#“why did you make him over six feet tall” we asked our dm
owlpellet · 6 months
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ough a wip
tbt when niram had just lost his hands to the negative energy plane and gomp taught him how to harness that constant connection into his signature Big Slappy spell
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Nev, Max, Help!-Nate Jacobs Oneshot
Requested: Yes
Warnings: aggressiveness and rudeness from Nate and a brief panic attack scene
A/N: The reader is gender neutral since the requester did not specify what they wanted and I did not want to disrespect the storyline from the show. Also, it’s a long one. 
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  For once, Amy Winehouse’s low, melancholy voice did nothing to soothe my nerves as I typed what I was looking for in the designated box. “Love is a Losing Game” was definitely not the best song for the mood but I loved her voice so much; it was like a really messed up security blanket for me. My thumbs shook as I kept typing and quickly deleting my words. 
  Someone to have fun with.
  No, that’ll bring every single creep to my profile.
  Someone to watch Netflix with.
  Ew, no, they won’t want to go anywhere or do anything. 
  Someone to discuss Maya Angelou with...
  This could go one of two ways: attract a sensitive, nice person or the ultimate softboi who was really just an f-boy in a sensible cardigan.
    Okay, Y/N, just add to it.
   ...and have adventures, great conversations, and watch the best movies.
   That seemed broad enough and, potentially, weeded out all the weirdos. Patti Stanger would approve of this. I took such a deep breath that I could feel the oxygen in my feet as I pressed the green check mark. An adorable buffering sign appeared before being quickly replaced by a CONGRATULATIONS, Y/N/N, ON COMPLETING YOUR PROFILE. 
   The air came out of me slowly, like a balloon, and I tried to make myself relax as I swiped through different matches. One person was too short, the other too tall, another had way too many pictures with reptiles in his profile, and one’s bio simply read: DM and you’ll find out. 
  Serial killer much?
  “That’s part of your problem, Y/N,” Jules had chastised me a few day prior.
 “What do you mean by ‘part’?” I’d replied.
 “Well, for one, you barely leave the house anymore unless I drag you out,” Jules argued.
  “I’m busy,” I’d defended. 
  “Rewatching Breaking Bad for the eighth time does not count as being busy. Plus, you’re so picky.”
  “Am not!” 
  “You said you’d only do DiCaprio in his Great Gatsby days,” Rue had added.
  “Did you see him in that suit?” 
  Jules then shrugged. “All I’m saying is if you aren’t careful, you will end up all alone.”
  “That’s not true, Y/N might get cats.” 
  That conversation had haunted me since and had driven me to making a dating profile after the required Saturday night family dinner. While my parents and brother were downstairs watching a movie, I was holed up in my room, cringing and regretting accepting any chat requests. 
   Half an hour on the app caused the images of various male genitalia to be burned into my mind. I would need my brain soaked in holy water for it to be erased. I huffed and kept scrolling, vainly hoping and wishing for a decent guy to pop up on my radar.
  Maybe Jules and Rue were wrong. Maybe I had all the right in the world to be picky, I thought harshly to myself. 
  I dropped my phone on my nightstand and flopped against my pillows as Me and Mr. Jones began playing. I sighed and felt myself being lulled into the comforting abyss Amy created. 
   I jumped out and glared at the source of the noise. Another chat request, another picture to ruin my young brain? 
  “Be positive, Y/N, this might be good,” I stated as I grabbed the phone. 
  Tyler wants to chat!
   I frowned and opened up the app, only to be met with the most sculpted six-pack I had ever seen. My heart began banging against my chest and my thumbs fumbled for a moment to answer the chat request. 
  My stomach dropped as I stared at my first chat to Tyler: Shg.ismtle
  I’m. Going. To. Die. Alone.
  I quickly typed: Please ignore that, I’m so sorry!
  Seconds later, my phone dinged.
  Tyler: Really? I thought you were trying to send me a secret code and I liked that we were that cool already.
  This was not real, this could not be happening. Tyler had to be a bot, that was why he didn’t show his face in his profile. Bots were supposed to have a hard time recognizing and creating faces, right? 
   But, on the off chance Tyler was real, it would have been rude to leave the conversation so abruptly? 
   Y/N: Who knows? Maybe it was a secret code and I’m just testing you.
   Tyler: Ok, let me guess what it means.
   Tyler: Hi? 
   Y/N: Haha, you really thought I’d use such a simple code as a first message?
   Tyler: It’s my bad for underestimating u. I should have known u were smarter since you read Maya Angelou.
  Y/N: U a fan? 
  Tyler: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” 
  He knows Angelou? He could have Googled a quote though. Still, it’s a good quote to use if he had Googled it.
   Y/N: Nice, but, doesn’t get u out of the guessing game.
   As Tyler helplessly guessed wrong for several minutes, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I used to think online dating was a last resort or a breeding ground for predators. But, maybe there were decent people looking for something (or someone) meaningful after all. 
  Tyler: I give up, you’re really good. 
  Y/N: Thx. But, I can tell you what I meant to say. 
  Tyler: The suspense is srsly kiilling me. 
  Y/N: I meant 2 say hey.
  Tyler: I guessed that!
   Y/N: No, u guessed ‘hi’, there’s a difference.
  Tyler: C’mon, barely.
   For the rest of the night, Tyler and I chatted. He told me that he plays baseball at a school across town and he doesn’t like anyone around there. He liked John Mulaney stand-up, lemon bars, going to the gym, hanging out with his friends, and reading good books. He was an only child and his parents tended to spoil him. I told him about my friends and how I liked being on the swim team at my school as well as the different YouTubers and books I enjoyed. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed of talking to him. 
   On Monday, Jules and Rue were hanging out outside the school as other people either headed to class or relaxed on the lawn. I could not stop my feet from bouncing as I walked up to them.
   “...and that is why Sailor Mercury is the most underrated character of the whole show,” Jules affrimed. 
   Rue seemed halfway interested as her head nodded slowly underneath the hood of her burgundy hoodie. “Cool, all I asked was who’s your favorite but, cool.” 
   Jules rolled her eyes playfully and straightened up when she saw me. “Hey, Y/N, nice shirt.” 
  “Thanks.” I wore a sky blue tie dye shirt with ripped jeans and white Converse.
  Rue leaned forward and squinted at me. “You’re not wearing black, something’s wrong.” 
  “Nothing’s wrong, she’s obviously been influenced by me!” Jules teased as she wrapped a slim arm around my shoulders.
  “Yeah, you can only hang out with this literal rainbow human so long before she starts influencing your outfit choices.”
  We started heading inside, which was really just Jules and me dragging Rue into the building.
   “But I don’t wanna be here. It’s so stupid that I have to wait six more months before I can legally decide where I spend my time,” Rue muttered.
  “It’s fine, you have us!” Jules insisted.
   “Yup!” I agreed.
  “Hey, Y/N, Rue, Jules!” Cassie greeted as she sidled up next to me. 
  We all greeted her.
  “Have a good weekend?” Rue asked. 
  “Yeah, there was this great party that Nick Davis threw. I swear, everyone there was on acid.” Cassie stopped herself and bit her bottom lip. “Sorry---” 
   Rue shook her head. “It’s fine.”
  “How were yours?” Cassie asked as we continued to our lockers. 
  “Fine,” Jules said.
  Rue shrugged in response.
  I opened my mouth to reply when my phone beeped and I wrestled it out of my pocket. 
  Tyler: Is it 2 late 4 a good morning text? 
  I smiled. 
  “You’re so cheesy,” I muttered under my breath. 
  “Who’s that?” Cassie asked, peeking over my shoulder.
   I jumped and cradled my phone to my chest like it was my child. “No one.” 
   Jules pulled open her locker and cocked a bleached eyebrow. “‘No one’ does not cause huge smiles like that!” She jabbed a sparkly-manicured finger at me. 
  “Yeah, show us,” Rue said. “We are your friends.” 
  “It’s nothing,” I insisted as I weaved around them. 
  I pushed myself against my locker and managed to open it with my free hand. Rue was on one side of me and Cassie was on the other. 
  “Is it a boy?” Cassie sang.
  “Or a girl?” Rue questioned.
  “It’s none of your business,” I gritted out as I grabbed my necessary books. 
  As I shuffled the books in my arms, Jules came from behind and slipped my phone away from me. I gasped, whirled around, and watched as Rue tried to look at the phone while Cassie playfully blocked me.
  “Guys, this is not cool! This is such a serious invasion of privacy,” I argued as I tried to move around Cassie.
  “We’re besties, there’s no such thing as privacy!” Jules retorted. 
  “Wow, Y/N, these are so----” Jules cut Rue off.
  “Adorable!” Jules squealed and turned to face me.
  Cassie took the opportunity to glance at my phone and she smiled. “Aw, this Tyler guy sounds so sweet.” 
  I snatched my phone from Jules. “Well, now you know. Can we please go to class now?” 
  As the other girls grabbed their things from their lockers, I got out my phone to reply to Tyler.
  Y/N: It’s never too late...until noon technically.
   Somehow, I started wandering away from the girls until I ran into someone. I tried to jump away, but they grabbed me by the forearms.
  “I am so sorry, I should have looked where I was going---” I stopped speaking when I recognized Nate’s direct gaze on me. I was pretty tall but I always felt like he could throw me into the lockers if he wanted to.
  “Watch it, Y/N,” he muttered. 
  “Nate, let go of them,” Maddy chided, her hand resting against one of his arms. 
  She seemed to have the magic touch because he relaxed and I joined my friends. As the couple continued down the hallway, I couldn’t help but admire them. In a very messed up way, they worked. Kat had told me only a little about what Nate would do whenever Maddy upset him and I felt so bad for her, angry at him, and then conflicted. Nate just had to have that stereotypical amazing all-American look.
  “You okay, Y/N?” Cassie asked.
  “Yeah, is it weird that I can still feel his eyes on me even when he’s not looking?” I asked. 
  “No, his need for dominance permeates everyone’s sense of autonomy,” Rue assured.
  “Nice,” Jules said. 
  “And scary accurate,” Cassie added. 
  Jule looped her arm with mine and steered us in the direction of our first classes. “Anyway, if he tries anything, I’m sure Tyler would gladly kick his butt for you.” 
   Throughout the day, Tyler and I chatted and I even had to get creative with responding. In English, I kept my head down during quiet reading time and made sure my phone was positioned just right in my lap. During geometry, I told Mrs. Packer that I was having some digestive issues and spent most of the class outside the bathroom, texting Tyler. At lunch, I could barely focus on my friends’ conversation.
   “Hello, Earth to Y/N?” Lexi waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked.
   “Sorry, I was----”
   “Texting her boooyfriiiend,” Jules sang.
   “He’s not my boyfriend, we’re just talking.” I started poking at my sandwich. “What did I miss?” 
  “Oh, nothing, just the fact that I nearly blew up the school during chem,” Cassie said. 
  “Magnesium chloride isn’t an explosive,” Lexi argued. 
  “Well, the tube overflowed and everyone was freaking out,” Cassie argued.
  “Yeah, because magnesium chloride can have bad side effects,” Lexi continued.
   “I wonder what would happen if the school exploded and we weren’t all here? Would they have to give us our diplomas?” I thought outloud.
  “Ooh, and I could go to fashion school early!” Jules cheered. 
  “I’d be happy not coming here anymore,” Rue admitted. 
  It was quiet for a moment as we all ate but that quiet was broken when Maddy yelled.
  I couldn’t help myself but look. Maddy was standing behind Nate, who was sitting with his teammates at the center table. Bebe and Kat flanked Maddy a little behind. Everyone stared at them. Nate’s jaw tightened. 
  “Maddy, calm down,” his relaxed, controlled voice nearly echoed in the silent cafeteria. 
  “Can we talk about this somewhere else?” Nate asked. 
  Maddy sighed. “Are you gonna let me see your phone?”
  “Maddy, we need to talk.” 
  “Don’t talk to me again.” 
  Before Nate could respond, Maddy dumped the contents of her lunch tray over his head and threw the tray aside. Kat and Bebe followed her as she strutted out of the cafeteria amid the shocked gasps. 
   “I’m gonna go check on her,” Cassie whispered.
  We all nodded and she quietly exited the room. As I stared at Nate, the supposed king of the school, drenched in soggy salad and fat-free milk, I wondered why he could never stay broken up with Maddy. Their relationship was not just toxic, it was volatile. Their breakups were always public and outrageous, but they always ended up back together. No one questioned it either. I never understood why people could continue to choose relationship they knew was bad over pursuing something new. I told Tyler as much that night. 
   Y/N: It’s like those dogs that get killed by electric fences because they keep walking into them.
  Tyler: U have a good point, but, that couple’s relationship is more complicated than u think. 
  Y/N: Probably, but, it doesn’t look that way. They hurt each other a lot.
  Tyler: How do u know? 
   Y/N: Bc I’ve seen it. I don’t mean 2 b judgy, but, I could never be in a relationship like that. 
  Tyler: Well, I don’t think anyone would b if they knew it would b bad. 
  Y/N: Good point. But, why would they get back together so much? 
  Tyler: Idk them, but, it could b bc it’s familiar and it’s what they know.
  Y/N: Still, it’s messed up.
 Tyler: Yeah, but I don’t wanna talk abt them anymore.
 Y/N: K, what do u wanna talk abt? 
  A few seconds later, Tyler sent me a picture so graphically beautiful that I was convinced I passed out.
 The next day, I showed Rue and Jules the picture during break time.
 “Holy crap!” Jules took my phone and leaned into it for closer inspection. 
 “Tyler is packing,” Rue agreed. 
  Jules slid my phone back to me. “You haven’t replied to him?”    “No, and he hasn’t talked to me at all today.”
  “He’s probably expecting a reply that’s similar to what he sent,” Rue said.
  My face warmed up. “I can’t send him nudes,” I hissed.
  “Why not? It’s like the greeting cards of our generation,” Jules stated.
  “Really? You’d send your grandparents a greeting card of your naked body?” I replied sarcastically.
  “Relax, if you’re uncomfortable, we can help you,” Jules assured.
  “We can?” Rue asked.
  “We can.” Jules gave her a look and Rue relaxed. 
  “It’s still weird, but, I guess you guys can come over after school.”
  “Sweet! Your mom still bakes cookies for you after school, right?” Jules asked.
  I nodded.
  “She might stop once she learns her darling favorite older child is sending nudes,” Rue snorted as she spoke.
  I recoiled in my seat, taking a second to bask in the sun’s warmth. “Don’t remind me.” 
  After swim practice, once my teammates left the locker room, I eyed my naked form in the mirror. I had nothing to be ashamed of, really, thanks to all the swimming, but, I just felt weird being naked in front of people. There was something so vulnerable about it, like, being on display in a museum or lying on a cold surgery table. But, online dating was supposed to get me out of my comfort zone and I’d found someone who’d made me feel comfortable enough to do it. With this resolve, I changed into a hoodie and some sweatpants and left the school. It was dusk and I typically walked home after practice since it wasn’t far. Plus, I’d told Jules and Rue to just go to my house after school. 
  The late breeze rippled past me and I dug my hands into my pants’ pockets as I started walking towards the parking lot. There was barely anyone around, except stoners hotboxing their cars, some couples making out, and dance team members and football players getting out of practice.
  I kept my head down as I maneuvered around the few cars and people around. It felt like someone could spot what I was about to do once I got home and it was nervewracking. All I had to do was get home, let Jules make me look even better, take these pictures, and never thinking of it again.
   “Something on your mind, Y/N?” Nate called.
   I froze and snapped my head up to look at him. He was leaning against his truck, looking like a model for Ford in only a tshirt and jeans. Ford should hire him. 
   “No, not really,” I said. 
   I started to side step the truck, eyeing the sidewalk that was only a few yards away as though it was a lifeline. 
  “Get in,” Nate ordered.
  I paused and looked at him. “Excuse me?” 
  “I see you walking home all the time, let me do you a favor, one athlete to another.” Nate was about halfway in the driver’s seat of the car and all I could do was stare.
  “We’ve...never really talked before,” I stated. 
  “We can talk during the drive.” 
   I stepped back and my eyes flittered around, like the best decision would hit me in the face. Then, I saw Maddy across the lot. She was standing with a couple of dance team girls, including Cassie. She stared me down as though daring me to do it. I glanced from her to Nate, who started the engine loudly. 
   I quickly climbed into the passenger’s seat and stared into Maddy’s reflection in the rearview mirror as he pulled out of the parking lot. 
  “How do you know where I live?” I asked.
  “You forgot that I gave you a ride before?” Nate asked.
  “After Cassie’s sweet sixteen. You blacked out, your friends were panicking, and I offered to take you home. For some reason, you remembered your address,” Nate recalled.
  “Oh, thanks?” 
  We pulled up to my house a few minutes later, Lil Wayne bragging about his conquests filling the quiet. I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my bag. 
  “Thanks for the ride, this one, I mean, I owe you,” I said.
  “Yeah, see you around, Y/N.” 
  I closed the door and headed inside.
  “I’m home!” I called.
  My mom poked her head out from the kitchen. “Y/N, how was school and practice?” 
  “Was that Nate Jacobs outside?” 
  I hesitated. 
  How did she know what Nate’s truck looked like?  “Yeah, he gave me a ride today.” 
  “Aw, isn’t that sweet? Rue and Jules are waiting for you in your room. They took the cookies with them.”  
  I nodded and went to my room. As soon as I walked in, they bombarded me with questions.
  “Why did Nate give you a ride?” Rue asked.
  “What did you guys talk about?” Jules inquired. 
  “Don’t you hate him?” 
  “He’s kind of a dick, but, unfortunately, super good looking.”
  “Did Maddy see?” 
  “Do you think she’s gonna kill you?” 
  “Guys, I don’t know but I do know that if you do not take amazing pictures of me with no clothes on soon, I will delete my entire profile,” I interrupted. 
  They both nodded. 
  “But, we will ask for details later,” Jules insisted.
  “Okay, but, please give me a cookie, I’ll need it to get through this.” 
  Rue extended the plate towards me and I bit into the melty goodness as Jules began doing my makeup. It was simple, only bringing out my best features. I made them both turn around as I undressed. Once I had, Jules encouraged me.
  “You look amazing, I would be shocked if he didn’t jizz in his pants,” Jules said.
  “Lower your voice, Y/B/N can only play Five Nights at Freddy’s so loud,” I hissed.
  Jules held her hands up and Rue direct me to lay on the bed, my phone held up in front of her.
  “Okay, look sexy,” Rue said.
  I tried to smolder, but, by their expressions, I did not achieve it.
  “No, like, pout your lips, like, you just heard that TheOdd1sOut is not uploading for a month,” Jules directed.
  “And give the camera bedroom eyes, you know, as though it’s Tyler.”
  “Okay.”    After a few pictures, I slowly got the hang of it and even started posing a little naturally.
  “Oh my gosh, Tyra is shook!” Jules cheered. 
 “Yeah, these are pretty good if I do say so myself.” Rue handed me my phone and I flipped through the pictures. 
  She was a talented photogrpaher and I joked that maybe she should go professional.
  “Yeah, I’m sure I’d have a nice clientele.” 
  I laughed as I changed back into my hoodie and sweatpants. “Okay, help me pick one to send.” 
  Jules took my phone and she and Rue began scrolling.
  “No, the lighting’s off in this one,” Jules muttered.
  “No, it’s never off in any of these,” Rue argued. 
  “I’m not shading your talent, I’m just trying to find the best thing for Y/N to send Tyler.” 
  After a little more bickering, we all agreed on the picture and I sent it to Tyler.
  “Should I follow it up with something?” I asked.
  “Maybe say ‘Wrong person’? Guys want what other guys want,” Jules suggested.
  “Or say ‘Sorry for the late reply’,” Rue added.
  “I’ll go with Rue’s, sorry, Jules.” 
  Jules shrugged. 
  I sent everything off and my friends and I watched as Tyler typed a response.
  Tyler: It was worth the wait ;).
  We squealed so loud that my mom yelled for us to keep it down. We apologized as we descended into a fit of giggles. Through it all, I could not help but feel so bouncy and light all over. Was I...falling for this total stranger? 
  “What do you think he looks like?” Jules asked during lunch later that week.
  I shrugged. “It’s different every day, if that makes sense.” 
  “I guess that’s the nice thing about interacting with someone who doesn’t show their face,” Jules thought outloud. 
  “How do you see him now?” Lexi asked. 
  I sighed. “Right now, I think he’s tall, six feet at least. He’s got a mix of blonde and brown hair like a surfer because it’s lightened from all the time he’s spent in the sun. He has green eyes, freckles, and he dresses well.” 
  “Sounds amazing,” Jules said as she rest her chin in her hand. 
  Rue nodded slowly. “You’re not nervous or anything?” 
  “No, this is so cheesy, but, I feel like I know him, you know? He’s so easy to talk to and has so much to say.”
  “Y/N’s blushing,” Jules teased. “Do you love him?” 
  “I really, really, really, like him.” 
  “Do you think you’ll meet soon?” Lexi asked.
  I shrugged. “I don’t know, neither of us has brought it up.”
  “Well, it just matters that you’re comfortable, okay?” Rue said.
  If I was honest, I did not know if I wanted to meet Tyler. I knew that I liked him more than I liked anyone before, but, there was something strange about breaking this wall the internet provided us. It was freer to talk on the internet than it was in person. What if I said something stupid in front of him? What if he thought that I looked different in person? What if he looked different in person? 
  I managed to keep these thoughts at bay for the rest of the day until I got home. Post-dinner had been officially declared Talk to Tyler Time. None of my family knew what I was doing besides blasting Amy Winehouse in my room for about an hour. My laugh nearly overpowered her high note in “Best Friends, Right?”. I had to blink away my happy tears as I replied to him. 
  Y/N: That did not happen!  Tyler: Yes it did! Do u want 2 c the scar????
 Y/N: No, I think I’m good.
 I wiped away my tears and settled under the covers. I wondered if his friends would agree that Tyler gets into some weird situations as well. Just as I started typing, Tyler beat me.
 Tyler: I want 2 meet u.
 The speed that I launched my phone away from me almost shocked me more than the text.
  My heartbeat thrummed in my ears. This was it, I knew I couldn’t avoid him much longer, but, I felt like I couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at my phone like it was the most offensive object in the world. Slowly, I regained mobility and grabbed my phone. I took a deep breath.
  “Take a chance, Y/L/N,” I whispered.
  Y/N: When and where?
    “You’re meeting him tonight?” Jules squealed the next day.
  I hushed her as people in the hallway paused to look at us. “Not so loud.”   “But this is so exciting. Please let me help you decide what to wear,” Jules pleaded with a pout. 
  “Sure,” I said. 
  Jules hugged me. “This is going to be so fun. I won’t go crazy with glitter since this is the first time you’re meeting this guy.” 
 “Do your parents know?” Rue asked.
 “No,” I replied as I slowly pulled away from Jules. “They’re coming Senior Night tonight, though. and I’m going to meet him at Mercy Park an hour before it ends.” 
 “Are you sure you even want to do this? I know that Jules and I tease you about your love life, but, this is risky,” Rue said. 
 “You weren’t saying that when you were helping me with those pictures the other day,” I shot back.
  “That was different. You’re...you’re actually meeting him now and he could be a psychopath or a sociopath or, just, a creepy old guy who likes to look at teenagers!” Rue insisted.
  “Rue, relax, everything’s going to be fine.”
  “You don’t know that!” She turned on her heel and hurried into the bathroom with Jules and I on her tail. 
  When we entered, Rue was leaning against the wall, panting and staring up at the ceiling. Jules and I approached her slowly as the girls who were in the bathroom quickly filed out. 
  “Rue, slow down your breathing,” I said slowly.
  “I...I can’t. You-you could get hurt or something and-and I would know about it an-and I-I couldn’t live with that!” Tears burst from her eyes as Rue began pacing and Jules and I were close but gave her room. 
  “Rue, Y/N is going to be okay, we both know what time she’ll be at the park. If anything happens, we’ll know the area she could be in,” Jules assured her.
  Rue shook her head and stopped in her tracks. Then, she looked between us helplessly before bowing her head and sobbing. Jules and I carefully hugged her and let her cry.
  “I’m sorry that I’m scared and I care about you and I don’t want you to get hurt,” Rue mumbled into my shirt.
  “It’s okay, I appreciate it. I really want to meet Tyler, though, and, I promise I will let you know if something happens, okay?” 
  Rue nodded and sniffled.
   It took Jules about an hour to make me look amazing. I had no idea my hair could be so fluffy and put together until she was done with it. She used eyeliner to make eyes look bigger and rounder and added sparkly lip gloss to make my lips look plumper. After she contoured and highlighted the best places she deemed that her work was done. My outfit, a fitted forest green long-sleeve shirt and fitted black pants with Jadons, was also approved by her.
  “Tell me everything later!” she insisted.
  Rue couldn’t join us since she had “prior commitments” but I texted her that I would let her know when I head to the park and when I leave. My nerves didn’t let me focus on the soccer game my parents insisted I joined them and my brother at. I couldn’t care less that the forward on one team got a yellow card or that the goalie on the other team made illegal blocks. I was practically buzzing with excitement and fear so much that I had to give my pretzel to Y/B/N. Finally, the third quarter arrived and I told my parents that I would meet them at home since I’d promised Lexi that I would help her with some homework. 
  Lexi wouldn’t mind being used for a lie this one time; it was an emergency.
  I tried to practice some calming deep breaths as I walked over to the park. The dark night sky provided a little bit of comfort to my walk. I wondered how different Tyler would look from the picture in my mind. I wondered if he thought I would look any different. Maybe (hopefully) it wouldn’t matter to either of us.
  Finally, I reached the park. It was empty, save for the oak trees scattered throughout the lush green scenery that seemed mysterious under the mooonlight. A few benches and wooden tables were around as well, but, Tyler and I had agreed to meet at the fountain which was further in the park. The breathing exercises had to have helped because I felt much more relaxed and I hoped that everything would go all right. 
   When I got to the fountain, there was a tall person facing it. All I could make out were dark clothes and broad shoulders. I took another deep breath and kept walking.
  “This is a nice spot, you have good taste,” I commented. 
  “I could say the same for you.” I stopped in my tracks as Nate slowly turned to face me. His face was unreadable but his eyes stayed on me. 
  “What? Wh-where’s Tyler?” I asked, my voice already hoarse. 
  Nate glanced down at his shoes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how else to talk to you.” 
  I shook my head. “No.” My vision got blurry but I could tell that Nate was looking up at me now. 
  “Just let me explain,” he requested softly. 
  He took a step towards me and I took two steps back .
 “I don’t wanna hear it. This....this is some sick joke to you or something?” 
 “No, never, Y/N, just listen to me.” 
 “I don’t want to!” The tears rolled down my cheeks and I swiped at them so hard that I thought I scratched myself. At least I could feel something because my heart felt numb. “You catfished me!” 
  “I just wanted to talk to you, I really do like you, Y/N. Tyler and I are the same, just different names,” Nate insisted, coming closer.
  For some reason, I didn’t move. I didn’t know if it was from emotional exhaustion or stress, but, I let him approach me. I kept shaking my head. 
  “No,” I hiccuped. 
  “I wanted to meet you tonight because I was tired of lying. I want to figure this, us, out,” Nate said.
  I sniffed. “Us?” 
  At that moment, I could actually see his face and Nate seemed so hopeful. There was a slight smile on his lips and his eyes seemed light for once. Maybe he wanted there to be an “us”. Maybe, despite all logic, he wanted to talk to me seriously and could not do it offline because of his reputation. Maybe, he was over the on-again-off-again situation with Maddy. Maybe, this was my chance, our chance.
  I wiped my face again, mentally cringing at how upset Jules would be for my ruining her masterpiece. 
  “Yeah, us.” Nate stepped closer to me, gently wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into his chest.
  Gradually, my muscles relaxed and I relished in the feeling of his strong upper body and his warmth. Then, I began to feel pressure on my waist and gasped as it intensified. 
  “Nate, you’re...squeezing...too hard,” I rasped out. 
  And he started laughing, no, cackling. As he laughed, his grip tightened and I continued gasping and clawing at everything I could. 
  But he kept laughing and squeezing. When he finally released me, I looked up and saw nothing behind his eyes. Everything in me told me to run, but, I knew he could have easily caught up to me.
  “I really thought you were smarter than that, Y/N. C’mon, you couldn’t honestly think that I would do all this to be with you,” he sneered.
  “So why do it then?” I asked, my voice so small that I could have kicked myself for it. 
  Nate sighed and folded his arms. “Because you made it so easy and, to ask for a favor.” 
  “What? That makes no sense,” I argued. “I told you I owed you one that day you gave me a ride!” 
  “Yeah, well, I needed to make sure that you were available when I needed you.” 
  “Whatever, screw you,” I hissed as I pivoted on my heel. 
  “Too late for you, you’re already screwed.” Nate pulled out a folder from inside his jacket pocket. “Remember those special pictures you sent to Tyler? Well, they count as distribution of child pornography, which has a hefty fine and sentence.” 
   My mouth opened and closed several times before I faced him and responded. “But...but you held them, doesn’t that count towards possession? And, you’re extorting me!” 
  Nate glowered at me and stormed over. “Heresay, no solid evidence for your case. Plus, I’m a Jacobs, so, who are you kidding?” 
   I felt so sick to my stomach that I could have thrown up, fainted, or cried at that moment. This was not real, this could not be real.
   “What do you want?” I asked.
   “Like I said, just be available when I need you.” 
  “Sorry, what was that?” He gripped my chin his hand and forced me to look up at him.
  “Okay,” I said softly.
  “Hmm.” His eyes scanned my face before he released me. “And if I ever hear you judging my relationship with Maddy again, these pictures are going to be the least of your concern.” 
  I nodded weakly, regretting every single thing I ever told him. Nate Jacobs was truly the devil. He wandered off into the night like a centurion leaving a victorious battle. It seemed like he always won. 
  I managed not to start crying until I was on the empty sidewalk. No, I sobbed so bad that my throat went dry. 
  How could I have been so stupid? I should have known it was him that day Maddy yelled at him for texting all day. 
  Stupid, stupid, stupid!
  My sobs continued as I grabbed my phone and texted Rue. 
  Y/N: U were right. 
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wonwoosthetic · 6 years
Twins || Harry Styles
Your girl’s back from Prague and has a new imagine for you!!
This was my first ever request for Harry Styles and I’m extremely sorry, that it took so long, but I hope everyone enjoys it! :) I love Harry and you can’t imagine how bumped I was when I found out that he was not going to have a concert in Vienna :(
A massive ‘Thank you’ to @fangirlxslut for this lovely and fluffy ask per DM - I hope I didn’t let you down! :)
I have a lot of requests in my inbox at the moment, so I’m going to try to post more today and tomorrow, so I can keep up again and you won’t have to wait so long for your imagines :)
Request: Actually scratch that, just a plain Harry imagine😍um, one where she’s pregnant with twins and goes into labor unexpectedly and just cute baby fluff and harry fluff
Warning: Harry with babies is always a warning because he’s too cute
Pairing: Harry Styles x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3,673 words
By the way, this is like extremely long, I really hope you don’t mind :) please let me know - it is now my longest imagine!!!
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Seven months ago, you got the official statement from your gynecologist
“Congratulations, in eight months you’ll be holding two babies in your arms!”
It scarred you. Harry and you have been married for half a year at that point and you had talked about having kids, of course, but to be expecting TWO so soon, had never been the plan. But your boyfriend being the most loving man you know, assured and comforted you with everything possible and made all your worries fly away.
Six months into your pregnancy, you really started getting worried about your body and weight. Self-consciousness overcame you and the feeling of being pretty and beautiful, like Harry, always told you, you were, was gone and got replaced with hating yourself and wanting to get rid of the growing belly. But your husband did not let you live that way. It was the start of more surprises than ever and spoiling you in all kinds of way – with love, kisses, presents, et cetera.
It all led up to that point.
You were laying in bed, just got up and saw the morning sun shining onto your king-sized bed. Harry was no longer next to you, but at the BBC’s Radio One Breakfast show, doing an interview with one of his best friends, the one and only Nick Grimshaw and future godfather to one of the twins, but he had no idea, yet. Harry actually didn’t want to do the interview that day, due to you being in your eighth month and he wanted to be able to help you 24/7, but you got him to do.
--- Three Weeks Before ---
Your husband was in the shower when his phone started ringing, while you were sitting in the living room, reading a new book you had bought two days before. The thought of just letting it ring, crossed your mind, but you decided against it and got up to grab it from the dining table, where he left it. When you reached it, the name ‘Nick’ and a picture of the Breakfast Show host’s, with a goofy look on his face, appeared on the display. You smiled before accepting the call
“Hello, Nick”, you greeted.
“Oh, (Y/N), hey love, I didn’t expect you to pick up. Where’s your husband at again?”, he asked very kindly with his accent.
He never failed to make you smile “He’s under the shower, anything I can deliver?”, “Well, you for sure as heck will be delivering two babies very soon”, he laughed ,”but could you please ask Harry, if he would like to hop over for an interview on Monday in three weeks?”
You knew Harry would say no, due to the state you were in, so you decided to take it into your own hands “Oh, I’m sure he’ll do it. He’s always happy to come over.”
Nick wasn’t to sure about your answer “Are you sure? Doesn’t he have anything else to do?”, “No, his schedule is completely free.”
To hear that made the man on the other end of the phone call very happy “Well then, thanks, babes. Don’t forget to tall him though and stay safe”, he had always cared a lot for you – you literally were like brother and sister, due to the both of you growing up, with your houses next to each other.
“I’ll tell him right when he comes out of the shower, don’t worry”, you didn’t hear the shower being turned off and the bathroom door opening and closing again “Alright, have a good day then”, “You too, bye.”
“What will you tell me”, the low voice of your husband behind you, standing in the doorway with sweatpants on and wet hair, made you jump
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“Oh gosh, Harry! You don’t scare a pregnant lady like that”, your hand flew to your chest, where your heart was placed. He walked over to you and took you in his arms “Sorry, gorgeous”, he paused for a while “So, who was on the phone?”, Harry let go of you and went over to the couch of the living room, which was right next to the dining table.
You slowly followed him, not intending to sit down “Nick. He wanted to know if you would come onto the show on Monday in three weeks and I said yes.”
“Why did you say yes? You know I said that I wouldn’t do interviews for the time that you’re pregnant”, he wondered.
“Exactly because of that”, you pointed at him with the index finger of your right hand,”you can’t just not do interviews because I’m pregnant. I’m fine and I will be fine for an hour, or so, on my own.”
Harry was not impressed at first but gave in eventually.
After taking a seat next to him, the two of you started cuddling and watching TV. A couple minutes in a thought came to your mind, which you had been having for a while
“You know, I-I had an idea”, your voice grabbed his attention “Oh yeah? What?”, his eyes were still fixed on the telly in front of you. You rose your head from its position on Harry’s chest 
“We thought about having Gemma as the godmother of one of the babies, but we still don’t have anyone for the other one”, before you could continue, your husband cut you off
“I thought she would be the godmother of both of them.”
You shook your head “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea”, “Alright, so who do think should it be?”, his head shortly turned towards you but was then fixed on the TV again.
His gaze shot into your direction “Nick?”
You nodded “Yeah”, “Are you sure?”, he didn’t sound too convinced about your choice.
“Yeah, why not?”, the pitch of your voice rose a bit – you were slightly taken back by his reaction ,” I thought it would be a good idea. He’s like my brother and one of your best friends, I thought you’d be happy. I mean he is literally the reason why we’re now married”, that was true, because he introduced you to each other on one of his many parties.
Harry shortly thought about his answer “Mmm… yeah, I know, but… I don’t know, IF something happened to us, he would be ready to take care of a baby”, he sounded very unsure and scared of the thought – you had never heard his voice in that tone.
“But Harry, we’re not even ready probably. It was very sudden for us as well and Gemma is always travelling, but I know that she would be perfect and the same goes for Nick. He would drop everything for us and our future children or, sorry, one of our children.”
Harry kept his eyes on the floor, for the entire time of you talking, but then looked deeply into yours – his were slightly red and shimmered, making the sadness of the statement he made before, very clear now “If you think so, then I do to. Alright, then I’ll ask him after the interview.”
--- Back To Present ---
Your husband thought it would be a good idea to ask him afterwards, but yesterday he had an even better one – he would just ask him during the interview and catch his, hopefully positive, reaction on radio and camera. That’s why you had to get up quickly – it was 8.10 a.m. and Harry would ask him around 8.30, he said, so you were able to hear it as well. Your upper body rose from the bed, making you sit on the side with your feet touching the cold floor. There was a sudden stinging in your lower abdomen making you wince and grab it. It was a pain you had never felt before and it for sure was not comfortable.
“Oh no”, you thought out loud with an idea of what it could be.
‘It can’t be. It’s way too early’, your thought continued in your head.
After a couple more minutes of sitting on the bed and feeling the extreme pain, you were pretty sure that they were contractions. Your immediate thought came to calling Harry and letting him now, that you have to go to the hospital, which you did.
Your husband's voice rang through the phone after only two ringing sounds
“What’s wrong babe?”, his worry was able to be heard – ‘how on earth did he know something was wrong?’
“I think I have to go to the hospitals. Some sort of contractions started”, you winced in pain as another one hit you.
“What?! Are you sure?!”, “No Harry!! Of course, I’m not sure, for heck’s sake, I never had baby!”, your voice rose with rage.
He continued “Alright, alright, I’m coming, get ready, I’ll be right there.” And the line ended.
You knew Harry would be here in about twenty minutes if he hurried – the BBC Studios where about half an hour away from your shared house. After a couple of breaths, you got up and made your way to the closet to get some sweatpants. While changing, the packed “hospital bag” could be seen from your point of view, lying in the corner and suddenly you were happy, that your husband told you to pack it a week before “Just in case”, as he said.
You changed into sweats, and a tank top with a throw-on cardigan on top and were just about to leave the room when you forgot to take your phone from the nightstand. After grabbing it, you made your way downstairs to put some shoes on, so when Harry finally got here, you could just leave. You grabbed a pair of sneakers and took a seat on the stairs to put them on. Everything took a long time for you to do with the immense pain you were in, so shortly after you were completely dressed, the front door opened with a very quick move and a worried and stressed husband entered the hallway with his gaze immediately on your frame
“You ready, love? Where’s the bag?”, he questioned, “Upstairs”, you answered with a quiet voice while your head rested on the wall next to you. Harry quickly ran up the stairs, past you, to grab it and ran downstairs within seconds. Right when he reached the main floor again, he crouched down in front of you “Alrigh’, I’m gonna help you up and we’re gonna make our way to the car, slowly, yeah?”, which made you nod.
Still crouched down with your bag in his left hand, he came to your left side and put his right arm around your waist to support you while you tried to get up, putting your left arm around his shoulders.
The pain got worse by the minute.
You reached the car quite quickly and Harry helped you in, only to put the bag on the back seat, which already had two baby seats in it. He, as well, got in and started the car, always keeping an eye on you
“I knew it was a bad idea to do the interview today”, he muttered under his breath, but you didn’t want to answer.
He moved the car out of the driveway and speeded to the hospital.
--- About Half An Hour Later ---
You were laying in a hospital bed, which was placed inside a very pretty hospital room you got guided into by a lovely older nurse, attached by all kinds of monitors. The hospital gown already got put on you and Harry and you were waiting for the nurse to return, while he was holding your right hand and petting the top of your head, trying to comfort you in the best way possible
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“It’s all gonna be fine. You’re fine, don’t worry”, he whispered in a smooth voice. You groaned and started holding onto his hand harder because of another contraction hitting your body.
Suddenly the door opened, and the older nurse entered the room with your midwife Rebecca, who you already got to know through your gynecologist and you really wanted her to deliver the babies, and a very young one, who looked like she just came from med school
“So, (Y/N), Harry, this is Amy and Sabrina, they’re here to help me and you today, ok? We’re gonna get through this together”, she was just as kind as you remembered her, which made you smile slightly and Harry gave her a warm and welcoming smile.Your midwife started reading off the chart, which she had been holding ever since she entered the room 
“So, we have to look, how much you are dilated and why your water hasn’t broken yet”, she then looked up into your worried face “I know your only eight months in, but the contractions you’re currently having are definitely showing, that you will be delivering in a short amount of time”
You just nodded and grabbed your husband’s hand harder, due to another contraction.
Rebecca got a stool, which was at the end of the bed and rolled it over to be placed in front of you. She threw the sheets off your feet, to have a better view, and started the examination.
The young nurse, Amy, came up next to her, after the older woman made a hand gesture for her to approach her. She handed her the chart and started explaining
“OK, you’re seven, point five centimeters dilated and we will have to break your water because I don’t think it will on its own”, and Amy wrote everything down. She then got up next to you, to look at the heart-rate monitor next to the bed and wrote a lot down from there.
You got very worried and as if Harry could read your mind, he started asking the questions you had
“How much does she have to be dilated and aren’t the babies not ready yet?”, he was clearly just as worried as you were.
The midwife smiled at his question “She will have to be at ten centimeters and don’t worry, we’re keeping an eye on the twins with the monitor. Of course, they should stay in the womb for another month, but it happens every now and then, that they don’t stay for nine full months, but everything’s gonna be fine. They’ll just stay in the hospital for a little bit longer and then they're fine.”
He nodded “Thank you”, “Of course.”
--- Five Hours Later ---
You had been walking around for four hours, after getting your water broken and your contraction started to get to the point, where you physically couldn’t take it anymore. Rebecca was examing you again
“Alright everybody, we’re at ten centimeters. Ready?”, she asked excitedly.
You suddenly got very scared and shook your head “NO!”, your voice was full of fear, but Harry was right next to you and after nodding towards the nurses, to make them prepare everything for the birth, he turned to you again
“Babe, you’re ready, trust me. You’ll be great, a great mum. But before we can hold the little ones, you have to push them out, at first”, that made you both laugh “Those nurses will give their everything and it will all go perfectly fine, OK?”, you nodded very slowly.
The contractions were then coming within only a couple of seconds apart and you started to feel the urge to push but didn’t yet because no one told you to.Rebecca sat down in front you and held your feet, while Sabrina was preparing everything, and Amy was on your left side holding an oxygen mask. Harry had not left your side ever since you entered the hospital room and you were very thankful for that, but at that moment all you wanted to do, was to scratch his eyes out.
“Alright, everything’s ready. (Y/N) when you feel the next contraction coming, push!”, your midwife informed you and only shortly after you started pushing, due to another pain shooting through your body.
“Yes! Push a bit more!”, the older woman in front of you assured you.
After pushing you fell back onto the bed and Amy put the mask on your face, due to you not being able to breathe properly. Harry hated seeing you in so much pain and started kissing your temple while supporting your back because you leaned forward again and started to push again and screamed at the same time, but your husband wanted to tell you, how well you were doing
“You’re doing great gorgeous!”, but you were not having any of it
“UGH YOU WON’T EVER TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN STYLES”, your voice was full of rage and everyone, but you, laughed at your comment -  Harry knew, you didn’t actually mean it.
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“Come on (Y/N) one more push and you will have your first born!”, Rebecca tried to encourage you and it helped and within minutes you were able to hear the screams of your firstborn. Your body landed flat on the bed and you closed your eyes for a second to take everything in, while you could hear the midwife’s voice soothing the baby and Amy’s next to you
“It’s a boy, congrats!”, she cheered, and you turned your head towards Harry, only to see a tear leave his left eye. You reached out and wiped it away with your thumb – he took your hand and kissed the back of it, before leaning over to kiss your temple and whispered: “Thank you.”
Tears started to spill out of your eyes as well, but soon enough the next contraction hit you and you started pushing again.
Rebecca’s voice echoed through the room one last time during the delivery
“(Y/N) you got this, one more time! Push!”
You pushed as much as you possibly could with Harry and Amy soothing you with comforting words and a couple minutes later the second and last born’s crying could be heard, only to be followed by your husband’s cheers
“IT’S A GIRL! OH MY GOSH, A BABY GIRL!”, so many tears left his eyes and you couldn’t hold back anymore and just let them flow. Only a few seconds later Amy and Sabrina came over to the bed with each of the babies in their arms “Who wants whom?”, Sabrina asked and Harry rose his hand
“Can I hold the girl?”, he asked and got handed your baby girl while you got to hold your little boy.
The both of you were still crying and Harry was then kind of laying on the bed as well with his left arm around your body while holding the tiny baby with his right
“Hello, princess. She’s so beautiful, oh gosh, and so tiny”, he whispered very quietly.You were petting the small boy’s cheek with your index finger, making his lips curl u, which led to you spilling more tears – happy tears. Your husband leaned over to your ear and once more
“Thank you, gorgeous. You’re a true hero.”
--- The Following Day ---
Yesterday evening and today morning, a lot of phone calls were made, to your friends and family, and Nick, who got called an hour ago, immediately answered with “I’m on my way”, which made Harry and you laugh. You planned on asking Nick when he arrived and Harry was slowly getting nervous, pacing around the room
“What if he says no! What if he doesn’t want that much responsibility? What if h-“, but you cut him off, still laying in bed a bit exhausted
“He won’t say no. You and I both know that he will be more than just happy to be the godfather of one of them”, you tried to assure your anxious husband, who suddenly came to a stop and looked at you
“But of who? Darcy or Sam?” You named them yesterday, with him picking the girl’s name and you the boy’s.
“I think he should be the godfather of Darcy and Gemma should get Sam. Nick would love to have a goddaughter”, you decided, to which Harry agreed. He was about to say something when the door opened and Nick appeared with two balloons – one purple, one green, and a basket.
“Hey guys”, he tried scream-whispering, which made you laugh
“You can talk normally, they’re sleeping”, you answered him in a normal pitch and he walked in
“Oh OK, that would have been a bit annoying to talk like that the entire time”, his laugh was full of life and happiness.
The babies got brought to the room for two hours, for you to feed and friends and family to see them, only to be taken back to a special room for treatment, due to them being born too early.
Nick placed the basket and balloons on the love chair in the corner, got up to you, kissed your head, and went then to Harry, to hug him. Afterwards, he finally approached the little ones in their bed
“Oh my gosh, aren’t you the cutest things in the world”, he admired them.
Harry quickly glanced at you with raised eyebrows as if asking “Should I ask him now?” and you nodded.“Hey Nick, we…ehm thought about, you know… the kids – basically IF something happened to us, you know… Would you like to be Darcy’s godfather”, your husband stuttered – he was extremely nervous. The radio host’s head turned into your direction, then back to Harry, back to you, back to Harry, with a shocked expression
“What?! Are you serious??”, he sounded excited, and you nodded with a big smile on your face.Nick ran up to Harry and hugged him tightly
“Oh my freaking gosh, of course!”
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Harry hugged him back, showing you a thumbs-up behind the other man’s back and you just smiled looking at them. Then your head turned towards you’re the small bed on the other side of the room to your left and your lips curved, even more, thinking about the journey you were just about to start.
Wow, that was a long one - I really hope you don’t mind.
Huge thank you again to @fangirlxslut for this cute request  - I hope you and everyone else enjoyed it!! :)
Have a good day/night :)
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ocuk-dnd-5e-blog · 7 years
Session 6 - 21/09 - Tricks and Twigs
Dave – DM
Stu – Hendel – Barbarian
Dan – Darvin – Sorcerer
Andrew – Eriden – Druid
Alex D – Fyvel – Fighter
Dave R – Galath – Ranger
Alex H – Chance – Bard
John – Dwon Fai – MonkAfter another nights stay in the Winged Wyvern the group decided to set off for Thundertree as they had time to burn waiting on Father Fay. As they were walking out of town Darvin was playing with his wand (DM Note; not a euphemism) idly waving it in the air and muttering to himself.
“Do you have a command word for it yet?” Eriden asked.
“Well considering the fact he was our healer and we’ll probably never see him again… I was thinking Chance.”
The group laughed and were chatting amiably when out of a side street wandered up Galath, looking rather sheepish with Gauvain in tow a few steps behind them, they were both ignoring the curious looks of citizens at the large bear ambling in their midst but they were not able to ignore the accusing stares of his fellows.
“What are you doing here” Hendel demanded.
“Yes, how did you find us in the middle of Neverwinter?” Darvin asked suspiciously.
“I’m a ranger.” Galath replied, shrugging. “I track things.”
“I bet you followed the blood off my axe!” Hendel declared.
“I assumed it was your own blood.”
Ignoring the two glowering at each other Darvin cut in again. “Where have you been?”
“Roaming the coast… looking for dragons.”
“You were scared.” Hendel replied laughing.
“Not at all, I was just looking for dragons, I didn’t actually find any so I decided to spend a week on the beach. If I’m there I may as well do it properly.”
The group looked somewhat flummoxed by the fact he was completely unrepentant at fleeing the scene in the midst of their last fight so in the end just continued on down the road, Gauvain going to see Hendel for a pat.
As they walked they explained the situation to Galath, the focus somewhat inevitably ending up on Mordred.
“Wasn’t that the guy you tried to eat?” Asked Galath.
“No.” Eriden cut in. “This was the dwarf who was ambushed by a bugbear, who ate him, sadly we were too late to rescue him.”
“A bit strange how if you tried to rescue him why he would start attacking Phandalin.”
“Well you know how these crazy types are.” Darvin replied and there was some feet shuffling and awkward looks.
“So what happened to him.”
“He… escaped.”
“Actually he did, then you showed up…” Hendel said casting an accusing eye at Galath.
“Funnily enough we haven’t seen you both together.” Fyvel added.
“They must be in cahoots!” Eriden declared.
“I should kill you.” Hendel growled.
“You’re welcome to try.” Galath drawled with a smile.
“Probably run too fast if I did.” Hendel snorted.
With the group now reacquainted and as harmonious as ever (DM Note; yeah right) they continued on out of Neverwinter, as they were passing through the gates they were hailed and over walked the Elven mage from the Sword Guild the evening before.
“What do you want, elf?” Hendel demanded.
“I am Carleath Moonath.” The elf replied, she was a striking figure over six foot tall and very slim wearing robes of silver and white and a hood which was currently back on her shoulders revealing a fine featured face topped with blonde, almost white hair.
“Ah a girl.” Hendel replied running a hand through his shoddy mohican trying to slick it back sending who knows what debris tumbling into the road.
“I heard you would be about the city and Lovraic asked me to speak with you briefly.”
“Go ahead.” Fyvel replied, all trying to ignore the preening Hendel.
“What do you know about the Sons of Alagondar?”
“I know a little, I used to know a lot as I lived a lot of my life in Neverwinter, last I heard they are royalists who are not partial to Lord Neverember and instead want a return to the royal bloodline.”
“You are right. There was an…accord of sorts reached between Lord Neverember and the Sons for a long while but recently, for reasons unknown, they have been agitating again and whilst it seems to be minor criminality it could be portending something more serious.”
“I am Darvin Sha, the leader of this group.” Darvin introduced himself stepping forward.
“Him? The leader?” Galath asked incredulously.
“We were desperate, he seems pretty organized.” Eriden shrugged.
Darvin continued either pretending to or not actually hearing the exchange. “What can we do to help with the situation?”
“At the moment, nothing, however Lord Neverember has been in touch with Lovraic and made him aware of the situation, the likelihood of work in the near future now seems more… pressing. We appreciate you have commitments to Sildar and Phandalin but when your business there is finished if you can come back to see us at the Sword Guild we may have need of your services.”
“We will be back.” Fyvel assured her. “And on our return we will make sure to present ourselves to Lovraic and see what services can be rendered.”
“Thank you.” With that the elf walked away without a backward glance. Fyvel turned to Darvin “Apologies if I stepped on your toes there. I know this city, I know its workings, I thought it would be more helpful if I spoke with her.”
“Not a problem.” Darvin replied with an easy smile and with that the group set off from Neverwinter.
 The journey passed relatively uneventfully for the group as they followed the Neverwinter River toward distant Thundertree, a hard days travel would get them there in a day and as such they wasted little time. As they walked Fyvel filled the group in on the history with Mount Hotenow having exploded causing the devastation which even now Neverwinter was still recovering from and which has caused the problems with the Sons of Alagondar, the royal family having died in the conflagration caused from eruption, and their clashes with Lord Neverember.
As evening set the group came within sight of Thundertree and began to set their camp, as they did Hendel was looking around curiously.
“What’s wrong?” Fyvel asked.
“I’m looking for the tree.”
“What tree?”
“The tree with lightning coming off it, causing lots of noise.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well it is called Thundertree.” Hendel replied earnestly, everyone groaned.
The night passed as uneventfully as the day had the only strangeness being the almost unnatural silence and stillness of the countryside surrounding Thundertree. As the group rose in the morning they were unnaturally subdued and headed off into Thundertree this state of affair was, inevitably, not going to last long.
As they reached the outskirts of the town there was a sign, somewhat bedraggled, nailed to a wooden post which warned of the danger of Zombies and Plant Monsters being present in the area and that people should stay away.
As Hendel was staring quizzically at the sign he asked. “Why are we here again?”
“Are you fucking kidding me!” Screamed Darvin, shocking everyone with his outburst. “I make all these notes.” He continued pulling a dog eared notebook from his pocket which he waved in the air around his head although trying to put out flames. “I share them with you…”
“I actually haven’t seen them.” Galath offered but was cut off.
“I share them with you!” Darvin almost shrieked. “And no one bothers to fucking read them, I mean why do I bother? Why!?” No one was forthcoming at the site of the notebook wielding half elf frothing at the mouth. “We are here to find Reidoth!”
“Who…” Hendel asked awkwardly.
“The druid, Reidoth the fucking druid, the one who Quelline Alderleaf sent us to find.”
“Who…” Someone began and Darvin screamed, by this point he was gnawing on the corners of the notebook.
“You know the one with the Halfling son…” Galath remarked but was quickly cut off by an indignant Hendel.
“I didn’t do anything with a Halfling!”
“So you say…”
“Listen!” Darvin shouted, wielding his notebook like a battleaxe and waving it in the groups collective faces. “Quelline Alderleaf said to come here to see Reidoth, because there’s a dragon.”
“Oh the dragon!” Hendel began the light blossoming behind his dull eyes.
“Shut up Hendel!” Darvin shouted. “She sent us to see the druid, about a dragon, and Dendrar about her dead husband.”
“Was he the dead guy…”
“SHUT UP HENDEL!” Darvin threw the notebook at him, it fluttered into a puddle and Darvin looked although he were about to explode. “I don’t know why I bother with my notebook if no one reads it. I don’t know why I bother.” Darvin now looked although he was about to sob by this stage.
“I’ve read it.” Fyvel offered as Hendel and Galath shot him a look suggesting he was the particularly unappealing class swat at this moment in time. “Well I have.”
“Come on let’s just go.” Darvin sniffed picking up his now damp notebook and giving it a shake and storming off up the road into the town. (DM Note; this is actually a characterized version of Dan’s (Darvin) out of character rant about his notes being ignored which was hilarious)
Darvin stormed off up the road with the group somewhat sheepishly following along behind, Thundertree itself was a ruin, most buildings were tumbled messes of overgrown weeds and young trees the odd structure which was whole and hale few and far between. Above it all sat a large tower which dominated the village as it watched over the collection of houses.
Eriden picked the first building on his right and wandered in for a look, as he disappeared from view there was a shouted course and a moment later Eriden came stumbling from the building swarmed by, what looked like, a few foot high small plants which were biting and clawing at him.
“Help!” He shouted, the group reacted charging forward apart from Hendel, who laughed.
The Twig Blights were dispatched with few problems, the last of them tried to flee into another ruined building close by and in a rare display of decency Hendel followed it in.
“We didn’t mean to attack you, we only wanted to talk.”
The Blight stopped and was swaying back and forth cautiously watching Hendel, after a few moments it let out an ear piercing scream and from the sides of the building came over half a dozen more of the creatures who dived atop Hendel bearing him to the floor in a bundle of dwarven curses and screeching plants.
Once again the creatures were dealt with efficiently apart from in Hendel’s case who stood up and stumbled to lean against the wall. “Little bastards.” He said. “Last time I try to help anyone.”
“Hendel.” Darvin shouted from outside. “Over the road, that looks like an inn, that should help you recover. How about you go in first?”
“No problem.” Hendel stumbled over the road, knocking open the door he was confronted by the sight of four zombies who shambled toward him making grabs for him.
Hendel sighed and threw his handaxe across the room thumping it into the zombie sending it slamming into the wall. (DM Note; this is one of only a few actual hits from Hendel throwing his axe that we have ever seen)
Fyvel went to work launching a couple of bolts into the inn which thumped into the nearest zombie sending it sprawling to the floor and Darvin muttered some magical phrases and suddenly part of the floor around one of the zombies burst into flame as a bonfire.
Eriden dived into combat, receiving a whack from a zombie for his troubles as Gavin lumbered round the outside of the inn smashing the back door down and roaring at the site of the zombies. Darvin had followed him round and was peering past the bear to see what was going on.
“What can you see?” Fyvel shouted.
“Probably just see in the bears back door by the looks of things.” Shouted Eriden in return.
Fyvel stepped into the breach and fired his crossbows flooring the last of the zombies, as he did so Darvin walked through the flaming back door and as he stepped through the flames clicked his fingers and the flames flickered out around his feet. He surveyed the scene of devastation. “Good work lads, Hendel, we’ll keep you on door opening duty.”
  The group set off through the ruined village, constantly alert for the sight of angry twigs, especially Hendel whose axe never left his hand. The rest of the village was as unappealing as the first two buildings they had seen however as they forged southward they came across a building on their right which seemed a lot sturdier than the others in the village with an iron banded door barring entry.
“Want me to cut in down?” Hendel asked readying his axe and starting forward.
“We could just knock.” Fyvel suggested.
Hendel puffed out his cheeks but waited as Darvin knocked on the door. “Hello?” He shouted.
“Hello.” A voice responded, it sounded like an older voice but was still firm.
“Is there anyone in there?”
“Of course there fucking is or we wouldn’t be speaking.” Darvin considered this.
“Can I smash the door down now?” Hendel asked again.
“Who are you?” The voice from inside demanded.
“We are a group of adventurers…”
“Which group?”
“Why does everyone want to know our name?” Eriden whispered.
“Our name is to be determined.”
“Strange name.”
“No it’s… we are a group of adventurers, we were sent here by Quelline Alderleaf who suggested you may be able to help us with some answers to rumors of a dragon in the area?”
“Can we come in.”
The door creaked open and the group walked in, Hendel grumbling about not being able to smash the door down, and inside was an elderly human male who introduced himself as Reidoth the druid.
“So you’re looking for a dragon?” He asked.
“I’m going to kill it with my axe.” Hendel declared proudly.
“Sorry about him.” Eriden apologized, slipping into the language of druidic. “He hit his head as a child, we look after him.”
Reidoth nodded understandingly and turned to Hendel, speak very loudly and deliberately. “Yes. There. Is. A. Dragon. Here.”
Hendel glared at him and turned to Galath. “Is he taking the piss?”
Eriden and Reidoth went back to talking druidic and discussed the situation currently troubling Thundertree and Reidoth’s role in it all.
“I’m here just to keep people away. The Enclave isn’t as… pro-active as I would like.”
“I know the feeling.” Eriden agreed.
“I can’t clear away a dragon by myself, or a village full of zombies and spiders and now some stupid bloody arses dressed all in black who seem to spend every day hanging round the old tower where the dragon is holed up waving gold about. I can’t deal with it all myself so for now I will just keep others out of trouble and do what little I can.”
Eriden explained this all back to Darvin who commented. “It would be polite if he spoke common.”
“He’s a little eccentric and he doesn’t trust Hendel.”
“Fair enough.” Darvin responded shooting Hendel a look who was doing test swings with his axe through the air in the small building. “So what do we do?”
“The Dendrar building is on the other side of town.”
“These black cloaked folk sound interesting.” Added Fyvel.
“I want to kill the dragon.” Hendel added.
“We can’t take a dragon.” Fyvel cut in. “It’s a bloody big dragon.”
“We can just clear the town of trouble and sneak off.” Galath suggested.
“Ok.” Darvin cut in across everyone. “We get what we came for and we bugger off, we cannot deal with a dragon.” He continued before Hendel could cut in. “We stealth through the village, get what we came for and get out.”
“Yeah, we can ‘stealth’” Hendel agreed.
“You’re going to ‘fall over’ at the wrong time aren’t you Hendel.” Darvin asked exasperated.
“I wouldn’t do such a thing.”
“Can we not just put a leash on him?” Eriden asked.
Darvin turned back to Reidoth. “Thank you for the information, we will see what we can find in the village and deal with an threats we come across.”
Reidoth accepted this with a nod as the group set off once again.
  Outside a little up the road was another ruined building and Darvin tried to stealthily sneak inside, he went over on a tree root and tumbled to the middle of the floor with a thump (DM Note; another session, another critical stealth fail) he sat up rubbing his skull but before he could say anything another horde of the little Twig Blights came sprinting out of the darkened corners and attacked him in a swirling melee of cutting branches,
The group piled in and quickly dealt with the offending Twig Blights pulling the cut up Darvin back to his feet. “Smooth.” Hendel muttered smarmily.
As the group went back outside, Darvin’s ego bruised more than his body, further down the road was a web which stretched across the street between the tree and the buildings blocking the way.
“I’ll go around.” Galath said and disappeared around the corner of the building to sneak around.
Taking a less stealthy route Hendel picked up a stone and threw it off the web. Almost immediately on impact two huge spiders came clambering out of the ruined building and skittered toward the group, a third came out through the roof and raced toward the previously stealthy Galath.
The group responded with alacrity with Fyvel firing in bolts, Darvin sent magical missiles lancing toward the creatures as Eriden and Hendel charged into combat.
Fyvel efficiently dispatched one of the creatures on the street as Galath was webbed still and the creature dived upon him, ripping a chunk from him with its poisonous fangs. Galath reeled backward in pain. He pointed his rapier at the creature. “You’re going to die for this.” He declared and dived into combat with Gavin alongside him.
Hendel slammed his axe into the skull of the spider on the northern side of the building whilst after a flickering exchange of blows Galath cut down the spider which had bitten him. “Revenge!” He shouted and as he walked away he turned to Gauvain. “Eat him.” He commanded.
  After skirting the web the group came across the Dendrar shop and quickly found the necklace they had been offered as a reward, if they could claim it, Eriden picked it up and whistled, it looked expensive.
“We could give it Darvin.” Galath said. “With him wearing his dress he will be so pretty.”
“Fuck off!” Darvin snapped. “I’m still wearing pants as  I always have been.”
Checking inside what looked like a smithy the group came across two more zombies which were quickly dispatched but not before Darvin had set off another bonfire inside to set fire to one of the zombies. Darvin gestured to put the flames out, Eriden, feeling mischievous used druid craft to reignite it before setting off after the rest of the group.
Further beyond this was another building which was in the same state at the building that Reidoth had been hiding out in and the group eyed it curiously from a distance.
“So what are we doing?” Darvin asked.
“It could be those black cloaked figures that Reidoth mentioned.” Eriden added.
“Well let’s not send Hendel in, he stinks and will cause no end of trouble.” Fyvel put in.
As the group sniggered Hendel hefted his axe and walked up to the door, two handed he smashed it into the door sending chunks of wood and splinters spinning through the air in an explosion of noise. He stuck his head through the door to see a room full of a half dozen bemused and part scared looking cultists in black, dragon shaped masks and black robes.
“Here’s Hendel!” He boomed as his leering head poked through the axe ripped hole in the door with a crazy grin on his face.
The rest of the group grabbed Hendel by the shoulders and dragged him out of the door holding him back as he struggled.
“Who are you?!” A voice inside demanded the voice seeming unsure whether to confident or concerned.
Thinking on his feet Darvin declared. “We are friends of the dragon.”
“We’re what!?” Hendel exploded and was cut off with a gasp as Fyvel stamped on his foot.
“Are you friends of the dragon?”
“Of course we are.” Darvin assured them in honeyed tones. “Ignore the dwarf, he’s a little simple.”
“Most dwarfs are.” The figure could be heard to add and Hendel’s eyes boggled as he was dragged backward by Fyvel.
“We come to treat with the dragon, we have gifts for him.”
“We have what!” Hendel demanded but Fyvel managed to get a hand over his mouth to muffle him somewhat. “What the fuck is he talking about!?”
“We have diamonds and gold.” The voice from inside shouted. “Perhaps we could combine our gifts and lure the dragon forth to treat with him.”
“Treat with him!” Hendel shouted.
“Quiet with your noise!” Fyvel hissed.
“Treat with him!” Hendel hissed back. “I’ll treat him to my axe to his back!”
Darvin turned around and shouted. “Will you shut up Hendel!”
“What was that?” The figure inside asked.
“Nothing, just shutting up the fool dwarf.”
Hendel subsided somewhat muttering to himself at the ways in which he would kill the dragon, ticking them off on his fingers.
“A sacrifice would be good, that would be sure to attract the dragon.” The figure inside suggested.
“What were you thinking?” Darvin asked.
“Well that dwarf, he would make a fat sacrifice for the dragon.”
“What!” Hendel exploded once again and him and Galath set to arguing with one another whilst Fyvel helped hold him back. “Now I’m a fat sacrifice! Let’s just go in there, kill them all and take their diamonds then kill the dragon.”
“We are friends of all dragons!” Darvin continued raising the volume to drown out the incredulous Hendel. “That sounds like a good plan.”
“I’m not being sacrificed!” Hendel hissed.
“Hendel you idiot.” Eriden cut in. “We pretend to sacrifice you, they come outside, we trick them, kill them and take their diamonds.”
“Let’s just kill them now.” Hendel said, exasperated, and hefted his axe causing the other to panic and hold him back once again.
“Give me a moment.” Darvin said to the cultists. “I will make this happen.” Darvin made gestures and muttered some magic phrases, under his breath he hissed. “Hendel just pretend to be asleep for the Gods sake!”
“I don’t like this, I’m not being sacrificed to anyone.”
“We are not really going to sacrifice you.” Darvin hissed back sounding exasperated.
“Come on.” Fyvel pleaded.
“Fine.” Hendel acceded, glaring balefully at them all. “But bring my fucking axe.” With that Hendel took a theatrical swoon and hit the floor with a thump.
“What was that?” The voice came from inside.
“We are just binding his hands, he sleeps.” Darvin shouted.
“My hands!?” Hendel demanded. “I didn’t sign up for this, fuck off!”
He began to rise but Fyvel put a hand on his chest. “It will be a fake not, don’t worry.” Fyvel assured him.
“If anything goes wrong, it’s your fault!” Hendel hissed. “You and that stupid bloody half elf.”
Hendel let his hands be bound and Darvin shouted at the cultists to come forth. Seven of them emerged looking somewhat cautious and one, clearly the leader, came over to Hendel and looked at his ‘sleeping’ form which he gave a kick. Hendel managed to not sit up and rip his leg off.
“Come.” The figure declared. “Show me your treasures.” Darvin acquiesced and showed him some of the gem stones they had in a pouch, the cultist nodded happily. “Come along” He declared and the group set off for the tower before the trap could be sprung.
“Shit.” Darvin whispered to Fyvel. “I meant to ambush them outside, not go to the dragons tower!”
“What’s happening?” Hendel hissed.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“Why are we moving, I thought we were killing them not sacrificing me!”
Darvin turned to Eriden. “Can you sort them out?”
Eriden responded quickly and muttering some magic phrases and an ice knife shot through the air, exploding in the midst of the cultists ice sprayed everywhere but somehow the cultists all emerged unscathed from the explosion of ice.
“We are betrayed!” The cult leader yelled and his fellows drew their swords. Before they could react Darvin muttered some magical phrases and two of the group of cultists looked confused before turning on their leader and diving on him, bearing him to the floor.
“No you fools!” He shrieked. “Kill them!”
“I’ve got this.” Fyvel declared and calmly drew his crossbows and aimed at two cultists, pulling the trigger there were two hollow clicks. Fyvel looked down to see both crossbows unloaded in his hands. “Oh fuck.” He muttered (DM Note; it is not one of our sessions without a critical failure in attack)
Hendel wriggled out of his bonds and ran forward, hefting his hand axe he launched it across the clearing at one of the cultists. “Sacrifice me will you!?” He screamed but so enraged he was the axe went off course and instead clipped Eriden sending him sprawling.
Galath drew bead and slew one of the cult members as Eriden bashed in the skull of another and Darvin a third. Galath stepped up and put an arrow in the head of the pinned leader and suddenly the remaining cultists fell to their knees begging for mercy.
After their attempted swaying of the dragon was revealed to be nothing to do with the goings on at Phandalin the group, in a strange slant toward mercy, let the two remaining cultists flee the scene.
“I really thought you were going to sacrifice me there.” Hendel said mopping his brow.
“We wouldn’t do that…” Darvin replied unconvincingly.
  The group, still cautious of alerting the dragon, set off stealthily for the town square, in the middle say a wooden statue of a figure holding a spear.
“It’s Dwon!” Hendel shouted laughing and after a point from Darvin walked up to the nearest door and slammed his axe into it with a crunch sending it to the floor revealing a gang of zombies.
”I’ve found…” Hendel began but before he could finish there was a deafening crash and spinning round the group saw a shower of sparks and a billow of smoke hurtling off up into the air.
“I thought I had put that fire out.” Darvin mused.
“I may have re-lit it.” Eriden said not looking anyone in the eye.
A moment later there was a deafening roar, the group turned round and above them, rearing on the lip of the tower was a huge Green Dragon.
“The dragon!” Hendel shouted joyfully.
  (DM Note; a good session with a nice mixture of role play and combat. There were a couple of genuinely hilarious moments with Darvin having his notebook meltdown and Hendel genuinely incredulous that they were speaking to the cultists and not cutting their heads off. Half the group (myself included) were on the verge of tears of laughter with how it all played out. A great session!)
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hazohazahazbro · 7 years
It's Not Personal Pt. I // 11:48 PM
Pairing: Reader x Bucky
Featuring: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Warnings: Swearing, fighting
Prompt: Bucky and Steve are assigned to track down and attack an alleged threat. But what happens when that alleged threat is you, and your intentions are more mysterious than they thought?
P.S ~ this will be separated into multiple *parts*. if you’re liking this and what to make sure you don’t miss the next parts that follow, then turn on post notifications or send me a DM.
Following Parts:
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
The field was dark, only the grass was lit by the moon and stars. Two figures slipped into the shadows to not be seen by any one lurking by. They stayed low, their breathing shallow and their voices hushed. It was a secret mission. No one from the outside knew about the threat that imposed on SHIELD. It was their mission to take down the threat and rid it from any possible means of danger.
Crouched high, just high enough to not be seen on eye level, was you. Sitting, waiting, scanning your area awaiting the two intruders who were looking for you. It was obvious that they’d be on the hunt. Ever since you made an appearance after New York. It wasn’t your fault, exactly. The Mind Stone just happened to fall into your lap. By accident, really. It wasn’t really clear how it happened. After you fled New York, staying low and issuing false identities, you managed to stay out of SHIELD’s line of sight.
That only worked for awhile, though. Now, as you were crouched in a tree, with who knows what kind of bugs flying around you, you awaited your attackers.
Two shadows flowed through the tall grass as you watched the field below. You knew instantly who it was just by the bold, round shield reflecting the moons light and the metal arm that gave away their hiding spot. A sly smirk followed your speculation as it proved to be right. The two super soldiers easily gave away themselves as they stepped out of the tall grass.
Now, now boys. You thought, this fight wouldn’t be very fair. Two against one? How would anyone see that fair? You readied yourself for the impact of jumping out of the tree, but stopped as the shadows came to a stand still.
Have they spotted you? Your heart beat came to accelerate when you noticed that they were discussing something. Tactics, most likely. You braced yourself and took the leap, landing easily in front of them.
Rogers was the first to stance, his shield coming up at eye level, ready to reflect any possible weapons thrown his way. Though, your attention was drawn to Bucky, his metal arm came around pulling a blade out with it. A knife? You smirked. This will be fun.
The three said nothing as the two super soldiers took stance. The girl, dressed suitably in a blackout outfit, her hair tied neatly to the top of her head. She darted left, aiming for Bucky’s legs as Rogers brought his shield down to her shoulders. He knocked the wind out of her faster than she could count, but recovered quickly before giving a blow to Bucky’s jaw.
He barely flinched as he grabbed hold of her neck, his metal arm at a death grip. She choked out as he threw her to the ground. She managed to slip out of his grasp and get to her feet, bringing both her hands up, she drew out her own weapon of choice. The long, silver blade glinted in the reflection of the moonlight. The super soldiers began to encircle her before she took a lunge at Rogers. He easily escaped her path and brought her down with a hit from his shield. The blade that was in her grasp had been flung to the ground, an easy six feet away. But she recovered faster than the last time and retaliated with a back kick, square into his head.
Rogers stumbled back uneasily, as Bucky came running at full speed. She jumped, reached for the lowest branch of the tree that she had earlier been perched upon, and avoided any contact with him. Bucky had guessed her move though and came back around grabbing hold of her upper thigh. His grip was to tight for her to hold the branch for much longer. Taking the advantage of having his face level with her knee, she brought her other free leg up to his head. Giving it a hard kick, he let her other leg go.
Dropping to the ground, the girl swirled around to face Rogers. He had already been charging at her and knocked her off her feet. His fist coming to contact with her mouth. She felt her mouth open in a silent cry of pain. Her breath escaped her as the hit flew her half way across the field. Landing in a harsh thud, the girl struggled back to her feet. The super soldiers had already got into pursuit. Once again, they encircled her.
“You may as well give up.” Rogers spoke. Spitting out a mouthful of saliva and blood. You smirked with satisfaction at the cut you gave him on his lip.
“Why, afraid I might beat you?” The teasing tone in your voice was laced with venom.
“Of course not,” Rogers threw you a more malicious smirk than you thought he had. “We’re just afraid we might hurt you too bad.”
“Oh c'mon, Cap. Live a little.” The smirk that was once on your face vanished as Rogers came to give you another blow.
Ducking sideways, he missed you by inches. But without realising what way you decided to turn, landed you directly in Bucky’s line of sight. He was more taunting looking than Rogers, you knew. Bucky was the Winter Soldier. He was the one everyone came to fear at some point. You couldn’t let him see your fear. The bravery that lined your face was the only thing you had going. If that faulted, the two would know that you were not actually equipped to fight double.
The force of an arm came tightly around your neck, getting caught up in your thoughts made you put down your guard. Rogers brought you down with a quick tug. Your body felt weak as it completely sucked your breath away. The back lash made you fall to the ground in a heaping wither. Your heart nearly exploding trying to catch itself.
“Give up.” Rogers spoke, his shield coming down to line with your throat. Blood had started to pool in the corners of your mouth.
“No.” You croaked out, swinging your legs around, catching Roger’s hips. Your legs tightened securely around him, and using as much upper body strength you could, you twisted around, forcing Rogers to come down atop you.
You had been expecting that, which readied you to attack. As he came down, you twisted back around, grabbing hold of his shield. The shield slipped from his grasp and you threw it across the area where the fighting ensued. Rogers landed with a thud beside you, your legs caught up in his. A tug on your arm pulled you from underneath him but once you realised who pulled you out, you wish you had stayed under.
Bucky had grabbed hold of you and started to pull his arm back, ready to throw the punch that you knew would end the fight. Closing your eyes, it was the only thing you could do to prepare your face for the impact.
“Wait!” It was Rogers, who had dragged himself back to his feet. The blood had dried firmly to his chin now, his face looked interested than it did more than hurt.
Bucky stopped instantly, turning his head, he watched as Rogers walked over to the two of you. You were completely confused as to why he stopped. Maybe he really was afraid of beating up a girl.
“We just want the Mind Stone.” Rogers said, as he came to stand beside Bucky. Who, by-the-way, still had you in a death grip.
“Well, you see,” you started. “That comes at a price.” You regretted your words as soon as you said them. Bucky snorted before bringing his fist back up. Oh gulp, you thought.
“Buck, stop.” He said, watching you. Now what?
“Look, Cap.” You smiled menacingly, “finders keepers.”
“Give us back what is rightfully ours, (F/N).” Rogers said. Your head tilted in fascination with the discovery that they had known your real name.
“Rightfully yours,” you scoffed. “Okay, for sure. But I want something in return.” You said, watching the two as they exchanged unpleasant looks. The grip on you never faltering.
“We don’t do negotiations.” Bucky spoke up for the first time all night. Your eyebrows raised in surprise at the gruffness of his voice.
“But for me? A helpless little child?” Your voiced dropped to a whine as you faked a cry. The super soldiers couldn’t have looked more far away from pity. “Okay, jeez. Put me down, will you?” Your attention focused on Bucky. His death grip slackened only slightly.
“Put her down, Buck.” It was Rogers who gave the order and Bucky released you. You dropped to your feet, finally being completely in control of what movements your body made.
“Look, boys. I’m not here to make your life a living hell, even thought that would be fun.” Your voice was teasing but your eyes were not. “But I’m not leaving here until I get what I want.”
“We don’t negotiate.” Bucky repeated. His lips formed in a tight line. You watched him cautiously, as if he might transform into the Hulk or something.
“Okay. But what if you did?” Crossing your arms over your chest, you have the impression that you weren’t going to give this up. Rogers sighed over dramatically and drew a hand to the bridge of his nose. You knew he did that when he was frustrated. Just like how you knew the Mind Stone wasn’t rightfully theirs.
“You really aren’t going to give up?” Rogers asked, his eyes scanning yours for any possible signs of forfeit.
“Not in the slightest, Cap.” You winked, knowing you were about to get your way. Rogers exchanged an exhausted look with Bucky before pulling out something that looked like a radio. He gave you one last glance before storming off to go play with his gadget. It was to ask big-boss-man something you knew would help you out.
This left you alone, deserted in a field with the Winter Soldier. You turned to Bucky, and threw him a mischievous smile. He glared in return.
“Don’t look so glum, Buck.” He watched you as you strolled over to pick up the blade you dropped previously in the fight. Slipping it back into its holster on your leg, Bucky never let you out of his sight.
Rogers came back over to the two of you, slipping his radio-gadget into its case. He nodded at Bucky and stepped toward you. Quickly, faster than you could register, Rogers had slipped cuffs onto your wrists, latching you securely in wired hand cuffs. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. Staring between the two of them you raised your, no cuffed, arms at them.
“Are you joking?” You asked. Realizing that they may have actually thought of you as a bigger threat than you’d imagined. Bucky slipped a smile, for the first time, your way.
“Precautions,” Rogers said, shrugging as if it were not big deal. You were in handcuffs, walking through a dark field with two super soldiers. Really.
No big deal.
A helicopter sounded over your head as it flew into view. The lights shone directly upon the three of you, the engine never shut off as it hovered above the tall grass. Rogers shoved you ahead and onto the helicopter as Bucky followed. Siting inside, Rogers got in beside you and Bucky got in across from you. His eyes slit into a death glare as the helicopter took off.
This’ll be a fun ride, you thought.
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