dailyedgeworth · 5 months
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today, maya in the yo-yo palette and f2 espression!!!
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
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ava.exe has crashed
for @karatam
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jackwolfes · 1 month
oh oh oh!! could I please request a wesper drabble for 5/6/73? any or all or a combo if any of those call to you in any way! love your writing <3
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” / “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” Prompts: [1] [2]
“We shouldn’t be doing this—”
Wylan snorts into the curve of Jesper’s throat, unable to help it. Jesper whines at him for it, but (Wylan notes this with complete pleasure) he doesn’t take his hand off of Wylan’s waist. Under the thin fabric of his t-shirt, his palm is warm.
“Merchling, I mean it—” 
Wylan nips Jesper’s throat just to be petty, then pulls away. “Ghezen’s hand, Jesper, why else are you naked in my bed?”
Jesper gives him a flat stare. “I already told you.”
“Well, I spilled kvas on my shirt is not a very good explanation!” 
Jesper takes the time to readjust where he’s lying flat atop Wylan’s mattress, leaning into the weight of his elbow and taking his hand off Wylan's waist so he can lift his fingers one at a time where Wylan can see. “First, it was a dress. Second, it was a lot of kvas. Third, I don’t think that you would have liked finding me in the middle of your bedroom with my dick out any more than you liked finding me under your bed sheets. If I were you, I’d be grateful that I bothered to hide instead of flashing you.”
It takes Wylan pressing his lips together tight enough to pinch for him to keep quiet. He imagines that he would have liked finding Jesper standing fully naked and unabashed quite a lot, actually. Then again, he did also like finding out that Jesper was naked under his sheets, too, once he was sure that he was on his own and hadn’t snuck away from Wylan’s birthday to shag someone in his bed. 
Too curious for his own good, a dozen more questions buzz for attention in Wylan’s head. Where are your tights? Why didn’t you go to the bathroom? Did you really come to my birthday party without wearing any underwear? Can we put all this behind us and take this further, please? Why don’t you think we should be doing this? 
Much to Wylan’s dismay, that last one rings loudest in his head. He sits back just far enough to give Jesper a little bit more space, although Jesper doesn’t sit up properly. 
“Do you want to stop?” 
“Saints, no,” Jesper blurts out. A look of concern flickers in Jesper’s eyes, blink and you’ll miss it quick, but Wylan sees it anyway. “Unless you want to—”
“I don’t,” Wylan interrupts. “You seemed like you wanted to stop!”
Jesper groans. “Oh, Nina’s going to kill me for this. There’s meant to be a surprise. In about—” He glances at the little alarm clock on Wylan’s nightstand, then winces. “— two minutes ago. Saints, I’m dead.”
Wylan’s eyebrows raise. “A surprise?” 
“It’s your birthday, kid. We weren’t just going to not surprise you.”
Gently, Wylan’s cheeks heat. “You did surprise me. Pretty spectacularly, Jes.”
He can’t say that he ever expected his birthday party to culminate in his best friend completely naked in his bed, or for that discovery to devolve into them senselessly and desperately rutting against each other, but he hardly minds. Jesper has been the object of his affections for months, if not years, and the idea that he would ever feel even slightly the same is quite possibly the best birthday miracle Wylan could have hoped for. 
Jesper doesn’t say anything, but he does get that grossly smitten look in his eye that makes Wylan’s stomach flip. He gnaws a little nervously at his bottom lip. “So you want to keep kissing me?” 
“Of course I do,” Jesper says, as if the notion of thinking otherwise is perfectly ridiculous. “I just don’t want you to miss out on your birthday gift.”
Affection blooms spectacularly in Wylan’s chest, which makes it incredibly difficult for him to pull away, but he manages — somehow. “Okay,” he finally says. “I still have questions—”
“When don’t you.”
“— but I suppose they can wait for later.” 
Jesper blows out a breath, looking a little flushed. “Later. Sure.” 
Privately, Wylan smiles. He sits up, willing the flush on his cheeks to calm. Jesper’s dress is hanging by the window to air out — and, in his defence, it does look like there was quite a lot of kvas. Wylan can just about spot Jesper’s fishnet tights on the back of his desk chair, too, which at the very least answers one question. 
He turns over his shoulder to look at Jesper, lying flat in his bed with a blanket haphazardly pulled over his crotch but not doing much to hide the fact he’s half-hard, or the beautiful expanse of dark skin from his bare chest. Wylan gives Jesper a happy little smile. 
“Later,” he confirms. “After you’ve given me the rest of my birthday gift.” 
Jesper lifts his eyebrows. “Who says I got you a present?” 
Wylan’s smile grows. He reaches behind himself and trails one finger slowly down the middle of Jesper’s chest, delighted by the way his mouth falls open and the sound of his weak, breathless little moan. He stops right before he gets to the edge of the blanket, and all it barely hides. 
“You little minx,” Jesper says weakly. “I changed my mind. Nina can wait. Stay in bed.”
“No, Jesper.”
Jesper groans. “Oh, I hate you.”
Wylan laughs. “It’s my birthday!” 
Before he can stand Jesper shoots mostly upright, grabbing hold of Wylan around the waist and pulling him into a deep, dirty kiss. Sparks fly in the corner of his eyes and make him dizzy. This is the best birthday he’s ever had. 
“Alright, birthday boy. Ever had a birthday spanking before?” Jesper mumbles against his lips. Yeah, Wylan thinks, the best birthday he has ever had.
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616witch · 2 years
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nobody has to prove anything anymore.
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faresong · 7 months
would a transfeminine (possibly older?) gin ibushi be ok for requests? understood if not ^^
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survivors, looking for friendship charms.
[I also hc Kanna to be transfem bigender! so the two sharing transfem experience fits nicely :'] if you ignore the horrors, at least...]
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pennielane · 2 years
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John Lennon and George Harrison sharing a cigarette during The Beatles’ final live performance, 1969
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cor-lapis · 1 year
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(2-ish prompt sets for formatting reasons) genshin's habit of extreme detail is a pain to simplify sometimes but it's worth it for Hu Tao and Lumine's cute accessories and how nice the flowy bits of their designs are! Hu Tao things = coupons of course, and the Traveler is taking a post-commission break in Jueyun Karst
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short anemo guys ft Qiqi from the req below! uh. I don't have the power in me rn to draw angst so family guy death pose Xiao about to get dragged through the marsh mud to bubu pharmacy ig. also Kazuha's intense polite young man energy despite being a (former) wanted criminal
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Xinyan really does!! Also I feel like I always draw Zhongli with his 'grandpa explaining things' expression lol.
Dawn Winery fam drawing inspiration from Kaeya's kind of sad birthday letter + that one event quest where Adelinde and Diluc tag team Kaeya into having a nice dinner with them again :')
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sometimes I wanna do this. live the dream kiddo
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kingslayerstew · 1 year
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the rest of the headshots :3 thanks @ everyone who requested a character! part 1
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pompomwormin · 8 months
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T4T lesbian angst or smthn idk I haven't gotten to this scene yet (screenshot redraw)
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That, uh, girlfriend of yours. You used to feed on her without turning her, right? Way I see it, we're at war with general whatever-the-fuck, right? Consider it rations.
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python333 · 6 months
hey remember how i said look out for a gaz fic soon?? scratch that keep your eyes peeled for an alejandro fic coming january or maybe this month if we're all lucky
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ratasum · 9 months
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Leyya has been possessing my thoughts recently and I'm really not sorry. I'm just chewing away on all the drama in her story.
Anyway look at how lovely she is in Wizlandia.
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juicezone · 3 months
pros: i think i figured out what gets me in a rut w these agere reqs
cons: literally nothing i can do abt it
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cat-penguin-anon · 1 year
Edd for the bingo!
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I love him actually
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scover-va · 2 years
Colour palette dump bc I did one + asked my friends for some reqs
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Sparrow (I Think He Likes Me Back / Top Right) belongs to @/cheshireviper on Insta
Spore (Old Painting / Top Left) belongs to @bobamilkk
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telanana · 1 year
so, I've started looking for a job because it's well past time for me to have one and I just have one minor, teeny-tiny, very small gripe about job listings
why the FUCK is something like being a lawyer or nurse practitioner listed as "entry level" do you people not understand that I am looking for things that don't require years of highly-specialized training and an expensive degree????
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