#“aslaug is evil”
“the women in my fandom are overhated” have you ever spoken to a hetero man that’s a vikings fan?
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vikingsbifrost · 1 year
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skadi-hunt · 11 months
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monsterhighlovurr · 7 days
Tired of people writing Anja out to be an innocent bystander. Women can be abusers. Not all women have a maternal instinct, some have the opposite as a matter of fact. It is extremely likely that she was also abused due to the inherent mysognistic and predatory nature of these cults and the dominating role Tokis father seems to take in the flashbacks, but people always write Aslaug out to be this evil monster and Anja out to be this innocent babygirl who did nothing wrong. Last time I checked we was just as involved in Tokis “punishments” as Aslaug, or at the very best, didnt care enough about Toki to at least *try* to intervene. Even in adulthood she still joins in on terrorizing Toki, in a more covert psychological way, but still crossing his boundraries and purposefully stressing him out. Women can be abusers.
Abused people can abuse others. You can be a victim of your husband and abuse your child. The world isnt black and white, people aren’t black and white, they were both perpatrators in the violence against Toki as a child. We have absolutely no signs of her in the canon of trying to protect or guide Toki in any way, as a matter of fact, she seems to participate equally as much as Aslaug, if not slightly in the background, yet people always right her as some innocent hero and Aslaug as this all poweful monster, which leads me to believe that this isnt a good faith interpration of her, its a purposeful miscontruction of her character from the mysgonistic belief that mothers are inherent maternal caretakers who are incable of violence and that fathers are inherent monsters who are all powerful and can only be violent. It takes two to abuse a child, at best through covert neglect and a lack of intervention, at worst through overt direct abuse, and from what we see from Anja and Tokis childhood through the show its safe to assume it was both. This espcially upsets me because I see this done by fandoms all the time with abusive mothers in shows, the mother was always “just trying her best ” the father is always the sole perpatrator, even if the canon directly goes against it and we see the mothers directly abuse or neglect the child on screen. Im sick and tired of it. Women can be anything! Including child abusers. Being loving and nurturing arent inherent characteristics to womanhood, not every one is meant to be a mother. Please stop.
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ivarlover · 5 months
Part 5 (sequel #3 to UNLEASHED and UNDENIABLE)
Alex + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
If you're new here and want to catch up, just go to my pinned master list. The first chapter is UNLEASHED, then UNDENIABLE, and now, UNEXPECTED...
This was supposed to be just a one-shot, but here we are. At this point, I have no idea how many chapters this will end up consiating of. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!🔥
Summary: During a hot weekend with your classmate, Alex, and his best friend, Ivar, the two of them had their own fun together. And now, it had turned into an entire relationship between the two of them that neither of them had seen coming. Now, that reality had set in, they navigate the relationship and all that comes along with it, the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Now that they were just getting into the swing of things and finding their groove, Ivar's ex fiance comes back into the picture, and it seems she is sure to shake things up.
Warnings, The sequel in general:
Totally NSFW, unprotected anal sex (male receiving), oral, male to male contact and more, a bad case of the feels, language, smut, with me, there is ALWAYS smut. 🤣 Each chapter will have its own warnings.
This chapter: Language, smut, of course, oral, major case of the feels, *inaccurate medical descriptions, diagnosis, and practices,* Ivar being Ivar
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: I don't know; too MANY to count
Let me know if you want on or off the tag list!
Note from me: My apologies for how long this has taken, but hopefully, the length (& content 🤞🏼) of this chapter will make up for it.
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The night hadn't been nearly long enough, but it had been some of the best sleep for Ivar. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd slept quite that peacefully. He'd also expected Ivy to wake up during the night, maybe even crying, but she hadn't. He was surprised but very pleased.
He woke up to Ivy babbling on his chest. Great, she was a morning person just like Alex. He grinned to himself, smiling from ear to ear.
At first, he was disoriented and not sure where he was or what, exactly, was going on, but as he quickly gathered his thoughts, his heart began to pound. He'd been so overwhelmed with emotions, excitement and happiness, he hadn't had the chance to think about everything. Not really. He knew this was going to mean a lot of changes, but he hadn't stopped to really think about being a father and what all that entailed. What if he didn't do it right? What if he sucked at being a father? What if Ivy didn't like him and only wanted to be with her mom? How did he even go about being a father to such a little, perfect gem in the first place? He had a lot he needed to learn and fast. That's when it hit him. What about Katia and her evil plans to further manipulate him? How could he raise a little girl with someone he didn't trust?
Interrupting his thoughts, Alex raised up and kissed him, "Good morning."
Ivy looked at him and giggled, "Hey!" Ivar and Alex looked at eachother, shocked.
"How many words do you know, little one? Humm?" Ivar asked her, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She turned her head and kissed his hand. "Well, aren't you just a little sweetheart?"
"Just like her daddy," Alex smiled, getting up. "Can you drop me off at school after I shower?"
"Absolutely," Ivar smiled to himself at Alex calling him her daddy. He'd been called daddy before, but never in this context. He laughed to himself as Alex headed out and to the shower.
Ivar left Ivy with Aslaug while he went to drop Alex off at school. He hugged Ivy and she smiled at him, melting his heart. "What am I going to do with you, humm?" He grabbed her foot, tickling it, and she giggled at him. He held her tiny foot up and kissed the bottom of it, as she wiggled her toes, "I'll be back shortly, ok? You be good while daddy is gone, ey?" He smiled at the new name he now had, kissed her on top of the head, and handed her over to Aslaug, stopping to hug Aslaug on the way out.
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As Alex got out of the car, he kissed Ivar goodbye, "I'll catch a ride back with Y/N after class. I'll see you at your place," he hesitated for a moment and then added, "Daddy."
Ivar grinned and said, "Well, it has a whole new meaning when you say it like that, now doesn't it?" He winked at him as Alex closed the car door.
On his way back home, Ivar decided to make a pit stop.
Standing in the doorway of the hospital room, Ivar leaned against it and watched Katia. She'd apparently had a rough night and had to be given stronger medicine to help her sleep. He looked on as her chest slowly rose and fell again as so many thoughts and memories flooded his mind.
He saw flashes of his empty closet the way she had left it the day she left him. He saw the cottage, that he actually still owned, but had never been back to since their weekend getaway, and the waterfall that she'd loved so much. He saw flashes of Hvitserk's snarls in her presence and how he'd never fully trusted her from day one. He thought of himself desperately believing every lie she'd ever told him, even when he'd doubted her, because he'd just wanted it all to be true so badly. He saw the aftermath she'd left behind, all the heartache, the nightmares, the tears, and the empty promises. Everything kept playing over and over in his head. The worst of it all was that he now saw how she'd came back and manipulated him again, using Ivy, her own daughter, against him. She had actually planned to use Ivy to get more money out of him just to only run away with her in the end. How did he know she wouldn't still run away with Ivy now? He slowly grew even more angry than he'd been when he'd made this small detour to begin with.
Looking around behind him at the busy doctors and nurses, he stepped into the room and softly closed the door behind him. Slowly, he moved closer to the side of the bed. Looking down at her helpless, weak body, all he could think about was how easy it would be to end this right now, how easy and nobody would ever even know. He could easily put the extra pillow that was laying in the chair beside him over her face and hold it until she could no longer breathe. He could stop or speed up the IV and watch her as she took her last breath. Things would just be so much easier without her in the picture. She had caused such pain. He had never met a more scheming person than she was.
Fortunately, for Katia, he was already absolutely in love with Ivy and knew there was no way he could ever do anything even remotely close to any of these horrible thoughts, without hurting Ivy as well and he wasn't willing to do anything that would hurt her. In fact, he felt a little guilty for even letting these things cross his mind. A little.
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At that very moment, Katia opened her eyes, startling Ivar. Ivar was standing over her, watching her like a wolf watches its prey. He had a menacing smirk across his face that he had a hard time disguising so he decided not to even try. "Iv-Ivar?" she rubbed her eyes, thinking maybe it was another bad dream, "What are you doing here?" Her heart began to race as he never looked away from her with his piercing eyes. "Umm, do you, umm, do you have Ivy?"
"No. I came to see you myself."
"Umm, oh, ok. You seem tense. Is everything OK? Is she.."
Stepping even closer, Ivar interrupted her, "I thought we should get some things straight here. There needs to be some very clear boundaries and understandings between the two of us if we're going to somehow make this all work," he said coldly.
Katia smiled. She hadn't expected him to be willing to take her back that easily but she assumed that it was because of Ivy. Her heart fluttered at the thoughts of them finally together as a family. "Oh, Ivar. I'm so glad you've decided to give us a second chance," she reached to place her hands over his on the edge of the bed. "I'll follow whatever boundaries you want if that's what it takes for us to try again." She smiled warmly at him.
Jerking his hands away from hers, he took a step backwards. Flatly, he answered her, "No, you've misunderstood me. That's not what I meant. I am not trying to get back together with you again. As I told you before, I'm with someone now and I'm quite happy with him. I'm talking about us co-parenting. I definitely want to be in Ivy's life but I've had enough of your fuckery." He did not look away from her.
"Him? What do you mean, 'happy with him?' You meant her, right?"
Feeling aggravated, Ivar answered, "No, you heard right. I'm with Alex now, not that it's any of your business. You've missed the point. The important thing here is how we co-parent Ivy. Now that I know she's my daughter for sure, I need you to understand that I will not put up your manipulation tactics. I know what you tried to pull with Herald and, Katia, that was low, even for you."
She seemed surprised. "Ivar, Herald was determined to convince you that Ivy is his and everything else was his idea, not mine, I promise you. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that I still loved you, but I do, Ivar. I am still in love with you," she reached for him to give her his hand, but Ivar remained where he stood with his hands crossed over his chest. "Surely, things can't be that serious with you and Alex. I'm so surprised. I mean, you're not a faggot, Ivar. You sure didn't fuck me like you're a faggot. I'm sorry I hurt you so badly that you've resorted to being with men," she raised up in the bed and held her hands out to him again, her eyes pleading, "But let's give it one more try so you can remember what it's like being a real man and being with a woman, being with me."
Ivar saw red. He had a sting of emotions coursing through his body and anger was definitely an understatement to describe the strongest one. He flew at her, finger pointing in her face, "Let's get one thing straight, I am not a fucking faggot and neither is Alex. I do not have to prove I am a 'real man' to you or to anybody else," he snarled, teeth showing. Practically growling, he continued, "My personal life decisions no longer concern you. As long as Ivy is safe and taken care of, that's all that concerns you. I don't care how much you say you 'love' me," he held his fingers up, making quotation marks in the air, "The only reason I need to talk to you at all is because we have a child together. I don't want to discuss anything unless it's about Ivy, not anything about us, not our past, not our non-existent future, no remember whens, just Ivy only. Your games are over. Our past is over. It's Ivy and only Ivy from here on out. There's absolutely nothing else for us except co-parenting our baby girl. We can do this the civil way or we can do it the legal way and I can take you to court and get sole custody of her. And you know I can. Do you understand that? Is it clear enough for you? Those are the boundaries I was talking about. Can we agree on this or do I need my lawyers to draw up paperwork for you, humm?" Ivar snarled at her once more as he took a step back again.
Katia was stunned. She had never seen Ivar like this with her before. Her sweet words usually worked with him. She could tell he had changed and as she looked at him, she realized she'd have to try this another way. "Ivar, I'm so sorry. I-I'm embarrassed of all that I've done to you. And I meant no disrespect to you and Alex. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and that we can move forward from here, for Ivy's sake. I can abide by your rules. I don't want to involve the court. We can do this like two adults. That is, of course, as long as you can accept my apologies. I won't make any more excuses. I just hope you can forgive me."
Ivar knew, instantly, that this was another one of her angles to try to manipulate him, but as he thought about it, he just wanted to get back to his little girl. "Ok, Katia. This is definitely the last chance. Once you're out of here, and the doctor told me it should, hopefully, be in the next day or two, I'd really like it if I can spend a little time with you and Ivy together. I'd like to get to know what she's like on a typical day, when things aren't all so new and happening so fast for her, hell, for all of us. I'd like to see her in her own surroundings."
Thinking she'd won this round, Katia smiled, warmly, "I'd like that a lot, Ivar. You are welcomed anytime."
Just as he began to respond, the doctor came in. He let Katia know she was extremely lucky that Ivar had been with her when she fell. Had he not been there and gotten her to the hospital so quickly, she may have had major complications.
Katia interrupted him and asked if Ivar could bring Ivy to visit her, giving him a look to not continue with whatever he was talking about. He told them it was ok as long as Ivy didn't stay long and wasn't disruptive to other patients. Leaving the room, he said she should be able to go home the next day if all of her tests came back ok.
"Katia, what are you hiding? It seems the doctor wants to discuss some other condition, but you do not. Are you ok?" Ivar asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine, Ivar," she lied, "I'm not hiding anything. Thank you, but there's no need to worry," she dismissed his questions. "Will you be able to bring Ivy? I really miss her."
"If you say so," Ivar knew her well enough to still question how honest she was being, but he chose to drop it so he could go. "I'll be back a little later with Ivy."
On Ivar's way home, he made another spur of the moment decision. "Mom, can you tell me what size clothes Ivy wears?"
On the other end of the phone, Aslaug answered, "She has clothes, Dear."
"Yes, I know, but umm, I hardly consider Baby Ragnar's sweats as proper clothing for my baby girl. I really would like to stop and pick up a few things for her, you know?"
Aslaug couldn't hide her smile in her answer. She told him and then answered all his questions about diaper sizes, brands, wipes, and maybe a million other questions he had.
Hanging up the phone, Ivar went inside the store to pick up a few items. His daughter should have the best of the best.
Aslaug met Ivar at the door and grinned when she saw his hands full of bags. "I got almost everything out of the car but could you grab this so I can go back for the last thing in my trunk?" Ivar asked Aslaug. Giving her the bags, he went back to his car.
As Aslaug put the bags down on the sofa and the floor in front of it, Ivar came through the door with two big boxes in his arms. "What on Earth did you get, Dear?"
"Well, if she's going to be staying between Katia's and here, I not only need to make this place child friendly, but she needs her own bed to sleep in, not just Baby Ragnar's crib." He sat the boxes down. One was a beautiful, white, wooden bed and the other was a ride on push car. "The store sales clerk suggested this bed since she's going to be one soon. She said that the baby beds are nice but I'd soon need to get a toddler bed, so it makes more sense to get one like this that has the removable side rails for when she's a bit bigger." He pointed to the picture that showed the railing. "I hope she'll like it."
Aslaug went to him and placed her hand on his cheek. "Oh Dear, I'm so proud of you. I've always said you'd be a wonderful father, and you've, no doubt, proven me right. Of course, she'll like it. How very thoughtful of you! But umm, can I ask about your plans with Katia?"
Ivar stepped back, "What plans? I have none. We're co-parents. That's all."
Aslaug smiled at him and gracefully answered, "I know, Dear. I mean have you two decided how you'll be co-parents? Will Ivy reside with you or with her? Will you be required to pay her child support? And I'm not saying I think this is what you should do, but have you thought of the possibility of trying to make things work with her? I can almost assure you that's why she's popped back up out of the blue like this."
Ivar tried to hold his anger as he responded, still clinching his jaw, "Mom, you can't be serious. Have you still not accepted that I'm in love with Alex? I know that's a big pill for you to swallow, but he's not going anywhere. This is not just some fling or some phase that I'm going through. This is serious and he is going to be in my life. I'd hoped you'd try to accept that."
She dropped her head, looking down at her hands, "I do accept it, Ivar. I gather that I have no choice if I want to remain a part of your life. It may take me a bit longer to adjust, I hope you understand," she looked up to him, sincerely, "But, I love you and it's your life so I promise you, I accept you and Alex. I just wondered if Katia tried to persuade you. I don't trust her, Dear, and was worried that you actually might. She always had this way about her that made you believe anything she said, no matter what."
Ivar was surprised. He hadn't expected that response and hoped that Aslaug was being honest. "Umm, thank you, mom. She can try all she wants but I can see through her shit now. You don't have to worry."
As he sat down and begin to unpack the bed from the box to put together, Aslaug told him that she had just put Ivy down for a  nap and hoped he wouldn't make noise to cause her to wake up. As he began to look at the instructions, he answered her other questions about he and Katia and told her about his detour after dropping Alex off to his class. Aslaug seriously hoped that his plan would work out. She definitely had her doubts, though, when it came to him making any kind of agreement with Katia.
As Alex and Y/N came through the front door, laughing about something that had happened in class, there sat Ivar in the middle of the living room floor, papers, screws, wooden bed pieces, stretched out all over the floor around him. "This is just ridiculous! How do they expect anyone to be able to put one of these damn things together safely for their child?" He glanced back at Alex and Y/N. "Come on in. Don't mind me. I'm just failing miserably at trying to make my daughter's life a bit better when she's here," Ivar dropped his head to his hands in defeat.
Alex looked around at the mess and at all of the bags and boxes in the living room floor. He smiled to himself, "What's all this?" He walked to Ivar, greeting him with a soft kiss.
"I, umm, I did a little shopping for Ivy while I was out today," he blushed bright red.
"A little?" you asked, looking in one of the bags and pulling out several small outfits. "These are just what's in one bag," you said, looking around, "And you have what here? Like 15? 20?"
"Well, she has nothing here at all and you know, I missed the last year. I've got some time to make up for. And it's not all clothes. She's got some toys in there, too."
You smiled, "It's actually quite sweet, Ivar." He smiled back at you.
"Ok, let me see if I can help you out some. Alex sat in the floor beside Ivar, searching for a particular piece. "Surely the two of us can get this thing together." Alex looked to Ivar, who had his head in his hands in frustration. "Just breathe and take a break for a few minutes. It's going to be fine."
After plenty of snarls and aggravation from Ivar, the two of them had almost completed the task. Ivar's annoyance was finally dissipating as he put in the last screw and the bed was now together.
He shook it to check it was sturdy. "Don't doubt our work, Ivar," Alex said teasing him. "We know what we're doing," he laughed.
Ivar looked at him and smiled, "Thank you for your help, Love. Without you, I think I would have paid someone else to do it. That was ridiculous."
Alex looked over to you and leaned in to Ivar's ear, hoping you wouldn't hear, "And you can pay me later, Ivar." Alex grinned at Ivar's devilish smile.
At that time, Aslaug walked in with Ivy in her arms. "Look who finally decided to wake up."
Your heart completely melted as you watched Ivar's face light up and his eyes fill with love. Ivy instantly reached for him even though she was on the other side of the room.
Ivar was immediately to his feet and taking Ivy from Aslaug. "Hey, little one. You want to see what daddy got for you?" He walked over to the bed and placed her in it, standing her against the rail with his hands on her back.
"It looks like she can hold it and stand up on her own," Alex said, stepping to Ivar's side.
Ivar looked to Aslaug in a way that she knew he was asking what she thought. "Well, Dear, she's nearly one already. Alex is probably right. Make sure she's holding onto the side really well and try it."
Ivar was apprehensive but he did as his mom suggested. With his hands hovering behind Ivy, he watched her closely. Not only did she stand on her own, but she took one step to the side, closer to Alex, and giggled. Alex bent down and kissed her on the head. "That a girl, Ivy," he smiled with pride.
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Overjoyed, Ivar picked her back up and hugged her. "Oh my God, Ivy! You just took your first step!"
As if reading his mind, Alex quickly kicked the wrappers and papers in the floor from the bed out of the way as Ivar lowered Ivy to the floor. Holding her hands, he let her stand on the floor. She looked up at Alex and took a step toward him, Ivar closely behind her, still holding her hands, trying his best to hold back the tears that threatened to escape his eyes at this proud moment.
Alex seemed to feel the same happiness that Ivar obviously did and he had an idea. "Ivar, let me hold her hands and have her walk to you."
Ivar instantly liked the idea and handed her over to Alex as you and Aslaug looked on, smiling. He squatted down and Alex got behind Ivy on his knees. "Ok, sweetheart. Take a step toward daddy," Alex's face beamed with joy. Ivy looked up and back at Alex as if she was questioning him. "Yes, baby, that's daddy. Walk to him."
Ivy looked at Ivar, who had his hands stretched out toward her. "Dada," she said and pulled her hands away from Alex's. As Alex lunged for her, thinking she was about to fall, she took two small steps toward Ivar on her own. "Dada," she said again as she fell into his open arms. Ivar looked up at Alex and neither of them were able to say a word. Ivar scooped her up and hugged her so tightly as a tear rolled down his cheek.
"I, umm, I love you so much, Ivy," Ivar said to her as he kissed her on the top of her head. He looked around and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. He could only smile as his heart leaped out of his chest. Alex quickly wrapped his arms around the two of them and held them both. He was so happy he hadn't missed this special moment.
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Ivar was so overcome with emotion that he just sat there in Alex's arms, holding Ivy as she giggled. He couldn't even begin to grasp that this was truly his life.
Aslaug cleared her throat and Ivar turned to look at her. "Dear, I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but Y/N is taking me to Ubbe's. He said that he, Torvi and the kids are staying here for a few more days, so I wanted to spend some time with the kids before I leave out tomorrow afternoon."
Ivar immediately felt worried. "Mom, what will I do with Ivy without your help? I, umm, I don't know how to be a father," he panicked, getting up, with Ivy still in his arms, and walking to her.
She lovenly placed her hand on his cheek, "Oh, Ivar, you know more than you think, Dear. I'm just a phone call away if you need me. If she cries, you be sure she's not hungry, wet, or sleepy and you'll be fine. You are wonderful with her, sweetheart. Look at her. She's already in love with you. Give yourself some credit." She put her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I wouldn't leave if I thought you couldn't do it. Plus, you have Y/N and Torvi still here to help when you need it." She looked to you and you nodded your head to Ivar. "See? I promise you that you'll be ok."
Ivar couldn't help his fear of severely messing up. He knew if there had been someone in charge who deemed him good enough to be a father or not that he definitely would not be standing here with Ivy in his arms. What if he fucked up and she didn't like him? What if he scarred her for life? What if she needed something and he couldn't figure out what? He couldn't help but feel inadequate.
"I promise you'll be fine. Stop worrying. And I'm sure Alex will be here to help, too." Aslaug looked at Alex, "You will be here with them, won't you, son?"
Alex felt a bead of sweat roll down his temple, "Yes, of course I will. I wouldn't dare leave him when he needs me." Alex looked to Ivar and smiled as he placed a reassuring hand over Ivar's, that was resting on Ivy's back, and gave a gentle squeeze.
Aslaug kissed him on the cheek and grabbed her purse and bag. "I'll see you tomorrow before I leave. You can call me anytime during the night if you need me, Dear."
You walked around the kitchen island and gave hugs to Alex and Ivar. You kissed Ivy on her forehead as you told Ivar, "You've got this, daddy." He shot you his devilish grin causing you to blush.
"I've still got it," he continued to grin.
Even in a serious, life changing moment, he was still the biggest flirt you'd ever met, worse than Hvitserk even, and you just rolled your eyes at him. "You can call me anytime as well, Ivar."
Ivar couldn't help how worried he actually felt, but Alex placed his hand on Ivar's back and gently began to rub it, soothing Ivar's fears to some degree. He knew they were right. He wouldn't be alone in this and he was extremely thankful for that. He grabbed Alex's other hand and gently squeezed as Y/N and Aslaug left.
"Well, now's the actual hard part," Ivar turned to Alex. "We need to take her to visit Katia." Alex's heartrate sped up. He was certainly nervous about that. "That is, umm, you will go with me, won't you? I, umm, I understand if you don't want to." Ivar was so unsure about this new territory.
Alex leaned to Ivar and kissed him on his temple, brushing hair away from his face, "Of course, I'll go with you. I'm here every step of the way." Ivar couldn't even put into words how relieved he was.
They went back to the living room and Ivar showed Alex all the clothes he'd bought for Ivy. Everything was absolutely adorable: pretty, little dresses with shoes to match, cute pajamas, and little t-shirts with different characters on them. He explained he wasn't sure which characters she liked so he got something with all of them he could find. Alex laughed at him, thinking how adorable he was. Even her little sweats that he got for her were cute as could be with sparkles, hearts and stars.
They finally decided on a pretty, purple dress with white tights and purple shoes to match. Alex suggested that they gave her a quick bath before changing her clothes and Ivar panicked. "Oh shit! I, umm, shouldn't we have asked mom or Y/N to give her a bath before they left? I'm uh, I got a small baby bathtub, too, but I don't think I actually thought of the logistics of it all." He was beginning to sweat.
Alex smiled at him and placed his hand on his arm. "Ivar, she's your daughter. You're allowed to bathe her. It's not weird. Not unless you make it weird," he assured him.
"Umm," Ivar looked to Alex with pleading eyes, "Will you umm, can you help me?"
Alex smiled, "Of course."
It turned out that Ivy loved taking a bath. She splashed the water and giggled as Ivar washed her. He was thankful she didn't cry. He was already plenty nervous enough. Alex sat at Ivar's side and watched him lovenly talking and playing with Ivy as he bathed her. The more he watched Ivar with Ivy, the more he felt like he was falling in love with him all over again. He didn't realize there was even room to love him more, but seeing him with his daughter and all the love he possessed for someone he'd literally just met made it impossible not to fall even harder.
Interrupting his thoughts, Ivar asked, "Can you hand me the towel, Alex?" He gave him the towel and Ivar dried her off and quickly got her into a diaper for the very first time.
"You actually did that pretty well considering you haven't done it before," Alex said, surprised.
"Nieces and nephews, man. I've actually done this part before," Ivar grinned proudly.
Soon, Ivy was dressed and they were ready to leave. Ivar felt so relieved that this task hadn't been quite as difficult as he'd anticipated.
Getting Ivy out of the car at the hospital, Ivar took a deep breath. Turning to look at Alex, he said, "Surely, she won't make this any more difficult than it already is, right?"
Alex felt the same nervousness as Ivar did, "I definitely hope not, but you know, at this point, she's capable of practically anything." He placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder. "However it goes, I'll be right by your side." He leaned in and kissed Ivar's cheek.
When they opened Katia's hospital door, she looked up and saw Ivar holding Ivy. Her eyes instantly watered up, "Oh, my baby girl! Hey!"
Ivy reached for her, "Mama."
Ivar stepped closer and asked Katia if she was ok to hold her. She said yes and sat up in the bed. He let Ivy go to her. She placed her head on Katia's shoulder and said softly again, "Mama," as tears streamed down Katia's cheeks. Even Ivar couldn't deny how sweet it was. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit jealous but he understood the feeling of Ivy giving one of her warm hugs all too well.
Katia kissed Ivy on the top of her head and looked back up to Ivar, "Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing her. I've missed her so much." As Ivar was about to speak, she looked to Alex and said, "Thank you, too, Alex. She looks so beautiful. I can tell the two of you have taken such great care of her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Alex looked to Ivar and smiled. He felt this may just be one of the few times that Katia was sincere in her words.
Ivar was relieved to see that it seemed Katia and Ivy had a good relationship. He and Alex sat down and let her spend the much needed time with Ivy. Ivar watched as Katia talked to Ivy and played with her, hugging and kissing her and making her giggle. They played pat-a-cake and Ivar was amazed to see how smart Ivy was. Katia sang a couple of nursery rhymes to Ivy and Ivy filled in a word here and there. Ivar was impressed with how Ivy knew which words to say at the exact right time.
As he listened and watched their bond, he found himself growing angry. He was angry that Ivy was nearly a year old and he had missed so much. He was angry that he didn't have the same type of bond with her that Katia did. He didn't have their special songs to sing together or fun hand games to play with her. He realized he didn't even really know everything Ivy was capable of and it made him even more angry with Katia.
Before he realized what he was doing, he jumped to his feet and punched the bed side table as he yelled, "Damn you, Katia!"
Startled, Ivy began to cry. She buried her head into Katia's chest and Katia tried soothing her. "Ivar! You scared her!" she scolded him as she patted Ivy on her back and kissed the top of her head.
Ivar instantly felt guilty and ashamed of himself. "I-I'm uh, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He turned and abruptly walked out the door. Alex stood and told Katia they'd be right back.
In the hallway, Ivar explained to Alex where the outburst had came from and how he'd gotten so angry so fast that he'd reacted before he'd realized it. Alex understood his frustration but explained how he'd have his time now and how he could only move forward from here. "Do you think I've completely scared Ivy off?"
"Of course not, Ivar. Let's go back to her," Alex grabbed Ivar's hand lovenly. "You just startled her. That's all."
Ivar looked at Alex with hopeful eyes and followed him back into Katia's room. Ivy looked up at him when he walked in. "Dada," she said, smiling at him, and he couldn't help how warm it made him feel inside. He was so relieved that she wasn't still crying because of him.
Katia rubbed Ivy's back as she said, "Yes, my sweet girl, that is your daddy."
"How, how does she even know that, Katia?" Ivar was still so surprised by this new development.
"Ivar, she's very smart. She always surprises me with things she knows and can do. I don't know how she knows most of the things she does. She amazes me all the time. She just really pays attention, I guess, but I do know that talking with her like I always have does help."
He and Alex walked back over and sat down beside the hospital bed. Ivar sheepishly looked up at Katia. When she caught him looking at her, he dropped his head and said, "Umm, I'm sorry for my outburst and for scaring her."
"It's ok, Ivar. I actually do understand. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about her before now." Ivar couldn't tell if she was being sincere or not. He'd grown accustomed to her lying, but he decided to take it either way because at least she'd acknowledged what she did had been wrong. He just didn't feel like discussing any of it there in the hospital, especially not in front of Ivy.
The rest of the visit went well, and Ivar was thankful for that. He learned a lot about Ivy from seeing her interact with Katia. As he looked on, he thought that Katia may have been a real piece of work as a girlfriend and fiancé, but she seemed like she was truly a good mother. He really hoped this proved to be true. He told her about Ivy taking her first steps and she nearly cried. Ivar felt better, now, that they'd been able to set aside their differences for Ivy's sake. He just hoped it would continue to be this way once she was finally released from the hospital.
A nurse came in to let them know that visiting hours were over. As Ivar and Alex stood to their feet, Katia gave Ivy kisses goodbye, and Ivy began to cry, "Mama. Mama, no!"
Katia held her up to Ivar, "Ivar, take good care of our baby girl, and please, bring her back to visit again as soon as you can." He picked her up from Katia's arms and Ivy sobbed into his shoulder, continuing to cry for Katia. "Just take her. Go. I can't stand knowing she's crying like that for me," Katia dropped her head. Ivar promised to bring her back as he, Alex, and Ivy headed toward the door.
"Wow! What a day!" Alex said, sitting down on the sofa next to Ivar, unconsciously licking his lips as he looked over to Ivar. Ivar did not miss it.
"Shit! You mean what a week," Ivar turned up his bottle of beer and finished it in one drink.
"Ivar, it hasn't even been a week yet," Alex laughed at him as he handed him another beer.
They'd finally gotten Ivy to sleep after a very difficult evening trying to comfort her after leaving Katia.
"I, I don't know how good I'm going to be at this, Alex. She's never going to want to be with me over her mom. Katia saw to it that I'd miss that precious bonding time with her by keeping her away from me all this time."
Alex placed his hand over Ivar's, "Don't do that to yourself. You still have plenty of time to make your own bonds with her. Just take it one day at a time. You've got this."
"Well, I sure hope you're right."
They talked a little about the last few days, and Alex reassured Ivar of his commitment to him even with him now being a father. "Ivar," Alex placed his hand on his face and leaned over to gently kiss him, "You being Ivy's father isn't going to make me run away. In fact, it actually does the exact opposite. Seeing how much you love her already, how you took responsibility for her, and take care of her is quite attractive. Hell, if I'm being honest, it even kind of turns me on." He blushed at his admittance.
Ivar looked over to him and said, "Well, you know, I have no objections to you doing something about that."
Alex looked at him and Ivar grinned. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that devilish grin of yours either," Alex told him as he abruptly leaned over and straddled Ivar. "And if you're sure you're not too drained, I will definitely do something about it. I mean, you do still owe me for my work on Ivy's bed earlier today."
Ivar sat his beer down on the end table and yanked Alex forward, heavily panting into his mouth as he kissed him. "Oh, I'm definitely sure," Ivar began as he leaned forward a bit more and sucked the side of Alex's neck into his mouth causing Alex to shiver. His hands gently caressed Alex's chest underneath his shirt as he mumbled seductively into Alex's ear between soft, wet kisses, "I just want you naked." Grinning from ear to ear, Ivar yanked Alex's shirt off before Alex even knew what was happening. "I want to see your gorgeous, naked body." Alex blushed again as Ivar pulled him into another deep kiss.
Running his hands from Ivar's shoulders to his chest, Alex slowly found the bottom of Ivar's shirt and tucked his hands underneath. He rubbed Ivar's chest softly sending chills all over Ivar's body. Alex pulled away from Ivar and slowly began unbuttoning the shirt one button at a time while staring straight into Ivar's eyes. Ivar started to move Alex's hands away so he could rip his shirt off quicker, but Alex stopped him. "No, let me."
"But you're too," and Alex placed his finger over Ivar's lips.
"I said, let me." Curious as to what Alex was up to, Ivar leaned back, dropped his hands to Alex's hips, and waited for his next move.
Looking up and into Ivar's eyes, Alex leaned down to his half exposed chest and began to give him soft nibbles and warm, wet kisses. Ivar squirmed in delight. When Alex reached the next button, he whispered seductively, "How important is this shirt?"
Looking back at him quizzically, Ivar answered, "Umm, not at all?"
"Good," Alex responded as he lowered his face once more. He grabbed the button between his teeth and with one quick snap of his neck, he yanked the button completely off the shirt and spit it into the floor. Before Ivar could do anything but gasp, Alex had already found the next button between his teeth. He did the same thing as his finger tips gently grazed over Ivar's hardened nipples.
A bead of sweat trickled down Ivar's temple as he watched Alex ripping his shirt open button by button. Once he'd finally removed the last button, Alex's hands lightly rubbed down Ivar's chest the rest of the way. As Ivar watched, he began breathing heavily. Alex grabbed each side of Ivar's shirt and gazing into Ivar's eyes, he quickly yanked his shirt open and off of his shoulders, trapping Ivar's arms at his side.
Ivar, trying to wiggle the rest of the way out of his shirt, breathlessly said, "I can't move my arms with my shirt like this. Can you help me get it off?"
Alex looked up at him, grinning, "Oh, that's exactly what I plan to do." Ivar was shocked. It was usually him who made such sexual innuendos. Alex placed his hand on Ivar's chest and abruptly pushed him back. "Now, sit back, relax, and let me 'help you get it off,' " Alex grinned again.
Listening to and watching Alex assert himself made Ivar even hotter for him. He proudly set back and did what Alex instructed with his arms still restrained at his sides. This should be fun, he thought to himself.
Alex stood up in front of Ivar and Ivar's eyes widened as his heart began to race. "You said you wanted to see me naked, right?" Ivar gulped at Alex's words.
"Yea, umm, I mean, yes!" Ivar practically panted.
"Well, your wish is my command," Alex smiled widely at him as he began unbuttoning his jeans.
"Wai," Ivar studdered, "Wait. Not like this. I can't touch you," he gestured toward his arms, wrapped tightly at his sides in his shirt.
"Guess you'll just have to watch then, humm?" Alex unzipped his jeans as Ivar continued to whine. Once Alex had his jeans open, he looked up to see Ivar and biting his lips, he let his jeans fall. He moved a little until they fell completely to his feet and he stepped out of them and kicked them aside.
Ivar watched Alex intently, standing in his underwear, and unconsciously licked his lips. "Oh, do you like what you see?" Alex flirted.
"Umm, yes, very much," Ivar groaned. He couldn't begin to explain what seeing Alex like that did to him. All he knew was that he liked it. He shyly smiled back at Alex. "Come closer."
Alex slipped his fingers under the band of his underwear and slowly tugged them down as he took even slower steps toward Ivar. Just as he got right up in front of Ivar, he dropped his underwear all the way down, his hard cock falling forward. He stroked himself as Ivar began to salivate. Ivar leaned forward. "Closer," Ivar whispered.
His hands landing on Ivar's head, Alex tilted it up to look directly into Ivar's eyes. He asked, "Are you sure you want..?"
Ivar interrupted him, "Yes! Come here already!"
Alex grabbed a handful of Ivar's hair and yanked his head toward him as he thrusted his pelvis, slamming his hard cock into Ivar's mouth. Ivar choked and Alex began to move back, "Fuck! I'm sorry!"
"No!" Ivar mumbled, his lips still around Alex's dick, "It's ok." He wrapped his plump lips and hot mouth around Alex's length and began to bob his head up and down as Alex moaned.
Alex's head fell backwards and his eyes rolled into the back of it. For someone so shy about having another man's dick in his mouth, Ivar definitely was enjoying himself. He enjoyed knowing he could have that kind of control over Alex. He still had questions about how he'd found himself here, dating, fucking, loving another man, but he knew it was all ok because there was no other feeling like this he'd ever felt before. He wanted to feel like this forever, for the rest of his life. And spending the rest of his life with Alex had entered his mind more than once. He smiled around Alex's cock as he thought of it again.
As Alex moaned in pleasure, it urged Ivar on and he began to suck him more vigorously. Alex opened his eyes and looked down at Ivar. What a beautiful sight, the man he loved taking him in his mouth like a pro, only aiming to please him! But this wasn't the plan. He stepped back, pulling himself out of Ivar's mouth with a pop.
Ivar looked up in confusion, "Why did," and Alex interrupted him again.
"Shhh," Alex pushed Ivar back. "My turn." He settled himself on his knees between Ivar's legs. He began unbuckling Ivar's belt and slowly unbuttoned his pants. Looking up to Ivar, he licked his lips as Ivar whimpered.
"But I didn't get you to finish," Ivar complained.
"Shhh, it's ok. Just lay back, relax, and enjoy," Alex grinned.
"Well, can you at least free my arms?"
"Eventually," Alex teased.
Once Alex had Ivar's pants completely open, he had him raise his hips. With his hands at the waist of Ivar's pants, Alex tugged them, along with his underwear, over his plump ass and down his legs where Ivar kicked out of them.
"Now, down to buisness," Alex winked at Ivar as he leaned forward and began sloppily kissing him. Ivar breathed heavily into Alex's mouth as Alex ended the kiss and began kissing down his neck. He gently left light, wet kisses down Ivar's neck and across his collarbone, sending chills down Ivar's back. He quickly reached Ivar's chest, where he gave little nibbles between wet kisses. His teeth grazed over Ivar's nipples as he bit down just hard enough to make Ivar twitch. Slowly, he kissed further down Ivar's chest while his fingertips lightly trailed behind, leaving chills in their wake.
When he finally reached Ivar's rock hard member, standing ready for him, he licked up one side and Ivar began to squirm. He hovered just at the tip and breathed his hot breath onto it but didn't yet take him into his mouth. He slowly licked down the other side and looked up at Ivar's pleading stare. "Please," Ivar whinned.
Alex grinned up at him, "What? Is this what you want?" He slowly slipped his mouth over Ivar's thickness and twirled his tongue around the head.
Ivar impatiently watched as his desire grew even stronger for Alex.
Alex sunk down as far as he could and began to suck and twirl his tongue simultaneously. His hand found the base and began moving up and down in rhythm with his mouth. Ivar's head fell backwards as he moaned out in pleasure. Proud of himself, Alex continued.
"Please, Alex, let my hands lose. I need to touch you," Ivar pleaded once more.
Alex mumbled, "Nuh-uh," and continued his bobbing and sucking. Ivar was now enjoying the sensations Alex was sending all the way to his core too much to put up a fight, so he just shut his eyes.
The harder Alex's mouth worked on Ivar, the closer Ivar grew to his demise. He was surprised it was so fast, but Alex was just that good. He felt the heat rise from within as beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead. He clinched the edges of his shirt in his fists and his toes curled. He dropped his head forward to see Alex was intently watching him. It was as if Alex's gaze bore a hole right through to Ivar's soul. And it was just enough to push Ivar on over the edge.
"Quick! Mo-move, Alex!" Ivar barely managed to yell out between his heavy pants. "I-I'm com-coming!" He gasped. Alex grabbed Ivar by his hips and held onto him, preventing him from moving, and he sucked even harder and faster. "Ale..," Ivar tried, but he hit his climax as Alex looked up and into his eyes.
Alex felt the warm strings of Ivar's pleasure hitting the back of his throat, and he smiled as he drained Ivar to the last drop.
Panting, Ivar looked at Alex and somehow managed to say, "I-I'm sorry, Love. Fuck! I didn't mean to..."
Alex leaned up on his knees and placed his finger over Ivar's lips to silence him. "Shhh. It's ok. I knew what the results are of going down on you. I mean, that is, if I do it right," Alex smiled.
"You definitely do it right. Damn!" Ivar was still on cloud nine, face flushed. "But what about you? You didn't get to finish."
"Don't worry about it. This wasn't supposed to be about me." He leaned down toward Ivar, "Can I kiss you?"
"Fuck yes," Ivar grinned, "But I need my arms already!"
"Shit, I'm sorry! I forgot all about it." Alex leaned back and helped Ivar out of his shirt. Ivar's arms instantly wrapped around Alex's waist, pulling him closer.
Looking deeply into Alex's eyes, Ivar grabbed both sides of Alex's face, "Come here." Their lips touched and began moving together in a hot, passionate kiss. Ivar's hand moved to the back of Alex's neck where he snaked his fingers through his hair. Alex, still on his knees in front of Ivar, pulled away from him a bit and rested his forehead against Ivar's. "I love you." Smiling, Ivar pulled him in for a tight hug.
As Alex rested his head on Ivar's chest, Ivar wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly. "And I love you," he whispered softly and kissed him on the top of his head
Before too long, they both drifted off to sleep just like that, butt ass naked with Alex on his knees and laying on Ivar's chest, arms intertwined around each other.
Eventually, Alex stirred awake. "Fuck!" he yelped, grabbing at his legs and knees, "How long have we been laying like this? I've got to get up."
As he pulled himself up, Ivar sweeped his own legs up and around and stretched out on the oversized sofa. "Here," he patted his own chest, "Lay back down here with me and place your head here again. Nothing feels better than you sleeping on my chest in my arms."
"Nothing? Are you sure?" Alex teased as he laid down with Ivar, cuddling to his side with his head on Ivar's chest as requested.
Ivar pulled the throw blanket from the back of the sofa down over the two of them. "You're just as naughty as I am, humm?" Alex grinned as Ivar began running his hand through his hair. They both were soon off to sleep again.
"Fuck, Ivar! What the fuck! Wake up!" Hvitserk busted through the front door. "Everybody has been calling you two! Where's your fucking phone, man?"
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Rubbing his eyes at the glare from the bright light shining through the front door, Ivar managed to look up at Hvitserk, who was now standing over him and Alex. "Well, good morning to you, too, brother. To what do we owe this uninvited visit?"
"Hey, I'm sorry to break up your play time. From the looks of it, the two of you had a pretty wild night," he looked around and smiled at the empty beer bottles and the clothes strewn all over the room, "But you need to get up and get dressed. Now. The hospital has been trying to get in touch with you."
Alex raised up off of Ivar, a bit dazed, still, from sleep, and they both sat up, draping the blanket across their laps. "Wait. What?" Ivar pulled his hair back from his face with his hands.
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"Where is your phone? If you would have answered, you'd already know. Katia can't be released to go home by herself. She fell again last night and they said she needs 24 hour assistance until she gets her mobility back, most likely with intensive physical therapy. She can't be left alone, but no medical facility that has the type of therapy she needs here will accept her insurance from Russia. She's going to have to go back home, Ivar, to Russia." Hvitserk hesitated as he saw Ivar's face contort into what could only be described as the devil. "She, umm, that means you have to umm, take Ivy back to her, man. She's got to go home and Ivy has to go with her."
Ivar stood straight up, not caring that the blanket fell to the sofa behind him, leaving him naked. "The hell you say! Ivy's not going any fucking where!"
Hvitserk began trying to explain again and Ivar continued interrupting him. They began arguing and Alex quickly got to his feet with the blanket around him. "Hey! Hey! This isn't necessary. Surely we can find a solution that will help Katia and let Ivy still stay here as well," Alex managed to stand between the two of them. "Let's all calm down and wait until we speak to the doctors." He looked at them both as if scolding them.
"I'll pay for her to stay in a facility here if I have to," Ivar's words softened.
"Man, I already thought of that. You wouldn't believe how expensive it is without insurance. It just wouldn't make sense, little brother, even for the money you have." Hvitserk looked around again, "Seriously, can you just get dressed so we can go? We'll see what we can figure out. It's not right for her to take your baby away again, especially when you just got her. I agree with you. I'll help you hide Ivy if we have to."
Alex looked at them both with worry in his eyes, "First, he's right. You should get dressed, Ivar," he smiled as he looked over Ivar's still naked body, "But you can not kidnap Ivy from her mom, even if she is your daughter."
Alex hoped he wasn't about to make one of the biggest mistakes of his life, but he then said, "Why don't you just bring her to stay here? You can pay for nurses to help with her therapy, which I'm sure will be extremely cheaper, and you'll still have Ivy with you. Not to mention, how good it would be for Ivy to be with both of her parents. Then, when she's better, she can go back to her place and we won't lose Ivy." Alex took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he'd actually suggested such a thing.
Ivar and Hvitserk stared blankly at eachother and then both looked to Alex quizzically. Alex smiled nervously and shrugged his shoulders.
"Whatever, let's go," Hvitserk said, shaking his head.
@istorkyou @chapada010101010 @vero-maris-zamo @lostasalice-thisway @ivarhoegh @lonewolf471 @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate @noway4u @galaxy-1000
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blacksails2017 · 8 months
saw alyssa sutherland aka mom from evil dead rise aslaug from vikings at a plant shop and she laughed at something she overheard my friend say . LA is not a real place
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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Since it's Spooky Season...
I thought it was the right time to bring back my creations for a Mythological Creatures AU! Below the readmore you will find links to my past Edits and Fics.
To start it off, we have my fic Series, Lovely Monsters:
(General Warning for Violence & Gore, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat content)
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Of Sharp Teeth and Hunger - Explicit - F/M - Ubbe/OFC/Hvitserk Summary: Queen Aslaug gave birth to four very different children. All of them were marked by the darkest fears the people of Kattegat could have. She hid their special traits of course, no one knew they weren't like other children...
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Jörmungandr would be Jealous - Explicit - Multi - Sigurd Summary: Sigurd is out at night with his brothers for a hunt. Usually they all shared their prey equally, but with Ivar sucking the very last drop out of their victims, Sigurd has no other choice than to take her with him into the dark and cold water...
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Sated Hunger and Regret - Explicit - Multi - Hvitserk & Ubbe Summary: Hvitserk and Ubbe come to an agreement that leaves both of them confused and unsure of their relationships nature. With Ivar and Aslaug as voices of reason, they find a new/old rhythm.
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A Mother's Love - Explicit - Gen - Ivar Summary: Ivar is on a hunt with his brothers and makes a terrible mistake that puts his mother Aslaug in a undesirable position...
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Not part of the Series, but the Ragnarssons are Vampires:
Children of the Night - Mature - Multi - Ragnarssons Summary: It was Lagertha's evil plan to turn all the Ragnarssons into loyal Vampires who would enter her nest, she had not expected Ubbe to go against it, following his own desires...
Ubbe the White Wolf Hvitserk the Incubus Siren Sigurd Bjorn the Bear Vampire Ivar Ragnarssons Edit for Lovely Monsters
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jadelynlace · 9 months
Alyssa Sutherland in Evil Dead Rise is what I imagine Ink Drinker Aslaug looks like (obviously before she’s possessed).
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tsumitokisei · 1 year
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Evil dead rise
Brutal xD Very gory and graphic, but yeah standing up to its name and the other movies :D Liked the performance of princess Aslaug :D
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reegistrying · 3 years
🇺🇸english / 🇪🇸español
Send me a fanfic/headcanons request!
Just a few little things:
I will not write:
•Character x Reader fics
•NSFW content (Implied is fine)
Right now my fandoms are:
● Vikings (TV)
● Uncharted
● Assassin's Creed (1 & Ezio's trilogy)
● Life is strange
● Fullmetal alchemist 2003
● The Maze Runner
● Resident Evil
● The Borgias
● Breaking Bad
You can suggest a character x character fic or something totally unrelated to romance and ships like a one-character fic, or a friendship.
It'll probably take me some time to write, as I still have real world responsibilities (Yeah it sucks).
So, go ahead and send me a prompt!!
•• <<────≪•◦⚜◦•≫────>> ••
¡Envíame una petición!
Envíame una request para escribir un fanfic o headcanon!!
Solo algunas cosas:
No escribiré:
• Fics de Personaje x Lector/a
• Contenido NSFW.
 Ahora mismo mis fandoms son:
● Vikingos (TV)
● Uncharted
● Assassin's Creed (1 & Ezio's trilogy)
● Life is strange
● Fullmetal alchemist 2003
● Maze Runner
● Resident Evil
● The Borgias
● Breaking Bad
Puedes sugerir un fic personaje x personaje o algo que no tenga nada que ver con el romance y los ships, como un de un solo personaje o una amistad.
Probablemente me llevará algún tiempo escribir, ya que todavía tengo responsabilidades en el mundo real (sí, apesta).
 ¡Así que adelante y envíame una petición!
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butt-kute · 3 years
this is an anti aslaug blog pls and ty
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sifshoney-notactive · 4 years
"The Gods foretold Ragnar would have many sons, and I have given him those sons...
And it was fate
Not magic
That brought me here to
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vikingsbifrost · 11 months
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vredeir · 4 years
congrats 2 u for making me deeply care for a character i know nothin abt!!! i would die for ivar and i havent even seen vikings!!!
no  idea  whether  i  should  tell  you  better  not  to  watch  vikings,  ever,  or  to  recommend  giving  it  a  try  because  it  can  have  its  moments  when  you  are  not  taking  it  too  seriously.  but  ivar  ?  much  like  jason  tends  to  suffer  from  bad  writing  and  bad  plots  and  interpretations,  the  show  managed  that  with  ivar,  too.  ruined  him  (  if  you  are  asking  me,  )  within  the  second  half  of  a  season.  but  i  will  never  regret  the  day  on  which  i  decided  to  start  writing  him  regardless.  i  think  you,  writing  jason,  can  specifically  understand  the  intrigue  that  comes  with  a  character  who  you  can  not  /  do  not  define  as  a  “good  person”  because  their  moral  includes  actions  we  understand  as  a  crime  (  i.e.  killing,  )  but  from  their  point  of  view  it’s  either  something  they  consider  a  necessary  evil  or,  in  ivar’s  case,  it’s  an  understandable  consequence,  taking  the  customs  and  the  period  into  consideration.  (  i.e.  the  want  to  kill  someone  specific  because  they  have  murdered  your  mother  and  no  one  but  you  cares  that  it  happened.  to  stop  at  nothing  for  that  to  happen  because  there’s  no  one  else  who  supports  your  cause.  )  i  love  ivar  so  much  and  i  just  am  here  hoping  the  show  will  not  vilify  him  further  because,  by  the  gods,  this  boy  deserves  some  rest.
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westerosiladies · 2 years
Cersei Lannister Fancast Resource
When they were children, Cersei and her twin-brother, Jaime, looked so alike not even their father, Tywin, could tell them apart. As adults, they still significantly resemble each other. Cersei is a strikingly beautiful woman, with golden hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin, and a slender, graceful figure.
Cersei is 32 when the series begins.
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Charlize Theron is the fancast I've used most often for Cersei. She was in her mid-30s while filming Snow White and the Huntsman, which takes place in a fantasy medieval setting. She plays the evil queen, which gives her a really good energy for Cersei's more scheming moments.
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Rebecca Ferguson is another of my favorite fancasts for Cersei. In this series, she plays an ambitious and multifaceted character who marries into royalty, which makes so much of her footage perfect for Cersei. She was ~30 during filming. The show is set in the 15th century in England, which makes the costumes very appropriate for Westeros.
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In a show full of blonde ladies, Alyssa Sutherland is the one who most captures Cersei's energy. She's both elegant and fierce with a definitive ability to be nasty. She was in her early 30s while filming, and there's a ton of content of her. Viking costumes, which means heavy on the furs, but a lot of it works for King's Landing.
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Celina Sinden is another of my favorite fancasts, particularly for a slightly younger Cersei. She was in her late 20s while filming Reign, which is set in 16th-century Scotland. That should make it perfect for Westeros, but the costume design is truly all over the place for this show. Some of it is beautiful and very fitting for King's Landing, while an equal amount looks like prom dresses from a department store. However, if you pick your footage carefully, Celina makes a great Cersei. She also bears a decent resemblence to Lena Headey, who plays Cersei in the show, which means she makes a good younger Cersei for content that uses show footage.
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Jodie Comer is another of my favorite younger Cerseis. She was in her mid- to late-20s while filming each of these pieces, and she features heavily in both. The White Princess is particularly appropriate to Westerosi fashion, and her character is both steely and ambitious.
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In a show with so many blonde people, we have to source at least one more. Katheryn Winnick fits Cersei's physical description very well, and she's heavily featured for several seasons of Vikings, during which she was in her 30s and 40s. Her character is a warrior, which means a lot of her scenes don't fit Cersei as well, but the non-combat ones can still be really useful.
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Annabelle Wallis plays a character who's overall much sweeter than Cersei ever is, but she still has a really solid aesthetic. She was in her mid-20s while filming Tudors, which potentially makes her good for Cersei in her younger and slightly more innocent years. Tudor-era costumes, obviously.
As usual, feel free to add your own favorites! The full series can be found here.
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auraunbound · 4 years
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