#[otp tag pending]
nghtmrbtarchived · 10 months
@rvbelhearts ── somethin' to believe in AU april/jey
she didn't like thinking about anything before the night the twins had found her in that bust station, tried to keep memories under lock and key but over the time she'd been with them, april had slowly began to open up to one specific person, which was jey. usually she tried to just keep quiet and stay out of the way, but sometimes he'd find her sitting alone and something about him just made her talk.
her little bump had gotten a tad bigger, her clothes she'd managed to keep were beginning to get just a little too tight and she didn't even want to think about how she was going to get the things she knew were needed but she hadn't said anything about. had just quietly started sending out job applications, trying to find somewhere that would take her. that was one thing she hadn't mentioned to anyone, because she felt they were already doing enough for her and no one needed her in the way.
tonight though, she sat outside in the backyard wrapped up in a blanket and several warm layers as a small fire in the pit burned. everyone was inside, she could hear the laughter and the happy voices as they all conversed and found herself wishing she had that. the weight of the world felt as if it were resting on her shoulders and there was no way she could pretend otherwise, everyone inside would be able to see it clear as day.
mind whirled with all of the fears, the anxieties and just absolute sadness. memories best forgotten threatening to overwhelm and she was outside alone, hidden away from the warmth just at the edge of her reach. it's when the door opened that her head snapped up and she rushed to wipe tears from her cheeks as head turns to catch the very man she'd been thinking about just a little too much lately. "hey,"
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alistairs · 8 months
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[Hatef--k playing softly in the distance]
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mihrsuri · 6 months
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The Boleyn King & The Dudley Queen: Prince Edmund Tudors birth on September 7 1533 was the vindication of the hopes of both his parents and the fight they had endured to be married. Eleanor, Lady Dudley was born into a noble, loving and close family but she would have never dreamed of becoming Queen.
(An alternate universe in which Elizabeth I is a boy and Robert Dudley is a girl and they get married for @theladyelizabeth 🩷)
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universal-kitty · 1 year
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    I just realized, I never posted gift-art I got?? For my birthday this year??? The WONDERFUL @jvcmk did this art for me, of my sona + Ren, and I am still SO in love with it.
    It remains my icon on Discord. And I stare at it whenever I need comfort. 💕 Thank you so, so much again for this art!!! (Let me pay you for more someday, aaa)
14DWY (Ren’s source) is an 18+ game. Minors DNI or get blocked. 💖
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wdwctrl · 11 months
@twcbelts asked " you keep saying and doing things like this, i might just end up pregnant. "
he might have a problem, and that was his need to keep his cock nestled within her walls, feeling the way she would fit so snug around him as he'd keep fucking up into her, keeping his seed right where the more feral side of himself wanted it. he had a deep desire to fill her up, have her round with his baby. he'd just murmured about stuffing her full when she spoke up, her words sending an almost primal urge through his veins though he knew she meant them mostly in jest.
she was pressed back to his chest, thighs spread wide to open her up for brutal thrusts. hand had encircled her throat as she finished speaking, not squeezing too tight but pressing just enough that she knew how fucking close he was to doing just that. his free hand slid down the front of pale torso, calloused digits finding her clit and circling in a teasing manner. "you'd love that wouldn't you, gatita? be round with my baby," there was a hint of dark need within his voice, the man damn near feral at the thought of her pregnant with his baby.
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wreckitrhea · 2 months
@freshestalive said: ❛    go   on,   keep   telling   yourself   that   i'm   the   bad   guy   when   deep   down   you   know   this   is   all   because   of   you.    ❜   /   it's   from   roman   xo   ;*
                                 when   it   came   to   the   blame   game,   she   was   the   champ   at   feigning   innocence   ;    even   if   she   were   the   one   to   poke   the   proverbial   bear,   somehow   she   managed   to   ignore   her   wrong   doings   and   wanted   to   ignore   that   maybe   she's   the   problem.   but   there   was   no   chance   of   the   tribal   chief   letting   her   turn   the   tables   on   him   ;   he   always   managed   to   checkmate   her,   reminding   her   that   he   didn't   buy   into   her   falsehoods. 
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                                    his   words   met   with   a   frown   still   ;   an   attempt   to   still claim   a   shred   of   innocence.   originally   her   intentions   had   been   to   wreak   havoc   for   the   tribal   chief, maybe   contributing   to   the   start   of   salt   and   pepper   upon   that   head.   but   over   the   course   of   the   last   however   many   months,   it   had   been   far   less   about   wreaking   havoc   and   more   about   wanting   —   wanting   more   than   she   was   brave   enough   to   ask   for.   but   maybe   her   actions   had   helped   that   pot   bubble   over   into   recent   events,   though   really   ...   she   knew   she   wasn't   entirely   the   root   of   the   problem. 
   ❛     all   because   of   me?   wow   ...   you've   such   a   high   opinion   of   me,   don't   you?     ❜    
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thr0whands · 2 months
@freshestalive + nikki: closed starter.
nikki had become a different person. she was more cautious, more guarded when it came to matters of her heart. and she didn't trust people as easily as she used to including her own sister. she always felt like she was left behind while brie always got everything. but there was one person that nikki knew she could trust and that was roman reigns. she didn't have any doubts when it came to him and she was sure that her sister didn't approve but did nikki care about what she thought? not anymore. nikki was at smackdown tonight, just days before wrestlemania and she knew roman was still going to be the champion. nikki sat down on the couch helping herself to some fruit while she watched roman pace back and forth. ❝ you know, sunday isn't going to get here any faster. besides you're still going to be the champion not like cody can beat you twice, right? ❞ nicole was being sarcastic of course. she knew cody wasn't going to beat roman either night but she was trying to make light of the situation. she noticed how stressed he was and all she wanted was to spend some time with him now that they had it.
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khoicesbyk · 1 month
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 8,600 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or DM me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
TW: mentions of child cancer, child death, trauma, mentions of murder. READER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED!
Chapter 6.) Auld Lang Syne. Part one.
January 2024 came in like a lamb and left out like a lion. 
Many in the kingdom were still buzzing about the arrest and pending murder trial of Countess Alicia Jacquier-Barbaroux as well as the active eviction of the former King and Queen of South Cordonia. 
While many nobles decried the eviction, there was ultimately nothing they could do about it. Especially when they were evicted for helping Countess Alicia evade being arrested and charged with murder. 
The day before the trial’s official start, Their Majesties were having a breakfast meeting with Carlo, the prosecutor, to discuss the case. 
“Charging another female noble with murder? You’re beginning to have a knack for these things, cousin.”
Marquise snorted into his coffee. 
“I wouldn't have to charge them at all if these female nobles would quit killing their husbands out of rage, spite, or jealousy.”
“Hmm I don’t know, I think you got a kick out of charging the soon-to-be former Countess.” Shanelle quipped. 
“That's only because it pissed off her step-sister. Which brings me joy.” 
Carlo turned his smirk to Shanelle. 
“And you, my Queen, have evicted the former King and Queen of South Cordonia from their home?!” he asked in feigned shock. 
Shanelle shrugged nonchalantly. 
“First of all, Your Highness, that's MY palace to begin with. I gained control of it the day I said I do to your pigheaded cousin. That means I can evict anyone I choose from there at any given point and/or time. Secondly, they wouldn't have gotten evicted so abruptly if they hadn't instructed the palace guards to prevent The King’s Guardsmen from removing Countess Alicia from the premises. And besides, all they did was move from the old palace to Genevieve’s duchy. Thank you very much.” Shanelle said matter of factly.
Marquise arched an eyebrow at his wife. 
“Oh please! You have been dying to throw them out of the old palace for years. And second, who are you calling pigheaded?” Marquise asked her.
“You! Who else?”
Carlo just snickered.
“I love seeing you two together.” 
Marquise shook his head. 
“Now we should get down to business.”
“Indeed Your Majesty. Now have either of you seen the security footage from the night of the murder?” Carlo asked them.
Shanelle shuddered. 
“Yes, we have. And it's absolutely gruesome,” she replied. 
Marquise nodded. 
“Indeed it is. Part of me doesn't want you to show it but the Parliament needs to see the footage.”
“And what of their youngest daughter Alexis? The one who found Lord Amos?” Carlo asked. 
Marquise paused. 
“If you have to call her as a witness, please be gentle in your questioning. She's only 12.”
Carlo nodded. 
“Very well Your Majesty. I will go prepare my opening statement, and see you both at the trial tomorrow.” Carlo said before taking his leave. 
Shanelle looked at her husband. 
“Are you sure calling that little girl as a witness is a good idea? She's already been through enough.”
Marquise sighed. 
“I don't like it any more than you do but to know the full story the Parliament will want to hear from her. Which is why I told Carlo to be gentle in his questioning. I don't want to put her through any unnecessary trauma.”
Shanelle nodded. 
“Okay. Thank goodness my parents are here until June. With Khari at school, they'll happily keep the boys busy.”
“Indeed. So get ready my love. This will be another trial of a lifetime.”
“How long will this trial be?” she asks. 
“Standard week-long trial,” he replied.
“I will be ready for the start of the trial tomorrow.”
“As will I, my Goddess.”
The murder trial of Countess Alicia started promptly at 8:00 AM the following morning. With many in attendance wanting answers for the Earl’s death. Especially his daughters. After opening statements were made Carlo took two days and went to work laying out the very tumultuous marriage between Earl Amos and Countess Alicia. Including revealing that the youngest three weren't Earl Amos’s biological children and playing the full security footage that showed the murder of the deceased. Even hearing his youngest daughter’s pleas. 
“Help! Help! Someone help! My father is bleeding!” she yelled as the video rolled on. 
“Mama! What did you do? Why did you do this?” she begged her mother. 
“Please, Papa! Hang on! Please don't leave me!” the poor girl cried. 
When Shanelle looked over to her, she had her head down and her eyes closed. It broke Shanelle's heart to see her.
“As everyone can see, while young Alexis tried valiantly to save her father, it was too late. By the time Emergency Services got to the estate, Earl Amos had died. He unfortunately bled out in his youngest daughter’s lap.” Carlo explained as he stopped the video. 
“Marquise, I don't like this. I don't like seeing that poor girl like this. She shouldn't have to be here,” Shanelle whispered to her husband. 
Marquise rubbed her knee in sympathy.
“I know you don't. I don't like it either. But at least now the world knows what happened that night.” he whispered back to his wife. 
“It is now where I’d like to ask Lady Alexis Barbaroux to the stand,” Carlo announced to the room. 
Shanelle had a pit In her stomach. 
“Marquise, don't do this to her. She's been through enough.” Shanelle said quietly to her husband. 
“I don't have a choice, my love,” he said back to her. 
The 12-year-old apprehensively walked to the stand. When she looked up at Their Majesties, she was scared. 
“She's terrified! Stop this!” Shanelle pleaded. 
“Carlo. Remember my warning. You get to ask no more than three questions.” Marquise warned Carlo. 
Carlo nodded. 
“Of course my King,” he replies before turning to the little girl with a warm comforting smile. “Hello, my lady. Thank you for being brave enough to join us today. As I promised His Majesty, I won't take very long. Okay?” 
She simply nodded. 
“Now can you tell everyone what you remember from that night?” 
The little girl fidgeted with her hands before speaking. 
“I…I was in my room. Practicing for my solo recital, when I heard Mama and Papa arguing. But that was…that was…it was nothing new.” she said before letting out a small sob.
Carlo nodded with sympathy.
“I promise I’m almost done. Is there anything else you remember?” he asked.  
Alexis nodded. 
“They always argued and I started to ignore it, until I heard Papa scream. And when I went to see what was wrong…that's when I found him on the floor. And Mama was standing over him with a bloody…”
“Letter opener?” Carlo asked. 
Alexis nodded tearily. 
“Yes. She stabbed him. I tried to help him. I tried to…save him. I couldn't save him. I couldn't save my Papa…” the little girl broke down and cried. 
That's when Shanelle had seen enough. 
“Enough Marquise! End this now!” she demanded. 
“Carlo! It's alright. You don't need to question Lady Alexis any further.” Marquise said to him. 
Carlo nodded. 
“Yes, my King.”
Marquise looked to the Countess’s oldest daughter. 
“Baroness Amanda. Take your younger sisters home. There is no need for them to be here anymore.” he instructed her. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” the Baroness replied. 
That's when Lady Alexis looked up at Marquise.
“May I…may I speak to my mother?” she asked. 
Marquise nodded. 
“Go ahead.” 
The little girl nodded to him before getting up and walking gingerly to her mother. 
“Mama?” she asked gently.
Countess Alicia finally looked at her daughter. 
“Why did you do this Mama? Why did you take Papa away from us? Why couldn't you love him like he loved you?” she asked her mother. 
“Alexis…” Alicia said softly. 
“I love you. Despite everything you've done. I still love you. I forgive you, Mama. I forgive you.” Alexis said before sobbing. 
That's when her older sister came to get her. 
“Come on sweetheart. Let's get you home. Okay?” Amanda said to her sister. 
“Amanda, wait!” Alicia said to her. 
When the Baroness looked furiously at her mother.
“Don't you dare speak to me!” she snapped at her mother. 
“Amanda, I didn't–” she started to say before her daughter cut her off, “You didn't what? You didn't mean to ruin the lives of your children? You didn't mean to kill my father? Too little too late!”
“You don't understand Amanda.” Alicia tried to explain. 
The Baroness scoffed. 
“Oh, I understand perfectly. I understand that you murdered my father. I understand that you chose your own selfish, self-centered greed, over your children! How could you? How could you be so cruel, so cold, so goddamn callous? Do you know that because of your actions, I now have to raise YOUR children? Because as we all found out the girls were never his. You and especially your step-sister and brother-in-law forced him to raise another man’s children. On top of having that innocent man executed. Just so the world wouldn't know how much of a no-good whore you actually are!” The Baroness said to her mother. 
Alicia went to speak but her daughter cut her off. 
“I've known for years that you and Papa didn't always get along. It was something I just accepted and lived with. But never did I think you'd blatantly cheat on him let alone kill him. And for what? My father was killed for nothing! No wait. I take that back. He was killed because you couldn't get over being rejected by Her Majesty’s father. It's a good thing he chose Duchess Shantel over you because I can only imagine the hell you would've put poor Prince Damien through if he had actually gone through with the betrothal and married you.”
That's when Genevieve stood up furious.
“How in God’s name can you speak to your mother like that?!” she asked her niece. 
“Simple. Because of you and Uncle Edward. You two may not have put the letter opener in her hand but you certainly contributed to the way she acts! You enabled her to treat my father like shit! When without him she’d just be another noble whore. There's a bunch of them in this kingdom. Your husband would know.” the Baroness replied. 
Genevieve just seethed. 
“You know Aunt Genevieve, growing up I used to think Uncle Edward was the only sniveling coward in our family. Turns out I was wrong. That title now belongs to her.” The Baroness said to her aunt. 
“Amanda, please! I’m sorry!” Alicia cried. 
But her daughter wasn't having any of it. 
“No, you're not. Because being sorry means you're remorseful for what you've done. And we both know you're not the least bit remorseful about killing my father. You’re just mad that since your sister can't save you, you now have to face the consequences of your actions. Because of your actions, I was forced to not only bury him alone but now I have three more children to raise. All while you tried to hide out at the old palace to avoid facing justice. So please spare me the crocodile tears and lengthy excuses.”
The Baroness turned to leave before saying one more thing. 
“Alexis and even my sisters may forgive you, but just know that for the rest of my life, I will not. I will never forgive you for being such a callous, coldhearted bitch. You took my father from me! You murdered him for no other reason than your incessant greed, self-centeredness, and bitter selfishness! You had a good life and a good man. But you just had to ruin it. Because that's who you are. You're no better than your step-sister, grandfather, and especially your mother. May the latter two rest in hell. I will never again look at you and ever see my mother. All I will ever see is the monster you turned out to be.”
With that, the Baroness led her younger sisters out of the courtroom. Shanelle let out a breath she had been holding in. 
“And now I rest my case,” Carlo announced. 
“I think we can take a rest now,” Shanelle whispered to her husband. 
Marquise nodded. 
“Here is where we will stop for the day and reconvene tomorrow.” he said as he addressed the room, "Lord Pollard, as the defense, I expect you to be ready to present your case to the Parliament in the morning.” 
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Lord Pollard replied. 
“Very well. Everyone is dismissed for the afternoon.” Marquise announced before leading Shanelle out of the courtroom. 
When they got to an alcove Shanelle sat down, rubbing her temples. 
“Are you alright?” Marquise asked as he sat down next to her. 
“Physically? I'm fine,” she replied with a sigh, “but that was just awful to have to sit through.”
“I know. I wish it didn't have to come to this but unfortunately, this is the situation we find ourselves in,” he said as he rubbed her shoulders. 
“I shudder to think what the defense will come up with.”
“More than likely they'll look for a scapegoat.”
“You mean my mother?” she asked. 
“I would hope not. But I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't try to blame all of this on your mother,” he replied. 
“I swear to God if they dare…”
He kissed the top of her left shoulder.
“Let us worry about tomorrow when it comes.”
Shanelle nodded. 
“I still need to warn mom.”
“Later. Right now I need a drink and you, my gorgeous wife, you look like you need a nap.”
“Only If you carry me to bed.”
His Majesty happily obliged. Lifting his wife off her feet. 
“I will never get used to that,” she said with a chuckle. 
“The day that you get used to me adoring you is the day I know I've failed as your husband.”
Shanelle playfully rolled her eyes. 
“Lead the way, my knight.”
“As Her Majesty commands.”
He carried her from the courtroom across the palace to their bedroom with ease. Later that night after her children were asleep, Shanelle spent time with her mother. 
“How was the trial butterfly?” Shantel asked. 
Shanelle groaned. 
“In a word? Absolutely horrible.” Shanelle replied. 
“That's two words, baby.” 
The two laughed. 
“My heart breaks for those girls. Especially the younger ones.”
“What happened?” Shantel asked. 
Shanelle gave her mother a rundown of the trial. 
“Not even their oldest daughter knew?” Shantel asked. 
“No. No one knew. All thanks to your brother-in-law and his wife. But you should've seen The Baroness. She let her mother have it.” Shanelle replied. 
“I can only imagine. She was lied to. On top of the fact, her father was killed by her mother. Hell, all of those girls were lied to. It's a sad situation all around.”
“Yeah, but that's not what's worrying me.”
 “What is it, baby?” Shantel asked. 
“I’m worried that the defense will use you as a scapegoat,” Shanelle replied. 
Shantel rolled her eyes.  
“It wouldn't be Alicia if she didn't try to blame it all on me.”
“I will do all that I can to make sure that doesn't happen.”
“No need to baby. I can handle myself. Let her come after me.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
“And people say I never know when to back down.”
“You must've never met my mother. You used to call her Grammy.”
Shanelle snorted. 
“Even if her defense does try to blame me for her actions, I didn't put the letter opener in her hand. And I certainly didn't force her to stab the poor man to death. Those were the decisions she made so those are her demons to face.”
“Don't worry about me butterfly. I'll be just fine.”
“I know you will.”
Over the next 3 days, it was the defense’s turn in the trial. And as expected they went after Shantel and named her as the cause of Alicia’s spiral. They even alleged that Earl Amos was physically and mentally abusive to the Countess. And that she only stabbed him because she felt it would be the only to keep herself and their children safe. Even calling Queen Genevieve and King Edward as star witnesses. Once the defense rested its case, it was turned over to the Parliament. After 3 days of deliberation, they came to a decision. 
“Have you reached a verdict, Duke Ramsford?” Marquise asked. 
��Yes sire. We have.” Bertrand replied. 
“What say you?” Marquise asked. 
“After much discussion, and an 18-2 vote, the Parliament has decided to convict Countess Alicia Jacquier-Barbaroux of malicious intent of murder,” Bertrand replies. 
Marquise nodded as many sat stunned by the news. 
“No!” Alicia shouted. 
“This is not right! My sister doesn't deserve this!” Genevieve proclaimed.
“The Parliament has spoken, so shall it be.” Marquise said to the courtroom before addressing Alicia, “Countess Alicia, you have been convicted of murder, and will be sentenced in the coming days.”
“No! No! No! I don't deserve this!” Alicia cried. 
“Guards, you can take her away,” Marquise said to the guards.
As the guards went to escort Alicia out, her step-sister tried to block them. 
“Get away from her! You will not lay a hand on my sister!” she snapped at them. 
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
“Since Queen Genevieve wants to join Alicia so badly you can arrest her as well,” Marquise instructed the guards. 
That's when Edward stood up shouting. 
“Don't you idiots dare touch my wife! Or I will have your heads!” He yelled at the guards. 
Marquise groaned while rubbing his brow.
“Hell with it! Arrest him too! And for the love of God, gag him!” he commanded. 
Many watched as the three were taken out of the courtroom screaming at Marquise. 
“Now that the circus is over, I want to thank the Parliament for your time and service to this trial and your kingdom. You are all dismissed.” Marquise announced. 
He and Shanelle watched as everyone filed out of the courtroom. Leaving them alone. 
“Well that's finally over,” he said. 
Shanelle nodded. 
“To be honest I half expected them to come back split down the middle.” 
“True. But I’m glad that they didn't. Otherwise, we would've been here for a few more days than I wanted to be here.” 
“When will she be sentenced?” Shanelle asks. 
“Before we leave for Paris,” he replied. 
“Paris? Why are we going to Paris?” 
“I mean do you not want to go to Paris Fashion Week, my love?”
Shanelle squealed happily. 
“Yes, I thought you might.”
True to his word, Alicia’s sentencing was the day before they were set to leave for Paris. Before issuing the final sentence, Alicia’s three youngest daughters asked to speak publicly on their mother’s behalf. 
“While we understand what our mother has done is wrong and unforgivable. And that our Papa is dead because of her, we ask you, Your Majesty, to be lenient in your sentencing.” her daughter Allyson read in a statement, “we have already lost one parent, we don't want to lose another. Instead of sentencing her to death, we are asking you and Her Majesty to sentence our mother to solitary confinement in the dungeons of the old palace if Her Majesty will allow it.”
Marquise looked at his wife. 
“Well, my Queen? Shall we honor their ask?” he asked her. 
Shanelle looked at him then to Alicia and finally to the girls. 
“As a mother, my heart breaks for you girls. You have been robbed of your father by your mother’s greed and bitterness. Your lives have been destroyed. I can't imagine what you girls must be feeling. Anger, sadness, shock, disgust, and maybe even resentment. As a Queen, I must decide with His Majesty that both serves justice and keeps the people safe. This was not just a random mistake. Your mother poses a great threat to us all. I can not overlook that. But since you three have bravely come forward to ask, I will allow your mother to be held in confinement at the old palace. But only for the sake of you three girls.”
Marquise nodded before looking at Alicia. 
“Very well. Alicia Jacquier-Barbaroux you have been sentenced to life in solitary confinement within the dungeons of the old palace. You will be under 24/7 guard and will only be permitted to visit with your daughters. Supervised visitations will be three days a week for only 4 hours each day.”
He then looked at the girls.
“I want you girls to listen very carefully, while you will be permitted to see your mother, you three will not take advantage of this opportunity. You will not abuse this opportunity. Because if I hear that you have, I will revoke it from you and your mother will then be sent to the prison island of Grandevarea. Is that understood?” 
The three young girls nodded. 
“Good.” he said before addressing the guards, “you may take her to the dungeons and will await further instruction.” 
After everyone watched as Alicia was escorted out of the throne room, the couple stepped off the daises.  
“You did good by them,” Marquise whispered to his wife as they walked to the side entrance. 
“I had to. Those girls have been through enough. They don't deserve to have to suffer any more than they already have.”
He brought her right knuckles to his lips for a soft kiss. 
“And because you've done good by them, you deserve a reward.”
A slow smile started to break across her face. 
“Mon amour. Paris attend sa reine.”
“I can't wait!” 
“Let's go!” 
After saying goodbye to their little ones, The Royals were on a flight to the city of Love. 
Paris is one of their favorite cities in the world. And being there during Fashion Week has always been a dream of Shanelle’s. A dream her husband made come true. They were standing on the rooftop deck of their private residence enjoying the sunset view of the Eiffel Tower. 
“I love Paris,” Shanelle said with a contented sigh. 
He wrapped his arms around her with glasses of Lowyn Prosecco in hand. 
“I love you in Paris,” he whispered in her ear as he handed her a glass. 
“You love me everywhere.” 
They smirked at each other as they clinked their glasses together. 
“I'm sad we got here too late. I would kill for a ham and cheese omelet from our favorite brasserie.”
“I will have one here first thing in the morning.”
“You're a sap. You know that right?” she teased him. 
“Always and forever. Especially for you.”
“That's not how the song goes.”
Shanelle snickered. 
“Your improv needs work.”
“You are such a damn critic.”
“And your biggest fan.”
“I'm sure Khari would have objections to that.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
“This view is perfect. And here I thought you were going to this home into one of those AirBnB things.”
“Nah. I decided to keep a few places the family owns to myself. Although the AirBnB idea isn't bad. I'm glad I thought of it.”
“I would pinch you but I like my jaw right where it is.” 
“Smart man.”
The pair watched the sun go down and the moon rise in the sky before it became a tad too chilly for Shanelle. 
“Are you cold love?” he asked. 
“A little bit.” 
He wrapped his jacket around her. 
“Let's get you inside.” 
The two walked inside and down the steps to the main living area. Where bags of groceries and their guards were waiting.
“As requested, my Liege.” their guard Geraldo said to them. 
“Thank you,” Marquise replied
Shanelle became slightly curious. 
“What's in the bags Your Majesty?” she asked. 
“Guanciale, Pecorino, Parmigiano, grani di pepe nero, aglio, rigatoni e uova,” he replied. 
“You're making Carbonara, which is Italian food mind you, in France?” 
“That a problem?”
Shanelle shrugged and grabbed the bottle of Prosecco.
“Hurry up and get that sexy ass of yours in the kitchen!”
“By your command my Queen.”
She sat at the counter with a glass in her hand as she watched him roll up his sleeves and lay out his ingredients. 
“I love watching you cook.”
“If I remember correctly my cooking is what seduced you in the first place.”
“True. Now I get the guanciale, the cheese, the garlic, the black pepper, and I even get the eggs, but why Rigatoni? Especially when you normally use Bucatini?”
Marquise shrugged. 
“I thought I’d try something new.”
“Your daughter made you watch someone make it like on TikTok again didn't she?” she asked. 
Marquise cut his eyes at her. 
“Like I said earlier, you are a sap.” 
She watched as started the process of making his Spaghetti Carbonara. 
“Yay! You’re not dicing them into small lardons this time.”
“I should because those will render faster but I also want us to have something to snack on.”
“That works for me!”
“And now! We slice the garlic!” he announced.
“Like Goodfellas?” she asks. 
“Yes! Razor thin! You want it to almost melt into the guanciale fat.”
She watched him slice the garlic and then separate the eggs, grate the cheeses, crack the pepper, and whisk it all together. 
“This is gonna be so good!”
“Indeed. And now we add the guanciale to a cold pan and heat it slowly so the fat renders and we have snacks.” 
Shanelle clapped happily. 
“Enjoying the show beautiful?”
“Don't I always?”
“True enough,” he said as he opened a new bottle of Prosecco and poured himself a glass. “God this stuff is good.”
“We will be drunk by the end of the night.”
“With full bellies.”
“Why don't we do this all the time?” she asked. 
“That's why we don't do this all the time.”
She loved watching him be so at ease. It had been a stressful time and she was happy to be able to spend time alone with him. 
“A snack for the lady,” he said as he passed her a small bowl of cooked guanciale.
“Mmm! I swear this stuff is like bacon!” she said as she popped a small handful into her mouth. 
“It is pork cheek so…”
“True. It still amazes me that a King can cook. And cook quite well actually.”
“I had to eat somehow while I went to Harvard.”
“You coulda just bought the meal plan.”
Marquise scoffed. 
“No thank you.”
“Why not? Were there no caviar and foie gras options for the Prince?”
He snatched her bowl away.
“Gimme my bowl back!”
“No! You just insulted me!”
Marquise cut his eyes at her before handing her the bowl back. He left a little bit of fat in the pan to fry off the garlic. 
“Ahh! Finally, it is time for the marriage of egg yolks, cheeses, cracked pepper, guanciale fat, and pasta water!”
While the meal normally didn't take him long to make, he enjoyed giving his wife a show. Plus both of them were halfway through their third bottle of Prosecco and feeling it. 
“And with just a smidge more pepper and more Pecorino on top dinner is served!” 
“Shut up and pass me a fork!” 
He handed her a bowl before they went and sat down on the couch to enjoy each other’s company and their food. 
“Okay I like the rigatoni but I think I prefer bucatini,” Shanelle said in between bites. 
“Agreed. Although I won't complain about this.”
“Not at all. You have mastered the art of Carbonara. Y’know if this whole being a King thing doesn't work out you could be a chef.”
Marquise snorted into his glass. 
“And give Jenna a reason to boss me around even more than she already does? No, thank you.” 
Shanelle snickered. 
After dinner was done, they laid on the couch under a handmade quilt. 
“I am sated, satisfied, drunk, and happy about it.
He kissed her forehead. 
“Anything for you.”
“Thank you for dinner babe. It was delicious as always.”
“My pleasure. It was a last-minute shopping request I sent out to the guards here.”
“I’m glad you did.”
She snuggled against him. 
“This is why I married you.”
“Because of these little romantic moments. You didn't have to cook for me.”
“Well, I sure as hell wasn't about to sit here all night and starve.”
Shanelle snorted. 
“Besides you know I love cooking for you.”
“I know. It's one of your most redeeming qualities.”
He smiled softly. 
“You know what?”
"I can't stop thinking about kissing you."
"And what are you going to do about that?"
“This…” he said before he leaned and captured her lips in his for a soft sweet kiss.
“I hate it when you do that.”
“Because I always wind up agreeing to anything.”
He kissed her again. Slower and more sensual than before. A slow smile crossed her face. 
“Make me,” he whispers against her lips as he tightens his arms around her. 
As they lay together, she started to get sleepy. 
“I think it's past your bedtime, my love.”
“But.”, she said with a yawn, “I don't want to move from this spot.”
“Very well. This is where we will be until the morning.”
“Fine by me.”
“Goodnight beautiful.”
“Goodnight handsome.”
He watched her slowly drift off to sleep in his arms before going to sleep himself. 
They spent the next few days attending various shows. While Marquiss didn't understand many of the runway looks he saw, seeing his wife have the time of her life was worth it to him. As they flew home, she was still gushing about their trip. 
“That was amazing! I loved everything. And when I say everything I mean everything!”
“I noticed. Which show was your favorite?” he asks.
“Schiaparelli. Hands down. They were amazing. And all the outfits I got!” she replies. 
“As if your closet isn't big enough as is.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes.
“But in all seriousness, I am happy you enjoyed yourself.”
“And what was your favorite part of the trip, Your Majesty?” she asked.
He merely tapped the diamond cufflinks on his wrist. 
“You know I never come to Paris without seeing Pierre François.”
Once back at home, it was back to normal for them. Or so they thought. 
Their daughter had been having bad stomach aches for days but no one could figure out why. It wasn't until she started to catch a fever that they became concerned. 
“Marquise, she is on fire,” Shanelle said to her husband. 
Khari moaned in pain. 
Shanelle rubbed her forehead.
“I’m right here baby,” she said to her daughter before speaking to him, “call Nadia. Now.”
Marquise nodded. 
“I'll be right back.” 
“No Daddy. Don't go, please.” Khari pleaded. 
“I won't be gone long, my love.”
“Noooooooo!” she whined. 
“Come here, my angel. Come here,” he said as he scooped her up into his arms.
“I don't feel good Daddy.” Khari cried. 
His daughter was in pain and it broke his heart to watch. 
“I know you don't. I will only be gone for just a second. I have to call Nadia. I'll even leave your door cracked. Okay?” 
“You promise?” 
He kissed her forehead. 
“I swear it on my life.” 
He gave her back to her mother. 
“I'll be right outside,” he whispered to Khari. 
Marquise stepped out to call Nadia when Damien walked up. 
“How is she?” Damien asked. 
“Her fever has spiked. So I’m going to call Nadia.” Marquise replied. 
“What do you need from me?” Damien asks. 
“To stand here and keep me calm. If you don't mind.” 
“Consider it done.”
Marquise nodded and called her pediatrician. When he hung up with her, he had a look on his face. 
“How bad is it?” Damien asks. 
“She wants us to bring Khari to the ER at St. Michael’s,” Marquise replied. 
“Go. I will handle the day-to-day here. And don't worry about the boys. Their grandmothers will keep them company.” 
“If I don't say it enough, thank you, Damien.”
Damien nodded. 
“No need. You forget I have a daughter too.”
“I know.”
“Go on then. I'll go let Shantel and Margo know.”
Marquise stepped back into his daughter's room. 
“Who was that Daddy?”
“Your grandfather, my love. He was coming to check on you.” 
“What did Nadia say?” Shanelle asks. 
“To bring her to the ER at St. Michael’s.” 
“Okay. I'll get her dressed. You call the car.”
Marquise modded before kissing his daughter’s cheek and leaving the room. Once Khari was dressed they were off to the ER in the wee hours of the morning. When they got there Khari wouldn't leave her Daddy’s arms after they were settled into a room. 
“Hello hello everyone. We have got to stop meeting like this. I need my little ones to be okay.” Dr. Nadia said as she entered the room. 
She looked at Khari who was clinging to her Daddy as she sat down. 
“Hello, sweet girl. What's wrong?” Nadia asked. 
“My tummy doesn't feel good,” Khari replied in tears. 
“Oh, you poor thing. Well, I’m here now. And I’m going to make sure we find out why your tummy hurts so bad and we’ll make you all better. Alright?” 
“Okay,” Khari replied quietly.
“That's my girl.”
Just then there was a soft knock at the door. The head of the ER Dr. Hadley.
“Your Majesties, do you both remember Dr. Hadley?” Nadia asked as he walked in.
They both nodded.
“Yes, we do. It's good to see you, Doctor,” Shanelle replied. 
Dr. Hadley nodded politely. 
“It's good to see you both as well,” he said to Shanelle before addressing Khari, “and it is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances though.” 
“Hi doctor,” Khari said quietly. 
Dr. Hadley smiled at her.
“I know you don't feel well but that's why your great-aunt and I are here. We're going to find out what's bothering you and make sure you get all better. But first I need you to do something for me.”
“What’s that?” Khari asks. 
“I need you to be big and brave. Can you do that for me?” he asked.
Khari thought for a moment then nodded. 
“I can do that,” she replies. 
“Atta girl! That's what I like to hear. Now we're going to get you changed, get an IV going, and get some scans done. Okay?” 
Dr. Hadley looked at her parents. 
“She’s doing great. And Your Majesties, you both have my word, she will be well taken care of while she's here.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Marquise said to him. 
“Alright, sweetheart. Let's get you changed.” Nadia said to Khari. 
Once Khari was changed into a hospital gown, a nurse came in to start an IV and had a wheelchair. 
“Princess, Your Majesties, this is Yvonne. She's one of the nurses here. She's going to start Khari’s IV so we can get some pain medicine in her then take her down for an X-ray and CT Scan.”
Yvonne bowed. 
“Your Majesties, it's an honor,” she said to the couple. 
“Can my mommy and daddy come too?” Khari asked Nadia. 
“Sure they can. But they'll have to wait in the waiting room. Okay?” 
“Good girl. Now let's get going.”
Once Khari’s IV was in, she was in the wheelchair and they were off. While they took Khari back, her parents sat out in the waiting area. It's when they sat down, that Shanelle broke down in her husband's arms. 
“I know. I know. You’re scared. I am too. But it's gonna be okay. Khari is here and she's safe. And she's with some of the best pediatric doctors in the world. Shhh. Don't cry.” he whispered to her. 
“I’m trying to be strong, I promise. It's just…” Shanelle tried to say before her words were choked off by a sob.
“I know. I know you are,” he said as he rubbed her back. 
“Your Majesties?” a voice asked softly. 
When they both looked up a woman was standing in front of them. 
“Please pardon my intrusion. But I was sitting over there in the corner and I couldn't help but overhear you both say that the Princess is here.”
“Yes, she is. They just took her back. Who are you by the way?” Marquise asked. 
“Oh pardon my manners. I'm just a little nervous. My name is Lady Selene De Michele-Charroux. My daughter Elena is in school with the Princess.” the lady replied. 
“She's one of Khari’s classmates?” Shanelle asked. 
“Yes ma'am. They took her back before you all got here.” Selene replied. 
“If you don't mind my asking, why?” Marquise asked. 
They watched the lady wring her hands nervously. 
“My lady, why don't you sit down? You look about as stable as I feel.” Shanelle said to her. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Selene said gratefully before sitting down next to them, “to answer your question, my King, my daughter has a rare form of neuroblastoma. She's had it since she was 8 months old. She was being taken back for an MRI.” 
“Oh my God! I'm so sorry!”
Selene nodded gratefully to Shanelle. 
“Thank you, my Queen. When my daughter was at school a few months ago, before she got really sick, she was being picked on by another group of children. And the Princess stood up for her. She told the children picking on her that if they didn't stop picking on my daughter, she was going to tell her father. And she told them that her father doesn't like bullies.” Selene explained. 
Marquise just shook his head with a smile while Shanelle chuckled softly.
“For the record, she never told me.”
“I’m sure she didn't but it was the thought that counted for my daughter. She considered your daughter her only friend. And I just wanted to say thank you to you both for raising such an amazing young girl.”
“Thank you, my lady. You said your last name was De Michele?” Marquise asked. 
“Yes. It's my maiden name. You probably don't remember but I went to boarding school with Leo.”
Marquise nodded. 
“That's why your name sounds familiar.”
“Yes. As it just so happens you went to school with my cousin.”
“I did?” he asked. 
“Yes. Does the name Jean-Marc Archambeau ring a bell?” she asked. 
“As in Commander Hervè Archambeau?” he replied. 
“Yes. He and my mother Countess Gladys De Michele are brother and sister. According to him, you two were always butting heads.”
Marquise chuckled. 
“Yes, we were. How is Jean-Marc?” he asked. 
“He’s doing well. Thank you.”
“I haven't heard that name in years. I was told they had moved. What happened?”
Selene cleared her throat. 
“Your father is what happened to them.”
Marquise groaned. 
“What did he do?”
As she was about to answer, both little girls were wheeled out.
“Mommy! Look! My friend Elena is here too!” Khari squealed happily. 
It made Shanelle smile. 
“Hello, Khari’s mommy and daddy! It's very nice to meet you.” Elena said to them. 
Marquise bowed to the little girl.
“Hello, my dear. How are you?”
Elena smiled at him.
“I’m doing good.”
Selene tapped Marquise on the shoulder. 
“Your Majesty, is it okay if we speak privately?” she asked. 
“Of course my lady,” he said to her before turning to his wife and daughter, “you two go on back I'll be there soon.”
Shanelle nodded as she and Khari left.
“I'll be right there sweetheart,” Selene said to her daughter. . 
“Let's have a seat,” he suggested to Selene. 
They sat down. 
“I’m sure you didn't want to have this conversation in front of them.”
“Yes sire.”
“Now what happened?” he asked. 
Lady Selene cleared her throat. 
“Do you remember getting into a fight with my cousin?” she replied. 
Marquise thought for a moment. 
“Yes, sort of. We were 15 and if memory serves, and it was over a score at a football game,” he replies. 
“Yes. He swears you stole a goal from him.” 
Marquise snorted. 
“Oh geez! Now I remember.” he said with a chuckle, “And for the record, I didn't steal the goal from him. He was being too slow and I took the shot.”
“I believe you. Anyway, you two had words, started shoving each other then fists went flying and you gave him a black eye and he busted your lip.”
“Yup. I remember now we had to be separated. And Headmaster Boisseau gave us each a tongue lashing before we were suspended for a few days.”
“Unfortunately for my cousin, it didn't end there.”
“I don’t like the sound of this.”
“What should've been handled by the school, was handled by your father.”
Marquise let out a breath. 
“What did he do?” 
Selene paused for a second. 
“He had my cousin arrested and charged as an enemy of the crown.”
Marquise was shocked. 
“What?! Over a petty fistfight?”
“Yes. He sent a summons to my aunt and uncle and demanded an audience with them after he was arrested,” she said before taking a deep breath and continuing, “When they had their audience with him and Regina, he told them they could either pay a fine that would've bankrupted our whole family, be exiled, or worse, he would execute my cousin.”
Marquise groaned. 
“My God.”
“King Constantine said he sentenced him to exile because my cousin assaulted an active member of the Royal Family. But my uncle knew the real reason why.”
“What was the real reason?”
Marquise nodded. 
“Because of Sebastian. He still blamed your uncle for the ambush that killed him.”
“Yes. I'm sure you didn't know.”
“No, I didn't. But now that I think about it, his not coming back to school makes sense.”
“I swear I didn't tell you for sympathy I promise. But you deserved to know.”
“Thank you, my Lady. If you don't mind telling me, where is your cousin now?”
“Norway. They moved there after they were exiled. My aunt was originally from there.”
“And what about your uncle?” he asked. 
Lady Selene went quiet. 
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to pry.”
“No no. It's okay. He passed away after my daughter turned 2.” 
Marquise nodded before pulling out his wallet.
“Here. Take this.” he said as he handed her a small business card, “have your cousin contact my office as soon as possible.”
“Yes sire. Thank you so much. I wish you and the Princess all the best.”
Marquise shook her hand. 
“The same to you and your daughter as well my lady,” he said before they went their separate ways. 
When he got back to Khari’s room, they and his aunt were waiting. 
“I’m so sorry I took so long. I didn't mean to make you all wait.”
Nadia smiled. 
“It's alright nephew. You’re just in time. I have the results of Khari’s scans.” 
Marquise sat down next to his wife and daughter. 
“As it turns out, Khari has a ruptured appendix,” Nadia said to them.
“What's that?” Khari asked. 
“It's one of your organs, sweetie. It's one of the things we all have. Except for your dad.”
“Daddy doesn't have one?” 
“No. He had his appendix taken out as a teenager. I would know. I had to treat him.”
“I wasn't that bad.”
“Hmm…I don't know about that.” Nadia teased. 
Khari giggled.
“Now because it's ruptured it has to be taken out. That will require surgery.”
“What's that?” Khari asked. 
“It’s where a doctor has to make a small cut in your stomach.”
Khari reared back.
“No! No!”
Nadia laid a reassuring hand on hers.
“It's not bad my dear. I promise. You won't feel anything. You'll be asleep the whole time.”
“I will?”
Nadia nodded. 
“And I will be there with you every step of the way.”
Khari chewed her bottom lip.
“Do you remember what Dr. Hadley asked you?”
“To be brave.”
“Can you be brave for me?”
Khari nodded. 
“Yes, Aunt Nadia. I can be brave. Very brave.”
“That's my girl. Now I have to talk to your father for a second outside okay?”
Nadia pulled Marquise outside. 
“She’ll be transferred upstairs to a private room for surgery prep.”
“When is her surgery?”
“Because it's the weekend, it'll be tomorrow at 9:00 AM.”
Marquise nodded. 
“Thank you, Nadia. I appreciate it so much.”
She patted his arm fondly. 
“Of course, nephew. I'll see you tomorrow.”
When Marquise returned to his daughter and his wife. 
“What did she say?” Shanelle asked. 
“She said that Khari’s surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 AM so she’ll be sent upstairs for prep.” 
Shanelle nodded as she held Khari. 
“Okay. We’ll be ready.”
“Indeed we will.”
There was a knock at the door. It was the transporter. Marquise recognized him. 
“I remember you,” Marquise said to him. 
“Hello, Your Majesties. My name is Sammy. I'm here to take the Princess upstairs.” the transporter said as he introduced himself. “I was here when His Majesty had his surgery when he was 16.” 
“It's good to see you again.”
Sammy smiled. 
“It's good to see you too, Your Majesty.”
Sammy turned to Khari.
“Are you ready Princess?”
“Yes sir.”
Khari climbed into the wheelchair. 
“And off we go!” 
Once Khari was transported and settled into her room, it was time to meet her surgeon. 
“Hello! Hello! Good morning Your Majesties, and to you too, Your Highness. My name is Dr. Gaston Cormier. I am the head of surgery here at the hospital. It's good to have you all here. Although I am pretty sure one of you swore to me years ago they'd never come back.”
Marquise shook his head with a smile. 
“Hello again doctor. Thank you for coming to greet us.”
“And now that you all are here I want you all to know that the Princess is in very good hands. We will do everything in our power to make sure this process goes as smoothly as possible. And Princess you have my word, I will be very gentle. You won't feel a thing. Okay?”
Khari nodded. 
“Yes sir.”
“Very good.”
“Will I be able to eat?” Khari asked. 
“Yes. You can eat until midnight tonight but no later. Alright?”
“Now I have some consent to surgery forms that I will leave for you both to sign and I will see you all in the morning.” Dr. Cormier said before taking his leave. 
After signing the consent forms, Shanelle let out a breath she had been holding in.
“You look exhausted, my love,” Marquise said to her. 
“It's been a long morning.”
“Indeed. Why don't you go home and get some rest?” Marquise asked. 
“I can't. I can't leave her here.” Shanelle replied. 
“It'll be okay. I'll be here with her.”
Shanelle shook her head no. 
“No Marquise. No. I'm not leaving.”
That's when Khari spoke up.
“It's okay Mommy. You can go. Besides the boys need you, they're probably wondering where everybody is.”
“But baby…”
Khari held her mother's hands. 
“We gotta be brave Mommy. Just like Dr. Hadley said. We have to be big girls. Okay?” Khari asked. 
Shanelle took a shuddering breath. 
“I'll be okay. I'll get to boss Daddy around while you’re gone.”
Marquise made a face. 
“You always boss me around.”
“I know but now I get to be extra bossy.”
Shanelle shook her head. 
“Okay, you and your daddy win. I'll go home and check on the boys. But I'll be back later okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
“And I'll bring you your favorite things.”
“Yay! Thank you, Mommy.”
Shanelle kissed her daughter on her forehead. 
“I'll see you later Peanut.”
“Okie doke! Now we can eat!”
“How can you think of food at a time like this?” Shanelle asked. 
“The same way Daddy always does,” Khari replied with a shrug. 
“I beg your pardon madam!” he protested. 
Khari giggled. 
“Alright, I’m going. I love you, baby girl.”
Khari hugged her mother. 
“I love you too Mommy.”
“I'll walk you out love,” Marquise said to her. 
Marquise walked his wife outside before calling for a guard. 
“Take Her Majesty home,” he told the two guards outside. 
The guards nodded curtly. Marquise’s phone buzzed in his pocket. 
“Who is that?” Shanelle asks. 
“Your father. I texted him to put a statement out about Khari being in the hospital,” he replied. 
Shanelle checked her phone. 
“Thank you for naming him the new herald of the Monarchy.”
“He was happy to accept the job. Now let's get you home.”
Marquise pulled her into a loving hug. 
“It'll be okay my love. Khari is a big girl. And she's brave. Hell, she's braver than you and I will ever be. We should hold on to that.” he whispered. 
Shanelle held onto her husband. 
“I know. And I’m trying. It's just…I want to scream. And I just wanna hold her and make the pain go away.”
He kissed below her left ear. 
“I know you do and so do I. Now go. Go check on our boys. I'll hold down the fort here.”
Shanelle smiled at him before leaving with the guards.
You have reached the end of part one! Stay tuned for part two!
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cover-your-ears · 2 months
Catch Up
Last Song: Last song I listened to was Unknown/Nth by Hozier, which goes hard.
But my last favorite songgggg it's probably 世中逢爾雨逢花 (In this world, every rain and every flower) I think its a fan song? I'm not sure but its the most beautiful thing i've ever heard im not kidding.
Currently Watching: Oof.
Dungeon Meshi (I'm obsessed) Hunter x Hunter (Since I know literally nothing about it I thought about maybe, recording the journey jahsjs) Apothecary Diaries (I support women).
Three Ships: Sonadow, Sterek, Zukka.
I don't have to explain myself to you. You can see how it is.
Favorite Colors: Ooh brother everyone around me sighs when people ask me this question i dont shut up about colors, but ive decided now. It's Red.
Followed closely by Green, Blue, Brown, Orange, and White. Purple too sometimes.
Currently Reading: University makes me read so much I'm loathing it. But I downloaded some books and currently on pause, I've been reading:
Percy Jackson (for the first time, it's sooo much fun)
The Hunger Games (for the second time, it's no fun at all but i'm enjoying it)
Bunch of fanfiction. I jump fandoms like a pro.
Currently Consuming: I had some goooood hot dogs today and my dad bought Maruchan cup noodles, they beckon me.
First Ship: The first ship i shipped..? Or OTP?
I didn’t have an OTP until I read Heaven Official's Blessings, HuaLian are my definition of love.
Place of Birth: México, a very touristic and pretty place.
Current Location: México, my dad's house. Weekends are dad days.
Last Movie: That I watched? Shrek the third I think.
Favorite? Is Kung Fu Panda 2. Unapologetically, it fuckem rocks.
Currently Working On: Nothing man, I'm just chilling (I have three pending school assignments)
Thanks to @spinningblueberry for tagging me i dont usually do these, i just reblog stuff, but this is my house i can do whatever i want. I tag @narwhalsarefalling @ellisnebula @technicacloud @edensbackyards
Feel free to ignore me i wont be checking if u do it unless u tag me fr
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nghtmrbtarchived · 9 months
@rvbelhearts for a closed starter
her appointment had her nervous the entire time, but jey and his mom had been reassuring her for days now that everything was fine. they'd managed to get her to eat a little peanut butter toast before getting her to the doctor's office. they'd been called back pretty quickly for a surprise and soon they were in the room with the sonogram technician. jey stood right beside her and his mom right in the chair near them, the man holding her hand as the warmed jelly was gooped on her belly bump before the sound of a heartbeat filled the room and there on the screen was the baby. with tears in her eyes, she looked up at the man with a wobbling lip.
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alistairs · 1 month
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Thank you @viridializard for the adorable comission of my babies! 🥹 💕
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mihrsuri · 1 year
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The Lioness and The Bear’s Cubs: The children of Elizabeth Tudor & Robert Dudley in my Tudors OT3 Universe.*
*(An alternate history in which Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII and Thomas (Frain) Cromwell are in a secret triad marriage from 1536, have eight children, Anne is always a beloved Queen and their oldest son marries Mihrimah Sultan and they bring in a truly progressive by modern standards golden world, minus colonialism and empire because it’s my wish fulfilment au)
Anne (b. 1552): As Elizabeth inherited her mothers title before her marriage of Duchess of Pembroke, so Anne, as the oldest daughter, inherited it in turn (to this day, the Duchy is passed to the oldest daughter). She married Matthew Cecil, son of William Cecil (I think this is hilarious due to the fact that okay, Robert and William Cecil aren’t as ‘…FUCK IT’S HIM’ at each other in this AU but they still kind of are, so the fact that their children marry each other is like, Cecil is delighted but also he really has to deal with ROBERT DUDLEY and vice versa). They have eight children - William, Robert, Elizabeth, George, Anne, Turhan, Henry and Mihrimah. 
Anne is her fathers favourite child, without a doubt. She is also extremely like to her maternal grandmother Queen Anne in looks. Incredibly intelligent she becomes a renowned poet in her adulthood - corresponding with other learned women from across the European and Islamic worlds, she loved to experiment with form and style - particularly admired for her series of sonnets. Known to love wearing green, can ride better than both her parents, charms everyone. 
Also she’s her cousin the King’s secret spymaster but that’s an entire other story I might even write one day. 
Henry (b. 1557): Duke of Leicester after his father. Married to Cecily, daughter of John de Vere, Earl of Oxford. He is the father of three children  - Robert, Mihrimah & Thomas. Harry is tbh, a giant womaniser - he and his wife are friends but they married for reasons of companionship and children, not love, though they are fond of each other. He is the courtier, the one who absolutely inherited all his fathers Dramatic - often joked that he should have been an actor upon the stage. Not so much a scholar, though he’s definitely smart, he is a brilliant musician and dancer though. Also known for his fashion sense - he wore ‘brilliant robes of deep black with golden trim’ and an expert jouster which gives his parents approximately fifteen heart attacks. 
Thomas (b. 1557): Henry’s twin. He married Halime, Lady Stanley and they are the parents of four daughters - Elizabeth, Maryam, Soraya & Philippa. Thom is the one who manages the Leicester Estates and he’s happy doing that - his hobby is gardening/garden design and the gardens of the family seat are still famous to this day - he wrote a whole number of works on gardening and gardens and corresponded with gardeners from all across the world. Almost certainly has a plant named after him. Ambitious but his ambitions go into gardening. 
Robert (b. 1559): Sailor, traveller and early travel writer (in that he wrote a chronicle of his travels). Lord High Admiral for his cousin King Thomas II, he travelled as far as Indonesia and lived for a long time in his cousin Maryam’s court in Persia, where he fathered a daughter Parisa with a woman named Tahmina. So so much wandering feet - language nerd in the extreme, Robbie definitely wanted to learn all he could about the world and was a superb commander and leader. Credited with building the modern navy. 
Marian (b. 1580). Marian died in 1680 and was her parents Extremely Surprise Late In Life Child. She was christened Mary but everyone called her Marian. She first married Alfonso, Duke of Ferrera (who I think might be a descendent of Lucrezia Borgia) with whom she had four children - Francesco, Giovanni, Contessina and Lorenzo and secondly Turhan, Earl of Surrey with whom she had twins Turhan & Mihrimah. Marian is amazing - she lived through the English Civil War and the Restoration Period and then the return of the monarchy under her relative Queen Charlotte Askala - during the period of the Restoration King she helped to smuggle out refugees from the Restoration Regime - particularly Jewish, Muslim and other non white families using her contacts in Italy as well as her noble blood to get away with it well into her old age. 
She’s the painter of the family - particularly learning from female artists in Italy - her surviving landscape works hang in the Albion National Gallery today and her informal sketches during the Restoration Regime remain a valuable insight into this period of history. 
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universal-kitty · 1 year
Got a delivery for one [Rendacted] (lol kidding on the delivery bit, but I do have some questions regarding the tall weeb)! Uh... How about Apple Pie, Shortcake, Flan, Muffin + Brownie (from the sweet-themed self ship asks)?
Due to the source of this ask: Minors/Ageless blogs DNI! You will be blocked. 💖
🍭 Sweet Themed Selfship Asks
Apple pie: How does your f/o sleep? Do they snooze soundly next to you or do they toss and turn etc?
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Ren tosses a bit less than I do! I'm the one who wiggles around the bed, completely rotating, in some cases. By comparison, Ren... He rolls a bit in his sleep. Sometimes clings overly much to the blankets... But it's pretty normal.
Over the years, hover, they flop around less and start clinging more. (As their brain catches up to the fact we're dating!! We sleep in the same bed!!! They may or may not still be losing their mind over this.)
Shortcake: What’s your f/o’s love language? (physical affection, giving gifts, etc)
He has to pick one???? That would be. Impossible for them. The most I can say is this: they typically like gift-giving the most.
There's something very rewarding about getting an item that reminds me of them/they know I'd really like, getting to give it to me, and watching my eyes light up in delight!! It's almost as good as the praise I croon to him for thinking of me and getting something so sweet~
Second closest is physical affection. He would happily live life toting me around in an arm, if it was possible. (And I didn't have such a strong urge to wander here, there, and everywhere.)
Flan: How does your f/o comfort you when you’re upset?
Depends! Ren knows I'm pretty attached to fictional characters, so they're not above dressing up as one on a whim to try and utilize that. If that wouldn't help or it doesn't, that's when they're pulling out every stop. Doesn't matter what I want; if I want it, he'll make it happen.
I want a rare plushie? Okay, buying it (or stealing one) first thing. Expedited shipping, if bought. Would a shopping trip help? Anything I want, they'll buy. Fuck the final price and any guilt; they'll spoil me rotten if it makes I can crack a smile later.
Shit, he'd book a flight for the soonest one to Japan if it would make me happy. Road trip; anything. Anything that makes me sad is a fuckin' crime on this planet and he'll do anything to make the pain better/ease off.
Muffin: What does your f/o’s laugh sound like?
The first ask that's different depending on who!! :D SO! For Ren (Haruko cosplay), it's a light, airy laugh. They're trying to come off as sweet and a little shy, although those with sharp ears can notice it may sound kinda...off. Not deceptive- if it's over something I say, it's still rings quite sincere!- but... It's off.
This also ties with any other fave he cosplays as; it will mimic the character they're aiming for, but with more or less of that fake-feeling vibe.
[Rendacted]'s true laugh is kinda scratchy, low...but the more he laughs, the louder- and lighter- it gets! Basically, he's that person who laughs low to start- like chuckles- but will get into a much more classically "handsome" laugh as he lets loose.
Seeing him smile was a rarity before- still is when it comes to his walls dropping in full- but it's become more common with us dating. 💕
Brownie: What’s your f/o’s favorite part of you?
...They would CRY to have to pick one. How are they supposed to pick?! Those pretty, dark green eyes, that got the shape of flowers in them? The dark brown hair they get to help brush every morning? What about the cute, soft hands that hold theirs every day?! There's also the subtle collarbones, the neck they love to mark, the tummy they kiss very often, the thighs-
...Ren wouldn't stop gushing for anything the second the topic would come up. Don't let him start if you know what's good for you.
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wdwctrl · 11 months
@psychoscials somewhat plotted starter<3
there was a noticeable irritation in her gaze that had taken root in the last week, the more she pulled away from her other half the worse she got. dom had started retreating from her, unable to deal with just how bad rhea could get when that itch settled beneath her skin. normally, priest would've had it handled but she'd been too scared to go to him this time ━ their constant lack of boundaries getting into dangerous territory, and she knew there was only going to be so much before it went too far, before they crossed the only line that was drawn between them.
her relationship with priest far different from her relationship with even dom. with dom, she was the one forever in charge and she refused to budge on it which he got along with. with priest though... rhea knew if they crossed that line, there would be no more fucking around, she would be his and that was just a fact. there were reasons she held back, why she didn't seek him out knowing he was the only one who could fix the way she was feeling.
dom had finally had enough on the way to the hotel when she'd snarled out an insult at him when he tried holding her hand. she'd pulled away from him physically too, amidst her confusion and irritation along with his own. he'd gotten out of the vehicle and followed finn quietly, after he'd given a look to priest. she'd climbed out of the car, grumbling to herself as she slammed the door before stomping to the back of the car to yank her bags out of the trunk. rhea planned to just stay in her room that night, away from everyone ━ allow herself to continue feeling miserable, even if she knew where the solution lay.
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wreckitrhea · 1 month
@freshestalive seth said: ❛    i   had   a   lot   of   dreams   about   you   recently.    ❜
                                     another   hotel   room   ,   almost   a   carbon   copy   of   every   other   hotel   room   they'd   occupied.   normally   she'd   been   curled   beneath   the   sheets,   snuggled   down   —   peacefully   sleeping.   but   there   would   be   no   sleep   tonight   ...   the   man   before   her   saw   to   that.   somehow   they   always   ended   up   here   ,   unable   to   ignore   the   call   of   the   other   it   seemed.   there's   a   glint   of   pure   mischief   within   those   icy   depths   as   those   words   reach   her   ears.   body   leans   back   in   the   arm   chair,   one   leg   crossed   over   the   other   as   hands   fold   themselves   over   her   abdomen. 
                                  ❛    about   me?   what   kind   of   dreams,   hmm?     ❜ 
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reds-self-ships · 6 months
New romantic F/Os.
Yes, F/Os. Plural. This has never happened before.
In one corner, we have Dick Grayson aka Nightwing from ᴅᴄ ᴄᴏᴍɪᴄꜱ. His ship tag remains pending, so for now I'm using Nightwing Tag TBD.
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And in round two, we have David Jones from ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟ ᴄᴀꜱᴇ. The tag I'll be using for him is OTP: Red and Blue.
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