#‘i love you everyone!’ in english heehee
r0kuta · 1 year
when fogatos turn starts he says ‘minna daisuki!’ that is so cute i am literally trembling
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southislandwren · 1 year
fuck i just proofread my friend's research so she could submit it to a journal and i forgot how much i love proofreading :((
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greenxprof · 2 months
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PRONOUNS : he/him or woof/woofs
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : tumblr messages at first, discord after we're close enough
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Green Oak, Leowes(@wesnatcher) are the active ones rn
BEST EXPERIENCE : Talking about tumblr specifically, I had sooo much fun during the Halloween Events we had here. I had an absolute blast seeing everyone costumes, the ball, fighting the gmax gorgeist...
Back in twt it was the Reguri Wedding with Kyle Red, which believe it or not TWO arceus attended, Spectrier Event in 2022 Halloween, and a thread with my bestie about Green asking their oc's hand in marriage while in a cute romantic boat date.
Maybe I should also mention that I got to play my first dnd campaign with friends I made here in tumblr and that was certainly one of if not the best experience of my life heehee
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Hard question because I operate on auto for most of my life but forcing anything onto my muse. Sexual or violent. And, this never happened, but acting weird or saying weird things about Green's gender.
As for things I dislike even before writing with someone are simply not properly crediting the art you use if it's not yours. Or having a bunch of rules that are basically telling me I need to write a 20k words every reply for us to be mutuals and be extremely serious about roleplaying. Aside from the chronic brain fog I have, this is a hobby and supposed to be fun, not work!
Besides, English is not my first language and that means reading pages and pages of it certainly gives me a headache.
MUSE PREFERENCES: snarky sassy and gay. or cute creature.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both!! I'll admit though I'm often not in the mental state for elaborate plots. I'm happy with memes and small spontaneous interactions until we're both comfortable with each other and can plot easy and nice :)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Depends on the thread of course. Plot-heavy and serious threads require long replies but it's not like I ask you to match. Specially when Green speaks way too many paragraphs.
I feel like it's important to say that I have only had very introductory english classes in middle school. Everything else I learnt through rping and playing games in english. So it's possible sometimes my grammar is all over the place or I might not properly understand what you wrote.
I'd love if you explained to me if I wrote something wrong, kindly of course :3
BEST TIME TO WRITE : everyday at night! once autumn and winter comes to brazil I'll write the whole day, it's because it's so hot in the afternoon I cannot think HAHA
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Like Green? Oh absolutely. Except for the smart part, I am pretty much him. Like Leowes? Not really. I wish I was a handsome rogue though.
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cinnamoodles · 8 months
hiii could i get a 🍓 [ strawberry dreams ] with the golden trio/marauders era? (im cool w either haha)
personality wise i’d say im pretty sarcastic, i love joking around n making the people around me laugh! i’d say im pretty funny 😅 i can be kind of short tempered but i try my best to keep that under control! other than that i would say i’m pretty laid back and the type to go with the flow. i’m always down to try something new! i can be pretty impulsive (i have 9 piercings that i got on impulse to prove that haha) and i love learning about topics i’m interested in. sometimes i hyper fixate on something and go down a deep rabbit hole
appearance wise im quite tall (5’8) with black hair that reaches past my shoulders and dark eyes. i have rlly pale skin (my friends call me a vampire) and my personal sense of style is a mixture of 90s & y2k grunge (and grandpa sweaters). i have a couple tattoos that arent visible.
im a scorpio, slytherin (sometimes i get ravenclaw), and either an intp or entp (im leaning more towards entp tbh)
i like to read and annotate books, watch films and completely dissect them, the colour green, and silver jewelry (i am not a gold girly). i would say my second fav colour is red! i think my fav subjects r english or philosophy.
i think thats all! thanks!!!
thank you for ordering from the cafe!
i ship you with…
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sirius black!
— he’s obsessed with your tattoos omg? constantly admiring them and kissing them (no matter where they are heehee) and tracing them for fun and while cuddling
— impulsive duo supreme like who let you guys be together?? always doing the WILDEST shit and everyone else is like ‘yep that’s them 24/7’ and it is actually hilarious and super fun
— we all know sirius is a big reader so he and you would read muggle books to discuss them but god he looks so hot when he’s nerdy so these book club meetings usually end up in making out. it’s kind of an inside joke between the marauders at this point when it’s time for book club yk?
— constantly stealing sirius’ sweaters and jackets but he doesn’t mind bc you look cuter in his clothes anyway, but he sometimes returns the favor, and since he’s so tall, it’ll usually end up as a crop top on him (you don’t mind either)
— sirius being kind of skittish about getting his first piercing? he was so calm about the tattoo but he was squealing at the needle that pierced his ear (consensually ofc) and you’re calming him down because all he wants in the end is cuddles.
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myboyfriendjake · 10 months
starlight - park jongseong
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summary: when your family decides to move, you're not happy at all. even though your social life is crumbling, you want to stay in new york. besides, what's to say that life in seattle will be better?
alternatively: you move to seattle and learn how to live (2521-esque)
genre: high school au, fluff, angst
pairing: jay x fem!reader
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.3 k
other characters: jake, heeseung, kim chaewon, huh yunjin, sakura, huening kai, taehyun
Chapter Two:
Days pass, and you continue getting accustomed to Seattle. By the end of your first week, you can confidently say that you think this friend group is gonna last.
It’s the Saturday after the first week of school that you get the text. It’s in the big group chat.
jjongsaeng: i’m bored. anyone up for going 2 the beach? 
jenjen: don’t you have hw?
jjongsaeng: i’m a procrastinator
heehee: i’m up for the beach
heehee: when we going?
aussie boyy: we should do hw @ the beach
zuha: that defeats the purpose of the beach
heehee: yk it’s a fact when zuha speaks on it
heehee: our fav internet grandma zuha
heehee: she probably spent an hour typing that out we should respect that effort
zuha: i resent that
chaechae: i’m in. i’m also a procrastinator. 
jenjen: *sighs* fine then
jjongsaeng: this convo is literally over text. u can’t sigh like that
jenjen: dramatic effect jjong. it’s an art. 
jenjen: anyways y/n, kai and tyun r awfully quiet. r yall hanging without us?
y/n: no never! i’m gonna have to opt out tho lots of hw
chaechae: NO
chaechae: no hw ur coming to the beach
y/n: … 
y/n: fine then but if i fail history that’s on u chae u go talk to my parents
heehee: yay! kai? tyun? 
kai: sorry can’t make it i got a coffee date
kai: no. bye. 
aussie boyy: guess we’ll have to interrogate him on monday 
aussie boyy: tyun? taehyun? kang taehyun? hello? 
tea-hyun: can’t sorry. prior commitment. next time yall
Once everyone’s decided whether or not they can come, you and the others text separately to figure out rides. Jay, Chaewon, and Jake can drive, so you assign rides based on proximity. 
jjongsaeng: alright then. so, we’ll meet at the beach. well, i’ll see y/n and jen soon. 
You see a black sedan pull up outside your house, and a head of blonde hair gets out. You grab the bag you’d prepared for the beach, run down the stairs, but fail to beat your parents out the door.
“Mom, Dad, this is Jay. Jay, these are my parents.” you say, quickly. “Great! Now that we have introductions out of the way, beach time!” 
You try to get out the door, but your dad says, “Wait, hold on a second. I want to meet your friends.”
“Another time, Dad,” you respond. 
“So, Jay,” your dad goes on, “you’re also a junior? What’re you interested in?”
Jay nods, “Yeah, I’m also a junior. In school I like English and History. Outside of that, I love the arts - singing, dancing, painting - and fashion.”
“Oh, that’s cool,” says your dad. “I have zero fashion sense. Anyways, you guys are going to the beach?”
You nod, “Yeah, I already told you, you said sure, go and have fun.”
“I know,” your dad says. “So, is it just the two of you?”
“No,” says Jay. “We’re picking up another friend, and then the others are meeting us there.”
“Nice,” says your mom. “Sounds like fun. I’ll have to meet all of you at some point. Invite them over, Y/N,” she says to you.
“I will,” you respond.
“Alright, we won’t hold you kids any longer. Go have fun. Don’t get eaten by a shark!” says your dad.
You roll your eyes, following Jay out the door and into his car. He gets in the driver’s seat, you sit in the passenger seat - perks of being the first one picked up - and he starts making conversation. It’s nice, but you’re also a bit shocked: this is the most he’s talked to you since the first day of school. 
“So, how’s your weekend been so far, Y/N?” he asks, glancing at you before looking back at the road (he’s a safe driver like that). 
“It’s been good,” you say. “I slept in, it’s Saturday so waffle day, and then I procrastinated, did homework, watched YouTube videos, procrastinated, did more homework… What about you?”
Jay chuckles, “The same, pretty much. Homework is, well, homework. Depending on the class, it’s either fun, bearable, or torture.”
“So true,” you agree, “I love English homework, it’s so fun. I’m also okay with History and Science. Hate math homework though. It’s good practice but an awful experience.”
“I love History homework,” says Jay. “I find it so cool to learn about different time periods. I also like looking at pictures and drawings, seeing what people wore, what the beauty standards were. Did you know that in Florence, back in the 1600s, women bleached their hair in the sun and dyed it with urine? Having blonde hair was the beauty standard, and that’s how they did it.”
You crinkle your nose, disgusted. “Ew.”
“They also,” Jay continues, “believed that bigger foreheads were more attractive, so they’d pluck hair to move their hairline further up.”
“Beauty at the price of pain,” you say, not knowing how to respond. “I could never do that.”
Jay laughs, “Me neither.”
You then pull up to a gorgeous house, painted light blue, with a long dark driveway. Just as Jay parks the car, Jen runs out the door, bag in hand.
“Thank God you’re here,” she says. “My parents wanted me to do homework while waiting. Math homework.” She waves towards the house, before sitting in the backseat. “I hate doing math homework with them.”
“Did your parents also ask you to memorize times tables and recite them when you were eight?” you ask, and Jen laughs, nodding. 
“Yup. Awful childhood experience. Especially because we have calculators, like I get that they grew up not using calculators, but I don’t need to memorize basic math. I’d rather memorize song lyrics.” she says. 
“Relatable,” says Jay.
You three carry on, discussing school and adults and life. Before you know it, Jay’s parking the car, and then you three get out, grabbing your bags and meeting up with the others.
“I’m traumatized,” is the first thing Zuha says. “She drives like a maniac.”
Chaewon pouts, “I’m a good driver. The state of Washington agrees.”
“Maybe back then,” says Zuha, “but not anymore. I’m never sitting in a car with you again.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” argues Chaewon, but Zuha’s shaking her head.
“You ran through three red lights, rolled through four stop signs, didn’t blink when changing lines, went 20 miles over the speed limit, yelled at slower drivers - they could hear you, Chae, calling them “fucking idiots”. I was scared someone would snap and follow us. Road rage is a very real thing.” 
Zuha looks exhausted, Chaewon is pouting, and everyone else is laughing. You included. Who would’ve guessed that Chaewon was crazy behind the wheel? Well, everyone, actually. You’d been shocked that she had her license. For good reason, you now know.
“I’m not driving back with you,” says Zuha.
“I’ll give you a ride,” responds Jake. “Your house is on my route anyways.”
Zuha breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“Then who will go with me? I’ll be all alone,” Chaewon whines. 
“That sounds like a you problem,” says Heeseung. “I’ll go with you though. I want to sit in a car with you. It’s like a free amusement park ride. Six Flags will be a piece of cake after sitting in a car with you.”
Everyone laughs, and you all start walking towards the sand. Jake brought a beach umbrella, and you set it up, along with some lawn chairs and towels. You all brought snacks, and Heeseung has a cooler as well filled with cold drinks.
The beach is fun. At one point, you all go in the water, splashing each other. Heeseung shoves Jay in the water, who then shoves him back. Jake is watching, laughing, until he gets dunked in the water by Jen. Everyone splashes and jumps and screams and it’s a fun time, something you had never done with your friends back home. 
You also talk a lot with Jay. It makes you happy - all of your friends are nice, but there’s something about Jay that draws you in. He’s so thoughtful, kind, funny. He tends to be quiet, but sometimes he’s extremely loud and energetic and he absolutely brightens the room. Because of his more quiet tendencies, it feels more authentic and thoughtful when he does speak and engage in conversation. It also feels more personal, private, like whatever he’s telling you is for you alone, like he’s making a special effort to tell you about a piece of him. You like getting pieces of him. It makes you feel like you’re closer to figuring him out. And you want to figure him out - he has an incredible smile, and you want to know the secret behind it. You want to make that smile happen. 
Jay sits next to you on the sand, talking about the way the sun’s light is hitting the waves of the ocean, about how it would make for such a nice painting. Not a picture, a painting. Jay’s so artistic. 
“You should paint it,” you tell him as he’s pondering out loud the different shades of blue and green that would be mixed to replicate the color of the ocean waves. 
“Should I?” he asks, “I’m not a great artist.”
“I don’t believe that,” you respond. “Paint it. I feel like you know a lot about art.”
Jay shrugs, “I like art. I think it’s because I also like history, and fashion. Art is so intertwined with both of those areas. I mean, all three are intertwined, really. There’s history and art behind fashion. There’s art and fashion throughout history. There’s art from different historical time periods, and fashion is art…” he rambles on for a bit, before blushing, “I’m probably boring you, aren’t I?”
You shake your head, “Not at all. I’ve never really thought much about any of those connections, or subject areas, so it’s interesting to learn about it. It’s cool that you think so much about it. Especially the attention to detail - details are so important, but people always gloss over them.”
Jay grins, “I feel the same way. Art without details, writing without details, anything without details, really, would be so dull, vague, uninteresting. Details give life to things.”
Through the glare of the sun, you try to focus on the details in his smile. “They really do,” you agree.
You really enjoy the beach day. It’s a good break from studying, and it’s fun to spend time with your friends. Between conversations on the sand, hanging out in the water, picnicking in the shade, you feel a sense of community and belonging. 
You’re also really happy because of Jay. You’ve talked to him so much today, and it makes you happy. It’s a weird feeling, and it makes you nervous - you feel giddy and excited whenever you talk to him, and you never feel like that around other people.
Later that night, you’re in your pajamas, getting ready for bed. You’re under your covers, about to turn your light off, when your phone buzzes. 
You’re not all that sleepy, so you pick up your phone from your nightstand, and see a notification. It’s in a group chat with Jen, Zuha, and Chaewon.
jenjen: so are we gonna talk abt jay and y/n?
y/n: ??
y/n: there’s nothing to talk abt?
zuha: yup and chae’s a good driver
chaechae: i resent that but i agree
jenjen: zuha stop talking abt chae’s driving for one second
jenjen: we have more important matters to discuss
zuha: 🙄
jenjen: do u like him back?
chaechae: that’s a stupid question it’s obvious she likes him
y/n: i don’t like him! I like being friends w him but just that
zuha: stop lying to yourself! ur acting like chaewon rn
chaechae: i’m feeling v unsafe in this gc rn
zuha: that’s how i felt in a car w u
jenjen: zuha, very kindly, shut up abt chae’s driving 
jenjen: anyways, y/n, do u like talking to jay?
y/n: yes
jenjen: do u like seeing him smile?
y/n: yes, doesn’t everyone?
jenjen: did u blush when u saw him with wet hair? water droplets falling on his skin?
y/n: … maybe. didn’t the rest of u?
jenjen: y/n, sweet sweet child, NO 
zuha: no
chaechae: no
jenjen: confirmed y/n likes jay
chaechae: and he likes her back he’s kinda pathetic abt it
chaechae: bro drove out of his way to pick her up before jennifer
y/n: he did?
zuha: he didn’t want his gf to die in a car w u
chaechae: i want to block her, can i block her?
jenjen: anyways, it’s obvious he likes u
jenjen: he wouldn’t stop talking to u today, after a week of barely talking to u
zuha: it’s cuz kai’s on a date, so he knows y/n and kai don’t have a thing
y/n: he thought kai and i had a thing?
jenjen: u didn’t know? he looked so pissed everytime u talked to the kid
jenjen: i was half expecting a fight 
chaechae: i wish there was a fight that would be funny
zuha: this is why u shouldn’t have a license
y/n: well at least he knows that kai and i aren’t a thing
y/n: speaking of which who’s kai dating?
jenjen: idk, kid refused to tell me
chaechae: i have a few ideas but i’m not sure
zuha: idk, we’ll see monday
jenjen: as long as it’s not u, it doesn’t matter
jenjen: i’m the captain of jay x y/n and i need to see my ship sail
y/n: so u guys r sure he likes me?
zuha: yes
chaechae: yes
jenjen: yes
y/n: huh
copyright: this is original work, don't copy it. just send an ask/comment to join the taglist.
taglist: @chaewon-slays
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vespertin-y · 11 months
long time no liveblog! i diverted my writing brain to finishing several wips and graduating high school, plus i got more into toh and genshin, so it’s been a while since i had the energy for this series. but today i’m back with the iconic ✨saiou salon scene✨ and very excited to be!
-alright, here’s the obligatory disclaimer: i’m going to be interpreting kokichi as initially intending to go through with the mercy kill plan. this is not the only valid interpretation. the most fundamental thing you have to understand about kokichi to analyze him is that he’s a microcosm of NDRV3 itself - he’s a catbox, the “embodiment of a lie”, completely up for interpretation. (i’m honestly not too fond of this as a writing decision, but that’s neither here nor there). if you interpret him as intending to sell out gonta from the beginning: cool! good for you! do not send me hate asks please.
-”oh, wait! now that we’re alone, i wanna tell you something.” “...what is it?” “you’re really useful.” “huh?” kokichi rlly said ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ 😭 at least use a DIFFERENT manipulation tactic bro cmon
-”so, how about you stop hanging out with dumb ol’ kaito, and be *my* friend instead? i think i can be useful to you, too...y’know? i can help you save everyone. and you wanna save everyone, riiiiight?” he NEEDS shuichi on his side to win the trial, and he’s fumbling it because he can’t keep a lid on his petty, childish jealousy. incredible. 
-”...shuichi saihara.” i can’t take his anger seriously with the little red chibi face...i wanna squish him...
-”nee-heehee...aw, i got rejected. but i won’t give up that easily. when i find someone i like, i’d do anything to get them to notice me...even strangle them.” the translation for this line is...rough. first of all, he doesn’t say ‘like’. he says a word only used ONE other time in v3 - when maki confesses to kaito. it’s a very serious way to say you love someone and rarely used irl. (he’s also completely alone, talking out loud to himself, and spent the entire last chapter of the game yelling about how much he hates lying to oneself. it’s hard to convince your audience the serial liar is being truthful this time, okay?!). second of all, the strangling - this is another catbox thing! in japanese, it’s ambiguous whether he’s strangling the one he loves or letting them strangle him...which is near-impossible to convey in english, so NISA went with the boring option and just chose whatever made kokichi seem scarier. booooo!!
-god, miu’s body discovery fucks me UP. i’m glad they don’t make you investigate the corpse up close, i’m not sure how long i could take staring at that awful expression.
-[daybreak. the sun had risen while we were inside the virtual world.] that’s the end of day sixteen, then.
-see you next time (which should be very soon, if all goes well) for the investigation!! go touch an aminimal 👍
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7th Dimension (Chapter 2)
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Masterlist for other fandoms
Wattpad link for 7th Dimension
Chapter 1
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary for this chapter: Perhaps, the woman who happened to be teleported in the world of Jujutsu wasn't exactly the same woman he met back in that certain dimension after all. Would she still be a woman of use or just nugatory as Gojo Satoru could see fit?
Warnings: Mentions of Blood. Wounds. Todo being Todo. This happens in between the Goodwill Event, the Hanami incident. Some words written in Italics between dialogues only would be Romajis's for Japanese or English words being stated by specific characters from time to time. I've kind of shifted some scenes as well. Some gifs here and there. To those who already read my works, y'all know how I love inserting them in between chapters! 💙
Reminders to avoid confusion: Y'all would probably wonder how Gojo knows you---though, only in terms of appearance because the person who he's meeting here is not the same as whom he met in the special chapter in one of my other fanfics entitled Witcher of the Night. (It's a fanfic for The Witcher Series televised on Netflix) I don't even know why the heck I tried connecting both of these fanfics together. Think of it as a multi-verse. However, the woman---a.k.a reader in 7th Dimension is NOT the same nor have the same soul as the woman being portrayed in my other fic. They have different lives or history. They are entirely different but acquire the same appearances only. It's just so if you love The Witcher and also Jujutsu Kaisen, then you get the best of both worlds from my fanfic works. Heehee! (I haven't finished writing the Special Chapter I have for Gojo's appearance in the other fanfic I have, so I apologize. I'm currently focusing on writing future chapters for 7th Dimension first, so I hope any of you won't get lost in translation---I mean won't get lost in this fanfic of mine. <3)
A/N: I've updated a little too early! This chapter should've been published on February 23, 2022 but since y'all are too sweet from chapter 1, so here it is! An early chapter for everyone! Heehee! ENJOY!
Tell me if you want to be tagged whenever I publish chapters for 7th Dimension! Send an ask or message me!
Words: 2k+
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. Credits to the rightful owners! I only own the plot of this whole fanfic. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be. This has no connection towards the anime or manga as this is a FANFIC.
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From the moment Juzo Kumiya's curtain was destroyed and Satoru Gojo activating his Hollow Technique: Purple, a gigantic single purple sphere that was bound to obliterate everything in its path and to prevent from Hanami from leaving the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event. The students of Kyoto Jujutsu High and Tokyo Jujutsu High were sure enough that the Special Grade Curse Spirit has been definitely annihilated.
But, not for the strongest sorcerer. He could sense there was more to it, probably even a bunch more surprising events that leave him dwelling that it was still alive.
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"Yay! That settles everything!" Satoru gave principal Gakuganji a big thumbs up, completely irking him at the process as he grinned, his teeth radiating under the sunbeam of the early morning. The senile member of the higher-ups in the Jujutsu Society scowled before him, constantly hearing Juzo's pathetic whines and pained moans on the corner. Both sorcerers, leaving him bleeding out of his limbs due to Gojo's rash doing, planning that he was in for an interrogation.
He'd lifted a part of his blindfold, regarding such prodigal solution of his to this gatecrashing disturbance and closely observing if the special grade curse-spirit and curse users were still around the area. Gojo gave the scene a side-eye, unveiling one of his Arctic eyes which held great, compelling abilities that no other has inherited for the past hundred years.
The strongest Jujutsu sorcerer was absorbed in his own puzzling thoughts when he suddenly felt something else, making him blink twice.
Another intruder. Though, the emanations it held felt more familiar rather than the aleatory interlopers in the midst of the Goodwill Event.
He'd taken a pause, slightly taking him by surprise but never allowing other people to see through his astonishment, appearing to still remain unfazed by all and keeping himself under his cool, Satoru pointed back at Kyoto Jujutsu High's principal in a smug manner, calling in the shots for a halfly extirpated Juzo laying on the ground, "Principal Gakuganji, you take him out for interrogation, will ya'?"
Yoshinobu Gakuganji couldn't help the twitch form his mouth from his uncivilized talks, thoroughly antagonized by this particular sorcerer's existence and always seeing him as irritating and destructive. Gojo took no heed to his reply and instantaneously left him to his own, warping out of the scene to deal with another commotion that would be worth the bewilderment.
"Tch. This brat." the principal muttered beneath his breath as he deeply sighed.
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Aoi Todo stood tall and proud with his chiseled, muscular build radiating beneath the sun's rays. Hands on his hips as he cackled out loud at the exceptional scenery that flashed before their eyes which happened to be Gojo's impractical way of cutting down a problem. The Grade 1 sorcerer was still chuckling as a single drop of sweat fell on the side of his neck, shaking his head from the sudden out turn.
Hanami was about to cast Domain Expansion if it weren't for the curtains which has been quickly destroyed by the man that was prohibited to enter, a curtain that pushed him out of the way to exclude himself in joining in the fun.
Gojo Satoru was never one to miss such ruckus especially when it had his students involved.
"Heh. I knew it. He's still nonstandard as ever." Todo deeply chuckled with a smirk, completely entertained by how Gojo's Hollow Technique crumbled half of Kyoto Jujutsu High into a disintegrating mess, the scene appeared like a large meteor came to ruin mother earth and its beauty, entirely a ramshackle Grand Canyon for the end of a world.
"Todo," Yuji Itadori, The Tiger of West Junior High and a first year student of Tokyo Jujutsu High who happened to be Sukuna's Vessel hollered for his friend's attention, how they quickly became friends on such a short amount of time still gets Itadori wondering what made it happen, "---Is this still Gojo Sensei's doing?"
What stood before them was a bottomless pit of bright abyss, the opposite of how a black hole could've been envisaged. Todo was quick enough to comprehend, its bright luminescence entirely taking them both as it also blinded them along the way. The partners in crime shielded themselves from the vivid streaks, momentarily looking away, squinting their eyes shut as it became drastic with every second.
It was obscuring their visions.
"Spatial Teleportation? No. This doesn't look like it. Unless he has learned something new or have been keeping something under his blindfold---"
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In that instant, Todo heard a clamorous reverberation of a truck's horn, seeming to run them over through the blinding abyss. He was quick to revolt against the unforeseen collision and jumped high, the circular chasm closing in at least a second and cutting the Freight truck in half. The third year student couldn't believe his eyes as the scene before them unfold, zooming in on a woman flying out of the void who happened to have collided with the vehicle and appeared to be abominably thrashed by the impact.
"Yuji!" He loudly exclaimed as he was in the air, leaped high enough and hasty to even collide with the vehicle. Itadori's senses were also at high speed and like greased lightning, he'd grabbed you away, prancing to the sides before it has even slammed the both of you, "I got her!"
"Half a truck. Ha!---" Todo commented, guffawing at the unsought intrusion of something they didn't understand. He fell flat on his slippers, sauntering towards the huge truck cut in half. It hit a tree and probably ruined it due to the powerful impact of collision. He noticed that there was no one controlling the vehicle up front, leaving him looking utterly baffled by the accident, "---Where's the driver, then?"
"She's badly battered and bleeding." Itadori brought into the open, stating the obvious as he observed your wounds and bleeding skull. Blood seeped out of a deep, opened wound surrounding the side of your head, hemorrhage transparent and starting to begin for how beaten up you were, crimson liquid flowing down and probably staining his school uniform more than he even did to himself even after the fight with Hanami.
"We need to get her to Shoko-Senpai." He added and stood up, taking no sweat in carrying you in both his arms, determined to take a run for it to save your life as he gave Todo a glance, skeptical why the muscle-bound man has an expression of distrust.
"A woman who we don't know and who's certainly not Takada," Todo scoffed with a grin, crossing his burly arms as he closely observed you in curiosity, trying to see if you were a sorcerer, non-sorcerer or a cursed spirit.
An uncalled school of thought distracted him from the unfortunate incident. Without a doubt, it was not the right time for it. His impression telling him that you weren't his type in women. Though, Todo kept his mouth shut for the impertinent discussions for the meantime.
Yuji gave him a blank look, he knew it was not the right time for his fanboying nature when he was holding an immensely injured woman.
"Is she friends with the tree?" The pink haired student suddenly asked, eyeing Todo in doubt but utterly puzzled by the situation as he started to mutter random conjectures over your surprising entrance, "What if she's a ticking time bomb sent by the Special Grade Cursed Spirit and---"
Aoi Todo gave Yuji Itadori a point of his hand, motioning towards your battered self who was being held by his friend, "Then don't touch her, my Besto-Friendo."
"And leave her bleeding on the ground?" Itadori asked in disbelief, his tone sounding like he was alarmed of the situation that Todo wanted to happen, "---Todo," he continued, trying to catch his attention when the brawny man's shoulders shook from laughing out loud at his friend's reaction.
He was only kidding when he found Yuji's reaction utmost comical, never believing that he actually convinced him that he was serious.
Todo reached out, showing both robust arms to Itadori and offered to help and give you to the school's doctor instead, "I'll carry her then---"
Both men halted in between their chitter-chatters, seeming to feel like they were visited by a strong sorcerer who has saved the day. They've turned their heads to confirm and straightaway knew by the amount of cursed energy they've felt from the man.
There stood the honored one, Gojo Satoru who had his hands inside his pockets, standing tall as he wore his black blindfold. His moisturized lips inscrutable for them to know what he was thinking, though deep inside, there was no doubt that they were thinking that he wanted to give a remark over something because the Sensei never runs out of anything to say.
Surprisingly which was unconditionally enough to bowl over on, all they've gotten from him was a call of their name.
"Todo, Yuji." Satoru nonchalantly acknowledged, offering them a smile and bringing them to their attention. They were thinking that he was wondering who was the bleeding woman in his student's arms.
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However, they had no idea that the Jujutsu Sorcerer knew your arrival beforehand.
"Hai, Gojo-Sensei." Itadori acknowledged his teacher with a respectful tone, turning at least ninety degrees to show the harmed woman in his arms, "She appeared out of nowhere, going through some type of dimensional-teleportation technique---" he was cut off by Todo who immediately questioned his theories.
"Is there even---" Itadori interrupted back, shrugging to himself as Gojo began to stroll towards where they stood, "Other than Gojo-Sensei who can warp in a definite amount of distance? No." he sounded rest-assured and continued his assumptions, "---But, in the movies, Yes. I guess."
Without even lifting a part of his blindfold, the strongest sorcerer knew then and there that the woman Yuji Itadori was holding is you, yet he felt like his own assurance held no concrete evidence because he knew himself that there was something different with the battered girl who was breathing on his student's arms versus the woman he met when he travelled in a dimension he hardly knew about.
A very strange one if Gojo Satoru was honest. It looked like you were living in a foreign world or a movie he could make Yuji watch for hours and actually learn how to fight using swords and those weak looking weapons.
He could hear your shallow breathing. You were breathing. You weren't dead. But, you could be if he stalled long enough.
You better not be dead when you actually knew what was going to happen in the future with just one touch to his face because your words were entirely accurate. There actually has been gatecrashers in the midst of the Goodwill Event, knowing Gojo---he doubted at first and never believed a single thing. However, after everything that has happened, he was convinced that the woman he met back then was a forecaster of the future.
Hence, this wounded woman happened to look exactly the same as her.
Though, he could feel it---doubted that this woman who was badly injured is the same person who he met back in that particular dimension.
"Is she teamed up with the cursed-spirits? Or just a non-sorcerer?" Todo was engaged in the conversation with Yuji, eyeing his friend and the woman in his arms, "---She should be dead then."
Aoi Todo was responsive enough of the surprising, self-effacing sensei who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. He was also confident enough to call him out in between his abnormal silence and wanted to try and pry. "Oi, oi, oi!" the beefy man burst out with a grin as he was keeping an eye on Gojo Satoru who kept to be reticent, "Ha! well, this is a first---" A pause. "---Some dirt caught in your blindfold or something?"
"Yuji," Gojo repeated for the second time, weirdly unresponsive of Todo's razz as he retrieved his hands out of his pockets and tried to catch his student's attention who seemed to be like he was also lost in his own thoughts. He noticed how his teacher was motioning him to place you in his arms. Itadori blinked twice towards Satoru's outstretched arms and onto the bleeding woman who was unfortunately, you.
"Huh---right, Sensei." His student finally responded, willingly and carefully placing you in Gojo's long arms.
"I'll get her to Shoko."
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Y/N be living the dream, now in Gojo's arms---IT'S MY DREAM! NOT HER! MY DREAM MAS! *kicks the ground*
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wshaeil · 3 years
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*  ◟  ―  🍓cl - clang !! hello , it’s so nice to meet you all - my name is jada , but you can just call me 𝐎𝐇 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐈𝐋’s mun !! i’m super excited to be here , and hopefully you guys take to me and phoenix’s leader , haeil ! he has a semi - sad vibe , but don’t be fooled, he’s a pretty cool guy ! below you’ll find trivia as well as general connections while i work on te real plots page ! and as always, please like if you’d like to plot alongside me and my boy !! lets go !
i’m going to lightly touch on his backstory here but his bio is already loaded w stuff haha so !! i won’t bore you with too many details !!
came from a family w / high expectations of him, to always be the responsible big brother ... and he did ! always was good at school stuff, took care of stuff at home when needed, etc !
but deep down he was ( and is ) not happy w how he felt his own happiness was always sacrificed for others, despite not wanting to admit it & sounding selfish ? but anyways, it got him acting up, and he had a whooole little rebellious streak that was completely out his character !
though he realllyyy enjoyed the rush, his little adventure ended quick when his parents noticed him skipping class & all that ! so his first year of hs they made him join a school club to find better friends, and that’s where he found dance !
there he learned dance and well ... the rest is history !! loved every minute of it, but got a really bad injury that had him out of dances for a while, and it crushed him, but he came back with a newfound true appreciation for it !
time skip, his friends encouraged him to audition when word came around about yuseong auditions and ... voila ! here we are !!
ok so you’ll have to excuse me as haeil is one of those this . . . and also that characters HAHA, so he’s got opposing personality traits even within himself ! he even is confused by it hee heeeee
also sidenote his younger sister is @wsharin​ !! they’re definitely giving opposites yet crazy type, have quite different personalities, but grwing up in similar environments w each other has kept them very close ! kinda thinks he’s fake youngest out of them, yet fiercely protective of her !
but ! his natural instinct is actually to be pretty wild, outgoing, have fun. he’s the happiest when he can do that, and those closest to him probably know him to be quite the joker when he lets loose.
buuut for years now he’s been conditioned into the responsible leader-type he is now, though it def is his more manufactured side. but nowadays it’s what he reverts to, because he sort of just thinks there’s not enough room in everyone’s life for him to be so chaotic ??
haeil tries his hardest to blend in the background, as he feels it’s what a good leader does and he wants to give the rest of his team the shine. because he hasn’t been dancing as long as most others around him, and had a relatively short training time, he’s still v doubtful of his own worthiness of being in the position he is, therefore he sort of feels like ... he doesn’t deserve attention ?? ( and while this is true to an extent, haeil also needs to work through this constant pessimism within himself and learn to take pride in his achievements !! )
so a lot of times what you’ll see is a man trying to be a leader, with the inner child ( ! ) in him poking through. though he encourages participation from his other members rather than himself, his fans are known for pointing out all the moments he gets jumpy / excited / hyper, and he’s kinda developed this “tsundere” vibe because of it ? it’s not exactly correct but he’ll take it heehee
as a leader, esp on variety, you’ll see him doing little things to make the quieter / less talked to members heard this whole compilation ?? literally him.
if you’re close to him though, you’ll really see he’s not nearly as serious as he seems. he’s extreeemely caring, almost to a fault, w those close to him ? and will take care of literally anything they need. got rent due tomm ? send him your payment info and he’ll send over all he has in his account. but on top of that, he just loves to have fun, and if in an environment that allows, v spontaneous !
def mom friend vibes. doesn't like coffee but loves his morning tea, sweaters, tries to establish a bed time for phoenix, always managing to have remembered that one thing someone else forgot, packing snacks, all the good stuff !
but !! the entertainer in haeil is compleetely different, and largely why he got famous ! a charismatic dancer for sure, enjoys a lot of hip hop as it’s what he’s had most practice in, and whenever he dances he truly has fun !! 
he was so  deep in his own insecurities, and it showed in his dancing, untilll cherry bomb. phew cherry bomb haeil was ... a whole era, and what a lot of people attribute to being his vibe switch that made him 1000x more confident !
despite what many think he loooves aggresive rap. rock & r&b are right up there too. loves music that reminds him he can feel things !!
poor thing ... cannot handle his alcohol. legit tries to avoid drinking altogether bc like one drink and he’s already trying to crawl onto tables. actually loves going out for drinks but avoids it like the plague bc he thinks it ruins his pride lolll
while he claims he's too busy for love - and he genuinely is kinda - he is a hopeless romantic deep down. his mind always drifts to him & his future partner living all suburban w kids who match clothes and having a family dog, all the fixings ... he just wants a cute dad vibe and gets depressed when he thinks of how being an idol is kinda preventing that from coming anytime soon 
this is getting SO LONG WHAT lets move on !!
someone who didn’t actually make it / hasn’t yet debuted in the industry, but who haeil reallly looks up to as a mentor ? whether a rapper / singer or just someone he admires, haeil gets depressed every time he remembers the person who got him where he is hasn't even got their shot of fame yet, and who he feels he owes quite everything to. though he’s got the whole leader thing going on, this person makes him act like a whole little sibling.
english tutor !! he genuinely wants to be so much better than he is, and doubts his skills as a good leader bc of it and would loove someone to help him !! also def down to learn from someone who speaks japanese, since he’s learning that as well ! he just wants to connect w more fans D:
someone who lets him lets loossee !! need i say more ?? haeil needs to have some fun and be himself before he pops a brain vessel, and that seems like it’s becoming more and more of a possibility oijdoidjodjod. alcohol may or may not be included iin the equation but if so prepare for chaos personified !
an ex perhaps ?? he’s bisexual so this could go either way, but someone he was w in high school and for whatever reason, it didn’t work out ?? we could give them awkward or tension w angst where they never got closure, or two people who just worked better as friends and maintained a great connection !
someone who he’s truly just ... whipped over ? something about their energy has him wanting to see them more and more and quite honestly, p out of character. openly a simp and just wilding whenever this person’s in the room hours .. let’s go !!
best friends. but i mean like .... beeest friends. they don't have to necessarily go back, not all best friends do, but what matters is them now ! friends who have an incredibly special connection, the type to just .. basically be talking in their own language of inside jokes and such.
for those who might not be from korea / have the closest relationship w their own family, haeil’s got you ! if your muse has always wanted someone who cooks for them, gives advice, or just listens and provides a shoulder to cry on, mr.haeil is the man for you !!
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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yhtaejoon · 4 years
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hi! this is chey, i was here close to opening with kim1 (kim joonwoo), but i got really busy with a new job and accidentally dipped. i’m so so sorry for that! anyway, here’s taejoon’s unfinished info page & his pinterest board. this is rushed so it’s probably gonna be messy??? idk. we’re all in this together. hmu on discord if that’s your thing --- pepper#4940
full name is kang taejoon, but he has no affiliation with the kang family. he’s actually filling the role of daebak8! i checked the last names to make sure he didn’t have the same one as one of the families but alas, my pea-brain still failed me.
on that note, he’s a tiktoker born in 2000. started on vine in 2012, but didn’t actually get serious about his online presence until 2014-ish and IMMEDIATELY started lying about his life because what else is a fourteen year old gonna do online?
lied about his age, his hobbies, his family, his experiences, etc. he just really, really wanted to seem interesting, and hey! it worked! he eventually fooled thousands of people into thinking he’s someone worth their time. chased trends like crazy, kept in close touch with his “fanbase”, picked up sponsorships all while keeping his ACTUAL life completely secret basically. got very comfortable with lying.
he was always pretty obsessed with the attention because he lost his popularity when he stopped playing soccer (f’s in the chat for the former athlete side of him) & getting money from promoting brands was good, too, bc while his family isn’t necessarily lower class, they could still use some help. plus he needed cash to buy anime merch.
flash forward to 2020. he graduated high school in early 2019, still has no desire to go to college or get a “real” job. he has it made rn living in the daebak house and creating online content still. living the life.
except not really because how fulfilling can it honestly be to watch thousands of people becoming fond of ur fake persona? he still lies a ton, has begun to feel like no one will ever like him for who he actually is bc it’s quite disappointing in comparison to the always ON persona he shows. 
his tiktok user name is “beetlejoon” which is a play on beetlejuice if you couldn’t tell dshbfvds.
he speaks english really well from a mix of classes when he was young, growing up online and trying to appeal to westerners, and watching a ton of western shows/films. he does kind of have an accent but for the most part.... a lot of ppl who only know him online assume he lives in america/is from america.
the rumor about him buying views/followers is definitely true. he’s not losing popularity or anything, he just wants to look even more relevant than he actually is.
cries himself to sleep like every night but you’d NEVER guess. he’s super funny when he’s around people, knows what people want and will do anything he can to blend in and make everyone like him. needs that validation so bad. life of the party.
flirts a lot for no other reason than he can and he likes the validation of people flirting back! but his love life is hectic and always disappointing. on one hand, he knows a ton of his followers are delusional w the idea that they can be with him and he doesn’t wanna lose followers by being Unavailable. on the other hand, can’t risk being too close with anyone and them finding out nothing he says is true. heehee.
he follows whatever trends are in at the moment, so he owns a ton of dumb shit that will never be practical/clothes he’ll never wear in public/probably has dumb tattoos he got impulsively.
his trademark thing (that he stole Obviously) is a broken heart that he draws on his cheekbone Every Single Day. probably claims that it’s a tattoo just to fuck with his followers but there’s those odd times when it’s not there and everyone’s confused.
wears all black usually, lots of chains, leather, platform boots, dangly earrings, but he’s not the kind of guy your parents worn you about. he couldn’t be scary if he tried. he’s CLEARLY just a tiktok e-boy. he’s more like the lowlife your parents compare you to to make you feel better about how slow your life is moving.
while we’re talking about parents.... his gave up on him when he moved into the daebak house. he tries to give them money and support them but they won’t have it. decline his calls. don’t write him back. they think he’s mad embarrassing which is... fair. his tiktok presence is definitely questionable
likes to be funny and make people laugh, but he actually cannot take anything seriously even if he tries. this definitely gets on peoples’ nerves, has probably ended some good friendships/relationships/whatever else. sometimes he can lighten the mood if it’s dark but most of the time it just pisses people off bc it seems like he doesn’t care/doesn’t understand.
idk what else to say but if you’ve read this far and you like music, two songs that i heavily associate with taejoon are cotton candy by yungblud and lowkey as hell by waterparks. listen to them if you want... or don’t.
i don’t have a plots page put together yet, but here are some vague ideas i have:
(0/2) --- past tinder dates whom he lied to about his age and it came out somehow </3 maybe he tried to take them to a bar and he got caught with a fake id. maybe they went snooping and found out none of his info adds up. either way, the dates were short-lived and they probably clowned him pretty hard.
(0/?) --- fans of his tiktok page.
(0/?) --- alternatively, people who know of his tiktok page and think it’s dumb.
(0/1) --- another influencer who is jealous of his following, thinks he doesn’t deserve it.
(0/1) --- another influencer who “beefs” with him online so they both get more views.
(0/1) --- another influencer he collabs with a lot, even if their content is completely different. they’re friends, so might as well piggyback of each other’s popularity!
(0/1) --- close friend who makes frequent appearances on his tiktok, usually for relationship trends bc he doesn’t have an actual partner to film them with. usually acting like clowns, clearly faking but his fans still think it might be real. 
(0/1) --- someone he hooked up with at one (or more) of the daebaek house parties and ghosted afterwards. completely acts like he doesn’t know them. oops.
(0/?) --- friends to do dumb shit with. he’s impulsive and just hates to be alone (especially when doing stuff that might get him in trouble) so you could say these are his accomplices. if he wants to do things he’ll regret, they’re always in!
(0/?) --- some mellow friends who balance out his chaos.
(0/1) --- the one (1) friend he got matching tattoos with on impulse. probably something really stupid. the one thread that holds their friendship together when they fight.
(0/1) --- someone who holds themselves to really high standards, takes life seriously. thinks they’re better than taejoon and doesn’t hesitate to show it.
(0/1) --- ex partner who broke up with taejoon because (1) he wouldn’t stop lying to them, (2) he still claimed to be single online and (3) he just cracked jokes when they tried to talk out their problems, wouldn’t really listen. probably hate him now but he’s really sorry. please accept these (cheap, probably wilting) apology flowers.
i want every plot. all of them. anything u can throw at me! but if i kept typing ideas out, i’d be at this forever and we really can’t have that. so just hit me up if any of these catch your attention or if you’ve got anything you think he’d fit! 
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Pesterquest Thoughts: Redux 2
I accidentally deleted my original pesterquest thoughts like a goober and have to re-type it all but this time I took my time to gather my thoughts and fix some errors. English isn’t my native language and fixing grammar is a necessity.
Okeydokey let’s start off with our favorite fish girl – Feferi!
I enjoyed her routes! The only negative is that her route was plot-centric and not much on her.
What I mean is we already knew her personal view points on how Alternia works. How she wanted to implement change. Beforus!Feferi also showed us what her Alternia would look like. (Still has problems but at least public execution isn’t one of em… )
So all in all we didn’t learn anything new…except ~ The Dark Carnival.
The implications of this are astronomical. We already knew she had insight into the beyond with her luses’ connection to the horrorterrors. Feferi ends up making the dream bubbles so that all the ghosts of every timeline can survive to defeat LE. (This being hinted at her creating a safe bubble for MSPR. )
But with the Dark Carnival and her access to the temporal phenomena in the context of Pesterquest Canon, she has access to be stored in the Lotus and develop into her ultimate self.
Holy shit??? Hello??? Is anyone gunna talk about how cool that is? How badass and amazing? She has multi-universe abilities! And Karako too ~! (Their dance scene made me smile. )
 All in all, she is the typical kind-hearted princess who wants to make change in her kingdom. (Empire in this case.) I am content with her being that type of character. I love her bubbly sweet personality and her steady determined kindness to enact change.
She isn’t a forward thinker in some regards (I mean waiting thousands of sweeps to become empress? C’mon Fef.) But her ditzy-ness adds a charm to her. I love her dearly. I wish we could have seen more negative emotions from her. But positive is always a plus ~
 Okay so here comes the huge paragraphs…
I loved every Eridan route. It was true to his core character. Nothing wasn’t what we already figured when it came to his “douche” nature.
But we did find out he is mostly faking it and projecting. He over does things due to self-hatred. Hate is all he knows and he knows everyone hates him so he just…continues this charade of pompous superiority.
MSPR could clearly see that even Eridan didn’t fully believe in what he was saying. Like on the phone with Sollux? Eridan was cringing. (I was cringing! OOF! ) But the fact is; Eridan still continues this cycle of racism. He still benefits from it and doesn’t try to fight it. That isn’t cool at all. Hopefully he can change.
 Speaking of change his potential for character development was hinted at heavily. I actually think at one point it was told to our face? The pesterquest writers made sure to write in his potential for positive change in the future. They stressed at certain points he is a dumb kid who needs to change and needs to help himself out of this dark dumb hole he dug himself into. I loved that! They called him out on everything he does wrong and how he needs to better himself. And he knows! He knows he needs to change but he isn’t…ready yet…I think? This part I’m not sure on. In HS canon ending, it shows him being forgiven by Fef, Aradia and Sol in the animation so I guess this route is foreshadowing that Eridan’s future redemption. In the dream bubbles he has all the time in the world to develop and grow as a character. Ghost or not, it’s still Eridan and there is hope. Hope is his aspect after all ~! (:
 Lastly the most important thing I got out was the canon fact that Eridan is questioning/exploring his gender. We kinda all knew? At least Eridan fans did but…it really meant a lot that this was treated seriously and with respect. That Eridan showed nonbinary/trans individuals respect and that he himself was (potentially) one of them.
I myself have days where I’m sometimes one or the other so this was very meaningful to read. I adored how Eridan was like “I love wearing dresses, idgaf it makes me happy suck it”. Ugh! That sassy Eridan attitude I missed it so much ~!   
It was refreshing and…honestly relieving to see the writers show that side of him. When Eridan is passionate about something, he is so dedicated and serious about it.
Of course he’d have a floor to ceiling closet of outfits and accessories. Of course the mannequins would mimic his body type and horns exactly! Such an Ampora thing to do ~
 He also realized that him being…well…himself…would be detrimental to non-binary activists and their causes if he showed support or associated with them. They’d take a hit and no one would take them seriously.
Ugh, thank you for showing he has forward thinking and respects causes like that. He believes in them and knows the best support he can give is not showing it. (It’s a little sad though…)
 All in all I’m happy about everything. Feferi showed us the deeper lore of the story. Eridan showed layers to his character. (Like an ogre heehee) I’m pleased as a peach! Thank you pesterquest writers ~!
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Seven episodes in out of the nine that I found subbed and. I'm not. Really sure how the whole Yokai Hero system works??? Like most eps end with the onryo (I think that's what they're calling them now? ...why is it called Yokai power then smh) seemingly at peace and moving on but all that happens is that they're absorbed in the watch thing and medals pop out. Sometimes one, sometimes three, sometimes FIVE from the same Yokai? I'm not really sure what makes a Yokai give out the medal to make a hero form and ultimate attacks (that's what the extra medals do. Maybe? The last two eps I watched the protag pull new stuff from the same Yokai and I get the feeling they're just pulling stuff out if their ass only to never use it again) cuz Jibanyan only ever uses the first one he got and all the medals go to him despite his friends also having watches and fighting beside him.
BUT ANYWAYS someone PLEASE teach level5 what hard magic systems are??? If characters are using powers to resolve problems there need to be clearly defined rules and limits!!! smh I'm getting a headache. (Also irrelevant but imagine if Nate got five medals from each Yokai he befriended lol he'd need fifteen more medalliums)
Anyways yeah the tldr is that magic system and consistent yokai visibility was a problem even in the original series, but given that now they're determined to make their protags "special" and use powers to solve problems and muddied the whole thing it's so much more awful. And I wish they'd kicked the toilet humor out but ofc it has to be there. And the awful attempts to portray middle school romantic overtures. Just. Just stop. They honestly have no idea how to write crushes this is pathetic to watch
Also edgy McEdge emo hair rival didn't appear for more than a minute and I said "what an edgelord, bet he has the typical tragic backstory of Lost Whole Family To Bad Guys™ (in this case aliens) and not much later I saw a spoiler and can I just say CALLED IT
I'd throw down for Jinpei though, he's nothing like Jibanyan but he's actually enjoyable to watch! Instead of being awful while the narrative pretends he did nothing wrong (cough Natsume cough) he's actually a genuinely nice little weirdo and I love him. He acts more like a puppy than a cat though XD Meanwhile, onion head is still a bore
Honestly? I'd be able to overlook y academy's flaws and have fun with it if level 5 had kept its dumb fucking "aliens murdered everyone in their past lifes" plot twist out of it and made it full AU, but alas. So far it's much better than Shadowside, but tbf that's not saying much
You said your English name for Yuto from the second movie is Clay, right? I'm curious if there is any particular reason why :) (the 19th this month makes the 5th anniversary since the release of the 2nd movie! It only seemed appropriate to ask something about it :D)
Yeah, uh... Yokai Watch is terrible when it comes to keeping consistent. Like, hell... It’s not great, especially if you’re moving on into action, it just gets confusing.
The edgelord backstory being generically easy to answer? Who saw that that coming? Also, yeah it would’ve been better to be an AU much like Blasters, but I guess you can’t have that.
Also as for the name of Clay? Heehee, wouldn’t you like to know (we say in distain, frankly) : )
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heauxzenji · 4 years
Umm hello! I don't know if this is weird or anything, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your writing!🥺 You seem like a really sweet person and after having binged most of your works, I just had to give you a follow. Thanks so much for sharing your work with everyone and I hope you have a great day/night and please, stay stafe, eat well and drink lots of water! 💜💜💜 (sorry if my English is off, it's not my first language heehee😖)
Awwww 🥺 omg hi nonny you’re so kind! Your English is PERFECT btw. 💖
Thank you for reading and following! Don’t be a stranger 💖💖💖💖💖
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incorrectmarvelcast · 5 years
hi so like I got tagged and I feel bad cause I get forgetful and forget to do these but im super bored so imma do this thank you for tagging me @criminal-cookies u are a doll xoxo
Nicknames: M or Mari
Zodiac: gemini
Height: 5'3 (im smol dont judge me) 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (are we surprised?)
Last Thing I Googled: 13 reasons why cast (I started s3 and I wanted to stalk the cast ksksks dont act like u dont do this too) 
Fave Musicians: queen, billie ellish, kygo
Song Stuck in my Head: mad love by Mabel
Following: 292
Followers: 7,005 (I love u I just hit 7,000 so fuCK ILYSM GUYS) 
Do you ever get asks: yes and im grateful for every single one of them and I will indeed answer them all im not that mean, no matter how weird or random or whatever I love talking to u guys
Amount of sleep: okay on school days I get roughly 6 hours, but all summer I got like 4 to 3 every night lol heehee
What are you wearing: t-shirt and sweatpants (I look like an absolute potato 24/7)
Dream job: Either actress, artist, or director (but lets be real ill probably be like a doctor and side artist) 
Dream trip: London, France, Italy, LA, Canada I have alot ksksks
Instruments: Flute, recorde r(yall they teach everyone that shit its annoying), piano and guitar 
Languages: English, Arabic, and Spanish 
Random Fact: I broke my ankle three times twice on the same one and once on the other. 
aesthetics: coffee houses with a hot coffee reading or writing with beanies and cool fall weather with a good book or a journal and doing homework there after school, just like autumn soft shit im- 
I tag anyone because im boring and know, no one so feel free if you see this to do it (no one is gonna see this but yee) 
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
Mad Love
Summary: A commercial for BH Org. ends up getting disrupted, or maybe even improved, by Clemencia, as she shares her tips on dealing with the most plaguing and revolting force on this planet: Love.
Words: 1,330
Warnings: You may bleed out your eyes from pure insanity and dark humor-ish. This was a lot of fun to make.
Narrator: Greetings, you boorish bottom feeders! Have any of you experienced the oh-so abominable and weak feeling known as “love”? Even worse, have you had this feeling for your enemy? Whether it be completely romantic or just a wayward crush, you’ve most likely felt your heart beat right out of your ribcage when facing your opponent, causing you to lose more than usual (*fast* unless-you-are-using-the-products-created-by-the-Black-Hat-Organization). Do you wish for this devilish and barbaric feeling to disappear or even how to use it for evil? Fear not, you disgusting disappointments, once again, the Black Hat Organization has the cure for you! Who better to turn your overbearing sappiness to an obsessive, dark romance in the most effective way possible than by the lascivious lizard herself! Everyone put your hands together for the savage saurian, the rocking reptile, the caustic chameleon, Demenci-AAH!
The screen shows Demencia’s bedroom and on top of her bed is a large, fluffy, lump of blue, a bit of white, and some hot pink that was slowly moving up and down.
Narrator: Eugh! What is that? Is it alive? Quick! Call the Hatbots and get that vile thing exterminated imm-
Before he could finish, the lump of blue moved as a face, limbs, and a body showed itself as it stretched out from underneath, revealing a girl who was wearing a unicorn hoodie. She yawned as her arms wrapped around one Demencia’s pillows and she pushed her face into it. Then came the sound of heavy breathing.
Narrator: Cl-Clemencia! What the hell are you doing here and in Demencia's room!?
Clemencia lifted her face from Demencia's pillows with a drunken look on her face and then giggled at the Narrator, "The window was wide open, of course! I think anyone can agree that if someone left their window, door, or secret entrance open, then that perfectly allows any stranger to come in, right!?"
She blinked cutely at him with wide eyes, but it was such slow blinks that it made him uncomfortable.
Narrator: ...W-Well, either way, I need to alert Lord Black H-
"Oh no. You can't do that~ That wouldn't be fair to the wife and kids, don't you think?"
Narrator: Oh, please, what an empty threat You don't know where my family lives! Hahahaha-
As the narrator laughed, Clem's head slowly tilted to the side at a weird, horrifying angle, even making bones snap in her neck, as her grin grew wider.
Narrator: Eh, heh...you d-don't...do you?
Clem just winked at him and smiled, "Read the script, please~"
Narrator: Eh...wh-what? S-Script? But I- Oh, what is this? A rewrite? Oh, uh, th-thank you, um...ahem! As I was saying so obviously before, who better to turn your overbearing sappiness to an obsessive, dark romance in the most effective way possible than by, eh, Demencia’s number one fan herself! Everyone put your hands together for the pastel punk, the cuddly killer, the cute cutthroat, oh boy, Clemencia!
Clemencia was now lying seductively on the bed with her hand slowly moving up her leg as she greeted, “Bienvenidos, ovejas sin espinas, Clemencia aquí para enseñarles a los idiotas cómo enamorarse de verdad~”
Narrator: No! No! English channel! English!
Clemencia blinked at him and then giggled, “Oh, right! Heehee~ Sorry!”
She then sat up, as she pulled out a Demencia plushie that was ripped to shreds and was missing a leg. She hugged it tightly and the repeated, “Welcome, you spineless sheep, Clemencia here to teach you idiots on how to truly fall in love! And what better format to teach you with thaaaaannnn,” she took out a bunch of crayons, glitter markers, papers, and a bucket that looked like it could be filled with red paint, “CLEMENCIA TI-”
Narrator: Clemencia, this isn’t a normal ten minute video! We are running out of time and you need to make your point very quickly or you’ll just get cu-
Clemencia made some random noise as he was talking, “hnnnnnnNNNNNNG CLEMENCIATIPS!!!!!”
A bunch of childishly made drawings somehow appeared, as well as a simply drawn Clemencia. The unicorn girl spoke, showing images of Dark Phantom’s heart being stepped on by Vanity, while he’s also getting punched, “So, you want to know how to capture the interest of your lover and make them fall to as your prey, huh? Well, the best way to do that iiiiisssss~ through getting to know them! And there’s no better way to figure out your darling enemy then through tracking their every move~”
She drew several images of her stalking Demencia by hiding in bushes, looking at her through windows, and tapping herself to Dem’s ceiling at night to watch her sleep. Clemencia then suggested, “That is, unless your opponent has amazing detection skills like my magnificent love, Demencia,” next image was of her pretending to be Demencia’s mirror by standing right in front of her, while Dem was wielding an axe, even though she looks nothing like her and doesn’t even bother changing her clothes. She went on, “If that comes to pass, then you can always leave a gift for them! Nothing says “I love you” more than a mysterious package showing up randomly with no label on it whatsoever.”
It was an image of the hero, Angel, looking down at a box with many question marks around her head. She then slowly opened the box and peeked inside, while Clem added, “You can fill the package with whatever you want, but make sure that it’s memorable. So, that way, they’ll be thinking of you no matter what,” the next image was quick cut to Angel sitting in a corner and rocking back-and-forth, tearing her hair out.
Clemencia then listed, “Other things that you can do are dates,” drawings of Bonnivet eating with a spaced-themed hero, who was tied up in a chair and gagged, “star gazing,” Flug sending a nature powered hero into space, “karaoke,” 505 and WH Hatbot singing karaoke like best buds, “or if things turn sour and the hero dumps you or, even worse, you dump the hero, you can always just give them a nice, big hug!”
An image of Clemencia hugging Metauro appeared, while everything around them bright and glowy and they were so happy. ...Then there was an image of a house burning in the background, while Clem held him tighter in the drawing, “TO HOLD THEM BACK WHILE YOU BURN DOWN EVERYTHING THAT THEY LOVED!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!”
The images slowly burnt away to maniacally laughing Clemencia as everything around her seemed to go up in flames, making her seem truly sadistic as the pink fire licked at her skin and didn't seem to do any damage. Then everything went back to normal as she calmly finished, “However, if you follow my steps, then you should be able to follow everything as simply as pulling someone’s intestines out from their noses!”
Narrator: Eeeeehhhh...is that even possible?
Clemencia grinned wickedly, “Yes, yes it is! Let me show you!”
Narrator: NO NO NO N-
Suddenly, his screaming got interrupted by something breaking down off-screen as Demencia’s voice popped, “What the hell are you doing in here, you walking diabetic shock!”
Clemencia’s eyes turned into hearts as she giggled deliriously, squeezing the doll so tightly that the head popped right off. Her eyes then turned back to normal as the sound heavy, mechanical footfalls came in and she went back to the camera, concluding, “If you follow these easy steps, then you’re sure to have your love slobbering at your dingy, dollar store shoes in no time! I better get going~ I know I’ll be seeing all you lovelies….very soon~” She then giggled crazily at her threat as she disappeared right as soon as an axe came flying towards her, getting embedded into the wall.
Narrator: Ugh...I hate my j-
Demencia: You...You let her in my room, you dumbfuck!
The only sound that was heard before the camera cut off was the sound of a chainsaw revving.
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skarletterambles · 5 years
Mummy re-(re-re-re-)watch blog
Because sometimes self-care is rewatching your favorite movie for the first time in many years, I’m currently enjoying The Mummy (1999) on a nice big flat screen TV and eating pizza.  Life is good.
Random thoughts typed while watching (so expect typos) below...
[Disclaimers:  Obviously, this post contains massive spoilers for a 20-year-old movie, if anyone actually needs to be told that.  There are spoilers for The Mummy Returns, as well.  Also, I’m an unapologetic Imhotep fangirl so don’t expect me to talk about him like he’s some kind of villain.  That’s just silly!  Ahem.  I have the hots for Rick and Ardeth, too, though, so the drool will be spread out a bit.]
Imhotep’s priests really got the raw end of the deal.  They were just there to watch the door and make sure nobody interrupted their boss’ booty call, and they ended up witnessing regicide and then getting mummified alive.  Dang.
I bet the noise of the battle with all those horses and guns above him irritated Imhotep.  No wonder he sent sand jets up to scare away Rick and the others.  Damn kids, get off my lawn--er, necropolis!
Honestly, the havoc Evy wreaked on her library only made it look slightly worse than my workplace this summer.  :p  At least she didn’t have to worry about DVD shelving...  [Only I get this reference, but trust me, to me it’s hilarious, in a “if I don’t laugh I’ll cry” kind of way.]
Rick is damn good-looking when he’s all bedraggled and beat up, and even better looking when he cleans up.  The look on Evy’s face when she sees him after a haircut and a change of clothes, well... Same, girl.  Same.
Beni is one of my favorite comic relief characters of all time.
The Med-Jai wouldn’t have threatened Evy on the boat if they knew she was the reincarnation of their long-dead boss’ daughter.  I’m picturing Seti in the afterlife facepalming...
I had forgotten how hostile and scary the Med-Jai were at first.
It’s amazing how much of the dialogue comes back to me, though.  Even throwaway background lines like Jonathan complaining about the price of the camels.
Evy’s sheer joy over everything camel-related is so freaking adorable.
That first chitter of scarab beetles...my least favorite part of the movie.  Heh.
I can just imagine Imhotep in his sarcophagus, feeling the first hint of movement around him in over 3,000 years, and then freaking out as his sarcophagus falls through the ceiling and goes THUMP on the ground.  And then there’s screaming and everyone leaves.  He’d be like, WTF?
“He must have been someone of great importance...or someone who did something very naughty.”  Both correct, Evy...
It’s so not fair that Ardeth can be that drop-dead sexy-looking and have such a sexy voice.
And here’s that “I...AM A LIBRARIAN!” line that everyone in my line of work loves so much.  Heehee...
Mummy:  *bursts out of sarcophagus* Evy:  “Gah, I hate it when these things do that!” LMAO
Of course Imhotep scratched “Death is only the beginning” into the inside of his sarcophagus lid like a bored emo kid in study hall.
“If you dry that fella out you might be able to sell ‘im for firewood!”  As I’m sure the writers knew, they actually did burn mummies to fuel trains back in less enlightened times.  And grind them up for medicine and paint and all kinds of stupid, disrespectful things.
I love how they refer to Imhotep as “our friend” and “our guy” when they’re discussing how horrible his curse was.  That sympathy fades quickly enough once they meet him, though.
“Probably got a little too frisky with the Pharaoh’s daughter.”  No, Rick, that’s you.  Bwahahahaha!
“No harm ever came from reading a book.”  Evy, you’re a librarian.  You should know better.
Poor Imhotep must have been so stiff after not moving for a few thousand years. I bet he had to do some stretches before he went looking for people to drain life force from.
Forecast for today:  mostly sunny with a 90% chance of locust plague.
Gotta love Imhotep’s one-track mind.  Woke up for the first time in 3k years, just regained sight and speech, and the first freaking thing he does is assume the first woman he sees is Anck-su-Namun.  Because of course he does.
I wonder if Ardeth got any backlash from the rest of the Med-Jai for giving the interlopers a chance to leave Hamunaptra.  If he had just slaughtered them all the previous night, none of this mess would have happened.
“He will never eat.  He will never sleep.  He will never stop.”  Awwwwwyeah.
Because he looks so rotted, Imhotep looks threatening as he slowly advances on Beni, but if he was fully regenerated I bet his expression would have been confused and even slightly amused at Beni’s religious roulette, something along the lines of “WTF is this idiot doing?”
Imhotep, did you really need to wear a mask to meet a blind guy?  (I know, I know, he needed the disguise to get through the hotel, but it’s still funny.)
He was even polite enough to thank Evy for saving him from undeath.  What a nice mummy!
Med-Jai discussing Imhotep and Anck-su-Nam:  “Even after 3,000 years, he’s still in love with her.” Evy:  “Well, that’s all very romantic, but...” Me:  “Yes.  Yes it is.  Shut up.”
“You came back from the desert with a new friend, didn’t you, Beni?”  One of my all-time favorite lines, and one I randomly quoted to my late goldfish, Benny, many times over the years.  LOL
Couldn’t Beni have found some better clothes for Imhotep to wear?  Those ragged robes make him look like a beggar.  Although considering he was running around in nothing but a few wisps of rotten bandages before, they couldn’t afford to be choosy.
The casual way Imhotep chews that scarab beetle that crawled into his mouth is such a power move.  LMAO
The longing in his voice as he whispers Anck-su-Namun’s name almost makes up for the fact that he kissed Evy right afterward.  I know you’re impatient to get your girlfriend back, man, but control yourself.  :p
Another classic bit: Evy, trying to translate hieroglyphics:  “Patience is a virtue!” Rick, looking at incoming torch-bearing mob:  “Not right now it isn’t!”
The crowds chanting “Im-ho-tep” are so iconic, and the way they part to let him pass gives me shivers.
“It’s the creature!”  Thanks for the reminder, as he’s now fully regenerated and looking damn fine.
OMG that little smirk Imhotep gives to Rick as he turns to walk away with Evy...  Imhotep isn’t stupid.  He can see Rick’s in love with her.
Ardeth wearing that flight cap and goggles, grinning as he rides on the plane’s wing, is the funniest damn thing in the movie.  It’s such a departure from his usual demeanor, which is what makes it work so well from a comedic perspective.
Why did Imhotep stop the sand vortex so far from Hamunaptra?  He could have deposited himself, Beni, and Evy on the doorstep, but instead he stopped on the other end of the valley.  I mean, sure, it gives plenty of room for the famous sand wall attack scene, but it was still weird.
Evy:  “Stop it!  You’ll kill them!” Beni:  “That’s the idea.” Well...YEAH!
Beni to Imhotep:  “I loved the, uh, sand wall trick, it was beautiful.  Bastard.”  That’s funny enough, and then you remember that Imhotep doesn’t understand English, and it’s even funnier.  Stop trying to brown-nose a man who doesn’t speak your language, Beni!
The whole Winston subplot always seemed so pointless.  Just deus ex machina to get the airplane in there.  Honestly, that’s my only complaint about the movie.
Yeah, Imhotep, you had better bow back when your newly-risen priests bow to you.  You owe them big time after the shitstorm you dragged them into.
OMG Ardeth is even more gorgeous in the glow of gold artifacts.  Heehee...
And then some of Imhotep’s priests barely rise from the ground before being mowed down by machine gun fire.  Damn, they get the short end of the stick every time, don’t they?
One second I’m like, “Oh hai Anck.  You need to moisturize better, lawl,” and then the next Imhotep strokes her face with such tenderness and whispers her name and I’m like, “Awwwww!”  That’s what’s so much fun about these movies.  There’s the silly, campy fun intertwined with actually poignant, emotional moments, in perfect balance.
I just noticed that Anck-Su-Namun’s reaction to being resurrected both in the prologue and later as a mummy was the same gasp and fluttering of her hands over her collarbone.  Neat detail.
There’s this little glimmer of “Whoa, cool, I did that!” sometimes when Imhotep uses his powers.  It’s adorable.  (Yes, I just called an undead plague-bringer summoning mummified soldiers to kill his enemies “adorable.”  I warned you in the disclaimer.)
I love how Anck-su-Namun’s first response when waking up was to try to beat the crap out of Evelyn/Nefertiri.  Old habits die hard, y’know.  She was probably disappointed that her opponent didn’t remember the old ways of combat...yet.
I hate that poor Imhotep had to watch the love of his life be killed in silhouette twice.
And again he promises, “Death is only the beginning.”
Then it’s time for one last moment of Ardeth being hot beyond all reason, some Rick and Evy kisses, Jonathan getting a face full of camel breath, and a happy ending for at least those four characters.  ;)
The end...for now!
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