#šŸŒ™ gio talks
isitthemoon Ā· 1 year
The Real MBTI ā€“ an essay a rant by me, motivated by the dear @mazeinthemoon
Warnings: LONG (5330 words), rambling, not beta read, one singular curse word, me being a nerd, english is not my first language, may not make sense at times, may contain grammar and vocabulary errors, passionate but not well articulated. Really just a rant and me trying to explain something I care about. Iā€™m also NOT an expert by any means, Iā€™m not a Psychology major, just some person who happens to hyperfixate be REALLY interested on mbti and analytical psychology. If it gives me any credit, my therapist does have a specialization in analytical psychology.
1. What is MBTI?
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is basically just a personality test, but thanks to sites like 16personalities and the internet giving it the same treatment as astrology (disclaimer: I love astrology and MBTI and itā€™s really sad to see them both being treated as just stereotyped boxes L) it turned into a different thing. Originally it is based on the ideas of this dude (/lh) named Carl Jung. On his book ā€œPsychological Typesā€ he describes what we call ā€˜Cognitive Functionsā€™, basically different ways peopleā€™s brains are wired, explaning tendencies/behaviours/his thoughts on the 8 different psychological types. There are 8 cognitive functions and he describes them separately, so how did we end up with 16 personalities?
Well, thereā€™s this thing called the function ā€˜stackā€™ that Iā€™ll go into detail a bit laterksksks but itā€™s just a way to arrange the functions together. Itā€™s basically (challenge: take a shot every time I say basically here) the way the functions are combined ā€“ each type having two different main functions. Add it up and bam: 16 personalities. But where does the myers-briggs come from?
I personally wonā€™t talk much about them, but Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs were a daughter and mother duo that read Jungā€™s book and theory and were like ā€œhey, this is pretty cool, what if we do something more with it?ā€, and so they basically gave birth to MBTI and popularized the stack and the 16 personalities.
HOWEVERā€¦ā€¦ somewhere along the way the mbti test became something else, no longer based on Jungā€™s cognitive function theory, but on another thing called ā€˜The Big Fiveā€™ test (please donā€™t quote me on that, I didnā€™t research this more because I honestly donā€™t care), separating the 4 letters from their original meaning. Iā€™ll explain what they mean later, but for now, know that (for example) INFJ doesnā€™t really mean just Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Judging.
[Update: I actually made an effort and researched more about The Big Five thanks to a lovely anon who explained it to me. More on how The Big Five and MBTI connect here]
ALSO want to clear some misconceptions: your ā€œpersonalityā€ or ā€œpsychological typeā€ cannot change.Ā  This doesnā€™t mean people canā€™t change, it just means you canā€™t change your ā€œbrain enginesā€, basically. The ā€œpersonalityā€ starts being formed during childhood, and with age, it just develops, for better or for worse. And so, when things happen, sometimes it manifests (as in appears, shows up, acts in a certain way) in a healthy and positive way, and sometimes in a toxic and self-sabotaging way. You can always improve yourself and see new perspectives, but you canā€™t really change your ā€œprogramationā€. Think of it as your software system, if it makes it any easier to understand.
And another misconception is the percentage thing. I didnā€™t really wanna ruin the fun (šŸ˜­) but I also donā€™t want to spread misinformation. Percentages are not a thing. Youā€™re not 70% feeling and 30% thinking. Youā€™re not 98% introverted and 2% extroverted. Honestly, no one would be healthy with this ā€œstatsā€. Iā€™ll explain it in more detail in the Stack topic, but everyone has Introverted AND Extroverted function. Everyone has Feeling AND Thinking and everyone has iNtuition AND Sensing. The functions are just treated with different ā€œprioritiesā€ by your brain, and if you ā€œabuseā€ too much of one, itā€™ll cause a warning, it wonā€™t be healthy. ā€œSo basically everyone is an ambivert?ā€ I guess????? Everyone has their moments and we all need to go out sometimes and stay alone other times. It doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t have a natural preference, though. Ā This is getting long, so just hold these thoughts for now because thereā€™s a topic just for thiskkkkk
2. Why should we care?
I mean, to most people itā€™s just another personality thing, maybe a way to have fun while stereotyping people or to blame all your flaws on like your sun sign (Iā€™m a pisces btw ^^), soā€¦ why should we care about it?
I can only speak for me, soā€¦ first things first, it is science, so you shouldnā€™t be so skeptical about it. I like it because it is very well structured and explained, it makes so much sense to me and after you learn about the real thing, you start to notice it in people that are close to you. Also, like every single personality thing, it is a tool used to try and understand people better. To paraphrase an amazing youtuber (channel: dear kristin) it is a tool you can use so you can learn to love others better. When we understand each other, we can love each other better and have more empathy towards each other. It helps in knowing why some people do X and other people do Y when Z happens to them both. It makes it easier to know someoneā€™s thought process and understand why they react a certain way, and itā€™s also a great tool to perceive peopleā€™s flawed tendencies as well as their naturalā€™s strenghs. With this knowledge in mind, we can also focus on being better versions of ourselves.
And also, my most personal reason that Iā€™m so passionate about this is: if I can make the effort and connect to and understand others, it means that people can do it too. If Iā€™m capable of knowing this and seeing what othersā€™ lives are like, it means other people can, even if just a little, understand me and get me. It means Iā€™m not alone or disconnected. It means no oneā€™s really THAT much of a weirdo that no one could possibly understand them. It means that I can be seen and valued the same as others. Iā€™m gonna stop right now before I start crying and ranting about loneliness, thank you for your patiencekkkkk letā€™s move on.
3. Soā€¦ then what are Cognitive Functions?
*sighs* okay Iā€™m too lazy to try and explain it first with my own words so Iā€™ll just copy-paste it from Wikipedia: ā€œCognitive functions, also referred to as psychological functions, as described by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types, are particular mental processes within a person's psyche that are present regardless of common circumstance.ā€ Itā€™s basically, how I said before, a thought process, a perspective, the way someoneā€™s brain is ā€œprogramedā€ or ā€œwiredā€. Donā€™t quote me on this but apparently itā€™s like using some parts of the brain more than others? Like that thing of ā€œare you a left-sided or right-sided brain?ā€ but more complex, I donā€™t really know how to explain it.
As I said before, everyone has an equal number of functions, which basically means everyone can make choices based on feeling and thinking, for example. What makes it special is that Cognitive Functions are NATURAL behaviours, your go-toā€™s, the processes youā€™re so used to doing that you donā€™t even realize it. In a basic (and unpolished) way, if youā€™re doing an effort to ā€œmakeā€ it on purpose, itā€™s not a cognitive function. And according to your own preferences, some functions are more developed and others are more repressed. This comes back to the Stack thing *sighs* I promise Iā€™ll get to it, but first we have to learn about the functions themselves. Letā€™s make some sub-topics:
3.1. Disposition: Introversion vs Extroversion
So, a functionā€™s disposition talks about where its energy flow and its goal. Introversion means the focus is internal, on the self, on subjective things. Extroversion means the focus is external, on objective things and on outside ā€œobjectsā€. Jung talks about it in his book the ā€œobjectā€ is basically any external thing, something that is not originated from whithin ā€“ be it feelings (the ā€œobjectā€ being a placeā€™s atmosphere and social cues, for example) or sensations (the ā€œobjectā€ being external stimulation instead of you paying attention to your own body). Being Introverted means thereā€™s a resistance, a kind of unwillingness towards this ā€œobjectā€, while being extroverted means youā€™re positive towards the ā€œobjectā€ and adapting yourself to it. Extroversion expands, Introversion narrows. Extroversion explores and experiments, Introversion organizes and settles. Extroversion focuses on the object, Introversion focuses on the impression of the object. This applies to all functions, and divides them equally: 4 introverted functions and 4 extroverted functions.
3.2. Judging Functions: Thinking vs Feeling
Here comes the J you know from the 4 letters. To put it in a simple way (because I already talked too much and we didnā€™t even arrive on the functions themselves) Judging Functions talk about how you make decisions. Where you go to when making choices. There are 2 Judging functions: Thinking and Feeling. Copy-pasting again to make it more simple: ā€œThese functions determine how you make decisions; based on values, ethics, and the emotional needs of others (feelers) or logic, causality, and efficiency (thinkers).ā€ Each one has their extroverted and introverted ā€œversionā€, so:
Extroverted Thinking (aka Te), Extroverted Feeling (aka Fe), Introverted Thinking (aka Ti) and Introverted Feeling (aka Fi). Each feeling function has a complementary thinking one and vice-versa, meaning one cannot *be* without the other. Think of it like yin-yang, complementary opposites. If you have one, you have the other. So, Te has Fi (and Fi has Te) and Fe has Ti (and Ti has Fe). Theyā€™re often called ā€œaxisā€, as in ā€œThe Fi-Te axisā€, because when we talk about one function we often end up talking about their opposite and how they manifest together. The same applies to the following functions.
3.3. Perceiving Functions: Intuitions vs Sensing
This is the P. The Perceiving Functions talk about how you see the world, how you ā€˜perceiveā€™ things, how you receive information and how you organize it. The perceiving functions are Sensing and Intuition. Again with the copy-paste: ā€œThese functions determine how you take in information; through your five senses (sensing) or through patterns and underlying meanings (intuition).ā€ Again, both have their I and E version:
Extroverted Sensing (aka Se), Introverted Intuition (aka Ni) [and together they make an axis], Extroverted Intuition (aka Ne) and Introverted Sensing (aka Si) [also making their own axis.].
4. Oh my god, are we finally gonna talk about whatever the hell the ā€œStackā€ is?
Yes. Finally. Will I copy-paste some things? Probably. Soā€¦. Whatā€™s a Function Stack? Wellā€¦
There are 8 cognitive functions, right? Te, Fe, Ne, Se, Ti, Fi, Ni and Si. And I said that everyone has Thinking AND Feeling and Sensing AND Intuition. This means everyone has 4 cognitive functions (ACCORDING TO THE MYERS-BRIGGS THEORY, Iā€™m only focusing on them, but basically what happens is that different people read Jungā€™s book and made different theories according to their own research and opinion). The Function Stack is just how these functions are organized according to your brainā€™s own preference and development. Look:
The 1st function, called the Dominant one, is your main function. Itā€™s basically your autopilot, everything you do goes through this function, itā€™s how you live. ā€œWhen we use a function that is destined to become ā€œpreferredā€, we feel an emotional investment in what weā€™re doing, and we feel in control of our emotional life, so we keep on doing it. We tend to be more stimulated by the function. It then appears to ā€œdevelopā€ or get ā€œstrongerā€, and behaviors associated with it will increaseā€.
The 2nd, called the Auxiliary function, ā€œhelpsā€ your dominant function, as the name suggests. It balances the 1st function and is there to walk beside it, and is not as developed as the 1st.
The 3rd is calledā€¦ the Tertiary. Itā€™s not as developed as the previous 2, and it is ALWAYS the opposite function of the 2nd one. This happens because of some concepts in Analytical Psychology that I wish I didnā€™t have to talk about, but Iā€™ll probably make a sup-topic. We often like to use our Tertiary function in a relaxed way, since we have easier access to it that way. Some people describe it as our ā€œChildā€ function because of that sense of curiosity as well as immaturity that children have, meaning we are curious to use it and enjoy using it in a stress-free way but donā€™t have the maturity level to use it in the ā€œā€ā€rightā€ā€ā€ way.
The 4th one is called the Inferior function. It is the least developed and most repressed function, and it is ALWAYS the opposite of the Dominant Function. This Function often ā€œcomes outā€ in moments of stress or when we used too much of our dominant one. Because of this, itā€™s not exactly easy to use it in a healthy way. Because it is the most repressed one, our conscious brain doesnā€™t really ā€œlikeā€ it, so when it comes to the surface itā€™s often in a toxic way. HOWEVERā€¦ it doesnā€™t mean this function is bad and you should hate it. This is the function that shows us our ā€œweaknessesā€, and at the same time, tells us how to overcome them. When people do something ā€œgoodā€ aka achieve something with this function, they often feel very relieved, rewarded and satisfied. Itā€™ll always be our least used function, but if we learn how to use it accordingly, weā€™ll walk one step further on the road that is Self Discovery.
Also just realized that I talked more about the Inferior than the Dominant. Huh.
4.1. SOā€¦ how does this work in practice? Is there a formula?
Why, yes, there is. Hereā€™s the cake mold for you.
1st: pick one singular function among the 8 available. Thatā€™s the Dominant Function.
2nd: If the first function you chose was a Judging function, now pick a Perceiving function. If the first one was a Perceiving function, now pick a Judging one. The 2nd function brings balance, so it has the opposite disposition of the Dominant one (meaning that if the 1st was extroverted the 2nd will be introverted and vice versa).
3rd: this function is the exact opposite of the 2nd function. Reminder that Thinking is the opposite of Feeling, Intuition is the opposite of Sensing and Extroversion is the opposite of Introversion.
4th: this function, as said before, is the exact opposite of the Dominant function.
Letā€™s look at an example.
One: letā€™s say the dominant function is Fi. Fi is a judging function, so the auxiliary function has to be a perceiving. Fi is introverted, so the auxiliary has to be extroverted. That leaves us with two options: Ne and Se. Each auxiliary will make a personality type, giving us TWO personalities with the SAME Dominant Function (and soā€¦ 8 x 2 = 16 personalities). For now, letā€™s go with Ne. So far we have FiNe. The tertiary function is always the opposite of the auxiliary. The opposite of N (intuition) is S (sensing), and the opposite of E (extroversion) is I (introversion), so our 3rd function will be Si. And the inferior function is always the opposite of the dominant one. Well, the opposite of F (feeling) is T (thinking), leaving us with Te. Therefore, the full stack is FiNeSiTe.
Another one: this time, the dominant function is Se. Se is a perceiving function, so the auxiliary has to a judging function, with the opposite disposition. That gives Ti and Fi. Letā€™s go with Ti right now. The auxiliary is always the exact opposite of the auxiliary, leaving us with Fe. And finally, the inferior is always the exact opposite of the dominant, leaving us with Ni. Therefore, our final stack is SeTiFeNi.
See how every stack has 2 extroverted and 2 introverted functions? Thatā€™s to balance out the psyche. Same thing with ā€“ again ā€“ having T AND F and S AND N. Thatā€™s right, everyone is a Thinker, Feeler, Sensor and Intuitive. What differentiates everyone, as we just saw, is how these functions are organized within our brains.
To make it easier, hereā€™s all 16 possible stacks, divided by Dominant Function:
FiNeSiTe / FiSeNiTe
TiNeSiTe / TiSeNiTe
NiFeTiSe / NiTeFiSe
SiTeFiNe / SiFeTiNe
FeNiSeTi / FeSiNeTi
TeSiNeFi / TeNiSeFi
SeFiTeNi / SeTiFeNi.
NeFiTeSi / NeTiFeSi
Bonus: how can we group the psychological types? Honestly, any way you want. For me, what makes the most sense is to groups the types which all have the same cognitive functions (theyā€™ll just be in a different order). You can also group them by: same dominant function, same auxiliary function, Feeling Dominants, Intuition Dominants, Judging Function Dominants, Feeling Doms + Sensing Aux, and the list goes on. Itā€™s just fun to see the ways they could go together.
4.2. Are you any curious why the 3rd and 4th functions are the opposite of the 2nd and 1st?
Well, allow me to try to introduce you to three very important concepts in Analytical Psychology in a very simple (and probably sidetracked?) way: the Self, the Persona and the Shadow.
Think of the Self asā€¦. Like, your ā€œtrueā€ Self, the most complete and authentic version of you. ā€œThe totality of a personā€™s beingā€, according to Jung according to this site I wonā€™t reference said.
The Persona is ā€œa role that an individual chooses to play in life or it is the impression of them they want to express to the outside worldā€. Think of it as a social ā€œmaskā€ (and no, itā€™s not being fake, everyone acts in a different way with different people, or are you telling me you treat a boss the same way you treat your sibling?), the surface or ā€œlightā€/visible part of your personality. In this case, we can make a parallel to the cognitive functions. Persona = Dominant and Auxiliary functions, since theyā€™re the ones that we use to navigate the world.
Now, Jung basically says that when we present something in our Persona, the opposite traits are repressed, but still exist within us. ā€œDespite pushing them away, they may find a way in to our lives, either through what we refer to as out of control reactions, eruptions and being ā€œout of characterā€ in our attitudes and behaviours.ā€ In our unconscious there is a bit of everything we donā€™t like. This is the Shadow. Bringing it to my analogy, Shadow = Tertiary and Inferior functions, because theyā€™re the repressed and undeveloped ones. To reiterate, the Shadow is not always bad. If in your daily life youā€™re someone with a low self-esteem and a people-pleaser, in your Shadow thereā€™s a high self-esteem, assertive version of yourself that knows how to set boundaries.
In psychological treatments using Analytical psychology, itā€™s often said that one of the main goals is the Integration of the Shadow. It means taking parts of the Shadow, looking at them, understanding, feeling, accepting them and learning how to use them to be a better version of yourself aka walking one step closer to the Self.
5. Soā€¦ what does INFJ mean? What do any of the letters mean?
So, in the first topic I said, with these exact words, ā€œthat INFJ doesnā€™t really mean just Introverted iNtuitive Feeling and Judging.ā€ I mean, they do mean what they mean, but thereā€™s more to it.
The 4 letters arenā€™t supposed to be an acronym, theyā€™re supposed to be a code. Yes, thereā€™s a secret (not really) encoded message in the 4 letters of your mbti type!!! And what do they reveal?????
Your cognitive functions. Your function stack. Thatā€™s right, it was in your faces the whole time, and only now someone decided to tell you about it. Soā€¦ how do you find it?
Letā€™s start with the INFJ example (because thatā€™s my type!!! ^^). Weā€™ll use it to see the formula for the 4 letters in ANY type.
The 1st letter ā€“ I or E: this shows us the Disposition/Energy of the Dominant Function of the type. In the case of the INFJ, the Dominant function will be an Introverted one (Fi, Ni, Si or Ti). But how do we know what functions are here?
The 2nd letter ā€“ N or S: this shows us our Perceiving function. ā€œBut doesnā€™t everyone have Intuition AND Sensing?ā€ Yes, but when it comes to the code (or the 4 letters), they only show the Dominant and Auxiliary functions. In the case of the INFJ, we know that the Perceiving Function is Intuition, but we still donā€™t know if itā€™s Ni or Ne.
The 3rd letter ā€“ F or T: this shows us our Judging function. The same things said in the 2nd letter apply on this one. In our example of the INFJ, we know that the Judging function is Feeling, but again, we still donā€™t know if itā€™s Fi or Fe.
The 4th letter ā€“ J or P: Now here comes the catch. Being a J doesnā€™t mean youā€™re organized and being a P doesnā€™t mean youā€™re spontaneous. This letter reveals to usā€¦. Which function is our EXTROVERTED function!!!! Being a XXXJ means you either have Fe or Te and being a XXXP means you have Ne or Se. Itā€™s ALWAYS the Extroverted function, so it means your other function is the Introverted one. SO, if the INFJ is a J, it means that the Judging function (which we learned is Feeling), is the extroverted one, soā€¦. Fe!!! This automatically means that the Perceiving function (in this case, Intuition) is introverted, soā€¦ Ni!!!! The two main functions of the INFJ are Fe and Ni!
Bringing it all together: So, if you go and think further about this, youā€™ll goā€¦. ā€œHey. ENFJ also has the same functions, Fe and Niā€. And here comes the part about the Stack. Remember how the 1st letters shows us the energy of our Dominant function? If the INFJ is introverted, the order will be Ni and then Fe. For the ENFJ, itā€™ll be first Fe and then Ni. Applying our knowledge from the Stack topic, we can now say that the INFJ function stack is NiFeTiSe, and the ENFJ is FeNiSeTi.
Another example, letā€™s go with INFP.
1st letter: it shows us that the Dominant function is Introverted (we still donā€™t know which one).
2nd letter: it shows us that the Perceiving function is Intuition. N for iNtuition. We still donā€™t know if itā€™s Ne or Ni.
3rd letter: it shows us that the Judging function is Feeling. We still donā€™t know if itā€™s Fi or Fe.
4th letter: here it isss! It tells us that the Perceiving Function is the Extroverted one. Soā€¦. The INFP has Ne!
Bringing it all together: So, if the N is extroverted (Ne), automatically the F has to be introverted (Fi). Since the INFP is anā€¦ well, IXXX, it means the introverted function is the Dominant one. Applying the Stack Formula, we have the INFP function stack ā€“ FiNeSiTe.
You can also figure out the 4 letters from the function stack, kinda like revere engineering. Fun challenge: go back to the Stack list and try to assign the type letters to each one. Remember: the 4 letters only show the Dominant and Auxiliar Functions!
Also, in case youā€™re wondering how to pronounce the functions abbreviated forms, just say the letters in a separate way. Fe = eff-ee. I mean, there arenā€™t rules, really, so when I talk in my native language I just pronounce the syllable (as in pronouncing Fe as /Feh/ and Ti as /Tea/).
6. Is this when you finally talk about the functions themselves?
Yes. Finally. It only took almost 3.9k words to arrive here. But weā€™ll finally talk about how each function works. HOWEVERā€¦.. have in mind that each function ā€œbehavesā€ differently according to its position in the stack. What Iā€™ll present here is the main gist, the basic meaning of the functions, the summary of the summary, with maybe some examples on how they look when unbalanced or unhealthy. If by now youā€™re REALLY interested, feel free to search more about it. Search something like ā€œ*insert function here* in all 4 positionsā€ (or 8, if you want to see other models). One youtube channel that goes into this is INFJinxed. Another channel I really like, for knowledge AND comedy sketches, is dear kristin.
Nowā€¦ after 4k words, letā€™s talk about each function individually. Finally, Iā€™ll keep it simple, but I also recommend you going to the channels previously mentioned if you want to learn about them in a more detailed way. Iā€™ll start with the Extroverted ones, then the Introverted.
Also, keep in mind that these summaries are how I got to understand the functions after doing my own research and reading Jungā€™s book, because 99% of the time I had no idea what people meant when they were repeating their static definition of the functions. If you want to look at other ways to explain the same thing, you can always do your own research, there are A LOT of people that already explained them.
6.1. Extroverted Thinking aka Te.
This function talks about objective norms, tradition, empirical truth, universal ideas, formulas (in any way), justice, and necessary actions. The ends justify the means. When unhealthy it turns into dogmatism and perfectionism. Think of ā€œit HAS to be this way, and anyone who says otherwise is WRONGā€. When unhealthy, everything is black and white. This is a result of the Inferior Fi coming through.
6.2. Extroverted Feeling aka Fe.
Fe talks about emotional accommodation and adaptation, objective or traditionally shared values, the feelings of sharing and belonging, ā€œreading the roomā€, perceiving social cues and setting an atmosphere, what feels reasonable and/or fair. When unhealthy it turns into fakeness (lack of genuineness) and making negative/pessimistic generalizations. This has to do with Inferior Ti coming through.
6.3. Extroverted Sensing aka Se.
Se talks about being binded to anything sensorial, external stimulations, object conditioning, physiology, concrete processes/objects, realism, things for what they are, having sensations and enjoying them, also kind of an impulsiveness (as all extroverted functions are, but this means physical impulses). When unhealthy it turns into exaggerated skepticism, futility and lack of critical thinking.
6.4. Extroverted Intuition aka Ne.
Ne talks about an attitude of expectation, seeing external tendencies, searching infinite possibilities, a desire to explore and never to settle, being an adventurer (talking about ideas and ideals) and having a hunch. Think of it like having an itch to explore concepts, and after you scratch one, youā€™re ā€œsatisfiedā€ and another itch appears. When unhealthy it turns into ā€œjack of all trades, master of noneā€, lack of compromise and commitment, a type of detachment and paranoia.
6.5. Introverted Thinking aka Ti.
Ti talks about critical thinking, subjective and relative truths (ā€œbut what really is the truth?ā€), analysis of perspectives, theorizing, exposure and development of ideas (but not focused on applicability), debating and discussing. When unhealthy it loses sense, turns cold and inflexible, turns gullible and overly emotional, links their own truth to their Self (canā€™t separate own ideas from own personality, so criticism is viewed as a personal attack). Think of stereotypical philosopherskkkkkk.
6.6. Introverted Feeling aka Fi.
Fi talks about intimacy, fidelity to oneā€™s own feelings, intensity instead of expression, internalizing things, an ease in being attuned to your own emotions (identifying, knowing, understanding and properly feeling them), focusing on your impression of things, the saying ā€œstill waters run deepā€. When unhealthy it becomes egocentric, victimist and detached from others.
6.7. Introverted Sensing aka Si.
Si talks about subjective perception aka it doesnā€™t focus on the fact itself/what happened but on what it felt like/the impression it left, the external object only acts as a stimulation for the perception, also talks about cumulative experience and knowledge, resistance, persistence, attachment, focusing on summarizing, reducing and on the subjective participation. The reference is not the object, but the reaction to (coming in contact with) the object. When unhealthy it turns into obsessiveness, paranoia and hypochondriasis.
6.8. (Finally) Introverted Intuition aka Ni.
Not gonna lie, this function was kinda hard for me to explain because I just live it, every single day. It really is so natural to me that itā€™s hard for me to put this ā€œexplanation lensā€ on it. But here it is.
Ni talks about focusing on the elements of the unconscious, guidance by internal movement, mental images ā€œtriggeredā€ by external things, an easiness in perceiving the processes of the unconscious, seeing underlying meanings, formation of ideals, ā€œtimeless knowledgeā€ (to learn more, search about the Collective Unconscious and Archetypes), focus on the ā€œHow?ā€, the ability to generate visions (in the future/goal kind of meaning) and to speculate. What this function feels like is as if the meanings/ideas existed as separate entities, disconnected from oneā€™s own mind, even if they were created internally. Think of that one Miley Cyrus meme: wHat Does it MEAN??? WHAT does it mEAN? When unhealthy it turns into a disconnection from the real world, physical sensibility and exaggerated attachments to things/people as well as dissociation.
7. Oh wowā€¦ that was a lot. So how can I know my type, then?
So. There are some tests you can do online based on the cognitive functions, but honestly the best way to know your type is learning about them and recognizing the functions in yourself. The information I just gave you here can be a great starting point, feel free to expand your research and see other explanations and points of view. Maybe my explanation just doesnā€™t click for you and you might understand the functions better as straightforward key-words or even as complicated metaphors. Good luck on your self-discovery journey ^^
Also, the internet may try its best, but an ACTUAL REAL Typology test can only be applied by a licensed therapist. Thatā€™s how I learned about my own type. My true type, because for YEARS I thought I was an INFP because of my misunderstanding of the cognitive functions. I did this +5k rant so you didnā€™t have to go through what I went through.
8. Soā€¦ are we done?
Oh my god, I guess???????? Weā€™re done???? Oh shit. I canā€™t believe I actually did this. And now I donā€™t really know what to saydkdkdkskkkkk. But I have an idea on where to start.
Dear Moon, what a crazy ridekkkkk I did tell you I was REALLY passionate about this and I did spend hours revisiting my knowledge and somehow studying for fun while doing this.
Thank you for encouraging me to infodump, Iā€™m not really used to people being interested on my interests, so this really moved me (emotionally). Thank you for interacting with me and being so kind, I try my best to give the same treatment but I hope life/the universe/whatever cosmic energy you might believe in gives you back the good energy you put into the world, because I can only do so much.
I think Iā€™m getting emotional because itā€™s almost midnight where I live and Iā€™m quite sleepy, but I just couldnā€™t stop working on this. I really wish you all the best. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Remember to drink water. Treat yourself with the same kindness you offer us dear moots on this website/app. Thank you again for reading what turned out to be ACTUAL TEN PAGES!!!!!! And also +5.2k words. Have a wonderful night.
And thank you to everyone who read this until now. Iā€™m just some nerd who likes mbti and decided to share the little I know on the internet, through my own point of view. If you happen to be a psychology major, licensed therapist or someone who also studies and/or understands mbti and analytical psychology, feel free to correct anything I might have explained wrong or unclear, as well as add your own thoughts. These are just my 2 cents, after all.
Have a great day, everyone. Iā€™m Gio. This was my rant.
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isitthemoon Ā· 6 months
Hi this is your daily reminder that j.k rowling is a transphobic, racist and anti-semitic piece of shit
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isitthemoon Ā· 1 year
Here's a small meme collection
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isitthemoon Ā· 5 months
Maybe I shouldn't have listened to two discographies in a row now my brain is fried
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isitthemoon Ā· 7 months
I'm SO tempted to write a whole ass document about Color Analysis/Seasonal Color/Personal Color Analysis........
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isitthemoon Ā· 8 months
I don't know what's going on with me and why I haven't interacted much here and why i haven't done things i used to enjoy even if i want to
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isitthemoon Ā· 5 months
Good morning
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isitthemoon Ā· 11 months
Open, for a surprise, I guess? Just some casual stuff before I go wash my hair.
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Disclaimers: short, not beta read, not really made with effort, i just figured that if you can't find content, create it yourself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Optional bias, i guess. Enjoy?
"Hey..." you call out, trying to play it nonchalantly, but you suspect it didn't work because of the worried way he looks at you. You don't know if you're more impressed with him already noticing something's going on, or with you knowing what he's thinking.
"Hm? Is everything okay?" He asks, slightly trembling due to the movement of the car. His hands hold yours as your eyes move from the scenery passing outside to his eyes. "Were the drinks too much?"
"No, no, no, the cocktails were really good" you smile as you clarify, adjusting your seatbelt so you could move a little closer to him. There was plenty of room in the backseat, anyways. "I was just... thinking"
A quietness settles between the both of you, the radio of the uber being the only significant noise to take you out of your head. It was supposed to be something simple, just a question, nothing much really. Then why are you *so* nervous? You fear that if you don't spill it now you'll just chicken out and pretend nothing happened. But that's not what you wanted to do this time.
"Are you-"
"I rent a new place." You blurt out before he's able to finish his concerned thought, then take a deep breath. You were trying to be casual, still, what's done is done.
"Oh." is all he says before you continue, calmer this time.
"It's really nice actually... plenty of space for an apartment in this city... two rooms, a *great* bathroom and there's even a balcony." you begin to smile nervously as you try not to lock on his confused gaze, but you guessed it's now or never. "I was wondering..... if maybe... you wanted to m-"
".... what?" is all you can muster, your mouth hanging open from shock.
"I'd love to move in with you. If that's what you were going say. And I think it was... well, I hope it was" it was his turn to look away, a shy but genuine smile on his face. "Was it?"
And at that moment, a song you immeadiately recognize starts playing on the radio. "I couldn't have chosen a better fitting soundtrack" you chuckle as you think, before realizing he's now looking at you... waiting for an answer even if he already knows what you'll say because of the way your face lights up with your smile. You both guess that maybe this is how being in love feels like.
He really hopes he never loses you. And you really hope it never ends. If it did, you can only figure you'd never walk that street again.
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isitthemoon Ā· 1 year
Not me brainstorming a whole ass concept of an Alice-In-Wonderland-Inspired-Story. Like. I'm about to start writing the third page. And it's just a general concept. Also heavily inspired by some Red Velvet songs/music videos. This is great.
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isitthemoon Ā· 2 months
What if I am, in fact, aromantic šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘
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isitthemoon Ā· 7 months
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This is the cause of my death, I will personally study psychology and graduate and especialize in analytical psychology and personality types just to travel to south korea and correct all the misinformation and stereotypes šŸ˜­
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isitthemoon Ā· 2 months
Istg is there something going on with astrological placements or something this year has just not been it for me
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isitthemoon Ā· 3 months
Happy birthday to the man I talk about the most in this account
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isitthemoon Ā· 4 months
That being said, I am also aware that I seem to be one of the few people that makes the separation between what I like vs what I think is good
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isitthemoon Ā· 4 months
About half an hour before it's midnight here but I'm so tired and about to fall asleep so
Happy new year to everyone who sees this!!!! And thank you for sticking around!!!! šŸ’œāœØļø
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isitthemoon Ā· 4 months
What if I just deleted all my sideblogs and just unified all my content
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