#❤︎ letter type ❤︎ general
fictional-other-tarot · 2 months
S/I name: Fausta (she/her) F/O name: Logre (Also goes by Whirlwind, pronouns are he/him) Relationship status: romantic Writing style/personality quirks: Rather straightforward and calm, tends to be rater friendly, rushes a bit, can get darkly serious at times. Topics: I'm quite curious as to what the tarot will say, so I'll let it decide. Extra info: Skilled swordsman. Did betray the player's party in the game, but was redeemed (you can use this info if you wish, but you don't have to) Thank you in advance. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
King of Wands
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Most Beloved,
You've shown me just how little I know the world, how little I knew about love. You've shown it to me in my darkest hour, when I felt lost and without hope. You've shown me what a family is meant to be; you've shown me what it truly means to lead with compassion. You've shown me so much.
You are someone I'm so dearly proud of, my summer breeze.
You feel like home never did before, calm and peaceful, accepting of who I am. You make me feel whole; you make me feel worthy. You've truly opened my heart and shown me true passion.
You are too sweet to me; I betrayed you before yet you show me nothing more but love. Your love is one I crave so dearly, your touch is heavenly and your embrace is one I long for each time again.
I wish to see you again, my dear.
Your Whirlwind.
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guruan-is-not-here · 11 months
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Guruan here! This is my secondary blog for NSFW and in general, spicy content. MINORS DNI. I also post a lot random rambles, thoughts, about my fictional husbands and celebrity crushes (just Oscar Isaac so far but oh well) (and sometimes I post personal stuff that I don't want on main but ssh). I'll be updating this masterlist with links for better organization! If you notice anything's off, let me know. THIS IS AN ART-ONLY MASTERLIST. I don't use taglists.
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🍓— indicates (too) explicit artworks not suitable for tumblr, that will be only posted uncensored on PILLOWFORT (click on PF to open site).
❤— indicates there's some type of insert, either reader insert, or OC insert, "on screen" or "off screen".
💞— indicates insert present in the artwork can be read as neutral gender or either gender. If emoji is not included, then it's either fem or AFAB.
All posts will have an alt link on pillowfort, but not everything has an uncensored version. Sometimes what is there, that's all there is. So keep an eye open for that 🍓 emoji. I don't ship the moon boys together, just a fyi to save you time going through the list. OC's are not always the same, so take a look and maybe you'll see someone with a description that could fit yourself:) These works can also be found uncensored on Twitter but those will not be linked here, it's the same artwork posted on pillowfort, after all.
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The Love Marks series Masterlist ❤💞 | PF🍓
The boys with different marks on their bodies: hickeys, kisses, scratches, and more...
Teasing series Masterlist ❤ 💞 | PF🍓
Started with some "What if the boys received a message with spicy pics when they're not home/with you", and then diverted from there.
Jerking Off + Panties Canvas | PF
Just a individual post for the full canvas that had been posted separatedly for each moon boy. Title is all you need to know.
Jerking Off + Panties (Steven) | PF Jerking Off + Panties (Marc) | PF🍓 Jerking Off + Panties (Jake) | PF
Random Sketches #2 n #3 Canvas ❤ | PF🍓
Just a individual post for the full canvas that were separated in Random Sketches #2 and #3.
Random Sketches #3 ❤ | PF🍓 Marc, Steven and Jake misc sketches. Some boners, hair pulling, cunnilingus and some use of Steven's restraints. Random Sketches #2 ❤ | PF Marc about to have some alone time, and Steven full of kisses + some nippleplay.
Requests Masterlist ❤🍓
Magical transformation | PF🍓
Hamsteven transforms back to Steven... but he's not a magical girl, and clothes are not included.
New apron | PF
Jake is wearing the brand new apron he just bought... and nothing else.
Ten extra minutes | PF
Fanart for Red Flags fic. Marc jerking off in the shower.
Moon Boys Cake ❤ | PF
Marc centric, but some sketches included can be either of them.
He worries ❤ | PF
Steven Grant checking you're ok (and he gets a reward for being such a considerate partner).
You're such a tease, Mr. Lockley | PF
Nude Jake holding his hat over his private parts.
Random Sketches #1 ❤ | PF
Misc sketches of the (3) boys with a reader insert.
Post-it❤️| PF🍓
A letter makes a difference. Steven 'meme'.
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Facets series Masterlist ❤💞 | PF🍓
Miguel multiple facets... grumpy? vulnerable? cheeky?- and others
What? Nude Version | PF 🍓
Pinup style illustration of Miguel, without the suit on.
What? Suit Version | PF
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Censored version of the pinup style illustration.
Meal | PF 🍓
Joining the club of drawing Miguel eating 🐱.
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thana-topsy · 10 months
hello, dearest topsy! ❤ i know you're busy and flooded with asks so don't feel pressured to respond right away but as someone trying to get their art off the ground, do you have any tips about lighting and general composition? those are two areas that have always been tough for me to figure out and you're an absolute boss.
may your road lead you to warm sands, my friend! :)
HELLO! I'm SO SORRY it's taken me so long to get around to answering you!
Lighting and composition are honestly still two things I struggle with myself, or at least it FEELS like a struggle. One of the resources that helped me out with color theory and thinking about shadows/light/etc. was this book:
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It has a REALLY interesting and helpful comprehensive breakdown of color theory, both the basics and a bit of advanced stuff, as well as plenty of examples of practical application.
Also, one thing that I find helpful is working from limited color palettes when painting. Usually I'll either pick and choose the colors that interest me to create a palette, or use the Procreate feature "Create Palette From Image" (which is awesome). Here's an example of what I mean:
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As for composition.... man, idk what to tell you. I kind of just eyeball it and aim for balance. I used to have pretty bad compositions, and then they slowly got better. Very slowly. Taking inspiration from classical art, as well as modern illustrations, is also a good way to trick yourself into being better at coming up with compositions.
But if you want one of the more classic examples of types of composition, the "Letters/Symbols" trick can be really helpful if you're stuck:
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(I wish I new the source of this image, but it's been passed around the internet so many times at this point that I just have no idea. So if you know what book this is from, sound off in the comment!)
I hope this helps, my friend!
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k-s-morgan · 6 months
︎This is the first time ever I'm writing to a writer as I'm a lil anxious about my English. But after many years of reading your flawless work (TGSTLTH), I really couldn't hold myself anymore; if I stay silent one more second, I'm going to explode from repressed emotions.XD
I'm absolutely going crazy over your storytelling. I think nobody -and I do mean NOBODY- was this close to perfection with the characterization of Sebastian and Ciel. It's like you are working together with Yana herself. You've really managed to catch every aspect of their relationship that made this whole storyline (manga and anime) the way it's been, which seems to be the entire reason why I still can't get over Kuroshitsuji. It's just so dark and dramatic... the bitter power struggle between these two and the way they compete for control —which is pretty entertaining to see when you think about it because both parties are unable to maintain any type of control or authority over the other.
From what I see, this fandom has mixed feelings about S2 of the anime. Some love it, some ignore its whole existence, and some people are okay with it. Unfortunately, I'm the second one. I like the story arcs that are canon to the manga. When I first started to read TGSTLTH, I really thought that fanfic would follow the storyline without S2 in it since you reflect the complexity of the bond they share as a human and demon so prettily. I've always wondered if Ciel, as-twelve-years-old brat, managed to become Sebastian's living hell, how much of a pain in the ass he would be as he grows older. And the plot has several unresolved mysteries that have not been addressed yet. That's why I'm not a big fan of S2; it closes off all the possible ways this story can go as its ending. However, you are the only one who could warm me up to S2; I trust you.
I read the snippets. It was surprising to see Ciel doubting his appearance. I was questioning whether his look-alike was truly superior or if it was just the circumstances influencing his perception. I feel like it's mainly his fear of not being good enough for Sebastian to stay. Which explains his continuous freak-out about the possibility of his soul being unworthy. And I clearly remember Sebastian thinking, "The boy wasn't nearly as pretty" upon seeing him.
Your talent is exceptional and beyond comparison. Please never stop writing. Stay safe...❤❤
Ps. If my English is difficult to read or understand, please feel free to ignore this.
Hi! Please don't worry, your English is absolutely fine! I'm so happy you've been enjoying Those Gentle Slopes so much, and I'm honored that you feel like I did justice to Ciel and Sebastian. They are my favorite characters, and Ciel is probably my most favorite character ever, across all fandoms, so I really treasure the chance to work with them and get such lovely feedback from other readers.
With S2, yes, it created a lot of controversy in the fandom, but also yes, I love it with my whole heart! I always call it a love letter from Sebastian to Ciel. I do have some issues with it, like the exccessive sexualization in general and of Hannah in particular - it feels just awkward sometimes, but the main plot and especially the resolution make me ridiculously happy.
I agree that the bond between a demon and a human is fascinating. I enjoy exploring it a lot, and I so look forward to all the adventures Ciel and Sebastian will have. But I also think that it cannot go on like this forever: even if Ciel got older, sooner or later, something wuld have to give. He'd either die from old age, which would feel like a very underwhelming ending to me, or Sebastian would eat his soul likepromised - but then I'm sure we'd have ended up with the Red Valentine development, where he's lonely, miserable, and missing Ciel. The idea of Ciel becoming a demon in a way that puts such a strain on his relationship with Sebastian - it's like a new life for their bond. So many new conflicts and possibilities could emerge from it - new settings, new events, new power struggles. If you stick around, I really hope you'll like it! And I really appreciate your trust.
And yes, you're absolutely right, Ciel is prettier than his look-alike (at least from how I envision it). Sebastian probably overestimates the difference between them a bit because he's biased in Ciel's favor while Ciel is freaking out because he's been feeling insecure and unworthy for a while at this point, and learning about Sebastian's second contract was just the last blow. These two idiots…
Thank you for your wonderful ask again! I hope you enjoy the next chapter.
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idk if your requests are open but your laufey pavitr fic literally made me shed tears -- can i please request a pavitr fic based off of "My Love Mine All Mine" by Mitski? thank u ❤
My Love, All Mine
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x reader
Tags: One-Sided Attraction, Grief/Mourning, Unrequited Love
Summary: How many times can a heart be broken? As long as it trusts, or as long as it loves?
A/N: I am so sorry for the delay pls forgive me y'all 🙏 ;_;
Also read on AO3
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The bustling city around you is lost to the souls who enjoy it. The morning is cold, the breeze chilling your bones but you don't care. You let the bright rays hit your skin, the tears falling down your cheek as you watch the graveyard in grim silence.
Nothing cuts deep like a love untold. And each time, somehow, it hurts more. 
The wind blows brown leaves away, twisting and turning as they land on the dull tombstone. You brush off the dust with your hand, sitting down, unable to stop the tears flowing. The dent of engraved letters feel rough and icy against your fingertips. It feels wrong.
He shouldn't be here!
It wasn't supposed to happen, not to him!
One year ago today, he.. he died. And took with him your very life.
You want to cry so hard, you want to scream and shout but you're worn out. Throat gone sore, eyes tired and dried up but the sorrow never left. Heavy bags have formed under your eyes tainting any happiness left.
To the world he may be Spider-Man: a hero demised, to his family he may be Pavitr Prabhakar -a son lost- but to you, he was a friend, a savior and much, much more.
You loved him more than words could say, more than feelings could express; you loved him with all your heart, alone.
After his death, you used to come here with Gayatri, Pav's girlfriend, and grieve together. But as months passed she had moved out of town for the sake of her mental health, wanting to move on. Perhaps she got her closure; maybe you didn't, and that's why you could never forget. Or maybe, because this was all you ever had and you wouldn't let go.
Even if it was gone.
My baby here on earth Showed me what my heart was worth
The little touches that meant nothing to him, the inside jokes, the longing eye contacts that always meant something more to you.. the ghosts of memories past haunts in shattered pieces. How many times can a heart be broken? As long as it trusts, or as long as it loves?
So, when it comes to be my turn Could you shine it down here for him?
He was the first one to like you for being Yourself. Pavitr brought a new perspective to your life. He showed you love when no one would, he gave you a hand when no one else did, he let you know you were valid, he showed what you were worth, he pulled you up from the dumps.
Pavitr gave hope to a withered, trampled rose; he made you come alive.
Except he had Gayatri to reciprocate it. You had to reserve yourself to just enjoying the unfortunate fate of being his friend, swallowing your feelings, however intense they were. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him -even if it hurt you.
You used to sit there, third-wheeling them and just being a spectator of everything you've ever wanted: Him. So near yet so, so far away.
Why you hurt yourself that way and still got addicted to it, you never knew. Maybe you loved the pain, maybe it was the kind of  drug that keeps you alive. It had you going, looking forward to enjoying the littlest things in life, the most insubstantial interactions and most trivial of feelings. It made life brighter in general, it gave a weird rush in your veins. The possibility of it growing into something more toying cruelly with your gullible heart.
The pain, it was indescribable; like a crown of thorns squeezing your bleeding heart to the last drop. It hurt, and it felt so good.
But this was a different kind of pain. It's permanent and it's... forever. This wasn't the drug type of pain, this just came in and ripped the life from your hands, leaving you soulless; empty.
This is kind of pain that tears you apart limb from limb; a pain that leaves you broken forever.
The moonlight shines bright upon the edge of the cliff, illuminating the red and blue colored mask in your hand. you run your fingers over it again and again, feeling the material. The eye-lens are so wide and bright, expressive just like him. You let the stray tear slip down, tasting the salt on your lips.
The moon is full, but you feel empty.
He's here, he's here with me. He's gone nowhere. He's here, he's here!
You won't move on; you can't move on. You're stuck and you can't help it. You embrace yourself around the knees and shudder, crying.
Moon, tell me if I could Send up my heart to you?
You lean back and lie down on the grass, never taking your eyes off the moon, the beauty radiant. Perhaps one day you would go there too? Become a star in the sky and shine down on people like you, yearning for the tiniest bit of love. Is love that expensive?
Perhaps that had been too much to ask. Or maybe some simply must not ask.
Clutching his torn mask to your chest, your eyes droop as you slowly drift off to sleep, the radiant face and shining hair of Pavitr Prabhakar bleeding into your thoughts. He's here, he's here.
So, when I die, which I must do Could it shine down here with you
There is a price we all must pay and yours cost yourself. But you're not left with nothing.
Your love you own; only your love, all yours. And thus it remains forever.
'Cause my love is mine, all mine I love, my, my, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love, mine, all mine, all mine 
Hope you liked it! Thank you for reading ♡
A/N: I am working on all the others, thank you so much for requesting and waiting! (hopefully i'll post them soon too!🤞)
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oscalesoffeeling · 2 years
terms of endearment ask game!!
can be used with any type of f/o, but some are more intended for romantic/platonic/qpr f/os.... try to practice reblog karma!!!!
darling - is there anything you hold close because it reminds you of your f/o? what about them?
honey - who's generally sweeter, you or your f/o?
angel - are either of you religious? if so, do you/they try to be educated on their/your religion and its customs, rituals, etc.? and would either of you consider converting to the other's religion?
sugar - are there any kinds of food you like to make for one another? are you/they picky when it comes to food?
dear - do you like to write them letters? if so, what kind? how about them?
baby - do you want/have children with your f/o? what about them?
doll - do either of you collect anything?
pet - are either of you big on physical affection? or do you show your love in other ways?
beloved - would you consider marrying your f/o? if you're already married, what does that mean to you? to them?
dove - do either of you sing? can you/they sing well?
flower - what kinds of gifts do you like to give each other?
love - what terms of endearment/nicknames do you like to call your f/o? what about vice versa? do you have any that hold a special meaning?
pro.shitters, terfs, and racists dni ❤ i check who interacts with me and will block you ❤
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mit-zii · 23 days
"Everything you do, Im obsessed with you"
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‪‪❤︎‬ Mitzi ❤︎ Sixteen ❤︎ She/Her ❤︎ intp-t ❤︎ Libra ❤︎ Autistic with severe anxiety and also dissociative
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⁠❥ Hii! Im Mitzi, Welcome to my blog :3
⁠❥ This is a space where I talk about my obsession, so just a little warning for potential creepiness? Plus possessiveness, obsessive ramblings, jealousy, violent thoughts, all the usual!
⁠❥ So just incase you dont like to read about that type of thing, click off the page!!!!
⁠❥ I currently am in a very happy relationship with the love of my life, A
⁠❥ I hope you enjoy your stay :3
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⁠❥ More below cut !
⁠My Tags
⁠❥⁠ #mitzii's Reblogs ~ Any reposts of mine
⁠❥ #mitzii's Obsessed ~ General obsessive, possessive talk :3 (All about my beloved A)
⁠❥ #mitzii Responds ~ If i get any asks and respond to them
⁠❥ #mitzii's Mutuals ~ Any posts by my mooties!
⁠❥ #mitzii's Letters ~ Letters for my beloved <3
⁠❥ #mitzii's beloved ~ Posts my beloved has posted!!!
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wolfsetfree-if · 2 years
Okay okay okay heres the ROs question which might be weird to start with but, how do the ROs text like? Do they use emoji? Gifs? Do they even have a phone??? What kind of phone?
Ohh, cute and very original ask!
They are fond of memes, but they rarely use gifs. In general, they type quickly so their messages often lack capital letters and full stops when they are informal.
Most used emojis: ❤🐺🤐
Smartphone: it's a pretty old one, but kept with care and it was a very good phone when they bought it. It is heavily protected to endure their pups bites and attempts to use it.
They are very precise with their grammar, punctuation and capitalisation.
Most used emojis: 💙😭🥺
Smartphone: they have the priciest smartphone of all, specifically chosen with a little pen because they are fixated with it and with good enough specs to play online games. They are very careful to keep it safe.
loves memes and gifs, especially movies references.
Most used emojis: 😎🤨👍
Smartphone: they have a decent phone that serves its purposes just fine. Their screen protector is broken but they don't really care enough to be bothered to replace it.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
Please for the love of god infodump at me
Twitch moderator applications are live here!
It Takes A Village
Writing Sideblog
I go by Byrd for short. I'm an intersex autistic trans man, I use it/he pronouns (unless it's funnier or gayer not to), I'm plural, and I'm over 18. I'm also an ex-mormon. Do not fucking proselytize any fucking religion at me. You will be blocked.
I mostly reblog about random shit, but sometimes I'll make original posts and/or respond with my take on a situation - those should be mostly tagged as #byrd chirps.
My exmo tag is #byrd is an exmo. Sometimes, my moot @twiggyfrogblog sends me birds, sometimes other people do too, so if you're looking for fantastic bird posts, the tags #byrd's birds and #ty twiggy! should take you there. Ask games are tagged #byrd's ask games. Transparent gifs are tagged as both #transparent gif and #transparent gifs.
I also have some new tags - #byrd's silly art, which is for my artwork (currently just me tracing photographs to try and wrap my head around concepts like shapes and shading), and #byrd's writing, which is how I tag any posts about my writing.
I am currently writing a fanfic - I've started to try and tag that as #stt and #byrd's silly little fanfic - once someone finds the fic on AO3, I'll put a link in here.
Some of my posts/reblogs contain triggering/heavy/nsfw topics. I do my best to tag these, but I'm not perfect. Let me know if I miss anything. I don't generally tag swearing, and I do use the word queer as a self-identifier unapologetically.
I have a few sideblogs - some of which are currently inactive. I won't link them here - see if you can find them!
I'm friends with Kea, a writer who distributes his work under a pseudonym, and I have his permission to post his writing. Here is my favorite of his, The Model and The Letter.
Lots of links below the cut, including resources and ask games.
Current ask games:
Not Like The Other Ask Games™
Who Am I To You?
Gentle Cottagecore
Iconic Tumblr Post
Vibe Check
Why Do You Tolerate Me
What am I the patron saint of?
Character Opinion Bingo
what 3 fictional characters do you associate with me
Another Character Opinion Bingo
????? 2 electric boogaloo
Another Colors
Pokemon types
Literally anything (I make no promises of answers, however)
send me a shitty summary of my blog?
want me to pick a sentence from one of my WIPs to share?
the blorbo blingus (character ask game)
litcherally just ask me anything about my ocs
who am i to you?
toss me a gender, why dontcha
polyamory asks
squishmallow character ask game
In addition, I really enjoy helping to name things like fictional characters and whatnot. I have a method that I use that creates original names with meaning - it's not foolproof, but I've come up with some great names through it.
If you need help naming someone/something, feel free to send in an ask at least giving me a few words you'd like associated with the thing - more information is better, though! There's no cost, either - it's a fun exercise in creativity on my end. These will be tagged as #byrd's name game.
DNI is in my bio.
Other links -
My ex-terf/ex-radfem blog
Everything you know about obesity is a lie (tw minor healthism in the article)
Body Neutral/Positive Recipes Base Post (feel free to contribute!)
Body Neutral/Positive Recipes Main Thread
Free Online ASL Lessons
Planned Parenthood's sex ed tab
help getting out of medical debt for usamericans
Masterlist of Native/Indigenous products
Good picrews for fat people
literally every animorphs book for free
Alternative search engines
The distinction between hating men and being a feminist and why it's so important
Piracy Subreddit
Drawing Tips Masterpost
Visual Snow Syndrome
If you need a smile:
Get a random birb
No Notes Bungus
Handmade ball python plushies
Good news: COVID-19 edition
The world's cutest alligator
Good news: Climate Change edition
A Different Aftermath
An important reminder
an absolutely buckwild idea i had
Tumblr writers
The Model and The Letter by Kea (if it gets 420k notes by the end of the year I'll read Animorphs and maybe write an essay about it)
Kea's Chapbooks on Ao3
Tumbleweed by Kea
Tumblr's Folk Tales
The origins of parafonian
Kissinger Death Tontine
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inceptionart · 2 years
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Today’s spotlight is on Flos @flosculatory for our Inception artist! Read on for her thoughts on art, and you can find all of her gorgeous artwork here, here and here!
🎨 When did you start creating art for the Inception fandom, and what is your inspiration?
I started creating Inception art in 2015. I actually started because I wanted to join the Next Big Thing comment party and was too self-conscious to just show up and start commenting, so I created a gifset of agent!Saito as an initial offering! Since then, my inspiration often comes from fics or just... crack, honestly.
🎨 Link us to your first and latest artwork, and how your style has evolved since then?
First artwork: gifset of Saito for Next Big Thing Latest artwork: hand lettering as an IGRPDC prize
I've done so many different types of art for Inception fandom, mostly because I like learning and trying new things! I started out with gifsets and some crack graphics (including my 2016/2017 Inception 30 Day Challenge graphics, which were truly the peak of my creativity), and then did podfics for a little while. I never really thought about myself as an artist until I started doing more edits and now I'm in a lettering/calligraphy groove, but mostly as prizes for events so I am actually motivated to create something. (Speaking of, I also create a lot of banners and stuff for different Inception fandom events!)
🎨 What is your absolute favorite piece of art that you've made, and why?
Okay so because I've covered so many types of art it's hard to choose, but I'm just going to go with my Next Big Thing wikipedia page. I'm not sure if that even counts, but I basically figured out how to code a mock Wikipedia page and included tons of links to parts of Next Big Thing or to related fic or art, and included inside jokes for the comment party. I'm super proud of it!
In terms of art art, my favourite is probably my Inception character graphics, especially my Yusuf one, because it was the first one I did! I had such a clear vision of a colour and objects for him, so it was super easy to make.
🎨 What is something about Inception that you really want to make art for someday, and why?
Nash, of course! (Actually, my main goal right now is to finish my Inception character graphics, but I'd love to do some more Inception crafts (e.g. cross stitch, lettering) so I can have some physical art to look at.)
🎨 Give a shoutout to your favorite Inception artists here!
Oh I am 100% definitely going to miss some essential people, but a random 5: @mizunoir (scary impressive always), @lemon-yellow (cool style, especially NASH), @ffc1cb (colours!), @swimmingrat (watercolours!!!), @omophagist (I think this is the right blog - created the best rare pair graphics!)
🎨 Anything else you'd like to talk about art and the Inception fandom in general ❤
I love that we still have new art coming out of fandom, and I am super grateful to Inception fandom for supporting all of my forays into art, including my crack graphics. I still get compliments for my 30 Day Challenge graphics from way back when and it means the world to me!
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fictional-other-tarot · 3 months
S/I- Jack. F/O: Dave Miller (DSAF), he/it. Romantic. Preferred terms for S/I- person/man (gendered) Old Sport/Sportsy/Tangerine (endearment) Theme: Whatever tarot decides <3 Thank ya!
Page of Swords
The High Priestess
Four of Wands
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To my Tangerine,
What a journey it has already been.
You have given me more room for growth than anybody ever has. For that I thank you, Old Sport. You saw me, for who I truly am and I didn't have to pretend around you to be anything else. It was freeing.
Sickening in the beginning as I've never felt this way and didn't know how to deal with it, but freeing the more you showed me how nice it is to have a place to be yourself.
I will always be there to be that space for you too. I'd do anything for you, Sportsy.
We often say we want to go back, to see things differently, maybe life would make sense then. But we often forget how great this journey has truly been, how much we've truly learned.
Again, what a journey it has been already.
As long as we walk this path together and continue to learn from ourselves and the world around us, we will get the answers we need eventually.
I love you, man
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petravoncult · 1 year
Favorite 2022 First-Watches 🎬
this year, i've only managed to watch 173 films according to my letterboxd logs - that's already including rewatches. 2022 certainly fucked me in many ways i couldn't even imagine at the first place, which is part of the reason why i couldn't spare more time to watch more. 🥲
regardless, it's suffice to say that i've managed to broaden my horizon for a bit, discovering and finding unique films from many corners of the world, unrestrained by release dates or its mood and nature - highbrow, classy, unhinged, you name it; some of them eventually latched onto my mind and soul ❤
now i wouldn't be ranking these films in a particular order, but i will start with the ones that completely won me over and went straight into my all-time favorites!
these are the films i'd probably rate a perfect 10 if i had used the traditional metric score, but i don't review movies that way anymore 👇
Mikey and Nicky (1976), dir. Elaine May 🇺🇸
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John Cassavetes and Peter Falk were best friends in real life - and simultaneously two of the best actors of their generation, so there's no doubt they were enthralling to watch in here. indeed, the film's power lies on their dynamite improvisational chops that chronicled the breakdown of their relationship over a night, fights and conversations filled up with intense emotions coupled together with May's minimal direction helped this film shined through and through. i'm definitely a sucker for character-driven movies, so hurrah 🙌
Love Letter (1995) dir. Shunji Iwai 🇯🇵
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coincidences and memories of a deceased one can lead you to unexpected findings you took for granted at first, changing how you view that particular person in a different light. perhaps the 'contrived coincidence' trope has been done to death in every type of media imaginable - but due to the naturally-progressing plot that always keeps you interested and Shunji Iwai's directing, it feels very much fresh, not generic, and hits all the beats it's supposed to! Love Letter is blissful and warm, yet it's also a terribly sad tale about a love story that's almost meant to be. 💔
The Devils (1971) dir. Ken Russell 🇬🇧
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god, if it isn't an over-indulgent picture (in a good way). to be more exact, it's about overzealous hypocrites indulging themselves in shameless immorality, shielding behind the tenets of Christianity to justify their actions. and they all went down in glorious flames, as depicted mercilessly by Ken Russell with the incredibly eye-catching set designs by Derek Jarman. while it's set in the Middle Ages when those deemed dark witches were guaranteed death sentences, I still think it functions effectively as a critique of the current state of 'religious' conservatives who are so blinded with hate for anyone but themselves. it's a lot of fun to watch, too, even if it does seem too cartoonish at times. (Oliver Reed, sexy and marvelous 💪)
A Snake of June (2002) dir. Shinya Tsukamoto 🇯🇵
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Shinya Tsukamoto's films are basically when you combine Lynch's affinity for industrial-themed surrealness and Cronenberg's exploration of the human body transformation, only for their presentation and energy to be cranked up to 11. out of many Tsukamotos i've watched this year, A Snake of June fascinated me the most. i think this is when Tsukamoto's themes and trademarks really worked for me, because they synergize so much this time around; it's relentless in its exploration of self-destructive eroticism, creating a haunting yet sexually-charged atmosphere. it also left quite a lot to be analyzed due to its ambiguous nature (especially toward the end). endlessly rewatchable 👍
On the Silver Globe (1988) dir. Andrzej Zulawski 🇵🇱
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a bit unfair to include this since it technically is an unfinished film, but this certainly was one of the most intense movies i've seen in a long time. the bleakness of the material is the foundation of the cinematic earthquake that would've been had it been completed, added with colorful costumes and dystopic set designs that contributes to the mystiqueness of the picture. the most prominent aspect, of course, is Zulawski's direction - while it may seem exhausting and annoying for some, in my honest opinion it certainly worked the way it's heading for. if i had to remake an existing film, it would be this one.
other films that i adore during my first watch this year include:
Blue (2002) dir. Hiroshi Ando 🇯🇵
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Dogra Magra (1987) dir. Toshio Matsumoto 🇯🇵
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Ashik Kerib (1988) dir. Sergei Parajanov 🇬🇪
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The Wolf House (2018) dir. Joaquin Cociña & Cristóbal León 🇨🇱
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Four Nights of a Dreamer (1971) dir. Robert Bresson 🇫🇷
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there are so many other movies i like & love which unfortunately couldn't make it to my mentions on this post. movies are abundant and it's impossible to watch every single one of them in a lifetime, but finding those that resonate with you is a very personal and treasuring experience!
thank you 2022, here's hoping to watching more next year 🥂
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✍☃❤✝ for scratch!!
Oooo thank you <3 :)
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
Scratch has barely legible handwriting -- she is so used to typing on her phone and computer that she rarely handwrites anything. The exception is equations, which she can write fast and legible no problem, but ask her to write a paragraph and all the letters will slant together out of impatience.
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one? 
Her favorite season is spring/summer, when the rains stop and she can be out climbing on the buildings looking for cool rocks and "art supplies" again without getting drenched or slipping. She and her father had a tradition that on the first sunny day of the spring/summer, they would climb up over the city just the two of them and watch the sunset.
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
She's had some crushes, but she's never been in love. She wants it though -- seeing her parents' relationship growing up, it always made her want something similar. She's never had any really close friendships before she met the party, so her whole understanding of how people meet and form attachments and find their People is uh, kind of skewed. She thinks it will happen though.
✝ : Is your muse religious?
Her family casually follows Erathus, who has a temple in her community, but she's never really resonated with religion in general. She's always had her head in the science of things and mind on the people who are with her (or not with her, as the case may be). She does have gratitude and respect for that connection though, mostly because without it, Dai might not be with them. It's complicated though, because she's also become wary of beings with a lot of power to affect the world and influence people, so it's a tentative respect. Respect but verify.
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madame-fear · 4 months
(let me know if I'm being annoying or anything I just felt like keeping up the conversation- also you can answer this like a normal ask I don't really care from this point on)
Don't feel bad about telling me without sugarcoating or anything,like I said myself I had the suspicions from the moment I saw the request and the moment I saw the reaction I was like: yeah this confirms it. So don't worry you didn't hurt my feelings or anything, you're just making me feel better for not thinking I was being dramatic or crazy over it
I'm also not really trying to put my energy into this, even if it seems like it. I just wanted to share it because chisme but I've had better moments as a writer and I have more engagement with other mutuals of mine and that's whats great about this place.
Tbh I have greater times with anons and people in general that come across my fics than with my mutuals (NOT INCKUDING YOI IN THUS ONE DONT WORRY) because sometimes we grow apart in terms or they're busy and that's totally fine. I just don't like it when it's really obvious that they really enjoy their OTHER mutuals work but not mine because- you can unfollow me or just don't ask me to write for you if I don't cater your *particular* likings lol
Anyway I should stop with the rant because I already made my point but if he keeps up that behavior either I'll ask about it or I'll softblock
Oof, for a moment I was actually worried. Because I knew you wouldn’t mind me being fully honest and would actually understand, but at the same time I was concerned in case I made you feel bad — so reading this made me feel super relieved!
Yeah,, girl you are definitely NOT being dramatic on this situation; that person is being an asshole with all the letters highlighted, trust me. I know his type 🙄 I’m so glad that it didn’t make you feel so bad nor you’re putting all of your energy on this person — otherwise they already have a serious problem with me 🗡🗡 THE TEA IS SO GOOD THOUGH 😩🙏
I get you, because if you’re going to be a jerk and think that you’re compromised to engage with someone’s content, then just unfollow or ignore them! It’s way better for everyone and it’s less toxic and it makes you feel less shitty! I hate it when people are so blatantly favouring others while they just act like they are forced to interact with you, like chill man no one is holding you at gunpoint to interact. ☠ ALSO I’M SO GLAD I CAN BE A GOOD MUTUAL FOR YOU BBY DON’T WORRY 🙏🙏❤❤
Kaykay my beloved; I suggest you either talk with him, or just straight up softblock like you said — trust me it will take a huge burden off of you to not have that type of people around you, and I say this from experience ☠ And don’t worry about ranting or spilling tea with me! I will be more than delighted to hear you out and help however I can whenever you need it! 🥰💕
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plfb25811-blog · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chanel Gold Tone Cursive Script Crawler Women's Earrings.
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starfoam · 1 year
💌 – Is your muse the type to write love letters? What about accepting them?
Lo isn't the type to write love letters, she just cooks. She learns your favorite recipes and conveniently shows up with them.
As for receiving one? She'd be... cautious. Lorelei loves romance, and wants to believe it can happen for her, but she also knows that her life is full of danger and nothing is ever as good as it looks. She'd probably have a hard time trusting it - even if she desperately wants to.
❤ – How affectionate is your muse? How do they feel about PDA?
Lo's not a "make out in public" person, but she is a "pick me up and twirl me around" person, and a holding hands person, and a "grab your arm when I'm pointing at something excitedly" person. It's generally about closeness for her, the little things that indicate comfort and familiarity.
Also she just likes being picked up by bigger guys-
🍷 – Describe an ideal date for your muse.
Literally any date-
But no, Lo likes dinners. She likes a meal and activity. Formality can vary, but it comes down to "let's get something to eat together, then let's do something else together before going home". Just a shared experience they can talk about later is fine by her.
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