#anyways [sHAKES MY LAPTOP]
egglands-worst · 1 month
i always think I'm not THAT possessive over My Things. after all, I'll always willing to let people (roommates and friends) borrow my stuff, after all!
and then an Item of mine unexpectedly disappears and i start freaking out
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universal-kitty · 1 year
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    I just realized, I never posted gift-art I got?? For my birthday this year??? The WONDERFUL @jvcmk did this art for me, of my sona + Ren, and I am still SO in love with it.
    It remains my icon on Discord. And I stare at it whenever I need comfort. 💕 Thank you so, so much again for this art!!! (Let me pay you for more someday, aaa)
14DWY (Ren’s source) is an 18+ game. Minors DNI or get blocked. 💖
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okay I know everyone’s already talked about this but I can’t get over Jacob Anderson’s delivery in the confessional scene
The pure and raw emotion that he’s putting into every word he says is absolutely breathtaking like I felt that shit in my SOUL and I was captivated with every word fr
And then to follow it up with Sam Reid’s delivery of Lestat’s proclamations of love and adoration and desperate pleas to Louis to be his truest self and to stop being who everyone else wants him to be I just
GOD my brain is just sizzling and melting out my ears rn I’m so fucking obsessed with them
I keep coming back just to watch the whole thing play out because it’s so perfect and wonderful and amazingly delivered and I love them both to death
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
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laptop trackpad drawing ft. winston quantkid2 billions of course ☔
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marsuro · 2 years
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Songctober day 19: An Awful Thing To Waste (Supertramp)
Life is not as long as you think Open up your mind and you’ll see Don’t destroy yourself I implore you
So I have this entire animatic in my head for this song lol
(Individual frames under the cut!)
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 5
"Funeral Bell" by Phildel
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afieldinengland · 5 months
i feel sick
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convxction · 2 months
ooc. breaking news, i will rant. *fixes glasses & eyebrow raises for seriousness*
first of all, how... THE FULCUK DARE YOU INTELSYS NOT GIVE ME CHROM AND EMMERYN DUO HUH??????? I HAVE BEEN BEGGING FOR YEARS... JUST GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST LISSA!!!!!! OR WITH FREDERICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT THIS POINT YOU'ER MAKING ME RENEW MY PASSPORT JUST TO COME AND START A STRIKE INFRONT OF YOUR COMPANY! ...just give me chrom with someone else beside robin ;;a;; lucinaaa????? VAAAAAAAAAIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sobs....uuughhh.....someone else please..........chrom has many supports....please....i beg of you.... i love c/hrobin but cooommeee oonnnn ;;a;; on my spaghettis knees.....
*fixes the problem*
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jokes aside. i like the arts. everyone is adorable and makes you think about how a four years old is going to murderize you with that big ass axe she got.
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respect the liz. respect the toads and frogs she leaves in your tents.
now let me look at the lines and whatever curve lore balls they have for us. and ofc i will be checking jp, too because i always say this my krumb and my awakening muses in general are mix of both.
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already with pain.
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in jp robin is a bit...clueless to why she on reflex hide her hand. or the vibe i get. like is the brand visible at that age? does she know what it means? did the grimleal tell her or her mom or dad??? aaa...the brand topic is just the chef kiss to make my brain go brrr lets think. also this is a child, not the older version avatar. obviously, she got baggage she still does not fully understand--why her brand gives that bad vibe and everyone is always EYES EMOJI at it. not the greatest pressure to grow up with sobs.
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listen my dude. you need to tone down how 'idiotic' chrom looks. please. intelsys we get the whole idiots can be adorable but sometimes u push it a little bit too far and it gets repetitive and boring. in jp it is clearly he is more interested in the fact there are different kinds of 'girls'. meanwhile, in english hes like 'wow cant believe girls exist ugh' this is why i dont trust localization easily. tbh his jp line can be idiotic too but if you think about chrom and his circle of 'girls friends/ associate' are limited to his sisters then you can understand why he says something like "there are different kinds of girls huh' also i love that he is saying that to a girl.
chrom: wow so there are different kind of girls, huh, robin
robin: .... haha ... yeah
tldr: chrom is idiot. i can say this. you can't. it is the law here. dont break it.
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you mean your sisters-in-la---*shot/stabbed* ...tiny tear because in JP she calls chrom...Chrom-san......... CHROM SAN...............................CROM SAN........... OLDER CHROM HAS SUSTAINED CRITICAL DAMAGE. A FRIEND SHOULDNT USE SAN WITH HIM WHYYYY TINY ROBIN NOOOOOOOOOOO DONT KILL CHROMMMMMMM!!! DONTTTTTTTTT its a nice detail ngl because they are not 'friends' their bond is still on the work and she knows he is a prince so she is being polite...waaa.....
chrom: chrom is ok
robin: ...............chrom......................san.
chrom: ;A; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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insert your training generic line.
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chrom panic mode. gotta stick with his sisters!!!! GOTTA PROTECT THEM!!!!!!
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lays on the ground ........ cry. why are you making this child suffer? please.
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the fact in jp she is not 100% sure if he is 'good person' is super funny to me LOL listen. with that scowl and big sword she can freely press A to doubt lololol also she is throwing shades at him asking if his sisters are suffering because of him ...--GIRL............listen................we................dont have a defense. true. it is all true. also this actually makes me go ooooooo because i always thought he was rebel when he was a kid. this confirms he is pretty much a troublemaker (to some extent ofc) and robin is already on his BS lol hear me out. a little boy who suddenly saw his country turn upside down in mere months and not only that but people chanting curses and vindication at your father who started a war and lost it; and by default doomed everyone with him. yeah. 'cheerful' chrom was a hard earned phase after that hurt and confusion phase he went through.
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still a bakaptain. once a reckless idiot, will always be reckless idiot.
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chrom got that 'mature' vibe to him when he speaks no? guess it does not help when you are forced to grow faster after your stupid father fucks things up. ... add him so we can punch the daylight out of him but make him ugly so i dont go IF HE BAD WHY HE HOT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cough
oh no...
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oh noo.....pain...
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聖痕...seiko..stigmata ...stigma huh. if you consider the fell dragon brand a bad omen, then calling it a stigma is not farm off, you know?
禍々しく不吉な… sobs stop.... stop hurting heeeerrrrrrrrr. a child saying they have something on their body that is sinister and ominous is not fun guys ;a;
also confirmed chrom is idiot.
robin: i have something sinister on my body...
robin: km pls
deep fried sigh ... let👏her👏be👏happy👏damnit!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏
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hmm ... i prefer chrom's line in jp because it does fit his mindset of wanting to help emmeryn and not just 'have to'.
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cries. robin's love for books is adorable waaaaa.
unknown footage of chrom reading some books she recommended. help me they are cute.
also chrom wanting to be a strong man .. hehehehe buddy let me tell you that you will be the stronkest of them all--WALL CRUSHER!!!!!
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i told konkon that what if they did meet (in a parallel world) when they were kids and chrom's dad finds about chrom's new friend and perhaps wanted to use that in his favor etc etc etc ... FATHER WHY MUST YOU BE AN ASSHOLE???????????????????????????????????
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what if.... they actually meet .... but naga is like nah too soon. erase their memories because of the previous idea^^^ dad might abuse this friendship sobs ...
i mean naga already intervened a couple of times but not to the extent that she can 'change' things directly so perhaps the use of the brand or someone she can ....uuuh communicate with???? i might want to think about this hmm ~ i feel like naga does have more 'power' or like ...uhhh... things going on but we don't see all her plans.
oh and emmy and frederick convo ;u;
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i love my awakening children ;u;
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dmumt · 11 months
56 pcy reblogs in a row sorry mutuals maybe im just a good person going through a hard time (yeolmaeism)
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eternal-reverie · 10 months
this video about the parallels between Naminé’s and Lauriam’s/Marluxia’s character arcs has me rotating the fic I’m working on like crazy in my head
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arthur-kingsmen · 2 years
*banging on the walls* hellllppp !!! girl helppppp *someone looks at me* oh nvm
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lizbotw · 2 years
before the livestream tomorrow i would like to say i love kaveh
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aturnoftheearth · 2 years
i have experienced more anxiety in the past 3 days than i have the last two years i stg
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taniushka12 · 2 years
when you're behind schedule in studying and the exams are in a week or so but all you wanna do is talk about aus and make art about said aus
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oatbugs · 2 years
the passage of time is rly hitting my GPU differently !!!
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semlohhh · 5 months
will never understand people who care more about others' gender identity than billionaires actively destroying the economy
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