#;;i truly believe i am quite capable of something more ( eloise )
amillixnvoices · 4 months
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#;;you can read all about it ( memes )#;;it's time to turn it up game on ( queue )#;;you've got the words to change a nation ( ooc )#;;now it's just me myself and i ( lockwood )#;;don't rain on my parade ( rachel )#;;i don't have any reasons i've left them all behind ( marley )#;;here comes the sun ( dani )#;;when the bones are good the rest don't matter ( buck )#;;she's the king of new york ( katherine )#;;there's just no telling how far i'll go ( sarah )#;;everyone thinks that i have it all ( morgana )#;;i truly believe i am quite capable of something more ( eloise )#;;restless hearts sleep alone tonight ( brimsley )#;;sometimes you just jump and hope it's not a cliff ( henry )#;;i was born to run i don't belong to anyone ( june )#;;everybody stares as she goes by 'cause they can see the flame that's in her eyes ( nora )#;;it's so empty living behind these castle walls ( martha )#;;you can just...feel ( nick )#;;and sings a solitary song that whistles in the wind ( lucy )#;;and bring on all the pretenders i'm not afraid ( james )#;;not gone just lost ( nate )#;;au contraire mon frère ( mae )#;;and i'll be holding all the fines ( JJ )#;;second star to the right and then straight ahead 'til morning light ( wendy )#;;no one decides my fate but me ( belle )#;;someday maybe all my dreams will be repaid ( ryan )#;;i wanna listen to my own heart talking ( troy )#;;that's how superheroes learn to fly ( winn )#;;my shower head is very impressed with me ( ricky )#;;i haven't heard anyone try that since the noughties ( roxy )
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amillixnvoicesarch · 6 months
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my love.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Six - Splendid
"Eloise Bridgerton."
Benedict calls his sister when he finds her smoking on the swing set in their garden. He sounded stern, as if scolding her.
Eloise groans softly as she turns on the swing. "Go on, then." She lifts the cigarette to her lips. "Chastise me."
"Spare one for me?" He asks.
Eloise is surprised by his question. He comes and sits on the other swing beside her. She holds a cigarette out to him, and he takes it, putting it between his lips and lighting it.
"Suppose I desire something different." Eloise says.
"How do you mean?"
"Just different. I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, Benedict. That I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I'm not allowed to have anything else."
"Then I would say... that you're not the only one." He looks at her. They smile at each other.
With the next edition of Whistledown comes fascinating gossip. You find yourself, for once, clutching the paper with the need to read more.
It has become apparent that Lord Berbrooke has a child out of wedlock, and not only that, with a maid he had sent away before the child was even born. He pays nothing for the child, it seems.
Your mother had been gossiping about with the other ladies she had over for afternoon tea. In turn, their maids had gone off to gossip further.
Word spread like wildfire.
The next day, Lord Berbrooke had left town suddenly.
You made it a point to go visit Daphne. You were taken up to the drawing room where she awaited you, a smile on her face as you came in.
"It's nice of you to visit."
You take a seat with her. "I wanted to see how you were."
"I have expected you come see my brother," she admits.
"Benedict? As much as he has become my friend, I felt the need to come see you. Are you alright?"
"I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders." She smiles softly. "I am glad he is gone."
"As am I. Wretched man, he was."
You both giggle softly.
"So, the duke? He is still on your favour?" You ask.
Daphne goes silent for a moment, and then her face twitches. A realisation. The realisation she must still pretend.
"Ah, yes." She smiles.
You smile in return and take her hand. "You make a most handsome couple."
"Thank you." Her voice wavers.
You do not bring up Hastings or Berbrooke again as you have tea with Daphne. The conversation becomes pleasant. Daphne finds herself talking to you about anything that comes to mind. Not once has any of her siblings sat down and listened to her like this.
It felt nice. Really nice.
An hour passes, and you find the teapot has been emptied twice in that time. There are no more biscuits to share either. You rise from the soft sofa and gather you purse.
"Thank you for letting me visit."
"Oh, nonsense. You are always welcome." Daphne smiles.
"I shall visit again then."
Daphne looks pleased by your words.
"Benedict will be so disappointed you came by and didn't stop to see him."
You chuckle. "Let him suffer. It may humble him."
Daphne chuckles and sees you out.
The next ball is as dazzling as the others. You swear with each one, Daphne gets more and more beautiful. She enters with the Duke. Of course, everyone sees.
You entered with your mother, no one paying you any mind what so ever. Not that you minded any more. You had come to terms that no one would visit you.
As Simon and Daphne dance, you decide to take a walk. You have no idea what it is they discuss when alone together.
You keep your eyes peeled for any familiar faces. Yet, no one else is present in this current room.
Meanwhile, Daphne parts from Simon and is approached by another gentleman. Her wish to find a husband and have a family may very well come true.
As you enter the next room, you find Anthony in there talking with some others. His gaze lands on you, and he excuses himself from the current conversation. He approaches you.
You smile and bow your head. "Lord Bridgerton."
"Anthony, please. You call my brothers by their name."
You smile. "Anthony."
"Benedict isn't here, I'm afraid. He has elected to sit this one out. May I have the honour?" He holds out his hand.
You take a moment to take in his request. Anthony was head of his family. A viscount. Dancing with him would surely bring you attention.
You place your hand in his. "You may."
Anthony takes you back into the other room and leads you to the dance floor. He holds you as a gentleman should while dancing with a lady. You both move with the music.
Anthony look very firm as he dances with you.
"I must say, this is an honour."
"Is it?" He asks.
"I never see you dance."
"No. I suppose not. I am not beyond dancing with friends." He says kindly.
"Then I am even more so honoured to be considered such."
You both continue dancing until the music ends. You curtsy, he bows. Anthony takes your hand and leads you back to the side of the room. With swift ease, he marks his name down on your dance card.
"I shall see to it you are never left without a dance partner, my lady," he says with a bow.
You smile.
As Anthony returns to the party, you find yourself now being looked at by others. There are gentlemen looking your way.
Could it be true that Daphne is not the only one who can shine?
Soon, you are dancing again, and a few more names are scribbled across your dance card.
You think, perhaps, Daphne Bridgerton is your good luck charm.
It makes you giddy.
Safe to say, your night was splendid indeed.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd -
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy -
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dailyeloise · 1 year
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I truly believe I am quite capable of something more.
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inlovewithquotes · 1 month
“Eloise Bridgerton.”
“Go on, then. Chastise me.”
“Spare one for me?”
“Suppose I desire something different.”
“How do you mean?”
“Just different. I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, Benedict. That I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else.”
“Then I would say…that you’re not the only one.”
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sapphirebluejewel · 11 months
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Endless List of Characters I Love - Eloise Bridgerton
"I truly believe I am quite capable of something more."
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delehosies · 2 years
anthony bridgerton x fem reader - word count: 3363. in which anthony bridgerton is enchanted to meet you <3 yes like the taylor song
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anthony bridgerton didn’t intend on marrying for love. it hadn’t been his intention for a long while, not since he had witnessed the misery and despair that his father’s untimely death provoked in his mother. he simply wanted to choose a suitable bride, capable enough of bearing his children and holding somewhat intellectual conversations with him for the short amount of time that he intended on spending with her.
 this is why it was particularly tricky when you entered the picture – gorgeous and confident and intelligent enough to captivate and enchant the oldest bridgerton brother, leaving him practically pining after you. he would overhear your conversations in the ballroom, the scoff that escaped from your lips as your mother introduced you to a truly unsuitable older gentleman in the hopes of marrying you off. you would roll your eyes, and although you forced a stiff smile and kept your tone as polite as possible, there was something in your voice that tended to ward them off, much to your mothers’ dismay. anthony believed that he could capture your attention, make you his wife and live out the rest of your days free of any type of love - certain of the idea that love wasn’t a thing that could just happen to a person, that he would always have some control over his hearts emotions.
and it wasn’t that you didn’t intend on marrying, you certainly didn’t intend on becoming a dreaded spinster, but you couldn’t help but long for something more. your brothers and most of the upper class male world were welcomed into society with open arms, void of responsibility for at least a small portion of their life and encouraged to explore before they finally settled down to wed. for you, it seemed that your options were marriage or … nothing at all. so here you were, at yet another ball, hosted by the bridgerton’s this time, lingering by the refreshments table as to avoid your mother. 
anthony observed you from the other side of the room, standing amongst two out of three of his brothers and sipping his glass of champagne as benedict and colin bickered over something that he considered to be trivial. “wouldn’t you agree with me, brother?” benedict asked, placing his hand onto his older brother’s shoulder. anthony leant away from his touch, rolling his eyes a little at their childish nature, although he secretly wished that he could be as carefree as his other siblings seemed to be - eloise excluded, her disappointment of being a woman clouded her almost constantly. anthony was glad to be free of that. 
“i have decided who i am to marry.” anthony declared, his brothers’ eyes widening at the casual nature of their rakish older brother’s announcement. benedict and colin were lost for words for possibly the first time in their lives, mouths opening and closing as their oldest brother finished his drink and placed it back onto the table. he turned back to them for a moment, raising an eyebrow before focusing his attention back on yourself. they usually weren’t so speechless. 
colin was the first to break the heavy silence that lingered between them, benedict’s mouth still gaping open in dismay “who, brother? who’s the lucky lady? do tell.” colin followed anthony’s gaze back to where you stood, nodding slowly “ah… miss y/n. she’s quite the character.” colin understood why anthony would be so infatuated with you, he noted how strikingly similar your personalities were when the two of you were introduced, colin being the only bridgerton sibling of many that you had met so far. 
anthony’s posture stiffened, clearly somewhat offended that colin had the pleasure of being in your company before he had the chance to meet you. “do you know her?” he questioned, now focusing all of his attention onto his younger brother - who certainly noticed anthony’s discomfort, and… could he even detect a hint of jealousy in his voice?
“we have… been introduced.” colin explained with haste, eyeing up anthony before turning to benedict for some kind of support within the awkward conversation. benedict shifted uncomfortably, a confused look covering his features as he struggled to string together a sentence in a way that wouldn’t offend anthony. 
benedict finally found his words- “you mean to say that you haven’t even been introduced to the lady and you wish to marry h-” benedict did not get the chance to finish asking his question, as his words were cut short by the sharpness off his older brothers’ tongue, anthony failing to acknowledge that benedict’s words had even graced their presence. 
“then it’s settled,” anthony nodded at colin “you shall introduce us.” benedict rolled his eyes, noting how pleased anthony seemed with himself for conducting this master plan.
colin blinked, bewilderment clear as the realisation of anthony’s sudden demands sunk in, all the colour seemed to immediately drain from his face. he had only made your acquaintance because of your mothers, nothing more. “what? now?” 
anthony rolled his eyes at colin’s hesitation “yes, now. make haste.” he had already began to walk purposefully towards miss y/n before colin had even a chance to respond. colin looked to benedict for help, who simply shrugged and nodded for him to catch up with anthony’s long strides. anthony’s confidence oozed from him as he approached you, he did not worry about how he would be perceived despite hearing how blunt you tended to be when conversing with males. no woman had ever turned him down before - why should this be any different? why should you be any different?
“miss y/n.” colin spoke, grabbing your attention. you turned on your heels, offering a little smile to him - who happened to be one of the only tolerable men in the entirety of the ballroom. you noticed his companion, a tall man with the famous brunette bridgerton hairdo which lady whistledown seemed to mention more times than what seemed necessary. his eyes pierced through you, studying your face intently - you felt heat rise into your cheeks and looked back to colin, away from the stare of his brother “have you met my brother? the viscount?” 
the viscount. viscount bridgerton. you shook your head before bowing slightly, forcing another polite smile to cover the anxiety that seemed to flood through you. it was hard not to feel your nerves when a man such as viscount bridgerton was staring at you with such an attentive gaze. “a pleasure, my lord.” you managed to speak without stumbling over your words, and mentally congratulate yourself for achieving such a feat. 
“it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss y/n.” anthony gently took your gloved hand in his, noting how small your hand seemed when the silk covering you pressed against his warm skin. he bowed his head and brought your hand to his face in an agonisingly slow manner, before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to the upper side of your hand. you weren’t one hundred percent sure, but it looked as if he breathed in the scent of your soap and perfume as he did so - a pretty floral aroma which anthony decided he just couldn’t get enough of. 
colin cleared his throat, quickly and quietly excusing himself in order to leave y/n to anthony’s devices. anthony wouldn’t have wanted colin loitering around when he was attempting to court a lady anyway. 
anthony carefully dropped your hand from his, and there was a moment of silence between the two of you, before he quickly jumped to fill it with what from his experience was a charming compliment. “may i compliment you on your dress? it is … most exquisite.” anthony questioned, eyes practically drinking in the sight of yourself in the light pink dress, the fabric complimented your skin tone perfectly, your mother having spent hours in the modiste picking out the right fabric and style - sure that it would help you to find a suitor. 
you nodded, peering down at the dress as if you were entirely unaware of what you were wearing. “you may. but you would not be complimenting my taste in garments my lord, for i did not choose it myself.”
your response clearly threw anthony, he was quiet for an instant before he regained his confidence and was capable of mustering a reply. “ah... yet you still wear it so wonderfully.” he was not used to ladies talking so… freely, of course he was used to his argumentative younger sisters but usually a lady’s cheeks would flush pink before she proceeded to babble out a hundred different thank you’s - often throwing compliments at his own attire too. 
“that’s very kind of you to say, my lord. my mother will be most glad to hear it.” you replied, fiddling slightly with the silk gloves. “she insists on choosing my dresses for me – picking the most extravagant features with hopes of marrying me off, you see?” you let out a cynical laugh, the relationship between yourself and your mother had grown even more strained as of late, most likely due to your refusal to pick a suitor even after multiple proposals. you realised that you probably shouldn’t be sharing this information with the viscount, it was definitely considered oversharing, but with his dark eyes fixed on you it was hard to stop nervous words from spilling out.
anthony thought for a second, appearing as if he was truly listening, truly processing all of your words and deciding the most appropriate and thought provoking response. you noted how truly rare this is for a man conversing with a woman, especially one of his status. “hm. and is that such a problem?” 
after taking a moment to think, similar to anthony, you responded. “not a problem, i suppose. i would just rather that she wasn’t so keen to auction me off to the first gentleman who noticed me.” you scoffed quietly, taking your eyes off of the viscount for a moment and allowing yourself to gaze around the room. it didn’t take you long to notice that many were focused on anthony and his choice of conversationalist. you looked back to him, feeling your cheeks warm once again from all of the attention. 
anthony followed your gaze to the sides of the room, though he was certainly more used to stares than yourself. mothers and daughters had been eyeing him up for the entirety of the season after lady whistledown felt it was fit to publish that he was hoping to find a wife. anthony hated the woman - believed her to be a wretched gossip. “i’m sure many gentlemen would notice you… regardless of your garment, i mean to say.” 
you couldn’t help it, you rolled your eyes - only playfully, the viscount was yet to say something truly abominable, but there was still plenty of time, men usually can’t get enough of the sound of their own voice. “well, my lord, i wish that they wouldn’t.”
a loud, deep laugh escaped from anthony, filling the ballroom and even making you giggle. colin was right, you definitely were a character. “well, miss y/n, i cannot fault you for that. some men considered to be gentlemen are in fact truly despicable creatures.” even more attendees stare in your direction, some even leaned into the person next to them and made a show of whispering - asking just why the viscount was wasting his time with someone like miss y/n? 
“and i’m quite certain that you’re only saying that to make yourself appear better, my lord.” the two of you joke, smiling and laughing together. many girls watched from the sides of the ballroom - green with jealousy, having been unable to capture the viscount’s attention all season long despite their best efforts. 
“well, i’m offended that you would think so poorly of me.” you talked and laughed for a long while, none of the ladies’ beloved mammas daring to interrupt when viscount bridgerton was clearly so immersed in a conversation.
you cleared your throat, cheeks rosy as you stare up at the viscount’s tall figure, your neck was bound to ache tomorrow from staring up at him for such an extended period of time. “it seems to me that we are the talk of the ballroom.”
anthony raised his head from you, glancing around the ballroom, as if he were completely oblivious to their lingering eyes until you happened to point it out “we are?” he pondered for a moment, pressing his finger to his lip as if he were deep in thought. “well i think we should give them some worthwhile conversation.” anthony held his hand out to you, a small smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards “will you do me the honour of joining me for a dance, miss y/n?” 
usually you hated dancing at balls. you couldn’t bear being trapped in conversation with a vile older man for such an extended period of time, they were more often than not clumsy oafs who trampled your feet and left them bruised for days on end – but viscount bridgerton felt different to you. it wasn’t often that you felt actually listened to and respected by a man, especially not one of his social ranking. 
“certainly, my lord.” a small smile covered your lips as you place your smaller hand in his, his fingers wrapping around you in an instant as his long strides lead you out onto the ballroom dance floor amongst the other couples. people stared, noting how you were the first lady the viscount had asked to dance with all season.  “i do hope that you dance well.”
“exceptionally well, i only hope that you can keep up.” anthony replied, not missing a beat. you take your positions across from one another, both gently bowing your heads as the orchestra began to play a pretty classical piece. music flooded through the ballroom, anthony’s fingers grazing your arm, his other hand lightly placed on your waist. you fought the urge to shiver, the warmth of his skin erupting through the fabric of your garment and sending vibrations down your spine. 
you had to take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves, closing your eyes for a moment as the air filled your lungs – anthony seemed to sense your anxiety, his concerned deep brown eyes fixated on your face. “ignore them. focus on me.” he insisted, his voice soft and gentle as he guided you across the dance floor. he somehow wasn’t aware that your nerves were partly caused by the feeling of his hand against you.
it took a moment for you to calm down, but once you had you felt confident enough to speak, to question and challenge the viscount like you would any other man. “i hear that you are planning to wed this season, my lord.” 
“if i can find a… suitable bride.” anthony nodded, deliberating over his words for a second. he wondered if you were aware of his plans to court you, to wed you if things go as well as he expected them to – he decided that surely you must know. you’re an intelligent woman, and anthony wouldn’t dance with just anyone for the sake of it, he doesn’t act without a reason to do so. you must know that. 
but ah, this was it. the viscount’s fatal flaw – he searches for a suitable bride, not for love. unfortunately, you cannot say that you were surprised. your lips purse slightly, disapproval shifting your features. men of his position can almost always afford to search for love, and then perhaps women wouldn’t be in such a dire position as to marry an inappropriate and totally unsuitable gentleman out of pure and utter desperation. “and do you intend on marrying for love?” you question, although you’re positive that you already know the answer.
“...no, i happen to believe that we have some sort of power over who we love. you need not love a person if you do not wish to – and i do not wish to. i wish to care and…  provide for my wife and for our children. there is a difference between loving and caring.” he spoke as if he didn’t quite believe what he was saying, as if he were reciting something memorised long ago.
you felt yourself frown, despite the warmth of the viscount’s hand pressed against you and the dark eyes that watched you with such intensity that you can barely keep yourself upright and breathing. “forgive me for this, but i find that to be quite sad.” you finally admit, watching as anthony’s lips twitch slightly – clearly bothered by your declaration.
“and why is that?” anthony demanded, arrogant venom seeping into his tone of voice. he didn’t mean to get quite so defensive, but he also knew deep down that you were right. daphne and his mother said it to him enough, lecturing him on how wonderful love is each time that he proclaims that his marriage will consist of friendship and children to carry on the bridgerton name. they were both well aware of the shift in anthony’s feelings after the death of his father, they saw how his emotions suddenly switched – their joyful anthony becoming such a closed off boy, full of resentment for the world, and they couldn’t exactly blame him.
“what is the point, if not love?” you questioned anthony further, raising your eyebrows as he struggled to search for an answer to your question. he was silent as the two of you danced in harmony - bodies moving gracefully as anthony delicately guided your twirl until you were closer to him, closer than ever. the dance grew more intimate by the second.
he lowered his voice, leaning so close that his lips practically grazed your ear – the warmth of his breath fanned against your skin, making your eyelashes flutter. “the point is… self preservation, building a family from mutual respect, from friendship. you do not need love.” 
you did not allow yourself to get flustered, or at least you tried not to, by taking a deep breath before the words tumbled from your mouth. “i would argue that love is a type of friendship, my lord. and so i fail to understand your point.” you felt anthony stiffen against you and decide that your words clearly resonated – otherwise why would he be so irritable by your counterargument?
the dance is completed in silence between the two of you, tension rose – your faces only inches away from each other during some moments. your sweet scent taunted anthony, his head full with worries that his plans to wed you would be ruined. he was aware that he could have any lady that he wanted, but he didn’t want any lady. out of all the balls his mother dragged him to he had only ever noticed you. there were other women of course, anthony was a known rake for a reason, but nobody ever captivated his attention in the same way you did. you enchanted him.
anthony felt his heart sink into his stomach as the orchestras instruments quietened, not ready to let go of your body just yet. he immediately noticed how empty his hands felt when he was not holding you, the few minutes of dancing were not enough to satisfy him. you bow politely to each other, his eyes still not leaving you.
“thank you for the dance, miss y/n.” anthony finally broke the quiet air between the two of you, dark eyes fixed with such passion on your own that it felt as if you were the only couple in the ballroom.  “it was… enchanting to meet you... i was enchanted to meet you.” you struggled to find the right words in response, your brain failing to process anthony bridgerton’s declaration until it was too late. “excuse me.” he mumbled quietly, turning quickly on his heels. 
before you could even muster a response, anthony had left – making his way through the crowds to go and consult his far more poetic younger brother for advice on a certain lady. leaving you completely and utterly enchanted to meet him.
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scarlettscribbles · 3 years
she used to be mine
- Anthony Bridgerton & TwinSister!Reader
Tags: 4k words - 3rd person POV, sibling fluff, family fluff, Anthony/Siena (not the main focus), Anthony is a soft boi when it comes to you (the softest, in fact), mourning
Warning/s: a bit spicy at the beginning, mild injury, mention of blood, major character death
Summary: A question from Siena about love sends Anthony into the past; making him recall his memories of a sister long loved, but never forgotten. A story told in moments. 
a/n: don’t mind me, just manifesting my angst and bridgerton needs >> titles from waitress the musical
i. it’s not simple to say
“What do you think about love?” 
“Love? What’s this all of a sudden?” Anthony laughed. He captured between his hands Siena’s own and kissed it playfully, making her giggle. “What do I think about it, well. I love kissing you, touching you-” he planted a soft kiss on her collarbone as his hands trailed down her abdomen. “I love--”
“Okay, no stop. That is not what I meant at all!” Siena stilled his wandering hands, laughing. She snuggled closer until they were chest to chest. “Love with your friends, family,...women.” she waggled her brows at the last word.
“Women, hah.” Anthony cast his eyes upward. “The only women I’ve ever loved are my mother and five sisters.”
“You mean four.”
“You have four sisters: Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth if memory serves correctly. Unless your mother’s pregnant, which I believe is unlikely. My lord, did you perhaps miscount?” Siena teased. 
“No, no.” he waved his hand, chuckling. “She…”
ii. i still remember that girl
She was born 9 minutes before him; the eldest Bridgerton. This was a fact she liked lording over him teasingly. She won many arguments by simply stating “I am the eldest Bridgerton and therefore…” 
Sometimes he could still hear her say it in his head. 
“Remind me why I’m accompanying you again?”
“Because I am your older sister and--”
“I should always agree to what you’re saying, blah blah. Oh this is so crowded! Why could you not just send a maid to fetch the book?”
“Well what’s the fun in that? Come on Tony, you’re being too slow! It will be nighttime when we arrive there and the book I wanted will be gone!” she moaned miserably, turning around and tugging on his hand to encourage him to make haste.
“You and your dramatics. Why is this book so important anyway?”
“It simply is. I need it for when I become the Viscountess.” she smiled at him, chin jutting out proudly. “I can’t wait to get Papa’s watch. I will get it right, as Viscountess? He will pass it onto me along with the title.”
“Uh no he won’t. I am the heir in case you have forgotten, sister.”
“But I am the oldest. We might be both 10 but I am 9 minutes older than you.” she argued, waving her pointer finger at him. 
“Yes, yes you’ve said that like a million times now! But you’re a girl, so you can’t. You shall marry some guy, not that there are any worth marrying. Why just the today I saw the son of that family I cannot remember for the life of me, doing something horrendous! I think it would be better for you to stay away from any and all men.” Anthony paused, realizing that he was - or is soon going to be - one of those men. “Except for me and Papa, of course.”
She merely looked at him in amusement. “Pish posh.” his twin huffed, eyes glinting in the sunlight. “I’m not going to exchange my ambitions for some mere man. You shall see Tony, I will have that watch. Now come on!” she dropped his hand and gathered her skirts, ducking and maneuvering between the throng of people. Anthony felt a tinge of panic, seeing his sister slowly becoming engulfed by the crowd. 
“Sister wait!” he started to chase after her. He saw the blue tail-end of her skirt when someone bumped into him. He whirled around to complain to whoever it was; however, he seemed to have miscalculated the strength of his spin and tripped, landing on his bottom. “Ow, hey watch it!” he shouted at the people who accidentally kicked him, not noticing his figure on the ground.
Anthony hissed as he dusted his pants. He examined the palm of his hand and noticed scratches from when he landed too roughly on the floor. There were spots of red slowly making its way down his hand, along with drops of water.
Oh. He was crying. 
“Where are you?” his voice warbled. “Sister…”
Has she left him, truly? Surely not. His twin is many things but never cruel. She was tenacious, smart, and…
“Tony! I let you out of my sight for a second and - goodness!” She ran over and knelt in front of him, glaring at the people who would come too close. They parted for her, giving them a wide berth. “Here, take my handkerchief. We should get home and wash your hands. We don’t want it to be infected. And your clothes are a mess, Mama is going to have a fit. Come now,”
“But your book?” he sniffed.
“Eh, I can get it some other time.” she smiled and patted his cheeks. “Don’t cry now, sister’s got you.”
...kind. She was kind.  
iii. reckless just enough
Anthony was sulking. Not that he’d let anyone know. Papa had gotten angry with him. It wasn’t even a big thing. He simply...borrowed his watch to look at it. Anthony thought maybe he could figure out what made his twin so interested in it. It was a plain thing, nothing special maybe besides the monogram. He didn’t mean to drop it from the stairs. He really didn’t. He heard his name being called for lunch and he jolted.
He got a dressing down from Papa with his siblings present; Benedict and Colin in particular snickering at his plight. It was embarrassing. As soon as Papa dismissed him, he ran for his room, ignoring the calls of his twin. 
Right now he was hidden beneath the curtains and behind his bookshelf. Did Papa really have to scold him at the lunch table? Anthony buried his face between his hands. 
“You didn’t eat.”
Anthony banged his head on the wall when he looked up too fast.
“Are you okay?” his twin asked him, smiling amusedly. She carried with her a plate with bread, cheese, ham and a slice of blueberry pie. 
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re smiling.”
“Laughing and smiling are worlds apart, Tony.” she shook her head and sat beside him, nudging him insistently until they were shoulder to shoulder. She slid the plate from her lap to his. “Eat.”
Anthony looked at her blankly. “Are you so distraught that you cannot eat? Do you want me to hand feed you like a child?” She made a motion as if she was going to grab the plate but Anthony shooed her hands away.
“I’m perfectly capable, thank you.” he stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth. “How’d you find me anyway?”
“Please swallow before you talk.” she said. “And, this is your room Tony. I’m simply using common sense.”
Anthony picked up the ham and cheese and continued eating. For a moment, they just sat there in comfortable silence.
“It’s unfair.” Anthony said, breaking the silence. 
“What is?”
“How come?”
“He was way too angry. I didn’t mean to drop his watch! And it wasn’t even broken. If it was, he could’ve repaired it easily.” he pouted.
“You could’ve also just asked him to look at it. You know, in his room. Where you can’t drop it from a height and possibly damage it.” she replied with a bit of sarcasm.
“Fine, yes, I could have.” he conceded. “I just don’t know why he was so angry.”
“It’s important to him.”
“It’s just a watch.” Anthony rebutted, pouting. His twin gave him a look that he knew meant “you look adorable but also stupid.”
“Nope.” she answered. “For one, it’s an heirloom. Heirloom is defined as -”
“I know what it means.” Anthony waved his hand. “Do go on.”
She gave him a faintly annoyed look which merely made him smirk. “I shall, and not because you told me to.” she cleared her throat. “The watch being an heirloom is just its value as a thing. There’s also the sentimental value. The memories and emotions attached to the watch. For Papa, he treasures it because it - probably - reminds him of grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather especially. Because he was the one to give the Papa the rights and responsibility for our family.”
“Is that why?”
“Why what?”
“I wanted to know what makes it so special for you.” Anthony shrugged. “You always talk about it, about getting the watch when we become older. I didn’t see the big deal. Is that why it’s so important to you too?”
“Yes, quite.” she answered. “I want to take care of our family, Tony. I know I can, I just do. I don’t want me to just be a wife. I’m meant for greater things. Also,” she grinned at him. “I want it so I could count down the seconds until I see you again.” 
Anthony fake gagged, pretending to chuck the bread and cheese onto his twins’ lap. His twin scrambled away far from him and yelped. “You are disgusting! Mama! Anthony ruined the new dress that we just got!”
“I did not!”
“You were about to!”
iv. i was never attention’s sweet center
It was just a stupid, off-hand comment from Benedict. Anthony knew his brother meant no harm but still, the comment hurt.
“Maybe she truly should have your title, brother.”
Anthony was no stranger to her loud and obvious wanting to inherit the head of the house. In fact, he supported his twin. If Papa permitted it, he would gladly concede to you. However, it was unspoken between the twins the knowledge that Papa would never agree to such a thing; no matter how much he loved his eldest daughter. 
Anthony was no stranger to her excellence either. While the both of them worked hard to set an example for their younger siblings. He always thought she was great at everything a girl should be and more. Though the ‘more’ part would never reach the ears of their mother or anybody else. Nobody should know that Anthony taught her how to sucker punch anybody that vexed her except maybe Benedict and Colin...also Eloise. That girl was far too curious and also far too attached to Benedict. Anthony thinks in the privacy of his mind that if she were a boy, there would be no quarrel that she’d get the title.
Other people also thought the same. Though they expressed it in a much less pleasant way, in words Anthony does not care for. They speak condescendingly. They speak of her gender with pity in their voices, their admiration twisted. They mention that her excellence should be toned down, that she should focus instead on things better suited to her. They speak of how inadequate Anthony is, how poor that a boy be overshadowed by a girl. They theorize how Anthony must hate her for taking all the spotlight. He hears all this, and she does too, seeing as they’re almost always attached at the hip. If it bothers her, she does not speak of it. 
They speak of lies. Anthony thinks that her abilities suit her as they are and that no matter how bright she shines, it would never be something to be upset over. He basked in her light. They are wrong for thinking that she’s taking a piece of his life away when in truth, she completes it. Best friends, twins, soulmates; he loves her and she loves him. Still, their words leave a mark.
So when Benedict said that albeit in a teasing manner, Anthony just ran away. As he got older, he found it the preferable way to escape his problems. If he could not run to her then he must run away. 
Anthony hugged himself as a strong breeze blew and made the unoccupied swing beside him rock.
“Tony.” And there she was. His twin was holding a book. She sat at the swing beside him. 
There was silence. The only thing he could hear were the wind, the scuffling of his feet, and the soft sound of her flipping the pages.
“Sister,” she did not look up from the book but she hummed, signifying that he was heard. “Why did you come out here? It’s better to read inside, surely.”
“You’re upset. Of course I would come.” she said matter-of-factly.
“Did Ben tattle?”
“Ben? Tattle? His mouth is tighter than a woman’s corset when it comes to secrets.” she laughed lightly. “Surely you know better than that.”
“Yeah, I do.” he smiled. Since they were little, even if they were distances apart, both of them would always know - or at least had an inkling of - what the other was feeling. During their early years they chalked it up to magic but now they both just conceded it as a twin thing. “Actually, I don’t. Know better, I mean. Everybody seems to think so. Am I inadequate, sister? Dumb perhaps? I feel like I cannot do anything right sometimes! Compared to you I - “
His twin laid a hand on his shoulder. “Tony.” her brows were drawn and her lips pursed. “First of all, there is no comparison brother. I am me and you are your wonderful self. We are both excellent, please do not doubt yourself of that no matter what anyone says. And I know they say a lot. I’m just so used to tuning them out that I never considered that you might not do the same. I’m sorry.”
She stood up and drew him into a hug. Anthony’s arms stayed limp at his side. “People will flap their mouths because that’s what they do; say their opinions even though it’s unwelcome. If we tried to stop every single one of them, why I believe it’ll take all our lifetime and more!” she chuckled. “We cannot change them so we must change how much we’ll let their words affect us. Their words don’t matter at all! If I could, then I would shove those words back up their mouth and let them swallow it. Which I don’t know how to do. D’you suppose punching them would work just as well?” Anthony laughed wetly at her quip. It would work but it would also involve somebody calling Mama and Papa for her ‘inappropriate behavior’.
“What I know is this.” she grasped his shoulders and held them so she could stare at him in the eyes. Anthony met her determined gaze head-on. “You’re good enough Tony. Hell, you’re excellent.”
Anthony sobbed and quickly drew her into a fierce hug, his tears surely wetting her dress but he knew she didn't mind. “That is as sure as the sun that rises in the east. As sure as our family’s love, and ours for each other.”
v. bring back the fire in her eyes
It started with a cold. She had stayed up too long outside and now she’s bed-ridden. Anthony crossed his arms at the corner of the room as his younger siblings ran around. In his opinion there was too much ruckus for her to properly rest. However, Mama brought it up earlier and his twin just waved her concern away, stating that some liveliness will do her good. And who was Anthony to go against the wishes of his dear sister? It doesn’t mean that he has to like it though.
“No you’re the troll!” Eloise insisted.
“I was the troll last round!” Colin argued back.
“Now, now,” Benedict placated them both, then he glanced at Anthony in a way that promised mischief. “Why don’t we let Anthony be the troll then? He certainly looks the part with how grouchy he is.”
Daphne giggled. “And how he’s guarding his corner.”
“And how horrendous his face looks!” added Eloise. 
Now he’s had enough. “You all look far too happy for someone who’s going to be troll food soon.”
“Troll wuh - AAH!” Eloise screamed as Anthony lunged at her. She took off with a sprint and soon the other Bridgertons followed as well, laughing boisterously. “Noo, Ben save me!”
“This is survival of the fittest -”
“Survival of the fittest your face!”
“Ehem.” Suddenly all motion stopped. Colin face-planted on the floor, caught by his momentum. All eyes went to the door where Violet Bridgerton stood along with a maid. She had a smile on her face coupled with a vaguely exasperated expression. “I’m glad you’re having fun but please take you playing outside. I need to tend to your sick sister.”
Various moans and complaints filled the room but only with a raise of their Mama’s brow, they filed outside the room, murmuring farewells and well wishes to the sole occupant of the bed. All except one. Anthony remained rooted at the side of his sister’s bed.
“Anthony, please.” Violet gently said. A complaint was on the tip of his tongue when a hand laid on his bicep. He looked at his sister, looking frail among the covers but she merely smiled and shook her head.
“I’ll be fine Tony.” she said. “Go and check that our siblings haven’t set the house ablaze or anything.”
For a moment, both of them just stared at each other. A silent conversation passing between them both. Anthony sighed. “Get well.” he bent over to press a kiss to her forehead. “I’m not sure I alone will be enough to stop them from doing that.”
She laughed. “You will be.”
vi. sometimes life just slips
It was only supposed to be a cold. A cold. 
Someone almost barreled through Anthony as he, Benedict, Colin came through the door. “Whoa!” he exclaimed as the maid said a rushed apology. Everyone in the house seemed to be in a mad dash. He exchanged looks with his brothers, who were as clueless as he.
“Anthony!” came the panicked voice of Eloise. He held her shoulders and looked over her for any harm of some sort that caused her to panic.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. Anthony was surprised to see her looking up at him with teary eyes. Eloise is looking at him like how she used to when she was much littler, pleading to Anthony. Believing with all her might that her older brother will make everything okay. He looked behind her to Daphne who was pursing her lips.
“Oh God, is someone dead?” Colin quipped, then promptly made a punched-out  noise as Benedict elbowed him.
“Sister, she - “
“She’s dead?!” Colin cried.
“No!” Daphne growled, irritated. “She’s just...in pain. Mama and Papa sent for doctors.”
“Goodness, how serious is this cold? - Anthony, wait!”
Anthony didn’t hear Benedict’s call. How could he over the thumping of his racing heartbeat? He ran upstairs like the devil was on his tail, and even then he felt like he was too slow. He paused at her door, psyching himself to open it. If he went in, what would he see? He raised his trembling hands, the complaints of his siblings nothing but a faint echo.
The doors burst open and out came two elderly men and one woman. The siblings crowded around them. Anthony could only hear snippets as he zeroed in on you. Mama was kneeling beside his twin’s bed, holding her daughter’s hand tight to her chest.
“The young miss will be fine -”
“We expect her fever to break -”
“Dear.” Anthony jumped, startled. The woman accompanying the doctors addressed him. “Are you okay?”
“My - my twin sister, will she be alright?”
“Twin, huh. That’s why you’re so distraught. Well all of you are but you in particular,” she shook her head and smiled. “Your sister is strong. She will be fine. You can go in. I’m sure she’ll be glad for your company.”
She need not say it twice. Anthony ran into the room.
He felt like he could breathe again.
vii. rewrite an ending or two
“Are you sure you don’t want to get up here? We shared a bed when we were little. And when we grew, sometimes.” she paused, thinking about her statement. “Often.” his twin amended.
Anthony hummed when she stopped running her hands through his hair. “No.”
“The ground is cold, Tony. You might get sick.”
“How could I? You already took all the sick with you.” Anthony grumbled. “I’m fine, sister.”
“If you say so.”
“How about you?” Anthony asked. 
“Hmm?” she smiled. Facing down and in the darkness, Anthony couldn’t have seen it but he felt it. “I believe I will be.”
viii. she is gone, but she used to be mine
 It was a miserable day in spring when the eldest Bridgerton was buried.
ix. most days i don’t recognize me 
“She…” Anthony clenched his jaw.
“Are you ever going to finish that sentence?” Siena asked, smiling until she noticed how tense he was. She reached out to touch his arm, inquiring, “My lord, are you alright?”
Anthony sniffed and quickly stood up, hastily picking up his clothes. “Yes, fine.” he answered, hopping on one foot to put his shoes on. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Siena asked. Anthony barely spared a glance at her, pausing shortly halfway out the door. He checked his watch, eyes glazing over for a moment.
“I need - I’m needed. At home.” With that, he briskly walked outside and into his carriage. It was today. He must’ve forgotten. How could he have forgotten? But he also ‘forgot’ the other years. The grief consumed him on this particular day. It was always a sore reminder that he was missing his other half. So instead of going to her grave, he went drinking. Instead of spending the day with her in his mind, he spent it with his cock inside somebody. Anthony spent so much time forgetting but now it’s as if her ghost had come to haunt him. Every memory had come rushing back, especially the day she died.
He remembered the night before. The doctors had told them she would be better. She told him she would be better. But he needed to stay close to her. Anthony fell asleep with her hand in his hair. Then he woke up to her eyes open but her breath was gone. He had never screamed so loud in his life.
Anthony remembered their parents barging into the room, Mama taking a step back looking as if she was seconds away from fainting. Then she saw her son on the floor and immediately enveloped him in her arms. He woke up in a bed sometime during the night. He woke up convinced it was all a dream but that promptly shattered when all his siblings (all except one) filed into the room in their sleepwear. Their eyes were swollen and wet. And it stayed that way until her funeral, and even some more after that.
The carriage stopped. Anthony got out and stopped at the gate. He knew Mama held some kind of family gathering during this day. What they did in the gathering, he had no idea. He never stayed long enough to attend. But today was different, somehow. 
He padded softly into the drawing room. A quick glance noted him of all his siblings’ presence. Francesca was playing a familiar tune. Colin was singing in a low tone. Benedict, Eloise, and Daphne were all sitting on one couch, leaning against each other. The youngest ones sat on the floor, trying to follow the lyrics Colin sang. Mama was sewing. The melancholy vibe was replaced with a startled one. Francesca stopped playing and Colin stopped singing. Mama dropped what she was holding and walked towards him, arms open.
Anthony crumbled. “Mama -”
x. for the girl that i knew
“Mama what do you think about love?” It was indeed a bleak day in spring. Everybody had left after the service but Anthony chose to stay, lingering.
“Anthony I -” Violet began.
“Why does it hurt so much?” he whirled around, uncaring as tears and snot fell messily down his tired face. “I feel as if someone carved an unfillable hole inside me. Like every breath I take is not right. Half of me is buried six feet underground, mama. How can I bear it?”
Anthony curled into himself as Mama enveloped him into her arms. “One day at a time, dearest. You have us still.” she whispered. “One day at a time.”
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jessicalucas · 3 years
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“I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, Benedict. That I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else.”
Eloise Bridgerton - Bridgerton (2020)
388 notes · View notes
buckynanbarnes · 3 years
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Benedict Bridgerton in every episode
1x02 "Shock and Delight"
[Eloise] Suppose I want a different life, that I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I am not allowed to have anything else.
[Benedict] Then I would say… that you're not the only one.
143 notes · View notes
weekendwarriorblog · 4 years
I hope everyone had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was relatively uneventful, and I only spent most of my time watching movies.  And holy shit, there are a LOT of movies out this week, but at least a few of them I’ve already seen and reviewed, and there are others that are actually pretty good, so I might as well get to it, hm?
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First up is this week’s Focus Features theatrical release, HALF BROTHERS, a buddy road comedy directed by Luke Greenfield (Blue Streak, Let’s Be Cops) that’s fairly high concept but also with quite a bit more depth than the director’s previous movies. It stars Luis Gerardo Méndez as Renato Murguia, a wealthy Mexican businessman whose father left him to come to America when Renato was just a child. Just as Renato is about to get married while having issues connecting to his future stepson Emilio, he gets a call that his own father is dying, so he begrudgingly goes to see him. Once there, Renato’s dying father sends him on a scavenger hunt to find someone named “Eloise” with his annoying slacker half-brother Asher (Connor del Rio), because that will provide all the answers Renato is looking for on why his father never returned from America, remarried and had another son. What could possibly go wrong?
If you’ve seen any of the ads for Half Brothers, you may already presume that this is a fairly high-concept buddy road comedy that is constantly going for the zaniest and craziest of laughs. That probably would only be maybe 25% of the movie. Instead, this fairly mainstream comedy finds a way to take a very common comedy trope and throw in enough heartfelt moments that you can forgive the few times when it does go for low-hanging fruit. We’ve seen so many movies like this where two guys (or sometimes ladies, but not as often) are paired with one having zero patience or tolerance for the other, who is beyond aggravating to them. (Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one of the better ones.) Obviously, Renato fits snugly into the first category, and Asher could not be more annoying, very early on stealing a goat for no particular reason.
The Mexican angle and the fact that a lot of the film is in Spanish – Focus getting into Pantelion territory here? – does add to make Half Brothers feel like more of a personal story than we might normally see in this kind of movie, touching upon the immigrant experience, from the viewpoint of a low-paid worker as well as a well-to-do industrialist. It also deals with things like fatherhood and brotherhood and what it means to be one or both, so everything ultimately connects far better in the end than some might expect. I also want to give the filmmakers credit for putting together a cast of mostly unknown or little-known actors and getting such great results out of them.
On the surface, Half Brothers seems like just another buddy comedy, but underneath, it’s a heartfelt and emotional journey that touches in so many ways and ends up being quite enjoyable.
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Another movie opening nationwide this Friday is ALL MY LIFE (Universal), starring Jessica (Happy Death Day) Rothe as Jennifer Carter and Harry (Crazy Rich Asians) Shum Jr. as Solomon Chau, whose wedding plans are thrown off when he is diagnosed with liver cancer. They realize they have to get married sooner since he might not live to make their planned date, so their friends launch a fundraiser so that they can get married in two weeks. The movie is directed by Marc Meyers (My Friend Dahmer), who is a more than capable filmmaker with this being his third movie in the last two years.
Now that I’ve actually seen the movie… I’ll freely admit that this is not the kind of movie I usually have very high expectations for, and maybe that’s because I’ve already been burnt twice this year with real-life romantic dramas, first with the faith-based I Still Believe in March and then more recently with Two Hearts. In both cases, I could count the issues and why they failed to tug at the heart strings as they were meant to do.  Even though I’ve generally enjoyed Meyers’ past movies, I wasn’t even sure he could pull off this type of studio romance movie without having to cowtow to the corny clichés that always seem to slip in – or at least find a way to make them more palatable. (And let’s be realistic. This is the kind of movie that snobby film critics just LOVE to trash.)
First of all, Meyers already has two truly fantastic leads working in his movie’s favor.  I’ve been a true Jessica Rothe stan ever since seeing her kill it in Happy Death Day and its sequel. Shum is perfectly paired with her, and the two of them are so good from the moment they first meet and we meet them.  In every scene, you feel like you’re watching some of that rare on-screen romantic chemistry that’s so hard to fake. Their relationship is romantic and goofy, and you’re just rooting for them all the way through even if you do know what’s to come.
Eventually, Sol does fall ill, and it does lead to some more dramatic and tougher moments between the couple, but all of it is handled so tastefully, including their need to raise money so they can have their wedding rather than waiting. I am living proof that people really do come together to step up when they see someone in real need, so I couldn’t even tut tut at something like their fundraiser getting so many people to chip in. On top of his two leads, Meyers has assembled such a great cast around the duo, the most recognizable being Jay Pharaoh from Saturday Night Live, everyone around Jess and Sol handles the requisite emotions with nary a weak link.
There’s just so much other stuff that adds to the enjoyment of watching All My Life from the use of Oasis and Pat Benatar in the soundtrack just to the quality storytelling that makes it all feel quite believable. These sorts of movies tend to be rather corny and the diehard cynic who doesn’t have an ounce of romance or love in their body will find things to hate.
All My Life finds its way into your heart by being one of those rare studio romance movies that understands how human emotions truly work, and there’s nothing corny about that. It’s a beautiful movie that entertains but also elicits more than a few tears. Watch it with someone you love.
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This week’s “Featured Flick” is Chloe Zhao’s amazing film NOMADLAND (Searchlight), which I reviewed out of its Toronto International Film Festival premiere, but it’s (sort of) being released in theaters this week. It stars Frances McDormand as Fern, a woman living in her van as she moves from place to place taking odd jobs within a community of nomads. It’s another amazing film from the filmmaker behind The Rider, who will make her foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe next year with The Eternals, which I’m just as psyched about. There’s no denying that McDormand gives a performance that’s a knock-out, even better than the one in 3 Billboards if you ask me, and there’s also a great supporting role for David Strathairn, who I’ve been hoping would have another role as good as this one. Zhao is just a fantastic filmmaker, and I’m glad to see that The Rider was no fluke.
Unfortunately, Nomadland is only getting a one-week Oscar qualifying run, and I’m not even sure where it’s getting that run since theaters in New York and L.A. aren’t even open yet. Maybe Searchlight will do some drive-in screenings like they did for the New York Film Festival and Telluride? It will get a stronger theatrical release (hopefully) on February 21, just to make doubly sure it qualifies for Oscars.
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Opening in theaters this week before streaming on Netflix December 11 is Ryan Murphy’s adaptation of the Broadway musical THE PROM, the first feature film he’s directed in ten years. The multiple Tony-nominated musical is about a high school girl named Emma (newcomer Jo Ellan Pellman) who wants to take her girlfriend (Ariana DeBose) to their senior prom, but the head of the PTA (Kerry Washington) cancels the prom instead. The national outrage the situation creates gets the attention of a quintet of self-absorbed Broadway actors who decide to improve their PR by taking up Emma’s cause. Oh, yeah, and those actors are played by Meryl Streep, James Corden, Nicole Kidman, and actual Broadway stars Andrew Rannells and Kevin Chamberlin. What could possibly go wrong?
I’ve never had any sort of positive or negative gut reaction to Murphy’s work on television over the past few years, but I’ve definitely been mixed on the three movies he’s directed to date. I wasn’t a huge fan of his Eat Pray Love, though I vaguely remember enjoying his debut, Running with Scissors. Either way, he certainly has found his niche with musicals from Glee (a show I’ve never watched)  and finding a musical like The Promseems to be a perfect fit between filmmaker and material.
Having not seen The Prom on Broadway – surprise, surprise -- I was a little worried that it was going to go down the path of nudge-nudge wink-wink inside Broadway path that helped Mel Brooks’ The Producers become a Broadway hit. That I saw, and I didn’t hate the movie based on it, although I’m by no means a total movie-musical stan. There’s some obvious older ones I love, some newer ones that others love but I hated – Rob Marshall is about 50/50 for me -- and you might be surprised by which of them I liked best.
What I thoroughly enjoyed about The Prom is that Murphy manages to truly surprise everyone watching it, whether it’s in Kerry Washington’s single song – who knew she had such an amazing singing voice? – or how enjoyable Keegan-Michael Key is as the school’s Principal Hawkins, who not only loves musicals but actually admires Streep’s two-time Tony-award winning Dee Dee Allen. Considering my frequent disdain for Streep’s over-confidence, knowing full well that she’s one of the best living actors working today, she’s actually pretty amazing in the role of what many must assume Streep is like in real life, which makes her character more than a little META. In some ways, I can say the same for Corden, who is pretty fantastic as Dee Dee’s frequent stage co-star Barry Glickman, who has his own connections to Emma’s plight having been disowned by his mother (Tracey Ullman, who only shows up for one brief scene late in the movie) when he came out to her. Corden has one dramatic moment so powerful I was taken quite aback.
Even with those two actors and Kidman likely to get much of the attention, there’s no denying that the romance between Hellman and Debose, and the three or four numbers they have together, makes up the true heart and soul of The Prom. So here you have this amazing cast, and it’s a musical made-up of very fun and quite catchy songs, and that’s long before you get to Andrew Rannells as out-of-work actor Trent Oliver, who practically steals the whole movie with his showstopper of a number, “Love Thy Neighbor.” And then watching Key holding his own with Streep, both musically and dramatically, you might start wondering, “What is going on here?”
Like I said before, it’s pretty obvious that Murphy has fully poured his passion of movie-musicals into every second of The Prom, and it shows on the face of everyone joining him on this adventure. As much as the subject at the film’s core is fairly serious and a hurdle that many gay kids across the world every day, it’s also quite funny. Kudos must be given to Murphy for being able to emphasize those moments as well as the more dramatic ones. Besides that, Murphy really takes advantage of being able to go to different locations, including a sequence on Broadway that could have been done during the pandemic (it actually was built on a soundstage), another number at an actual mall and even at a monster truck rally. It also doesn’t hurt that Murphy hired Matthew Libatique, a god-like cinematographer in my book, to film the movie either.
Like most musicals, The Prom might lose a little as it goes along, since it gets to be too much that goes on for too long, but then there are more than enough great moments to pull you back. It’s by far one of the stronger movie musicals I’ve seen in a very long time, and just the right feel-good experience we all need right now.
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I’ve already reviewed David Fincher’s MANK – a few times, in fact – but if you’re in one of the places where it opened theatrically in November, you can finally see it on Netflix starting this Friday. This is the general problem with the way things are these days because even though this only opened a few weeks ago, I already feel that it’s been discussed and forgotten before most people will have a chance to see it.  Anyway, if for some reason, you’ve managed to avoid things about the movie, it essentially stars Gary Oldman as Herman Mankiewicz, the Hollywood screenwriter who ended up co-writing Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane in 1940. The film follows Mankiewicz as he mingles with the Hollywood elite in the 30s, including billionaire William Randolph Hearst (Charles Dance) and his young ingenue girlfriend Marion Davies (Amanda Seyfried) who would be the influence for his Oscar-winning screenplay. I expect to be writing a lot about this movie as we get closer to Oscar season sometime next year.
Also on Netflix this week is Selena: The Series, starring Christian Serratos. It’s the kind of thing that I probably would never watch unless I have an excess of time, and as you’re about to learn from the rest of the column, that doesn’t happen frequently.
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The third chapter of Steve McQueen’s “Small Axe Anthology,” RED WHITE AND BLUE, will debut on Prime Video this Sunday, starring John Boyega as Leroy Logan, a young black man who joins the Metropolitan Police after seeing his father assaulted by police and wanting to make a difference in the racist attitudes from within. You might remember that I reviewed this out of the New York Film Festival a couple months back, so not much more to say there.
A week from Sunday, on December 13, McQueen’s fourth film, ALEX WHEATLE, will hit Amazon, and guess what? I’ve already seen it, so I will review it now. How about that? Alex Wheatle is also a true story, this one starring Sheyi Cole as the award-winning young adult writer when he was a younger and just learning the ropes as a drugdealer/DJ in Brixton before his involvement in the 1981 Brixton riots gets him thrown in jail.
As with the other three movies in the “Small Axe Anthology” there are recurring elements and themes in Alex Wheatle, mostly about the way the immigrants to England from Jamaica and other islands are treated by “The Beast” aka what they call the Metropolitan Police. It does take a little time to get to that, as McQueen, working from a screenplay co-written by Mangrove’s Alaistar Siddons, takes a far more non-linear approach than the other three films. We first see Wheatle being taken into prison where he’s thrown into a cell with a constantly-shitting Rastafarian, but we then cut back to his schooling for a short sequence that reminded me of Alan Clarke’s Scum. Both in prison and in school, we see Alex being abused by classmates and head matron alike, and this portion of the film includes another one of arty moments of actor Cole laying on the ground eyes wide open staring for what seems to go on forever. In some ways, this sequence reminds me of McQueen’s fantastic early film Hunger, since it seems to be cut from similar cloth.
Eventually, Alex gets to Brixton and that’s where this chapter in “Small Axe” really takes off as we see how naïve and green he is while dealing with quite a tough crowd and trying to adjust to city life among the Rastafarian community.
As with the other “Small Axe” chapters, I love how McQueen and his team used reggae music to help set the tone and vibe for the episode, because like Baz Lurhman’s Netflix series The Get Down, the music is frequently a key to this biopic working so well. Of course, it’s also due to the performance by Cole and the actors around him that helps make you feel as if you’re seeing a real part of history.
As with Mangrove, this chapter culminates with an amazing recreation of the 1981 Brixton Riots, done in protest after a house party fire in New Cross that the police don’t bother investigating. The actual riots were a much bigger and scarier event going by Wikipedia which says that 279 police were injured and 56 police vehicles set fire, which makes it sound more like the ’92 L.A. Riots.
I’m not sure Alex Wheatle does as good a job explaining how the young man goes into prison as a DJ and comes out as an author, but like Red, White and Blue it’s still an important and inspirational story that adds quite a bit to the previous three “Small Axe” films.
And once again, here is my interview with McQueen from over at Below the Line.
Also, I should mention that Darius Marder’s excellent Sound of Metal movie, starring Riz Ahmed, hits Amazon Prime Video this Friday, too. Check out my review!
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The magnificent Andrea Riseborough stars in Zeina Durra’s LUXOR (Samuel Goldwyn), playing British aid worker Hana who while spending time in the ancient city of Luxor, runs into her former lover Sultan (Karim Saleh), as she reflects on past decisions and her current uncertain situation.
I was quite interested in this one sight unseen, not only because it’s another great starring role for Riseborough. (Honestly, she is one of the best actors working today, and I strongly believe she is just one role away from being the next Olivia Colman, who had been amazing for years before everyone in America “discovered” her in The Favourite and then The Crown… which I still haven’t watched! ARGH!). I was a little anxious about the movie, having seen Rubba Nadda’s Cairo Time, starring Patricia Clarkson and Alexander Siddig, which seemingly had the exact same plot.
Durra is a much more capable and confident filmmaker and there’s a lot more overall value in watching Riseborough exploring Egypt as Durra quietly allows Hana’s story to unfold through her interactions with others, as well as her time alone, often languishing in one luxurious hotel room or another.  Then there are the quiet and sometime awkward scenes between her and Saleh, the two of them having been lovers when they were both much younger. We also see Hana in far more vulnerable moments, so we know that she’s by no means actor, and it takes a great actor to really pull off such a dichotomy and bring such dimension to a character with so few words.
There’s something that’s almost comforting watching her dealing with emotions like loneliness in such a tranquil way. I’d even go so far to say that Luxor works in many ways similar to Nomadland, which obviously is getting the far more high-profile release with lots of festival love long before its actual release.  Like that movie, Durra’s film benefits from having masterful cinematography by Zelmira Gainza and an equally gorgeous score by Nascuy Linares, to boot.
Luxor is a quiet, beautifully-made film that really took me by surprise. It acts as much like a travelogue of the title city as it does a tourist’s map to what it must feel like being a woman very much on her own in a foreign land.
I also spoke with Luxor filmmaker Zeina Durra, an interview that will be up at Below the Line hopefully sometime later this week.
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With all the talk about Aubrey Plaza in Happiest Season (now on Hulu!), this would be a great time to release another one of her indies that played at the Sundance Film Festival this year, right? What can possibly go wrong?
In Lawrence Michael Levine’s BLACK BEAR (Momentum Pictures), Plaza plays Allison, an actor/filmmaker who arrives at the remote lake house of Christopher Abbott’s Gabe and his pregnant partner Blair (Sarah Gadon), to relax and work on a screenplay, only for the night to turn into philosophical discussions that transform into angry and even violent squabbles. In the second part of the movie, Gabe is the director, and Allison his actor wife, who thinks he’s sleeping with Blair, who is also acting in Gabe’s film.
That plot might seem a little vague, and I can’t exactly tell you whether there is much connection between the two parts of the movie other than it features the same three characters. The first half turns from a drama into a thriller before ending abruptly, while the second part is equal parts comedy and drama as we see a larger part of the world around the trio. In fact, the second part of Black Bear reminded me somewhat of Olivier Assayas’Irma Vep, one of my favorite movies, and that might be one of the highest compliments I can pay a movie.
But first, you have to get through the more quizzical and dramatic first part, which easily could have been done as a three-handed stageplay as we see the changing dynamics between the three people as things get crazier and crazier with one “Holy shit!” moment after the next. (It reminded me a little of Mamet or the play “Gods of Carnage,” although I only saw that as the movie version Carnage, directed by Roman Polanski.)
The fact the connection between the two parts is never explained might confound some people who were otherwise enjoying what is a pretty decent three-hander, but the common theme involves jealousy between the two women. Plaza is a fine dramatic actor when she wants to be, and Gadon is absolutely fantastic, which makes Abbot almost literally the odd man out, but the three of them just have great scenes together.
Black Bear is certainly an enigma of a movie, as much a mystery about what must be going on inside Plaza’s head during some of her softer and crazier scenes, but if you want to talk about range, this gives her so much material for her demo reel that no one could possibly doubt her as an actor again.
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Thomas Vinterberg’s new movie ANOTHER ROUND (Samuel Goldwyn) reteams him with his The Hunt star Mads Mikkelsen for a comedy…. Ish… about a group of four middle aged Danish teachers who decide to hold an experiment to prove a theory that people only reach their maximum effectiveness and creativity when they’re .05% drunk. It starts out innocently enough but soon, the men are drinking heavily at school, leading to horrible and unfortunate side effects. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Even knowing Vinterberg’s knack for strange and twisted “comedies,” Another Round is definitely on another level, opening with a scene of drunken kids playing a drinking game that gets them so out-of-control drunk and rowdy. We then meet Mikkelsen’s Martin, a history teacher, whose rowdy seniors are so bored by his classroom technique that Martin is put in front of an inquisition of parents who think he’s going to make their kids fail their final exams. Martin’s home life isn’t much better with his wife Anika (Maria Bonnevie) or his own teen sons. Although Martin says he won’t drink when he has to drive, his friend Nikolaj (Magnus Millang) convinces him by announcing his theory about how everyone needs to always maintain a certain percentage of alcohol in their system.  Over the course of the rest of the movie, we’re shown the alcohol level of our “heroes,” although most will see their behavior as some kind of synced-up middle life crisis. For Martin, it’s a breakthrough, as he starts feeling more confident and assertive towards his students, even trying to connect with them via their drinking activities, as seen in the opening montage.
Another Round is quite a different beast from The Hunt, because there’s a more humorous tone to the point where I could totally see an American studio trying to remake this with the likes of Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler, which would probably lose a lot of the poignancy of what Vinberberg was trying to achieve here. At one point, he throws in a montage of seemingly drunk world leaders, which is kind of amusing even if it’s not quite so apparent why it’s there. There’s a lot of really bad white guy dancing, too, for anyone who is into that sort of thing.
There is definitely a good amount of grief and sadness to the way this story resolves, although Vinterberg still finds a way to leave Martin in a place of joy with a closing scene that may surprise a lot of people. Another Round is another tremendous feather in the cap of the Vinterberg/Mikkelsen collaboration, and it will be in select theaters this Friday before going to digital on December 18.
Another Round will be in select theaters this Friday and then on digital December 18.
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Fast Color director Julia Hart returns with I’M YOUR WOMAN (Amazon), once again co-written with husband Jordan Horowitz. It stars Rachel Brosnahan from The Amazing Mrs. Maisel (which I haven’t seen) as Jean, a woman unable to have a baby with her small-time crook husband Eddie. One night, Eddie brings home a baby for Jean, but then he quickly vanishes and Jean finds herself on the run with a stolen baby and one of Eddie’s accomplices, Cal (Arinzé Kene), and there are bad men wanting to question Jean about her missing husband’s whereabouts.
This is another movie where I really didn’t know what to expect, and having not watched Brosnahan on her award-winning show, I was watching this movie trying to figure out what all the fuss was about.  It’s evident from the start that Hart/Horowitz were trying to make a ‘70s-set movie with all the trappings of ‘70s fashion and music, but when you throw in the crime element, it comes across a little too much like last year’s The Kitchen, which wasn’t very good but also wasn’t based on very good source material.
One would presume that the genre elements and a few scattered set pieces, like a shootout at a club, would be the main draw, but it’s almost 30 minutes before we even get any sort of plot, and that’s a big problem. An even bigger problem is that I’m Your Woman just drags for so much of the movie, and it’s pretty obvious that Hart-Horowitz were trying to create a ‘70s movie like some of the films by Scorsese and the movies John Cassavetes made with wife Gena Rowlands. By comparison, I’m Your Woman is stylized almost to a pretentious degree.  Brosnahan does show a few glimpses of there being a good actor in there, but the material just really isn’t quite up to snuff. It also doesn’t help the movie to have the baby crying almost non-stop throughout.
Jean eventually pairs up with Cal’s woman Teri (Martha Stephanie Blake), her son Paul and Cal’s father (played by Frankie Faison), and this is when she learns more about Eddie’s life that she doesn’t know about. Eventually, things start to pick up in the last act, but the multiple problems Hart has with maintaining a steady pace or tone only mildly is made up for by her terrific DP and whoever put together the musical score.  Essentially, the last 30 minutes of I’m Your Woman does make up for the previous 85 minutes, but it’s going to be very hard for many people to even get through how dull the movie is up until that point.
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This is a week with some very fine docs, the first one being Weixi Chen and Hao Wu*’s cinema verité film 76 DAYS (MTV Documentary Films), which goes behind the doors of the Wuhan ICU Red Cross hospital over the first 76 days of the COVID pandemic after it hit the rural area of China. (*One of the film’s co-directors/cinematographers shot the film anonymously.)
Here I thought that Alex Gibney’s Totally Under Control would be the best or maybe even only movie about the pandemic released this year, but here we have a fantastic documentary that captures what it was really like in one Wuhan hospital as it was nearly overrun months before COVID started to rear its ugly head in the States. The film begins in January 23, 2020 and follows a number of cases as we watch the personnel, all decked out in head-to-toe PPE, trying to save lives and keep people calm while trying to struggle with all the stresses that come their way. There’s actually a little bit of humor in a cranky elderly man (clearly with some form of dementia) who keeps wandering around the hospital, frustrating his tenders, but there’s also a very moving story of a young pregnant woman who has contracted COVID, who ends up being separated from her baby after a Cesarian section.
There are moments early in the movie where you can see panic starting to set in as we see how out of control things begin, but the anonymous health care workers soon get things underhand and manage to find a way to deal with the panic that’s setting in. There’s no question that these doctors and nurses – many whose faces we never even see -- are the definition of frontline workers, trying to deal with this unknown virus without all the answers and solutions that have been discovered over the past ten months.
76 Days will open via the Film Forum Virtual Cinema as well as other places presumably.
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I’m glad I had Dana Nachman’s DEAR SANTA (IFC Films) to watch after 76 Days, because I don’t think I could have handled another dark or deep movie after that one. This doc is all about “Operation Santa,” the amazing group of volunteers and adopters who receive the letters young kids write to the North Pole and go out of their way to fulfill the kids’ wishes.
I was a big fan of Nachman’s Pick of the Litter, so I’m thrilled to say that Dear Santa is just as wonderful and joyous, starting with a bunch of kids explaining Santa Clause enthusiastically, because they really believe in Jolly Saint Nick. Over the course of the film, Nachman profiles a number of Adopter Elves, who look through the letters written to Santa by unfortunate kids and pick a few to fulfill their wishes. A lot of them are in New York and Chicago where the program has led to a number of non-profits, but Nachman also goes to Chico, California where many of the families from Paradise, the town destroyed by fires in 2018, ended up relocation. One story of an Adopter Elf named Damion is particularly wonderful, since he, like many of those who get involved in the program, are trying to give back and pay it forward.
Operation Santa is such a great program and Dear Santa is such a wonderful movie, I challenge anyone to watch it and not tear up from how big their heart will grow while watching it.
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Julien Temple’s doc CROCK OF GOLD: A NIGHT WITH SHANE MACGOWAN (Magnolia Pictures) is pretty self-explanatory from its title, but as someone who was never really a Pogues fan, I was almost as entertained by Temple’s film as I was by Alex Winter’s Zappa about a musician who I actually was a fan of. Temple uses MacGowan’s own narration to tell his story from growing up in Ireland, the early days of punk that led to the Pogues and eventually, mainstream success.
My absolute adoration of well-made music docs is fairly well-known at this point, and you can’t really get much better in terms of music doc makers than Julien Temple, who had his cameras rolling in the early days of punk, captured one of David Bowie’s more interesting mainstream phases and also made a very cool movie about The Clash frontman, Joe Strummer.
Although I never really cared for The Pogues, that’s probably because I didn’t know them from their rowdier days and more from their mainstream success from “Fairytale of New York” but Temple’s movie rectifies that with some amazing footage from the band’s earlier days. Even more impressive is the footage and pictures of MacGowan during the late ‘70s dancing in the audience at Sex Pistols and other punk shows. (Temple even interviewed MacGowan during this period in the ‘70s, then put the footage in the movie.) As MacGowan tells his own story about growing up in Ireland, Temple frequently uses varied animation to recreate the stories being told, and that does a lot to embellish the cartoon nature of MacGowan’s storytelling.
I still think MacGowan is a bit of an asshole -- I’m sure he’d agree with that assessment -- but Temple has found a way into this very difficult musician, sometimes using close friends like Johnny Depp (a producer on the film) and Bobby Gillespie from Primal Scream to try to get MacGowan to open up about as much as he ever might. Crock of Gold is certainly an eye-opening portrait of the Pogues frontman that surprisingly offers something to enjoy even for those who never got into his music, but it also shows another dimension to his many fans. If nothing else, it’s a fine testament to why Temple is one of the best music doc filmmakers.
Magnolia held a bunch of one-night only theatrical screenings on Tuesday and will have more on Thursday, but if you miss those, you can catch it On Demand/digital this Friday. (I also have a really enjoyable interview with Julien Temple over at Below the Line that you should check out.)
A.J. and Jenny Tesler’s doc MAGNOLIA’S HOPE follows four years in the life of their young daughter Magnolia (aka Maggie), who has Rett Syndrome. Maggie’s filmmaking parents talk about noticing her strange behavior and finding out that she had a genetic disorder that makes it harder for children to retain what they’ve learned in terms of movement but also might led to far worse disorders. It makes it almost impossible for her to communicate with her parents, which makes it heartbreaking but also quite inspirational that the parents would allow us into their very own difficult journey to try to get their daughter to use and develop all of the skills she learns by making her practice them every single day. The movie will be available to watch for the month of December on the streaming platform Show and Tell, but it’s such a personal movie and another one where I think it will be hard for many to watch without getting a little teary but more out of joy than sadness.
Also out this week is David Osit’s MAYOR (Film Movement), which follows Musa  Hadid, the Christian mayor of Ramallah during his second term of office and determined to make his city a beautiful and dignified place to lived despite being surrounded on all sides by soldiers and Israeli settlements. It will open today at the Film Forum’s Virtual Cinema in New York after winning the Grand Jury Prize at the 2020 Full Frame Documentary Film Festival.
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What there’s more? How about Braden R. Duemmler’s WHAT LIES BELOW (Vertical Entertainment), a thriller starring Ema Hovarth from Quibi’s Don’t Look Deeper as Liberty (aka Libby), a teen girl returning from camp only to learn her mother (Mena Suvari) has a hot younger boyfriend named John (Trey Tucker), who Libby soon begins to question whether he’s human. What could possibly go wrong?
I knew I was in trouble when Suvari is picking her daughter up from archeology camp (that’s a thing?) and I misheard her asking her daughter “Any nice digs?” (think about it), especially since Suvari is playing a stereotypically over-sexed cougar, something that becomes far more obvious once we meet her boyfriend that she’s been sexing up at her lake house. There’s certainly a danger of What Lies Below turning into a prequel to a Pornhub video, but thankfully, Duemmler gets away from the inappropriate sexuality inherent in John’s presence and into the weird behavior that gets Libby suspicious.
Sure, maybe calling the movie “My Stepfather is an Alien” would have been more apropos, and there’s elements of the movie that reminded me of the Tom Hanks’ movie The ‘burbs, and not in a good way. Even so, Hovarth, who really looks like Suvari’s daughter, does a fine job holding this together and keeping you invested in how things might pan out, as things get weirder and weirder and the movie eventually transforms itself into a halfway decent and creepy “body horror” flick.
Weird but well-done, What Lies Below is not even close to the worst thriller I’ve seen this year. That might seem like damning praise, but it’s the best I can do for this one.
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Debuting on Shudder this Thursday is Justin G. Dyck’s ANYTHING FOR JACKSON (Shudder), a “reverse exorcism” movie in which a seemingly kindly couple, played by Sheila McCarthy and Julian Richings, kidnap a pregnant woman (Konstantina Mantelos) in hopes of getting the spirit of their grandson Jackson, who died in a car crash, and put him into her baby… with the help of demons. What could possibly go wrong? (If you hadn’t guessed, this is the theme of this week’s Weekend Warrior.)
I’ve been thoroughly impressed with the horror delivered by streamer Shudder this year, and Anything for Jackson is no exception. In fact, going over Dyck’s filmography, it’s kind of surprising how decent a horror filmmaker he is, because most of his other movies seem like Hallmark-style Christmas movies? Crazy. There are aspects of Anything for Jackson, written by Keith Cooper, who wrote some of those holiday movies for Dyck. I honestly can imagine the two of them making this movie just to be able to do something different, so they come into the horror realm with tons of fim making experience and easily transition into horror.
At the heart of this movie are McCarthy, Richings and Mantelos, who are all fine actors who do a great job selling the horrors but do just as well during the quieter dramatic moments.  Not that there are that many of them, as Dyck/Cooper throw so many absolutely horrific moments at the viewer so that diehard horror fans will not be disappointed. Things shift into another gear when Josh Cruddas joins in as a Satanic cult leader they bring in to help them when they realize they’re out of their league. The results are something akin to Insidiousin terms of the types of demons and ghosts thrown at the viewer.
At times, Anything for Jackson was a little hard to follow, maybe due to its non-linear storytelling, but at least it has a substantial amount of decent replay value, since the demons and kills are so gloriously gory.
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Eric Schultz’s dark and trippy sci-fi thriller MINOR PREMISE (Utopia) stars Sathya Sridharan as neuroscientist Ethan, who gets caught up in his own risky experiment involving memory loss when he becomes trapped in his home with his ex-girlfriend Allie (Paton Ashbrook), and he doesn’t remember how they both got there.
For his directorial debut, Schultz has taken the cerebral indie sci-fi film route that we’ve seen in other filmmaking debuts like Shane Carruth’s Primer, Darren Aronofsky’s Pi or Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko, and if you’re a fan of those movies, you’ll already know if this would be for you or not. This is also the kind of movie that really requires the closest attention and fullest focus, which is not something I’m great at right now. Because of that, I don’t have a ton to say about a film that does a good job pulling the viewer in with its intriguing premise.
Schultz is a pretty decent filmmaker and discovering Sridharan, who has done a lot of single-episode TV appearances but nothing major, is quite a coup since this is quite a solid showcase for the young actor. I wasn’t as crazy about Ashbrook, which makes it for a rather uneven two-hander.
Minor Premise is just fine, and I think some people will definitely like it more than I did. I definitely will have to watch it again when I’m not so distracted by ALL THOSE OTHER MOVIES ABOVE THAT I JUST FUCKING REVIEWED!
It will be in theaters, in virtual cinema, and digital/On Demand this Friday, so check it out for yourself.
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And finally…
Director Dennis Dugan of Big Daddy and Happy Gilmore directs LOVE, WEDDINGS AND OTHER DISASTERS (Saban Films), a “Love American Style” rom-com anthology with a cast that includes Maggie Grace, Jeremy Irons, Diane Keaton and more. Grace plays Jessie, a fairly inexperienced wedding plan hired to orchestrate the high-profile wedding of Boston mayoral candidate (Dennis Staroselsky), and then… oh, you know what? I’ll leave the rest of the description to the review portion of our review.
We meet Grace’s character as she and her soon-to-be-ex boyfriend are skydiving, which goes horribly wrong as they end up fighting all the way down and crashing through an outdoor wedding, caught on a viral video that gets her dubbed the “Wedding Thrasher.” Imagine what a PR disaster that would be for mayoral candidate Rob Barton to have her planning his wedding, but Jessie quickly bonds with his fiancé Liz (Caroline Portu) and begins preparations. Meanwhile, Barton’s problematic brother Jimmy (Andy Goldenberg) has gone on a game show called “Crash Couples” (that’s hosted by no less than Dugan himself) and he allows himself to be chained to a Russian “lawyer” named Svetlana (Melinda Hill) who is actually a stripper. They’re willing to stick it out since the winner gets a million dollars.
Surely, that’s more than enough stories, right? Nope. Turns out that Jessie’s main competition to plan the wedding is a legendary caterer named Lawrence Phillips (Irons) who is set-up on a blind date with Diane Keaton, who is blind. Oy vey.  Also, there’s Andrew Bachelor as Captain Ritchie, who gives humorous sightseeing tours of Boston via the Charles River in an odd land/water vehicle, but one day, he encounters a young woman with a glass slipper tattoo, and he becomes quite smitten. We’ll get back to him. Maybe. In fact, Duggan spends so much time setting up different stories and relationships without much connection that you wonder whether he can tie things up in the oh-so-predictable way these things normally go.
Although the movie starts out fine, and it’s actually not a bad role for Grace, as soon as Duggan introduces the game show, then we learn that Svetlana (real name Olga) is a tripper connected to the mob and they get involved, things just start going downhill very fast. Also, the idea that Keaton -- who I haven’t seen in a good movie in almost two decades --  would not think twice about playing a klutzy blind person. As soon as she shows up and immediately knocks over one of Phillips’ signature champagne glass fountains, I knew we were in for a very long haul. I didn’t even mention the other storyline involving a musician named Mack (Diego Boneta) whose band Jessie is trying to get to play the wedding – one of the multiple meet-cutes in the movie -- although Mack is squabbling with his bandmate Lenny (Jesse McCartney) who has a new Asian girlfriend who is intruding in their friendship.  (I’m sure the fact her name is “Yoni” is meant as as Yoko Ono reference.)
Then on top of that, Dugan steals the gimmick from There’s Something About Mary, by constantly cutting back to Elle King and Keaton Simmons as they’re playing folksy songs in the park. Okay, the fact that Dugan wrote many of those pretty decent songs they perform is pretty impressive.
But the movie is very predictable, especially how it all comes together for the finale, which obviously has to take place at the wedding to which everything has been building up to.
Otherwise, Dugan’s film is maybe 20% an okay movie but the other 80%? Yeesh!! It’s about as romantic as a date with the Marquis de Sade, and it somehow manages to be an equal opportunity offender... in terms of offending blind people, Asians, Jews, Arabs, gay people and even strippers and Russian mafia. It took Dugan 14 years to get this passion project made, and it’s pretty obvious why.
As usual, there were a couple movies I didn’t have time to watch, but not quite as many as the ones I did make time to watch:
King of Knives (Gravitas Ventures) End of Sentence (Gravitas Venture) Billie (Greenwich) Godmothered (Disney+) Wander (Saban Films) Music Got Me Here (First Run Features) Stand! (Fathom Events, Imagination Worldwide) HAM: A Musical Memoir (Global Digital Releasing) In the Mood for Love (4k Restoration)
By the way, if you read this week’s column and have bothered to read this far down, feel free to drop me some thoughts at Edward dot Douglas at Gmail dot Com or drop me a note or tweet on Twitter. I love hearing from readers … honest!
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