm?” Lucy licked at the trail of peanut butter ice cream melting down her cone. “Do what?”
“Go on vacation. Like my friend, Denise.”
Lucy laughed. “I don’t think you quite understand how much a university professor earns, Amy.”
“It doesn’t have to be to Europe. It can be anywhere. Just you and me. And maybe Jiya."
“Is Mason invited?” Lucy asked dryly.
“Sure!” Iris agreed, not catching on to Lucy’s sarcasm. “I just think it would be fun for us to get away for a few days as a family. I missed you when I was gone, Mum.”
Lucy sighed, guilt tickling in her chest. “I’ll think about it.”
Iris grinned, wrapping an arm around Lucy’s waist and squeezing tight. Lucy smiled fondly at Iris, slinging her own arm across the girl’s shoulders.
“Are you ready for our daddy-daughter day?” Garcia asked as he popped his head into Iris’ room.
Amy was lying on the bed, stomach down and legs kicking in the air as she tried to read one of Iris’ many books. She honestly could not understand why Iris enjoyed reading so much. Her brain kept losing track of the words and before she knew it, her eyes had reached the end of the page but she had no idea what she’d read.
“God yes! Let me just put my shoes on,” she literally rolled off the bed and shoved her feet into Iris’ single pairs of sneakers.
They caught a ferry at Dubrovnik Old Town. As they boarded, Amy grabbed hold of Garcia’s hand and pulled him to the front of the boat, smiling as the spray of the ocean hit her cheeks. The wind whipped her hair into her face and her grin only grew as she brushed it back.
Garcia reached deep into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a hair tie. He used his fingers to brush Amy’s hair back and secured it into a high ponytail. It looked a little worse for wear but he figured it would hold for the rest of the 15 minute ride to Lokrum Island – one of Iris’ favourite places.
“Can you take a photo of me?” Amy asked and Garcia chuckled before complying.
Pulling out his phone, he took a few quick shots of a grinning Amy, red cheeks and lumpy ponytail. The sea glistened in the background, the same shade of blue as the summer sky. She leaned over his arm to see the photos and laughed at the expression on her face.
“Thanks, tata.” She kissed him on the cheek.
When they arrived at the island, Garcia led the way to the Botanical Gardens. Amy had no real interest in examining a smorgasbord of flowers, but it was the kind of thing Iris loved to do and so she was stuck, fake ohhing and ahhing over the flowering cacti and other unidentifiable plants. She could feel the strap of her bathing suit dig into her shoulders and couldn’t wait to jump into the crystal water.
After an hour of roaming around the gardens, the duo sat on a large patch of grass. Amy was sufficiently bored out of her mind, the only remotely fascinating thing to happen was when a peacock had crossed her path, tail open and majestic as it stalked past like it was walking down a runway.
“Walk, walk, fashion baby,” she whispered as the peacock disappeared from view.
She tried to hide her boredom, throwing all of herself into faking enthusiasm. Her twin sister really needed to get out more if this was her idea of a good time.
Garcia reached into the backpack he was carrying and pulled out a couple of sandwiches and large bottle of water. She flung herself onto her back, eating her sausage and tomato sandwich with one hand as she brushed the other through strands of grass. Garcia followed her lead, lowering his large frame until his head was next to Amy’s. He pointing out interestingly shaped clouds as they ate with Amy chiming in at irregular intervals.
She grew groggy and tired, the warmth of the sun and her filling stomach mingled until her eyelids drooped and she fought against sleep. Garcia laughed to himself as he watched her struggle. Just as she was about to slip into a nap, he shook her out of her stupor with two words.
“So, swimming?”
Her eyes immediately sprung open as she sat up. “Definitely.”
They walked over to the other side of the island. The sun was bearing down on them from its spot in the middle of the sky as they found an unoccupied swimming hole.
Ripping off her t-shirt and denim shorts in a single swoop, Garcia caught her around the waist before she could dive from the rocks and into the water. He laughed as she struggled.
“Dad!” she groaned.
“Sunscreen first, draga.”
Amy huffed but stood still as Garcia slathered the cream onto her back. She squeezed a large dollop onto her own hand and covered the rest of her exposed skin. Taking pity on the large man, she smothered his back in a patchy layer of sunscreen before climbing over the rocks and to the nearby ladder. She descended down to the lowest rung and dipped a foot into the warm, cool water. Groaning, she hurled herself off the ladder and into the deep blue.
Iris’ dad was content to sit on a smooth rock, reading from a thick book that he’d pulled from his backpack. Every now and then we would look over to check on Amy before falling back into the pages.
The waves were calm as Amy floated on her back. Iris’ words from the day before crept into her mind. The idea that Lucy was dating someone was hilarious. For the past 10 years of her life, it had been just Amy and her mum. She couldn’t imagine that a simple 7 weeks away was enough time for her mother to meet a man and decide to give dating another shot. It was impossible. And so with the water gently lapping at her skin, she pushed the conversation aside and let her mind go blank.
She never wanted to leave.
Reality hit her hard and fast when she arrived her with a friend request from a Denise Christopher. Amy squinted at the profile picture of a generic Indian girl. She hovered the cursor over the “Delete Request” button, having seen enough Catfish and America’s Most Wanted reruns to be wary about adding unknown people on Facebook, especially when their profile was blank. She clicked on “Accept” curiosity piqued. She figured she could always delete them if they turned out to be shady.
Denise Christopher: Amy! It's Iris. Accept my friend request.
Denise Christopher: Where are you?
Denise Christopher: This is serious! They’re going on a double date tonight. I don’t know what to do.
Denise Christopher: AMYYYYYY!!!
Denise Christopher: Nemoj me jebat.
Iris Flynn: y do i get the feelin that uve just insulted me?
Denise Christopher: FINALLY! Amy, what do I do???????
Iris Flynn: k hold up
Iris Flynn: break it down for me
Iris Flynn: wats happening?
Denise Christopher: Your mother is currently in the bathroom putting make up on! There’s a really pretty red lace dress lying on her bed and Jiya’s mum is coming over to babysit me.
Denise Christopher: …Are you still there Amy?
Iris Flynn: ye im thinkin hold on
Iris Flynn: ok so heres wat u do
“I’m sorry I ruined your date,” Iris moaned pitifully from where she was burritoed in her comforter.
“That’s okay, sweetheart,” Lucy replied, running her fingers through Iris’ “sweaty” hair and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “It wasn’t a date anyway.”
Iris wrinkled her brows. “Are you sure?”
“Am I sure about what?”
“That it wasn’t a date.” Iris moved her head from its position on Lucy’s chest, turning her neck until she could see the older woman’s face. Lucy’s eyebrows were crinkled in confusion.
“I promise you that if I ever go on a date, I’ll tell you.”
Iris bit her lower lip before smiling up at Lucy. Then she lowered her head back onto Lucy’s chest and fell asleep with the woman’s fingers gently brushing through her hair.
Denise Christopher: It worked! Crisis averted…for now. But honestly Amy, we have to switch back. I’m not prepared to deal with this!
Iris Flynn: look i know ok? im sorry
Iris Flynn: any ideas?
Denise Christopher: I have one, but you’ll have to be very convincing.
Denise Christopher: And you may need some help.
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