#➵ priam 01
ulircursed · 2 years
“Hey, care for a spar?” If you wanted to get to know someone, a spar was the only way to do it. Until blades crossed and eyes locked, the intensity of a soul was too tame to be known.
Priam also only really had one other setting. “Unless you’re hungry, there’s a decent tavern in town.” He nodded to Andrei, deferring to his preference. “Remember when we were deployed out there together? Been so long and I haven’t gotten to catch up with you. How you been?”
     The sight of Priam’s approach elicited faint recognition from Andrei, the archer lowering the bow he’d been practicing with and turning to face the other. The mission itself was difficult to forget, but aside from a cursory chat while traveling towards Enbarr, he hadn’t ended up having much occasion to interact with the swordsman amidst the investigation and subsequent pursuit.
     He did remember, though, that a spar had been the first thing the man had asked of him last time as well. Considering his offer to ‘catch up’, perhaps he was just one of those hot-blooded individuals who considered a friendly clashing of swords to be some sort of greeting or bonding experience.
     Unfortunately, Andrei was not one of those individuals.
     “I’m afraid I’ve little expertise in melee weaponry that would come close to being a satisfactory match for your sword,” he replied coolly. The lance was the only other weapon he would claim to know anything about, and even then only a basic knowledge.
     Neither was he particularly hungry, and even if he were, the tavern wouldn’t be his ideal place to visit. Andrei frowned in thought. If Priam was going through the trouble of giving him options, then this might be beyond a casual offer. “Was there something in particular you wished to discuss with me, or is this merely a social call?” he asked.
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date: august 27th location: northern grove time: nearing 5am availability: @maskrvde
A tremble that she doesn’t see coming shudders through her, one that she should have known would come and pushed away because the sky has just fallen and it feels like the rivers are running dry with how her lungs ache. She is standing, stark still, staring up at a building caught aflame, can still feel the place where Vivianne had wrapped her long arms around her shoulders so tightly Juliana almost thinks they might bruise, add to the collection that Marcelo Rosso left behind. She finds some comfort in that, in a twisted and silly way that she thinks only she can ever truly understand. That a person can love another and break them, can love so sharply it’s like bringing a blade to flesh, that another person can love so hard it leaves its mark on their skin. 
She hopes she can do that. Leave her mark. 
She doesn’t have time for shuddering though, doesn’t have time to be weak the way that she so desperately needs to be, doesn’t think that she deserves to be such when she is surrounded so by others who are far worse for wear. She doesn’t have time, doesn’t have the energy, doesn’t have enough pieces of herself left at the moment to feel the pain she knows she’ll feel in the morning. She notes with a careful glance the way Rafaella stubbornly refuses to care for her own flesh, stares determinedly at her cousin and the marks across his skin. She sees Roman with blood on his cheeks, wonders how much of it is his and how much of it belongs to the girl cradled in his arms. Her hands shake and she feels tears welling in her eyes, can’t figure out if they fall because of the anger taking a home in her bones or for the bone-deep exhaustion that she feels coming as adrenaline leaves her. 
Looking around, she is consumed by a single thought: she wants her best friend. 
She’s never felt it so viscerally before, this need to be with him. She could go to her cousin’s, she thinks, could cross the space between them with ease and put her own hands on Rafaella to make her pay credence the pain she needs to feel. She could go to any one of her soldiers, could use this fire to make herself stronger, could take the parts of herself that the fire has scorched and mold them into diamonds sharp enough to lead her people to seeing her as glorious. But she doesn’t want Rafaella to see her with her burns, doesn’t want Tib to see the bruises she knows must be blossoming across her cheekbones and forget about the split skin on his own. She doesn’t want to go to anyone who will see her and forget about themselves.
She doesn’t think she deserves that, not after she was so unable to help anyone.
All she wants is to help someone else. 
So she goes to the person she knows will take care of her without forgetting to let her take care of him in return. She searches the grove, almost desperately, for the sight of her fiancée, casts her gaze around at all of the people who are huddled together, and when she sees him something like a weight lifts from her lungs and she feels like she can take a breath, doesn’t feel so guilty when she shudders and goes to him, walks right up to him and puts her palm to his cheek. 
“We need to get you cleaned up,” she says. She doesn’t hesitate when she goes on. “We should get out of here. Why don’t we go, just leave. Let’s go to your apartment.”
Her lip trembles, giving her away. She ignores it.
She can’t be here a moment longer.  
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paganimagevault · 3 years
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Goddess Athena (in Mycenaean dress) watches over Odysseus' Hall by Peter Connolly
"So he spoke, and Athena waxed the more wroth at heart, and she rebuked Odysseus with angry words: “Odysseus, no longer hast thou steadfast might nor any valor, such as was thine when for high-born Helen of the white arms thou didst for nine years battle with the Trojans unceasingly, and many men thou slewest in dread conflict, and by thy counsel was the broad-wayed city of Priam taken. How is it that now, when thou hast come to thy house and thine own possessions, thou shrinkest with wailing from playing the man, and that against the wooers? Nay, friend, come hither and take thy stand by my side, and see my deeds, that thou mayest know what manner of man Mentor, son of Alcimus, is to repay kindness in the midst of the foe.” She spoke, but did not give him strength utterly to turn the course of the battle, but still made trial of the might and valor of Odysseus and his glorious son; and for herself, she flew up to the roof-beam of the smoky hall, and sat there in the guise of a swallow to look upon."
-Homer, The Odyssey: Book 22
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miriel-is-in-feh · 4 years
05/01/2020 (where I live at least)
So, new heroes are coming in 4 days. Again I will be hoping for Miriel or Priam or any genealogy character as long as we do get new characters.
I am also hoping that Intsys will make Miriel a 4 star focus... Why ? Don't I love Miriel ? Well I do but you see, not many people like Miriel and she isn't the best in Awakening. I love her, but rather than her turning into a bad unit that is 5 star locked I want her to be the first female made into a 4 star focus ! But i'm probably the only one thinking that.
Also I don't hate Three Houses, just to be clear. I own and play the game, and I like it. But I do not like the fact that people complain about fates and awakening when TH is heading down the same path.
Anyway, I hope your fav get in heroes !
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fabulaklub · 3 years
Diskusia o knihe Osamelosť prvočísiel od Paola Giordana [29/01/2021]
V januári sme spolu čítali knihu Osamelosť prvočísiel od talianskeho spisovateľa Paola Giordana. Táto kniha sledovala život dvoch protagonistov, Mattia a Alice, ktorí si so sebou nesú traumu z detstva a každý sa s ňou snaží vyrovnať istými deštruktívnymi technikami.
Ako som už aj spomínala, hlavné postavy tejto knihy boli Mattia a Alice. Matematický génius pravdepodobne aj niekde na autistickom spektre, ktorý sa sebapoškodzoval a pokrivená Alice so sklonmi k anorexii. Tento ťažký náklad mohlo byť obtiažne pochopiť a možno sa aj s nimi stotožniť. Ako ste brali týchto dvoch protagonistov? Vedeli ste sa k nim priblížiť, pochopiť ich alebo ste sa cítili vzdialení? Prečo Paolo Giordano písal práve o nich?
Osamelosť v názve z knihy priam sršala. Chybná a nedostatočná komunikácia bola jedna z hlavným katalyzátorom alebo lepšie povedané prekážkou v deji. Aké ďalšie témy ste si v knihe všímali? Čo bolo podľa vás hlavnou myšlienkou resp. aký zmysel malo napísať túto knihu?
Štýl Paola Giordana sa zdal strohý, teda bez zbytočne naťahovaných opisov. Všetko sme videli ako keby z pohľadu filmovej kamery, a aj keď sa kniha čítala ako scenár, nechýbali v nej množstvo metafor a zaujímavostí. Ako sa vám kniha čítala? Ako ste vnímali odkazy na matematiku a fyziku? Vadilo vám to alebo vás to skôr zaujalo?
Našich protagonistov sme sledovali približne 25 rokov. Videli sme ich detstvo, dospievanie a rannú dospelosť. Čo ste sa z tejto knihy naučili? Čo vám dala do života?
Aká scéna alebo pasáž knihy sa vám najviac páčila a prečo?
Ako ste vnímali koniec knihy? Zdal sa vám uspokojujúci? Myslíte si, že postavy na konci prešli nejakou zmenou/vývojom alebo nie a prečo?
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phgq · 3 years
700 cops in first batch for Covid-19 jab
#PHnews: 700 cops in first batch for Covid-19 jab
MANILA – The first batch of around 700 medical personnel from the Philippine National Police (PNP) will be vaccinated with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines once these life-saving shots arrive in the country.
In a press briefing Monday at Camp Crame in Quezon City, PNP deputy chief for administration, Lt. Gen. Guillermo Eleazar, said some of the recipients are front-liners assigned at the PNP General Hospital.
"Since the personnel of the PNP General Hospital will be accommodated and that is the initial advice given to us, we are prepared to provide the necessary names of personnel if we will be given additional contacts for the vaccination and we have our own priority list of those in the front-lines aside from the personnel assigned with the General Hospital," Eleazar said.
Others included in the first batch are police officers tasked to secure the Covid-19 vaccines during its nationwide run.
These PNP personnel will be given the required two doses of the Covid-19 vaccines, Eleazar said.
The National Capital Region (NCR), Region 7 (Central Visayas), Region 4-A (Calabarzon), and Region 3 (Central Luzon) are among the four regions which will be prioritized in the government’s Covid-19 vaccination program.
These four regions were prioritized based on the infection positivity rate as revealed in the data of the Department of Health (DOH) since March 15, 2020.
Second in the priority areas are highly-urbanized cities with high Covid-19 cases which include Baguio City, Iloilo City, Cebu City, Bacolod City, and Davao City.
The 3rd priority are cities and municipalities with moderate cases of Covid-19 while the fourth and last priority are classified as all other areas with low positivity rate. (with reports from Priam F. Nepomuceno/PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "700 cops in first batch for Covid-19 jab." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1130659 (accessed February 16, 2021 at 01:46AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "700 cops in first batch for Covid-19 jab." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1130659 (archived).
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themonologuearchive · 7 years
01 - Chorus
From: Agamemnon, by Aeschylus
Genre: Drama
Topic: Exposition
Character: Male; many characters as one
Note: monologue is under a read more because it is seven pages long
It’s now ten years since Menelaus,                                    Priam’s great adversary, and lord Agamemnon, two mighty sons of Atreus, joined by Zeus in double honours— twin thrones and royal sceptres— left this country with that fleet, a thousand Argive ships, to back their warrior cause with force, hearts screaming in their battle fury, two eagles overwhelmed by grief,                                      crying for their young—wings beating                                             like oars, they wheel aloft, high above their home, distressed because they’ve lost their work— their fledglings in the nest are gone! Then one of the supreme powers— Apollo, or Pan, or Zeus— hears the shrill wailing cry, hears those screaming birds, who live within his realm,                     and sends a late-avenging Fury to take revenge on the transgressors. In just that way, mighty Zeus,               god of hospitality, sends those sons of Atreus against Alexander, son of Priam— for that woman’s sake, Helen, the one who’s had so many men, condemning Trojans and Danaans to many heartfelt struggles, both alike, knees splintering as the fighting starts. Now things stand as they stand. What’s destined to come will be fulfilled, and no libation, sacrifice, or human tears will mitigate the gods’ unbending wrath of sacrifice not blessed by fire. But as for us, whose old bodies confer no honour, who were left behind when the army sailed so long ago,              we wait here, using up our strength to support ourselves with canes, like children, whose power, though growing in their chests, is not yet fit for Ares, god of war. And so it is with old men, too, who, when they reach extreme old age, wither like leaves, and go their way three-footed, no better than a child,            as they wander like a daydream.                 But you, daughter of Tyndareus, queen Clytaemnestra, what’s going on? What news? What reports have you received that lead you to send your servants out commanding all this sacrifice? For every god our city worships— all-powerful gods above the earth, and those below, and those in heaven,        and those in the marketplace—                   their altars are ablaze with offerings. Fires rise here and there and everywhere, right up to heaven, fed by sacred oils brought from the palace—sweet and holy, their purity sustains those flames. Tell us what you can, tell us what’s right for us to hear. Cure our anxious thoughts. For now, at one particular moment,            things look grim, but then our hopes,         rising from these sacrificial fires, make things seem better, soothing corrosive pains that eat my heart. I have the power to proclaim that prophecy made to our kings, as they were setting on their way, a happy outcome for their expedition. My age inspires in me Persuasion still, the power of song sent from the gods, to sing how two kings of Achaea’s troops, united in a joint command, led off      the youth of Greece, armed with avenging spears, marching against Troy, land of Teucer. They got a happy omen—two eagles, kings of birds, appeared before the kings of ships. One bird was black, the other’s tail was white, here, close to the palace, on the right, in a place where everyone could see. The eagles were gorging themselves, devouring a pregnant hare                  and all its unborn offspring, struggling in their death throes still.               Sing out the song of sorrow, song of grief, but let the good prevail. Then the army’s prophet, Calchas, observing the twin purposes in the two warlike sons of Atreus, saw the twin leaders of the army in those birds devouring the hare. He then interpreted the omen, saying,            “In due course this expedition will capture Priam’s city, Troy— before its towers a violent Fate will annihilate all public goods.                      But may no anger from the gods cast its dark shadow on our troops, our great bit forged to curb Troy’s mouth. For goddess Artemis is full of anger at her father’s flying hounds—she pities the cowering sacrificial creature in distress,   she pities its young, slaughtered before she’s brought them into life. Artemis abominates the eagles’ feast.” Sing out the song of sorrow, song of grief, but let the good prevail.                                  “And lovely Artemis—  though you’re gentle with the tender cubs of vicious lions and take special joy in the suckling young of all wild living beasts, promise things will work out well,                 as this omen of the eagles indicates,  an auspicious sign, but ominous. And I call Apollo, god of healing, to stop Artemis delaying the fleet, by sending hostile winds to keep the ships from sailing,                        in her demand for another sacrifice, one which violates all human law, which no feast celebrates— it shatters families and makes the wife           lose all respect and hate her husband.  For in the home a dreadful anger waits. It does not forget and cannot be appeased. Its treachery controls the house, waiting to avenge a slaughtered child.” Calchas prophesied that fatal destiny, read from those birds, as the army marched, speaking by this palace of the kings.                                   And to confirm all this sing out the song of sorrow, song of grief,     but let the good prevail. O Zeus, whoever he may be,                 if this name please him as invocation, then that’s the name I’ll use to call him. As I try to think all these things through, I have no words to shape my thoughts, other than Zeus—if I truly can succeed in easing my heart of this heavy grief, this self-defeating weight of sorrow. As for Uranus, who was once so great, bursting with arrogance for every fight, people will talk about that god as if he’d never even lived.             And his son, Cronos, who came after, has met his match and is no more. But whoever with a willing heart cries his triumphal song to Zeus will come to understand all things. Zeus, who guided mortals to be wise, has established his fixed law—                       wisdom comes through suffering. Trouble, with its memories of pain, drips in our hearts as we try to sleep,              so men against their will learn to practice moderation. Favours come to us from gods seated on their solemn thrones— such grace is harsh and violent. So then the leader of Achaean ships, the elder brother, Agamemnon,                      did not blame or fault the prophet, but gave in to fortune’s sudden blows. For Achaea’s army, stranded there, on the shores across from Calchis,                 was held up by opposing winds at Aulis, where tides ebb and flow. Troops grew weary, as supplies ran low. Winds blew from the Strymon river, keeping ships at anchor, harming men with too much leisure. Troops grew hungry. They wandered discontent and restless. The winds corroded ships and cables. The delay seemed endless, on and on, until the men, the flower of Argos, began to wilt. Then Calchas proclaimed the cause of this— it was Artemis. And he proposed                a further remedy, but something harsh, even worse than the opposing winds, so painful that the sons of Atreus struck their canes on the ground and wept.         Then Agamemnon, the older king, spoke up: “It’s harsh not to obey this fate— but to go through with it is harsh as well, to kill my child, the glory of my house, to stain a father’s hands before the altar                            with streams of virgin’s blood. Which of my options is not evil? How can I just leave this fleet, and let my fellow warriors down? Their passionate demand for sacrifice                               to calm the winds lies within their rights— even the sacrifice of virgin blood. So be it. All may be well.” But when Agamemnon strapped on the harsh yoke of necessity, his spirits changed, and his intentions became profane, unholy, unsanctified.                                He undertook an act beyond all daring. Troubles come, above all, from delusions inciting men to rash designs, to evil.                                   So Agamemnon steeled his heart to make his own daughter the sacrifice, an offering for the Achaean fleet, so he could prosecute the war waged to avenge that woman Helen. In their eagerness for war, those leaders                              paid no attention to the girl, her pleas for help, her cries of “Father!”— any more than to her virgin youth. Her father offered up a prayer,                                          then ordered men to seize her and lift her up—she’d fallen forward and just lay there in her robes—to raise her, high above the altar, like a goat, urging them to keep their spirits up. They gagged her lovely mouth, with force, just like a horse’s bit, to keep her speechless, to stifle any curse which she might cry against her family. As she threw her saffron robe onto the ground,                  she glanced at the men, each of them,                                             those carrying out the sacrifice, her eyes imploring pity. She looked just like a painting dying to speak. She’d often sung before her father’s table, when, as host, he’d entertained his guests, a virgin using her flawless voice to honour her dear father with her love, as he prayed for blessing at the third libation.                                                           What happened next I did not see. And I won’t say. What Calchas’ skill had prophesied did come to pass. The scales of Justice move to show                                  that wisdom comes through suffering. As for what’s to come—you’ll know that when it comes. So let it be. To know would be to grieve ahead of time. It’s clear whatever is to happen will happen, like tomorrow’s dawn.                                
But I hope whatever follows will be good, according to the wishes of our queen, who governs here, our closest guard, keeping watch all by herself, protecting Peloponnesian lands.
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QTime, Cat Robots & 2 Studio Ghibli Movies
With the wind rustling the trees, a faint hint of the bouquet from the honeysuckle on the air, the moon moved from behind the cloud. It was hard to accept that this was still the same group that everyone knew and liked (loved is suck a strong word and with Buck involved we might be stretching it a bit). The utter shock of it all is beyond belief; we are almost at that time folks. Yes, we really are almost at the 2 year mark. Tell your friends that like Keith Richards we have refused to stop going, like an aging rock band we are here once again. The Nerds are back!
                First up this week we have a segment about QTIME, what is that you ask? Well it is an amazing device to help when gaming is more important than life, but you still have to pay the bills. It is awesome for those parents that want to guide their dirt urchins out into the wide blue yonder and do their chores around the house. It is also the perfect way to destroy a room full of sports fans. Want to know exactly what this miracle device is, listen in and hear the Professor tell us about it and Buck hatch evil ideas.
                Now there are restaurants that have monkey waiters, cafes where you can cuddle a cat or puppy, there are even sushi bars with trains. Now we give you Cat Robots! Yes folks it is that time of year when the biggest collection of Nerds and Geeks gather. It is the CES once again and Buck has found that there are Cat Robots, also a super important and special bot for those times when you stuck needing a roll of paper. This is important and we invite you to tell us your favourite exhibit at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) we only discuss a couple, there are some many things it would require a special episode of its own.
                Next up we have DJ telling us about the news that Studio Ghibli are planning to release 2 new movies. The special part of this is we have an expected release date of….Listen in and find out when. Also we discuss what the movies theme is going to be. We don’t want to spoil it for you and tell you everything now, but we are sure you will enjoy it as much as we do. Lastly, we have the usual game played, shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and special events. Until next time, thanks for listening, take care of yourselves, look out for each other and stay hydrated.
Qtime : Limiting Gaming Time - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2018/10/23/father-son-create-app-parents-shut-childs-video-consoles-remotely/
Cat Robots in Restaurants - https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51003084?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/technology&link_location=live-reporting-story
Studio Ghibli making 2 movies for 2020 - https://www.cbr.com/studio-ghibli-two-new-films-2020/
Games currently playing
– Final Fantasy Adventure - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Adventure 
Rating – 5/10
– Desert Order - https://www.desertorder.com/
Rating – 3.5/5
– Watchers - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1124980/Watchers/
Rating – 3.5/5
Other topics discussed
QTIME official website
- https://getqtime.com/
Court dress (style of clothes prescribed for courts of law and for royal courts._
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_dress
YouTube Challenge - Hey Jimmy Kimmel I Unplugged the TV During the Game
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMmqqKV49cg
YouTube Challenge – I Turned Off the TV During Fortnite
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPTXkp4pPeI
CES (Consumer Electronics Show) and its info
- https://www.ces.tech/
- https://metro.co.uk/2018/01/08/ces-stand-dates-held-7212783/
Cat Cafes in Brisbane
- Lucky Cat Café - https://www.luckycatcafe.com.au/
- Cat Cuddle Café - https://catcuddlecafe.com/
Charmin’s Rollbot unveiled at CES 2020
- https://www.cnet.com/news/charmins-pooptime-robot-pal-will-bring-fresh-toilet-roll-when-you-need-it-most/
The Good Place (American fantasy comedy television series created by Michael Schur.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Good_Place
How Do You Live (1937 novel by Yoshino Genzaburō. It follows a 15-year-old boy named Junichi Honda, nicknamed Koperu, and his uncle as the youth deals with spiritual growth, poverty, and the overall experience as human beings.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_Do_You_Live%3F_(novel)
Studio Ghibli 25 Years Concert - Joe Hisaishi in Budokan
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY1XtWyKlJA
Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest pledges $70 million bushfire relief and recovery donation
- https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-09/andrew-forrest-pledges-$70m-donation-to-bushfire-relief/11854654
Four Wedding and a Funeral (American romantic comedy web television miniseries, based on the 1994 British film of the same name written by Richard Curtis.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Weddings_and_a_Funeral_(miniseries)
Stephen Fry (English actor, comedian and writer)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Fry
Hugh Laurie (English actor, director, singer, musician, comedian and author.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Laurie
1st episode of Q.I. starring Hugh Laurie, Danny Baker & John Sessions
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lmJ15QvMZE
James A. Garfield (20th president of the United States, serving from March 4, 1881 until his death by assassination six and a half months later.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_A._Garfield
Musicals Taught me Everything I Know (TNC Podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/mtmeik
4 Jan 2019 - Tom Long passed away. Tom Long an Australian film and television actor. He played court official and avid surfer Angus in the late 1990s TV series SeaChange and Brendon Abbott in the 2003 Australian TV movie The Postcard Bandit. He was also in the movie the Dish as Glenn Latham, Comedian Jane Kennedy, a writer and producer for The Dish said Long was "one of the most modest and talented human beings I have had the privilege to work with". He died of encephalitis at the age of 51. - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-06/tom-long-seachange-the-dish-actor-dies-aged-51/11843328
5 Jan 2019 – Hayao Miyazaki celebrated his 79th birthday. A co-founder of Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio, he has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker ofanimated feature films, and is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished filmmakers in the animation business. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayao_Miyazaki
6 Jan 1994 - Washington State University’s research moose, Morty, who strolled to fame in the opening credits of the CBS-TV series 'Northern Exposure,' has died. The moose died of cobalt and copper deficiency. - https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/01/07/Northern-Exposure-moose-dies/1000757918800/
6 Jan 2019 – Australian comedian Celeste Barber has raised more than $46 million dollars for The Trustee for NSW Rural Fire Service & Brigades Donations Fund.  - https://www.facebook.com/donate/1010958179269977/2477326602586291/
6 Jan 1990 - Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Soviet physicist who shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1958 with Ilya Frank and Igor Tamm for the discovery of Cherenkov radiation, made in 1934. Cherenkov observed the emission of blue light from a bottle of water subjected to radioactive bombardment. This phenomenon, associated with charged atomic particles moving at velocities greater than the phase velocity of light, proved to be of great importance in subsequent experimental work in nuclear physics, and for the study of cosmic rays. Eponymously, it was dubbed the Cherenkov effect, as was the Cherenkov detector, which has become a standard piece of equipment in atomic research for observing the existence and velocity of high-speed particles. He died at the age of 85 in Moscow,Russian SFSR. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Cherenkov
6 Jan 1990 - Ian Charleson, Scottish stage and film actor. He is best known internationally for his starring role as Olympic athlete and missionary Eric Liddell, in the Oscar-winning 1981 film Chariots of Fire. He is also well known for his portrayal of Rev. Charlie Andrews in the 1982 Oscar-winning film Gandhi. He performed numerous Shakespearean roles, and in 1991 the annual Ian Charleson Awards were established, particularly in honour of his final Hamlet. The awards reward the best classical stage performances in Britain by actors aged under 30. Ian McKellen said Charleson was "the most unmannered and unactorish of actors: always truthful, always honest". He died from AIDS related causes at the age of 40 in London. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Charleson
6 Jan 1997 - Catherine Scorsese, American actress, and the mother of director Martin Scorsese. Of Italian descent, she began acting when her son Martin Scorsese cast her in his film It's Not Just You, Murray!. She frequently played the role of an Italian mother, and is perhaps most well known for her appearance in her son's film Goodfellas, as Mrs. DeVito, Tommy's mother. She acted in films other than her son's. She was married to Charles Scorsese. Her father, Martin Cappa, was a stage co-ordinator and her mother, Domenica, was a shop owner. She published a recipe book, Italianamerican: The Scorsese Family Cookbook. She died from Alzheimer's disease at the age of 84 in Manhattan, New York. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Scorsese
Famous Birthdays
6 Jan 1822 - Heinrich Schliemann, German businessman and a pioneer in the field of archaeology. He was an advocate of the historicity of places mentioned in the works of Homer and an archaeological excavator of Hisarlik, now presumed to be the site of Troy, along with the Mycenaean sites Mycenae and Tiryns. His work lent weight to the idea that Homer's Iliad reflects historical events. Schliemann's excavation of nine levels of archaeological remains with dynamite has been criticized as destructive of significant historical artifacts, including the level that is believed to be the historical Troy. Schliemann's famous finds include Priam's Treasure, a cache of gold jewellery discovered in 1873. Schliemann was also the excavator of the bronze age site of Mycenae in North Greece, where he found the so-called "Mask of Agamemnon" in 1876. He was born in Neubukow,Mecklenburg-Schwerin. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Schliemann
6 Jan 1954 - Yuji Horii, Japanese video game designer and scenario writer best known as the creator of the Dragon Quest series of role-playing games, supervising and writing the scenario for Chrono Trigger, as well as the first visual noveladventure game Portopia Serial Murder Case. In Chrono Trigger, Horii appearing in one of the endings with the game development staff. He was born in Sumoto, Hyōgo - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuji_Horii
6 Jan 1955 - Rowan Atkinson, English actor, comedian and writer. He is best known for his work on the sitcoms Blackadder and Mr. Bean. Atkinson first came to prominence in the BBC's sketch comedy show Not the Nine O'Clock News, receiving the 1981 BAFTA for Best Entertainment Performance, and via his participation in The Secret Policeman's Ball. His other work includes the James Bond film Never Say Never Again, playing a bumbling vicar in Four Weddings and a Funeral, voicing the red-billed hornbill Zazu in The Lion King, and playing jewellery salesman Rufus in Love Actually. Best known for his use of physical comedy in his Mr. Bean persona, Atkinson's other characters rely more on language. Atkinson often plays authority figures speaking absurd lines with a completely deadpan delivery. He was born in Consett,County Durham - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan_Atkinson
Events of Interest
6 January 1873: Crédit Mobilier of America scandal investigated, this led to the censure of Oakes Ames of Massachusetts and James Brooks of New York. This scandal showed how corruption tainted Gilded Age politics, and the lengths railroads and other economic interests would go to assure and increase profits. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cr%C3%A9dit_Mobilier_scandal
6 Jan 1912 - German geophysicistAlfred Wegener first presents his theory of continental drift. He hypothesized that that the continents are slowly drifting around the Earth. He suggested that the continents were once a single landmass and gradually drifted apart, either because of the centrifugal force of the Earth’s rotation, or astronomical precession. Wegener also originally thought mid-ocean ridges might play some role, since the Atlantic seafloor “is continuously tearing open and making space for fresh, relatively fluid and hot [material rising] from depth.” But he eventually abandoned those notions. - https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/201901/history.cfm
6 Jan 1950 – The United Kingdom recognizes the People's Republic of China. The Republic of China presently known as Taiwan severs diplomatic relations with the UK in response. -  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1950_in_China
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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hzaidan · 4 years
Giambattista Pittoni, The Sacrifice of Polyxenia 01 Painting, Olympian deities, by the Old Masters, with footnotes #40
Giambattista Pittoni, The Sacrifice of Polyxenia 01 Painting, Olympian deities, by the Old Masters, with footnotes #40
Circle of Giambattista Pittoni, (Venice 1687-1776) The Sacrifice of Polyxenia Oil on canvas 58.9 x 78.4cm (23 3/16 x 30 7/8in Private collection
Polyxena, in Greek mythology, a daughter of Priam, king of Troy, and his wife, Hecuba. After the fall of Troy, she was claimed by the ghost of Achilles, the greatest of the Greek warriors, as his share of the spoils and was therefore put to death at his…
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expomahal-blog · 5 years
Vacanes Bern 2019 at Switzerland(Bern) 2019-January
Vacanes Bern 2019 at Switzerland(Bern) 2019-January
Vacanes Bern 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
advertising (indoors Shows, outdoors B2C opportunities, digital B2C ideas, industrial and commercial ) marketing of goods and services Exhibitions, advertising agencies business opportunities, consultants and executives Exhibitors, information technology B2B Opportunities, advertising signs and symbols B2B ideas, export promotion info, commercial branding Expos, organizations and information centers contact list, marketing activities and market research B2B Opportunities, printing and digital services business ideas, electronic printing machinery Expos, packaging & label design directory, designing and idealization Trade Fairs, lighting technology companies list, interior architecture firms & stores contacts list, promotional gifts Fairs, business souvenirs Shows, computers and machinery used in the advertising industry Meetings, laser machines B2B ideas, audio equipment and services business opportunities, video companies, film and photography business opportunities, commercial and office machines and other related equipment contacts list, hardware and computer software Trade Fairs, executives and trade fair organizers B2B Opportunities, conferences and seminars organizers B2C opportunities, scientific research and professional journals companies contacts, associations B2C ideas, unions and organizations. architectural hardware Meetings, billboards cast metal plaques Expos, flag Trade Shows, front lit & backlit tri-fascia contact list, metal letters Exhibitors, mupies directory, priam boards Exhibitors, uni-poles business opportunities, digital inject printing events, cd printers contact info, digital printer business contacts, software events, super wide format printers companies contacts, textile printers Exhibitions, wide format printers contact list, applying equipment Expos, welding machines contact links, painting & coating systems companies, drawing equipment Events, piercing and punching equipment Exhibitors Directory, labeling machinery business opportunities, relief printing machines B2B Opportunities, stencil equipment Business events, stencil cutting B2B ideas, guillotine and folding equipment Exhibitors, automatic cleaning & pr-painting equipment Shows, engraving machinery companies, plotters network, cylinder cutters info, pad printing machinery Events, scanners B2C opportunities, thermal formation Exhibitions, cnc router and cutters contact info, advertising applying materials companies, acrylic sheets companies list, aluminum plates & profiles Fairs, flagstaffs business contacts, paint B2C opportunities, ink and emulsions Trade Shows, steel plates Business events, adhesive papers companies list, drawing materials business ideas, display stand materials business, led and components for graphic sign business contacts, stand & event management info, graphic and photo material and accessories network, marking materials B2C opportunities, coating materials business opportunities, self-adhesive tapes info, composite sheets B2B ideas, foam boards Shows, boards/panels: plastic companies list, metal events, wood network, logos and symbol applying materials Trade Fairs, magnetic cards info, poly-carbonate sheets directory, polyester reinforced vinyl Shows, pvc plates & profiles business, reflective materials Exhibitors, water cutters directory, pad printing materials Meetings, thermo transfer materials B2B ideas, applying tapes paper business ideas, vinyl Meetings, tapes business opportunities, canvas B2B ideas, silver paper and banners. Exhibitors, printing firms network, advertising companies B2B ideas, retailers Shows, distributors Fairs, key decision makers Expos
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from advertising (indoors B2C ideas, outdoors contact list, digital business ideas, industrial and commercial ) marketing of goods and services companies contacts, advertising agencies contact list, consultants and executives companies list, information technology Exhibitions, advertising signs and symbols Events, export promotion Exhibitors Directory, commercial branding Events, organizations and information centers Exhibitions, marketing activities and market research Exhibitions, printing and digital services events, electronic printing machinery companies, packaging & label design B2C opportunities, designing and idealization Expos, lighting technology Shows, interior architecture firms & stores Events, promotional gifts Exhibitions, business souvenirs info, computers and machinery used in the advertising industry Exhibitors, laser machines Expos, audio equipment and services Trade Shows, video companies, film and photography business contacts, commercial and office machines and other related equipment business, hardware and computer software contacts list, executives and trade fair organizers Business events, conferences and seminars organizers network, scientific research and professional journals business ideas, associations business ideas, unions and organizations. architectural hardware Shows, billboards cast metal plaques contacts list, flag Business events, front lit & backlit tri-fascia companies, metal letters B2B ideas, mupies info, priam boards contacts list, uni-poles Meetings, digital inject printing companies contacts, cd printers Fairs, digital printer Events, software B2C ideas, super wide format printers B2B Opportunities, textile printers companies list, wide format printers Meetings, applying equipment companies contacts, welding machines info, painting & coating systems Meetings, drawing equipment B2C opportunities, piercing and punching equipment directory, labeling machinery Trade Fairs, relief printing machines business, stencil equipment Shows, stencil cutting contact links, guillotine and folding equipment contacts list, automatic cleaning & pr-painting equipment Expos, engraving machinery B2B Opportunities, plotters contact list, cylinder cutters Trade Fairs, pad printing machinery companies contacts, scanners business ideas, thermal formation contact info, cnc router and cutters Expos, advertising applying materials Events, acrylic sheets business opportunities, aluminum plates & profiles Exhibitors Directory, flagstaffs contacts list, paint events, ink and emulsions Exhibitors, steel plates Trade Shows, adhesive papers contact list, drawing materials network, display stand materials business ideas, led and components for graphic sign business opportunities, stand & event management B2B Opportunities, graphic and photo material and accessories Exhibitors Directory, marking materials B2C opportunities, coating materials Trade Fairs, self-adhesive tapes B2B Opportunities, composite sheets Fairs, foam boards business ideas, boards/panels: plastic Trade Fairs, metal info, wood Trade Shows, logos and symbol applying materials Exhibitions, magnetic cards B2B Opportunities, poly-carbonate sheets Fairs, polyester reinforced vinyl B2B ideas, pvc plates & profiles business contacts, reflective materials Exhibitors, water cutters Trade Fairs, pad printing materials Events, thermo transfer materials contact info, applying tapes paper info, vinyl contacts list, tapes business ideas, canvas companies, silver paper and banners. companies list, printing firms Events, advertising companies contacts list, retailers Expos, distributors contact list, key decision makers Exhibitors industry.
Find More Details about Vacanes Bern 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Switzerland(Bern) Year-Month:2019-January Official Website:Event Website source http://www.expomahal.com/2019/01/vacanes-bern-2019-at-switzerlandbern.html
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angelicbab-stash · 6 years
Revaille: relationship meme
01. Are they physically affectionate?  
Veľmi! Fyzické prejavy náklonnosti sú jej obľúbené, vždy, keď sa zaľúbi tak sa stále častejšie dotýka danej osoby, cíti po tom silnú potrebu. Stále sa chce túliť, objímať, hladiť, bozkávať a aj mať sex, alebo sa aj len držať za ruky. Dáva tým najavo svoju oddanosť v každom smere. Aj preto zbožňuje PDA, pretože sa rada vystatuje svojou láskou. Mimo to má mimoriadne vysoké libido, keď je s tou správnou osobou, no zbožňuje sa aj len tak nesexuálne dotýkať a prejavovať si náklonnosť.
02. Do they have a type?
Čo sa týka výzoru, tak ju priťahujú pekné úsmevy, iskričky v očiach a vrásky okolo nich, výrazné sánky, kučeravé vlasy, silné ruky a tetovania. Pri ženách sa jej páčia i širšie boky, keď nie sú úplne vychudnuté a majú aspoň trošku bruška, zadku, stehien a väčšie prsia.
Povahovo ju zas berú sebavedomie, starostlivosť, optimizmus, keď ju niekto dokáže rozosmiať, správne vyvážená dominancia s jemnosťou, hravosť, nespútanosť, dobré srdce a ak má niekto rád deti a je úprimný so svojimi pocitmi. 
03. What are their deal breakers?
Ak jej niekto dáva zmiešané reakcie, raz ju odmieta a potom chce, ak má pocit, že je pre niekoho iba náhradou alebo sexuálnym objektom. Nechce nikoho, s kým si nie je istá, na čom je, nevie si dodržať slovo a zastať si ju. Nikdy by nezostala s niekým bigotným, nenávistným a kto je zlý k druhým, obzvlášť k deťom, zvieratám a celkovo slabším. Tiež nemôže byť s niekým depresívnym, pretože to by sa navzájom sťahovali k vode, keďže sama je taká a v tomto potrebuje svoj pravý opak. Tiež nevera alebo neochota mať deti a usadiť sa, či keď ju niekto núti do zmeny, byť niekým kým nie je a nanucuje jej veci, ktoré nechce. Alebo s osobou, ktorá nevie pochopiť fakt, že je psychicky chorá, traumatizovaná osoba, ktorá bola v minulosti ťažko závislá. To platí aj pre jej nebinárne pohlavie. Ak by sa jej partner alebo partnerka choval zle k jej deťom, ihneď by bol koniec.
Do budúcnosti aj akékoľvek násilné prejavy. Teraz sa nedá povedať, že by tomu tak bolo. Revi sa bojí, keď po nej niekto kričí alebo je voči nej psychicky/sexuálne/fyzicky násilný. Je však pravda, že dnes to nie je dôvod na to, aby odišla. Pokiaľ by bolo takto ubližované ,,len” jej, masochisticky by to prijala, no ak deťom, to by okamžite šla preč. Je tomu tak preto, lebo je závislá od bolesti a ani doteraz sa úplne nezbavila toho mindsetu, ktorý verí, že bolesť potrebuje a zaslúži si ju.
04. Are they sub, dom or switch?
Oboje, je switch, vie byť i dominantná, ale väčšinu času a radšej býva submisívna. Veľmi, veľmi submisívna. Miluje strácať kontrolu, cítiť sa krehko, drobno a zraniteľne. Mimo to, má rada, keď jej niekto káže čo má robiť a slúži. Túži po tom niekomu naveky patriť. Páči sa jej tá dynamika majiteľa / špeciálnej osoby.
05. How long do their relationships tend to last?
Revi dodnes nikdy nebola tá, čo by ukončila vzťah — nech už je akýkoľvek zlý a dysfunkčný, či už z pocitu povinnosti, prehnanej, až pre ňu samotnú nezdravej oddanosti alebo strachu zo samoty. Ona vždy ide do toho vzťahu s tým, že spolu zostanú navždy a budú mať rodinu. Najdlhší vzťah mala zatiaľ so svojou bývalou Elizabeth takmer štyri roky, no zanedlho ju predbehne s Liam, s ktorým bude aj do budúcnosti dlhšie ako celých dvadsať rokov. Tie zvyšné boli krátke, ale neukončila ich Revi.
06. Would they ever get married?
Áno, jednoznačne! Revi nesmierne túži po svadbe, byť oficiálne manželkou, nosiť meno milovanej osoby a mať s ním rodinu. Poslušne čaká, kým aj Liam zatúži po svadbe, nie určite nepovie. Vlastne byť roztomilou housewife a mamou je to, po čom túži najviac.
07. Do they give their partners cute nicknames?
Moc rada a ešte radšej ich dostáva. Používa zvieracie prezývky ako macko, alebo napríklad princ/princezná, rytier, koláčik, či klasické ako srdiečko, zlatko, láska. A Liama... volá napríklad aj ocko.
08. Are they more sensual or sexual?
Sexuálna, nie je moc zmyselná.
09. What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner?
Spoločné spanie a jedenie, prechádzky, staranie sa o deti a zvieratá, hranie hier, keď spolu idú na ihrisko, plávanie, keď sa len tak hladia, rôzne práce okolo domu, kostýmové párty, oddychová jazda na bicykli a podobne.
10. What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner?
Najradšej má orálny sex, či už receiving alebo giving. Tiež vaginálny sex, ktorý skončí no... with cumming inside. A boobjob.
11. Are they prone to jealousy?
Strašne. Revi je poriadne žiarlivá osoba, no záleží aj od partnera alebo partnerky — u Liama je to oveľa lepšie ako u predošlých, lebo u ňom nepochybuje o jeho láske a vernosti. Aj tak však má svoje momenty, síce sa mu snaží nerobiť nejaké scény. Je ale pravda, že keď žiarli, začne mať naozaj nepekné myšlienky a osobe, na ktorú žiarli, by bola schopná aj škaredo ublížiť.
12. Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  
Je veselšia, menej pesimistická, zlepší sa jej psychické zdravie a doslova žiari. Vpustí do svojho šatníka farby, častejšie a úprimnejšie sa smeje a usmieva, je hrozne clingy, corny a chce skúsiť všetky miestami až otravné romantické klišé. Zrazu má množstvo energie a pôsobí trošku detinskejšie. Zároveň je ale aj žiarlivejšia a vyžaduje si pozornosť.
13. Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
Miluje prejavovanie náklonnosti na verejnosti, je jej jedno, že to niekomu príde otravné alebo nie — je zaľúbená a nemieni to skrývať. Rada sa bozkáva, dotýka, kŕmi sa, šepoce zamilované veci, drzo dráždi svoju lásku a bezproblémov má aj sex na verejnosti. Príde jej to ohromne vzrušujúce a s potešením dáva druhým vedieť, že má za partnera úžasného, krásneho chlapa a tak trochu dúfa, že jej to závidia. V súkromí je akurát ešte viac otvorená a akosi úplne stráca akékoľvek zábrany.
Niečo také by si však nedovolila na mieste, kde sa zdržiavajú rodiny s deťmi. To je jediná hranica, ktorú odmieta prekročiť.
14. Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship?
No... má skúsenosť s oboma. Raz bola v krátko trvajúcej polyromanci s Elizabeth a vtedajšou kamarátkou Chloe, pričom si uvedomila, že to nie je pre ňu. Asi na to prehnane žiarli. Vo vzťahu má radšej monogamiu, nemieni sa deliť, bolo by jej to nepríjemné a ona by vždy viac inklinovala k jednej osobe, takže by to asi nebolo úplne fér pre toho tretieho človeka. Takže nie na polyromancu.
Zato trojky... Mala trojku aj keď bola vo vzťahu a nebolo to zlé. Miestami trochu žiarlila, ale dokázala to prehrýznuť, len sa jej partner/partnerka nesmie príliš venovať tej inej osobe a jej nie, lebo to by celý akt znenávidela. Popravde si trojky viac užíva mimo vzťahu, keď ide čisto o sex, to sa jej náramne páčilo a pre istú dvojicu aj bola takým malým, masochistickým zvieratkom. Keď ale má vzťah, berie ju to trochu menej, ale v zásade... nie je proti. Ak by mal Liam záujem, pokojne s ním do toho pôjde, len si treba dávať pozor, nech sa u nej pre čosi neprebudí tá paranoja. 
Úprimne, sama má časté threesome a ešte častejšie až gangbang fantázie, síce si nejako vyslovene nepotrpí na ich priame plnenie, vystačí si s pornom... najlepšie kresleným, skutočné nejak nemusí.
15. Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with?
Ktokoľvek, kto má násilnícke či nenávistné prejavy, nemá rád deti a ani ich nechce, alebo má negatívne názory na veci čo sa týkajú rasy, náboženstva, pohlavia, orientácie a tak ďalej. Taktiež niekto, kto nie je ochotný byť aspoň monogamný.
Rada by povedala, že nechce fuckboy a fuckgirl typy, no buďme úprimní — vždy sa zamilovala práve do takých. A presne takým bol aj Liam, no on sa sám od seba zmenil a preto im to vyšlo, jej predošlé vzťahy na tom — šokujúco — stroskotali... mimo iného.
16. How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship?
Dlho. Revi sa vie príliš ľahko zaľúbiť, no prehlbovanie citov, vytváranie si puta a dôvery Revi trvajú istú dobu. Záleží od samotnej osoby, ak voči nej alebo nemu tak prirodzene cíti dôveru, otvára svoje srdce jednoduchšie. Niektorým svojím bývalým sa úplne neotvorila nikdy.
17. Would they ever confess their feelings first?
Áno, ale so stiahnutým žalúdkom a maximálnou úzkosťou. Po predošlých skúsenostiach však mala obrovský strach, pretože obvykle skončila odmietnutá, no je rada, že tak urobila pri Liamovi. 
18. Would they ever cheat on their partner?
Neprichádza do úvahy. Raz však skoro podviedla svoju vtedajšiu partnerku z pomsty, no došlo jej, že by len všetko zhoršila a radšej sa rozíde, pretože by v konečnom dôsledku iba viac ublížila sama sebe. Mimo toho ani nevery reále nie je schopná.
19. Do they want children?
Áno! Miluje deti, má ohromne silný materinský pud a cíti potrebu mať biologické i adoptívne deti — či také, ktoré si vyslovene neosvojí, no aj tak im dá domov. Potomstvo je jej popravde dôležitejšie ako vzťah, aj preto sa istú dobu rozhodla radšej byť slobodnou matkou. Už má tri a moc, moc rada by mala do budúcnosti aj ďalšie. I preto nevie byť dlhodobo vo vzťahu s niekým, o kom vie, že ich nechce, len by sa trápili.
20. Are they a cuddler?
Strašne. Je s tým až otravná, niekedy sa viac podobá na malé zvieratko než dospelú osobu.
21. Do they believe in soul mates?
Áno, verí, príde jej to ako krásna prestava. Myslí si, že duše sa buďto poznajú z minulého života, alebo sa stretli ešte predtým, ako sa vôbec stali dušami konkrétnych osôb. Je názoru, že dve duše sa nenájdu len tak, náhodou.
22. Are they protective of their partner?
Strašne, ak by sa ktokoľvek čo i len dotkol Liama a pokúsil sa mu akokoľvek ublížiť, uškodiť, alebo ho Revi ukradnúť... bola by tomu niekomu Revi schopná škaredo ublížiť. Niekedy jej ochrankárstvo však môže byť dusivé a vtedy ju treba stopnúť.
23. How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
Priďaleko... pokojne by kvôli milovanej osobe aj niekoho zabila... či zabila samú seba.
24. Do they fall in love easily?
Áno, veľmi rýchlo, ale to je skôr... obsesia, nie reálne láska, prípadne si pomýli sex, pozornosť alebo to, že sa k nej niekto správa pekne s láskou. City sa jej prehlbujú pomalšie a keď sa tak naozaj stane, vie, že je to pravé a nie len pobláznenie.
25. Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family?
S kamarátmi áno, z rodiny obvykle hovorí o svojom vzťahu s otcom, lebo vie, že mama a brat to nemajú moc radi. Zato otec sa z toho vždy poteší, takže najčastejšie podobné veci rozoberá práve s ním.
26. Are they concerned with the social status of their partner?
Nie. Ak sa zamiluje, bude pokojne s hocikým. Nepotrpí si na slávu, peniaze, sociálny status a podobne.
27. Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
Rozhodne áno. Keď sa jej začne s niekým dobre spať a má menej časté nočné mory, či sa stále nebudí, tak vie, že je naozaj zamilovaná. Neodídu však úplne, občas sa nočné mory dostavia aj tak — no je rozdiel či ich má každý druhý deň alebo každý druhý mesiac.
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helenoftroyofficial · 7 years
the truce ended, smh. i mean i knew priam and menelaus had beef b/c of some old thing with his sister but like, shit. apparently they launched a surprise attack up at those bitches. 
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paganimagevault · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Cassandra puts herself under the protection of Pallas by Aimé Millet 1877
"POSEIDON: And wouldst thou see that queen of misery, Hecuba, thou canst; for there she lies before the gates, weeping many a bitter tear for many a tribulation; for at Achilles' tomb-though she knows not this-her daughter Polyxena has died most piteously; likewise is Priam dead, and her children too; Cassandra, whom the king Apollo left to be a virgin, frenzied maid, hath Agamemnon, in contempt of the God's ordinance and of piety, forced to a dishonoured wedlock. Farewell, O city prosperous once! farewell, ye ramparts of hewn stone! had not Pallas, daughter of Zeus, decreed thy ruin, thou wert standing firmly still."
-Euripides, The Trojan Women
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phgq · 3 years
PNP pays tribute to 28 cops who died of Covid-19
#PHnews: PNP pays tribute to 28 cops who died of Covid-19
MANILA – The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Monday paid tribute to the 28 police personnel who died of the coronavirus disease 2019 while in the line of duty.
During the police force's 30th foundation day celebration Monday, PNP chief Gen. Debold Sinas urged his fellow police officers to be inspired by them in pursuing an "uninterrupted mission to serve our country and people”.
"We are not only celebrating the meaningful 30th (foundation day celebration) but it is also fitting that we pay tribute to our 28 fellow PNP members who unfortunately did not survive the coronavirus disease. Let their memories be our inspiration to pursue the uninterrupted mission to serve our country and people,” he said.
Since the start of the community quarantine in March, police personnel have been assigned to man checkpoints in border control areas to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Sinas thanked the private sector, provincial and local government leaders who have provided personal protective equipment and other health supplies for the police personnel who served as front-liners.
“We could not thank you enough for your generosity and kindness that allows to pursue the goals of sustaining a safe, peaceful, and Covid-free community through the provisions of PPE (personal protection equipment) gears and other health supplies for our personnel who serve as front-liners,” he added.
Sinas said despite the challenges last year, the PNP had "come a long way as one of the most exceptional government institutions at work". (with Priam Nepomuceno/PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP pays tribute to 28 cops who died of Covid-19 ." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129141 (accessed February 01, 2021 at 07:09PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP pays tribute to 28 cops who died of Covid-19 ." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1129141 (archived).
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phgq · 4 years
PNP units urged to coordinate with LGU disaster response units
#PHnews: PNP units urged to coordinate with LGU disaster response units
MANILA – Joint Task Force Covid Shield chief Lt. Guillermo Eleazar on Sunday ordered all commanders of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to coordinate with their local government unit’s (LGU) disaster risk reduction management office (DRRMO) counterparts to ensure the safety of residents inside evacuation centers both from the impact of Super Typhoon "Rolly" and from the possible coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) infections.
Eleazar made this call as the weather bureau placed Catanduanues, Albay, and Camarines Sur under Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal (TCWS) No. 5 while Metro Manila and big part of Southern Luzon are under TCWS no. 4.
He said local police forces should not only assist in the mandatory evacuation being implemented by the LGUs but also be involved in coming up with measures to protect the evacuees, especially children, senior citizens and persons with existing health conditions which are considered as prone to virus infection.
“Local commanders should ensure the presence of police personnel to ensure the protection of our kababayan in the evacuation centers. We leave the decision to our PNP units on the ground based on their coordination with their LGUs on how to properly and effectively implement these measures,” Eleazar said in a statement.
In Bicol region, at least 1 million residents were reportedly evacuated as early as Saturday.
Local government authorities have also conducted mandatory evacuation in Calabarzon, Metro Manila and Central Luzon.
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said at least 31 million individuals could be possibly affected by "Rolly".
"Our predictive analytics reflect between 19 million (and) 31 million individuals will possibly be affected by the storm based on the population count in the areas within the typhoon track," NDRRMC spokesperson Mark Cashean Timbal said.
He said those who are expected to be affected will be coming mostly from danger zones. (with reports from Priam Nepomuceno/PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP units urged to coordinate with LGU disaster response units." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1120379 (accessed November 01, 2020 at 08:00PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PNP units urged to coordinate with LGU disaster response units." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1120379 (archived).
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themonologuearchive · 7 years
01 - Herald
From: Agamemnon, by Aeschylus
Genre: Drama
Topic: Loss, home, destruction
Character: Male
Greetings to this Argive soil, my father’s land. On this day, ten years later, I’ve come back.                   I’ve seen many hopes of mine destroyed, and only one fulfilled—I’ve made it home. I never dreamed I’d die here in Argos,  with a burial plot in this land I love. I bless the land, the bright light of this sun— and I give thanks to Zeus, our highest god, and to Apollo, lord of Pytho. May you never fire your arrows at us                              any more. We had enough of those, my lord, beside Scamander’s banks,                                when you took your stand against us. But now, Apollo, may you preserve and heal us. And I greet all gods assembled here, including Hermes, whom I honour, the well-loved herald god, worshipped as the herald’s patron. And next I pray the heroic spirits who sent us off will welcome back the remnants of our army, those spared being slaughtered by the spear. O you hall of kings, you roof I cherish,                              you sacred seats and gods who face the sun, if your shining eyes in days gone by                                  have welcomed our king home, then do so now, after his long absence. He’s coming here, carrying light into this darkness, for you and all assembled here—our mighty king, lord Agamemnon. Greet him with full respect. For he’s uprooted Troy—with the pick axe of avenging Zeus he’s reduced her soil. The altars of the gods and all their shrines                         he has obliterated, laying waste all that country’s rich fertility.  Around Troy’s neck he’s fixed destruction’s yoke. Now he’s coming home, king Agamemnon, the fortunate elder son of Atreus,                                                    among all men he merits the most honour. For neither Paris nor his accomplice, the Trojan city, can ever boast again their deeds were greater than their suffering. Guilty of rape and theft, he’s lost his loot.                          He’s utterly destroyed his father’s house, the land, too, which sustained his people. So Priam’s sons have paid the price twice over.
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