#|| That's 45 degrees for those not on Fahrenheit.
hatredcurse · 9 months
The projected temperature today is 112-114 degrees max. Goodbye.
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sgiandubh · 8 days
A kick in the hornets' nest - take 3
It is unusual for a commenter proven wrong to be back with más y mejor, but hey - the woman insists:
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March 24th, 2024 was Palm Sunday. Not Easter, which I did celebrate, as a good Catholic, one week later. Along with many of you. Christ, I even wrote about it:
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But hey, this being a shipper blog, maybe those people will deny the obvious, flat Earther style. Perhaps CBS would be more credible?
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Sorry, pumpkin: no Easter eggs rolling on that particular day, at least on Planet Earth. Yours - I don't know. You tell us. I just enjoy seeing you getting more and more apoplectic, by the minute.
Also, any good meteorologist would tell you March 24 is already Spring, no matter how hot or cold it might be outside. Here:
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Measured local temperature, in GLA, on that fateful Palm Sunday was around 45 F around 8 am and 53, 6 F around 1 PM. Obviously was in his garden during the afternoon, madam. For us, Europeans, 53, 6 F makes for about...
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12 Celsius. I would not call it freezing/winter temperature for that particular climate. Hell, I would not call 7 degrees Celsius (about 45 Fahrenheit) a freezing/winter temperature, either and it all depends on how it's felt, also. Just in case you'd begin cackling that I am hiding stuff : never did, never will.
Unless you were in that park, at that moment, you have no positive clue about:
a) what the weather really felt like
b) what that child was wearing.
I am pretty sure you are a local, which makes your insistence even more lame btw. But for the whole bunch of us who aren't, here is the winter and spring measured average temperatures in GLA, in 2024:
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Also, a conservative general winter estimate:
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If you are determined to post a turd, it would be a good idea to brush it for minimal credibility, before hitting that send button. Also, for a Scot, I am underwhelmed to see how easily you're triggered, when confronted.
'Dense'. I couldn't agree more.
I am sensing a repeat, here:
And, just before I post my findings, you truly feel the URGE to insist:
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Careful with that 🧠. Indeed.
Couldn't agree more.
PS: The clue was on the Web or on his face? Pick your tools wisely. Just sayin'.
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mariacallous · 23 days
The humble tree has long protected humans from sickness and even death—and in the modern city, it’s still doing so. As global temperatures rise, so too does the “urban heat island effect”—the tendency for cities to absorb and hold on to the sun’s energy, which is a growing public-health crisis worldwide. On a small scale, the shade under a single tree is an invaluable refuge on a blisteringly hot day. Scaling that effect up, neighborhoods with more tree cover are measurably cooler.
Now research is showing just what an impact this can have on people’s health. A new paper finds that in Los Angeles, planting more trees and deploying more reflective surfaces—something as simple as painting roofs white—could lower temperatures so dramatically, it’d cut the number of heat-related ER visits by up to 66 percent. That research follows a previous study by the same scientists finding that one in four lives lost during heat waves could be avoided with the same techniques.
As urban populations are rising around the world, so are temperatures, putting ever more people in ever-hotter environments. “We’re primarily urban dwellers at this point,” says UCLA environmental researcher Edith de Guzman, coauthor of both studies and the cofounder and director of the Los Angeles Urban Cooling Collaborative. “We know that that’s problematic, because there’s a magnification of heat that occurs in those spaces, because of the preponderance of heat-retaining surfaces that then release that heat at night, when the body seeks to cool off.”
If a heat wave stretches day after day, the physiological stress builds and builds on residents. Elderly and young people are especially at risk, since their bodies can’t cool themselves as efficiently. Extreme heat also leads to the formation of ozone, which exacerbates asthma.
For the new study, published in the International Journal of Biometeorology, de Guzman’s team looked at four different LA heat waves between 2006 and 2010—the same ones were also referred to in the previous study on mortality. These heat waves differed in their length, high temperatures, and humidity. (The higher the humidity, the more difficult it is for the human body to cool off by sweating.) The team then married this data with land-use data showing where in LA County there’s good tree cover, which reflects heat, and where there are impermeable surfaces like pavement, which absorb it. And lastly, they got data on heat-related ER visits in those areas.
They plugged all that data into an algorithm that modeled scenarios in which modifying the urban environment—with more reflective surfaces and more trees—could lower temperatures and avoid those heat-related ER visits. With 25 percent more tree cover, visits might decline by 7 to 45 percent. Bumping that up to 50 percent more tree cover, the heat-related ER visits decline by 19 to 58 percent. And then if LA were to max out its allowable tree cover—40 percent of its total area—those visits would drop by 24 to 66 percent.
“We are able to quantify how outcomes would have been different in real events,” says de Guzman. “I know that projections are for a higher number of extreme heat days in each of these communities.”
In other words: The time to act is now. Tall trees provide shade, for one, but plants in general release water vapor as they photosynthesize, essentially “sweating.” Accordingly, a high-income neighborhood with lots of parks and landscaping might be 15 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than a low-income, more industrialized area—like so many health threats, heat disproportionately affects those who are the most deprived. The urban heat island effect varies not only from neighborhood to neighborhood, but also from block to block and even house to house. Different building materials, like wood and brick, absorb and retain the sun’s energy in different ways.
So the utility of this kind of research is to first of all find whole neighborhoods to prioritize for greening, but then to target specific places to put single trees. “We don’t necessarily in urban areas plant entire forests—we plant an individual tree at a time,” says Portland State University climate adaptation scientist Vivek Shandas, who studies the heat island effect but wasn’t involved in the new research. “If you have a limited amount of funds, and you know where there’s going to be the highest impact from the deployment of this, it’s a no-brainer to be able to identify those locations.”
But it’s not as easy as just sticking a bunch of trees in the ground and calling it a day. LA has embarked on a multiyear Urban Forest Management Plan to increase its tree canopy, especially in its most vulnerable neighborhoods. It has to carefully identify locations to add the plants, but also collaborate with the residents there—for instance, with community feedback meetings. Some people might not want trees outside their home: Maybe a branch once fell on their car, or their sidewalk cracked from underlying roots, reducing the mobility of a grandparent in a wheelchair.
So getting more trees in the urban landscape is also about collaboration and education, getting folks to understand the significant cooling benefits that could well save their lives—and, at the very least, reduce their air-conditioning bills. “If you have a negative tree story, we have to do some education on how we’re going to do better in the future,” says Rachel Malarich, the City Forest Officer of Los Angeles. “How we’ve learned as an industry is to be more selective about what we put where, and make it appropriate for the site, or to change the site so that we can plant something larger.” For example, if a given patch of dirt is too small to fit a tree species big enough to provide good shade, perhaps the city could rework the sidewalks to accommodate that, simultaneously improving mobility and reducing local temperatures.
In LA and elsewhere, scientists are rushing to find tree species that’ll be able to withstand temperatures 10, 15, 20 years from now—you wouldn’t want to plant a tree only to discover it can’t survive in the new climate. Climate change may also help tree pests and diseases spread, adding yet more precarity to urban greenery: A given community might be keen on planting more of their neighborhood’s trademark species of tree—magnolias or what have you—but the future may be increasingly hostile to it.
A tree also needs more maintenance and water in its vulnerable early years, a resource that may be in increasingly short supply as Southern California warms. So in addition to increasing its tree cover, LA is trying to make itself spongier: Lots more green spaces in general that allow rainwater to soak into the underlying aquifer or cisterns for later extraction. Back in February, this spongy infrastructure helped the city capture 8.6 billion gallons of stormwater over just three days.
Being an urban environment with pedestrians, cars, and buildings under the trees, the city has to ensure that the plants aren’t dropping branches. That means inspections and boots on the ground—unlike a proper forest, the urban forest needs constant attention. “We have to manage a little bit higher-touch in an urban environment, because we have these risk factors,” says Malarich. “We want to do planting, maintenance, and then preservation. So keeping existing mature trees in place is actually really critical to canopy expansion.”
And a neighborhood doesn’t have to stop at adding extra trees to mitigate the urban heat island effect. Scientists are researching ways to grow crops on rooftops, shaded by solar panels, which produces both food and free electricity as well as cooling the top floor of a building. And extra points if it’s a “blue-green roof” capable of storing rainwater for residents to use to water plants and flush toilets.
Scientists are also experimenting with “cool pavements,” which bounce more sunlight back into space instead of absorbing it. Reflective coatings do the same for the sides and rooftops of buildings. Painting more surfaces white helps cool an area, but urban designers have to take care not to unintentionally bounce that reflected solar radiation toward people. “I’m a big fan of white paints up high,” says Shandas. “That’s what clouds do naturally: On a cloudy day, a lot of that sunlight is already reflected back up into space. And so if we can get every roof in some way a lighter color, we can start moving in that direction.”
It’s not a matter of whether LA or any other city will be greener or more reflective in the years to come, but how much greener and more reflective it can manage to be. And accordingly, how many lives it can save as the world warms. “While it’s generally a feel-good kind of investment for cities, we need to tie those investments to public health outcomes,” says de Guzman, “because the improvements that can be made are really meaningful.”
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40 minutes on the trail today. I reached my exercise goal for the week. I exercised for 150 minutes over 4 days, not 5. That’s alright with me. If this was an assignment that would be like a 98% 😛
I have met my exercise goal 2 out of the last 3 weeks. I am digging this fall running. The foliage is beautiful and gives great vibes 🍁
My fav temp is 45 - 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Picked up Gus’s meds and gonna start administering those tonight. He is having a rough go of things. He pooped in the house this morning and I had to learn how to dilute and disinfect with bleach today to keep his sick from getting to us humans. I was super cautious. It’ll get better.
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breadbythehour · 3 months
Beginner Dark Rye Sandwich Bread
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Check out my new Beginner Dark Rye Sandwich Bread Recipe!
For those in a rush, I’m re-posting the basic recipe here on my Tumblr. But if you want the full picture-by-picture instructions, nutritional information, and secrets to success you can go to my website.
Here’s what you’ll need…
17 Grams (1 Tablespoon) Dry Active Yeast
240 Grams (1 Cup) Warm Water
70 Grams (1/4 Cup) Molasses
150 Grams (1 1/2 Cups) Rye Flour
360 Grams (3 Cups) All-Purpose Flour or Bread Flour*
25 Grams (1/4 Cup) Dutch Cocoa Powder**
13 Grams (2 1/4 Teaspoons) Fine Sea Salt
7 Grams (1 Tablespoon) Caraway Seeds, Plus More for Sprinkling
60 Grams (1/4 Cup) Butter, Melted
1 Egg
This loaf also has an optional egg wash if you want to top it with caraway seeds:
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon Water
Additional Equipment
Standing Mixer with Dough Hook
Measuring Cups and Spoons
Kitchen Scale
Large Container with Lid
9.5-inch by 5-inch Baking Pan
Baking Brush
Wire Cooling Rack
Probe Thermometer
Oven Mitts
In the bowl of a standing mixer, combine the warm water, molasses, and active dry yeast. Stir until all the grains dissolve. Let sit until foamy, about 10 to 15 minutes.
In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together your flours, Dutch cocoa powder, salt, and caraway seed.
With your dough hook attachment, set your mixer to low and pour in your dry ingredients. Gradually add the melted butter and egg. Mix until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Shape your dough into a round and transfer to a lightly greased container. Cover and let your dough rise until double in size, about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.
Shape your dough into a sandwich loaf and transfer to a lightly greased 9-inch by 5-inch bread pan. Cover and let rise until dough is above the lip of the pan, about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 degrees Celsius).
Beat together the egg with 1 tablespoon of water to create an egg wash. Brush the egg wash mixture over the top of the bread. Sprinkle with caraway seeds.
Bake your bread for 20 minutes. Tent with aluminum foil, and then bake another 20 to 25 minutes until internal temperature reads between 195° and 200° Fahrenheit (90° and 93° Celsius). Bottom will sound hollow when thumped.
Turn out loaf onto a wire cooling rack. Let cool completely before slicing and serving.
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NASA, Sierra Space deliver Dream Chaser spaceplane to Florida for launch preparation
As part of NASA's efforts to expand commercial resupply in low Earth orbit, Sierra Space's uncrewed spaceplane arrived at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida ahead of its first flight to the International Space Station.
The Dream Chaser spaceplane, named Tenacity, arrived at Kennedy on May 18 inside a climate-controlled transportation container from NASA's Neil Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, Ohio, and joined its companion Shooting Star cargo module, which arrived on May 11.
Before arriving at Kennedy, the spaceplane and its cargo module underwent vibration testing atop the world's highest capacity and most powerful spacecraft shaker system inside the agency's Space Environments Complex, exposing the stack to vibrations like those it will experience during launch and re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere. Following vibration testing, the duo moved to NASA's In-Space Propulsion Facility and was exposed to low ambient pressures and temperatures ranging from -150 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Upon arrival at Kennedy, teams moved Dream Chaser Tenacity to the high bay inside the Space Systems Processing Facility, where it will undergo final testing and prelaunch processing ahead of its launch scheduled for later this year.
The spaceplane will lift off aboard a ULA (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and is set to deliver 7,800 pounds of cargo to the orbiting laboratory.
The remaining pre-flight activities at Kennedy include acoustic and electromagnetic interference and compatibility testing, completion of work on the spaceplane's thermal protection system, and final payload integration.
Dream Chaser is a lifting body design spaceplane that measures 30 feet long by 15 feet wide. The unique winged design allows it to transport cargo to and from low Earth orbit and maintain the ability to land on a runway in the style of NASA's space shuttle. The 15-foot Shooting Star module can carry up to 7,000 pounds of cargo internally and features three unpressurized external payload mounts.
The partially reusable transportation system will perform at least seven cargo missions to the space station as part of the agency's efforts to expand commercial resupply services in low Earth orbit. Future missions may last as long as 75 days and deliver as much as 11,500 pounds of cargo.
While the Dream Chaser spacecraft is reusable and can return up to 3,500 pounds of cargo to Earth, the Shooting Star module is designed to be jettisoned and burn up during reentry, creating the opportunity to dispose of up to 8,500 pounds of trash with each mission.
Dream Chaser Tenacity is the first in a planned fleet of Sierra Space spaceplanes to help carry out these missions.
As part of the process to certify the vehicle system for future agency resupply missions, NASA and Sierra Space will put the spaceplane through its paces once it is in orbit. As Dream Chaser Tenacity approaches the space station, it will conduct a series of demonstrations to prove attitude control, translational maneuvers, and abort capabilities. After completing the maneuverability demonstration, space station astronauts will use the Canadarm2 robotic arm to grapple the spacecraft and dock it to an Earth-facing port.
After remaining at the orbiting laboratory for about 45 days, the spaceplane will be released from the station and return for a landing at Kennedy's Launch and Landing Facility. After landing, Dream Chaser is powered down, and the Sierra Space team will transfer it back to the processing facility to perform necessary inspections, offload remaining NASA cargo, and begin the process of preparing it for its next mission.
IMAGE....Dream Chaser Tenacity, Sierra Space’s uncrewed cargo spaceplane, is processed inside the Space Systems Processing Facility (SSPF) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday, May 20, 2024. The spaceplane arrived inside a climate-controlled transportation container from the agency’s Neil Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio. Final testing and prelaunch processing will be completed inside the high bay of the SSPF ahead of Dream Chaser’s inaugural launch atop a ULA (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan rocket from nearby Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Credit: NASA / Kim Shiflett
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starryriize · 7 months
autumn associations | evnne
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summary: things in pumpkin szn i associate with evnne
a/n: this was so much fun! 🫶🏼 obviously, this post is more fall-centric than just regular associations but i truly do hope you enjoy :) PICS AREN'T MINE  
keita ✦ apple cider donuts, pinterest boards dedicated to Halloween because who wouldn't want to dress up, have a month-long debate of whether "The Night Before Christmas" is a Halloween movie, warm apple pie, pumpkin picking, wearing matching fall outfits with you
hanbin ✦ cold weather which means cool fashion, deciding matching outfits for each day of the fall season, watching cheesy badly-made horror film where you just end up giggling because it's so awfully ridiculous, waking up at 2am to make carrot cake, dancing to frank sinatra (more like hanbin teaching you to dance) in the middle of the night, watching the leaves fall and getting candles
jeonghyeon ✦ constantly asking you which costume he should get for his dog, obsessed with showing you his many coats and scarves, definitely prefers iced coffee even when it’s 45 degrees Fahrenheit, sees the "boo basket" trend on tiktok and makes one for you, kisses your forehead for no reason, watching monster high together while holding hot cocoa
seungeon ✦ did you say karaoke battles until you lose track of time, finishing puzzles while seungeon dries your hair for you, cuddled up in a blanket watching the classic peanuts movies, going out apple picking only for him to cheesily tell you that you're the apple of his eye, holding hands while shopping and not buying anything because you're too in love!!
yunseo ✦ making those iconic Pillsbury shape cookies, wandering around the fall/Halloween section of Target, and buying a pumpkin spice latte for the aesthetic, makes you go on brisk morning walks with him, and you both watch detective shows while making matching fall tie-blankets; definitely serenades you in front of the fireplace just because he thinks you're his entire world
junghyun ✦ buying candy for the halloween season but it's actually just for you both to share, going out for the "spooky" photoshoot trend which means have the hyungs take the pics, proceeding to go shopping and getting distracted by potential costumes for each otherjihoo ✦ you both decided that jumping into leaves was a fun activity until you were laughing so hard that your insides hurt, waking up early to watch the sunrise, running through the leaves and then finding yourselves all the way across town, admiring the city lights of korea
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dungeonmastertyrant · 2 months
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Eevee the Evolution pokemon a normal type
Ability: Run Away or Anticipation Hidden Ability: Anticipation
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense:65
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:45
Base Stat Total: 325
Harbors the potential to evolve into manifold forms. Within Eevee lies the key to the mysteries of Pokemon evolution—I'm certain of it.
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Use a Water Stone to get Vaporeon the Bubble Jet pokemon a water type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Water Absorb Hidden Ability: Hydration
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Hp: 130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Tests show that its cells closely resemble water molecules, which perhaps explains its ability to conceal its form while submerged. I believe the origins of mermaid folklore lie with this Pokemon.
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Use a Thunder Stone to get Jolteon the Lightning pokemon a electric type
2ft 7inc
Ability: Volt Absorb Hidden Ability: Quick Feet
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Speed:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Bristles its fur into sharp, needlelike points when enraged. One can hear electricity crackle in its breath when it exhales.
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Use a Fire Stone to get Flareon the Flame pokemon a fire type
2ft 11inc
Ability: Flash Fire Hidden Ability: Guts
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Attack:130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Flames burn within a saclike organ inside this Pokemon. When Flareon inhales, these flames grow in intensity, reaching a mighty 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
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Level up with high friendship during the day to get Espeon the Sun pokemon a psychic type
2ft 11inc
Ability: Synchronize Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack: 130
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Wields an arcane power with which it can predict the weather and even people's thoughts. When bathed in sunshine, the scarlet orb on its brow glows and builds energy.
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Level up with High Friendship at nightime to get Umbreon the Moonlight pokemon a dark type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Synchronize Hidden Ability: Inner Focus
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
It is most active in the wee hours of the night, when moonlight bathes the land. Its large eyes can pierce the darkness and perceive prey with absolute clarity.
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Use a Leaf Stone to get Leafeon the Verdant pokemon a grass type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Leaf Guard Hidden Ability: Chlorophyll
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Cells similar to those of plants have been found in its fur. Its hard tail can fell a large tree with one stroke, and the tail's sharpness exceeds even that of a sword crafted by a master.
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Use an Ice Stone to get Glaceon the Fresh Snow pokemon a ice type
2ft 7inc
Ability: Snow Cloak Hidden Ability: Ice Body
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Attack:130
Lowest Base Stat: Attack:60
Base Stat Total: 525
Glaceon is able to lower its body temperature very quickly. It freezes the atmosphere, creating diamond dust that glitters like gems while it flutters and dances around.
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Level up while knowing a fairy type move and with high friendship to get Sylveon the Interwining pokemon a fairy type
3ft 3inc
Ability: Cute Charm Hidden Ability: Pixilate
Egg Group: Field
Highest Base Stat: Special Defense:130
Lowest Base Stat: Speed:60
Base Stat Total: 525
It emits a soothing aura from its ribbon-shaped organs. It wraps these appendages around quarrelers to instantly restore calm to the situation.
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So we've been journaling again, and I think we should share how we do it. For context I'm mentally ill and have like 8 disorders. We journal to help understand what's going on, to process emotions, and keep track of our symptoms.
We include time stamps, anxiety triggers, trauma triggers, PTSD triggers, mood shifts, what makes us overstimulated, and hallucinations. We are adding a mood scale that goes from 1 absolute shit to 10 I feel amazing, how much we slept, if we've taken out meds if not then why, if we experienced suicidal ideation, if we experienced self harm urges if we participated in any (not just damage to our physical body.) This one is really important for us if we brushed our teeth, brushed our hair, changed clothes, drank water, or showered. Basically any care task we struggle with. Why? I hear you ask, well because a decrease in those tasks can indicate how our mental state is. It's also a good reminder.
So here's an example (yes I'm using some personal experiences)
| Thursday 22nd September 2022
9 am Mood 6/10 feeling a little better than an average day probably because I've gotten a lot done today. Slept 8 hours (bed at 11:25) Meds took antidepressant last night 11:45 am took ADHD meds
Care tasks- brushed my teeth last night and this morning, drank a cup of water, changed clothes, brushed hair
Noticed a new trigger for my PTSD apparently temperatures near or under 15 degrees Fahrenheit puts me on guard and make me restless especially near this one particular spot. Haven't experienced any suicidal ideation or desire to self harm. Work was pretty boring. Made some progress on my current project. Watched some Lucifer.
7 pm made dinner. Was beef and rice cabbage rolls with tomato sauce. It was pretty good.
3 am I woke up screaming apparently the night terrors are back
So it's all set up kind of like this. You can obviously change it up so it works better for you. But this can help you notice if you're falling behind on care tasks. Moods stability. If you're spiraling or possibly being more manic (yes this is something my psychiatrist has me look out for), also document triggers, and the times that certain symptoms are more prevalent.
I hope this makes sense and helps someone!
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thefinewinecompany · 1 year
The Prosecco Wine Guide (Drink Better!)
When it comes to sparkling wines, Prosecco has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Its light, refreshing taste, and affordability make it a favorite choice for celebrations and casual gatherings alike. The Fine Wine Company Ltd, understands the allure of Prosecco and strives to provide our customers with the best sparkling wine options available. In this Prosecco wine guide, we will explore the world of Prosecco, including its origins, types, serving suggestions, and more. So, let's raise a glass and delve into the wonderful world of Prosecco!
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I. The Origins of Prosecco
A. The Prosecco Region
Prosecco is a sparkling wine that originates from the picturesque region of Veneto in northeast Italy. Nestled between the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomite Mountains, this region provides the perfect climate and terroir for growing the Glera grape, which is the primary grape variety used in Prosecco production.
B. Prosecco's History
Prosecco has a rich history that dates back centuries. It was first mentioned in writings from the late 16th century, but its popularity soared in the 20th century when it became an affordable alternative to Champagne. The introduction of the Charmat method, a fermentation process that enhances the wine's effervescence, further propelled Prosecco's reputation.
II. Types of Prosecco
A. Prosecco Spumante
The most common type of Prosecco is Prosecco Spumante. It is a fully sparkling wine with vibrant bubbles that dance on your palate. This type of Prosecco is versatile and pairs well with a variety of dishes, making it an excellent choice for celebrations and special occasions.
B. Prosecco Frizzante
Prosecco Frizzante is a semi-sparkling wine with a softer effervescence compared to Prosecco Spumante. It offers a gentle fizz and a lighter mouthfeel, making it an ideal choice for casual get-togethers and everyday enjoyment.
C. Prosecco Rosé
Prosecco Rosé is a newer member of the Prosecco family. It blends the traditional Glera grape with a small percentage of Pinot Noir, resulting in a beautiful blush-colored wine. Prosecco Rosé offers a delicate balance of fruity aromas and crisp acidity, making it a delightful choice for those seeking a touch of elegance.
III. Serving and Pairing Suggestions
A. Serving Temperature
To fully appreciate the flavors and effervescence of Prosecco, it is essential to serve it at the right temperature. Ideally, Prosecco should be served chilled between 7 to 9 degrees Celsius (45 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature range ensures that the wine retains its freshness without becoming overly cold.
B. Food Pairings
Prosecco's versatility extends to food pairings as well. Its bright acidity and gentle bubbles make it an excellent match for a variety of dishes. Prosecco pairs exceptionally well with seafood, light salads, soft cheeses, and fresh fruits. It can also be enjoyed on its own as an aperitif, setting the mood for a delightful dining experience.
IV. The Fine Wine Company Ltd - Your Source for Premium Prosecco
At The Fine Wine Company Ltd, we take pride in offering our customers the finest selection of Prosecco wines. Our team of experts carefully curates a collection of premium wines, including the best sparkling wines and sparkling rosés. Whether you are looking to celebrate a special occasion or simply enjoy a glass of bubbly, our Prosecco offerings will delight your taste buds and elevate your experience.
ConclusionProsecco, with its effervescence and charm, has become a beloved choice for wine enthusiasts around the world. The Fine Wine Company Ltd invites you to explore the world of Prosecco and discover the perfect bottle to enhance your celebrations and everyday moments. From Prosecco Spumante to Prosecco Rosé, there is a sparkling wine to suit every taste and occasion. So, indulge in the magic of Prosecco and savor the moments that matter. Cheers!
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trandingpost1 · 11 days
Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan Hospitalized in Ahmedabad After Suffering Dehydration
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Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan was admitted to Ahmedabad's KD Hospital on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, sparking concern among his fans across the globe. According to reports, the actor suffered from dehydration while attending an IPL match between his team, the Kolkata Knight Riders, and the Sunrisers Hyderabad.
A Sudden Onset and Scorching Ahmedabad Heat:
The exact circumstances surrounding Shah Rukh Khan's dehydration remain under investigation. However, some sources speculate that he might have been battling mild dehydration for a while, possibly exacerbated by the scorching Ahmedabad heat. The summer sun in Ahmedabad can be unforgiving, routinely reaching temperatures exceeding 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) during this time of year. The intense heat, combined with the physical demands and potential stress of attending a crucial playoff match, could have easily pushed Khan's body beyond its limits.
Fan Frenzy and Heightened Security:
News of Shah Rukh Khan's hospitalization spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves through the Indian film industry and his legions of fans worldwide. Social media became a whirlwind of activity, overflowing with well wishes and prayers for the actor's speedy recovery. The immense outpouring of concern from fans is a testament to Shah Rukh Khan's enduring popularity and the special place he holds in the hearts of millions. Understandably, the hospital itself implemented heightened security measures to manage the influx of concerned fans and media personnel. Patient privacy and maintaining a calm environment for both Shah Rukh Khan and other patients became a top priority.
Doctors Assure Stable Condition and Expected Recovery:
Hospital officials confirmed Shah Rukh Khan's admission and provided some reassurance to the public, stating that his condition was stable. Doctors are likely monitoring his hydration levels and electrolyte balance closely to ensure a complete recovery. Dehydration can lead to a variety of complications, including fatigue, dizziness, and even kidney problems. By meticulously monitoring his vitals and administering necessary fluids and electrolytes, the medical team aims to restore Khan's health as quickly and safely as possible. While the official duration of his stay hasn't been announced, it's expected to be a brief period of observation and rehydration.
Potential Impact on Work Schedule and Fan Reactions:
Shah Rukh Khan is known for his relentless work ethic and jam-packed schedule. He has several film projects lined up, some likely in various stages of production. This sudden illness might cause minor delays or adjustments to his commitments. However, considering his anticipated swift recovery, any disruptions are expected to be minimal. His dedicated team and production houses will likely work diligently to minimize the impact on filming schedules. Read More: Suspense of ‘FARREY’ Streaming Now on G5 News of Shah Rukh Khan's hospitalization has served as a stark reminder for everyone to prioritize hydration, especially those in physically demanding professions or residing in hot climates. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially during periods of exertion or extreme heat, is crucial to maintain optimal health and avoid dehydration.
A Loyal Fan Base and the Power of Social Media:
Shah Rukh Khan's immense popularity translates into a dedicated and supportive fan base. He is affectionately known as "King Khan" by his fans, and this hospitalization has garnered a wave of well wishes and concern not only from his fans in India but also from admirers across the globe. Social media has been flooded with messages of love and prayers for his speedy recovery. Hashtags like #GetWellSoonSRK and #WeLoveYouSRK have been trending, showcasing the unwavering support and affection fans hold for the Bollywood superstar.
A Speedy Recovery and Back to the Big Screen:
With his characteristic charm, positive attitude, and the dedication of his medical team, Shah Rukh Khan is expected to make a full recovery and return to his busy schedule shortly. This incident might serve as a minor hiccup, but it's unlikely to derail his momentum or dampen the spirits of his devoted fans. The Indian film industry and his fans eagerly await his return to the big screen, captivating audiences with his talent and charisma once again. Why was Shah Rukh Khan hospitalized?Shah Rukh Khan was hospitalized in Ahmedabad on May 22nd, 2024, due to dehydration. Reports suggest he might have been experiencing mild dehydration for a while, which worsened due to the intense heat in Ahmedabad during the IPL match he attended.How long will Shah Rukh Khan be in the hospital?The official duration of his stay hasn't been announced, but it's expected to be a brief period of observation and rehydration.Will Shah Rukh Khan's illness impact his work schedule?Potentially. Khan has a busy schedule with film projects, and this illness might cause minor delays or adjustments. However, with his expected swift recovery, any disruptions are likely to be minimal.Where can I find updates on Shah Rukh Khan's health?Official updates are likely to come from news outlets or Shah Rukh Khan's social media channels, if any. However, be cautious of unverified information circulating online.What can I do to avoid dehydration?This incident serves as a reminder to prioritize hydration, especially in hot climates. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during exertion or extreme heat. Read the full article
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carrpark73 · 1 month
Clever Father's Stroller Buying Guide
A tour is incomplete without sampling the fresh fish that's readily you can get in the site. Good travel guides enter the scene all sizes and shapes. Before you hit the you'll should close up shop. It's a major city in its northern border west of Vietnam. This especially for that adventure hunters. The excursion can last here from two to five days. Proper planning required before you take up excursion, so doable ! take maximum benefit of this particular. The destination is perfect for hiking. View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan Weather - The Bahamas has only two seasons, summer and winter, and maintains a mostly tropical climate all year round reaching temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity can be very high depending by which island you on improved the climate is sunny and warm. Because the Bahamas tend to be a tropical climate, showers can occur suddenly and heavily and disappear after a matter of minutes. Hurricane season starts June 1 and ends on November 30 however, you shouldn't be worried because most hurricanes miss The Bahamas completely. Look at the write-ups.If possible, get your hands on a travel guide that delivers reviews of places you're. See what others said roughly a place a person begin possible throw away cash on which it. This applies to hotels too. Anyone have can't find anything within the guide, investigating Internet research - niche markets . plenty websites and travel blogs out there to refer to.
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View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan Seattle, being the huge city that running barefoot is, a 'Seattle travel guide' can be very utilized for a visitor to the 'The rainy city' or 'the emerald city'. This Seattle travel guide assumes you've already put your foot on the city (probably by plane that landed on towards Seattle-Tacoma international airport). An awesome city Barcelona is essentially the most luxurious city and has numerous attractions watching and enjoyment. Barcelona has number of clean beaches, museums reflecting the culture of Romans past associated with history who has number of gardens and parks to discover. It is a grand city with modern style of just living and has lots of shops and markets for your travelers individuals out to this article. Now the next is the Madrid City that another beautiful city blended with a combine of lots of things to see. This mini keyboard has museums, parks natural beautiful scenic gardens and many kinds of parties always occur day and night in order that the tourists enjoy to its extreme. You'll find lounges and bars producing the day cool and night thrilling for the travelers individuals out in this case. Eat Local Food - The Bahamas is known for Ninh Binh City making amazing food featuring conch. Consider a conch salad or conch fritters and you will be absolutely outstanding. The Bahamians are masters at cooking and our recommendation is that you try the local food. There's a mode for all sorts of bicycle tourist. Organized tours attract a associated with participants. Many of those tours are fairly substantial. They provide support vehicles, meals, hotels, domestic transportation, mountain or touring bike (if needed) together with other amenities for all those on tour. Tin Top Ninh Bình AZ 247 Historic and cultural sightseeing excursions may be included. These tours start at about $1500 for 14 or 15 business days. Airfare included from the west coast US start about $3000. Shop carefully! In part this recently been due to the comparative inaccessiblity/ however, the opening of day-to-day air service from Hanoi to area of Dong Hoi, some 40km coming from the caves in September 2008 has changed all that. Now the caves are a definite 45-minute flight away originating from a Vietnamese city. Take useful information on how long to spend at each attraction. Top Ninh Bình AZ 24h This will be useful renovate out your entire day before. It will ensure which you don't overstretch your time and energy and still see anything you wanted figure out. There are extensive hotels providing you excellent stay. Centered around your personal choice and budget you can opt for the best one. Select from budget friendly hotels to luxury inns. Hotels, motels, resorts, tree hotels, underwater hotels, railway hotels, thankfully huge associated with hotels readily available. Set out a cover your accommodation and plan your trip accordingly. A travel agent will aid you plan your vacation, book your hotels and make car reservations too. Just reach to be able to them and relax, they will do away from the conversations for you.
Do you believe that in order to all that it takes produce people determine? We are here to have a chat about an organization that is needed earn at least a few thousand dollars every period of time! So if you are exceedingly looking for an easy way by an individual may earn a few thousand dollars then simply try and then get some about travel guidelines. Hey just as the name suggests so much you were required conduct is some fun and also earn an adequate amount. What can be needs to do? Well visit places and write all how the person conscious about that place.
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Attend A Festival - The Bahamians are renowned for their amazing and colorful fairs. If you are lucky enough to travel to The Bahamas during December you may catch the Junkanoo celebration. This festival is known all over the world for its colorful parade and amazing food. Bahamians usually go all out and it's just a sight to discover. Arrange to relocate to considered one the local villages to see what our life is like for your mountain tribes (known locally as "ethnic minorities"). It's much better than that of ethnic Vietnamese. Take a trek your terraced rice fields along with the surrounding foothills. Have a plan in order to for lunch or bring it with families. We pause and sip a Singapore Sling at the famous Long Bar of Raffles Hotel where rooms start at $700 per night. Other tours included Jurong Bird Park as well as the Night Safari at the zoo, considered the finest the world with its free roaming cages for 2500 rodents. In free time, we ride rickshaws out and about and consider the Ninh Binh City cable car over to Sentosa Tropical isle. The suggested time to visit Sapa is between June - October. Tin Top Ninh Binh AZ 24h Unfortunately, I just missed the perfect time. Turf would be prepared myself that I may see the snow during our trip in Northern Vietnam. There are 150 mega-malls with some that never close. I am a label slave and pick a used authentic Rolex with documents for the fraction of it's original cost. Currently has only 4 days proper here. So much to do 24/7, its like Hong Kong on steroids. The humanities Festival is on having a multitude of venues. After dark, it might be party city at the fashionable Clarke Quay area through river. Maybe one day you in order to bring in your lunch well , snacks for your morning. However, before you pack the bag, ensure that learn what can and is not to be brought within the different Parking facilties. If you don't check this out before coming, there carpeting chance it may be dumped outside in the garbage when suffering security. Therefore you conscious of what to take and to be able to leave at the hotel. Nevertheless so a lot of reasons why a Disneyland travel guide is helpful, but eating is vital to having the energy delight in your entire vacation. This is why it's vital that know the little secrets to create great meals and low prices. Anh Sang alley's Hue traditional noodle is another must almost every traveler. Price is around 15,000 VND per sink. Quite cheap again, isn't it? Don't forget try to a sumptuous Vietnamese snack called "banh beo" combined with the 10,000 VND per preparing. The place is usually crowded with guests so it is advisable to acquire everything would like to at once. Here in Da Lat they call it "banh beo" number 4 of Microsoft. Huong because it lies at number 4 at the intersection of la Son Phu Tu and Hai Ba Trung block. The place is closed during vegetarian days on 14th, 15th, 30th, 1st of every (Lunar calendar). They picked us up in a rather comfortable 16 seater van and your way was around 3.5 minutes. On the way to This city there was chance to enjoy the journey through wealthy farmlands for the Red River Delta as well as the scenery of rice fields, water buffalo and everyday Vietnamese village life. Our driver was prompt and incredibly polite. He dropped us at one Handicraft shop in Hai Duong for shopping and refreshment about 30 or so minutes. View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan Written By Author in topninhbinhaz.com: Phạm Văn Linh - Pham Van Linh Written By Author in topninhbinhaz.com: Nguyễn Việt Long - Nguyen Viet Long Tin tức Top Ninh Bình AZ
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graniteblogger · 3 months
5 reasons to choose Indian granite flooring over porcelain tiles.
Well !!! it’s a tough choice to make and totally depends upon its final application , cost of installation , the end results expected out of that installation etc  .
Both of these natural resources have a lot of similarities between themselves and are in used by lot of commercial as well as residential projects all around the world.
Lets us first understand the Granite –
 Granite technically refers to a light-coloured granulose plutonic rock composed of felspars, plagioclase, quartz (35% approx.) and minor amounts of mafic minerals (45% approx.), such as, biotite, hornblende, pyroxene, iron oxides, etc.
But, in commercial parlance, the term granite has become synonymous with all those crystalline rocks which have pleasing colours, strength to bear the processes of quarrying and cutting & polishing and which are used commonly for decorative purposes.
Being more resistant to wear and tear as well as weathering, granite is most sought-after stone to be used as building as well as decorative stone. The fascination for granite is due to its amenability for taking mirror-like polish, high compressive strength, longevity and aesthetics.
India possesses enormous deposits of all types of dimension stones and is considered as one of the prominent producers of dimension stones in the world. The Dimension Stone Industry employs a workforce of over one million at its various sectors in the country. Granite Industry is valued at $40 billion
Now Lets understand the Porcelain Tiles
These tiles are called high fire material as these tiles are made by exposing clay to searing hot temperatures around 2400 degrees Fahrenheit !! These tiles are strong enough for the outdoor flooring surfaces , It contains no pores at all hence resulting in superior protection against humidity and moisture.
The most common usages of these tiles are as below
Wall tiles – Porcelain tiles can be used for wall tiles in bath-rooms , on accent wall in living room . Porcelain tiles can mimic wood or stone with exceptional realistic visuals perfect wall installations .
Floor tiles – Due to its water proof and pet proof properties these tiles are extremely durable when it comes to floor applications . Apart from durability these tiles are diverse in designs which helps you to achieve your dream floors .
Now Lets understand the Difference and which one is best for you .
While granite tile is natural product and have the natural touch of a mined stone the porcelain tiles misses that .  Granite tiles are cut from large granite slabs taken out from the mother earth’s crust just for you .  Granite is an igneous rock composed mainly of quartz , feldspar and mica . Granite is formed during the decades of composition of these minerals and then it undergoes a method of mining , cutting , and polishing to become a tile . On the other hand the porcelain tiles are made out of a man made process and misses the natural beauty .
Each granite tile is unique in its own way as the same displays the herbal splendor of the stone , displays patterns formed during the composing of ages , veining and specks of various colorations . On the other hand the porcelain tiles / ceramic tiles can mimic the advent of a natural touch that includes natural substances .
Long Life
Granite tiles are well known for its sturdiness , durability and longer life the ceramic tiles . Being a gift directly from the mother nature it is fantastically hard and withstand to stains , scratches , warmth , cold and any other atmospheric challenges . Porcelain tiles are also strong and durable and resistance to moisture and temperatures but has a shorter life span than granite .
Up Keep
Both porcelain and granite tiles requires minimum maintenance . Granite tiles requires ordinary sealing to hold their appearance and protect against stains . Sealing saves your liquids from paving off in the stone . Adequate cleaning with mild soap and water is enough for both porcelain tiles and granites .
Granite tiles being natural product are most commonly way more costlier than porcelain tiles . The cost of granite tiles totally depends on the availability , rarity of the stone , its origin and complexity in quarrying , cutting and making it easy to use . On the other hand porcelain tiles being a systematic building material can be extraordinarily cheaper than granites . Furthermore the huge variety of designs and patterns gives this an upper hand .
Cost of Installation –
Granite being a tough and sturdy material requires specialized tools and talents for installation . On the other hand the porcelain tiles are comparatively much easier to install . Porcelain tiles may be hooked up by the use of widespread tile setup methods simplifying the complete installation process .
Impact on mother nature .
Since granite is a natural resource there is no doubt that it has negative impact on mother nature but accountable quarrying practices and all possible efforts are being done by indian granite exporters to limit the carbon footprints .
Conclusion .
To conclude we must say that the choice is all yours . If the user is looking for a perfect combination of natural beauty and sturdiness and is willing the have unmatched beauty in his areas and looking for a long last solution then Indian granite should be his choice as per our recommendation . Although the porcelain tiles is a better alternative to indian granite with lower cost .
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mecrown33 · 4 months
Free from Frostbite
On a winter day, my children begged to go sledding. The temperature hovered near zero degree Fahrenheit. Snowflakes raced by our windows. I thought it over and said yes, but asked them to bundle up, stay together and come inside after fifteen minutes.
Out of Love, I created those rules to my children could they play freely without suffering frostbite. I think the author of Psalm 119 recognized the same good intent in God as he penned two consecutive verses that might seem contradictory: "I will always obey your law" and "I will walk about it freedom, for I have sought out your percepts" (VV. 44-45). How is it that the psalmist associated freedom with a spiritually law-abiding life?
Following God's wise instruction allows us to escape the consequences that come from choices we later wish we could undo. Without the weight of guilt or pain we are freer to enjoy our lives. God doesn't want to control us with doe and don'ts; rather, His guidelines show that He loves us.
While my kids were sledding, I watched them blast down the hill. I smiled at the sound of their laughter and the sight of their pink cheeks. They were free within the boundaries I'd give them. This compelling paradox is present in our relationship with God - it leads us to say with the psalmist, "Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight" (Psalm 119:35).
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spacenutspod · 5 months
After analyzing the temperature data from 2023, NASA has concluded that it was the hottest year on record. This will surprise almost nobody. If you live in one of the regions stricken by drought, forest fires, or unusually powerful weather, you don’t need NASA to confirm that the planet is warming. NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies produced the analysis that led to this conclusion. They looked at temperature anomalies rather than strictly at temperatures. Temperature anomalies show how much hotter or colder than normal it is at a specific place and time. In this case, normal means the average over a 30-year period between 1951 and 1980 for a time and place. The analysis, which makes use of extensive satellite data, showed that 2023 was the hottest year on record. In fact, every month from June to December 2023 was the hottest month compared to the same months in previous years. Not only that, but July was the hottest month ever recorded. This image shows the global temperature anomalies for July 2023. Image Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio How much hotter was 2023? “Global temperatures in 2023 were around 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) above the average for NASA’s baseline period (1951-1980),” NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) said. Anyone who follows news from around the world knows the world is facing more severe weather. In the USA, a mega-drought meant that parts of the Southwest suffered from a water shortage. Reservoirs were reduced to historically low levels. In Canada, massive, numerous, and stubborn forest fires dominated the summer, with smoke moving south and enshrouding some of America’s largest cities for days. Many of those fires are still burning as zombie fires that will spring back to life after this winter. The Donnie Creek fire of 2023 in British Columbia, Canada, was the largest-ever fire in that province. It covered over 600,000 hectares. Image Credit: BC Wildfire Service. In Asia, a record-breaking heat wave struck India, China, Vietnam, and other countries. In India, major cities exceeded 45 Celsius, schools and other places were shutdown, and rolling blackouts, triggered by air conditioner use, made things even worse. In the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the temperatures reached 49 C in some places. In Europe, the Cerberus Heatwave brought temperatures above 40 C to many countries, including Spain, where temperatures reached 45 C. Hundreds of millions of us faced extreme temperatures during the summer of 2023. Millions of us watched helplessly as forest fire smoke clouded our skies and damaged our lungs. Farmers struggled, and food prices rose. But climate change isn’t just about heat, smoke, and fire. It’s also about extreme rainfall, flooding, and hurricanes. Whatever the consequences, it’s not something humanity has seen before. “The exceptional warming that we’re experiencing is not something we’ve seen before as a species,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of GISS. “It’s driven primarily by our fossil fuel emissions, and we’re seeing the impacts in heat waves, intense rainfall, and coastal flooding.” Most of what the Earth is going through is due to human-caused climate change. But other things still contribute to the climate, like El Nino and El Nina. Climate scientists consider all these things when trying to understand what’s happening. This image shows how the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects global temperatures. There are three phases in the South Pacific’s ENSO: El Niño, La Niña, and neutral, or average. El Nino is a weakening of trade winds that blow from east to west in the South Pacific, allowing the sea surface to warm up and rise. La Nina is the opposite: the winds become stronger, and sea temperatures become cooler than normal. La Nina can help offset some of the effects of climate change, but only temporarily. Image Credit: NASA But we have no control over El Nino. Our carbon emissions are the only thing we have control over. Vegetation and the oceans only absorb about 50% of our emissions, and the rest persists in the atmosphere. This visualization shows the atmosphere in three dimensions and highlights the accumulation of CO2 during a single calendar year. It’s not just Earth’s atmosphere that warms. Our oceans absorb most of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases, about 90% of it. The oceans are a gigantic heat sink, and they’ll continue to warm as the atmosphere does. That changes the biochemistry and the overall health of the oceans and also accelerates the melting of our major ice sheets. “Just like global temperatures, ocean temperatures are on the rise,” said Josh Willis, a climate scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “They have been rising for the last century or more, and they are not slowing down. If anything, they are speeding up.” This image shows anomalies in the sea surface temperature. These temperatures reached new record highs in 2023. Image Credit: NASA. The world will keep warming for the next several decades or more, no matter what changes we make today. But the future is still in play. Scientists still need as much detailed climate data as we can gather, even though we know we’re responsible for the warming world. We can still prepare for the worst of it while developing and implementing solutions. “We are very interested in the weather and extremes of any particular year because those are the things that impact us,” said GISS Director Schmidt. “But the key difference between this decade and the ones before is that the temperatures keep rising because of our activities, principally the burning of fossil fuels.” NASA’s results show the future we face. More heatwaves, more devastating forest fires, more pressure on agriculture and food prices, and a bleak future for some of the world’s poorest people. But it’s not foreordained. There are solutions, and they’re being implemented. Renewable energy use is on the rise, for example, and people around the world are demanding that governments implement more changes. And while arcane scientific arguments about atmospheric chemistry and physics are not that impactful for many people, extreme heat is a much more effective alarm bell. So are the things that extreme heat brings, like flooding, fire, smoke, heat waves, rising sea levels, and higher food prices. Let’s hope the next generations and the politicians that accompany them don’t keep pressing the snooze button like we have. The post NASA Confirms that 2023 was the Hottest Year on Record appeared first on Universe Today.
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travopo · 9 months
Fun Things to Do in Keelung | Travel Guide (2023) | Best Tourist Place
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